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University of the Philippines

College of Architecture
Architecture Program

Architectural Programming Part 1

Native Plants Pavilion

Kitchen Lab and Wellness Zone


Margarita Isabelle M. Flandes

Arch 199.1

Diliman, Quezon City

October 27, 2015

Native Plants Pavilion

Kitchen Lab and Wellness Zone

1.0 User Profiles


The Native Plants Pavilion has three main functional components:

production, kitchen lab and wellness. Each component has its own employee
system. For the production area, there will be farmers and other employees to
aid in the actual plowing of the plants. For the kitchen lab area, there will be
scientists, chefs, librarians, and necessary technicians. For the service area,
there will be chefs, businessmen, delivery workers, shipping workers, waiters,
baristas and the like. Additional employees like janitors, security guards and
necessary office workers are also essential to this project.


Possible clients for the Native Plants Pavilion include people who are

interested not only in the business, but in the benefits and uses of the native
plants. They are welcome to the Center to choose the products they want to
buy or be shipped for their personal businesses or even personal consumption.
These clients will most likely by businessmen, restaurant owners, shop owners
or health enthusiasts. If, for example, there is a restaurant owner from Manila
who wants to get supplies from the Pavilion, he can order them here and
choose from delivery or pick up options. Clients could also be for the
commercial area, where there are restaurants and cafes. They could be regular
customers or businessmen looking for suppliers.

Furthermore, the research area includes a seminar feature wherein

people can learn about the latest plants and their corresponding recipes or
healing benefits. Here, workshops can be conducted. Clients are also part of
this. They can learn more about native plants and how to consume them.
Clients can also come in the form of organizations who want to hold seminars
in the Pavilion.

Flandes 2015

Native Plants Pavilion

Kitchen Lab and Wellness Zone


Anyone who would like to learn about native plants can visit the

Center, then a tour can be given. The Center can be open for field trips and
such events. Visitors also pertain to customers of the restaurants and cafes.
Furthermore, accommodations will be provided for guests who want to
immerse themselves in the knowledge of the benefits of native plants. Spa
and fitness facilities are also provided for guests.
2.0 Activity Analysis
Main Activity Diagram for the Native Plants Pavilion





The Produce area will consist of all the farming, gardening and agricultural
areas, which are currently: Hardin ng Buhay, Scented Garden, Fish ponds, Bamboo
nursery, Weeds and Plants, Vermiculture, Pomelo Orchard, Mango Orchard, organic
piggery and chicken coop. The users will be the farmers, and visitors who want to
view the farm and garden. The produce area also serves as a trekking area, or just an
overall place where visitors can indulge in the natural atmosphere of the site.

Flandes 2015

Native Plants Pavilion

Kitchen Lab and Wellness Zone


The Kitchen Lab is an overall place where experiments on the native plants
are done, whether they fall under the food category or under the wellness category.
The wellness category includes products like soaps and lotions while the food
category includes a variety of products like jams, bread, and such. All of these things
produces in the Kitchen Lab will mostly be handmade, almost no machinery will be
used to keep things natural.

The research component of this project focuses on the educational experience

that guests can have through the seminar rooms, kitchen classrooms and the library.
Overall, this component of the Pavilion has three sub-components: experiment,
business and educational.


The wellness and healing components include cuisine art through the caf and
restaurant. Additional areas like a gift or craft shop will be included. Spa and fitness
areas (yoga and pilates) will also be available. Lastly, accommodation will be
available for guests.

The utility component of the project includes the common spaces like lobby,
offices, employees quarters and storage. These areas unite the 3 major components of
the project.

From the produce area, the native plants can either be directly transported to
the wellness and healing area for serving things like lotion for the spas, tea, or food in
general, or transported to the kitchen lab for experimenting on new recipes for the
restaurant, or to be handmade into jams and other natural food products. Moreover,
the products from the kitchen lab can also be directly transported to the wellness and
healing area where these products can be sold. The research component aids all
aspects of the project when in need for new information, or just deeper research on
the native plants themselves. The utilities unite all spaces as these are the common
Flandes 2015

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