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Land of the Tzvi: A

Collection of Essays

Islams Odd Yet Useful Purpose in Life

June 11th, 2013
The mainstream media exposes their own bigotry when they
say dont do anything to provoke Muslims.
When a self-proclaimed artist painted the Virgin Mary
covered in excrement, the media didnt say a word.
When Egyptian newspapers and newspapers elsewhere in Middle
East draw anti-Semitic cartoons, which are reminiscent of the
days of Protocols of the Elders of Zion as well as Joseph Goebbels
propaganda machine, no one says a wordno one bats an eye.

This is what happens when the world loses its moral compass and
the Western world ends up standing for absolutely nothing. When
every single Western country except for maybe the US (and
Eastern European Catholic countries) adopts a culture of what
can best be categorized as non-life, where there is an average
of 1.5 children per couple, mainly because of self-absorbed and
egotistical pseudo-intellectual types.
Its not even atheism, because atheism is a belief (most atheists
believe in the inherent goodness of human beingsi.e. secular
humanism, which is a whole other discussion.)
Its not agnosticism, because agnosticism is the doctrine of I
dont know and I dont claim to know, but I do believe that there
is some force that formed this worldI just dont call it G-d..and i
dont think it runs it anymore. It left a long time ago.
What plagues the West is nihilism. Its the belief in absolutely
nothing. Complete apathy. Nothingness. Emptiness. Soullessness.
You can see it in the mainstream films. You can hear it in the
mainstream music. Its the worship of stuffmoneythe self.
Its systemic narcissism. And in order to keep all of that, one
must adopt the doctrine of the status quo. Containment.
Keeping the volatility at bay. Non-provocation. Conflict
management instead of actual resolution. When a woman like
Pamela Geller posts placards on subways against Jihad, she
is branded a provocateur and a flame-baiter.
Well speaking of flames:

The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who in time of
moral crisis preserve their neutrality. Dante Alighieri

The reason I say this is because, when America is finally

overrun by the caliphateand by G-dit nearly will be, what
side will you be on? Because this time, the Dhimmis will not live.
The Dhimmis will become de facto apostates, and the punishment
for apostasy is imprisonment at best and death at worst.
Islam doesnt hate the West because the West believes in a
different version of G-d than it does. Islam hates the West
because Islam once ruled the world and it doesnt anymore, and
it was the West that stopped it in its tracksand thats a tough
pill for it to swallow and it has been since the fall of the Ottoman
Empire. The worst thing you can do to a Muslim, even worse than
killing him, is embarrass him. And their demise as a global power
was extremely embarrassing. Since that time, their goal in life has
been to save face. Nothing more.
Islam doesnt hate the Jews because the Jews believe in a
different version of G-d than it does. It hates the Jews because
90% of Jews stopped living according to Torah and thus in the
eyes of Muslims, the Jews have ceased to be Abrahams favorite
son. They see us as a has-been nation.
Isaac is dead. Long live Ishmael.
They even have a holiday called Eid al-Adha, which celebrates not
the binding of Isaac, but of Ishmael, when conversely, the actual
text of the Torah, which was written some 2000 years before the
Koran, states Please take your son, your only one, whom you
love, Yitzchak. Abraham had more than one son at the time. Ill
let you finish that thought.
Thus, the message of Islam is simple. To the West it says: We
once ruled the world and you stopped us at the gates of Vienna.

And now look at what its become at your hand. Decadent. Gdless. Empty.
To the Jews, it says: You have lost your place as The People of
the Book because you worshiped and continue to worship the
Golden Calfmerely in different forms. Money. Power. Prestige.
If you have to ask why someone like Ahmadinejad hates Israel or
to be more specific the Zionist regime (with a capital Z), its
because in his eyes, todays Israeli government is the same
government that cut the side-locks of Yemenite-Jewish children in
the 1950s and snatched them from out of the arms of their
religious parents. And its the same Zionists (again, with capital
Z) who are now throwing Jews out of their own homes in Migron,
Ulpana, and previously Gush Katif.
I almost bring myself to saying that I dont blame Ahmadinejad
and others like him (but I stop myself, if for no other reason than
respect for the 6 million who perished in the Holocaust). He says
to himself: this Zionist government is a godless government.
Their media is a godless media. Then the people who elect this
government and read these newspapers must be a godless
people and must thus be obliterated in a sea of fire.
Islam doesnt hate the Jews because the Jews believe in a
different version of G-d than it does. It hates the Jews because
90% of Jews stopped living according to Torah and thus in the
eyes of Muslims, the Jews have ceased to be Abrahams favorite
son. They see us as a has-been nation.
Isaac is dead. Long live Ishmael.
They even have a holiday called Eid al-Adha, which celebrates not
the binding of Isaac, but of Ishmael, when conversely, the actual

text of the Torah, which was written some 2000 years before the
Koran, states Please take your son, your only one, whom you
love, Yitzchak. Abraham had more than one son at the time. Ill
let you finish that thought.
Thus, the message of Islam is simple. To the West it says: We
once ruled the world and you stopped us at the gates of Vienna.
And now look at what its become at your hand. Decadent. Gdless. Empty.
To the Jews, it says: You have lost your place as The People of
the Book because you worshiped and continue to worship the
Golden Calfjust in different forms. Money. Power. Prestige.
If you have to ask why someone like Ahmadinejad hates Israel or
to be more specific the Zionist regime (with a capital Z), its
because in his eyes, todays Israeli government is the same
government that cut the side-locks of Yemenite-Jewish children in
the 1950s and snatched them from out of the arms of their
religious parents. And its the same Zionists (again, with capital
Z) who are now throwing Jews out of their own homes in Migron,
Ulpana, and previously Gush Katif.
I almost bring myself to saying that I dont blame Ahmadinejad
and others like him (but I stop myself, if for no other reason than
respect for the 6 million who perished in the Holocaust). He says
to himself: this Zionist government is a godless government.
Their media is a godless media. Then the people who elect this
government and read these newspapers must be a godless
people and must thus be obliterated in a sea of fire.

A Rude Awakening for the Western World

January 9th, 2015
I find it amazing that the mainstream media is finally waking up
to the phenomenon of Eurabiasomething that has been
happening for over 15 years now.
I remember visiting a friend in Switzerland in 2000 and hearing
how Kosovar refugees were coming in droves and living off of
sozial (welfare), not learning the language and not integrating
into society. I thought it was going to be a one-time deal. Ok so

these people battered by war needed a safe haven, and werent

ready to integrate into society so quickly.
But then I heard a story from a friend about how her family
members were walking on the streets of Paris and how one of
them was made to choke on their own Magen David necklace.
Then I began digging and I found out that France, England,
Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium and Sweden were
being deliberately populated by Muslims. Moreover, this was a
population that did little or nothing to integrate, and many were
living off of the welfare system that wasnt really designed for
such a large class of people who dont contribute back into the
I remember mentioning this to friends who were avid travelers
around Europe in the dance music/DJ sceneand the only
response I got was racist and xenophobe.
And then this video came out:
And then people like Salman Rushdie, Christopher Hitchens and
Ayaan Hirsi Ali got fatwas on their heads and had to walk around
with security 24/7.
And then director Theo van Gogh, great-grand-nephew of
Vincent, was gunned down in Amsterdam for producing a film.
And then Danish cartoonists were threatened and firebombed by

And then a Jewish family in Toulouse were massacred.

We have to remember one thing. The Muslim world wanted to
take over Europe but they couldnt get past Vienna. The battle
was September 11th, 1683. Does that date ring a bell? Is that a
Do you know where the Croissant came from? Vienna, in 1683 to
celebrate the defeat of the Ottomans by Christian forces in the
siege of the city, as a reference to the crescents on the Ottoman
flags, when bakers staying up all night heard the tunneling
operation and gave the alarm.
Islam once ruled half of Spain. Andalus. And they want it back.
They even said so after the 9/11 attack:
Let the whole world know that we shall never accept that the
tragedy of Andalucia (ph) would be repeated in Palestine. We
cannot accept that Palestine will become Jewish.
Osama Bin Laden, October 2001
The men who attacked Charlie Hebdo Newspaper and the Kosher
supermarket in Paris were all trained by Al Qaeda in Yemen. They
are the culmination, the pice de rsistance in this case, of whats
been happening in Europe for over 20 years.
People dont seem to get it. Islams entire modus operandi is that
of a theo-political construct which has in it a mitzvah to expand.
It boasts about being the fastest growing religion in the world. All
it cares about is quantity, not quality. And it tolerates no one in
their midst.

As Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a former Muslim, says: Islam is a political

theory of conquest that seeks domination by any means it can.
And since Islam sees that, for the most part, it cant do it via the
sword anymore (the recent emergence of ISIS
not with standing), it will do it via whats called
Taqiyyaspecifically a concept called Kitman:
In Islamic jurisprudence kitmn ( secrecy, concealment)
is a subfield of iyal (the science of deception or legal trickery),
consisting of the art of making ambiguous statements, paying lipservice to authority while reserving personal opposition, in a kind
of political camouflage or reservatio mentalis. The use of such
practices to conceal ones religious affiliation when facing
persecution or oppression is known as taqiyya.
Soviet Jews did this during the communist regime. We lived a
double life. We expressed one sentiment openly but secretly
despised the government. The only difference was, WE WANTED
The Chinese have a saying: may you live in interesting times.
2015 is already shaping up to be quite interesting.
Good morning Western World. A shame it had to be such a rude

The Iran Deal

July 20th, 2015
I have some friends, both in Israel and the US, who are posting
stuff about Iran...with the goal of waking up their friends who are
living in the US who are either not conscious about what's going
on (purposefully or not) or are of the opinion that this isn't a bad
I offer those friends the following advice:
There's no point in trying to knock sense into people here in the
US. you are wasting your time, for the most part. And you will
receive every "logical" and "rational" rebuttal from them...and it
might include some name calling as well. So save your breath.
Unless they feel something is a clear and present threat to them
and their families, they will continue sleeping. and even if they do
feel a threat, it's doubtful they will wake up or if they do wake up,

they may not have the ability to do anything about it at that

People don't want to believe, know or comprehend what's
happening around them. they want to keep living their lives full of
instant gratification or what they think is "pleasure".
"When am i getting off work so i can go to the next event or
party? when's the next vacation? when's the next this or that?"
This is their lives. (for most of them, not all of them).
I literally have some people telling me:
"Tzvi, you know not all of us can pay attention to what's
happening in the world like you are, at least not on a deeper
level. we actually have jobs and families and kids. Exams to study
for, etc etc."
a) This IS my job. And it will continue to be, G-d willing, when i
get married and have kids. And G-d willing i will be able to in a
real way, monetize what I do...(with the help of some amazing
people at the moment.)
One does not exclude the other. Having kids or becoming busy
with other things is not a signal to shove your head in the sand
about what's happening around you. If anything, it should
behoove you to, for example, arm yourself...since you in fact
have a lot to lose.
For example: I have a friends who are very busy with kids,
alimony, child support, starting a business from scratch...and at
the same time, are doing things like stashing gold, silver, copper,
"go bags", obtaining a gun license and learning self-defense.
I'm talking about observant Jews. Trusting in HaShem doesn't
mean you have to be idle.
You can live your life yet still be vigilant, aware, present and
mindful of your surroundings and the threats we face today. not
paranoid. Just mindful and ready.

b) Sounds like eerily like what the people to Moshe Rabeinu when
he came to them telling them that he earned their freedom. (Not
saying i'm Moshe Rabeinu. Far from it)
They were too busy "working" to hear anything he had to say.
they were so engulfed in their day to day things, they had no
consciousness of what was happening or could happen around
them at any their case, getting the heck out of Egypt
without anyone stopping them (at least at that moment).
News flash: if your country is invaded by ISIS from within or
blown to bits by Iran...THERE IS NO job, family, kids, exams,
healthcare plan to speak of or vacations and events to plan.
There's nothing...besides you and the elements.
And as for those who committed attacks already on American
soil...these are not "lone wolf" attackers. These are merely an
appetizer/preview of what's to come on a larger scale in this
But it's all good. You can now return to your regularly scheduled

The Shining City on the Hill

September 17th, 2015
I'm no fan of Ann Coulter but if you take your emotions out of it
for a second and listen to the words that she's saying...just think
about it:
There are 320 million people in America. 6 million of them are
Jews. Why WAS every candidate on the podium last night so
focused on the Land of Israel?
Because that is precisely the focus of the world.
The "Shining City on the Hill" is not's Jerusalem. The
center of the world is not America. It's Jerusalem.
And its nucleus is the Temple Mount...
...where for the first time this past Rosh Hashanah, young Arab
men, wearing ISIS garb, were holed up inside the Dome of the
Rock mosque with projectile boulders...and Jews were attacked
while walking through the Old City after morning prayers.

They sense something is coming. They sense the sleeping giant

that is the geula is awakening. They are our cousins and they
have a sixth sense for these things.
This is why they are telling their own people that the 1st and 2nd
Temple are myths and legends.
And an Arab official recently said this:
"You can dance based on the illusions of the prophets, believe the
fairy-tales of rabbis, the Al-Aqsa mosque...will never become a
Jewish Temple,"
Did any public Israeli official (with the exception of Moshe Feiglin)
openly state that we want to rebuild the Temple?
No. but the Arabs sense it. they know who we are and what our
goal is (or at least should be)
The question we need to ask ourselves is: why is it that some
random Arab (whose name is ironically Khatib, which means
'writer') knows about our prophecies and Talmudic stories and
most of us Jews know nothing?
Why did George Pataki, who is not even a front-runner, feel the
need to say that he would give Israel bunker buster bombs? Why
didn't he say "we...America...will use bunker buster bombs on
Because it's up to the Jewish people, with the help of HaShem, to
decide their own fate.

"If we are not for ourselves, then who will be for us"
- Rabbi Hillel

The Ever Burning Question

September 30th, 2015
A friend just asked me the ever burning question.
If the nations of the world are constantly singling out the Jewish
state (and by extension, the Jewish people), then how do we
eventually achieve peace?
This is my valiant attempt at an answer:
Deep down, the world wants HaShem. hence the festivals and the
concerts and the sporting events and the gatherings and the
parties and the clubs and the drugs.
(and i've been all UP in THERE, so don't even try me lol)
They all want to connect to something. to something
euphoric...en masse.

The problem with all those things, is that they are fleeting. they
bring instant gratification, based purely on physicality...and they
don't last.
Hence: when's the next event? the next concert? the next game?
the next Olympics? the next world cup? the next DJ coming to
town? the next vacation?
And it's all artificially fabricated euphoria. Matrices of our own
The Jewish people, via spirituality and physical performance of
the mitzvot, have an opportunity to lead the world by example, in
how to achieve permanent "euphoria". how to connect to the one
true Source in a lasting way.
And i'm not talking about becoming charedi. I'm talking about
something entirely different.
I'm talking about 14 million people getting together and
becoming "The Light". Giving the world at least a consciousness
that HaShem is ever present.
That's how you bring peace. Shalom...which is related to the
word Shalem...whole or complete.
Absence of conflict is not peace.
right now, atheism and materialism are rampant in the
developed/Western world. This is why these societies are
collapsing from within.
And of course, anti-Semitism is emerging there, because the West
is subconsciously, once again, blaming the Jews for the lack of
They just don't know what that something is, so they'll grasp at
"Palestine". "the banking system". "the Talmud". "Hollywood".
"Zionism". "Holocaust hoax"

"Israel advocacy" won't bring peace. "diplomacy" at the UN won't

bring it. fighting anti-Semitism on campus won't do it either.
there are all conflict management. this is all keeping us in a state
of perpetual limbo aka "stability"...until the next barrage of
rockets from Gaza...and eventually (G-d forbid) Iran and the next
anti-Israel protest and synagogue attack and Kosher supermarket
shooting (G-d forbid).
HaShem wants us back. we've been away for too long.
Instead of going to Burning Man...we need to become Yearning
Man and Learning Man...for HaShem.
Ps...and if you don't believe me, consider the following:
If a group of people that comprises .02% of the population of the
world have managed to win 25% of the Nobel prizes, via their
intellect...just think what that same group of people can do
I call it "Disproportionate Spirituality" (BBC and CNN are right, on
a subconscious level once again lol)
14 million people can "feed" the souls of 7 billion...and then
Everything the Jewish people do, good or bad, usually tends to be
see Bernie Madoff. the aforementioned Hollywood and banking
systems. medicine. technology (Google, Facebook, Whatsapp,
Paypal), science.
This is NOT a declaration of supremacy. It's a rallying cry for a
redirection of energies.

Once Upon a Time

October 7th, 2015
Once upon a time, there was a man named Rabbi Meir Kahane.
for those of you who have only heard negative stories i.e. lashon
hara about him...i can only tell you this:
Aside from being a gigantic Torah scholar and a big tzaddik on a
personal midot (character traits) level...everything...and i mean
EVERYTHING that is coming to pass today, was prophesized by
him roughly 30-40 years ago.
It was word for word.
And these events were happening during his time and way before
his time. And CERTAINLY way before the creation of the State of
Israel, which was in 1948.

These events also happened in the 20s and 30s...and even before
If you have never heard or seen him speak (maybe you were too
young or someone badmouthed Rav Kahane to you so much that
you avoided seeing his content to begin with)...and felt how
prophetic his words will tonight.
And tomorrow night. And the night after that, and the night after
And as our enemies (not just the Arabs but the EU and UN as
well) keep perpetrating their deeds, you will hear more and more
of what this man had to say. And you will eventually, G-d willing,
agree...if your brain understands it and your heart internalizes it.
And then after you've agreed, you will then rise up from your
slumber at your college campuses, your Hillels, your JCCs, your
AJCs, your Bnai Briths, your AIPACs, your ADLs, your ZOAs, your
AZMs, your UJAs, your JCPAs and your JNFs.
And if you don't, the Jewish people will stop giving you money
and you will promptly be shut down, along with your posh offices
in Manhattan and your posh shuls in the f***ing Hamptons or
wherever you are.
There are 14 million Jews on this planet. 7 million live in Israel.
Jewish blood is not cheap.

G-ds Mossad Agent

October 12th, 2015
In the summer of 2013, I went to an event called the Presidential
Conference, which was held in Jerusalem.
it was mainly to honor president Shimon Peres on his 90th
birthday and also Bill Clinton was there and bunch of other high

ranking officials and journalists...from the US, Israel and Europe.

Thomas Friedman, David Axelrod, and even Sharon Stone were
Bill Clinton and Shimon Peres ended up congratulating each other
on being "peacemakers" and Bill was honored with an award for
how he managed to get a terrorist to come to the White House.
I was there for 6 hours, bouncing between different rooms and
talks (I even wrote a speech given by my boss to a bunch of
university professors on Jewish demographics)
The one moment in that entire conference where I didn't feel like
someone was spewing blatant lies to my face was when i heard
the Somalian activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali talk about the Middle East.
The relatively small room was packed and it was a speech for the
I left that conference and went to a lecture by this well-known
American-Israeli rabbi across town...he's translated tons of books
written by a big Israeli rabbi and has helped many Jews around
the world. (Some of you may know who Im referring to).
After the lecture i came up to him, told him where I was all day
and thanked him for merely existing and giving his lecture (which
I don't even remember what it was about).

He knew what i did for a living at the time and said to me the
"You have seen both sides of the coin in Israel now. The secular
and the religious. Keep doing what you are doing. You are
HaShem's Mossad agent on the inside."
That last sentence was verbatim. Struck me like a lightning bolt.
I'll never ever forget it.
And it made me realize that there's a certain prism through which
one needs to look at this entire conflict and everything that's
happening around the world.
Otherwise, we'll never grasp it fully and we'll just keep "grinding
water", as they say in Israel.

Why the West Wont Listen to the Jews

October 19th, 2015
The charade plays itself out on BBC and CNN at every go around
with Israel and the Arabs.
Some high ranking Israeli official makes an appearance to answer
questions about the 'Pallywood' scenes that the Western world
just had presented to them in the mainstream media, via

Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

The Israeli official makes statements such as: "We have the right
to defend ourselves"..."What would you do if this was happening
in your country?" and "We are the front line in the Western
world's war on terror/radical Islam".
The journalist in the studio ignores each statement and keeps
pushing his agenda-fueled questions. The Israeli official continues
to "grind water", as we say in Israel, not realizing why the
journalist won't accept his/her answer as they become ever
There's a perfectly good explanation for all of this and it comes
from the one place where most of the "civilized academic" world
hasn't dared to search:
The Torah
There are three archetypes in play. Jacob, Esau and Ishmael.
Ishmael was the older son of Abraham. The one who supposedly
has the first "dibs" on anything belonging to the family. Property,
blessings, name it. More often than not, the oldest
son gets it.
Not so in this case. Unfortunately for Ishmael, his mother Hagar
is a handmaiden. A "live-in nanny" in the house of Abraham and
Sarah. Eventually, she and her son were sent away into the
Isaac, Ishmael's brother, would receive the blessing.

Then we have the two brothers. Twins. Jacob and Esau. Both
born as Jews.
On a physical level, they are almost identical...except for one
difference. Esau had more bodily hair. He was also the more
physical of the two. A hunter. A warrior. He was also a few
seconds older than Jacob, and thus had first rights to any
Eventually, Esau would come to sell his birthright to Jacob. The
reasons why have been the subject of debate and commentary
for centuries. Was he tricked? Did he do it on his own? And why
was it sold merely for a bowl of lentil soup? What is this
significance of lentils?
These questions are still up for discussion, but in the end, he did
it and he forever holds a grudge towards Jacob as a result. It's an
anger that manifests itself throughout the ages...via pogroms,
forced conversions, torture and attempts at mass extermination
of Jacob.
The progeny of Esau are those who hail from the European
One thing we must know about Esau and Ishmael is that Esau
ended up marrying Machalat, the daughter of Ishmael. She is the
one who helped Esau find any kind of blessing.
When we examine at what's happening in Europe today, i.e. the
emergence of the merger between radical Islam and the
European political left, we say to ourselves: "gee, aren't those
strange bedfellows?"

Or are they...
Fast forward to the year 5776 (2015 in the Roman calendar).
The Temple Mount is the subject of contention at the moment,
where the Arab's claim that a Jewish temple never stood at that
spot, and where the Western world accuses the Jews of denying
Arabs their rights there, despite evidence to the contrary.
Every year, the children of Ishmael celebrate a holiday known as
Eid al-Adha. It is the commemoration of the binding of Ishmael
by Abraham at the altar, where the Dome of the Rock now stands
at the Temple Mount.
Wait a minute. Binding of Ishmael??
Wasn't the story of this event written thousands of years prior to
the writing of the Koran, in the Torah, in the portion called
Vayera...and wasn't it Isaac who was bound instead of Ishmael?
Yes. Yes it was.
Over the years, Ishmael has become very adept at rewriting
And then once he's re-written it, he's becoming very adept at
making himself look like the rightful owner of property that
doesn't belong to him, as well as make himself out to be the
victim, while being the aggressor.

But ironically enough, Ishmael need not do much work in that

Esau, while claiming to be "civilized" i.e. has repented for his
crimes against Jacob over the still subconsciously
furious at Jacob. This is why Esau continues to rail at Jacob at
every open forum, despite every logical argument made by Jacob
that he is not in the wrong.
The UN, EU, The White House, the media, various nongovernmental name it.
And whenever Jacob goes on BBC, CNN, to the UN and any other
open forum to tell "civilized" Esau stories of Ishmael's murderous
behavior...Esau can't hear a thing.
His anger towards Jacob creates a deafening noise, drowning out
any logic and reason.
No matter how "civilized" Esau grows, he cannot betray Ishmael.
And no matter how much time has passed, Esau cannot forget
that Jacob still has his birthright, which he sold him for mere
lentils, all those centuries ago.
And so the Israeli officials press on in futility.
Naftali Bennett , Tzipi Hotovely - , Benjamin
Netanyahu - , Yair Lapid - , Dore
Gold, Ron Prosor - , Danny Danon - Danny
What they don't realize is that Esau's heart is impenetrable and

that the only way to get him off your back is to show him, via a
combination of holiness and physical strength, that you still
deserve your own birthright, much less his.

October 19th, 2015
It's accelerating at an exponential pace.
There's now blood in the streets because a few Jews want to pray
at their holiest site. Not all Jews. Not even all Orthodox Jews. Just
a tiny few Orthodox Jews.
There's a proposal at UNESCO to make the Kotel a Muslim site.
There's a push from France to send "international observers" to

The Russians continue to push forward in Syria.

ISIS continues in Turkey and Iraq.
Hamas and Hezbollah continue to be heard tunneling under
people's kitchen sinks.
Iran continues with their nuclear program.
Europe continues on the path of Islamization under the guise of
America continues its slow decline with a Nero in power and
Barnum & Bailey Circus collection of "leaders" jostling for position
in the next election.
The Jews who live in the Land of Israel are slowly uniting, but
only because of the clear and present danger posed against
them. Seeing a knife being plunged into the carotid artery of your
brother/sister will do that to you.
The Israeli government is slowly being forced to face and openly
admit the truth, that the "status quo" on the Temple Mount is not
the goal.
Either the Temple Mount itself is a holy place for Jews or a
retaining wall (the Kotel) is, which means that we are entitled to
nothing. Not the Kotel. Not the Temple Mount. Not even
Jerusalem itself.
Because if you project to the world that you want next to nothing,
you won't even get that. You will get simply nothing.

For those reading this, you can say whatever you want. You can
scoff. You can laugh. No worries. I won't get offended.
All I know is, the Prophets spoke of these days. We are living in a
Hold on tight.
There is no UN. No EU. No America. No Obama. No Kerry. No
"international law".
If it was up to "international law", the Jewish people would be
long gone by now and Hitler's dream of a "Museum to an Extinct
Race" in Prague would be a reality.
Love your fellow Jews. Help them do mitzvot and trust only in

Western Civilization
November 15th, 2015
I keep hearing calls from Jews about how we need to band
together with the western world against one common enemy.
First of all, the western world doesn't care about the cancer
plaguing the Middle East and within Israel, until it hits them on
their own shores.
I feel for the families who lost loved ones but i have zero
sympathy for the government of France.
They brought this on themselves with "multi-culturalism" and the
formation of the EU.
They opened their borders to anyone and everyone seeking
"asylum" they simultaneously forced those from Western

countries to obtain work visas and student visas, under careful

They did this because they perceived the concept of nationalism
and a nation-state to be the source of any conflict. This was what
they took away from WWII...instead of simply chalking it up to
the work of a madman.
This is why the very idea of a successful Jewish state created by
the Jews themselves is so infuriating and confounding for them.
Especially since the states that Europe created out of patchworks
of tribes...Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait and Jordan...have failed or
are on the brink of failure...due to the very enemy they just let
through their own borders.
Moreover, nature abhors a vacuum. Europe has lost any and all
semblance of spirituality. It's turned into a secular "humanist" and
dare I say nihilist society.
And Islam aims to bring their version of spirituality to Europe.
This is why there are swarms of western Europeans converting to
Islam every day and Islam boasts about being the world's fastest
growing religion.
If anything, this should be a rallying cry for the Jewish people to
mobilize spiritually and lead the world by example...not by death
or conversion.
It's time to leave our ghettoes in the diaspora...secular or
religious...literal or figurative...and become our authentic selves in
our G-d given homeland, for the entire world to see.

But sadly, most Jews around the world see themselves as civic
citizens of their country of residence, who just happen to be of
the "Mosaic faith".

The Awakening from the Matrix

November 18th, 2015
Its been less than one week since the EU labeled all products
made in Israels heartland, the cradle of Jewish and by extension
global civilization.
Beit El, Binyaminthe place where Jacob had his dream. Shiloh,
Samariathe location of the first tabernacle, prior to Jerusalem.
Hebronpurchased by Abraham and is the burial place of all the
patriarchs except one, Rachel (she is buried in Bethlehem).
Shechem, Samaria (Nablus, which is derived from Neapolis. The
Arabs dont write or pronounce the letter p)the burial place of
Joseph. And Jerusalemotherwise known as Zion, the home of
the Temple Mount.

Whether or not you believe the stories to be true is irrelevant.

The fact that these stories have been told for thousands of years
by a nation of people, from generation to generation, makes that
nation indigenous to the land which the stories speak of.
Fast forward to one day after the EU decision. Karma rears its all
too familiar head. One of the capitols of European culture, a city
that boasts of its wine, bread, pastry, art, music and romance, is
attacked in the centers of that very culture.
A stadium during a match between two soccer superpowers. A
theater during a concert. Multiple cafes all over town.
Places of cultural refuge for those whove come to enjoy the
creature comforts of the Western Matrix.
An illusion of our own design, shattered.
If you ask most people why they prefer to see movies about
superheroes or fantasy; X-Men, Batman, Superman, Hunger
Games, Lord of the Rings, Harry Pottertheyll give you a few
answers. Not the least of which is:
I want to escape my life for two hours. I want to imagine that
despite the world being a dangerous place, that theres a hero or
heroes who will save it.
The Middle East, the very Zion that Neo is transported to after
taking the red pill, has been brought to the shores of the Matrix.
Mr. Anderson, that lowly computer programmer in the cubicle, is
experiencing a rude awakening. A shift of consciousness.
We know hes awake because he finally made a decision to face

reality. A reality thats been making itself evident to him for 20

plus years, yet a reality thats hes been actively avoiding until
Why? Simple. Because the crme brle, escargot, crepe, Les
Bleus, wine, Champagne, Cognac are all to die forquite literally.
Allez Les Bleus!
But is any of it real? Only in Mr. Andersons world.
The American public lives in the same Matrix but difference is,
they are aware of it and insist on staying in it. In fact, they will
fight tooth and nail to stay in it. Keep the illusions going.
The American way of life. Dont get me wrong. In and of itself,
theres nothing wrong with it.
Wake up. Go to workat a job you may or may not despise, for a
boss you may or may not despise. Strive to purchase the next
toy. The next vacation. The next sporting event. The next
concert. The next, the next, the next.
Rinse, repeatMr. Anderson.
Eventually, however, mans soul comes to the realization that it
needs a goal. The goal is to elevate the physical to the spiritual.
It just so happens that the role of the Jewish people in this world,
is to help man achieve this goal.
Part of that process requires leaving the Matrix and entering
Zion, as it were. Hence the kicking and screaming. Hence the
hanging on for dear life. Hence the irrational, illogical, virulent

and eternal sentiment known as anti-Semitism. For if someone

tried to present you with the idea of a conscience, which you
consider the very antithesis of your version of freedom, would
you try to kill them? I venture the answer is a resounding yes.
One month before the recent events, a global conversation is
Who is the rightful owner of the portal to Zion? Is it the Jews,
who built its two previous infrastructures many moons ago, when
a king by the name of Solomon presided over 40 years of genuine
peace for the Jewish people.
Or is it the Arabs? Ishmael, otherwise known as Agent Smith,
who today has taken it upon himself to drag Mr. Anderson out of
his slumber, via violent means.
After the Paris attack, the citizens of Facebook took to their
profile pictures, changing in unison to transparent French flag in a
show of solidarity. Normally, when one wants to show true
empathy, he attends the funeral or visits someone in the hospital.
The flags were a collective cry emitted by all of the Mr.
Andersons inside the Matrix.
Please, dont take away our soccer matches, our cafes, and our
concerts! Its all we have. We have no real goals, collective or
individual. To us, peace is merely the absence of conflict. Nothing
moreLibert, galit, fraternit!
In a recent Wall Street Journal piece, Matt Ridley brings forth an
idea that: technology, in fact, has a life of its own. That
technology will progress exponentially, irrespective of mans

I suspect the same is true of history. It tends to take on a life of
its own and it doesnt care if we choose to participate.
Yet history is a spiral, and as it pushes on like an unstoppable
freight-train, the old souls of the forefathers of our Jewish nation
are waiting to return and G-d waits for the Jewish people, and by
extension the nations, to return to Him.
The patience He contains is infinitebut the timeline, however, is
finite. 6000 years to be precise.
Unfortunately, thanks in part to the distortions presented by
Christianity as well as the emergence of the multitude of dogmas
available to the Western citizens, the concept of one G-d has
been lost on Europe for quite some time. And since nature abhors
a vacuum, Agent Smith, has taken upon himself the task of filling
that vacuum. At first by stealth, from within and eventually by
And since the concept of karma still exists in this universe, Agent
Smith will give Mr. Anderson what Mr. Anderson gave to Neo for
England, France and Italy in the Middle Ages. Spain during the
Renaissance. Germany, Poland and Russia in the 19th and 20th
centuries. Russia in particular knows karma isnt their friend,
hence they preempt, but their actions will prove futile.
Mr. Anderson is slowly being pulled out of the Matrix and the
Jewish people are slowly being asked, via subtle and not so
subtle reminders, to once again assume their role as Neo.

14 million of us, whether we like it or not, are The One, as in,

one organism. One neshama [soul]. These have been the words
of our sages for the past two thousand years. Not mine.
Its up to The One to save Mr. Anderson from the Matrix and
bring him to Zion, which is slowly being reestablished, much to
the chagrin of Mr. Anderson, by the way. Otherwise, Agent Smith
will physically annihilate Mr. Anderson while hes still inside the
The word Shalom in Hebrew means peace. The word Shalem in
Hebrew means whole or complete. Both contain the same root.
Peace is not the absence of conflict. In order to attain peace, one
needs experience the completion of a specific process.
Whether it comes violently or peacefully (we hope peacefully),
you can kiss the Euro 2016 soccer tournament in France
goodbyeor more appropriately, Au revoir!
The global gathering will be set in a different location and the
euphoria will not be short lived. It will be permanent. And the
portal known as the Temple Mount, in Zion, otherwise known as
the Holy City of Jerusalem, is where an anointed member of the
organism known as The One will bring peace

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