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Cambridge International AS Level Physics

Answers to self-assessment questions

Answers to SAQs
Chapter 10

move the charge in the same direction, the

total e.m.f. = 6+6 = 12V.
If the batteries are connected back to front,
the charge gains energy in one cell but loses
it in the other, so total e.m.f. = 0V.
In parallel, half the charge flows through one
battery and half through the other, so the
total energy gained is 6J, meaning the total
e.m.f. = 6V.

1 Kirchhoffs first law means that

I+3.0A = 7.5A, so I = 7.53.0 = 4.5A
2 Current flowing into P equals current flowing
out of P, so if current in wire X is Ix, then
Ix+3.0A+2.5A = 7.0A
So Ix = = 1.5A, towards P
3 Current flowing into junction
Iin = 3.0+2.5+1.0 = 6.5A
Current flowing out of junction
Iout = 4.0+0.5+2.0 = 6.5A
Yes, Kirchhoffs law is satisfied.
4 Ix= 3.0+2.07.0 = 2.0A, which means the
current is towards P.
5 Sum of e.m.f.s around any loop in a circuit is
equal to the sum of the p.d.s around the loop.
So e.m.f. of power supply = p.d.s across
resistors, meaning p.d. across resistor R
= e.m.f. of p.d. across
power supply 20 resistor
= 10(0.120) = 8.0V
V = IR so resistance R = VI = 8.0
0.1 = 80

9 Consider the circuit loop at the top,

containing the 10V cell and a 20 resistor.
Use Kirchhoffs second law and V = IR to give
10V = I120, so current through A1is
I1 = 10
20 = 0.50A
Consider the circuit loop at the bottom,
containing the 5V cell and a 20 resistor.
Use Kirchhoffs second law and V = IR to give
5V = I120, so current through A3is
5 =0.25A
I3 = 20
Now use Kirchhoffs first law at the circuit
junction to the right of ammeter A2 to give
I1 = I2+I3
So current through A2 is
I2 = I1I3 = 0.500.25A

6 a
Choose the loop containing the 5V cell at the
top, the 10 resistor with current I, and the
central 5V cell, as the only current involved is I.
b Sum of e.m.f.s of cells in loop = 5.0+5.0 = 10V
= p.d. across resistor.

V = IR so I = RV = 10
10 = 1.0A

7 In loop, sum of p.d.f.s = 3010 = 20V, which

by Kirchhoffs second law must equal the
sum of the p.d.s across the resistors, given by
V = IR.
Sum of p.d.s across resistors
= (0.5R)+(0.510)+(0.210)+(0.220)
So 20 = (0.5R)+11, giving
R = (2011)
0.5 = 18
8 In series, the 1C charge passes through both
batteries and gains or loses 6J in each. If the
batteries are connected so that both of them

Total resistance = 5+5+10 = 20

Use Kirchhoffs second law to give
e.m.f. = V1+V2
So V2 = e.m.f.V1 = 2.01.2 = 0.8V

All five in series and pointing the same way, so

e.m.f. = 1.5+1.5+1.5+1.5+1.5 = 7.5V
b Five in series, with two facing in the opposite
direction, so
e.m.f. = 1.5+1.5+ = 1.5V
or all five in parallel
c Five in series, with one facing in the opposite
direction, so
e.m.f. = 1.5+1.5+1.5+1.51.5 = 4.5V
or two in parallel to give e.m.f. of 1.5V,
connected in series to two more in parallel (also
giving e.m.f. of 1.5V), then connected in series
to the single remaining cell with e.m.f. of 1.5V.
Sum of e.m.f.s = 1.5+1.5+1.5 = 4.5V

Cambridge International AS and A Level Physics Cambridge University Press 2014

Cambridge International AS Level Physics



1 1 1 1
RTotal = R1+R2+R3+R4 = 10
So RTotal = 10
4 = 2.5

a R = R1+R2 = 100+200 = 300
1 + 1 = 3 , so R = 200 = 67
b R1 = R1 +R1 = 100
200 200


10 (remember, for resistors connected in

parallel, their combined resistance is smaller
than any of the individual resistances).


The p.d. across each resistor is the same as

the e.m.f. of the battery. Rearrange V = IR to
give current, I = RV = 10
20 = 0.50A


Combined resistance of all resistors, R, is

1 + 1 + 1 = 19 so
given by R1 = R1 +R1 +R1 = 20
40 50 200

c Resistance of the series combination is given

in part a, 300
So for full combination,
1 1 1
R = R +R = 300 + 200 = 600

Answers to self-assessment questions

R = 200
19 = 10.5

So R = 600
5 = 120


10 =0.95A
I = RV = 10.5
But an easier way to approach this is to calculate
the current through each resistor using
I = RV , given that the p.d. across each resistor
is the same and equals the e.m.f. of the battery.
10 10 190
Sum of currents = 10
20 + 40 + 50 = 200 = 0.95A

b Total resistance
R = R1+R2 = 500+1000 = 1500
12 = 0.008A
Rearrange V = IR to give I = RV = 1500
c Total resistance R is given by
1 1 1
R = R +R = 500 + 1000 = 1000


Total resistances possible are: 40, 50,

67, 75, 100 (two ways), 167, 200
(two ways), 250, 300 and 400. In detail:
i One 100 on its own
ii One 200 on its own
iii Both 100 in series, R = 200
iv 100+200 in series, R = 300
v All in series, R = 200+100+100 = 400
vi Both 100 in parallel,
1 1 1
R = R1+R2 = 100 + 100 = 100 so R = 50
vii 100 and 200 in parallel,
1 1 1
R = R1+R2 = 100 + 200 = 200 so R = 67
viii 100 and 200 in parallel, plus 100 in
series, R = 67+100 = 167
ix 100 and 100 in parallel, plus 200 in
series, R = 50+200 = 250
x 100 and 100 in series, connected in
parallel with 200, so
1 1 1
R = R1+R2 = 200 + 200 = 200 so R = 100
xi 100 and 200 in series, connected in
parallel with 100, so
1 1 1
R = R1+R2 = 300 + 100 = 300 so R = 75
xii All in parallel, so R1 = R1 +R1 +R1

1 + 1 + 1 = 5 so R = 40
= 100
100 200 200

Rearrange V = IR to give current

12 = 0.024A

a Rearrange V = IR to give I = RV = 500

So R = 1000
3 = 333
Rearrange V = IR to give I = RV = 123
1000 = 0.036A


1 1 1
1 1
R = R1+R2 so 10 = 20 +R2
1 1 = 1 , hence second resistor
So R1 = 10
20 20


Two in parallel, connected in series with a

further two.
For the parallel combination,
RP = 100 + 100 = 50 soRP = 50
Thus the total resistance of the series
combination is RS = 100+100+50 = 250


Resistance of parallel combination given by

RP = 300 + 60 = 50 so RP = 50

So total resistance of circuit

R = 50+50 = 100
Rearrange V = IR to give current, I = RV
Current at A, I = 600
100 = 6.0A
Current at B is the same as at A, 6.0A
The p.d. across parallel combination
= e.m.f. p.d. across 50 resistor
= 600(6.050) = 300V
Current at C is RV = 300
300 = 1.0A
Current at D is 300
60 = 5.0A
Current at E = current at A = 6.0A

10 = 0.10A

a Current = RV = 100
b Current = RV = 10010
+5.0 = 0.095A

Cambridge International AS and A Level Physics Cambridge University Press 2014

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