You are on page 1of 45


* Log opened: 2010-02-24T18:27:08Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:27:08.27] 0d5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00EACB28: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '0002F7E8', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:27:08.27] 0d5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00EACB28: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:27:08.27] 0d5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00EACB28: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[15:27:12.89] 0d5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00EACB28: (User='', Target='')[1
[15:27:12.89] 0d5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00EACB28: (User='', Target='')[2/
[15:27:12.91] 17e4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00EAEE60: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[15:27:17.20] 17e4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00EACC48: (, 0, shadow) finish
ed with hr=0x0
[15:27:17.30] 17e4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00EACDC0: Initial Sync Starting
[15:27:17.38] 17e4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00EC3F78: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:27:21.77] 12b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@00EC3F78: status = 301
[15:27:21.77] 12b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00EC3F78: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:27:28.14] 12b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:27:28.42] 09ec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00EACB28: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe') == '0002F7E8'
[15:27:28.70] 17e4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00EC3FE8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:27:28.78] 09ec Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00EACB28: (User='')
-- disabling policy
[15:27:30.42] 12b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@00EC3FE8: status = 301
[15:27:30.42] 12b8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@00EC3FE8: hr = 0x80004004, fault = (none)
[15:27:30.42] 12b8 Contacts: Replication CSyncOperationC
allback::LogResult@00EE17E0: Sync error hr = 0x80004004 for operation = 1
[15:27:32.22] 09ec Contacts: UserState CUserState::~CU
serState@00EACB28: (User='') exited with 00000001 sync out
* Log opened: 2010-02-24T18:31:01Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[15:31:01.38] 0a0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00C8E7D8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '00A6F4F0', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:31:01.38] 0a0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00C8E7D8: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:31:01.38] 0a0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00C8E7D8: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[15:31:01.49] 0a0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00C8E7D8: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe') == '00A6F4F0'
[15:31:01.50] 0a0c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00C8E7D8: (User='')
-- disabling policy
[15:31:12.24] 0c58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00C8B6D0: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '00A6EFB0', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:31:12.24] 0c58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00C8B6D0: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:31:12.25] 0c58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00C8B6D0: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[15:31:12.58] 0c58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00C8B6D0: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe') == '00A6EFB0'
[15:31:12.58] 0c58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00C8B6D0: (User='')
-- disabling policy
[15:31:17.75] 0c58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00C86300: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '00A6F3D0', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:31:17.75] 0c58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00C86300: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:31:17.75] 0c58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00C86300: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[15:31:18.11] 0c58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00C86300: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe') == '00A6F3D0'
[15:31:18.11] 0c58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00C86300: (User='')
-- disabling policy
[15:31:23.22] 0c58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00C860C8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '00A6EDD0', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:31:23.22] 0c58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00C860C8: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:31:23.22] 0c58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00C860C8: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[15:31:23.60] 0c58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00C860C8: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe') == '00A6EDD0'
[15:31:23.60] 0c58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00C860C8: (User='')
-- disabling policy
[15:31:43.75] 03f0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00C860C8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '00A6F490', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:31:43.75] 03f0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00C860C8: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:31:43.75] 03f0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00C860C8: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[15:31:44.07] 03f0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00C860C8: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe') == '00A6F490'
[15:31:44.07] 03f0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00C860C8: (User='')
-- disabling policy
[15:32:01.60] 0c58 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00C85D48: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '00A6F430', auth='7', sync='0'
* Log opened: 2010-02-24T20:31:14Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:31:14.73] 1550 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C50F48: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '01C45428', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:31:14.73] 1550 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C50F48: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:31:14.73] 1550 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C50F48: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[17:31:18.46] 1550 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C50F48: (User='', Target='')[1
[17:31:18.46] 1550 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C50F48: (User='', Target='')[2/
[17:31:18.48] 158c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C51790: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[17:31:19.13] 158c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C57298: (, 0, shadow) finish
ed with hr=0x0
[17:31:19.23] 158c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01C4FE38: Initial Sync Starting
[17:31:19.39] 158c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CA6918: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:31:22.37] 17f0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:31:22.37] 158c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CA6918: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:31:30.88] 17f0 Contacts: Roaming CAbPullHandler:
:TestExpressionProfileLastChanged@01CAC248: Storage profile contains updated pro
perties - pulling
[17:31:31.62] 17f0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:31:31.76] 158c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01D1FB20: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x1 | annotation = 1)
[17:31:31.78] 158c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@01CBA5A8: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[17:31:35.45] 17f0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::OnRedirect@01CBA5A8: Soap API call for got re-directed to: https
[17:31:35.45] 17f0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@01CBA5A8: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[17:31:37.64] 17f0 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01D26318: *Roaming* CStoragePullHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[17:31:37.64] 17f0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01CE0F40: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-24T17:45:50.00-00:00
[17:31:37.83] 158c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01C4FE38: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:31:39.33] 158c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01CB18B8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-24T20:3
[17:31:39.33] 158c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C4D538: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-24T20:31:49.00-00:00
[17:31:39.35] 158c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01D15F20: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:31:39.54] 158c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01CB18B8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-24T20:3
[17:31:39.54] 158c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C4D4E0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-24T20:31:49.00-00:00
[18:46:07.32] 158c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01D26318: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-24T21:4
[18:46:07.32] 158c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C4D538: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-24T21:46:17.00-00:00
[19:28:05.84] 158c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01D26318: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-24T22:2
[19:28:05.84] 158c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C4D4E0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-24T22:28:15.00-00:00
[19:31:21.95] 158c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CA6918: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:31:23.75] 17f0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:31:31.34] 158c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CA6E58: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:31:37.34] 17f0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:13:30.92] 158c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01D26318: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-24T23:1
[20:13:30.92] 158c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C4D538: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-24T23:13:40.00-00:00
[20:18:53.54] 158c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01CB18B8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-24T23:1
[20:18:53.54] 158c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C4D538: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-24T23:19:03.00-00:00
[20:46:13.12] 1728 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C50F48: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe') == '01C45428'
[20:46:13.12] 1728 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C50F48: (User='')
-- disabling policy
[20:46:36.24] 0e98 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C41918: (User='', Application='
msnmsgr.exe', Types='7') == '0007E6D8', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:46:36.24] 0e98 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C41918: (User='', Target='Initi
al', Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:46:36.24] 0e98 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C41918: (User='pau_linha_carvalho@hotmai') -- enabling policy
[20:46:40.28] 0e98 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C41918: (User='', Target='contacts.msn
[20:46:40.28] 0e98 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C41918: (User='', Target='storage.msn.
[20:46:40.30] 12c0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C6FDD8: (, 0, real)
finished with hr=0x0
[20:46:41.16] 12c0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C6FEB0: (, 0, shadow
) finished with hr=0x0
[20:46:41.23] 12c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01C71720: Initial Sync Starting
[20:46:41.24] 12c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D29BA0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:46:43.10] 12a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@01D29BA0: status = 301
[20:46:43.10] 12a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D29BA0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:46:58.32] 12a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:46:59.05] 12c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D29BA0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:47:00.77] 12a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@01D29BA0: status = 301
[20:47:00.77] 12a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D29BA0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:47:12.88] 12a8 Contacts: Roaming CAbPullHandler:
:TestExpressionProfileLastChanged@01D15060: Storage profile contains updated pro
perties - pulling
[20:47:12.89] 12a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:47:13.09] 12c0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01CDA298: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is disabled.
[20:47:13.09] 12c0 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::IsPullNeeded@01D26530: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is not enabled. (RoamLiveProperties = 2)
[20:47:13.09] 12c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01C71720: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[20:47:13.26] 12c0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0709D7A0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-24T23:4
[20:47:14.30] 12c0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@0709D7A0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-24T23:4
[20:47:14.76] 12c0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0709D7A0: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is disabled.
[20:47:14.76] 12c0 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::IsPullNeeded@070B0F18: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is not enabled. (RoamLiveProperties = 2)
[20:47:14.87] 12c0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01D15F20: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-24T23:4
[21:14:13.76] 12c0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01D15F20: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-25T00:1
* Log opened: 2010-02-25T04:36:11Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[01:36:11.12] 01c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01562DC0: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '0154A848', auth='7', sync='0'
[01:36:11.14] 01c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01562DC0: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[01:36:11.14] 01c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01562DC0: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[01:36:11.14] 01c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01562DC0: (User='', Target='')[1/
[01:36:11.14] 01c4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01562DC0: (User='', Target='')[2
[01:36:11.17] 1078 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@0155DDC8: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[01:36:12.51] 1078 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01575D78: (, 0, shadow) finish
ed with hr=0x0
[01:36:14.35] 1078 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01560E50: Initial Sync Starting
[01:36:14.49] 1078 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01609790: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-25T04:3
[01:36:14.49] 1078 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@0154FB60: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-25T04:36:24.00-00:00
[01:36:14.59] 1078 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0160A8B8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[01:36:18.59] 1168 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[01:36:18.62] 1078 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@015612C8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[01:36:20.45] 1168 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[01:36:20.47] 1078 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0160B8A0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[01:36:20.47] 1078 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01560E50: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[01:37:22.65] 1078 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01562BA0: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Add, AB = Persona
[01:37:22.65] 1078 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01567180: Marking delete on shadow SID (0x000000bd) for type
= 9, index = |Messenger||Pending|Passport|
[01:37:25.20] 1168 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@01562BA0: status = 301
[01:37:25.20] 1168 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01562BA0: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Add, AB = Persona
[01:37:27.29] 1168 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[01:37:27.35] 1078 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01609790: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Delete, AB = Person
[01:37:32.84] 1168 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@01609790: status = 301
[01:37:32.84] 1168 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01609790: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Delete, AB = Person
[01:37:34.54] 1168 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@01609790: hr = 0x85ae0001, fault = MemberDoesNotExist
[01:37:34.56] 1078 Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@01567180: Removing shadow SID (0x000000bd) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Pending|Passport|
[01:37:34.59] 1078 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01609790: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Add, AB = Personal
[01:37:36.63] 1168 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@01609790: status = 301
[01:37:36.65] 1168 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01609790: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Add, AB = Personal
[01:37:38.51] 1168 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[01:37:38.51] 1078 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01561258: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[01:37:42.06] 1168 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[01:37:49.35] 17cc Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@01562E1C: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-02-24T20:37:27.687-08
[01:37:49.35] 1078 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@015612C8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[01:37:52.95] 1168 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[02:17:39.87] 10dc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01562DC0: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe') == '0154A848'
[02:17:39.89] 10dc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01562DC0: (User='')
-- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-02-25T05:17:45Z
* Log opened: 2010-02-25T05:25:29Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[02:25:29.51] 08f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00EF4AA8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '00EDA568', auth='7', sync='0'
[02:25:29.53] 08f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00EF4AA8: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[02:25:29.53] 08f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00EF4AA8: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[02:25:29.55] 0c8c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00EF4AA8: (User='', Target='')[1/
[02:25:29.55] 0c8c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00EF4AA8: (User='', Target='')[2
[02:25:29.59] 0788 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00EEEDC0: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[02:25:30.30] 0788 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F05A18: (, 0, shadow) finish
ed with hr=0x0
[02:25:30.66] 0788 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00EF55F8: Initial Sync Starting
[02:25:30.69] 0788 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00F95970: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-25T05:2
[02:25:30.69] 0788 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00EDD0D8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-25T05:25:40.00-00:00
[02:25:30.78] 0788 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F60930: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[02:25:39.31] 04f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[02:25:39.31] 0788 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F60930: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[02:25:41.13] 04f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[02:25:41.14] 0788 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@00ED9468: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[02:25:41.16] 0788 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00EF55F8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[02:28:17.13] 0788 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@00F95188: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[02:28:19.78] 04f8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@001DFA90: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[02:28:19.78] 04f8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@001DFA90: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[02:28:19.78] 04f8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@00F951C0: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateProfile
[02:28:21.75] 04f8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::OnRedirect@00F951C0: Soap API call for got re-directed to: ht
[02:28:21.75] 04f8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@00F951C0: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateProfile
[02:28:23.02] 04f8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@001DFA90: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 5
[02:28:23.02] 04f8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@001DFA90: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=5
[02:28:23.02] 04f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00ED8240: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[02:28:24.69] 04f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@00ED8240: status = 301
[02:28:24.70] 04f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00ED8240: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[02:28:26.53] 04f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[02:28:26.53] 04f8 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@001DFA90: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[02:28:26.53] 04f8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00EDD080: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-25T05:28:20.00-00:00
[02:28:26.67] 0788 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@001DFBA8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-25T05:2
[02:28:26.67] 0788 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00EDD0D8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-25T05:28:36.00-00:00
[02:28:48.33] 120c Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00EF4B04: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-02-24T21:28:26.193-08
[02:28:48.36] 0788 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F608C0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[02:28:49.94] 04f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[02:28:49.94] 0788 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00F608C0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[02:28:51.67] 04f8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[03:33:45.03] 00d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00EF4AA8: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe') == '00EDA568'
[03:33:45.03] 00d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00EF4AA8: (User='')
-- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-02-25T06:33:52Z
* Log opened: 2010-02-25T06:42:45Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[03:42:45.04] 13fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B1EA90: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '01B0A668', auth='7', sync='0'
[03:42:45.06] 13fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B1EA90: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[03:42:45.06] 13fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B1EA90: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[03:42:45.06] 13fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B1EA90: (User='', Target='')[1/
[03:42:45.06] 13fc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B1EA90: (User='', Target='')[2
[03:42:45.09] 16fc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B1E290: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[03:42:46.13] 16fc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B33118: (, 0, shadow) finish
ed with hr=0x0
[03:42:46.32] 16fc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01B2E7F8: Initial Sync Starting
[03:42:46.46] 16fc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01B91760: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[03:42:49.29] 15ec Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[03:42:49.29] 16fc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01B91760: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[03:42:50.89] 15ec Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[03:42:50.99] 16fc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01BC5760: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[03:42:50.99] 16fc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01B2E7F8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[04:17:50.83] 031c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01B1EA90: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe') == '01B0A668'
[04:17:50.83] 031c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B1EA90: (User='')
-- disabling policy
* Log opened: 2010-02-25T14:12:37Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:12:37.92] 12e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BBE818: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '0015F7E8', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:12:37.94] 12e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BBE818: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:12:37.95] 12e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BBE818: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[11:12:37.97] 12e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BBE818: (User='', Target='')[1/
[11:12:37.97] 12e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BBE818: (User='', Target='')[2
[11:12:38.09] 1310 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BD5BB8: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[11:12:43.66] 1310 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BE6F40: (, 0, shadow) finish
ed with hr=0x0
[11:12:44.54] 1310 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01BD0720: Initial Sync Starting
[11:12:45.45] 1310 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C7E280: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-25T14:1
[11:12:45.45] 1310 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C3B310: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-25T14:12:55.00-00:00
[11:12:45.53] 1310 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BD51E8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:12:48.92] 1444 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:12:48.92] 1310 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BD51E8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:12:52.67] 1444 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:12:52.67] 1310 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@01C82588: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[11:12:52.67] 1310 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01C826A0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:12:52.69] 1310 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01BD0720: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:19:18.99] 1380 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01BBE818: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe') == '0015F7E8'
[11:19:18.99] 1380 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BBE818: (User='')
-- disabling policy
[11:19:19.02] 1310 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BD5BB8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f85eb, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[11:19:19.02] 1310 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BD5BB8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f8696, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[11:19:19.02] 1310 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BD5BB8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f86d7, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[11:19:19.02] 1310 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BD5BB8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f84c5, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[11:19:19.02] 1310 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BD5BB8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f852d, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[11:19:19.02] 1310 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BD5BB8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f864d, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[11:19:19.02] 1310 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BD5BB8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f868d, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[11:19:19.02] 1310 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BD5BB8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f85a3, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[11:19:19.02] 1310 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BD5BB8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f86a4, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[11:19:19.02] 1310 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BD5BB8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f84be, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[11:19:19.02] 1310 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BD5BB8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f86e5, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[11:19:19.02] 1310 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BD5BB8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f8681, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[11:19:19.02] 1310 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BD5BB8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f8509, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[11:19:19.02] 1310 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BD5BB8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f85ae, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[11:19:19.02] 1310 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BD5BB8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f86dc, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[11:19:19.02] 1310 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BD5BB8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f8691, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[11:19:19.02] 1310 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BD5BB8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f84af, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[11:19:19.02] 1310 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BD5BB8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f8514, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[11:19:19.02] 1310 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BD5BB8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f86d3, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[11:19:19.02] 1310 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BD5BB8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f846d, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[11:19:19.02] 1310 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BD5BB8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f8687, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[11:19:19.02] 1310 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BD5BB8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-9a86-11df-21c776654597, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
* Log opened: 2010-02-25T14:25:30Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:25:30.95] 0b94 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BCA8C8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '01BCBB48', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:25:30.97] 0b94 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BCA8C8: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:25:30.98] 0bb4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BCA8C8: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[11:25:30.98] 0bb4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BCA8C8: (User='', Target='')[1/
[11:25:30.98] 0bb4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BCA8C8: (User='', Target='')[2
[11:25:31.02] 05bc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BDED98: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[11:25:32.55] 05bc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BEE388: (, 0, shadow) finish
ed with hr=0x0
[11:25:32.77] 05bc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01BCA9E8: Initial Sync Starting
[11:25:32.81] 05bc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C879F8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-25T14:2
[11:25:32.81] 05bc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BD7100: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-25T14:25:42.00-00:00
[11:25:32.86] 05bc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C164A8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:25:35.24] 0be4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:25:35.24] 05bc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C164A8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:25:36.85] 0be4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:25:36.86] 05bc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01C879F8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:25:36.86] 05bc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01BCA9E8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:27:43.34] 1034 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01BCA8C8: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe') == '01BCBB48'
* Log opened: 2010-02-25T14:33:42Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:33:42.60] 03f0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BC1090: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '0029FAE8', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:33:42.60] 03f0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BC1090: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:33:42.62] 0828 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BC1090: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[11:33:42.62] 0828 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BC1090: (User='', Target='')[1/
[11:33:42.62] 0828 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BC1090: (User='', Target='')[2
[11:33:42.67] 0514 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BCE140: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[11:33:46.89] 0514 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BD73B0: (, 0, shadow) finish
ed with hr=0x0
[11:33:47.15] 0514 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01BCE618: Initial Sync Starting
[11:33:47.40] 0514 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C70B68: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-25T14:3
[11:33:47.40] 0514 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BF2290: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-25T14:33:57.00-00:00
[11:33:47.46] 0514 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BBB940: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:33:51.58] 1038 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:33:51.58] 0514 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BBB940: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:33:58.39] 1038 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:33:58.44] 0514 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01C70B68: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:33:58.44] 0514 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01BCE618: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[11:39:10.53] 0514 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C70B68: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-25T14:3
[11:39:10.53] 0514 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BF21E0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-25T14:39:20.00-00:00
[11:41:34.89] 0514 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C70B68: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-25T14:4
[11:41:34.89] 0514 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BF2238: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-25T14:41:44.00-00:00
[12:07:18.38] 0514 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C70B68: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-25T15:0
[12:07:18.38] 0514 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BF21E0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-25T15:07:28.00-00:00
[12:16:13.53] 0514 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C70B68: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-25T15:1
[12:16:13.53] 0514 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BF21E0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-25T15:16:23.00-00:00
[12:58:17.29] 0514 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C75190: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-25T15:5
[12:58:17.29] 0514 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BF2238: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-25T15:58:27.00-00:00
[12:58:31.36] 0514 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C75190: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-25T15:5
[12:58:31.36] 0514 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BF21E0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-25T15:58:41.00-00:00
[13:04:46.25] 0b00 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01BC1090: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe') == '0029FAE8'
[13:04:46.25] 0b00 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BC1090: (User='')
-- disabling policy
[13:04:46.52] 0514 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BCE140: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f8696, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[13:04:46.52] 0514 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BCE140: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f86d7, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[13:04:46.52] 0514 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BCE140: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f84c5, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[13:04:46.52] 0514 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BCE140: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f852d, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[13:04:46.52] 0514 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BCE140: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f864d, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[13:04:46.52] 0514 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BCE140: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f868d, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[13:04:46.52] 0514 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BCE140: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f85a3, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[13:04:46.52] 0514 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BCE140: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f86a4, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[13:04:46.56] 0514 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BCE140: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f84be, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[13:04:46.56] 0514 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BCE140: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f86e5, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[13:04:46.56] 0514 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BCE140: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f8681, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[13:04:46.56] 0514 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BCE140: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f8509, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[13:04:46.56] 0514 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BCE140: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f85ae, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[13:04:46.56] 0514 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BCE140: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f86dc, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[13:04:46.56] 0514 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BCE140: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f8691, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[13:04:46.56] 0514 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BCE140: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f84af, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[13:04:46.56] 0514 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BCE140: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f8514, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[13:04:46.56] 0514 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BCE140: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f86d3, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[13:04:46.56] 0514 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BCE140: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f846d, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[13:04:46.56] 0514 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BCE140: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f8687, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[13:04:46.56] 0514 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01BCE140: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-9a86-11df-21c776654597, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
* Log opened: 2010-02-25T19:22:48Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[16:22:48.97] 1028 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B025B0: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '006EF4F0', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:22:48.97] 1028 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B025B0: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:22:48.98] 1028 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B025B0: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[16:22:48.98] 1028 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B025B0: (User='', Target='')[1/
[16:22:48.98] 1028 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B025B0: (User='', Target='')[2
[16:22:49.00] 0f74 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B028D0: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[16:22:50.42] 0f74 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01AF0648: (, 0, shadow) finish
ed with hr=0x0
[16:22:50.67] 0f74 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01AFA548: Initial Sync Starting
[16:22:50.79] 0f74 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01BA51D8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-25T19:2
[16:22:50.79] 0f74 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01AEA2D0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-25T19:23:00.00-00:00
[16:22:50.87] 0f74 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01B72B40: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:22:55.30] 1068 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:22:55.30] 0f74 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01B72B40: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:22:57.25] 1068 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:22:57.26] 0f74 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01BA6500: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:22:57.26] 0f74 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01AFA548: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:33:28.52] 0f74 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@006E7C98: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-25T19:3
[16:33:28.52] 0f74 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01AEA278: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-25T19:33:38.00-00:00
[16:33:33.35] 0f74 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::OnBegin@01B38C50: Data didn't change, so not pushing.
[16:36:15.41] 1790 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01B025B0: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe') == '006EF4F0'
[16:36:15.41] 1790 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B025B0: (User='')
-- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-02-25T19:36:27Z
* Log opened: 2010-02-25T19:42:56Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[16:42:56.27] 172c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01D01FD8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '0067F7E8', auth='7', sync='0'
[16:42:56.27] 172c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01D01FD8: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[16:42:56.27] 172c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01D01FD8: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[16:42:56.27] 172c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01D01FD8: (User='', Target='')[1/
[16:42:56.27] 172c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01D01FD8: (User='', Target='')[2
[16:42:56.32] 1780 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01D00E80: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[16:42:57.30] 1780 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01CF56D0: (, 0, shadow) finish
ed with hr=0x0
[16:42:57.60] 1780 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01CFF040: Initial Sync Starting
[16:42:57.66] 1780 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D76F28: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[16:43:02.91] 15b0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:43:02.91] 1780 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D76F28: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[16:43:05.52] 15b0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[16:43:05.54] 1780 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01DAD4E0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[16:43:05.54] 1780 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01CFF040: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[16:45:12.23] 1780 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00677110: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-25T19:4
[16:45:12.23] 1780 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01D74378: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-25T19:45:22.00-00:00
[16:54:20.91] 1780 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00677110: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-25T19:5
[16:54:20.91] 1780 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01D74378: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-25T19:54:30.00-00:00
[17:10:32.34] 082c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01D01FD8: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe') == '0067F7E8'
[17:10:32.34] 082c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01D01FD8: (User='')
-- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-02-25T20:10:37Z
* Log opened: 2010-02-25T20:19:28Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[17:19:28.34] 11e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BFE088: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '01BEA890', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:19:28.34] 11e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BFE088: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:19:28.35] 11e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BFE088: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[17:19:28.35] 11e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BFE088: (User='', Target='')[1/
[17:19:28.35] 11e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BFE088: (User='', Target='')[2
[17:19:28.37] 0990 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BE6A58: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[17:19:29.07] 0990 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C10C18: (, 0, shadow) finish
ed with hr=0x0
[17:19:29.74] 0990 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01BFF280: Initial Sync Starting
[17:19:29.79] 0990 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01CA3AF8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-25T20:1
[17:19:29.79] 0990 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BED408: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-25T20:19:39.00-00:00
[17:19:29.88] 0990 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C6EB70: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:19:40.68] 1118 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:19:40.68] 0990 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C6EB70: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:19:43.84] 1118 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:19:44.09] 0990 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01CA3AF8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[17:19:44.10] 0990 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01BFF280: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:29:19.82] 0990 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01CA6360: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-25T20:2
[17:29:19.82] 0990 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BED358: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-25T20:29:29.00-00:00
[17:42:46.85] 0990 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01CA6360: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-25T20:4
[17:42:46.85] 0990 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BED3B0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-25T20:42:56.00-00:00
[17:47:40.29] 11d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01BFE088: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe') == '01BEA890'
[17:47:40.31] 11d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BFE088: (User='')
-- disabling policy
[17:48:07.53] 1600 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01CA3EF8: (User='', Application='
msnmsgr.exe', Types='7') == '01C223F8', auth='7', sync='0'
[17:48:07.54] 1600 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01CA3EF8: (User='', Target='Initi
al', Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[17:48:07.54] 0fc4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01CA3EF8: (User='pau_linha_carvalho@hotmai') -- enabling policy
[17:48:07.54] 0fc4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01CA3EF8: (User='', Target='storage.msn.
[17:48:07.54] 0fc4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01CA3EF8: (User='', Target='contacts.msn
[17:48:07.58] 17d0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C1D918: (, 0, real)
finished with hr=0x0
[17:48:12.48] 17d0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C1D9F0: (, 0, shadow
) finished with hr=0x0
[17:48:13.07] 17d0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01C23260: Initial Sync Starting
[17:48:13.24] 17d0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@002AF218: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:48:15.68] 0dd4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:48:15.68] 17d0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@002AF218: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[17:48:18.27] 0dd4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:48:18.34] 17d0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01C3A2D0: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is disabled.
[17:48:18.34] 17d0 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::IsPullNeeded@06E86E30: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is not enabled. (RoamLiveProperties = 2)
[17:48:18.35] 17d0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01C23260: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[18:02:47.88] 17d0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@06E91668: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Add, AB = Persona
[18:02:49.71] 0dd4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@06E91668: status = 301
[18:02:49.80] 0dd4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@06E91668: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Add, AB = Persona
[18:02:51.59] 0dd4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@06E91668: hr = 0x85ae0001, fault = InvalidPassportUser
[18:02:51.60] 17d0 Contacts: Replication CSyncOperationC
allback::LogResult@01C7C140: Sync error hr = 0x85AE0019 for operation = 4
[18:42:22.10] 12c8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01CA3EF8: (User='', Application
='msnmsgr.exe') == '01C223F8'
[18:42:22.11] 12c8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01CA3EF8: (User='pau_linha_carvalho@hotmai') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-02-25T21:42:23Z
* Log opened: 2010-02-25T21:43:27Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[18:43:27.49] 0910 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BBE540: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '000DF570', auth='7', sync='0'
[18:43:27.49] 0910 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BBE540: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[18:43:27.49] 0910 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BBE540: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[18:43:27.49] 0910 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BBE540: (User='', Target='')[1/
[18:43:27.49] 0910 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BBE540: (User='', Target='')[2
[18:43:27.52] 0e6c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BBE790: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[18:43:28.91] 0e6c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BE5108: (, 0, shadow) finish
ed with hr=0x0
[18:43:29.88] 0e6c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01BC5988: Initial Sync Starting
[18:43:30.09] 0e6c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C7D730: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-25T21:4
[18:43:30.09] 0e6c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BBAE18: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-25T21:43:40.00-00:00
[18:43:30.14] 0e6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C313F8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[18:43:32.68] 1744 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:43:32.70] 0e6c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C313F8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[18:43:34.34] 1744 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:43:34.38] 0e6c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01C7D730: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[18:43:34.38] 0e6c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01BC5988: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[19:03:45.52] 0e6c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@000D7110: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-25T22:0
[19:03:45.52] 0e6c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BBADC0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-25T22:03:55.00-00:00
[19:44:34.34] 0e6c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C7D730: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-25T22:4
[19:44:34.34] 0e6c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BBADC0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-25T22:44:44.00-00:00
[20:32:59.52] 14a8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01BBE540: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe') == '000DF570'
[20:32:59.52] 14a8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BBE540: (User='')
-- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-02-25T23:33:00Z
* Log opened: 2010-02-25T23:36:30Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:36:30.92] 1154 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C55AA8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '0028F570', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:36:30.92] 1154 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C55AA8: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:36:30.92] 1154 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C55AA8: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[20:36:30.92] 1154 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C55AA8: (User='', Target='')[1/
[20:36:30.92] 1154 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C55AA8: (User='', Target='')[2
[20:36:30.95] 1748 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C55BC8: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[20:36:31.79] 1748 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C50870: (, 0, shadow) finish
ed with hr=0x0
[20:36:32.02] 1748 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01C3E5A8: Initial Sync Starting
[20:36:32.09] 1748 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CC4330: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:36:35.18] 1540 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:36:35.20] 1748 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CC4330: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:36:36.99] 1540 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:36:36.99] 1748 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01CFECD0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:36:36.99] 1748 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01C3E5A8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[21:12:48.57] 1748 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00287110: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-26T00:1
[21:12:48.57] 1748 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C3AE18: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-26T00:12:58.00-00:00
[21:24:46.95] 1748 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@002826B8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-26T00:2
[21:24:46.95] 1748 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C3AD68: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-26T00:24:56.00-00:00
[22:04:12.79] 1748 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00287110: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-26T01:0
[22:04:12.79] 1748 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C3AD68: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-26T01:04:22.00-00:00
[22:06:49.79] 1748 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@002826B8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-26T01:0
[22:06:49.79] 1748 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C3AD68: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-26T01:06:59.00-00:00
[22:26:54.83] 1748 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00287110: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-26T01:2
[22:26:54.83] 1748 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C3AE18: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-26T01:27:04.00-00:00
[22:36:34.93] 1748 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CC4410: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[22:36:36.82] 1540 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[22:51:13.87] 1748 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00287110: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-26T01:5
[22:51:13.87] 1748 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C3AD68: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-26T01:51:23.00-00:00
[23:02:09.97] 1748 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@002826B8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-26T02:0
[23:02:09.97] 1748 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C3AD68: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-26T02:02:19.00-00:00
[23:03:19.92] 1748 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00287110: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-26T02:0
[23:03:19.92] 1748 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C3AD68: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-26T02:03:29.00-00:00
[23:24:11.75] 1748 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@002826B8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-26T02:2
[23:24:11.75] 1748 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C3AD68: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-26T02:24:21.00-00:00
[23:24:20.61] 1748 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00287110: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-26T02:2
[23:24:20.61] 1748 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C3AE18: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-26T02:24:30.00-00:00
[00:36:36.24] 1748 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CC4410: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[00:36:38.07] 1540 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[02:36:35.89] 1748 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@01C3E5A8: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pullm
embership', needs to be delayed: (72000924)
[02:36:37.70] 1748 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@01C3E5A8: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pulla
b', needs to be delayed: (79200462)
[03:13:57.99] 12e4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C55AA8: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe') == '0028F570'
[03:13:58.09] 12e4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C55AA8: (User='')
-- disabling policy
[03:13:58.73] 1748 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C55BC8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f869f, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[03:13:58.73] 1748 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C55BC8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f86e1, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[03:13:58.73] 1748 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C55BC8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f85eb, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[03:13:58.73] 1748 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C55BC8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f8696, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[03:13:58.73] 1748 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C55BC8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f86d7, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[03:13:58.73] 1748 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C55BC8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f84c5, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[03:13:58.73] 1748 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C55BC8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f852d, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[03:13:58.73] 1748 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C55BC8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f864d, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[03:13:58.80] 1748 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C55BC8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f868d, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[03:13:58.80] 1748 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C55BC8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f85a3, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[03:13:58.80] 1748 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C55BC8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f86a4, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[03:13:58.80] 1748 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C55BC8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f84be, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[03:13:58.80] 1748 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C55BC8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f86e5, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[03:13:58.80] 1748 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C55BC8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f8681, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[03:13:58.80] 1748 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C55BC8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f8509, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[03:13:58.80] 1748 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C55BC8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f85ae, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[03:13:58.80] 1748 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C55BC8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f86dc, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[03:13:58.80] 1748 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C55BC8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f8691, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[03:13:58.80] 1748 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C55BC8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f84af, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[03:13:58.80] 1748 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C55BC8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f8514, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[03:13:58.80] 1748 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C55BC8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f86d3, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[03:13:58.80] 1748 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C55BC8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f846d, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[03:13:58.80] 1748 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C55BC8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f8687, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[03:13:58.80] 1748 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@01C55BC8: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-9a86-11df-21c776654597, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-02-26T06:14:09Z
* Log opened: 2010-02-26T06:41:04Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[03:41:04.86] 04f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C9FA70: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '01C99180', auth='7', sync='0'
[03:41:04.86] 04f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C9FA70: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[03:41:04.88] 04f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C9FA70: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[03:41:04.88] 04f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C9FA70: (User='', Target='')[1/
[03:41:04.88] 04f8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C9FA70: (User='', Target='')[2
[03:41:04.91] 1224 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C9FCC0: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[03:41:06.28] 1224 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01CB0910: (, 0, shadow) finish
ed with hr=0x0
[03:41:07.17] 1224 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01CB64B8: Initial Sync Starting
[03:41:07.34] 1224 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01D59750: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-26T06:4
[03:41:07.34] 1224 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01D59368: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-26T06:41:17.00-00:00
[03:41:07.41] 1224 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D22BC8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[03:41:09.84] 1300 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[03:41:09.84] 1224 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D22BC8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[03:41:11.50] 1300 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[03:41:11.50] 1224 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01D5F530: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[03:41:11.50] 1224 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01CB64B8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[04:14:13.13] 0a18 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C9FA70: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe') == '01C99180'
* Log opened: 2010-02-26T14:56:15Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[11:56:15.50] 0bb8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01D20008: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '01D19FF8', auth='7', sync='0'
[11:56:15.55] 0bb8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01D20008: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[11:56:15.56] 09ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01D20008: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[11:56:15.56] 09ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01D20008: (User='', Target='')[1/
[11:56:15.56] 09ac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01D20008: (User='', Target='')[2
[11:56:15.59] 10c8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01D1F918: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[11:56:16.49] 10c8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01D2C580: (, 0, shadow) finish
ed with hr=0x0
[11:56:16.81] 10c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01D2F9E8: Initial Sync Starting
[11:56:16.86] 10c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01DA21E8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[11:56:19.97] 112c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:56:19.97] 10c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01DA21E8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[11:56:22.28] 112c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[11:56:22.33] 10c8 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01DD7958: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[11:56:22.33] 10c8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01D2F9E8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:51:11.27] 090c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01D20008: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe') == '01D19FF8'
[12:51:11.29] 090c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01D20008: (User='')
-- disabling policy
[12:52:07.25] 1250 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01D28FA0: (User='', Application='
msnmsgr.exe', Types='7') == '00B7B410', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:52:07.25] 1250 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01D28FA0: (User='', Target='Initi
al', Application='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:52:07.25] 1250 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01D28FA0: (User='pau_linha_carvalho@hotmai') -- enabling policy
[12:52:07.27] 090c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01D28FA0: (User='', Target='storage.msn.
[12:52:07.27] 090c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01D28FA0: (User='', Target='contacts.msn
[12:52:07.29] 11f4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01DD5848: (, 0, real)
finished with hr=0x0
[12:52:09.24] 11f4 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00B7F5A8: (, 0, shadow
) finished with hr=0x0
[12:52:09.82] 11f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01D533C8: Initial Sync Starting
[12:52:09.90] 11f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@072B27B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:52:13.00] 0994 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:52:13.02] 11f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@072E4C90: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:52:15.33] 0994 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:52:15.39] 11f4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@0732DB80: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is disabled.
[12:52:15.39] 11f4 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePullHan
dler::IsPullNeeded@0731F1E8: Not synchronizing with storage because roaming sett
ing is not enabled. (RoamLiveProperties = 2)
[12:52:15.39] 11f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01D533C8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[12:52:28.86] 11f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@07329008: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Add, AB = Persona
[12:52:31.19] 0994 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:52:31.30] 11f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@072B2740: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:52:33.22] 0994 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:52:52.50] 00ac Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@01D28FFC: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-02-26T07:52:19.423-08
[12:52:52.50] 11f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01DD5680: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:52:54.36] 0994 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:54:20.09] 11f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@07344C30: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Add, AB = Persona
[12:54:21.75] 0994 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnError@07344C30: hr = 0x85ae0001, fault = InvalidPassportUser
[12:54:21.75] 11f4 Contacts: Replication CSyncOperationC
allback::LogResult@072C1918: Sync error hr = 0x85AE0019 for operation = 4
[13:21:13.28] 11f4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@072F28C0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-26T16:2
[13:40:01.35] 11f4 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@072F28C0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-26T16:4
[13:41:34.75] 07cc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01D28FA0: (User='', Application
='msnmsgr.exe') == '00B7B410'
[13:41:34.77] 07cc Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01D28FA0: (User='pau_linha_carvalho@hotmai') -- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-02-26T16:41:36Z
* Log opened: 2010-02-28T04:39:04Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[01:39:04.45] 0bac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00B1EC50: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '00B12BD8', auth='7', sync='0'
[01:39:04.45] 0bac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00B1EC50: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[01:39:04.45] 0bac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00B1EC50: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[01:39:04.45] 0bac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00B1EC50: (User='', Target='')[1/
[01:39:04.45] 0bac Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00B1EC50: (User='', Target='')[2
[01:39:04.49] 0c40 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00B2FFD0: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[01:39:08.24] 0c40 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00B466E0: (, 0, shadow) finish
ed with hr=0x0
[01:39:10.32] 0c40 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00B25DE8: Initial Sync Starting
[01:39:11.55] 0c40 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00BDBE28: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-28T04:3
[01:39:11.55] 0c40 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00B5FFA0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-28T04:39:21.00-00:00
[01:39:11.65] 0c40 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00B31160: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[01:39:17.79] 1060 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[01:39:17.88] 0c40 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00B31160: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[01:39:20.40] 1060 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[01:39:22.29] 0c40 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@00BDBE28: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[01:39:22.29] 0c40 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00B25DE8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[01:54:58.23] 0c40 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00BDBE28: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-28T04:5
[01:54:58.23] 0c40 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00B5FFF8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-28T04:55:08.00-00:00
[02:09:03.66] 0c40 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00BDBE28: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-28T05:0
[02:09:03.66] 0c40 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@00B5FFA0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-28T05:09:13.00-00:00
[02:32:35.62] 15d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00B1EC50: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe') == '00B12BD8'
[02:32:35.66] 15d8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00B1EC50: (User='')
-- disabling policy
[02:33:50.56] 0d38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00B51090: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '00B13178', auth='7', sync='0'
[02:33:50.56] 0d38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00B51090: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[02:33:50.56] 0d38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00B51090: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[02:33:50.56] 0d38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00B51090: (User='', Target='')[1/
[02:33:50.56] 0d38 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00B51090: (User='', Target='')[2
[02:33:50.93] 025c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00B4DCB0: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[02:33:53.37] 025c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00B4DF38: (, 0, shadow) finish
ed with hr=0x0
[02:34:00.74] 025c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00B57B78: Initial Sync Starting
[02:34:00.99] 025c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00B57B78: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lmembership', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[02:34:01.04] 025c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00B57B78: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lab', needs to be delayed: (7200000)
[02:34:01.21] 025c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@00B1C958: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[02:34:01.38] 025c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@00B57B78: trigger = 'Initial', command = 'pul
lcirclememberships', can't be executed: (0x80004005)
[02:34:01.38] 025c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00B57B78: Initial Sync Completed with (0x80004005)
[02:34:16.62] 025c Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00B1D3B8: Marking delete on shadow SID (0x00000070) for type
= 9, index = |Messenger||Pending|Passport|
[02:34:16.68] 025c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00B69668: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Delete, AB = Person
[02:34:18.49] 058c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[02:34:18.62] 025c Contacts: Replication CReplicatorInde
xCallback::OnDelete@00B1D3B8: Removing shadow SID (0x00000070) for type = 9, ind
ex = |Messenger||Pending|Passport|
[02:34:18.73] 025c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0081F920: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Add, AB = Persona
[02:34:20.96] 058c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[02:34:21.16] 025c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@0081F920: command = Sharing\Push\Member\Add, AB = Personal
[02:34:23.16] 058c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[02:34:23.45] 025c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00B365B0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[02:34:25.13] 058c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[02:34:39.79] 0d38 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@00B510EC: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-02-27T21:34:20.543-08
[02:34:39.95] 025c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00B365B0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[02:34:41.68] 058c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[02:36:53.91] 08e4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00B51090: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe') == '00B13178'
[02:36:53.95] 08e4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00B51090: (User='')
-- disabling policy
[02:36:54.10] 025c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00B4DCB0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f8681, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[02:36:54.12] 025c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00B4DCB0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f8509, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[02:36:54.12] 025c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00B4DCB0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f85ae, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[02:36:54.13] 025c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00B4DCB0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f86dc, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[02:36:54.15] 025c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00B4DCB0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f8691, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[02:36:54.15] 025c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00B4DCB0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f84af, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[02:36:54.18] 025c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00B4DCB0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f8514, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[02:36:54.18] 025c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00B4DCB0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f86d3, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[02:36:54.20] 025c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00B4DCB0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f846d, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[02:36:54.20] 025c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00B4DCB0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-a045-11df-2183930f8687, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[02:36:54.21] 025c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00B4DCB0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-9a86-11df-21c776654597, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[02:36:54.21] 025c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00B4DCB0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-8a8f-11df-24233a79d96b, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[02:36:54.21] 025c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00B4DCB0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-8a8f-11df-24233a79d96f, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[02:36:54.23] 025c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::OnWabNotification@00B4DCB0: (store:, sot: 3, id:
0dab2fe6-0003-8a8f-11df-242ae7ec0719, change: 1) finished with hr=0x84cb0007
[03:02:06.88] 16b0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00B581B8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '00BC4EF8', auth='7', sync='0'
[03:02:06.94] 16b0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00B581B8: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[03:02:06.94] 16b0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00B581B8: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[03:02:06.94] 16b0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00B581B8: (User='', Target='')[1/
[03:02:06.94] 16b0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00B581B8: (User='', Target='')[2
[03:02:07.59] 08d0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00BC1B98: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[03:02:12.16] 08d0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00BC1C70: (, 0, shadow) finish
ed with hr=0x0
[03:02:14.70] 08d0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00BDD008: Initial Sync Starting
[03:02:14.73] 08d0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00B8FD38: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[03:02:17.35] 13bc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[03:02:17.36] 08d0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00B8FD38: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[03:02:19.13] 13bc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[03:02:19.16] 08d0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@00BB97D0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[03:02:19.17] 08d0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@00BDD008: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[03:17:28.19] 0c44 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00B581B8: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe') == '00BC4EF8'
[03:17:28.19] 0c44 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00B581B8: (User='')
-- disabling policy
* Log opened: 2010-02-28T06:21:24Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[03:21:24.19] 0a8c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C1E708: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '01C12A20', auth='7', sync='0'
[03:21:24.19] 0a8c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C1E708: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[03:21:24.26] 0a8c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C1E708: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[03:21:24.26] 0a8c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C1E708: (User='', Target='')[1/
[03:21:24.26] 0a8c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C1E708: (User='', Target='')[2
[03:21:24.33] 0f5c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C25BE8: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[03:21:30.38] 0f5c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C45B70: (, 0, shadow) finish
ed with hr=0x0
[03:21:31.06] 0f5c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01C3DA50: Initial Sync Starting
[03:21:33.64] 0f5c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01CE54C0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-28T06:2
[03:21:33.64] 0f5c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C467F0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-28T06:21:43.00-00:00
[03:21:33.78] 0f5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CACFA0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[03:21:37.26] 10a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[03:21:37.26] 0f5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CACFA0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[03:21:38.32] 10a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[03:21:38.34] 0f5c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01CE54C0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[03:21:38.34] 0f5c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01C3DA50: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[03:25:25.54] 0f5c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00817918: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-28T06:2
[03:25:25.56] 0f5c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C46740: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-28T06:25:35.00-00:00
[05:21:37.26] 0f5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CACE50: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[05:21:40.67] 10a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[07:21:38.36] 0f5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CACFA0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[07:21:40.16] 10a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[07:21:40.69] 0f5c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EvaluateTriggerAgainstPolicy@01C3DA50: trigger = 'Timer', command = 'pullm
embership', needs to be delayed: (79199992)
[07:33:33.56] 0f5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00817C18: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[07:33:34.97] 10a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@00817C18: status = 301
[07:33:34.97] 10a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00817C18: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Update, AB = Pers
[07:33:36.40] 10a8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:07:31.07] 1568 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C1E708: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe') == '01C12A20'
[08:07:31.07] 1568 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C1E708: (User='')
-- disabling policy
[08:35:29.89] 1320 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0081FE70: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '01C12A80', auth='7', sync='0'
[08:35:29.89] 1320 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@0081FE70: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[08:35:29.90] 1320 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0081FE70: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[08:35:29.90] 10f0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0081FE70: (User='', Target='')[1/
[08:35:29.90] 10f0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@0081FE70: (User='', Target='')[2
[08:35:29.92] 12f0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C4D178: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[08:35:30.68] 12f0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C4D250: (, 0, shadow) finish
ed with hr=0x0
[08:35:30.87] 12f0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01C64A20: Initial Sync Starting
[08:35:30.89] 12f0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CE38F0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[08:35:41.48] 16f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:35:41.53] 12f0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CE38F0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[08:35:43.05] 16f4 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:35:43.08] 12f0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01CEEFA0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[08:35:43.08] 12f0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01C64A20: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[08:51:35.14] 0ec8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@0081FE70: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe') == '01C12A80'
[08:51:35.14] 0ec8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@0081FE70: (User='')
-- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-02-28T11:51:37Z
* Log opened: 2010-02-28T16:52:41Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[13:52:41.87] 09d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BA50D8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '01B82A20', auth='7', sync='0'
[13:52:41.87] 09d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01BA50D8: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[13:52:41.87] 09d4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BA50D8: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[13:52:41.87] 03e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BA50D8: (User='', Target='')[1/
[13:52:41.87] 03e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01BA50D8: (User='', Target='')[2
[13:52:41.92] 0d5c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BA1AE8: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[13:52:47.70] 0d5c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B95BE0: (, 0, shadow) finish
ed with hr=0x0
[13:52:48.87] 0d5c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01BA51F8: Initial Sync Starting
[13:52:49.14] 0d5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BA13D8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[13:52:56.20] 00e0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:52:56.25] 0d5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BA13D8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[13:53:01.36] 00e0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[13:53:01.41] 0d5c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01C59EE0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[13:53:01.41] 0d5c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01BA51F8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[14:16:55.11] 0d5c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C596E0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-28T17:1
[14:16:55.11] 0d5c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BA4C80: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-28T17:17:05.00-00:00
[14:17:42.60] 0d5c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@01C1D448: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[14:17:46.88] 00e0 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01C51E88: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[14:17:46.88] 00e0 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01C51E88: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[14:17:46.88] 00e0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@01C1D1E0: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateProfile
[14:17:51.58] 00e0 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01C51E88: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 5
[14:17:51.58] 00e0 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01C51E88: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=5
[14:17:51.58] 00e0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C59840: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[14:17:56.49] 00e0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:17:56.49] 00e0 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01C51E88: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[14:17:56.49] 00e0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BA4BD0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-28T17:17:51.00-00:00
[14:17:56.60] 0d5c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@000D7C58: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-28T17:1
[14:17:56.60] 0d5c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BA4C28: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-28T17:18:06.00-00:00
[14:18:19.78] 162c Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@01BA5134: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-02-28T09:17:56.347-08
[14:18:19.80] 0d5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C1A968: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[14:18:23.91] 00e0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[14:18:23.91] 0d5c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C1A968: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[14:18:27.66] 00e0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:04:05.32] 0ab4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01BA50D8: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe') == '01B82A20'
[15:04:05.33] 0ab4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01BA50D8: (User='')
-- disabling policy
[15:05:05.01] 1320 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B95B80: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '01C52560', auth='7', sync='0'
[15:05:05.01] 1320 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B95B80: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[15:05:05.02] 1320 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B95B80: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[15:05:05.03] 1320 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B95B80: (User='', Target='')[1/
[15:05:05.03] 1320 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B95B80: (User='', Target='')[2
[15:05:05.06] 1680 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C54420: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[15:05:06.26] 1680 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01BBB708: (, 0, shadow) finish
ed with hr=0x0
[15:05:06.60] 1680 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01BC3DC8: Initial Sync Starting
[15:05:06.61] 1680 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BBC768: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[15:05:30.57] 0828 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:05:30.60] 1680 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BBC768: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[15:05:45.64] 0828 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[15:05:45.66] 1680 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01C36788: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[15:05:45.66] 1680 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01BC3DC8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[17:05:30.19] 1680 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BBC768: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:05:51.86] 0828 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BBC768: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:05:58.11] 0828 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::OnRedirect@01BBC768: status = 301
[17:05:58.11] 0828 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BBC768: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[17:06:19.84] 0828 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[17:09:46.28] 1680 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C39DB0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-28T20:0
[17:09:46.28] 1680 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BE41E8: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-28T20:09:56.00-00:00
[17:15:53.89] 1680 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C39DB0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-28T20:1
[17:15:53.89] 1680 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01BE4298: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-28T20:16:03.00-00:00
[17:16:26.33] 1428 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01B95B80: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe') == '01C52560'
[17:16:26.33] 1428 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B95B80: (User='')
-- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-02-28T20:16:28Z
* Log opened: 2010-02-28T21:18:17Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[18:18:17.22] 0a2c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C8E708: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '01C82A20', auth='7', sync='0'
[18:18:17.27] 0a2c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C8E708: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[18:18:17.34] 0b28 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C8E708: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[18:18:17.34] 0a2c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C8E708: (User='', Target='')[1/
[18:18:17.34] 0a2c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C8E708: (User='', Target='')[2
[18:18:17.48] 02c0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C8DEA0: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[18:18:23.16] 02c0 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01CB8CF8: (, 0, shadow) finish
ed with hr=0x0
[18:18:24.46] 02c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01CA9908: Initial Sync Starting
[18:18:24.73] 02c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CA2300: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[18:18:27.71] 0270 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:18:27.71] 02c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CA2300: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[18:18:29.30] 0270 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[18:18:29.32] 02c0 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01C80AA0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[18:18:29.33] 02c0 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01CA9908: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[18:24:50.72] 0d5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C8E708: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe') == '01C82A20'
[18:24:50.74] 0d5c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C8E708: (User='')
-- disabling policy
[19:10:12.77] 0938 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00757CA8: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '01D54148', auth='7', sync='0'
[19:10:12.78] 0938 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00757CA8: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[19:10:12.78] 03a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00757CA8: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[19:10:12.78] 03a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00757CA8: (User='', Target='')[1/
[19:10:12.78] 03a4 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00757CA8: (User='', Target='')[2
[19:10:12.83] 0ffc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01D62E78: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[19:10:13.96] 0ffc Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C86BF8: (, 0, shadow) finish
ed with hr=0x0
[19:10:14.14] 0ffc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01CBEF40: Initial Sync Starting
[19:10:14.16] 0ffc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C8D5C0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-28T22:1
[19:10:14.16] 0ffc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01CE73D0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-28T22:10:24.00-00:00
[19:10:14.18] 0ffc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D69DD0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[19:10:16.18] 0118 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:10:16.18] 0ffc Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CDD028: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[19:10:18.07] 0118 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[19:10:18.11] 0ffc Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01CED398: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[19:10:18.11] 0ffc Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01CBEF40: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[19:19:45.58] 0ffc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01D6FEB8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-28T22:1
[19:19:45.58] 0ffc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01CE7320: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-28T22:19:55.00-00:00
[19:42:50.99] 0ffc Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01D6FEB8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-28T22:4
[19:42:50.99] 0ffc Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01CE7320: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-28T22:43:00.00-00:00
[19:47:39.15] 0198 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@00757CA8: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe') == '01D54148'
* Log opened: 2010-02-28T23:42:25Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[20:42:25.31] 0e54 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01CB6990: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '01C92A20', auth='7', sync='0'
[20:42:25.31] 0e54 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01CB6990: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[20:42:25.31] 0e54 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01CB6990: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[20:42:25.31] 0e54 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01CB6990: (User='', Target='')[1/
[20:42:25.31] 0e54 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01CB6990: (User='', Target='')[2
[20:42:25.35] 0a8c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01CB30A8: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[20:42:28.99] 0a8c Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01CA0100: (, 0, shadow) finish
ed with hr=0x0
[20:42:29.28] 0a8c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01CB25C8: Initial Sync Starting
[20:42:29.88] 0a8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CB3EE0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[20:42:33.53] 0b8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:42:33.53] 0a8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CB3EE0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[20:42:35.60] 0b8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[20:42:35.60] 0a8c Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01D661F0: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[20:42:35.61] 0a8c Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01CB25C8: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[20:58:09.97] 0a8c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@008E7110: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-02-28T23:5
[20:58:09.97] 0a8c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01CB2DA0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-02-28T23:58:19.00-00:00
[21:03:44.54] 0a8c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@008E7C18: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-03-01T00:0
[21:03:44.54] 0a8c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01CB2E50: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-03-01T00:03:54.00-00:00
[21:13:52.43] 0a8c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C909E8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-03-01T00:1
[21:13:52.43] 0a8c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01CB2DA0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-03-01T00:14:02.00-00:00
[21:44:34.20] 0a8c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C909E8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-03-01T00:4
[21:44:34.20] 0a8c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01CB2DA0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-03-01T00:44:44.00-00:00
[21:49:48.62] 0a8c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C909E8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-03-01T00:4
[21:49:48.62] 0a8c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01CB2DA0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-03-01T00:49:58.00-00:00
[21:52:31.69] 0a8c Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C909E8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-03-01T00:5
[21:52:31.69] 0a8c Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01CB2DA0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-03-01T00:52:41.00-00:00
[21:56:58.14] 0a8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01C909E8: command = Contacts\Push\Contact\Add, AB = Persona
[21:57:01.02] 0b8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:57:01.09] 0a8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D2B380: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[21:57:03.24] 0b8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:57:21.11] 0944 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@01CB69EC: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-02-28T16:57:03.083-08
[21:57:21.12] 0a8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01D2B460: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[21:57:22.94] 0b8c Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[21:57:48.06] 15a0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01CB6990: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe') == '01C92A20'
[21:57:48.07] 15a0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Dec
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01CB6990: (User='')
-- disabling policy
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-03-01T00:57:59Z
* Log opened: 2010-03-01T01:09:19Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[22:09:19.39] 0f9c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C3BE08: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '01C24900', auth='7', sync='0'
[22:09:19.39] 0f9c Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01C3BE08: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[22:09:19.40] 1788 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01C3BE08: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[22:09:19.40] 1788 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C3BE08: (User='', Target='')[1/
[22:09:19.40] 1788 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01C3BE08: (User='', Target='')[2
[22:09:19.42] 0d70 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C425D0: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[22:09:20.31] 0d70 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01C40548: (, 0, shadow) finish
ed with hr=0x0
[22:09:20.55] 0d70 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01C36B60: Initial Sync Starting
[22:09:20.57] 0d70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01CF42C0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-03-01T01:0
[22:09:20.57] 0d70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C41DE0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-03-01T01:09:30.00-00:00
[22:09:20.67] 0d70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CC3D50: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[22:09:23.84] 1238 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[22:09:23.85] 0d70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CC3D50: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[22:09:26.07] 1238 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[22:09:26.09] 0d70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01CF76C8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[22:09:26.09] 0d70 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01C36B60: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[22:14:32.63] 0d70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01C406B8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-03-01T01:1
[22:14:32.63] 0d70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C41D30: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-03-01T01:14:42.00-00:00
[00:03:30.28] 0d70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01CF56C0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-03-01T03:0
[00:03:30.28] 0d70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C41D30: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-03-01T03:03:40.00-00:00
[00:09:23.39] 0d70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CC3E30: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[00:09:27.64] 1238 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[00:37:04.05] 0d70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01CF56C0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-03-01T03:3
[00:37:04.05] 0d70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C41D30: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-03-01T03:37:14.00-00:00
[00:38:52.58] 0d70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01CF56C0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-03-01T03:3
[00:38:52.58] 0d70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C41D88: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-03-01T03:39:02.00-00:00
[00:55:45.69] 0d70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01CFF8D8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-03-01T03:5
[00:55:45.69] 0d70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C41D88: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-03-01T03:55:55.00-00:00
[00:55:57.22] 0d70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01CFF8D8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-03-01T03:5
[00:55:57.22] 0d70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C41D30: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-03-01T03:56:07.00-00:00
[01:08:29.96] 0d70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01CFF8D8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-03-01T04:0
[01:08:29.96] 0d70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C41D30: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-03-01T04:08:39.00-00:00
[01:32:23.95] 0d70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01CF56C0: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-03-01T04:3
[01:32:23.95] 0d70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C41D88: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-03-01T04:32:33.00-00:00
[01:58:32.10] 0d70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStorageProfileCallback>::SendRequest@01C70C80: Making Soap API c
all for: GetProfile
[01:58:33.73] 1238 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01CF56C0: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 0
[01:58:33.73] 1238 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01CF56C0: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=0
[01:58:33.73] 1238 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSoapAPI
Wrapper<struct IStoragePushAPICallback>::SendRequest@01C70C48: Making Soap API c
all for: UpdateProfile
[01:58:34.94] 1238 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01CF56C0: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 5
[01:58:34.98] 1238 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01CF56C0: Completed Storage API call (hr=0x0). OldState=5
[01:58:34.98] 1238 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CF7AC8: command = Contacts\Push\DynamicItem\Edit, AB = Pe
[01:58:36.58] 1238 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[01:58:36.58] 1238 Contacts: Roaming CStoragePushHan
dler::ErrorComplete@01CF56C0: *Roaming* CStoragePushHandler::OnComplete(0x0), m_
eState = 6
[01:58:36.58] 1238 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C41D30: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-03-01T04:58:37.00-00:00
[01:58:36.95] 0d70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01D04EE8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-03-01T04:5
[01:58:36.95] 0d70 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01C41DE0: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-03-01T04:58:46.00-00:00
[01:59:01.69] 1514 Contacts: Alerts CLmcdataInterop
::ProcessNotification@01C3BE64: ABChangeNotify Alert [2010-02-28T20:58:40.523-08
[01:59:01.71] 0d70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CC3CE0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[01:59:03.27] 1238 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[01:59:03.27] 0d70 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01CC3CE0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[01:59:04.87] 1238 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[02:46:56.20] 1570 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01C3BE08: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe') == '01C24900'
* Log opened: 2010-03-01T11:08:43Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[08:08:43.77] 0554 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B32570: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '01B12840', auth='7', sync='0'
[08:08:43.77] 0554 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@01B32570: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[08:08:43.77] 0554 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@01B32570: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[08:08:43.77] 0d10 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B32570: (User='', Target='')[1/
[08:08:43.77] 0d10 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@01B32570: (User='', Target='')[2
[08:08:43.82] 0f54 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B32690: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[08:08:44.58] 0f54 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@01B451B8: (, 0, shadow) finish
ed with hr=0x0
[08:08:45.05] 0f54 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@01B3ED20: Initial Sync Starting
[08:08:45.39] 0f54 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BB18C8: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[08:08:47.99] 03ac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:08:47.99] 0f54 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@01BB18C8: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[08:08:49.73] 03ac Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[08:08:49.82] 0f54 Contacts: Roaming CStorageSeedHan
dler::IsSeedNeeded@01BE56B8: Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seed
ed, or we haven't fully initialized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[08:08:49.82] 0f54 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::OnSyncPassComplete@01B3ED20: Initial Sync Completed with (0x 0)
[08:14:40.54] 0f54 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@01B137E8: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-03-01T11:1
[08:14:40.54] 0f54 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01B45D88: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-03-01T11:14:50.00-00:00
[08:36:50.71] 0f54 Contacts: Roaming CStorageLocalHa
ndler::OnBegin@00917C18: Local Sync, update local timestamp to : 2010-03-01T11:3
[08:36:50.71] 0f54 Contacts: Roaming CStorageActionH
andler::UpdateMeContact@01B45D88: Saving pulled data - Expression Profile
Timestamp: 2010-03-01T11:37:00.00-00:00
[08:38:03.13] 12c8 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Unr
egisterApplication@01B32570: (User='', Application='msnmsg
r.exe') == '01B12840'
* Log opened: 2010-03-01T15:29:59Z
Windows Live Communications Platform 14.0.8098.0930
[12:29:59.48] 15e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F23B10: (User='', Application='msnmsgr.
exe', Types='7') == '00F02840', auth='7', sync='0'
[12:29:59.48] 15e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Reg
isterApplication@00F23B10: (User='', Target='Initial', App
lication='msnmsgr.exe') AuthNeeded == <0x 0>
[12:29:59.49] 15e0 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Inc
rementClientsThatSupportNotifications@00F23B10: (User='')
-- enabling policy
[12:29:59.49] 1620 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F23B10: (User='', Target='')[1/
[12:29:59.49] 1620 Contacts: UserState CUserState::Set
AuthState@00F23B10: (User='', Target='')[2
[12:29:59.51] 17d8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F32D00: (, 0, real) finished
with hr=0x0
[12:30:00.52] 17d8 Contacts: Storage CContactStorage
::_EnsureStorageInitialized@00F26DF8: (, 0, shadow) finish
ed with hr=0x0
[12:30:00.87] 17d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchServiceAda
pter::EnsureSetup@00F32DD8: Initial Sync Starting
[12:30:01.04] 17d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FA4FB0: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership, AB = Personal
[12:30:04.04] 1684 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
[12:30:04.04] 17d8 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas
e::CreateSoapRequest@00FA4FB0: command = Contacts\PullPaged, AB = Personal
[12:30:06.69] 1684 Contacts: Replication CAbchRequestBas

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