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Angol szitucik

Jv hten szerdn Londonba utazik a MALV 623-as jratval.A replgp este 7.20-kor
rkezik a Heathrow-ra.Telefonlja ezt meg angol zleti partnernek,aki felajnlja,hogy n
el megy kocsival a repltrre.n ennek a hrnek nagyon rl.Krje meg a partnert,hogy
rendeljen egy taxit is a repltr kijrathoz,mivel mg 5 kollgja is utazik nnel.
- Mr White-tal szeretne beszlni.
- Mutatkozzon be s krdezze meg ,hogy hogy van.
- Mondja meg Mr White-nak,hogy jv szerdn utazik a konferencira
Londonba.Este 7.20-kor rkezik a gpe a Heathrowra.
- Megkszni Mr White-nak ,hogy kimegy nrt a repltrre.Kzli vele a jrat
- Megkri,hogy rendeljen egy taxit is a repltrre a tbbieknek.
- Udvariasan elkszn.

Good morning. I would like to speak to Mr White, please.

Teacher: Speaking
Good morning, I am Krisztin Nmeth
Teacher:Good morning Mr Nmeth. How are you?
I am fine thanks. And you?
Teacher: Fine thanks!
I am travelling to London for your conference next Wednesday. I will arrive at 7.20
p.m to the Heathrow.
Teacher:Let me pick you up at the airport
Thats very kind of you.
Teacher: What is your flight number?
My flight number is MALV 623
Teacher: Anything else?
Oh yes, Could you call me a taxi,because I am travelling together with my five
Thank you for your help!
Good bye!

Klfldi partnert kisri Budapesten.Kzben beszlget vele.
- Jrt-e mr itt? Is this your first trip in Budapest? Vagy Have you ever been in
Budapest before?
- Tetszik-e a vros What do you think of Budapest? / Do you like the town? /
- Milyen programokat tervez ittartzkodsa idejre? What do you plan to do while
you are here?
- Milyennek tallja a magyarokat? How do you find Hungarian people?
- zlik-e a magyar konyha? Do you like Hungarian food?
- Megkstolta-e mr a gulyst? Have you ever tried Gulys?
- Hvja meg ebdre egy kzeli tterembe. Could I invite you for a lunch to a
restaurant near here?

Szabadids programot szervez klfldi partnernek szombat dlutnra.Elszr
vrosnzs,majd utna vacsora.Elzetesen beszlje meg a rszleteket!
- Hvja meg partnert egy vrosnzsre szombat dlutnra.
- A program keretben megnzik a Hsk Tert, a Vrosligetet, Budn a vrat, a
Mtys templomot s a Halszbstyt.
- Idtartam kb. 3 ra. Utna hvja meg vacsorzni.
- Krdezze meg,hogy milyen tipus ttermeket szeret?
- Nem messze a szllodtl van egy csendes tterem.
- Szereti a magyar konyht?
- Ha ez megfelel,rte megy a szllodba 4 rra.
- How about going on a sightseeing tour on Saturday afternoon?
- Teacher: Thats a good idea.
- I would like to show you the Heroes square, the City Park, the Castle in Buda,the
Mathias Church and the Fishermens Bastion.
- Teacher: How long will it take?
- It will take about 3 hours,and then, I would like to invite you for a dinner!
- What kind of restaurants do you prefer/ like?
- Teacher: I like quiet places.
- There is a quiet restaurant not far from the hotel.
- Do you like Hungarian food?
- Can I meet you at the hotel at 4 oclock?
- Ok! Bye!

Konferencin vesz rszt. A sznetben szeretne megismerkedni svd zlettrsval.
Szltsa meg,mutatkozzon be,kezdemnyezzen trsalgst.
- dvzlje a partnert. Good morning!
- Krdezze meg,hogy lelhet-e. May I sit here?
- Mutatkozzon be. My name is Gbor Duds.
- Krdezze meg, hogy melyik orszgbl jtt? Where are you from?
- Dicsrje meg az orszgot s mondja el, hogy tavaly eltlttt ott egy hetet. This is
a very beautiful country.I spent a week there last year!
- Krdezze meg,hogy elszr van-e Budapesten? Is this your first trip in Budapest?
- Mit ltott mr eddig a vrosbl? What have you seen so far?
- Milyen programokat tervez az ittartzkodsa idejre? What do you plan to do
while you are here?
- Hvja meg maghoz szombaton egy partira, ahol tallkozhat sok rdekes
emberrel. Cm s telefonszm. Could I invite you for a party on Saturday to my
house? You will meet a lot of interesting people there. Here is my address and
my phone number! See you on Saturday, bye!

Klfldre utazik hivatalos tra.
1. Replgpen utazik Londonba.
- Krjen egy napilapot a lgi utaskisrtl. Excuse me,could you bring me
the TIMES please?
- Krdezze meg, hogy mikor rkeznek Londonba, When are we arriving to
- milyen az id ott, What is the wheather like there?
- milyen kzlekedsi eszkzzel jut el a Baker Street-re. How can I get to the
Baker Street?
2. Megrkezik a szllodba,ahol van egy egygyas frdszobs foglalsa egy
htre.Miutn megkapta a szobakulcsot, krje meg a recepcist,hogy rendeljen egy
taxit fl ra mlva,mert egy trgyalsra kell sietnie.
- Good morning. I have a reservation for a single room with bath for a week.
- Could you call me a taxi in half an hour,because I have to hurry for a meeting.
3. Elksett a trgyalsrl.Krjen elnzst s indokolja ksst forgalmi dugval.
Oooh, I am sorry for being late !! I was stuck in a traffic jam at Baker Street!

rdekldjn zleti partnertl a vllalatrl!
- Mi a neve a vllalatnak? Whats your companys name? Vagy What is the name
of your company?
- Hny alkalmazottal dolgoznak? How many people do you employ?
- Milyen a forgalmuk? Whats your turnover?
- Mi a f zleti tevkenysgk? Whats your main business/avtivity?
- Vannak-e fikzleteik? Have you got any branches?
- Kik a versenytrsaik? Who are your competitors?
- Hol van a kzpont? Where are your headquarters?
- Hogyan segtik el a dolgozk tovbbkpzst? How do you train your
- Milyen munkakrlmnyeket biztostanak a dolgozknak? What are the
working conditions like in your company?

Adjon tjkoztatst az nt alkalmaz vllalatrl! n a Morrison Electronics
alkalmazottja.A vllalat szkhelye Budapesten van,de vannak lenyvllalataik Szegeden s
Miskolcon is.Fleg villamos hztartsi gpeket gyrtanak s forgalmaznak. Krlbell
hszezer alkalmazottjuk van. Az ves forgalom 180 000 Euro. Legfbb rivlis a Harvis Co.
A dolgozk igen j krlmnyek kztt dolgoznak,modern pletekben korszer
gpekkel.Elmenetelket szakmai s nyelvi tanfolyamokkal segtjk el.
I work for Morrison Electronics.The Headquarters are in Budapest,but we have (some)
subsidiaries in Miskolc and Szeged.We mainly produce electrical household appliances for
example: electric cooker,toaster,TV,HI-FI. We have about 20000 employees. Our turnover
is 18 0000 Euro/ year. Our main competitor is Harvis company. The employees work in
very good conditions in modern offices with the latest equipment. They train themselves
by different courses of production and languages.

Adjon tjkoztatst vllalata szervezeti felptsrl az albbi vzlat felhasznlsval!

Elnk-Chairperson/ President
Igazgattancs-Board of Directors
Szemlyzeti osztly-Personnel Department

gyvezet igazgat-Managing Director

Termelsi osztlyProduction

PropagandaPublic Relations

Pnzgyi osztlyFinance


At the top of the company hierarchy is the Board of Directors,headed by the Chairperson
or the President in the USA. The board is responsible for determining the companys
strategy. It will usually appoint a Managing Director CEO (Chief Executive Officer) who
has overall responsibility for the running of the business.Senior managers head the various
departments or functions within a company:

Public Relations ( PR )

Personnel Department (or Human Resources)



Research and Development (R&R)



Dispatch (rtkests)

The amount of responsibility of any individual in a company depends on the position that
he or she occupies in its hierarchy.
Personnel Department: recruits the new staff
Invites the candidates for personal interviews.

Szemlyes tallkozt szervez egy gyfllel telefonon keresztl.Egyeztessk az
idpontokat.n elfoglalt:
Htfn:10-13-ig rtekezlet miatt.
Szerdn:egsz napos vidki program
Cstrtkn: 14h egy msik gyfl ltogatja meg. (ezrt kell keddre vagy pntekre
- Mutatkozzon be s mondja meg,hogy milyen gyben telefonl.(idpontegyeztets az
j computer-eladssal kapcsolatban.)
- Krdezze meg, hogy rr-e a partnere kedden?
- s cstrtk dleltt?
- Htfn reggel esetleg?
- Htf dlutn tkletes lesz.2 rakor j lesz?
- Udvariasan bcszzon el.
Good morning. This is Gbor Duds. I would like to fix a date for next week in the case
of new computer selling.
- Are you free on Tuesday?
- And what about Thursday in the morning?
- And what about Monday in the morning?
- Monday in the afternoon would be fine.Is 2 oclock p.m OK for you?
- Thats right.I look forward to seeing you then! Goodbye!

Hivatalos megbeszlst szeretne folytatni Mr Brown-nal. Hvja fel telefonon!Mr
Brown jelenleg nem elrhet,gy hagyjon zenetet a titkrnnl.
- Mutatkozzon be s keresse Mr Brown-t.
- Hagyjon zenetet:kri,hogy minl elbb hvja fel nt a szmtgp
megrendelssel kapcsolatban.
Az zenet: Krem hvja fel Mark Taylort a 06448684 telefonszmon a
szmtgp rendelssel kapcsolatban. Srgs.
- Good morning.This is Mark Taylor.I would like to speak to Mr Brown in
connection with computer ordering.
- Teacher:Iam sorry.Mr Brown is not available at the moment.
- Teacher:Can I take a message?
- Yes ,please
- THE MESSAGE: Could you tell him to call Mark Taylor back as soon as
possible in connection with computer ordering.My number is 06448684.

- Ok, thank you

- Goodbye!

Az Eastel MSG-nl meghrdettek egy mrnki llst.Az n feladata a jelltek
meghallgatsa.Tegyen fel krdseket a plyzknak!
- Helyezkedjen el knyelmesen Please,make yourself comfortable!
- Milyen vgzettsge van? What is your qualification?
- Mi a foglalkozsa? What is your job?
- Mita dolgozik a jelenlegi munkahelyn? How long have you been at
your present job?
- Mirt akar vltani? Why would you like to leave?
- Mirt rdekli az ltalunk meghrdetett lls? Why are you interested in
working with us?
- Vgzett mr valaha ehhez hasonl munkt? Have you ever done this kind
of work?
- Szeret utazni? Do you like travelling a lot?
- Dolgozna-e htvgeken? Do you mind working at the weekends?
- Tud gpelni? Can you type?
- Tudja-e kezelni a szmtgpet? Can you use the computer? Vagy Are you
a computer literate?
- Ns? Are you married?
- Dohnyzik? Do you smoke?
- Milyen nyelveken beszl? Can you speak foreign languages?
- Jv hten tudatjuk nnel a dntsnket.Elmondan az elrhetsgeit?
Well let you know about our decision next week. How could we contact

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