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7. what are the five classifications of corrosion? Discuss!

Answer :
Five classifications of corrosion for metal exist :
a. Atmospheric.
Atmospheric corrosion is the deterioration and destruction of a material and its vital
properties due to electrochemical as well as the other reactions of its surface with the
constituents of the atmosphere surrounding the material.
The most important factor in atmospheric corrosion, overriding pollution or lack of it,
is moisture, either in the form of rain, dew, condensation, or high relative humidity
(RH). In the absence of moisture, most contaminants would have little or no corrosive
effect. Rain also may have a beneficial effect in washing away atmospheric pollutants
that have settled on exposure surfaces. This effect has been particularly noticeable in
marine atmospheres. On the other hand, if the rain collects in pockets or crevices, it
may accelerate corrosion by supplying continued wetness in such areas.
Dew and condensation are undesirable from a corrosion standpoint if not
accompanied by frequent rain washing which dilutes or eliminates contamination. A
film of dew, saturated with sea salt or acid sulfates, and acid chlorides of an industrial
atmosphere provides an aggressive electrolyte for the promotion of corrosion. Also, in
the humid Tropics where nightly condensation appears on many surfaces, the stagnant
moisture film either becomes alkaline from reaction with metal surfaces, or picks up
carbon dioxide and becomes aggressive as a dilute acid.

Atmospheric Corrosion
Temperature plays an important role in atmospheric corrosion in two ways. First,
there is the normal increase in corrosion activity which can theoretically double for
each ten-degree increase in temperature. Secondly, a little-recognized effect is the
temperature lag of metallic objects, due to their heat capacity, behind changes in the
ambient temperature.

As the ambient temperature drops during the evening, metallic surfaces tend to remain
warmer than the humid air surrounding them and do not begin to collect condensation
until some time after the dew point has been reached. As the temperature begins to
rise in the surrounding air, the lagging temperature of the metal structures will tend to
make them act as condensers, maintaining a film of moisture on their surfaces.
The period of wetness is often much longer than the time the ambient air is at or
below the dew point and varies with the section thickness of the metal structure, air
currents, RH, and direct radiation from the sun.
Cycling temperature has produced severe corrosion on metal objects in the Tropics, in
unheated warehouses, and on metal tools or other objects stored in plastic bags. Since
the dew point of an atmosphere indicates the equilibrium condition of condensation
and evaporation from a surface, it is advisable to maintain the temperature some 10 to
15oC above the dew point to ensure that no corrosion will occur by condensation on a
surface that could be colder than the ambient environment.
b. Water Immersion.
When metal are immersed in water, the amount of oxygen dissolved in the water is an
important factor. If the water does not contain any dissolved oxygen, the water that is
alkaline has very little corrosion activity unless the solution is highly concentrated.

Corrosion Due To Metal Immersed In Water

c. Soil
Soil corrosion is a geologic hazard that affects buried metals and concrete that is in
direct contact with soil or bedrock. Soil corrosion is a complex phenomenon, with a
multitude of variables involved. Pitting corrosion and stress-corrosion cracking (SCC)
are a result of soil corrosion, which leads to underground oil and gas transmission
pipeline failures.
In some respects, corrosion in soils resembles atmospheric corrosion in that observed
rates, although usually higher than in the atmosphere, vary to a marked degree with

the type of soil. For example, a cast iron water pipe may last 50 years in New England
soil, but only 20 years in the more corrosive soil of Southern California.

Pipeline damaged by external corrosion

Corrosive soils contain chemical constituents that can react with construction
materials, such as concrete and ferrous metals, which may damage foundations and
buried pipelines. The electrochemical corrosion processes that take place on metal
surfaces in soils occur in the groundwater that is in contact with the corroding
structure. Both the soil and the climate influence the groundwater composition.
Factors that influence soil corrosion are:
Porosity (aeration)
Electrical conductivity or resistivity
Dissolved salts, including depolarizers or inhibitors
Each of these variables may affect the anodic and cathodic polarization characteristics
of a metal in soil. The most corrosive soils have high content of:
Electrical conductivity
Dissolved salts
Corrosion rates underground have been measured by using:
Stern-Geary linear polarization method
Weight loss method
The former method has been useful in assessing the corrosion rates of footings of
galvanized steel towers used to support power lines. The corrosivity of soils can be
estimated by measuring soil resistivity. Sandy soils are high on the resistivity scale
and therefore considered the least corrosive. Clay soils, especially those contaminated
with saline water are on the opposite end of the spectrum.
Soil corrosion can be controlled by:
Using organic and inorganic coatings
Applying metallic coatings

Alteration of soil
Cathodic protection
d. Chemical Other than water
Rusting, the formation of iron oxides, is a well-known example of electrochemical
corrosion. This type of damage typically produces oxide(s) or salt(s) of the original
metal, and results in a distinctive orange colouration. Rust is another name for iron
oxide, which occurs when iron or an alloy that contains iron, like steel, is exposed to
oxygen and moisture for a long period of time. Over time, the oxygen combines with
the metal at an atomic level, forming a new compound called an oxide and weakening
the bonds of the metal itself. Although some people refer to rust generally as
"oxidation", that term is much more general; although rust forms when iron undergoes
oxidation, not all oxidation forms rust. Only iron or alloys that contain iron can rust,
but other metals can corrode in similar ways.

Heavy rust on the links of a chain near the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco; it was
continuously exposed to moisture and salt spray, causing surface breakdown, cracking,
and flaking of the metal.
e. Electrolytic.
Galvanic corrosion occurs when two different metals have physical or electrical
contact with each other and are immersed in a common electrolyte, or when the same
metal is exposed to electrolyte with different concentrations. In a galvanic couple, the
more active metal (the anode) corrodes at an accelerated rate and the more noble
metal (the cathode) corrodes at a slower rate. When immersed separately, each metal
corrodes at its own rate. What type of metal(s) to use is readily determined by
following the galvanic series. For example, zinc is often used as a sacrificial anode for
steel structures. Galvanic corrosion is of major interest to the marine industry and also
anywhere water (containing salts) contacts pipes or metal structures.
Factors such as relative size of anode, types of metal, and operating conditions
(temperature, humidity, salinity, etc.) affect galvanic corrosion. The surface area ratio

of the anode and cathode directly affects the corrosion rates of the materials. Galvanic
corrosion is often prevented by the use of sacrificial anodes.


Galvanic corrosion of aluminium. Galvanic corrosion occurred on the aluminium plate

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along the joint with the steel. Perforation of aluminium plate occurred within 2 years.

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own diagram d the tension testing steel. Show all physical and
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General Stress-Strain Curve Diagrams

a. Tensile Strength. Tensile strength of metals is the maximum axial load observed in a
tension test divided by the original cros-sectional area. The strength increases and
reaches a maximum in mild steel, after extensive elongation and nexing.
b. Ductility. Is the ability of a material to undergo large deformations without fracture.
Ductility measured by the elongation and reduction, expressed as :

c. Modulus of Elasticity. Modulus of Elasticity (E) is given by the slope of the straightline portion of the stress-strain curve. Modulus of Elasticity (youngs modulus) is the
ratio of unit stress to unit strain in the elastic range of the stress-strain curve as
follows :

Or in SI units,

d. Yield Point. Is the first load at wich there is a marked increase a strain without an
increase in stress.
e. Offset Yield Strength. Is defined as the stress corresponding to a permanent
f. Proportional Limit. The proportional limit is the gteatest stress that a material is
capable of without deviating from the law of proportionally of stress to strain
(Hookes Law) :

Where :
= unit stress
= unit strain
= Youngs moulud of elasticity
g. Elastic limit and inelastic limit. The elastic limit is the largest unit stress that can be
developed without a permanent set remaining after the load is removed.
h. Modulus of rigidity. Or shearing modulus of elasticity, defined as :

Where :
= modulus of rigidity
= unit shearing stress
= unit shearing strain
The modulus of rigidity may also be rewritten and related to the modulud of elasticity
by :

i. Modulus of toughness. Is the ability of a material to absorb large amounts of energy.

The modulus of toughness can be related to the area under the entire stress-strain
j. Modulus of Resilience. The resilience of a material is that property of an elastic
body by which energy can be stored up in the body by loads applied to it and given up
in recovering its original shape when the load are removed. The modulus of resilience
is equal to the area under the straight-line portion of the stress-strain curve.
Example of stress-strain curve diagram :

From the diagram above, we can conclude :

a. Tensile Strength = 68.000 psi

b. Ductility
Percentage Elongation
= 31.1 %
Percentage Reduction Area = 62,5 %
c. Modulus of Elasticity = 30.000.000 psi
d. Yield Point = 41.000 psi
e. Offset Yield Strength = 42.000 psi
f. Proportional Limit = 33.000 psi
Page 285
1. Explain the purpose and use of the blast furnance !
Answer :
The blast furnace is the first step in producing steel from iron oxides. The first blast furnaces
appeared in the 14th Century and produced one ton per day. Blast furnace equipment is in
continuous evolution and modern, giant furnaces produce 13,000 tons per day. Even though
equipment is improved and higher production rates can be achieved, the processes inside the
blast furnace remain the same. Blast furnaces will survive into the next millenium because
the larger, efficient furnaces can produce hot metal at costs competitive with other iron
making technologies.
A blast furnace is a type of metallurgical furnace used for smelting to produce industrial
metals, generally iron, but also others such as lead or copper.
In a blast furnace, fuel, ores, and flux (limestone) are continuously supplied through the top
of the furnace, while a hot blast of air (sometimes with oxygen enrichment) is blown into the
lower section of the furnace through a series of pipes called tuyeres, so that the chemical
reactions take place throughout the furnace as the material moves downward. The end
products are usually molten metal and slag phases tapped from the bottom, and flue gases
exiting from the top of the furnace. The downward flow of the ore and flux in contact with an
upflow of hot, carbon monoxide-rich combustion gases is a countercurrent exchange process.
In contrast, air furnaces (such as reverberatory furnaces) are naturally aspirated, usually by
the convection of hot gases in a chimney flue. According to this broad definition, bloomeries
for iron, blowing houses for tin, and smelt mills for lead would be classified as blast furnaces.
However, the term has usually been limited to those used for smelting iron ore to produce pig
iron, an intermediate material used in the production of commercial iron and steel, and the
shaft furnaces used in combination with sinter plants in base metals smelting.

Blast furnace in Sestao, Spain. The furnace itself is inside the central girderwork
History :
Blast furnaces existed in China from about 1st century AD and in the West from the High
Middle Ages. They spread from the region around Namur in Wallonia (Belgium) in the late
15th century, being introduced to England in 1491. The fuel used in these was invariably
charcoal. The successful substitution of coke for charcoal is widely attributed to Abraham
Darby in 1709. The efficiency of the process was further enhanced by the practice of
preheating the combustion air (hot blast), patented by James Beaumont Neilson in 1828.
Steel-making and the use of the blast furnace, developed in 1855 by Henry Bessemer,
allowed for the large-scale production of strong and cheap steel, which became the material
of choice for artillery, guns, and warships.
Types :

Coke blast furnaces
Hot blast
Modern Furnances
Iron blast furnaces
Lead blast furnaces
Zinc blast furnaces (Imperial Smelting Furnaces)

Modern Processes :
Modern furnaces are equipped with an array of supporting facilities to increase efficiency,
such as ore storage yards where barges are unloaded. The raw materials are transferred to the
stockhouse complex by ore bridges, or rail hoppers and ore transfer cars. Rail-mounted scale
cars or computer controlled weight hoppers weigh out the various raw materials to yield the
desired hot metal and slag chemistry. The raw materials are brought to the top of the blast
furnace via a skip car powered by winches or conveyor belts.

Blast furnace placed in an installation :

1. Iron ore + limestone sinter
2. Coke
3. Elevator
4. Feedstock inlet
5. Layer of coke
6. Layer of sinter pellets of ore and limestone
7. Hot blast (around 1200 C)
8. Removal of slag
9. Tapping of molten pig iron
10. Slag pot

11. Torpedo car for pig iron

12. Dust cyclone for separation of solid particles
13. Cowper stoves for hot blast
14. Smoke outlet (can be redirected to carbon
capture & storage (CCS) tank)
15: Feed air for Cowper stoves (air pre-heaters)
16. Powdered coal
17. Coke oven
18. Coke
19. Blast furnace gas downcomer

There are different ways in which the raw materials are charged into the blast furnace. Some
blast furnaces use a "double bell" system where two "bells" are used to control the entry of
raw material into the blast furnace. The purpose of the two bells is to minimize the loss of hot
gases in the blast furnace. First, the raw materials are emptied into the upper or small bell
which then opens to empty the charge into the large bell. The small bell then closes, to seal
the blast furnace, while the large bell rotates to provide specific distribution of materials
before dispensing the charge into the blast furnace. A more recent design is to use a "bellless" system. These systems use multiple hoppers to contain each raw material, which is then
discharged into the blast furnace through valves. These valves are more accurate at
controlling how much of each constituent is added, as compared to the skip or conveyor
system, thereby increasing the efficiency of the furnace. Some of these bell-less systems also
implement a discharge chute in the throat of the furnace (as with the Paul Wurth top) in order
to precisely control where the charge is placed.

The iron making blast furnace itself is built in the form of a tall structure, lined with
refractory brick, and profiled to allow for expansion of the charged materials as they heat
during their descent, and subsequent reduction in size as melting starts to occur. Coke,
limestone flux, and iron ore (iron oxide) are charged into the top of the furnace in a precise
filling order which helps control gas flow and the chemical reactions inside the furnace. Four
"uptakes" allow the hot, dirty gas high in carbon monoxide content to exit the furnace throat,
while "bleeder valves" protect the top of the furnace from sudden gas pressure surges. The
coarse particles in the exhaust gas settle in the "dust catcher" and are dumped into a railroad
car or truck for disposal, while the gas itself flows through a venturi scrubber and/or
electrostatic precipitators and a gas cooler to reduce the temperature of the cleaned gas.
The "casthouse" at the bottom half of the furnace contains the bustle pipe, water cooled
copper tuyeres and the equipment for casting the liquid iron and slag. Once a "taphole" is
drilled through the refractory clay plug, liquid iron and slag flow down a trough through a
"skimmer" opening, separating the iron and slag. Modern, larger blast furnaces may have as
many as four tapholes and two casthouses. Once the pig iron and slag has been tapped, the
taphole is again plugged with refractory clay.
The tuyeres are used to implement a hot blast, which is used to increase the efficiency of the
blast furnace. The hot blast is directed into the furnace through water-cooled copper nozzles
called tuyeres near the base. The hot blast temperature can be from 900 C to 1300 C (1600
F to 2300 F) depending on the stove design and condition. The temperatures they deal with
may be 2000 C to 2300 C (3600 F to 4200 F). Oil, tar, natural gas, powdered coal and
oxygen can also be injected into the furnace at tuyere level to combine with the coke to
release additional energy and increase the percentage of reducing gases present which is
necessary to increase productivity.
Process Engineering and Chemistry :
Blast furnaces operate on the principle of chemical reduction whereby carbon monoxide,
having a stronger affinity for the oxygen in iron ore than iron does, reduces the iron to its
elemental form. Blast furnaces differ from bloomeries andreverberatory furnaces in that in a
blast furnace, flue gas is in direct contact with the ore and iron, allowing carbon monoxide to
diffuse into the ore and reduce the iron oxide to elemental iron mixed with carbon. The blast
furnaces operates as a countercurrent exchange process whereas a bloomery does not.
Another difference is that bloomeries operate as a batch process while blast furnaces operate
continuously for long periods because they are difficult to start up and shut down. Also, the

carbon in pig iron lowers the melting point below that of steel or pure iron; in contrast, iron
does not melt in a bloomery.

Blast furnace diagram :

1. Hot blast from Cowper stoves
2. Melting zone (bosh)
3. Reduction zone of ferrous oxide (barrel)
4. Reduction zone of ferric oxide (stack)
5. Pre-heating zone (throat)
6. Feed of ore, limestone, and coke

7. Exhaust gases
8. Column of ore, coke and limestone
9. Removal of slag
10. Tapping of molten pig iron
11. Collection of waste gases

Carbon monoxide also reduces silica which has to be removed from the pig iron. The silica is
reacted with calcium oxide(burned limestone) and forms a slag which floats to the surface of
the molten pig iron. The direct contact of flue gas with the iron causes contamination with
sulfur if it is present in the fuel. Historically, to prevent contamination from sulfur, the best
quality iron was produced with charcoal.
The downward moving column of ore, flux, coke or charcoal and reaction products must be
porous enough for the flue gas to pass through. This requires the coke or charcoal to be in
large enough particles to be permeable, meaning there cannot be an excess of fine particles.
Therefore, the coke must be strong enough so it will not be crushed by the weight of the
material above it. Besides physical strength of the coke, it must also be low in sulfur,
phosphorus, and ash. This necessitates the use of metallurgical coal, which is a premium
grade due to its relative scarcity.
The main chemical reaction producing the molten iron is:
Fe2O3 + 3CO 2Fe + 3CO2
This reaction might be divided into multiple steps, with the first being that preheated blast air
blown into the furnace reacts with the carbon in the form of coke to produce carbon
monoxide and heat:
2 C(s) + O2(g) 2 CO(g)

The hot carbon monoxide is the reducing agent for the iron ore and reacts with the iron
oxide to produce molten iron and carbon dioxide. Depending on the temperature in the
different parts of the furnace (warmest at the bottom) the iron is reduced in several steps. At
the top, where the temperature usually is in the range between 200 C and 700 C, the iron
oxide is partially reduced to iron(II,III) oxide, Fe3O4.
3 Fe2O3(s) + CO(g) 2 Fe3O4(s) + CO2(g)
At temperatures around 850 C, further down in the furnace, the iron(II,III) is reduced further
to iron(II) oxide:
Fe3O4(s) + CO(g) 3 FeO(s) + CO2(g)
Hot carbon dioxide, unreacted carbon monoxide, and nitrogen from the air pass up through
the furnace as fresh feed material travels down into the reaction zone. As the material travels
downward, the counter-current gases both preheat the feed charge and decompose the
limestone to calcium oxide and carbon dioxide:
CaCO3(s) CaO(s) + CO2(g)
The calcium oxide formed by decomposition reacts with various acidic impurities in the iron
(notably silica), to form a fayalitic slag which is essentially calcium silicate, CaSiO3:[57]
SiO2 + CaO CaSiO3
As the iron(II) oxide moves down to the area with higher temperatures, ranging up to
1200 C degrees, it is reduced further to iron metal:
FeO(s) + CO(g) Fe(s) + CO2(g)
The carbon dioxide formed in this process is re-reduced to carbon monoxide by the coke:
C(s) + CO2(g) 2 CO(g)
The temperature-dependent equilibrium controlling the gas atmosphere in the furnace is
called the Boudouard reaction:

CO2 + C

The "pig iron" produced by the blast furnace has a relatively high carbon content of around
45%, making it very brittle, and of limited immediate commercial use. Some pig iron is used
to make cast iron. The majority of pig iron produced by blast furnaces undergoes further
processing to reduce the carbon content and produce various grades of steel used for
construction materials, automobiles, ships and machinery.
Although the efficiency of blast furnaces is constantly evolving, the chemical process inside
the blast furnace remains the same. According to the American Iron and Steel Institute: "Blast
furnaces will survive into the next millennium because the larger, efficient furnaces can
produce hot metal at costs competitive with other iron making technologies." One of the

biggest drawbacks of the blast furnaces is the inevitable carbon dioxide production as iron is
reduced from iron oxides by carbon and there is no economical substitute steelmaking is
one of the unavoidable industrial contributors of the CO 2 emissions in the world
(see greenhouse gases).
The challenge set by the greenhouse gas emissions of the blast furnace is being addressed in
an ongoing European Program called ULCOS (Ultra Low CO2Steelmaking). Several new
process routes have been proposed and investigated in depth to cut specific emissions
(CO2 per ton of steel) by at least 50%. Some rely on the capture and further storage (CCS) of
CO2, while others choose decarbonizing iron and steel production, by turning to hydrogen,
electricity and biomass. In the nearer term, a technology that incorporates CCS into the blast
furnace process itself and is called the Top-Gas Recycling Blast Furnace is under
development, with a scale-up to a commercial size blast furnace under way. The technology
should be fully demonstrated by the end of the 2010s, in line with the timeline set, for
example, by the EU to cut emissions significantly. Broad deployment could take place from
2020 on.
9. List and discuss the various alloy steels
Alloy steel is steel that is alloyed with a variety of elements in total amounts between 1.0%
and 50% by weight to improve its mechanical properties. Alloy steels are broken down into
two groups: low-alloy steels and high-alloy steels. The difference between the two is
somewhat arbitrary: Smith and Hashemi define the difference at 4.0%, while Degarmo, et al.,
define it at 8.0%. Most commonly, the phrase "alloy steel" refers to low-alloy steels.
Strictly speaking, every steel is an alloy, but not all steels are called "alloy steels". The
simplest steels are iron (Fe) alloyed with carbon (C) (about 0.1% to 1%, depending on type).
However, the term "alloy steel" is the standard term referring to steels with other alloying
elements added deliberately in addition to the carbon. Common alloyants include manganese
(the most common one), nickel, chromium, molybdenum, vanadium, silicon, and boron. Less
common alloyants include aluminum, cobalt, copper, cerium, niobium, titanium, tungsten,
tin, zinc, lead, and zirconium.
The following is a range of improved properties in alloy steels (as compared to carbon
steels): strength, hardness, toughness, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, hardenability, and
hot hardness. To achieve some of these improved properties the metal may require heat
Some of these find uses in exotic and highly-demanding applications, such as in the turbine
blades of jet engines, in spacecraft, and in nuclear reactors. Because of the ferromagnetic

properties of iron, some steel alloys find important applications where their responses to
magnetism are very important, including in electric motors and in transformers.
Chromium is primaliry a hardening agent and is generally added to steel in amounts
of 0.7 to 1.20 percent, with a variation in carbon content of 0.17 to 0.55 percent. Its
value is due to principally to its property of combining intense hardness after
quenching with very high strength and elastic limit. Thus it is well suited to withstand
abrasion, cutting, or shock. It does lack ductility, but this is unimportant in view of its
high elastic limit. Chromium steels corrode less rapidly than do carbon steel.
Nickel-Chromium steels, when properly heat-treated, have a very high tensile strength
and elastic limit, with considerable toughness and ductility. The nickel content is
usually 3.5 percent, with a carbon content ranging from 0.15 to 0.50 percent.
One very important properly of nickel-chromium steels is that by adding aluminium,
cobalt, copper, manganese, silicon, silver, or tungsten, stainless steel result.
as previously indicated, manganese is present in all steels as a result of the
manufacturing process. When the manganese is 1.0 percent or greater in solution with
steel, it is considered an alloy. Manganese will add hardness to steel if used within the
proper range.
Molybdenum provides strength and hardness in steel. It inhibits grain growth on
heating as a result of its slow solubility of austenite. When in solution in the austenite
it decrease the cooling rate and, therefore, increase the depth of hardening.
Silicon is added to carbon steel for the purpose of deoxidizing. For this reason, silicon
may be added in amounts of up to 0.25 percent. Silicon does not form carbides but
does dissolve in the ferrite up to about 15 percent. Silicon decrease hysteresis and
eddy-current losses, and thus is valuable for electrical machinery.
Vanadium is a powerful element for alloying in steel. It forms stable carbides and
improves the hardenability of steels. Vanadium promotes a fine-grained structure and
promotes hardness at high temperatures. The amount of vanadium present is 0.1 to 0.3
percent when used.
Copper increases the yiels strength, tensile strength, and hardness of steel. However
ductility may be increases by about 2 percent. The most important use of copper is to
increase the resistance of steel to atmospheric corrosion.

Tungsten increasses the strength, hardness, and toughness of steel. After moderately
rapid cooling from high temperatures, tungsten steel exhibits remarkable hardness,
which is still retained upon heating to temperatures considerably above the ordinary
tempering heats of carbon steels. It is this property of tungsten that makes it a
valuable alloy, in conjuction with chromium or manganese, for the production of
high-speed tool steel.




Principal effects of major alloying elements for steel

Primary function
Alloying element in nitriding steels
Improves machinability
A powerful hardenability agent
Increases hardenability
Increases corrosion resistance
Corrosion resistance
Improved machinability
Combines with sulfur and with phosphorus to reduce
the brittleness. Also helps to remove excess oxygen
from molten steel.
Increases hardenability by lowering transformation
points and causing transformations to be sluggish
Stable carbides; inhibits grain growth. Increases the
toughness of steel, thus making molybdenum a very
valuable alloy metal for making the cutting parts
of machine tools and also the turbine blades of turbojet
engines. Also used in rocket motors.
Increases corrosion resistance
Increases strength
Spring steels
Improves magnetic properties
Free-machining properties
Fixes carbon in inert particles; reduces martensitic
hardness in chromium steels
Also increases the melting point.
Stable carbides; increases strength while retaining
ductility; promotes fine grain structure. Increases the
toughness at high temperatures

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