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November 3, 2011

Physics 130 - a

Dr. Schmidt

Midterm II
Write you name on the cover of the blue book. Put all your answers in the blue book. Start a new page for each
problem. Partial credit will be given for incomplete answers. At the conclusion of the exam fold this exam in half and
place in your blue book with any equation sheets you have used and turn in your blue book.
1. (10 points) The force of gravity of the earth pulls down on an apple hanging from a branch in a tree. Does the
apple pulls back with a force on the earth? Explain. Which pulls harder, the earth on the apple or the apple on the
earth? How would your answer change if the apple were falling?
Newtons third Law states for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The apple pulls on the earth
with the same magnitude force as mg. Whether the apple is falling or not, the earth still pulls on the apple with
a force mg and the apple still pulls back with the same magnitude force.
2. (15 points) Compare the two situations: A) a mass accelerating down an incline set at an angle with the horizontal
and B) a mass rolling around in a horizontal circular path on a ramp inclined at the same angle. Choose which
system A), B) or both A) and B) is described in each of the statements below
a) The appropriate coordinate system has the x-axis parallel to the horizon. B)
b) The Normal Force acting on the mass must be resolved into x and y components. B)
c) The force of gravity mg acting on the mass must be resolved into x and y components. A)
d) The Normal Force is greater than the force of gravity mg. B)
e) An unbalanced force accelerates the mass along the x-axis. A) and B)
3. (15 points) Describe the terms Impulse and Work. If you use an equation be sure to explain all the terms.
Give units for each. Answer the following.
Impulse is the force times an interval of time over which the force acts on an object I = F t in Newtonmeters
Work is the force times an interval of distance over which the force acts on an object W = F x in Joules
a) Which is a scalar and which is a vector? Work is a scalar, Impulse is a vector
b) Which is concerned with a time interval and which with displacement? Impulse goes with time, Work goes
with displacement.
c) Which is equated with a change of momentum and which with a change of kinetic energy? Impulse is equated
with change of momentm, Work is equated to a change in Kinetic Energy
d) Which leads to conservation of mechanical energy and which to conservation of momentum? Work leads to
conservation of mechanical energy, Impulse leads to conservation of momentum.
e) Which is more important in determining the final disposition of the final speed of an object? Either can be used
to determine the speed. We still cant decide which is better.
4. (15 points) Four masses are placed at each of four corners of a square 2.5 cm on a side. Three of the masses are
3.0 kg each and the fourth mass is twice this value. What is the magnitude and direction of the force of gravity on
the larger mass due to the other three masses? G = 6.67 x 10-11 Nm2/kg2



F1 = F3 = m(2m)G/a2 = 2m2G/a2 = 2(3.0 kg)2 6.67 x 10-11 Nm2/kg2/(0.025 m)2 = 1.92 x 10-6 N
F2 = m(2m)G/r2 = 2m2G/2a2 = (3.0 kg)2 6.67 x 10-11 Nm2/kg2/(0.025 m)2 = 0.960 x 10-6 N
Fx = Fy = F3 + F2 cos 45o = 1.92 x 10-6 N + 0.960 x 10-6 N cos 45o = 2.6 x 10-6 N
F = (Fx2 = Fy2) = 3.677 x 10-6 N 3.7 x 10-6 N toward the center of the square

5. (15 points) A tetherball is a 0.56 kg soccer size ball attached to a strong line or tether 2.0 m
long that hangs from the top of a vertical pole 2.5 m high. The ball is launched in a horizontal
direction such that it circles the pole in a path that has a horizontal radius of 1.2 m. (Note: 3-D
drawing) What horizontal speed tangential to the path will be required to keep the ball circling
at this level?
Tr = Tsin = mv2/R R = Lsin sin =R/L = 1.2 m/2.0 m = 0.60 = 36.86 o 37o
Tv = Tcos = mg
tan = sin/cos = [mv2/R]/mg = v2/Rg
v = Rg tan = (1.2 m)9.8m/s2 tan 36.86 o = 2.968 m/s 3.0 m/s


6. A 65 kg skier starts a run from the top of a slope that has a flat inclined surface 55 m long, making an angle of 35o
with the horizontal. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the slope surface and the skis is 0.25.
a) (8 points) What will the speed of the skier be at the bottom of the slope?
mgh = mv2 + Ffx
mgh = mv2 + FN x
mgh = mv2 + mg cos x
gh = v2 + g cos x
gh - g cos x = v2
h = x sin
v = [2g(x sin - cos x)] = [2gx(sin - cos )]
v = [2(9.8 m/s2)55 m(sin 35o - (0.25) cos 35o)] = 19.94 m/s 20 m/s
b) (7 points) Once down on a level flat surface, the skier notices a crowd control barrier 35 m ahead. What new
larger coefficient of friction will the skier need to produce in order to come to a stop in time to avoid running
into the barrier? How is this accomplished?
mv2 = Ffx = FN x = mg x
v2 = g x
= v2 /2gx = (19.94 m/s)2 /2(9.8 m/s2) 35 m = 0.5796 0.58
7. (15 points) A worker is on the roof again. He wants to attach a safety line to himself, but there is nothing to tie the
other end onto like a protruding pipe or chimney. So, he figures to tie a weight to the other end of the line and toss
it over the peak of the roof. If the coefficient of static friction between the roof and himself and any weight he uses
is 0.30, how much weight will he need to just keep him from sliding off the roof, which slopes away from the peak
on both sides with an angle of 30o to the horizontal. The worker has a mass of 85 kg. Assume there is no friction
on the rope as it passes over the peak. Also the line is essentially parallel with the


roof surface though the drawing does not appear to show this.
mworkerg sin T Ffworker = mworker a
mworkerg sin T FNworker = mworker a
mworkerg sin T mworker g cos = mworker a
T - mg sin Ff = ma
T - mg sin FN = ma
T - mg sin mg cos = ma
T = mg sin + mg cos + ma


mworkerg sin (mg sin + mg cos + ma) mworker g cos = mworker a

mworkerg sin mg sin - mg cos - ma mworker g cos = mworker a
mworkerg sin mg sin - mg cos mworker g cos = mworker a + ma = (mworker + m)a = 0
mworkerg sin mg sin - mg cos mworker g cos = 0
mworker sin mworker cos m sin - m cos = 0
mworker (sin cos ) m (sin + cos )= 0
mworker (sin cos ) = m (sin + cos )
m = mworker (sin cos )/(sin + cos ) = (85 kg) (sin 30o 0.30 cos 30o )/(sin 30o + 0.30 cos 30o )
m = 26.87 kg 27 kg

Equation Sheet
Midterm II



c =a +b
sin ! = a/c
a cos! = b/c
tan! = a/b

x = x o + vo t + 12 a t

vBS= vBW + vWS

v = lim "
" t$ 0
a = lim " t
" t$ 0

vo2 sin 2! o
2 -v 1
a =
t2 - t 1

v =

v + vo

Ffr ' sF N

F = m "v

vx = vxo

vy = vyo - g t

F = -k x

vy = vyo - 2 g ( y - yo)

Wnet = "KE


PEspring= 2 kx

PE grav = mgh

KE =

ac = r = % r
ymax = vo sin !
W = F d cos !

F = MGm
vBS= vBW + vWS



k"yo =


mv + mgy +


k"y +F f d

E = KE + PE = constant

WNC = "PE spring + "PE grav+ "KE = "E

"PE = PE - PEo = -W = - F "s

Ffr = kF N

y = h -( g x
2v o2)

mvo + mgyo +


Fc = m a c = m v



c2 = a 2 + b 2 -2ab cos *

a = # a2T+ a2c

y = yo + vyot - 12 g t 2

x = x o+ vxot


& F=ma

x2 - x 1 " x
t 2- t1 = " t

a = a T+ a c

Fg = W = m g
aT = " v

v = vo + 2 a(x - xo)
v =

sin ( = sin ) = sin *


v = vo + a t

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