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Our Sovereignty and the Weeds in Our Gardens
Our Sovereignty and the Weeds in Our Gardens
Our Sovereignty and the Weeds in Our Gardens
Ebook302 pages3 hours

Our Sovereignty and the Weeds in Our Gardens

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JC Gardener's Book, Our Sovereignty and The Weeds in Our Gardens is a trumpet call and great awakening of revelational truth that provides freedom, victory, and sovereignty no other book currently delivers. Far too many Believers are limping along while never stepping into

Release dateMay 17, 2021
Our Sovereignty and the Weeds in Our Gardens

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    Our Sovereignty and the Weeds in Our Gardens - JC Gardener


    I wrote this book to share some of the research I have been working on for over 40 years. It is more obvious than ever that we are headed towards what is called the End Times. It is more important now than ever to know that we have been given sovereignty by our Creator. Most people do not know this. It has been stripped away from us because we were unaware.

    This is my attempt to expose to others how we can get our sovereignty back as individuals. I do not believe we can do much as a community if we do not know how to operate as individuals. I am a follower of Jesus and have written from that worldview. If my Biblical view point bothers or challenges you try to see the concept that I have presented on how we had our sovereignty stolen and how to rightfully get it back.

    I also am not an expert on anything. I have no title nor do want any title. I warn people to not put any man over you. This is the most common way we surrender our sovereignty. As a generalist I have approached several topics to show a development and history of how we got to this point today. I love researching history. If you doubt anything I have written I hope it will challenge you to investigate for yourself from the experts.

    It is my hope that this will help some people that are open to the truth to learn more. I know this will challenge the status quo. I fully intend that it does. If you are unaware of many of the things in this book I hope it will wake you up to what is going on around you. It is easy to be robbed when you can’t see the thief.

    I have a passion for healing and regularly use the gift of healing prayer for people. I have seen healings and miracles in every way and kind that is in the Bible. Jesus said to his followers You will do greater things than I have.

    The reason I have seen these things is because it is my desire to risk looking crazy to pray for people. I believe that’s the difference of me and those that do not see healings.

    If you never try you will never develop the same gifts that are given to everyone. I hope this book gives you hope and inspiration to try. We can change the world by just being kind and sharing a smile with others. We can stop evil by actively doing good to others. It is the most powerful thing we can do to bring positive change around us.

    If we live beaten down and surrendered lives we are conquered by fear. We need to examine our own life to see how much is just keeping busy doing repetitive things to keep from thinking about the fear. We must use the sovereignty that God gave us to dispel what is defeating us. That is the core concept of this book.



    I’m the guy you don’t want to bring to parties, because I refuse to engage in arbitrary nonsense or pop culture chatter, ignoring the posturing of those trying to improve their networks while vying for attention from pretenders whose value is based on their wallets.



    At 2:30 AM this morning I said good night to my one-man video editing team and we finished recording. Kevin is one of the many amazing people my team has cultivated, a previously unappreciated resource: talented, awake, generous, and kind. I consider it my true area of expertise to see the hidden qualities a person wants desperately to express and to provide the support, venue, and permission for him to be exceptional in that area. Some of our most valuable and loyal contributors have bourgeoned into leaders because we believed they could be the full expression of themselves and helped them get there.

    Our leadership team has become experts at doing this well. We specialize in empowering people to be the best versions of themselves and allowing them to define how they will best flourish.

    Kevin and had I pushed back our schedule a few hours so I could attend a Young Republicans meeting taking place that evening. This meeting was presented to me as an opportunity to meet Long Island leadership to discuss solutions to the current state of affairs. I attended the meeting hoping I’d find a spark of light and some kind of awakening to government oversight that has lost sight of its purpose and responsibility. Instead, the crowd of young lawyers, early-stage freemasons, and various government council representatives offered posing and staged soundbites.

    A gentleman displaying a black eagle and a mason pin on his lapel brought up the importance of uniting communities. Having spoken with him previously I asked, What have you done to accomplish that? He promptly answered that he talks to every person he encounters and plants seeds for unification. I pushed, We’ve spoken three times tonight. Just what seeds have you planted to create an opportunity to take unifying action?

    He paused, mouth agape suddenly as if he’d never been questioned like this, accustomed to do no more than appear at mixers and parrot answers to questions that only skimmed the surface of a topic without asking for more. He had no idea of the things that needed to change, how to change them, or that there were problems at all. I couldn’t help but think of how I’d left Kevin waiting, undoubtedly hard-at-work pulling graphics and perfecting components that were needed to launch a world-changing network, while here I was engaged in a meaningless game of Let’s Pretend. These government types were the next class of Manchurian Candidates, programmed to excel in a box of limited options without consequences. It reminded me of a Pac-Man game, chasing after ghosts as you consumed as much as you could, hoping to get to the next level with no change, and no real challenge or reward.

    I’m the guy you don’t want to bring to parties, because I refuse to engage in arbitrary nonsense or pop culture chatter, ignoring the posturing of those trying to improve their networks while vying for attention from pretenders whose value is based on their wallets. I asked instead about their masonic pins and what they hoped to achieve by their association in an order which keeps the knowledge of its members compartmentalized.

    I broke down the rituals of hierarchy and what happens once moving beyond the 33 degrees with which they were familiar. I explained the dark origin of masonic symbolism and the reasons those such as themselves were kept grossly uninformed of the order’s true nature.

    They gathered around the living room staged to be used as a photo op demonstrating their down-to-earth people connection, or whatever qualities their future campaign managers deemed necessary to spin their image, surprised or disbelieving of these revelations. This was the closest any of them had ever come to an honest public exchange of ideas. They shared that they wanted to start their own business one day, hold a political office, or make a difference in their community. Again, soundbites. This moment lasted for 12 minutes.

    I listened then told them I represented the Global Repository, the source for humanitarian funding formerly controlled by the United Nations, and which was responsible for managing worldwide assets. I was looking for people with innovative ideas with a positive impact, I explained, with funds available for virtually anything benefitting humanity, the planet, or the human experience. My words were intentionally provocative and as the politicians in the room understood I was talking about funding, they sat up in their seats.

    I stayed for another hour in case there was some value I’d overlooked. Of the 25 people in attendance, not one had shared an original thought. It was Deep State leadership in action: a group of young professionals from excellent schools following the paths laid out for them, never checking to see where a course of action that departed from the party line might lead. They sought to change nothing. Their purpose was to profit from the pretense of doing good work while repeating a string of words designed to create an unthinking following: God. Imagine. Unity. Family. If asked, none of them would have been able to say what these things actually meant.

    Image is of the utmost importance when you intended to do nothing. There’s no need to change something that has served generations of your family. Gathering from the two most affluent counties in the country, these young minds had become fat with the expectation that everything would go their way. They were self-deserving and self-serving, reared on the fable that their bloodline, backstory, and family name were exceptional for no other reason than their perception, and ours. They too believed an illusion. For this reason, they failed to pursue greatness. They had retired before even beginning the positions they sought to attain.

    I’ve never been impressed with titles or fortune.

    Like, fame, they seem like arbitrary entitlements, a generational wealth built upon the harvesting of energy, feeding off generations of lost souls, taking advantage of those desperate for relief and for some kind of realization of their suppressed dreams. The elite parade their mediocrity before individuals who have been groomed to give up their birthright as Creators, Guardians, and True Ambassadors for the Most High. The numbness is pervasive, the elite design crumbling while issuing a stench as rotten as the facade it is built on. These are not elite they believe themselves to be, but bottom dwellers feeding on the carcasses they created.

    We, the people have allowed bottom dwellers to feed on our ideas, labor, time, and energy. All this for a few hours of escape from our disappointment and subverted dreams, succumbing to the programming that dictates that life is hard, the sky is limited, and that’s just the way things work. People have come to believe this limitation, and allow it to dictate their fate. Through diversion and illusion, we maintain this mindset instead of embracing the relentless pursuit of excellence.

    What happens when the leaders among us emerge with their innovative ideas and gain access to the same resources as the mediocre elite have misused for eons? What are the possibilities when humanity stops playing the game of Let’s Pretend?

    What happens when humanity stops ignoring crimes because the offending individuals have money? What happens when humanity stops compromising its most sacred beliefs?

    The sky is not the limit; it’s where you learn how to fly. Life is amazing! But you have to be willing to discover why. Everything we thought was the way it is, is wrong. We decide the way it is and what the possibilities can be. What is possible is up to each one of us, and it is not limited to what you only think is real.

    We endeavor to create a new reality with new metrics by which to measure success. We never miss an opportunity to share our ideas, our ideals, or our vision. I’m not surprised when an early riser like Kevin stays up until two in the morning to record a broadcast that reveals the truth, creating yet another opportunity to awaken the sleeping masses. People like Kevin want to be themselves, to be free, to be appreciated, and are not enslaved by the limits of someone else’s expectations. If this is the case for one individual, what is the possibility for humanity?

    You decide.


    In writing this book I hope you will be able to open your mind. We have been lied to since our births. Some of the human race are waking and recognizing this fact. You may be one of them. Once you have awakened to these ideas you can not go back to sleep. Being aware of how we have been played is like being bourn. It is just the beginning and those that are going to want to live responsible lives to bring a healthy positive change to the world we live in must stand up and unite with others to bring the true change that is needed. I implore you to keep an open mind while reading this book. If you find somethings hard to accept put it on the shelf in your mind till you get more comfortable with more evidence with the concept.

    I have attempted to represent the results of many years of research to just give a general idea of the topics in each chapter. I do not claim to be an expert. I have given the experts in each category so you go deeper if you want. I also do not think I am totally accurate on any topic. I am always learning and editing my own thinking. I choose no boastful titles nor do I seek them. I want nothing to do with titles. Titles strip us away from our God-given Sovereignty and by doing so it rips us off of our very unique specific purpose of why we are on this earth. Each of us has a uniquely different divine purpose for why we are on this planet.

    I invite you to dream. Ask yourself how would I like to see my life and the life of others in the most perfect world I can imagine? This is called Beyond My Wildest Dream. What would it look like? How do you think you would function in such a world?

    To get to an earth experience like that we must do work individually and corporately towards making it happen. Yes, that four-letter word work popped up. We need to pull the shunts that were inserted into our brains; from the media, our schooling and being on the totally controlled path that evil beings have led us down; out of our brains. We must eradicate the thought patterns that I need to just go to work come and drink beer and eat diner and cheer for our favorite sports team and get up and do the same thing over again the following day.

    We must be involved in creating our new world for ourselves. It may be uncomfortable at first but no one else is going to create your perfect world. Others can assist you but you need to have the plan and create the designs from within inside yourself. No one is going to save you. Not Trump, the white hats, Q, politicians, clergy, your investment consultant, your doctor, your lawyer nor anyone else can live out your God-given giftings and sovereignty. By acquiescing to anyone or anything other than the Creator you forfeit these precious gifts.

    Most of us do not know that we have acquiesced our lives away from the time we were born and renew such confiscation every day all day long.

    This book hopefully will show us how this was done to us and give us steps to get our divine Sovereignty back. The Beyond My Wildest Dream is very attainable if we spend the energy to create it. It starts by seeing it and speaking it forward in our thoughts and Prayers. What you so you shall reap.

    JC Gardener


    The Great Loss in the Garden

    Let’s go back to the creation. God created everything in His creation in 6 days and the seventh He rested. A year is as a million to God. He created all the angels and all the universe. God made the angels as guardians of His throne, worshipping Him and being helpers to God’s children. God’s children are the apple of God’s eye. Lucifer was one of the few archangels. Archangels are the mightiest of angels and sit at the top of the hierarchy of angelic beings. This was God’s plan. Create man to be a BEING and one with Him. In so doing has a unique destiny and clear channel divine purpose on earth; as an earthling; throughout God’s sovereignty as sovereign BEINGS.

    Lucifer was the greatest in all of God’s creation. He was so magnificently created that it is said when he sang it was like every voice and instrument on earth that ever existed all performing at one time. You talk about a mind-bender. Anyway, he decided serving God in any capacity was beneath him. So he decided he wanted to be equal with God. Of course, that was impossible because he was a creation of God and never was a creator.

    God asked all the angelic beings He created if any of them wanted what Lucifer wanted and a third of them said they wanted to be gods. So God pulled the lever on those angels and Lucifer and sent them to dwell in the earth. The words of sending them like a lightning bolt to the earth had the pronunciation of barrack obama in the original biblical text. It is not spelled the same. He also told Lucifer he would rule the earth.

    So into the earth, Lucifer was cast and Lucifer became Satan and the angels who went with him became demons. I believe these spirits are the same ones we read about in classic mythology. The classic Roman, Greek, and Nordic gods became folklore. I believe they lived in the earth. And being in the earth they built the original tunnel system deep underground that you may have heard some people talking about. (We will come back to these tunnels that are under the entire earth later.)

    When God created us the scriptures say He created us from the dust of the earth. We are earthlings made up of the earth and share the same percentage of water and minerals that make up the earth. When Lucifer was cast out of Heaven he was cursed to live in the earth and eat the dust of the earth and because we are made of the earth and the fall of man in the garden he is allowed to ravage us. He has been in an all-out attempt to destroy every last child of God created.

    When God created Adam

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