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Da li se dvoumite izmeu operativih sistema vaeg novog telefona?

Da li
vas zanima ta su prednosti i mane novog Windows Phone
7 naspram Androida ili iOS? Hajde da razradimo ovu temu.
Windows Phone 7 ima neke inovativne i jedinstvene osobine, ali da li su oni
dovoljni za pobedu kod potroaa? Uporedili smo novi Microsoft mobilni
operativni sistem sa Apple iOS i Google Android operativnim sistemom
da vidimo kako e se pokazati.
iPhone i Google Android sistemi su imali nekoliko godina da usavre svoj
korisniki interfejs i mogunosti, to im je dalo dovoljno vremena da se
pozicioniraju ispred slabanog Microsoft Windows Mobile OS. Ali u novom
spletu okolnosti, Microsoft je doao do potpuno novog korisnikog
interfejsa za Windows Phone 7, koji e biti postavljen na vie telefona.
Microsoft je morao da izgradi Windows Phone 7 od nule, to znai da, ako
se izuzme poprilino kanjenje ovog izdanja, novi mobilni operativni sistem
je izostavio nekoliko funkcija koje danas uzimamo kao uobiajne funkcije
na naim smart telefonima. Meutim, Microsoft donosi nekoliko zanimljivih
novih elemenata na trite sa ovim OS, funkcije koji neki od vas
moda preferiraju zbog praktinosti pre nego iPhone ili Android OS.
Razmatrali smo glavne razlike izmeu Windows Phone 7, iOS i Android da
bi Vam dali ideju o stanju mobilnih operativnih sistema danas. Grafikon
daje pregled karakteristika tih OS ta svaki od njih ima i nema, a poto
pregledate sve to, proitajte ta istie najbolje od najgorih stvari u Windows
Phone 7.

ta je drugaije u vezi sa Windows Phone 7?

Sa Windows Phone 7, Microsoft je doneo nekoliko novih koncepata.
Umesto nepromenljive i statine poetne strane (ili kako Microsoft je
pozive, Start strana) kao na iPhone-u ili widget na Android-u,
Windows Phone 7 koristi pravougaone ivi ploice, unakrsnim spajanjem
widgeta i aplikacija. ive ploice su povezane sa aplikacijama, sa kratkim
kratkim pregledom informacija o istoj. Ovo daje korisniku Windows Phone 7
jednostavan pregled onoga to se deava u aplikacijama, ali bi mogao da

postane veoma komplikovan kada se koristi previe ploica i previe

Sa druge strane, iPhone nema aktivnu poetnu stranu, dok Android koristi
widget ikone svih oblika i veliina za prikaz informacija na poetnom
ekranu. Jednostavnost Windows Phone 7 ploice donosi pobedu u ovoj
kategoriji, dok je iPhone jasno gubitnik za obavetenja na poetnom
Windows Phone 7 takoe grupie razliite funkcije OS-u u vorita (hubs)
unakrsno izmeu foldera i ekrana. Svaki hub (posao, kancelarija, kontakti,
slike, Xbox Live i Zune) ima blisku integraciju sa obe domae i treom
stranom aplikacijom. Na primer, u hub-u Kontakti, moete da vidite svoje
kontakte sa Facebook promena statusa i kao komentare na njih. Slino
tome, hub Igre je usko integrisana sa Xbox Live, dok hub Kancelarija
vam omoguava da kreirate, pregledate i menjate Excel i Word
dokumenata. Takoe moete da pristupite Microsoft Office SharePoint
dokumentima i da ih menjate, ali ne moete da kreirate PowerPoint
prezentacije. Muzika i video (Zune) Hub moe da vam prui pregled vae
muzike, video zapisa i download-a, ili vam omoguavaju da pristupite Zune
Store. Ni iPhone, niti Android ima karakteristike koje se mogu uporediti sa
ovim Hub-ovima, ve morate da izaberete specifine aplikacije za
otvaranje kako bi se izvrili najvei deo zadataka koji izvravaju hub-ovi .
ta nedostaje u Windows Phone 7?
Windows Phone 7 je s pravom dobio mnogo kritika od strane korisnika
zbog nedostatkaa nekih funkcija koje mnogi vlasnici smatraju uobiajnim
na njihovim smart telefonima.
Microsoft novi mobilni operativni sistem nema copy/paste opciju. Ako se
seate, prvi, drugi, pa ak i trei model iPhone-a nije u poetku imao
copy/paste funkciju ali to je bile pre vie od godinu dana (copy/paste
mogunost za iPhone je stigao kasnije sa opcijom za auriranje softvera).
Android ima ovu mogunost od prvog dana. Dakle, odsustvo copy/paste
funkcije u Windows Phone 7 ne donosi novu zlatnu medalju za
Druga mana na listi funkcija je multitasking, neto to Android je imao od
prvog dana, i koji je kasnije uveden i za iPhone. Da budemo precizniji,
Windows Phone 7 ne dozvoljava da druge aplikacije rade u pozadini (u isto

vreme), ve ih stopira dok se ne vratite na aplikaciju. Ovo stavlja OS u istu

poziciju kao i iPhone od pre vie od godinu dana, kada su samo Apple
aplikacije mogle da rade u pozadini. Ali, da budemo iskreni, iOS ne radi
pravi multitasking. Samo neke aplikacije u iOS mogu da rade u pozadini,
pa ak i tada, samo neke funkcije mogu da nastave sa radom. Na primer,
muzika iz Pandore moe da ide u pozadini dok vi radite druge poslove na
vaem telefonu.
Trea taka je nedostatak Adobe Flash, Silverlight ili HTML5 podrke u web
pretraivanju. Stiv Dobs je iscedio sve ideje oko pokretanja Flash-a na
iPhone, tako da je Android jedini koji je ostao u ovoj kategoriji. Bilo je
potrebno vie od godinu dana da Google i Adobe dou do Adobe Flash
podrke za Android, ali sada najnovije generacije Android telefona imaju
ovu funkciju. Ako Microsoft zaista eli da ima prednost nad iPhone i
Android, trebalo bi da ima barem podrku svoje konkurentske Flash
tehnologije Silverlight.
Drugi propusti u Windows Phone 7 ukljuuju:
- Nema jedinstvenog inbox
- Nema e-mail podrku
- Nema visual voicemail
- Nema video poziva
- Nema univerzalnu pretragu
- Nema internet povezivanje
- Ograniena Removable Storage Support
- Nema Twitter integraciju
- Ima samo abecedni pregled za aplikacije

Novine u iOS6
Sama aplikacija za pozive je takoer dobila neke dorade, tako da je sada
mogue odbiti razgovor i automatski poslati poruku da ste trenutno zauzeti
a aplikacija e vas obavijestiti o tome naknadno ili kada promijenite
lokaciju. Dodan je i Do not disturb mod kojim je mogue stiati ili pojaati
zvuk zvona za odreene grupe u imeniku. Novost je to da e Facetime
raditi i preko 3G mree a ne samo preko wifi konekcije kao dosada.
Osim navedenog dodane su i poboljane brojne aplikacije operativnog
sustava iOS 6 , Instapaper alat za offline itanje tekstualnih datoteka i
web stranica, iCloud je sada poboljan i omoguava lake pohranjivanje
vaih datoteka na serveru. Iz Applea- su takoer naglasili da rade na to
boljoj integraciji iOS-a 6 s drutvenim mreama pogotovo s Facebook-om,
a uvodi se i Guided Access koji e omoguiti zakljuavanja dijela
aplikacija djeci.

Takoer, upravo za ovaj operativni sustav Apple je razvio i svoj sustav

mapi iOS6 maps, kako ne bi bio ovisan o Google mapama kao do
sada. Sustav mapi e biti integriran u korak po korak navigaciju kojom e
biti kontrolirana od virtualnog pomonog programa za Apple ureaje Siri.

iOS6 e biti podran na slijedeim ureajima : iPhone 3GS i noviji,

etvrta generacija iPod touch-a i iPad 2 i 3 ureajima.
Za razliku od Androida novi operativni sustav e biti dostupan svim
korisnicima, te se i oekuje da veina korisnika gore navedenih ureaja
pree na iOS 6.

Apple predstavio novi operativni sistem iOS 6

Objavljeno 12.06.2012 u 10:46
U sklopu svoje WWDC (Worldwide Developers Conference)
konferencije, Apple je predstavio novi iOS 6, najnoviju verziju
operativnog sistema za iPad i iPhone.
"estica" bi se trebala pojaviti ove jeseni, a meu najavljenim
poboljanjima valja spomenuti poboljanje "virtualne pomonice"
Siri koja bi odsad trebala podravati i neke nove jezike. Izmeu
ostalog, biti e u stanju pokretati aplikacije, ali i pozabaviti se
kompleksnijim zadacima kao to su rezervacija stola u restoranu
ili ak itanje filmskih kritika.
Novi operativni sistem donosi i bolju integraciju s Facebookom.
Nadalje, FaceTime (video pozivi) od sada e biti mogu i preko 3G
mree, a ne samo Wi-Fi-a. Naravno kvaliteta nee biti ista, ali
opcija e biti podrana. Safari takoer dobiva poboljanja, a
Photo Stream pretvorit e u neto nalik Instagramu pa e
korisnici svoje fotografije dijeliti i komentirati s prijateljima.
Isto tako, moi emo iskljuiti sve notifikacije i pozive kada to
odluimo. Unaprijed pripremljene poruke podsjetit e pozivatelje
da nas nazovu kasnije.
Tu je i nova aplikacija Passbook u koju emo spremati lozinke, ali
i karte za avion ili kino.

I na kraju tu su mape. Naime, Apple prekida suradnju s

Googleom i okree se vlastitom sistemu u koji su ukljuene
prometne informacije u stvarnom vremenu, mogunost
prilagodbe rute, a od novosti tu je i funkcija "flyover" s 3D
pregledom mape.

Nova verzija iOS operativnog sistema, meu 200 novih mogunosti,

ukljuuje Notification Center, iMessage, Newsstand i integraciju sa
Dostupan za korisnike iPhone, iPad i iPod touch ureaja ove jeseni
Kompanija Apple je danas predstavila beta verziju iOS 5, najnoviju verziju
najnaprednijeg operativnog sistema za mobilne telefone i predstavila beta
verziju za lanove iOS Developer Programa. Beta verzije iOS 5 operativnog
sistema ukljuuje: Notification Center, inovativan nain da jednostavno
pregledate i organizujete obavetenja na jednom mestu, bez prekida;
iMessage, novi servis za slanje i primanje poruka koji omoguava lako
slanje tekstualnih poruka, fotografija i video materijala izmeu svih iOS
ureaja; i Newsstand, novi nain za kupovinu i organizaciju pretplata na
novine i asopise. Sa novom PC Free opcijom, korisnici iOS 5 operativnog
sistema mogu aktivirati i podesiti svoj iOS ureaj odmah nakonraspakivanja
i aurirati softver bez potrebe za raunarom.
iOS 5 ima nove sjajne karakteristike, kao to su Notification Center,
iMessage i Newsstand i jedva ekamo da vidimo ta e nai inenjeri
uraditi sa 1500 novih API-ja, izjavio je Stiv Dobs, izvrni direktor
kompanije Apple. Moda je najzaajnija karakteristika kod operativnog

sistema iOS 5 to da je konstruisan kako bi besprekorno radio sa iCloud

servisom u Post PC revoluciji koju predvodi Apple.
Sa operativnim sistemom iOS 5 i iCloud servisom, uneete svoj Apple ID i
ifru, i iCloud e se besprekorno integrisati u vae aplikacije kako bi
automatski i beino aurirao sve vae mejlove, kontakte,
kalendare,fotografije, aplikacije, knjige, muziku i mnogo toga, na svim
vaim ureajima bez potrebe za povezivanjem sa raunarom.
Notification Center korisnicima iOS 5 na inovativan nain omoguava
jednostavan pristup svim obavetenjima poruke, proputeni pozivi,
obavetenja iz kalendara i aplikacija i mnogo toga, sve na jednom mestu,
bilo gde u okviru iOS 5 operativnog sistema. Kada stignu, obavetenja se
na kratko pojavljuju u gornjem delu ekrana ne prekidajui vae aktivnosti.
Jednim klizeim pokretom moete videti sva obavetenja a jedan dodir e
vas odvesti do aplikacije za vie detalja. Obavetenja se takoe pojavljuju
na zakljuanom ekranu, sa mogunou da pristupite aplikaciji samo
jednim potezom prsta.
Newsstand je jedna lepa polica za knjige koja se lako koristi i koja slui da
na jednom mestu prikae korice svih vaih novina i asopisa na koje ste se
pretplatili. Novi odeljak App Store sadri samo naslove i omoguava
korisnicima da brzo pronau najpopularnije novine i asopise na svetu. Ako
ste se pretplatili, nova izdanja se pojavljuju na Newsstand-u i automatski se
auriraju u pozadini tako da uvek imate najnovije izdanje i najnoviji dizajn
Safari je najpopularniji internet pretraiva dizajniran za mobilne telefone, a
iOS 5 operativni sistem ga sada ini jo boljim. Nove karakteristike
ukljuuju Safari Reader, koji sreuje i podeava veliinu fonta na web
stranici, tako da moete lako da se kreete i itate; Reading List, pomou

kog moete sauvati lanke koje biste kasnije itali i oni se automatski
pojavlljuju na svim vaim iOS 5 ureajima; i Tabbed Browsing, koji olakava
navigaciju kroz vie web strana na iPad-u.
iOS 5 ukljuuje ugraenu integraciju sa Twitter-om, tako da se moete
ulogovati samo jednom i zatim tvitovati direktno sa svih aplikacija koje
podravaju Twitter, ukljuujui Photos, Camera, Safari YouTube i Maps,
jednim dodirom prsta. Novi API nezavisnim programerima daju mogunost
da iskoriste prednost jedinstvenog logovanja sa sopstvenih aplikacija za
iOS 5.
iMessage u okviru iOS 5 donosi funkcionalnost organizacije poruka iPhonea do svih vaih iOS ureaja Phone, iPad i iPod touch. Ugraen direktno
u aplikaciju Messages, iMessage vam omoguava da na jednostavan nain
aljete tekstualne poruke, fotografije, video materijal ili informacije o
kontaktima osobi ili grupi osoba koje poseduju ureaje bazirane na iOS 5
operativnom sistemu putem Wi-Fi ili 3G veze. iMessages se automatski
prenosi na sve vae iOS 5 ureaje, olakavajui odravanje jednog
razgovora preko iPhone-a, iPad-a i iPod touch-a. iMessage takoe ima
opciju za dobijanje izvetaja o primanju i itanju poruka, pomo pri kucanju
i sigurnosnu enkripciju.
Nova aplikacija Reminders vam pomae da organizujete svoje zadatke ,
kreirate igrupiete sline zadatke, podesite alarme na osnovu vremena,
lokacije, prioriteta i datuma, tako da mogu da vas podsete na zadatke i
krajnje rokove za njihovo izvrenje ili kada stignete ili odete sa date lokacije.
Reminders se takoe moe videti u iCal-u i Outlook-u i automatski se
Nove funkcije u okviru aplikacija Camera i Photos omoguavaju instant
pristup kameri direktno iz lock screen-a, a taster za pojaavanje zvuka

moete da koristite za brzo slikanje. Opcione linije u obliku mree vamo

pomau da pozicionirate svoj snimak a jednostavnim dodirom zamrzavate
fokus i ekspoziciju jednog subjekta. Nova aplikacija Photos vam
omoguava da seete, rotirate , poboljate iuklonite crvene oi, i
organizujete svoje fotografije u albume direktno naureaju i delite ih u
Uz novu opciju PC Free , korisnici iOS 5 mogu da aktiviraju i podese svoje
iOS ureaje im ih raspakuju bez potrebe za raunarom, a auriranje
softvera na iOS platformi obavljaju se beinim putem i instaliraju se jednim
dodirom prsta. Wi- Fi Sync na iOS 5 platformi prenosi i bekapuje vae
sadraje bezbedno preko SSL-a i beino sinhronizuje kupljeni sadraj na
vaem ureaju sa u iTunes bibliotekom.
Dodatne nove karakteristike u iOS 5 platforme ukljuuju:
Game Center, sada sa mogunou da dodate fotografije na svom
profilu, kupite nove igre iz Game Center aplikacije i da na laki nain
pronaete prijatelje i nove igre;
Poboljanja za Mail koja ukljuuju mogunost da piete poruke
koristei adrese koje se mogu prevlaiti, i novi bar za formatiranje sa
kontrolama za podebljavanje, italic, podvlaenje i uvlaenje;
AirPlay Mirroring za beino prikazivanje svega to radite na svom
iPad 2 tabletu direktno na HDTV preko Apple TV-a i;
Tastaturu podeljenu tako da obuhvata itav sistem za jo lake
kucanje na iPad-u
Dobavljivost proizvoda
iOS 5 beta softwer i SDK su trenutno dostupni za lanove iOS Developer
Programa na web iOS 5 e biti dostupan kao
besplatni softverski dodatak za iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad 2, iPad, iPod

touch (etvrta generacija) i iPod touch (trea generacija) ove jeseni. Neke
karakteristike nee biti dostupne na svim proizvodima.

This article is about iOS, Apple's mobile operating system. For IOS,
see Cisco IOS. If you are seeking another topic, additional searches are
listed at IOS (disambiguation).
"IOS (operating system)" redirects here. It is not to be confused with Cisco

iOS 6 running on iPhone 4

Company / developer

Apple Inc.

Programmed in

C, C++, Objective-C

OS family

OS X, Unix

Working state


Source model

Closed, with open-source components

Initial release

June 29, 2007

Latest stable release

iPhone 3GS and later

iPad 2 and later
iPad mini
iPod touch 4th generation and later
6.0.1 (November 1, 2012; 12 days ago)

Apple TV 2nd & 3rd generation

5.1 (Build 10A406E) (September 24, 2012; 50 days
ago) []

Latest unstable release

6.1 (Build 10B5105c) (November 12, 2012; 1 day

ago) []

Available language(s)

34 languages[1][2]

Supported platforms

ARM (iPhone, iPod Touch,iPad, and 2nd gen.

and higher, iPad Mini, Apple TV), Apple
A4, Apple A5,Apple A5X, Apple A6,Apple A6X

Kernel type

Hybrid (XNU)

Default user interface

Cocoa Touch (multi-touch,GUI)


Proprietary EULA except for open-source


Official website

iOS (previously iPhone OS) is a mobile operating system developed and

distributed by Apple Inc. Originally released in 2007 for theiPhone and iPod
Touch, it has been extended to support other Apple devices such as
the iPad and Apple TV. Unlike Microsoft'sWindows Phone (Windows CE)
and Google's Android, Apple does not license iOS for installation on nonApple hardware. As of September 12, 2012, Apple's App Store contained
more than 700,000 iOS applications, which have collectively been
downloaded more than 30 billion times.[3] It had a 14.9% share of
the smartphone mobile operating system units shipped in the third quarter
of 2012, behind only Google's Android.[4] In June 2012, it accounted for
65% of mobile web data consumption (including use on both the iPod
Touch and the iPad).[5] At the half of 2012, there were 410 million devices
activated.[6] According to the special media event held by Apple on
September 12, 2012, 400 million devices have been sold through June
The user interface of iOS is based on the concept of direct manipulation,
using multi-touch gestures. Interface control elements consist of sliders,
switches, and buttons. Interaction with the OS includes gestures such
as swipe, tap, pinch, and reverse pinch, all of which have specific

definitions within the context of the iOS operating system and its multitouch interface. Internalaccelerometers are used by some applications to
respond to shaking the device (one common result is the undo command)
or rotating it in three dimensions (one common result is switching from
portrait to landscape mode).
iOS is derived from OS X, with which it shares the Darwin foundation, and
is therefore a Unix operating system. iOS is Apple's mobile version of
the OS X operating system used on Apple computers.
In iOS, there are four abstraction layers: the Core OS layer, the Core
Services layer, the Media layer, and the Cocoa Touch layer. The current
version of the operating system (iOS 6.0) dedicates 1-1.5 GB of the
device's flash memory for the system partition, using roughly 800 MB of
that partition (varying by model) for iOS itself. [8]

The operating system was unveiled with the iPhone at the Macworld
Conference & Expo, January 9, 2007, and released in June of that year.
At first, Apple marketing literature did not specify a separate name for the
operating system, stating simply that the "iPhone runs OS X". [10] Initially,
third-party applications were not supported. Steve Jobs' reasoning was that
developers could build web applications that "would behave like native
apps on the iPhone".[11][12] On October 17, 2007, Apple announced that a
nativeSoftware Development Kit (SDK) was under development and that
they planned to put it "in developers' hands in February". [13] On March 6,
2008, Apple released the first beta, along with a new name for the
operating system: "iPhone OS".
Apple had released the iPod touch, which had most of the non-phone
capabilities of the iPhone. Apple also sold more than one million iPhones
during the 2007 holiday season.[14] On January 27, 2010, Apple announced
the iPad, featuring a larger screen than the iPhone and iPod touch, and
designed for web browsing, media consumption, and reading iBooks.[15]

In June 2010, Apple rebranded iPhone OS as "iOS". The trademark "IOS"

had been used by Cisco for over a decade for its operating system, IOS,
used on its routers. To avoid any potential lawsuit, Apple licensed the "IOS"
trademark from Cisco.[16]
By late 2011, iOS accounted for 60 percent of the market share for
smartphones and tablet computers[17], however by mid 2012 iOS had
slipped to just 16.9% and Android had taken over with 68.1% global share.

[edit]Version history
Main article: iOS version history
See also: iOS 5 and iOS 6
Apple provides major updates to the iOS operating system approximately
once a year over iTunes and also, since iOS version 5.0, over the air. The
latest major update is iOS 6.0, publicly announced on September 12 and
released on September 19, 2012. Over 200 new features debut in iOS 6,
including Apple's new Passbook service, Apple-sourced Maps, and
full Facebook integration.[19]

The home screen (rendered by and also known as "SpringBoard")

displays application icons and a dock at the bottom of the screen where
users can pin their most frequently used apps. The home screen appears
whenever the user switches on the device or presses the "Home" button (a
physical button on the device). The screen has a status bar across the top
to display data, such as time, battery level, and signal strength. The rest of
the screen is devoted to the current application. When a passcode is set
and a user switches on the device, the Lock Screen is displayed.
Since iOS version 3.0, a Spotlight Search function has been available on
the leftmost page of the home screen page allowing users to search

through media (music, videos, podcasts, etc.), applications, e-mails,

contacts, messages, reminders, calendar events, and similar files.
In iOS 4 or later and with a supported device, the user can set a picture as
the background of the home screen. This feature is only available on thirdgeneration devices or newer iPhone 3GS or newer and iPod touch 3rd
gen. or newer. The iPad, however, has had this feature since its release
with iOS 3.2.
With iOS 4 came the introduction of a simple folder system. When
applications are in "jiggle mode", any two (with the exception
of Newsstand in iOS 5, which acts like a folder[20]) can be dragged on top of
each other to create a folder, and from then on, more apps can be added to
the folder using the same procedure, up to 12 on iPhone 4S and earlier and
iPod touch, 16 on iPhone 5, and 20 on iPad. A title for the folder is
automatically selected by the category of applications inside, but the name
can also be edited by the user.
[edit]Notification Center
Main article: Notification Center
In the iOS 5 update, the notifications feature was completely redesigned.
Notifications collate in a window which can be dragged down from the top
of the screen.[21] If a user touches a received notification, the application
that sent the notification will be opened.
[edit]Included applications
The iOS home screen contains these default "apps". Some of these
applications are hidden by default and accessed by the user through the
Settings app or another methodfor instance, Nike+iPod is activated
through the Settings app. Many of these apps, such as Safari, the App
Store, and YouTube, can also be disabled in the Restrictions section of the
Settings app.[22]

All of the utilities, such as voice memos, clock, calculator, and compass are
in one folder called "Utilities" in 4.0. [23][24] Many of the included applications
are designed to share data (e.g., a phone number can be selected from an
email and saved as a contact or dialed for a phone call).
The iPod touch retains the same applications that are present by default on
the iPhone, with the exception of the Phone and Compass (and also
previously, Messages before iOS 5 and Camera before the 4th generation
iPod touch) apps.[citation needed] The "iPod" App previously present on the
iPhone was split into two apps with iOS 5, Music and Videos, as it always
has been on the iPod touch.[citation needed] The bottom row of applications is
also used to delineate the iPod touch's main purposes: Music, Videos,
Safari, and App Store (Dock Layout was changed in 3.1 Update). For the
4th generation iPod touch, it includes FaceTime and Camera, and the dock
layout had changed to Music, Mail, Safari, Video. As of iOS 5.0, "iMessage"
is available on all iOS devices running iOS 5. [citation needed] iMessage is
effectively a version of the iPhone Messages app that sends free text or

multimedia messages to other iOS devices (similar to BlackBerry

Messenger).[citation needed]
The iPad comes with the same applications as the iPod touch, excluding
Stocks, Weather, Calculator, and the Nike + iPod app (and also previously,
Clock before iOS 6).[citation needed] Separate music and video apps are
provided, as on the iPod touch, although (as on the iPhone) the music app
was named "iPod" up until iOS 5, when it was changed to "Music". [citation
Most of the default applications, such as Safari and Mail, are
completely rewritten to take advantage of the iPad's larger display.[citation
The default dock layout includes Safari, Mail, Photos, and Music. [citation

Before iOS 4, multitasking was limited to a selection of the applications
Apple included on the device. Users could, however "jailbreak" their device
in order to unofficially multitask.[25] Starting with iOS 4, on 3rd-generation
and newer iOS devices, multitasking is supported through seven
background APIs:[26]
1. Background audio application continues to run in the background
as long as it is playing audio or video content [27]
2. Voice over IP application is suspended when a phone call is not in
3. Background location application is notified of location changes [27]
4. Push notifications
5. Local notifications application schedules local notifications to be
delivered at a predetermined time [27]
6. Task completion application asks the system for extra time to
complete a given task[27]

7. Fast app switching application does not execute any code and may
be removed from memory at any time[27]
In iOS 5, three new background APIs were introduced:
1. Newsstand application can download content in the background to
be ready for the user[27]
2. External Accessory application communicates with an external
accessory and shares data at regular intervals[27]
3. Bluetooth Accessory application communicates with a bluetooth
accessory and shares data at regular intervals[27]
[edit]Switching applications
In iOS 4.0 or later, double-clicking the home button activates the application
switcher. A scrollable dock-like interface appears from the bottom, moving
the contents of the screen up. Choosing an icon switches to an application.
To the far left are icons which function as music controls, a rotation lock,
and on iOS 4.2 and above, a volume controller. Holding the icons briefly
makes them "jiggle" (similarly to the homescreen) and allows the user
to force quit the applications by simply tapping the red minus circle that
appears at the corner of the app's icon.[28]
Siri is an intelligent personal assistant and knowledge navigator which
works as an application on supported devices. The service, directed by the
user's spoken commands, can do a variety of different tasks, such as call
or text someone, open an app, search the web, lookup sports information,
find directions or locations, and answer general knowledge questions (e.g.
"How many cups are in a gallon?").
Siri is currently only available on iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch 5th
generation, iPad Mini, iPad 3rd generation and iPad 4th Generation.
[edit]Game Center
Main article: Game Center

Game Center is an online multiplayer "social gaming network"[29] released

by Apple.[30] It allows users to "invite friends to play a game, start a
multiplayer game through matchmaking, track their achievements, and
compare their high scores on a leader board." iOS 5 and above adds
support for profile photos.[29]
Game Center was announced during an iOS 4 preview event hosted by
Apple on April 8, 2010. A preview was released to registered Apple
developers in August.[29] It was released on September 8, 2010 with iOS 4.1
on iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, and iPod touch 2nd generation through 4th
generation.[31] Game Center made its public debut on the iPad with iOS
4.2.1.[32] There is no support for the iPhone 3G and original iPhone.
However, Game Center is unofficially available on the iPhone 3G via a
The applications must be written and compiled specifically for iOS and the
ARM architecture. The Safari web browser supports web applications as
with other web browsers. Authorized third-party native applications are
available for devices running iOS 2.0 and later through Apple's App Store.
Main article: iOS SDK

iOS SDK included in Xcode 3.1

On October 17, 2007, in an open letter posted to Apple's "Hot News"

weblog, Steve Jobs announced that a software development kit(SDK)
would be made available to third-party developers in February 2008. [34] The
SDK was released on March 6, 2008, and allows developers to make
applications for the iPhone and iPod touch, as well as test them in an
"iPhone simulator". However, loading an application onto the devices is
only possible after paying an iPhone Developer Program fee.
The fees to join the respective programs for iOS and OS X were stated at
$99.00 per developers license. This $99.00 fee must be paid annually in
order for the developer to maintain their license. As of July 20, 2010, Apple
released Xcode on its Mac App Store free to download for all OS X Lion
users. Users can create and develop iOS Applications using a free copy of
Xcode, however they cannot test their applications on a physical iOS
device, post them to the App store or make profit from their applications
without first paying the $99.00 iPhone Developer or Mac Developer
Program fee.[citation needed]
Since the release of Xcode 3.1, Xcode is the development environment for
the iOS SDK. iPhone applications, like iOS and OS X, are written
in Objective-C.[35]
Developers are able to set any price above a set minimum for their
applications to be distributed through the App Store, of which Apple will
take 30% of the revenue (the other 70% goes to the developer). Alternately,
they may opt to release the application for free and need not pay any costs
to release or distribute the application except for the membership fee. [36]
Main article: iOS jailbreaking
Ever since its initial release, iOS has been subject to a variety of different
hacks centered around adding functionality not allowed by Apple. Prior to
the 2008 debut of the native iOS App Store, the primary motive for
jailbreaking was to install third-party native applications, which was not
allowed by Apple at the time.[37] Apple claimed that it will not release iOS

software updates designed specifically to break these tools (other than

applications that perform SIM unlocking); however, with each subsequent
iOS update, previously un-patched jailbreak exploits are usually patched. [38]
Ever since the arrival of Apple's native iOS App Store, andalong with it
third-party applications, the general motives for jailbreaking have changed.
People jailbreak for many different reasons, including gaining filesystem
access, installing custom device themes, and modifying the
device SpringBoard.[citation needed] On some devices, jailbreaking also makes it
possible to install alternative operating systems, such as Android and the
Linux kernel. Primarily, users jailbreak their devices because of the
limitations of iOS.[citation needed]
In 2010, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) successfully convinced
the U.S. Copyright Office to allow an exemption to the general prohibition
on circumvention of copyright protection systems under the Digital
Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). The exemption allows jailbreaking of
iPhones for the sole purpose of allowing legally obtained applications to be
added to the iPhone.[40] The exemption does not affect the contractual
relations between Apple and an iPhone owner, for example, jailbreaking
voiding the iPhone warranty; however, it is solely based on Apple's
discretion on whether they will fix JailBroken devices in the event that they
need to be repaired; It should be noted that depending on the method
used, the effects of JailBreaking may be permanent, or can be restored to
the original state.[41] At the same time, the Copyright Office exempted
unlocking an iPhone from DMCA's anticircumvention
prohibitions. [42] Unlocking an iPhone allows the iPhone to be used with any
wireless carrier using the same GSM or CDMA technology for which the
particular phone model was designed to operate. [43]
Main article: SIM lock
Initially many wireless carriers did not allow iPhone owners to unlock an
iPhone for use with other carriers.[citation needed] AT&T Mobility allows iPhone
owners who have satisfied the requirements of their contract to unlock their

iPhone.[44] Instructions to unlock the device are available from Apple. [45] This
allows the use of an AT&T sourced iPhone on other GSM networks, such
as T-Mobile and others. (However, because T-Mobile uses a different band
than AT&T for its 3G data signals, the iPhone will only work at 2G speeds
on the T-Mobile network.)[46] There are programs to break these restrictions.
[edit]Digital rights management
The closed and proprietary nature of iOS has garnered criticism,
particularly by digital rights advocates such as the Electronic Frontier
Foundation, computer engineer and activistBrewster Kahle, Internet-law
specialist Jonathan Zittrain, and the Free Software Foundation who
protested the iPad's introductory event and have targeted the iPad with
their "Defective by Design" campaign.[47][48][49][50] Competitor Microsoft, via a
PR spokesman, criticized Apple's control over its platform. [51]
At issue are restrictions imposed by the design of iOS, namely digital rights
management (DRM) intended to lock purchased media to Apple's platform,
the development model (requiring a yearly subscription to distribute apps
developed for the iOS), the centralized approval process for apps, as well
as Apple's general control and lockdown of the platform itself. Particularly at
issue is the ability for Apple to remotely disable or delete apps at will.
Some in the tech community have expressed concern that the locked-down
iOS represents a growing trend in Apple's approach to computing,
particularly Apple's shift away from machines that hobbyists can "tinker
with" and note the potential for such restrictions to stifle software
innovation.[52][53] However, there are some outside of Apple who have voiced
support for the iOS closed model. Facebook developer Joe Hewitt, who
had previously protested against Apple's control over its hardware as a
"horrible precedent", has subsequently argued the locked apps in the iPad
are akin to web applications and provide added security.[54]

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