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The Horizons-Journey

The Horizons-Journey (Sairi Afaqi)

The Horizons-Journey (Sairi Afaqi) is a characteristic of the
Formers Travelling (Suluki Mutaqaddimin). It does not enjoy an
independent role and a formal recognition in the Naqshbandy
Travelling. Rather, this journey is covered in the course of into the-self-journey (sairi anfusi), which marks the initiation of the
Naqshbandy Travelling.
From below the lowest soil level (tahtus-sari ,s"):1'
to the Throne
(Arsh) in the Possible-Circle is the range of the Horizons-Journey
(Sairi Afaqi), and this zone is designated as Space (Makan Jam).


nature of vanishing (land) and abiding (baqa) experienced in various

stages of the Path.

Explanation of the Possible-Circle (Da-irah Imkein)

Hidden (Khali)

Into-the Self-Journey (Sairi Anfusi)

Covering the range of the Horizons-Journey (Sairi Afaqi),
continuously rising upwards, then crossing the Throne (Arsh), the
above-mentioned five subtleties of the Command-Word (Alami
Amr) unite with their roots (usul) according to their position-order
in the upper half of the Possible-Circle (Da-irah Imkan). Above
the Throne (Arsh), and onwards in the Possible-Circle, the zone is
called Not-Space (La Makan Z.. SI), and is also called the SoulWorld (Alami Arwah criif Lc.), and is also called the Command-World
(Alami Amr L.), and is the locale of into-Self-Journey (Sairi Anfusi).
The Symbol-World (Alami Misal)
It is a world (a/am) between the Creation-World (Alami Khalq) and
the Command-World (Alami Amr) as an Isthmus (Berzakh). It is the
greatest world (Nam) which Allah has created. It has great
significance and plays manifold roles in the Divine Scheme, one of
which is that it reflects the stages of spiritual progress and moral
refinement of a seeker, covering the Path of Travelling, in special
symbolic forms and lights, and indicates symbolically degrees and

An Explanation

The Possible-Circle

Secret (Sirr)

Da-irah Imkan

Soul (Ruh)
Heart (0a1b)

Hiddenmost (Akho

The Naqshbandy Masha-ilch Grandees have explained the PossibleCircle in this way that after purification when all the five subtleties
of bosom become luminous, their lights, joining the lights of one
another, assume the shape of a Circle, which in the SufiTerminology is called Possible-Circle.
Appearance of the spiritual stages in the shape of a Circle
The Divine Design continues as such that the various stages of the
Travelling-Path are caused to appear in illumination to a traveller
as a circle, primarily because just as no direction and no corner are
specifiable in a circle, likewise every station of the Divine
Nearness is independent of directions.

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