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Diagram 1.1
1. Diagram shows two mercury in glass thermometer, x and y with different sensitivities.
a) What is meant by
(i) Sensitivity of an instrument?
[1 mark]
(ii) Accuracy of a measurement?
[1 mark]
b) Compare the sensitivities of the thermometer x and y.
[4 marks]
c) Explain the differences between accuracy and consistency of a measuring

instrument by using

suitable examples.
[4 marks]
d) Using suitable concepts of Physics, suggest and explain the necessary adaptation to be made so that
the thermometer can give readings that more sensitive,

consistent and accurate.


2. a) Spiderman find that when he jumped down from a high building without bending his legs, a loud sound
is produced as shown in Diagram 10.1. But if upon landing, he bends his legs, a soft sound is
produced as shown in Diagram 10.2

Diagram 2.1

Diagram 2.2

(i.) What is meant by momentum?

[1 mark]
(ii) Using Diagram 2.1 and Diagram 2.2, compare the time for change of momentum for Spiderman.
Relate the time for change of momentum and the force acting on the Spiderman, deduce a relevant
physics concept.
[5 marks]
(iii) Name the physics quantity that explains the two situations above.
[1 mark]
b) In two separate boxing ring, a kick boxer from Thailand fights without wearing

boxing gloves whereas a

boxer from Indonesia fights with a pair of boxing gloves.

Explain who will cause more injury to their opponent if both boxers punch with the same force.
[3 marks]
c) Diagram 2.3 shows a model of a police car.

Diagram 2.3

Explain the modification to the car to help to improve the safety of the passengers and




comfortable. Emphasis your explanation in the following aspects:

(i) the shape of the car body,
(ii) safety features of the car
[10 marks]

a) What is the main function of a graph?

[1 mark]
b) The readings or observations of an experiment are usually recorded in a table. State three important
features that must be obeyed or demonstrated in recording the observations.
[3 marks]

Diagram 3.1

Based on the graph shown in Figure 3.1,

(i) state the manipulated and the responding variables
[2 marks]
(ii) state the relationship between force F and mass, m
[1 mark]
(iii) calculate the gradient of the graph
[2 marks]

d) Four students are directed to do an experiment to investigate the relationship between the mass hung
on a spring, m and the period T for its oscillation. Table 11.2 below shows the different features shown
on the graphs by the four students W, X, Y, and Z.

Table 11.2

Based on the information shown in Table 11.2,

(i) explain the characteristics displayed in Table 11.2 in an accurate graph
[8 marks]
(ii) decide which student has drawn the best graph and give your reasons
[2 marks]
e) State one precautionary step to be taken in the experiment mentioned in (d)
[1 mark]

Solar car model competition has been held at your school. The purpose of the
competition is to select a solar car model to represent your school at district level.
The main criteria in selection are in aspect of velocity, acceleration and design of
the model.
a) What is meant by acceleration?
[1 mark]
b) Sketch the graph of velocity-time for the solar car :
(i) moves at constant velocity
[2 marks]
(ii) moves at deceleration

[2 marks]

c) The velocity-time graphs in Figure 12.1, 12.2 and 12.3 represent the motion of the solar car model of
K, L and M
Model K
Velocity, ms-1

Time, s


Figure 4.1

Model L
Velocity, ms-1

Time, s

Figure 4.2
Model M

Velocity, ms-1

Time, s

Figure 4.3

Distance traveled by the car is 60 m. You are required to choose one of the models. For each model,
(i) distance traveled by the car with an acceleration
(ii) time taken for distance traveled in (c) (i)
(iii) total time taken to end the race for 60 m
Name the chosen model and explain your answers.
[10 marks]
d) A piece of plasticine with a mass of 200 g is dropped into a tall jar filled with
cooking oil. It is observed that the acceleration of the plasticine in the oil
decreases until zero and after that it continues to move downward with zero
acceleration .
(i) Sketch the velocity time graph for the plasticine moving in the oil. Use

your graph to

explain the forces acting on the plasticine as it falls.

[3 marks].
(ii) If the plasticine travels a distance of 30 cm in 1.5 seconds when its acceleration is zero,
calculate its momentum.
[2 marks]

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