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Not relevant anymore *

Recent development **
Cameron ISFJ, Introverted Traditionalist, The Defender

Introverted / Extraverted
o reserved, quiet
o secretive
o reflective
o enjoys solitude
o can be socially awkward if discussion involves personal matters
o doesnt like being in the center of attention
o doesnt think out loud
o tends to think so much before speaking that by the time hes ready
to say it out loud, the topic has changed
Sensing / Intuition
o likes to learn the practical use of things
o has a methodical approach to problems
o prefers facts and proof over gut feeling
o is skeptical about intuition, but he does have a dominant intuitive
o experience > theory
o is present in the moment
o is observant and notices facts
o likes to have a plan
o avoids wandering away from a subject
o (his
comments/observations/assumptions and overthinking is partly
because of his Feeling function, and partly because of him being
right in between Sensing and Intuition.)
Feeling / Thinking
o decides through social consideration and consideration of values
o justice is very important to him
o life is primarily about human existence, material things come last
o has a hard time silencing emotions and compassion
o helping people serves as a motivation
o people-pleaser
Judging / Perceiving
o likes to have control over things
o likes to have things decided permanently, feels uncomfortable with
uncertainty/open options
o task oriented
o tends to focus so much on a goal that he misses new information
o organized
o consistent approach to work

Patterns (A karakter s annak szemlyisgtpusa ltal hasznlt funkcik kzl a

ngy leggyakoribb, karakterre vonatkoz magyarzattal)

Introverted Sensing (Se) /first primary process/

o great attention to detail
o always tries to get a clear picture of goal/possible outcome

compares past with present, then registers differences

learns from past situations
respects customs and uses well-known methods rather than
experimenting, is more concerned about respecting rules than
creating own ideas
o following already tried and established methods gives him security
o effortlessly recalls random details, facts and memories
Extraverted Feeling (Fe) /second primary process/
o cares deeply about other peoples feelings
o often sacrifices himself or ignores his own desires for the sake of
o is adaptable and adjusts to people quickly
o is tolerant and supportive
o avoids conflict, but tends to get overprotective
o can understand other peoples emotions, but has a harder time
understanding his own emotions
Introverted Thinking (Ti) /third primary process/
o to the point, avoids bullshitting and talking unnecessarily
o having an internal sense of the essential qualities of something,
noticing the distinctions that make it what it is and then naming it.
o looks at the problem from different perspectives
o takes things and ideas apart to figure out how they work
o (pogi gondolkodsmdja)
Extraverted Intuiting (Ne) /fourth primary process/
o even though hes uncomfortable with improvisation, this process is
used by him quite often to generate impromptu plans to solve an
unexpected problem (elg gyakori SD-ben)
o notices hidden meanings
o considers several different possibilities and outcomes, but Si helps
with reality-checking them
o interprets other peoples behavior

Michael INTJ, Introverted Conceptualist, The Architect

Introverted / Extraverted
o prefers working alone and is unwilling/unable to cooperate
o antisocial, doesnt like company and people in general
o has a hard time trusting others
o has no interest in socializing/people
o has no interest in other peoples opinions or desires
o (has a desire and tendency to voice his opinion, though, which
complements his narcissism)
o is generally unpopular and passive
Sensing / Intuition
o likes a challenge/something new at work
o processes information deeply
o often trusts gut feeling or sixth sense
o good at spotting patterns and understanding the concept/whole
o is interested in underlying general principles and likes to dig deep

spends time thinking about impractical ideas and theories

solves problems by considering several possibilities
remembers events by what he thought about them (not how it
looked/felt like)
Feeling / Thinking
o makes decisions based solely on logic
o task-oriented
o enjoys using logic and intellectual games/arguing
o sees problem solving as a challenge rather than an actual problem
o truth > feelings
o blunt in his communication
o is able to shut feelings out completely
o has no interest in social situations
o ignores peoples feelings (unless he benefits from them feeling
comfortable around him)
o almost never experiences any kind of enjoyment from social
interaction, socializing leaves him completely indifferent (except for
arguments and fights)
o even when he does experience some kind of emotion, he doesnt let
it show, unless nobody/only a close one is witness to it
o doesnt take emotions seriously at all (even when he displays
emotions, he is usually just acting)
Judging / Perceiving
o structured, organized approach to tasks and life
o very decisive
o opinionated, rigid and close-minded
o dedicated, organized
o wants and expects things to turn out exactly the way he had
planned them to
o likes being in control over things in general
o despite being overall arrogant and bossy, he respects authority in
order to work more effectively
o knows exactly what he wants and acts accordingly
o would and will do anything to get where he wants to be
o hard-working
o prefers making plans and sticks to them (though he is able to come
up with another solution in case of emergency)
o puts his theories to work, uses them in practice


Introverted Intuiting (Ni) /first primary process/

o combines seemingly contradictory information into a whole, making
apparent paradoxes seem possible
o tries to understand the underlying cause and principle. creates a
map/framework about concepts in his mind, always adding to it as
time goes to develop an understanding of the big picture
o relies on seemingly symbolic action/device to transform later into
something that makes sense for other people only after it has

understands how the world works through gut feeling, using the
environment, past events and experiences to figure out the next
move or the way things are going to work out
o not interested in concrete facts, instead focuses on how ideas and
theories fit together/on the essence of theories.
o good at recognizing patterns and contradictions
o (a lot like Introverted Sensing, but instead of looking at details, it
considers the whole essence of what happened, + its consequences)
o good at creating a persona that pleases others, unlike his real
o understands how the world perceives people (though he doesnt
share the view)
o manipulative
o (nem pogi gondolkodsmdja, de igyekszem)
Extraverted Thinking (Te) /second primary process/
o good at planning and making work efficient through monitoring
o good at predicting how an event is going to continue
o good at organizing
o likes arguing and challenging someone elses ideas
o gives reasonable explanation for his decisions and conclusions
(despite them usually coming as realizations from his unconscious)
o notices contradictions and missing pieces
Introverted Feeling (Fi) /third primary process/
o (function deals with a persons own personal beliefs and morals,
suggests self-examination)
o refuses to try new experiences
o has a desire to express himself and his opinion
o takes a lot of time to form a bond to other people/places/things, but
when it happens, the bond is usually very strong **
o can understand his own emotions, but has a harder time
understanding other peoples emotions
Extraverted Sensing (Se) /fourth primary function/
o pays attention to everything in his environment
o is constantly observing his environment
o is constantly weighing up present situations
o has a keen eye for aesthetic I mean had
o reads other people well

Callum ESFP, Extraverted Experiencer, The Entertainer

Introverted / Extraverted
o outgoing
o feels comfortable in groups
o likes working in groups
o knows lots of people, is confident and popular
o often acts before he thinks
o expresses emotions freely
o needs a lot of stimulation
o gets motivation from other people (not from himself)
o likes variety and action
o shallow, pushy
Sensing / Intuition

is present in every situation

reacts very quickly
focuses on the present
learns from experience
has a hard time understanding symbols, abstract concepts and
o logic is very original but easily influenced by environment
Feeling / Thinking
o likes communication
o makes decisions after considering his feelings about his options
o cant shut feelings out when making a decision
o usually chooses short-term comfort
o is controlled by his mood and feelings most of the time
o prefers peace and cant stand violence *
Judging / Perceiving
o prefers a flexible, spontaneous way of life
o would like to adapt to the world rather than organize it
o open to new experiences and information, is curious
o prefers improvisation over planning
o works in bursts of energy, procrastinates
o keeps options open, only makes decisions when he has to
o tolerant


Extraverted Sensing (Se) /first primary process/

o responds to events quickly
o focuses on current events
o lives for the present
o enjoys the thrill of action
o loves new and exciting experiences
o bored with routines
o life of the party
o good at sizing up the situation, almost intuitively knows how far they
can go in a situation and still get away with it **
o reckless
Introverted Feeling (Fi) /second primary process/
o cares about himself and his own morals instead of other people
o on a quest to figure out who he is and where he belongs
o tries to be as true to himself as possible
o has his own personal values and idea of who hes supposed to be
o has a desire to express himself
o is self-aware of who he is
o can understand his own emotions, but has a harder time
understanding other peoples emotions (unless hes had a similar
Extraverted Thinking (Te) /third primary process/
o makes decisions quickly
o hates unproductive activities
o likes action
o more concerned with reality than theory

Introverted Intuition (Ni) /fourth primary process/

o can intuitively sense that something is off
o compares past events to present events
o usually seems to come to conclusions without using logic, has a hard
time explaining how he ended up at a conclusion

Ava ENFP, The Champion

Introverted / Extraverted
o energy is outward, towards people and things
o needs a lot of stimulation
o likes variety and action
o acts first, thinks later
Sensing / Intuition
o notices details
o trusts gut feeling
o focuses on the future
o likes high-level view instead of details
o would like to change her environment and have an impact on the
o inventive, crative, imaginative
o sees possibilities
o idealistic
Feeling / Intuition
o considers the feelings of others
o sociable
o people-oriented
o nervous when harmony/peace is missing
o very idealistic
o compassionate
Judging / Perceiving
o lsd: Cal :D


Extraverted Intuition (Ne) /first primary process/

o sees possibilities
o sees everything from multiple different perspectives
o strives for growth and improvement
o has a sense of desire and a desire to impact the world
o ability to make obscure connections (seemingly random sense of
o creative
o charismatic, excited about possibilities, entrepreneurial
o has a tendency to become bored quickly
o focuses too hard on things that shes interested in (e.g. doesnt
sleep at all in order to finish a book)
o searches for new experiences
Introverted Thinking (Ti) /second primary process/
o forms an internal framework about how the world works
o has an ability to find communalities in seemingly unrelated systems
o good at troubleshooting, searches for the problem

strives for efficiency, and if something doesnt work well, she

becomes very frustrated
o has a desire for truth
o stubborn, always right
o sometimes ignores facts
Extraverted Feeling (Fe) /third primary process/
o understands other peoples emotions
o good at changing the mood
o likes being useful and supportive
o good at determining what roles someone plays in a situation
o has strong emotions for those shes close to
o will go out of her way to make a friend feel better
Introverted Sensing (Si) /fourth primary process/
o thinks about the past often
o has good memory and is able to recall past memories
o believes that learning from the past is the most efficient way of
o respects traditions and their symbolism (e.g. when it comes to her
o consistent and hard-working, sees her role as a duty

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