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MBE Mission Stotement

MBE's Core Bonds at Social
/t is the purpose of Miomi Business
MBE had a great turn out at thls semester's core sociall The
Enterprises to oct os o supplement to
core social is an event for all the divisional presidents, vice presidents
and other executive board members. It was held on March 22"d from 6 the,business educotion received in the
to 9 p.m. at the smokin' ox. There were appetizers, drinks and fun- ,
filled games for all. c/ossroom ond to Provide members

The public relations division set the bar as the champions of the with honds on experience in the vori-
competitive games at the social. The logistics and financial divisions ous fields of business. We strive to
were not far behrnd, keeping the competitive edge difficult to maintain.
Overall, everyone seemed to have a great time. sotisfr the needs of our clients bY

Dan Gruber, the vice president of logistics, stated "I didn't real- achieving professionol excellence. The
ize how much fun an MBtr function could be. It rvas gleat to see a ton
objective of Miomi Business Enter-
ofpeople show up that night".
prises is to make members emPloy
There is a lot of success worth celebrating u'rthin our organiza-
tion this semester. Our divisions have been u'orking rvith terrific cli- oble through porticipotion in proieas
ents and. the leaders ofthese divisions deserve to be recognized for
implemented by divisions eoch semes-
their hard work. Congratulations to all members for their time and
effort put into MBE this semester!
By Lauren Hartung

Dynamlt Technologies designs M BE Website

dated enough and the or-
Miami Business En- will include information
ganization lost its URL
about MBE's divisions,
terprises is in the process from Miami. COO Dan
news, and clients. The
of designing and executing O'Connell believes that the
its long-awaited website. site will also contain in-
website will be hugely
CEO Sarah Hutchens and
formation for perspective
beneficia[ to MB.E's recruit-
COO Dan O'Conneli have ment process. According to
hired Dvnamlt Technolo- O'Connell the site's address
gies, a Miami student- wili be provided on MBE's
created organization that application form for pro-
has designed websites for spective members to gir-e
many organizations on- them more information
campus as weli as off- about the organization. The
campus restaurants and site will also contain a
bars. Dynamlt has begun downloadable version of an
developing the site, and are MBE application so that
in the process o[ designing members, as lvell as ap-
plicable links. The site is students who could not at-
the format and overall look tend the information nights
of the site. MBE stili has to being paid for by MBE's
may still have access to the
budget and wiil cost the
establish a domain name application. The website's
and URL before the site organization about $500.
planned completion date is
can be complete and func- MBtr used to have the end of this semester.
tional. a website in the past,
By Michelle Lohmann
however it was not up-
Content on the site

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