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Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015

G Gnralits du droit ................................................................................................................... 1

H Histoire du droit ......................................................................................................................... 5
IA Droit international public .......................................................................................................... 7
IB Droit international priv .......................................................................................................... 16
IE Droit europen......................................................................................................................... 18
J Droit public ................................................................................................................................ 23
JA Droit public .............................................................................................................................. 23
JB Liberts publiques, Droits de lhomme ................................................................................... 27
JC Droit administratif et administration publique ....................................................................... 29
JD Finances publiques .................................................................................................................. 31
KA Droit civil et organisation judiciaire........................................................................................ 32
KB Droit commercial, Droit des affaires ...................................................................................... 38
KC Droit social, Droit du travail .................................................................................................... 40
KD Droit pnal et criminologie .................................................................................................... 42
KE Droit conomique ................................................................................................................... 45
KS Droits spcialiss ..................................................................................................................... 45
L Sciences conomiques et gestion ............................................................................................. 54
M Sciences sociales...................................................................................................................... 57
P Sciences politiques.................................................................................................................... 58

G Gnralits du droit

AL-MATARY Sarah, GUNARD Florent. La dmocratie l'oeuvre - autour de Pierre

Rosanvallon. Paris, Seuil : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.311, GB/MAT

AMAYA Amalia. The tapestry of Reason - an inquiry into the nature of coherence and its role in
legal argument. Oxford, Hart Publishing : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.946

ANAYA OJEDA Federico, ORDOANA MARTNEZ Joaqun Francisco. De leyes e historia homenaje al 250 aniversario del INCAM y a los 45 aos de la Universidad Anhuac Mxico Norte.
Mxico, Porra : 2010. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.478 Cadist


Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
ARASZKIEWICZ Micha, BANA Pawe, GIZBERT-STUDNICKI Tomasz et al.. Problems of
normativity, rules and rule-following. Cham, Springer : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.258

@-> BALLARINI Adriano. Costituzione, morale, diritto. Torino, Giappichelli : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS
: 549.981

BASTIEN Pascal, FYSON Donald William, GARNEAU Jean-Philippe et al.. Justice et espaces
publics en occident, du moyen ge nos jours - pouvoirs, publicit et citoyennet. Qubec, Presses
de l'Universit du Qubec : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.530

BERNER Christian, THOUARD Denis. L'interprtation - un dictionnaire philosophique. Paris,

J. Vrin : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.317

BRAMBILLA Guido. Itinerari della giustizia - appunti per una antropologia giuridica. Milano,
Guerini e associati : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.267

CAMPOS Andre Santos. Spinoza and law. Farnham, Surrey, Ashgate : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :

@-> CASTELLANO Danilo. Quale diritto? - su fonti, forme, fondamento della giuridicit. Napoli,
Edizioni scientifiche italiane : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 535.817

CHEESMAN Nick. Opposing the rule of law - how Myanmar's courts make law and order.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.674

CONSTABLE Marianne. Our word is our bond - how legal speech acts. Stanford (Calif.),
Stanford Law Books : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.898

CONTINI Francesco, LANZARA Giovan Francesco. The circulation of agency in e-justice interoperability and infrastructures for European transborder judicial proceedings. Dordrecht,
Springer : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.246

CONTRERAS PELEZ Francisco Jos. The threads of natural law - unravelling a philosophical
tradition. Dordrecht, Springer : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.703


CREIFELDS Carl. Rechtswrterbuch. Mnchen, C. H. Beck : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.390

CRUFT Rowan, LIAO S. Matthew, RENZO Massimo. Philosophical foundations of human rights.
Oxford, Oxford University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.370

CUDD Ann E., SCHOLZ Sally J.. Philosophical perspectives on democracy in the 21st century.
Cham, Springer : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.633

CUNIBERTI Gilles. Grands systmes de droit contemporains - introduction au droit compar.

Paris, LGDJ-Lextenso d. : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.267, GC/CUN

@-> DAGUZAN Jean-Franois. La fin de l'tat-Nation ? - de Barcelone Bagdad. Paris, CNRS d.

: 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 117.038

D'ASPREMONT Jean. Epistemic forces in international law - foundational doctrines and

techniques of international legal argumentation. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :


Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
DAUCHY Serge, MIROW Matthew C., BRYSON William Hamilton. Ratio decidendi - guiding
principles of judicial decisions - Volume 2. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot : 2010. Cote(s) CUJAS :

DEBONO Marc. Langue et droit - approche sociolinguistique, historique et pistmologique.

Bruxelles, E.M.E : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.715

DEL MAR Maksymilian, TWINING William. Legal fictions in theory and practice. Cham,
Springer International Publishing : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.519

DERRIENNIC Jean-Pierre. Essai sur les injustices. Paris, Hermann : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :

DRUFFIN-BRICCA Sophie, HENRY Laurence-Caroline. Introduction gnrale au droit. Issyles-Moulineaux, Gualino : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.371, GA/DRU

EVANS Michelle, ZIMMERMANN Augusto. Global perspectives on subsidiarity. Dordrecht,

Springer : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.640

@-> FATIN-ROUGE STFANINI Marthe, SCOFFONI Guy. Liberts et exceptionnalismes nationaux.

Bruxelles, Editions Bruylant : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.304, GC/FAT

FERRAJOLI Luigi. Il paradigma garantista - filosofia e critica del diritto penale. Napoli,
Editoriale Scientifica : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.996

FIERENS Jacques. Le droit naturel pour le meilleur et pour le pire. Namur, Presses
universitaires de Namur : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.731

FORTIER Vincente, LEBEL-GRENIER Sbastien. Les pratiques, sources de normativit ?

Sherbrooke, ditions Revue de droit de l'Universit de Sherbrooke : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.662

FREEMAN Michael D. A., MINDUS Patricia. The legacy of John Austin's jurisprudence.
Dordrecht, Springer : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.520

GORDON Robert Watson, HORWITZ Morton J. Law, society, and history - themes in the legal
sociology and legal history of Lawrence M. Friedman. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press :
2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.665

HBERLE Peter, KILIAN Michael, WOLFF Heinrich Amadeus. Staatsrechtslehrer des 20.
Jahrhunderts - Deutschland, sterreich, Schweiz. Berlin, De Gruyter : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.237

HALLIDAY Terence Charles, SHAFFER Gregory C.. Transnational legal orders. Cambridge,
Cambridge university press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.666

HAMANN Hanjo. Evidenzbasierte Jurisprudenz - Methoden empirischer Forschung und ihr

Erkenntniswert fr das Recht am Beispiel des Gesellschaftsrechts. Tbingen, Mohr Siebeck : 2014.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.145

HAN Sora Y.. Letters of the law - race and the fantasy of colorblindness in American law.
Stanford, Calif., Stanford Law Books : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.227

HELFAND Michael A.. Negotiating state and non-state law - the challenge of global and local
legal pluralism. New York, Cambridge University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.667


Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
HILDEBRANDT Mireille, GAAKEER Jeanne. Human law and computer law - comparative
perspectives. Dordrecht, Springer : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.642

@-> JONES Carol A. G.. Lost in China? - law, culture and identity in post-1997 Hong Kong.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.658

KELSEN Hans, SCHMITT Carl, VINX Lars. The guardian of the constitution - Hans Kelsen and
Carl Schmitt on the limits of constitutional law. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press : 2015.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.670

KRAMER Ernst A.. Juristische Methodenlehre. Bern, Stmpfli : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS :

LABBE Xavier. L'homme augment face au droit. Villeneuve-d'Ascq, Presses universitaires

du Septentrion : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.337

LARONDE-CLRAC Cline, FLORES-LONJOU Magalie, LUGET Agns de. Mthodologie des

exercices juridiques - 5 exercices, 3 disciplines. Issy-les-Moulineaux, LGDJ-Lextenso : 2015. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 551.303, GA/LAR

LECKEY Robert. Bills of rights in the common law. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press :
2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.671

@-> LESAFFER Randall. The Twelve Years' Truce (1609) - peace, truce, war, and law in the Low
Countries at the turn of the 17th century. Leiden, Brill Nijhoff : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.141

LIMONE Giuseppe. La forza del diritto, il diritto della forza. Milano, Angeli : 2014. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.381

MABAKA Placide Mukwabuhika. Grands principes juridiques - esquisse d'une typologie des
principes matriciels du droit. Paris, Esprance : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.360, GB/MAB

MATHIAS ric. Introduction gnrale au droit en schmas. Paris, Ellipses : 2015. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.557

@-> MERKOURIS Panos. Article 31(3)(c) VCLT and the principle of systemic integration - normative
shadows in Plato's Cave. Leiden, Brill Nijhoff : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.773

MORO Paolo. Alle origini del nmos nella Grecia classica - una prospettiva della legge per il
presente. Milano, F. Angeli : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.278

ONAZI Oche. African legal theory and contemporary problems - critical essays. Dordrecht
(NL), Springer : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.646

PAVLAKOS George, RODRIGUEZ-BLANCO Veronica. Reasons and intentions in law and

practical agency. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.407

QUERALT LANGE Jahel. Igualdad, suerte y justicia. Madrid, Marcial Pons : 2014. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 549.889


SCARPELLI Uberto. Filosofia analitica del diritto. Pisa, ETS : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.536


Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
SELLERS Mortimer N. S., TOMASZEWSKI Tadeusz. The rule of law in comparative perspective.
Dordrecht, Springer : 2010. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.183

@-> SILKENAT James R., HICKEY James E., BARENBOM Petr. The legal doctrines of the rule of law
and the legal state (Rechtsstaat). Cham, Springer : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.587

TAMANAHA Brian Z.. Beyond the formalist-realist divide - the role of politics in judging.
Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press : 2010. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.388

UBERTIS Giulio. Profili di epistemologia giudiziaria. Milano, Giuffr : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :

VALLB Joan Josep. Frameworks for modeling cognition and decisions in institutional
environments - a data-driven approach. Dordrecht, Springer : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.225

WANG Wen-Yeu. Codification in East Asia - selected papers from the 2nd IACL thematic
conference. Cham, Springer : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.223

WANG Wen-Yeu. Codification in international perspective - selected papers from the 2nd IACL
Thematic Conference. Cham, Springer : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.222

WEST Robin. Nussbaum and law. Farnham (GB), Ashgate Publishing Limited : 2015. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.700

ZARTALOUDIS Thanos. Agamben and law. Farnham (GB), Ashgate Publishing Limited :
2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.701

ZICCARDI Giovanni. Resistance, liberation technology and human rights in the digital age.
Dordrechts, Springer : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.224

H Histoire du droit

ALBISETTI Alessandro. Il diritto ecclesiastico nella giurisprudenza della Corte costituzionale.

Milano, Giuffr : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.380

@-> ALLORANT Pierre, TANCHOUX Philippe. Introduction historique au droit. Paris, GualinoLextenso d. : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.300, HB/ALL

ANDERSEN Per. Legal procedure and practice in medieval Denmark. Leiden, Brill : 2011.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.768

BOBOC Andreea Delia. Theorizing legal personhood in late medieval England. Leiden, Brill :
2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.782

BOTTIN Michel. Itinraires croiss d'histoire du droit entre France et Etats de Savoie. Nice,
ASPEAM : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.488

CORBINO Alessandro, HUMBERT Michel, NEGRI Giovanni. Homo, caput, persona - la

costruzione giuridica dell'identit nell'esperienza romana. Pavia, IUSS Press : 2010. Cote(s) CUJAS :


Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
DELIVR Emilie, BERGER Emmanuel. Popular justice in Europe (18th-19th centuries).
Bologna, Il Mulino : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.286

@-> DONGEN Emanuel van. Contributory negligence - a historical and comparative study.
Leiden, Brill Nijhoff : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.804

ESMARK Kim, HERMANSON Lars, ORNING Hans Jacob et al.. Disputing strategies in medieval
Scandinavia. Leiden, Brill : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.781

FENOCCHIO Marco Antonio. La "fideiusso indemnitatis" - aspetti attuali e linee ricostruttive

dal diritto romano classico a Giustiniano. Napoli, Jovene : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.276

GILARDEAU ric. Les grands procs politiques de l'Antiquit. Paris, l'Harmattan : 2015.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.313

HALPRIN Jean-Louis. Five legal revolutions since the 17th century - an analysis of a global
legal history. Cham, Springer : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.213

JENKS Susanne, ROSE Jonathan, WHITTICK Christopher. Laws, lawyers and texts - studies in
medieval legal history in honour of Paul Brand. Leiden, Brill : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.779

JURASINSKI Stefan, OLIVER Lisi, RABIN Andrew. English law before Magna Carta - Felix
Liebermann and Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen. Leiden, Brill : 2010. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.771

KORPIOLA Mia. Regional variations in matrimonial law and custom in Europe, 1150-1600.
Leiden, Brill : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.767

KURSA Sawomir. La diseradazione nel diritto giustinianeo. Bari, Cacucci : 2012. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.881

@-> MAGDELAIN Andr. Jus imperium auctoritas - tudes de droit romain. Rome, cole
franaise de Rome : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.361, HA/MAG

MOUSOURAKIS George. Fundamentals of Roman private law. Heidelberg, Springer : 2012.

Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.644

MOUSOURAKIS George. Roman law and the origins of the civil law tradition. Heidelberg,
Springer : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.645

MIG Ulrike. El juez legal - una comparacin histrica , desde el derecho cannico hasta la
Convencin Europea de los Derechos Humanos, con especial nfasis en el desarrollo del derecho en
Alemania, Inglaterra y Francia. Madrid, Editorial Dykinson : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.625

PERGAMI Federico. Nuovi studi di diritto romano tardoantico. Torino, G. Giappichelli :

2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.977

@-> PRVOST Xavier. Jacques Cujas (1522-1590), jurisconsulte humaniste. Genve, Droz : 2015.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.706, HB/PRE

PUNSKY MERVICH Alan. El Proceso de Jess. Mxico, Porrua : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS :
550.075 Cadist


Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
ROBERTS Sara Elin. Llawysgrif pomffred - an edition and study of Peniarth MS 259B. Leiden,
Brill : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.769

@-> SULLIVAN Winnifred Fallers, YELLE Robert A., TAUSSIG-RUBBO Mateo. After secular law.
Stanford (Calif.), Stanford Law Books : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.089

VENTURINI Carlo. Studi di diritto delle persone e di vita sociale in Roma antica - raccolta di
scritti. Napoli, Satura editrice : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.988

VERSCUREN An. The Great Council of Malines in the 18th century - an aging court in a
changing world ? Cham, Springer : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.188

VINCENTI Umberto. Categorie del diritto romano - l'ordine quadrato. Napoli, Jovene : 2014.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.287

VOGT Helle. The function of kinship in medieval Nordic legislation. Leiden, Brill : 2010.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.770

IA Droit international public

@-> Scritti in onore di Giuseppe Tesauro. Napoli, Editoriale scientifica : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS :


sistema universal de los derechos humanos - estudio sistemtico de la declaracin universal de los
derechos humanos, el pacto internacional de derechos civiles y polticos, el pacto internacional de
derechos econmicos, sociales y culturales y textos i. Granada, Comares : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS :

@-> AKSAR Yusuf. Implementing international economic law - through dispute settlement
mechanisms. Leiden, M. Nijhoff : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.117

ALDER Murray Colin. The inherent right of self-defence in international law. Dordrecht,
Springer : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.647

ALVIAR GARCA Helena, KLARE Karl E., WILLIAMS Lucy A.. Social and economic rights in theory
and practice - critical inquiries. London, Routledge : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.765

AMBOS Kai. Ensayos sobre derecho penal internacional y europeo. Mxico, D. F., INACIPE :
2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.474 Cadist

AMBOS Kai. Treatise on international criminal law - Vol. 2. Oxford, Oxford University Press :
2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 540.370-2

@-> ATANGANA AMOUGOU Jean-Louis. Le Cameroun et le droit international - colloque des

cinquantenaires de l'indpendance et de la runification du Cameroun, Ngaoundr, du 2 et 3 mai
2013. Paris, A. Pedone : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.503, PRET IA/ATA

AVI-YONAH Reuven S.. Advanced introduction to international tax law. Cheltenham, UK,
Edward Elgar Publishing : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.483


Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
BABU R. Rajesh. Remedies under the WTO legal system. Leiden, M. Nijhoff : 2012. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 551.121

@-> BALDINGER Dana. Vertical judicial dialogues in asylum cases - standards on judicial scrutiny
and evidence in international and European asylum law. Leiden, Brill : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :

BALLESTEROS Jess, FERNNDEZ Encarnacon, TALAVERA FERNNDEZ Pedro A.. Globalization

and human rights - challenges and answers from a European perspective. Dordrecht, Springer :
2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.641

BARAK Eitan. Deadly metal rain - the legality of Flechette weapons in international law.
Leiden, M. Nijhoff : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.898

BARBOZA Julio. The environment, risk and liability in international law. Leiden, Martinus
Nijhoff Publishers : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.137

BARIFFI ARTIGUE Francisco Jos. El rgimen jurdico internacional de la capacidad jurdica de

las personas con discapacidad. Madrid, CERMI : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.644

BECKER LORCA Arnulf. Mestizo international law - a global intellectual history 1842-1933.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.696

@-> BLOKKER Niels, SCHRIJVER Nico. Immunity of international organizations. Leiden, Brill
Nijhoff : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.088

BONZON Yves. Public participation and legitimacy in the WTO. Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.672

BORZSK Levente. The impact of environmental concerns on the public enforcement

mechanism under EU law - environmental protection in the 25th hour. Alphen aan den Rijn (PaysBas), Wolters Kluwer : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.827

BURGT Nienke van der. The contribution of international fisheries law to human development
- an analysis of multilateral and ACP-EU fisheries instruments. Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers :
2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.125

BURRI Nina. Bravery or bravado? - the protection of news providers in armed conflict.
Leiden, Brill Nijhoff : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.919

BUTT Simon. Climate change and forest governance - lessons from Indonesia. London,
Routledge : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.972

CARR Stphane. L'interrelation entre le professionnel et le social - le cas du droit rhnan.

Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.156

CARUSO Ugo, HOFMANN Rainer. The United Nations declaration on minorities - an academic
account on the occasion of its 20th anniversary (1992-2012). Leiden, Brill Nijhoff : 2015. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.915

CHETAIL Vincent, HAGGENMACHER Peter. Vattel's international law in a XXIst century

perspective. Leiden, M. Nijhoff : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.066


Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
CONFORTI Benedetto, FOCARELLI Carlo. The law and practice of the United Nations.
Leiden, M. Nijhoff : 2010. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.085

@-> CORNELISSE Galina. Immigration detention and human rights - rethinking territorial
sovereignty. Leiden, M. Nijhoff : 2010. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.924

COSTA Karen da. The extraterritorial application of selected human rights treaties. Leiden,
M. Nijhoff : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.067

CUNJAMA LPEZ Emilio Daniel, DOND MATUTE Javier, GLUYAS MILLN Ricardo. Directrices
criminolgicas y jurdicas para el tratamiento de la delincuencia organizada transnacional en el
continente americano. Mxico, D.F., INACIPE : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.481 Cadist

DAURER Veronika. Tax treaties and developing countries. Alphen aan den Rijn (The
Netherlands), Wolters Kluwer Law & Business : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.004

DAWSON Grant. Forcible displacement throughout the ages - towards an international

convention for the prevention and punishment of the crime of forcible displacement. Leiden,
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.900

DE LONDRAS Fiona, DOODY Josephine. The impact, legitimacy and effectiveness of EU

counter-terrorism. London, Routledge : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.743

@-> DEBUF Els. Captured in war - lawful internment in armed conflict. Paris, A. Pedone : 2013.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.119 Cadist

DI FEDERICO Giacomo. The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights - from declaration to binding

instrument. Dordrecht, Springer : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.215

DIZ PEREIRA PINTO Daniela. Fisheries management in areas beyond national jurisdiction - the
impact of ecosystem based law-making. Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS :

DUFFY Helen. The "war on terror " and the framework of international law. Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.459

DUNK Frans G. von der, TRONCHETTI Fabio. Handbook of space law. Cheltenham, Edward
Elgar : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.062

@-> EL HAJI Hamid. L'applicabilit de la coutume dans les conflits arms. Paris, L'Harmattan :
2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.263

ELLIS Mark S.. Sovereignty and justice - balancing the principle of complementarity between
international and domestic war crimes tribunals. Newcastle Upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars
Publishing : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.840

ERIKSEN Christoffer C., EMBERLAND Marius. The new international law - an anthology.
Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff : 2010. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.774

ERIKSSON Maria. Defining rape - emerging obligations for states under international law?
Leiden, M. Nijhoff : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.801


Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
FEHRENBACH Heide, RODOGNO Davide. Humanitarian photography - a history. New York,
Cambridge University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.661

@-> FOF DJOFIA MALEWA Jean-Pierre. L'administration de la preuve devant la Cour pnale
internationale - rgles procdurales et mthodologiques. Paris, l'Harmattan : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :
550.725, IA.5/FOF

GAHLEN Sarah Fiona. Civil liability for accidents at sea. Berlin, Springer : 2015. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.599

GAJA Giorgio, GROTE STOUTENBURG Jenny. Enhancing the rule of law through the
International Court of Justice. Leiden, Brill Nijhoff : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.106

GEMENNE Franois. L'enjeu mondial - l'environnement. Paris, Presses de Sciences Po :

2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.307, IA.4/GEM

GHOURI Ahmad Ali. Interaction and conflict of treaties in investment arbitration. Alphen
aan den Rijn, Wolters Kluwer Law & Business : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.985

@-> GUTIRREZ ESPADA Cesreo. Nacimiento, auge y decadencia de la responsabilidad de

proteger. Granada, Comares : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.506

HAECK Yves, BREMS Eva. Human rights and civil liberties in the 21st century. Dordrecht,
Springer : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.219

HALLEY Paule S, SOTOUSEK Julia. L'environnement, notre patrimoine commun et son tat
gardien - aspects juridiques, nationaux, transnationaux et internationaux. Cowansville, Qubec,
d. Y. Blais : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.166

HE Juan. The WTO and infant industry promotion in developing countries - perspectives on the
Chinese large civil aircraft industry. London, Routledge : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.736

HENRARD Kristin. Double standards pertaining to minority protection. Leiden, Martinus

Nijhoff Publishers : 2010. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.911

@-> HENRARD Kristin. The interrelation between the right to identity of minorities and their socioeconomic participation. Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.913

HOLLO Erkki J., KULOVESI Kati, MEHLING Michael. Climate change and the law. Dordrecht,
Springer : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.649

IPPOLITO Francesca, IGLESIAS SANCHEZ Sara. Protecting vulnerable groups - the European
human rights framework. Oxford, Hart Publishing : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.933

JACHEC-NEALE Agnieszka. The concept of military objectives in international law and

targeting practice. London, Routledge : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.739

JACKSON Miles. Complicity in international law. Oxford, Oxford University Press : 2015.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.955

@-> JENKINS Rob. Peacebuilding - from concept to commission. London, Routledge : 2013.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.506



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
JENSEN ystein. The Commission on the limits of the continental shelf - law and legitimacy.
Leiden, Brill : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.093

@-> KALICKI Jean E., JOUBIN-BRET Anna. Reshaping the investor-state dispute settlement system journeys for the 21st century. Leiden, Brill Nijhoff : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.063

KAMTO Maurice. Gouvernance mondiale et droit international. Bruxelles, Bruylant : 2015.

Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.338, IA/KAM

KARAMAN Igor V.. Dispute resolution in the law of the sea. Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff
Publishers : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.095

KASTNER Philipp. International criminal justice in bello? - the ICC between law and politics in
Darfur and Northern Uganda. Leiden, M. Nijhoff : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.899

KIDANE Won. China-Africa dispute settlement - the law, economics and culture of arbitration.
Alphen Aan Den Rijn (Pays-Bas), Kluwer Law International : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.990

KIELSGARD Mark D.. Reluctant engagement - U.S. policy and the International Criminal Court.
Leiden, M. Nijhoff : 2010. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.102

KIESTRA Louwrens R.. The impact of the European Convention on Human Rights on private
international law. The Hague, T.M.C. Asser Press : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.730

KLABBERS Jan, PIIPARINEN Touko. Normative pluralism and international law - exploring
global governance. Cambridge, Cambridge university press : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.681

KLAMERT Marcus. Services liberalization in the EU and the WTO - concepts, standards and
regulatory approaches. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.669

@-> KLOTH Matthias. Immunities and the right of access to court under Article 6 of the European
Convention on Human Rights. Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers : 2010. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.904

KUWALI Dan. The responsibility to protect - implementation of Article 4(h) intervention.

Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.800

LAGOT Daniel. Droit international, guerre et paix. Paris, l'Harmattan : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :
550.496, PRET IA/LAG

LEANZA Piero. The right to a fair trial - Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
Alphen aan den Rijn, Kluwer Law International : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.115

LIEVENS Eva. Protecting children in the digital era - the use of alternative regulatory
instruments. Leiden, M. Nijhoff : 2010. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.905

LOVELL David W.. Investigating operational incidents in a military context - law, justice,
politics. Leiden, Brill Nijhoff : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.917

MAIA Catherine, KOLB Robert. Le statut international de la province angolaise du Cabinda la

lumire du droit international public. Paris, A. Pedone : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.502, IA.2/MAI



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
MALLOY Tove H., CARUSO Ugo. Minorities, their rights, and the monitoring of the European
Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities - essays in honour of Rainer
Hofmann. Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff publ. : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.914

MAOGOTO Jackson Nyamuya. Technology and the law on the use of force - new security
challenges in the twenty first century. Milton Park (Abingdon, Oxon), Routledge : 2015. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.744

@-> MARE Radu. The UN guiding principles on business and human rights - foundations and
implementation. Leiden, M. Nijhoff : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.775

MARINIELLO Triestino. The International Criminal Court in search of its purpose and identity.
London, Routledge : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.745

MARTIN Mervyn. WTO dispute settlement understanding and development. Leiden, M.

Nijhoff : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.122

MBONGO Pascal. Migrants vulnrables et droits fondamentaux. Paris, Berger-Levrault :

2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.539, PRET IA/MBO

MCLACHLAN Campbell. Foreign relations law. Cambridge, United Kingdom, Cambridge

University Press : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.409

@-> MELGAR Beatriz Huarte. The transit of goods in public international law. Leiden, Brill
Nijhoff : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.104

MILLET-DEVALLE Anne-Sophie. Guerre arienne et droit international humanitaire. Paris,

ditions Pedone : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.498, IA.22/MIL

MITCHELL Andrew D., SORNARAJAH Muthucumaraswamy, VOON Tania. Good faith and
international economic law. Oxford, Oxford University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.949

MONACO Andr, PROUZET Patrick. Gouvernance des mers et des ocans. London, ISTE
ditions : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.714

@-> MORIN Jean-Frdric, ORSINI Amandine. Politique internationale de l'environnement.

Paris, SciencesPo-les Presses : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.308, IA.4/MOR

MUROMBO Tumai, IZA Alejandro, KIDD Michael. Water and the law - towards sustainability.
Cheltenham, Edward Elgar : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.050

NASU Hitoshi, RUBENSTEIN Kim. Legal perspectives on security institutions. Cambridge,

Cambridge University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.171

NDONGA Dennis. Single windows and trade facilitation - a tool for development. Alphen
aan den Rijn, Kluwer Law International : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.021

NORDQUIST Myron H., HEIDAR Tomas H., MOORE John Norton. Changes in the Arctic
environment and the law of the sea. Leiden, M. Nijhoff : 2010. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.129

@-> NORDQUIST Myron H., MOORE John Norton, CHIRCOP Aldo et al.. The regulation of
continental shelf development - rethinking international standards. Leiden, M. Nijhoff : 2013.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.128



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
O'CONNELL Mary Ellen. What is war? - an investigation in the wake of 9/11. Leiden,
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.902

@-> ODELLO Marco, PIOTROWICZ Ryszard W.. International military missions and international
law. Leiden, M. Nijhoff : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.896

ODUNTAN Gbenga. International law and boundary disputes in Africa. London, Routledge :
2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.750

PALMA Mary Ann, TSAMENYI B. Martin, EDESON William. Promoting sustainable fisheries the international legal and policy framework to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing.
Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers : 2010. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.131

PALMISANO Giuseppe. Making the Charter of Fundamental Rights a living instrument.

Leiden, Brill Nijhoff : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.729

PEDRETTI Ramona. Immunity of heads of state and state officials for international crimes.
Leiden, Brill Nijhoff : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.105

@-> PETROVIC Jadranka. Accountability for violations of international humanitarian law - essays in
honour of Tim McCormack. London, Routledge : 2016. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.752

PETROVIC Jadranka. The old bridge of Mostar and increasing respect for cultural property in
armed conflict. Leiden, M. Nijhoff : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.916

PIROLA Fernando. The challenge of safeguards in the WTO. Cambridge (United Kingdom),
Cambridge University Press : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.680

PROVOST Ren, AKHAVAN Payam. Confronting genocide. Dordrecht, Springer : 2011.

Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.218

PUTHUCHERRIL Tony George. Towards sustainable coastal development - institutionalizing

integrated coastal zone management and coastal climate change adaptation in South Asia. Leiden,
Brill Nijhoff : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.698

@-> RAMCHARAN Bertrand G.. International peace conferences. Leiden, Brill Nijhoff : 2015.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.793

RAMCHARAN Bertrand G.. The fundamentals of international human rights treaty law.
Leiden, M. Nijhoff : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.906

RAMCHARAN Bertrand G.. The law, policy and politics of the UN Human Rights Council.
Leiden, Brill Nijhoff : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.910

RANGANATHAN Surabhi. Strategically created treaty conflicts and the politics of international
law. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.676

RAYFUSE Rosemary Gail. War and the environment - new approaches to protecting the
environment in relation to armed conflict. Leiden, Brill Nijhoff : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.799

@-> REIS Tarcsio Hardman. Compensation for environmental damages under international law the role of the international judge. Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands, Kluwer Law
International : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.826



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
RENUCCI Jean-Franois. Droit europen des droits de l'homme - droits et liberts
fondamentaux garantis par la CEDH. Paris, LGDJ-Lextenso ditions : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.543,

ROBERTS Christopher N. J.. The contentious history of the International Bill of Human Rights.
New York, Cambridge University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.677

ROSENBLATT Paulo. General anti-avoidance rules for major developing countries. Alphen
aan den Rijn (The Netherlands), Kluwer Law International : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.009

RUZI David, TEBOUL Grard. Droit international public. Paris, Dalloz : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS
: 99.608-16, 23me d., IA/RUZ

SANDONATO DE LEN Pablo. Les prsomptions judiciaires en droit international public.

Paris, Pedone : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.555, IA/SAN

SAUL Ben, STEPHENS Tim. Antarctica in international law. Oxford, Hart Publishing : 2015.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.891

@-> SCHLTTER Birgit. Developments in customary international law - theory and the practice of
the international court of justice and the international ad hoc criminal tribunals for Rwanda and
Yugoslavia. Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers : 2010. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.107
@-> SCHMID Evelyne. Taking economic, social and cultural rights seriously in international criminal
law. Cambridge (GB), Cambridge University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.684

SEVASTIK Per. Aspects of sovereignty - Sino-Swedish reflections. Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff

Publishers : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.798

SHAH Sikander Ahmed. International law and drone strikes in Pakistan - the legal and sociopolitical aspects. London, Routledge : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.757

SHIGETA Yasuhiro. International judicial control of environmental protection - standard

setting, compliance control and the development of international environmental law by the
international judiciary. Alphen aan den Rijn (Pays-Bas), Wolters Kluwer law and business : 2010.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.828

SIERPINSKI Batyah. Institutions internationales. Paris, Dalloz : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 99.6084, 19me d., IA.1/SIE

SIMONET Loc. Le trait sur le commerce des armes - gense, analyse, enjeux, perspectives du
premier instrument juridique consacr la rglementation des transferts internationaux d'armes
conventionnelles. Paris, A. Pedone : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.497, IA.2/SIM

@-> STAHL Christian. Die Reichweite der erweiterten beschrnkten Steuerpflicht nach 2 AStG ein Beitrag zur Struktur der Steuerpflicht. Berlin, Duncker et Humblot : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS :
@-> STEINBERG Gerald M., HERZBERG Anne, BERMAN Jordan. Best practices for human rights and
humanitarian NGO fact-finding. Leiden, Nijhoff : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.786



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
STRUCK Christian. Product regulations and standards in WTO law. Alphen aan den Rijn,
Wolters Kluwer, Law & Business : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.023

@-> SWEPSTON Lee. The development in international law of Articles 23 and 24 of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights - the labor rights articles. Leiden, Brill Nijhoff : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS :

SYMMONS Clive Ralph. Selected contemporary issues in the law of the sea. Leiden,
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.098

TAKEI Yoshinobu. Filling regulatory gaps in high seas fisheries - discrete high seas fish stocks,
deep-sea fisheries, and vulnerable marine ecosystems. Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers : 2013.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.094

TALL Sadou Nourou. Droit des organisations internationales africaines - thorie gnrale,
droit communautaire compar, droit de l'homme, paix et scurit. Paris, l'Harmattan : 2015.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.565, IA.1/TAL

TCHAKOTEU MESSABIEM Liliane. Droit OHADA - droit franais - la protection des cranciers
dans les procdures collectives d'apurement du passif. Paris, l'Harmattan : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :
550.564, IA/TCH

TERMINSKI Bogumil. Development-induced displacement and resettlement - causes,

consequences, and socio-legal context. Stuttgart, Ibidem-Verlag : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.405

TRBER Gunnar. The contractual nature of the optional clause. Oxford, Hart Publishing :
2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.892

@-> TSAGOURIAS Nikolaos K., BUCHAN Russell. Research handbook on international law and
cyberspace. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.060

VAN DROOGHENBROECK Jean-Franois. Droit judiciaire europen et international.

Bruxelles, La Charte : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.233

VANDENHOLE Wouter. Challenging territoriality in human rights law - building blocks for a
plural and diverse duty-bearer regime. London, Routledge : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.761

WEIDEMANN Lilly. International governance of the Arctic marine environment - with

particular emphasis on high seas fisheries. Cham, Springer : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.584

WEISS Friedl, KAMMEL Armin J.. The changing landscape of global financial governance and
the role of soft law. Leiden, Brill Nijhoff : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.123

WHITE Nigel D.. The Cuban embargo under international law - el bloqueo. Milton Park (GB),
Routledge : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.763

WOUDENBERG Nout van, LIJNZAAD Liesbeth. Protecting cultural property in armed conflict an insight into the 1999 Second Protocol to the Hague Convention of 1954 for the Protection of
Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict. Leiden, M. Nijhoff : 2010. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.895



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
XIONG Ping. An international law perspective on the protection of human rights in the TRIPS
agreement - an interpretation of the TRIPS agreement in relation to the right to health. Leiden, M.
Nijhoff : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.908

YEE Sienho. Towards an international law of co-progressiveness - Part 2. Leiden, Brill

Nijhoff : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.103

ZIGA SCHRODER Humberto. Harmonization, equivalence and mutual recognition of

standards in WTO law. Alphen aan den Rijn, Wolters Kluwer Law & Business : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS
: 551.044

IB Droit international priv

@-> Droit international priv franais - textes au 1er juillet 2015. Bruxelles, Bruylant : 2015.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.363, IB (COD)

Studi in onore di Laura Picchio Forlati. Torino, G. Giappichelli : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.984

ANDRADE LEVY Daniel de. Les abus de l'arbitrage commercial international. Paris,
l'Harmattan : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.722, IB.1/LEV

AUBIN Yann. Export control law and regulations handbook - a practical guide to military and
dual-use goods trade restrictions and compliance. Alphen aan den Rijn, Kluwer Law International :
2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.018

BERRAMDANE Abdelkhaleq, TROCHU Michel. Le partenariat public-priv dans le cadre UEASEAN. Bruxelles, Bruylant : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.708

BRDERMANN Eckart, ROSENGARTEN Joachim. Internationales Privat- und

Zivilverfahrensrecht (IPR/IZVR) - Anleitung zur systematischen Fallbearbeitung (einschlielich
schiedsrechtlicher Flle). Mnchen, Vahlen : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.196

CHHINA Ramandeep Kaur. Stanby letters of credit in international trade. Alphen aan den
Rijn, Wolters Kluwer : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.814

CONKLIN William E.. Statelessness - the enigma of the international community. Oxford,
Hart : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.172

CORZO ACEVES Vctor Emilio. La aplicacin del derecho internacional en Mxico - una visin
crtica. Mxico, D.F., Instituto Matas Romero : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.477 Cadist

DARMOIS Basile, GLUCKSMANN Elose. Procdures parallles et dcisions contradictoires.

Bruxelles, Bruylant : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.302, IB.1/DAR

@-> DELAFONTAINE Ramses. Historians as expert judicial witnesses in tobacco litigation - a

controversial legal practice. Cham, Springer : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.245

DIACONU Madalina. International trade in gambling services. Alphen aan den Rijn, Wolters
Kluwer Law & Business : 2010. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.026



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
FAKHRI Michael. Sugar and the making of international trade law. Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.662

@-> GERMANO CORTESE Emanuela. Lo straniero e il giudice civile - aspetti sostanziali e processuali
di diritto dell'immigrazione. Torino, UTET giuridica : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.983

GOLDEN Jeffrey, LAMM Carolyn B.. International financial disputes - arbitration and
mediation. Oxford (United Kingdom), Oxford University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.165

GRANGES Mathieu. Les intrts moratoires en arbitrage international. Genve, Schultess

Editions romandes : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.249

HASSANIEN Mohamed Ramadan. United States bilateral free trade agreements - consistencies
or conflicts with norms in the Middle East? Alphen aan den Rijn, Kluwer Law International : 2010.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.025

KAWAR Leila. Contesting immigration policy in court - legal activism and its radiating effects
in the United States and France. New York, Cambridge University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :

KEYES Mary, WILSON Therese. Codifying contract law - international and consumer law
perspectives. Farnham (GB), Ashgate : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.688

@-> KNOOPS Geert-Jan G. J.. An introduction to the law of international criminal tribunals - a
comparative study. Leiden, Brill Nijhoff : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.108

KUIPERS Jan-Jaap. EU law and private international law - the interrelationship in contractual
obligations. Leiden, M. Nijhoff : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.114

LALANI Shaheeza, POLANCO LAZO Rodrigo. The role of the state in investor-state arbitration.
Leiden, Brill Nijhoff : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.068

LOQUIN ric. L' arbitrage du commerce international - pratique des affaires. Issy-LesMoulineaux, Joly ditions-Lextenso ditions : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.553, IB.1/LOQ

@-> MCMAHON Joseph A.. The negotiations for a new agreement on agriculture. Leiden, M.
Nijhoff : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.118

MUIR WATT Horatia, FERNNDEZ ARROYO Diego P.. Private international law and global
governance. Oxford, Oxford University Press : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.953

MULLER Gilles. Liberalization of trade in legal services. Alphen aan den Rijn, Wolters
Kluwer, Law & Business : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.024

SADI Kamel. La nationalit algrienne - dcryptage d'une identit confisque. Paris,

ditions Publisud : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.887

SHAN Wenhua, SU Jinyuan. China and international investment law - twenty years of ICSID
membership. Leiden, Brill Nijhoff : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.074

@-> SINGER Sarah. Terrorism and exclusion from refugee status in the UK - asylum seekers
suspected of serious criminality. Leiden, Brill Nijhoff : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.772



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
SOURGENS Frdric Gilles. A nascent common law - the process of decisionmaking in
international legal disputes between states and foreign investors. Leiden, Brill Nijhoff : 2015.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.592

STONE Peter, FARAH Youseph. Research handbook on EU private international law.

Cheltenham (GB), Edward Elgar : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.053

VAN HARTEN Gus. Sovereign choices and sovereign constraints - judicial restraint in
investment treaty arbitration. London, Oxford University Press : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.401

VERBRUGGEN Paul. Enforcing transnational private regulation - a comparative analysis of

advertising and food safety. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.058

VORBURGER Simon. International arbitration and cross-border insolvency - comparative

perspectives. Alphen aan den Rijn (The Netherlands), Kluwer law international : 2014. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.986

VORBURGER Simon. International arbitration and cross-border insolvency - comparative

perspectives. Zrich, [s.n] : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 60.081-1495

WALKER Lara. Maintenance and child support in private international law. Oxford, Hart
Publishing : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.887

@-> WANG Guiguo. International investment law - a Chinese perspective. London, Routledge :
2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.762

WHALLEY Michael, KURNEY Ralf. International business acquisitions - major legal issues and
due diligence. Alphen aan den Rijn(Pays-Bas), Kluwer Law International : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS :

IE Droit europen

ACOSTA ARCARAZO Diego. The long-term residence status as a subsidiary form of EU

citizenship - an analysis of directive 2003/109. Leiden, Brill : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.927

ALBRECHT Eike, SCHMIDT Michael, MILER-BEHR Magdalena et al.. Implementing adaptation

strategies by legal, economic and planning instruments on climate change. Heidelberg, Springer :
2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.630

ALTHAMMER Christoph. Brssel IIa, Rom III - Kommentar zu den Verordnungen (EG)
2201/2003 und (EU) 1259/2010. Mnchen, C. H. Beck : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 117.061

ANSALONI Matthieu. Le tournant environnemental de la politique agricole commune - dbats

et coalitions en France, en Hongrie et au Royaume-Uni. Paris, l'Harmattan : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :

AZZI Tristan, BOSKOVIC Olivera. Quel avenir pour la thorie gnrale des conflits de lois ? droit europen, droit conventionnel, droit commun. Bruxelles, Bruylant : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :
551.327, IE.4/AZZ



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
BEST Edward. EU law-making in principle and practice. London, Routledge : 2014. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.531

@-> BIRKMOSE Hanne Sndergaard, NEVILLE Mette, SRENSEN Karsten Engsig. Boards of
directors in European companies - reshaping and harmonising their organisation and duties.
Alphen aan den Rijn (Pays-Bas), Kluwer Law International : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.844

BIRKMOSE Hanne Sndergaard, NEVILLE Mette, SRENSEN Karsten Engsig. The European
financial market in transition. Alphen aan den Rijn, Kluwer Law International : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS
: 550.842

BJRNEBYE Henrik. Investing in EU energy security - exploring the regulatory approach to

tomorrow's electricity production. Alphen aan den Rijn, Kluwer Law International : 2010. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.833

BORGESIUS Frederik J. Zuiderveen. Improving privacy protection in the area of behavioural

targeting. Alphen aan den Rijn, Wolters Kluwer Law & Business : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.867

BORN Charles-Hubert, CLIQUET An, SCHOUKENS Hendrik et al.. The habitats directive in its EU
environmental law context - European nature's best hope. London, Routledge : 2015. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.974

BROSSET Estelle. Droit europen et protection de la sant - bilan et perspectives. Bruxelles,

Bruylant : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.326, IE.4/BRO

CASSOTTA Sandra. Environmental damage and liability problems in a multilevel context - the
case of the Environmental Liability Directive. Alphen aan den Rijn, Kluwer Law International : 2012.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.839

CERRI Augusto, DONNARUMMA Maria Rosaria. Il costituzionalismo multilivello - profili

sostanziali e processuali. Roma, Aracne : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.220

CHERUBINI Francesco. Asylum law in the European Union. London, Routledge : 2015.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.979

CLEYNENBREUGEL Pieter Van. Market supervision in the European Union - integrated

administration in constitutional context. Leiden, Brill Nijhoff : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.110

COLAVITTI Romlien. Le statut des collectivits infra-tatiques europennes - entre organe et

sujet. Bruxelles, Bruylant : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.541, IE.1/COL

COSTATO Luigi, ALBISINNI Ferdinando. European food law. Padova, CEDAM : 2012. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 549.380

@-> COUTRON Laurent. Droit de l'Union europenne - institutions, sources, contentieux. Paris,
Dalloz : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 99.608-37, 3me d., IE.1/COU

CRAIG Paul P., DE BRCA Grinne. EU law - text, cases, and materials. Oxford, Oxford
University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.243



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
CUMMING George. Merger decisions and the rules of procedure of the European Community
Courts. Alphen aan den Rijn, the Netherlands, Kluwer Law International : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS :

CUNHA Mario Viola de Azevedo. Market integration through data protection - an analysis of
the insurance and financial industries in the EU. Dordrecht, Springer : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS :

@-> DEPREEUW Sari. The variable scope of the exclusive economic rights in copyright. Alphen
aan den Rijn (Pays-Bas), Kluwer Law International : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.878


ltimas tendencias en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unin Europea - (2008-2011).
Las Rozas, La Ley : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.415

DRAUZ Gtz, JONES Christopher. EU competition law - Volume II. Deventer (Netherlands),
Claeys & Casteels : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.250-2,1

DUBOUIS Louis, BLUMANN Claude. Droit matriel de l'Union europenne. Paris, LGDJ :
2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 99.571-68, 7me d., IE.3/DUB

EISELE Katharina. The external dimension of the EU's migration policy - different legal
positions of third-country nationals in the EU. Leiden, Brill : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.796

FRAMIN SANTAS Javier. Los acuerdos de resolucin de conflictos con "reverse payments"
en el sector farmacutico. Madrid, Marcial Pons : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.641

GAMBARDELLA Maurizio. Remission and repayment of customs duties in the EU. Alphen
aan den Rijn, Kluwer Law International : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.020

GATTINARA Giacomo, PAPPALARDO Fabio. L'Europa dei diritti - la Corte di giustizia e i cittadini
dell'Unione. Roma : Roma, Meridiana libri ; Donzelli : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.385

GONZALEZ-DIAZ Francisco Enrique, SNELDERS Robbert. EU competition law - Volume V.

Deventer (Netherlands), Claeys & Casteels : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.250-5

GONZLEZ-FUSTER Gloria. The emergence of personal data protection as a fundamental right

of the EU. Cham, Springer : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.253

@-> GUILD Elspeth, MINDERHOUD Paul. The first decade of EU migration and asylum law.
Leiden, M. Nijhoff : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.928

GUTWIRTH Serge, LEENES Ronald E., DE HERT Paul. Reforming European data protection law.
Dordrecht, Springer : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.256

HARBO Tor-Inge. The function of proportionality analysis in European law. Leiden, Brill
Nijhoff : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.109

HENDE Katelijn van. Offshore wind in the European Union - towards integrated management
of our marine waters. Alphen Aan Den Rijn, Wolters Kluwer Law & Business : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
HOU Liyang. Competition law and regulation of the EU electronic communications sector - a
comparative legal approach. Alphen aan den Rijn (Pays-Bas), Wolters Kluwer Law and business :
2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.995

JANSSEN Katleen. The availability of spatial and environmental data in the European Union at the crossroads between public and economic interests. Austin, Wolters Kluwer : 2010. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.831

@-> JIMENO BULNES Mar. Un proceso europeo para el siglo XXI. Cizur Menor, Navarra, Civitas :
2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.637 Cadist

KOUTRAKOS Panos. EU international relations law. Oxford, Hart Publishing : 2015. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.931

LEMOULAND Jean-Jacques. La rception des rglements europens en droit de la famille regards croiss franco-espagnols. Pau, PUPPA : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.517, PRET IE/LEM

MANEA Sabina. The instrumentalization of property - legal interests in the EU emissions

trading system. Alphen Aan Den Rijn, Wolters Kluwer law & business : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS :

MESTMCKER Ernst-Joachim, SCHWEITZER Heike. Europisches Wettbewerbsrecht.

Mnchen, C. H. Beck : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.229

MEYER Jrgen. Charta der Grundrechte der Europischen Union. Baden-Baden, Nomos :
2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.397

MICKLITZ Hans-Wolfgang, DOMURATH Irina. Consumer debt and social exclusion in Europe.
Farnham (GB), Ashgate : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.690

MONNET ric, STERNBERG Claudia Schrag. Euro, les annes critiques. Paris, Presses
universitaires de France : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 117.040

MORANO-FOADI Sonia, VICKERS Lucy. Fundamental rights in the EU - a matter for two courts.
Oxford, Hart : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.886

MOUSSIS Nicholas. Access to the European Union - law, economics, policies. Cambridge,
Intersentia : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.154, IE.1/MOU

@-> OPREA Elena-Alina. Droit de l'Union europenne et lois de police. Paris, l'Harmattan : 2015.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.726, IE.3/OPR

PALMER Vernon Valentine. The recovery of non-pecuniary loss in European contract law.
Cambridge (GB), Cambridge University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.687

PILA Justine, WADLOW Christopher. The unitary EU patent system. Oxford, Hart Publishing
: 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.888

PURNHAGEN Kai. The politics of systematization in EU product safety regulation - market,

state, collectivity, and integration. Dordrecht, Springer : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.606

PURTOVA Nadezhda. Property rights in personal data - a European perspective. Alphen aan
den Rijn, Kluwer Law International : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.809



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
RAFFAELLI Enrico Adriano. Antitrust between EU law and national law. Bruxelles, Bruylant :
2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.646, IE.3/RAF

@-> RIEFA Christine. Consumer protection and online auction platforms - towards a safer legal
framework. Farnham, Surrey, Ashgate : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.937

RUSU Catalin Stefan. European merger control - the challenge raised by twenty years of
enforcement experience. Austin, Wolters Kluwer Law & Business : 2010. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.863

SNCHEZ GRAELLS Albert. Public procurement and the EU competition rules. Oxford, Hart
Publishing : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.884

SANCHEZ-RODAS NAVARRO Cristina. La residencia en Espaa desde el prisma del derecho del
trabajo y la seguridad social. Cizur Menor (Navarra), Aranzadi : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.630

SAUTER Wolf. Public services in EU law. Cambridge, Cambridge university press : 2015.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.678

SAVIN Andrej, TRZASKOWSKI Jan. Research handbook on EU Internet law. Cheltenham, E.

Elgar : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.076

SCHOLTEN Miroslava. The political accountability of EU and US independent regulatory

agencies. Leiden, The Netherlands, Brill Nijhoff : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.111

SCHULZE Reiner, ZULEEG Manfred, KADELBACH Stefan. Europarecht - Handbuch fr die

deutsche Rechtspraxis. Baden-Baden, Nomos : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.208

SIRAGUSA Mario, RIZZA Cesare. EU competition law - restrictive agreements and practices
between competitors - Volume III. Deventer (Netherlands), Claeys & Casteels : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS
: 550.250-3,1

SJFJELL Beate, WIESBROCK Anja. The greening of European business under EU law - taking
article 11 TFEU seriously. London, Routledge : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.764

STIRN Bernard. Vers un droit public europen. Issy-les- Moulineaux, LGDJ : 2015. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 551.266, IE.1/STI

TALUS Kim. Vertical natural gas transportation capacity, upstream commodity contracts, and
EU competition law. Alphen Aan Den Rijn (Pays-Bas), Kluwer Law International : 2011. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.825

THIELE Alexander. Das Mandat der EZB und die Krise des Euro - eine Untersuchung der von der
EZB im Zusammenhang mit der Eurokrise ergriffenen Massnahmen auf ihre Vereinbarkeit mit den
rechtlichen Vorgaben des europischen Primrrechts. Tbingen, Mohr Siebeck : 2013. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.398

TOSATO Gian Luigi, BELLODI Leonardo. EU competition law - antitrust, merger, state aid Volume I. Deventer (Netherlands), Claeys & Casteels : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.250-1

VANDENBOSSCHE Emmanuel, VAN DROOGHENBROECK Sbastien. Europese voorschriften en

Staatshervorming. Brugge, die Keure - la Charte : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.499



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
VAUCHEZ Antoine. Brokering Europe - Euro-lawyers and the making of a transnational polity.
Cambridge (United Kingdom), Cambridge university press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.691

@-> VOGEL Louis. European competition law. Paris, LawLex : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.546,

VOLLAARD Hans, MARTINSEN Dorte Sindbjerg. Implementing Social Europe in Times of Crises Re-established Boundaries of Welfare? Abingdon, Oxon (GB), Routledge : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :

VOSSESTEIN Gert-Jan. Modernization of European company law and corporate governance some considerations on its legal limits. Alphen aan den Rijn (Pays-Bas), Kluwer law international :
2010. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.862

WENDT Ida E.. EU competition law and liberal professions - an uneasy relationship? Leiden,
M. Nijhoff : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.113

WIESBROCK Anja. Legal migration to the European Union. Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff
Publishers : 2010. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.926

ZUREK Karolina. European food regulation after enlargement - facing the challenges of
diversity. Leiden, M. Nijhoff : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.119

J Droit public

BARRAUD Boris. L'tat - entre fait et droit. Paris, l'Harmattan : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :
550.721, J/BAR

GRANDGUILLOT Dominique. Institutions politiques et administratives de la France. Paris,

Gualino : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.374, J/GRA

JABLONER Clemens, KOLONOVITS Dieter, KUCSKO-STADLMAYER Gabriele et al.. Gedenkschrift

Robert Walter. Wien, Manz : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.207

SBAIL Ciro. Diritto pubblico dell'Islam mediterraneo - linee evolutive degli ordinamenti
nordafricani contemporanei. Milanofiori Assago, Wolters Kluwer : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.991

ZARKA Jean-Claude. Droit public - droit constitutionnel, droit administratif, droit de l'Union
europenne, droit de la fonction publique, finances publiques. Issy-les-Moulineaux, Gualino : 2015.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.282, J/ZAR

JA Droit public

Cort General de Barcelona (1705-1706) - procs familiar del bra eclesistic. Barcelona,
Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Justcia : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.196

ACQUAVIVA Jean-Claude. Droit constitutionnel et institutions politiques. Issy-lesMoulineaux, Gualino : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.293, JA/ACQ



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
AERSCHMANN Stephan. Der ideale Richter - Schweizer Bundesrichter in der medialen
ffentlichkeit (1875-2010). Zrich, Chronos : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.482

@-> ALCVAR SANTOS Orlando, BARKER Robert S., BERNAL VILLALAZ Miguel Antonio. Cdiz, 1812 el encuentro de Espaa y Amrica en sus sueos de libertad y justicia. Alcobendas, Rasche : 2012.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.890

ALLEGRETTI Umberto. Storia costituzionale italiana - popolo e istituzioni. Bologna, Il Mulino

: 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.103


Jos. Recurso de amparo, derechos fundamentales y trascendencia constitucional - (el camino
hacia la objetivacin del amparo constitucional en Espaa). Cizur Menor (Navarra), Aranzadi :
2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.629

ARDANT Philippe, MATHIEU Bertrand. Droit constitutionnel et institutions politiques. Issyles-Moulineaux, LGDJ Lextenso : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.270, JA/ARD

AVIA MARTNEZ Rogelio Arturo. El control preventivo de inconstitucionalidad en Mxico.

Mxico, D.F., Ubijus : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.483 Cadist

BENZ Arthur, BROSCHEK Jrg. Federal dynamics - continuity, change, and the varieties of
federalism. Oxford, Oxford University Press : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.824

BOLICK Clint. Two-Fer - electing a president and a Supreme Court. Stanford, Calif., Hoover
Institution Press : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.241

BOUDON Julien. Manuel de droit constitutionnel - Tome 1. Paris, Presses universitaires de

France : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 99.851-118,1, 1re d., JA/BOU

BUMKE Christian. Richterrecht zwischen Gesetzesrecht und Rechtsgestaltung. Tbingen,

Mohr Siebeck : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.408

BYBEE Keith J.. All judges are political--except when they are not - acceptable hypocrisies and
the rule of law. Stanford, Calif., Stanford Law Books : 2010. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.896

CANOSA USERA Ral, RODRGUEZ-ARANA MUOZ Xaime. Jurisdiccin de la libertad en

Europa e Iberoamrica. Madrid, Reus : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.645

@-> CHAGNOLLAUD Dominique. Droit constitutionnel contemporain - [Tome] 2. Paris, Dalloz :

2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.294-2, JA/CHA

CHAGNOLLAUD Dominique. Droit constitutionnel contemporain - 1. Paris, Dalloz : 2015.

Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.366-1, JA/CHA

CHANTEBOUT Bernard. Droit constitutionnel. Paris, Sirey : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.295,

DAVISON Dennis, RICHTER Alan, SAUNDERS Cheryl. An inquiry into the existence of global
values - through the lens of comparative constitutional law. Oxford, Hart Publishing : 2015. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.943



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
DICKINSON Andrew, KEYES Mary., JOHN Thomas. Australian private international law for the
21st century - facing outwards. Oxford, Hart Publishing : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.932

@-> DORIA Giancarlo. Bicameralismo e federalismo - analisi dei modelli di relazione. Roma,
Carocci editore : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.993

DREIER Horst, WITTRECK Fabian. Grundgesetz - Textausgabe mit smtlichen nderungen und
weitere Texte zum deutschen und europischen Verfassungsrecht. Tbingen, Mohr Siebeck : 2014.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 117.032

DUCLERCQ Jean-Baptiste. Les mutations du contrle de proportionnalit dans la jurisprudence

du Conseil constitutionnel. Issy-Les-Moulineaux, LGDJ : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 99.106-146, JA/DUC

GARCA PREZ Siro Francisco, CHOCLN MONTALVO Jos Antonio. Ley orgnica del poder
judicial - documentacin legislativa y jurisprudencial, comentarios. Majadahonda, Madrid, Colex :
2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.822

GIANFRANCESCO Eduardo, LUPO Nicola, RIVOSECCHI Guido. I presidenti di assemblea

parlamentare - riflessioni su un ruolo in trasformazione. Bologna, Il mulino : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS :

GREEN Christopher R.. Equal citizenship, civil rights, and the constitution - the original sense of
the privileges or immunities clause. New York, Routledge : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.174

GUTIRREZ HERNNDEZ Alfonso, VIDAL MARTNEZ Patricia. Legislacin sobre derecho de la

competencia espaol y de la Unin europea. Madrid, Civitas : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 117.026

HAHN-LORBER Marcus. Parallele Gesetzgebungskompetenzen - nicht-hierarchische

Kompetenzverteilung im deutsch-schottischen Verfassungsvergleich. Tbingen, Mohr Siebeck :
2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.198

HALBERSTAM Daniel, REIMANN Mathias. Federalism and legal unification - a comparative

empirical investigation of twenty systems. Dordrecht, New York [etc.] : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS :

HIEBERT Janet L.. Parliamentary bills of rights - the experiences of New Zealand and the
United Kingdom experiences. New York (NY), Cambridge University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :

ISSACHAROFF Samuel. Fragile democracies - contested power in the era of constitutional

courts. New York, Cambridge University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.406


constitutionalism in South Asia. New Delhi, Oxford University Press : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.965

KROTOSZYNSKI Ronald J.. The First Amendment - cases and theory. New York, Wolters
Kluwer Law & Business : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.597

@-> LESTRADE ric. Les principes directeurs du procs dans la jurisprudence du Conseil
constitutionnel. Paris, l'Harmattan : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.724, JA.2/LES



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
MLIN-SOUCRAMANIEN Ferdinand, PACTET Pierre. Droit constitutionnel. Paris, Sirey-Dalloz
: 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.380, JA/MEL

@-> MORAES Alexandre de. Direito constitucional. So Paulo, Atlas : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :

MORLOK Martin. Soziologie der Verfassung. Tbingen, Mohr Siebeck : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS
: 117.033

ZCAN Hu seyin, ZTRK Fatih, YANK Murat. A road map of a new constitution for Turkey essays in comparative constitutional law. Durham (N.C.), Carolina Academic Press : 2014. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 549.602

PAULO FILHO Pedro. Grandes advogados, grandes julgamentos - (no jri e noutros tribunais).
So Paulo, JH Mizuno : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.415

PETERS Christopher J.. Precedent in the United States Supreme Court. Dordrecht, Springer :
2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.651

@-> PINESCHI Laura. General principles of law - the role of the judiciary. Cham, Springer : 2015.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.191

RAMOS QUIROZ Francisco. El control constitucional y la Suprema Corte de Justicia - una

perspectiva histrica. Azcapotzalco, Mxico, D.F., Ubijus : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.482 Cadist

ROCHER Franois, PELLETIER Benot. Le nouvel ordre constitutionnel canadien - du

rapatriement de 1982 nos jours. Qubec, Presses de l'universit du Qubec : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS
: 550.529

SACHS Michael. Grundgesetz - Kommentar. Mnchen, C. H. Beck : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS :


SENAC Charles-Edouard. L'office du juge constitutionnel - tude du contrle de

constitutionnalit par les juridictions franaises. Issy-les-Moulineaux, LGDJ-Lextenso ditions :
2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 99.106-145, JA.2/SEN

TRK Pauline. Les institutions de la Ve Rpublique. Issy-les-Moulineaux, Gualino : 2015.

Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.286, JA/TUR

@-> TRK Pauline. Principes fondamentaux de droit constitutionnel. Issy-les-Moulineaux,

Gualino : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.301, JA/TUR

TUSHNET Mark V.. The Constitution of the United States of America - a contextual analysis.
Oxford (GB), Hart Publishing : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.885

TUSSEAU Guillaume. Para acabar con los modelos de jurisdiccin constitucional - un ensayo
de crtica. Mxico, Porra : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.471

VAN DER SCHYFF Gerhard. Judicial review of legislation - a comparative study of the United
Kingdom, the Netherlands and South Africa. Dordrecht, Springer : 2010. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.182

VERPEAUX Michel. Droit constitutionnel 2016 - mthodologie & sujets corrigs. Paris,
Dalloz : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 99.935-3, d. 2016, JA (TD)/VER



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
WEBBER Jeremy. The Constitution of Canada - a contextual analysis. Oxford (GB), Hart
Publishing : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.893

JB Liberts publiques, Droits de lhomme

ALBERS Marion, HOFFMANN Thomas Sren, REINHARDT Jrn. Human rights and human
nature. Dordrecht, Springer : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.616

@-> ARNOLD Rainer. The universalism of human rights. Dordrecht, Springer : 2013. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.620

BARB Vanessa, MILLET Franois-Xavier. Droit des liberts fondamentales - 25 exercices

corrigs. Paris, Gualino : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.376, JB (TD)/BAR

BONNARDEL Yves. La domination adulte - l'oppression des mineurs. Forges-les-Bains,

Myriadis : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.318

DERSSO Solomon A.. Taking ethno-cultural diversity seriously in constitutional design - a

theory of minority rights for addressing Africa's multiethnic challenge. Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff
Publishers : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.901

DOYLE Cathal. Indigenous peoples, title to territory, rights and resources - the transformative
role of free prior and informed consent. London, Routledge : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.982

@-> FSSLER Stephanie. Das Recht auf sexuelle Orientierung und seine Bedeutung im
Migrationsrecht. Zrich, Schulthess Juristische Medien : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 60.081-1502

FIJALKOWSKI Agata, GROSESCU Raluca. Transitional criminal justice in post-dictatorial and

post-conflict societies. Cambridge, Intersentia : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.153

GARCA COSTA Francisco Manuel. La vctima en las constituciones. Valencia, Tirant lo

Blanch : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.818

GLEDHILL Kris. Human rights acts - the mechanisms compared. Oxford, Hart Publishing :
2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.939

GOLASH Deirdre. Freedom of expression in a diverse world. Dordrecht (Pays-Bas), Springer :

2010. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.624

GROVER Sonja C.. Young peoples human rights and the politics of voting age. Dordrecht,
Springer : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.214

GUINCHARD Serge. Le grand oral - protection des liberts et des droits fondamentaux. Issyles-Moulineaux, Gazette du Palais : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.544, JB/GUI

HALLER Gret. Droits de l'homme, rvolution, dmocratie. Paris, Economica : 2015. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 549.856

HENNETTE-VAUCHEZ Stphanie, ROMAN Diane. Droits de l'homme et liberts fondamentales.

Paris, Dalloz : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.279, JB/HEN



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
HUNT Murray, HOOPER Hayley Jane, YOWELL Paul. Parliaments and human rights - redressing
the democratic deficit. Oxford, Hart Publishing : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.934

@-> KLITOU Demetrius. Privacy-invading technologies and privacy by design - safeguarding

privacy, liberty and security in the 21st century. The Hague, Asser Press : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS :

LESCAZE Bernard. Les livres de la libert. Coligny, Fondation Martin Bodmer : 2015. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.707

LEUPRECHT Peter. Reason, justice and dignity - a journey to some unexplored sources of
human rights. Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.785

LIND Nancy S., RANKIN Erik T.. First Amendment rights - an encyclopedia - Volume one.
Santa Barbara, Calif., ABC-CLIO : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.484-1

LIND Nancy S., RANKIN Erik T.. First Amendment rights - an encyclopedia - Volume two.
Santa Barbara, Calif., ABC-CLIO : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.484-2

@-> MARTIN Claudia. Human rights of older people - universal and regional legal perspectives.
Dordrecht, Springer : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.203

MBONGO Pascal. Liberts et droits fondamentaux. Paris, Berger-Levrault : 2015. Cote(s)

CUJAS : 550.560

MOHAN Mahdev, MOREL Cynthia. Business and human rights in Southeast Asia - risk and the
regulatory turn. London, Routledge : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.748

MOTTA Cristina, SEZ Macarena. Gender and sexuality in Latin America - cases and decisions.
Dordrecht, Springer : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.619

MULLALLY Siobhn. Care, migration, and human rights - law and practice. London,
Routledge : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.749

MURILLO CHVARRO Jimena. The human right to water - a legal comparative perspective at
the international, regional and domestic level. Cambridge, Intersentia : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :

NGAI Mae M.. Impossible subjects - illegal aliens and the making of modern America.
Princeton (N.J.), Princeton University Press : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.941

OBERDORFF Henri. Droits de l'homme et liberts fondamentales. Paris, LGDJ : 2015. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 551.275, JB/OBE

OBERDORFF Henri, ROBERT Jacques. Liberts fondamentales et droits de l'homme - textes

franais et internationaux. Issy-les-Moulineaux, LGDJ : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.542, JB/OBE

PILS Eva. China's human rights lawyers - advocacy and resistance. London, Routledge :
2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.754

@-> PROVOST Ren, SHEPPARD Colleen. Dialogues on human rights and legal pluralism.
Dordrecht, Springer : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.639



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
SALT Orsolya. The right to freedom of assembly - a comparative study. Oxford, Hart
Publishing : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.890

@-> SSENYONJO Manisuli. The African regional human rights system - 30 years after the African
Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights. Leiden, M. Nijhoff : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.907

TAVANI Claudia. Collective rights and the cultural identity of the Roma - a case study of Italy.
Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.920

VAN DER BEKEN Christophe, YIMER Solomon Abay, BREMS Eva. Human rights and
development - legal perspectives from and for Ethiopia. Leiden, Brill Nijhoff : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :

VITALE Ermanno, CAMILO OSORIO Luis, CERVANTES ANDRADE Ral. El uso de la fuerza
pblica en un estado democrtico de derecho - memoria del Congreso internacional. Mxico, D.F.,
Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Penales : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.472 Cadist

VITIT MUNTARBHORN. Unity in connectivity? - evolving human rights mechanisms in the

ASEAN region. Leiden, Nijhoff : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.791

WALDRON Jeremy. Dignity, rank, and rights. New York (N.Y.), Oxford university press :
2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.102

@-> WALLACE Denise. Human rights and business - a policy-oriented perspective. Leiden, Brill
Nijhoff : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.100

WERLY Stphane, DUNAND Jean-Philippe, XOUDIS Julia. Facettes du droit de la personnalit.

Genve, Schulthess : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.602

JC Droit administratif et administration publique

Code gnral de la proprit des personnes publiques. Paris, Dalloz : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :
98.847-43, d. 2015, JC (COD)

Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz (VwVfG) - Kommentar. Kln, C. Heymann : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS

: 550.513

ADAMO Ugo, GAMBINO Silvio, GARDINI Gianluca. Derechos estatutarios y defensores del
pueblo - teora y prctica en Espaa e Italia. Barcelona, Atelier : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.640

@-> AMAN Alfred C.. Administrative law and process. New Providence, NJ, LexisNexis : 2014.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.239

AYMERICH CANO Carlos I., GARCA MARTNEZ Andrs, GARCA PREZ Marta. Comentarios a la
Ley 27/2013, de 27 de diciembre, de racionalizacin y sostenibilidad de la administracin local.
Albolote, Granada, Comares : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.639

BEN MESSAOUD Sarah, VISEUR Franois. Le droit des marchs publics l'aune de la rforme
du 1er juillet 2013. Bruxelles, Larcier : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.150



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
BOCCON-GIBOD Thomas, CRTOIS Pierre. Etat social, proprit publique et biens communs.
Lormont, le Bord de l'eau : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.315

@-> BRAIBANT Guy, DELVOLV Pierre, GENEVOIS Bruno et al.. Les grands arrts de la
jurisprudence administrative. Paris, Dalloz : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.278, JC/GRA

CHABANOL Daniel. La pratique du contentieux administratif. Paris, LexisNexis : 2015.

Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.354, JC.4/CHA

COLIN Frdric. Droit public conomique. Issy-les-Moulineaux, Gualino Lextenso ditions :

2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.549, JC.2/COL

DAVID BEAUREGARD-BERTHIER Odile de. Droit administratif des biens. Issy-lesMoulineaux, Gualino : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.297, JC.2/DAV

DERBOULLES Laurent. L'essentiel des institutions administratives - fiches de cours et cas

pratiques corrigs. Paris, Ellipses : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.350

DUPR DE BOULOIS Xavier. Droit administratif - 2016. Paris, Dalloz : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :
99.935-4, d. 2016, JC (TD)/DUP

FIZE Michel. Une prison dans la ville - histoire de la "prison modle" de la Sant (1867-2014).
Paris, Buchet-Chastel : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.486

FOULQUIER-EXPERT Caroline. Le droit de la fonction publique en schmas. Paris, Ellipses :

2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.559

GODFRIN Philippe, DEGOFFE Michel. Droit administratif des biens - domaine, travaux,
expropriation. Paris, Sirey : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.379, JC.2/GOD

@-> KADA Nicolas. Les tabous de la dcentralisation. Paris, Berger-Levrault : 2015. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.556

LEMMET Jean-Franois, THOMAZO Pierre-Henri. Le statut des agents territoriaux fonctionnaires et non-titulaires. Paris, LGDJ : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.273, JC.3/LEM

PEISER Gustave. Droit administratif des biens. Paris, Dalloz : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 99.60835, 21me d., JC.2/PEI

PHILIPPART Justine, VISEUR Franois. La justice administrative - [actes du colloque organis

les 21 et 28 mai 2015 par la Confrence du Jeune Barreau de Bruxelles]. Bruxelles, Larcier : 2015.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.147

RAMI MATAS Carles. Administracin pblica y crisis institucional - estrategias de reforma e

innovacin para Espaa y Amrica Latina. Madrid, Tecnos : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.638

@-> VAN DER HOF Simone, GROOTHUIS Marga. Innovating government - normative, policy and
technological dimensions of modern government. The Hague (Pays-Bas), T.M.C. Asser Press : 2011.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.643
@-> WAUTERS Kris. Cooperative agreements between public authorities - the influence of CJEU
case law on national legal systems. Cambridge, United Kingdom, Intersentia : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS
: 550.160



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
WILBERG Hanna, ELLIOTT Mark. The scope and intensity of substantive review - traversing
Taggart's rainbow. Oxford, Hart Publishing : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.894

JD Finances publiques

ALBERT Jean-Luc. Finances publiques. Paris, Dalloz : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.365, JC/ALB

BAUDU Aurlien. Droit des finances publiques. Paris, Dalloz : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.277,

BAUDU Aurlien. Droit fiscal 2015-2016 - cadres gnraux du systme fiscal, droit fiscal
gnral des personnes physiques, droit fiscal gnral des entreprises. Issy-les-Moulineaux, Gualino
: 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.368, JD.2/BAU

BELLESCIZE Ramu de. Le systme budgtaire des Etats-Unis. Paris, LGDJ : 2015. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 551.276, JD.1/BEL

BOHN JESPERSEN Claus. Intermediation of insurance and financial services in European VAT.
Copenhagen, DJF Pub. : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.848

@-> DAMAREY Stphanie. Finances publiques - laboration, excution, contrle. Issy-lesMoulineaux, Gualino Lextenso ditions : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.551, JD/DAM

DELLA FAILLE Patrick. Le rgime du tax shelter - aspects de droit civil, fiscal, comptable et
financier. Bruxelles, Larcier : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.043

GAISBAUER Helmut P., SCHWEIGER Gottfried, SEDMAK Clemens. Philosophical explorations of

justice and taxation - national and global issues. Cham, Springer : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.638

HELLERSTEIN Walter, STARK Kirk J., SWAIN John A., YOUNGMAN Joan M.. State and local
taxation - cases and materials. St. Paul, MN, West Academic Publishing : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS :

JAMES Kathryn. The rise of the value-added tax. New York (NY), Cambridge University Press
: 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.656

LAMULLE Thierry. Fiscalit 2015-2016 - impts sur le revenu et impt sur les socits, impt
sur la dpense, imposition du capital, impts locaux, procdures fiscales. Issy-les-Moulineaux,
Gualino : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.285, JD.2/LAM

@-> LAMULLE Thierry. Fiscalit 2015-2016 - 32 exercices corrigs. Issy-les-Moulineaux, Gualino :

2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.283, JD.2/LAM

LANG Michael, , LIU Jianwen, , TANG Gongliang. Europe-China tax treaties.

Alphen aan den Rijn (Pays-Bas), Wolters Kluwer law & business : 2010. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.849

MEHROTRA Ajay K.. Making the modern American fiscal state - law, politics, and the rise of
progressive taxation, 1877-1929. Cambridge (GB), Cambridge University Press : 2013. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.668



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
MICHIELSE Geerten M.M., THURONYI Victor. Tax design issues worldwide. Alphen aan den
Rijn (The Netherlands), Wolters Kluwer Law & Business : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.011

@-> MOYSAN Emilie. Les comptences financires locales dans le systme juridique franais avant-propos de Michel Bouvier,.... Issy-les-Moulineaux, LGDJ - Lextenso ditions : 2015. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 99.152-61, JD.3/MOY

PETRUZZI Raffaele, SPIES Karoline. Tax policy challenges in the 21st century. Wien, Linde :
2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.604

ROLIM Joo Dcio. Proportionality and fair taxation. Alphen aan den Rijn (The
Netherlands), Wolter Kluwer Law & Business : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.008

VAN BREDERODE Robert F. W.. Science, technology and taxation. Alphen aan den Rijn
(Pays-Bas), Wolters Kluwer Law & Business : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.699

WHITEHEAD Simon. The tax disputes and litigation review. London, Law Business Research
: 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.321

KA Droit civil et organisation judiciaire


Code civil. Paris, Dalloz : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 98.847-1, d. 2016, KA (COD)


Code de procdure civile. Paris, Dalloz : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 98.847-5C, d. 2016, KA (COD)

Code des associations et fondations. Paris, Dalloz : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 98.847-41A, d.
2016, KA (COD)

Violencia de gnero - perspectiva multidisciplinar y prctica forense. Cizur Menor (Navarra),
Aranzadi : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.627

ALGERI Lorenzo. L'impugnazione della parte civile. Padova, CEDAM, Casa editrice dott.
Antonio Milani : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.979

@-> ANDREWS Neil. The three paths of justice - court proceedings, arbitration, and mediation in
England. Dordrecht, Springer : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.612

ARSAC Antoine. La proprit fiduciaire - nature et rgime. Issy-les-Moulineaux, LGDJ Lextenso d. : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.265, KA.12/ARS

delle parti - atti del XXIX convegno nazionale, Genova, 20-21 settembre 2013. Bologna, Bononia
University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.274

BARKER Kit, GRANTHAM Ross, SWAIN Warren. The law of misstatements - 50 years on from
Hedley Byrne v Heller. Oxford, Hart Publishing : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.938

BARR Warren. Modern studies in property law - Volume 8. Oxford, Hart Publishing : 2015.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 521.027-8



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
BATTEUR Annick. Droit civil des obligations 2016 - mthodologie & sujets corrigs. Paris,
Dalloz : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 99.935-2, d. 2016, KA.1 (TD)/BAT

@-> BATTEUR Annick. Droit des personnes, des familles et des majeurs protgs. Paris, LGDJLextenso d. : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.271, KA.11/BAT

BELLOIR-CAUX Brigitte. Le droit des biens en schmas. Paris, Ellipses : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :

BRAUN Johann. Lehrbuch des Zivilprozerechts - Erkenntnisverfahren. Tbingen, Mohr

Siebeck : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.401

BREHM Wolfgang, BERGER Christian. Sachenrecht. Tbingen, Mohr Siebeck : 2014. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.402

BRIDGE Michael G.. Personal property law. Oxford, Oxford University Press : 2015. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.956

BRUGGEMAN Vronique. Compensating catastrophe victims - a comparative law and

economics approach. Alphen aan den Rijn, Kluwer Law International : 2010. Cote(s) CUJAS :

BUSTAMANTE Thomas da Rosa de, DAHLMAN Christian. Argument types and fallacies in legal
argumentation. Cham, Springer : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.247

CABRILLAC Rmy. Droit des rgimes matrimoniaux. Paris, LGDJ-Lextenso d. : 2015. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 99.571-62, 9me d., KA.13/CAB

CARNEIRO Davide. Conflict resolution and its context - from the analysis of behavioural
patterns to efficient decision-making. Cham, Springer : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.202

CARTWRIGHT John. Misrepresentation, mistake and non-disclosure. London, Sweet and

Maxwell : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.375

CHAMBON Pierre, GURY Christian. Droit et pratique de l'instruction prparatoire. Paris,

Dalloz : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.537, KA.2/GUE

CIRULLI Massimo. La sospensione del processo esecutivo. Milano, Giuffr : 2015. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.424

COUTINHO Luis Pedro Pereira, LA TORRE Massimo, SMITH Steven Douglas. Judicial activism an interdisciplinary approach to the American and European experiences. Cham, Springer : 2015.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.591

DAVID Stphane, JAULT Alexis. Liquidation des rgimes matrimoniaux. Paris, Dalloz : 2015.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.386, KA.13/DAV


DAVIES Paul S.. Accessory liability. Oxford, Hart Publishing : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.944

DE LEVAL Georges. Droit judiciaire - Tome 2. Bruxelles, Larcier : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
DOGLIOTTI Massimo. Persone fisiche - capacit, status, diritti. Torino, G. Giappichelli :
2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.292

@-> DRUFFIN-BRICCA Sophie, HENRY Laurence-Caroline. Droit des biens - proprit individuelle,
proprit collective, proprit dmembre. Issy-les-Moulineaux, Gualino : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :
551.290, KA.12/DRU

DYSON Andrew, GOUDKAMP James, WILMOT-SMITH Frederick. Defences in tort. Oxford,

Hart Publishing : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.942

EIGENMANN Antoine, ROUILLER Nicolas. Commentaire du droit des successions - (art. 457640 CC ; art. 11-24 LDFR). Berne, Stmpfli ditions : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.205

FLOUR Jacques, AUBERT Jean-Luc, SAVAUX ric. Les obligations - la preuve, les effets de
l'obligation, la responsabilit contractuelle, transmission, transformation, extinction des obligations 3. Paris, Sirey : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.383, KA.14/FLO

FONTANA Roberto, ROMEO Simona. Il nuovo processo di esecuzione - profili sostanziali e

strategici alla luce delle riforme e delle risposte giurisprudenziali. Assago, Wolters Kluwer : 2015.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.533

FRANCE Cour de cassation. Les grands arrts de la jurisprudence civile - Tome 2. Paris,
Dalloz : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.381-2, KA/CAP

FRICERO Natalie. Procdures civiles d'excution - voies d'excution, procdures de distribution.

Issy-les-Moulineaux, Gualino : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.369, KA.22/FRI

FROST Martyn. Testamentary capacity - law, practice, and medicine. Oxford, Oxford
University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.938

GAR Thierry. Introduction au droit et droit civil - 2016. Paris, Dalloz : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :
99.935-1, d. 2016, KA (TD)/GAR

GENTILI Aurelio. Senso e consenso - storia, teoria e tecnica dell'interpretazione dei contratti.
Torino, G. Giappichelli : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.253-1

GOSSELIN Frdric. La rforme de l'arrondissement judiciaire de Bruxelles - premire approche

pratique. Bruxelles, Larcier : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.153

@-> GREEN Sarah. Causation in negligence. Oxford, Hart Publishing : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :

GRGOIRE Michle. Ralit et fictions du droit des garanties - hommage la rigueur crative
d'Anne-Marie Stranart. Bruxelles, Larcier : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.424

GUILLEMARD Sylvette. Comprendre la procdure civile qubcoise. Cowansville, Qubec,

ditions Y. Blais : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.168

GUINCHARD Serge, FERRAND Frdrique, CHAINAIS Ccile. Procdure civile. Paris, Dalloz :
2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.274, KA.2/GUI

HARRIS-SHORT Sonia, MILES Joanna, GEORGE Rob. Family law - text, cases, and materials.
Oxford, Oxford University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.965



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
HEIDEL Thomas, RING Gerhard, KROISS Ludwig et al.. BGB - 1922-2385 - Band 5. BadenBaden, Nomos : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.396

@-> HRON Jacques, LE BARS Thierry. Droit judiciaire priv. Paris, LGDJ-Lextenso ditions :
2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 99.571-56, 6me d., KA.2/HER

HYDE Aurore-Anglique. Les atteintes aux liberts individuelles par contrat - contribution la
thorie de l'obligation. Paris, IRJS Editions : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 99.939-60, PRET KA/HYD

JACKSON Rupert Matthew. Jackson & Powell on professional liability - Third supplement to the
seventh edition. London, Sweet & Maxwell : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 98.842-12, 7me d. suppl. 3

JAFFE James. Ironies of colonial governance - law, custom and justice in colonial India.
Cambridge(GB), Cambridge University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.654

JAFFERALI Rafal. Confirmation, ratification et condition suspensive - la rtroactivit des droits

contractuels inachevs. Bruxelles, Larcier : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.423

JORD CAPITN Eva R.. Retencin posesoria y derecho de retencin. Madrid, Universidad
Rey Juan Carlos, Servicio de Publicaciones : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.642

KAHLERT Heiner. Vertraulichkeit im Schiedsverfahren - eine Untersuchung nach deutschem

Recht mit internationalen Bezgen. Zrich, [s.n.] : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 60.081-1504

KENGYEL Mikls, NEMESSNYI Zoltn. Electronic technology and civil procedure - new paths
to justice from around the world. Dordrecht, Springer : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.594

KORCH Stefan. Haftung und Verhalten - eine konomische Untersuchung des Haftungsrechts
unter Bercksichtigung begrenzter Rationalitt und komplexer Prferenzen. Tbingen, Mohr
Siebeck : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.484

KYRITSIS Dimitrios. Shared authority - courts and legislatures in legal theory. Oxford, Hart
Publishing : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.929

LAMBOLEY Annie, LAURENS-LAMBOLEY Marie-Hlne. Droit des rgimes matrimoniaux.

Paris, LexisNexis : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.428, KA.13/LAM

LE ROY Max, LE ROY Jacques-Denis, BIBAL Frdric. L'valuation du prjudice corporel expertises, principes, indemnits. Paris, Lexisnexis : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.353, KA.142/LER

LEGEAIS Dominique. Droit des srets et garanties du crdit. Paris, LGDJ : 2015. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 551.269, KA.15/LEG

LENAERTS Mariken. National socialist family law - the influence of national socialism on
marriage and divorce law in Germany and the Netherlands. Leiden, Brill Nijhoff : 2015. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.803

MACLEAN Mavis, EEKELAAR John, BASTARD Benoit. Delivering family justice in the 21st
century. Oxford, Hart Publishing : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.945

@-> MALAURIE Philippe, AYNS Laurent. Droit des rgimes matrimoniaux. Paris, LGDJ Lextenso
ditions : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.288, KA.1/MAL



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
MCFARLANE Ben, HOPKINS Nicholas, NIELD Sarah. Land law - text, cases, and materials.
Oxford, Oxford University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.244

@-> MEDICUS Dieter, LORENZ Stephan. Schuldrecht - ein Studienbuch - II. Mnchen, C.H.Beck :
2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.231-2

MEDICUS Dieter, PETERSEN Jens. Brgerliches Recht - eine nach Anspruchsgrundlagen

geordnete Darstellung zur Examensvorbereitung. Mnchen, F. Vahlen : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS :

MIYAZAWA Setsuo, JIANG Weidong, FUKURAI Hiroshi. East Asia's renewed respect for the rule
of law in the 21st century - the future of legal and judicial landscapes in East Asia. Leiden, Brill
Nijhoff : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.923

MOENS Gabriel, EVANS Philip. Arbitration and dispute resolution in the resources sector - an
Australian perspective. Cham, Springer : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.621

MONASTERIO Ignacio Esteban, BARTOLOM David Garca, PREZ DEL BLANCO Guilberto et al..
Ley de arbitraje. Cizur Menor, Aranzadi : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.283

MORGAN Jonathan. Great debates in contract law. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan :

2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.398

@-> MUNDAY Roderick. Evidence. Oxford, Oxford University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :

O'HALLORAN Kerry. The politics of adoption - international perspectives on law, policy and
practice. Dordrecht, Springer : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.220

PALAZN GARRIDO Mara Luisa. Los Remedios frente al incumplimiento en el derecho

comparado. Cizur Menor, Navarra, Aranzadi : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.626

PIETH Mark, IVORY Radha. Corporate criminal liability - emergence, convergence, and risk.
Dordrecht, Springer : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.217

@-> PIETTE Gal. Droit des srets - srets personnelles, srets relles. Issy-les-Moulineaux,
Gualino : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.552, KA.15/PIE

PRELE Chiara. Developments in foundation law in Europe. Dordrecht, Springer : 2014.

Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.705

RANCHORDS Sofia, WAARD Boudewijn Willem Nicolaas de. The judge and the proportionate
use of discretion - a comparative study. London, Routledge : 2016. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.755

REIMANN Mathias. Cost and fee allocation in civil procedure - a comparative study.
Dordrecht, Springer : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.216

RENAULT-BRAHINSKY Corinne. Droit des obligations - actes juridiques, responsabilit civile,

quasi-contrats. Issy-les-Moulineaux, Gualino : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.289, KA.14/REN

@-> RENAULT-BRAHINSKY Corinne. Droit des rgimes matrimoniaux - le couple mari, les
partenaires du Pacs. Issy-les-Moulineaux, Gualino-Lextenso d. : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.281,



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
RENAULT-BRAHINSKY Corinne. Droit des successions. Paris, Gualino-Lextenso d. : 2015.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.287, KA.13/REN

@-> RHEE C. H. van, FU Yuling. Civil litigation in China and Europe - essays on the role of the judge
and the parties. Dordrecht, Springer : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.648

RIVERA Julio Csar. The scope and structure of civil codes. Dordrecht, Springer : 2013.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.652

SABATI Cyril. Coproprit - statut, gestion, contentieux. Paris, Delmas : 2015. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 96.519-3, 22me d., KA.12/SAB

SEZ Macarena. Same sex couples, comparative insights on marriage and cohabitation.
Dordrecht, Springer : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.635

SCARPONI Stefania. Diritto e genere - analisi interdisciplinare e comparata. Padova,

CEDAM, Casa editrice dott. Antonio Milani : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.982


SCHILLER Sophie. Droit des biens. Paris, Dalloz : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.291, KA.12/SCH

STEELE Jenny. Tort law - text, cases, and materials. Oxford, Oxford University Press : 2014.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.968

STEINAUER Paul-Henri, MOOSER Michel, EIGENMANN Antoine. Journe de droit successoral

2015, [22 janvier 2015]. Bern, Stmpfli d. : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.232

STEINER Eva. Comparing the prospective effect of judicial rulings across jurisdictions. Cham,
Springer : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.221


STOFFELS Markus. AGB-Recht. Mnchen, C.H. Beck : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.400

SUMMA Francine. La loi Autorit parentale et intrt de l'enfant (APIE) - la mdiation

familiale pour vivre ensemble. Paris, l'Harmattan : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.566

TAYLOR Richard D., TAYLOR Damian. Contract law. Oxford, Oxford university press : 2015.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.967

@-> TEDOLDI Alberto. Dell'astensione, della ricusazione e della responsabilit dei giudici - art. 5156. Bologna, Zanichelli : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.183

TERR Franois. Introduction gnrale au droit. Paris, Dalloz : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 98.854133, 10me d., KA.1/TER

UZELAC Alan. Goals of civil justice and civil procedure in contemporary judicial systems.
Cham, Springer : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.615

VANHAESEBROUCK Karel, GUILLAIN Christine, CARTUYVELS Yves. Spectacle et justice - regards

croiss sur la justice pnale en Belgique. Louvain, LannooCampus : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.524

VISCHER Moritz. Die Rohbaumiete - Zulssigkeit und Grenzen. Zrich, Schulthess Juristiche
Medien : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 60.081-1493

@-> VOIRIN Pierre, GOUBEAUX Gilles. Droit civil - Tome 1. Paris, LGDJ-Lextenso ditions : 2015.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.264-1, KA.1/VOI



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
WRY Patrick, GERMAIN Jean-Franois. La vente - dveloppement rcents et questions
spciales. Bruxelles, Larcier : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.151

@-> WESTENDORF Hannes. Le transfert des srets. Issy-les-Moulineaux, Defrnois : 2015.

Cote(s) CUJAS : 99.948-54, KA.1/WES

WINTERTON David. Money awards in contract law. Oxford, Hart : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :

KB Droit commercial, Droit des affaires


Code de commerce. Paris, Dalloz : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 98.847-2, d. 2016, KB (COD)

L'entreprise en difficult - [actes du colloque du 16 mai 2012]. Bruxelles, d. Larcier : 2012.

Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.155

AKN ERGUN Deniz. Banking regulation in times of crisis - an economic analysis from Turkey
and Russia. Cambridge, Intersentia : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.159

ALTER Cdric, CAPRASSE Olivier, COLLON Franois. Droit des groupes de socits - questions
pratiques. Bruxelles, Larcier : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.152

BALATE Eric, MENTREY Sverine. Questions de droit conomique - les dfis des tats
africains. Bruxelles, Larcier : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.124

BERNARD Nicolas. Le bail et le contrat de vente face aux rglementations rgionales

(urbanisme, salubrit, PEB). Bruxelles, Editions Larcier : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.148

BEST Marcus, SOULIER Jean-Luc. International securities law handbook. Alphen aan den
Rijn, Wolters Kluwer law & business : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.042

@-> BLAISE Jean-Bernard. Droit des affaires - commerants, concurrence, distribution. Paris,
LGDJ : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.364, KB/BLA

BOLLEN Rhys. The law and regulation of payment services - a comparative study. Alphen
aan den Rijn, Kluwer Law International : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.811

BONNEAU Thierry. Droit bancaire. Paris, LGDJ : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 99.571-60, 11me
d., KB.3/BON

BOTTA Mario. Merger control regimes in emerging economies - a case study on Brazil and
Argentina. Alphen aan den Rijn (Pays-Bas), Kluwer Law International : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS :

BOWMAN Megan. Banking on climate change - how finance actors and transnational
regulatory regimes are responding. Alphen aan den Rijn, Kluwer Law International : 2015. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.859

BROWN Karen B.. A comparative look at regulation of corporate tax avoidance. Dordrecht,
Springer : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.613



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
Antonio B.. Estudios jurdicos sobre la accin. Cizur Menor, Navarra, Civitas : 2014. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 549.631

CORREIA Miguel. Taxation of corporate groups. Alphen aan den Rijn (Pays-Bas), Kluwer
Law International : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.003

DE ZWART Francesco. Enhancing firm sustainability through governance - the relational

corporate governance approach. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.161

GARSUAULT Philippe, PRIAMI Stphane. oprations bancaires l'international. Paris,

Revue Banque : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.316

GOTTWALD Peter. Insolvenzrechtshandbuch. Mnchen, C. H. Beck : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :


GRANT Frederic Delano. The Chinese cornerstone of modern banking - the Canton guaranty
System and the origins of bank deposit insurance, 1780-1933. Leiden, Brill : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS :

HENKOW Oskar. The VAT/GST treatment of public bodies. Alphen aan den Rijn (Pays-Bas),
Kluwer Law International : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.001

@-> HOFFMANN-BECKING Michael. Mnchener Handbuch des Gesellschaftsrechts - Band 4.

Mnchen, C. H. Beck : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 548.744-4

KEAY Andrew. Board accountability in corporate governance. London, Routledge : 2015.

Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.740

LECLERCQ Jean-Franois. La cession d'entreprise - les aspects sociaux. Bruxelles, Larcier :

2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.158

LEGEAIS Dominique. Droit commercial et des affaires. Paris, Sirey : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :
551.296, KB/LEG

@-> MARKHAM Jerry, GJYSHI Rigers. Research handbook on securities regulation in the United
States. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.048

MOENS Gabriel. Commercial law of the European Union. Dordrecht, Springer : 2010.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.184

MORENO RODRGUEZ Jos Antonio. Arbitraje en el Paraguay. Asuncin, Paraguay,

Internacional : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.078 Cadist

MOULIN Jean-Marc. Droit des socits et des groupes. Issy-les-Moulineaux, GualinoLextenso ed. : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.370, KB.1/MOU

OKOYE Ngozi Vivian. Behavioural risks in corporate governance - regulatory intervention as a

risk management mechanism. London, Routledge : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.751

@-> PAOLINI Adolfo. Research handbook on directors' duties. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar : 2014.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.047



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
PILLAY Renginee. Changing nature of corporate social responsibility - CSR and development in
context - the case of mauritius. London, Routledge : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.753

@-> QUMNER Myriam. Criminalit conomique et financire - l're numrique. Paris,

Economica : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.720, KB.5/QUE

RAIMBOURG Philippe, BOIZARD Martine. Ingnierie financire, fiscale et juridique. Paris,

Dalloz : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 216.260, KB.3/RAI

RECALDE CASTELLS, Andrs. Crisis y reforma del sistema financiero. Cizur Menor, Aranzadi :
2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.628

SAAIED Semia. L'chec du plan de sauvegarde de l'entreprise en difficult. Issy-lesMoulineaux, LGDJ-Lextenso d. : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.491, KB/SAA

SAINTOURENS Bernard. Droit des entreprises en difficult - perfectionnement juridique et

efficacit conomique. Pessac, Presses universitaires de Bordeaux : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.716,

@-> SALOMO NETO Eduardo. Direito bancrio. So Paulo, Ed. Atlas : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS :

SORTAIS Jean-Pierre. Entreprises en difficult - les mcanismes d'alerte et de conciliation.

Issy-les-Moulineaux, LGDJ : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.268, KB.2/SOR

VILLAFEZ PREZ Itziar, EMPARANZA SOBEJANO Alberto. Cooperativa y concurso. Estudio de

las relaciones jurdicas con sus socios. Madrid, Marcial Pons, Ediciones Jurdicas y Sociales : 2014.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.632

VOGEL Louis, VOGEL Joseph. La ngociation commerciale depuis la loi Hamon. Paris,
LawLex : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.469, KB/VOG

VOGT Hans-Ueli, KALSS Susanne, FLEISCHER Holger. Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrecht in

Deutschland, sterreich und der Schweiz 2014. Tbingen, Mohr Siebeck : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS :

WEINBERGER Marc-David. MiFID - questions spciales. Bruxelles, Larcier : 2010. Cote(s)

CUJAS : 551.145

@-> WYMEERSCH Eddy. Alternative investment fund regulation. Alphen aan den Rijn, Kluwer
Law Interntional : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.812

KC Droit social, Droit du travail

@-> Labour law between change and tradition - liber amicorum Antoine Jacobs. Alphen aan den
Rijn (Pays-Bas), Wolters Kluwer : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.879

Trade union rights at the workplace - in honour of Manfred Weiss. Alphen aan den Rijn (PaysBas), Wolters Kluwer : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.880



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
ordenacin del tiempo de trabajo en el siglo XXI - retos, oportunidades y riesgos emergentes.
Granada, Comares : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.508

BEKE Laura, BLANPAIN Roger, WOUTERS Jan. Protecting labour rights in a multi-polar supply
chain and mobile global economy. Alphen aan den Rijn (Pays-Bas), Wolters Kluwer : 2015. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.872

@-> BERG Laurie. Migrant rights at work - law's precariousness at the intersection of immigration
and labour. London, Routledge : 2016. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.976

BLANPAIN Roger, ARELLANO ORTIZ Pablo Andrs, OLIVIER Marius Paul et al.. Social security
and migrant workers - selected studies of cross-border social security mechanisms. Alphen aan den
Rijn (Pays-Bas), Wolters Kluwer Law & Business : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.876

BLANPAIN Roger, LIUKKUNEN Ulla, CHEN Yifeng. China and ILO fundamental principles and
rights at work. Alphen aan den Rijn (Pays-Bas), Kluwer Law International. : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS :

BRUSATI Stefano, GRAGNOLI Enrico. Una prima esperienza sulla nuova disciplina dei
licenziamenti - seminario in onore di Michele De Luca. Padova, CEDAM, Casa editrice dott. Antonio
Milani : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.382

CHEN Weixia Cher. Compliance and compromise - the jurisprudence of gender pay equity.
Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.783

DIOTALLEVI Grard. De quelques obligations accessoires au contrat de travail. Issy-lesMoulineaux, LGDJ-Lextenso ditions : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 99.062-64, KC/DIO

DIRRINGER Jospha. Les sources de la reprsentation collective des salaris - contribution

l'tude des sources du droit. Issy-les-Moulineaux, LGDJ - Lextenso ditions : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :
99.062-65, KC/DIR

@-> EMERAS Marion. La dmocratie sociale dans l'entreprise aprs la loi du 20 aot 2008. Paris,
Mare & Martin : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.518, KC/EME

FRANCE Ministre du travail. La ngociation collective en 2014. Paris, Ministre du travail,

de l'emploi et du dialogue social : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.336

GREGO Henri. Quel pouvoir disciplinaire pour l'employeur ? Le Mans, Gereso dition : 2015.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.349

HESS-FALLON Brigitte, MAILLARD Sandrine, SIMON Anne-Marie. Droit du travail. Paris,

Sirey : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.284, KC/HES

HILGENSTOCK Christopher. Das Mindestlohngesetz. Mnchen, C.H.Beck : 2014. Cote(s)

CUJAS : 551.197

@-> MERCADER UGUINA Jess R.. Los principios de aplicacin del derecho del trabajo - formacin,
decadencia y crisis. Valencia, Tirant lo Blanch : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.819



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
Prevencin y proteccin de la dependencia - un enfoque transdisciplinar. Granada, Comares : 2014.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.509

PISANI Carlos O.. Norme fondamentali di diritto del lavoro. Torino, G. Giappichelli : 2014.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.976

PLASSCHAERT Emmanuel, RIJCKAERT Olivier. Le droit social en chantier(s). Bruxelles,

Larcier : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.154

RAY Jean-Emmanuel. Droit du travail - droit vivant. Paris, Wolters Kluwer France : 2015.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.489, KC/RAY

SUPIOT Alain. Critique du droit du travail. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France : 2015.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.357, KC/SUP

KD Droit pnal et criminologie

Ley general de vctimas - [Mexique]. Mxico, D.F., [PROVCTIMA, Procuradura Social de

Atencin a las Vctimas de Delitos] : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.077 Cadist

Viol conjugal, viols dans la relation de couple - [actes du colloque organis le 4 octobre 2011].
Paris, Prfecture de police de Paris : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 261.414

@-> ABRUSCI Irene. Damnatio memoriae - la soppressione incidentale di informazioni nel processo
penale. Torino, Giappichelli : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.978

ARMENTA DEU Teresa. Estudios de justicia penal. Madrid, Marcial Pons : 2014. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 549.643

AUVERGNON Philippe. Droit du travail en prison - d'un dni une reconnaissance. Pessac,
Presses universitaires de Bordeaux : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.339

BONFILS Philippe, MUCCHIELLI Laurent, ROUX Adrien. Comprendre et lutter contre la

corruption - actes du Ier colloque d'Aix-Marseille sur la corruption. Aix-en-Provence, Presses
Universitaires d'Aix-Marseille : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.548, KD/BON

BURKHARDT Anika. Das NS-Euthanasie-Unrecht vor den Schranken der Justiz - eine
strafrechtliche Analyse. Tbingen, Mohr Siebeck : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.204

@-> CASADO Arnaud. La prostitution en droit franais, tude de droit priv. Paris, IRJS ditions :
2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 99.939-62, KD/CAS

CASTRO ESCARPULLI Nicandra. El Ministerio Pblico hacia el sistema penal acusatorio en

Mxico - gua prctica para principiantes. Mxico, D.F., Ubijus : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.484

CHOLET Didier. Les nouvelles prisons - enqute sur le nouvel univers carcral franais.
Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.359



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
DAN Adrian. Le dlit de commission par omission - lments de droit suisse et compar.
Genve, Schulthess : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.631

@-> DARSONVILLE Audrey, LEONHARD Julie. La loi pnale & le sexe. Nancy, PUN-ditions
universitaires de Lorraine : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.324

EKHOLST Christine. A punishment for each criminal - gender and crime in Swedish medieval
law. Leiden, Brill : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.242

ESCALANTE GONZALBO Fernando. El crimen como realidad y representacin - contribucin

para una historia del presente. Mxico, D.F., El Colegio de Mxico : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.074

EUSEBI Luciano. Una giustizia diversa - il modello riparativo e la questione penale. Milano,
Vita e Pensiero : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.277

derecho penal y la poltica criminal frente a la corrupcin. Mxico, D.F., Ed. Ubijus : 2012. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 549.473 Cadist

FRANCE. Code de procdure pnale. Paris, Dalloz : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 98.847-6I, d.
2016, KD (COD)


FRANCE. Code pnal. Paris, Dalloz : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 98.847-7I, d. 2016, KD (COD)

GARAY Luis Jorge, SALCEDO-ALBARN Eduardo. Narcotrfico, corrupcin y Estados - cmo las
redes ilcitas han reconfigurado las instituciones en Colombia, Guatemala y Mxico. Bogot,
Debate : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.076 Cadist

GILLIRON Gwladys. Public prosecutors in the United States and Europe - a comparative
analysis with special focus on Switzerland, France, and Germany. Cham, Springer : 2014. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.486

HEFFERNAN William C.. Dimensions of justice - ethical issues in the administration of criminal
law. Burlington (Mass.), Jones & Bartlett Learning : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.075

HERNNDEZ-ROMO VALENCIA Pablo. Las garantas del inculpado - la detencin, la defensa

adecuada, la libertad bajo caucin, el derecho a ofrecer pruebas, naturaleza y causa de la acusacin.
Mxico, Ed. Porra : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.458 Cadist

HERZOG Annelies. ffentlichkeits- und Medienarbeit des Strafverteidigers (Litigation-PR).

Berlin, Duncker & Humblot : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 60.081-1501

KAUFMAN Emma. Punish and expel - border control, nationalism, and the new purpose of the
prison. Oxford, Oxford University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.954

KEILER Johannes, ROEF David. Comparative concepts of criminal law. Cambridge,

Intersentia : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.152

KIENGE KIENGE INTUDI Raoul. La recherche en criminologie en Rpublique dmocratique du

Congo. Louvain-la-Neuve, Academia-l'Harmattan : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.175



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
KOLB Patrick, LETURMY Laurence. Droit pnal gnral - les grands principes, l'infraction,
l'auteur, les peines. Issy-les-Moulineaux, Gualino : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.367, KD/KOL

@-> KOUBI Genevive, HENNION Patricia, AZIMI Vida. L'institution psychiatrique au prisme du
droit - la folie entre administration et justice. Paris, d. Panthon-Assas : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :
99.900-162, KD.2/INS

MASFERRER DOMINGO Aniceto. Post 9/11 and the state of permanent legal emergency security and human rights in countering terrorism. Dordrecht, Springer : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS :

MEULEN Nicole S. van der. Financial identity theft - context, challenges and countermeasures.
The Hague, T.M.C. Asser : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.617

MIRANDA ESTRAMPES Manuel, FLIX CRDENAS Radolfo. El Concepto de prueba ilcita y su

tratamiento en el proceso penal - especial referencia a la "exclusionary rule" estadounidense.
Mxico, D.F., Ubijus : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.479 Cadist

MONBALLYU Jos. Six centuries of criminal law - history of criminal law in the southern
Netherlands and Belgium. Leiden, Brill Nijhoff : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.142

NAVA GARCS Alberto Enrique. El Penalista - reseas, artculos, opiniones sobre historia del
derecho penal, teora del delito, derecho procesal penal y delitos en particular. Mexico D.F.,
INACIPE : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.486 Cadist

NISSAN Ephraim. Computer applications for handling legal evidence, police investigation and
case argumentation. Dordrecht, Springer : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.260-1

@-> NORRIE Alan William. Crime, reason, and history - a critical introduction to criminal law.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.682

OJEDA BOHRQUEZ Ricardo. El nuevo amparo penal - la nueva ley de amparo frente al
procedimiento penal acusatorio oral y los derechos humanos. Jerarqua constitucional y debido
proceso. Mxico, D.F., INACIPE : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.485 Cadist

RENAULT-BRAHINSKY Corinne. Procdure pnale - acteurs du procs pnal, poursuites,

enqute policire et instruction, jugement, le cas particulier du mineur. Issy-les-Moulineaux,
Gualino : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.299, KD.1/REN

RISOPOULOS Andr. Les avocats face au blanchiment. Bruxelles, Larcier : 2011. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 551.159

SORDINO Marie-Christine. Droit pnal - 32 exercices corrigs. Paris, Gualino : 2015. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 551.375, KD (TD)/SOR

TOURNIER Pierre-Victor. Naissance de la contrainte pnale - sanctionner sans emprisonner.

Paris, l'Harmattan : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.568-1

@-> VERGS Jacques. Les erreurs judiciaires. Paris, Presses universitaires de France : 2015.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 98.957-3656, 2me d., KD/VER

VRON Michel. Droit pnal spcial. Paris, Sirey : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.554, KD/VER



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
VILLAMARN LPEZ Mara Luisa. Neurociencia y deteccin de la verdad y del engao en el
proceso penal - el uso del escner cerebral (fMRI) y del brainfingerprinting (P300). Madrid, Marcial
Pons : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.744

ZENO-ZENCOVICH Vincenzo. Sex and the contract - from infamous commerce to the market
for sexual goods and services. Leiden, M. Nijhoff : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.116

KE Droit conomique

CARVALHO Nuno Pires de, UBERTAZZI Benedetta, BINCTIN Nicolas. Dfis du droit de la
concurrence dloyale - Actes de la Journe de droit de la proprit intellectuelle du 14 fvrier 2014.
Genve, Schulthess Mdias Juridiques : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.601

@-> DE BROUWER Laurent. Les pratiques du march - une loi pour le consommateur, le concurrent
et le juge. Bruxelles, Larcier : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.157

FALLA Elodie. The role of the court in collective redress litigation - comparative report.
Bruxelles, Editions Larcier : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.144

KAPLOW Louis. Competition policy and price fixing. Princeton (N.J.), Princeton Univesity
Press : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.214

LUNDQVIST Bjrn. Joint research and development under US antitrust and EU competition
law. Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar Publishing : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.049

NEVO Hila. Definition of the relevant market - (lack of) harmony between industrial economics
and competition law. Cambridge, Intersentia : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.094

PUTZEYS Didier. Regards croiss sur la distribution - concession, agence et franchise.

Bruxelles, Larcier : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.149

RODGER Barry J.. Landmark cases in competition law - around the world in fourteen stories.
Alphen aan den Rijn (Pays-Bas), Wolters Kluwer Law and Business : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.994

VILLALTA PUIG Gonzalo. Economic relations between Australia and the European Union - law
and policy. Alphen aan den Rijn, Kluwer Law International : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.022

VOGEL Louis. French competition law. Paris, LawLex : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.547,

@-> VOGEL Louis, VOGEL Joseph. European distribution law. Paris, LawLex : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS
: 550.500, KE/VOG

VOGEL Louis, VOGEL Joseph. French distribution law. Paris, LawLex : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :
550.501, KE/VOG

KS Droits spcialiss

ALAI CONGRESS. Moral rights in the 21st century - the changing role of the moral rights in an
era of information overload. Brussels, Larcier : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.727



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
AMOS Merris, HARRISON Jackie, WOODS Lorna. Freedom of expression and the media.
Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.787

@-> BAKIRCIOGLU Onder. Islam and warfare - context and compatibility with international law.
London, Routledge : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.977

BATTELLI Ettore. Il valore legale dei documenti informatici. Napoli, Edizioni scientifiche
italiane : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.195

BAUGHAN Joan Sylvain. Global legislation for food contact materials. Amsterdam,
Woodhead Publishing : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.093


BAUGHEN Simon. Shipping law. London, Routledge : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.458

@-> BLACKSHAW Ian Stewart. Sports marketing agreements - legal, fiscal and practical aspects.
The Hague (Pays-Bas), T.M.C. Asser Press : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.622

BLAKE Janet. International cultural heritage law. Oxford, Oxford University Press : 2015.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.400

BLAKENEY Michael. Geographical indications. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar : 2015. Cote(s)

CUJAS : 551.092-1

BOER Ben. Environmental law dimensions of human rights. Oxford, Oxford University Press
: 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.948

BORELLI Silvia, LENZERINI Federico. Cultural heritage, cultural rights, cultural diversity - new
developments in international law. Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS :

@-> BOTTOMLEY Sean. The British patent system and the industrial revolution, 1700-1852 - from
privilege to property. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.673

BOUHADANA Irne, GILLES William. Droit et gouvernance des donnes publiques et prives
l're du numrique. Paris, les ditions IMODEV : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.719

BOWREY Kathy, HANDLER Michael. Law and creativity in the age of the entertainment
franchise. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.659

BRAVERMAN Irus. Wild life - the institution of nature. Stanford (Calif.), Stanford University
Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.457

BROWN Ian. Research handbook on governance of the Internet. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar
: 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.517

BURRI Mira. Public service broadcasting 3.0 - legal design for the digital present. London,
Routledge : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.973

CAPRON milie. Les organismes de placement collectif immobilier (OPCI) - rgime juridique.
Paris, RB dition : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.321

CARBALLO PIEIRO Laura. International maritime labour law. Heidelberg, Springer : 2015.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.193



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
CENTER FOR OCEANS LAW AND POLICY. Freedom of navigation and globalization. Leiden,
Brill Nijhoff : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.127

@-> CLASSEN Claus Dieter. Religionsrecht. Tbingen, Mohr Siebeck : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :

COGLIATI-BANTZ Vincent P.. Means of transportation and registration of nationality transportation registered by international organizations. London, Routledge : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS
: 550.978

COLANGELO Giuseppe. La propriet delle idee - le privative intellettuali tra comparazione ed

analisi economica. Bologna, Il mulino : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.268

DAMAR Duygu. Wilful misconduct in international transport law. Heidelberg, Springer :

2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.597

DAVID Joseph E.. Jurisprudence and theology - in late ancient and medieval Jewish thought.
Cham, Springer : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.209

@-> DECOUT-PAOLINI Rmi, SAISON Johanne. Les dix ans de la loi Leonetti - doit-on lgifrer sur la
fin de vie ? Bordeaux, LEH d. : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.567, PRET KS/SAI

DEFFAIRI Meryem. La patrimonialisation en droit de l'environnement. Paris, Institut de

recherche juridique de la Sorbonne : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 99.939-61, KS.7/DEF

DIACONU Mdlina. Droit conomique et sport - aspects suisses et internationaux. Ble,

Helbing Lichtenhahn : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.293

DINWOODIE Graeme B.. Intellectual property and general legal principles - is IP a lex
specialis? Cheltenham, Edward Elgar : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.061

DROBENKO Bernard. Droit de l'urbanisme - les conditions de l'occupation du sol et de l'espace,

l'amnagement et le contrle de l'utilisation du sol et de l'espace, le financement des quipements, le
contentieux. Issy-les-Moulineaux, Gualino-Lextenso ditions : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.292,

DROBENKO Bernard. La loi sur l'eau de 1964 - bilans et perspectives. Paris, ditions Johanet
: 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.325, KS.7/DRO

@-> DUPONT Marie. Les obligations et les moyens d'action en droit de la construction.
Bruxelles, Larcier : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.156

ETEMIRE Uzuazo. Law and practice on public participation in environmental matters - the
Nigerian example in transnational comparative perspective. London, Routledge : 2016. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 551.163

FARRELL Anne-Maree. The politics of blood - ethics, innovation and the regulation of risk.
Cambridge (GB), Cambridge University Press : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.663

FAURE Michael G., HAN Lixin, SHAN Hongjun. Maritime pollution liability and policy - China,
Europe, and the US. Alphen aan den Rijn, Kluwer Law International : 2010. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.830



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
FAURE Michael G., SMEDT Peter de, STAS An. Environmental enforcement networks concepts, implementation and effectiveness. Cheltenham (GB), E. Elgar : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :

FLEAR Mark L.. Governing public health - EU law, regulation and biopolitics. Oxford, Hart
Publishing : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.940

FLORIDI Luciano. Protection of information and the right to privacy - A new equilibrium ?
Cham, Springer international publishing : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.257

FLORIDI Luciano, TADDEO Mariarosaria. The ethics of information warfare. Cham, Springer
: 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.201

FOURASTIER Yannick, PITRE-CAMBACDS Ludovic. Cyberscurit des installations

industrielles - dfendre ses systmes numriques. Toulouse, Cpadus ditions : 2015. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.717

FRANKEL Susy. Test tubes for global intellectual property issues - small market economies.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.664

FRENCH Duncan. Global justice and sustainable development. Leiden, M. Nijhoff publ. :
2010. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.130

@-> GAO Anton Ming-Zhi. Regulating gas liberalization - a comparative study on unbundling and
open access regimes in the US, Europe, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. Alphen Aan Den Rijn,
Kluwer Law International : 2010. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.832

GAO Anton Ming-Zhi, FAN Chien Te. Legal issues of renewable energy in the Asia region recent developments in a post-Fukushima and post-Kyoto Protocol era. Alphen aan den Rijn,
Wolters Kluwer Law & Business : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.837

GEIGER Christophe. Research handbook on human rights and intellectual property.

Chemtenham, E. Elgar : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.073

GEIS Ivo, HELFRICH Marcus. Datenschutzrecht - Bundesdatenschutzgesetz,

Telekommunikationsgesetz (Auszug), Beamtenstatusg. Mnchen, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verl. :
2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 117.060

GRINLINTON David P., TAYLOR Prue. Property rights and sustainability - the evolution of
property rights to meet ecological challenges. Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers : 2011. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 551.136

HARPER Ian, KELLY Tobias, KHANNA Akshay. The clinic and the court - law, medicine and
anthropology. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.693

HEEBLL-HOLM Thomas K.. Ports, piracy, and maritime war - piracy in the English Channel
and the Atlantic, c. 1280-c. 1330. Leiden, Brill : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.780



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
HOBOKEN Joris van. Search engine freedom - on the Implications of the right to freedom of
expression for the legal governance of web search engines. Alphen aan den Rijn, Wolters Kluwer :
2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.807

IGLESIA PRADOS Gonzalo de la. Derecho privado y deporte - relaciones jurdicos-personales.

Madrid, Reus : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.095

ISLAM Nahid. The law of non-navigational uses of international watercourses - options for
regional regime-building in Asia. Alphen aan den Rijn, Kluwer Law International : 2010. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.829

JAYAKUMAR S., KOH Tommy, BECKMAN Robert C. et al.. Transboundary pollution - evolving
issues of international law and policy. Cheltenham, E. Elgar : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.087

KAMAU Evanson C., WINTER Gerd, STOLL Peter-Tobias. Research and development on genetic
resources - public domain approaches in implementing the Nagoya Protocol. London, Routledge :
2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.980

KAROVA Rozeta. Liberalization of electricity markets and public service obligations in the
Energy Community. Alphen aan den Rijn, Kluwer Law International : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.840

KELCH Thomas G.. Globalization and animal law - comparative law, international law and
international trade. Alphen aan den Rijn, Kluwer Law International : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.046

KINDT Els J.. Privacy and data protection issues of biometric applications - a comparative legal
analysis. Dordrecht, Springer : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.252

KOSTA Eleni. Consent in European data protection law. Leiden, Nijhoff : 2013. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 551.112

KOTZ Louis J, MARAUHN Thilo. Transboundary governance of biodiversity. Leiden, Brill

Nijhoff : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.133

KWALL Roberta Rosenthal. The myth of the cultural Jew - culture and law in Jewish tradition.
Oxford, Oxford University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.942

LACROIX Caroline, STEINL-FEUERBACH Marie-France. La judiciarisation des grandes

catastrophes - approche compare du recours la justice pour la gestion des grandes catastrophes
(de type accidents ariens ou ferroviaires). Paris, Dalloz : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.933, KS.2/LAC

LESLIE Daniel Adeoy. Legal principles for combatting cyberlaundering. Cham, Springer
International Publishing : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.250

LOUW Andr. Ambush marketing and the mega-event monopoly - how laws are abused to
protect commercial rights to major sporting events. The Hague (Pays-Bas), T.M.C. Asser Press :
2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.637

LUISA MACHADO GRANZIERA Maria. Direito ambiental. So Paulo, Atlas : 2014. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 549.389



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
MAISONNEUVE Mathieu. Droit et olympisme - contribution l'tude juridique d'un
phnomne transnational. Aix-en-Provence, Presses Universitaires d'Aix-Marseille : 2015. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.562, PRET KS/MAI

MARTEN Bevan. Port state jurisdiction and the regulation of international merchant shipping.
Cham, Springer : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.586

MATTATIA Fabrice. Internet et les rseaux sociaux - que dit la loi ? Paris, Eyrolles : 2015.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 117.051

MEHRING Sigrid. First do no harm - medical ethics in international humanitarian law.

Leiden, Brill Nijhoff : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.918

MEULEN R. H. J. ter, HUXTABLE Richard. The voices and rooms of European bioethics. New
York (NY), Routledge : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.759

MIGUEL ASENSIO Pedro Alberto de. Derecho privado de internet. Cizur Menor, Thomson
Reuters : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.272

@-> MITSIOPOULOU Sofia. Le march des infrastructures de transport - les aroports et les ports.
Paris, l'Harmattan : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.723, KS.2/MIT

MORILLAS JARILLO Mara Jos. Derecho areo y del espacio. Madrid, Marcial Pons : 2014.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.820

MORRISON Anthony P.. Places of refuge for ships in distress - problems and methods of
resolution. Leiden, M. Nijhoff : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.135

MUNSONIUS Hendrik. Evangelisches Kirchenrecht - Grundlagen und Grundzge. Tbingen,

Mohr Siebeck : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.406

NEHME Aline. L'assurance entre loi islamique et droit positif - l'exemple des droits franais et
libanais. Paris, IRJS ditions : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.528, PRET KS/NEH

NEUENSCHWANDER John A.. A guide to oral history and the law. Oxford, Oxford University
Press : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.023

O'HALLORAN Kerry. The Church of England - charity law and human rights. Cham, Springer
: 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.650

OSSOWSKI Sascha. Agreement technologies. Dordrecht, Springer : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS :


OSTER Jan. Media freedom as a fundamental right. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
: 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.686

@-> PALOMAR OLMEDA Alberto. Las transformaciones del deporte y su repercusin en su

ordenamiento jurdico. Cizur Menos, Aranzadi : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 117.025

PEEL Jacqueline. Climate change litigation - regulatory pathways to cleaner energy.

Cambridge, Cambridge University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.679



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
PERONI Silvio. Semantic Web technologies and legal scholarly publishing. Cham, Springer :
2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.259

@-> PIGRAU SOL Antoni, VILLAVICENCIO CALZADILLA Paola. El acceso a la justicia de las vctimas
de daos ambientales - una perspectiva comparada. Valencia, Tirant lo Blanch : 2015. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 549.821

PIJETLOVIC Katarina. EU sports law and breakaway leagues in football. New York (NY),
Springer Berlin Heidelberg : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.634

PIMPLE Kenneth D.. Emerging pervasive information and communication technologies (PICT) ethical challenges, opportunities and safeguards. Dordrecht, Springer : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS :

PODDIGHE Elena. Obesit e diritto - uno studio sul "paternalismo alimentare". Bologna, Il
mulino : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.104

PUTHUCHERRIL Tony George. From shipbreaking to sustainable ship recycling - evolution of a

legal regime. Leiden, M. Nijhoff : 2010. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.132

QARADHAWI Youssef. Le licite et l'illicite en Islam. Paris, Al Qalam Livres : 2014. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.476

@-> QUAAS Michael, ZUCK Rdiger, CLEMENS Thomas. Medizinrecht - ffentliches Medizinrecht,
Pflegeversicherungsrecht, Arzthaftpflichtrecht, Arztstrafrecht. Mnchen, C.H. Beck : 2014. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.388

RAMLOGAN Rajendra. Sustainable development - towards a judicial interpretation. Leiden,

Martinus Nijhoff Publishers : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.138


REHMANN Thorsten. Designrecht. Mnchen, Beck : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.236

RESTREPO-NAVARRO Paulina. Le droit du patrimoine culturel colombien l'preuve de la

restitution internationale des biens archologiques. Paris, l'Harmattan : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :
551.322, KS.12/RES

ROBERT Marie-Pierre, KOUSSENS David, BERNATCHEZ Stphane. Of crime and religion polygamy in Canadian law. Sherbrooke (Canada), Les ditions Revue de Droit de l'Universit de
Sherbrooke : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.660

ROTHWELL Donald R., OUDE ELFERINK Alexander Gerard, SCOTT Karen N.. The Oxford
handbook of the law of the sea. Oxford, Oxford university press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.970

RUSSELL Dawn, VANDERZWAAG David. Recasting transboundary fisheries management

arrangements in light of sustainability principles - Canadian and international perspectives. Leiden,
M. Nijhoff : 2010. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.139

SARTORI Giovanni, PALMIRANI Monica, FRANCESCONI Enrico et al.. Legislative XML for the
semantic web - principles, models, standards for document management. Dordrecht, Springer :
2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.251



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
SCHMIDT Alexander, SCHRADER Christian, ZSCHIESCHE Michael. Die Verbandsklage im
Umwelt- und Naturschutzrecht. Mnchen, C.H. Beck : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.235

@-> SCHOLTZ Werner, VERSCHUUREN Jonathan. Regional environmental law - transregional

comparative lessons in pursuit of sustainable development. Cheltenham, E. Elgar : 2015. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 551.075

SCRUTTON Thomas Edward. Scrutton on charterparties and bills of lading. London, Sweet
& Maxwell : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 548.642, 22me d. suppl. 2

SEDELMEIER Klaus, BURKHARDT Emanuel H.. Presserecht - Kommentar zu den deutschen

Landespressegesetzen mit systematischen Darstellungen zum pressebezogenen Standesrecht,
Anzeigenrecht, Werbe- und Wettbewerbsrecht, Urheber- und Verlagsrecht, Arbeitsrecht, Titelschutz,
Mediendatenschutz, Jugendmed. Mnchen, C. H. Beck : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.389

SELLIN Jennifer Anna. Access to medicines - the interface between patents and human rights.
Cambridge, Intersentia : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.697

SHERMAN Brad, WISEMAN Leanne. Copyright and the challenge of the new. Alphen aan
den Rijn, Kluwer Law International : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.808

SIDDIKY Chowdhury Ishrak Ahmed. Cross-border pipeline arrangements - what would a single
regulatory framework look like? Alphen aan den Rijn, Wolters Kluwer : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS :

SILBEY Jessica. The eureka myth - creators, innovators, and everyday intellectual property.
Stanford (Calif.), Stanford Law Books : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.895

@-> SPARKA Felix. Jurisdiction and arbitration clauses in maritime transport documents - a
comparative analysis. Berlin, Springer : 2010. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.211

SPICKHOFF Andreas. Medizinrecht - [AMG, ApoG, BGB, GenTG, KHG, MBO, MPG, SGB V, SGB
XI, StGB, TFG, TPG]. Mnchen, C.H. Beck : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.230

SPRANGER Tade Matthias. International neurolaw - a comparative analysis. London,

Springer : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.521

STEPHENS Christopher W. B.. Canon law and episcopal authority - the canons of Antioch and
Serdica. Oxford, Oxford University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.363

TRBA Susan Isiko. International copyright law and access to education in developing
countries - exploring multilateral legal and quasi-legal solutions. Leiden, M. Nijhoff : 2012. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 551.065

@-> TAFFOREAU Patrick, MONNERIE Cdric. Droit de la proprit intellectuelle - [proprit

littraire et artistique, proprit industrielle, droit international]. Paris, Gualino-Lextenso ditions :
2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.550, KS.3/TAF
@-> TAVERNE Bernard. Petroleum, industry, and governments - a study of the involvement of
industry and governments in exploring for and producing petroleum. Alphen aan den Rijn, Kluwer
Law International : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.838



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
TIANBAO Qin. Research handbook on Chinese environmental law. Cheltenham, Edward
Elgar : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.078

@-> TOLORUNSE Joseph A.. Protection of property rights in discovered petroleum reservoirs.
Alphen aan Den Rijn, Wolters Kluwer, Law & Business : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.835

TSCHUOR-NAYDOWSKI Michaela. Der Sptabbruch in der Schweiz - eine

rechtswissenschaftliche und medizinethische Betrachtung. Zrich, Schulthess : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS
: 60.081-1497

TUNICK Mark. Balancing privacy and free speech - unwanted attention in the age of social
media. London, Routledge : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.760

UNTERSINGER Martin. Anonymat sur Internet - protger sa vie prive. Paris, Eyrolles : 2014.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 117.058

VADI Valentina, WITTE Bruno de. Culture and international economic law. London,
Routledge : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.983

@-> VAN CALSTER Geert, VANDENBERGHE Wim, REINS Leonie. Research handbook on climate
change mitigation law. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.059

VAN DER HOF Simone, BERG Bibi van den, SCHERMER Bart Willem. Minding minors
wandering the web - regulating online child safety. The Hague, Asser Press : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS :

VAN GOMPEL Stef. Formalities in copyright law - an analysis of their history, rationales and
possible future. Alphen aan den Rijn, Kluwer Law International : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.810

VARGAS Jorge A.. Mexico and the law of the sea - contributions and compromises. Leiden,
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.097

VASUDEVA Vikrant Narayan. Open source software and intellectual property rights. Alphen
aan den Rijn, Wolters Kluwer Law & Business : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.868

@-> VERD PASCUAL Fernando A.. Qu dice el forense? - una curiosa sinopsis de ciertas
quisicosas, peculiaridades y tcnicas de la medicina legal y forense. Granada, Comares : 2014.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.507
@-> VU Hai Dang. Marine protected areas network in the South China Sea - charting a course for
future cooperation. Leiden, M. Nijhoff : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.134

WEATHERILL Stephen. European sports law - collected papers. The Hague, Asser Press :
2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.636

WIEDENBACH Lina. The carrier's liability for deck cargo - a comparative study on English and
Nordic law with general remarks for future legislation. Heidelberg, Springer : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :

WILD Alexander. CAS and Football - Landmark Cases. La Haye (Pays-Bas), T.M.C.Asser Press
: 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.704



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
WILDE Mark. Civil liability for environmental damage - comparative analysis of law and policy
in Europe and the US. Alphen aan den Rijn, Wolters Kluwer Law and Business : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS
: 550.824

ZHAO Yun. National space law in China - an overview of the current situation and outlook for
the future. Leiden, Brill Nijhoff : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.099

L Sciences conomiques et gestion

AMABLE Bruno, LEDEZMA RODRIGUEZ Ivan. Libralisation, innovation et croissance - faut-il

vraiment les associer ? Paris, Editions Rue d'Ulm : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 117.039

ASSOCIATION FRANAISE D'CONOMIE POLITIQUE. A quoi servent les conomistes s'ils disent
tous la mme chose ? - manifeste pour une conomie pluraliste. Paris, Editions les Liens qui
librent : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 117.041

BAECHLER Jean, LAROSIRE DE CHAMPFEU Jacques de, PBEREAU Michel et al.. Recrer le
systme montaire international. Paris, Hermann : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.580

BNASSY-QUR Agns, BOONE Laurence, COUDERT Virginie. Les taux d'intrt. Paris, La
Dcouverte : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 117.047

BLANPAIN Roger. The use of languages in employment relations. Alphen aan den Rijn, The
Netherlands, Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, Kluwer Law International : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS :

BOISBOISSEL Grard, DANET Didier, DOAR Ronan. Drones et killer robots - faut-il les interdire
? Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.471

@-> CADOT Olivier. L'aide pour le commerce - Quels enseignements, quel avenir ? Paris,
Economica : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.309

CANARD Nicolas-Franois. Oeuvres conomiques - (1801 et 1826). Genve, Slatkine : 2015.

Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.712

CAPUL Jean-Yves, GARNIER Olivier. Dictionnaire d'conomie et de sciences sociales. Paris,

Hatier : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : , L (DIC)

CARDI Enzo. Mercati e istituzioni in Italia - diritto pubblico dell'economia. Torino,

Giappichelli : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.989

Direito e economia no Brasil. So Paulo, Ed. Atlas : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.394

@-> CHIARELLA Carl, FLASCHEL Peter, SEMMLER Willi. Reconstructing Keynesian macroeconomics
- 3. London, Routledge : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.665-3

COLLART DUTILLEUL Franois, PARENT Genevive. De la souverainet la scurit alimentaire

- objectifs, stratgies et moyens juridiques. Cowansville, ditions Yvon Blais : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS :



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
COLLOQUE D'THIQUE CONOMIQUE. L'thique de l'entrepreneur - actes du XXIe colloque
d'thique conomique, Aix-en-Provence, 19 & 20 juin 2014. Aix-en-Provence, Presses universitaires
d'Aix-Marseille : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.561, L/ETH

DELLEAUX Fulgence. Histoire conomique de l'Europe moderne - XVe-XVIIIe sicle. Paris, A.

Colin : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.310

DOSTALER Gilles. Les grands auteurs de la pense conomique. Paris, les Petits matins :
2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.465

DUPEYRAT Pascal. Mondialisation et patriotisme conomique - quand l'tat s'invite dans les
secteurs stratgiques. Paris, J.-M. Laffont : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.590

DUPONT DE NEMOURS Pierre-Samuel, MIRABEAU Victor Riqueti. Dialogues physiocratiques

sur l'Amrique. Paris, Classiques Garnier : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.588

FONDATION NATIONALE ENTREPRISE ET PERFORMANCE. Rconcilions conomie et cologie pour une nouvelle conomie verte en faveur de la croissance. Paris, la Documentation franaise :
2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.510, LE/FON

GALY Marjorie, LE NADER Erwan, COMBEMALE Pascal. Les sciences conomiques et sociales histoire, enseignement, concours. Paris, La Dcouverte : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.518, L/GAL

@-> GEPHART Werner. Law, culture and society - Max Weber's comparative cultural sociology of
law. Frankfurt am Main, V. Klostermann : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.188

GOLDFARB Avi, GREENSTEIN Shane Mitchell, TUCKER Catherine. Economic analysis of the
digital economy. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.147

GRAMONT Scipion de. Le denier royal - trait curieux de l'or et de l'argent. Genve, Slatkine
rudition : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.709

GRANDGUILLOT Batrice, GRANDGUILLOT Francis. Analyse financire - activit et

performance de l'entreprise, structure financire et quilibre financier, tableaux de flux, analyse
financire de la Banque de France. Issy-les-Moulineaux, Gualino-Lextenso d. : 2015. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 551.373, LG/GRA

GRANDGUILLOT Batrice, GRANDGUILLOT Francis. Analyse financire - 40 exercices corrigs.

Issy-les-Moulineaux, Gualino-Lextenso d. : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.377, LG (TD)/GRA

GRANDGUILLOT Batrice, GRANDGUILLOT Francis. Comptabilit gnrale - principes de la

modlisation comptable, analyse comptable des oprations courantes et de fin d'exercice, analyse
financire des tableaux de synthse. Issy-les-Moulineaux, Gualino : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.372,

GRANDGUILLOT Francis, GRANDGUILLOT Batrice. Comptabilit gnrale - 76 exercices

corrigs. Issy-les-Moulineaux, Gualino Lextenso : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.378, LG (TD)/GRA

@-> GRIN Gilles, CLAV Rgis, NICOD Franoise. Relations transatlantiques face aux dfis du
monde global - [actes du colloque, Lausanne. Paris, Economica : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.629



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
GUERRERO Nicolas. Histoire de la pense conomique en 60 auteurs. Paris, Ellipses : 2015.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.578, LC/GUE

@-> GUILLAUMONT Sylviane. Rgimes et stratgies de change dans les pays en dveloppement.
Paris, Fondation pour les tudes et recherches sur le dveloppement international : 2015. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.574

HARBULOT Christian. Manuel d'intelligence conomique. Paris, Presses universitaires de

France : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.314

HILLENKAMP Isabelle, SERVET Jean-Michel. Le march autrement - marchs rels et march

fantasm. Paris, Classiques Garnier : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.576

HU Jiaxiang, VANHULLEBUSCH Matthias. Regional cooperation and free trade agreements in

Asia. Leiden (Pays-Bas), Brill : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.922

ISLAM Rizwanul. Economic integration in South Asia - charting a legal roadmap. Leiden, M.
Nijhoff : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.120

@-> KLERMAN Daniel. Economics of legal history. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar : 2015. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.460

KOLDA Gilles. Allgements du cot du travail - pour une voie favorable la comptitivit
franaise. Paris, la Fabrique de l'industrie : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.713

LAURENT loi, LE CACHEUX Jacques. Un nouveau monde conomique - mesurer le bien-tre et

la soutenabilit au XXIe sicle. Paris, O. Jacob : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.581

LE MERCIER DE LA RIVIRE Pierre-Paul. Pennsylvaniens et Fliciens - oeuvres utopiques.

Genve, Slatkine : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.710

LE PUILL Grard. L' cologie peut encore sauver l'conomie - Paris climat 2015. Saint-Malo,
Pascal Galod diteurs : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.306

LEBOITEUX David. Trade finance - principes et fondamentaux. Paris, RB d. : 2014. Cote(s)

CUJAS : 117.046

LEROY Marc. L'impt, l'tat et la socit - la sociologie fiscale de la dmocratie

interventionniste. Paris, conomica : 2010. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.582

MAJOR Aaron. Architects of austerity - international finance and the politics of growth.
Stanford (Calif.), Stanford University Press : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.612

MAUGERI Marco, GUACCERO Andrea. Crisi finanziaria e risposte normative - verso un nuovo
diritto dell'economia? Milano, Giuffr : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.383

@-> MEIER Claude. The effectiveness of transnational standard initiatives (TSI) in the apparel
industry - an empirical examination of two cases. Bern, Haupt : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.487

MIRABEAU Victor Riqueti, QUESNAY Franois. Philosophie rurale ou Economie gnrale et

politique de l'agriculture, rduite l'ordre immuable des loix physiques et morales, qui assurent la
prosprit des empires. Genve, Slatkine rudition : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.711



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
MISTRAL Jacques. Le climat va-t-il changer le capitalisme ? - la grande mutation du XXIe
sicle. Paris, Eyrolles : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.577

@-> MOUYSSET Lauriane. Repenser le dfi de la biodiversit - l'conomie cologique. Paris, Rue
d'Ulm : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.509

MUZHANI Marin. Mainstream growth economists and capital theorists - a survey.

Montreal, McGill-Queen's University Press : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.063

POLSE Mario, SHEARMUR Richard, TERRAL Laurent. conomie urbaine et rgionale gographie conomique et dynamique des territoires. Paris, conomica : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :

SINA Agns. conomie de l'aprs-croissance - politiques de l'Anthropocne II. Paris, Presses

de Sciences Po : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 117.063

SOLCHANY Jean. Wilhelm Rpke, l'autre Hayek - aux origines du nolibralisme. Paris,
Publications de la Sorbonne : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.589

@-> STACY Helen M., LEE Win-Chiat. Economic justice - Philosophical and legal perspectives.
Dordrecht, Springer : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.623

SZENBERG Michael, RAMRATTAN Lall. Eminent economists II - their life and work philosophies.
New York, Cambridge University Press : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 547.359

TIROLE Jean. Thorie de l'organisation industrielle. Paris, Editions Economica : 2015.

Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.575

TUVI Pierre. Le Maghreb dans son contexte international - comprendre les affaires, les usages
et les mentalits au Maroc, en Algrie, en Tunisie et en Libye. Paris, Dauphin : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS
: 117.049

UNIVERSIT PANTHON-SORBONNE Chaire thique et normes de la finance. Collected papers

of seminars of 2011 and 2012. Paris, IRJS ditions : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.516, LI/COL

M Sciences sociales

BERTRAND Romain, BLAIS Hlne, SIBEUD Emmanuelle. Cultures d'empires - changes et

affrontements culturels en situation coloniale. Paris, ditions Karthala : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :

CLMENT Jean-Louis. La collaboration des vques - 1920-1945. Paris, les Indes savantes :
2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.539

@-> HOTTIN Christian. Les Sorbonne - figures de l'architecture universitaire Paris. Paris,
Publications de la Sorbonne : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 216.267

LUDEWIG Elke. On the effect of offshore wind farms on the atmosphere and ocean dynamics.
Cham, Springer : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.212



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
RSEL Anja. Detection of melt ponds on Arctic Sea ice with optical satellite data.
Heidelberg, Springer : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.585


TOURAINE Alain. La fin des socits. Paris, Points : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 117.048

P Sciences politiques

AARONSON Ely. From slave abuse to hate crime - the criminalization of racial violence in
American history. New York (NY), Cambridge University Press : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.695

AHANDA Wongo Antoine. lections, vote et reprsentation politique des Africains de

l'tranger. Paris, l'Harmattan : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.572

ANDERSON Kenneth. Speaking the law - the Obama administration's addresses on national
security law. Stanford (Calif.), Hoover Institution Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.964

AUDIER Serge. Les thories de la rpublique. Paris, La Dcouverte : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :
117.043, PA/AUD

BALANDIER Georges. Recherche du politique perdu. Paris, Fayard : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :

BALIBAR tienne, CALOZ-TSCHOPP Marie-Claire, INSEL Ahmet, TOSEL Andr. Violence, civilit,
rvolution - autour d'tienne Balibar. Paris, La dispute : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.504

BASTIN Gilles, LE CHAMPION Rmy, LIBERT Manon, PILMIS Olivier, RENOUX Jean-Louis. Les
espaces professionnels des journalistes - des corpus quantitatifs aux analyses qualitatives. Paris,
ditions Panthon-Assas : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 99.900-161, PE/LET

BEAUREPAIRE-HERNANDEZ Adeline, GUEDJ Jrmy. L'entre-deux lectoral - une autre histoire

de la reprsentation politique en France, XIXe-XXe sicle. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes
: 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.508

BENEDETTI Arnaud, FOULON Charles-Louis. L' ordre rpublicain dans les circonstances
exceptionnelles. Paris, Economica : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.718

BINOCHE Bertrand. Introduction "De l'esprit des lois" de Montesquieu. Paris, Publications
de la Sorbonne : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 117.050

BOBBIO Norberto. Democracia y secreto. Mxico, D.F., Fondo de Cultura Econmica : 2013.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 263.548

BOBES Velia Cecilia. Debates sobre transnacionalismo. Mxico., FLACSO : 2012. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 549.480 Cadist

BRACONNIER Cline, MAYER Nonna. Les inaudibles - sociologie politique des prcaires.
Paris, Presses de Sciences Po : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.626

CASSESE Sabino. Governare gli italiani - storia dello Stato. Bologna, Il Mulino : 2014. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 549.980



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
CHARLES Thierry. Les nouvelles perspectives de la souverainet. Paris, l'Harmattan : 2015.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.569

@-> CLMENT, Jean-Louis. La libert l'poque de Jacques Maritain - 1931-1939. Paris, les
Indes savantes : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.545

CONDORCET, Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat. La correspondance de Condorcet - documents

indits, nouveaux clairages. Ferney-Voltaire, Centre international d'tude du XVIIIe sicle : 2014.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.511

COOPER Andrew Fenton, HEINE Jorge, THAKUR Ramesh Chandra. The Oxford handbook of
modern diplomacy. Oxford, Oxford university press : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.177

COPPOLANI Antoine, DAVID Charles-Philippe, THOMAS Jean-Franois. La fabrique de la paix acteurs, processus, mmoires. Paris, Hermann : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.505

CROISY Sophie. Globalization and "minority" cultures - the role of"minor" cultural groups in
shaping our global future. Leiden, Brill : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.702

@-> DESOUCHES Christine, BOIS DE GAUDUSSON Jean du. De Dakar Dakar - 25 ans
d'engagement de la Francophonie au service des droits de l'Homme, de la dmocratie et de la paix.
Bruxelles, Bruylant : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 548.999, PF/DED
@-> DEVIN Guillaume. 10 concepts sociologiques en relations internationales. Paris, CNRS d. :
2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : , PF/DEV

DHONDT Frederik. Balance of power and norm hierarchy - Franco-British diplomacy after the
Peace of Utrecht. Leiden, Brill Nijhoff : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.802

DICKSON Del. The people's government - an introduction to democracy. New York,

Cambridge University Press : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.173

DOERN George Bruce. Rules and unruliness - Canadian regulatory democracy, governance,
capitalism, and welfarism. Montral, McGill-Queen's University Press : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS :

DRURY Jeffrey P. Mehltretter. Speaking with the people's voice - how presidents invoke public
opinion. College Station (Tex.), Texas A & M University Press : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.203

@-> DUCHARME Michel. The idea of liberty in Canada during the age of Atlantic revolutions, 17761838. Montral, McGill-Queen's University Press : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.062

FERRAJOLI Luigi. La democrazia attraverso i diritti - Il costituzionalismo garantista come

modello teorico e come progetto politico. Roma, Ed. Laterza : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.995

FERRAJOLI Luigi. Poteri selvaggi - la crisi della democrazia italiana. Roma, Laterza : 2011.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.994

GILLMAN Howard, GRABER Mark A.. The complete American constitutionalism - Volume 1.
Oxford, Oxford University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.360-1

GIUILY ric, RGIS Olivier. Pour en finir vraiment avec le millefeuille territorial. Paris,
l'Archipel : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.571



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
GONG Tian. Les mdias chinois en Europe - communauts ethniques, migrations et politique.
Paris, ditions Panthon-Assas : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 99.900-160, PD/GON

@-> GORDON Jane Anna. Creolizing political theory - reading Rousseau through Fanon. New
York (N.Y.), Fordham university press : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.045

HORWITZ Robert Britt. America's right - anti-establishment conservatism from Goldwater to

the Tea Party. Cambridge, Polity Press : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.182

KLAMBERG Mark. Power and law in international society - international relations as the
sociology of international law. London, Routledge : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.741

KOZYMKA Irena. The diplomacy of culture - the role of UNESCO in sustaining cultural diversity.
New York, Palgrave Macmillan : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.148

LAGASNERIE Geoffroy de. L'art de la rvolte - Snowden, Assange, Manning. Paris, Fayard :
2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.530

LANGUILLE Constantin. La possibilit du cosmopolitisme - burqa, droits de l'homme et vivreensemble. Paris, Gallimard : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.866

LEBOVIC Nitzan, BEN-SHAI Roy. The politics of nihilism - from the nineteenth century to
contemporary Israel. New York, Bloomsbury : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.547

LEVI Lucio, FINIZIO Giovanni, VALLINOTO Nicola. The democratization of international

institutions - first international democracy report. London, Routledge : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS :

MAKDISI Jean Said, BAYYM Nuh, SIDAWI Rafif Rida. Arab feminisms - gender and equality
in the Middle East. London, I.B. Tauris : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.880

MNDEZ DE HOYOS Irma, LOZA OTERO Nicols. Instituciones electorales, opinin pblica y
poderes polticos locales en Mxico. Mxico, D.F., Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales,
Sede Mxico : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.475 Cadist

@-> MISHAL Shaul, GOLDBERG Ori. Understanding Shiite leadership - the art of the middle ground
in Iran and Lebanon. New York, NY, Cambridge University Press : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.176

MONSHIPOURI Mahmood. Democratic uprisings in the new Middle East - youth, technology,
human rights, and US foreign policy. Boulder, Colo., Paradigm Publishers : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS :

MLLERSON Rein. Regime change - from democratic peace theories to forcible regime
change. Leiden, Nijhoff : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.792

NAQUET Emmanuel. Pour l'Humanit - la Ligue des droits de l'homme, de l'affaire Dreyfus la
dfaite de 1940. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 546.882

NOORANI Abdul Gafoor Abdul Majeed. Article 370 - a constitutional history of Jammu and
Kashmir. New Delhi, Oxford University Press : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.940

NOORTMANN Math, REINISCH August, RYNGAERT Cedric. Non-state actors in international

law. Oxford, Hart Publishing : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.162



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
NOUSS Alexis. La condition de l'exil - penser les migrations contemporaines. Paris, d. de
la Maison des sciences de l'homme : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 117.044

@-> NYE Joseph S.. Presidential leadership and the creation of the American era. Princeton
(N.J.), Princeton University Press : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.215

NYE Joseph S., WELCH David A.. Understanding global conflict & cooperation - intro to theory
& history. Harlow (Essex), Pearson Education : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 216.252

PANARA Carlo. The Arab spring - new patterns for democracy and international law.
Leiden, M. Nijhoff : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.790

PROVOST Ren. Mapping the legal boundaries of belonging - religion and multiculturalism
from Israel to Canada. Oxford, Oxford University Press : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.037

QVORTRUP Matt. Referendums around the world - the continued growth of direct democracy.
Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.150

RABAULT Hugues. Un monde sans ralit? - en compagnie de Niklas Luhmann. Qubec,

Presses de l'Universit Laval : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.532

RELSTED KAERUP Ida. Rum til forandring - Dokk1 - Aarhus nye mdested. S.l, Aarhus
Kommunes Biblioteker : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 216.268

RIVERS Christina R.. The Congressional Black Caucus, minority voting rights, and the U.S.
Supreme Court. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press : 2012. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.727

ROSANVALLON Pierre. Le bon gouvernement. Paris, d. du Seuil : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS :


@-> SASSEN Saskia. Losing control ? - sovereignty in an age of globalization. New York,
Columbia University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 117.066

SCHILLER Reuel. Forging rivals - race, class, law, and the collapse of postwar liberalism.
New York (NY), Cambridge University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.683

SNAC-SLAWINSKI Rjane. L'galit sous conditions - genre, parit, diversit. Paris, Presses
de Sciences Po : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.627

SHALHOUB-KEVORKIAN Nadera. Security theology, surveillance and the politics of fear.

New York (NY), Cambridge University Press : 2015. Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.685

SIERRA CAMACHO Maria Teresa, HERNNDEZ CASTILLO Rosalva Ada, SIEDER Rachel. Justicias
indgenas y Estado - violencias contemporneas. Mxico, FLACSO : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.476

SINKKONEN Ville. A comparative appraisal of normative power - the European Union, the
United States and the January 25th, 2011 revolution in Egypt. Leiden (Pays-Bas), Brill : 2015.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 551.064

TANAKA Toshiyuki, MCCORMACK Timothy L. H, SIMPSON Gerry J.. Beyond victor's justice? the Tokyo War Crimes Trial revisited. Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers : 2011. Cote(s) CUJAS :



Numro 8&9 aot-septembre 2015
TORRES Mara de los Angeles, VELASCO CABALLERO Francisco. Ciudades globales e
inmigrantes - un estudio comparado sobre Chicago y Madrid. Madrid, Universidad Autnoma de
Madrid : 2013. Cote(s) CUJAS : 549.743

VAN OERS Ricky, ERSBOLL Eva, KOSTAKOPOULOU Dora. A re-definition of belonging? language and integration tests in Europe. Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers : 2010. Cote(s)
CUJAS : 550.925

@-> WELCH Stephen. The theory of political culture. Oxford, Oxford University Press : 2013.
Cote(s) CUJAS : 550.178

WEYLAND Kurt Gerhard. Making waves - democratic contention in Europe and Latin America
since the revolutions of 1848. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press : 2014. Cote(s) CUJAS :


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