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The Most Powerful Prosperity Prayer On Earth!

Written By
Jon D. Bender

In Special Appreciation for your help with this work.

Stephanie Young, Shary Jones and Tina Thomas

2015. Jon D. Bender All Rights Reserved.

For the last 14 years, I have hosted a live conference call every Tuesday and Thursday.
Each week, I focus on a variety of different personal growth and personal development
subjects as it pertains to both life and business. Over the years this call (the Breakfast
Call) has migrated/evolved to a call that focuses on seven essential areas of living which
are: faith, marriage, parenting/grand parenting, fitness, nutrition, financial literacy and
interpersonal skills. I am going to share a more recent call with you now, with the hope
that it will increase your faith and be a source of blessing to you.
Before I begin sharing, I just want to take a moment to tell you a little bit about myself
and a little bit about my background. My name is Jon Bender and I have been an
entrepreneur for 26 years; my educational background is in electrical engineering and
semi-conductor physics.
My fascination with success and prosperity began when I was an Eagle Boy Scout. Since I
was a kid, I was always intrigued with why, when given the same basic opportunity, some
people would choose to go on and succeed while others did not so I started to read. My
reading took me to many of the great classics on the laws of success and prosperity.
One book in particular that impacted me early on was entitled, Think and Grow Rich by
Napoleon Hill. This was a landmark study released in 1937 where Hill assembled some of
the most prolific and successful men and women of his day. He did this at the behest of
Andrew Carnegie who was one of the wealthiest men in the world at the time. Hill looked to
create an economic philosophy of how these men and women accomplished the success that
they did. Many of these peoples victories were rags to riches stories. These stories are
what inspired me to believe at a young age that if you wanted something bad enough and
backed it with desire and persistence, you could virtually have anything you wantedLord
I went on to become a great example of this. When I got involved with my own home
business at age 28, I went from being flat broke to four years later making my first
million. From there, I earned another million and then another and then millions, and
millions, and millions of dollars after that. I don't say that to impress you but to impress
upon you that I was finally able to answer the question of why some chose success where
others, given the same opportunity, did not. This process is what I am sharing todayand
I am going to reveal a more powerful short-cut that I call C3.
Before we begin, if you are in the middle of a financial challenge right now, like I was,
recognize that you are building your own story. Remember what this feels like to you right
2015. Jon D. Bender All Rights Reserved.

now. Say to yourself, "this is the last time in my life I am going to be broke. Promise
yourself that God willing, you will never go through this again. The reality is what is in your
bank account is not who you are and certainly isn't whose you are.
Know that where you are, is just where you are. It's not who you are, unless you decide
that is the case. Realizing this was a huge wake up call for me and had I not gone through
the temporary set-backs, I never would have been set up to really become much more than
where I was at the time.

And so the call begins

(begin transcript)
Welcome everybody this is Jon Bender.
This is kind of funny because I was just addressing the crowd that is here with us live and
I said, "Hey we're going talk about a subject How to Get Anything That You Want."
There was laughter, but the minute I said that, it's as if something popped into my head
saying, "I want you to talk about this."
Today, I am going to share something that I have never shared before. I'm going to share
this because like I said, the minute that I started to say what I was going talk about
today, God popped into my brain and said, "I want you to do this! So I am going to be
obedient and do that today.

Today, I am going to share something with you that I have only shared privately with a few
people. I am going to tell you a little story. It might seem supernatural and maybe even a
little odd, but it is a true story. I also believe it is something that can help you. Many of
you know that I wrote the book entitled, In God We Trust: A Legacy for Creating Wealth
and Abundance in 2005. It took me about four years to write, mostly back and forth on
plane flights. It was a huge growth opportunity for me, as I took all the so-called secular
personal growth and personal development knowledge I had amassed in my twenties and
rewrote it in the form of a story that honors God; specifically, advancing the idea of
trusting and seeking God in all things. The idea of being able to trust God in whatever you
are going through and knowing that God is not messing with you, but in fact, is working with
youmaking you into the person you were been created to be.

2015. Jon D. Bender All Rights Reserved.

Today, I'm going talk to you about what happened to me recently and my hope is this can
be a blessing for you. I am going to warn everybody in advance that this is going to be
under the seven tenants I deemed grateful wealth. The first of which being faith is going
to be the topic of discussion today, more specifically my faith. So, if that kind of thing
just totally turns you off, this would pretty much be a good time to get off the bus.
Now many people are not aware of this, but if you read the Bible (the Word of God) and
study it, you will find God wants his kids, us, to become prosperous 1 and to be able to live
fully, in a holistic kind of way, and to have great families, great lives, to be upright and to
be contributors. This is powerful because prosperity 2 and prosperous living is actually
mentioned in the Bible more often than even salvation. So, lets not think that God is not
interested in you becoming the very best you can be, 3 becoming prosperous 4, becoming a
person that can pour into others and be willing to give of your time and abundance. You are
going to be amazed at the story I am about to tell you.
And by the way, dont just take my word for it; I encourage you to read the oldest book
that has been out there pretty much unchanged for thousands of years and that is the
Christian Bible, both Old and New Testaments. This is where the story begins
Not too long ago, I was trying to find a book that summarized the many scriptures of the
Bible on prosperity and that theologically talked specifically about prosperity. I was on the
Internet doing some Googling and this book popped up. It was the strangest thing, it kind
of popped up on my screen as a book in Amazon, and I think it was an out of print eBook or
something like that, but it was written in the 1920s. I clicked the check inside tab and
was able to start reading the table of contents. My wife called me to come to dinner, so I
went in to have dinner and I came back, probably about an hour later, and when I opened
my computer, I was shocked and a little confused because the FULL purchased version of
the book was on my screen. I mean it was there, the whole book, not just the preview. I
didn't buy it. I didn't do anything. It was just there! Perplexed, I wondered, how did this
happen? Anyway, I started flipping through it and I was skimming through just the first
line or two of each paragraph and was going from paragraph to paragraph to paragraph.
The book was a story was about an older Pastor who was in his parsonage and who was
basically, just having a conversation with God during his prayer time. He recounted his
conversation with God throughout the entire book.

2015. Jon D. Bender All Rights Reserved.

The Encounter
In the book, the old Pastor is talking about how he's praying to God and then God responds
to him and counters, saying, "You know, you do such a great job with your congregation, and
you are doing such a great job with your messages, but you need to be more bold in what
you are asking me for when it comes to your finances as you show little to no faith 5 in
Now again, this is the Pastors prayer/conversation with God. I know some of you don't
believe that God talks to you, I get that. Thats how I used to feel too, until I started
really listening 6 and my faith really began to grow. Today, I can tell you, even as a
university classically trained engineer, God does talk to you but you have to be open to
listening. As a metaphor, its a little like tuning in to a radio station. It takes a little time,
searching and practicing tuning it in, but once you do, you know where it is and you know it
when you find it.
So, the Pastor is sharing this conversation. He's talking about how God's saying You need
to stop telling me what you need, I know your needs. Tell me what you want! 7 Now
remember, this is the 1920's in the USA, so the Pastor says, Well I need $50 for the
church this month. God says, "No, tell me what you want, not what you need, but what you
want. He says, "Alright well, I want $100 this month for the church to be able to cover
our bills". And then God says, "Alright listen, what I want you to do is to cast Satan out 8
of everything related to what you want, cast him out of everything. He has no authority
over what you are doing; he has no authority over what you are asking for, just cast him
out. So the Pastor says, Get out of here Satan, you have no authority over what I am
asking for, you have no authority over my finances, over our church, in Christ name, you
get out of here, go! And then he sits there, and says, Is that all you want me to do?
Then in this conversation, and the way the Pastor recounts it, God says, What I want you
to do now is this; I have angels 9, attending angels that are here stationed around you.
They are here attending you and you know what, you never ask anything, they just sit
there. Call them down, call down these ministering angels and ask them to make the
provisioning, to open the channels, to open the things necessary to bring to pass what you
have asked me for, for what you want, do it, call them down.
So the Pastor is recounting the story about his encounter with God, and the way he wrote
it, it wasn't like a fictitious type of deal. It was a non-fictional encounter with God; he was
really writing this and was almost embarrassed in what he was sharing. He said, I know
this sounds really strange, and I know it sounds really weird, and he said, I had a hard
time asking God for what I wanted. That felt strange. I felt like I could only ask him for

2015. Jon D. Bender All Rights Reserved.

what I needed, if that, and God kept reprimanding me and saying No, No, No, ask me for
what you want!
The Pastor shared that he has now (since the 1920s) gotten to the place where he can
ask God for a million dollars, for what he wants to do. The Pastor said, If we want to have
a million dollars for these projects and if it's pleasing to Him, I just ask him for the
million dollars and then I follow the process where I cast Satan out and then call down
Gods ministering angels to make the provisioning for that to happen.
So as I am reading and still skimming, I said "gosh, isn't that interesting. Could accessing
Gods supernatural power really be so straight forward? Could it really be so simple?
Now I don't like to reduce God to some kind of formula you can use, but I asked myself,
what if it was that easy? Imagine if you could just claim 10 what you want; cast Satan out
of everything related to it and your thinking/doubt, and then call down these ministering
angels to make a way and provide the provisioning for your want. What if that really
workedeven if it was a formula of sorts? After all, didnt Jesus teach us a formulaic way
of praying in what is referred to as the Lords Prayer? (Matthew 6: 9-13) What if this was
simplest yet most powerful prosperity prayer on earth? Just claim it, cast out and call
downwhat I abbreviated as C3. Well, here is the rest of the story.

Claim It

Cast Out

2015. Jon D. Bender All Rights Reserved.

Call Down

Correlation or Causation? You Decide.

About this time, I was working on a project and started talking to an investor and the
investor disappeared on me, the guy went dark, no communication. So I decided to use
what I had just learned, C3. I just claimed breakthrough, I claimed that this investor
would reconnect with me; I cast Satan out from creating any type of deception,
misunderstanding or feelings of confusion and called forth Gods ministering angels. I said,
Father God, I just claimed what I want, I cast out Satan, and I called down your
ministering angels to make the provisioning for this want and to remove any kind of
concerns or fearful thoughts that this investor may have, and I do this all in the name of
Jesus Christ. Amen! What happened next amazed me. The very next morning, my phone
rings and there was a voice that said, "Oh Jon, Im so sorry I havent been able to talk to
you for several weeks, you know I've been so busy. I'm kind of like okaywow.
Now remember, I am an engineer so I understand the difference between correlation and
the difference between causation. For example, just because native-Americans in recent
history would do a traditional rain dance and then it rained, seemingly, every time they did
the rain dance, well, is that correlation or is that causation? We know today it is
correlation. They didn't cause it to happen, but if they danced three times and it rained
three times then it is really easy to think that somehow, the dancing must be the cause
when in actuality the dancing and raining are just correlated. So, Im careful not to by
default believe correlation is causation.
So I decided to try it (C3) again and really back it with faith and expectancy. (In Gods
will, of coursemeaning if God really wanted this for me.) I was working on something else
and said Okay God, here is what I want and I cast Satan out of all things related to my
want and my trust and faith in YOU. I called down the angels again and sure enough, boom,
within a day or so, the whole thing started moving forward. Correlation or Causation? Well
not sure yet, but getting excited. So, I told one of my buddies about C3 who is in a
different business than I. The guy used to be Managing Director of a big semiconductor
company (hes a techy type like me, trained in physics) and I told him about C3 while he
was in the middle of buying a house where the deal was beginning to unravel and fall apart.
I told him about C3, and he said, Oh my Gosh do you think that would work for me?" I
said, "Well, if you are willing to be okay with what God really wants for you and the timing
of it, I think so. Give it a try." So he did C3, and next thing you know, bang, all of a sudden
the house and the problem that was there went away immediately. In fact, not only did the
problems go away, he continued using C3 and then the house and its problems went away as
if divinely pulled away from him and was replaced by an even better house, at a better
price, that came remarkably from a random encounter with a person he met while walking
his dog down the street, you know, kind of crazy stuff! Correlation or causation? You
2015. Jon D. Bender All Rights Reserved.

So, I have been sharing C3 with everyone. What I am hearing back from people is nothing
short of amazing. I mean testimonies like all of a sudden things start working, things
are moving forward, the job came the next day, my house just sold and no one has
seriously looked at it for over 420 days, etc. Or another one like, I was hurting so bad
for money when I heard you speak on C3, so I did C3! It was like totally out of left field
within a day I get a call from my old company saying I have a pension worth over $30,000
dollars that I needed to claim!! I said what!!!! I literally screamed when I hung up the
phone. I had absolutely no knowledge that this was out there or I had accumulated
anything, as I had never accumulated any type of retirement with any job before.
Correlation or causation? Once again, you decide.
C3 Claim what you want, cast Satan out and call down Gods ministering angels. Thats it.
Super simple. Easy to remember and easy to make it a habit. Ive been kind of sharing it
with some people and I wanted to share with you guys, but like I said, I think we have to
be careful, to not turn God into a good luck charm, or a rabbit's foot or some arbitrary
formula. But yet we know, Jesus taught us how to pray in somewhat of a formula like
approach, in the Lords Prayer. Why would the process in which God would ask us to ask for
what we want be anything but simple? I mean, most of us have heard of The Prayer of
Jabez: Breaking Through To The Blessed Life, (1 Chronicles 4:10) made popular by
Christian teacher and author, Bruce Wilkinson. So why not a prosperity prayer that is in
total alignment with Gods word, that is easy to remember, simple to use and incredibly
powerful? Why not take a look at this and begin to see if C3 can really work for you? At
the end of the day, what are we really doing? We are trusting God when we say, "Hey I
want this; I know that you know best God and You know what I need. However, if it is okay,
here is what want and I am just going to ask You for what I want. I am going to cast Satan
out and all of his deception and manipulation. If I want this because of narcissism or
because of egotism, and if I want this because of lack of confidence, or the need to be
validated or to be seen by people, cast all this stuff out, get rid of it all. If it is not right
for me, I am trusting that you will not bring it to pass, I want this and I am going to cast
Satan out of it and I am going to call down those ministering angels and ask them to make
provision and make it happen in a way that is pleasing to you, God. And if this is what you
will for me Father, then by all means and in name of your son Jesus, I ask these things.
Think about it guys, just think about it. I've told some of my faith mentors that are
essentially far more learned in the Gods word than I am and they say oh, thats not new,
that's biblical. They said it is obviously not expounded upon exactly in this way in the
Word or called C3 in modern speak, the concept behind claim, cast out and call down is
scriptural. This is exactly what Gods word says multiple times throughout scripture.
So if the term C3 can help you remember that God wants you to be prosperous and gives
you a simple way to ask for what you wantGod willing, I would encourage you to think
2015. Jon D. Bender All Rights Reserved.

about it and pray about it. My philosophy is, never take anything that someone else says
related to your faith at face value. I always ask Holy Spirit to give me discernment so I
can know the truth or even partial truth of what I am hearing or reading. I do not profess
to be a scholar, or a theologian; I am probably a lot like you and basically, a lover of God
just like you. I trust God, I seek after him and everything that I have been given up to
this point in my life, I credit to Him and only Him.
Earlier in this Breakfast Call, I told you I would share with you what I discovered about
success and if you were in one of my success webinars, seminars or classes, I would teach
you that success is a function of your state-of-mind, the strategies you use, and the
stories you tell yourself. Although without a doubt all this is true, with C3, there seems to
be a supernatural short-cut. Its nothing new, Praise God. It has been living there in Gods
word being used by those who have uncovered it for thousands of years. Yet in the form of
a simple C3 reminder, it becomes something in our fast-paced world that is super simple,
fast and powerful to use.
C3 has been a huge blessing to me over the last few months and for those who have tried
it. So today, in sharing this with you, I hope and pray that it can be a blessing to you, and
if you do use it, that God will reveal the truth and wisdom of C3, make it known to you, and
reveal if it is indeed, appropriate for your use. And if you find it is a blessing to you, that
you will share C3 with others so they may benefit as well.

(end transcript)

2015. Jon D. Bender All Rights Reserved.


Psalm 35:27; Let them shout for joy and rejoice, who favor my vindication; And let them say
continually, The LORD be magnified, Who delights in the prosperity of His servant.

Proverbs 11:25; The generous man will be prosperous, And he who waters will himself be watered.

Ecclesiastes 5:19; Furthermore, as for every man to whom God has given riches and wealth, He has
also empowered him to eat from them and to receive his reward and rejoice in his labor; this is the gift of

Proverbs 22:4; The reward of humility and the fear of the LORD Are riches, honor and life.

Romans 10:17; So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.

John 10:27; My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me;

Psalm 2:8; Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance, And the very ends of the
earth as Your possession.

Matthew 12:28; But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon

Psalm 91:11; For He will give His angels charge concerning you, To guard you in all your ways.


Job 22:28; You will also decree a thing, and it will be established for you; And light will shine on
your ways.

Isaiah 48:17; Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, I am the LORD your
God, who teaches you to profit, Who leads you in the way you should go.
3 John 1:2; Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul
Proverbs 19:17; One who is gracious to a poor man lends to the LORD, And He will repay him for
his good deed.
Psalm 103:20; Bless the LORD, you His angels, Mighty in strength, who perform His word, Obeying the
voice of His word!

2015. Jon D. Bender All Rights Reserved.


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