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Network-Powered Application
Analytics and Optimization


Not too long ago, Enterprise networks were predominantly used to connect
employees, customers, students, patients and visitors to the Internet and local
resources (local applications, printers, etc.). Most of the applications used were
It is all about the application. User
productivity and satisfaction and
business success depends on
applications that are available,
perform well, and are secure.

relatively common and simple - web browsers, Word, PowerPoint, email and other
local applications. The data network was important but not as critical as the phone
system. A loss of network connectivity was a major inconvenience, but did not
bring the business to a halt users were still able to use their local applications and
got most of their work done on their desktops and laptops.
Today, the performance and integrity of the network can make or break a business
and the users it serves. Enterprises are no longer limited by wires, corporate issued
desktops and laptops, location, time or even national borders. Todays enterprise
network is frequently accessed via Wi-Fi, typically by multiple non-enterprise
owned devices per user (smaller laptops, tablets and smartphones). Users are also
downloading and using applications and the hundreds of millions of web sites and
Cloud-based services with multi-media voice, data and video content - these users
are capturing, sending and downloading a vast volume and variety of content to
remote servers into and from the Cloud at incredible velocity. In some cases these
new applications become business-critical overnight.

With Purview the CIO and IT are

not only empowered to run the
business more efficiently but to
also provide valuable application
analytics to other organizations
within the company.

These challenges drive the need for application visibility and control through
a pervasive architecture using Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) technologies at
unprecedented scale. Many solutions currently on the market, such as Network
and Application Performance Management (NPM, APM) solutions may offer
visibility into the application but they are limited because they cannot provide
certain information such as application vs. network response time, they are not
able to provide control over the application, and are without complete context
of users, devices and locations. Solutions such as next generation firewalls, WAN
accelerators, application delivery controllers and Wi-Fi specific solutions rely
on funneling large amounts of traffic from across the network through a single
appliance (choke points) to overcome the scalability and/or cost challenges that
are typically associated with DPI in the enterprise IT infrastructure. Also, these
solutions tend to focus exclusively on IT operations.

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Beyond IT operations, this evolution also affects decisions at a fundamental

business level. With so much debate over the shift of technology budgets from
IT to other Line of Businesses (LoB) who are now directly dealing with their
Application Cloud providers, it may give the impression that IT and the network
Purview is a Network-Based

is becoming less critical. That is far from the truth successful CIOs have started

Business Intelligence Solution that

to shift the bulk of their IT budgets from keeping the lights on to providing

captures and analyzes application

application intelligence and business analytics aimed at growing the business.

traffic, providing context for better

Successful CIOs know that the sheer complexity and technical sophistication of

decisions and increased revenue, at

doing business today has shifted the equation from the information economy to

unprecedented scale

the innovation economy. Businesses will die or thrive based on how quickly they

and performance.

gather business intelligence and respond to change.

Unfortunately IT often lacks the tools that can both improve IT operations and
provide visibility into the applications that are running the business and the trends
of business analytics until now.

Industrys First Solution That Bridges

Management and Analytics
Purview is a Network-Powered Application Analytics and Optimization solution
that captures and analyzes context-based application traffic to deliver meaningful
intelligence - about applications, users, locations and devices.
A native flow-based architecture
scaling to provide visibility
into millions of flows without
suffering performance limitations
of existing solutions.

It is the industrys very first and only patent pending - solution to transform the
Network into a Strategic Business Asset - by enabling the mining of networkbased business events and strategic information that help business leaders make
faster and more effective decisions. It does this all from a centralized command
control center that combines Network Management with Business Analytics, and at
unprecedented scale (100M sessions) and scope.
Purview allows IT operations to optimize the network for each and every
application, enhance security for those applications and provide data for business
analytics. This empowers IT to turn the network into a strategic business asset that
can now provide value to other lines of business, and it enables business innovation
powered by the network infrastructure.
Purview intelligence provides IT with the visibility and control of applications and
websites (including related sub-web sites) resident in all parts of the network, from
the wired or wireless edge all the way through the core and datacenter, as well as

The very first and only Layer

application traffic from the Enterprise to the private Cloud, public Cloud or any

7 product that bridges - IT

service on the internet.

operations/security and applications

Features of Purview

analytics/business intelligence.

Purview is visually intuitive with drill down for increased granularity and has an open
API for easy fingerprint customization and integration with 3rd party products
Dashboard Application and bandwidth usage Within a specific period of
time, Purview easily displays the number of applications, bandwidth usage,
number of clients and number of flows.
A Massive and Customizable Signature Set With a library of more than 7,000
applications with over 13,000 fingerprints and growing, and the ability to easily
create your own fingerprint, Purview can identify virtually any application.
Intelligent Application Visibility Purview application identification uses deep
packet inspection (DPI) to provide a rich analytical framework and granular

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controls for private (SAP, SOA traffic, Exchange, SQL etc.) and public Cloud
(Salesforce, Google, Email, YouTube, P2P, Facebook, Twitter, file sharing, etc.)
Optimized resource utilization and

applications essential to your business. This enables IT and other Lines of

capacity management for business-

Business to determine which applications or websites are being accessed, the

critical applications.

consumed bandwidth and other statistics on business critical applications

versus non-business critical applications.
Network and Application Response Time Management Provides network
performance versus applications performance.
Proactive Security and Compliance Provides IT with the ability to monitor
and restrict application usage and website access based on specific
parameters. For example, a known web browser version that poses security
risks could be restricted.
Contextual Information with Depth and Granularity Associate additional

Troubleshooting and managed

contextual information such as who, what, where, when and how with

application services.

any application.
Unmatched Scale with Zero Performance Impact Custom CoreFlow2 ASICs
(chipsets) embed the functionality within network hardware achieving visibility
into millions of flows without impacting performance.

Benefits of Purview
Optimized Network Management for better user experience and security, and
Applications Analytics for better business intelligence:
Purview streamlines troubleshooting - When performance or other issues are
Application traffic management.

reported to the helpdesk it is often hard to tell if the issue is the network,
application, or server. Some helpdesks even create three trouble tickets
right from the start. Not knowing the root of a problem cause leads to finger
pointing and delayed resolution. Purview separates application and network
response times and reports them on a per-application basis or even per
user basis for each application. This allows IT to focus on the true problem,
eliminate finger pointing and quickly resolve the issue. In addition to finding
problems with specific applications, Purview also provides visibility into
what else is being used on the end-systems such as gaming, bit-torrent, bot
communication, VPN connections, etc. to further enable troubleshooting.
Help detect malicious applications or monitor security compliance - With users
easy access to so many applications and websites, including those not
provided by the organization, there is a need to understand whether or not
the applications in use on the network meet security requirements. Purview
allows you to understand what applications are in use and how they are
being used to understand if the right products are being supported. Also by
feeding application information to 3rd party Security Information and Event
Management (SIEM) products like the Extreme SIEM or Splunks reporting
product a more rigorous security compliance could be established.
Optimize network and server architecture to best support bandwidth intensive

applications - For large environments such as hospital campuses using

bandwidth intensive applications, Purview provides visibility into application
usage and from where the application is being used. By locating servers
closest to the largest user populations for those applications, network

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bandwidth is freed up for other applications. One hospital used Purview

to analyze this traffic and relocate their time tracking server into the same

cing the industrys first solution that bridges

ement and Analytics

building as 90% of the users which freed up bandwidth for a new Video on

Demand application they were rolling out.

Ensure sensitive company data is not leaving the internal network - Purview

makes it very easy to ensure that company owned data from company owned

computers is not being backed up to an employees personal cloud storage

account (Carbonite, Dropbox etc.). Purview can show both aggregate traffic
views over time as well as optionally being able to show individual user
profiles for personal cloud services.

Network and application response

time management.

Find Shadow IT or unapproved applications on the network - While not all

unapproved applications are a security risk, they can still impact IT. Purview
allows applications to be monitored to understand which applications are
in use that are not on the approved list. By understanding the type of users
who are using these applications and which applications they are, IT can then
start to see why they are being used. This allows IT to not only proactively

works, Inc.

identify potential security risks, but to also help analyze whether the
approved applications are meeting the needs of the business, as compared to
unapproved ones.
Understand application usage and change management - As organizations grow
and change either organically, or through mergers and acquisitions, changes
Provide application usage data for
compliance reporting.

are made in IT that will impact applications and how they are being used.
Purview allows the business to understand how applications are being used to
ensure that no applications are accidentally decommissioned without a proper
migration plan.
IT business planning - Purview enables planning of scheduled downtimes
for maintenance based on the biorhythm of the network, particularly in 24
X 7 environments. Purview shows exactly how the network is being used at
different times enabling easy and accurate planning for things such as when
to change out a switch or a server in the network. Downtime maintenance
planning can no longer be based simply on the number of people working
but also must be based on the traffic loads on the network and/or application
usage during the various days of the week or times of the month/year.
Enhanced user productivity - Using Purview to ensure optimized performance
leads to quicker application response times for users, reduced service
operations and higher user productivity. In one case Purview led to a
significant improvement in application response time on a single application
that allowed the department to re-allocate two employees to different tasks.
Even though nobody had complained of slow performance users did notice
and comment that the application/network was faster.

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Application Analytics and Business Intelligence Use cases:

Purview reduces unnecessary application churn - In many cases pressure to
replace existing business applications with more expensive applications
comes from performance problems with current applications. One healthcare
provider uses Meditech as one of their primary healthcare applications. This
application met the requirements of the hospital and much of the network
has been architected around it. With Purview, they are able to ensure it
is functioning to its fullest potential from both a performance and use
perspective. This application optimization eliminated user pressure to replace
it with more expensive alternatives.
Analyze application investments and ROI - Organizations make significant
investments in applications to meet business needs. It is important to
understand the adoption and usage of these applications to ensure the
investment is maximized. For example, a university may invest a large
amount of money in the Blackboard classroom collaboration application.
Purview allows the business to understand if it is widely used by students and
professors, the amount of data being shared, whether or not they are using
other collaboration applications. This information allows businesses to use
Application adoption and ROI

resources to their fullest potential while meeting the needs of the users.
Monitor applications use to determine best practices - By providing information
with multi-dimensional context, Purview can help businesses figure out best
practices that should be applied around the company. For example, if an
organization determines that the more successful inside sales group on the
first floor are big users of LinkedIn, Twitter and SalesForce on a consistent
basis, it may learn more and implement that groups best practices in other
parts of the sales organization.
Budget planning - In any network, for example a wireless network in a

Analyze customers application

usage profile and understand
your customers

dormitory, the applications in use, times of use, and bandwidth usage can be
monitored with Purview. This enables detailed capacity planning for budgeting
purposes and network expansion or even reduction.
Improved user experience at sports arenas and other public venues - Many arenas
and venues either provide public Wi-fi or are looking to provide it. Purview
allows management to understand the types of applications their fans are
using leading to an understanding of the type of information they are looking
for during the game or event. By understanding this information, they are able
to provide similar information right at the venue (such as on the jumbotron)
to all the fans, thus improving the customer experience. In addition, this can
lead to revenue generation by selling advertisements within the arena to
businesses where you can show user interest based on applications and web
sites visited.
Overall knowledge of network usage - Purviews analytical capabilities make the
unknown - known. Smart networks empower people to do the right things. It
lets people be creative and productive. It lets them learn things they didnt
know or think they could learn before. For example, a customer had deployed
a mobile app company wide. By using Purview, they were able to see that
there was significantly more usage from iOS users than android. It turned out
that they had never sent out the email about the android version and users
simply didnt know it was available.
Make the Unknown become Known - Purview transforms seemingly unrelated
and detailed information into meaningful, business focused intelligence This

Purview Brochure

enables organizations to apply analytics to outperform their peers and grow

the business. For example, information that reports how people flow through a
campus, a venue or a mall with movie theatres - where they go first, how long
they stay, what applications they use, what websites they visit, and at what
times of the day - this will help businesses make informed decisions about
services, products, staffing and ad placement, optimizing operations and
turning missed opportunities into connected mobile experiences.

Works Over any Network Not Just

Extreme-Based Switches
Purview deployment consists of an Extreme Networks CoreFlow2 enabled device
More context and insight into who is
using what, when, where, how.

in the network, a software based correlation engine and OneFabric Control Center
(which includes NetSight). The correlation engine and NetSight can run either on
dedicated hardware appliances, or in virtual instances. Fingerprinted applications
are matched with Netflow data and all of the other contextual information provided
by OneFabric Control Center such as user identity, user role, utilization, location
and device type, to provide an unprecedented granular view of the network without
impacting performance.

Uniqueness of the Extreme Purview

Bridging Management (for IT Operations & Security) with Analytics (for

BusinessOperations) The first and only product in the market place that
Deploy new applications that enable
more efficient business processes.

empowers network operations people to optimize the network for more

efficiency, more security and more productivity while also providing the
organization with business analytics and intelligence that increases end
user productivity and increased revenue all in a single, integrated tool that
provides contextual information with no overlay network.
Highly Pervasive, Scalable, and No Network Overlay Networks that have already
deployed K and S series switches are already flow-based and are ready to
start using Purview. For non-Extreme Networks networks or those not-based
on our CoreFlow2 switches, the Data Collection Hardware appliance can be
placed anywhere in the network. This allows end-to-end network visibility with
no performance degradation a single architecture for edge, distribution, core,

Deliver new revenue

generation services.

data center, and perimeter.

Contextual Information with Depth and Granularity Beyond the application
user, role, location, time, device provides details on the metadata for each
application flow Along with Mobile IAM Purview can provide detailed
contextual application flow on who is accessing the network/application,
where they are located, the device they are using, the time of day and much
more. Additionally Purview has a metadata view that allows the administrator
to drill down on an individual flow to provide very granular information about
that flow.
Open and Customizable Fingerprints Purview fingerprints are in XML format
so they can be easily created and edited. Purview fingerprints are completely
open and someone interested in developing or customizing purview
fingerprints can view and edit every fingerprint supported within the product.
Simplified Integration with OneFabric Connect SDN API This means that
Purview can easily integrate with 3rd party applications. In fact, Purview has
already integrated and acts as a data broker for the Extreme Networks SIEM
product and Splunk software from Splunk, Inc.

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Purview and Other Layer7 Solutions

Purview is a fully-distributed, pervasive and scalable application visibility and
control solution that is completely integrated with Extreme Networks wired,
wireless and security solutions. Purview perfectly complements existing network
devices such as perimeter-based next generation firewalls or WAN accelerators
that provide stateful inspection of all traffic flows to detect behavioral anomalies,
VPN services or header compression.

Support and Service

Award-winning, industry-leading

Extreme Networks is a customer-centric company, committed to providing quality

service and support

products and solutions backed by the best service and support in the industry.
Comprehensive service offerings include:
Professional Services to design, deploy and optimize even the most
complex networks
Customized technical training
Service and support tailored to individual customer needs
Please contact your Extreme Networks account executive for more information
about Extreme Networks service and support options. For full warranty terms and
conditions please visit the Extreme Networks web site.

Phone +1-408-579-2800

2014 Extreme Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. Extreme Networks and the Extreme Networks logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Extreme Networks, Inc.
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