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a) This importance of postcolonial studies delivers a chronological and intercontinental

depth to the understanding of cultural control. It studies issues of class, gender, sexuality,
race, and ethnic groups that are of concern to contemporary critical scholarship by
situating these manifestations within geopolitical preparations, and relations of countries
and their national and international pasts. This going outside the country however does
not involve a fixed and non-political commitment with local and international relations.
Relatively, it requires global political participation combining the histories and
geographies of global power and culture. The development of postcolonial studies
in the Anglo-Euro stage can be followed through a numerous of sociological
and logical circumstances. The most evident are the several decolonization
movements that happened in the wake of World War II. This was a period
when many states liberation activities started to shake off, or defy, territorial
European colonial power.

b) The communication in postcolonial are based in a powerful way of restoring the

organizations and the historical paths that frame contemporary social relations within the
international and local connection. There is a huge financial disadvantages for the
postcolonial nations and some postcolonial nations in terms of communication because
the European Countries have financial resources to control the media. For example, The
Elian Gonzalez case in the United States is another instance of how this Cuban boy, saved
at sea of the cost of Florida, is clear that how history, race, politics, local and international
events and communication merge together which influence life in postcolonial globalism.
a) The first perspective is modernization is based on neoclassical economic theory and
promoting and supporting capitalistic economic development, the second is Critical
perspective constitute a second way of thinking about development, the third is
Liberation or monastic perspective constitute the third area of scholarship and practice,
and the fourth concept is empowerment.
b) The development communication in the modernization framework is based on national
and regional development and society progress. This infrastructure take in consideration
economic, political, cultural, geographic, and individual scenarios having a short range
amplification to reach other spheres, this is due to lack of power and control by the
change directed outsider ideas. Development communication in the empowerment
framework is oriented to enable social justice with the participation of individual, groups
or organization, community collaborator in which there an equal relationship between
traditional media and group as well as interpersonal communication.

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