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Chapter I : Geophysical & Geological Data


Regional Geological Setting

1.1.1.Tectonic Setting
The Centaury PSC is located on the eastern margin of the South Sumatra
Basin in a region comprising of multiple NNE-SSW trending horst and
graben features, which were initiated in Palaeogene times.

Figure 1-1 - Centaury PSC: regional tectonic setting

In the Centaury area, the Merang and Ketaling Highs form the main horst
blocks with the Merang and Ketaling Deeps forming the intervening grabens
(Figure ). These horsts were sources of sediment into the basins until they
were eventually submerged and carbonates developed on the old highs. The
area was then subjected to Mid-Miocene transpressional and then further

Figure 1-2 - Centaury Block: Local tectonic setting

This transpressional phase is also associated with a regional tilt towards
the southwest and the uplift of the Sembilang High to the northeast,
followed by a considerable amount of erosion in the past few million years.
The stratigraphy of Centaury Block (Figure ) can be described as follow:
Pre-Tertiary Basement: metamorphic rocks such as schist and phyllite
are the dominant basement rocks in Centaury PSC area. The basement
production field in the south is mostly comes from thick granitic sections.
Mid-Late Eocene Lower Oligocene/Lahat Formation: The early synrift Lahat Formation is confined to the graben areas overlain by alluvial fan
deposits and capped by thick lacustrine shales, which form major oil-prone
source rocks. Its thickness reaches more than 2000 m in the South
Sumatra basin depocenters to the south, while on intermediate horst
features the unit is absent. The thickness of the Lahat can vary rapidly in
a lateral sense with thick accumulations close to faults.
Late Oligocene - Early Miocene/Talang Akar Formation (TAF): The
TAF lies uncomformably on the Lahat Formation and was deposited in an
overall backstepping, transgressive system tract with fluvial channel sands
passing up into shallow marine deltaics, which encroach onto the
basement highs. Coals and shale provide potential gas prone source rocks

and the overlying Pendopo marine shale provides a regional seal and a
potential oil-prone source rock.
Early Miocene/Baturaja (BRF) and Gumai Formations (GUF): The
carbonate platform buildups of the BRF represent the continuation of the
transgressive phase of the TAF depositional system. The overlying Gumai
shales represent the drowning event and provide a regional marine shale
seal over the entire area. Two transgressive maxima are recognized within
the Gumai separated by a short lived phase of regression (NN5-NN4). This
regressive phase resulted in sub-aerial emergence of the BRF reefs and
subsequent poro-perm enhancement. It also caused widespread deposition
of a basal clastics member in the Centaury area, which probably forms
thief beds to several dry holes drilled for BRF objectives (Merang 1,
Ketaling-2, etc.). In addition, these conduits provided a means for
hydrocarbon migration into overlying ABF sands.
Mid-Late Miocene/Air Benakat (ABF) and Muara Enim Formations
(MEF): The first significant influx of ABF sands is indicative of the major
regional Mid Miocene regression, which results form a large deltaic unit
prograding from the northeast. The ABF is composed mostly of marine
shales and marginal marine sands, which provide reservoirs in East
Ketaling and Tempino Fields. The MEF consists predominantly of abundant
coals and sandstones, with occasional development of tuffs, all
demonstrating continuation of a major regressive cycle.

Figure 1-3 - Centaury PSC Stratigraphic Column

The appraisal wells drilled after Beta-1 were designed only to penetrate
the three main reservoirs that proved oil in the ABF sands. Hence, the
three well TDed at quite shallow depths of around 700m.
The following lithological summary describes the formations encountered
in the wells as described in cuttings and samples analyses:
Kasai / Muara Enim Fm : Kasai and/or Muara Enim usually encountered
above ABF. These formations encountered from surface to around 100m at
each well, co-incident with an unconformity on the seismic line. The
lithologies are predominantly composed of claystones with blocky
sandstones of varying thicknesses from 1m up to 11m. The claystones in
this formation appear as light grey-yellowish grey in colour and are
generally amorphous, quite sticky, with traces of pyrite and carbonaceous
specks. The sandstones in the Kasai are composed of clear-translucent
quartz grains, which are loose to occasionally consolidated with moderatewell sorting. Grains are fine to medium and are generally quite rounded,
with traces of black carbonaceous material. The sands have been
observed as very fine grained in parts and locally grade to silt.
Air Benakat Fm : Air Benakat formation consist of claystones,
sandstones and siltstones.
The claystones were light grey to light olive grey in colour, generally very
soft and amorphous, with accessory minerals such as pyrite, carbonaceous
material appearing as both specks and micro-laminae. They were
generally quite micaceous with rare pale bluish green chlorite flakes
observed in some beds. Microfossils were present in the formation and the
most recognizable were foraminifera.
The sandstones were predominantly identified as argillaceous sandstone,
which consisted of clear to translucent quartz grains, with some rare offwhite quartz grains, packed into a poor to moderately sorted clast
supported structure. The pore spaces between the grains appeared to
contain argillaceous material with some additional degree of visible
porosity. Grains were generally very fine to medium, with some rare thin
beds of coarser grained sands. These coarser grains, most commonly
appeared as loose particles having being washed free when drilled. The
grains were predominantly sub-angular to sub-rounded and mostly subrounded in shape. Sorting was generally poor to moderate, with occasional
well sorted very fine sandstones appearing in thinly laminated beds. Trace
minerals of glauconite, fossil fragments and debris were also observed.
Siltstones are generally blocky to sub-blocky, friable, soft to firm and
occasionally quite sticky when hydrated. They display poor visible porosity
but good inferred porosity due to water retention. Siltstones also occur as
thinly laminated beds within the shales and claystones, and can
sometimes be quite calcareous. Rare thin coal beds were identified in
Beta-2, appearing as black to dark brownish black in colour with an earthy
luster. They were firm and quite brittle, having a woody texture and a sub
blocky to blocky shape, occasionally splintering into sub-fissile fragments.



































Figure 1-4 - Beta Field stratigraphic cross section through well logs

1.1.3.Depositional Environment
The depositional facies of Beta Field (Air Benakat Formation) was
interpreted by utilizing conventional core data, cutting samples, log curve
pattern and borehole image log interpretation. To begin, lithofacies were
examined to determine the depositional facies. The lithofacies was
classified into six facies based on rock textures, mineral composition,
sedimentary structures and bioturbation intensity (Figure ).

Figure 1-5 Lithofacies Classification, example from Beta-4

Based on facies association, Beta Field is interpreted as shallow marine to
offshore deposit. Details of the interpreted depositional facies are
described in the Figure .

Lower Shoreface, Intensively bioturbated very fine grained

heterolithic sandstone facies are interpreted as being deposited in a
lower shoreface environment. A mixed association of vertical and
horizontal trace fossils are indicative of a medium to low energy marine
The presence of medium-grained sandstone (particularly at the top of Z380) is interpreted as the result of a transgressive ravinement that
reworked the upper part of the sand, which improved the reservoir


Offshore Transition, Zoophycos ichnofacies observed in this lithofacies

is indicative of a low energy marine environment. Therefore, part of the
bioturbated mudstone and laminated shale is thought to have formed in
an offshore transition environment.


Offshore, The massive shale facies is interpreted as being deposited

in an offshore environment. Very few storm event deposits and
Zoophycos ichnofacies are indicative of a constant sedimentation rate in
a low energy marine environment.

Figure 1-6 - Interpreted sequence of surrounding Beta Field

From the image log interpretation, the overall deposition setting is
considered to be a shallow marine low angle clastic ramp, probably
sloping to the south based on bidirectional N-S tidal currents
interpreted from minor cross bedding found on the FMI log. The
sediment provenance is interpreted from the north based on the
study of other wells in the area. The facies belts moved up and
down this ramp in response to eustacy, with very little if any
tectonic control, as indicated by the very uniform and highly

correlatable nature of the sedimentary packages, which also tends

to indicate that the main sands are continuous sheets throughout
the field.
1.1.4.Petroleum System
Source and Migration : Regional studies indicate that
hydrocarbons are derived from several different source rocks, Figure
notably: the lacustrine shales of the Lahat Formation (oilgenerating), nearshore coals and coaly shales of the TAF (gasgenerating), and nearshore TAF marine shales (oil-generating). At
the basin centre, TAF can exceed up to 600m at Merang deep.
Geochem study at Beta-1 well indicate that the TAF section has a
TOC of between 1-2%.
Charging and migration of this reservoir was proven by the Beta-1
discovery well. Lateral migration is interpreted to be from the north
to northwest area.
Some local vertical migration would have
occurred through the faults associated with the Beta Structure. The
thickness of the source rock varies depending on the position at the
Reservoir : The main reservoir in the Beta area is the Air Benakat
Fm (Figure ).
Reservoirs comprise stacked nearshore marine sands, which have
been intersected in almost all wells drilled in Beta area. There are
five main Air Benakat reservoir at Beta prospect (known as Z-380, R10, Z-450, Z-550 and Z-650). Reservoir continuity is widespread at
the Beta structure. Excellent correlation of the reservoirs occurs
between all four wells drilled in the Beta structure (Figure ).
Trap : The trap component of the Beta Structure is a 3-way dip,
closed anticline that is bounded by NW-SE faults on the southern
part of the structure, and also divided by some smaller NE-SW
extensional faults. The trap formed during Pliocene-Pleistocene
compression. A free water level has established the minimum
trapping configuration.
Containment/Seal : Containment in the Beta Structure was first
proven in the Beta-1 well, where the intra Air Benakat shales were
found to be good top seals for the ABF reservoirs.

Figure 1-7 - Air Benakat Palaeogeography

1.1.5.Play Concept
The ABF play comprises of stacked nearshore marine sands in late
compressional faulted anticlines, sourced vertically from underlying Lahat
(minimally present in Beta) and TAF shales and coals. All wells drilled in
the Centaury PSC have encountered oil shows within the ABF. Specifically
in Beta the ABF sands have demonstrated commercially productive
volumes on the structural highs of the sand formations. Additionally, the
West Berau, East Ketaling and Tempino Fields have proven oil in place
within their ABF sands.

Figure 1-8 - Centaury PSC schematic play types


Geophisical Interpretation
This Plan of Development benefits from the regional work detailed in the
section on the History of the Centaury PSC, together with the analysis of
well and seismic data from within the PSC. The predominant source of data
originates in the Beta discovery and appraisal wells.
1.2.1.Seismic Database
Several legacy vintages of 2D seismic cross the Beta Field. While these
provide a gross structural trend, quality is generally poor. There are also
major concerns related to the static solution for these lines. The 2005
vintage seismic data acquired by Omega Carigali gives a regional
Centaury PSC coverage with good quality of seismic data, but it is only 9
lines (approx. 2-3 kms line spacing) over Beta structure that gives limited
interpretation. At late 2010 Omega Carigali. was acquired another 140
kms of 2D Seismic lines which about 7 lines were infill at Beta area. These
are the grey and red lines shown in Figure . Older vintages are shown in

Geophysics well control was limited to the Beta-1 discovery well and the
three appraisal wells (Beta-2, 3 & 4). The West Berau well (1937) is
situated to the southwest on the same structure but no data is available
for this well. A comprehensive logging suite exists for each of the Beta
wells. However, significant washouts compromise the quality of acoustic
logs and hence the seismic-well tie. A zero-offset VSP was acquired in both
Beta-1 and Beta-3 while the other Beta wells have adequate checkshot

Figure 1-9 - Beta Field Location Map and Database


Beta Field Seismic Interpretation

1.3.1.Well Ties
Well ties were established for the four Beta-wells using the electric log and
well seismic (check shot & VSP) data. Spectral analysis was done for Beta1, 2 and 3 (Figure ) and then simplified to a Ricker 40 Hz minimum phase
(peak onset corresponds to an increase in acoustic impedance - Reverse
SEG) wavelet. This Ricker wavelet was used in the generation of synthetic
seismograms for the Beta wells.




Figure 1-10 - Wavelet extraction - Beta-2

Due to areas of severe washout raw acoustic logs were unsuitable for
synthetic generation. Fortunately, corrected logs were generated as part
of a borehole stability study. These were used to generate zero-offset
synthetics for each well.
The Beta-1 exploration well was drilled near the crest of the structure.
While a VSP was run in this well, a poor tie is achieved. The synthetic
seismogram was derived using Ricker wavelet, with a limited "stretch and
squeeze", a reasonable good match with the seismic is achieved.

Beta-2 was drilled downdip some 500m to the south of the structural crest,
and was found to be 5m deep to prognosis. A checkshot survey was
acquired in the well. A 22ms bulk shift is required to achieve a good tie.
The bulk shift suggests that there are issues with the static solution for the
seismic in this area.
Beta-4 was drilled prior to Beta-3. The main objective was to core the oil
reservoirs encountered in Beta-1. The well came in 10 m updip to
prognosis (~5m higher than Beta-1 instead of 5m deeper). Using the 40
Hz Ricker wavelet, the synthetic seismogram ties well with the seismic
(05PAL015, Figure ).



Figure 1-11 Line 05PAL015 : Beta 2/4 Seismic Well Tie

Beta-3 was drilled to test the sealing capacity of a NNE-SSW fault that
divides the structure. It intersected the reservoir levels some 5m deep to
prognosis and only encountered oil at the Z-450 level. Notwithstanding the
sporadic poor hole condition, a good tie was achieved with VSP and
seismic line 05PAL064 (Figure ).



Figure 1-12 - Line 05PAL064 : Beta-3 Seismic Well Tie

A tuning thickness calculation has been done for the dataset; for the
dominant frequency of 40Hz and a velocity of 2200m/s gives a wavelength
of 56m and a tuning thickness (/4) of 14m. This mean that the seismic
only can differentiate beds with minimum thickness of 14m.
1.3.2.Time Interpretation
Based on a review of the acoustic response at the wells and the 2005
seismic data, three major seismic markers were chosen for field-wide
mapping. These correspond to the R14 (Top Intra ABF), Z-550 (tight sand)
and R1 (Base ABF). These three seismic markers represent the most
reliable markers close to the major reservoir units (Z-380, Z-450 and Z650, Figure ) and being regionally extensive in both the wells and within
the seismic control.
Reservoir levels were not picked directly as a consistent seismic character
could not be established within the existing well control.







Figure 1-13 - Beta Well Correlation (with synthetic track)

The shallowest marker picked over the field is the Top Air Benakat
Formation. It is mapped as an angular unconformity within the first 100 ms
of the data. The pick is compromised by low fold at this depth.
Generally the three seismic markers were laterally continuous peaks. The
seismic in crestal area is of slightly lower frequency than the flanks and in
some parts of the survey the surface seismic is degraded by near surface
statics issues. The Z-550 tight sand reflection is higher amplitude and is
laterally more continuous than the other events and formed the basis for
the structural interpretation. R14 (top Intra ABF) and R1 (base ABF) have
continuous peak seismic reflectance, but are not as clear as the Z-550
tight sand. These events are less consistent in their seismic response but a
pick has been established for all. Areas of lowest confidence include the
area to the north of the Beta-1/4 wells (line 05PAL-015) and the crestal
area of line 05PAL-013.
Due to the steep dips and commensurate poor migration of the 2D data,
significant miss-ties are present in the dataset. A pragmatic approach to
these has been adopted: absolute values of dip lines are always honored
above the values on the strike data where a discrepancy occurs.
1.3.3.Attribute Analysis
Although as mention above the calculated tuning thickness is 14m which
is some of the reservoir are below the tuning thickness, the seismic
attribute still can be generate to control the lateral distribution - Appendix
1 static modeling (properties distribution).
The Gamma ray log was chosen due to the log can show the sand package
which is characterized by negative amplitude. Further is the seismic
attributes i.e, amplitude, frequency and phase were crossplotting with GR
log and founded the dominant frequency is the most appropriate attribute
to guide the spread laterally.

Figure 1-14 Cross Correlation Well Log (GR) and Seismic Attribute
(Dominant Frequency)

Figure 1-15 - Dominant Frequency Seismic Attribute Map

1.3.4. Time Structure Interpretation
The Beta structure is a NNW-SSE trending compressional anticline. The
anticline forms in the hanging wall of a large reverse fault to the SW. This
fault trend continues to the SE to the Kali Berau Field. The reverse fault is

limited to the west by a NE-SW fault. A number of NNE-SSW trending

extensional faults splay off the reverse fault in what appears to be a
complex response to dextral transgression and clockwise rotation,
associated with the NW-SE thrust fault. The extensional faults divide the
anticline into a series of rotated blocks, each of which sets up a small, fault
dependent closure (Figure). The Beta Field occupies an elevated graben
within this trend and a west-hading fault separates the main part of the
field from Beta-3 (although pressure data suggests that communication
between the fault blocks occurs). There is significant uncertainty as to
whether some or all of the faults on the structure leak, but free water
levels established during the appraisal program confirm that the structural
closure is substantially larger than the closure based on the hydrocarbons
These extensional faults are debated to be seal or leak, from the
juxtoposition it is possible to be seal. Beta-3 compartment most likely to
be a leaking fault due to known from pressure data the FWL sits at similar
depth. West Berau compartment most likely to be a sealing fault die to
WB-1 well is lies under Beta FWL and still producing oil.

Figure 1-16 - Fault Pattern around the Beta Field

The time interpretation generated structure framework that consist of
time structure maps of three seismic markers and fault plane that used for
further stage. One example of time structure maps are seen below (Figure



Figure 1-17 - Top Intra ABF (R14) Time Structure Map

1.3.5.Depth Conversion
Two (2) methods were hired to convert the time to depth structure map.
First is the simplest method use a trend line (equation) from wells that
penetrated. The second method is trending line calculated use Krigging
External Drift Model (KED). Regarding all Beta wells were located at the
crestal area, both techniques gives similar depth conversion at the crestal
area, the differences appears on the uncontrolled area - flank area.
The first method; use average velocity data from the wells (Figure ) to
generate the trend for the depth conversion away from the wells.

Beta Time Depth Chart

Beta-1 TWT
Beta-2 TWT
Beta-3 TWT

Figure 1-18 - Time vs. Depth for the Beta wells

The second method is calculating the regression line using Krigging
External Drift (KED) methods.

Figure 1-19 - KED Interpolation : Z-550 Time vs Depth

The main differences of two depth structure output from both techniques
are located at flank area, which is no well control. At the crestal area
where the oil accumulation the depth resulted similar.



Figure 1-20 - Z-650 Depth Differences between Equation and KED


Hence the final depth structure maps were calculating the average depth
from both methods.
1.3.6.Beta Field Depth Structures
Understanding the layering of Beta structure and thin reservoir, to create
structure maps at reservoir level the depth converted seismic markers and
fault information (polygons) were imported into modelling package and a
3D structural model was generated. By calibrating the seismic markers
with the well data a set of stratigraphic surfaces including all the main
reservoir levels could be generated. It is important to note that the
resulting maps are only valid if the stratigraphy is conformable.
Final depth structure map, as shown Figure to Figure below respectively,



Figure 1-21 - Z-380 Depth Structure Map with latest FWL




Figure 1-22 - R-10 Depth Structure Map with latest FWL




Figure 1-23 - Z450 Depth Structure Map with latest FWL




Figure 1-24 - Z550 Depth Structure Map with latest FWL




Figure 1-25 - Z650 Depth Structure Map with latest FWL


Well Drilling Result

Beta-1 was spudded on 4 March 2007 and reached a TD of 2300 m KB
(2286m TVDSS) on 24 March 2007 in PreTertiary Fractured Basement.
The well discovered hydrocarbons with CO 2 rich dry gas in a thin 6 meter
basal sand overlying basement and shallow light oil of the Air Benakat
Formation (ABF) clastics. The ABF oil was identified as the primary
reservoir in a forward sense
The sedimentological interpretation of the ABF section and Gumai section
of Beta-1 represents two main progradational sequences with flooding
event (parasequence set boundary) at 650m. The sands are arranged as a
series of stacked parasequences within the progradational sequences.
Individual parasequences range in thickness from 25 m to 75 m. Each
sequence comprises offshore muds prograding to low energy sandy
shoreface from 1281m 650m and 650 468 m. The progradation
corresponds to a facies change from highly laminated offshore muds to the
shaly and bioturbated sand facies. Sands are interpreted as mixed lower
and middle shoreface, while heterolithics associated with laminated sand
facies are interpreted as tidal sand flats.
Palaeocurrent analysis indicates that within the shoreface deposits of the
ABF in both the wells the azimuth of sand beds and cross-bedding of the
shoreface deposits gives an overall south easterly to southerly direction
indicating the palaeoshoreline to be NE-SW varying to ENE-WSW.
ABF sands porosity varies from 16 to 23 %. Water saturation is 60 to 75%
for oil reservoir.
Beta-2 was drilled as a downflank appraisal well to establish the oil-water
contacts of the three oil bearing sands production tested in the Beta-1
Beta-2 intersected the ABF sandstone reservoirs approximately 23m
downdip of the original Beta-1 discovery well. The top of Z-380 and Z-450
were approximately 22m downdip from Beta-1 while the Z-650 was
approximately 29m downdip showing the southern flank is steeper than
predicted. An excellent correlation exists between the Beta-1 and the Beta2 appraisal well and, as such, reservoir continuity has been established.
Sand porosities range from 15 to 23 %.
Beta-4 was drilled as a crestal well some 175m NW of Beta-1 well. The
main objectives were to obtain whole core and FMI image logs for
calibration and to complete the well as a potential producer. The well
came in some 10m shallow to prognosis (~5m higher than Beta-1 instead
of 5m deeper).
An excellent correlation exists between the Beta-4 to Beta-1 discovery well
together with Beta-2.
An coring program within 3 main oil interval was done for :
372.5 384.5 mMD with 58% recovery
384.5 392 mMD no recovery of hydrocarbon sand.
436.5 466 mMD zero recovery
628.5 637.5 mMD no recovery of hydrocarbon sand.
643.3 649 mMD with 97% recovery

The main reason for this poor recovery is due to failed mechanical core
catcher. Also, the formation is too soft and washed out from the core
chamber while drilling.
There are no other significant obastacles while drilling the Beta wells. All
wells were shallow, and no overpressure or significance temperature
gradient change was observed. The only problem occured while drilling
the wells is the presence of Gumbo as the intra shale facies of Air Benakat.
That swelling clay slower the drilling operation of Beta appraisal wells,
hence it is suggest to improve the mud system use for future drilling will
help resolve the problem.
Beta-3 was drilled to test the sealing capacity of a NNE-SSW fault that
divides the structure. The result of the drilling show that the compartment
between Beta-3 area (Central) and Beta-1,2,4 (West) has a pressure
connection for the reservoirs. It is tested using the MDT and resulted that
the water gradient line up in the same trend between this 2 compartment.
The Beta-3 well intersected the sandstone reservoirs approximately 20m
downdip of the original Beta-1 discovery well. The top of Z-380 and Z-450
were approximately 14-18m downdip from Beta-1 while the Z-650 was
approximately 33m downdip. Of the three major reservoirs, only Z-450
resides above the FWL at depth 445m TVDSS. An excellent correlation
exists between the Beta-1 discovery well and the Beta-2, 4 and 3 appraisal
wells as such that reservoir continuity has been established. Sand
porosities range from 17 to 23 %.

Core Description & Analysis

1.5.1.Side Wall Core
The sidewall cores have been taken at Beta-1, Beta-2, Beta-3 and Beta-4.
In Beta-1, total of 30 sidewall cores (SWCs) were attempted in the 8
hole over the interval from 1305.5 m 2135 m. Of the 30 SWCs shot, 27
were recovered with three lost bullets. The samples were taken for
reservoir information, biostratigraphic control and source rock
determination. The age of rocks ranged from Late Oligocene Talangakar to
Early Miocene Gumai Formations. Most of the samples were composed of
shale and siltstone, with a few described as sandstone. Based on routine
core analysis, porosities ranged from less than 5% in shales to about 23%
in sandstone. Most of the SWCs had no show indications. There were poor
shows over the interval 1305.5m 1528.5 m and one sample at 1958.5 m.
In Beta-2, the MSCT tool was run only in the 8 hole. There were 21
cores attempted. Unfortunately, some of the corepoints selected occurred
in washed out areas. Of the 21 cores that were drilled, only 6 were
recovered. Most of these being partial recoveries with only 1 fully
recovered core. It is believed that the formation had become too soft and
physically uncoreable in the invaded zone. Consequently no further cores
in the 8 hole section were attempted. For the next operation it is
recommended that a different technique of sidewall coring be considered
to improve recovery in the ABF. The percussion SWC might be more
suitable in this thinly laminated shaly-sand.
In Beta-3, the MSCT tool run was very disappointing, in which once again
the recovery from the tool was very poor as had been the case on every
well on the Beta campaign thus far. This was despite efforts to change the

mud system to a more saline fluid to help reduce water invasion into the
formation. Nevertheless the cores still drilled too quickly indicating soft
formation which meant the formation had been affected by the fluid
invasion despite higher salinities. In total only two partial cores were
recovered from the run which those samples are not the formation rocks.
In Beta-4, the MSCT tool was run only in the 8-1/2 hole. The MSCT
program called for two runs whereby the first run would attempt to core
the firm formations with the second run attempting what were believed to
be softer formation in the Z450 sands. Unfortunately the recovery on
surface was very poor with only one fully recovered core and 9 partial
fragmented cores obtained. The second MSCT run was cancelled.
1.5.2.Conventional Core
The core description was conducted by PT Corelab Indonesia and the result
was incorporated with the other analysis to support the overall interpretation
of facies, sedimentology and depositional environment.
637.0 649.3 meters
Description: This interval is composed of very fine- to fine-grained sandstone
that is mainly bioturbated and burrowed.
Identified burrows include
Ophiomorpha, and possibly Rosselia, Teichichnus, and Zoophycus. Planar
beds and ripples are locally preserved. Contacts between depositional units
are scoured. The sandstone is tightly cemented with calcite between 644.7
and 645.33 meters. Bioclasts are mainly pelecypods.
Average porosity is 24.59% (range = 8.03 29.83%) and average air
Klinkenberg permeability (Kinf) is 12.2 md (range = 0.003 104 md; median
= 5.65 md). Average grain density is 2.66 g/cc (range 2.63 2.69 g/cc).
628.5 637.0 meters
Description: Core recovery was very poor in this interval. Recovered material
is clay-rich, unlithified, and contains no visible sedimentary structures or
burrows. It does not resemble any other portion of the described cores.
376.52 378.98 meters
Description: This interval is composed mainly of thinly interlaminated shale
and very fine- to fine-grained sandstone.
Medium-grained sandstone
between 377.2 and 377.35 meters is less common. Gradational to scoured
contacts separate depositional units. Interlaminated sandstone and shale are
rippled, with clay drapes, to heavily bioturbated. Bioclasts include pelecypods
and benthic foraminifera. The medium-grained sandstone bed is oil-stained,
bioturbated to cross bedded, with scattered bioclasts and shale rip-up clasts.
Average porosity is 25.33% (range = 20.48 35.27%) and average air
Klinkenberg permeability (Kinf) is 395 md (range = 6.33 4956 md; median
= 45.2 md). Average grain density is 2.64 g/cc (range 2.59 2.69 g/cc).
375.65 376.52 meters
Description: This thin interval is composed medium-grained sandstone that is
oil stained. Unoriented shale rip-up clasts indicate that the sandstone has
been bioturbated. Skeletal fragments include pelecypods. The sandstone is
weakly to moderately lithified, calcareous, and has a scoured basal contact
with underlying sediments.
Average porosity is 30.16% (range = 21.01 34.50%) and average air
Klinkenberg permeability (Kinf) is 561 md (range = 0.548 1351 md; median
= 634 md). Average grain density is 2.68 g/cc (range 2.65 2.70 g/cc).
372.5 375.65 meters
Description: This interval is comprised of argillaceous sandstone that is
bioturbated to rippled, with millimeter-thick sandy laminae and clay drapes.
These sediments are relatively uniform in this interval.

Average porosity is 19.93% (range = 16.78 20.23%) and average air

Klinkenberg permeability (Kinf) is 0.143 md (range = 0.005 0.572 md;
median = 0.140 md). Average grain density is 2.62 g/cc (range 2.61
2.64 g/cc).

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