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International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 0882

Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2015


Cost Effective Framework for Direction Finding and Channel

Allocation in Cognitive Wireless Mesh Network
S.Jaisakthi1, Mrs.M.Parameswari. M.E, (Ph.d)2
(Communication Systems, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College/ Anna University, perambalur)
(Communication Systems, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College/ Anna University, perambalur)

Cognitive radio networks are special networks that involve
cognitive radio devices for communication. The Cognitive
networks utilizes network spectrum for communication.
The users who are having valid license to access the
spectrum are Primary Users (PU) and other users are
Secondary Users (SU). Utilization spectrum bandwidth is
an important concern in Cognitive Networks. In this work,
a new Economic Mechanism for better network utilization
is proposed including the channel reuse opportunities in
order to improve the network performance. To provide an
economic framework that integrates CAC. It also provides
routing and channel allocation in cognitive wireless mesh
Keywords Cognitive radio, channel allocation, routing,
channel reuse, economic model, Markov decision process,
wireless mesh network.

Ever increasing bandwidth demands from users of
wireless networks force the network designers to consider
new network paradigms. The multi-hop wireless mesh
networks with cognitive ability have been identified as a
valid network paradigm capable of providing significant
increase of spectrum usage efficiency.In this environment,
a channel of the primary user is used in an opportunistic
manner by a to establish its communication. Still the
primary user, PU, and secondary user, SU, should not
interfere with the transmission of PU.
These constraints combined with the time varying PU
channels availability require new approaches for dynamic
channel allocations, CAC and Routing and channel reuse
in secondary networks. While in the literature there are
some works that address particular issues they do not
provide a consistent framework that would cover all of
these issues. In contrast we propose a novel homogeneous
economic framework that integrates the mentioned issues
and therefore simplifies the management and provides
performance gains. In order to describe in more details the
proposed framework and compare it with related works,
we first present the considered system and the basic

assumptions. The addressed secondary network consists of

wireless mesh routers with cognitive ability that allows to
use opportunistically primary user spectrum, without
harming the primary user transmissions, and to prevent the
interference between the secondary user connections. The
available cognitive channels are dynamically allocated to
the routers via a bandwidth management algorithm that
takes into account the traffic distribution and channel
availability. In this architecture, illustrated in Fig. 1, we
also assume that the channel availability information,
which is required during channel allocation and routing
process, is available from the secondary network database
fed by a signalling protocol. The database indicates
whether channels are busy or idl. The proposed approach
considers service demands on the connection level. In this
case each connection is allocated an effective bandwidth
that provides the required QoS on the packet level but the
packet level is not modelled in this paper. If sufficient
bandwidth is not available for a connection demand, the
call admission control (CAC) rejects the demand. The goal
of this work is to develop a joint channel allocation and
routing framework which provides network profit
maximization. The profit is defined as a difference
between the rewards received for serving the connections
and the physical cost of the network resources.

Fig No.1 Considered network architecture.

International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 0882
Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2015


To achieve this goal we propose an approach where the

dynamic channel allocation and the CAC and routing
algorithms are integrated based on a Markov decision
process framework. The basic concept of this framework
is a state dependent node shadow price which is a dynamic
cost of accepting a connection in a node. Then the routing
selects a path with minimum sum of the node shadow
prices and this sum should be smaller than the reward
from the connection, otherwise the connection is rejected.
It is important to note that the average value of the node
shadow price corresponds to the node average revenue
sensitivity to the number of node channels. Therefore this
metric is used to adapt the channel allocation between the
wireless mesh routers in order to maximize the network
profit. Resource utilization optimization is further
improved via channel reuse algorithm that is integrated
with capacity adaptation procedure, which increases the
network total capacity for the given total number of
available channels. The proposed approach is based on a
mix of distributed and centralized algorithms that can be
implemented in centralized or decentralized modes. To do
that we apply a framework of reward maximization
routing based on Markov Decision theory, that was
formulated for wired network in .In our approach we
extend the concept of link shadow price into the node
shadow price that includes the preemptive mode of
operation reflecting the primary users priority. At the
same time our routing metric provides load balancing.
Concerning channel allocation algorithms for wireless
mesh networks (WMNs) there are many works that
propose heuristic channel allocation algorithms but they
cannot guarantee optimality of the solution or in some
cases the algorithms are very complex and not practical .

C. CAC and Routing Policy

The CAC and routing mechanism should provide a route
with the required bandwidth to each connection demand.
We also assume that the routing should take into account
the variability of number of available channels due to
primary user arrivals or channel/radio failures in order to
optimize bandwidth utilization. In particular the
preemptive aspect of primary user should be considered.
Channel condition deterioration or Channel/radio failure
cause preemption like PU arrival to its channel. If there is
an ongoing communication on the target channel the effect
is the same.



A. Connection Level Modeling

We assume that the considered network should support
multimedia and emergency services which require endtoend QoS. To facilitate this task we apply connection
level bandwidth management where an effective
bandwidth is allocated to connections in order to guarantee

In this section we introduce a model for capacity

adaptation and CAC and Routing that is based on an
economic framework. First let us introduce the applied
In this formulation the reward parameter can be used to
achieve three different goals. First, when the reward
parameter corresponds to the price paid for service, the
network control maximizes the revenue and profit from
the network. Second, when the reward parameters are
equal each other, the network control maximizes the
network traffic defined as the number of accepted
connections. Third, when the reward parameter of one
connection class is increased (decreased) the priority of
this class is increased (decreased) and consequently its
blocking probability is decreased (increased) so the reward
parameter can be used to control the distribution of
blocking probabilities among the connection classes. Let
us consider first maximization of (2) with respect to CAC

.B. Coexistence with the Primary Users

The considered cognitive radio of a secondary user uses
opportunistically the licensed channels of the primary
users, PUs, that are not used currently by PUs, and vacates
them when PUs revisits this portion of the spectrum. The
structure of channels accessible by a secondary user, SU.
Although our approach also covers such architecture. we
consider the system with cognitive channels only to
simplify the presentation as the challenges and novelty are
related to management of cognitive channels.

D. Capacity Adaptation
The fixed channel allocation is not efficient for temporal
and spatial fluctuations in load distribution. To cope with
this issue one can consider two possible channel allocation
adaptation schemes: short term and long term. In the short
term adaptation scheme the total number of available
channels in the network is constant and the adaptation
scheme reallocates the channels to different wireless
routers according to the needs. In the long term capacity
adaptation scheme the total number of available channels
is adjusted to the long term changes in the demand.
E. Co-channel Interference Constraint and Channel
The neighboring radios operating on the same channel
cause the co-channel interference when they transmit
simultaneously and therefore there should be sufficient
distance between a pair of nodes using the same channel.
In our work we assume that the co-channel interference is
acceptable when this distance is at least three hops.

International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 0882
Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2015

and Routing policy . Since under our assumptions the

network connection process constitutes a Markov process,
it can be easily shown that the optimal CAC & Routing
policy that maximizes the network average reward is
connection state dependent and can be found by applying
one of the algorithms from Markov decision process
(MDP) theory. Unfortunately in the exact MDP model, the
network connection state and policy spaces can be very
large even for moderatesized networks. Therefore in our
approach, similarly to the framework described in which is
also used in the network Markov process is decomposed
into a set of node Markov processes, assumed to be
independent, driven by Poisson node connection arrival
processes with average rate.
This follows from numerical results presented in for wired
networks that indicated that the network reward is not
sensitive to this rule within reasonable range.where x is
the node s state which represents the number of SU
connections and the number of active PUs in node s and
psj (x, ) denotes node state dependent shadow price that
expresses the expected loss of future revenue from
connections rejected due to acceptance of the current
connection demand.
Obviously the new connection is rejected if the path netgain is negative. Since the node shadow price calculation
is performed in periodic intervals, based on measurement
based estimations of sj (x, ), the described approach
corresponds to the policy iteration algorithm that under
stationary conditions converges to the optimal policy
defined by the node shadow price values. Concerning
models for calculation of shadow prices, some iterative
models are presented. Unfortunately these models do not
apply to our model with preemptive Markov process. It is
important to underline that the presented economic model
integrates the CAC and Routing function with capacity
adaptation procedure in the same economical framework.
This integration is realized by common use of the node
shadow price concept.Obviously for stability reason the
capacity adaptation period is longer than the CAC and
routing adaptation period. It should be also mentioned
that the proposed framework can be extended further to
control the connection rejection rates by adapting
periodically the connection reward parameters. Increasing
the connection reward parameter causes the increase of
connection acceptance rate and vice versa. Such a
mechanism can be used to provide access fairness.The
CAC and Routing algorithm could use a centralized server
to calculate optimal routes but a decentralized
implementation seems to be better although it requires
distribution of the metrics to all nodes so each node can
calculate the optimal routes when needed. Such
decentralized approach is analogous to OSPF routing
algorithm implementation in autonomous Internet systems


that is decentralized although it uses Dijkstras algorithm

that requires all network link states.


In this section we present algorithms related to the node
shadow price calculations. First we present the required
node traffic parameters estimation. Then the exact and
approximate algorithms for calculation of preemptive node
shadow prices are presented.
A. Estimation of Node Offered Traffic Parameters
The traffic estimation is based on measured statistics. In
this subsection we describe the estimation methods for
primary and secondary traffic parameters. In order to
reduce the complexity, in the following the different SU
homogenous connection classes that are routed through a
given node s are aggregated into one class and referred by
index 1 and the PU class is referred by index 2. Thus the
node state is expressed by vector x = [xl] containing two
components, where x1 represents the number of SU
connections carried by the node s and x2 is the number of
active PUs in node s.
B. Calculation of Preemptive Node Shadow Price
The secondary users can be preempted when primary user
becomes active. This preemption possibility is taken into
account in the corresponding example of continuous
Markov process transition for a node with 3 cognitive
channels, where each of them can accommodate SU
C. Approximation of the Preemptive Model
As explained in Subsection B, the state probabilities are
required for evaluation of connection acceptance
probabilities for admissible states which are used for
calculation of node average shadow price value from .
When the number of states is significant, calculation of the
state probabilities from is time and memory consuming.
To overcome these limitations we propose an approximate
method for shadow price calculation in the considered
system. It is based on our hypothesis that the SU shadow
prices in the preemptive system will be similar to the SU
shadow prices in a non-preemptive system if some
significant reward parameter r2 is allocated to the PU
connections in order to reflect their priority.



The main objective of channel allocation adaptation is

maximization of the network profit which is also
equivalent to the average reward maximization in the
considered case of fixed number of channels. In this

International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 0882
Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2015

section we consider the network operation mode in which

the channels are not reused. We first deduce the optimality
condition for profit maximization in Subsection A. Then
the capacity adaptation procedure is introduced in
Subsection B. This procedure uses one of two algorithms
for the required capacity calculation presented in
Subsections C and D.
A. Optimality Conditions (No Reuse Case)
In the decomposed model, the average reward from the
network, defined by (2), can be expressed as the sum of
mean value of reward from all nodes forming the network
i.e.In the considered system the channel allocation
operation is carried out via lending/borrowing mechanism
as the number of available channel in the network is
constant. We assume that any given node can borrow the
channels from any other node to increase its bandwidth.
Then it is obvious that to maximize the network profit, the
derivative of the average reward from the network with
respect to the bandwidth of node i should be equal to zero.
B. Capacity Adaptation Procedure
The calculation of required node capacities and
corresponding channel assignments is performed by
executing an iterative algorithm with iteration index n.
The current network capacities are used as initial
capacities N0 s for n = 0.
C. Required Capacity Analytical Calculations RC-A
First we approximate the derivative of node s average
shadow price with respect to the node capacity in iteration.
D. Required Capacity Heuristic Calculations RC-H
The concept behind the heuristic algorithm is that the node
with smallest average shadow price value lends one
channel to the node with greatest average shadow price
value. Then these two nodes are excluded from the test in
the current iteration and the same operation is performed
for other nodes.
The resulting from this procedure are returned to the
capacity adaptation procedure without the use of a
damping factor since here the capacity changes are limited
by the fact that a node can borrow only one channel.




The principle objective of the channel reuse scheme is to

increase the network total capacity expressed as a sum of
node capacities, when compared with the total number of
channels that can be available in the network, Nu. The
principal constraint in the reuse is the co-channel
interference which can be avoided only if there is
sufficient distance between the nodes using the same


channel. We assume that a channel can be reused only in

the distance greater than two hops which we call the reuse
A. Channel Reuse Maximization
In the proposed channel reuse allocation algorithm we first
maximize channel reuse by the node with maximum
average shadow price value. Then this process is repeated
for other nodes in decreasing order of shadow price
values. In the following we present two algorithms
realizing the same objective. The first is based on the
binary integer programming, BIP. The second is a
1. BIP based channel reuse maximization, CRM-BIP
1) Calculate all node average shadow prices and their
weighted average value. Then construct two lists of nodes,
L1 and L2. The first list L1 contains the nodes with
average shadow prices smaller than the network average
.the sorted in ascending order of the average shadow price
values. The second list L2 contains the remaining nodes
that are sorted in descending order of the average shadow
price values.
2) Exit the algorithm if all nodes in list L1 have already
been considered for channel reuse.
3) Select the first node from L1 whose channels have not
been yet considered for channel reuse. Then add all its
channels to channel-list V.
4) To maximize the channels reuse carry out the BIP code
described below and then go to step 1.
BIP code: Maximize the objective function defined as:
In particular each component of y is an indicator variable
designating a node in L2 with the same index, which is 1
when channel ch is reused by the corresponding node and
0 otherwise.
2. Heuristic channel reuse maximization, CRM-H
The heuristic algorithm uses the same first three steps as
the BIP algorithm.
A. Optimality Conditions (Reuse Case)
From optimization viewpoint, channel reuse introduces
two important changes when compared with no-reuse
case. First the co-channel interference constraints are
added to the problem. Consequently, the solution that
provides maximization of the average reward from the
network may be achieved for channel allocation that does
not correspond to the average shadow price equalization
required in no reuse case . This can be simply illustrated in
a scenario where some nodes have possibility to reuse
more channels than others due to their privileged location.
For example, the nodes on the edge of the network usually
can reuse more channels due to the fact that they have less

International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 0882
Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2015


Fig no4. Packet transfer to primer user and secondary


Fig no2. Initial input

B. Capacity Adaptation Procedure with Channel Reuse
In the following we present the capacity adaptation
procedure for the networks with channel reuse:
1) Calculate new node channel allocations with reuse
using the selected channel reuse maximization algorithm.
This gives new node capacities Ns. Then execute
iteratively steps 2 to 4.
2) Optimize the channel assignment by using channel
borrowing/lending operations in the following sequence of
operation classes: 1 1, 2 1, 3 1, . . .,M, where M
denotes maximum of number of nodes using the same
channel in the interference region of any node
3) Verify if the channel lending/borrowing operations
executed in Step 2 created new reuse opportunities for
some channels.
4) If channel allocations are the same as in the previous
iteration stop the algorithm since both optimality
conditions, OC1 and OC2 are met otherwise go to Step2

We have proposed an economic framework our goal is to
reduce the total energy consumption while at the same
time balance residual energy of each sensor in order to
maximize the network lifetime. According to this
objective, we propose an R-coefficient method. Sleep
Scheduling is used to put the sensor nodes in sleep /
wakeup state periodically. When a sensor has data to send,
it wakes up and transmits an assign request message.
When CH receives the assign request messages from all
the active sensors, CH begins to process the channel
assignment based on the sensor information and PUs state
on each available channel. Our primary concern in this
process is energy consumption in data transmission. Based
on our energy consumption model, we know that
transmission energy for the sensor is dependent on the
length of transmitted data, which in our design is the
number of the transmission slots.


Fig no3. Communication to node.

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