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SAR Question Generator


do the stage directions/events/


enhance your
understanding of

does the
behavior/reaction/personality of
does the author

reveal / clarify /
enhance your
understanding of
make / create /
convey / illustrate /
make / create /
convey / illustrate /
related / created /
written / described /
written / described /
enhanced by
portrayed /
depicted / in conflict

does the writers approach

are the themes/ settings/ characters

is the ending / beginning / conflict

Why (do
you think)

[is] the main character [is]

does the author

does the main

is the
end of the story

create / describe /
remain vague or
ambiguous about
decide / change /
reveal / conceal /
written / left /
designed to be


is conveyed by / is
revealed by

does the character

believe / reveal /
have in common
______ has in
common with _____ /
is the purpose of
_______ / is the
message of ________

do you think

is the authors purpose

is similar/different between

in writing / in
describing / in
interviewing / in
listing / in defining

the scene/ characters/ the

[character name]s
the character/ the conflict
theme of _______ / the clim
the relationship between
conflict/ relationship / the

conflict/ relationship / the

to one another / similar to

different from / related to
theme / to highlight ______
dialogue / to elicit emotio
setting / appropriate / vag
as ________ / [character na
as a hero / as a villain /
[conflicting with] his or he
surroundings / [conflicting
himself or herself
[name of a character] / se
conflict / characters inten

his or her true self or inten

his or her mind / to [action
using primarily dialogue o
description / vague or
ambiguous / without much
character description
the author / the actions of
[characters name] / the e
of the story
is important / about him o
herself through ______ /
[character or person nam


characters / themes / mot

Do you

the stage
directions/characterization/setting /
[text-specific event]/ description of

enhance / have /
create / help /
hinder / develop / is
or are reveal

the main character

desires / fears /
wants/ seeks
are / have

[character / text] and [character /



[character name]
the authors of [text] and [text]


do you think


/ conflict / outcomes
our understanding of them
conflict or characterizatio
something in common wit
______ / a good idea / help
others / the inner desires
_______ / a major problem
_______ / a negative or pos
aspect of __________
to change / a different life
[text-specific idea]
similar ______ / different __
driven by the same motiv
anything in common
the right decision / a mist
a similar purpose / a simil
audience / a similar attitu
toward ___________
the hero / the villain / the
embodiment of the theme
purest / the focus

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