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( rt ia : THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS RAMSEY/SLEEPER ARCHITECTURAL | | STANDARDS ~~ AN ABRIDGMENT OF THE SEVENTH EDITION EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD. Chairmen John R. Hoke, Jr, AIA American Institute of Architects Washington, D.C. Stephen A. Kliment, FAIA John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, New York Members Marvin |. Adleman, ASLA Landscape Architecture Program Cornell University Ithaca, New York Joseph W. Albert II, AIA Milwaukee School of Engineering Milwaukee, Wisconsin James Ambrose, RA, PE School of Architecture University of Southern California Los Angeles, California Kurt Brandle, Dr. Ing., AIA College of Architecture and Urban Planning University of Michigan ‘Ann Arbor, Michigan ‘Alan Chimacoff, AIA Principal, The Hillier Group Princeton, New Jersey Former Director, Graduate Program School of Architecture Princeton University Princeton, New Jersey Kent Davidson, AIAS National President American Institute of Architecture Students Washington, D. C. George Dombek School of Architecture Florida A&M University Tallahassee, Florida Sylvan Eldringhoft, ASID, IEMA College of Human Ecology Kansas State University Manhattan, Kansas. Benjamin Evans, FAIA, FIES College of Architecturé and Urban Studies Virginia Polytechnic institute Blacksburg, Virginia Gilbert M. Glaubinger, AIA Gilbert M. Glaubinger, Architects Fairfax City, Virginia Anthony Johns Department of Built Environmental Studies ‘Morgan State University, Baltimore, Maryland Edgar A. Lebert Department of Architecture University of Washington Seaitle, Washington Ralph W. Liebing, RA, CPCA Building Commissioner, Hamilton County Cincinnati, Ohio Vivian Lofiness Department of Architecture Camegie-Mellon University Pitsburgh, Pennsylvania Richard Peters, FAIA Department of Architecture University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, California James €. Ruddock Onondaga Community College Syracuse, New York Ronald C. Stein Grand Rapids Junior College Grand Rapids, Michigan David W. Tobias, AIA Vice President of Academic Affairs Boston Architectural Center Boston, Massachusetts Craig R. Weber Queensborough Community College Bayside, New York Wilbur E. Yoder, AIA Rhode Island School of Design Providence, Rhode Island THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS RAMSEY/SLEEPER ARCHITECTURAL STANDARDS STUDENT EDITION ABRIDGED FROM THE SEVENTH EDITION ROBERT T. PACKARD, AIA SEVENTH EDITION EDITOR STEPHEN A. KLIMENT, FAIA STUDENT EDITION EDITOR JOHN WILEY & SONS NEW YORK CHICHESTER BRISBANE TORONTO — SINGAPORE WILEY | | } | This Student Edition was abridged from the Seventh Editon of Architectural Graphic Standards. The drawings, tables, data, and other information inthis book have been obtained from many sources, Including government organization rade ars: lations, supplies ef building materials and professional architects or arch {ectural firms. The American Insitute of Architects (AIA, the Architectural Graphic Standards Commitee of the AIA, and the publisher have meds {very reasonable efor to make this reference work accurate and authoritative, but lo not warrant, and assume no ibility fo, the accuracy or completes, ofthe text or its fitness fr any particular purpose. i the responsiblity af set apply ther professional knowledge inthe use of information conta inthis book, to consult the original sources for additonal information fen aporopriate, and If they themselves are not professional architects to cence an architect when appropriate Copyright © 1989 by John Wiley & Sons, Ine: All rights reserved. Published simultaneously in Canada, Reprociction or translation of any part of this work beyond that permite by Section 107 of 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act wheat te Permission of the copytight owner Is unlawful. Requests lor permsson on {further information should be addressed othe Permissions Department, john Wiley & Sons, Ine. brary of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data: Ramsey, Charles Goorge, 1964-1963. Architectural gaphic standards), Ramsey/leeper architectural graphic standards Robot T, Packard, 7th edition editor —Student ed. abridged fom the 70h 0./Stephen A. Kliment, student edition editor Pom. ‘At head of tiles The American Institute of Architects. Bistography:p, Includes index ISBN 0-471-62060-2 (pbk 1. Building Details—Drawings. |. Sleeper, Harold Reeve, 1893-1960. “I, Packard, Rober T. Il Kliment, Stephen A 1. American Istiute of Architects V. Title TH2301-R36 1989) 8.26053, 721'.022'2—de19 cP Printed in the United States of America 10987654321 GENERAL PLANNING AND DESIGN DATA Design Elements 2 Recreation 21 Transportation 35 Environmental Factors 49 SITEWORK Land Planning and Site Development 64 Site Development 92 Paying and Surfacing 95 Site Improvements 98 Playground Equipment Landscaping 103 Walls and Fences 107 Fire Protection 111 Marine Work 112 102 CONCRETE Concrete Formwork Cast-n-Place Concrete Concrete Reinforcement 120 Concrete Foundations 122 Expansion and Construction Joints Precast Concrete 124 Architectural Concrete 132 4 7 123 MASONRY Masonry Accessories Unit Masonry 138 Stone 150 Arches 160 Fireplaces 161 136 CONTENTS ow 83 @ 113 7 135 METALS General Information 166 Structural Metal Framing Metal Joists 170 Metal Decking 172 Lightgauge Metal Framing Metal Fabrication 176 165 169 174 WOOD Modular Planning, Insulation 182 Wood Trusses 183 Light Wood Framing, Rough Carpentry 196 Heavy Timber 201 Prefabricated Structural Wood Finish Carpentry 209 Architectural Woodwork 213 180 181 186 207 THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Roofing Systems 216 Metal Roofing 219 Roof Specialties 223 Preformed Wall and Roof Panels Shingles and Roofing Tiles 233 Cladding and Siding 237 : ‘Asphalt and Composition Shingles | 239 Flashing 240 i Roof Accessories Insulation 251 Waterproofing Systems Sealants 256 215 229 249 253 vi Contents © DOORS AND WINDOWS 259-13. SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION 369 Entrances and Storefronts 260 Design Elements 370 Glazing 264 Air Supported Structures 376 Hardware 266 Underground Structures 377 Metal Doors 272 Integrated Assemblies 378 Metal Windows 281 Special Purpose Rooms 380 Special Doors 287 Seismic Design 382 Window Walls 289 Prefabricated Buildings 386 Wood Doors anc! Windows 293 a i ‘14 CONVEYING SYSTEMS 387 3 FINISHES 299 Elevators 388 Gypsum Wallboard 300 Moving Stairs and Walks 394 Lath and Plaster 306 Tile 312 Terazzo 313 p Acoustical Treatment 314 ‘15 MECHANICAL 395 Finish Flooring 317, Plumbing 396 Wood Flooring 320 Plumbing Fixtures 403 Wall Coverings 321 Fite Protection 406 HVAC 407 Air Distribution 416 SPECIALTIES 322 Compartments and Cubicles 323 @ Flagpoles 325 ‘IG ELECTRICAL 422 Identifying Devices * 326 Materials and Methods 423 Lockers 327 Service and Distribution 425 Panitions 328 Communications 430 Pedestrian Control 329 Lighting 434 Postal Specialties 330 Special Systems 440 Access Floors 332 Storage Shelving 333 Louvers 334 : Toilet and Bath Accessories 335 ‘17 METRIC (SI) UNITS IN Wardrobe Specialties 337 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 443 General information 444 11 EQUIPMENT 339 Metric Dimensions 451 Athletic Equipment 340 ons cling 455) Ecclesiastical Equipment 341 Mesic Conversion Tebicsia450) Laundry Equipment 342 Library Equipment 343 Residential Equipment 345 APPENDIX 466 Economic Factors 467 Standards 469 12 FURNISHINGS 349 Drafting Techniques 473 Cabinets and Storage 350 Building Accessories 352 Furniture 353, Graphic Methods 477 Mathematical Data 487 INDEX 491 Jn the fall of 1932, the lowest point of the Great Depression, 1 joined the House of Wiley and soon learned that there had been published in May a promising new book. Martin Matheson, then Manager of Marketing, had persuaded Charles George Ramsey, AIA, author of an earlier Wiley textbook, and his younger col- league, Harold Reeve Sleeper, FAIA, to develop their ideas and prepare the plates for what became Architectural Graphic Stan- dards. Subsequently, Matheson directed the design and layout of the book and personally oversaw is production and manufacture. ‘The immediate acceptance and success of Architectural Graphic Standards extended fae beyond its anticipated audience of archi. tects, builders, draftsmen, engineers, and students, Interior design «ers, realestate agents and brokers, homeowners, insurance under- writers, and lovers of fine books are all among its known users and admirers. Soon after the publication of Architectural Graphic Standards suggestions and requests came from many enthusiastic readers, which called for changes and additions. Inevitably, the decision ‘was made to publish a second edition which was almost 25, percent larger. It appeared in 1936, a short time after the first Recovery from the Great Depression had begun when the second PUBLISHER’S NOTE edition came out, and the demand for Architectural Graphic Stan- dards increased. To serve its users’ growing needs work soon began on a third edition which, when published in 1941, was almost twice as large as the original edition. Further editions were released, refiecting new materials, new design approaches, and new construction methods. All this led to dramatic increases in the bulk of the book. But as bulk grew, so did price—to the point that most students could no longer afford to have their own copy until alter graduation. John Wiley &,Sons recognized this, and realizing thatthe full proiessional edition had much init that was not essential tothe typical studio, drafting, and related courses, decided to produce 2 special edition for students, one which would provide vital information, ata price students could afford, Here is the result of that effort. | am confident it will meet students’ demands and greatly increase the already large family of friends and users of Ramsey & Sleeper’s great work W. BRADFORD WILEY Chairman John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Architectural Graphic Standards stands today at the pinnacle of the architects relerence world. Harnessed by the American Insti- tute of Architects, hundreds of architectural and consulting firms have contributed their wealth of experience—sharing plans, sec tions, details, knowledge of new and traditional materials, and how they come together ina building—by means of painstakingly prepared drawings that are reproduced in this book. ‘When Architectural Graphie Standards first appeared in 1932, it comprised a slim 233 pages. It was the work ofa single architec tural ofice. Four years later, a second edition was published, with 25 percent more material. Following the end of World War 11, the suppressed demand for building exploded, and along with itcame a great surge of new matecals, new products, new methods for designing buildings, and new techniques for erecting them. “Architectural Graphic Standards became part of this surge. In 1951, by then in its fourth edition, the book had 614 pages, ‘emerging as an inseparable companion to architects in the United States and throughout the world. ‘Although Architectural Graphic Standards was designed princi- pally asa too! for practicing architects, it also gained wide accep- tance in schools of architecture over the course of its first six editions. By the time, however, that the 785-page seventh edition was published in 1981, cost pressures had pushed the price out of the range of most students. Knowing that there was no substitute, students made do as best they Could—lining up forthe few copies (on library reserve; finding dog-eared, cannibalized copies handed down through generations of students; or investing in their own, copy atthe expense of three square meals or that important struc tures text, John Wiley & Sons and the American Institute of Architects have always Viewed their purpose as filing the needs of students, ‘as well as professionals and became concerned about the growing difficulty students had in gaining access to this important work Wiley and the AIA therefore decided to publish an abridged, less expensive edition uniquely for students, while preserving as uch of the most relevant content as possible. SCerentel bss waka ic in slit could go. To identify what material should be retained, wwe set suidelines for sélecting it and chose who should apply those guidelines. This process took three stages. The first stage was at the 1907 “Grassroots” convocation of chapter leaders of the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS)—a forurm at which we listened to students’ concerns and ideas about Graphic Standards. Stage two was a broad-based, highly structured, written survey of architecture school faculty. A total of 277 professors responded PREFACE to a detailed eight-page questionnaire which sought answers to such questions asthe current use, classroom assignment and own ership of Graphic Standards, andthe ranking of contents by degree of importance to each surveyed professors course. The survey revealed a definite scale of usefulness ofthe full edition in the Schools. General planningiesign and sitework ranked first, fol- lowed closely by the major materils—wood, masonry, concrete, and metals, At the lower end of the scale were such items as equipment, electrical, special construction, and conveying 5)3- tems tn Sage thee, we invited a select Editorial Advisory Board to make specific page-by-page recommendations. The board was chosen to fellect a wide range of interess—large schools and small ones; two-year technical colleges and four-year land more) professional schools; teachers and students; design versus techn- ‘al emphasis; west, east, north, and south. Many of the board's members were chosen from the group which had taken part in the earlier survey. Each member identified those pages he or she felt should be retained, and those which could be omited ‘without jeopardizing the book’ value tothe student. The gue- lines we offered the board were these: 1. Is the material required for design studio drawing of site plans, buildings, and interiors? 2, Is the material required for drafting construction details and {or learning drafting conventions and symbols? 3. Is the material easily accessible in library reference books (or course texts? 4, All else being equal, preserve glaphic material over text and tables John Ray Hoke, Jr, AIA, publisher of the American Institute fof Architects Press, and I chaired the Editorial Advisory Board, |Aswe tabulated board members’ individual preferences, we foun te our satisfaction a remarkable degree of consensus, ‘Moreover, many on the board—which took its assignment very serioushh—volunteeced comments, and | want to share some of these with you: To meet students’ need for in-depth materials, steer them to supplementary sources found in any schoo! library. For exam- ple: Mechanical and Electrical Equioment for Buildings, by Stein, Reynolds, and MeGuiness; the materials design handbooks pub= lished by the American Institute of Steel Construction, the Amer= ‘can Institute of Timber Construction, the American Concrete Insti= tute, the Brick Insitute of America, and others; the general edition ‘of Architectural Graphic Standards; key building codes; and Preface the Parkar”Ambrose series, especially Simplified Engineering for Architects and Builders —Create a ready reference, not a comprehensive encyclopedic Focus on the visual elements. AllofusatJohn Wiley andat the American Insttteof Architects hope students will prize this unique edition, It is designed to provide that facial basis for solving design problems which is the estential stock-in-vade ofa good professional ‘Numerous people contributed to this Student Edition. On the Wiley side, Caro! Beasley, publisher, championed the idea early, conceived and organized the broad-based survey of faculty mem- bers, encouraged input from student leaders, and successfully enlisted the suppor of John Wiley’ top management to invest Inthe project; Robert | Fletcher, general manager of production, took this book on as 2 special, personal project; Lisa Culhane and julie Harington understood that without good market= there ate no customers, Many others provided valuable sup- 5 STEPHEN A. KUIMENT, FAIA, Editor John Wiley & Sons, In. 2 Anthropometric Data INTRODUCTION To. Thastren om wwe emer ete a ae ne ll: 2% ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA, erator et Sheena eho oper or Si coc, ‘be nae the ite = ie than mapas ee pee aa SAFETY INFORMATION ie Rearcencenny sn wl neve of a tnt ga Baca eponsee Seearn oT uf cath Se ae 1 DESIGN ELEMENTS Anthropometric Data. 3 DESIGN ELEMENTS 1 4 Work Stations: Standing 1 DESIGN ELEMENTS Work Stations: Seated 5 DESIGN ELEMENTS 1 Space Usage DESIGN ELEMENTS ‘ 1 DESIGN ELEMENTS Vertical Movement 9 SON? EG \ XE 504 yr Se \ <) od \\, \ DESIGN ELEMENTS 10 Furniture Arrangements BED sizes Sales = wr Dost ed ee 2 an FREES. RECTANGULAR TABLES (IN) SQUARE TABLES UN) ROUND TABLES (IN) za] 4 30x30] 9 20 2 af 4 z Fz} os Ex sxe 7 a Tae 2 EE sor] 8 | a no 2 @ 5 z ere tes te a = Fe 2 ,Oe 4D ret "OD &#Get Pe LER. eS te CVNG-ROGH FURNITURE 1 DESIGN ELEMENTS Resident 11 [Fae Ste | enecr oven] | _ 4 H eo a “Reese Fee a [esi Ser | susie ‘esone si i | ft oak acer NOTE Conor Sot ig an wth atone crores Shi cing ti fon wc ie i H Stands andtypeol wack wil eactaee of sexe | [1] H i a fay |e ' ee fl | al " me — HINGED DOORS HINGED 0 a nores RESIDENTIAL STORAGE 1. No close biol door shouts oxen 2 1 pan Lgest'door stack'n pocket and sing coors ae SHELVING Stnderd sheng sac re 6, 8,10, and 12 athough shelving upto 18 In dap ied {oy last shoving. Showing may eather ta oF estab 2 All lose doors shout allow easy sees to tp ‘eter 2. Doors for child's closet cn be wed attack oor, cholkbourds, oF miro 4. Consider uso ‘of hina dors for stra fitings DRAWERS Typ dances ara from, 16 t0 28 in Soop 12 to 3 nme, are 215 Bin dam orc ‘tee bul ia canewore wns my be ot, Sonsier 3 ‘natal or mole paste, 5. Walcinelowats should propel vented anit a CABINETS AND CUPBOARDS Cabinets may bo bult 8. Fle an st ih wc adept ws Sian ete onbetoon vin heen 7, canna of slost varie with door yoo ake a AD nwa er wet, and may Be ited th Figne nol doorealow is%mmnmumotcnt SECTION saren Storr, gs an sll an er rs {o be cuore! at one, pocet sides 100% slain —-«GMELVES WITH SHOE RACKS UNDER. eos SB red Ng dars slowing Wy hinged Wa hung eases uss are 2 CLOSETS Standard closet depth is 24 t9 3D in. for SSF a ‘Sting and 16 020, ones 282. BOXES Clos storage ftings sith a owes an Sarena cov be use or pplementl or escns STORAGE REQUIREMENTS BEDROOM Allow 4 19 6 ft of hanging soace ase Parson, Slim 12'n. of hanging space tor € aut, 12 ‘itr sess or 8 pars oF pm InGetoet wit 129 18 1 dee Seles Supplement orgy nino shoe ay be ae BATHROOMS & mirord wall eabinet to in dees istypielbehvoom storoe,sopenenta by pace or plo of soup, toothpaste a oe oletes GARDEN AND AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLIES Typically nage or ore sn ure for serdon, automat fone, and outdoor tumurn “Sheds shoud be [oeked forconvenan a RSE. ‘oes Senabioin moet eee of te cousty q in peer LEANING EQUIPMENT lot eat 249 ie ‘shel KITCHEN/DINING See pages on itein planing for fecommendatorns = " ositen | ee Sree eau eed am mes seer Sethe ceaete aia nee ane Ta Bon Sed Spun Jc: Hug ie, FAIA Wate, 2 DESIGN ELEMENTS 1 12 Residential Kitchens KITCHEN SPACE PLANNING See Sprott lon een tee, A all atta ce sg re = ence Eaten) ane Tela shy no tote we []-Cee [eo Balrd} | i aoe Se] fj PB L Be én & le fel Dor . ae Oo tote [— leo] ecleol zero ] af ot fo a [ pet jo +e! 0 q esl Io Dee ii zat "+ oy co 22 5 1, or anipmen at hoe, eet Vela, Jeo wo vous), P80 oem so srr ce DESIGN ELEMENTS Residential Kitchens 13 KITCHEN WORK CENTERS 2 residential Kitchen may be corscered in trms of the items tht are most wed inconnetion wih exch the ther two contr, I is rsommended, therfore Ghee intconnected ware contara Ay Band Cy of ante {har thes ener ination be convania tach of ‘tome nt Each oncompanae 2 aint pha of : the other ay betwen thems The etigerear BREE eyed seoe sould be rented for The function of the sink cantar are most common to tanta bat Tocntedmeor the eiry apd the one Ear na he dring se REFRIGERATOR CENTER SINK CENTER RANGE CENTER [RECEIVING AND FOOD PREPARATION) {F000 PREPARATION, CLEANING, AND [eOOKING AND SERVING) Pree sr for mir ang ining bowls; ctr CLEANUP Provide song ter pot, potholdes, tying pars ote tat tans ade Sole ed pn tes, Prove sore or weryaay ds, nar, reer, cokig tn gly cone Senin Sisal gea nits coved wom, Seay Sates tae; Selo Sen ron 9a Sant and mlarean tere ES Usistgrie Sree sat nt dnran, “TMP Sit an Sipe RE tos one etna boricon inte dor under enced sin. a go 4 { jes toh t jO O} L108 ° 2 Ted at ot 2 2m o-a8' a2 0 1" iar cosy i tom sos otk, expo enapmat rig sn nea tongue Ly Ld 3 ee nt jean eesn the ene of he = 4 minimum = 16° mira tw er ato bre te fen unttarne nd twtumetthe Ds ‘Garen Cutout cane ofthe ~ ewan rtveen thie of chip ener of eval aan acd a ang KITCHENS FOR THE HANDICAPPED counter, ns pesto avoid ald Provide cook: a 4 Bn, dame wil commas fur weschair Boe ka aed corres Raph Sh 3) onl o Wort ty meld ee avon farts Ini ay be ard 36m splot worst love shuld prety be v0 at Storage concerations tor the wheat bike sede 01093, Opon at ozn nec" open onan door 2 7 in to fst Side fac of abou for Dos par an ven ote nator ccarcse anus bya inom ofr athowah unt Veta eee a ahi i fe ste rangi, Seeotn none feorng wequred, th meer on bottom ate‘ccabe, Ohtwaters ood ht gud ether be ou of fach of wh indootoudoor cupet i prefered, tut ofeait wo oUF Be font ond, ‘Bar ate! Rar sawing mourtod te the bck af tesco Ooo ee ‘sey eoewor te Roundtable ith deta bate ae prefered. 4 Soorsin eatin east provides asus gE ecapebia Kees” opece i neceaty under snk ameter wi "ssammagat two wheecha uses; for food an ions 6 Foe, AS Hug oben, FAIA Wann. DESIGN ELEMENTS 1 14 Residential Laundries y [83] oo 3 sano 4 [6 8 OO + LAUNDRIES FoR THE HANDICAPPED. 1 DESIGN ELEMENTS Residential Bathrooms 15 ES AND CLEARANCES Wario [27 ae a 1 a B Baer Ea ww 7 % @ © w Teor i Fa w e = Brower a oe 38 = Gi = Ta 0" a = w r oy z = iterate! | (ands) isan) Tub aware) | a z r a ot alt oe + Sever aoe, Sorel sar eS : dol] a Under ink Insulate pipes to DESIGN ELEMENTS ‘1 16 Counters and Seating AVERAGE CAPACITIES PER PERSON Toner 1 Galera 12.15 “Terao [one ‘Limetroprfeoies ap | a-18 Tn | Alcor ining eos ‘iano, Re rinse cee oh eateaureerts may arom adnied spectre GENERAL DESIGN CRITERIA 1 Sar sang 66 i, minimum prween ble, Bin adr we TI ae 2, Digora sting 38m mim tae cts 3. a stn 30" ar Se wal and Alter aero dona od enone) 9 ° © 200000000 Be |zare Sp abo ig ate a se at freer ema = = ? d oo0c00a0g a 7 a eustz = | oes = o r mean 9} qt ‘A Seat back wo setback: 8-0" t9 8:2" di oo lo Sosa * Poem aerate an ji@ 2 e Ruemecdrenivmmgncemimse. 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LONGITUDINAL SECTION, 25 YARD POOL Swimming poo! eansity requirements vary fom one leaity to enothe: fuggened by the American Public Health Assocation chook loca regulations. The following is BENSeiiMWERS —— pomuuta ZONE “AY ving ares dtined by 104 radius fom ding board or platform, SeRerion 12 avers per boaté; 23 in mater, the res on sor. Or allow 300 2 fof poo! water surface per bos Swimming att: 28 ta , per svimenee Based on voluro isplaced by each Srimme [4S square of verge ht) and adjated by the samber of simmers (ing poo! at ane fine, (23 total swimmers. Nonswirmer wee, 10. f. per peron. Based on volume dislced by peOn [0/2 aren allowed per swimmer) an adjusted by number not using weter-50% Tin some pools with lige number of aonswinmets, lige may be a high 9s 75% H 2 x Oro PUBLIC SWIMMING POOL CAPACITY : RECREATION 34 50 Meter Competitive Swimming Pool | eit Vehicles 35 (GENERAL NOTE Each DESIGN VEMICLE in Groups| and re $erTutensns For aurkingpurpons, both compact sea dat es weirs Group Turn endont 8, RisandCareshown on pege 52 DESIGN VEHICLE —— Fes gett ige et| + [os w Men ei" iu v Heer ats ss ahi Eeben tee ihe Whine Fe BF Stemang one £8 Se Surana ae 8 Swany saa ey: $ oe ey Leg ie ie ee t @ Mia Whevbaw 10-0" Be hse ont oe Om Svan ar es 88 Semon ses a3 : Fx 0" Eta er ‘ie ea: a the rae Bp a 8 OF gwen wont B0 a Shey ar ee 98 Svoherg Se oe & oa oe LARGE VEHICLE DIMENSIONS* vanes tanera tw] wipte!_ {0} OVERHANS REAR ite or =o ca Poe eeeeLeneee---e--eee-eCCEEECELUH ee eo wou TSEC Seale Se , a ee Raced v0 eer 4 i a oe Bion BP Sretats one es Seni ee Se Suurang er ae ore BE 8 Overeng sce os Bimeuee eg P van ea “Erato rg CaS AY VN i TRANSPORTATION 36 Miscellaneous Vehicle Dimensions 1 TRANSPORTATION ab ce $2 Residential Garages and Carports 37 | \ \ V ae] op ace fang eae t = facet scene q Q [ecormas.ontel rfenmecmecl | g-sm TWO-CAR GARAGE ONE-GAR GARAGE, NOTES: Gans my be eu 0 pri, et ‘bewwan al wats an oe vil lo to prone ‘Sia aectpetorshy aint ay (EEE EEE — Se Nous voor verona C A cassigegreme BATEKE eere- Two es t COMPACT Gan GARAGE 1:12" te 9" necesmry fram top of pening to een al sling dors ‘SLIDING DOORS op BMY OPENING NOTE: For multiple a eit hinged door, srgag 10 one or both sds, hinged in or out and ed for er more eas 62" to” nacaery fom top of opening Yo celia. HINGES DOORS WIDTHS OF GARAGE HINGED DOORS, rg eo [re | a0 wa ae eee oo we | vo") 2a" ay i UiFT BOORS-MOST WIDELY USED -AUTOMATIC OPTIONAL a k ime: 66", 6 10", 70", 76" a 8 Unter pomty 4'"0° waesnihcsometins #6" er 3-0" Pow de ALAS HUGH sa FAVA Wann, oe IL eron TRANSPORTATION 38 Driveways me Deas & Orme i Oho ree | so] we pro] we Vimo aee Tae Tao Tae 1 TRANSPORTATION Private Roads 39 Enrol show or sy rig, st odente BW, SS Diane Eran sown teow Hs ine aprocezure fr designating any dre configure ion sen the vetlel’ densa turning, ‘Feet langent dmonsone gwen here we sporoxiate ‘Risimurns ony and may ery wth the oer BY Soins. FRIVATE ROADS INTERSECTING PUBLIC ROADS woe gO “U" DRIVE AND VEHICLE TURNING DIMENSIONS: Sra re ws" Fo 1a 3 ‘onset 28 Ta io ToT 7 ‘Suandr eat 17 To We 5 . args eer er 17 a inwrey ba ae Fo" CUL-DE-SAC iy bus ro" Sant] carer ‘School baz ro a 16-0" 220) ‘nbul er ro" ee ee ar Pane van 10 Fo" x 1671 587 Hear 1s Fo" a arad | 5 Riper tineusne | 15 rar fafa" | 1000" Tras rusk? 180 re | ae 0-0" UPS. ruse eo" zs eet ere" Fre wu 158 ro wef ara |e OTE A voles or vets nerd to ue these ul TRANSPORTATION 40 Parking Dimen: Ie dro al oof wih nice ate baring eer one fier a = ‘cerry fr myog ri B! e e t may b eniny fo Seria ca lee ne swans Je COMMENDED RANGE OF STALL WIDTHS (SW) "inmar rgurerens= Vor per TOV asTaar see bya) eo del hw lace erarian i in PARKING DIMENSIONS IN FEET ANO INCHES oF er ear Cig 7 eo oe ea ve 0 a0 =o aa awe 4] rransportation “Parking Layouts a EN “eso eas Fyrieac pancmie LarouTS eter ew Shien TAIT TIT aL ons 790. ANGLE PARIING # WITH 3 STALLS PER COLUMN — “5 TWO STALL 90" APARTMENT i ge AERA Ganeonts a TTT x go ee rr a YT fio [aaa [aaa | aro" wear oe eet eo” [ara | fae-a som PARKING LAYOUTS WITH COLUMNS + | | TRANSPORTATION 4 i, © Truck and Trailer Sizes 43. Lise Tes. rom wax LencTH 4 ae T Sao bons thuawmemen + ieemet penne | G y a a WA 4 fl Qo Tole \OOU@ T oe eo i ma | werrosro |] lores [At] Jeol ee TaN BEVERY TRUER GTRAGHT BODY TRIER airy TRAGTOR ROAD TRETOR DOUBLE SEMITRAILER AND AVERAGE DIMENSIONS OF VEHICLES 78-0" Idaho, Ore. ‘Width ra NOT PERMITTED In Als, Com. Fl, We. Bless, men ai as Ne wit, 08 Tost a soaer parr eae MeMeRA | ao wee | Pee : SEU hem VEHICLE HEIGHT-NAx ALLOWABLE AVERAGE SEMITRAILER 55-0" nal statue except those below 135" Inall states except those below peed ee in ae e nee Bike Riso ta nu LeNorior SeMITAAILER (oNLY:- fain [Sr S| 610] Fe wor fer : ape COP r ws ars EE Oe Gneteninaseerocet on Leading 1 07 STRAIGHT BODY TRUCKS- Se oh , 58°" Colo, Ky, Maw, Mss, NH, Nd NY. Nib Wash Ms 3e'0- tn i { 420, Kons, i Tonge, Use TTY ain, Ceri Peon a | f Sxtanans i \\F Fe i H 3\ ad wee |) freuen sor PAL So ero etraiut| peo el ° Et Ls eal) BARGrigae TURNING RADIUS OF 48'-0! Eo PekeTaan Huauino Hoes SP eO-Sn TRANSPORTATION 44 Truck Docks sores | aot 1 Allo arene ir t 2 ans | Dorwea wee om Bee eat ah 6 ee soy ia ton 10. Vos oud cae na en Deen GR aE YT i AVERAGE VEHICLE DIMENSIONS ema 2 entrar AVERAGE WIDTHS OF DOCKS: | Ba satvody | Fe we Srenktion | Ranornock | Mana tesce | Feoce” | onacume | Senachist 189" zrere | ro Besewiatial [50 a NOTE: Rate ote som fortuckndaersism, Waka 8) eo" oo wo Wee wa] wa. es “]_transronrarion Poe eee eee ee eee eee eee a ee ae a ae eee ams ‘Small Boats 45 gr aap! qo aS ae Cra — [RACK SPACING . Single snd double: 2ocks 8:0" aan. e Four osc: Sacks 8-0" at Eigntoared 3 ace 18.0" part rack y iO Son eT fick 6." hg fr dy om, Hit nacre — >] So ore Jeo ro wo met INCR, Sremtmnmnccciniitemum eZmeeneuer | - {Cease mayb ited with BSRS. weer oak Design boot hou wih xing eight to allow store sronson end TYPES AND SIZES OF TYPICAL SMALL BOATS LO LENGTHOVERALL, B= BEAM. D = DEPTH, DO = DEPTH OVERALL SLASSIFICATION AND TYPE LENGTH OVERALL Vaeaw DerTH (DEPTH OVERALL weiGnT (L3) Troe ony os 180" zuvwse | raters 20" ww270 BiG or TENDER [Saree Fiero rer Tere arate ser [ae eas a nes Tar 26 Faheran 10S Fo" pee vero rare re PEDAL Bent Pee Sree [aE Ties 8 ‘One-man 9.0" to 15-0" FAT" toF.0" rot Torwre 441085 = Sars Tear IF re a Ts ast tween. [en ieee ger err | vor Fore fe: eke [he Ba wie == re 2 ws ony awe" go pee | rorere ree Tae era Rie Iw earwro | are a Fore soit FeNToON oat Br wie © Te iste TE PE Brure TE a ra 8 Bett [ose a Bo wie Ta r eT a se [rowan So wo i a TF ie Tigonsl Oa Boer Po eER Prete 0 7 TRANSPORTATION | 48 Sail and Power Boats TYPES AND SIZES OF TYPICAL SAILBOATS —_* serena. exuai, Mi a 0 3a" za = i ee [esara 1a ro 09 ze Tae = = oo Ta ae 0" zo 130 if tier ies #107 rar eo 160 1 Mowe. Teta 150 [se a6 zr Ea ie Fiirgset | 10.0 [eno 2507 ry 0 ar earn, Chabie Te ra or 17 EZ ie ‘Oay27 aro" v.07 aa 0° ere. NT cruisin [person [are wor a7 Ei set nr esas ae wea ea 75500] nT ) — eee eee es ‘TYPES AND SIZES OF TYPICAL POWERBOATS: eee es a fee ca 30, ie es 38 v7 = 7 wa, [email ier ra seu | ga zie ri owe rer | aa ea) Fa wie rors 2 28 a 08, [ems fe Ts: on = ER |r 3 re [ns 2 Fasteret za 300 nF HOM, [Fema a a2 210" | 70 ne Fate aa ooo wr rs ae ise" [are Pil rr xr envisen [Fao co ieee [rs ay assum [sr iene oe 1a ao" sto T xr 1 TRANSPORTATION KK /¥ INTERSESTING RUNWAY LAYOUT c aimeony sonny [Lin (EY TBE / Airports 47 Seieee tes 2 spLeriGn Seavices (HS REgiged my txiway con pron terminal onconts apr in many vrations, enorly aust Ey clenote condensate comattoceeet ope Nol "ecuiemensy watfie slums, or Fistor {out pate $f mor pls are sown: (1) an resign The land fachiee ae ranged hin one “The alrpartfiidace consists of the tuoney tava rea for elesronces, and asi for ngsind! ization, pon dovelopren and expansion exsbiitas thine andsde fiver Example shana in plan and sation tho eltanhip be rasan sauna ote erry eee finan trumant landing sytem bot Tre fans caramel rae me gee 1. PAAYAC 150/50706 Almpor Naster Fans. 2. FARIAG 160/5835-1A Alor Design Standards, 2. Ait Trangort Aaocation of Arai ATA), Fan ‘Sacy Grea, air Nawgaveral Conta) art Maser Pring Tote ‘OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS FOR PLANNING 1. FAR, Analysis of Concepts for Eatin of Tor ‘rai ung, Resor Nos FAA RD.TB2 3, FAR, Advisory Cisular No: AC 1505980 7. ATA ain Art Gates go Penanger Terminal Space Anpronimators, ADISC Report Ho. 8 For arports cuted the United Site: ICAO, Annex 9 Focltugn, IATA, "aor. Teminds. eteronce Hisnua od TRANSPORTATION 1 TETTTTE Bee Sn | ransportation ee ee Absorption and Reverberation JSE OF ABSORPTION IN COMMON OCCUPANCIES (1) 49 Tne RANGE Partial 0800075, ‘oven O78 ‘PeeArens SFECIAL (1 pocitorume, churches tears, soso al stra al Fa, Crying and TV studs, spe Saimin roar Gls ome, emery Cincom lee Commer Khan Computer and busines iuchine rooms ele Fath core pate rom ‘orators lel) elelojelejee irate ‘Meche! uiprent rooms esting are conference room ewe Oper offies Ban Resaurans “Bhool and nai hops, fete Store nd cord hone 1. This abl is eonsoativa “tule of thumb recon Tendations for te us of absorption fn common 2. The rerio ofthe caling shuld be weate with Wd sourd secting tlh, such 2s dea Vnot Steuben sot wood, or aypxim oer shouldbe asumed in the va of thi tabla tat \iherever tun sorting weatment i nt reco red ahag, sauna eleting nish show Be Coe 3. NOISE REDUCTION COEFFICIENT: ‘An ait Theta. eva of sound sbsoption coef of ‘Betas mille traqunces (280,800, 1099, ond Bo i ats te Rote Reaction Coes {WAC}, The NAC ia good means of comparing he Deformncs sharers 9 sma recur 4 Wal treatment aoa ation 0 eng eropunt for the reovton ot reectons te, SECRETE iestment it trter rence noes Sedconrel reversaon 5, For highly complex appliations, consult an acous ay $7 T T + Seas aster oon a > Se TT oe eee | || a i rane Nin Cane Manes ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS 1 50 Acoustical Design of Open Plan Offices Oren PLAN ornices sg sm monn rien t,t ci isa i ton Bes Hae Scie teen Sete Rectan alee aiahes, i ahd mane oat snip atae dine cata: Snecma Aaah toes ar nacies ton CHARACTERISTICS OF SPEECH SOUND TRANSMISSION PATHS ‘SPEECH PRIVACY fas ibneed voce toe tout In‘ysles owen plan —_alon ace bye monbar of eiren pati dct ‘euaing seh aspen how muy ews tiicesunion'ne we cxocamed malty trernal —Srumentad dveugh ice aa techs by he say "Sekraund nat ‘Situ pny rebureThe mag soe, ty te talon walion bn ber cae Sarmersmemer teas ieee ree Fy te nthe lta ean ath sound sorry prose ot [Nein range bene 0 ana 1a ropes no ‘ome se eectanity Spey uae wike Taik orbiter Bac een ae ord ory uly colt py tare sm 1) NoRMAL PRIVACY i the ee of ry nl aime nt Soe of dat Sy Saas source. co receiver CONFIDENTIAL PRIVACY it eed sina | Ifo Ata 0 o ee Content pvay atta, oem imeae, otter ban atcn: wat nism ontenranion ‘ey nae pr nrc ek ack whem ain 8 sein. Moke gs hig posse. mate minimum nen 9 Canara sou avon NB of ou dt and eta abamtoncactican a 000 He aes 0 cae Seeecaetigiam um seam nen cena me ae samen ‘Steen haght shoul be stout fe All seems shove hve npervlous satus ang STC BE ‘log ch tt Bt Sun ea tasmartpenmgsohCt O10 oteabe if Bien Reever oe We eae ae eee Seine sree cma naan roe as tg al es on el en whe poi Ey ise 0.0" ncews tam be wend vr Shan erases the ‘Sin ote tind ign. ens csc ee sn ws ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS TERMS COMMONLY USED IN LIGHTING DESIGN Mlumination 51 Sone [atin [reat ea | erale iat ranaee | Rieaaa |e i Sia fe (eon oo fe 2a a Tenney BEER. SHRP AERRE. SENOS Teco anna | IIT a SUBJECTIVE IMPRESSION APPEARS [ODE AFFECTED BY: ‘Ya oy Perhara val ert Linas in the comtor f| ‘eal color ihe source ae aeons heal ihtng (ot 7 tected by ener =e Temaion ‘Norueionm, pacha twa ina Intensity of ight and Fsomronded eotrast 2/ elias 10); mun foe Sonfcune foe! Trenton | ighig of eckareund— flor animate oblete (centric) TVauoi nase and ater {hes bropartia random Fiacy, imac Gay pares] ILLUMINATION. rope ilursnation cepends on he ebiihment of Solon goss tat defoe the" dere. ewironnen. ‘ater than the equa need, Lighting is he Thon expire tool wate for aetieg the tone for Pirewiign ofthe environment should be tought Fac coi tool and nv ara otto prowde {ight end fe corldsration should be fundamental teary dean fer Light should be conde to be what we, “se by” ied'pae tne hier we sevsaly see We do not ae fowanlar tthe messue of quant), We 2 um ranean fet of rsd or ise ght iter [ernie rather than rserd tele brihenes) ‘Fee fotlanbar he unt of meatier of Brg (of cours, tere must be enough tight, (The uit of (nesute de futeacle} The quanti of iumine Te Necowary for varus vest ess have ban ‘recorded by the lluminsting Engineering Sara ITER) Daead on’ march Buk the guar oF Hike Iniaon odd on wall ers cells, od 1 on. ter te etn ofa buts ronment ie ery ‘much tale 19 the dager fy ‘pmenen and inttion. The prone ting of ll ‘St, wnsterfunesona or ete vl oa of ‘design end fosommended Tooteandle Teves Souls beconsred only aoe PURPOSE, {igre con define the intone! wie of 0 space by Ieee on orgs a sumone rg eg Ieee Sof ean be aed to expres suet prc by oven Bu, hn on eles rover unuwal contours Mechanics eaup- Set co be made ously reo wih ak pat Gna" assnce of Tig, List can lp to deine eee hanger ihvoupnbrahened cla ess echoes of tt patterns on nal pars aes | Giger SEEING [Athough many of he carci of uty sana Sonstehsae our, satis sen to see fee Reuter fan etre tg unset rote oho gel sc and viet hd of Ts inpcovdlicm ee Gets ery ston RECOGNITION OF TASKS ‘The human silty to recognize deta generally varies, wipe anit See, he aa os {aie Sete mmm mevouns, (2) lua (or Tignes) ofthe tk, (3) se ofthe ts and (8) tine few dram vy and ey ince fora of ete aint nr oso eset fos, Bark nk on white peer. Sipaeant sian ot dec energy can our nh the toe const A musinied Soto We evel’ mina nunded I eur The ee oop ssh se sis ele ser toe ns tyme ses one tes in Hainaton. The luminance of the tak pert on te gr fire Hunination oe te Teety of hei, Ase sone of at om wte ents may bea: etctne for ema at iege emotit of ilurinion onda cath With ert. tne male for vewng, Humination leican erates ina, wren spas natch, VEILING REFLECTIONS Sdosnll loses in cotton, none in wslty ane yen prormanes, en reat henge ees ftom steely wil teks Ihe tae eles Tm ‘Setaes the men igucat for in poor Sng ‘anders. “Thee factors govern these wang coe: ‘ers (i) ae 'nzur of th tank al she sures ‘rlanaton and viewing al, and (21 the lentna Seen ‘THE TASK ‘The hminance of te tae (e9, wtng or printing {on par depen on bath the sour of ight being feigctad frome ad the beg omet oF arace ey Tomiote thac may be retected ni bifusing oF Irate popes Inks tondtoreduceelingreflctios the eye fin auch © poston tht the rays ofthe fromthe “ottoning Rone sre reflected tomar (eingteiectone wil oon. Thssiuatin ear asully We'Sbuved in'e apace by plcnp © sheet of tear ScHate "or some othe sey surface ov the tae (ose) pe KER] ‘such a 4 Book of paper with wr or prin) nd eomeing te seacion fam Sores of Lat BAe elending sone show be minimized far est ‘eingcondtont LichriNe SvSTEMS “The worst cancion «Righty concent, taht ioe shows and”foruar, ected at the 1 Radbaieaty: ie wa te’ conaton unde wfseh he worker an nas easly exeape voting fletiont by ein or eotenting the tsk v9 tht the elected Fes do not rach the aya foi turing the ack {een comer ovr the shoulder. Macement of Fina. dqiament snd Tees in ae geet bone tad orward of the tsk Cor des) shuld by wvolded. hon the nature of te take od thei Tecate ae known, lmiesie an be ced to cd ‘52 offering sone When tase oerlons re not knows Hy en fain es Space general low level elon i whch fees Te tte the siesta of voling fection, and ask Tutin'con be rovded by piugin unis atthe dae enol ho tent EQUIVALENT SPHERE ILLUMINATION [ES ESL ie unit adopted by tha IES for messing te Wishiey pot of 9 pig sk at ara Ui of ieeasurment fost os tema 1 ax 9 oof eu, ut 2 way often ne Sidgad EO cannot be mented ove he oe8 Of Rote as aay. raw foctesndi, becne ES) ‘Sopa on" tks uation, an erntaon, 00d 8 ‘ghey system ice ar SD ES whens Ve TEETEEIS han numinaad oy 80 fe of um ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS 1] 52 Illumination i ‘TASK AMBIENT LIGHTING ASHRAE STANDARD 90-75 MAINTENANCE AND DEPRECIATION Tas anpurt (T/A litre suters now be pe eran Sac or Hating, Beatin Al serene othe bul tat ts a nad 0 HearTeetateymnarhslermenay ene A etter emnesy adore Se dene (eet woe om T/A sytem we dened ge sean Gest elng now mach tireal egy eon foe ste Inthe lasing match 9 Cosas {erat igheng a nly, fe Bre! some ger fepnay atpot e EiSeg Yu tastrponee ‘Be Bupa C8) akan ed Yo ac firm of unitate Sonar ela for ambien’ Saugntec oni rarwenunumoseresurging Specie ust an dt "Toe {0 he an wil esp rrconl ig FA lata Gren Sem omraigenihtogeaiemecgmmst Spee onthe ypectunantae oa {Eres tem 12 we Af mnths coon fue cognate oie est Une hfe umen to es ‘el ig hing nao Up to Fer 8 Wise) goa ing mene te wat afore crewy —Urseguted ain tsa wihecticnan fate br esanfeart way sous, Mowsvey Surah tuetcan be dore terse sory ans ghthe Lae Lente Banecston WCB) eae Be great of soe ing sl yan a eto eiing cave oct econ a ese ome rig tne Bi gre on \Bamneal umnae he oa an! of he otk Scion seni = sesbie A TR ste Sue ‘SSleprand sdsconr ed Rec Getaouise of ur ivog wine lang ue LUMINAIRE SELECTION PARAMETERS In lesa «i * Pause Be vit eS ee ‘fis is uct ndny acid en Ss SS |e $e i aw tne 2 YigUat comront pnogaaiiry wee) ne Siiiiumeeneutefistengen! SOME USEFUL FORNULASFORGENERALLIGHTING DESIGN ee UNGER OF LUMNAIRES-=TTB LOD arson aTOTaE 2. Bt nyt sara trat Seapets men ar ean lovee pute sc10 199 78 gt or: (ete aie of maximum aveng Speen eat Freon (e) eS evr outa os ‘ult wil be cba by teres atria nema Asheinia' Goes fovea) wil create 8 sepretal laments rn pres rail pation: din dees with rat ee sw tom kos. evict tar be dreun foray shading Seven, een 1" ine at yc halng mark ar geome projections ay Beste dracon tare hey on bese an oat oa Be seaettng Sera mask in te prone rent onthe sun path cag ne gan Matthias whe th wo wt Berend: Haan ot rr SHADING MASK PROTRACTOR tr showing seperta in ied epotastr fin ‘isr eesaps on rola thee tanasrat vey to road ve stueton SHADING MASK PROTRACTOR HORIZONTAL, verTicaL EGocraTe SEGMENTAL MAGIC RADIAL MASE COMBINATION MASK er lg, AA; Act Polson Sia of Aroha Pineston Uiry: cto. New Josey ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS 60 Shading Devices OH ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS a Solar Constant; Solar Angles and Shadow Construction 61 we : | / an 21 jeer / eanTe | peo/ & gourre | Yas noune Bed i. Jur of Toe EARTHS, Ania wire RERPEDT, 7 THE ZRNUAL MOTION OF THE EARTH ABOUT THE SUN SOLAR ANGLES WITH RESPECT TO A TILTED SURFACE, SOLAR CONSTANT “The sn is loetad at ong focus of the eats orbit 225 ages Sey 1412 milton en f-4 milion el BS No ton at Decor and ery sary. ASHI 'Se cathsuneatnce an ly 18 sbout 1820 Tilion hr 44 lion ries Sole sneey soprosches th earth ap aletromaznetie {ohuee af woreingtm becween 025 sd 50 pm heer at te iccming sola eadands on 3 eae yo toe suey yor te as Stmoschere atthe average aurth aun clstoee, i Saat este solar conan, Ie Although the ‘ius ef ches not yet bean precisly cetrmined BY ‘ered emlaturementemase foster space, the mest ely une valu 4282 Btu fhe (1983 Wh) Ghd the curene ASHBAE vats oo booed om te ‘Shims era cant mosturmante mado toxtomely 556 tule, Rene (1377 Wis ml The unt oF Faction th ie why set by meteorologists the [engey, squvlert 0) one Flog elorelauare tenimitr To cont fom lengeylcsy to Bulea ‘any, multiply Lyisay by 358. To caver tom igi wo Btat Fmt multpry the eect! Unt Syosire SOLAR ANGLES [At the cri’ surace tha amount of slat atlstion Inet ao ton rcting.cengepere rere eof a dally roion at lange of aaytane and tarkste The anal between Aheenroraun ine and the otal lone, eld he slr ‘eanaton, dsr througout the yea son in ifort forthe Sst day of sch orth HAM tas: apn sinet aut sans! Fea “ioe: May 229° aus 721 NOV -198 han ‘Or SUN 3238" Se. "0 DEG ~235° Very minor change inte ditination aur fom year 1 oar end ian more preys sve meade the lint forthe yor ueton sou be const The ort’ annual obit about the wun is sahy ‘peal end "na the eathaun Gitanen 1 sight jester mer than wine The ine req {ertoah atl ett staly 995242 days ater ‘en the 305 days shawn by the ears and thes ‘ected by eng» 20th uy to Febtucy foreach 28, Usb Seti goon at een ible 12, chews sang on paul oom the [sotade tei the sun tat appears to mows woah or n'a repr aay parm Acta iste ‘ce rontion tht caves te sas paren maton ‘The peston ot te aun car's defined inte fo de see to hoeon (angle HOG)” an te Helvath 6, era at ange HOS i te Moron {At slr noon, the sun i by definition, exaely onthe fruian that conta the south arth ea eo suey the solar math § OO" The noon Side Pi a0 L43 Because ge sar dll rotation and its annul orbit ound the son arergulr and preltable, the solar ‘Sue azraute ay be reo acute Tor any Shores time at ay ar atom ar he latte, ort, ‘dt bclinan) oresecios, SHADOW CONSTRUCTION WITH TRUE SUN ANGLES Required Intratin: ange of orientation in relation a LES FIGURE | (i oe ! | tw northanuth axis (C), srt, and lle angle Foren tn sid time (Fire STEP 1, Ley out bulding ax, tye south nd arith $l npn ue 2h rep 2, Lay cut sttude upon asimuth 2. Con nll any aie 6 ta he Invert ts petpendilar and g pro Inet 9 inn pecmndtatar to election ine (Gang erenaton), Mesure asters = ‘slong ts line am cvation lan, Connect ‘Belg at dane from raion lara 8 cone a STEP 3. Use sun pln 9+ an sun elevation 310 orsrct shadows pla a ea orvunionl way Figure ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS i 62 Orientation ORIENTATION PRINCIPLES et pls ue ts i ate COMPASS ORIENTATION Tih ret ee oe Une St Thm om ‘ise coon ost tr we mas Wy HEFL (Gilt ei Ss crane asa we oni ae He ag oi Se 5° ot wah 1 compass, 2 ,goumass 2,opientation Balen aaa BoRnterton 1 ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS ores eum the thermal irae on difereas expos Tordsae ecouane se sown spprimstly ae SECS ISD: anges attucer Ta forcs are nated Bechet winter od som dae Thea ennui len Boon a8stions lina represents + TS an the lowne cy tempers ES Gestion of the impact eineates seeding wo Re SIPs Gisction sy temperatures ccc ote tie TES SSieretres a te coi, ona tho Pgh one IPwestly dections) Te total fret se ait) rasiton impact. the Tous aids of the bul seated with aon RES soreness 250 Btusg fs day rsiion. AL the bein oe pie te atone pred Imumeseat eee “Te values show that inthe upper aude the south GE gts ulding caves nesiytwza at much fie Bee Sater min summer, Tae aes oven mae Foneuccnd at th lower lites, hero to tls Bronte to four: Ag, nthe upper tude, te eat Sine ses roe soa Shane mareagn Ser han in winter The aio not atom ‘howe ttn bun ea noteworthy thei arnt ike Sues reste two to thee Sas much rls Bae cots eleven. In thn summer the west Sours s maw socraniayous than the en 3 Pelreae he starngon het temperawres combine Gian he raion exe In ui lantecce theory TE secenes ony ¢ ama amount of ration, ono ANE comer may in he summer Inthe Vow fata, Eprints we connor {feymal buhor of bulding eration a rineston UnveniysAwststir “Laboretory Below are Shon the sure eels ofrecer cxpaed tothe Shalt doctors. Note ts tnsquss heat erbuvon ‘igh st impact 9f the wast excaute compared {ote tat ovematon, The soutiom drction gies a sant low heetvolume,sily sghes, however {hon he north exaonure ROOM TEMPERATURE IN DIFFEREN- TOV GnienTEs HOUSES ORIENTATION: CONCLUSIONS 1. The optimum inition wil ie re de seth honerey wi ier me various gon snd wil doen nt daly onpeatr detuon {nl agin onoitaon enter om tut SSW feat cubensis prone Te tam orang eer ano Be orl duit sialon ote eae 2 a Grientation TOTAL DIRECT AND DIFFUSED RADIATION (BTU/SQ FT : DAY) TATITUDE searon [cast | sourw | west | nonrn | vontzonrat ‘esr carrruce | winren | ais | ie | ae | a3 | ese omen [rar | 9 |r | a | st6 Jor cavruce | weeren [or [tao [si | ne | 87 Simmer | 1377 | ao | nar7_ | ao | 2619 pear | wnrer | eo | toe | oo | vo | s56 Sommer | 1207 | 563__| rzo7_ | 452 | 2596 Gavcaruce | waren | ro | 120 | 7m | wz [ mae Towner | 1109 | aes | ntoa | oie | see ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS 64 — Thermal Comfort THERMAL COMFORT ora ara amr etre yh Produce! contmuuly by Metabolic stan. Th ‘SF3e" contacaen, Far na at rage sam ord SE eoy ngs wo terete 2 ‘camp a eeu 38 Bu For 868 se whie he hrgetnated fom 800 1 50 Bu Scat nem aaes earn Sa Cee Sei freeing te devas; the conte, sora, Toa proertit ot amour voor mitre Irae trpertre general epg yt thorn nich covate any Otter tere Termes: {Glin ts ut torn Oy Wile Corn she Sees iceot fe sgn sce ‘Foie aim gourd or ga fib = 7050 gato, PROPERTIES OF WATER VAPOR AND SATURATED AIR GE [Ss [SSA RUST |e wo [ose | se | ro50 | 1300 ae [eee [23821306 Gamma [aes 1aa8 ‘our [228 | 3008 [1350 rare owing 180 0880 a Te hei a “risen moet ighty clothed indent acute he UE timowota tame covet oy ‘reese ile he her ede mon ‘pon corner of ry fu Serpe Oto 20% lve! enparonce in eer elma the By 40 tempos oy ton Sy wi ay {eaten [her a woe may to Ee nord of Ge ba gc art “Tp. soe of cont Teg lot alte el eres fomiy Fat Sie Be we A at Shion, dca fev ave ut 70am gay Serra Yo te ea Ihe cenar of be Gg YUlljrore commons 2208 Sema Sari’ nd es Rew wy Reger eee Sraetren Sr naat are {Tely warm stats can hg to ole fe comer ‘e'ASHRAE comior sone Eontay, elton an be coud by large heed area ah ose Seo sei gra aces E & i i 3 ” Bony 780 Sur om! asa of Sane Boning “08 eo Ser So {ONSET ‘sre | 1917 | see [v2 mare [voy [sem a8 a taza | 213 | a803 [4s 1] ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS Thermal Transmission 65 DEFINITIONS AND SYMBOLS BRITISH THERMAL UNIT (Btul: The quantity of Fear fous to rose te tempertur of ane Pound Prot one dems Fabeu teeta, Tom Sete oor, DEGREE OAYS DD): A tomperatretine unit (ed nesting bulsing ‘soning requemems fer any Sen dy, the tuner oF DD sual ts ‘terres beeen the eoronce temperature, awl EE, ond the roan terperture ofthe eutoos a for that day. OO por mith or pr ear athe sum of ‘hetaly DD for hat prod DEWPOINT TEMPERATURE: The tempura cor. tpending to 10% rate humid for an aapor EMITTANCE fel. The ratio of the radiant onrey Enitad by surtgh as that em by 9 perlct ‘Ghator(n bls bool at se se torpor. MUMOrTy, ABSOLUTE: The wat of wate wor HtOvIgIrY RATIO. The ratio of the mas of wate igor to tis mass of Gey arin’ aven sresnar HUMIGIT, RELATIVE (Rt: Throat ene {orthe snurston presare ol ator at the oxstng ISOTHERM & nw on 0h oF map ing pois OVERALL HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT ( SCT ten of en ater uae ay te cued by 2 itrence of one eye betwoen the at ‘Srp on tatoo. ses of the. enone NUS practic, ew uns or Bala t= PERI Unit of water vapor Uarsmision vnoush & freer expressed In are oF vapor pur OU Det {fuk of mcuryprsureclsfrense (9000 gine = REFLECTANCE: The ratio of the radiant energy ‘ead By nse fhe ry eer upon SURPACE HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT 0. {2''thoadiscane ir and erivonment gaused bY = {npuraturitferoce ofan. ceyee between the ce ond teva in US. pastes, the uns Btu ne THERM: A unit of thera erray equ! 9 10,000 bn ‘THERMAL CONDUCTANCE [¢ or 1/RI: Time rate thus ow rut unt area of 6 metoril whan + Stnmersers feos ot ona gi Ie matin eros» specie ugkras of the mater In US Dyostos te umteare Stung" “F THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY tk: Time rate of heat How though unt area and un tiaras of a homo. {Fro ate eno tance of ant of Fo Rts" pearnae me unt ae Baus fe (iin) on whieh hha mesurd in et BSu/Mr ‘THERMAL RESISTANCE (Al: Unit of restanco to Tit Hw apreue etrpersiar citfrmesroqaed te case heat to lw tru anit ae of a buling coponet ornate t fs ate of ne heat unt ‘Ser Rour in Us prcton, the untae Bea" fh TOTAL THERMAL RESISTANCE IR): The total Taree tw het fon teu 9 compte Suing Foto flow atthe rate of Btu pe hou pera VAPOR BARRIER: A_mosure impervious lyer led wsarwestcaig = hui ate 0 pret ‘Steause of reduced temperate YYAPOR PERMEABILITY: The property of mater irae VAPOR PERMEANCE: The rata of the water vapor fom ran gfain-per ou, trough » mate of shvsteie ict othe ager pra arene it inchee af mercury. The unt isthe parm VAPOR PRESSURE (1: The parts! oresure of {hte pr monster mire emi ttre i aura tem. VAPOR RESISTANCE: The resance of 2 mati Dra awly to te page of water vapor went Viger emu sifeencr ext between th Geo ‘Sr oft aed ar Sorby. he nt the THERMAL TRANSMISSION Peblems inthe petermance of ling construction Interse anders se eequey sont with rca Naf heat ou ofboth. Tha Pat Publaved In tanordrteroon such os tne ASHRAE Findoook of Funerals ie the pubis ete fe sutjaee to manvfoetureg. an testing flees {0 judgment rust be ue in appving her, ey ‘ay aneraliy ‘ews ‘th aonidence or assign aro ast ununison efficients ae generally oxen ENonductniter ks for wrien the thickest unt rinorimcontctncs 8 Tora techadtcere theseopraal of the conductona. For ahomegsngout ao for a srice or an sirsace, where she hast fons by set ca ayebolned by ain ascot a deserts ‘hich prea oe or apace bengconadered, ‘heal essa uch are ore open weet aS Sock wluee sonny aston Dythe nature at oration of tha sre To eaimate tha rate of host fw through a bulding Jesen” the foal eastance (Rc of hat setion ey tors pine andr cw ee The oy cafe Ue hn ound {vate of heat Tow 0. (Biuihe) trough = wal ‘aoon at exaoses aes sf the Froduct Of te ‘ral coef U. the ares A andthe temperature Bierce (tek, GU Ax leety) The heat fon be rd otter pte on a [fe done procedure for nang te eta hea ‘Bastnce and fe U value Yor dua bul section ‘hrc ew aun no ning salons 1. Select the desin outdoor conditions of atom frat (dy bul in spe, ae wind action ‘fam inal Wenner sri recorder ASHRAE ‘eommanstions from this information acest, rowtc erat outiomnt ne wich wil pena BES silage" ee ammer ore fr ich loo ha@ Ow fhe SF ance Mow condition unite ford tirlon axe aang {Fen ofthe window Cone thot esances wen, = hy an y= Th 2 Us al of the component lements o te section fe athe ie ina veoh xt Sepen by diiding he ata! Inet the nomial ‘ks Bi it thea carsuctrty by oct for Frsmance Ri herrcprocal of th eanctance 3. The ttl reste of he, blog secon it Sure thst every component & cluded sropey). Mle U'vage of te con i the founa rom US syarnthe Us product i ofen needed 10 Simpy ne cea of ets af ‘Somputations tne to determine compte with 4. Far sien ising eompanensas windows kyle, fr ‘doors tune ay be Toung’f stead Fela for fxample, the ASHIMAE Handbook i'Fanderantale Tera tensions foro wide Varo of commanding’ retrieve I “a frepeing dos not ined corsderation of ioe gm de avon rae ouings {hor in wins orto eool and dehomity en nner st be cteuly estimate! by. methods Hor in fe ASHRAE Heratooe of Fariamenal Beg hath mrt a wi: ect of teh “The slutin to the bate pram of atainra scent. {Bie fiat ow tote uc shelton of ters {Ba se amroprte ar he tended sr wd Setion to reduce he we'd or outward et fw {edad ate Se he out epee flow sation the indoor temperature mat beset {Sarpy il the pert code or tne resem “parts rom 65 fe at eral ed Section of te outdoor desig values nwo erful craton oft nuros ef fours pyar ung ebuntreNatohal Westar ‘Serie terperture (Bee os sible Tor moat locators n toe United ‘ibe ards est or prnelplehes tous ut ho orl Ear intr deg purpowe ory alo ‘arosrstaren ar uml Tata, hen ae eicootea by ‘lana 97S of te total heer (2160) ia Decemba “Tian, ar Febery. The 97.5% value is generally it desing. Shorten 64 hr lapprosenatai) (Sotogusheh the Suoor ar enperure ibe ower than‘the satus vue sm spenenced at tens throughout the winter month. Thee temperatures iSforesunvae 2 thet inter eign hestng Toast {ond i ignore Solr effect, In turer 0 lose “Theral conductances for all, roots door, and Ws are condned in ry 6 the ewry const ation ullieg sondody opus 3 weed auras (Gotu, dente os Ua- Allowable ale for Us Segunda the tung tye ond size and the eure si esing devae nye spread ot he bul Vag A Ay HL AL + Us KAS a A tA he the subsist and ate wal Allowable Uy_vslue ae specie in the ASHRAE Senda cea hor feo alot y any Fgher"tan "thee storey Us. rey range from O47 {028 ths rurber of dare days pes yea neeate ‘Pom 390 te 8000 Far oormareal an intuition! uleinge of re urs ose Uy Fngey dwar fromm 08 0 0.20 as cae dav ites rom S00 te $Cb00, Emimation of sunmer cooly fad oso Senmlshod by uns theUx productos dstorninas ‘Eom, to which mar lex’ tm fenesatlon Must fated Pharma restaners may oe ity higher fr sure than a wine fortwo buicng retin ecpw of variation surface and arspes ceticent By forth gest factor in most buling hot gone tree lond mere by slr asation entering vous? femusration, coving lost en Seema by eri ewe souuts withthe srvcture ned Ing ‘melenaus slots adh ae the people the Eukding Latent est lade Hom mest removal rust adobe consered.Propery uses conus Should te ealod into gw aac th fot ev Flore the cremation sr! fenetation of ropowd ew Bling ar ee ‘The ery coratin stata, manson hoe feauitorants,woich ere ost primarily by ie late ‘tine cy which the structure wil bu orcad The tras of the pracosed uling In terms of welt Bet ‘Sen part for time logs coused bythe thera opacity ‘ot tulding componente should banat ht oan nui enue hn hag he ano auras, ince they eas ety te alin eonng oat ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS ‘l Oe 66 Solar Gain Through Fenestration Systems SOLAR GAINS THROUGH SUNLIT FENESTRATION ea ig ro ni etn cone major ‘ar i often enured by exceve emote of slor Core ee Sovccemr etd mest ore open ee ‘heer and ade Sr Tee has Rows ayo ge sure foot of dale eros a) Cat Se dre any, eed Oe at a al {orl fab he na ntact (he oes detain) ne tine 9 Sy tle {ine stoidtewe) a teorunavanet hewn “puis alae of SHGE a ghen in he 1977 Tehetns en rr ig Sista ce usec ae ‘Smiertin fe io Put ‘gi or tere ssi haet in [ru fr = SC x SHOF rie mon wey wad gra atrrlone nen Size! wi Yor sng ace gang eo ‘SHADING COEFFICIENT FOR SELECTED GLAZING SYSTEMS: ‘iin 236 190 OR rbot es See 21 oss 2. 8 a ‘har nen 036 086 Fe gtinaon of dig nd sding dvi, se “htt Hn do wo rene ieee fou rally he vant sgetid resign Teena, gece ied od ye lee (Q> Ax ISCxSHOF +UKiG, Mil secon md fr th omer an SOLAR INTENSITY AND SOLAR HEAT GAIN FACTORS FOR AON LATITUDE “" s| 8 |#/@lalela@l : =| al oe [f/8lelelel: at 307 |e 2 | mi | 25 130, a =e ee #| 8 Lee a wapr i 8 pels al oe] aS Bld =e Te =] 2] # al |B a “T¢] 2@ /E : i] z (g : | iz 288, Le 2 12 wT al @ lal el eet ots ra ‘1 exvnonnenrar Factors een en oa et ain ag {TS Par hoe on Gesbr 21 Inne gee pout Youur enact ea Seton: Yom tu coroaming ti, fo 084 fet Seg gm 8 = 9 na for wc = 10005, [089 5172+ 1.10% 0-70 = 000 1184-396) = 8400 Bure ue tour she ute 307 ease thane Soca ar ae eee oe cae SOL-AIR TEMPERATURE ‘Saran ath monary ated by Pe ee ‘tenia ts toe ware degen one ating eee ‘ie te Hon tow touch se psaue bung emesis ins oy aetg Moise eed fer of targine wold ave he ae ae of hat {oid inte th inet hr tin od ten bestoe, r= laos ia bo = eter lc coin Bul f--* wht satire 888 fora ack Ganon ut Shan center 9 mrt sar ores ‘it bute spa oe te Sein iGO outdoor, 76°Findoess 9004898. 500- 5 “her ott ow, peti tien (= 100035 195 7] ~ 35,100 Bee es fw = 10000338100 78-8600 Bur an ne z isa oasis tea ap Wa “BAe faa tous inition, Heat Flow Calculations 67 i =e a Fe ‘eal ‘Indoor fave ef wall board jest | as = eee 5 ~ ee 9 Td a rel SSS) Be be eee t H ae mmr | on aa ona EE || Eee é : 247 Bune pin rnd ae Dacia eu to etek caer ony i} 4 Ie iz TF | Tero| A °F Dat | Tene if slg H rue [eeoear] 2 Freu- (ovens ne] Bmeoe | |e lorece | infoormom at 70 7a 5 if SPS Sire ta was pass aba i zp mM Tor et of wo Ba as ae WEA! Fo Sere gee wen Teo | ae we} a e Fores Sites at oa ai ca Ee Zy faa aaa a5 aoe Heys — — fw ar sre Sn ae a As ste ged [an [ro s_| eso SHEA: 3 ane ia of cones DE ae pad H po H ean bat ome [0 Smee i ce + Fl 3 Gai, ek wrest RE—T | = oo am Fao a 4 eed oe Boe a a 2 tere mn a wa cat = A Sie a ae a Ti ao fe i i ie Suasoor se Fin enone —fear| ees [Poa 10 soe 3 Saar 3 7 RE = H Tors as fms e belt 4 ao bolt 3 “ena i oun Quon | 72-0 no gS B et Lot = RS Di oe = 8 sas oune 728 = 619 ou iy i eo = e Wall “A°~2 in, open ety NOTE: In tebustion the confab dference d Ft = via 27-2, meine villi SETI Canney Comme vena g y Me ee Sourante pts” Wa" wl re comer hn mh Wo ‘ 8 1 gs ee eects eutas "B braun of i Ime atice DR: 3 H =| 2 oe lion wiles ve OP 5 5 “Decina se dt stint Zi ena sina erwnew, 3g Ey ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS 68 Winter Weather Data and Design Conditions WINTER WEATHER DATA AND DESIGN CONDITIONS FOR THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA PROVINCE cory ia ey irr) Teme." | Temet [ert] Oct [nov [occ | 2AN [res [war | APR | WAY] TOTAL = ee 5 pe Seas qe eee |e S 28) S/e)2) 2 ee oa ipa BI ae ake | zat | 586 367 | sora] ties | 'Sei|'si1 |e | 3 2) 8) 2) 2) 2 ge os | Bb | | Bi) lela] a als Be |e | | a S| f) #2) 8) 2) 28 Sin Proneono | 78 | 233 a sei | de | ste] 231 | 3a] 43 | 336) 330 on |e | HE | | og Be | oS |B | elas ae | 2 | | Be le | ala] se) oe veh ge |e, | BE | BE | Oe Bre) ile) ee me OUNEM | ge | gp | & 8) aS) as Talssee 32 42 Sot | 9 | 28] yaa] 350) 395 | ate] 2m o ee | | | Bay }) 8) de] SG Gs Be [eae | | | @ 2/2) 2) 2) ee Ina Kedonspots | 3B H a we | 90 | Ste) 723 | ost | 1113 oe © Boe | & 2) BB )B 2 ‘: g | Be] a | BPR) | a8) 8 s iE | 3 & 2) 8) | elses & jee | 2 ¢ 2) || |B) a8 8 = |e 2 Para ee ae. | 3 2B) Bee ec [EE | & 2 Bd | 2] a] ee 2 Me | eau Be so Sa [ale | 22) Sr | sts | toe | 38 Se | a 2 HB) 2/88) 8 2 ee ce 3 ee & wee) gl | = Bid | a] aaa) eB 2 wm See] Be 3 28 | 2) 8)8)2 2 lee | Oe 2 32/10) 2) yea) 2 hs [Sen | Bb 3 ole | gl alee 2 [ie | Be a 2g) Bee) 2 = Ee | 2 a3) 8 a)e = we ee) 3 Ba) a 2/2 & = y jee | e Bld) Ge) 8 = er |e i Se ee ee 2 ee | a at 12 | 3) a) Bs] ia 2 cn |Sisiton] BF 3 ae = - ee 2 | 2) 2 |i) Se) 8/8 2 |B | Be eae ie) Bee e = ge lee | de | ae |e | 2 | Be 8 | 2) ease 2 B (Eee | SP] ] oe) d | Bye] eyetsaye b| 8) BS mo HES. |e] Bp | Se | 2 8) Saya) 2 3| 3] Dalias RS 955 aah @ | m3 o | 62] 321 | 524] Gor wo] 8 | 203 gee | | 8) 2g Bd) Bees ie ge [EB] BE] BP | ae | 3 | at |S) gt) ala @ ge Rw) ah | ae a Le) gee #\8)| 2 Sees | | BE] Bd | Be] Bye age Sa Be Be |e | | | 2 |S le] BB ele 2/2) is we LEE BEBE | Re |e | Ie | | ge Re |mee | Sh | Be [3/2 2 BERS Be| ss 2 & Hee | #2 | gy SE Sra a a Ws | 23) Se) ge ge dies | BS | BR a UE LS EPs | ee] a ESA econ ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS . . Passive Solar Design 69 PASSIVE SOLAR HEATING rvees neATiNG cooune nin wey nia teed oof DIRECT GANTLOSS cient operation ‘of pase sysions can involve SCashriy”orentod glaing.lelartor) Src Sat a ce res Tap oyhegngona om pain guna ig Eta Weal See waa ieae dsm ny Rerun ict ae Scares — erences Gkeiccmeaitssar eo FHERWAT STORAGE WALL ." MASS WALL Fen ry trp emp opie str Te gr ee a “ante RRS Beer aa min dearicemsRecertenmnat Bat i's ares rt Feumrenmee etaianma'es Keanu aut ea ered Boner a conoutve nest fw traranted during tho ay Inthe mae tm sarge ngenerly ita ‘rvconerte eet behind the south flusing, Mase walt sould verted to {he cht or shod during summet so oui a Heat Sagan Soy oae sa 2, THERMAL STORAGE materials include concrete, ments Fete Secon mnelewegot! THERMAL STORAGE WALL— kek hecemmm cette: WATERWALL /)) wal pice caret, Too efletive erm tad in bacels or tuber cirectiy behind eee ie ret at a te carl sete ep araeinun at spose "2 Se ergy Riel srr, Adena tere, Ss ota byte coon nth ede needed, minimizing Gay internal ter Sau eee the ener sly en ‘rut besedaa or vented tote exterior a RE OIETBUTION oxen truph marl us be ded ot era to th ot Fer erfermanrial corer t Gamba en be provided by venting the water wall Ce Nascar ort nigel aueinatmemoare oe 4. CONTROL mechanors ach ot ven dampers, ROOF POND. see halsiom an sng tones seheRl The ool pond optim plan be Haid nein totale atu Tot tetas ge 1 1 ROI cat ‘epeanis citon oes | \ emanate ae eg I 1 Hours Gann fey ee Sage apa ace ee lege | tle rolnced ove the storage, allowing feorrs z Sse os center at Tt T 2 a | | PASSIVE SOLAR COOLING 1 Ss tet fon nn i I Fasmcanurccoinpaneply oetpuingofinwrer ‘elton te ah snr At l spaces by optimizing the Use of aural tharaal he- sary on bebo I ge al Seer weg comeanimgneld ——-‘Teswumsoredaeio deo oe, _| (ect ari ton, An emer cne nine sine wimaonard © SUNSPACE lu fete go cnn io erie, Tanga ss, eolutn nd Serle ansheinconmsnctorn miss PES a parenteral iT acy, kha arts ee ‘Whe cating ey for mtr comfere dip ‘ale: Tas leg the ela yt 0 fo pina erin for malcom dain, ton nny of ban Mahe stem cemuenee conten acta ainsi eaten a dawn ron) Seatpanich eesmasicher seems ens me el ages ao spas gn bs icc eve “Many peasive cooling methods exist: natural crost ion ee fe eee, oe oe Wetladon dosp"tpae ecketan, cviNgnt couny) tad f, prevent ovementog of he Timer tide pti at coger oars sae ‘wicks, Gassicant mass, and others, This science inte ‘THERMOSIPHON {oes “tocitona!vadhtactral alton, modern Seeing ety an efi, knoe of ‘Thamoiohono natural convection ten rly onthe natural ran end fall of hid ase heeed and cooled. Aa he Jun manna. ¢colstarrtce the 3 ‘fe te bottamn ofthe storage oneal Ths identfeaion and cptintins of We tee generic, ‘ootng estos ee flan WIRE LOS tet or ise deety ava rn gb fe Seach line act Beal angst te colec ay a BURT Loss ation sce any am y= Semana" mumacomoay aes ‘weatherin For example; Induced a can be S*Codoed al Hough We storage mast 1 ris A Ant, Ait, Dwi Wit AIA: SEAgenn: Ns iy, ao ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS i 70 Passive Solar Heating: Design Procedure PASSIVE SOLAR HEATING—DESIGN PROCEOURE ed oe et amen of Sn Sean eal ae eae ery eh reno Shi Gneise te nursber of Sopess Be ERR ouoos pers onsorgeeneay DIRECT GAIN rete eu "Sot arma re ‘rates el ch sopein or ican ew fi otro bac shah ip teary nosy "ear wae wal fc het sre, c ‘ig conicon (rms ona cas eae” SOUTH GLAZING: One eto for 8 mdr feary oon Bae ry Sy ee one Er ete ce wate ot 8 ovr ‘our cis ad ‘action et op io oe Se, cous 40 ay wih an marae {ech mur foo of aco! eg. 2 20058 ‘Rigor atid eg eesti Ins geet aga std Sei hay Wied oes ES cre aerate! Steoe ct i ‘Groped. Tie sag ad ent of tin ‘ane aemgeue, yt te leo oe Neat ‘STpetatie Form yn, me easton oar ‘Shopng ot iw aroun ef sod ane See he nal Te tongs zc for al yee Ion ore) fo ough ST ' ‘evot tia es Preece > See eases iamwerinee tise me ongecest oe * Tigra ear nar gin wie pone eee THERNAL STORAGE MASS: The re mon connon act gh ne ace of Sear mmopey mate tran {lndes Bcd ot tint ual blame enooraby EXIRaiy grain Saree bear (rer large srace aren of mary. Ta secompich 2. Die dat sami ny he ic wf replacing = number of small windows io that Srcanigie al 5 Gest lor are fom ese Fae Sroxt 2 soy forsook oo INDIRECT GAIN—THERMAL STORAGE WALLS ‘ost igh att aoe Hos, os Sead ee a ae mt i ey wa orc sg a pr Somers Ee ln Sitn, each, 7 ie, wih an Eerie e200 oe apace ll ne aout ay ot WALL DETAILS: vie he proccre soar suet ‘shoe rhe or rasa ‘rar str no Tae’ nat page| We walls ‘amined thouge ies er AO ete rs chins noid fae tnt ph elfcaars 1 ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS zor ls 2 Lipton enerucion ‘cero arie on nt fetal or gr tn "en “eure aoa een fol Min nigaeaarea there teas pega gy) rom aoe 2 BER a8 0a an ooh ‘etn oer wal nd oar aise sre posed Src sug #8 mae Ser Paar le meme ena kn oe nntsoel cn seme feet snl eee 2. Pewee rca itl at ih yo an ope Passive Solar Heating: Design Procedure n TABLE 1. SIZING SOLAR WINDOWS FOR DIFFERENT CLIMATIC CONDITIONS: oa om) em | om 231 nn 9S = oz | om | om | wmggin or oe | om | on ea ‘Temperate climates & seo osh | be Be mms fas vores ae Heaney nee ‘loaves aareeree lee sn Shee hae ena 1 iol at med ih senha fete oe nd Drighama were es Reno sours Be, oie tora Renna ain sete cm [atten ever tet oo Fa = Hct tate yt ein ear dp) (iy slasinglooe aes = TABLE 2, DAILY SPACE AIR TEMPERATURE FLUCTUATIONS! FOR DIRECT GAIN WATER STORAGE WALL SYSTEMS? fuarace covert Tuer 1Scurt eure Eta TE are alo “IPF 1S =F rag 80% Ione IS ie ior ee noves eee Srna eres 1. Temperstuefuctuston 1 fr aces winter aay fietuaons wil be et than thon ite an there shi aprosimatly 3.4 feof expo nal aoe To {or les itor cn bo ie Te eee ee besoin gs Iris wel wees 2 Asiunos that 78 of the sunght antring the pace bau in he space anperatureNatuations wil here men wal ESSigly biger Wf adaitondl man's looted m9, Tea feof wator= 624 Ib or 7.48 TABLE 3, SIZING AN INDIRECT GAIN MASONRY THERMAL STORAGE WALL (TROMBE WALL) FOR DIFFERENT CLIMATIC CONDITIONS F Soars eterna aa ena TABLE 5, SUGGESTED MATERIAL fetanteg een Tete am one zz a TAIcKNESS Fon INDIRECT GAIN oo THERMAL STORAGE WALLS a on 07 08s 28s inaTERIAL——RFoQHENORD-THERNESE ir oa 3 a 38 fave Tet er oe 3 | 8a ae Eeconmon etn Tange dow SScoTem a ier oe 1g ose ose Sie es eerie i 3 a8 is li NOTE, yey ing warn ben evden, or oer £ os 238 os Moar ol tet Satan te wate” os NOTE: Them wie son tp wall ignned wang. For thal wat oh a notional caer ee gn indore er hla a 0 SRS mmrmaticyaeey nears kata a ere ag ote tattrene 5 dott fr ch ome st rn ete: Tce cette ttre: Tat uileee nih nateton WS ws GOS of lowe cj eves soci The sede Rdeindd oe Stn re every en oF a6 EHTS Monette eee eg, Cod linn eh inadaton wae . TABLE 6. APPROXIMATE SPACE TABLE 4 SIZING AN INDIRECT GAIN WATER FILLED THERMAL STORAGE TEMPERATURE FLUCTUATIONS ABA MALL FOr DIFFERENT CLIMATIC CONDITIONS. FUNCTION OF INDIRECT GAIN * savas Paar seeeian Paaeeete onne AND THICKNESS oe z= ss [ # wares! ba] elt me os? 0.56 06s | 080, ‘Adobe 18 8] — oa 6g es | bee Be eormon |= | 2 : He 3 s es Extech — + Water (31°F1 | = | 18" 10 028 oat 095 oso NOTE. Asune 2 doe gd taal wal 83 2 $3 38 Sor E dae ae ap my oi a3 0 oa seit oisennt ons Reals SESS oat iad Valuer are gen for cleat NOTE: Se nate Table, sateen ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS | 72 Passive Solar Heating: Calculation Procedure PASSIVE SOLAR HEATING any sla ery tot sf eno, 20 oe a CALEULATION PROCEDURE TAvatcasmcrsbmrpincexdnyepermarsh fal a of batay 9 Re en ; Tre Cen the ee cro a oeeer a anon nan Sarin gba talon take is emation oe bayer distaste Soot die See qa Fo Ha HG SESE SE Sotiris | ES ee ata showy amb ve Ts ee srpetas Unb Ie, i otters uc eae “The rulas of thumb for sizing 2 system are based on See te i ny HLC ond adding the esl eB ls Se ego dae Shee SS GESTS Be MLS Sadetmocaae ears = ‘Bing procter solorce he hon Sr orm ont maa — ‘kept at 68°F] over the day with the energy eoBectee Seren areenaie BEAST SO EES! Re SON REE FRACTION OF THE TOTAL MONTHLY Giogtretg teat teusundoy setter cage WEATINGREQUIREMENT SUPPLIED nn lg tw anor rans Snr danlnremntene ap etoceeecthe | By SOUR EQUIFMENT, ‘fen a nd a Sua ee ‘en aly tot ar a gc urns Fu Gata goal ta sinla muito or ‘Eh Sates dyn tg Bs Sa Se Si anita See Sec atesmaetmnle, «ven durels heir eee epee theremin tet WEN a aes ndemmter nana Bem econ mre of mg ei, ‘eniter hall ot gst The woul et; ep aur Rimenecene cave hr el ta ar 1s reas sre Soy eh seg eevee Sarton aig =” eer net el ‘a st le INCE) neg te en of eh formanae ‘To compute the monthly tla hesting on GFF tn ovina ca be peed Gua an 1. Calculating the sosce hest load coetficent. agen Se to ee ee vwintir dove E Glatt secaciatctpetienen SAEs MO VinpooR TEMPERATURE pases aaraer arte oremca Be Sa caebte ehucroneee eens saree eee oe SAN mario 5 ery ay wa tense cm Ran mua imtee. NS NET Rp aaese eae x ‘Giles Pees nein ty Sa fo Se ad ‘thee indoor temperature fucustone ave nat says HEATING LOAD COEFFICIENT Saeem Soha etn ame tesace erica acer aso rosea ava he an of bang ‘Boland wind snduesery el an hat os Sage cStatdaesG aie lated AVERAGE DAILYINDOOR Speen cn, i wu 9 SeeSort'a‘bar Sets be th ees Mighiso Van Grane wowter contin (cat ‘ese nor emote fut yu coi EPinasianimoncscin Gaye” Saad desea craks Sevens tg Sheet toe Seasthaae Bs Skeeter nt Hanged ete oe A ch Tebutlghariodentcin ceonpdoriin palatine sae ton aa, Raden cs Fears sere eerste TS cr Gam Seer try im Sore tatntfowe Gum at set Be etal: Greek and Roman prototypes hich Incorporate | PARKING PEN UNIT: Indetsrmiing th ping __Qrstepricala ele tan ns unorm aah Rit ingsemes BULL on sence sou Bett lie epeiaton ano oetion of the °: PRIVATE OPEN SPACE: Primtsonanamace should 7+ SORA Tt Esai unr wih come bois Sed it ne tm ot cova muse eeu ‘mon party wal: open space usualy 2 maior of. supporting ‘nd ray, side and trom yard” Both vial and ‘ment in te Suburban iownhouse development. gee recta alan See ee er ee eet ceeiaoe 8, URBAN TOWNHOUSE. Eat rotate pein ‘te could reel in exzes pavarort: depending on Spaces {he urban areas of many ole ees sor osu Sees so poking Se genet ars 4, OLOY LINE: A ge amy toate cecty See ae ‘or where donations permit, on commercial parking ‘on one side property line and possibly on the rear (ld ge eeu en ace el Sonlwhoseut inussore community cmt Meena ine Hecker Seatecinp at g AMMO EARS eT reat evr forage, more usable an spaces 2. TREES: Trees provide‘ne of the msior unifying hui. typee ith smphage toa community Jagr cepertundoc orclmate ad fre where 5, SINGLE FAMILY CLUSTER: Single family units ‘stan al the Rousing tyes ipclaed nthe char. SSolaSttal number of ene do ot atety oe, ‘pouned incurs sn oer to" axinize open Dior sociated rata Support cites red oma ‘etre tee planting sould De uertaeon or at Scents may or may et be ator ‘ty amenities, ray belound ine PUD ewepment LAND PLANNING AND SITE DEVELOPMENT 2 | tele sh Be hae, inne Site Design Consideration 88 2 LAND PLANNING AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLANS feral mre aprender te zoning eet et Mase "dake uta ne na Iie ie sun pr co rs Blt pa ae nly orpared bya regatored Sree diner Te poems pee ‘Fon code and, avtabl, a copy ct the public works Banas to ace ka rmuronane A ont ae nike tame ei ota st he Sap woe tae natin oo oy cakes he SEE Soa eda dare uel etre of he 2a, Ae eee ates tea ‘TENTATIVE OR PRELIMINARY PLAT Pntng the proses weedy = pigs of land, ferred Gotha aunt act tube into two or more fecal A plo apecticly ond egy ceserber he fou oft ceca Ate ltt fat ‘tvelopment in terns of as et oft and ier gahe eprval of the tensive pst, tempor ean edn Fe ill pane ane the see paving and rarane Bins ren hoe on one ete Mechel he "nth Toe sation as in in tha finale devel STREET PAVING AND DRAINAGE PLANS ‘Street ping and dinate plese fn construction Gowings prepared by en engineer" indica te falloniny 1. Plan for all syste and parking afas with starting owes and ra 2. Type ere tctions ome communities may so ‘eute oad ort 2, Detail and speciation of pavement bas, sua. fngana curs 4, Indication of meade tartan storm water una within the ahtotoney, (ol tes fo percolation ‘may bo required Also Gets and specications or Ini isthe, ten basing, sre race danage 5: Ingestion tat rosds wil meet local, state, end {oder food evans. UTILITY PLANS sity plans final roning prepare by an engineer that Infieteteloeston of stor supe lines, ean {spor ines, te hyena ona oxker ety fener {tll lost nthe roe ig way tn scton fo Soro! y foal te wens cern, one ‘onrd of suse heii depertmeres and dest ments invcved in polation sot Final Development Plans 89 FINAL PLAT Soin Sines ear eee Unt of information thet should be shown onthe fin : ‘the rightohnay. ooaton, cimentions ard pupote of ay ease 4, denying number for eh oto st, 5, Purpose fr which ses, other han aide os, 6, Minimum bulding setback line on all ote and 1, Loemtion ad domription of monuments Referers to recorded subdir lots of ain Ing pst land by rood nama, a ond number 0. Caritizstionby vay rong 0. Satement by owner(s) edieat ster and any ste fo publicus ‘rows as 12, Tile sele north aro, and date h 3 ao INeveasaee kh oo # nerssaee a oat ES By Sy be 54 ew arg LAND PLANNING AND SITE DEVELOPMENT z 80___ Comparison of Conventional and Planned Unit Development ADVANTAGES OF PLANNED UNIT BEVELPMENT AND CLUSTER CONVENTIONAL SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONES. DEVELOPMENT 2 LAND PLANNING AND SITE DEVELOPMENT lar Corridor Components 91 INTRODUCTION ‘onoaay Inver ort to sxgn srautonsytat {bat neon ‘on the se onda coroatbte with Sates a these Specie minimum standards that hat ne net en tect for mont mantaplti HIERARCHY OF ROAD SYSTEMS The site deiner should be cognizant of hierarchy aris Up to 1000 or 1300 wohils ar lane Sar ou? Shh aed at 200 rh Bee ena of te secon fr mc to rtnals re the intareornmunity connectors that can fry rerpctoy'800 0800 arse sn per Nout {40 te 800 ps lane pe hour paige Sout" the Se Prot ‘ets ssl Prvige te rect eet 1 4 prose Sarl ovecpnent.Calectors tat elficenty cary {00 to 280 ‘ene ber Ione per hour or the test Systems ind ‘Sue by! the ste pnnar within the Fee art an load hs ware on ewtena ESTIMATING TRAFFIC FLOWS In rte dewiogants, wher we my b jr tore of ep gerwatione inorder "to gn she Poroprae “intrnl coletorsytomiey aM to ee 2 ote hee, BS ag? ev Ly —_ = as L somes age | | Se SRGRGRR BOSC AS TSE “ane [eae feat | ——t Noves ‘Sw be plas tr enc fom he age ofthe 1 BIKE PATH. Grade should pot exceed St 6 or ‘patna, Sevent dana ram momo fom stances 200 to 400 fr 2% for long revise sopled tothe roadway. Tree acing CdvancesSoparaebtepath for roscway. Witt ‘Bou ola 10 wees and dared eller, or fale, planting whore possible, bikeeths tan be bre as 2 gine Tle shade es shou be intgted ies arearsy sytoma rather than slong Seto ad apart ana STREET LIGHTING. Spacing should slaw to 2. TREES. Species should be slectad that wate Eroune of Hluminian dese, sed on type of S04 and Gis and wnt oot Stes Gp not ret pti ra proven, eur Snow removal anlar ley condone ocr, ts Ste ses 100 to 180 febetna at xan LAND PLANNING AND SITE DEVELOPMENT 2 92 Soil Mechanics tret- mepeg. (petal bparaaane, FPR PRELIMINARY SUBSURFACE INFORMATION 2 Gate ncrraton fy ck and a, tote Nf ecco 4 Ennis de (bres, wa 1 rc wh surrs 4, Rsoorancr tesa 6. Pronursncien Ente el formant apa DETAILED SUBSURFACE INFORMATION. SOIL TYPES AND THEIR PROPERTIES ow [2S] | wagnesgne or encanta ner te cxatee | tom | seen oot [or [aca | roy ged ae or oan mints, iar no es ess Name | fate a. tight Poor Se [ow |TNT Al noe | sua goer on « race | ern woeicerand mance a ow ages oh moro fom ee te [@ Fey on ta = nor | ee % Cine es cy ne [rw = ~ beliftice esa a = = fa an | Ee el elm Py aT SHR sare OC [TTT] sre | orcs cnn stiowetety [reer pervs = ie | hopnata niaconoranumontonany ony nests | Fer = Be Le GYo em mmrcsonaio setae [erm [etim [orien oY anche natunie homme ee ele Teck aernioie vecwiaie | Big | re 2 sme veveropment st TA ie 93 Fweer |= STEEL CONCRETE: Sononeve conrosite GENERAL PILE DATA mus Tee fa ver i eres) aks svat sracins S100 sae 110 6-00 wehbe 4 15.25 26"%090" Hise = cao Ea 20 20 Fee Foe-apan wd coueetie x0 so-120 tom 0 100-200 30'1280" Piped ood eect fed 180 0-00 to 10 0-70 go't040" Span % Seaghtor per i 0-80 18 1 40-00 a0" 96" Sloane Sana med 180 wo | ew fo 0-60 0" p36" Diledinesson i cone ie 0 so! 120 asa 2600 10002000 e0'100" Pree w oe io-3e 0 0 3 Pree 30 0-00 0-28 70 100-150 F036 Grind 160 30-80 28-54 0 0-400 e070 80" Tred or ed 0 ra 120] 75 #00 5003" Ure whet ©. 5-10 1420 iso 2.10 =r Zones zi +0 : concent. 10 0-100 EBB 4 15.28 go" 1036" Coneetsie 0 5-120 i028 i 20-80 300407 Preven eres - oie 200 100-150 20-24 200 120-159 6°40" Tra 0 7 135 30 10 a Timber ls mst be ted with wood erate in any porta owe parmaren ound ase Rusty, anon & Demon: York, Mew YO Aoplcable mates Szctcations Conerte-ACL 318; ‘Hiper- Ast O25: Sructural Sections ASTM AZ®, ASTD arc 2096, Fox alaction of type of ple consult foundstor SITE DEVELOPMENT 2 94 Building Layout Procedures 2 SITE DEVELOPMENT Walks, Curbs, and Paving = 95 Gg PAVING AND SURFACING 96 Paving and Curbs BRING EDGES T ep rors y ey e 2 PAVING AND SURFACING Unit Pavers and Construction Details 97 RC HIER pen ve Se ern [RN ee, [ pe ee a moe 8 é ao cool fae BRICK SIZES: 4 4,446, 44 12a, Bag ec 8 1 « Thin, SY, Bond 12 in, exapon Bebth voles Mh toi BRIGK PAVERS oats, Clos ae tor Ti to Sposa ished roe ra seo aaa Bek pavers fir recommended for fede} ond lah commer) a Irsald over wateproting. rating, a, aiphalt bint cours or eranod stn bas on bituminous sn TTT ee ee. NK eR VTE cates Bt nae Se ee anes Boon ruta ray or white but are avail with ‘Slag lod ere maa 812,64 12,80, nd 8 in. hocagon, Betivares 1 wi are Sinton toxtrer ave oraie but nt coast, Cale Src nnua sck orexpou apr ish nels ‘ter naterprooting roti si. al binder couse, OF ct stan buss on femngus setting ed 4x4, 8x8 Depths 1202 in Coles ar arn tones lretalog on rid an nd martar. Aoi fos SUT STONE PAVERS ia ee cman eerrnlasn DEPTH: Crowout=2in. min, Rip eut = 3 inn Colo ered wonder pee, Insite on ere Soe tats wal rained. ‘Wood sro be presture ested WOODBLOCK PAVERS CtneRaL NOTES Ford ston should sone at 4 minimum of OSS, Sin any eto Nah ae oe utah nk be Yan ASLA; Hon, Tot RII 4 in. min random, Depeste 1022 Scrat texture is smoot Irvin fanbase no marr Keypwellrin Wood ehige Vin rominal 2h in pee re Invalid, plastic os coment but, tural materials wl doors [OOS MATERIALS S14 inc crushed stone nosed sme Pavers in mortar on rig arid sepandod bass must Fort! axpancen pint 20h on coor Ri use fn xpanton wor (to be mines and dowels ST inte Pocus babe or subbne required 01d GRANITE SIZES: 44 4,485 x81 Baa 12x 1, Depth 29,400 10m Stace tetris moot Clr ah nd dr ‘lade oft gry ona brown naled en rigid Base a ota or sabiy an ear duty wean fexble teeTorligneauty ue xR Suroos extremely arate Calor ondrd gray 0° whit fread thou, marr, oF aout 1 plored, lattice unit asad for embankment ar form sunt contol, recreation ses. Dates) ‘Bingen as contrat, GRID PAVING BLOCKS esis with aust ubestace danas PAVING AND SURFACING 2 98 Construction and Bicycle Facilities fed veka ee Boyes Ray Sem, Soe Hous y wets an paserion 2 GLASS a iho edge ext AS I Shred igtotnay iiesty si fahegical ar wil eet VERTICAL ANO HORIZONTAL Uavour TERE 5 Beale on {rie Jeng so, teri es fe et her sacs 2090 ro Se ent tow Gt a BIKE PATH INTERSECTIONS. Bee ue ange mieten et bing Sorte Com | bike puts should incu copie a, Haar Shes wpe ‘noe of oats aan 2 SITE IMPROVEMENTS £8 3 | om | ib * Parking Lot Development 99 ae Seameen nor sromvonr/\PERE MEGANE EE en, on ee SESe oman wran/ process PLANTING CONSIDERATIONS ‘The dinrbuvon and placerent of pls in parking Be i Bercingares. Goa tev of ero odor ___ DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Blanes tharos ie ep. While efceney number of spac per gro ars) Ihe major rte aorierton nthe development Stoning ses svat other porta sng ae {ote ex. Sarin Ho dean fr ranenor mos _ ferrin ‘Pakiny ste forthe hanged for betcha shou be provi ener, ‘he Siete not ely. by ation nse of {king Sogn proves thous alow mt rr etiinc for pesos once tey ese tet el i i Peels habitusly atk inthe alr behind parks pic Ths ancl teaeogvand nthe oration BED Soe ois Se tate vee st = PEK te a rom te building without auszing foe a i ——— feonmogn sack Sion onigg ter nthe pe of oecesans ean SESE Race ‘Se toa be proved or now ogy WON ‘SVERHANGS WW PLANTING AREA ARSGIRERIER SITE IMPROVEMENTS 100 Parking Lot Development 2 ‘SITE IMPROVEMENTS Site Lighting Fundamentals 101 Pes naan Feng ee ont geal ost tg 2 fae fa rn even me 2: i mar rs «aging cn All stron ntlions ‘Sulrinteapton eu New ntepate on ow eee ERS Renan ‘erect palais +R - os nig sera mul lee Docu of extreme vat tty of fixture sri ia SPECIAL PURPOSE 0-30" hls vere 1 Reeretona, corner fides iodo Metal halé, mercury vapor _ aye 1 ebcuras matinee by gan ‘mens ut 1 Suncoptbe to vandals 7 =" DEFINITIONS ~ A lamen ie sunt ud for mening the amount of fet pmnolfoy wet cere Aosta ‘pn wfc, The amu of table it fom any het Hove opr deer) the uc Stee, Ses Chapter on huminaton, RECOMMENDED LIGHTING LEVELS. IN FOOTCANDLES PARKING AND ROADWAY TM com 1 Uc restora commer. saute ae 5 ‘dl igh ens 150100" beaks serge 1 Large are lighting parking, rexretional nay ine Sarge Mercury vapor, igh pressure + Marry Vopr, ish pesure sum + Four mur lowe for Anca ‘Slee a estan a a Freay= oe | os] oe Wajorvoased] 20] 1a 10 Colrtorroaa | 12 | 08 [08 Tost ond oo [08 | 94 ‘eye dea | 82 Sokpatiy io ‘Aen zy] = = aking = = 30 Nisimamia_| Tea} toa} Te ening ot Inti Sen 10 = “Goth manne andar : fe. E ‘The total intensity of two or mar overs Ping lax nature eausl th sum of Frddual mtorr. WEAGURNG LIGHT INTENGITY IN FOOTSANDLES: SSS 1. CUTOFF moors hat maximum of 10% of tht Sure tpane fal utsige of TAL sea 2. SEMIGUTOFF rane tho mesimum of 2% ight ‘ures lomens fa ution of he THU aren 3. NONCUTOFE meant thet no cont! liitstons Degree of cutoff iz determined by one ofthe following: (8) fStportn of prismatic lens ver ihe cure (esi fail to ature on "Nou ae” Winayeverse node UNE eri TYEE oF DETRBUTON SITE IMPROVEMENTS 102 Playground Equipment SLIDES HORIZONTAL LADDER w |e fatetate tate Seimod c [ale] t lalelalelale s 12 = = dc T Palais || i 6 a) sete To feo [vse —aarararpsar Thee t she [rfsehig — faa ie Bee Te 8 (eal fatrs—lofeariberse ws ats aps a Treas wf slots 9 5 —_[n7erlifsipeier watt tts a bart eae |e sae eT of ah GENERAL PLANNING INFORMATION Wary | euitontnT as SeesAws ComminaTion uniTs™ Searinierwm [ia —[ aw ote gargs Sewntsinbigarm |S] Tez ofa e eR eRe 2 PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT i . Function and Regulatory Elfects of Trees 103 ores Ser fectors should be eonsierad when designing sah pln 1 The physeal ewitoomant of thst r"soitcondiion (ait, pores) rsisbie niin wslnlepresitation. 1 Scena emparature ere 1 Exporr of the ste (wie. 2, The desgn needs ofthe project: "Directing mover 1D Framing isos 1 Moderating to evtonmert of ost ——evres, sora rag. 205g een ste et 1 Crenting sane By using plans to evslop the eee seal See T ne ovrhead plone 44 The dean chtoter ofthe pants chen Shean BRVEIGAL CHARACTERISTICS 1 Sinourte odd, pyar, spreading Texture ne, mociam, car 1 cole 1 Seasonal interest lower, tf ener 1 Grewth habits st slo going Due henson oaariae, Wyner > RADIATION PROTEGTION SOUND ATTENUATION In summer deciduous plans obstuct or fiter ve Plantings of cecdvous ard vergreun mater reduce to’ Mron teiaon, tro cooing te aes Beneath Sur more tfc than desu pans sone {BS inmate sun ponertee erouph Paming'on sa mous hereses the song toc tne ur ‘The density of a plated wind butfr determines te tree tht provecte, Height ond compestion re abo ctor n wins protection, ei il i StARE PROTECTION GLARE PROTECTION IR FICTRATION ‘Toe ss vareal ange changes sexraly: thetefore. Glare an refeton from siniehe endfor artifical Large masts of plants physically and chemical iter {8 aia sect tothe gate of efeces ming aur can beseeed or locked by pons ofarious and endothe fe resus sr pllon Bic hat eis neg screen om aon acer Tse lect eter pov. as of gerbera LANDSCAPING 2 104 Interior Landscaping OTHER PLANT SPECIFICATION LANDSCAPING UPLIGHTING AND ELECTRICAL NEEDS pe ey be of sme benoit to plants, bt inetficint {ED ple shonasmnest beens of pit pt Sagal arcu” Chophyi usualy pe et ut 2. Usa ute rr bert ae ain ‘3 Watspcoot dupox outlets ove sil ine with» \tateroot junction box Below si ine ae sally ‘Sitcuate for “smosshere” upighting sd water font pumps HVAC EFFECT ON PLANTS: 1. Alnsoretionng (nol ar is aely detrimental {o'plame een fk "ated at plans. The ‘entiation hte Is what court! Good"venision ie rast tpt others oye ade Berturer bul hes spely, om the other Fond when "tects" ac aan ean uly De Sea an for np dete opr rom 2, Exandednaat or poner foes of suficent dre {in cn camape pine heath The lowe! tof Temperature aa" stad ate 8 65°F fOr elt Sint Brat drops to 85°F (oss than Th ate {tee ln fre dare Feng: op 100 tr only day 9 ook ean wa be The relate bumidity should ot be allowed to {a elo So pn prefer 9 reste Rarity ore a ia JSS cd = SER Gatco TEMPERATURE REQUIREMENTS 11 Mor pans preter human comfort ange: 70-75" Gorin tompuatres and G0-0S"F nightie semper 2 Arig minum enous of SOF mut Figre Rep trperstre hactantion of 30-40" oh ss be tment a pan 3. “” pherominon of tepaton: for every I9'c sat woe, pens respration rote ne food consumption doubles 4 Boh potas nd reson ecg op lth tne, ae frmperturs go eyond 80°F Beware othe eenhous eect! WATER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS 1. Movable an ilag lars ae often need by oe abe tr by se bb alr ees Sins terabiyn eitars esx! during cra trong urs for (in 24) Tuc ink or floor ness, Provide for tiximum of $00 nel on al fore 2, tga for pais a say ware by he in flor marimar word of £0 with coed tures Spt ty et sora low invent, rove or ond od water By minor auce ype ost 23. Haj eoncantrations of fuoride ert eile in Alor iy eon caus damage to plan Pode ru witha oH luo! 80-80. Miro: ower DH ‘Breen etn igh lat mamtonnes cos. Interior Landscaping 105 [jena nena \\pengonaven Dransae Tus © STORAGE REQUIREMENTS Bro » cred ora ce of eprom, 2 Iota" may be. defaole wo combine water ely and nor neds te me rape as AIR POLLUTION EFFECTS ON PLANTS Probleme rel from iaequnt ventilation Exceive hire es om seana pool rex an be 8 8 Grove, er wl ap exces omer tar tox li sane fr Nr uns te Von LANDSCAPING 106 Planting Details Bi Seree eBay STAND AR: REE: SHRUBS AND MINOR TREES STANDARD SHADE TREES—BALLED AND BALLED AND BURLAPPED. a a ir aaerer | nt ee Wantap | 25 1p tard inducing caper Sue and 12 2 canoscariis Retaining Walls: Garden Types 107 SLIDING “The thrust on the wall ust ested. The reiting 2 Tove stm weit of the wall nes thecotfsent ot ‘tion, Usea sae factor of 15. Teele! of \« wick= 187 ‘Average coelent: i 0 cernne uiona ovens Sitvay 0 Weteey 0 OVERTURNING The overturning moment equal TIH/D, This i {iste by the reiing moment Fer symetilse tons, essing, moment. equals tes th of ‘ay Use a safey factor of 20, Teer My = 2) SETTLING Sol bearing vloe must rest ver force, Fr sy tuted uetore tat fee iW or W Voearing Use safer factor of 15. Torefoe: SB.215WWAL & sal | gemapaerae STRUCTURAL OESIGN CONSIDERATIONS s/ brone vereen acs STONE ANO MASONRY APELICATIONS WALLS AND FENCES 2 108 Concrete Retaining Walls crane suncusnae ‘nin al bout aga ard ene te 0 7 el it serage wa haghon ed ly. cr ror rl den se tr tei wali tn 12 in tk, Keys on dhe may beret pron lig [Shit walssnd tom on ae cy. 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If dase, orion fs loins rinforcerant may be placedin each int (Bh. cc) and the bond bears ort ‘Allow 26 he for masonry tot belre grouting Pour out in ays the betwee oh Pot. 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Avable Drsure Mead eras by 0404 a/R ineene of ter above tate dacharge ult. Tank expt it {lone depends on fe husad woter supply, os obet Fetore "Pane aque peracie maintenance ond pre tection apinet oenng curing eo waste Loce tone tube to seumie ores or high win eauie ‘cil conseralgn” Gravy tanks a0 con Dente ‘pated within bulcing dog, i Lustre poereRe yi ae Site Planning for ine one ae es RECESS SBSTRUCTIONS Bolas used for rate contl an anes or scuriy Shoulé aon uttcent open rout wits (frases by fie aoparguaBolarde and sats can be secured by manana fe deparmore eye acs (once parent hein jun. STREET FURNITURE AND ARGHITESTURAL OBSTRUCTIONS. sity poles can obstruct use of suri ladders for fetus si fre sprain operstone Kost, ostor SEuiptre fountans, newspaper boxes, and tha Tike fin” sic” sercuiyinpede five Tog operations ‘Wite'peclom tame ean prover neon acces t0 the Upper stores af uildgs Cancpies and othe" non ‘tural ing someonene con io preven fre pperatsoparstons cow to bili (risers | FIRE HYORANT AND GTANDRIPE CONNECTION LAYOUT Locate the hydrant a soot itersction end at in termediate patton ros ao hat sang bEtMEEY Iara soe no cd aut 300 (ee wih Keel ‘ashorty hava fig juiletion fr soe Ieuiremen) Hygrart shoul be paced 2 ie 10 fe {fom eur nes Sess connectene to standin: ‘ould be vietie, marin sonpieousy, arabe aan 200. ot hyerant #0 alow ani eonation By fe fates ire Protection 111 loo eee BRVEWRY LAVOUTE Long dead ends (eater than 160 ft) an eau tine arsuning, haat backup manouters Use urn, ‘sleceane, and sured deny layout 10 slow Ut Ipoded siem to Sulsings| FES For full axenion of seri addore a 8 le elmbing frala (Wh sotcert dewey with ti) equa Ena eeu wt ey: We) ot 0» 4, wee pofred climbing anes ae 60 19 BDL? Const en fe deperttent tor at! ap paratus opto vomarenent a FIRE HYORANT PLAGEMENT ce hos consectons should bp st leet 15" above {ote Dovnot bury hydrants or laste ther Cohing funoft water snd snow can secomulata Bors and ‘ences used to proteet hydrants rom weiclr wae rust ngt obstruct fe fg ascent owe cores: Sie faring fie spares SUTDSOR LIGHTING night. toi Inyauts hn aes yore stand Fine conection shane Ino tumor A Silage ould ge ett ses mur os ‘ner the ma antancs NFPA 704 DIAMOND SYMBOLS Syn Samond yt soit rman tre Content” "O numerl isthe lower degree of hacer, Pi hghest este eybate mar oulting entrances Cerrct seal stangenent fortwo Kinds Of damon She how Canetti minh Feston! of ho. Fite Hazrde of Naterae” NEPA Nor 70s avlable fom the National Fire Protection BSsotaton Nomis in PE. Colag 9 Aehnt, Contr Unvarty:Clamsen, Sut Calin FIRE PROTECTION 2 Dock and Marine Development TABLE OF DIMENSIONS FOR SLIPS AND CATWALKS TO BE USED WITH DIAGRAM 2. saaine won

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