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Genii tomb

Tombs of Mycenae: the Forgotten Five

July 12, 2014 / 1 Comment
VISITORS TO MYCENAE will always stop off at the Treasury of Atreus (aka the tomb of
Agamemnon see previous blog) to be awed by its size and magnificence. Nor will they be
able to miss the intrigue of the tombs of Clytemnestra and Aegisthus and the Lion Tomb still
impressive even if remaining less robust in construction than Atreus. What they all have in
common is their accessibility and visibility (and closeness with regard to the last three). Their
names bear no relation to whom may have been buried there they are just labels
conveniently coinciding with mythical characters from Homers 8th century BC poems the
Iliad and the Odyssey (Atreus son, Agamemnon, led the forces against Troy; Clytemnestra
was his unfaithful wife who murdered him on his return from Troy; Aegisthus was her lover).
The Lion Tomb is so named simply because its near the Lion Gate (see previous blog).

What the marbled entrance to the Treasury of Atrues (aka Tomb of Agamemnon) may have
looked like in the 13th century BC

Tomb of Clytemnestra (much the same size as Treasury of Atreus see previous blog for its
scale) triangular hole above the entrance lintel is a relieving triangle to take the weight of
the the roof
What coach encumbered members of the public do not set their eyes upon are the sad cousins
of Atreus and Co the lonely tholos tombs slumbering over the hill of the Panagia ridge,
namely the Cyclopean, Epano Phournos, Kato Phournos, Panagia and Genii (the Forgotten
Five). In their own rights they bear silent witness to the development of funerary architecture
of the Bronze Age of Greece and deserve more attention. Admittedly less impressive in statue
to the other four but still no less important for archaeology.

Tomb of Aegisthus (smaller than Clytemnestra) also with small relieving triangle above
entrance lintel

Lion Tomb
The size of these five tholoi are very similar with their tomb bases varying between 7-10
metres in diameter (the Cyclopean being the smallest, Epano Phournos the larger comparing
with Atreus base diameter of 14.50 m) and their scale can be seen from the figures in the
pictures. They are also in varying states of disrepair Cyclopean being the worse for wear
whereas Genii is reasonably complete including its roof (it also has three pit graves sadly
empty, so no clues there).

Cylopean Tomb definitely seen better days

Heinrich Schliemann and his wife, Sophie, excavated the Treasury of Atreus and Tomb of
Clytemnestra in 1876 and Christos Tsountas excavated the others during the 1890s (he
discovered Aegisthus at this time but it was not excavated until 1922). The British
archaeologist, Alan Wace, divided all the nine tombs into three groups for dating and
characterized them accordingly:
Group 1 (1510-1460 BC): Cyclopean, Epano Phournos, Aegisthus
Group 2 (1460-1400 BC): Panagia, Kato Phournos, Lion
Group 3 (1400-1300): Genii, Atreus, Clytemnestra

Epano Phournos Tomb

Kato Phournos Tomb

Looking at the sites today it might be considered that grouping into three is too limiting. Since
Waces work, a relieving triangle has come to light on the Aegisthus tomb putting it into a
category of its own. It is not entirely clear what may have been situated above the lintels of
the other two earlier tombs as the roofs have not survived. Genii is hardly in the same
category of grandeur as Atreus and Clytemnestra yet it appears in the same grouping (it is of
similar but less complex construction). The Tomb of Clytemnestra may have been built after
Atreus due to the fact that it may be slightly more technically advanced with its row of
curved stones continuing round the structure at the same level as the lintel (forming a more

solid base for the roof structure). It may, of course, have been constructed for the queen of the
occupant of the Atreus tomb.

Panagia Tomb
All nine tombs had been robbed in antiquity making dating and interpretation difficult. Only
in the dromos of the Tomb of Clytemnestra was a womans grave found by Tsountas, along
with accompanying artefacts (two mirrors, ornaments and beads) but it helped little in
revealing the secrets of the inner domain. However, there is still doubt as to the actual dating
of Atreus and Clytemnestra if the later dating of the mid-to-late 13th century BC (LH IIIB)
is correct, then neither may have ever been occupied, their intended occupants having fled
following the destruction of the city.

Genii Tomb
Next time, or if/when, you plan a visit to Mycenae, take along some walking boots and head
west young man well, westward one and all, over the Panagia ridge (see plan below) and
follow the path from which the Cyclopean, Epano Phournos and Genii are visible. Genii
needs a bit of tracking in from the path but perseverance will find it. Likewise with the
Panagia tomb the most difficult to find drop down from the Panagia church, but be careful
not to literally drop into the tholos itself (as I nearly did!) as it has no roof (forget health and

Plan of tomb as at Mycenae (from Wace, 1949): 1. Cyclopean, 2. Epano Phournos, 3.

Aegisthus, 4. Panagia, 5. Kato Phournos, 6. Lion, 7. Genii, 8. Atreus, 9. Clytemnestra

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