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Karakatwas of the Grahas

1-2. I now detail below Atma Karak etc., obtainable from among the 7
Grahas, viz. Srya to ani. Some say, that Rahu will become a Karak,
when there is a state of similarity in terms of longitude between (two)
Grahas. Yet some say, that the 8 Grahas, including Rahu, will have to be
considered irrespective of such a state.
3-8. Atma Karak Defined. Among the Grahas from Srya etc. whichever
has traversed maximum number of degrees in a particular Ri is called
Atma Karak. If the degrees are identical, then the one with more minutes
of arc and, if the minutes are also identical, then the one with higher
seconds of arc, have to be considered. In that case these three are
called Anthya Karak, Madhya Karak and Upakheta. In the case of Rahu
deduct his longitude in that particular Ri from 30. The Karakas will
have to be decided, as above and, as per further rules given below. Out
of these Karakas, Atma Karak is the most important and has a prime say
on the native, just as the king is the most famous among the men of his
country and is the head of all affairs and is entitled to arrest and release
9-12. Importance of Atma Karak. O Brahmin, as the minister cannot go
against the king, the other Karakas, viz. Putr Karak, Amatya Karak etc.
cannot predominate over Atma Karak in the affairs of the native. If the
Atma Karak is adverse, other Karakas cannot give their benefic effects.
Similarly, if Atma Karak is favourable, other Karakas cannot predominate
with their malefic influences.
13-17. Other Karakas. The Grah next to Atma Karak in terms of
longitude is called Amatya Karak. Similarly following one another in
terms of longitude are Bhratru Karak, Matru Karak, Pitru Karak, Putr
Karak, Gnati Karak and Stri Karak. These are Char Karakas, or
inconstant significators. Some consider Matru Karak and Putr Karak, as
identical. If two Grahas have the same longitude, both become the same
Karak, in which case there will be a deficit of one Karak. In that
circumstance consider constant significator in the context of
benefic/malefic influence for the concerned relative.
18-21. Constant Karakatwas. I narrate below the constant Karakatwas,
as related to the Grahas. The stronger among Srya and ukr indicates
the father, while the stronger among Candr and Mangal indicates the
mother. Mangal denotes sister, brother-in-law, younger brother and

mother. Budh rules maternal relative, while Guru indicates paternal

grand father. Husband and sons are, respectively, denoted by ukr and
ani. From Ketu note wife, father, mother, parents-in law and maternal
grand father. These are constant Karakatwas.
22-24. Bhavas Related. These constant significances are derivable from
the Bhavas, counted from the said constant Karakatwas. The 9 th from
Srya denotes father, the 4th from Candr mother, the 3rd from Mangal
brothers, the 6th from Budh maternal uncle, the 5th from Guru sons, the
7th from ukr wife and the 8 th from ani death. The learned should
consider all these and declare related effects accordingly.
25-30. Yog Karakas. O Brahmin, I make below a passing reference to
Yog Karakas (mutual co-workers). Grahas become Yog Karakas, if they
are in mutual angles identical with own Ris, exaltation Ris, or
friendly Ris. In Karm Bhava a Grah will be significantly so. Grahas
simply (not being in friendly, own, or exaltation Ris) in Lagn, Bandhu
and Yuvati Bhava do not become such Yog Karakas. Even, if they be
placed in other Bhavas, but with such dignities, as mentioned, shall
become Yog Karakas. With such Grahas even a person of mean birth
will become a king and be affluent. One born of royal scion, then will
surely become a king. Thus the effects be declared, considering the
number of such Grahas and the order the native belongs to.
31-34. Bhava Significance. I now narrate the significance of the Bhavas.
Tanu Bhava denotes the soul (self), Dhan family, finance, wife etc.,
Sahaj younger brothers/sisters, Putr progeny and Yuvati wife. It is also
said, that a Grah in Putr becomes a Karak for wife. The Karakatwas of
the Bhava in order are Srya, Guru, Mangal, Candr, Guru, Mangal, ukr,
ani, Guru, Budh, Guru and ani.
35-37. O excellent of the Brahmins, after knowing the merits of Tanu
Bhava etc. the good and bad effects can be declared. Ari, Randhr and
Vyaya are Trikas, Dusthan, or malefic Bhavas. Sahaj, Ari, Karm and
Labh are Upachayas. Dhan, Putr, Randhr and Labh are Panapharas and
Sahaj, Ari, Dharm and Vyaya are Apoklimas. Association with Trikas will
inflict evils. Kendras and Konas (Putr and Dharm) are auspicious
Bhavas, the association with which turns even evil into auspiciousness.
(Also see Ch. 34 for more information)

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