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Part A

1) Drugs that are highly bound to albumin;

(a)Effectively cross blood brain barrier.
(b)Are not readily filtered at the glomerulus.T
(c)Have a large volume of distribution.F
(d)Are therapeutically active.F
(e)Can compete with other drugs for protein binding.T
2) T/F regarding prescription writing;
(a)It is a set of instructions given to the pharmacist to dispense drugs. T
(b)It is a legal document. T
(c)Optometrists are not authorized to write prescriptions.F
(d) Generic name is given to a drug by the manufacturer.F
(e)International Non-Proprietary Name (INN) is another name for generic
3) T/F regarding half-life of a drug;
(a)Can be used to determine dosage schedule of a drug.T
(b)Can be used to estimate level of absorption of a drug.F-elimination
(c)Affects the time to reach the steady state concentration.T
(d)Remains a constant for drugs following 1st order kinetics.T
(e)Drugs which are highly distributed in the tissues have a shorter half
4) T/F regarding phase I reaction is drug metabolism;
(a)Results in combination of drug with polar endogenous molecules.F
(b)Involves oxidation reactions.T
(c)Results in loss of biological activity T.
(d)Involves hydrolysis reaction.T
(e) Involves the formation of water soluble molecules which are
eliminated by kidney or bile.F

5) T/F regarding pharmacodynamics;

(a)Drugs with wide therapeutic index causes less adverse effects than one
with narrow therapeutic index.T
(b)Antagonists have high intrinsic activity but low receptor affinity.F
(c)A partial agonist acts as an agonist in the presence of a full agonist.T
(d)Irreversible antagonists permanently deactivate the receptors.T
(e) Therapeutic efficacy is the amount of drug required to produce a given
6) T/F regarding non-narcotic analgesics;
(a)Acetaminophen inhibits synthesis of prostaglandins in the periphery.F
(b)Anti-platelet action of NSAIDs is produced via the irreversible inhibition
of COX-2.F
(c)Aspirin is the analgesic of choice in primary dysmenorrhea.F
(d) Celacoxib has a higher likelihood of causing GI side effects than most
other NSAIDs.F
(e)Glucoronidation reduces the toxicity of paracetamol metabolites.T
7) ACEIs;
(a)increase Angiotensin-II levels. F
(b)slow progression of micro-albuminuria in diabetes.T
(c)Are indicated in acute heart failure. F
(d)Are contraindicated in bilateral renal artery stenosis.T
(e) causes hypokalaemia.F
8) T/F regarding nitrates;
(a)Increases intracellular calcium.F
(b)More effective in dilating venules than arterioles. F
(c)Dilate coronary collaterals.T
(d) when administered sublingually undergoes significant 1st pass
(e)Are used in treatment as well as prophylaxis of angina.T
9) T/F regarding calcium channel brockers;
(a)Relax cardiac smooth muscles. T
(b)increase AV node conduction velocity. F
(c)Verapamil in C/I in heart failure T.
(d) Ankle oedema is a known A/E of Nifedipine T.
(e)Amlodipine has a long t1/2 T.
10) A 60 year old woman was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Which
is the BEST initial step in management;
(a)prescribing NSAIDs. T

(b)Starting Methotrexate.
(c)Give IM dose of Methyl prednisolone.
(d)starting sulfasalaziline.
(e)starting infliximab.

1) Describe:(a)Bio-availability.
(b)Steady state concentration.
(c)Apparent volume of distributions.
2) (a) Name the drugs that are used to treat the following conditions:
i. Myocardial Infarction.
ii. Rheumatic Fever.
(b)Write the pharmacological basis of each drug you have mentioned
above in (a).

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