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Social Studies

A course of study including geography, history, government, and sociology, taught

in secondary and elementary schools.
A study of how people live and organize themselves in society.
Social Studies Laboratory
for teaching social sciences, Laboratory is very essential. As social studies
laboratory provides a quick and ready functional environment which not merely
provides theoretical but also practical knowledge. The Social Studies Laboratory
of Tulsi College of Education for Women is set up on the notion of functionality
and has learning infrastructure:
Physical, Political, geographical, historical maps of World, other countries,
Relief models and working models
Flags of different Nations of the World
Metrological Instruments , Barometer, Rain Gauge etc.
A library is a collection of sources of information and similar resources, made
accessible to a defined community for reference.
A public library is a library that is accessible by the general public and is
generally funded from public sources, such as taxes. It is operated by librarians and
library paraprofessionals, who are also civil servants.
There are five fundamental characteristics shared by public libraries. The first is
that they are generally supported by taxes (usually local, though any level of
government can and may contribute); they are governed by a board to serve the
public interest; they are open to all, and every community member can access the
collection; they are entirely voluntary in that no one is ever forced to use the
services provided; and they provide basic services without charge.

Library Social Studies

Ancient Civilizations
Countries and Regions
Current Events
Current Events Archives
General Social Studies
Museum visits provide opportunities for students to learn content in engaging and
interactive ways.
Museum education is the usage of museum means for the purpose of education.
Museums are very important in the social studies course to help students to
understand the value of historical
monuments and the cultural properties, to protect the cultural heritage and to
provide history education and to acquire the national identity. Museums alsohelp
students to protect their national identity, culture and memory as well as facilitating
the transmission of
history and culture from one generation to another.
Importance of Museum
Museum education is a constant, life-long education.
Children have the chance to see the real life objects that were used in historical
They develop their sense of aesthetics.
They learn creative thinking.
Museums show children that development and change is unavoidable.

In addition, children learn different cultures.


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