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180 6 - 1807



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N. B.Se advierte que tanto en los textos en espaol como en los textos en francs y en ingls, se ha
conservado la ortografa de los documentos originales.

A o S 3 -1-



Contiene este tomo los vlumenes VII, VIII y
parte del volumen IX de los Archivos originales del
General Miranda, Seccin "Negociaciones".
La documentacin inserta corresponde a los afios
1806 y 1807. Los pensamientos que aparecen en la
cartula interior de estos volmenes on lo.q misment
que se encuentran en los tomos anteriores, los cuales
se han copiado ya en el prlogo del tomo XVI.
Se contina la publicacin de las cartas y documentos relacionados con la expedicin del "Leandro"
y de algunas otras cartas archivadas por el Generalsimo sin clasificar, en estos mismos volmenes.
Cuando no se reproducen los grabados o peridicos
coleccionados, se alude a ellos en el lugar correspondiente, y es de advertir que en estos volmenes abundan los peridicos ingleses y en alguno de ellos estn
conservadas, como se indica en la nota respectiva, diecinueve ediciones de la "Gaceta de Caracas".
Muchas de estas cartas son dirigidas por Miranda
a los oficiales subalternos que lo acompafan y que l
despacha en diversas comisiones. Otras van dirigidas
a sus amigos de las posesiones Britnicas de las Antillas o a sus amigos de Londres. Tambin aparecen en
este tomo las listas de los oficiales y soldados que formaban los cuadros del ejrcito mirandlno, listas de
prisioneros y las claves usadas por los expedicionarios.
Se publica aqu una compilacin me interesante
de la correspondencia interceptada relativa al Precursor, Es este uno de los tomos ms importantes por
los documentos, correspondencia y detalles que contiene, reveladora de la acucia y actividad de Miranda.

Caracas, 1950.

Documentos y Correspondencia


Cartas sin clasificar.

Junio a Setiembre 1806.
El folio 1 es un mapa de las costas de Venezuela, y un Plano
del Sitio de la Angostura, donde se ha establecido el Cuartel General del Rio Orinoco, la Poblacin de la Nueva Guayana y Fortaleza
de S. Gabriel construida de orden de S.M. y dedicada al I Sr. Don
Gabriel Antonio NO Infante, por disposicin de Dn. JoaquIn Moreno de Mendoza Governador de dichos establecimientos.

Pon of Spain 5th Juno 1806.

My Dear Sir
Shoud the Bearer Cap t Carteret of His Majesty 's Brig
Scorpion be so fortunate as to fall in with the Leander,
I shall feel happy in being the means of making you
acquainted with a Man after your own heart for whom
I have Communicated some information that I am Convinced will give you pleasure.
I arrived here on the 2 d Inst & inmediately deliverd
your Letters to Gen' Hislop who I am Convinced will
render you every assistance in his power.He informed me that he had recd a Letr from Mr Sullivan
on which he expressed himself very warmly in your

As they have not heard from Mr Fitzwilliams home
he went to St Thomas from whence he was to go to
Curaca, will it not therefore be necessary that you


shoud get some person at Barbadoes to write to a

friend at St Thomas's who may write to him to return
to that place & then give him directions to return here.
I ha ve met here with a Number of your friends who
are anxious to see you. None more than.
My Dear Sir
Your most obedt Hb1e Servt
W. A.

I beg to be kindly rememberd to all friends.


N.: T. VII, f. 2.

Port of Span 20th Juno 1806.

My Dear Sir
I was pleasing myself with the hopes of seeing you
this day (as we were informed that you woud certainly
leave Barbadoes last Tuesday) when the SW whie,h
carry this arrived with the unpleasing Intelligence
that some French Line of Battleship had arrived in
those seas, which I am much afraid will impide our
Business unless my good friend shoud have been so
fortunate as to fall on with them which I have not
the smallest doubt he will before this have win a good
account of them.
As far as lay in my power I have done every thing
to promote our Cause, and a Number of people have
assured and that they will go with you but untill you
come here nothing decicive can be done, But in forty
eight hours after you arrive every thing can be arranged.I am desired to assure you have many active &
sincere friends in this Island who are most exceedingly anxious to see you. By information from the Main


I find that a very high price has been offerd for your
& two men were yesterday put in Jail here on
suspieion of having been sent here for the purpose of
assassinating you.
Espagne whose faThe information carne from
is most anxious to
is well known to you
muy is
see you and very deserving your attentions.Comte
De Rouvray bagsme to assure you of his warmest attachmentThe Governor has been exceedingly kind
and attentive to me & has given me every assurance
that nothing in his power shall be left undone to assist
us, and that he will be happy to be of the Party if he
can be procure leave, for which I have reason to believe he has applied.
When you arrive here I wish you woud horst an
American Jack at the foretopmost head of the ship
you are on Board of on which I will immediately come
on Board & beg you will not come on Shore before
I see you.
I am exceedingly sorry to find that our good friend
W. S. S. has been deprived of his place & is other ways
very unpleasantly situated.That Basca! J: Sayre has
been making some Publieations in the Richmond Engeneer under Date of the ist of April on which he
asserts things I know to be false; yet he says he has
farther Communications to make us. You informed me
of having met him in .America & on what passed between you he presumes to mak those publieatios.
I find every person in this Island is a Pictonian &
Pittite, tis therefore necessary to be very guarded on
those subjects.
A meeting broke out lately at Carraccas amongst
the few Regular Troops that are there, which was
with difficulty quietd. They are in the greatest Alarm
all along the Coast; Letters from thence say that they
are anxiously looking for your arrival & that no opositions will be made but by the Off of Government.
I eannot obtain any Information about our infortunate friends about whose safety I am exceedingly
anxious, & wish you coud feil upon some mode of
gaining information of their situation, Coud you not


get the Admiral to send a Flag of Truce to La Guaira

which might meet you here.

Report says you are very Busy at B/dos. have
Charterd severa! Vessels & dismissed Capa L. from the
Leander which now carrys an English flag, &c. &c.
That Health, happiness & success may attend you
is the fervent wish & prayer of My Dear Sir.
Your afft & sincere friend.
Col. De Rouvray will have a
very Considerable Body of
liorseman in readiness to

W. A.

go with you.

N.: T. VII, 4.


Trinidada 6th Juno 1806.

Dear General.
This letter will (if you are still in Barbados when
the Scorpion arrives there) be delivered to you by Captain Carteret. It is a matter of particular regret for
me that you did not receive that which I had sent to
you some weeks ago by a very particular friend; It
contained information of importance & my friend
woud have been able to have informed you of all that
we had done here to favour you at your arrival, & which

was more than I dare say you coud have expected, if

you liad met with them. I understand Capt Campbel
of the Lily told you of my friend having gone in search
of you with a Letter, but I suppose you coud not learn
it was from me. An other particular friend of mine
whom I often mentioned to you. B. has been of the
greatest service he went on purpose to look for you
and woud have been if he liad met you of the greatest
effective service. It was very unfortunate, you did not
meet in proper time those who had gone to your assistance. I hope we shall see you soon dawn, & that you
will find in the Admiral very great ressources for


Assistanee. If the Commanders in Chief are determined to assist you we shall have here a Corps of about
one thousand men ready in a very few days. an other
thousand men whieh might be added to it in the spot
woud form a legion as we have been planning it eomposed of, Hussards flying rtillery, and light infantry
and whieh wou'd be allways employed in the Avant
Postes; the offieers are all fixed upon, some of them
men of the first military distintion and all tryed soldiers. But you must observe that unless the commanders in chief do promote & countenanee the Business,
it will not at all be the same thing, & that the most respectable part woud be those who woud then non engage
in the Business, as their Idea wou'd be at first to be
employed as English troop. I have a great deal to say
to you when we meet I hope it will be soon. I dont
wish you to see any body when you come down, untill
you see me for reasons whieh I shall explain to you.
I shall introduce you our friends & with particular
pleasure B. do not forget that I must see you first I
hope that 10 years of experience are enough to give you
that eonfidence, that you will get the most correet &
most necessary information from me. believe me
Dear General
Your most obt Sert

To your motto:

"Audentes fortuna juvat"

I shall now add
"Pertinax Labor omnia vineit"

4. 4. 4.

Honored by Capa.
N.: T. VII, 1. 5.


H. H. 8. Scorgien St : Lucia
June tu.

20th, 1806

I was the other day at Barbadoes for a few minutes,
& was necessitated to Depart in so sudden & unf oreseen a manner, that it was utterly out of my power to
call on you as I other wise had fully resolved to Do.
Nay, I had not even an opportunity of sending you
two letters entrusted to my Care, the one by Mr Lambot
of Trinidad, the other by Colonel Armstrong, but which
I now have the honor of transmitting. The Colonel liad
also requested me to convey some information verbally to you, which gives me great additional regret,
in having found it so wholly impossible to hold a personal interview.
I may however tell you, if you have not heard it
already, that the Colonel had received satisfactory information, that the Officers ie Men captured by the
Enemy on board your Schooners, were extremely will
treated, being allowed to walk about during the day,
& enclosed only at Night. The Colonel also desired me
to acquaint you that he considers the objects you mutually have in view to be (in that Island at least) in
a very prosperous condition. Satisfactory assurances
of support from the most distinguished quarter in that
Island, have been received, which induced the Col' to
entertain sanguine hopes of Succes.
Towards the conclusion of the Colonel's letter, you
will perceive the names of four persons, beginning, If
I recollect right, with that of Ricot, which I think it
proper to explain. they are no other than those of perBons whose treachery or imbecillity you may suspect, &
consequently must Distrees. It is understood that the
first person mentioned, transmitted a Copy of the
letter he received, to the Governor of Cumana. I have
scarcely any thing else to communicate, & as the vessel
that is to convey this, is now actually under way, I
am hurried to Conclude.



Heartily wishing you every success in the glorious

enterprize wherein you are engaged, & yet hoping very
soon to see you at Barbadoes, I have the honor to subscribe myself, Sir,
Your most Obedient Humble



&e, &e, &e.

N.: T. VII, f. 7.

June 1806.

Mi Gral.
Ayer bi una carta fecha en Guiria de la madre de
un conocido, en que dice: Habersen retirado las gentes
o montes, y los Jueces Guaraparo, es de pensar
qe con las milicias.
A otros se les oye, de los qe bienen del propio lugar,
que an echo caminos falsos y qe an llegado mas milicias
con un Comandante punta de Piedra. Me dice el
Capitan dador, que los malos consegeros le an agriado
unos quantos reclutas, y qe los de abordo le dicen, qe
siendo boluntarios por qe les impiden baxar tierra, y
todos que les den algun prestamo.
Quedo enfermo con calentura, pero siempre obdte
los respetos de Vm.
N.: T. VII, f. 9.



une 1806.

Mon General
Les Liesons que jai Eu avec feu Monsieur Carau
pandant Son Sejour Dans Cette Ysle mangaget prendre La Libert De vous ecrire pour vous Demander si



je pourrais avoier lhoneur Daler vous presenter male

hommages respectueux.
Jai lhonneur Dettre De votre Exellance
Le tres hurable Et tres obeisant Serviteur


N.: T. VII, f. 10.

H. M. ship Northumberland
Cariisie Bay 30h J144k3 1806.

Dear General
I had the pleasure to receive your letter : previous
to your departure from henee -with its enclosures.
I long very much to know what place you have
fixed for making your Deseent for if it is down the
Coast you must have a larger Naval Force which 1 can
yet spare as the Enemy are my superiors in naval
I should think that the vicinity of Trinidad (if the
People are Ripe) would answer best as your retreat
in case of accident would be open and in that case your
present naval force is sufficient.
I have directed Cap t Campbell to send me an Express as soon as this point is fixed wishing you every
possible success
I remain Ever
My dear General
Yours most sincerely


N.: T. VII, f. 11.





Digo it V, qa mediante soy uno de los mas antiguos

boluntara sobre el deseado asunto, como sabe V. y por
ser practico de las Costas cercanas del Principal puerto Creo se interesar con el Gefe, para q se me distinga en algun modo. Tengo bar" conocidos aquy
nada hacen, y con maana se podian juntar e inducirles
p a el biage 6 bien como con otro pretesto, por lo superior, ponerlos abordo, pues aqu de nada sirben.
Procure V, lo mejor sobre todo; puesto qa me tiene
tanto su debocion.
J. M. C.
Junio 23 1806.
N.: T. VII, f. 18.

Exmo. Sor. Da.


Mui seor mio : mediante hallarme preso en la

carcel por orden del Seor Cecretario. sin saver el motivo de mi pricion. en esta atencion.
Suplico ala bondad de V. & A. sesirva Interesarse

por mi Salida, mediante a hallarme actualmente, en

el servicio de V. & A. y con animos de seguir siempre voluntariamente, y hasimismo. Espero este favor
del Noble Corazon de V. Xa.
Dios gue. V. Xa. m a8,

Careel y 29, de Junio de 1806.

N.: T. VII, f. 14.

Napassmai y Junio 27 de 1806.

.Amadisimo Compadre
que dolor para mi berme en una conbalesensia como la
que ttengo, que desgrasiado soy. Bien Aya Aquellos
que ttengan la dicha & & &.



Attristte de mi como me quedo sin gusttar del mayor manjar, No sigo por que mis ojos me priban de
.Aserlo, romper ynme diatto.
Su mas attentto Amigo y compadre.
q. B. S. M.



Al er. Da. CAruks CAE

B. S 31
en puertto
de heepafia.
N.: T. VII, f. 15.

Jun. 1806


The report you have heard of the western insurreetion headed by Pinto as eoming from M.Begorrat originated with me, therefore it is not necessary to reeur
to him for his Authority, he dined with me on Wednesday and Conversing after dinner on the hopes of
your success. I mentioned to him in support of my
argumentAmong other reasons, the Account I had
seen in a Gazette of New York of Pinto 's Armament,
which he has probably repeated, and from hand to
hand it has reaehed you with the Exaggeration,
Cannero has communicated.thus roll, the boule de

Il est bien de temps que nous apprenions quelque

Chose de Positive du sort de l'Escadre. d'apres mon

Calcul, elles doivent se peigner le 5 Le 6. au plus tard.

En voila 11 jours ecouls des lors--s'il est vrai que

les mauvaises nouvelles Courent vite-11 est a presu-



mer que nous n'en recevrons que de bonnes par leur

retardYour very Obe' servr

La maladie de notre Ami & voisin H. me parait


N.: T. VII,


I. 16.


My dear Admiral,

Port of SAM, Trinidad

JU 29th 1806.

We learn at this moment that six sail of the une

and one frigate are at anchor at Martinique ready to
sail, and in very good order &c.Under these circunstances H. E. Governor Hislop, Captain Campbell and
myself have agreed to suspend our departure until we
hear from you.
The information we have been able to collect here
from the opposite Continent is satisfactory, and promises fair success on Cumana that is the Point we have
agreed upon: though the apparent object is the Gulph
and Guarapiche river.
The public spirit in this Island is in general for us;
and the Governor was friendly and interested in the
success of the Enterprise as yourself.
We shall be able to collect it appears, from 5 to
700 Volunteers of the Militia and Inhabitants of the
Country; which force is deemed, by the best informed
People from the opposite side, under Command of the
intelligent Officers that direct it, quite sufficient
ensure success.
We have thought necessary to lay a general Embargo upon all Vessels at Trinidad. until we hear from
you; this circumstance alone would be sufficient to
request of you the most expeditious answer, and as we



are deeided not to move before we hear from you, I

hope you will not delay one single instant, in transmit-

ting to us this Answer.

I eonfess to you, dear Admiral, that when I see
the opportunity that chance has put at this moment in
the Enemy's Hands of crushing our Enterprise, by
subduing and taking Possession of some of the principal Ports of .America, before any force from G. B. can
enable us to oppose and frustrate those pernieious
views ; I shall deem it a miracle if the New World
by our efforts at this Moment is rescued from bearing
the disgraceful Yoke of France
The Honble. ALEJe. COCHRANE.
&e, &e, &e.
N.: T. VII, f. 17.

une of July 1806.

Abererombie Hall
Saturd,ay afternoon.

This instant I am handed 1W Fitzwilliams Note,
and hasten to endose your Mr. Miteheils Letter; I
would have left it with 3,1" F. for you, but for some
Limits in it which I would not wish remain to mental,
but to General Hislop and yourself.
Rely on my every exertion, being used to seeure as
many Recruits as possible to morrow morning.
I have the Honour to be
Your most obedt devoted servant

&e. &c. &c.

N.: T. VII, f. 18.



His Excellenery,


juty 2" 1806.

Commander in Chief, of
t,he Colombian Army

The following letter was written on the 28th ultimo;
but various avocations, with some embarrassing and
oppressive occurrences, have prevented me from making a second draft till this day.
TJpon the result of my reflections, sinee I liad the
honor to converse with you on saturday last, respeeting
promotion in the rt Reg: Infantry, my judgement
seems to sanction, and my duty demands that I should
address you again on that subject.
My claim Sir, to promotion as Col: Comdt, of the
Reg: Infantry, is founded, first, upon your positive and unqualified promise, made on board the Leander on the 27th of March last, when I received the Com:
mission I now hold; (in jacquemel harbor) which was
in these words. vz. Whenever the present eommander
of this "Corps" (meaning Thomas Lewis) " resigns,
is promoted or removed, you shall be promoted to the
eommand of the "Regiment". This was the implied
condition upon which I accepted, the Lt. Coloneley. You
also, (at the same time) observed Sir, that "you had
received a letter from him" (referring to Thos Lewis,)
"announcing his intention to resign, which however,
you liad not thought proper to acknowledge". This
conversat ion was noted in my protocol, the day on
which it took place, and I believe does not deviate, in
a single word, from what was pronouneed.
Thomas Lewis gave up his Commission on the 21st
of April, which was received by your Exeellency ; and
you were pleased to declare before the Council of War,
then assembled, "that you would never proffer it to
him again". Therefore Sir, from the tenor and spirit
of your promise, I am entitled to the Rank of Col:
Comdt of the 1 Regt Infantry, under date of April



21" 1806.In the second place, from the usage and

custom of the U. States of North America, by the military regulations of whieh we are governed, my claim
is foreibly strengthened. It derives additional weight,
if the same diferenee is paid to my former rank, as has
been to others ; having been Commissioned Col: Comdt,
and eommanded a Regiment in August 1798. I now
submit to your magnanimity and judgement General,
whether my claim to promotion is not founded, as
well upon reasonable expectation, as upon the unalterable principies of justice. And Sir, I hope never
to lose sight of that noble and elevated sentiment
whieh the Christian reveres, and the well educated
soldier admirernever to ask, or expect that from
favor, which he has not a right to demand from justicenor can I suff er a stain upon my honor, or an
infringment upon my rights, without a manly effort
to effaee the former, and repel the latter. I address
you Sir, as my General, and with that regard to rank
and Station, which is due to the Commander in Chief.
llave I done any thing to disminieh your confidence ? Do you regreat General, that you have promised me promotion ? This is the inference which
must be drawn from your refusal. I feel my honor,
character, future reputation, the feelings and honor
of my friends at home, and the American chara,cter, as far as it concerned in your enterprize as degraded by this postponement of promotion I should be
unworthy to aet in a cause so noble, were I to remain
silent under these impressions. The man who knows
not how to guard his own honor and interests, is unfit
to be trusted with the important coneerns of nations
or individuals. Who, that cannot discern and obtain
justice for himself, knows not how to render it to
Do you Sir, permit me to ask, desire that I should
by British arroganee selfishness and pridel
Am I to be made a victim to men who join you at this
late hour, from motives of interest rather than patriotism ? Men, who will desert you, when interest shall have



lost its alluring incentive 1 Shall the dotage, envy, and

jealousy of any part of the .Army, stifle my talents and
merit, if I have any Do you Sir, wish an Officer who
is, and has been devoted to you and your cause, from
his high sense of moral rectitude, and unequivocal attachement to rational liberty, and the happiness of his

fellow-men, should put his foot on the territory where

Colombus first landed, in a subaltern capacity Have
we not more time to arrange this business now, than
we shall have at the commencement of operations on
the Main (At which time you mentioned on saturday
last, that the promotions should be made) Can the service receive any disadvantage, from this aet of justice
to myself, and some others whom I have mentioned to
your Exeellency at a former conversation?
It is an established, and aeknowledged prineiple
both in moral law, and civil jurisprudence that "the
delay of justiee when it can be attained is paramount
to a denial.
I have intruded longer on your time than I intended.
The present effect, and future tendeney, whieh certain
measures will have, and in the extent and importanee
of whieh I feel myself deeply interested, induces me
Sir, to ask for the honor of your answer in writing.
From my standing in soeiety at home, and the rank
I have the honor to hold under your command, I presume this request, (which is made with a proper Bense
of deferenee and respect) will not be denied.
I have the honor to be your Excellency's
obdt servt
His Excelleney

Gov. House.
N.: T. VII, f. 19.



Trinidad juay rd 1806.

His Excellency


I mention with regret that I have reeeived intelligenee this morning, of the dangerous ilLness of Mr
Sandford he was not expeeted, at the time the last
packet left Barbados, to live 24 hours. Mi' Bush was
waiting the decision of Providence relative to his Partner, after whieh he should sail for this place. They had
been ready several days.
I have the honor to be Sir
your Excelleney's
Obedt Servt

His Excelleney
N.: T. VII, f. 27.

Exmo Senor, D.


Muy Seor mio : mediante it hallarme preso en un

calabozo, en serrado, y haver en biado auna persona
demi confianza en busca demibaul donde el criado de
V & Ca, el cual no hacido pocsible conseguirlo; en esta
Suplico a V & Ca. Tenga la bondad de mandar que
el dho, criado nombrado Charles, entregue ala portadora todo lo que reconosca sermio por ser merced. cr
espero del Noble Corazon de V & Ca.

Carcel y 3 de Julio de 1806

N.: T. VII, f. 28.




Trinidad 4



Agreeable to your wish, I have herein related the
different rumours on the Spainish Main.
About four months ago I happened to be in Company with several Spaniards from the Province of Venezuela, I introduced the subject of your Expedition
asking their Opinions of its success, the greater pari
of them agreed in saying there was not the least doubt
of its success provided matter were properly conducted, they urged a great many arguments in its favour
with regard to the justness of it &c the country being
very much distressed by the avance & tiranny of the
persons appointed by the Government from home, I
have been creditably informed through various channels that when the accounts reached Caracas of your
having left New York, the Captain General assembled
an extraordinary meeting of Council and after sitting
fon several days, carne to the resolution of arming
the people "en massa" that in the course of two months
a spirit of disaffection appeared amongst several of
the most powerfull Regiments, which induced the Captain General to take away their arms, declaring every
man a Rebel that should be found with arms in his
possession, or at the distance of more than one league
from his common place of residence without a pass.
From all these circunmstances, I am fully of opinion that on landing with a respectable Establishment,
you 'will be joined by every Person, that is not either
in a situation or in expectation of one from Government, this is not only mine but the Opinion of every
unprejudiced Spaniard I have heard speak on the
subj ect.
A great many flying reports are constantley in
circulation, Buch as marching the veterans to the Coast
oposite &c. but as they are some time without foundation. 1 have not inserted them, allow me to assure

2 2


you that every information I can obtain will be faithf ully communicated, & I remain with respect
your most obedient humble servant.

N.: T. VII, f. 29.

4 Juillet 1806.

C 'est avee le plus grand regret que Je nie vois forc
de renoncer au projet que j 'avois de vous suivre, et
d'accepter L'Emploi que vous aviez bien voulu
accorder dans votre Arme ; mais des obstacles insurmontables ne me permttent plus de profiter de vos
Bonts et des offres que vous avez daign me faire.
Reeevez done ici Gneral l'assuranee de toute ma
reeonnoissance, et ne doutez non plus des voeux sincers
que Je fais pour votre prosperit, et la reussite de tous
J'ai lhonneur D'etre avec respeet.
Votre trs humble et
obeist serviteur.

N.: T. VII, f. 81.

Mon General
J'avois espr d'aprs ce que votre Excellence
avait promis que je serois employ dans Le mme Grade
que Celui que j 'avais occupp dans L'arme francaise
qui Est Celui de Lieutenant Colonel de Cavalerie. Mais
il parait que votre Excellence, on ne m'a pas compris,



ou a chang ses dispositions a mon Egard, puis que Le

Colonel Armstrong m'a dit avoir reeu Vordre de me
porter comme Capitaine sur ses Etas, quoique Mon dvouement pour votre Excellence et sa Cause soit teile,
que je sacrifierois mes intrts Les plus majeurs3 je
ne puis acquiescer a L 'honneur quelle veut bien me
faire de me recevoir dans son arme sans Le Grade que
mes Services m'ont djea obtenue et pris. En Consequence Votre Excellence de vouloir bien recevoir mes
Excuses et me Croire.
Avec La plus haute Consideration et Le plus profond respect.
De Votre Excellence
Le tres humble et tres dvou serviteur

Port d'espagne Ce 4 jnillet 1806.

A son Excellence

General en Chef.
&e. &c. &e.
N.: T. VII, 2. 82.

Trinidad July 5h 1806.

In obedience to your directions of the 23d November
I procceded with all dispatch from Barbados to Curacao, where I arrived on the 7th of FebY.The Island
having been under Blockade untill within a few days,
no intercourse had been with the Spanish Main for a
considerable time, but on the 3d of March Eleven Spanish Vessels arrived, and during my stay untill the
23d of April Vessels were daily arriving from the several ports along the coast from Cumana to Sta Marta.
In the begining of March your departure from
America became generally known, and your arrival on



the coast anxiously expected, the Trading Spaniards

that arrived were constantly making inquiry from the
Americans respecting you, and many of them declared,
that your presence aione would be sufficient to emancipate them from t,he Yoke of Spain for thousands
would flock to your Standard the Moment you raised

it.1 liad an opportunity of learning through the medium of Mr John Corser a Gentleman who liad resided
a considerable time at Port-Cabello, the sentiments of
almost every well informed Spaniard that visited Curacao, and I have been fully convinced, there is hardly
a Man in the province of Caracas, (those holding Offices under Government excepted) t,hat is not desirous
of emancipate and I have been assured, that in the
town & neigbourhood of Coro, not lese than 8000 Men
were holding themselves in readiness to join you & had
been for some time anxiously looking for your arrival.
I have the Honour to be most respectfully
Your very Obd t Humble servt

His Exeellence

&c. &e. &c.

N.: T. vrr, f.


New York Pt Juno 1806.

My Dear General
The present will be handed you by Mt' Trelawny
de Belhay a Gentlemen lately from Europe, who has
been recommended to me by a person of respectability
in Philadelphia, and is desirious of serving under pol.=
auspicesYou will but be able to judge what port his
Merit may untitle him to. The Col. and myself have
but short acquaintance with him, and the impression
made on us is rather favorable than otherwise.


This I hope may meet enjoying all the success and

prosperity which the greatness and sublimity of your
present undertaking meritsMuch has been said here
on the subject of your expedition for three Mont,hs
past.The Government are prosecuting the Col. &
myself as parties Concerned. We possess honour
Souls aboye their prosecution and fear it notBut
one sentiment prevails in the minds of the Good People of this Country and that is as favourable as you
could wish.
All that you may want from this you shall inmecliately receive as soon as I have your Order, and you may
depend on the utmust punctuality and dispatch in their
executionThe Col. does not write you but the letters
of Mrs S to bis Son contain some further explanations on this interesting subject.
I hope soon to hear something definitive as to your
ultimate success which no one more cordially wishes
to see realized tlian
My Dear General
Your friend & hbl. Sert

Honored by

N.: T. VII,

f. 84.

Mon General
J'ai depens tout mon argentet je ne puls tirer sur
mon banquier qu'au moje de janvier prochaine qu'a
une perte incroyableet meme je ne crois pas que les
Negotiants, qui calculent tout s'embarasseroient d'un
billet six moje de date.



Je ne vous demande rien mon general, que de me

donner ou de me procurer l'argent pour ma traite,
pour le mois de janvier prochaineii, par
J'ai l'honneur d'etre tres respectueusement
votre trbs obeisant serviteur.

pour 222 Gourdes

9 juillet.
N.: T. VII, I. 85.

Trinidad 25th AMES 1806.

Dear Sir,
I learn this moment that a Vessel sails for England,
and wishing to give you every information relative to
the progress of our intended Expedition I write these
few limes.
We left Barbados on the 20th Instant and arrived
here on t,he 23dThe Governor has given us a cordial
and warm reception, equal'd only by that of Admiral
Cochrane at Barbados. Every thing that the Island
can afford in our support is preparing with rapidity,
and I do believe that if Governor Hislop had received
my encouragement from the Com r in Chief at Barbados, Troops, that is the chief thing wanted, would have
been supplied alsoHowever every things as it is promises well, and will probably give us in a Fortnig,ht
the success we are looking for.
I was obliged by the pressure of Circumstances to
draw .688. 2.stg at Barbados, having received at
that moment news from the Continent of S. A. that
absolutely required the sailing of the Expedition--I
hope the Government will not refuse the payment of
this small sum, in consideration of the magnitude of
the Object, and the mutual interest of both Nations.
I shall remain accountable for the Payment of the


I shall write you in a few days the definitive arrangement of the Expedition, and of our sailing for the
opposite shore. &c.
(P.S. to the Copy)
Vous voyez par les Documens ci joints que l'arrive des Ennemis la Martinique nous met dans une
position bien critique et dangereuse, pour ce qui regarde l'Amerique meridionaleDieu veuille que mes
pressentimens resultent fa-ux.
ut supra ce 5 Juillet 1806.
ce 10 Juillet

P. S.
Les Franais sont partis pour l'Havane positivement et nous metterons la Voile, aprs demain.

N.: T. VII, f. 88.

Al er.



Mui mi venerado Seor: la mucha y grande inclinacion qe tengo V.E.A. me mueve a tomarme la satisfaccion de darle la vien benida parami de tanto gusto,
y cie pido al todo poderoso la felicidad de su empresa.
Seor: las circunstancias del dia, no me permiten
tener el honor de hacer compaia V.E.A. por hallarme sumamente empeado por varios atrasos q a he tenido, hace el tmpo. de seis aos; y berme en la presicion de sostener mi hombra de vien, como hasta ora
he acostumbrado.
Seor: he tenido la satisfaccion q desde el tmpo.
del Seor Picton, Govr q fue de esta Ysla, he hecho
mi dever sobre el Particular con los vecinos del continente, y le consta tambien al amigo Du Juan Rurefur,
pues tuve con dho. Seor bastante satisfaccion, y tambien el gusto de haver bisto Cartas de V.E.A. & no
quiero molestar mas su atencion ; solo esperan el dia



de tener el gusto de recivir noticias prosperas de su

felicidad y empresa, pa hacer un sacrificio en memoria
y honor de ello &. &.
Dios gue. V.E.A. mig a8 Arima 11 de Julio de
1806. Be su mas att subdito y seguro Servr
Q. S. M. B.
N.: T. VII, f. 37.

Trinidad //th Juiy 1806.

Finding it convenient to embark on board the Leander, the Volonteers of this Island going to serve wider
my Orders, in the present Expedition, I request you
to have the goodness to vietual them, agreeable to the
Admiral% Instruetions, until their arrival at the place
of our destination.
I am
(Borrador sin firma)



N.: T. VII, f. 38.

Friday NO011
His Excelleney

In order that you may be more satisfied, on the
subjeet of our late communication, I beg leave hereby
to assure you, to the extent of my means, I shall be
truly happy in the opportunity of aiding your views.
And that any transaction between us may be more
secret (as you wish) I have only to request you will do

me the favor to draw such orden yourself as may be




Wishing you every possible suceess, and with the

highest esteem & respect.
I have the Honor to be
your mo : of & mo : obdt serv.
N.: T. VII, f. 39.

P. Spain, Manday Noon

12th Jule 06.

After the conversation that has already passed
between us, in particular when I had last the honor of
an interview with you. I hardly know now, what apology to offer. The disapointment that has so inexpectedly occurred I regret exceedingly, but I hope it will
not interf ere with r arrangementsWhat money I
now hold is public, & every exertion to procure my own,
has hitherto fail'd, and I am therefore very reluctantly obliged to return r own of this Morng f $700
which after every exertion I can't accomplish.
arrival from Barbados may
It's probable the
place its in my power, to extent formerly extendly. I
should feel much gratified in Buch an oppg.
I have the honour to be
Yr mo : obt ev mo. obt bbl servt


&C. &c. &e.


T. VII, f. 40.




de vous Ecrit pour vous faire savoir

que, je metrouve indisposs par une acss de faivre
que j ai eu lannuite dernie quil me prive Lhonneur de
votre Conpagnie Pour le Port & je vous fait savoir
la rponse. De toutes Ces messieur quil avez Promie
Daller Presentement ii ou toutes chang ii neveux plus
iantande Parler avotre Retour jor lhonneur de vous
voir a Utes egar jai finie en vous souhaitant une ParJ ai Lhonneur

faite Sanes.


Je suis votre trhumble & tre

Obeisant serviteur.

Jmic. %Neun

anaparime le 12 juillet 1806.

A Monsieur

Sur ses terre .Anaparine

N.: T. VII, f. 41.

J ai lhonneur de vous Eerit Potz vous faire savoir
que j ai en lemaleur Dtre ataquet De la meme maladis
que J avez Dernierement Dans Cemoment jeie il meemposible de monter a ehevalle & si Je me trouve mie-ux
Demains jor Leplaisir De vous faire marverences
& suis
votre treheumble & tr obeisant
anaparima le 15 juillet
A Monsieur

Sur Ses torre

N.: T. VII, f. 42.




El Veneficiado Dn Pedro Jos Reyes Bravo, Cura propietario de Santa Rosa de Arima, interino de la ciudad capital de San Jos de Orua, Vicario Particular
Juez Eclesiastico de esta Isla de Trinidad de Barlovento y su jurisdiccion t%.
"Certifico que en uno de los Libros Parroquiales de esta mi Parroquia de San Jos donde se

asientan las partidas de la Gente de calidad

Blancos encontr una al folio dos su buelta y
folio tres la del Tenor siguienteEn veinte y
seis dias del Mes de Octubre ao de mil ochocientos Yo Du. Francisco Antonio Santaella,
Cura Parroco de la Ciudad de San Jose de Orua : Certifico que en sementerio se le di Sepultura Eclesiastica a Dn. Manuel Gual, marido
que fu de Da. Ana Maria de Castro Vecinos
de Ciudad de Caracas; fue entierro resado, no
recibi los Santos Sacramentos por no haver
avisado para su administracion Y para que

conste lo firmo y de ello doy f.Franc Antonio Santaella."

Es copia de su Original de donde la saqu conforme

a ella del Libro Parroquial donde se Acientan las partidas de los muertos forrado en pergamino negro el
que existe en el Archivo de esta Parroquia de mi Cargo la que doy a pedimento de parte lexitima oy dia
seis del mes de Julio de mil ochocientos seis aos.

Jost REYES Brumo.

(hay una rbrica).

N.: T. VII. f. U.

(Esta partida se encuentra entre la correspondencia recopilada por Miranda en Trinidad).



Naparimar y Julio 16 de 1806.

Para que Ud. Bea que no A consistido en mi, en
animar las genttes del parttido, y persuadirles A mar
char le remitto V. S. las Adjunttas, del capittan de
milicias, quien Asi el como los del mar, me ofresieron
marchar comulgo, y para No dejar de manifesttar a
V. S. mi Buena Bolunttad, me dispuse partir sin embargo del mal esttado de mi salud.
El Biernes No parttimos por el mal ttiempo. el
sabado, sallo con su cartta que Acompao, laqui solo
Al puertto para manifesttarle a V. S. lo que me pasa
con esttos seores. No enconttre a y. s. en casa, y puedo
Asegurar ay. s. por mi onor que mayor pena, jamas la
ttenido. Bolbi Al partido para llebarle delantte v. s.
le yse llamar el lunes ofresio Benir marttes su benicla
fue ottra cartta. la cual remitto a y. s. ygualmentte,
e esperado ttodo el dia de oy. No Aparesido, mi empeo Gen' No es ottro sino que Bayan delantte de y s
a dar sus rasones y por ellas desconosen toda sospecha
que conttra de mi, pueda fomenttarse. Gen' estte modo
de falttar unas personas en quien yo conttaba me han
dado lugar Aser muchas reflexiones y Dios quiera que
a V. S. No le suseda lo mismo; y seria de pareser esperar que la yngalatterra faboresca de ttropas.
deseo a v. s. una perfetta salud y mande A su obedientte sery"
Q. S. M. B.


N.: T. VII, f.44.

Al folio 45 se encuentra un Impreso con las reglas y observaciones en Ingls del "Club Unin" de Puerto Espalla (Trinidad)



Lall 18th Juiy 1806.

I have sent you by the bearer an official Letter
representing the state of the Le,ander at 9 0 'clock last
night--may I recommend you keeping on board that
ship an officer whose authority can note in order those
on board or believe me Sir something unpleasant will
I have the honor to be
My Dear Sir.
your obdt hble. Sert




T. VII, f.


His Majesty's Bloop

Lily Juty 18th 1806.

I have the Honor to represent to you at 9 o elock
last Night in Consequence of the Leander Firing a

Gun and hoisting three Ligghts, I sent the First Lieutenant of the Lily on Board her to enquire the Cause
where he found the Master of her wish his Sword
Drawn opposed by Mir. Clarck, (Calling himself Commanding officer) with hie Sword on his hand in the
Act of Drawing it, and the Whole Crew Drunk and
Mutinous, I am sorry to add, Mr. Clark was so Extremely Insolent and his Conduct so bad that I was under
the Necessity of keeping him on Board the Lily all
Night and sending on Board the Leander an officer
and three sentinel. It has been reported to me she has
been once on Pire since her arrival, and I much fear
if greatest Precaution is not taken some accident will



happen. The officer I send with this Letter Lieutenant

Car Boarded the Leander at the same time with t,he
Lily Boat and will give every Information Respecting
her state.
I have t,he Honor to be.
your Mo Obedt Hble. Servt
His Excelleney

N.: T. VII, f. 47.


I have visited the two boats and find them in the
same they were this morning. I am Bure
they will not sail this night and to morrow I will have
an eye on them, I beg you will excuse me for not calling
again this evening.
I am with respect, Sir
your mos,t obedient servant.
CHABLEs S. MinnurroN
19 July 1806.

&. &. &.

N.: T. VII, I. 57.



8r,e. 8re.

Trinidad 24 Jule 1806.

I am informed that Colonel Downie is very desirous of having my friend Mr Robert M. Culloch in his
Regiment with a Superior Commission to what he now
holds in Colonel Armstrong Regt. In case of application being made to you on the subjeet by Col: D. I beg
you will give your assent to the change and very sincerely oblige.
Your most obedient humble
N.: T. VII, f. 58.

His Exeelleney

Leander uh/ 211't 1806.


Agreeable to your orders of last evening, I have the

honor to inform you that the most perfect order, regularity and subordination prevails on board the ship.
Now, have I learned that any symptoms of disorganization have appeared, for the last two days. The troops
under my command, are putting their arms and accoutrements in the best order, and appear animated with
the prospect of a speedy departure from Trinidad
roads. My presence is necessary on shore, in order to
settle my affairspermit me Sir, to ask your permission for this purpose.
I have the honor to be Sir,
your Obedt


His Excelleney


N.: T. VII, f. 59.





Mr Nehell returns his Compliments to General Miranda. He feels much obliged by the loan of the Poli-

tica Indiana, which he believes to be the Only one

which has ever appeared in Trinidad.M r N begs
leave to offer his sincere wishes of health & victory
to the General in this truly Meritorius UndertakingPort of Spain 22 July 1806.

His Excelleney
N.: T. VII,



Nota: El folio 61 contiene una lista de los buques ingleses que estaban
en aguas de Martinica y da Barbados en julio de 1806. Un total de 19
buques con 1.026 "bocas de fuego".

Naparimar y Julio 23 de 1806.

Mili Sor Mi02 mi Aribo A estte parttido, fu el lunes

A las diez, de la Noche el marttes, por la maana enbie
de un lado y ottro, las proclamasiones y Algunos yndi-

biduos, para conponer Attodos los espaoles, y Algunos

franseses que creyo hubieren seguido con Boluntad.
El miercoles se presentaron Barios yndividuos, pero
Nada les agrado la proposicion, sin henbargo. A fuersa
de persuasiones logramos Alisttar quarentta y seis
hombres. Alas ttres, llegaron A mi casa, el Com tbe del
Berganttin y el Core' hol. de quien resibi el onor dela


e desde luego ttrattamos de lo que se havia echo, y

lo qe deviamos Aser, y por lo consiguientte de henbarcarnos oy Juebes Alas dies, luego que ubieren llegado,

ttodos los conbenidos, se Aliaban Ala sason Algunos

de estos, Bieron llegar los seores, y desde Luego, fueron ynformados que la Benida del Buque era para
lleBarlos, ala sason, Ben, que uno de los Bottes ponia
enttierra por la partte del rio con algunas jenttes, y
un ofisial, se Apoderan Nuestros conbenidos de un tteror que crelleron que debiamos enBarcarlos de fuerza



A Bordo del Buque del rei. y partten conttodo

llebando consigo la noche siguiente, sus ropas, y de mas
ttrasttos, y no solo esttos escaparon como unos ttonttos.
sino que dieron esttas Notticias abs
o de mas, de modo
que no Aparesido una alma,, por la misma rason No
pedi a Va una embarcasion, sino condusirlos en mi
falua los que se ubieron podido y para los de mas, ttenia
haBlado, Al capittan Binches.
De Buelbo el Berganttin y quedamos para solicittar
de Nuebo esttos menttecattos. y de ttodo dare a V a el
mas prontto Abiso.
D8 guarde a Va su ymporttantte vida in a".
B.S.M. de va su obedientte servidor




N.: T. VII, f. 62.

Northd. off Tortola

13 July 1806.

My Dear General

I wrote you yesterday by the Grooper Schooner

which vessel I sent to inform you that the Sing Fish
Schooner had been taken by the French Squadron
which the Commander of her mistook for the one under
my OrdersI understand that all her dispatches feil
into the Enemys hands : They gave out that they were
of Great consequence and I have reason to believe that
they sent off a Brig express to La Guaira as you know
best their purpot--it will be in your power to alter your
Plans should you conceive that the Enemy (from the
Intelligence they may receive) can counteract you.
The French Squadron did not give me an opportunity to attack them to advantage and it would not do
for me to risk a General action where the disparity of
Force was so great and 1 had such valuable convoys



to see safe to EnglandI expeet to hear from you by

the return of this vessel or the Grooper.
It is not in my power to afford you any farther
Naval assistanee until after the sailing of Our convoys.
Wishing you every possible sucees I remain
Dear General
Your very faithful obed. servt

The man who would have gone in the Grooper goes

by this one.
A. C.


Antigua 16 July.

Since my Arrival here I have seen the Commander

King Fish and I am happy to say that He desthe
troy'd all his dispatehes before he was captured.
I have no particular newsEver yours
N.: T. VII,

f. 68.


Port of Spain, Trinidad.

Juty 23d 1806.

My dear Admiral,
I have reeeived your letter of the 13th Instand
Northd off Tortola coveyed to me by the Pert sloop

of War. I have not received yet the dispatch you mention to have been forwarded in the Sch" Grooper. I am
very sorry the King-fish was taken, beeause the dispatches she earried to you were of the utmost importance and would ruin this Enterprise if the Enemy
had got possession of them, as you may perceive by the
inclosed Copy.





The progress we have made in the rearuiting of

Volunteers at Trinidad for our Expedition, has proved
contrary to the conjectures and expectation of Clevernor Hislop and myself at my arrival liare. The causes
are various, and it is enough to say that the Foreign
Inhabitants and Planters here got the Idea, that this
Island must ultimately be delivered to Spain at the
Peace, and that the English Government dont cordially
with us. Which Idea they collet from the singular and
indecent behaviour of G. Bow, at Barbadoes, whose
influence I am sorry to see has in some measure extended to the Hemisphere of Trinidad and enabled the
Agents of the spanish Government to check ours designs and views in this Island a great deal more than
could be expected. I don't believe we have got in the
whole more than 100 Men.
However the news I have been able to procure from
the opposite Continent (the Government here having
no secret (Jorrespondent of any kind there) are satisfactory : and wishing to do something that may
promote our Views in the Emancipation of South
America have nothing further to expect from the Government of this Island, I mean to sail this day in
hopes that the People that are collected on the Coast
of Caracas and as far as Coro (as 1 am informed) will
furnish me with the means of beginning this Enterprise. I fully rely on your Naval assistance to support
us on these Points, and if you can send a Frigate immediately with some Troops it will be of great service to
us. As soon as we have made a landing I shall send
a dispatch to you.
With the arrival of Adm i Sir J. B. Warren I take
for granted that you will be able to protect the convoy;
to give a good account of the French squadron near
you ; and to send us the reinforcements we are so much
in want of.
I wish you a complete success in your present pursuite and a speedy return to your station, and to the
shores of unfortunate Colombia.
1 remain &c. &c.


N. B. the adjoining extraets are from Letters of a

friend of mine that is in the Habit of seeing Ministers
in England, and is the Chairman of the Manufacturing
Towns of G. B.
(Borrador sin firma)

Rear Admiral
The lionbu





N.: T. VII, f. 65.

Port of Spain, Trinidad

Juillet 23. 1806.

Permettez, mon cher General, qu'au moment de

quitter la Trinidad je vous temoigne ma sincere reconnoissance pour vos attentions, et pour l'amiti que vous
avez bien voulu me temoigner pendant mon sejour dans
cette Ile. Ces marques personnelles de votre bienveillance et de votre hospitalit, seront toujours presentes
mon souvenir, en me promettant un gage flatteur de
continuation par la suite.
Les nouvelles que je viens de recevoir du Continent
Colombien m'obligent quitter sans delai cette Isle
pour me porter au secours de ma patrie, prte sans ce
moment secouer le Joug de l'Espagne, ou it devenir
bientl l'Esclave malheureuse de la France ainsi que
le sont actuellement la Hollande, la Suisse, &ea.
Aucune autre consideration ne pourroit dans ce
moment me forcer quitter l'Ile de la Trinidad, puisque le secours que le recrutement a pu m'en fournir,
sont bien bin de completer les moyens necessaires pour
une entreprise aussi importante que celle dont nous
allons tenter le debut.
La persuasion oil je suis en outre que tout delai ne
pourroit pas produire aucune augmentation dans nos
forces, puisque toutes les remontrances que j 'ai pu
faire aux Chefs qui commandent les forces de terre
dans les ties Brittaniques, n'ont pas pu m'inspirer



aueune certitude sur leur cooperation immediate, me

font prendre un parti, qui tout hasardeux qu'il paroit
Petre, est peuttre, le seul qui me reste suivre. J'espere que la Providenee secondant les voeux purs que
nous animent, voudrez bien nous accorder le succs; et
que la posterit instruite passera un jugement equitable, sur les venemens qui pourront etre la suite d'un
devouement aussi patriotique qu'honorable.
J'ai l'honneur dtre avec des sentimens d'estime et
de la plus haute consideration.
Monsieur le General,
Votre tres humble et tres obeisant

N.: T. VII, f. 87.

(Minutas de una carta de Miranda

para Hislop.)
On board H. H. 8. Ley.
Harbour of Port of Spain July 24th

Dear Sir
In this moment we weigh the anchor, the adj oint
Letters will shew you what has occurred since my last.
In eight days I shall be landed on the Colombian Continent, the rest you will know by my next dispatch or
by the event.
I have managed the pecuniary resources I wanted
at Trinidad by myself, and without drawing upon any
of my friends. I hope very soon to be able to satisfy
the smalls sums they have advanced for me on aceount
of this Enterprise. God &c.
The R. H. NICHOLAS ViiturrrenT.

&e. 8r.e. &e.

(Minuta sin firma)

N.: T. VII, I. 68.




My friends and Countrymen,

The glorious opportunity now presents itself, of
relieving from oppression and arbitrary Government,
a People who are worthy of a better fate, who ought
to enjoy the blessing of the finest Country in the Universe, which bountiful Providence has given them, but
who are shackted by despotim too cruel for Human
Nature longer to endure groaning wider their present afflictions, they haid with extended arms, the
noble cause of freedom and independence and call upon
you to share with them in the Godlike aetion of relieving your distressed fellow creatures.
Hasten then to join the standard of one who has
the happiness to call himself your countryman and is
determined to rescue his country, and to shed 'the last
drop f his blood in promoting it's happiness ; an objeet
of whieh he has never lost sight for a moment of his
There will be made a liberal distribution of land at
the expiration of a twelve month, aceording to ranks
and privates from the instant of their enrolment, will
be entitled to provisions and clothing, with a quarter
of dollar day, of pay, not subject to any deduction.
And you brave volunteers of the Islands who have
nobly come' forward, to partake with us oin honours ;
and to share with us our prosperity, hasten to follow
those officers under whose care you have already been
trained and who are impatient to lead you on to victory
and wealth.
The Gulph that Columbus first discovered and
honoured with his presence, will now witness the illustrious actions of our gallant efforts.
Trinidad July, 1806.
N.: T. VII, f. 70 y v.

(El Folio 69 es un borrador de este mismo documento).




It being desirable that a Corps of Light Cavahy,

and of Infantry, and of Artillery shouM be formed to
be put under the Command of the Count de Rouvray,
as Colonel of the former, and of Colonel Kingston of
the Infantry and Captain Harvey of the Artillery,
who have volunteered their services with General Miranda The Governor will sanction for this purpose
the offers of Volunteers from each corps of Militia
not hawever exceeding in number, twenty out of each
hundred, that is to say A corps consisting of one
Hundred, may furnish twenty men One of two
hondred, forty and so on in proportion Commanding Off icers of Corps and other Officers are expected
not in any manner to discourage the Voluntary offers
of such of their men as may be desirous of going upon
the proposed service, from the result of which the most
important benefits may be expected to result to the
British Empire and in a peculiar degree to this Co-

lony, the prosperity of which eannot fail to be raised

to the highest pitch by the success of the enterprise
which under the skilful guidance of an experienced
Captain such as General Miranda has proved himself

be, cannot be doubted at the same time that the

reflexion of the possibility of their bitter est enemies
getting possession before hand of the spanish neigh-


bouring Dominios, would not only be a most serious

stab to the interests and Welfare of Great Britain,

but would place this Island in a state of imminent
danger and at all events blast the hopes of its future
prosperity These are considerations worthy of every
reflecting Mind.
N.: T. VII, f. 71 y v.


Trinidad Ady 24th 1806.

past six O'clock.

Charles Milrey who will hand you this, has this moment told me of His intention of attaching himself to
your fortunes in your present undertakings, allow me
to instruct you in his behalf; I venture to say that you
will find him a useful EngineerWishing you from

my heart Every Success that ought & must attend you

I remain with sentiments of most affectionate attachment & true Respect.
Your HU St
W. HounEs.
His Exeelly.

& & &.

N.: T. VII, f. 72.

My dear Sir

Molini has left with me four Trunks by your

directions which you may not a.ssured I shall take
eare of.
I need scarcely add that you have my best wishes
that every may attend you and that I am always My
dear Sir,
Your sincere friend & wellwisher


Port of Spain Trinidad

24 July 1806.

&. &. &.

E. G.
N.: 'I'. VII, f. 73.


July 1806.


I have not been very well this day or should have

liad the Honor of waiting on you If you are not particularly engaged, I shall have some good tea Ready
for you this Evening
Most Respectfully
your faithfull
: Srt.
W. Holms
Friday evening.
His Excelley.
&. &. &.
N.: T. VII, 1. 78.

July 1806.


I wish much to speak with you bef ore the Governor

leaves town. ez as I do not like going to Govermt House.
I shall wait for you at my own house.
Your faithfull

2 Oetub.
His Excelleney
N.: T.


f. 79.


JAI 25th 1806.


I have just Receivd your note & have been fortunate enough to succeed in obeying your command May
I beg forgiveness for Grim. I have promissed him that
I woud do so. Wishing you Every success.
I remain General
Your faithful
His Excellency

N.: T. VII, f. 80.

July 1806.

Mi Coronel
No puedo p r menos q es manifestarle V.S.A. la
miseria y Esclavitud con que nos tratan.
P 3 quart de Racion.-29 las rracion de los que
somos oficiales lo menos las de vino los otros oficiales
pr rrazon de ser Ingleses y Blancos, las enchizpan y
nosotros nada. 3 aqui no cavemos de pi pues en la
Goleta teniamos doble Cavida. 4 desde que vine aqui
no me handao ni siquiera un pedazo de pananoche no
me dieron de senaresta maana nada de almorzar
ni tampoco de comer.
5. El Coron' que est aqui trata el que nosotros
todos nos pasemos su departamento; pero primero
me degoyara si seguir con el.
Espero de V. S. a. tener alivio de todo esto.
Ge. V. S. a. in' a.
B. S.
N.: T. VII, f. 81.






July 1806.

Mi Gral.
Es necesario se mede, la faqultad de tomar todos
aquellos hombres qe asisten (5 viven en este puerto, sin
estar arrimados ninguna de las Milicias; estos se
oqupan en desendicar en mi opinion pr rrazon de ser
yo fiel Patriota: estos me tratan de soplon y destas
ynsolencias muchisimas ; y no dejante desto me aconsejan atodos aquellos qe rrecluto qe porsepararme pr
ale Instante de ellos lo que hacen es yamarlos y
consejarlos y esto no conviene y no solamente son estos
hombres qe antes dho. sino tambien muchos ct estan
en las milicias de aqui deste puerto pero son todos unos
hombres Bagamundos q e andan de taverna en taverna.
El 5 deste mes qe asen oy tres dias recivi dos p $
los q destivuy en comprarles tavaco mi compaia
y pa los demas soldados qe estan abordo advirtiendo qe
o de mi compaia los trato con mas quidad, en
quanto las gratificasiones, pero pr lo demas atodos
se les trata pr ygual pr lo que todos aquellos qe son de
mi rrecluta estan contentos y los demas estan qe rrabean contra sus capitanes.
El dia de oy 11, las dies del dia boy a tomar bestidos
pa todos ellos.
Subdito suyo
N.: T. VII, f. 82.


July 1806.

Mi Gral.
Mediante la proposicion de Vm. para que yo exponga que empleo quiero tener baxo los Estandartes y
superioridad de Vm : Digo, que por ser uno de los mas
ultraxados por los q rigen en Caracas, por el propio
asunto pasado, con perdida de mis totales bienes y muger dtca , como por mi dolencia de oidos para actuar en
la milicia; por aora suplico Vm. se me distinga con
el empleo de Capitan bibo de Exercito, con nombramw



titulo, igualmte dibisas, de la Guardia custodia de

la persona de Vm, con cuyos distintibos estar y asy
lo ruego a el lado de Vm; precabiendo tamb de este
modo honroso el riesgo de mi Vida, por la que tanto
aspiran los dhos, gefes de Caracas; sin dexar por todo
de egercer por la pluma quanto pueda, arreglado la

penosidad del oido.

Gras. qe espera merecer de la consideracion de Vm.
su obdte subdito qe lo respeta.

P. D. Por lo respectibe lo que apunt Vm. sobre

mis deudas, bien considero no es justo ny posible exigir
se me supla para pagar; pero suplico que caso de que
me quiera alguno molestar aora para el pago, se me
proporcione sugeto que salga fiador mientras yo lo
remita de all, donde bare medeven por asuntos de aqui,
y otros de antes. Aqui solo encarezco se me franquehen
como 70 80 p a por los piquitos de casa, alimentos qe
resto, y para comprarme dos tres pares de calzado,
pr q armas y lo demas graduo se me darn supliran,
por qe no tengo ny pa comer, y de tres meses esta parte,
nadie quiere ni mirar uno, pa faborecerle, p r &ca &ea,
y una pobre seora me asiste con su escaso diario, de
qe no dejo de dar gras al Criador.


N.: T. VII, f. 83.

Nota: Los folios 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89 y vueltos, contienen extractos
manuscritos del peridico "Mercantile Advertizer", de New-York, del 11
de abril de 1806, que reproduce algunas publicaciones tomadas del "Richemond Enquirer" del 4 de abril del mismo ao, sobre la Expedicin de Miranda y las protestas hechas por el Ministro de Espaa en Washington.
Daniel L. Hylton dirige una carta al Editor de este ltimo peridico, la
cual se copia, en que se pregunta el destino de dicha expedicin. Otra carta
de Stephen Sayre, amigo de Miranda, dirigida al mismo peridico en que
hace una defensa de la idea mirandina de libertar el continente. El peridico, por su parte, hace alguna% consideraciones sobre la situacin de SurAmrica.
Tambin se copian extractos del peridico "New York Commercial Advertising" del 6 de marzo del mismo alo, en loe cuales se da noticia de la
expedicin y de la personalidad de Miranda, de su prestigio en Europa y
de la justa aspiracin de las colonias espaolas para separarse de la Metrpoli. Se desea el xito de Miranda en la Empresa.
En el "New York Morning Chronicle" de 5 de abril de 1806 se publica
el extracto de una carta de un caballero, que estaba abordo del "Leauder",



JAI 1806.


The information I had yesterday respeeting the

rumb on which the french fleet had been seen directing
their course, appears to have been will founded and
on which I beg leave to offer you the enora buena.
Lieut Barclay 2d of the Lilly has just been with me,
and he says that he boarded on Sunday evening a
Schooner from Antigua ncw in the port, whose Captain told him he had spoke with a Danish vessell from
St. Thomas at sea, by whom he was informed that they
had fallen in with the french fleet under the Sea of
Guadalupe about six leagues from the land, steering on
a wind to weather the Island of Montserrate, directly
to northward.
If this information be corriet which can easily be
verified by applying to the Cap' of the Antigua Schooner, I am persuaded they are bound directly to France
which appears the more probably, from their embarking at Martinique so many passengers of distinction,
and among those I dare say Mad La pagerie who it is
known has been some time waiting for an occasion.
I am with respect
Your very Obed t serv"
Ar. Bu.=
Tuesday 3 0.Clock.
N.: T. VII, f. 90.
Nota: Los folios 91 y vuelto y 92, contienen una lista de los buques
pspaftoles arribados a Trinidad desde Espaa entre enero de 1804 y enero
de 1805, con carga por valor de 639.220 pesos. La lista correspondiente al
alo 1805 al 1806, da un total de carga por valor de $847,330 y la del primer
semestre de 1806, alcanza a 528.380, pesos lo que demuestra un aumento en
este semestre, y da idea del comercio espaol con la Isla.
en la Baha de Jacmel (Hait) fechada el le de Marzo de 1806, en que dice
que Miranda explic su plan a los que lo acompaaban y los dej en libertad
de regresar o de continuar en la expedicin. El autor de la carta opt por
regresar a Estados Unidos y manifiesta que en Hait, Miranda poda reclutar adeptos.



Having been a Prisoner of War in Spanish Guayana for the last nine months I avail'd myself of

all opportunity to obtain the best information res-

pecting to Strength & Situation of that Colony and

agreable to your request. I now do myself the Honor
to lay before you a Statement of what I have been
able to colled on that Subject.
Forces Military Station'd at Angostura
of the Royal Reg'. of Artilery from Varee
nes /300 Leages fm Angostura

of a Regiment of Infatry from D

of Militia of Angostura Infantry


Station'd at Forts Guayana about 75 Milis below

Angostura of V. boye Regt. of Artiliry
of the Varanes Regt. of Infantryq 3 Companies

edy 30
Irregular Infantry of all Colony Withes Mulat
toes & nigroes
A small Battery of 2 or 4 Gins of posite side of
the Rivers to Guayana Infantry & Artilery
Within the River not far fm the mauth of the
grand Entrance o nan Island 4 Guns on an

watin Battery and
this place is called Mataca
The fortifications of Guayana consist of two
small Forts closek works the largest which


La pgina 97 incluye un cuadro de la poblaci6n de la Isla de Trinidad

para diciembre de 1805, as: 2418 blancos; gente de color, libre, 5.807;
Esclavos, 19.984; Indios, 1.783; ingleses, 878; espaoles, 518; y franceses
1.020. (Estas tres ltimas nacionalidades dan el total de blancos indicados
arriba.E1 total de la poblacin de la isla era de 29.940 habitantes.
N.: T. VII, f. 97.



is distanee from the other fin. 350 to 400

yarda eontains 6 to 8 Guns eommands the
other which is near the River having 7 Guns
I could never discover whether their Calibre

were 18 or 24 & I have heard that the most of

them were 12 Pounders.
A small post of 12 Men at an Indian Village call-

ed Sancho panna where there are no Guns

but many Indians with arrows farther up

the Ruin them Mataca

There are no Guns whatever at Angostura except what have been landed fin. Privateers


which are not in use & not mounted.

Forces Naval

At Barancas 5 Guns Boats eaeh 1 Eighteen pounder in the Bow & 6 to 10 Swivels & having
each 25 men
1 Sloops 2 twelve paunders in the Bow with
6 or 8 Swivels
Small Boats and 1 Swivel i nthe Bow fin. 6 to 8


'd occassion allog fm. the aboye Sloop

& Gun Goats

cer Men

Some more men be prepr 'd in the Spanish Service
at Angostura in case of an Invasion but if proper
vigilance & care he obser 'd the forces of the Beseigers
would arrive at Guayana bef ore any relief could arrive

& fm. my were Knowledge when an allarm should be

beat the most of the Inhabitants get out of the way to
avoid serving & every dass of the People both Civil
& Military are disgusted with the Governor & his opperations aboye 30 men were imprison'd for deserting
at the last allarm when they heard Mirander was on the
coast & they all assured me that if the English e,ame
there they would not fight.



It is I think necessary to observe that the men em-

ploy'd in the Gun Boats are for the most part fiestd
water Seamen and were never employ'd in any actual

I have the Honor to be

With the highest respect
YE. Ob. Servt.
WILLIAms Tuc sica (rbrica)

If in Town enquire of Graham I. Roberts.

N.: T. VII, fe. 98 y vto. y 99.

En Gazeta de Norte Amrica del mes de mayo se

di aviso de la expedicion projectada y dirigida por
el supuesto General Miranda, y se afirme qe, aun que
en estos ultimos Tiempos se havian visto pocos milagros; seria uno, el que aquel insensato consiguiese el
fin que se proponia. El publico desea saber con impaciencia los resultados de una expedition tan misteriosa:
y para satisfacer su curiosidad, se pone el milagro en
su noticia.
El 27 de Abril, sin proteccion de ningun Govierno,
y despreciado de los negros y mulatos de Yacomels se
presento delante de las costas de la provincia de Caracas enfrente de la poblacion de Ocumare 34 leguas
al occidente de la Guayra, y mand que cinco miserables compaeros suyos baxaren a Tierra destinados
ceducir y alterar la invencible fidelidad de sus habitantes. El Govierno que le habia seguido sus pasos
en Yacomels y orna se le sigue, orden que dos Briques menores de la marina Real de espaa, existentes
en la provincia le atacasen el 28. lo executaron con el



ardor necesario, y aquel Cabarde q'. Tramaba en su corazn incendios asasinatos, robos y todo Genero de Calamidades, no penso mas que en la fuga, derando en
poder de sus enemigos dos Briques de su expedicion
con 53 complices de sus proviectos, las armas, las mu'Aciones, los uniformes, y los papeles. el 30 fueron tambi en aprehendidos sus cinco conspiradores sin haver
conseguido otro efecto de su micion que el desengao
y el combeneimiento de que hasta la ultima clase de
Pueblo adora sus soberanos, y respeta las Leyes y
sus Ministros.
Examinados sus papeles se han encontrado proclamas indecentes eapazes solamente de alusinar los insensatos que le han seguido e injuriosas a la Lealtad
de que se gloria aquel Pueblo manifiesta en ellas que
venia movido de sus repetidos llamamientos. Este passo
dado por la ignorancia mas crasa, ha producido los
efectos que eran eonsequentes todos los pueblos de
la provincia y todas las clases de ellos se han exaltado
al entusiasmo mas violente: un odio Gnral a la persona de aquel impostor, se ha apoderado de todos los
corazones, no hay momentos en que no den pruebas
de su situacion. Se ha proseripto al Traydor : se hacen
ricas suscripciones para exterminarlo: todas las costas
estan erizadas de Bayonetas y cubiertas de soldados
q". abandonando con alegra sus casas dan repetidos
testimonios de su amor sus Reyes, adhsion a su General del horror con que han visto al Traydor y sus
nominaciones, y del poder de un Govierno dividido por
la Justicia, y sostenido por el respeto, de Ciudadanos
virtuosos. Seran juzgados sus cmplices, con la severidad de las leyes, y el Pueblo Glorioso con no haver
visto un solo Espaol en esta turba demisrables y vagabundos, no ansia mas que el exterminio de su perfido compatriota, del perfido cf. nacido en su suelo corno
por espaa, Turquia, Prusia, Francia, Inglaterra, y
los estados unidos dejando por todas partes seales de
cu perversidad; que huya de una Tierra que quiso manchar con sus importunas y perfidia que ni aun se aproxime ella por que sus moradores ansian con vehmenda purificarla con el sacrificio de su detestable



persona como lo havrian excutado, si su resolucion

huviera sido mas arrojada.
N.: T. VII, hl. 100 y vto. y 101.



That the Master of all Foreing Vessels Entering

into any of the ports of Columbia shall inmediatily
on arrival Repart to the Collector of Customs, declaring to what Nation such belongs, The number of Men
have gating the same, and t,he names of passengers if
any likewise to produce to the collector a Manifest
of the Cargo laclined on board of said Vessel.
That within 24 hours after arrival the Master of
such Vessel shall be obliged to make a regular Entry
at the Custom House, or otherwise to depart the Port
inmediatily under the penalty of contiscation of the
Vessel & Cargo.
That the Master shall deposit in the Lands of the
Collector the register of his Vessel, which shall be Returned to the Master in like good order, at the time
the Vessel shall receive a regular clearance and be
ready to departs.
That no Merchandize whatsover shall be landed in
the Ports of Columbia without first having obtained
from the Collector of Customs (or other proper officer) a regular permit signed by such officer, Staleing
the quantity & Species of Merchandize with names
of the Vessel which the same is to be' landed, and in
all cases where Vessels, are found landing any past
of the cargos without a permission being first regularly obtained, such Merchandize so found shall be
nable to be confiscated, the one half of the Net Proceeds there of to the use of the informer, and other
half to be paid hito the public Treasury.
That all Marchandize Importei from the Ustates
of .America (the property of American Citizens) and



Entering into any of the Ports of Columbia shall be

subject (ilegible) Per cent Duty Estimated on the
amount of the Invoice, And that in case the collector
shall have reason to believe that the prices of Merchandize Contained in any invoice what may be exhibited to him shall appear to be less than the real cst
of the goods, The collector shall then have the power
to make such addition amount of said Invoice as he
in his judgment may think just and reasonable in order to ascertain the correct and true Estimate of
duties to be paid on the said Merchandize.
That in shipping produce for the return cargos of
all Vessels entering the Ports of Columbia.
It is here by ordered, that previous to any Lighter
oor boat leaving the Show with produce on board for
any Vessel shall first obtain from the Collector of
Customs, or other proper officer, a regular permit
for each and every Shipment, declaring by weight of
Measure, the actual quantity, the particular Species
of the produce required then be shipped, and the name
of the Vessel on board of which the same is to be Ladened, and all Vessels, Lighters or Boat, which shall
be found in any of t,he Ports of Columbia taking produce from the Show, without a regular permission
having been first granted by the collector of Customs
(or other proper officer) Such produce so found shall
be nable to confiscation, the one half of the Net Proceids there of to the use of the informer, and the other
half to be paid into the public Treasury.
That for the better government of t,he Duties to
be paid on the produce Shipped from the Ports of Columbia, The Chamber of Commerce shall once in every (ilegible) fix the price of the produce of Columbia,
for tht period, and the Collector of Customs shall estimate the Duties to be paid on all produce Shipped
from hte Ports of Columbia in America Vessels (the
property of Citizens of the Ustates of .America) at
the rate of (ilegible) Per cent on the amount of all slip ments, governing himself in Ievery instance by the
prices of produce as fixed and determined by t,he
Chamber of Commerce.



That there shall be appointed a publie Weigh

Master whose duty it shall be constantly to attend at
the publie Seale, and Weigh all produce at the time
it is to Shipped on board of any Vessel for Exportation, It shall likewise be his duty to keep a fair and
eorreet account of the weights of such produce, and
enter them in a Book with the nabe of the vessel on
board of which such Shipments are to be made, and
from this return of the weigh Master, The Colle(tor
shall Issue his permet to load the same on board of
the vessel required.
That the weight Master shall receive for attending
the scale and making the proper retur-ns, the sum of
(ilegible) for Every Thousand Pounds weights. That
all vessel the property of eitizens of the Ustates of
Ameriea Entering the Ports of Columbia shall pay
a tonnage Duty not Exxeding (ilegible) Per Ton, whieh
the Colleetor of Custom is here by authorized to Collect
at the time the Duties on such Vessel are paid.
That on all Foreign Vessels entering the Ports of
Columbia, The Collector of Customs shall receive as
his fee the sum of $ The interpreter $ The Har-.
bour Master $ The pilot and for each and every
permit Issued for landering good, and loading produce on board of Foreign Vessels, the affieer Issuing
the same shall be entelled to reeeive for eaeh the sum
of ... Cent.
That the Collector of Customs shall once in
Exhibit to the Commander in Chief a Correct Statement of the Imports & Exports of the Ports of Columbia, and the duties reeeived thereon ... and
pay into the public Treasury the Balance of Monies
reeeived for Duties during that period.
N.: T. VII, fe. 102 y 103 y vtos.
Nota: Loe folios 104 y 105 contienen un borrador, menos extenso, de
este mismo trabajo.




19 DE JULIO oonB".

El Babado 19 lleg media legua mas arriba de

Guiria en donde encontr a su recalo una Hazienda
que es de un frances. Dho, punto le nombran Guaimito
en esta paraban quatro Guardas o Bolantes con una

Barraca en la Playa para hacer guardia de noche.

Los sitados Guardas quisieron arrestar al arrivado l que se escus, y salb con el pretesto de que iba
de este Puerto huyendo porque se hacian lebas, y que
siendo pescador de Profesion iba pescar, y as le dejaron tranquilo en donde permaneci todo el dia hta.
la noche que se prepar para mudar de posicin.
El dia siguiente 20 por la maana sali de aquel
sitio de Guaimito y con la canoa se dirigi mas arriba
como que iba a la pesca, paso por las rancherias de
Pescadores en donde nombran la Pea desde donde
sigui un poco mas adelante hta. proporcionar la trabesia para este Puerto que verific entre 8 y 9 de la
misma maana.
Los ante dichos quatro Bolantes informaron al
arrivado que el pueblo de Barcelona estaba rebuelto
y entre este y Caracas havia un Exercito de Gentes y
una Nacion de Indios Guaiqueris unidos al sitado, pero esto para l interior y en consequencia disen los
Bolantes por ultimo que son dos bandos l uno de
Pinto con Exercito y el otro de un Don Manuel, tambien con Exercito en terminos que todo est rebuelto,
las Gentes del Pais deseosas del arribo de la Expedicion, y que unicamente quedan las Plazas con solo
la Tropa de linea, y los empleados por el Rey, pero
que la Milicia toda, y Paisanaje se ha ido huida de
estas Plazas, que en la costa del Golfo, havian de 500
a 800 hombres, y de resultas de los escapados apenas
quedan 200.
Igual en un todo a la razn que 111 arrivado dieron
los enunciados quatro Bolantes, al mismo relataron
los Pescadores, con quienes habl y procur informarse, hasta por separado apartada toda combinacion,
y acordaron sin diferencias.



El arrivado haviendo oido iqui que los opuestos a

la espedicin decian que a la costa firme tenia llegado tropas y Esquadra de fuera con todo cuidado,
procur informarse de todos los sugetos con quien hacontestaban que
bl hay en la sitada costa, y
nada havia llegado pues sostenian los Guardacostas de
Puerto Cabello lo antiguo, y no moderno.
El arrivado se llama Francisco Mary. Lleg ste
Puerto de Espaa de buelta la maana del 21 de Julio
de 1806.
N.: T. VII, fe. 100 y vto.

Lo sabido y entendido del' asunto pasado es como sigue.

Espaa, Corregidor de Macuto y su partido apoderado encargado por el Gobm. de Intereses de alga.
particulares &e., fue el que di principio (y tambien
Zinza) secretamente, comunicandoles algunos; quienes fueron lo ignore.
Lleg Picornell, con un abogado Aragones sentenciados de la Corte encierro perpetuo, por el propio
asunto intentado en la Peninsula, (de q Picornell
hizo cabeza) con quien trabo trato por condescendencia del Carcelero y guardias, y quien apoyo sus ideas
contribuyendo con sus discursos de que solo pude ber
uno por escrito, que parece era instruccion para formar Leyes interinas, ofreeiendole bendrian fuerzas de
las Colonias becinas, asy franceses como Olandeses, y
mejor y mas pronto si l en persona iba por ellas (asy
los enga y le dieron libertad) : En este tiempo baxo
Gual de su Habitacion por bia de paseo; y como tan
ntimo de Espaa y adicto el asunto, le comunic el
todo de sus ideas y clic') a conocer con Picornell (cortes y Andres q. ya abian llegado) Le estimulan que
se hiciese cargo del negocio para dirigirlo y mandarlo, y acepta. Empes Gual trabajar y en pocos dias
se gana las tropas blancas beteranas 6 del fixo que
habia destacadas en la Guayra, y todas las de Color



asy de las tambien de Caracas destacadas, q'. eran dos

tres Comp. como las de la plaza que montaban a dos
Comp'. fuera de la de Artilleros pardos q. es la mayor
y se compone de 80 h'. Esto lo hizo por sy: y por los q.
dedic pa. ello; entre estos a Serrano, Cordero, Narciso, Ruiseor, D. Man'. Berdes ten". del fixo y algunos
otros; destacando a Caracas p. lo propio.
Se supo hacian Juntas secretas 18 individuos pa.
deliberar lo que combenia se hiciese al rompimiento,
los quales se juramentaron, y segn entendy eran
Ronan, Teniente de Ingenieros murio en Cadiz
El cura de la Guayra, Criollo, Li encierro la Peninsula
Serrano, dho. Ant, blanco, natural de Madrid; lo
Ruiseor, Catalan, Sarg t. 20 beterano
Narciso del Valle, Artillero; Criollo, de color . . . id.
Moreno, Artillero,
dos mas que ignoro quienes fueron; pero son muertos
Mendiry, Bizcayno ; ofc'. principal de la Haduana ; indultado y se alla en S. Sebastian de Vizcaya
id dicen murio aogado
junto Vilbao.
id Comerciante y Habitante; dicen esta en San Sebastian.
Amascaray ten". de Fragata q. hizo de Cap. de
puerto en Trinidad Inglesa; sentenciado a 8 aos encierro; dicen muri.
DI farrisletad Habitante y Sugeto de su posic. en Cant.
&: muri yendo a Madrid.
Un Clerigo de Caracas, cuyo nombre no me acuerdo,
qued libre, pues no lo cit nadie
A estos se agregaban otros barios fuera de los de juntas con quien conferenciaban &; y de algunos hago
memoria eran; Aranzamendi (Vizcayno) del Comercio; desterrado en Pto. Rico.



Arguindeguy, id. del Como. ya muerto en la Guayra.

d. Man'. Ayala Capa. del fixo; estubo preso, reside en
Caracas de cuyos sus hermanos havia dos muy apasionados del negocio.
Sancho Diego (Isleo) del Com. Amigo Secreto; est
en la Guayra o Curazao
Luis Bueno, Criollo; Secreto, nabegaba a Curazao
habia otros barios Amigos del Pais y Vizcaynos, todos del Com. pero no me acuerdo de sus nombres.
Entendy que los Papepels q. G'. estaba formando
as para proclamaciones, como para leyes, ordenes y
cartas circulares, para los de la clase del Sacerdocio,
Militar y Policia; Exortaba por el buen orden, penas
muy rigorosas y de muerte sin distincin de clase ni
empleo 21 los que robasen, ultraxasen, daasen, violasen &ca. ninguna clase de personas de ambos sexos,
& .& y que el Gef e q. no hiciese observarlas seria asy
mismo castigado. El intento, sabido est, hera formar
republica, a similitud de los Estados Unidos Americanos; y segun lo que se fuese extendiendo el dominio
nombrar un presidente en cada provincia, y q. la principal seria Cante. cuyo Gef e o Presid". decian seria
G'. uno nombrado a pruladidad de botos.
El Pabellon contenia 4 Colore, al trabes, blanco,
Azul, Encarnado y morado, o negro.
El Encabezamiento de algunos papeles y lo que se
hizo entender al pueblo fue; que todo lo que concernia
al Rey Espaol seria anulado, y aus totales Intereses
pa. beneficio de la Republica, y lo propio todo lo de
los Gefes Europeos, Empleados principales, y de quantos hiciesen parte contraria, arrestando todos los Gefes y Empleados dhos. asta q. la Espaa reconociese
la independencia, y entregase lo que le pidiesen asy de
gentes espatriadas y oprimidas del pais &ca . como intereses q. hubiesen quitado; y de no Aorcarlos.
Que lo que reynaria en la Republica seria libertad,
Igualdad, Unin y hermandad; Obteniento, toda clase
de personas siendo abil para ello, si acredora, empleos
asta de las t". Atenciones; como admitido el parecer
de todo Ciudadano q. le quisiere dar, sobre qualesquier asunto del beneficio de la Patria &c a. Que los



soldados no se quitasen el sombreo nadie haciendo

solo la demostracin de ello, llevando la mano a l, y
ni que se les podria castigar por ningn superior, con

palo, sable ni las manos; ni tampoco ultraxarles de

palabra, y sy cometian algun asunto q. mereciese reprension se diese parte o arrestase. Que toda clase de
paisanos llevase la Escarapela tricolor, y el contrabentor sin escusas, seria castigado como sospechoso
Toda nacin podria llegar con sus frutos, y extraher los del Pais, y domiciliarse, dando tierras a los
que quisiesen cultibarlas ; repartir las que se les quitasen a los Gefes Realistas, entre los mas acreedores
Ruplicamos, ningun estrangero se podria titular republicano menos de no ser casado en el Pais poseer
cierta porcin de tierras y contar de su residencia 6
aos en l; a menos de no a yer tomado las armas en
su defensa que estos corrian otras circunstancias, y estipular derechos moderados sobre ciertos renglones Estrangeros y sobre algunos del pais q e. estos extragesen,
todo sin perjuicio del pobre.
Todo ttulo de Castilla y encomiendas, como tratamientos, serian anulados totalmte . sin haber mas expresiones de tratos qe. de tu y Vm. Fuera del servicio

todos tenian franqueza para tratarse con satisface.

y libertad.

Pensaban, anular o suprimir, con el tiempo, parte

del clero y Frailes; pero por el pronto no hacer mu-

taco. la mas leve, antes por el contrario.

Todo hombre cf. efectuado el asunto no hiciere

parte qe. se echase del pais incontinentem". con perdida 'de bienes intimacin de pena de muerte de
bolber sin pleno consentimiento del Gobierno. Y todo
aquel criollo q. dentro de 30 meses de su comienso no
se presentare sera tratado como traidor y confiscados
sus bienes esto es para los que estaban fuera del Pais.
Habia algunos Emisarios repartidos por el interior,
de que solo conoc uno, llamado Camacho,
Veracruz por 4 aos de presidio, fu Sarg". 1 de Beteranos.



Quiza, El q puede dar razones mas circunstanciadas, por el diario trato con Espaa. Gual, Ronan
&e., es Sanchez.
N.: T. VII, fi. 107 y 112 y vtos.

Lo q. tengo presente sobre el asunto de la independencia del continente de Caracas es como se sigue
que de varias cosas aun no me acuerdo &.
Vinieron mil y mas Prisioneros Franceses guando
la toma de Vallaja II la Guayra la mayor parte Blancos y un tercio de Pardos con quienes trataron oculto
Gual, Espaa, Ronan, Sorondo, Ruiseor y Narciso
sobre el asunto, y estando tomando sus medidas el
Govierno se sospecho algo y los remiti a la Havana
aceleradamente. Y quedaron estos con aquellas ideas.
Se retir Gual del Servicio &.
Luego lleg Picornel la Guayra con Sebastian
Andres inmediatamente se supo su causa y los suxetos
que eran y se encargo Garcia (aq. oculto) de suministrarles la mantencion y demas por recomendacion
de Picornl (y aun algo mas se decia) Espaa trato
el asunto con este P. y entre Espaa, Sorondo, Ruiseor, Mendiri, Narciso y otros trataron de ponerlo
fuera, por q. aquel decia q en la carcel no podia trabajar; estando en esto lleg Corts y otro de la misma causa loco (el qual por ser sentenciado a Puerto
Cavello luego sigui a su destino) lleg el dia de la
salida la qual havia de executarse a las 12 de la noche
y se verific a la 10, que fu bien escandalosa donde
se estravi Sebastian Andres y solo llegaron casa de
Espaa P. C. y el Amo de llaves de la caree'. Sebastian Andres luego que se perdi empezo a solicitar por
el camino de Caracas y consiguio un peon que le acompao hasta la misma ciudad, al amanecer llego &la
y el creyendo q. havia Consul Frances empezo a solicitarle y le llevaron a la casa de un judio al q. hizo
su relato y este le dejo tomando un pocillo de chocolate
y se fu a dar parte al Governador de su descubrimiento inmediatamen t . lo haganaron y lo pusieron



en arresto y aunque le hicieron reconvenciones jamas

pudieron tener del noticia alguna luego q. se cansaron
lo remitieron la Guayra y el mismo dia lo embarcaron a Puerto Cavello. Picornel y Cortes tenia lla dispuesto Espaa donde devian irse y asi es que mas tarde yo y Ruiseor los conducimos fuera del Poblado
donde estavan dos pardos esperandolos inmediatamente salieron estos con ellos a la Vigia de Mapurite quienes estan encargados de aquel punto y de la custodia
de estos seores sub-ministrandoles Espaa por medio
de estos la subsistencia de aquellos; a los quince dias
a mas aclamaban P. y C. q9 . estaban muy espuestos
all y asi tubo cf. traerlos a su casa de la Guayra y de
alli los paso al Pueblo de Macuto donde trataron con
ellos Gual, Sorondo, Mendiri, Ronan, Goenaga, Rios,
Ruiseor, Serrano, Perasa, Narciso, Cordero, Pino,
Principe, Cordero y otros varios; hvaiendo estado all
all 15 o mis dias acordaron q pasando estos a la
Guadalupe podrian all tratar de varias cosas imprimir ppeles y conseguir una imprenta y demas &
esto fu principio de Junio de 96 que salieron para
Curazao con un borcillo de 2.000 $ quedando de Mensualmente subministrarles por la bia de Curazao todo
todo quanto pidiesen (Picornel como conocia el riesgo
en que se hallaban era q. esitava a Espaa el salir
fuera con el pretexto cf. se comprometia de guardarlos y Espaa siempre se oponia a su salida en fin ganaron a Espaa y se fueron). Quedo Gual a la cabeza
y de 29 Ronan arreglando sus planos. Tenian Gual y
Espaa sus juntas con los individuos siguientes.
Ronan Th. de Ingenieros
Ruiseor Sargento beta.
Sorondo Empl eados en la Contad.
Juan Lartegui Teniente de Ing.
Amescaray Capa. del Pto. de Trinidad
El cura de la Guayra



Arrambide Comerciantes


Canibero Cirujano del Hospital

Narciso Cavo 1
Cordero San". 1
Fe'. Serrano Cavo 1 de Arta.

Juan Moreno y otros varios q. no tengo presentes tuvieron en l Rio dos o tres juntas y en casa de Espaa
otras tantas estando juramentados a defenderse y sostenerse y q. ninguno declarase: la ultima junta que
se hizo fu el dia q. arrestaron a Rica y en ella cf
se hizo entre 7 y ocho de la noche se trato cf. el gobierno tenia noticia del intento y q. eran descubiertos (no
estaba Gual presente) y fu Espaa el de la Voz q.
le parecia muy acertado el romper y hubo varios opositores entre ellos Ronan quien con su escorta solo
cinco o seis fuimos de parecer que se devia partir Espaa se incomodo y los demas que eran de su parecer
y aquel se fu a Macuto q. hera Corregidor de aquel
pueblo y demas &.
Estando con este cuidado a la 12 de la noche sano
una partida del Batallon Beterano con un oficial y
un Abogado en solicitud de Espaa a Macuto Ruiseor, Narciso, Cordero y otros en quanto lo supieron
echaron a correr donde Ronan quien les respondio
mil altanerias, se vinieron a sus Quarteles advirtieron sus tropas fui yo mismo a Ronan y no pude conseguir nada sino q. se estuvieran quietos q. serian perdidos si hacian el menor movimiento q. no se sabia si
el gova. tenia noticia de lo q. se trataba o si era por
los reos de Estado aquel movimiento y se quedaron
aquellos desesperados llorando su desgracia siempre
listos esto fu el 15 de Julio por la noche el 16 amanecio una guardia en la casa de Espaa en la Guayra
la q. me impidi la salida e. estube todo el dia arrestado (se dice que estando en la funcion de N. S. del
Carmen la qual asistian las dos compailias de Pardos



de la Guayra sobre las armas) dentr Ruiseor y habl a Ronan e. todos estaban prontos que saliese a
dar disposicin el qual lo entretubo y galio junto con
el Ten". Rey y se fu a la Factora donde di su relato
aquel y empezaron todos a caseabeliar las ocho de
la noche llego Gual y me embio llamase a Ronan, lo
execute y luego que fuf donde Gual no lo encontr
porque lo avian ocultado con el temor. Esta misma noche vino Espaa con 50 6 60 hombres a las puertas de
Macuto donde estubo hasta el da que se retir Espaa
trat de ponerse en salbo mirando gr. todo era perdido
el 1: al medio dia de este dia fue que supe donde paraba Gual y haviendole visto hize presente la determinacin de aquel y que aprovechase la ocasin pon'.
todo se havia desconcertado como e,fectivam". cada
qual se havia retirado a llorar su desgracia y havian
lla arrestdo a Narciso, Ruiseor y otros y havian solicitado a varios, sali a las 8 de la noche pa. Curazao
de Macuto Gual y Espaa el 18 se public el bando
de indulto. No obteniendo mas recurso mirando todo
perdido tubimos que abrazar este partido as es cf.
hubo individuo que di dos o tres declaraciones y ademas fu sorprendido y buelto a interrogar por las
declaraciones de los demas y yo fuf uno de ellos, este
indulto dur hasta el 15 de Agosto con mil ofertas y
promesas, lo cierto es qa. se dice que el nmero de indultados eran 250 a 300 pero los sabedores excetuando
el Coman", de la Guayra y 10 12 allegados suyos todos eran complicados hasta las muxeres y muy contentas. De Caracas se decia tambien q4). havia lo mismo
mas yo no tube conocimiento de ello. &
N.: T. VII, fe.

108, 109, 110





Leander 14 4 Feb' 1806

Lat: 21.27. Lon : 64.30.

Genl. Orders
G. S. Liberty
Parole, _America.
The Commander in Chief has thought proper to make
the following Appointment of Officers in the Colombia Army, and different Corps thereof, as hereafter
mentioned, to commence Rank and Pay from the first
Day of January 1806.
William .Armstrong
Thomas Lewis.
William Steuben Smith .Aid de Camp to the
Commander in Chief with the Rank and pay of Lieut
Henry Sands
Barent Roorbach
Thomas Billop


David Heckel
Daniel R. Darning
Gustavus Adolp Burgudd
Samuel C. Loudon
First Lieutenants
William Hosack
Charles Johnston
John Orford
Paulo Theodor Jorge
Daniel D. Kemper
Miles L. Hall
John T. O'Sullivan
William Loudon
Second Lieutenants and Cornets
Edward Yates
Franeis Farquharson
Henry Newton
Thomas Gill

James Biggs



David Burnet
John Moore
and they are to take Rank in the different Corps to
which they are now appointed in the folluvving manner.

John Orford

15'. Lieut.

Samuel G. Loudon
William flosack
William Loudon
Francis Farquharson
James Biggs

15'. Lieut.
2. Lieut.
Corps of .Artificers
David Heckel
18'. Regt. Light Dragons

Daniel R. Durning

G. A. Burgudd
rt. Lieut.
Paulo T. Jorge
Edward Yates
First Regt. of Rifle Men.
William Armstrong
Barent Roorbach
Thomas Billop
Charles Johnson
1". Lieut.
Miles L. Hall
Thomas Gill
2 Lieut
First Feg'. of Infantry
Thomas Lewis
Henry Sands
James Gardiner
Daniel D. Remper
1" Lieut
John T. O. Sullivan
Henry Newton
2 Lieu
David Burnet
John Moore



Col. Wilr. Armstrong to be 2. Master Genl. Untifi farther Orders Captn. B. Roorbach is appointed to act as
Major of Brigade and Cornet Bde. Yates as Adjutant to the Brigade and they are to be obey'd accordingly. Capto. Thomas Billop is appointed to aet as
Dep'. Pay master Genl. and rt. Lieut. Charles Johnson and 2d. Lieut. James Biggs are appointed .Assistant Def. Quarte Master Genl.
Leander 144 Feb' 1806.

Brigade Orders.
A Guard consisting of 1 Suba. 1 See. Corp'. and
6 privates to mount each Morning at 10 Oclock who
are constantly to remain on Deck during the 24 Hours
and to follow such Orders as they may receive from
the major of Brigade An Officer of the Day is also
to be appointed to commence Duty at Gunfiring in
the Morning who is to attend to the providing every
thing fon the Officers and Men. He is also to see the
cabin put in order, and to visit between Decks to see
that in good Weather all the Hammocks and Bedding
are sent upon Deck and stowed away and the place
where they sleep properly cleaned out, and fumigated
fon which purpose the Ships Stward will supply him
with Vinager.
Lewader 164 Feb' 1806.

General Orders
Parole Washington.

C. 5. Patriotism.

The following Appointment is made in the General

Hospital Department.
Samuel Scofield to be Surgeon
To commence pay from the 1" of January last.
Officers in want of Swords, Pistole or Uniforme to
give in Returns of what they want to the Major of
Brigade, and as far as Circumstances will permit they
shall be supplied.




u .1806
Lat : 17 long: 44


Parole Warren.

General Orders
C. S. Bankers Till.

the first Step towards establishing Discipline in

an Army, is a fixed Uniform for each Corps from
which no partial deviation to be made without the
special permission of the Commander in Chief. He


has for

the present fixed the following Uniforms for

the different Corps with whieh he hopes the different

Of ficers will provide themselves as soon as convenient.

A dark Blue Coat and Pantaloons with blaek Velvet
Neck and Cuffs. Yellow Buttons.
D Coatie and Pantaloons Red Neck and Cuffs.
D Buttons.
c Coatie and Pantaloons, Red, Neck. plain bine Cuffs.
Light Dragoons
D Coatie with Dragoon Sleeve ami Poekets, Yellow
Neck and Cuffs.
D Buttons,
White Pantaloons.
First Rifle Regt.
Ureen Coatie with Black Velvet Collar and Cuffs,
Yellow Buttons,
Green Pantaloons the seams with black velvet.
Blue Coatie, Yellow Cuffs and Collar, yellow Buttona,
White or Nankeen Pantallons.
The whole to have Single breasted Yellow Cassimere.
Waiscoats without Flaps. Yellow Buttons.
Such Officers have already furnished themselves with
long boats may wear them as they are, until they can
be eonveniently altered .And as it is impossible at



present to procure Yellow Cassimere to make Waistcoats for the whole, the Offieers may wear white linnen
or Dimity Waisteoats, or Nankeen.
The whole of the American Troops in the Army of
Colombia to wear round Hats with a distinguishing
Cokade and plume for eaeh Corps, whieh will be provided for them as soon as Cireunstances will permit
its being done, and all Officers to wear half Boats and
Bleck Velvet, or Silk Stocks. Colonel William Armstrong is appointed (pro tempore) Commandant of
the Brigade of American Troops in the Colombian
Army, and is to be obey'd as such, and all applications
to the Commander in Chief (for any thing whatever
in that Brigade are to be made through him, and will
by him be laid before the Commander in Chief.
Leander Harbour Jacmel
1" March 1806

G. 0.
C. S. Federalism
Parole Jay
First Lieutenant Kemper and several of the second
Lieut. having in the hand somest manner Volunteer'd
taking the Night Guard as Marines, from eight in t,he
evening untill eight in the morning the Commandant
aecepts their offer and most warm by thanks them
for it. The Major of Brigade will make the neeessary
Arrangements as to the Detail. "Willst this Duty continues the Captains and First Lieut. are to take the
Duty of Officer of the Day. Captain Billop volunteers
the Command of the Guard for this Night.
Leander Jacmel 6$14 March 1806.

C. S. Obedienee

Parole American .Army


Untill further Orders, One half of the Officers of

Duty will be allowed to go on shore each Day alternately after Breakfast. At 2 Ocloek a Boat will attend



nigh the landing place to bring on board euch as wish

to return to dinner, and also at Jatto Beating when it
is expect every Pearson wil retum on board.
Leander Jaemen 10th March 1806.

G. 0.
Parole Jefferson

C. S. Philosophy

Particular Cireunstances make it neeessary that the

permission for any person to go on shore should be
suspended untill farther Orders. The sentries are to
be frequently visited to see that they are particular
by Alert and attentive, and the Officer of the Day
in referred to the Order of the 14' febr. to which it
is desired more particular Attention may be paid.
Leander Jacmel 11 th March 1806.

G. 0.
Parole Lewis
C. S. Emperor
In future no small arme of any kind to be fired either
in Camp or Quarters by any Person off Duty between
Retreat and Reveille Beating This to be considered
as a standing Order.
Leander Jacmel 18" March 1806.

G. 0.
Parole Lacedemon
C. S. Sobriety
The Commander in Chief having pereeived with Regret the improper Conduet of some individuals who
were on shore yesterday, hopes that his not taking any
further notiee of it will prevent a Repetition. Serjeant Glover of the First Regiment of Infantry having
gotten drunk and behaved in a most insolent manner
to Adjutant Yates whilst in the Execution of his
Duty, is ordered to be reprimanded by the Commandaut of the Brigade, to be suspended from his situation as Serjeant and to do duty has private, untill



from his future behaviour it may be thought to remetate him. He is also to make an apology to Adjunt.
Yates and his allowance of Spirits is to be stopped by
the Ships Steward during the tizne he remains on
David Winton private in the Regiment of Light
Dragoons having in several instanees behaved in a
manner unbecoming a soldier by repeatedly geting
drunk and using improper and motinous Languages
to his superior Officers, is hereby disgraced and
deemed unworthy of that Honorable profession from
which he is now Dismissed and turned over to the
Ship in such manner as he may think proper.
Caporal Sperry o fthe Light Dragoons having repeatedly gotten drunk, whilst in that situation behard
very improperly; is suspended from his situation of
Caporal untill from the propriety of his conduct it
may be deemed proper to reinstate him. In the mean
time he is to do Duty as Private and his allowance of
Spirits to be stopped until he is reinstated.
IIntill further Orders only One Officer (per Day)
is to be allowed to go on shore from the Schooner Bee.
Leander Jacmel 19" March 1806.

G. 0.
C. S. Fidelity
Parole Illysses
The Commander in Chief has been pleasent to make
the following promotions.
1" Rifle Regt.
Serjeant John Ferris to be Adjutant with the Rank
of Second Lieut.
John H. Sherman Gent. to be 2 Lieut.
1" Regt. Infantry
Cornet Edward Yates from the first Lt. Dragoons to
be Adjutant -with the Rank of 1" Lieut.
In hopes that the indulgence now shewn to Serjeant
Glover and Caporal Sperry will have the desired



Effect, their Suspension, is taken off and they are ordered to return to their duty.
Leander Jactnel 221 Horch 1806.

G. 0.
The Commander in Chief has been pleased to make
the following Promotions.
Thomas Donohue Esqr. to be Major in the Army
Jonathan Smith Esqr to be Brevete Major in the
Leander off Jactnel 27" Horch 1806

G. 0.
Parole Marcellus

C. S. Intrepidity
The Commander in Chief has been pleased to make
the following Promotions.
1" Regt. of Infantry
George Kirldand to be Lt Col'.
Jeremiah Powell
2" Major
James T. Ledlie
1" Lieut.
Charles Rivington
Robert Clarke
1" Lieut.
Abram Judah
Surgeon in the Army
James Stedman
2 Master with the Rank 2" Lt.
Island of Aruba 15" April 1806

G. 0.
Parole Aruba

C. 5. Colombia
As it is the intention of the Commander in Chief to
sau l this evening It is expected that all Officers and
others will be on board their respective vessels by
5 Oclock.



Leander 17g April 1806.

G. 0.

C. 8. Trafalgar

Parole Nelson

One Subaltern with side Arms to mount every morning

at 10 Oclock whose duty it will be to remain on Deck,
where he is to notice and report immediately to the
Commander in Chief any thing remarkable that take
place during the day. At Day light in the morning he
is to call upon Lt . Colonel Smith his Aid the Camp and
report to him whether any Land or Vessels are in
Light and the situation of the Vessels which a company the Leander. And should any Officer have any
Communication of consequence to make during the
time he may be asleep, he begs it may be immediately
communicated to his Aid de Camp, who has directions
to call upon him at all times when Duty requires it.
Leander 26' April 1806

G. 0.

C. 8.
The Commander in Chief has been pleased to make
the following Promotions.
1" Regt. Infantry
Abram Judah Gele. to be Second Lieutenant
Jona. Shaw to be 21 Master 12vith the rank of 2 Lieut.
John Balloch to be Second Lieutenant
Henry Ingorsell to be Second Lieutenant
Richard Morrison Gent'. to be Second Lieutenant
Leander 27*k April 1806

G. 0.

The ()Meers and Soldiers of the Colombian Army are

to hold themselves readiness to land at a moments
warning on the Ships arrival in port which is espected
to be this Evening. By Order of the Commander in
(Signed) B.


B. M.



Loandor off Trinidad 23'h Juno 1806



One Subaltern, one See. and six privates to mount

Guard who will be relieved every Morning at 10
Odock. No person to leave the Ship without permission of the Officer commanding on Board, to whom
the Officer on Guard must report any extraordinary
Circunstance that may occur. No Baggage, Arms or
Stores of any description to be removed from the ship
without an Order from the Quarter Master Gen'. or
by the Direction of the Super Cargo untill further



Leander 34 July 1806

G. 0.
The Commander in Chief has been pleased to make
the following Promotions.
18 Reg'. of Artillery
2' Liet. James Biggs to be 18' Lieut. 18' June 1806.
18' Regt. Infantry
2' Lieut. Henry Newton to be 1" Lieut. 17' June 1806.
2' Lieut. David Burnet D 19' June 1806.
The Comman der in Chef has been pleased to make
the following appointments.
Corps of Engeneers
William Gage Hall to be Colonel 18' July 1806
Robert Allison
James Adrian
2d Lieut. and Spanish
First Regiment of Volunteer Cavalry under the Command of Gaston, Count de Rouvray to be named.
De Rouvray's Hulans
Gaston Comte De Rouvray
Colonel 2' July 1806
Trelavvny de Bilhay
Chef d'Esquadron D
Chevalier Loppinot
Philip Nihil
2 Lieut.



William Keating Cornet D

First Regiment of South American Volunteer. Inf antry to Be Nade
Bontours Volunteers
Don Joseph Visent Bontour Colonel 3 July 1806
Bontour Lt Colonel D
First Regiment of Volunteer Infantry under the Command of Colonel Kingston to be Named
Kingston 's Volunteers
Kingston Colonel 1" July 1806
Duparquet Major
First Regiment of American Riflemen
Alexander Bruce Gent. 1" Lieut. 20" June 1806
Samuel Douglas D 2d Lieut.
First Regiment of North American Volunteers under
the Command of Lieut. Colonel Kirkland.
Samuel W. Wallcot Gent. 1" Lieut. 20 June 1806.
d 2 Lieut.
Joseph R. Holder
Charles Carrington
Isaac Robinson
D 23' June 1806.
Daniel Crone
John Terrell
Captain Barrent Roorbae,h to be Depti 2" Mr Genl.
with de Rank and Pay of L t Col. of In5 July 1806
1" Lieut Henry Newton to be assistant 2
Q Air Genl
2 Lieut James Stedman D
Loppinot to be Aid de Camp to the Commander in
Chief with the Rank of
Leander 6 gh July 1806.

G. 0.

The Commander in Chief has been pleased to make the

following Appointments.




Corps of Engineers and Artifieers.

Horace Hat,haway Gent. to be 1" Lieu. of Artificers.
Michael M Donald Gent. to be 2" Lieut.
1" Reg'. of .Artillery
James Green Gent., to be 2* Heut. 1" July
1" Rifle Regiment
Robert M Cullough Gent. to be 2" Lieut.

Bountours Volunteers.
Joseph Feryra Gent. to be 2`' Lieut.
General Hospital Department
James Bell Gent. is appointed an assistant Purveyor
2" M. Generals Department
Richard Ilughes Gent. is appointed Spanish
The Officer of the Guard is to be answerable that no
Spiritous Liquors be introduced into the Ship by any
Non Commission ed Officer, Private Soldier or Sailor
without the permission of the Commanding Officer who
is to judge how far it te proper and necessary to allow
it to be brought on board.

July 1806.

G. 0.
The Commander in Chief has thought proper to make

the following Appointments.

De Rouvray's Hulans
De Sene Gent. to be Lieutenant
First Regiment of Riflemen
Robert Roscow Gent. to be 2' Lieutenant
Joseph Robinson Gent. to be
Alexander Bruce Gent. appointed in General Orders
of the 3' Inst 1" Lieut in the First Regiment of Rifle-



men is transferred to the 1" Regiment of North American Infantry

Port of Spain 7" Jue 1806

G. 0.
Previous to any Recruit sent on Board Ship, He is to
be sent at One Oclock to the Secretary's Office at the
Government House, where he will be examined, and if
approved of his pass countersigned by Captain Walker Secretary to His Excellency Governor Hislop.
No Recruit to be passed or sent on board Ship untill he has been examined and certified by D. Scofield
to be fit for Service, and he is directed immediately to
examine and report all Buch Recruits as have not been
inspected by him.
Leander 9 th July 1806.

G. 0.

The Commander in Chief has been pleased to make the

following Appointment.
John Downey Esqr. to be Colonel of a Regt. of Light
Infantry to be named
Trinidad Light Infantry
Leander 10" July 1806

G. 0.
The Commander in Chief has thought proper to make
the follovving Appointement.
Caleb Moses Cint. to be Lieut in the Rouvray's
Leander 10th July 1806.

G. 0.
The Commander in Chef has thought proper to make
the following Appointment.
1 Regt. of Rif lernen
William Clifford Gent. to be 2 Lieut.


Port of


Spain 1 11k July 1806

G. 0.
As it is neeessary for the Accomadation and movement
of the .Army that as much Room as possible should be
made on board the Ship Leander ; All Offieers and Soldiere having Trunks of Chests in the Ship are immediately to reduce their Baggage into as small a compase
as posible by taking no more than is absolutely necessary on a Compaign. The remainder to be sent on shore
to the Store of Messr Robert Pendleton VCr (properly marked) where they will be received and taken care
of. In this is to be included all the Baggage belonging
to Major Powel and Donahoe or any other of the Prisoners, to which Lt Stedman is desired to pay particular
Attention. The Subalterns of the Colombian .Army at
present on Shore are order'd to repair on board the
Leander immediately and to anange their Baggage
agreable to the proceeding Order.
Leander 15th July 1806.

G. 0.
The Commander in Chief has thought proper to make

the following Appointments.

Trinidad LightInfantry
James Rankin Esqr to be Captain
Alexander Smith Gent. to be 1" Lieut.
Corps of Artificers attached to the Engineers.
James Shend Gent. to be 24 Lieut.

Port of Spain 17th July 1806.

G. 0.

If fair weather a Review of Arms, Aecountrements and

Necessaries will take place tomorrow at Twelve Oclock
on board of the Ship Leander and the Schooner Trimmer at which and place every Officer ; Non Com-



missioned Officer and Private and every Person going

with the Expeditions is required in t,he most positive
Terms to attend.
Whilst the Commander in Chief sees with regret

the Incoveniences the Officers and Soldiers Buffer by

being so much longer confined on board Ship than
could possibly have been expected, He begs leave to remind them that One of the first Qualities of a Soldier

is to bear with patience the unavoidable deprivations

to which a Military lif e is subject and at the same time
assures them that he will always bear in Mind all they
have suffered and as far as it is in his power study

to relieve them.

Leander 19u July 1806.

G. 0.
A General Court Martial eonsisting of One Field Of-

ficer and four Captains to assemble on Monday Morn-

ing at Ten Oelock on board this Slip tof the Triel os

such Prisoners as shall be brought before them

Major Sands


1 Captn Loudon
2 Captn Ledlie
3 Capte Allison


4 Captn Rankin
Lt Hosack is appointed to act as Judge Advocate to
whom Lt Colonel Roorbach will send the Names of the

Prisoners and alleged Crimes and cause the Witnesses

to attend.
Alexander Bruce nominated in the Orders of the
7 Inst to be a Lieut in the First Regiment of North
American Infantry, having in various ways behaved
improperly and in disobedience of Orders; The Commander in Chief orders his Commission to be withdraun and cancel'd, and that he is longer to be consider-

ed as in any way attach'd to the Expedition and he begs

to be understood by all going upon it, that whilst he will



pay every attention and respect to the meritorius and

deserving Officer and Soldier, he will not allow any
person that acts improperly to go unpunished.
Leander 25" Juay 1806.

G. 0.
The Armourer of the Ship at present on board the
Lilly to be sent for, and Lieut. Stedman to see that he
and any other man eapable of assisting him, be kept
constanly employed in puting all the Arms (in want of
repair) in goodfiring Order.
Whenever the weather will permit, the Commanding
Of ficer on board the Leander and Sehooner Trimmer
are to see that the Men under their Command are proprely drilled partieularly in the firing motions, and
that such Me,n be pratised firing Ball at March.
Five /4 Barrels of Powder with three or four Flints
for each Man, a proportion of Musket Balls with Cartridge paper and formers to be sent on board the
Trimmer, where 2' Lieut Feryra is to take charge of
them and set the Men under his Command to make
Cartridges, of which he is to keep and exact List.
Lieut. Stedman is also directed to employ every
Man off Duty or Drill on board the Leander to make
Cartridges of all which he is to keep an Account booth
of the Quantity made and Expenced.
N.: fe. 118 a 127 y vtos.




John Downie
James Rankin
Rob' MCullovgh
Alexander Smith
Joseph Feryra



9th July

1" Lieut.

15t1 July
30th Augt.
15th July
6th July




Cha' Cateiro
Josef Rico

Cha' Carrington
Sam' Welch
Isaac G. Robinson
Daniel Crone

John Ferrill
Sam' Lynch

Edwd Yates
iet Lieut.
Sam' Scofield
James Stedman
2 Lieut.

transpd. to Espana Cy



1" July
1.8t July


Capt. of a
First gatedg
hed D. G.
Conuny at

28th July 1806.


Cap'. of a
Compy. or
Andreas D. Espata.
Cayetano Guevara .
Josef Maria Casafias
Lieut. d
Franeis R,odrigue,z .
Francis Lion
John Moore
2' Lieut
Jonathan Shaw
2d d
John Balloch
2' d
Henry Ingersoll
Jos: R. Holder
Domingo Sanchez


e 2d


Morenos libres.


1" Janr.
26th April Died at Aruba
5th septr 1806.
20th june
20th d
20th d
20t d
23d June
10th Augt.



19th March

2 Master

27th March



Waz Armstrong


18' Jan'.

Barent Roobaeh


it JanY.

Thomas Billop.


18' JanY.

18' Lieut.

18' Jan'.
18' Janr.
26th June

2d Lieut

1' t Jany
19 th March

Charles Johnson
Miles L. Hall

Alexr Bruce Dimissd

Tho8 Gil
John H. Sherman
Sam' Douglas
Robert MaCullough

Robert R,oscow

William Clifford
Joseph Robinson
John Ferris
2' Lieut



20th June
6'h July


7th July
10t July
7 th July


March 19th


2d Cap. in the

Transferred to
the 18' Regiment Inf antry 7" July

promoted to be
Cap. in J 1
.. have been


Geo W. Kirkland .
Henry Sands
Jeremiah Powel

Lt. Cola.
2d d

27th March
1" Jan'.
27th Maie

James B. Gardner .
James T. Ledlie


1" Jan'.
27th March

1" Lieut.

lit Jan'.

Dan' D. Kemper

In T. 0Sullivan
Rob" Clark

Henry Newton ....

David Burnet
Sam' Waleott

Alexander Bruce
William Keating



ist jany
2 7 th March
17th June
19th d
20'h d
7 th je Desmessd
1" July





Samuel C. Lowdon

1" Lieut.

1" Jan'.
i st jan'.
l et Jan,.
18 th June


18t Jan'.


Wille Hosack
James Biggs

Francis Farquharson
James Green


Dead at Aruba
26 th Augt.


Gaston Comte De


Trelawny de Bilhay Chef. d'Es


Chevalier Loppinot

Philip Nihil

De Sene

Caleb Moses

i t July
i t July
1" July
7th July
10th July

Will m

Gage Hall.


2 July

Capt. Artfr.

is t JanY.

John Orford
Horaee Hathaway . 1 5t . Lt. Arte
Charles Nubroy.

18t Jan'.
6 th July
28th July

David Heckel
Rob' Allison

James Adrian


Michael MDonald . 2 Lt. .Artfr.

N.: T. VII,


128 a 186.

2 July

2 July
6th July

Spanish Inter-




H. M. Brig Attentive
25th July 1806.

In obedience to your Command of this morning I
hasten to give you the following detail of my Mission
to Giria :
On Saturday evening at 9 0. C. we left Port of

Spain, and arrived off the Town of %eia on Sunday

morning about 10. 0. C. I instantly landed with Isaac,
about 1/4 of a mile from the Town, and in the dress of
a Shipeanate, or Super-Cargo; we were met on the
Beach by several of the natives from whom we endeavoured to purchase some Pigs, Poultry t% when an
armed man carne, and tolds us the Commandant ordered us to walk to his House; in the mean time Isaac
took means to inform me that he overheard several
of the people around us speaking of General Miranda
and his Expedition, and warning several Officers to
accompany him from Trinidad, particularly Count
Rouvray, Chevalier Loppinott and myself, and Isaac
discovered one Man who he liad seen the day before in
Trinidad, and who must have been sent of f from Trinidad, about the time we did, by (I suppose) Cipriani
to inform his Brother of our coming, and to give them
the alarm.Isaac now wished to return on Board,
which we did, and I desired the Commandants man
to teil his master we were in want of some Fresh Provissions and would send a Boat on shore in half an
hour and have provided to gave permission.
We went on Board and in half an hour put a Boat
on Shore with Isaac, and a mulatoe man named Dungen, who Isaac recommended, and who said he know
all the French coloured people at Guiria. They carried a Flag of truce in the Boat, and on landing, went,
by order of the Commant to his House.
Isaac by my desire told him that he ,was the Slip
Steward sent to buy Provissions 86 and that a Boat
be soon sent to the Coram& with some Presents for
giving Permission.



This Coram& had the Boat soon after drawn up on

the Beach, that is in half an hour the crew landed;
and the crew made Prisoners off. Isaac in the meantime found means to carne on Board who liad delivered
his Letters found means to carne on Board who had
delivered his Letters to Maturin and who promissed to
send his answers on Board: Isaac also told no that the
cause of the Boats Crew being made prisioners, was
that while they were taking for Poultry & to buy sungen told true on there different stories, aanong those,
that we, were a vessell of General Miranda, came for
volunteers and that we carried only two Guns; this
reached the Commandants ears, and I suppose the
cause of them being made prisoners : about this time
a Boat come from shore, and to secure our Boat and
crew being returned by the Commt, we detain'd. Two
of the Gentleman who were in her as Hostages.
A Note was now sent in a Cannoe to the Commt by
Captn Cano demanding his Boat & Crew, but an answer was reeeived, and we supposed he cid not widerstand it as it was wrote in English.
At 4 0 'Cloek Cap a Carus gave me his Cutter and
12 Men taking muskets in the Bottom of the Boat, and
I take Mr. M e Culloch, with me carrying the two Hostages, and a Flag of Truce in the Boat, for the purpose
of delivering to the Comm t his Friends and receiving
our Boat & Crew: As we thus approached the Shore
this brave Commandant march'd to the Beach about
200 ill looking Devils, some with muskets, others with
Sticks & to receive us11. . . and kept weaving his white
Flag for us to land.
About 50 yards from the Shore I caused one of our
Hostages to desire the Comm. to dismiss those Devils
& I would land : He then waited them off; excepting
8 or 10 on LIorseback and on foot a few. Thus I landed,
leaving Mr Mc. Cullock, some 10 to 20 yards from the
Shore, with charge of the Boat : and making up the
Commandant, I, in the name of thet Commander of
H.B.M. ship demanded the Boat and his Crew.



He at once agreed to give them up; expressing at

same time a desire that I should pay a visit to his Chief
who lived a couple of leagues off: I told him my busi-

ness then on Shore was for our Boat & Crew, and that
if he did not give them up to me in five minutes my
order for the Comt of A.M.S. was to carne off, and he
would destroy the Town for him in one hour after : He
then assured me our People would be down in a few
minutes; and turned round, as he signified to me to
order down the Prisoners, but actually order'd the
Soldiers in armed Rabbet at some time calling in Spanish to his Friends in our Boat to jump over Board:
At this instant he desired some of his Devils near bim
to seize me himself, basely taking a grade at my friend ;
I called to Mr. MC Culloch to secure the two Spaniards
and fire, while in the same moment I sprang into the
Sea, and soon reach 'd the Boat, 2 of the Comt devils
followed me into the sea, who I was told me shot by the
Boats Crew: the Commt Party kept firing at us as we
made to the Brig, but our firing from the Boat Brig
soon destroy them.
Since as we got on Board about 6 0 'C. a letter was
wrote to the Commandant, a Copy of which with all the
Correspondance between Capn. Cano and him I have
the Honor herewith to hand you.
The first letter alluded to is N9 2. and which was sent
on Monde morning. A note received from the Commandant along with all his others, your Excellency is
already in possession of N9 3 is Captain Carus so and
An Hour after the aboye Note was sent, the Comt
sent on Board Mr. Harvard as Commissioner, to give
an assurance that he had not the Honor to send on
Board any of the inhabitants, but Mr. Harvard pledged
his Honor along with the Commandant that the Boat
her Crew would must certainly be sent on Board by
10 0'C. next day.
Mr. Harvard was on Board about 2 hours, and while
we managed to entertain him below, I had an opportunity of engaging one of his Boatmen as a volunteer,



and who engaged to carne off at midnight with from 10

to 15 men.
At midnight this Spaniard come off, with the Brigs
Boat and 2 others volunteers, and to secure their geting off, without being delated, set tire to two Houses
in the Town. I immediately engaged these Spaniards
to go on shore and get more Recruits, and an hour after
that is 2 in the morning, they carne on Board I sent them
off again with the Boat liad brought on Board ordering
them to leave the Boat, where they found it ; and from
the encouragement I held not to them, they assured me
that they would next forenoon, have from 20 to 30
perhaps leaving that number ready for me, I engaged
them to meet me next day with their Contrymen three
Miles aboye Guiria, where they were to have a Fire as
a Signal.

Tuesday Morning the four men belonging to the

Attentive along with the Boat were returned by the
Commandant, along with a Note saying that Dungen
had escaped.
I then made this Commandant a Note in my own
name, a Copy of which I will show to your Excellency.
At noon get under weigh, and by 2 O'Clock, get off
my appointed place for my Volunteers and actually
saw the signal of their fire.Capn Carus and myself
went on shore, and without arms to prevent all suspicions : We called on Mr. Harvard, who took care to be
from home. We were a Bargaining for Poultry, Pigs,
& to prevent any alarm and on Mr. Cipriani House,
next neighbour to Mr. Harvard we liad brought some
sticks, and were in the act of sending them to the Boat
and of expecting my volunteers instantly to join us,
where one of the Boats crew carne express to teil us
a number of Cavalery were making for us along the
Beach ; by the time we get to the sea they were within
200 yards of us on one side, and the Boat twice the
distance on the other, and as we had no arms we liad
to make the best of our way to the Boat which
bravely could do for the Horseman.



We now went on Board and get Muskets put into

the Boat, returned as soon as we could while took us
of least one hour : the Brig lying 2 Miles off.By this
time they had mustered their forces, and as we get near
the Shore fired on us from among the Bushels and behind the Tress, and while we returned from 10 to 15


I now told Capa Carus that it was either our business

to dash on Shore at once or be off, as they from behind
their trees had us at great disadvantage. His answer
was that he would land, if particularly required, but
that it was contrary to the Admirals orders, and to lose
a few men & perhaps a Boat ; he could not be well answerable to the Admiral.He would however have taken

this Responsability, but from the Patroler being thus

planted along the Beach, to a Certainty those Volunteers would have been permited joining us; of Course
it would have served our good purpose on landing excepting burning Mr. Cipriani 's House.
Some of the Boots Crew was wounded, one through
the palm of the Hand seriously, the other slightty on
the leg.
We now carne on Board, and finding What some
information from Trinidad, and from what Dungen,
had told them that the Commandant, had get the alarm,
and had placed all along the Coast this Patrolers of
Infantry & Cavalery, thus to prevent the chance of any
of their volunteers joining us; Under all these Circunstances I judged it proper to make the best of our way
to Port of Spain ; Lest we should see the means of
Detaining the Expedition; and satisfied as I was in my
own mind that alarm'd as they were, nothing could now
secure my geting off. Volunteers, but my landing on
their Coast, hoinsting a Standard, and calling on the
natives to join us: and this was utterly out of my power
as besides myself, I had only 4 Officers, & some 3 or 4
Volunteers along with me from Trinidad.
I have now given Your Excellency a most particular
detail of any circunstance that ocurred, and have to



apologise for its length, but you appeared extremely

desirous of every thing that occurred.
I trust that your Excellency will find that no zeal,
or Execution, has been wanting on my part, which whik
health permits, will be faithfully devoted to your service by him, who has the honor to subscribe himself,
Your Excellency
Most obedient and Humble Servant.
His Excellency

&, &,

N.: T. VII, f. 137.

H. B. M. Gun Brig Affeneve
Juliy 20 t1s 06

Your Conduct has this day been highly unproper,
and that to us unprecented degree.
At noon I sent my Boat on Shore with 5 men carrying a Flag of Truce, to purchase some fresh provissions. Both my Boat and her crew you instantly detained, and sent some of your people to my vessell, all of
whom excepting 2. I permitted te land these two I
retained as Hostages and security for your releasing
my Boat & her Crew, who you had so unjustifiably
detained and seized, and your people whom I permitted
to go lead my orders to teil you Sir, may I even wrote
you so by one of your Canoes, all of which you totally
I then at 4 0 'C. sent you another Flag of Truce,

with an of ficer of Rank on Board, accompanying your

two Friends, who were to be given up to you on receiving my Boat and her crew.



Contrary to all Custom you received this officer

while you were at the head of a number of armed men.
While my officer was singly with you on the Beach,
and your Friends in my Boat within 20 yards of your
Shore ;
While in Conference with him and you giving him
every assurance of complying with my demand. And
while you were holding a Flag of Truce in the one
Hand, you basely and treacheriously, Attempted hie
Life, and to disarm him with the other. In seif Defense
some firing took place from my Boat and Ship ; the
Consequences of which lose at your dear.
This now serves to inform you that if you do not
in one hour after you receive this send my Boat and her
Crew off to me I will lay your Town about yours ears,
and for every evil attending which it will be you alone
who will be answerable.
I lave further to assure you, that while it is not
less my duty that it is my inclination to give every
indulgence to your Friends on Board of H.B.M. Ship,
yet I am equally sincere, when I assure you that whatever treatment my men may receive at your Hands ;
your Friends with me will share a similar Pate.
I am Sir Your
(Signed) R. CAM.
H. B. M. GuN
Brig Attentive.



The Commandant of the Town of



to the
Commandant of Guiria

N.: T. VII, f. 148.




Contextando las seas que ha echo ese Buque digo

Vm. qa no obstante la Justica con q. hice pricioneros

los hombres qe Vm. mand este Puerto por las sos-

pechas de no ser Yngleses sino del Partido de los alzados tan bien fundadas q a no dexan la menor duda pues
toda esta costa ha redel) siempre los barcos Yngleses con la mayor amistad; ofreseo Vm. bajo mi palabra de honor entregar los pricioneros ; bien entenado qe
como soy un subalterno del Quartel General me es
indispensable participar S. Ex. qualquiera novedad
que ocurra. Ya lo he echo dela instancia qa me hace
Vm. en solicitud de los prieioneros, y espero la contextacion. Entre tanto tendr Vm. la vondad de esperar
pues como tengo dho. y reitero empeo Vm. mi palabra de entregarle los pricioneros. Ahora mismo acabo
de recivir oficio de mi Gefe en qa me dice or est pronto
entregar los pricioneros para q. se le devuelvan los
espaoles vecinos de este pueblo Cl e tiene Vm. detenidos:
espero Cle lleguen de Punta de Piedra adonde fueron
enviados para verificar la entrega de los Pricioneros.
Dios gue Vm. muchos arios
Guiria y Julio 21 de 1806.
N.: T. VII, f. 151.



Gun Brig.
Attentive 21'4 July 06.

The Commander of H.B.M. Gun Brig Attentive, has

this moment reeeived the Commandt of Guiria's Note,
and informs him that it is at his door, and him alone
that is ehangeable, of having eommene 'd and Hostile
act ; and it will be him that must be answerable for all
the Consequenees that may ensue, and from his Conduct
towards his Officer sent with a Flag of Truee yesterday his promisses eannot Command Confidence or



Faith ; it will be therefore necessary for the Comt of

Guiria, if he does not Send on Board his Prisoners in
one hour after he receiv's this to Send on Board them
of the inhabitants of Guiria, as Hostages, and security
for a Return of Prisoners being made to morrow morning and if these Conditions are complied with ; the
Commt of H.B.M. Ship, will Haul the vessel at a greater
distance from the Town to remain alone from the minds
of its inhabitants.
If this Notes & its Conditions are disregarded a
Borbardement of Guiria will take place in one Hour.



(Signed) R. CARUS
H.B.M. Gun Brig

The Comm.andant of
N 3.
His Excelleney

&, &, &.


T. VII, f. 155.


Jamas han sido mal recividos los Briques de S.M.B.

en esta Costa, antes al contrario se les ha dado el mejor

tratamiento, dispensandoles toda Hospitalidad; mayormente los qe proceden de la Ysla Trinidad, por haver
mantenido con esta, amistad, durante toda la Guerra;
el mismo General en ella. Los movimientos del Barco
ya por requerirlo las circunstancias de vecindad, y amigos nuestros que la pueblan; y ya por haverla solicitado
de Vm., y discordancia de su oficial con los pricioneros,
me han echo sospechar que el Brique no era de S.M.B.
por cuyo motivo los arrest, y embi al Quartel General, de donde dependo. Esto me impide ha hacer la re-



misision de los pricioneros dentro del termino q Vm.

me detalla en la sulla del dia: pero ya tengo escrito al
conite en (3-efe, pa qe me los embie, lo que no podr verificarse hasta esta noche maana pr la maana. Aseguro Vm. q har exequible mi palabra, q le tengo
dada, en la que puede Vm. fiar, tanto por ser exigencia
de mi empleo, como pr que me interesa la remision de
los mios. Este es todo mi inters, y lo que me alienta
comportarme de este modo, y no las amenazas, que Vm.
me hace, pues me hallo con fuerzas y valor bastante,
para contener el orgullo, que manifiesta Vm. aun
guando fuera mas de un Buque el que nos imbadi
Dios glie Vm. muchos aos.
Guiria y Julio 21 de 1806.
El Comandte de Guiria y la Costa de Barlovento.
por el S" Cap Gral.
Mis" Meso.

P. D.Yo no pude estimar pr parlamentario de S.

M. B. un mulato armado con un par de pistoletes ; pues
este hecho es contrario al estilo de la Guerra observado
hasta ahora inviolablemt por todas las naciones. Guardo dhos. pistoletes pa presentarlos S.M.B. con la queja
q devo hacer pa esta gestion y sirvale Vm. de advertencia.

N.: T. VII, f. 157.


En cumplimiento de mi oficio fha, de haier, devo

decirle; q el S" Comand te en Gefe, de esta Costa, me
hacaba de remitir sus Prisioneros, para que se verifique
el canxe, q Tenemos Tratado con los mios, cr subsisten en Poder de Vm.



Por lo cie respecta al Mulato, me dise mi Gefe ; que

se escap, y se ignora de su paradero: Por lo qu solo lo
verifico con los quatro marineros, y el vote de su Buque.
Dios g" Vm. nf at Guiria, 22 de Julio de 1806.

N.: T. VII, f. 159.

Leander July 29th 1806.

I have the honour to endose you a letter which I
have just received from the Attentive Brigg, concerning
the spanish Company.M r Rico who has been on board
the Brigg, I have requested to bear this letter, in order
that a just representation should be made to you.It
appears that hey are very unhappy and discontented.
Lieut. Hathaway of the Engineers confirma the representation contained in the letter, he requests permission
to come on board this ship, Lieut : Ferraris has also
ulule the same request.They say "that they have
little to eat, and that they are badly treated in every
respect.I hope Sir, that something may be done to
satisfy these people, for I believe their complaints are
well founded.They are men on whom I have much
dependance, and you will learn y the bearer that they
are not disposed to volunteer under any officer, or Orficers, except those attached to my Command.
I have the honor to be, Sir,
your Obedt Servt

P. S.Captu Ledlie has volunteered with Col. Dowto leave the Slip.

nie, and has my permission




N.: T. VII, f. 160.



Calcutta 19 March 1805.

Dear General
The kindness & attention you shewed me when in
London, are the only motives upon which I can expect
you will excuse the liberty I take in addressing you, on
a subject which, at one time, I looked forwards to with
every hope of future advantage & credit. The news of
a War with Spain, whieh has just reaehed this place,
has revived in me all the desire of leaving this place.
The line of business I choose for my e,areer in this
Country, furnishes me, as yet with a good deal to do.
I arrived here in the end of Nov? last: but, notwithstanding my prospects are good ; yet I am truly unhappy, with a constant, depression of Spirits, whieh, of
times, makes life almost insupportable ; this arises partly from the nature of my profession whieh subjects me
to bear the whims & faneies of every ignorant being,
so totally different from my former life. Besides this,
there are many things in this Country whieh I am
obliged to bear, whieh are perfeetly repugnant to my
feelings & turn of mind. All these things considered, I
have no hesitation in offering my service to you in the
hope that I have not altogether lost the good opinion
of General Miranda. Should you leave England soon,
& be gone to America, before this reaches, perhaps it
may be sent after you, as I send it to the eitre of DV
Turnbull : and should you ever want such services, as
are in my power to render you in that Country, I need
not add how truly happy I should be in following you
Should the liberty I have taken appear to you presumptuous & rash, I must trust to your former friendly
notice of me for exeusing it, and must, at the same time,
request that it may be made known to none of my
friends in London that I have written to you upon this
subject. If you shouM honour me with a few Unes of



any time I shall be very happy and you may direet to

me at Calcutta.
I have the honour to be with great respeet
Dear General
Your very obedient & obliged servant



To the eare of

Tuarrsum. & C
Guilford Street



p. the Bengal
N.: T. VII, f. 161.

Barbados's 10th

Febr. '/06.

My Dear General.
Our mutual friend 1W F. being just about to leave
me, I could not forbear addressing you a few unes,
which I trust may meet you in the enjoyment of perfeet

health and that all your wishes & expeetations have

been realiz 'd as far as you have gone,that they may
all soon be complete is my sincere desire.
I have only been here a few days with my Family,
after being unfortunately Captur'd & earried to Guadaloup e ; the particulars of whieh Mr. F. will relate
to you.
I am now about arranging my affairs in this Island,
and expeet in a few weeks to go to Trinidad, where I
should be happy to hear from you, and should you
discover any thing in your Pursuits that could tend to
encourage my meeting you, I will most chearfully embrace the opportunity, 1 as have every reason to feel



an attachment from your knowledge and invariable respect towards me.

I will not now attempt to enlarge, but beg leave to
F. for every Particular, and I remain
refer you to
with unalterable Esteem.
Dr G' Yours Sincerely




f. 163.

Chancery Lane October 14 1805

Dear General
In Consequene,e of my visiting Fitzroy street (agreeable to my promise). I was informed that you had
sailed for Trinidad, only 2 or 3 weeks, I shall be very
happy to hear of your safe arrival at that place, may
I request the favor of you to apply to the House of
Messrs Brown & C for the Ballance of account due to
me & likewise to beg of those Genr to furnish me with
an Account Current it appears by a Letter which I
received from M rTylen of Trinidad Dated Novr 16,1803.
That the whole of the Money arising from the Sales of
Goods Shipped by me on Board the Chance Capa
Thompson has been paid over to those Gentleman (except two outstanding debts one of 92 the other 40 Dollars) besides some monies received from my Brothers
private Transaction.
Dr Gen' during your absence from the Country be
assured I shall regularly call at your House and afford
Every assistance that lays in my Power.
I Remain Dr General,
Your Obedient

P. 5.An answer by the First Conveyance will be

gratefully received.
F"*. favor of MUS". BROWN & C

N.: T. VII, 4. 184.


My very dear G.


London Juno 18st 1806

I omitt no oportunity of congratulating you for

the very good accounts we have of your success--and
of the same time ashouring you how mueh I rejoiee and
pray for its continuanee every Body hear is speaking
of you in raptures, of your great and wonderfull undertaking it is the wish of every Body that you may sueceedwhich I thrust with God assistance will soon
be acomplishedI am every day waching for some
one from you to bring our the welcome news.
Mr an M" Turnbull are very kind to my dear leander; Mr Davison has been pintulary kindhe his allways the first to bring me news of youCapt Brose
calls offten indeed all your friends have cali 'd to congratulate meIndeed my dear sir it is as you have
of ten told me that good accounts of you, would make
me have a many friendsbut the Best friend I ever
had was from Mr Barry. I lament his death sinserly

he gave me the Best of Advice at all timeshe loved

and admired my lovly leander. 1 mis him very muehI eannot get any account of his painting what his become of them-1 have made every enquirey to no purposI am very sorry again to be under the Necesity
of speaking of that ungratfull man Andre. but his
wishes and actions are so very bad, that I wish to be
particular bef ore from his mildness and pretended
innocent he may deceive you as he has done every one
here. for he his a Wolf in lambs eloathing he wishes
to make Mr Turnbull beleve, that his getting Drunk was
in consequences of hearing great news of youbut
what made him gett drunk 5 or 6 times before when
than wer no news so drunk that blaek Joseph found
him sett on t,he steps of doors and sometimes so senseless with drinking t,hat he was lay 'd at fall Lenth in
the Streethe never had on a clear spent all the time
he was in the House. I gave him a Hankerchif an V'
Stoeking, for I was ashamed to see him in that dirty
Condisionand was spending at the same time 10 or
12 Pounds--and every where he went, he was speaking



of you as his Bosom friend, that his Ma would make

him a great Officer, that he had been a twelve months
imprison'd on your account and you ow'd to him a great
sum of Moneyand to every Publick House he went
to, made it apoint to speak of youand allways as if
he had been your friend, and not yoir servant, he has
told it at my Publick House that I am not a good woman that my child are the samethat he was everthing
in the Houseand if you new that he was in England.
I should not be many day in Grafton StreetIntrodic'd him to the Abb and he got from him 5 shillings
he told him the same tale that he told methat Mr.
Turnbull would not give him moneybut the abby soon
found him outthat he was not telling the truth, he
like wise told him that he never Eat or drank in the
Housewhen I can ashour you Sir he never migt
eating to time a day for 6 week and when he die not
come home he had the money of me to gett his dinner
withan ungratfull man, he is so shour of your Protection that he has embarked on board some ship and
will work is passage to you, where I supose he will endover to put his treats in forseas he has Promese
that I shall never see my dear Sir againbut I am
not answer at thatas it is imposabl for any thing
that man can say of me that will ever change your
opinion of mewithout I give you reasonand that
I shall deserve itMr. Abb wish to wright so I thought
this would be a good opinionI have been very unwell
for some time I am as very well as I have been taking
medicineand in consequence of that man my behavour my child was sick, I had no brest for it, for two
days my dearts Leander improver ever day every Body
is in love with himhe is allways whithing to youand speaking of youand promising me you shall come
home soonhe his singing an dancing all the Dayand telling me pritty Storyshe has Buch great Spirit
that he his never still a moment at once. God bless
you my ever dear Sir, and I hope my friend will speak
ef me with truathtliat I have not deserved the treatment 1 receive from that man My Uncle his painting



Protate of my ever dear Leanderthat I may have

consolted my child or his pictur presentGod Bless
you my ever Dear and affectant frendand the only
wish in my life is for your happnssfron your sincere freu.

N.: T. VII, f. 165.

Mon General
En arrivant d 'llimbourg ou jai pass L 'hiver j ai
Enfin Recu des Nouvelles de vous par M" Martin qui
m'a expliqu ce quelle disoit dans Les Gazettes a votre
sujet. Elle ma fait part de ce que vous desiriez que deux
Enfants dont je ne connoissoit que Leander, fussent
Baptiss. Le second a qui j ai donn suivant son dsir
le nom de Francois ont et baptiss. Le 23 mars dernier, a La Chapelle St Patrice Soho. Ainsi vous avez
deux chretiens de plus.
Mr Martin ma procur depuis La connoissanee d'
un M. Andr qui est venu demeurer chez vous pendant
un peu trop de temps suivant ce que j en ai appris puisque j ai t oblig de luy prester cinq shelins quil a
employ a boire. Jai eu regret d'avoir eu cette connoissance puisquelle a si mal fini.
Jai Lhonneur detre connu de vous, General, mais
sil n'etoit pas venu sous vos auspiees je doute que malgr tous mes dfauts je L 'eusse pratiqu deux jours
de suite.

Jai Gard mon imprimerie jusque ce jourmais on

parle tant de paise et j ai tant d Envie de retourner
dans ma patrie que je desirerois bien Etre debaraser
de tout ce que possede icy pour Le remplacer dans mon
Mis, ou je voudrois vous preseder, donnez donc vos



ordres a ce sujet et croyez que personne n'est plus


Votre tres humble et

obeissant serviteur

N.: T. VII, f. 188.

Worton House near Fletvorth

14th.October 1805.

My Dear General
I take the opportunity of Mr. July Williams Embarkation to assure you of my Cordial Wishes for your
Welfare Glory and success. He will inform you of all
interesting Events and occurrences since your Departure. I shall be Impatient to learn that your Career
has opened under the most prosperous auspices and in
a manner worthy of your Reputation-1 shall be happy
to hear from you on all occasion and to promote by
every Exertion in my power whatever may tend to fullfill your views from this Quarter. Adieu My Dear General and believe me with sincere Respect and Regard.
Your faithfull and Obedt servant.

N.: T. VII, f. 188.

Leander, July 3.10t 1806


I have to request you will be pleased to supply me

with the undermention'd Ordnance Stores for the use
of the Present Expedition.



Round Shot Four Poundm

Fifty in Numb.
Nine in N9
Fifteen in N9
Fifteen in N9

Muskets Bright



I have the Honor to be

Your most Obedient Humble Servt





Commander H.M.Sloop

N.: T. VII, 2. 171.

By D. Campbell Esqr.
Commander H. M. Sloop
July 318t 1806 Lily.

General Miranda having requested a Supply of

Ordnance Stores for the present Expedition.
You are hereby required and Directed to Supply
the undermentiond Stores, Taking care to receive the
necessary receipt in so doing this shall be your Order.
Given under my Hand on board
H. M. Sloop Lily

Round Shot 4 pounds.




50 in N9
9 in





Gunner H M Sloop.

Reeeived on board the Ship Leander The undermentiond Ordnanee Stores for the use of the present
Expedition & order of D. Campbell Esqr Commander
of His Mayestys Sloop Lily
Round Shot 4 Poundr Fifty in N9
Nine in N9
Fifteen in N9
Fifteen in N
Given under my Hand on Board the Ship

July 316t 1806.

N.: T. VII, f. 172.

2d Aot 1806.

Mon Cher General

Le fort de la vela est pris ainsi que les 4 Canons
qui defendoient la Douane nous avons parl a apeupres
une eentaine d'indiens qui sont entierement nos amis.
Les Routes sont gardees pr des g gardes.
jai l'Honneur D'etre en attendant vos ordres a
Votres tres hum &
tres obeist ser
LE Cte. DE Bou.
N.: T. VII, f. 173.




Comandante-General del
Exercito colombiano, los Pueblos habitantes del
Continente Americo-Colombiano.



OBEDECIENDO vuestro llamamiento, y las repetidas instancias y clamores de la Patria, en cuyo servicio
hemos gustosamente consagrado la mejor parte de la
Vida; somos desembarcados en esta Provincia de Caracas, la coyuntura y el tiempo nos parecen sumamente
favorables para la Consecusion de vuestros designios;
y quantas personas componen este Exercito son amigos
Compratriotas vuestros; todos resueltos dar la vida
si fuese necesario, por vuestra libertad Yndependencia, baxo los auspicios y proteccion de la marina Britanica.
Con estos Auxilios podemos seguramente decir, que
lleg el da por fin, en que recobrando nuestra America
su soberana Yndependencia, podran sus hijos libremente manifestar al Universo sus-animos generosos.
El opresivo insensato govierno, que obscurecia estas bellas qualidades, denigrando con Calumnias nuestra modestia y Caracter, consiguio tambien mantener su
abominable Sistema de administracion por tres Siglos
consecutivos; mas nunca pudo desarraigar de nuestros
Corazones aquellas Virtudes morales, y Civiles que una
Religin santa, y un Codigo-regular inculc en nuestras
Costumbres formando un honesto indole nacional.
VALGAMONOS pues de estas mismas estimables prendas, para que expelidos los pocos odiados agentes del
govierno de Madrid, podamos tranquilamente establecer el orden Civil necesario la consecucion de tan
honrosa Empresa. La recuperacion de nuestros derechos como Ciudadanos, y de nuestra Gloria nacional como Americanos Colombianos, seran acaso los menores
beneficios que recojamos de esta tan Justa, como necesaria Deternainacion.

QUE los


buenos inocentes Yndios, asi como los bi-

zarros Pardos, y morenos libres crean firmemente, que

somos todos Conciudadanos, y que los Premios pertenecen exclusivamente al merito, y la Virtud en cuya

suposicion obtendran en adelante infaliblemente, las recompensas militares y Civiles, por su merito solamente.
Y si los Pueblos Holandeses, y Portugueses pudieron en otro tiempo sacudir el Jugo de la Opresora Espaa; si los Suisos, y Americanos nuestros vecinos
igualmente consiguieron establecer su Libertad Independencia, con aplauso general del mundo, y en beneficio de sus habitantes, guando cada uno de estos
pueblos separadamente apenas contaba de dos 3 millones de habitantes porqu nos-otros que por lo menos somos 16 millones no lo executariamos facilmente ?
poseyendo a demas de ello, el Continente mas fertil,
mas inexpugnable, y mas rico de la Tierra El hecho
es, que todo pende de nuestra voluntad solamente
y asi com el querer constituyr indubitablemente nuestra Yndependencia, la Union nos asegurar permanencia y felicidad perpetua: Quieralo asi la Divina
Providencia para alivio de nuestros infelices Compatrotas ; para amparo y beneficio del general humano
LAS personas timoratas, menos instruidas que
quieran imponerse fondo de las razones de Justicia,
y de equidad, que necesitan estos Procedimientos
Junto con los hechos histricos que comprueban la
inconcevible ingratitud, inauditas Crueldades, y persecuciones atrozes del govierno Espaol, hcia los
inocentes infelices habitantes del nuevo mundo, desde el momento casi de su descubrimiento; lean la Epistola adjunta de D. Juan Viscardo de la Compaia de
Jesus, dirigida a sus Compatriotas; y hallaran en ella
irrefragables pruebas, y solidos Argumentos en favr
de nuestra Causa, dictados por un Varon-santo, y a
tiempo de dexar el mundo, para parecer ante el Criador del Universo.
PARA llevar este Plan su debido efecto, con seguridad y eficacia, seran obligados los Ciudadanos sin
distincion de Clases, estado, ni Color (los Eclesiasticos
solamente exceptos, en la parte que no sean designa-



dos) de conformarse estrictamente los Articulos siguientes.

I. Toda Persona Militar, Judicial, Civil, u Eclesiastica que exerza autoridad comunicada por la Corte
de Madrid, suspendera ipso facto sus funciones y el
que las continuase despues de la presente publicacion,
asi como el que las Obedeciese, seran seberamente Castigados.
II. Los Cabildos y Ayuntamientos en todas las
Ciudades Villas, y lugares exerceran en el interim tonciones de govierno, Civiles, Administratidas las fu
vas, y Judiciales con responsabilidad, y con arreglo
las Leyes del Pais : y los curas parrocos, y de misiones
permaneceran en sus respectivas Iglesias y Parroquias, sin alterar el exercicio de sus Sagradas funciones.
III. Todos los Cabildos y Ayuntamientos embiaran uno, e, dos Deputados al qartel general del Exercito, afin de reunirse en .Assamblea general nuestro
arrivo la Capital y formar alli un govierno Provisorio que conduzca en tiempo Oportuno, otro General y Permanente, con acuerdo de toda la Nacion.
IV. Todo Ciudadano desde la edad de 16, hasta la
de 55 Aos, se reunir sin dilacion este Exercito,
traiendo consigo las Armas que pueda procurarse y
si no las tuviese, se le darn en los depositos militares
del Exercito; con el grado juntamente que combenga
su Zelo, Talentos, Edad y Educacion.
V. El Ciudadano que tenga la baxesa de hacer
Causa comun con los Agentes del Govierno-Espaol, o
que se hallase con Armas en Campamento, Ciudadela
(3 fuerte poseido por dicho govierno sera tratado y
Castigado como un traidor su Patria. Si por el empleo que actualmente pueda poseer alguno de ellos, en
servicio de la Espaa, creiese su pusilanimidad que
el honor le compele servir contra la Yndependencia
de su Patria, seran estos desterrados perpetuidad
del Pais.


Por el contrario, todos aquellos que exercien-

do en la actualidad empleos Militares, Civiles de



qualquiera especie, se reuniesen con promptitud baxo

los Estandartes de la Patria, reeiviran honras y empleo proporcionado al zelo y Amor al Pais que hubiesen manifestado en tan importante coyuntura: los
Soldados, y marineros seran premiados igualmente
conforme su Capacidad y Zelo.
VII. Los depositarios del Tesoro publico lo pondran inmediatamente disposicion de los Cabildos y
Ayuntamientos quienes nombraran sugetos aptos para el menejo, y para suplir al Exercito Colombiano
quanto sea necesario su manutencion, y operaciones;
no solamente en dinero, sino tambien en Provisiones,
Vestuario, Frutos, Carruages, Mulas, Caballos, &e.
VIII. Para precaver toda especie de insulto
agresion de parte de la gente de guerra, y Puestos
avanzados del Exercito Los Magistrados, y Curas
Parrocos de las Ciudades, Villas, y Poblados (baxo
su personal responsabilidad) Juran fixar la Bandera el Ynsignia de la Yndependencia Nacional en la parte superior mas conspicua de las Yglesias : y los
Ciudadanos llevarn tambien en el sombrero la Escarapela que denote sr tales, pues sin ella no serian
respetados y protegidos como hermanos.
IX. Esta Proclamacion sera fixada por los Curas-Parrocos, y por los Magistrados en las Puertas de
las Yglesias Parroquiales, y de las Casas del Ayuntamiento para que llegue con brevedad noticia de todos
los habitantes: y asi mismo liaran ler en las Parroquias, y Casas de Ayuntamiento respectivas una vez
al dia por lo menos, la Carta anteriormente mencionada del C. Viscardo, que acompaa este edicto.
X. Qualesquiera impedimento, retardo, negligencia que se oponga al cumplimiento de estos nueve
precedentes Articulos, sera considerada como un grave
perjuicio nacional, y castigada inmediatamente con
severidad; La Salud publica es la Ley Suprema!




Fecha en el Quartel General de Coro 2 del mes

de Agosto de 1806.


Hay un sello de lacre.

(Firmado) TRONAR MouNi.
Nota: Esta proclama impresa tiene algunas correcciones hechas a mano
por Molini, el secretario de Miranda: En el primer prrafo, donde deca
"paisanos" el secretario corrigi: amigos, y al terminar el prrafo agreg:
"bajo los auspicios y proteccin de la marina britnica". El final del
cuarto prrafo est testado, por lo cual termina como se copia. Al final,
la palabra Coro est a mano, pues se haba dejado en blanco el lugar del
Cuartel General. Est fechada a 2 (a mano) de agosto. Testado "marzo"
que estaba impreso. Los artculos numerados estn en bastardilla.

N.: T. VII, f.


On board of the Lily, August 1", 1806.

G. O.

Parole, Colombia, Countersign, Victory.

Order of Attack.
As son as the first division, under the command of
Col. Comte de Rouvray, has disembarked a sufficient
number of troops, he will attack the battery of the
punta, in conjunction with the detachment from the
navy. Having carried that, he will leave it in possession of detachment of the navy ; and then proceed with
the rest of the troops, & tae possession of the customhouse & enemy 's artillery near it, where he will leave
the remainder of the naval detachment ; & then proceed on the road leading to the town of Coro, where he
will halt until informed of the landing of the 2' diVision.
After receiving this information, he will proceed
and take possession of the town of Coro, on the supposition that he will be supported by the 2' division.
The naval detachment, charged with the care of
the battery & town of Vela de Coro, will take care to
send piquets on the roads leading into town, with or-



ders not to allow any perso nto go out without a

pass from the commanding officer ; and any person
coming in, to be atrictly examined and aeknowledged
as a friend.
A picket of Indias, under the command of Capte.
Leon, is to be posted on the road leading to Paraguana. Every species of plundering is in the most positive
terms prohibited ; & the General expects, that every
person composing this army will conduct himself to
all such of the inhabitants as appear friendly, in such
of the inhabitants as appear friendly, in such a manner
as wil lconciliate their affections ; and only treat as
enemie sah Buch as appears in arms, and make resistance.
The proelamation and pamphtets attached to them
to be placed & distributed in every eonspicuous place,
by the commanding of ficers of the different detachments, agreeable to the ninth article of the same. All
reports to be forwarded to the head quarters of the
army at La Vela de Coro. As it will in the course of a
dayor two to be easy to get any thing that may be
wanted from on board the fleet, no baggage of any
king is to be carried on shore at the time of de debarkation. Each man may carry on shore with him
two or three biscuits.
Lieutenant Colonel Roorbach is to join the detachment under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Kirkland, and to do duty with it until further orders.

2. M. General

This order of attack is to be executed, as nigh as

possible, conformable to the preceding mode laid down;
should circunstances oblige any officer to deviate from
it he is to do it with the utmost circumspection and
N.: T. VII, f. 175 vto.



En el Quartei Gral. del Pto. de la Vela

4 3 de Agt. de 806.

Ylustrisimo Seor.
Acabo de saber qe se halla V. S. en Cumareo y deseoso de que tome un partido digno de su caracier en
momento tan crtico como el pres te le dirijo esta Carta
afin de q e proporcionando una explicac n amical, podamos concertar las medidas necesarias p a presentar la
paz y la Union de sus feligreses y del Pueblo HispanoAmericano.
La Proclamacion, y el Impreso adjunto daran cabal
idea de los principios y fundamento con Ce hemos venido este pais.No dudo q e V.S.Y. como un Prelado
respectable, y hombre Justo se preste una amistosa
conferencia pudiendo estar ceguro Cle el respecto devido
su persona, y su dignidad ser religiosamente
observado por todos los Yndividuos que componen
este exercito.
Quedo con el respecto devido, de V.S.Y.
Su mas atto y ser serv"
(firm.) FR. DE MIRANDA.
Al Mira. &flor Obispo de Menda.

Nota: El folio 178 es el folleto titulado "Carta dirigida a los Espaoles Americanos" por uno de sus compatriotas. Es la Carta de Vizardo y
Guzman (Don Juan Pablo), nativo de Are:pipa, Per, y Ex-Jesuita, que
muri en Londres en 1798 y fu6 amigo de Miranda. El folleto tiene 42 pginas y fu6 impreso en Londres por P. Boyle, Vine Street, Pieadilly, en 1801.
Tiene una "Advertencia del Editor" fechada en Filadelfia en Junio de 1799.
No se inserta por ser muy conocido y estar publicado en varias obras sobre
Amrica, y en tomo anterior de esta publicacin.




Ylustrissimos Seores
Este requerimt se dirige V.S.S. afin de que precaviendo en tiempo las conseqencias fatales de una
resistencia inutil en las autoridades Civiles, y Militares de esa Ciudad; podamos de acuerdo y como miembros del Pueblo Hispano-Americano, concertar aquellas medidas indispensabe para preservar la paz, la
Union y la felicidad de nuestros compatriotas, y
No dudo que la prudencia y el Patriotismo de
V.S.S., se presten aun acomodo mutuamente util y honroso para ambas partes: de esta manera toda efuccion
de sangre y todo desorden; qe son las conseqiiencias
inebitables de la guerra; seran perfectam te remediados.
El Seor Conde de Rouvray Comandante de los
puestos avansados del Exercito, est encargado de conferir con V.S.S. sobre este importante asunto; y de
tomar poseccion de esa Ciudad, precaviendo todo desorden disputa con las autoridades Civiles Eclesiasticas, que deven permanecer en ella conforme ,
la proclamacion adjunta.
En el Quartel General de la Vela de Coro 3 de
Agosto de 1806.
N.: T. VII, f. 180.


Vela de Coro 5 Augt, 1806.

My Dear General.
By desire of the Commodore Campbell I have forwarded the bearer with this, to request you will please
forward with all dispatch the Letters we have all
been anxiously waiting for that are intended for the

We have not thought it necessary to send you forward the Artillery, and the remainder of the Troops,
conceiving had you liad occasion for them you would
have sent for them.



We expect a Line or two by the bearer, who will

receive a gratuity on his return.
I have the Honor to be with the highest respect
Your very obedient servant.

His Excelleney
N.: T. VII, f. 181.

My Dear General
Commodore Campbell is excessively anxious to see
or hear from you on the subject of the Dispatches to
the Admiral. The Bacchat Frigate sailed yesterday,
to block up & intercept any thing out of Porto Cabello,
and will be relieved by the Frigates alternately that
were left in the Mona passage.
Reports here mention that the Enemy are collecting
a force to march aganst you at Coro, I merely mention
this to shew how very ignorant they must be of you
Force. The Commodore has ordered Lieutenant Beddingfield's party to join him without delay.
I have the Honor to be
Your very Obedient Servant.

Vela de Coro.
Augt . evening.

His Excelleney

N.: T. VII, f. 182.



Coro 7 Aug". 1806.

My dear Colonel
Ireceived your Letter of the 5th, yesterday evening
at 2 0 'clock, and as things have been excessively dilatory and uncertain here, I have liad no opportunity of
writting to the Commodore Campbell and to yourself
on any fixed resolution.
I hope that in a few hours I shall be able to do it,
and to see you and the Commodore at any rate; in the
mean time let him prepare the Vessel that is to carry
our dispatches to the Admiral, not to lose any more
time afterwards.
Be vigilant and careful in your Post and have some
ammunition ready to send to us, in case we may want it.
My best Compliments to Cap? Campbell, & shew
him this Letter.
(borrador de Miranda, sin firma.)

Colonel Hall.
N.: T. VII, f. 183.


Deseoso aun de dar pruevas de Moderacion y afecto acia mis Compatriotas y Paysanos, hemos resuelto

retirar de la Ciudad de Coro el corto numero de Tropas que haviamos hecho venir ella; a fin de que desvanecidos los vanos temores con qg el fugitivo Comandante de su distrito, y otros agentes del govierno Espaol han procurado alucinar las gentes incautas, y
particularmente las mugeres y nios, puedan estos
restituirse tranquilamente sus domicilios sin temor
ni sospecha alguna. Y en consequencia transferimos
nuestro Quartel General las inmediaciones del Mar,
de donde podemos igualmente darles quantos auxilios
fuesen necesarios sin el menor inconveniente.
La carta anexa dirigida al Cavildo y Ayuntamiento de esta Ciudad (a) prueva nuestras sanas intenciones y que no era en las Ciudades sino en el Cam-



po que deseabamos combatir los opresores unicamente

del Pueblo Colombiano.Y si este Pueblo necesita aun
mas pruevas de la perfidia infamias con que los go
vernadores Espaoles se conducen en todas materia.,
que atiendan al bando recientemente publicado por el
Capital Gral de Caracas en que se ofrecen considerables sumas de dinero al que alebosamente cometiese
un Acto de Acesinato contra un ciudadano q e pura y
sencillamente defiende los derechos de este mismo
Pueblo despreciables infames tiranos que ni aun valor tienen para mirar a sus enemigos por delante.
Esperamos que aquellas personas sabias y timoratas que nos han conocido y visto obrar hasta aqu, abriran los ojos los demas Ciudadanos sobre sus intereses
respectivos, para que acercandose mas y mas a mi Persona podamos de acuerdo concertar los intereses y la
felicidad de nuestra Patria, nico objeto de mis deseos.
En el Quartel General de Coro 7 de Ag" de 1806.
firmado : FRAN : DE MIRANDA.
N.: T. VII, f. 184 y vto.

Coro 6 Aug". 1806.

We arrived at the Port of La Vela de Coro, on the
16' Instant. The landing that was to take place that
night, was by the mistake of the Pilots deferred till
the next day, and by the streess of weather unavoidably
retarded until 3d at day lightThese circunstances
gave time to the Agents of the Spanish Government
to collect all the forces they could command in the cireunsjacent Country, for the purpose of opposing us.
We effected it however in spite of all their Opposition, with the force of 100 Men against 400; we stormed the fort of St Peter, and carried a redoubt just
aboye it, with a Battery also on the shore, in less than
an Hour 's time; The Enemy left us in absolute possession of the Town, Port, 20 PC" of Artillery, Ammunition &ca.The inhabitants soon carne to us, and



having been informed of our friendly and patriotic

intentions, filled the Town with satisfaction. And many
of the Indians that served with the Enemy, joined us
with alacrity in a few hours afterwards.
With this force, 200 Additional Alen and two Field
' toward the
Pieces, we marched at 10 Oclock P. M.
City of Coro, (12 Miles from La Vela) and bef ore day
light the next day we took Possession of it without any
resistance. The Commandant Salas with his Troops
is t Instant. The leading that was to take place that
fled towards the interior Mountain, and left us in quiet
possession of the Capital, and principal Port of the
Province ; this operation, only required 24 Hours time.
The desire of shewing confidence and friendly to
the inhabitants may induce us in a short time to withdraw the Troops from this Town towards the Sea
Shore, for the purpose of keeping a regular communication with the Navy, and follovving our operations in
concert, towards Puerto Cavello and Caracas.
I cannot express the satisfaction I feel in seeing the
zeal, harmony, and good understanding, that has constantly prevailed between the different Troops and the
Navy Officers during the whole time and we have been
with Captn Campbell. Those Officers that superintended the landing of the Troops, and the Piquets of
the Navy under Lieutt Bedingfield distinguished themselves as worthy Members of that illustrious Body.
I am with high respect and great consideration.
Your most Obedient and
most humble servant.

To Rear Admiral

The ilinible . ALEXr. COCHRANE

Commander in Chief
&e &c. &e.
N.: T. VII, f. 186.




La Velo de Coro, 8:th Aug:it 1806.

My dear Admiral,
After having been obliged to quit Trinidad on the
" th
with the only increase of 80 Men Volunteers in our Troops, I could not attempt any fortified
place on the Costs, nor even the Island of Margarita
with any probability of success: on that supposition
we carne to Coro, where we have completely succeeded
in the first instance, and not withstanding a concatenation of Blunders in Pilots, and our raw hand Meers, that is really unaccountable. The people of the
Country are very well disposed to join us in this Enterprise for their own sake ; but at the same time they
are excessively shy, seeing that our Troops are so few
in number & that we may ultimately be driven out of
the Country, and leave them totally destitute of Proteetion. If I had with me only one Regiment of Infantry and one or two Squadrons of Cavalry, with one
Company of Artillery, the whole might be settled in
afew days & our success would be completely obtained.
I have evacuated the Town of Coro wit5 the view
of inspiring confidence to the inhabitants, and going
back again, if necessary, after having received a reinforcements of Troops.
In the secret correspondence that 1 intercepted at
Coro, at the Commandant's House, I find in a Letter
dated the llth July 1806 the following intelligence.
"Vaia otra noticia venida de Puerto Cavello por un
"barco procedente de Martinica que dicen ha llegado
"alli, notician que los Franceses han conquistado
"Portugal, cuio Reyno cede la Francia nosotros, y
"en remplazo la damos esta Provincia" if this information is true, (which would not surprise me in the
present circumstances) this Province instead of belonging to us as was intended will become a province
of France, and the foot stool for the invasion of the
whole south American Continent. We have no time to
lose my dear Admiral, send me the reinforcements I
mentioned to you in this Letter, and we shall be at



Caracas before this Month expires. I mean to hold on

this Coast and to keep some of the small Ports, until
I hear from you, and to direct my steps towards Puerto Cavello by the sea shore, in proportion as I shall
receive reinforcements from you, from Jamaica, or
any every moment, or some other Frigate that will
give support to our galant small Squadron, with instruetions that may enable the Commander to land a
proportion of their Seamen, and support our efforts
on shore, as Cape Campbell has so willingly and usefully done.
Any Fire or side Arms are most necessarily wanted
at this moment to give to the People that most anxiously demand them.
I am with the greatest respect and affection.
,To Rear Admiral

(Borrador 8in firma)

1'. VII, fs. 187 y 188.

Head Quarters, La Vela de Coro


Augt. 1806.

The object of this dispatch is to inform you, that
ve are in Possession of this Port, and of the greatest
part of the Provinee of Coro. That we consider ourselves independant of Spain, and the Friends of Great
Britain ; as you will see by the inclosed Documents,
that I send to you for the purpose of giving a correct
insight, into the state of our connexions with the
0 overnment of England, requesting you to keep them
in the secrety and privacy they ought to be.
Before I quitted England in September last with
the Idea of executing this Enterprize, it was agreed
with the late Ministry that I was to acquaint you, as
well as the Admiral Commanding on the Windward
station, with my landing on the Coast of South-America and of holding some of the Ports, which circumstance alone would induce these Admirals to support
us, until further instructions from England. things



have become more and more intricate from that Period,

and it is unnecessary to shew you the neeessity of doing
it with promptitude, both from Jamaica and the Windward Islands, if we wish to rescue the Continent of
South America, from the disgraeeful and oppressive
yoke of France.
The Chief support I want at the present moment,
is detailed in my enelosed private Letter to Admiral
Coehrane. I hope that between you, and the Governor
of Jamaica, we shall reeeive if not the whole at least
part of the Troops and Naval Assistance we are so
much in want of at this present moment, for the speedy
success of this important Enterprise.
We had the happiness of being assisted in our landing by the Buchante Frigate Capte Daeres and some
of his Crew; which incident contributed very mueh to
our farther success in taking Possession of the Capital
City of Coro, the metropolis of this Province.
I have the honor to be with high respeet and
Your most obedient and most
humble servant.
(Borrador de

Miranda sin firma.)

Vice-Admiral Daeres
Commander in Chief
&e, &e, &e.
N,: T. VII, f. 189.

Au Quartier General
de la Vela de Coro ce 8 AM 1806

Monsieur le Gouverneur,
La dpeche dont j 'ai Phonneur d'envoyer copie I
votre excellence est d'une nature aussi delieate et importante, que dans la erainte que 1 'Amiral Daeres par



un accident quelconque ne puisse se trouver au Port

Royal, il m'a paru necessaire que vous en prissiez connoissance sur le champ.
Le Capne Ledlie porteur de celle-ei, vous en donnera
d'autres details si vous en souhaitez, et je ne doute pas
que votre penetration votre patriotisme, et vos talen s

militaires, ne sactient apprecier l'etendue et l'importance de cette entreprise, qui ne doit pas moins tre
considere dans ses resultts pour le bien et le bonheur
du Peuple Colombien, que pour les avantages de la
Grand Bretagne.
J'espere qu'en vous concertant avec 1 'Amiral sur
cet objet, vous nous enverez pour le moins les secours
que les circonstances pourront vous permettre, et je
vous prie de me revoyer la reponse sans delai par le
porteur de celle-ei, que je vous recommande particulierement.
J'ai l'honneur (1' tre avec haute consideration et
Monsieur le Gouverneur
De votre Excellence
le trs humble serviteur.
(Borrador de Miranda sin firma)
His Exeelleney
Giovernor of the Islan of
&e, &e, &e.


N.: T. VII, f. 190.

Head Quarters

La Vela de Coro, 9:th Aug:et 1806.

Captain Ledlie is to embark in the sch' Dispatch,

and to proceed with dispatches for the Admiral and
Governor of Jamaica, in the first instance to the Island
of Aruba, where you will endeavour to learn if any



Vessel attached to the Jamaica Station is there,If

so, you must take your passage on board of her; or in

default of any of H. M. Vessel of War, you may proceed in anyone of the Spanish Licenced Traders bound
to Jamaica, provided this can be done immediately, and

without delay ; othenvise the schooner Dispatch will

carry you to your destination. And having waited on
the Commander in Chief and Governor you will beg to
be informed when you may be suffered to return to
this Port.
He is to impress upon the Admiral and Governor
the necessity of sending those succours in Troops and
Vessels as soon as possible to this Port.
In case that the succours are not ready, and may be
so in a few days, he is to wait and write me by the
return of the Vessel.
He is to impress in the minds of the Merchants of
that Island, the great advantages that may accrue to
them by a free Trade with these Provinces, and the
necessity we have of arms & ammunition of all kinds ;
and Volunteer for the service, who will receive every
future advantage.
Any legal and reasonable advance of Money that
they make to these Volunteers or any other Person
attached to the Expedition will be amply repaid.
He is to distribute with prudence the Pamphlets
and Proclamations that are delivered to him, and shew
them to the Admiral and Governor.
Instructions given to Capa Ledlie.
N.: T. VII, f. 191.




Au Quartier General
de la Vela de Coro ce 10 Aoilt 1806

Monsieur le Gouverneur,
J'ai Phonneur de vous adresser cette lettre, sur un
Objet mutuellement avantageux, pour l'Ile que vous
commandez, et les Habitans de ce Pays ici. Il se sont
declars independants du Gouvernement de Madrid,
sous ma protection. Nous avons une force maritime
trs considerable qui seconde nos voeux et qui est entierement sous ma direction. Je vous promets qu'elle
n'agira contre les Batiments, qui puissent sortir ou
entrer Curazao provenant de cette Cte, ou d'autres
endroits, (selon les stipulations que vous voudrez bien
proposer) qu'amicalement : Comme le Commodore
Campbell vous l'annonce dans sa depeche officielle.
Nous souhaits sont d'entretenir un Commerce libre
avec tout le monde, mais plus particulierement avec
l'Ile de Curazao qui connoit deja tous les Avantages
et toute l'utilit qui peut lui en resulter.
La personne charge de cette Lettre pourra vous
dire davantage, sur un objet aussi important qu'utile
pour le deux Pays ; et j'espere que sa discretion (malgr sa jeunesse) vous inspirera de la confiance pour
lui parier coeur ouvert, et me faire connoitre plus
particulierement vos intentions sur une affaire aussi
delicate et qui doit rester sous le secret.
J'ai l'honneur d'tre avec consideration et respect.
Votre trs Humble et trs
obeisant serviteur.
(Borrador de Miranda, sin firma)

A son Excellence
Monsieur le Gouverneur de Curaao
&e, &e, &e.
N.: T. VII, f. 192.



Parzen nuraterioNs.
Head Quart era.
La Vela de Coro 10:th Augt. 1806.

Mr Die Cullough is to embark on board H. M. Brig

Express this evening, and proceed in her to Curaao:
on his arrival at that place, he is to wait upon the Governor, and give to him, in private, the dispateh that
he is charged wit,h.
He will deliver to the Merchante MT Corser and Mr
Besden also, the Letters he has from Mr Fitzwilliam,
and act if possible by their friendly advice. If the
Governor reeeives him with friendship and confidence,
he will communieate to him, on the same footing, the
secret Business that he is intrusted with.
If it is possible to write to St Thomas to our friends
there, he raust do it immediately, and to follow if possible the advice of Fitrvvilliam's friends at Curaao.
The principal object is to engage the Merchante to
send immediately to us, Arms of all kinds, Ammunition &ca ; and Volunteers for the Land service ; whose
rewards will be in proportion to their serdces, and the
dangers they may run in the exeeution of the present
If any contract for Arms or other necessary supplies, is to be entered in with the Merchante at Curaao
or St Thomas's, it is to be understood that handsome
and liberal terms ought to be granted to them, but not
excessive or extravagant, on any aecount.
If eircumstances should oblige M r Cullough to
remain at Curaao, or proceed to St Thomas's for the
sake of obtaining the objeet of his mission, he will write
to us by the Brig Express, and by every opportunity,
acting in either case with prudenee, caution & gravity,
as a matter of euch weight and importance required.

N.: T. VII, f. 198.



Leb Coro Bay 11th. Augt. 1806.

My Dear General

I have sent you the crew of a Curacoa ship that has

been Ransomed by the Bachant you will have the goodness to inform your wishes respecting them by the


I remain My Dear Gen'






His Excellency
45. 8r. 8e.
N.: T. VII, f. 194.

Lily 12th.

Augt. 1806.

My Dear Sir
Will you have the goodness to order the Sie for all
Boats to be made at the port, I think from the state of
the weather little can be done by the enemy if time is
not lost by us, the water is now smooth consequently
much in our favor.
I have the honor to be
My dear sir
your obd t hble, Servt
N.: T. VII,

f. 195.




Head Quarten.
Puerto de la Vela 13*h Aug" 1806.

The Commander in Chief, eonsidering that our Position is becoming every hour more critical from the
increase of the Enemy's Forces, collecting from every
Quarter; while our land Force was by the last return,
reduced to Two hundred and three Men.
That, being destitute of every kind of assistance
from the native Indians, and without Horses or Mules, from the Enemy having previously removed them
from the Coast on our approaeh, and a Body of the
Enemy's Cavalry, having taken possession of the only
watering place for the squadron ; a Couneil of War
was held, composed of the undersigned Members ;
when it was agreed.
That we should remove our Position to another
point of the Continent, not far from this place, where
we could with the Land Forces we have, seeure a Post
on the same Continent, whieh Post the Enemy eould
not force us to quit, until we received the suceours
promised by Admiral Coehrane ; and those daily expeeted from the Admiral Commanding on the Leeward
Island Station, and from the Governor of Jamaica.
In consequence of this resolution the Commander
in Chief hereby order the inmediate evaeuation of the
Post of Puerto de la Vela, in the eourse of this day,
and promises to make a written application to Captain
Campbe,ll, for the inmediate proceeding with the Expedition of the Island of Aruba, for the purpose of
supplying the squadron with water, and to take there,
any further steps that may be deemed advisable, for
the safety and suceess of the present Expedition.
Any other Position on the same Coast to windward,
appearing to us at the present moment untenable, with
the small number of Troops that we possess as the
Enemy has coneentrated the greatest part of bis For-




ces, between the Porto of Puerto Cabello and La






T. VII, fs. 196



On board H. M. Ship LtIly

August 14th 1806.

In consequence of the resolution, taken yesterday
at Puerto de la Vela de Coro, in a Council of War held
at Head Quarter for the purpose of evacuating that
Place, and taking a better position on the Continent of
South America, with the view of carring into effect
the present enterprize. I have the Honor to submit to
you the following application on the subject.
I conceive there is perhaps a small deviation from
the letter of your instruction, and from the limits prescribed in the stipulation made between Admiral Cochrane and myself, but as the substance of them both
is to carry hato execution the landing of the forces
under my Command upon the coasts of South America,
so as to secure a place of Rendezvous for the Natives
to rally, and for the friends and Volunteers from
abroad to join usI do not see any other point within
the limits prescribed by Adm i Cochrane that we may
hold at this moment with safety, and that can afford
us the opportunity of receiving the succours daily expected both from himself and the Adnal and Governor
of the Island of Jamaica, but the Town of Rio de la
Hacha; on which supposition I request of you to assist
us in taking possession of this Town and waiting there
for the answers of both Admiral and Governor ; while

we stregthen our position on shore by fortifying the

Town ; which we may easily do with the assistance of
the neighbouring Indians (perpetually at War with


the Spaniards) &c. those

be willing to join us.


of the inhabitants that may


N.: T. VII, f.


Habitantes de Aruba.
Si las circunstancias presentes nos hacen tomar po-

sesion de esta isla, estad seguros que vuestras Perso-

nas, vuestra propiedad, y vuestra tranquilidad seran

protegidas inviolablemente. Obedeced a vuestras Leyes, y respetad vuestros propios magistrados, en cuias
manos dexamos toda la Autoridad Civil; pues nos consta por experiencia que son sugetos de Probidad; y no
deseamos se haga la menor alteracion en el govierno
del Pas.
Que vuestro Comercio siga como antes con la isla
de Curazao, y otras neutrales, en quanto no perjudique absolutamente la seguridad de esta Expedicion:
Nuestro principal objeto es la independencia del Continente Colombiano, para alivio de todos sus habitantes, y para refugio del genero humano. Aquellos solamente que son agentes, 6 sequaces de un Govierno - de
- Asesinos son nuestros enemigos. El gobernador de
Caracas Vaseoncelos, y Oidores prometen por edicto
30.000 $ y honres al que assesinase un Ciudadano del
propio pas, que por medios honrosos defiende los derechos de sus compatriotas y la gloria de su Patria;
como lo han hecho el Principe de Orange en Holanda,
Washington en Amrica, Pelopidas, y Dion en la Grecia . . . Que nos digan estos hipoeritas quales son
las Leyes Divinas o humanas que autorizan un atentado semejante 1 Sino que quieran repetir en estos
tiempos y entre americanos las Crueldades, infamias
del Reinado de Phelipe 2" en Holanda, que deshonran



para siempre el nombre del Duque de Alba, y la Nacion que lo consintiese!

En el quartel general de Aruba 19 de Agosto
de 1806.
N.: T. VII, f. 201.

Head Quarters
Aruba .22 Auge't 1806.

Give me leave to recall to your recollection, what
I had the honor to communicate to you verbally, on
board the Lilly a few days ago.It appears to me
that the presence of the Bacchante Frigate under your
Command, would be of material service to our Expedition; not only as an additional Force, in case we
should act within the limits of your instructions, but
as a Protection while wo are here waiting for the succours expected in a few days, both from Jamaica and
the Windward station.
In this supposition I leave to your consideration,
the necessity in which I conceive we are, of requesting
the assistance of the frigate under your Command
during this short Period, for the best service of His
B.M.and for the success of the present Expedition
under my Command.
I have the honor to be with respect and consideration.
Your most Obedient and
most humble servant.
Daeres Ese.
N.: T. VII, f. 202.




Cuatro dias hace que los pendientes de V. E. harmada Exercito me llevaron el huairo de mi propiedad
la Franchise; que segun considero, fu para el ayudo
del desembarque de las Tropas. y sus badages &e.
Esto ya concluydo, y no se halla restituydo el huairo
pero al contrario, segun informacion tengo se halla
en el estado de modo que cuando llegara ser restituye
Ami poder no estaria abto para el exercicio que sumamente me es necesario.
Seor: mi cituacion es ebidente, para que cuando
no meresco ser auxiliado no merecer ser acabado de
minar (de una Nacion que por ella perdy la ultima
camisa). Supuesto que el unico objeto que me exciste
para mi alimento en el desgraciado estado en que me
considero es el huairo mencionado: Por lo que sinceramente mexcus de V. E. bondad para que se digne
afin de que me debuelban el dicho huairo que ser en
todo tiempo, pronto con su respectivo tripulacion ami
costa, al servicio de la Armada, que asi no padecer
fraude alguno.
D. G.. V: E: m'
V. Eccelentia Humilde servidor.
Simort Palme.

Aruba 24 de Agosto 1806.

N.: T. VII, f. 208.

Dr Sir.

Golde, Augt. 26th. 1806.

objection to the Sehr Lilly Departure

on his Voyage if you see none.
Yours very truly
I can have no


N.: T. VII, f. 204.




Aruba 26th Augt. irsos.

The Surgeon has just now given me a Return of 32
(Meers & soldiers who are sick for the use of whom
he make a Demand of Wine, Limes, Candles & Sugar ;
whieh no doubt are absolutely necessary but from want
of funds not in my power to procure.In fact I am
myself destitute of the common Necessarys of Life.
There is on Board the Leander some tolerable good
Claret belonging to Mr Me Cullough for which he asks

on Bilis on London, the flour we are

now beginning use is also his end must be paid for.
To 77ou as the Head to whom we all look up, I take

$60. p. 1:1 Cash

the Lit erty of representing those circumstances, trusting that you will fall upon some mode of obtaining
for them at least those things that are of the first
With the highest Esteem er respect,
I ever am Sir,
Yr most obdt Hb Servt


&c. &.

&c, &c.

N.: T. VII, 2. 205.

Au Quartier General
d'Aruba ce 27 Aefit 1806.

Monsieur le Gouverneur,
La Personne charge de vous remettre celle-ci,
Simon Prince, aura l'Honneur en mme tems de vous
soumettre une proposition, qui me paroit essentiellement avantageuse aux Habitants de l'Ile que vous cm-



mandez, ainsi qu' tous ceux qui s'y tabliront par la

Les sentimens que nous avons temoign aux Habitants d'Aruba pendant notre sejour, doivent convaincre ceux de Curaao, combien nous souhaitons de vivre
en Paix et intime amiti avec Eux, par un intert

Toutes les stipulations ou Conventions que vous
nous enverrez par l'entremise de Mr Prince seront
sanctionnes et ratifies sans faute si elles sont conformes aux Propositions qu'il doit vous annoncer de
notre Part.
J'ai l'honneur d'tre avec respect.
Votre trs humble et trs
Obisant serviteur

A son Excellence
&C, &e. &e.

N.: T. VII, 2. 206.

Head Quaders Aruba ce 27 Aout 1806.

Prince s'embarquera dans la G". Lilly qui est
pret mettre la volle, il se sendra Curaao, et remettra la lettre confidentielle qu'on lui a donn pour
le Gouverneur de cette Ile, avec qui il traitera des
arrangements necesaires pour obtenir l'object de sa
mission. Quand cette stipulation sera redige et termine selon l'esprit de nos communications verbales,
ii retournera sans delai Aruba; pour nous instruire



du resultat, et pour donner suite it cette negociations

s'il y a heu.
N.: T. VII, f. 207.

August 1806.

Fitzwilliams presents his respects to General

Miranda, sends him a letter that he has wrote to Mr
Corser, if it does not meet the Generals approbation he
will have the goodness to direct Mr Molini to make Buch
alterations as He thinks proper and G. F. will sign it.
G. F. intends to write a letter to Mr Besden of Curacoe as soon as he knows if the one now sent meets
General Miranda approbation.

His Exeelleney

&c, &e, &e.


T. VII, f. 208.



Geoe. Nicholls
Frang Quast
Domingo Gotere


Sent on board at Trinidad by General

Miranda Spposed to bea Spy
Sent on Board by General Miranda at
Coche Supposed to be an Agent to
the Spanish Government.
Found on board a Spanish Canoa in
the Ci-ulph of Paria, Suppos'd to be
Employed by a Spanish Agent at Tri-


Franeis Javia
Joseph Araa

Sent on board by General Miranda having been taken Ading as a Spy from
the Spanish Commandant at Cora.
Sent on board at Cora as a Suspieious

Joseph Greogory
Antony Bernal (Boy)
Jean Baptist
Joseph Alexander
Joseph Chagra



Sent on board by General Miranda.

Sent on board at Cora as a Suspicious
Two Slaves Sent on board by Gens.
Miranda belonging to Don Antonio.
Sent on board by Colonel Armstrong.

N.: T. VII, f. 209.


Spaniard on Roca Sunday

August 24'h 1806
The Offieirs taken in the two
Sehooners belonging to Gen'.
Miranda 's Expedition were on
the Main & the Governor's had
not determined what to do with
them ; he was fearful if he put
them to Death the English
would retaliate as they had
joind the Expedition.
Two Portugues Brigg daily
& anxiously espected from Europe.

the 28'h of August the

French Schooner was seen on
an anchor in Porto Cabello by
N. M. Sehooner Gipsey.

N.: T. VII, f. 210.

From the American Sehooner

Amazon from Laguira bound to
New York Monday August 25th
Was detained by an Embargo till the sailing of a freneh
Schooner of 14 Guns whieh was
gone down to Porto Cabello
with Amunition & expeeted inmediately to return.
Seven Hundred Men had been
sent to Cumana on an alarm.
of Gen'. Miranda being landed
there of whieh only seven Men
returned. That Death & Desertion were the Cause.
Messrs. Ogden & Smith who
wen tried by the American Government for At3sisting Gen'.
Miranda in fitting out an Expedition were aequited.
A Spanish Parhit arrived
from Europe two or three Days
privious to the Amazon sailing
from Laguira.
Dar. Boyd Lirut. Commanding.
W. Gipsey.



H. M.8. Northumberland
Tortoki 11 July 1806.

My Dear General
If your letters to me by the King Fish eontained
your Plan of Attack Ag t the Spaniards. They are
by this time all in the knowledge of your Enemies for
the Cmnrad' of the Schooner taking the French Admiral for me delivered them safe into his possession. You
may theref ore play a double game upon them by altering your plans from what you intended. If you
think their knowledge of your Intentions to be of any
particular eonsequence.
I send you by this Schooner one of your lost sheep
he seems to give flattering accounts of the sentiments of your friends on the main.
Wishing you all possible success believe to be Ever
My Dear Sir
Yours Sincerely
A. Cocansein.

I believe the French Ad' sent a Man of War Brig

Express to the Main with your Letters, &c.
A. C.

N.: T. VII, f. 211.

North Tortola .90 July 1806.

Dear General
Your letter of the 23 July with the enclosures carne
safe to hand by the Post. I was on the point of sending
off. Capt. Sayer of the Galatea 36 Guns to strengthen
your Naval Force you will also be assisted by the Osprey a very fine Sloop of 18 Guns.
God send you success I devoutly pray for it it gives
pleasure to see that you are likely to be supported
from End you will observe that Mr Turnbulls Meeting



took place the day after the one my Brother had with
Lord Grenville and Moirer on the .
am vexed at
the little support you have met with and am sorry that
I am afford you no more.
Do take care and secure a strong post that may be
tenable until Assistance arrives from EnglandI have
told Capt Sayer to do all he can concerting with the
orders 1 am under from Engd.
Adieu My dear General
Sincerely yours

6 -1



N.: T. VII,

f. 213.



Tortola 30 July 1806.

Dear General

After the Part I have taken to promote the success

of your Plans I hope you are convinced that I have
your Interest much at heart.
From my late accounts from home it appears that
you have some warm Friends in the present Ministry
but I fear you have also some that are not so much so
as I could wish.
Situated as I now am. I cannot openly act, but
secretly will give you all the Assistance in my power.
I will take care that the Enemys ships do not annoy
you unless they come with a superior Forcebut my
authority extends no farther as Government altho informed by me of your being on the Coast have not
vested me, with powers to afford you aid.
I must also limit the supplies of Provisions, but
hope before this that you are in the midst of Plenty
on the main.Should the British Gov t charge what
has been already supplied to my private account 1 trust



that when you have it in your power that the same will
be repaid.
Capt Sayer who will deliver you this has my instructions to render you every assistance he can compatible to my limited powers.
Wishing you every possible success I remain Ever
My Dear General
Your most sincerely

Distroy this and

the Enelosed.

N.: T. VII, f. 214.


North. 30 July 1806.

Extract of a Letter dated the 5 June from my Br

Gen Cochrane Johnstone:
"I am to be with Lords Moira and Grenville to
Pfmorrow about Gen' Miranda, I am endeavouring to
"Prevail on them to render Hirn immediate Assis"tance--, Lord Melville is keen about it and Davison
Pfand I are hard at work for him".
He them says that is He succeeds He will come out
and join you and that he hopes to bring Plenty of Arms
Ammunition and Cloathing.
The aboye is the substance of a letter which I have
just received from my Brother who may be out in a
short time I will be happy in hearing that Govt Have
come to the resolution of assisting you with a few good



Regt if they do not come forward. I fear I have got

into a scrape in doing what I have already done.

Ever sincerely

A. Cocansenc.

N.: T. VII, f. 220.

His Britannia Majestys Ship Pique,

Port .Royal-Jamaiea, 16th August 1806.

I was on the 15th Instant, honored with your Letter
of the 8' from La Vela de Coro, with its Enclosures,
by your Aid de Camp Captain Ledlie.
The Force on this Station being very considerably
less than the Lords Commisioners of the Admiralty
are aware of, I do not feel myself justified, in lessening
it, in support of an Enterprize, of which I have not
slightest Intimation from my Government, at the risque
of neglecting the Services required of the Squadron
I have the Honor to Command, which must be the case,
in rendering yoil the assistance you require.
I have hurried the Equipment of a Cruizer for Captain Ledlies passage to La Vela de Coro, and have
ordered her Commander to cruize on the Coast of the
Caraccas, as much as possible, to add to your Security,
while on the Coast, from any Attack that might be
made by a Junction of the Guarda-Costas, or any considerable Force of the Enemy.
I have the Honor to be, with high respect, and

Your most obedient and very

humble servant.
J. A.W. Demo.


&e. &e. &e.

N.: T. VII, f. 222.



ilaison du Boi, Spanish T0141%

ce 16 Aout 1806.

Monsieur le Gnral,
Votre depche en date du 8 courant vient de m'tre
remise par le Capitaine Ledlie, et c 'est avec la plus
vive satisfaction que je vous of fre mes complimens
de congratulation, sur le debut heureux de votre entrepise.
Je regrette ne pas pouvoir dans les circonstances
actuelles, vous envoier les secours que vous me faites
Phonneur de me demander, mais n'ayant jamais reu
ni ordre, ni avis quelconque, du Gouvernement Britannique, concernant l'objet de votre expdition, il m'est
totalement impossible de vous assister ; et je vous prie
de croire que je le ferois avec un vrai plaisir, si j'y
etois aucunement autoris :Mais, lorceque je reflechis
que vos communie,ations avec le Ministre de la Grande
Brtagne, selon que vous m'en informez, ont eus heu
au mois de Septembre dernier, et que depuis ct poque
l je n'ai reell aucun ordre relativement vous, je ne
puis, conformment mes devoirs, venir votre
J'ai l'honneur d'tre avec haute consideration et
Monsieur le Gnral
Votre trs humble et tres
Obeisant Serviteur.

A Monsieur

N.: T. VII, f. 228.

Your Dispatch of the 30u1 July by the Galatea has

come to hand.I hope that you have received mine by
the Prevost dated from Coro the 6th of August.



We are here waiting the sueeours that you mention

to us are expected from England, and those we may
look for every Hour from Jamaica: The instant they
arrive we will endeavour to take some deeisive step
agreeable to your good intentions, which are congenial
with mine.
Aruba 10th Sepr. 1806.


the Hon.


&C. &e. &e.

N.: T. VII, f. 224.


Off West end Aruba

/0th. Sept'. 1806.

An order was received on board this forenoon from
Colonel Armstrong directed to Lt Spearing desiring

that the four Field pieees of Artillery with all their

Stores &c. should be sent to Town. I beg leave in the
first place to mention that the order as coming thro'

tue Quarter Master General was extremely irregular

as all artillery and stores of whatsoever nature are

under the immediate direction of the Senior Offieer of

Artillery, thro' whom the order should have issued,
unless the order carne from yourself thro' your adjutant General, or Military seeretary.
In the second place the Brig has not a Boat that is
capable of earrying them, that eould possibly reaeh
Town, from they making so much water; and were they
landed at the camp they could not be earried to Town
without very great dificulty and Labour. From every
inquiry that I eould possibly make thro' out the Fleet,
not only the Limbers or Shafts' are missing, but great
part of the Harness, which were left at the advanee
Post. Their Lirnber or ammunition Boxes I can obtain
no inteligence of eitherWhen Mr Green took all the



Musquet Cartridges from here shortly after our arrival

at Aruba, I desired him to enquire of Capt. Loudon

respecting them, impressing him as strongly as possible

of the necessity of their being found, otherwise the
Guns were useless, as independent of the small stores
in the boxes, there was not plank or materials to be
obtained in the Island to make either them or the
shafts anew.
I have never heard any thing since from Capt.
Loudon whether they were found, without which the
Ammusetts, are useless, as there is not any ammunition
of that nature in the Fleet.
If you wish the other pieces and Ammunition Landed at the Camp it can be done with safety, but while
the present high wind continues it will be impossible
to send them dry to Town.
I have the Honor to be

Your very obedient Humble

His Excellence


N.: T. VII, f. 225.

Camp 10th. Sepr. 1806.

This moment I have received from Col' Armstrong,
a G. O. appointing Mr Leire, an Officer in the N. A.
Art' and Mr Mills in the N. A. ml';
These Gentlemen have allways served, with me
cheerfully, carrying their Muskets as Cadetts or Vors
and the former I pointed out to you on Parade when
you visited Camp, and express 'd a desire that you
would give him a Commu in my Regt while you seemed
to assent to.



On your quiting Camp, I assur'd him of a Commission in my Regt soon as any Promotion took place,
whieh neither him nor I thought of applying for till
we had an addition to our number.
IVhen I was absent from Camp, CoP Armstrong
sent for these young Men, and tender 'd them the
Comm" they are now in orders for.
What Cor Armstrongs motives for this can be, is
best known to himself however the Effect is calculated
to excite disgust, and dissatisfaction in the minds of
many of your Followers, and of those who if not his
equal in regard to experience, will not certainly yield
to him in Zeal, and Perseverance in assisting you to
aecomplish the grand object you have in main.
These Gele with six others, have all along earried
thin Muskets ; as Cadetts, and were thaught of any
thing else till we got more men, and whieh I wait Certainly expect, both from Jamaica & Trinidad, particularly from a Friend of mine who is Second in Command in Jamaica and who I wrote to & I am eertain
will leave nothing undone to send Volunteers with
Capt. Ladlie.
Now these Cadetts who are left are dissatified, and
in place of that real harmony and Cordiality whieh I
have been proud of existing in my little Detachment ;
this is likely to produce discord & dissention.
I liad surely some right to expect these young men
for in presence of Gen' Hislop. you gave me an assurance that of all the Volunteers who Join'd you in Trinidad, Count de Rouvray, was to eommand the Cavalry
and I the Infantry. I was not so suceesfull in geting
Volunteers as I at first expected, and any Trip to Guiria made me lose several of those I had got.
I certainly coneeive that Coll. Armstrongs official
appointment in Trinidad to take down the names of
those who join'd you, did not give him the power and
a uthority of fixing every individual just as might think

I have given you very little trouble about offieers,

and at this moment have only 2 Capt' & 1 Lieutnow



the A. L. Inr have no less than 12 Lieue and yet Col'

Arrnstrong must add one to these numbers out of our

However individually I might have felt amazed at
all this, I would not have troubled your mind, which
have matters of such moment to oeupy it ; were it not
for the General disgust this measure I know, will have
in the Camp.
Every thing goes on very smoothly here, and but
for Buch measures would continue so.
With sentiments of the utmost respect,
I have the Honor to be

Your Faithfull and Hble. Servant

P. S.

I am devoted to your service, but upon my Honor,

General, sooner than be hable to this kind of annoyance, I would carry a Musket as Volunteer, in preference to the Rank you have honoureed me with.

J. D.

N.: T. VII, f. 227.

Camp 11th. Bepr. 1806.

The Board of Officers appointed by you, for the
purpose of distributing the articles brought from Cam,
awarded the poor woman whose Cam was shot by accident the other Evening in Camp, Three pieces of Platillos, as an Equivalent for her lose: You know of this
and seem'd to approve it.
An Officer waited on the 2. M. yesterday with
the enelossed award, and he wouM not deliver these



It is for you Gen' to say, whether it is the Promise

of your 2 M. G. thus to contract the award of a Board

of officers appointed by you.
I have the Honor to be

Your Most Obedt & Hu' Serv.



Com. Camp.
His Exce117
N.: T. VII, f. 231.

Nota: El folio 282 es una lista con el total de personas que tomaron
parte en una Parada efectuada en Aruba el 7 de Setiembre de 1806, 163 personas entre miembros de la Expedicin y prisioneros.




Agosto 1806 a Enero 1807.
I have most respect fully to request, that you will
be pleased to order the court which is to determine
wheter I have offended against the laws, be assembled
as soon as possiblethat I may be relieved from the
unpleasantness which I cannot but feel at your displaesure.
At the same time, I must be allowed to express my
complaintsthat after having given up the servant
I brought from America with all the good will, for the
cause that my long journey to join you is garant of,
to be a soldier your armythat after giving him up
and trusting chance to get another, that the moment
I get him he should taken from mewithout he being
even heard I assure your Excellency, and I hope you
will excuse liberty I take in doing itthat I feel myseif most sensibly hurt at the manner in which, most
certainly without your Excellencys concurrence has,
that man was taken from me.
I have once for all discharged this duty to my
feeling in exposing to your excellency my griefand
with perfeet resignation in the justice of your Decision
I have the honor to be
with great respect & consideration.
Your Excellency most humble

27 August 1806.
His Excelleney
&C. &C.

N.: T. VIII, t. 1.



Aruba 26th August 1806.

My health will by no means allow me to day has
past of your order of yesterday ordering me to repair
to the encampmentI tried it but the Sun was so
powerfull as to force me buk and I have great reason
for the moment to takeeare of myself--otherwise
consider myself in arrestand ready to answer any
charges that your Excellene may ehuse to exhibit
against me feeling confident that while I have been
with youI have strongly exerted myself for your interest and thus had I been more wol about itI should
nor have fallen into the displeasure of those people who
are more fortunate than myself.
I have the honor to be
General with great respeet
your most obed t &
very humble servant

To His Excelleney

&c. &e.
N.: T. VIII, I. 2.

Aruba Sept 8th 1806.

Sixteen days I have been in arrest in this burning
climate by your orders. I have threatened with corporal punishment, and even torture, by one of your
offieers, my house has been burst open and my sword
stolen out of it, and at last brought before an assambly
of Gentlemen met together as a Court Martialthey
refused after five days deliberation to take cognizanee
of my case:



It was then with great astonishment that I heard

this day that, that assembly containning the only experienced soldiers amongsts us, had been dissolvedand
that another had been substituted in its rooms consisting of merchants & planters who know absolutely
nothing of courts martial, and who are, all but the
president of inferior rank, to that which they pretend
I hold.
I have to request Sir, that the first court martial
may sit, or none, and I am willing to hope that after
the cruelty with which I have been treted my desire
may be heard
I have the honor to be
Your most obedt humble servant




N.: T. VIII, f. 3.

Copy of eharges to be exhibited, at a General Court

Martial to be held on Tuesday the 921 day of
September Inst. against Trelawny de Belhay
Captain and Chef D'Escadron in De Rouvray's
Hulansrt For unmilitary conduct and wanton cruelty in
beating, abusing and illtreating George Francis a Serjeant in De Rouvray's FIulans on or
about the ninth day of August last at La Vela.
2" For that the said Trelawny De Belhay did, on or
about the Eighteenth day of August last while
commanding officer of the troops on board the
Schooner Trimmer, in a manner unbecoming an
officer, punish Jos Cupida a private soldier in
Captain Cassaas company, by causing him to
be tied up by the hands and causing him to re-



eeive sixteen lashes more or less on bis back

without a previous trial by a Court Martial.
3rd Por behaving unlike an officer and a Gentleman
at the time & place mentioned in the second eharge in threatening to serve Captain Cassafias as
he liad served Jos Cupida, because he interceded in behalf of the said Jos Cupida and
represented the impropiety of prmishinp; bim
in that manner.
4th Por behaving unlike an officer and a Gentleman
at the time and place mentioned in the second
charge in depriving John Hancock the Master
of the said Schooner Trimmer of the command
of the said Vessel, by ordering the troops on
board under his command to get under arms and
afterwards in a forcible manner taking the boat

and going to hand contrary to the urgent request

and refusal of the said Master.

5th Por disobedience to the General ordere of the

twentieth day of August last in leaving and remaining out of Camp without leave of the Commanding Officer in Camp.

6th Por disobedience to the order of the Commander in Chief on or about the twenty third day
of August las in refusing to return to Camp and
to render himself there in arrest and for continuing to wear his sword some days after he had
been ordered to deliver it up to the Commanding
Officer in Camp.
1" George Francis
Lt Nihel

Lt Moses

2 Jos Cupida
Capt. Cassalias
Lt Nihel





3 Moses
4 Moses
Lt Nihel

5 Col.

6 Se& Molini
Aid Caero

Charge For eontempt and disrespeet to the

Commander in eilief in writing and sending to
him on the eight instant a eontemptuous and
disrepeetful letter eontaining false assertions
and reflexions on the character of his superior
(Meers and those Meers eomposing the Court
Martial ordered to assembled on the 9' InstantAruba Septr 9th 1806.

Evidence on the abo ye eharge


2 Privta Letter
Original of eharges &
Chef D 'Eseadron

Guilty of remaining out of

camp without have S.M.N.
M. &.
N.: T. VIII, f. 4.





Lt Col. Roorbaeh
Capt London
Capt M. Cullough
Lt Moses

Capt Rankin
Lt Nihel
Lt Smith


The Prisioner Cap t Trelawny De Belhay was

brought into Court and the evidenee and audience admitted when the Judge Advocate read the general order
of the seventh day of September 1806 directing the
Court to assemble at the time and place aboye stated.
The Members of the Court and Judge Advocate
being sworn in open Court and the Court formed the
Prisoner was arraigned and the eharges against him
were read and he interrogated by the President as to
guilty or not guilty of any or all of the said ehargesThe prisioner objeeted to the legality of the Court and
denied their power to try himThe Court cleared and
upon deliberation were unanimously of opinion that
they were fully competent to try him. The Court
opened and the prisoner and evidence being readmitted
the President informed the prisoner of the opinion of
the Court as to his abjection.
The Judge Advocate then read an additional charge
against the prisoner upon which the President asked
the prisoner whether he was guilty if or not guilty of
that charge--upon which the Prisoner obsi,inatelv refused to picad guilty or not guilty observing to the President that if the Court thought proper to call evidenee
against him he too would call evidence on his part, the
President advised the prisioner of the consequences of
his refsal to picad to the charges and that if he persisted that it would be the duty of the Court to pass
sentenee on him as if he had been found guiltv on the
most positive testimony, the Prisoner obstinatelv persisted in his determnation not to picad to the eharges



and insisted to the last that the Court had no authority

to try him. The Court cleared to consider the Prisoner
case and upon deliberation determined that as it was
almost time to adjourn they would indulge the Prisoner with time to reflect. The Court opened and adjourned until to morrow morning ten oclock.
Septr 10'. The Court assembled pursuant to adjournment. The President proposed to ask the prisoner
once more to picad to the eharges, upon which the
Court determined to give the prisoner another opportunity o pleading to the charges either guilty or not
guiltyThe Court opened and the prisonerevidence
and audience being admittedThe President expressed to the prisoner the opinion of the Court and accordingly asked him whether he was guilty or not guilty
of any or all of the charges exhibited against him.
I.Tpon which the Prisoner reserving the sight of objection to the legality of the Court pleaded as follows,
namely that he was guilty of the first charge except so
far as relates to wanton cruelty which he deniesGuilty of the second chargeguilty of the third charge
except that he denies behaving unlike a GentlemanGuilty of the fourth charge with the same exception
as to third charge and not guilty of the fifth sixth and
seventh eharges.
The Court then proceeded with the evidence for the
prosecutionSerjeant Franeis being duly sworn says
that at the time the troops returned from Coro he went
to the Prisoner to complain of cornet Heating upon
which the Prisoner ordered him to leave him he left
him accordingly and when he was about fifty yards to
the windward to him of the Prisoner some of his comrades backoned to him that the Prisoner called him he
immediately returned to him he then said to him you
Scoundrel what did you not come back when I called
you, he replied that he begged his pardon and that he
did not hear him the Prisoner then struck him and
knocked him down and when he was down beat him
with a stick so that he could not walk wherefore some
persons dragged him into the yard of the Prisoner's



quarters where he laid upwards of two hours after

which the prisoner ordered some water to be trown in
his face to recover him, that while he lay there unable
to get up the Prisoner stabbed him in the hand and
pricked him in the leg with the sword that he lay on
the ground helpless when a Spaniard offieer atme with
the Prisoner servant and moved him into the shade.
Question by the Court. What distanee from you was
the person who beckoned to you that Prisoner ealled
you .Answered he supposed forty or fifty yards.
Question by the CourtDo you recolleet being e,arried
into the yardl .Answered No that he was speechless.
Lieut. Moses one of the members of the Court being
sworn the Prisoner objeeted to him as a witness
that he was a member of the CourtThe Court decided that a member of the Court was a legal witnessWitness then stated that he saw the Prisoner
knock down Serjeant Franeis and afterwards beat
him with a stick in order to make him get up that
he either eould not a would not but cannot say which
that Prisoner ordered him to be carried into the
yard which was done immediately. Knows nothing
further of it. The Judge Advoeate proposed to ask
Lieut. Moses if Prisoner 's conduet to Serjeant
Franeis was wanton and cruel. One of the members
objeeting to the question as improper the Court
cleared and upon deliberation deeided the question
to be improper. The Court opened and after the
Judge Advoeate had the decision of the Court. The
Court then proceeded with the evidenee-Question by Prisoner to Lieut. Moses "What sort of
a stick did I beat Serjeant Franeis with 1 Answer
can not say positively what sort of a stick it was
but thinks it was part of a wooden hoop.
Question by the Judge AdvoeateWas it a part of a
hogshead hoop or keg hoop or of what size dit it
seem to be I Answer that if it really was part of a
hoop as he thinks it was it must have been part of
a hogshead hoop.



Capt Cassalias being duly sworn and Lieut. Adrian

duly sworn as Interpreter Captain Cassailas says
that the Prisoner ordered him to flog Jos Cupida
to whieh the witness answered he could not for that
he did not know that he had committed any crime
the Prisoner then told him that if he cid not flog
Cupida he the Prisoner would him Copt. Cassa as upon then told him if he did not whieh the
witness told the prisoner that he the prisoner had
already flogged Cupida and that before he should
be flogged again he ought to be tried to know if
he was culpable or not.
Question by the PrisonerIn what language did I
speak to you .Answer in FrenchQuestion by the Prisoner. How was you dressed when
you spoke to me Answer In the same dress I now
wear-Lieut Nihel a member of the Court being duly sworn
said that as for as he understood french he hear the
prisoner threaten to flog Captain Cassafias for
refusing to flog Cupida but he is not positive it
was for thatCaptain Hancock Master of the being duly sworn cays
that on or about the eightienth day of August last
about four or five o'Clock in the evening the Prisoner asked him for his boat to ko to town, he considered that it was too late to go to town, anu he
was afraid of losing his men but that if he thought
proper to be landed at the watering place in breast
of the Squadron the boat was at his service or if he
would wait till morning the boat should put him to
town. The prisoner said no that he wished to go to
town that night, in a few minutes he carne up to
the witness and said Captain You will not let me
have you boat then to go to town to whieh he answered No Sir it is too late the Prisoner then said
to witness "Dont you know Sir I can take your
boat if I pleaseI command a party of men here
and am stronger than you are' he then told him
he should not have the boat, upon whieh the Prisoner ordered his men to fall in on the starboard



side of the deck under arms and carn to him and

said" III convince you Sir that I am commanding
officer here and will do as I please I will take your
boat Sir and you too Sir and your Schooner too
Sir if I think proper" Witness then ordered his
men to the larboard goingway to hand the oars up
out of the boat upon which the prisoner them ordered five or six if his with themmuskets to a
Shoulder to the larboard side to prevent the oars
from being handed out of the boat, the witness then
walked aft on the quarter deck and said nothing
more on the subject. A few minutes afterwards while
the witness was in conversation with M r Douglass
an officer in the expedition the prisoner was landed
by some of the crew at the watering place in breast
of the Squadron.
Question by the PrisonerDid you not give me the
boat to go on shore with all good will and good
nature Answered that the Prisoner put it out of
his power to give to him either with good will or
good will or good natureQuestion by the PrisonerDid you not give me the
boat .Answered that the men were in the boat and
that the Prisoner jumped in it and made them
push offQuestion by the PrisonerDo you not remember that
by the interference of M r Douglass we shok hands
and drank a glass of grog together before I left
the Schooner .Answered that he did so with Mr
Douglass but not with the PrisonerLieutenants Nihel and Moses confirmed substantially
the testimony of Captain Hancock except as to any
reconciliation between Capt H. & the Prim' of which
they know nothing.
The Court then proceeded to the fifth charge when
it appeared that the evidence summoned to prove
that charge was not presentThe court then proceed to the sixth charge to prove which Captain Can ero was sworn but it being too near the hour of
adjournment to examine him the President adjour-



ned the Court untifi to morrow morning ten o'Clock

September the eleventh the Court assembled

puisuant to adjournment and the evidence to the

fifth eharge being present the Court & proceed
therewith5th Charge
Coloned Downie being sworn could not say positively wheteher the Prisoner was absent on the twentieth of August or not.
Question by the PrisonerDid you not give me permission to leave camp on the twentieth of August
last ? Answered that he eould not positively say whether he permitted the prisoner to leave camp on the
twentieth, but that he permitted him to leave camp
twice about that time but not to stay out all night.
Question by the PrisonerDid you not permit me to
leave camp the last time you saw me there before
the first Court Martial met to try me Answered
that he did give him to quit camp the last day he
saw him there previous to the time the first Court
Martial met and from what the prisoner then stated
he coneeived that an arrangement had been made
between him and the General that Captain De Bethay was to go to Jamaica, but as this was not offieially given to the witness and as he was absent
from next morning parade the twenty third day
of August he accordingly reported him to the General as absent without leave as his leave of absence
did not extend to his being out of camp all night
although the prisoner may have stated his intention
of remaining out of camp all nigtColonel Armstrong being duly sworn said that a general order was given out on the twentieth day of
August last, direeting that no offieer or soldier
should quit the camp without a particular permission from the field Meer coramanding in Camp.
The Judge Advoeate being duly sworn said that between the twentieth day of August last and the present time he saw the Prisoner almost every day out
of Camp-



Question by the CourtDo you know that the prisoner

slept out of the camp any night during the time you
speak of Answered he did nothere the Judge
Advocate called a witness to prove that the prisoner
slept constantly out of campWhen the prisoner voluntary admitted that he never slept in camp
at allThe Court then proeeed with the evidence on the
sixth chargeCaptain Caero who was sworn yesterday was ealled but it appearing to the Court that
his evidence was immaterial he retired without giving his evideneeThe Judge Advocate being about to give evidenee
on this charge some of the members entertaining
some doubt as to the propriety of admitting him as
a witn.ess The court cleared and after long deliberation were unanimously of opinion that he is a
competent witnessThe Court opened and the prisoner and Audience being re-admitted the Judge
Advocate read the decision of the CourtThe Court
then proceeded with the evidence on the sixth
charge-The Judge Advocate proceeded to offer in evidence
a ietter from the prisoner to the Commander in
Chef when the prisoner voluntary admitted the
letter to be his it was then read to the Court and is
in the following words &c
"Aruba 26th August 1806General my health
"will by no means allow me to obey that part of

"your roder of yesterday ordering me to repair to

"the encampmentI tried it but the sun was so
force me back and I have great
7reason forasthetomoment
to take care of myself"otherwise I consider myself in arrest and ready
"to answer any charges that your excellency may
"chuse to exhibit against me feeling confident that
"while I have been with you, I have strongly exer"ted myself for your interest and that had I been
"more cool about it I should not have fallen into
"the displeasure of those people who are more for-



"tunate than myself. I have the honor to be Gefneral with great respect your most obedient very
"humble servantTrealawny (de Belhay) "
The Judge Advocate stated that about the date of
the foregoing letter he saw the Prisoner walk lame
he thinks the Prisoner continued lame two or three
days to the best of his recollection--said too that he
saw the Prisoner wear his sword two several times
subsequent to the order for his arrest7th charge The Court then proceeded to the seventh
e,harge to support which the Judge Avocate offered
a letter from the Prisoner to the Commander in
chef upon which the Prisoner voluntarily con-

fessed it to be his it was then read to the Court

as follows "Aruba Sept. 8th 1806 SirSixteen days
I have been in arrest in this burning climate by
your orders, I have been threatened with corporal
punishment and even torture by one of you officers,

my house has been burst open and my sword stolen

out of it, and at last brought before an assembly of
Gentlemen met together as a Court Martialthey
refused after five days deliberation to take cognizance of my caseIt was then with great astonishment that I heard this day that that assembly containing the only experiencedsoldiers amongst us
had been dissolved and that another liad been substituted in its room consisting of Merchants and
Planters, who know absolutely nothing of Court
Martial, and who are all but the president of inferior rank to that which they pretend I hold
"I have to request Sir that the first court Martia1
may sit or none and I am willing to hope that after
"the cruelty with which I have been treated my
"desire may be heardI have the honor to he, Sir
"your most obedient humble servantTrelawny
"(de Belhay). Don Francisco Miranda"
Colonel Armstrong being duly sworn was proceeding to give evidence, but it bing near three o'Clock
the Court adjourned untill to morrow morning ten
o 'Clock.



Friday Septr 12th-

The Court met pursuant to adjournment and proceeded with the evidence of Colonel ArmstrongHe says that on monday the first instant the prisoner applied to him for a horse to ride to camp to
attend the General Court Martial there saying that
he was unwill and unable to walk down, he returned
for answer that he had no horses and could no punish him with any and referred him to General
shortly after the General sent for the witness and
told him to order a Corporal and file of men to
take the Prisoner and deliver him to the Commanding officer in camp, he then waited on the Prisoner
and informed him of the General orders upon which
he addressed the witness as Major Armstrong and
asked him if he could put in execution those orders
at the same time cautioning him against doing ithe then told the Prisioner that he was Captain de
Bethay and himself Colonel Armstrong and that
whatever orders General Miranda gave him he
would by God put them in execution, that the reason he made use of that strong expression was that
the prisoner 's manners and general conduct was
such as induced him to believe that he would make
resistance--after this the witness when going to see
Lieutenant Stedman met the servant of Lieutenant
De Senne and asked him when he was going, he
replied he was going to fitch Captain De Bethay's
sword for himas it occured to the witness that
the prisoner might have sent for his sword in order
to resist the General 's orders he waited until the
servant returned when he took' the sword and put it
in Lieutenant Stedman 's lodgins that he afterwards
procured a horse for the prisoner on which he rode
to Camp.
Question by the CourtWill you state to the Court
whether the assertions contained in the foregoing
letter are true or not according to the best of your
knowledge and your acquaintance with the characIMINUO
42'4 et nie



ters reflected on Answered that with respect to

the assertions that he was threatened with corporal
punishment and torture, he denies positively that
he ever used any such language to him or that he
knows that any other person ever did here the Judge
Advocate reserving the right of calling another
witness to support the last charge rested the evidence for the prosecutionThe Court then proceeded to examine the evidence for the Prisoner.
Cornet Keating being duly sworn says that the day
we returned from Coro Lieutenant Nihel mounted
the Hulan's proportion of the guard, that in about
half an hour or an hour after Lieutenant Nihel and
the prisoner ordered the witness to post a sentry
at Colonel De Rouvray's quarter, he went to Serjeant Franeis and told him to furnish a sentinel for
the purpose, Franeis said he would not he was very
sick and hungry, he replied he never knew a man
to be sick and hungry at once and that he should
furnish a man immediately, he said he would not
that the witness had nothing to do with him as he
did not belong his companyWitness then told him
that he would go and post the sentinel himself and
would report him as soon as he returned to quarters
that when he had walked about four or five paces
from Serjt Francis he heard him say, who the devil
is he the fellow has not go a second pair of trowsers
to his curse the witness said very well Serjeant
Franeis I heard what you say and I shall report
that too, to which Franeis replied very well that
he did not care and said that he would report him
first, he further stated that he posted the sentinel
and when he returned he found Serjeant Francis
lying before the door of the prisoner's quartersthat about an hour after the prisoner sent him for
some water to throw on Francis' face observing to
the witness that all that had happened on his account, that is was in consequence of what he had
heard Serjeant Francis say to him over the wall-



Question by the PrisonerDo you remember at the

moment Serjeant Francis was so insolent to you
whether I ordered you to send him to me he did
not hear it.
Question by the PrisonerAt what distance was I
from you and Serjeant Francis when he was insolent to you He could not say, but thinks it could
not be more than twenty or thirty yards from the
tree where Serjeant Franeis and he was, to the
farthest end of the yard where the Prisoner wasQuestion by the Prisoner, where was Serjeant Franeis
when the conversation on this subject between you
and him took place? he was sitting under a tree
opposite the gatewayQuestion by the Judge Advocate--Why was water
thrown on Serjeant Franeis' face he does not know
whether it was to bring him too or what it was forQuestion by the Judge Advocate--Will you state to
the Court what was the situation of Franeis when
you was ordered to fitch water to throw on his face?
he does not know whether he was asleep or in a
swoon but the reason he thinks he was not in a
swoon was the lenght of time which he lay in that
situation, thinks about an hour or an hour and a
quarterQuestion by the Judge Advocate--Did you see any
marks of blows or of any kind of violence upon
Serjeant Francis ? he did not for he did not go close
enough to examine himQuestion by the Judge AdvocateWill you inform the
Court what was done with Franeis after the water
was thrown in his face he did not know he went
awayColonel Cornet De Rouvray being duly sworn was about
to give his evidence when the prisoner began to read
from a paper the particular evidence he wished him
to give and upon the President informing him he
was incorrect the prisoner persisted and told the
Court that they had acted so with the witnesses and



would not let him do it, here upon the Court eleared
and after deliberation carne to the resolution te remand the prisoner to dose continement unless he
would submit to the authority of the CourtThe
Court adjourned until to morrow morning ten o'
ClockSaturday September 13
The Court met pursuant to adjournment and upon
sending for the prisoner it was found he liad broke
his arrest by leaving his place of confinement and
that he sought an asylum on board of one of his
Majesty's armed Vessels, the President then wrote
a letter te Captain Sayer commanding officer of his
Majesty 's Squadron here after which the Court adjourned until monday morning next at 10 o'clock
Monday September 15'
The Court assembled pursuant to adjournment. The
President after reprimanding the Prisoner for his
conduct on Saturday last, informed him that they
were ready to proceed with the rest of the evidenee
for his defence upon which he declined calling any
more witnesses telling the Court they would not
permit him to examine the witnesses as he wishedThe Court cleared and after deliberation unanimously resolved to proceed with the evidence for the
prisoner. Mr Middleton being sworn and examined
knew nothing of his own knowledge relative to the
case in question and retired.
Capt. Caero being sworn could state nothing of his
own knowledge.
Question by the Prisoner to Judge AdvocateCan
you say you ever saw me wear my sword after the
twenty sixth day of August last? cannot say positively
Question by the PrisonerHow do you know when you
saw me wear my sword that I had received the order
to put myself in arrest? from common report and



his letter to the General of the twenty sixth day of

August, inserted in these minutes confirma it.
Question by the Court to Colonel ArmstrongDo you
know who sent Lieutenant Desenne's servant for
prisoner's sword at the time alluded to in your evidence Does not know of his own knowledge but the
servant told him t,he prisoner liad sent for it-Question by the Prisoner to Colonel ArmstrongDo
you at all conceive I have ever made any false assertions or reflections on your character 1 Answered
he conceives that the assertions in one of the prisoner's letters inserted in the minutes "that his house
was broken open and his sword stolen out" were
applied to him and he further says that they are
false and groundless-Question by Judge Advocate to Colonel ArmstrongDo you know when the prisoner was first ordered in
arrest e,annot recollectQuestion by Judge Advocate to Colonel .ArmstrongDo you know whether the prisoner was ordered in
arrest before or after the day I told you he continue to wear his sword Answer he was ordered
in arrest previous to that dayQuestion by the Prisoner to Colonel .ArmstrongHow
do you know at the time you speak of I had received
an intimation of my arreste The e,ommander in
chief told him he had ordered the prisoner in arrest.
Question by the Prisoner to Judge Advocate. Was what
you said to Colonel .Armstrong about my wearing
my sword merely matter of conversation or not
It wasThe President adjourned the Court until nine o'
Clock to morrow morningTuesday September 16
The Court aseembled pursuant to adjournment and
proceeded with the evidence for the prisonerColonel Count De Rouvray was sworn and examined
but could state nothing of his own knowledge rela-



tive to the case before the Court--here the Prisoner

asked the Court for half an hour to write his defence

the Court offered him as much time as he wished,

he said he wanted no more than half an hourThe
Court adjourned for one hour and at the expiration
of that time again opened when Lieutenant Douglass
who liad been summoned on the part of the Prisoner carne into Court and being duly sworn said
that the Prisoner asked Captain Hancock for the
use of his boat to go to town he replied to the
prisoner that he could not have the boat to go to
town but he might have it to put on shore Prisoner
said he was unable to walk to town and insisted
upon having the boat, and Captain Hancock replied
that he should not have the boat to go to town but
might have it to go on shore, the Prisoner further
insisted that he would have the boat and Captain
Flancock denied, he then told Captain Hancock
that it was useless for him to say he should not
have the boat for that he had thirteen and fifteen
armed men and he could take the boat and him
likewise, Captain Hancock then replied we shall
try that witness then interfered and to his satisfaction he found that every thing was mettled
amicably between them and that then should be no
more of it this took place at the larboard gangway and afterwards they all went aft and drank a
glass of grog together and Prisoner went off in the
boat with every appearance of friendship towards
Captain Hancock, he was surprized to hear that the
business was broached again and spoke with Captain Hancock who told him it was nok he who had
made the complaint and he knows nothing further
of the matterQuestion by the PrisonerDo you conceive 1 took the
Schooner 's boat by force 1 Does not conceive any
thing of the kind but conceives that Captain Hancock ordered the boat to put the prisoner on shoreQuestion by the CourtDid you see any men under
arms and if you did will you inform the Court for



what purpose they were under arme he saw some

men under arms but supposes it was only for the
purpose of exercise as is usual with trops on board
shipQuestion by the CourtDid you see any men ordered
out of the ranks with their arms, to the larboard side
for the purpose of preventing the oars being handed
not of the boat 1 he did not he saw two or three men
without arms go to the larboard side to han the
prisoner's trunks hito the boatHere the judge advocate proposed to ask some questions of the evidence for the prosecution to Bettle and explain some
eontradictory evidence that carne out in the evidence
for the prisoner, and upon a members expressing
some doubt as to his sight to do so. The Court
cleared and after some deliberation the Judge
Advocate waived his right to ask the questions proposedThe Court opened and the prisoner having
finished with his evidence read his defenee and
having nothing further to offer the Court cleared
and proceeded to deliberate upon and form the senteneeupon some members requesting further time
to consider the proceeding of the Court before they
made up their sentence. The President adjourned
the Court until to morrow morning 9 o 'Clock.
Wednesday the 17 u' September
The Court assembled pursuant to adjournment and
after eonsidering the charges and the evidenee on
both sides find the prisoner g-uilty of the first charge
except so far as relates to wanton cruelty of which
they acquit himand they find guilty of the second
eharge fully, also guilty of the third and fourth
eharges exeept those parts in both, whieh charge
him with ungentlemanly conduct of which he is
hereby acquitted, as to the fifth charge the Court
find him guilty of remaining out of camp without
leave acquit him of that part of the eharge whieh
eharges him with leaving camp without permis-



sion The Court unanimously aequit him of tim

sixth charge and find him guilty of the seventh
charge-In consequence of all whieh the Court sentence
the said Captain Trealawny De Belhay to be dismissed from the service-It being now near three o 'Clock the President adjourned the Court until to morrow morning eleven
o 'Clock



Judge Advoeate.

The Commander in Chief approves of the withing

sentence, and orders it to be insert in General Orders
of this day.
Head Quarters Aruba 17th September 1806.

Minutes of a Court

Martial, held on

T. VIII, f. 9.

Head Quarters
Aruba 17th Bspr. 1806.

I have reeeived t,he arrangement for embarkation
you sent to me by Lieutt Mac Culloch, and it will be
attended to by the Qr Mr General, and the Com' of the


The orders are issued for the Troops to be ready and

to embark to morrow at day light a proportion of Officers will be embarked in the different Vessels with the
My Person and suite may go where ynu may think
most convenient, and leas troblesome.



I have the honor to inclose you the statement given

to me by the Mr GP that appears to agree pretty well
with that you sent to me.
With respect and consideration I have the honor
to be

Sir, Your most Obedient Servant

(Borrador ein firma)

oEo SAYER Bote.

Commander of H.M.S. Galaea.

N.: T. VIII, f. 21.

H Majestys Sloop
Lily 17 September 1806
My Dear


The Wind being now from the S. M. Captain Bayer

it necessary to get the Galatea under Sa.%
and has left orders with me to Embark your Men to
Morrow, on Board His Majestys vessels here, M r Fitch
will Communicate to you my Instructions to him on
that Subject, in the event of the Surf on the Beach
preventing the Embarkation taking Place here, he has
my Directons what Steps to take, Captain Sayer has
found it Necessary to Order me to Land no more Prohas conceived


I am My Dear Sir
with Respect and Consideration
Tour Obedt Servt



P. S.From a Letter Captain Bayer has just re-

ceived from you I conclude for mind is not made up to

proceed immidiately to the Admiral I trust it is not
neeessary for me to say My Cabin is much at the Service
of yourself and suite
D. C.
On Service

His Excellency
N.: T. VIII, f. 22.



18 Septr 1806.

Dear Sir
In reply to the Note I liad the honor to reeeive from
you I request you will fix on any Vessel which may best
answer your Intentions for the reception of yourself
& Suite. If you have finally resolved on the measure
you spoke of, seing the Admiral as early as you could,

I recommend the Express, & she would promise you a

speedier Aecomplishment of that oblect than either of
the others &. I will give her such orders as you wish.
This I mention suppossing Accommodation is a secondary Consideration in your mind
I have the honor to be
D. Sir Your resp t Obt St

I shall take first leisure hours to wait on youHis Excelleney


& & &.

N.: T. VIII, f. 23.

Head Quarters.
Aruba 18th. Ser. 1806.

I have just received your letter of this day, and I
hope that your indisposition will permit you to call
shore as you promise me.
It is indispensable I shouM see you, before I fix on
the Vessel that is to carry me towards the Admiral, as
this choice depends on the information I must have
from you, that is given to me as a guide and Protector
upon sea of this Expedition.
In the mean time I am preparing my dispath for
Great Britain and for Admiral Cochrane, whieh I will
elose when I shall have the pleasure of settling my definitive arrangements with you : and shall put on board



that Vessel that is likely to meet the Admiral the soonest.

I have the honor to be

Sir, Your most obedient servant
(Borrador sin firma)

P. S.Count de Rouvray that takes charge of this

letter will give you at the same time further any information about the proeess of our embarkation &ea. &ea.


N.: T. VIII, f. 24.

El folio 27 es una hoja de peridico titulada THE JAMAICA COURANT

Wednesday 8d September, 1808, en que se reproduce un articulo del "New
York Commercial Advertiser", sobre la expedicin de Miranda y las lavestigaeionee que se hacen para establecer la responsabilidad de algunos funcionarios de Estados Unidos en relacin con la ayuda prestada al Gral. Miranda.

Head Quarters, at

Aruba 19th Sepr. 1806.

My dear Admiral

I received at this Place on the 25" ultm your Dispatch of the 30' July, by the Galatea Captn Sayer. The
inelosed Documents will shew you, what we have been
ahle to do on the Continent, with the small Land Force
we carried from Trinidad. The el:lid advantage resulting from it is, that the favorable sentiments of the inhabitants are towards us; and how mueh they detest
the oppressive Government under whieh they groan at
present. I have no doubt after this trial, of what vee
eould with certainty obtain, if a small hand force could
be collected, before succours arrive into this Province
either from France or Spain.
I hope you have received by this time the Dispatch
1 sent with the Prevost Schooner from La Vela de Coro



on the 6th & Eith of August; and as we could not hold with
confort and safety that Position with the small number
of Troops we had then, we thought it advisable to take
this Island; where with safety and Health we might
expect any succours from Windward of from Jamaica
that may enable us, when we thiDk proper to take an
advantageous Position on the Coast of Caracas to windward, or that of S t` Fee towards S ts Martha, Rio de la
Hacha &es.
I wrote on this subject to the Government and Admiral of Jamaica, but could not obtain the succours
I wished for, as you may perceive by their .Answers.
This creunstance has prolonged our stay on this Island
where we live upon Goats meat, and some .America
Flour we have been able to procure in it. We look with
anxiety for your answer every day, without whieh we
should think it improper to quit this tenable Post until
the Question of Peace of War at least ultimately decided.I conceive by what I have reading the London Papers that this Point must be already settled, and that
the first dispatches we shall receive here, will bring us
this decisive intelligence. This singular information
accounts well for the indecision and want of energy in
the new British Ministres sinee they carne into Administration: and the same reason I expeet that War if
continue will be carried on with more Vigour that has
been done by the past. Our plans are the only great
resource that is left to Great Britain and they will be
of course supported with superabundant Forces by Sea
and hand. The attack of Rio de la Plata by Sir Home
Popham, is another corroborating proof of this Idea. I
have writen to Lord Melville on the subject, as you may
see by the letter N9 5, and I fully expect that if M r Fox
is removed from Administration (as I do believe will
be the case, if his strange attempt to make Peae,e at
this moment fails) Lord Melville will be his successor.
I am pleased and very much gratified with the noble
offorts that your dear Brother Gen' Cochrane Johnstone and my friend Davison, are making to bring our
favorite Plan hito execution Nothing can give me more



pleasure than to receive their cooperation, ant to shew

them how grateful I feel on the occasion.
I have been obliged to request Capt n Sayer to contime in a limited manner the supply of Provisions for
the Troops, as necessitycompels us to keep this Position for some days longer, until we receive either your
dispatches, or any other favorable intelligence that may
induce us to change, or quit it altogether. Capt n S.
has complied with it, with zeal and good will: but he
quite us to morrow with the Galatea the Express Brig
and the Schooner Grooper. 1 send in the Express my
Secretary Dir Fitzwilliams with this dispatch, in hopes
that he will meet you at Barbadoes, or Trinidad and
will rejoin ne before a Month is elapsed. He will give
you any further information that you may wish, coneerning our various movements and situation.
I hold myself answerable my dear Admiral for any
expenditure of Provisions for the Expedition that your
Government may not be willing to sanction, and will
endeavour to reimburse you with thanks when ever it
shall be in my Power to do it.
with affection and friendship I am
Dear Admiral
Ever yours


S. Your worthy Liuet. Mr Spearing that proceeds

the Express, has been remarkably useful to
is my duty to mention it to you.

nova with
us, an dit

To Rear Admiral

Conunander in Chief.
ace tte arie.
N.: T. VIII, f. 28.




Head Quartere, at
Aruba 19u, Ber 1806.

My Lord
I congratulate you, and the British Nation on your
most Honourable acquittal by the House of PeersThis remarkable event may be the souree of happiness
for a great portion of Mankind at least for your own
Countrymen, and mine, if the plans I had the Honor
to submit to your Lordship at Wimbledon and that met
with your full approbation, are carried into execution
at this present and most critieal moment.
My Right Honob' friend MT Vansittart, with whom
I have kept a constant correspondence on the same subject from the moment I quitted England in Septr last
by the consent and agreement of the late Ministryw11 give to your Lordship an exact aecount of our proceeding in this expedition, I hope the small succours
that we want at this present moment will be given to
us by your interposition, and I have no doubt from the
experienee we have now aequired in the Country itself
by the intercourse and communication we had for some
time with the inhabitants, that suceess will attend our
present efforts, and rescue the New World from becoming tributary & Vassals of the Despots of France1 will not trouble your Lordship with any refleetions about the great consequenees that these plans if
carried into exeeuton may produce in favour of Great
Britain and Mankind, when I know that your Patriotic and Political sentiments are similar and congenial
to mine.
With high consideration and respeet
I have the honor to be
My Lord
Your most obd.
& most Humb St.
(Borrador de Miranda, ein firme.)



Note a Copy saut to Mr VANSITTART

To the Right Honorable

&c &c &e.

N.: T. VIII, f. 80.


au Quartier General
d'Aruba ce 19. &pro. 1806.

Mon cher Ami,

Depuis le 10 Juillet que nous avons quitt Trinidad,
je n'ai pas eu le plaisir de vous donner de mes nouveIles, croyant que l'Amiral Cochrane eut trasmis au
Gouvernent, celles que je lui avois communiques de
Coro, en datte du 6 er 8 Aout. Mais pour mettre au fait
de tout ce qui est survenu depuis cette Epoque, en voici
des Documents officiels qui pourront vous instruire a
fond et qui vous epargeront l'ennui de les lire ici en

Nous avons seulement gagn l'avantage jusqu'id,

connoitre a point sur, quels sont les sentimens du
Peuple dans la Province de Caracas vis a vis notre Expedition; et la facilit qu'il y auroit de penetrer et de
gagner tout le Paye, du moment que nous aurons une
force reguliere de 2 a 3,000 Hommes; pourvu que des
seeours Etrangers n'arrivent pas, avant que nous y
soyons entrs. Voila ce que j 'attends a tont moment,
et qui nous assurera le succs sans laute.
Je ne puex pas me persuader que le Bruit qu'on
debiten a la Jamaique, des Negociations de Paix
entre l'Angleterre et la France, y peuvent avoir aucun
fondement dans ce moment ici : et l'Expedition de Sir
Home Popham pour le Rio de la Plata, me confirme
eneore dans cette Ide.



Je viene d'ecrire la lettre N 8 a Milord Melville, que

je crois pourroit avoir de l'influene,e avec quelques Ministres, pour l'Execution de ces memes plane. Je laisse
a votre discretion les demarehes qu'il conviendra de
faire au mon nom vers Milord Grenville ou tout autre
des Ministres de sa Maj est, sur quoi vous en avez toujour les Porvoirs necessaires de ma part. Si notre ami
commun Sir Evan Nepean peut cooperer de son cot
je ne doute pas qu'il la deja fait, et qu'il continue ses
bons Offices comme par le pass. J'ai appris par l'
.Amiral Cochrane, que Davison s' en est conduit dans
cette affaire comme un homme consequent, et un veritable ami de notre Entreprise: Je vous prie de lui faire
mes remercimens et de lui temoigner ma sincere
Nous sommes actuellement dans le cas d'avoir une
force maritime plus que suffisant pour realiser nos
projets, mais point de forces terrestres. Par le pass
nous avions l'occasion favorable pour joindre les gens
du paye, mais point de forces maritimes qui nous secondassent pour le verifier et voila la reason de embarras
ou nous trouvons, et des difficults qu'il faut vaincre
dans le moment: l'arrive de 2,000 Hommes de Troppes
regulieres donneroient la terminaison heureuse a tout.
Je me trouve tellement occup dans ce moment, que
je vous prie d'excuser les fautes de eile ci, et de faire
a l'ami Turnbull bien des excuses de ma part. Je n'ai
pas besoin de vous recommander ce qui m'interesse a
Grafton Street Fitzroy Square : &.
Ever & Ever your
(signed) MIRANDA

&e. &e. &e.
N.: T. VIII,

I. 81.



8epr : 22. 1806,

Je viens de reeevoir hier la depeehe 1NT 10 par le

Vaisseau de S.M. l'Elephant, Cap" Dundas ; ceci a produit un chagement dans nos operations, puisque n'
ayons pas aucun espoir d'etre renforc de sitot par des
forces de terre; nous ne pouvons pas tenter aucune
entreprise essentielle sur le continent dans ce moment:
et je crois que notre meilleur Position seroit de nous
reunir a l'isle de la Trinit pour attendre la decision
de la Paix ou de la Guerre, et dans ce dernier cas joindre les renforts qui pottrront arriver d'Europe pour
mettre a exeeution eette importante et ma1heureuse
J'ecris a Milord Grenville dans eette date id, et je
lui recommande d'examiner les depeches que je vous
ai transmis sur cette Expedition depuis mon depart de
l'Angleterre, s'il souhaite d'avoir une Ide plus complete de eette transaction. Je n'ai pas besoin de vous
prevenir qu'il faut supprimer dans ces Papiers tout
ce qui est confidentiel entre vous et moi, ou entre moi
et l'Amiral: agissant toujours avec eirconspection et
reserve dans des matieres aussi importantes que de1k/des.
Ever & Ever your
N,: T. VIII, f. 82 vto.



Head Quarters,

At Aruba 20th. Bepr. 1806.

Dear Sir,
I learn with concern that your fever instead of
dimishing seems to be worse every day. If you conceive
that navigation and the changing of air may do you
good, I leave to your choice to proeeed now in the
Express Brig towards Barbadoes or Trinidad. I am
p ersuaded that the Commander of the Vessel will pay
every attention to you; and though it is with sincere



regret that I see you quitting us at this moment, it is

a duty in me to try by every means to preserve the
health and life of so valuable a Person as yours is.
It is a mark of my friendship and gratitude, for the
important services you have had the honor of having
you with us; I hope Providence will assist you and
grant us the satisfaction of seeing you soon, perfectly
I have the honor to be with perfect esteem and high
(Borrador de Miranda.)

Colonel Hall
&e. &e. &e. On Board H.M.B. Express
N.: T. VIII, 1. 83.

Head Quarters, at
Aruba 22 Sepr. 1806.

My Lord,
I have the honor to address this to your Lordship
in consequence a Dispatch I received yesterday from
Rear Admiral Sir Alexr Cochrane, requesting me to
do it, by the Pickle schooner sent now to England for
this purpose.
The object is to give you an Idea of the present state
of the Provinces of South America from the Orinoco
to the Gulph of Mexico, alluding chiefly to the Provinces of Caracas ami Sta Fe, where we have lately been.
It appears that the inhabitants of those two Provinces are anxious for emancipation and that they will
join us at any given point, if we shew
them sufficient
force and strength to keep such point secure against
the Enemy's Forces, that were likely to come and
attack it. This experiment we have made at La Vela,
and in the City of Coro, where the inhabitants have
shewn a friendly disposition to us, rather than anhostile attitude. They have further made propositions of
joining our Troops that were at Coro, if we could have
increased the number to 4 or 500 Men of regular



Troops. They were persuaded that our intentions were

patriotic and friendly to them, and that our views tended principally to their emancipation and freedom of
Trade; the preservation of their own Religion, and the
Independence of the country from the Goverrunent of
These sentiments were consonant to their own feelings met with their approbation & destroyed the prejudices that the Spanish Agents of Government were
trying to impress in their minds, that our intentions
were plunder and immorality, and not for the good
and interest of the country. The removal of these obnoxious Ideas have increased their affeetion and wishes
for the success of this Expedition, and I have no doubt
of this present moment that if 2 or 3,000 Regular
Troops were landed near Laguaira, Puerto Cavello,
S ta Martha, or any other point fit for the purpose on
these coasts, the suecess would be complete, and the
Civil arrangement of the Country would be obtained
without much difficulty ; provided that an Enemy's
force should not anticipate our arrival and opposite
greater difficulties.
The various Papers and Documents I have regularly transmitted for the last 7 Months, (by the desire
of the late administration) to my Right Honige friend
Nicholas Vansittart, will enable your Lordship have
a full Idea of the origin, progress and actual state of
this Expedition. The object has been to carry into
execution those Plans, that in the year 1790 were formed and approved by the late Mr Pitt and your Lordship ; were to be renewed and forwarded in the year
1798; and at last were to be put in execution by Mr
Addington's administration in 1801, just at the conclusion of the late war.
I hope that the administration which your Lordship has the honor to preside will ultimately carry these
Plans into execution for the interest and security of
G. Britain and for the happiness and preservation of
the New ViTorld ; ready to full the vietim of the ambitious Power of the Despots of France.



I have the honor to be, with high respect and great

My Lord
Your most obedient
and most humble servant
(Borrador de Miranda, sin firma.)

the Right Honorable
LORD Ginnmax.
&e. &c. &c.
N.: T. VIII, f. 34.

Northutnberland Carlide
Bay Barbadoes,
11th September 1806.

I think it higly proper to inform you that by recent
Instructions received from England, I am directed to
limit the assistance you are to receive from me, to protection from the Naval Force of the Enemy; to prevent
succours being obliged to leave the shore.
I am further directed to send by a fast sailing vessei, full details of the situation in which the Continent
of South America now stands, in order that His Majesty 's Ministers may fina.11y decide as to the future
measure they may take.
In consequence of the aboye, Schooner attends
Captain Dundas of the Elephant io Coro which Schooner will receive on board your despatches and inmmediately proceed to England.
I think it proper to give you this early information,
least you should be led to expect a military Force to
arrive for your supporta circunstance I am ignorant
of being in the contemplation of His Majesty's Go-



vernment, but should any arrive, you may depend on

its being forwarded to you without loas of time.
I have the honor to be
Your most obedient
humble servant

N.: T. VIII, f. 30.

Northd Carlido Bay

11 Sept 1806.

My Dear General
I am sorry that I cannot comraunicate to you better
news than you will receive in my Official letter that
accompany this--shouM the packet soon expect bring
more will come tildings you may depend on their being
eommunie,ated to you by an early conveyanee.
Some Troops are on their way from EnglandI
hope they are destined for you but I beg no means wist
you to build on this
As negotiations are carrying on for Peace I fe,ar
little is to be expected should the war continue a change
for the better may take place.
Lord Melville is acquitted should he come into power you will have a warm friend.
Do try by every mean to convey to me account of
your progressI have wrote fully to Ad Deires on the
subject of your receiving naval support and as your
Quarter is within his distriet it will not be in power
to interfere.
Since writing the aboye a packet has anived no
news only Lord Londisdale is at Paris where a treat
of Peaee is going on but the opinion is that the War
will continueI recommend you not to fail sending by
the Pickle Schooner every information in your power.



Wishing you most sineerely every possible success

believe me to be Ever my Dear General.
Your most faithful
and Obed Serv

N.: T. VIII, f. 38.


Ilead Quarters, at
Aruba, 22 sepr. 1806.

Dear Admiral,
I received your last official and confidential Letters of the 11" Instant by the Elephant, Captn Dundas.
With this Gentleman I had a confidential conversation
on his arrival, and I am very sorry to say that his sentiments and mine, about the Political state of Europe
and this Expedition, do not altogether coincide; However as he has decided that I must quit soon this Position to retire to any English Port in the West Indies,
or that the Naval force and the supply of Provisions
will be withdrawn; the retreat of course is decided, and
we shall proceed towards Trinidad; where or at Barbadoes, I hope I shall have the pleasure of seeing you.
With the Express Brig Captn Spearing that sailed
the day before yesterday, I wrote you the dispatch here
enclosed N 6, and as I am pressed by Cape Dundas to
send this Letter to you I only say adieu.
(Borrador de


Rear Admiral
Commander in Chief
&de. &e. 8r,e.

N.: T. VIII, f. 41.

Miranda, sin firma)



Aruba 22nd Sepr 1806.

I have deliver 'd Mr Smith all the gazette I could
colleet in the shipShou'd you draw any inferences in favor of a continuance of War from their perusal. I shall be particularly gratified, beeause I feel convine'd that the fate
of your erpedition rests solely on Peace or War1 shall take an opportunity in the eourse of the day
of urging Captn Dundas to join in an attempt on Curacaothe expedieney & importanee of taking possession of it, is not more strongly impress'd on my mind,
than the faeility & ease by which it can be accomplish'd.
Shou'd Captain Dundas not make attempt on Curacao, I shall proceed in the Elephant to Jamaica, at
which place I beg leave to tender my services, and beg
that you will command them in any way you eonsider
that they coud be executed to your viewsIf War continues I shall proceed without loss of
time to Barbadoes Trinidad there to personally offer
my mite in whatever department may think proper to
employ me
Sentiments of philanthropy I hope eonstitute the
primary motive to my thus making You now, hence
forward an offer of all the aid in my powerI send by this boat a barrel of ham some wine &
a little sugar, which you will please accept and I regret
that I cou 'd not enerease the quantity
Respectfully I have the honor
to be Sir
Your obed Servt.
G qzw


N.: T.

vtrr, f. 42.

W. D.




Barbadom September 11th 1806.


Dear Sir
My intention was when I parted with you to abir
with you long before this but sickness has prevented
me I am now thank God geting in good helth and
ondeavoring to tender you every assistance to care on
the expedition that is in my power this will be deliverd
to you by my particularly Friend William D. Robinson
Esq. a gentleman who has lived a considerable time
on the Spanishman and I think will be of grate yuse
to you he carne from St Thomas here on purpos to find
If any Assistance coud be procured here I this from
Government or Individual and we have both agreed
to excert our selves in any way that is in our power
to add the Expedition assoon as Circunstances will
permit me are in hopes of the pleasure of seeing you
my Schooner has now gone to Lurunam with Surplies
for Governent If you shoud be in want of any Articles
that I am not acquainted with aline from you (If any
oportunity of) will be received with pleasure With
a list of .Articles you are most in want of
I remain with sentiments of respect & Esteem
Your obt St.





N.: T. VIII, f. 43.

&V: Camp at Aruba 1806.

Dear General Sir.

After all the pains I have taken in seeing the first
Regt of N. A. Infantry made comfortable in seeing
them get their rashing &a. since who had the misfortune of loosing Col' Kirkland, I have as is weh known
to all our Officers had the whole of the buseyness of
the Company on my hands as 1 flatter my seif 1 am



capable of, after serving in the duke of Argyles Regt

of Guards ten years for which I got the handson compliment of the Kings letter for life, but can say I nevar
was a prisoner under a Guard before nor never did I
see a Commission Officer put under arrest without an
Order the Gen. and even then was at the liberty of
walking about but without his sword. I take the liberty
of asking if this is what I diserve after leaveing my
Dear Family and Seven Thousand Dollars worth of
Property by t,he perssuations of Colonel Smith in New
York from whom I brought the best Reeomendations,
I therefore ask all whom it may eoncern if I have ever
been Ethort in doing my Duty if ever I was seen desgised
in liquer and if I have not shown that I never was
affraid to face my Enemy, However what I am now
prisoner for I do not think I was blamable for as Col.
Armstrong was please to give me an Order to get a
eoliure and a camp kettle which both was little a night
but Col' Downey took fin the Spaniards camp kettle
and the poor fellows was waiting with grate patiance
for the coliure to cook their meat in and Col t Downey
sent an Order for the meat to be taken out and to give it
up to the Mans and I thought it hand as the Spaniards
had not heat everything fm noon of the 22d to 3 oClock
on the following Day & concidering at my Duty as there
is no Officer to Cap Espana 's Comp7 to insist upon
keeping it till they had done with it there is one thing
move which aught to be mentioned that the Spaniard
are very ill treated that is to say the Companys Commanded by the three bitt& Captains that is they have
no tent to sleep under and Captain Downey hath two
for his handfull of men and one for him seife making 3
in all & Major Sands hath one for him seife and our
Officer and Men have to sleep all together, I hope your
Honor will be pleasd to Excuse me for giving you all
this trouble and see Me righted your Most
Obediant Humble Servant

ist Lt. & Adj.

North American Infantry.




The Honm . GEN'. MIRANDA

Commander in Chief of the
Colombian Army

N.: T. VIII, f. 44.

Wednesday Morning

Dear General
Pardon my quiting you so abruptly this instant, my
feelings compelled me to do this, on seing in your presence what I wanted have regretted afterwards : I have
an affection for your person, and am devoted to your
service ; but I would not only resign the Rank you have
honored me -with in your Army, but I would Resign
my Existence sooner than submit to the imperious conduct of your Q. M. G.
I Respect my Superior Officers & when they have
a right to command me, will even must cheerfully obey
but within Rank, nor age will ever make me submit to
Col' Armstrong, or any man else, the priviledge of
triumphing on my feelings, in treating me like a School

Be assured General, I am with the utmost Respect

& sicere affection
Your mo. Obed. Serv.

His Exs

P. S. In an hour, I will cleame the Honor of waiting

on you.
His Exeelleney
&e. &e.

N.: T. VIII, f. 47.




Friday Morning; Parade 22d 5 .1806.











.. ..




Huians wider Armstg

. .

. .

. .

Sick absent


. .


on bd Lily
in Town
R. Trinidad



N. Americans



. .

En gineers










1 ..







3 106 141

.J. Dowraz
Col. Coma in Camp.
N.: T. VIII, f. 48.


De Boot, Baijena
de Boot, La Sperance
de Bark. Independent
de Gollet, Baella
de Boot Fransize
de Gollet, Minerva
de Gollet del Carmel
de Gollet Fortuna
de Gollet Le Sperance
de Gollet, de Hoop
de Gollet, Zee Slaur
de Gollet, Nieussyaor

Kaptyn, John Paas,

Kaptyn, Bernardus Lespor
Kaptyn, Pieter Vrolijk
Kaptyn, Juan Suaris
Kaptyn, Simon Prince
Kaptyn, Jaeobus La Clee
Kaptyn, Philip Cuba
Kaptyn, Andrfes Zwynsberg
Kaptyn Laurens Franko
Kaptyn Jan Vrolijk
Kaptyn Jaeobus Arends
Kaptyn Jonas Arena, Jacobus




Deeusehe Golletle, Expenement,

Gollet, de Hoop,
Bork, Jannet
Noord americaansehe Gollet,
Lilly Sehooner

Kaptyn Gerrit Bonners

Kaptyn Pieter Martin sailed
Kaptyn Nieolaas
Captn. Johannes Christopher

(Al pie de esta pgina hay un disefio o vista en colores de un

puerto que dice: RIO de la HACHA).
N.: T. VIII, f. 49.

Coimp 24u1 Sepr. 1806.


I have the honor to state to you, that the Offieers

& soldiers in the Eneampment, are geting forward in
the field Exereise, fully goal to my expeetation.
Several Offieers have stated to me, that there are a
number of idlens belonging to the Expedition, who have
never join'd the Eneampment, this is far from having
a good effeet on the minds of those in Camp when are
willing to attend their Duty.
In my humble opinion it would have a happy effect,
your ordering many Offieers & soldiers belonging to
the Expedition to join the Eneampment. The Staff of
Camp, those are Duly & the sick exeepted.
A Medieal Man is also certainly required for the


I have the honor to be

Your mo. Obed. Serv.

His Exeell,



N.: T. VIII, f. 50.




Etat De M. M" les officers qui Doivent leurs

pension a Solagnier
colonel Roubach
Yudas levingien
capne nihel
cap ne moses
green mort
capne lande
pour l'hospital

$ 13. 1/4
$ 57. %
16. 1/2
8. 14
14. 1/4
$ 211. 3/4

Certifi sincere & veritable

Aruba ce 25 7' 1806. je suis satisfait que ce somme

soit remise a la maison faulk a curaca quand monsiete le General Miranda le trouvera convenable. Aruba ce 25, 7br 1806.






Head Quarters, at Aruba
22 &p': 1806. Mota* A. M.

I received at this moment a Message from you, informing me that the Vessel destined to carry the dispatches to Admiral Sir Alexr Cochrane will sail this
day at twelve O 'clock. I have the honor to inform you,
that my answer to the dispatches I received from tue
Admiral yesterday, cannot be ready withim that
timeAnd that I will not take upon me to order with
preeipitancy the definitive movements, or return
of the Expedition under my command to Trinidad,
without further conferences on the subject.



I am preparing with as much celerity as I can, the

Dispatches I am to send to the British Ministry in the
schooner Pickle on the subject of the present Politieal
state of South America, and the progress of this Expedition; which are points, that require investigation and
mature consideration before they are presented to a
British Cabinet for deliberation. On this account I am
afraid they will not be ready for this evening, as I
thought yesterday when I had the pleasure of seeing
you : But will be forwarded to you on Board the Elephant, as soon as they will be closed.
I have the honor to be Sir, with respect and
eonsi deration
Your most Obedient
humble servant
(signed) MIRANDA.
Comr : of H. M. S. Elephant.


N.: T. VIII,

I. 52.

Elephant, off Aruba, 22d 8eptr. 1806.

I am honor 'd with your note deliver 'd to me by
Coll Smithand am sorry that your disposition in
regard to returning to Trinidad should in any respect
have alter 'd since I had the honor of confering with
you on the subject yesterdayFrom what at that time
pass 'd I naturally concluded your Excellency had seen
in a proper point of view the neeessity of immediately
quitting this place & returning with the Expedition to
Trinidadin consequence I have wrote to the First
Lord of the Admiralty--& also to Sir Alex. Cochrane
informing them of Buch your resolutionI am sorry to add further that should your Excellency not be willing speedity to quit this place the British Naval Force must be altogether with drawn and
that it will not be in my power to issue any further sup-



ply of provisions than what are now granted for merely

carrying the Expedition to some post of safetyThat
post appear'd in your opinion of yesterday to be best
found in Trinidad.
The Vessel for England might remain 'till tomorrow but I am truly anxious to dispatch the schooner
to Admiral Cochrane this Evening,
I have the honor to remain
with much regard
Your Excellency's Most Obedient
humble servant

N.: T.

My Dear


VIII, f. 53.

Aruba 22 e. 1806.

Before wo part perhaps to meet in more, I must
heg to Express in strong terms my regret the Exertions of you for fellowers was not broadned with that
success which your laudable and human motives for
undertaking so great an Enterprize led you to Expect.
I raust ever conceive it a misfortune to your native
eountry and to Great Britain that you did no march to
Coro with 1500 or 2000 organized troops which in my
humble opinion m-ust have insured success equal to your
most sanguine wish.
Had attend me to add my Dr Gen' should Great Britain give you the necessary support to accomplish your
trusty Event and certainly attainable object. There is
no service I could be employed or that would be more
gratifying to my feelings than being attached to
British Naval Squadron serving with you.
I hope and trust my Dear Sir any warmth that
eould have occationed an unguarded Expression to
have escaped me which could convey to you a want of
r espect to your age wordly knowledge, and and respec-



tability, will be placed to the charge of my anidety in

service, and that you will believe me I am
My dear General
with the highest Respect
your obdt hble servt


His Excelleney

N.: T. VIII, f. 54.

Head Quarten, at
Aruba, 25 Sepr. 1806.

My dear Sir,

I have to testify you my best thanks, for the sentiments conveyed to me in your note of the 22 d Instant
Permit me at the same time to express here, my
gratitude for the attention and civilities shewn to us
on board the Lilly, during the Expedition to Coro. I
have not doubt that the success we did obtain in our
landing at La Vela &ca, was in a great measure due to
your wise directions, and to the courage and intrepidity of the Offieers and Men of the Navy, that /wempanied us in the land operations.
I hope that if Great Britain continues her support
to this extensive Enterprise your name Sir, shall be
added (if my recommendn is attended to) to those thai
will cooperate tmder the auspices of Providences to the
execution of this humane and interesting undertaking,
for the glory of Great Britain, and the happiness of



I have the honor to be Sir, with perfect esteem and

high consideration
Your most Obedient
humble servant.
(Borrador de Miranda.)
Comr. of H. M. 8. Lilly.
N.: T. VIII, f. 54.


Colonel Downie is to take the Command of the

Troops belonging to the Expedition under my Command, that are embarked on board the Lilly Sloop of
War, and on board the Brig Attentive. He will take
particular care that order and subordination, shall be
punctually observed ; that the Provisions shall be equally distribuited among the Men that the duty on board
the different Vessels shall be strictly attended to and
that on no account they shall be permitted to land on
tbe Enemy's territory.
The preservation of their Health, and the safety
of the Men and Officers, are objects that cannot be
sufficiently recommended.
When they shall arrive at the Port of destination,
let them remain on board until he receives further
orders.If no orders are given to him either from me
or the Governor of the Place he shall act according to
prudence and the good of the service.
Given at Aruba the 25th of Sepr 1806.
N.: T. VIII, f. 57.





I am confident you would not wish distress any

officer that has the Honor to be of the Expedition.
I therefore beg have to inform you that I have all my
Baggage on shore & I am without a second shirt to my
Back, without Provisions or the little necessary requisite I beg your Excellene will be so good as to let go
on shore for two Hours to settle my Bussiness and your
Exeellency may rely I will be puntual in repairing to
any Place you may Point out.
The woman who Promise to give me my linnen
disapoint me whieh oceasioned the Breach of Duty of
which I beg your Excelleney will Forgive me I remain
with the
Profoundest Respeet
Your Excellency most
obt very hble Servt.
-1'.ei ztrez e* 4


His Exeellr

2Lieut. Engineer

N.: T. VIII, f. 58.

On Board the Leander 4 Oelook

27t11 Sept. 1806.

I am exceedingly sorry that the first time I should
have oceasion to addres you should be on the stile of a

complaint but unfortunately I am forced to vindieate

one & complain of another officer on Board this Ship.
This will be handed you by Capt London who was
present at the commencement of a Dispute whieh took
place between Lt Dwyer & Mr. Douglas the proper



Master of this Ship relative to the Drum belong to

Quarters at 4 0Clock. On this hand I have only to
observe that Lt Dvvyer was received & treated with
every Person on Board, and in consequence of his
orders that every Person should be at Quarters at 4
O'clock I with his approbation yesterday read to him
then opened an order to the military on Board that
at 4 in the afternoon the Long Roll should Beat &
every Offr & soldier repairs to Quarters, & list as manner in such situation as Lt Dwyer should think proper.
This afternoon the Drum beats at Arms at 4 & in consequence of some went of etiquette in not telling Lieut
Dwyer that it was 4 Oclock the Dispute originated
Immediately on going on Deck I found Lt. Dwyer
85 Mt Douglas collerd with such others when I interferd & parted them, after which L t Dwyer in a violent passion opend his trunk then upon Deck & took
from it his side arms, which be drews & then threated
to put him to Deck & made use of the every improper
I'll show you that is not Mirandas men you have
to Deal with.This I & all the officers on Board this
ship take to be so improper an expression that we
insist on Lt Dwyer being immpediately removed from
the ship & one who knows better how conduct himself
to be sent in his Room.
I am
Yr Most Obed
Hbl Servt


on B d His Majesty Ship

N.: T.

VIII, f. 59.



Leander 10 Oetr. 1806.

On the 19 th Sepr 512 lib of Pork and 1024 lib8
Beef woud received on Board this Ship from his Ma-.

jestys Brig Express, which has since been regularly

served out at the rate of % allowance for man.
There now remains 184 lib Pork & 160 lib Beef
which at the same rate is about three days provisions
for 146 People now victualled on Board this Ship.
In order that you may have time to make application to Capt. Atkins for an additional supply before
which we have is totally expended, I take the liberty of
giving you the aboye Information; and also to observe
that we have during the whole of the voyage been without any small stores usually issued to Troops (unless
which is Private Property) in consequence of which
few on Board have had any thing du to live upon beside them scanty allowance of Bread & Meat, and their
allowance two Quarts of Water f. Day, which on account of the great Number of People on Board it was
thought proper to fix it atI am
Your Most Obecr
Hb'e Servt

Q. M. G.

N.: T. VIII, I. 64.

Leander 17th Oetr 1806.


On the 26th Sepr we received from His Majestys

Ship La Seine, 24 Bags, which had they contained
each 112 lib of good Bread woud have been Twenty
Eight days Bond for the Number of People on Board
this ship at the rate of 10 ounces f. man f. Day. But
on opening them we found so large Proportion of Dust




that we have now I suppose high 3

of it only fill
to feed Hogs, & not a mont,h full of Bread for the
troops as every thing to make it wit,h but the remain
of one Barri of Damaged flour reed along wt the last
Provisions from La Seine.1 have also to inform you that we have only few
days water remaining & some of that exceedingly sewn
gc Bad over it having been put in claret Casks.As we
are now my Prince Raports Bay, where the latter
article can be easily obtaind, I give this information in
order that you may consult with Cap t Atkins how far
it would be adviceable to put in there in order to get
that neeessary article, of which notwthstanding his
reeommendation I am from present appearanees obliged to restriet every person on Board to two Quarts
f. D e.
I ever am
Your most Obedt

on B

d 11. M. Ship
La Seine.
N.: T. VIII, f. 85.

A Bord /4 Fregate
de ea Majeste la Seine
ce 20 Oetre. 1806.

Mon eher General,

J'ai Phonneur de vous envoyer le Porteur de celle
ei Mr le Conte de Rouvray, un des Officiers de mon
Etat Major, afin que vous ayiez la bont de me dire par
lui, 1 9 si l'Amiral Sir Alexr Coehrane est actuellement



de retour a la Barbade, ou s'il subsite encore a la Trinit ou il devoit se trouver au commeneement de ce

mois iei. 29 si les Bruits que nous avons entendu de
Paix entre la France et l'Angleterre son confirms par
les Paquets dernirement arrivs de l'Europe.
Ces renseignements me sont absolutement necessaires pour la proseeution de mon Voyage, dont l'object
principal est de trouver l'Amiral le plutot possible.
J'espere que ces motifs exeuseront eette importunit,
ainsi que la demande de quelques Papiers nouvelles, si
vous pouvez en epargner quelqu'uns.
Mr de Rouvray pourra si vous le desirez, vous informer aussi des evenements alternes qui sont survenus
a notre Expedition jusque ce moment ei.
Je vous prie de me faire eonnoitre quand vous le
jugerez a propos le montant des Provisions que vous
avez eu la bont de suppleer au Vaisseau le Leander
pour notre passage de la Grenade a la Barbade dans le
mois de Mai dernier afin que je puisse (en cas d'une
objection queleonque) le faire payer par les Ministres
aetuels de sa M. B. qui ont deja ponetuellement honors des depenses pareilles a celle ei.
J'ai l'honneur d'etre avee une parfaite eonsideration et estime
De Votre Excellence
le tres humble et
tres obeissant serviteur
(Borrador sin firma)
A son Excellence
Monsieur le Gouverneur MAITLAND

&e. &e.

a la Grenada.
N.: T. VIII, f. 86.



On Board H. M. 5.
Seine, Grenade 22d Getr. 1806.

Mon eher General,

J'espere que mon Secretaire Mr Fitzwilliam qui
nous a quitt a Aruba il y a deja un Mois vous aura
donn de mes nouvelles et remis ma lettre Nous sommes arrivs ici hier, et nous levons l'ancre dans ce
moment pour nous diriger vers la Barbade afind'avoir une entrevue avec l'Amiral Sir Alex` Cochrane qui a quitt cette Ile il ya 6 jours. Quand J'airai
eu le plaisir de le voir et de recevoir des depeches
d'Europe je vous en dirai davantage.
Armstrong avec le vaisseau le Leander quittera
eette rade aujourdhui pour la Trinit escort du Brig
Grenada. Je n'ai pas besoin de vous le reeommander
puisque je connois vos intentions amicales pour Notre
Expedition et que vous ferez en notre faveur tout ce
qui sera dans votre pouvoir.
Je suis avec consideration et une parfaite estime.
Mon eher General
(Borrador de Miranda, sin firma)
A son Excelleney
,Monsieur le Gouverneur
&e. &e. &e.


N.: T. VIII, f. 68.

On Board H. M. 5.
Seine, Grenada 22d Octr. 1806.

My dear Sir,
.Armstrong with the ship Leander will quit this
Harbour for Trinidad this day. I beg of you to give
your friendly assistance to him, and to the concerns of
this Expedition and to take particular care that no de-



triment shall arrive to my interest while I am absent

at Barbadoes.
When I shall have the pleasure of seeing the Admiral I will teil you more.
Believe me always
Your most sincere et
most hble servant

on the a Letter written of this date for the payment

of about one hundred Dollars to Mess" Garraway.

N.: T. VIII, f. 89.

On Board H. M. S. Seine
Grenada 22d Oetr. 1806.

My dear Sir,
The inclosed letter you will have the goodness to
deliver to our friend Lt Briarly if he is at Trinidad,
and if he is absent I beg of you to open it and to do
for me the favor I request of him concerning the Ship
Leander that under the care of Col' Armstrong proceeds now to Trinidad, and in all occurrences to take
care that my interests in this respect may not receive
injury while I am absent.
We weigh the anchor at this moment for Barbadoes,
where the Admiral is at this moment. When I shall
have seen him you will hear more from me.
Believe me always with esteem and sincere
fri endship
Your most obt & most Hbte Servt.
Wm HOLMES Escer.
N.: T. VIII, f. 69 vto.




Leander 22d Oct'. 1806.


Among the many things I had last Every to men-

tion to you I omitted informing you that the salt Provisions recd from His Majestys Ship on the 11th Inst.
for 146 people then on Board this ship are almost enterely expended, that is to say there may be perhaps two
or three days provisions remaining but not more, at

we then rec d was only for one fortnight for the

Number.As when that is expended we shall
without provisions, I have to request you
will immediately apply to Cap t Atkins for an additional
supply or point out in what way I shall procure it here.
As without it, it would be impossible for this ship to
leave this place, on shoud me remain here that I can
support the people.
You last Every informed me that Col. De Rouvray
bad gone ashore for the purpos of make some arrangements, As I have not sinee heard any thing from either
you or him, I am left perfectly at a loss & sollicit your
immediate information.In haste
Your most truly




B d His Majestys Ship

La Seine.
N.: T. VIII, f. 70.

Mon General

Ne me dit que la fregate est encore a PancreJe

saisis ce moment pour vous assurez que J'ai toujours

vous les memes dispositions et que J'ai et vive-

ment affect dans toutes les circonstances ou vous avez

etMais la Guerre continuera et il se peut bien, que
vous aurez d 'autres occasions pour tenter de donner
l 'Existence a votre paysPobjet est si grand, et si no-

ble, qu'on ne doit jamais Poublier.



Acceptez, Je vous prie, mes sentimens d'amiti et

de Respect pour vous, et eroyez que Je suis toujours,
on ne pas plus, interess pour votre succs.
Mad M. vous offre ses eomplimensJe suis
avec une parfaite Estime, mon General
Votre tres Hum Serv.

ce 22 Oct. 1806.
N.: T. VIII, f. 71.

Mon General
n'est pas dans le pouvoir de l'homme de commander le Succs, mais il est presque toujours, pour le
meriterc 'est dans ce moment la position en vous etes
vous avez fait tout ce que depend de vous, mais
faute des moyens vos amis n'osent pas se compromettre
Sans doute vous etes au fait a present et vous avez
une Ide plus parfaite de l'entrepriseil est claire qu'
il faut pour cela, une force suffisant pour assurer la
conquete de Caracascela fait, ou peut bien eroire que
l'occasion sera pleine pour les habitanset ils pourront
former leur Gouvernement et leur ArmeComme
nous croyons a la continuation de la Guerre, et meme
qu'il y aura de Guerre sur le Continent d'Europe
est bien probable que vous recevez telle assistance que
vous souhaitez pour encore entreprendre de donner la
libert a vos CompatriotesJe crois bien que cela arriveraet Je serai tres heureux de vous voir rallier sous
nos StandartsVous avez vu la conduite du President
de l'Ameriquec'est la erainte de Bonaparte, que fait
qu'il ne veut pas s'embrouiller avec les Espagnols-Je fis un Rapport au Ministre sur l'assitance que
je vous ai donne dans le Mois de Mai. Il n'a rien
repondre. Le General Bowyer a refus de donner son
Autorit comme Chef militaire-- mais J'ai fait niettre



l'article sur les distributions du Commissaireet Je

erois bien qu'on ne parlera plus de cela

Madame M. vous present ses complimensJe suis
Mon General avec une parfaite Estime, et avec toute
Votre tres Hum serv
a la Grenade
ce 24 Oct. 06

N.: T. VIII, f. 72.

On Board H. M. S. Northumberland
Carlisie Bay, Barbadoes
3d Novr. 1806.
My Lord

Give me leave to inclose to your Lordship the Copy

Letter I had the honor to write you from the Head
Quarters at Aruba the 19th Sepr 1806, and to introduce
to your acquaintance Count de Rouvray an of ficer of
Rank and Talents serving in the Expedition under
my Command. He may give your Lordship some
further information on the same subject that may be
of a

useful and acceptable to you at this present moment.

I have the honor to be with high consideration and
Your Lordship
Most Obedient and
most humble servant.

(Borrador de Miranda.)


the Right Honorable

Lord Viscount MELVILLE
&e. &c. &c.
N.: T. VIII, f. 78.



On Board H. M. 8. Northumberiand

Carlisle Bay, Barbad,oes,

3d Novr. 1806.

My dear Sir,
I have to thank you for your kindness both of
Grafton Street and towards Lord Melville and Ministers in promoting the interests you and myself have
had so much at heart. The Bearer of this letter Count
de Rouvray is requested by me to call on you, and to

give every information concerning the alternate success of this Expedition. He is the bearer of important
Dispatches for His Britannic Majesty's Ministers, both
from the Admiral on this station & from myself ; if our
mutual friend Mr Vansittart should think proper, that
you would have the goodness to introduce him to Lord
Moira I shall esteem it as a favor.
I have the honor to be with sincerity and esteem

Your most obedient
humble servant.
(Borrador de Miranda.)
&e. &e. &e.

N.: T.




On Board H. M. 8. Northd
Carlisle Bay, Barbadoes,
3d Novr. 1806.

My dear Sir Evan,

The Bearer of this letter Count de Rouvray, au
Officer of rank and distinction in this Expedition, iS
desired by me to wait upon you and to transmit every
information that you may wish concerning our transactions. I hope our friend Mr Vansittart has communicated to you from time to time the occurrences that



have happened since I quitted England: and that your

goodness and friendship for me would have done for
us all that was in your power promote the success of
an Enterprise that had deserved so much of your consideration and good wishes.

&e. &e. &e.

N.: T. VIII, f. 75.

Carlisle Bay, Barbadoes,

ce 3 Novre. 1806.
a Bord du Northumberland.

My dear Sir,
En consequence de la resolution prise au Quartier
General d'Aruba le 22 Sepre 1806, comme vous 1 'observerez par la Copie des depeches ci join.te, nous avons
quitt cette rade le 26 du meme mois ayant mouill
rauere a la Barbade le 1er du court.
Apres avoir vu l'Amiral et consider murement ce
will y avoit de mie-ux a faire pour le bien du service
dans les eirconstances actuelles ; nous sommes eonvenus
de faire passer a l'Ile de la Trinit le restant de eette
Expedition et d'attendre la les resultats qui doivent
nous arriver a tout moment d 'Angleterre.
Les Bruits inattendus de la Paix ayant pu produire
quelque decouragement dans le Parti de mes compatriotas qui souhaitent l'Independance continentale,
a fallu que je reste ici pour leur inspirer de la confiance
et une Esperance fonde sur des secours efficaces qui
doiven nous arriver de l'Angleterre, en cas que la Guerre y continue comme par le pass.I1 ne faut pas
nous dissimuler que les forces de terre qui eussent et
suffisantes pour remplir nos vues dans la Provinee
Caracas il y a 2 Mois, ne suffiroient pas aujourdhui
que les Francais qui sont a la Martinique on deja in-.
troduits un seeours de 150 a 200 Hommes de Troope.
Le mal deviendra encore sure chaque jour si on ne



prend pas une resolution definitive et vigoreuse pour

donner l'Independance a ce Continent tandis qu'il est
tems. A eet effet nous faisons partir demain dans un
Batiment arm et tres voilier Mr le Conte de Rouvray
officier de rang et de capacit connue qui m'a accompagn partout, et qui est en etat de donner aux Ministres de sa IVIajest l'information et les renseignements
qu'ils peutent souhaiter sur cette important objet.
vit sur ces Possessions a la Trinit et dans la famille
du Governeur Hislop, qui me l'avoit recommand comme Personne effeetivement digne de sa confianee. Et
c'est dans l'experience que je viens de faire de lui dans
eette campagne iei que nous l'avons jug (Monsieur
l'Amiral et moi) digne d'etre eharg de nos depeches.
Je vous prie done de Pecouter avec cette attention que
votre amiti m'accorderoit si j 'etois presentde l'introduire chez les Ministres de sa Majest que vous jugerez a propos qu'il voye dans les circonstances actuelles;
et de me transmettre une reponse positive sur le sort
futur de eette Expediton afin que je puisse retenir ou
renvoyer les Personnes qui se sont volontairement devoues a eette genereuse entreprise, et qui attendent
avec impatience ce resultat definitif.
Je n'ai pas besoin de vous depeindre ma Position
personelle, je me repose avec confiance sur votre honneur et sur votre amiti. Vous etes le depositaire de
mes secrets et de mes pures intentions. Donnez moi
vos conseils et tirez moi eneore de la Position scabreuse
et desagreable dans laquelle je suis plac dans le Moment actuel.
Par une singulier eirconstance dans l'Envoy de mes
lettres, je n'ai pas reeu une seule des votres, depuis
que je suis en Amerique. Je pars demain pour la Trinit ou je compte de trouver celles qui m'ont et
addresses iei, tant d'Angleterre que de New York.
J'espere au moins trouver quelques nouvelles satisfaisants de mes amis, si celles qui oecupent le Public sont
aussi peu agreables.
(Borrador sin firma)



P. 8. J'espere qu'ayant trouv les renseignements

transmis par Mr le Conte de Rouvray interesssantes et
utiles au bien du service de sa Maj est on ne lui refusera pas une courte indemnit pour couvrir les frais
de son voyage.
Right Honorable

&e. &e. &c.

N.: T. VIII, f. 76.

My dear friend,

On Board H. M 2. Northumberland
Carlisle Bay, Barbadoes,
3 d Novr. 1806.

It will appear singular but it is very correct that

I have not received any of your letters directed to me
Via Trinidad, where I shall proceed to morrow.
Count de Rouvray the Bearer of this letter, is sent
to England with dispatches of importance for His Majesty's Ministers.
I desire him to call upon you and to communicate
every information that you may wish concerning this
Expedition. I request of you to be kind and useful him,

as he is an Officer under my Command and very deser-

ving attention and consideration. If you should think

proper to accommodate him with a Bed in my House
you may do it, if not, an apology is very easily made.
I am so busy at this present moment, my dear
friend, that I beg of you to excuse me and to apply to
Mr Vansittart for further particulars. I need not
r ecommend to you what is dear to me in Graf ton
(Borrador de Miranda.)



P. S. Be so kind as to remember me to WI' Turnbull,

Peter, and all the family and friends.


N.: T. VIII, 1. 78.

On board H. M. 8. Northumberland
Carlisle Bay, Barbadoes.
3 Novr. 1806.

My Lord,
Count de Rouvray an Offieer of rank and distinction in the Expedition under my Command, is going
to England for the purpose of carrying Dispatches of
great importance ; and to transmit at the same time
some information to the Ministers of His Brittanic
Majesty, that I know may be interesting to your Lordship also.
I hope that at this present moment your influence
shall not be wanted for the purpose of carrying in execution those benevolent Plans, that the administration
in which your Lordship was conspicuous member had
formed for the welfare of Great Britain and the happiness of Mankind.
I have the honor to be with high respect and consideration.
Your Lordship
Most obedient and
most humble servant
(Borrador de Miranda.)
the Right Hon.
&C. &e. &c.
N.: T. VIII, f. 79.



On Board H. M S. Nortioonberland
Carliste Bay, Barbadoes,
3d Nov r. 1806.

Give me leave to transmit to your Lordship a Duplicate of a letter directed to you fron the Head Quarters at Aruba on the 22d Sepr 1806 upon an important
subj ect.
Count de Rouvray an officer of rank and Talents
that has attended the Expedition under my Command,
proceeds now to England for the purpose of giving any
further information on the same subject. I Hope your
Lordship will find his information interesting and important to the service of the country at this present
I have the honor to be with high respect and consideration &c. &c.
Your Lordship
Most obedient and
most humble servant.
(Borrador de Miranda)

the Right Honorable


&e. &e. &c.

N.: T. VIII, f. 80.

Bridge Town Novr. 3rd 1806.

1 was unavoidably compelled at Grenada, to come
to this Island, in consequence of having contracted
with Capt n Hancock, (pursuant to your order and request,) for the Employment of his schooner Trimmer,
in the expedition to the Spanish Main. I am unfortanately, (and contrary to any understanding then had
upon the subject,) made responsible for this demand ;



and shall Buffer mueh trouble and embarrassment, perhaps imprisonment, if you do not assist in the adjustment of the affair.The most ample proof is to be had,
of my having aeted under your authority in making
this contract.But I presume Sir, that, this proff is
not wanting as an ineentive on your part, to render
justiee, by exonerating me from a responsibility, whieh
was incurred for your benefit, and in your service. Beside Sir, dishonor mut fall on one or both if the matter
is not settled.If the demand upon me was equitable,
I have not the means of payement.
I address myself to your magnanimity, justlee, liberality and honor General, and I would not cost a reproach upon either, by the lightest suspicion, that you
will refuse or delay, to take those immediate measures
which the exigency demands.
I have the honor to be Sir,
Your Obedt Sere
GRO. W IranKLArm

P. S. Suffer me to request a reply so soon as your

convenienee will allow.
N.: T. VIII, f. 81.


H. M. S


On the 318t of August 1806 being eaptured by the

Austerlitz Freneh Brig of 18 Guns and a small Schonner, after an action in His Majestys Sehooner Prevost
late under my command, on my going on board, found
her full of regular Troops and being sent to Guadalupe
was informed there, of then being upwards of 300 Men
on board both vessels, part of whieh were 180 of the
26th Regiment of line with Colonel Commanding
the Saints bound to the Spanish Main and by the course
they steered after we parted company which was SSW
led me to conjecture they would toueh at Margarita for
intelligence and from thence to the Caraecas to oppose



the Expedition under General Miranda this I am assured of as I was kept five weeks at Guadaloupe during
whieh they frequently asked me if I knew of the
expedition of General Mirandaand were very particular indeavouring to assertain his force my continuance there so long ennable me to know more particulars from french Gentlemen whom I was in the habit
of speaking to every daythey assured me of the
Troops my people being landed at La Guira by a Sloop
Privateer which arrived at Guadalupe from Curacoa
some time alter and I observed the regimentals of the
troops at Basseterre to be the same as those on board
the Austerlitz Blue turnd up with which and was inform'd they were at the Battle of Marengo which I
believe the more as there regimental eolours was shot
in raga and they were very proud of displaying them
on parade.
I observ 'd they mustered very thin and was infor 'd
they were not aboye 700 Strong, and that there was not
aboye 500 fit for duty the rest being in the Hospital
these were the only regulars in Guadaloupe and the
Saints but they had a numerous militia doing duty
every day in the absence of the regulars.
N.: T. VIII, f. 82.
Nota: Del folio 87 al 95 se encuentra el diario de abordo, del "Leandro", o:Melando el tiempo y actividades de la tripulacin.Comienza en 2
de Febrero de 1808 en Staten Island, N. Y. y termina el 8 de Noviembre
del mismo alo, en Carlisle Bay, Barbados. El capitn del "Leandro" es
Thomas Lewis, solo se refiere a la navegacin, estado del tiempo etc. ein
otro particular.


As Law is the basis of discipline and regularity in

an army, we the subscribers, do agree to accept from
General Don Francisco de Miranda, the different commissions & ranks (as specified therein) in the army of
Colombia, now raising, or to be raised by him, for the
serviee of the free people of South America, independent of Spain. And we do also hereby solemny promise



to be governed in all things agreeable to the Articles of

War of the lInited States of North America ; with such
alteration in form only (as have been read & exhibited
to us) so as to adapt them to the differenee of government under which we now are or may be; and until
regularly discharged from the said army by him, or his
successors, legally appointed by the supreme authority
of that country after the serviee of a least two eampaigns ; and we acknowledge to have taken the oath
hereunto annexed, as prescribed by the third seetion
of the artieles of war, viz.
"I swear to be true and faithful to the free people
of South America, independent of Spain, and to serve
them honestly and faithfully against all their enemies
or opposers whatsoever, and to observe and obey the
orders of the supreme gevernment of that country legally appointed ; and the orders of the general and of ficers set over me by them.
On board the Leander, Jacquemel Harbour 24* day
of March, 1806".
N.: T. VIII, f. 96.
Nota: Este documento figura intercalado en el precedente, que ea el
"Diario" a que se hace referencia entre los folios 95 y 97.

Trinidad ce 10 Nov". 1806.

Mon eher de Rouvray,

Nous sommes arrivs ici heureusement le 8 du Curt
Nos amis sont dans les memes dispositions qu'ils ont
et par le pass; et regrettent infiniment que nos succes n'aient pas et solidement soutenus ; puisqu'ils s'
appereoivent de l'importance, et de Putilit de ce
C 'est bien dommage qu'on n'aie pas transmis au
Gouvernement anglois, la correspondanee intercepte
par l'Osprey aur la Cote de Cumana ; elle donneroit aux
Ministres de sa Maj est la plus satisfaisant peinture
de l'Etat de eette Provinee dans le moment actuel pour



etablir son independance &ca. On me l'a envoye en

originale vers Coro et je ne l'ai pas recu encore. Les
Gazettes ci jointes eontiennent quelques extraits que
vous pouvez expliquer a Mr Vansittart.
Je vous envoye les details officiels qui m'ont 6t6
communiqus par le Lieut. Slout qui prouvent que les
Troupes francaises debarques a La Guaira n 'etoient
pas des Gens de Couleur comme le General Bowyer
vouloit nous le persuader, mais bien des Troupes de
ligue, de celles qui etoient venus d'Europe.
Je vous envoye aussi Copie d'une lettre que je viens
de reeevoir de Mr Ogden ; elle vous fera voir la cause
veritable de nos desappointmens au commeneement par
la conduite de Thomas et Jaque Lewis, que lui meme ne
eonnoissoit pas. Donnez y connoissance aussi a Mr
Vansittart si vous le jugez a propos.
Je vous prie de faire contredire a Londre dans le
Papier le Courier' (dans un des N8--du mois de Juillet ou d'Aout a ce qu'on m'assure) la lettre de Kirkland dirige a Dessalines a St Domingue dans laquelle
ii lui temoigne que quelqu'un des ses Bataillons pourroient nous etre utiles. Cet trange Personnage s'en
est penis de Pecrire sans la moindre eonnoissance de
ma part comme fi s'est donn le titre d'Agent. Vous
sentez la necessit de dsavouer publiquement une pareille infamie.
J'espere que a la reception de eelle ei, vous aurez
deja vu les Ministres de sa Majest et que vous saurez
deja a quoi vous en tenir sur cet important object.I1
est sur que si Buonaparte et ses camarades s 'emparent
du nouveau Monde, et disposent par la suite, comme
ils l'ont deja fait dans la majeure partie de l'Europe,
ne foudra pas attribuer cet etonnant resultat aux
Talents extraordinaires de Talleyrand et de son Maitre, mais bien a la coupable inertie et a la criminelle

The Mai of Newspapere may be found st Pedell Cloffe Howe, Fleet

N.: T. VIII, f. 118.



conduite que nous sommes obstins a suivre dans ce

moment ei.

(Borrador de Miranda, sin firma)

Trinidad ce 10 Note: 1806.

Nous sommes arrivs ici le 8 Court et par les renseignements qui sont arrivs de la Cote oppose, sur la
situation actuelle de la Province de Caracas ainsi que
de celles que l'avoisinement sur le meme Continent;
paroit que tout est dans le meme etat que je vous ai
annonc par ma precedente. Une correspondance inmense qui a et intereepte sur la cote par un des vaisseaux de la Marine de sa Maj est, nous confirme tres
authentiquement les botines dispositions de la mai eure
partie des Habitants pour eo-operer a leur independance. 11 seroit dommage de laisser rafroidir ces belles
dispositions des esprits, tandis que l'Ennemi s'occupe

aetivement a introduire des secours, tant de la Martinique, que de la Guadeloupe. Si notre inertie fait perdre ce nouveau Monde, en le livrant a Buonaparte et a
ses Satellites, pour qu'ils en disposent par la suite
comme ils l'ont deja fait de la plus grande partie de
l'Europe ; il ne faut pas dire que ce soit son merite qui
lui a donn ces avantages ; mais notre coupable et crimenell conduite
J'espere que le Comte de Rouvray vous aura deja
vu et transmis mes Depches ; je vous prie de lui faire
remettre la lettre ei jointe, qui contienne eneore quelques Documents, qu'il seroit utile que vous lissiez.
(Borrador sin firma)
the Right Honorable

P. S. Ayez la bont de remettre la lettre ei jointe a

De de dire a notre ami Turnbull, de ne
pas faire aucune demarche tendante a payer aueun



argent de ma part a Ludlow de N. Yorkavec qui je

n'ai pas eu la-moindre conneetion pecuniaire.

N.: T. VIII, 1. 120.

Trinidad 11th Novr. 1806.

Dear Sir
I beg you to send the enelosed to de Rouvray. We
learn at this moment that a French Frigate and a Brig
are arrived at Martinique; being part of a squadron
that sailed from Rochefort with 2000 Men and train
of Artillery destined for the continent of S. America.
If Great Britain intends to deliver South America to
France, let it be done at once, if not, let us be supported soon and efficaeiously.

The Right Honorable


&e. &e.&e.

N.: T. VIII, f. 121.

Trinidad 11th Novr. 1806.

Mon cher de Rouvray,

Apres vous avoir eerit hier, j'ai reeu une lettre de
Sir Home Popham dont copie est ei jointe.
Par celles que j'ai reeu en meme tems de Mr Turnbull ii paroit que la Guerre sera continue et que le
Parti Grenville aura la preponderance.J'espere que
nous serons supports promptement et effieacement,
puisque des Troupes Francaises etant deja arrives de
Rochefort a la Martinique, elles ne manqueront pas de
debarquer un de ces jours a Laguaira ou Puerto Cabello pour prendre possession d'un continent qui nous



appele a haute voix et que nous abandonnons totalement a la France.



N.: T. VIII, f. 122.

Trinidad 11th Nevr. 1806.

Dear Admiral
We arrived safe here the day before yesterday, and
by the last Packet, I received a letter from Sir Home
Popham, eopy of which I endose to you. By the same
eonveyance another friend write me.
"Your friend Sir Home Popham has been remar"kably fortunate at Buenos Ayreshe has to attribute,
"as indeed he does, his good Fortune, solely to the dis"position of the NativesInclosed you have a letter
"from him, which I have shewn to o-ur good friend MT
"VansittartThe influence and consequenee of the
"Grenville Party, are most materially encreased, by
Death of Mr Fox. Lord Grenville I am sure is
wen attaehed to you, and to your eauseMr Fox's
"party, particularly Ld St Vineent were so inveterate
"against Sir Home Popham, that they immediately
appointed another Offieer to
himFortufnately for him he had left the supereede
Cape before his successor arrived & as he has now been so successful, & Lord
"Grenville 's party totally predominates, I should hope
"that they will not longer take Part against him."
From Amerie,a also I received a letter from Mr
Ogden whieh shews that he is not a common Merchant,
and explain the nature of our honorable engagement
in an energetie manner ; expressing at the same time
his opinion about the wortless Lewis whieh charaeter
you knew better than he did, when he appointed him
to be Captain of the Leander.



You must excuse all this importunity but as a confidencial friend the whole I think ought to be disclosed
for our mutual satisfaetion.
I shall write you more by the next and hope that De
Rouvray is safely gone.
The Honige . SIR Aura' Commarm K. B.
Commander in Chief
N.: T. VIII, f. 128.

Trinidad 12th : Nov'. 1806.

Dear General
The pressure of Business and immediate sailing of
the Convoy for this Place, deprived me of the pleasure
of calling upon you before I quitted Barbadoes. I now
take this opportunity to acknowledge with gratitude
your eivilities and attention to me whilst I was there.
met by chance in my passage on board the Melville
Lieut. Stout late Commander of the schooner Prevost,
who gave me much details and information about the
number and quality of the Troops that landed at Laguaira, that I thought it worth taking it in writing for
your information. When I combine this step of the
Enemy with the Forces newly arrived at Martinique
and those that we learn have been intereepted by the
British Squadron off Rochefort I eannot help thinking
that the real destination of the whole was the Province
of Caracas. In the town of Coro I found also a letter
dated the 11 th July 1806 direeted to the Commandant
of that Place from one of the Secretaries of the Governor of Caracas saying
"Vais otra noticia venida de Puerto Cavello por un
procedente de Martinica que dicen que ha Reff gado alli,
notician que los Franceses han conquistado



"a Portugal cuio Reyno cede la Francia a nosotros y

"en remplazo la damos esta Provincia."
All these circunstances increase my regret of not

having been able to carry with us, when I sailed from

this Place in July last, the 37' Regiment actually at
this Place; as it is evident to day that this corps might
now Garrison the Town of Caracas, and with 10 or
12,000 of well armed Militia of the Country protect
and defend that Province against any attack from the
Enemies of Great Britain to the great satisfaction of
the English and South American People. I hope however that Providence and the wisdom of the British
Commanders will protect ur from the Dangers pending
and calamities that threaten Mankind at this most
critical Moment.
I have the honor to be, with high respect and
Your most obedient
and most humble servant

&e. &e.

N.: T. VIII, f. 124.

My Dear Sir
I sincerily congratulate you on the happy commencement of your glorious Enterprise which I trust in
good Providence that you will be enable effectually to
compleat to your own inmortal Honor, & the Hapiness
of your Native Country. Accounts have been received
of you having obtained possession of the Island 5 Margaritta, & having made considerable progress in Cumana, but we most anxiously which, M Vansittart &
myself, for the great satisfaction of having from your-



seif, which in a few days, I hope we shall do. Your

Bilis p 2000 were punetually paid, & I fully trust that
His Majestys Ministers are perfeetly will disposed to
you I have liad several conversations on your subjeet
with Lord G-renville Lord . . . Lord Howiek, (late
M r Grey) first Lord of the Ad-rniralty & M. FoxI am
very intimate with M. Monroe the Minister from Arnerica, my House at Malta being the Commereial Agents
for the American States, & having the eharge of this
fleets & eannons in the Mediterranean Last saturday M r Turnbull & I went to see M r & MT' Monroe,
of Low Layl where they livehe spoke freely about
S. Ameriea, & said that it would be very desirable,
that England & N. America should cooperate in
maldng it independant on the prescript that I suggested, t,hat if they did not do so, it would certainly
fall into the hands of the French You however I
fully trusty will effeet all your Purpose with little
or no assistance-Davison or Nepean can be of no sort of serviee-Mr. Vansittart may be essentially useful, & I am persuaded that he will be sowe are extremely well together, & I dined with him a few days sinee in Great
George Street-- MB Martin & your two Boys are very
well--she is made happy by the good aceounts of your
success& since your departure has conducted herself
with exemplary Prudenee & Propriety.
I need not assure you of the warmest good wishes.
Of Mrs Turnbull, my son, & all around me, nor shall
1 add further at present than my kind Comp t to Mr
Molini & to Mr Fitzwilliam if he has joined you & the
assuranee of invariable affection & Regard with whieh
I always am
My D Sir
Most faithfully Yours
London 5 June 1806




Inclosed is a letter from Mr8 MartinShe has been

sadly tormented by your old servant andrwho is
perfectly changed from what he wasOn his arrival I
gave him 10& MT Martin very obligingly gave him
lodging & Instead of being thankful & behaving decently, he has been perpetually madclled or
drankhas frequently staid out all night & when is
liquor has alarmed the neighbourhood by making a
dreadfulnoise at your HouseHe appears to have acbed very badly in Swedenas he says he was married& in Business& that he went wronghe is become a
crawlarge bloated manI don't know what I shall do
well as I cannot think of sending him to you.
N.: T. VIII, f. 125.

My ever dearest G I congratulate on your sliccess and the Happiness you must feel on being restored
to your dear famly no word can describe the plesure
I feel at the repeated accounts of your success you bravy with God assistanee will sormount all dangers and
thrust will live a glorious example of Justice and
Humanity and may your virtuous in the New World
be a Pattron to all Nations as you will be shown near
in the hearts of the people, as you do, and ever will
in mine.
Your friends have all congratulated me on your success, particular MT Davison has repeated call'd to offers me any assistance that I might stand in need of
that was in his PowerMr and Mr8 Turnbull has been
very kind and attentive boath to me and my c,hildren,
no dought you will hear by the same Packet from MT T.
his having introduce a Mr Andr who has left his country in serch of you and having expressed greattrouble
and destress M. Turnbull thought it would be pleasing
to you, for me to show him any little attention in my
power, and lett him have a bed as he had no money nor
friends in the country. 1 cherfuly eompled with the



wishes of MT T. I gave him Bed and Bord for 5 or 6

week and 2 Pounds in money at diferent timeat the
same time Mr Turnbull have given ten Pounds but he
told me that he had never receved any Money that he
liad a place several times to MT Tto no purposbut
how Sir shall I fnd words to express this Man's return
for my kindness and attention to himI am sorry to
say that he has got liquor and stopt out all nights at
diferent times, and than gave me such language as is
not proper to be put on papers, saying he had more
wright to your House that I had and my children was
not lawfulland all this before my servant and Black
Joseph 's wife--and all that without any provocation on
my part nor can I find any excuse for his Vile conduct
unless it is his Misfortune--which are all ways dif erent when speaking of themI was compeld to send
for M' Turnbull who ordered him out of the House for
he made such a Noise that all the nebour was looking
to than windowshis wishes and the rest of his conduet you will hear from M' T. and than he may be able
to make a better Pica for his conduct than I canhe
keeps packing to the door to come in for all that-Joseph and Jone will sleep in the House untill somthing is fixt on Joseph wishes very much to be with
youmy dear little Leander is everi day getting pen
and ink to wright to the Gen. to send him toys and
pritty things and when he has angry(I wll leave you
Mammy and go to the G he takes a book and will
read for half as Hour abought you and himself teling
you what a good boy he grows a very fine Boy, and
I am flatten by every body saying he has an understanding twice his yearshe has very fond of his brother which I am sorry to say dooth not trive so much
as I could wish and remindes me every day of my dear
Marianow my every dear sir I must conclude this
and ashour you I shall and ever will implore that the
divine Assistance which has ever Procted you thron as
many dangers--and may bless you with a long an Glotious life, to see your labour florish and thousands and





ten of thousands of happy mortals pronging to got for

every blessing to attend you is the sensenst wish
of your affeetnat friend

P. N. my dear Leander has kiss twenty times and

he will come ride in his shipAderAderAderam wateh every wach for Mr Molini or some other
I am impasent for your NewsM.

London Juno 5 th 1806.


N.: T. VIII, f. 126.

London 7th Jwne 1806.

My Dear General
You have herewith a Copy of a Letter that I wrote
you on the 5th InstAs Peter is not yet returned from
Portsmouth, whiter he accompanied his Brother, who
is gone to Madras I have got Mrs Turnbull to make the
eopy, as I did not chuse to trust it to a clerek--Yesterday I saw Mn' Martin, who sinee I have got her free
of Andr, is become composedd & pretty well. I have
directed that if he is any man troublesome to her the
Constable shall take him into Custodyfrom the Regard you had for him, I shall give him a little money,
& let him return to Sweden, but I am assured, he does
not chuse to go thereYesterday I was likewise with
Mr Vansittart, who will write you fully so soon as he
hears from youMinisters I am persuaded are well
disposed to assist, & support you& in consequence of
my former letters, I hope that you have sent me a list
of the articles that you are in want requested
you to do so, some months sinceThe principal object
& on aceount of which I ehiefly write this letter, is
for you to point out one or two Ports in the Provinces



friendly to you to which British Ships may proeeed in

Safety. This is extremely essential; & I beg that you
will lose no time, in giving me such information by
various conveyances, & the Names of the Persons to
whom they may apply, as I shall have no Difficulty in
having you amply supplied from the Manufacturing
Towns--You may, if you ehuse, appoint me your Commercial European Agent as that may enable me to be
of service, in promoting your Views. 1Ve all are impatient to hear from you, & most cordially unite in warmest good wishes, for your Health & Success,
Believe me invariably
My D Sir
Your affecte & faithful Serv.

John George has got numbers of strong reeommendations to MadrasLord Speneer, the Duke of Kent,
& Cte Bentinck have given hm letters to the Governor,
Lord W. Bentinek. I however would have preferred
that he had been placed under your Care & Protection.
If you please you cmay appoint Bay San Peter Evan
& Son jointly Commercialt Agents. Government you
may rely would approve of you doing so, & the King
readily confirm the appointment.
N.: T. VIII, f. 129.

19th June 1806.

My Dear General
We remain most anxiously waiting, for aecounts
from yourself Such Intelligence is become at this moment, highly important as the Freneh, probably alarmed of your success, an certainly laboring to bring
about a Peace ; & our Friend have, within these few
days, rose considerablyIt may not be proper without



very sufficient Reason, to interrupt Ministers themselvesbut I was yesterday to Sir George Secretary
to Mr Wensham; Sir Franeis Venus Secretary to M
Fox; M Tucker Secretary to Lord Howick ; & our
friend Mr Vansittart. I very strongly enforced upon
all of them, the anxious desire that France must have,
to obtain Peace as, without that Event & specially with
some countenance from England, South America must
be inevitable lost to Spain & France, & the whole Treasures of that Continent, come to pass through England
I endeavord to make them sensible, that France
would not probably hesitate, to give up Honour, to
cede Malta & all our conquests ; provided she could
have peace & be, in consequence thereof permitted to
send, inmenses armies in to South America & take
possession of that most extensive & valuable continent for herselfNo compensation nearly adequate
could be given& that the Fate of England & France non entirely rests, on the Fate of America. They
promised to communicate my sentiments to their
Principals& M r Vansittart very feelingly told me
that he was extremely anxious that we should hear
from you as until we did, he was at as loss to purpose or how to write youOn Receit of this letters
I would beg learn to address, that independant of
your private letters, you should write officially to
Mr Vansittart, & to me with the proposals that you
would chuse to make to the British Government ; & as
Mr Vansittart, as composing part of it, cannot consistently tent on your behalf, & for advantage of your
country, you had better give me power to conclude on
your Part, for Buch Terms & conditions, as you may
think proper & propose & that our firned M r Vansittart may approve if no delay should take place as Bonaparte is very active & intriguing ; & Mr Fox has always
professed a great desire for Peace on what he might
conceive to be honorable TermsLord Grenville, &
Lord Spencer are the most respectable men in the Administration, & I am very well with both of themThe
former, on my application, has established Packets,
to sail once a Month from Talmouth with the Mast,



for Gibraltar & Malta& so soon as I finish this letter,

mean to e,all on L d Spencer & talk to him fully on
the important Object now in agitation Lord St Vincent
is expected soon from the Fleet & I trust that I will
also get him, to enter into the vast advantage of a close
eonnection between our countries.
Andr has given us all a deal of troublehe really
appears to he a worthless character, as he is much addieted to drinking & to lyinghe has used Mrs Martin
infamouslyI offerd him money to take him bark to
Swedenbut he is determined to go to America, & by
means of talking of his Influence with you, has probably found People to advance him money, as he has
not for several Pays past, come to me, nor II" Martin
when he was last here he acknowledged that he liad
behaved very ill, but that you would excused, it, as he
would teil you, that in consequence of hearing such
good accounts of your success, he liad drink a glass
roo muchThis was not the care ; as his bad conduct
began, before we liad any accounts of your tradingOn the whole from the former Regard you liad for
him & from humanity, I would advise you decently to
provide for his Subsistance, but by all means whatever,
at a distance from yourself ; as he will be apt to indinuate malicious & perfectly unfounded stories into
your Mind, which may make you unconfortable, without the most distant degree of ReasonYou may depend that Mn' Martin has conducted herself in every
Respect since your departure with the greatest possible
Propriety-8u that your eldest Son Leander, who dined

with us two days since, is an exceeding & promissing

Boyhe begins to speak intelligiblyyour youngest
Son is delicate, & has sufferd by the agitation that his
mother has been thrown intoWe all cordially unite
in best Wishes& I most sincerily remain
My D Sir
Your affects & faithful Serv.
N.: T. VIII, f. 180 vto.

&en; Tunratuz.



My Dear General
I eannot suffer this Letter from M" Turnbull to be
closed without adding to it a few limes from myself to
express to you how happy I have been made by the
favorable accounts of your progress. Most ardently do
I wish that those accounts may soon be confirmed by
yourself and that all your exertion to procure independence & Happiness to your country may be crowned with complete success. During your absenee I have
ealled frequently in Graf ton Street and have great
pleasure in assuring you that M" M has in every respeet (as far as I can observe) conducted herself in
such a manner as to meet your approbation. Dear little Leander is grown a very fine Boy and 1 am really
very fond of him he dined with us on Sunday and was
in high spirits calling himself the little General. Pray
accept of the most ardent Good wishes for your health
and prosperity from me and all around me and believe
me to be
My Dear General
always and most sincerily your
B. N. T.

P. S. Since writing . . I have received a letter

from Andr instead of getting on with his friend, as
expected, I find he has got to Wapping, & is much
reduced, having barter'd his Cloaths for a sailers
Jacket & Trousers, with a Jewto get a little ready
money. I really don't know, what the Deuce I shall
do with him if I give him money he will immediately
spend it. Yours always
N.: T. VIII, f. 132.


Nota: Esta carta es una continuacin de la precedente que est escrita

al pie de ella y que parece ser de la esposa del firmante, y que ste ratifica
con sus iniciales en la post data.


London 234 Juno 1806.

My Dear Sir

As the Departure of the Leward Island Mail has

been delayd till to day, I take the opportunity whieh

that delay afford me, of confirming to you my last

Letter of the 19th Inst, which will be forwarded to you

by Mr Lambot at sometime with this one; & again of

extremely regretting, that we continue to be deprived
of any accounts from you or of any Sort of certain Information of your ProceedingsThe French are certainly using every Endeavor to forward a Negociation

for Peace of which they would hasten the conclusion,

on any terms, in order to have a good Protest, from
the Inability of the Spaniards to defend their Colonies, to send a large Force to .America, & bring your
Country under subjection to themThe Public Fund
have risen within these few days astonishingly, upward of 5 p Ct, & every day get higherI am laboring by every means to counteract them & by enforcing
on all the World, the powerful argument, that I stated
to you, in my last letter. To day I shall be, on that
subject, at the commetted of the Council for Trade,
with Lord Auckland, & Lord Temple& tomorrow by
appointment wt Lord SpencerMr Fox has been always decidedly for Peace but under present circunstances, 1 hardy thing it possible, that he would pursue
so ruinous a MeasureI have give it out (as I believe)
that you will send Mr Molini to England as you would
not to chuse to trust your Dispatches by an uncertain
conveyance: at any Rate, untill we hear from you Mr
Vansittart who is exceedingly interested on your suecess, will be very unconfortableas will as all around

An extremely interesting & useful Literary Performance at this moment has been just published at
Paris in 3 Vol' called "Voyage a la Parte Orientale de la Terre firme dans l'Amerique Meridonale,
fait pendant les annes 1801. 1802. 1803. & 1804. Par
P. Depons, Ex Agent du Gouvernmt Francois a Caraeas"This Book which have get, gives a very full



& correct account of every circunstance relative to

your Part & among others, he gives a List, & the Names, of the principal Merchants at each PlaceAs you
must be necessarily, exceedingly much, & most importantly occupied, I thought that it might assist you in a
commercial Point of View, & relieve you from trouble
in that Respect by forming certain letters under the
Firm of me & my Son, & sending them to you with
the Names of the different Persona concerned in Trade in the different PlacesAnnexd to this Letters,
I adjoin a List of them & I also endose a separate one.
Herewith I likewise beg learn to transmit you a certain number of these Circular Letters& you will
much oblige me my good Sir, & likewise, I trust the
Persons to whom you may send them by putting on
the back "recommended by Gen' Miranda." Mr Fitzwilliam; or Mr Molini will be kind enough to put up
the adresses to all those, whom you may not disapprove of, as it would be very essential in the beginmng, to have our House well & respectably known
I have every Reason to believe, from the good footing
I am on His Majesty-s Ministers, that I may be of great
Service in procuring Convoys, & in many other Respect to your Trade.
I shall only add at present the Assurance of being
sincerely & invariably.
My Dear Sir
Your very faithful & obed. Serv,


By my new I shall trouble you, with a few more

Circular Letters, of which you will be pleased to make
use, as you will do of them, by directing them to be
adressed to such Persons as you may think proper.
Let me know what you want, & there will be no
difficulty in immediately supplying you with whatever you may wantonly point out some of & name
PortsI have at last settled agreeably w Andr, as



you will perceive by the enclosed Note that I have

write himhe will have got in all near & I think
you had Letter Bettle from 20 to 50 again upon him
as you chuse.
P. T. 0.
List of the principal Merehants at Caracas
D. Bruno Ignacio Abazolo
D. Pedro Ignacio Aguerrebera
D. Geronimo Alzualde
D. Francisco Arambure
D. Jos Joaquin de Argos
D. Antonio Arrizurieta
D. Martin Baraeiarte
D. Miguel Antonio Barrera
D. Jayme Bolet

D. Tomas Borges
D. Antonio Carvallo
D. Jos Antonio Cortegoso
D. Antonio Dias Florez
D. Juan Jos Eehenique
D. Juan Eduardo
D. Pedro Eduardo
D. Joaquin Emazabel
D. Manuel Etchezuria
D. Pablo Etehezuria
D. Juan Fornes
D. Jos Garay
D. Joaquin Garcia Jove
D. Jos Manuel Garcia.
D. Jos Godayy Codina
D. Salvador Gonzalez
D. Juan Vicente Galguera
D. Juan Pascual Herrera
D. Juan Francisco Itturalde
D. Juan Baptista Itturalde
D. Fernando Key Muos
D. Jos Landesta
D. Bernardo Juan Larain
D. Vicente Linares
D. Manuel de Lizarraga


D. Jos de Las Llamozas

D. Isidoro Antonio Lopez Mendez
D. Mariano Marti
D. Felix Martines de Abia
D. Simon Mayora
D. Juan Olivert
D. Telesf oro Orea
D. Isidoro Quintero
D. Prospero Ramirez
D. Antonio Jos Romero
D. Nicolas Savinon
D. Joaquin Segura
D. Juan Ignacio Ergarte
D. Simon ligarte
D. Felipe Villa Santa
D. Juan Antonio Zubieta
D. Francisco Zubieta
At Porto Cavello
D. Cristoval Amat
D. Bernardo Burgos
D. Jos Delgado
D. Jos Herrera
D. Pedro Herrera
D. Gaspar Hullas
At Cumana
D. Mauricio Berrizbeitia
D. Agustin Coll
D. Joseph Iotosans
D. Joseph Lerma
At Marguerita
D. Francisco Maneyro
N.: T. VIII, f. 188.
Nota: El folio 184 ea una circular comercial de la casa Turnbull de Lon.
dres, fechada 20 de Junio de 1806, para ser distribuida en Venezuela a los
comerciantes de la lista precedente, conforme se indica en las carta*, tambin
precedentes. Esta circular esta impresa, y con ella se intenta una pruPe
ganda de inters comercial entre ambos paises. Est, firmada por Juan Y
P. E. Tumbe'.




Dated 23 Imie 1806.
W Turnbull, agreable to MT Andr Froberg's request, sends him, inclosed, a Bank Note for 5. on the
Condition, that he will quietly go back to Sweden, &
remain there untill M r Turnbull hears from Gen' MirandaMr Turnbull exceeclingly regrets, that Mr Froherg should have conducted himself so very improperlyas he always wished him well & Mr Froberg
may depend, that Mr Turnbull will recommend to Gen'
Miranda, in Consequence of the kindness the General
had f ormerly for him, that he should, if it should please providence, that he succeeds, make an annual allowance for the subsistance of M r Froberg, confortably

in SwedenMr Froberg is request to write a Note to

Mr Turnbull acknowledging the Receit of the 5 inclosed

N.: T. VIII, f. 135.

London 3d July 1806.

My Dear Sir.
My Father being to day a good deal indisposed,
does not write you by this Packet, for whieh he entreats
your excuse, & begs to refer you to the Copies, which
have the pleasure to endose you herewith, of his two
last LettersWe have still to regret 41e non-arrival of
any authentic Aecounts of your Progress; tlae only
ones which we have received, have reached us by way
of America, & altho's they generally agree in affording
a flattering Prospect of your success, still they vary,
& contradict each other, so much, in the particulars
which they relate, that very little Dependance can be
placed on themAll Ranks of People in this Country,
look forward with the utmost expectation, for the Re-



sult of your Enterprize, & that Expectation is turned

into Confidence of its suecess, when they reflect on the
Justice and Glorious Patriotism of the Cause, & on the
distinguished Virtues, & Talents of the LeaderIn
this Part of the World, public affairs remain in a very
unsettled state, alth 'o for some time past, Reports
have been confidentially understood, that Proposals
have been made by Bonaparte, & it is very probable, that in his present grat anxiety for Prace, he
may offer Terms, wh i.nth our Government may not
think it right to refuse. What adds very much the probability of these Ideas, is, that orders have been given,
to release all the Russian Ships, detained in the Ports
of FranceI should hope however that even if such an
Event were to take place, as a Peace with France &
Spain, it would not materially effect the success of
your Operations, as you would be always supported by
the grateful Affection of the Natives of your Interest,
in which is entirely comprized their own ; & this Country would certainly never allow the accupation of South
America by the Forces of France, which must be the
inevitable Consequence of your being successfulEnclosed herewith, we beg leave to send you a few more
of our Circulars, to whie,h we entreat your favorable
attention and request that you will have the goodness,
should it meet with your approbation, to permit Mr
Fitzwilliam & M T Molini, to present them under your
sanction, to such commercial Gentlemen as you may
think well of They cannot at present have any connection in England, & we flotter ourselves, that with
the influence that my Father possesses, both of a
public & private nature, it the Exerons we hall
make for the Benefit or our Correspondents our services may be of more real utility to them than those
of the generality of the Merchants established in
London Mn Martin continues very well, she sends
you a Letter, which you will receive herewith,
little Leander grows very much, & is in good Health
He was with us a good part of yesterday, & I
spent an hour with e. Martin last night in Grafton



Street, where every thing goes on just as you left

itAdieu my dear General. In the present state of
uncertainty & Expectation, I will only add that we all
unite in the most ardent wishes for your Health, Prosperity & Happiness, & I always remain, with the
highest Respect & most sincere Regard--&

The preceding, my dear General, is the Copy of a

Letter, which I cid myself the pleasure of writing you
some months since and which, as my Father is making
up a Packet for you, I take the opportunity of sending
altho' its Contents have now ceased to be interestingYour Affairs in Grafton Street are going on as well as
you can desireM"' Martin and her Family are in
good Health, and the Library, which I frequently visit,
is in as excellent Orden, as if you were here to superintend itAs my Father has writen you on every
interesting subject of Business, I will not further at
present intrude upon your Time (which I am well
aware must be fully occupied by most important Advoeation) than to express to you my ardent Wishes for
the success of your glorious Enterprize, and to reiterate the assurance of my being always and most truly
My Dear General
Your attached & faithful


N.: T. VIII, f. 137.

19th November 1806.



London 18 Aug 1806.

My Dear General
You may believe, how very anxious we have all been,
to hear from youNot a une to any of us sinee you left
New York from you, M r Fitzwilliams or M r MoliniAt last Mr molini's father reeeived a letter from him,
from Barbados, by whieh we learnt with much Pleasure, that Adm Coehrane had come forward to assit youOur friend Mr Vansittart as some time that Mr Molini's
letter reaehed, reeeived a few lines from you, adresing
your draft f 600& referring to another letter whieh
did not come to hand for something afterMr Vansittart, having married a Daughter of Lord Aukland was
then in the Country, & has not yet returned, so that I
have not seen your Packet, but his private Seeretary
Mr Herries by his Desire fully informed me of the
Contents of it & the Dispateh that it eontainedThe
delay has been certainly distressing & vexatious ; but it
may have been for the best& I fully trust that every
thing will now succed to your perfect satisfactionthe
more so, as if Lord Landerdale return from Paris,
which is now eonfidently expeeted, then can be no Prospect of Peace, for a long Time to comeWhen you do
begin to write, me, I hope that you will indulge me, &
all around me by doing so frequentlythat the Letters
I wrote you early in June will have safely reached
youThey are all very well in Graf ton Street but
extremely uneasy at not hearing from you. Be ac ured
of our constant & cordial good wishes, & believe me
invariable to be.
D r Sir
Your very faithfully



Inclosed is a letter from your female friend at

ParisWho appear to have been sadly disappointed
by Barrois not paying her the -30for which he ran



on me & which I regularly paid. It would appear, by

what Barrois writes, that he send his Bifi on me to a

Friend at Frankfort to send him the money fail His
friend negociated the Bill, but failed at the Time, &
sent no money to Barrois, nor has he paid any to the
Lady, which is very shameful.

Care of M.




N.: T. VIII, f. 139.

London 17th Sept' 1806.

My Dear General
Annexed you have a Copy of my last Letter dated
2e mto I have since received a few limes from Dir
Lambot, of the 1 Mt soley communicating your departure from Trinidad, on the 24 July, this was the only
eertain account we have of that Event, as Mr Vansittart
had not heard from you since the 10" JulyI saw him
yesterday, & he teils, me, that he has seen a lettm from
General Hislop, which gives the most satisfactory hope
of your SuccessIn a few days, I trust that we shall
have the happiness to receive from yourself the Account
of that hope being realized & then you may justly say
"Post es Naufragia Portum" Your F riend
Home Popham has been remarkably fortunate at Buenos Ayres ; he has to attribute, as indeed he does, his
good fortune, solely to the disposition of the NativesInclosed you have a Letter from him, which having
been sent by the Two penny Post to Grafton Street,
Ar' Martin opened it, 1 have shewn it to our good



Friend Dir VansittartThe Influence & Consequence

of his Party, are most materially encrease, by the Death
of Mr FoxLord Grenville, I am sure is well attached
to you, & to your CauseSir Evan Nepean has no
Prospect of getting again into power & M Fox's Party,
particularly Lord St Vincent, were so inveterate against
Sir Home Popham, that the House of Commons would
not give him a Vote of Thanks, for the Conquest of the
Cape of Good Hope, & on the Contrary, another Naval
Officer, was immediately sent thither to supercede Sir
HomeFortunately for him, he liad left the Cape before his successor arrived, & as he has now been so
successful, & Lord Grenville's Party now predominates,
I should hope that they will not longer take a Part
against himI yesterday saw M" MartinShe er your
two Boys are very well, Leander is stout & heartyWe
have taken a small Country House, with an excellent
Garden, at Barnes, about five Miles from London &
from whence I write you this LetterThank God, every
thing succeeds well with us, my Son Peter is of great
assistance to meThe Manufacturing Towns are anxious to send you Supplies, & Lord Auckland, the President of the Board of Trade is desirous to give every
Encouragement, that I can SuggestBy next Packet I
hope to give you our Congratulationsin the mean time
accept our best & kindest WishesAlways & very
cerily Friend
2 Oct. 1806Still, My Dear General without any
account from you, I have little to add to the preceding
CopyAware on the Continent appears to be certain& it is to be hoped that the long Continuance of Bonaparte 's Fortune will at last have a ReverseAll well in
Guilford StKind Remembrance to Mr Fitzwilliam &
Mr Molini.


Our good friend Mr Vansittart has been kind enough

to communicate to me your different Letters, the last



of which was dated the 2th July on board the LillyThe following is the Duplicate of a Letter which I had
the pleasure of writing you on the 20th Ult.

London 20th 8eptr 1806.

My Dear General
I had the pleasure write you a few days ago, &
having occasion to write to my very particular Friend
General Bowyer, I send you few additional Lines, under
his Cover, which I am Bure that he will from you, in the
safest & most expeditious manner & be happy to be of
every service or Assistance to you, that may be in his
PowerNo Accounts have yet been received of your
Landing, but we anxiously & from day to day expect
them. 31" Ludlow has indorsed to me, a Bill for 1000,
that you new on 31" Lambort, & entreats me, to recover
in some Way the Payment of it, as he says in his Letter,
you told him, that I had under my controul, considerable Property belonging to youThat however shall
remain sacredly preserved & taken Care ofbut I am
endeavoring to prevail on Government to pay the BM,
as they did the other for 2000No Successor is yet
appointed, to 32 FoxLord Spencer, in the mean time,
acts as Secretary for foreing AffairsLord Howick is
talked of, & Lord Buckingham, to be first Lord of the
Admiralty ; but M Tho Grenville, I think, has the best
chanceMinisters have part Buenos Ayres on the same
footing with the West India Islands, excluding Neutral
Ships for Trading thither, & laying & heavy Duty on
German or Russia Linens. "When you suceed, e y ery
thing will in this Respect, be arranged to the satisfaction of you, 8r the Inhabitants of the CaracasI long
to hear from youBelieve me, My D' Sir, always &
sincerily &c.



On Wednesday next, I have an appointment, to be

with Lord Grenville, when Probably you may be mentioned
General M.
Care of



With M.T., best Comp. to M L.
N.: T. VIII, f. 140.

London July 3th 1806.

My ever dear General

I embrace every opportunity of writing to my dear
friend, for wile I am a night it seames as if I was
speaking with you, I thrust the time his not far distant
when I shall see or hear of your happiness, my anxiety
encreses every day for your safety I hourly pray to god
to Protect you from the meny dangers that soround
youand to bless you with glory and successI feel
the love of you very much, it is oialy my two lovly Babis that can give me comfort, and when I look at them
my anxiaty for you safety encreasesmy dear Leander
has every look or action of my dear Sirhe trys contunily speaking of you, and embracing me and promesing
your return and you are to brig hirn a meney pretty
things--and when we Bett togther he teil me of the General manma we talk for hours of youthen he wants
to by a ship and come to you his conversation his so
Ino-cent and delightfullthat I wish sometimes never
to hear among othersMy Uncle his drawing his Picture There is no making him sett a momentmy dear
Franeis his delicate very like my poor Maria. I sackle
unes against my self, for I am not so well as coul wish,
I thrust when I hear from you all my pains and truobles
will be removedI have had my niece from the country
the are 4 month she has returnd I am very bull without
her she was my dear Leander Nurse 1 had Mr Molini




with me when I lay in I thought it would it would save

expencesbut I realy did notMr Turnbull very kindly offerd me ten Pounds--which I readey took it is the
only Money I have hadI have received money for the
mal Bill, Bricklays Plumber and winea bought 30
Pounds I have all the recepts I am now in want of coals
and almost every thing else which my little means will
not permit in to gett at present, I have made no Bilis
myself every thing I have got are payd for, Dir Turnbull
would readly give me any little matter that I may want
but I am not inclined to make expenses, without your
consentwith having so meney unforeseen expensesit has sometimes made me unhappy my nieceand my
layer in having Mr Molini and than last of all that
ungratfull. Mr Andrthat I have even since you went
had some expence or otherotherwise I should have
had offereant without the ten Pounds.
Captain Grose, is allmost a dayle visiter he is very
quight old Gentleman, MT Pava likewise calls offten he
talk so much how he could have assisted you, and repents not going with you but begs me to say that he is
ready when ever you send
' him the means of going all
friends are very anxious for your news, tbe Abbe Mr
Hinde Dest wishes and comp" Mr Welches call some
times, Joseph is singing and speaking of you all day,
he hope soon to see you and his dear countryJane and
him has sleept in Grafton Street since that busines of
Andrshe has a place with a W Massuo a Spanish
Gentleman he has only took it untill he hears of youevery thing at home are the same as you left them,
removed Books from the Closet in winter and put them
round the frount library for fear of damwelcher us
tray are all in every good orderthat Bookseller on
Palmol call 'd in the winter and was very anxious to
know if you had taken all your Books to America I took
him in to the library to convince him thav were not,
he has never calld since nothing particual has accord
since your departure. Adieu my ever dear Sir, I wall
will pray to divine Providence to protect you, and bless






you with health and happyness and restore you soon

to your faithfull, but imposant friend, God bless you
and believe me ever your

&e. &c8r. &c.

N.: T. VIII, f. 143.

Dear General
I send you a letter which I this moment received
inclosed by MT Turnbull. By the Papers you will have
been enabled to see that your judgement of the News
from the Armies was the best.I have not yet my
papers, but will have them & send them out to you
tomorrow morning.
Dr General Ever most obt. st.
Jo' LAnneT.

N.: T. VIII, f. 145.

Los folios 146, 147 y 148 son tres recortes o medias hojas del peridico
THE DAILY ADVERTISER, de New York, de fechas 23 y 24 de Mayo de
1806, con la defensa de Samuel G. Ogden, en Memorial dirigido al Congreso
de los Estados Unidos en relacin con la expedicin de Miranda, el cual incluye
dos cartas de Miranda, una para el Presidente Jeffereon y otra para Madison.
Tambin aparece el Memorial del Coronel W. S. Smith a las Cmaras sobre el
mismo asunto. En ambos se defienden de las acusaciones hechas contra ellos
por ayudar la expedicin y hacen elogios de Miranda. Las cartas de Miranda a que se hace referencia estn publicadas en estos Archivos.



Barbodoes 21 Nov. 1806.

My dear General
I send you a large Bag of letters which I hope may
bring you confortable news. Those that carne by the las
packet will have reaehed you by the mail boat I trust
the gave you hopes of assistanee in the good cause.
The people of England seem to be all mad about
Buenos Aires. I suspect that more good are shipping
for that Quarter than the whole continent will consume
in a year.
I hardly think it possible that we are to have a Peace
altho such reports prevailed in England.
If any Intelligence of consequence arrives by the
packet in whieh you are coneerned I will take care that
you are soon informed of it believe me to be.
Ever my Dear General
Your most faithfully
and sineerily
N.: T. VIII,

f. 149.

Oblig de presser les rentres pour effectuer des
payemens considerables et tres proehains, Je saisis 1'
occasion favorable d'un ami de la Trinit pour vous
rappeler le mmoire que j 'ai eu Phonneur de vom remettre avant votre dpart, montant y compris la fourniture des suites des ouvrages a souscription envoyes par
votre ordre, a la somme de 504.15. 5. Connoissant votre
exatitude, vtre dlicatesse et l'interet dont vous vouliez
bien m'honorer, Je suis, je vous 1 'avoue avec eandeur
surprie et afflig de votre silence, au point que je suis
tenter de eroire aue vos agents a Londres n'ont pas
excut vos ordres a ce regard.



Vous n'avez surement pas oubli, General, qu'a l'

epoque de votre dpart, je fis l'adquisition des fonds,
de societ avec un ami respectable et que nous Mus
chargeames des dettes actives que je crus bonnes et de
prompt rentre, parmi lesquelles je ne manquai pas de
comprendre la votre dont je parlai a mon ami avec toute
la confiance que vos procds m'avoient inspire. La
derniere poque des payemens va arriver : Judgez de
mon inquietude et de celle de mon associ qui n'a consent a ces engagemens que dans la ferme confiance que
les dettes dont nous etions chargs etoient rellement
D 'apres cet expos de la triste situation ou je me
trouve et la part que vous avez daign prendre a ma
malheure passe j 'aime a croire que vous vous empresserez de me faire remise de cette somme Bons laquelle il
m 'est impossible de faire honnorer a des engagemens
sacrs. L'ami que vous remettra cette lettre, se chargera de votre reponse.
Veuillez agreer les nouvelles assurances du respectueux dvouement avec laquel j 'ai Phonneur d'etre.
Votre tres humble et tres
obeissant serviteur
Londres ce 18 Septembre

Londres le 30 Sept". 1806.
recommende a Mrssrs SIMONE & HAMLET
pour faire tenir
N.: T.

VIII, f.


Soho Square.



Samody Barbade

Mon Cher General

N'ayant pu parier avec MT Moliny le soir que vous
vous embarquates a bord du Melville lorsque je le rencontrai allant vous rejoindre, je n'ai pu savoir ce qu'il
l'avoit detenu aussi tard je vous renvoye par la meiHeure occasion qui se soit presente depuis votre depart.
Isaac qu'en charg de remettre a votre domestique les
effets qu'il a laiss en arriere, je renvoye aussi par la
meme voie un Houlan qui s'etoit absent du Leandre a
la Grenade et que je recontr ici il en je crains
esclarer et je le renvoye afin que l'on ne puise dire
que notre expedition a de port le moindre prejudice
a aucun individu =
Le Batiment sur lequel je m'embarque pour l'Angleterre n'a peut etre pret qu'auj ourd 'hui aussi je vais me
rendre a bord dans une demie heure nous n'avons recu
ni paqueboat ni Batiment depuis votre depart, les papiers americains parlent d'une action entre la fregate
l'Anson et le Vaisseau de l'amiral Guillaumes qu 'elle a
trouv dmat dans les environs de l'isle de Cuba, la
fregate 1 'a foudroy pendant 4 heures et lui a fait le
plus grand mal sans avoir recu elle pour ainsi dire,
aucun dommage ; l'amiral Guillaumes a reusi cependant
inalgr le mouvais etat de son vaisseau de se rendre a
la Havane. = Le rest de l'scadre francaise en bloque
par une fregate et une corvette anglaises dans la Chesapeack et ne peut reparer ses avenes faute d 'argent,
jonatham ne voulant pas prendre des Bilis sur la Banque imperiale mais je doute de ce dernier fait, les francais ont trop d'amis en amerique pour manquer de
credit =
l'amiral me comble toujours de Bont et de marques
d'attention, le General Boyer ayant 1 'autre jour bu a
votre sant lorsque je dinai chez lui, on a sollhafte
beaucoup de Bonheur dans la Reussit de ma mission
et il espere dit que le gouvernement envera de
suite des troupes et le mettra a meme de cooperer avec




les Batiments que nous vimes abord de la Seine, sont

reellment entrs au fort Royal Martinique. une fregate
et deux Brig francois remplis de troupes fesant parti
d'une escadre de 4 fregates, les 3 qui monquent ont ils
prises peu de temps apres leur sortie des ports de
france -Adieu mon cher General vous recevrez de mes nouvelles par toutes les occasions qui se presenteront =
mandez moi vos ordres et soyez persuad General,
que je les executerez avec l'interet le zele que vous a
vou tour la vie celui qui a Honneur 'd'etre avec
profond Respect
Mon General
Votre tres humble
84 tres obeiSte servit,
Lit'. Dz ROUVRAY -

P. S.Veuillez avoir la Bont de presenter mes devoirs au Gouv. Hislop et le faire ressouvenir combien
m'oblgera en m'honorant de quelques lettres pour ses
amis a Londres, mes compliments au Colonel Smith et
a Mr Molini et veuillez me rappeller au souvenir de
Brianley et de Holmes, recommandez a ce dernier je
vous prie de ne pas etre paresseux a mon egard
ce qui cela voudra dire.
N.: T. VIII, f. 152.

St. Joseph. Nov. 17th 1806.

Dear General
Inclosed I have the pleasure of sending you a Letter
which I received from Col. Rutherfurd by the Packet.
The information of the taking the four french fregates full of Troops is confined as also another. Le
President of 44 Guns returning to France from the
Coast of Africa.Sir Jam s Hood loss his Right Arm
by a Musket Shot in the Action with the former which



had . . . Rochfort Six Hours when they feil in with Sir

Samuel Squadron.Lord Howic has succeeded Mt Fox
as Secretary for the foreign department and MT J.
Grenville has replaced Lord Howic at the Head of the
Probably some other changes may follow, as it seems
to be conjectured.Prussia 85 France appear to be on
the very verge of hostilities. Sir George Prevost is
said to be envoing out to this Country with 4000 Men
The aboye is the outline of the most material information received by the Packet.
I remain Dear General
Your Very faithfull
Humble servt


&. &. &.

N.: T. VIII, f. 154.

London 2 October 1806.

Leicester place.

Dear General
1 enclose herewith a letter from your ginl to the
care of General Hislop under the idea that you woud
be anxious to hear of themThe eldest boy is a noble
ehild the youngest I have not seen.
I have spoken to Vansittart several times about you
He always speaks of you in terms of friendshipindeed told me that he meant to write you by the last
PacketI sounded Hirn about giving you assistance,
but He woud say nothing& will be shameful if they
dontI would willingly undertake any thing in my
powerbut to go to Trinidad by myself, would be
rendering you no service, would at this time be a
seriou,s injury to meIf I can be of any service to you
here 1 beg you will let me know.



Faden is at this time preparing a very fine map of

the Spanish Main, of which I will procure a eopy for
you as soon as it is published which will be about ChristmasI wished Him to let me have a copy in it unfinished state for you under the idea that it might be of use,
but he would not hear of it.
The Merchants in the City give you their best wishes
and in my opinion would willingly give you more substantial proofs of their good disposition towards you if
they knew howIf you suceed, you may be assured
they will soon be with youYou will have heard of the
Capture of Buenos Ayres by Popham & Beresford,
where they have got planty of Dollars 1.200,000 have
already arrived hereImmense quantities of goods are
already shipping for that placeso much as that I am
told it is likely that they will be eheaper there than
LondonWith best & sincerest wishes for your suceess believe
me Dear General
Very truly yours
N.: T. VIII, f. 155.


London Octor. ./at 1806.

My ever dear General.

It was with the greatest pleasure I heard of your
good Health through Mr Vansittart, a few unes from
your dear hands would have been very pleasing, we are
all anxiaty for your news, we are now counting the
days with impacienee, I hope and trust a few weeks
more deside this grand work, our reports are so vairious and contradi ctory that it is imposible to put any
relianee on any of them, I eoppy all the papers I can
get, the articles in some of them are very courious I
have made a book of them, which I will send you, by
and byit is the wish hear that you succeed, the generality of the people are confident of it, I hope and pray
hourly for it for the Bake of all 1 open'd a letter that


carne in


the two penny Post, I thought it was some bill,

as all your friends must now that you was not hear,
1 was very much disapointed, when I preceved it carne
from Sir IT. P.I sent it to Mr Turnbulls, for him to
forward it to you, Sir the Business has put every body
in spirits, than quight shoure of you being more suceesful, pray God grant you may and soon, my lovly
Children improve every day my Leander is more beautitful than ever, he grows very stout and tall. he is
very sensible and an uncomun memory, when I teil him
of his Papa he rembers it a week after, and teil me
every word, he often askes me to talk of papa a bought
pritty things, and what you will by him when he come
to America, he knows all his letters, we after stop in
the street to read, every paper he sees he brings to me
to read news a bought the General, is it good news
mama, o very well, then Leander will go to his ship and
to Caracas to Papa, he his the best temper in the world,
he is only in passion for a moment and then only teil
him that you would be angry with him, hi is good in
a moment, he has such noble look and his countance
and manner is so grant that I never walk out wiht
him, but I am asked whose child he his, I am very
proud of my darling Boy, he is my eompanion in all

walks. Capton Grove is a constant visiter, always speaking of you, the abbe is still hear but as


impasant as ever to visit his country, he his of ten

speaking a bought his printing Press, he wants me
to by it for you, I teil him, that is imposible. Mr
Davison his very kink he often calls, and begs me to
keep up my spirits, that we shall soon hear good news
from you, Col. Rutherford, very kindly offerd to
convey this to you, all your friends have been unremiting; in than inquires after your prosperity, I have
never seen Mr Vansittart in Grafton Street, thank god
I have never wanted him, Mr Turnbull's is lead very
much by reports, then good. I see them, on the country
they never come near me, thay are very mean, I was
very short of money I asked him a few pouds, he told
me he had no money of yours in his hands, and I had
better wait untill 1 heard some news from you, 1 should



not have asked him, if he had not put me to the expence

of Andr, I could not keep that man for 7 weeks without puting myself to an extrordy expence, he has never
given me any exray mony all tho I have frequenty
asked him, but he could give Andrs 16 or 17 Pounds
to leave London, whieh he never cid he ealled wice on
me afterwards,Mr Cusae Mr Drav, and Mr Hindel
best compliments, Mr Pavia wishes he was with you,
I am sorry I cannot say MT Barry, in him I have
lost, the senserest and most desinterested friend in the
world, now he would have rejoysed, had he lived to the
present moment, I than been to Mr Bonome's where
he dyed, inquiring after his Pandora and beneus they
are to be sold, next Janary, he has leit away powr relation, I hope you will send an order for some body to by
them for you before that peirod, God bles your my
every dear and affeetione friend, and may God direct
and prosper all your undertaking is the sincere pray
of you faithfull and obedeant friend

P.S. I have had Jane and Joseph to sleep in the

pitcher ever since Andr went, Joseph has took a tem-

pery Place untill you . . . for him, he appear very

steady--my servant have been long . . . to her bed, this
fortnight past in a sore throat and fever . getting a
little . . . , she is a very good servant and very fond
of my Children, and very honest she lived with my
sister 4 years. Adieu may all might God protect and
bless and preserve you is my constant prays, Leander
send his love, and a Kiss,he his 3 years Old 9" of
this month, 13 Months since you so my dear child
this day.
N.: T. VIII, f. 156.

Nota: El folio 162 contiene una carta que se encuentra copiada textualmente en la pgina (folio) 140 y reproducida anteriormente.



Rio de la Plata
July 20. 1806.

My dear General.

Here we are in possession of Buenos Ayres, the

finest Country in the World, & from what I see of
the disposition of the Inhabitants, I have no doubt
if Ministers woud accede to your Propositions I send
you here, that your Plan woud take as well from this
side as from the other, try my friend to come out, I
have written to Sir Evan Nepean who is the only person
I recollected have been particularly interested on the
subject ; Davison you will in course see, as well as Lady
Popham & they will give you all the Information they
have, I am so occupied that I scarce know what to do
first, I wish you were here, I like the South Americans
God bless you my dear General! Believe me Ever

N.: T. VIII, 1. 163.

New York August 15th 1806.

My dear friend
By the enclosed letter you will notice the solicitude
of Mr Barker to be with you, his family are respectable
and his appearance & manners much in his favourWe have been severily persecuted since your departure, the administration under the influence of the

French Minister absolutely were determined to sacrime, deprived me of an offiee with Six thousand
dollars a year and instituted a suit which after putting
me to an immense expence and themselves to a much
greater they were foiled by the unanimous Verdict of
Jury as you will observe in the enclosed paper, when
the Verdiet of not Guilty was given, the whole Court



burst out into loud applause, and the Country at large

rejoice, wish you prosperity
God bless you, Yours truly
W. 5.



Hon d by

N.: T.

VIII, f. 165.

Philadelphia 3d Augt. 1806.

In venturing to address you, Sir, by whom I have

not the honor to be known, and on a subjeet like the

presentI must claim a large share of your polite
indulgence, which I hope will extend to me who is led
to this freedom by his enthusiasm in a cause he is
induced to suppose, you think a good oneTo be ex-

plicitI am a young man about 23 years of ageof

a family, thought respectable my father is Sheriff of

this CountyAt the moment the nature and aim of

the enterprize conducted by Gen: Miranda, became
known, I concievd a wish to engage in itI have cherishd the desire ever since--It has grown into a passion I have therefore take the (perhaps unwarrantable) liberty of respectfully soliciting your opinionwheter a plan of embarking now in the expedition
would be practicable--What probability there may be
of my joining it before it leaves Trinidad or before
active service has commenc'd; and in either case, what
reception and situation I might expect from the
In pledging my sacred word of honor to the truth
and seriousness of my intentions, I shall rely firme
on you, Sir, as a Gentleman who will not, in whatever
light you may vie them,expose those intentions and
my name to the impertinent notice of the world-



May I hope to be honord by a speedy replyA word

from you wou'd hasten me to give you personal evidence of my sincerity.
I am with the utmost respect
Sir, your very humble Serirt
N.: T. VIII, f. 188.

New York Monday August 18th 1806.

My dear Friend
The Bearer of this Mr Robert Kennon a young Gentleman of Respeetable conneetions in Virginia, on his
travels, with a passport from The Seeretary of State,
thinks it probable that he may have the pleasure of
seeing you, I have given Hirn this Letter and a Newspaper of the day which eontaining European news, may
amuse youI am anxious waiting communieations
from you, I have seen the diffieulties you have had to
eneountre and have often wished I eould have been
near you to have shared in your toils and lessened your
burthensthe Letters to my Son will fully inform you,
of the seenes I have passed hereI am not on a bed
if rosesI stand like a Grey Hound on the Slip, anxiously waiting letters (er from youI am my dear friend
Yours sincerily,




Hon d. by


N.: T. VIII, f. 187.

5. 5.



New York 24th August 1806.

My very dear friend

Mr Molini or J.S.Smith will traslate

You sailed from Trinidad the 25th ult 7. 9672.3873589478. 83321222. 812. 4287202. 669. 842.71. 392.
5988. 3722. 65. 3999233. 71. 392. 5428322. 2132474732.
2024. 9122438021. - 81. 2132474732. 980715. 71. 0727.
392.9877'7=1233. 65. 178876 13 . 65. 694. 528867. 121. 7641.
2691. 9739. 392.6602. 65. 6774233761.- 694. 9691346.
83. 88452. 5228. 224. 52124693. 5867. 574. 6694.399233.
6. 7. 81. 71. 28786. 20729383761. 65. 42920715. 3837358
99346. 96119179837613. 20729383761. 65. 42920015. 383
7358936e. 9611917 837613. 5461. 669. - 73. 7788. 42.
233213788. 71. 392. 57433. 81338192. 3983. 844815212133.
42. 7417386.18221. 564. 392. 2252192. 65. 6694. 96833.
6. 392. 18483712. 746071923. 3873. 7788. 4219742. 0233
283. 65. 8. 784379884. 961334993761. 397322. 36. 6694.
396423. 76433. 6. 98446943. 275523213. 5461. 39632. 217
06622. 46. 63924. 767243. - 39232. 91224. 8. 746724.
27429364. 981. 42. 74617386. 4469593. 56439. 5461. 694.
98446943. 64. 7249873. 96133499322. 71. 6694. 671.
1299817903. 8919871322. 7739. 18088. 849973293942.
3213. 5461. 3973. 7739. 39274. 36683. 6. 877840393.
7. 9802. 961024322. 7739. 961162642. 3490361. 81. 65579
24. 65. 9759. 27337193761. 2088322. 96164.6. 7465233761
80. 016782252. 92. 73. 3288693. 71. 6694. %932. 6.
764396.65. 392. 975922. 9615722192.92. 7788. 8671. 669.




7739. 392. 1633. 2733715973922. 66915.121. 65. 6941806.

75. 74672486. 7107322.
669. 92. 7788. 9612. 7739. 12.
61. 8. 07373. 6. 392. 129233846. 844815212133. 75. 669.
7739. - 92. 769982. 42. 9613722422. 81. 89197373761.
71. 392. 324. 32 4Q792. 65. 816. 18473712. 76724. 6.
784379988486. 71. 392. 7423213. 373983761. 65. 6694.
9691346. 73. 76982.
973. 96164. 016782252. 6. 20724
772122. 42. 5984222. 8587133. 39632. 0833. 20721923.
7979. 7. 1837613. 9802. 4221. 2076322. 36. 71. 39274.
28486. 233848739121 3 . 46. 392. 2072123. 042. 65. 16126.
366. 65321. 1378778722. 46. 392. 75164813. 64. 223751715.
792446. 392. 728839. 65. 8. 726782. 73. 65321. 2733778322.
7739693.39632. 423983716. 8208138523. 7979-9. 8. 183761.
983. 8. 47593. 36.2072 9 . 6. 7979-9. 46. 7732. 6. 7492213.
39274.54733. 23384873912133. 76982.
42. 7139422. 36. 3921. 6. 7788. 7465423370286. 207812.
5461. 8. 7288. 64581322. 363321.42715. 71. 392. 57433.
328523. 773286. 27523322. 6.72418 181386.57022.
75. 392. 0847693. 392123. 3946. 7979-6. 669. 9802. 783322.
9802. 1-63.-12923 384786. 8282. 669. 771-36. 3612. 74207-693.
- _392. 18493712. 19233761. 3490361.





7788. 26. 961.64. 36. 6694. 98932.

42715. 877671322.
1713324. 65. 6694. 18412. 64. 8217488. 65. 392. 58223. 65.
96891478. - 823. 12. 9284. 74617386. 61. 3973. 3948293.
64. 396982. 669. 3212. 9611733761243. 823. 3921. 42.
7133499322. 42883702. 36. 3973. 521382181.


ARcarm DEL

canencnaL MIRANDA

Such personal arrangements may then be made as

will be satisfactory to them, complimentary to him and
Honourable to yourself.
Honors Laurels and Life to you
Your sincere friend

Remember me most
affectionately to my Son

N.: T. VIII, f. 168.

I hope satisfactorily Attended and believe you are

in the full tide of success in the Greatest enterprise
Ever undertaken.An Enterprise having in view the
happiness of million of our fellow men worn down with
the yoke of oppression.Our country at large feel
every generous glow for your success and I am in
daily Expectation of receiving satisfactory communications from you. It will be essential in the first instance that arrangements be promptly made for the defence of your Coast and for maritime provinces, this
will require vessels of a particular construction suited
to your Shores ports and harbours different from those
employed by other powers.These under a proper direction can be prompty brought forth from our harbours or perhaps constructed in your own by Merchants
acquainted with naval .Architecture sent from this with
their Tools and apparatus. I have conversed with
Comodore Furton an Officer of high distinction exalted honor and professional knowledge he is Zealous in
your Cause and worthy of the highest confidence he
will join you with the most distingushed young men of
our Navy If properly invited by you he will come with
me on a visit and make the necessary arrangements if
you wish, he would be considered an adquisition in the



service of any maratime and partieularly in the present situation of your Country it would by his honor
knowledge and experience be guarded against those
vast expenees which nation have been exposed to in

their early establishments by the Expenditure of Money too often misupplied by the ignorant or designing, thou resulting advantages which a nation has
a right to expection which by wise and prudent
arrangements on their first Establishments would be
insured to them and will progressively expand from a
will organised sistem being in the first Stages wisely
digested and permanently fixed.If the various scenes
through which you have passed have not necessarily
led you into some previous arangements on the =
time questionFurton will do honor to your Cause by being
appointed Minister of your Marine or Admiral of the
Fleet of Columbia.Let me hear promptly on this subject or should you send commissioners let them be instructed relative to this gentleman.
(Sin firma.)
N.: T.

mg f. 169.


































Cyphere ( Letters




The end of every word will be sigmified by a dot. as.
The first Alphabet is to be made use of in writing a letter in
Cyphers, and the second to deeypher the same letter...
The following is an example from the foregoing Alphabet comprising the numbers also
"Send me 1340 Barrels of Floor."
In Cyphers thus
3212. 11 ehfc. 4841233. 65. 33691772.
N.: T. VIII, f. 170.


Port of

Spain stul

Nov. 1806.

I wrote you on the Wut ult9 informing you of our

safe arrival here after a very unpleasent voyage from
Grenada in which we narrowly eseaped from shipwreck, The aboye letter I intended sending by Lt Murray of H. M. Sehr Ballatros, but just as she was getting
under weigh she sprung a leak & has since been obliged
to heave down, In consequenee of which I two days ago
foresended my Letter by the Sehr Ant. Immediately on
my arrival I deliverd your Lettr to my friend B who
assures you that nothing in his power shall be wanting
to comply with your wishes, but I must aeknowledge
that then appears to be great reluctance in all ranks of
people to render us any assistance, In consequence of
whieh we all feel ourselves placed in a very unpleasant
situation & absolutely in want of the Common Neeessary of Life.
I did flatter myself that I should before this time
have liad the pleasure of hearing from you, with some
information as to our future prospects, but nothing has
yet reaehed me, & I really feel a loss how do act.
In order to less in the Crowd & Consumption of
Provisions on Board the Ship, 1 have given permission



to every Officer that can support himself, on shore to

land & also to some of the Man.A very dangerous
fever having Broken out on board the Ship during the
passage from Grenada I was under Necessity of having
a house on shore for the sick where they now are.At
this moment the surgeon has come to report to me that
Lt Robinson is Deying but that all the other who are
sick are likely to recoverprovided they are furnished
with proper Necessary, which form the Difficulty I
find in getting Money it is out of my power procure

themA Number of the Seamen belonging to the Ship

sent on a Complent to the Govr yesterday stating that
large sums were due to them requesting his interference to obtain payement, In consequence of which his
SecY wrote a Lettr to Majr Smith informing him of it,
who replied that he 8c I were hourly expecting Lett"
from you, untill their arrival he coud not give any
definitive answer on the subject.As the Slip will
require to be heaved down & considerably repared before she can proceed on any voyage I on that account
as well as some others wish she had been left at Grenada; as she cannot be heaved down here every species of work is done at half Expences. Indeed I conceive it absolutely necessary she shoud return there,
as in his present situation be impossible she can undertake voyage of consequence.
In hopes of soon having pleasant accounts of &
from you, Believe me Sir
Very faithfully y"

No accounts yet of the Lilly or Attentive.

&e. &c. &e.
N.: T. VIII, f. 171.



Trinidad Nov'. 19th 1806.

His Exeelleney

I am under the disagreeable necessity of requesting
of Enquiry upon the following subjects, on
myself injured and aggrieved.Vz.
which I
1 8t Why have I not receive my promotion as Col:
Comdt of t,he 1et Regt N.A. Infantry, to which I am
entitled, from the date of April 21 st 1806, (the Day on
which Jho Lewis resigned,) as well by implied understanding and positive promise, as by the rules and
articles of War, and military usage of the U. States
of North America '2" Imputations, injurious to my character have
been made relative to my contract (dated June 17'
1806,) in behalf of Gen' Miranda, with John Hancock,
for the Employement of his Schooner Trimmer, on the
expedition under his command.An examination of
all the facts and circunstances relating to this matter
is requested t
3rd Has any Officer under the Command of Gen'
Miranda, been authorised to say, "That" "he (Gen'
Miranda) " thought Lieut: Col: Kirkland" "a damn'd
Rascal & Rogue ; "that his" (Lieut : Col: Kirkland)"
interest with General Miranda, was "such, as would
damu any Officer that "was attached to him" (meafing Lieut: Col: Kirkland.) These declarations have
been uttered as eoming from General Miranda;

authorised by him, were they just litt Why have Capto Cagnarro, D. Espafia, & Casaa, been ordered by Gen' Miranda, at Aruba, or elsewhere, "neither to speak to, "or lave any intercourse
with Lieut: Col: "Kirkland", This prohibition, supposes a crime to have been committed, or the intention
so to do. In the first instance ; would it not have been
the duty of the Superior Of ficer to arrest and try by
Court Martiall In the second; is it not considered injust, both in the civil and military law, to impute the




intention of crime, when neither the intention nor the

act have been provedlGeneral,
The duty I owe to myself and my friends, does not
allow me to pass over in silence any attempt to injure
re Sir, in the present
my feelings or character. - Therefo
case, and on the points aboye stated, as the only rational and proper mode of redress, I resort to these laws
by which I have sworn to be governed, in your service.
The rules and Articles of War of the U. S. of North
America, (the 26" & 27" Sections, if I mistake not, of
the appendix) permit any Off icer, who may have been
injustly accused, or who may been in any way aggreived, to request a Court of Enquiry, consisting of three
members, who may examine & cross examine witness
&c, and report their respective opinions thereon.
I have the honor to be General,
Your most Obedt Servt

Lieut: Col: Comdt.

lot. Regt. N.A.I.C.A.

N.: T. VIII, f. 173.

Captain Walker presents his Respectful Compliments to General Mirandaand inform him the Governor has been so engaged to the last moment with
Letters two of which have come down too late for the
Mail BoatBut if the General will do the Governor
the honor of breakfasting with Hirn tomorrow mornga Horse will be ready at half past sevenGovernor House Saturclay

&e. &c. &c.

N.: T. VIII, I.


Novr 1806.



Trindad 3 Deor : 1806-

My very dear Admiral,

I received with pleasure your letter of the 21st Nov.',

with the enclosed letter. I assure you that if these letters had come to my hands before I quitted Aruba, we
should instead of coming to the Windward Islands
have taken a Position at Rio de la Hacha or Sta Martha; notwithstanding the peremptory letter written to
me at that critical moment by Capto Dundas (see the
enclosed Copy)
Cap? Campbell with the Lily, and my Officer have
arrived here yesterday, in very good health. The Attentive was to be at this Place before them, but is not
arrived yet, tho' expected every moment. The information they have been able to collect on the Coast of Caracas is favourable to our Views, and the Militia ready to
join our Standards, as soon as we may be able to penetrate into the Country.
The news communicated to me by Gen' Maitland
through Cape Campbell, as well as those transmitted
by Gen' Bowyer throgh Governor Hislop here, are very
favourable for the execution of our Plans on the Cohimbian Continent. They are persuaded that a considerable Body of British Troops with a Squadron of
Men of War, is to be looked for at Barbadoes every
The Negociations at Paris have had the termination that every Man of Bense acquainted with Frene,h
Politics could without much penetration have foreseen long ago--. I hope you will not delay at this critical moment, to transmit to me any information that
may come in your way, favourable to our Views and
good wishes in this great Enterprise.
With the most sincere affection and friendship.
I remain,
My dear


(Borrador de Miranda)



With our friend Cape Briarly I shall send you a proposal, for the taking of Angostura &c.
The Honige. SIR Aue Cocaasm K. B.
844. &e. &e.
N.: T. P111, f. 176.

Trinidad 4th Deor 1806.

Mon cher de Rouvray,

I received your letter of the 8th Novr with Isaac,
and your servant John who has been directed to
The news I have received lately, both from the
Admiral and the Comr in Chief at Barbadoes, are
rather encouraging and promising, in regard to our
Expedition. Genl Maitland says by a letter of the 30th
Novr to Roorbach "there is yet some hopes for you
that England may asist your Chiefmake my best
compliments to him, let not lose sight of this ObjectMen of this character keep a steady ViewYouYou
will see by the enclosed letter of the Inspector General
Franco, that the smallest assistance and support from
Great Britain, would have decided the fate of the whole
continent of South .Americawe may do it yet (as you
may see by the enclosed letter of Downie, just arrived
in the Lily) if we act without loss of time.
I expect your letters with the greatest anidety, and
hope they will convey me a favourable result from
your Mission.
General Hislop, Holmes, Briarly and Lambot are
all well, and have received with pleasure your friendly
compliments. The disagreements between the Governor and His come to its acme. It may be as injurious
to them, as it is unpleasant at this moment. read the
enclosures with attention, and explain then to W Vansittart, to whom 1 shall write by the next Packet,



having received no letters from him until this moment

Do t,he same with Mr Turnbull and Davison from
whose friendship I expect some attention in my absence to the interests I have in Graf ton Street Fitzroy
(Borrador de Miranda)
N.: T. VIII, f. 177.

Dee 6th 1806.

Dr Sir,

As the Expenses of the Leander are at present

Very Great & there not being any Necessity for Buch
expense, I am Induced to request you will take her
under your Chargo & fit her in any maner you may
think proper for any service that may be required her
after. You will also have the goodness to Enter all the
People on your books giving to Colonel Armstrong
from Eighty to a hundred Dollars for the purpose of
paying each of the Officers a small sum.
I am Sir, &.
N.: T. VIII, f. 178.

Abercrombie Hall Maudg Mag

8th Decr. 1806.


Since parting with your Excellency yesterday, I

find & am requird to set off far Barbadas to morrow
Schooner Balaltro, and as I find it will
morning by
be out of my power to have the honor of waiting on you
before I go, I send the Bearer with this to say, that I
will be happy to carry your dispatches, and atted to
any commands you may have for Head Quarters.



I am still from my Heart, meid warmely attached

to yourself, and to your Grand Projeet; would make
any saerifiee for the purpose of facilitating the atchievement of itand it is solely for the purpose of fadlitating the atchievement of itand it is solely for the
purpose of following up your general views that I now
go to Barbadas.
Gen' Hislop is most aineerily your Friend ; He told
me yesterday that he means to call out on you in a day
or two ; He gives me Letters, introducing me partieularly to the Admiral & Gen' Bowyer and to him I beg
to refer you for the particulars of my arrival to

I am most sanguine, that my trip to Head Quarters

will much benefit your cause, and I solicit your warning me in the way you may think I deserve to the Admiral, & to gen' Bowyer.
I am informed that Your Excellency has several
Copies of your Pieture with you :CouM be put in
possession of one of them I should regard it more them
are equivalent for past or future services, untill your
rational and gallant undertaking be crowned with
My friend M r Mitchell is arrived, both him and lt'
Lackhead desire their kindest regards to your Exeelleney, and Air Lachhead bids do me say that he will
be happy to see you after, when your return to Town:
You have I assure you sincere Friends in all this Family indded your Friends daily enerease.
I remain Dear Gen'
Your Excelleney
Faithfull & affeetionate

My best Compta. to


P. S.
Lieut. Smith of my Reg' will deliver you this :He has been always zealous, and mad eheerfully took





any duty that offer'd.He will bring your dispatches

if ready : if not the vessell will not sail till 10 0.Clock
to morrow Morning.
J. D.
His Eseellency
N.: T.




Port Spain, Tuesday Morning

dear General,
The Mail boat arrived last evening but I cannot as
got find letters for you, I will this morning call upon
the Governor to see if he has anyThe day is very bad Sir, if it ceasses raining I will
come out to you, with the papers and all the News I
can collect.
The enclosed letter, Capt Ledlie disired that I would
forward; to you it is upon a delicate subjeet both with
respeet to your own feelings and those of your officers.
Ever your 's dutifully

His Exedisney

N.: T.




Port of 8pain 14th DIW. 1806.



Having had for those last eight months the honor of

bearing your Commission; I conceive myself under the
neeessity of troubling your Excellency with particulars



of a conversation, which so materially affects my relative situation, as to induce me to request your Excellency instruction for my future government-Being at a Public concert last evening in Uniform,
Major Logan carne to me, as he said by desire of General
Hyslop (who was present) to say "that my appearance
there, as an Officer was improper, as none but those
known to that General Officer as such could be permitted to wear Uniform in public"
Major Logan executed his orders with as much delicacy as the nature of them wouid admit not wish standing joch I assure Your Excellency I feit much hurt
particularly as it appeared directed against your service and not to me as an Individual. My answer was
such as I trust Your Excellency will approve ; "That
as no conduct of mine had disgraced t,he Charaeter of
an Offieer, which I had the honor to be in the service
of General Miranda; I trusted that in any cloathes I
should support that of a Gentleman: Yet, I conceived
myself necessiated to obey the orders of the Governor
of the Island".
I beg Your Excellency will instruct me on this head,
as independant of my anxiety to retain my Official
situation in the execution of Your Grand Project ; my
uniform at this moment was a convenience to my light
With the highest consideration I have the honor
to be
Your Excellency's
Obet h Servt


8r.e. &e. are.

N.: T.








Span 19th

Dec. 1806.

yesterday sent you a message about a Man
of the name of Andr, who saya he knew & lived with
you in London. I am just informed t,hat he has gone on
Board the Leander & insisted upon remaining there,
where I have ordered him to be stand untill I know
what you wish to be done with him.If I may be
allowed to Judge from appearances I think him a vain
, & that he is fitten for a man of war than any
other service.
Nothing new if there was I should be afraid to
repeat it, as handly any thing falsehood paper Current
here. Nevertheless I trust you will Believe me to be
trusty faithfully yours
MT Molini



Briarly will be off in an hour or two, I have not yet

will not
be in his power to give it.
revd any thing from him, & am much afraid it



N . : T. VIII, f. 187.


19th 1806.

My Dear General.
sail this day for Barbadas & shall not fail to say
Every thing I can to the Admiral about your situation
be. I hope on my arrival to find your Expedition ready
84 I have no doubt every thing will turn out much to
your satisfaction. You must keep up your spirits, &
I shall Expect by the time I return to see you a finish 'd
Manager. Any thing you want until My Return I beg
you will send to Mr Candleton for he is my attorr &
will be happy to render you any & Every attention I



beg you will therefore use no ceremony but use him &
his Interest in Every way you may want or wish. 1
shall be with you God willing on the 5 th of Janyuntill
which I beg you to accept my sincere good wishes &
believe nie D r General
Your Ever truly


Give my Compliments to Smith.

lis Excer

N.: T. VIII, f. 188.

Amigo mio : Sin embargo qe no hay en quien confiar

pa comunicarnos nuestras desdichas, por que no ay otras
materias, hago esta para que de casa de Ir Simon se
la dirijan guando aya alguno de la casa qe baya, y Vm.
se dignar quanto mas antes pueda decirme quanto
guste, y quanto aya savido sobre si emos de acabar de
desexperar en esta inaccion y confusiones que nos rodean que a de ser de nosotros, pues graduo sabra Vm.
algo de la fuente por estar cerca de ella, y ser regular
la bisite amenudo, lo q mi me es dificil por no tener
para comoer quanto mas para alquilar bestia, y q
aunque quisiera repetir biages a pie no tengo Zapatos
sino un par (de los de los soldados) ordinarisimos de
dos q pedi el otro dia Armstron. (el otro me salio
podrido desp de 8. dias q andube tras del Yngs que
tiene las llaves del Almacen, y darlos como de limosna,
&ca) Habr, amigo, mayor extremo de miseria y tolerancia creo cf no; y ni que se allen otros qe nosotros
qe las aguanten. Ya yo me enquentro sin fuerzas p a mas
tolerar; pues me encuentro sin con q comer absolutamente: tengo mal bendido, dias hace, albas Existencias
de plata, como ebillas de calson', charreteras 8re, y esta
pobre de Petronila, desp de estar desnuda, tamiz,' a mal



bendido sus alagitas, y empeado otras, y no tiene mas.

Ocurrirnos a Dir Simon, hace como 16" dias pa
socorriese con ocho pa,
a otro, (q hacia llorar, &c a ) pa lo propio, y ni respuesta
la mas leve: ocurri a otro, y desp de decirme "bien
empleado est a Vm. lo g e sufre, &e ere g, por g no ba
al Seor Miranda pa q le pague o guando menos lo
faborezca, puesto que a Vm. y a todos los demas, los a
los estiperdido, y acarreado el odio de un pueblo
maba / y al tenor de esto otras varias cosas q ensarto,
me dio prestados los ocho p. A todo lo qual nada le
contest, y porque / por q le suplicaba, me ampar, y
por cie en mucho llevava razn. Se acabaron los ocho p
y antes de ayer, sano Peta; por Diosando por las Pulpenas a q le tomasen unos tabacos, y no all q n le
quisiese ni un real y ya llorando, paso ante su Cuada
de Vm. y le prest dos duros. Maana, ya amanecemos
(si es q e vibimos) sin una quartilla. Ayer espir el mes
de casa, q son tres p" y no hay absolutamente lo ms
leve con q satisfacer, ny q ocurrir p a q los preste.
O Dios eterno, ilumina mi entendimiento para no hacer
im disparate
Quando fuy a berlo Vm. y al Gral, la bispera dirigi a este Seor, una carta refiriendole algunas cosas
concernientes a sus Inters y a la deplorable mi situacion, pa que guando menos se dignase mandarme pasar
algun diario; y aune me dijo de palabra, q al dia
siguiente benia al puerto, como lo berific, nada
resuelto; prueba de ello es, quanto llevo a Vm. expuesto,
sin embargo qe me deg ver guando lleg, y desp, por si
havia algo q e me consolase, dado mis buenas ante el
dho. Sr de Armstron, mas siempre me bueno a mi
pobre quarto suspirando &e.
Quanto cada uno de nosotros sufrimos, no se le
oculta a los enemigos. Asi es que se mofan y alegran
a su plena satisfaccion, aumentando su inumano regocigo, la accion q el otro dia hizo, (por miseria tea ) el
Yslefio, y otro Zambo, robando dos reloges y un pauelo. I y a quien / a Sanda. Los pusieron en un calabozo; y aun estn: Dicen que asta no berlo azotar por



las Calles, no an de parar, y lo coseguiran, por e basta

fuese la Expedid y q fuese domestico u el mozo del
Caballo del Gral.
A mas; esta Calle donde abito, se alborot su becindario, hace como 6 dias ; gritando, a uno que panda
huia por algo, bolor, bolor, Miranda, Miranda: Aora,
hadtmon" cargo, q aumento de descredito nos sobre-

cargan todas estas cosas, pa siempre jamas.

Quanto es aderente u anexo, a qualesquiera idea

buena q haya en planta a seguir el negocio consabido,
son todos estos puntos contrarisimos, como se colige, y
segun me parece no dejan de aumentarlos los oficios
que sospecho contra el Gral. M r Kirkland. Este, ya no
es bueno, sino pa hacer todo dao; por lo q seria muy
del caso, procurase el Gral con todo esfuerzo lo echasen
de todos estos dominios q t mas antes.
Mucho cuidado dan ya los compaeros; pues nadie
da razon la mas leve del Bergantin donde bienen.
Amigo oy escribo a Vm. quanto ocurre a mi consternado corazon. No s maana ge sera de mi. . . y a
Dios que nos guie.
De su mas d'a Am y desdichado


Somos 20, de Die".

P. D.Un dia aguantare sin comer; p dos no, y de

consigt qualesqra cosa pa alimentarme, Nadie crehe q
el Gral, no tiene dinero pa siquiera socorrer a los qe
tienen mas meritos y se allan mas necesitados; y lo q
dicen es, q lo q quiera ay es, q todos se aburran y se
hayan pa no pagar a nadie. Aaden, 4 sino tienen dinero, 6 como ay tantos combites, y gastos pa el Secretario, Armistron &ca como lo b todo el pueblo Que todo
es picardia, pa con los pobres Espaoles y Americanos.
Esto me lo a dho. un Espaol, por haberlo atendido lo
ablavan entre barios del Como Fuma y Esp. = A todas
mis angustias, se me agregan los disgutos por los requerimientos de mis acredores ; pues d a Juana Robles
asta me a escrito como amenazandome sino le pago.



Soulage, de palabras lo propio; Batista id; de manera

aguardo de un dia a otro un par de ministros por
estos sugetos, y otros a quienes devo ; Para qe bea Vm.
cr es berdad incluyo dos cartas, de la Robles q e guardara
y debolbera = Si uyo de unos en la calle, enquentro con
otros donde menos pienso = Crea Vm Am e, qe si yo
Vbiera penetrado hablamos de bolber, Tan desatendidos, y esta Ysla donde era de pensarse todo lo q pasa
yoono hubiera ido, la expedicn.

Ale. y Sr.

D. C. C.

A D. CARLOS Cailzao &ea.

Ciudad de

S. Josef.
Nota: El autor de esta carta ea Jos M. Rico, quien por humorada y
dado. su situacin y el contenido de aquella firma Jos M. Pobre.
N.: T. VIII, f. 189.

Mr Lynch presente his compliments to bis Excellency

General Miranda, requests that he wil be so obliging as
to spare him W Briarly's House, for a few hours. if
his Excellency can make it both agreeable and convenient to himselfMr Lynch begs have to apologise for
not sending with for his Excellency's use as usual-it
being occasioned by the women whose business it was to
milk the Cow absenting herself without any cause. Mr
Lynch begs pardon for the trouble he gives to his Excellency and remains with greatest respect
His most obdt humbt Servt
Decembr . 22 d 1806
N.: T. VIII, f. 198.



Ptto. de Espaa y Dzbre-22 de .1806

Muy Venerado Sor. y mi mas amado Gral. Apesar

de muchas bueltas que tengo dadas no he podido hablar
a ninguno de los colombianos que con interes busco, y
solo es al Cor' Amsthron como de mas reposo escrivia en
el Apartamento del. y me instruye cree sierta la noticia
de haver pasado los Buques consavidos por delante de
la Granada con rumbo para abajo pues aparese estar
tomado Curazao por dos Fragatas y un Navo al Comando de uno de los Comandantes que estubieron en
Aruba y hay otro opuesto a las ordenes que llevaba pero
lo f orzo el Almirar Crocran mas fortificado a bolber
y lo tiene ebacuado contra su primer inobediencia.
Aparese tambien otro reenqentro de Ingleses con
Fraile y despues de 5 horas de batirse como acostumbran ganaron los Ntros con otras mas novedades de
suerte las que necesitan de confirmacion y no oriento
de estas a -V. por no haver entendido bien la lengua
francesa ge me habla el que deso dho me informa.
Smhit come hoy con el Honor. Concejero Smhit.
Comande de Diego Martin raro de ver a aquel.
A mi regreso noticiare a V. noticias adquiridas
de la Margarita por un prisionero de esta Colonia ya
cangeado y restituido.
Sepa V. que hoy eran las elecciones para hacer los
nuebos Alcaldes ordin y esto es lo que me hizo prevenir
a benir sospechandome lo mismo que esta preparado
por si todavia tenia influxo, excusar como dos aos ya
pasados lo practique que no fuese Sozzano electo, pero
ahora soy seguro que va ha obtener con seguridad el
boto de los Rexidores Espaoles y me creo tambien que
es de los Franceses y puede de alguno o mas Yngleses
lo sierto es que sale y guando no que lo dudo sera Basanta su segundoambos nos son mui perjudiciales y
lo qe lo ha prohivido este dia es que S.E. mando se suspendiese el acto hta. pasada la Ley Marcial, que se tir
a las ocho de la mariana. Z. declar a V. no serme ya
posible ningun oficio capaz a trastornar el amacijo mas
estoy sobradamte seguro en que es el sitado Sozzano. y
caso de evento. Busanta seran los Magistrados este es



uno de ellos, este ao proximo si V. con su poder no lo

trastorna en un Yngles y un Frances que lo deven ser
por el orden establecido.
La toma de la Fraga Frana es falsa segun Amsthron
dice que subsiste en el Ptto. pero la boz gral del pais es
que salio a los momentos de llegada y que deve estar ya
en Europa &.
He visto nuestro Hosp' y este con muchas cosas que
sin respeto se dicen con otros adjuntos pasages que a
cada momento pasan no nos hacen otros oficios que el
deshonor ya es demaciado esto. no parese estamos en
parte del Imperio de S.M.B. mas indica a ser pais de
S.M.C. todos nos escupen a la cara. ya no tenemos el
menor aucilio. la miceria nos ba ultiman:1'e a devorar y
mas son indicios de un desastre que otra cosa. lo sierto
es que el Gral Hislop ignora todo esto y piensa mui
distinto pues jusga somos bien admitidos qdo. es una
bergenza el vernos y asi lo representa la adjunta carta
de Rico que es un Ebangelio por que en poco tpo. lo he
confirmado por mi mismo. ello es que nosotros somos
unicamente los aflixidos despreciados y perseguidos
y a cada qual lo veo mui bien parado como no sea de los
que mas bien han observado las Leyes del honor en la
Expedicion. y como me amenaza una suerte semejante
mui pronto aquien e de recurrir sino a mi unico pao
de lagrimas que es mi Venerado Gefe y Sor, a quien
antes de partir o en la primera vez que tube el honor
de ver signifiqe lo intimidado que estaba en este pais.
y V. me reprocho que estando ya aqu de que se temia,
y que era cobardia lo que no hera por Dios y si pues
vien aquello y esto que con dolor tocamos.
Acabo de saber que S.E. quiere se nombre de Alcalde
a Garhdinet ; y por otro lado se dice que es para nombrar tantos & diputados de todas las naciones que residen en la Colonia, a efecto de qe botando en fabor
las leyes Ynglesas estableserlas y luego representarlo a
S. M. Dios nos traiga qto. antes a la Expedicion n e es
el primer interes y asi saldremos los infelices de la
indigencia y persecucion. Rico me ha dho. que Kerklan
hace los mas malos oficios y lo propio Adrien.



Deceo a V. toda satisfaccin. Su mas atento subdito

sere Q. B. S. M.
Ciamos Ceras.

P. D.La Escases me dispensa la libertad del papel

y escritura qe a V. rendidamente suplico.
N.: T. VIII, f. 194.

Deere. 1806.

Mon cher General

Je vous envois deux Papiers, par les queis vous
verrs, que les choses ont tourn exactement comme
nous nous y etions attendu. Les prussiens sont a tous les
diablesvous verrs cependant avec plaisir que Pangleterre ne pense pas a la Paix.quand vous aurs lu
ces papiers, a votre aise, mon Negre me les rapportera,
car je n'ai fait que jetter les yeux dessus.Si les
Papiers & letters de Briarly lui ont t envoys chs
vous, veuills bien aussi selon son desir les remettre a
mon petit Negre. puisque vous tis si pres je suis fach
que vous ne soyis pas venu partager mon petit din.
croys moi avec respect & consideration
Cher General
Votre tres devoue

N.: T.

VIII, f. 198.

Deer. 1806.


Dear General.
Christmas times con nosotros are times of feasting
and merrimentyou have heard the adage "Christmas
time comes once a year & when it comes it brings good
Cheer"Asi esta pero el good Cheeramigo yo no lo
puedo prometer a V.Sin embargo tal qual, We will



be very glad to have t,he pleasure of your Company to

partake of it that day at Barataria of which Mr Lacorte my son in Law isGobernador interino en ausencia del Sancho.your friends are mostly absent and
those who remain have all their parties, for the day, so
that you will be left sohlt sin sola, unless you join ours
a la dha. Ysla del duque. Bula no tendremos muchaLambotDir Smith, y otro muchacho son los unicos

Por aca, Estamos sin novedad, pero me parece que

el primer barco de la Barbada nos traera algo de importancia1 am Dear General with regard
Your very Obedt Servt

N.: T. VIII, f. 199.

Trinidad 22 8epr 1806.

My Dear General
As I wrote you fully by the Elephant there is little
left for me to say than to wish you every possible successI send the Trinidad with some enterceoted letters
from Natives of which I dont think you have much to
fear from the Force sent against you particularly if
yola have been reinforced and joined by the Natives.
I wish I could send you five or six Regt and if the
negotiation for peace blow off I do not despair of a
soon arriving from Englandto place you in perfectly



I mean to remain here for three weeks longer and

hope to hear of your success before I depart for Barbadas
I ever am
My dear General
Your most sincerily


N.: T. VIII, f. 200.

Noth. Trinidad
22 Septr 1806.

Dear General
I congratulate you on the effetionate terms in which
the enclosed speech of your exertion. as it may be of use
for you to know your EnemiesGen' Hislop and I have
concluded to send you the originals
Ever yours
N.: T. VIII, f. 202.


Trinidad 19 Septr 1806.


Ever mindfull of your attention to me while here
as well as to shew my unshaken Zeal in the Good Cause.
have requested Lieut Briarly to allow me to address
your Ex7 a few unes his boat, there has not a single
sylable of direct news reached us of your success which
make us all very anxious. You must recollect that when
you was here. I mentioned that I had a firend on the
Coast who was also a friend to the Cause. he was made
a prisoner of at Point Peter (Punta Piedra) he has
made his escape by force of money with hearty inten-



tions of new returning untill a eharge of affairs there

a great many report have arrived here from Guyria
Cumana &c. but they are so very contradictory that it
is impossible to attaeh eredit to either one tho only
intelligence arrived here on which we can place any
dependence, are some better intercepted in a Spainish
Correo they mention that then had been a small action
of la Vela de Coro and t,hat Lieut Carabaa a Creole of
this Island with 1000 Men were defeat by 200 landed
from your Ships & that said Carabaa had died of his
wounds--same accounts says the Capt General had left
Caracas -w4 4200 Men 14 piece of Canon 1400 Mules and
60.000 Cartridges that they were destined for Sn Carlos
& Valencia that the waited (Martinez) is as left in
Chief Command at Carearas ve 180 Men At Ocumar"
pero sin armas y que la mitad de la Gente que fue con
El Capitan Gen' no tenia Armas y las armas que havia
faltava llavesso that upon the whole I am led to
believe that all the bad news set on foot by Pla y Salazar
are false, I had Salazar before the Governor for some
of his reports but nothing was done to him "aunque
confeso el que era mentiro que no havia recebido tales
noticias" I hope in God my friends have proved themselves men and worthy of the Commission they bear and
an honor to that CountryEl Gobierno Espaol ha confiscado las tierras de D" Vicente Bontero en la Costa
In hopes of having something from you direct soon I
will conelude with my hearty good wishes for success
to your plans and a speedy conclusion so that peace may
be established on a sure basis and trade flourishit is
likely Mitchel & myself will come down when certain
news arrives (that is direet) I remain with respect
Sir Your very betr Servant

Excuse the liberty taken in enclosing a letter to one


of your

N.: T. VIII, f. 208.




My Dr Sir,

224 1806.

I have the happiness of inclosing you some good

News from your countrymen at Caracas. The Inclosed
Intercepted Originals must be of great moment to you
just now ; The admiral is lose by me, & also writes you,
there is little doubt of your ultimate success & if you
attack the Cap" General you have nothing more to do.
I hope the 74 Gun Ship & Frigate has join 'd & that
they have landed at least 500 Men in Buch an Event you
will be in Caracas in three weeks without Oposition.
WouM to God. I could join you, the Admiral has promis 'd that I shall if you should write him that you are
in want of my services. Give my best Respects to all;
I will particularise none as they are all my Friends.
God bless you & grant your success is the heart felt
wish of your sincere Friend

His Exel

N.: T. VIII, f.

My dear Sir,


Port of Spain Trinidad

23(1 Septr 1806.

Ever since your departure we have been filled with

so many different accounts of prosperity and adversity

in your undertakings and from some many differents
quarters, that we have been at a loss what to believeLatterly however they have all inclined to be favorable
and the arrival of the Admiral a few days informing us
that additional Naval were fragments had gone down
has made us perfectly easy as to your success which
raust now be compleatSome interceptect letters
which you will receive by this oppY ) will fully explain



the fears of the whole Country and the weak resourees

they have to oppose youIt was one of the stregest
and truest maximes of the freneh revolution that "a
People has only to will it and they must be free'
the Justice and advantages you of fer that long oppressed and unfortunate People, must open their Eyes
to conviction and their united efforts must accomplish
the wished for object-From the General and Admiral you will receive
many letters and Papers whieh will give you all the
news both here and the other side of the waterReports
of Peace are very strong however I am one of the few
that will not give credit to its being so near as is generally believedIt is a melancholly truth however, that
Judgement and propriety has not bee,n the ruling conduct of our Councils for some time pastand we may
therefore expect the worst. Your object must now be so
far advanced that I trust Peace, come when it will,
will have no influence against youand I have strong
reason to think that the British Nation see now the
necessity and propriety of going hand in hand with
youI will not take up your time from more important
objects, but repeat my assurance that you have my best
wishes for your health prosperity and happiness and
the many friends I have with you I remain ever
My dear Sir Yours sincerely

Your Friends are all safe

when you order them to be sent,
it is not impossible but I may
accompany them



N.: T. VIII, 2. 208.



Galatea, Off
la Guyra, 80'11 Sept'. 1806.

Dear Sir
I met the Trinidad Schr--& have put Lieutt Sibley

in the best way I can of finding youI hope to God,

the Dispatches will meet your most sanguine Expectation of reinforcement from Europe, when no doubt your
Wishes wd shortly be gratified to their utmost Extent
A participation in the future Events of your Enterprize wd be gratifying to me and hope it may turn
out soAccept my best Wishes for your success
& believe me,
respectfully your's very truly
Gr.o. SAus
N.: T. VIII, f. 213.


Port of Speis 28"11 0etr 1806.

I have the pleasure to inform you that after a very

unpleasant & Dangerous Passage from Grenada (which
we left whilst you wind in sight of it) we last Eevening
anchord off this place.Immediately after, I gave permission to all Buch of the Officers as had friends on
establesaxnents here to go on shore, in order to lessen
the Crowd & Spence of, those that are obliged to remain
there, whose situation I can assure you is far from
being pleasant.
On my landing I deliverd your Letter to my friend
Briarly who desires me to assure you that every thing
in his power shall be done to meet your wishes, I have
also seen our friend Capt Holmes & both beg to be rememberd to you.
I this morning deliverd yours to the Gov who
inquird very kindly after your health, but seid nothing
as to the Contents of the Letter; and as I was ignorant
of it 1 coud say nothing on the subject.



This will be deliverd you by Lt Murray of the Cchr

Ballatros, he is a very fine young man & can give you
much information about Cumana ; where he was a long
time prisoner.He is accompanied by a young Gen-

tleman a Mr Kinning who brings you several Letters

from America, with which he come out for the purpose
of forming the Expedition, which I shall hope will go
on tho from what I have learnt here it appears to me to
be very doutfull, Whilst at Grenada I sent with a Gentleman there who not long ago was a Prisoner at Angostura, who recommended strongly an attack on that
place, which he said coud not fall of success & woud
amply repay every thing.And as it is a favorite
object here, I have little doubt we coud procure a suffissant number of man to go upon it, provides the Admiral lands us his assistance, & Government does not
interfere in it.
Our leaving Aruba, which know to have been contrary to your opinion 84 that of all your principal Officers, will not be favorably received by the Admiral.
But I trust he will let the Blame rest where it shoud
fall.I have not yet seen Col' Hall but am informed
that he is very unwell tho not in a Dangerous situation
Williamson was at N. York but did not remain bef ore he returned to LondonAnd from some links I
have I think it is probable that he is still engaged in
his original Plan.
Mr. Smith has had long Letters from Mr O who is
much displeased with the conduct of both the Lewis's,
who had returned to N. York
All the people in America wish your success &
thousands woud flock to you standard, coud undertake
er hold a position on the Main, which yet must be

With the most perfeet Esteem, Believe me Ever
truly & faithfully yours

N.: T. VIII, f. 214.




Willitonsfield 28 Deo'. 1806.

Dear Admiral,
I have just received your letter of 23 CurrentI am happy to hear that the modern Attilla has been
beaten by the Russian & Russ. .Armies ; but I shall
wait the confirmation before I give 3 Cheers.
The attentive is not arrived yet ; but I hope that
Providence will protect her, as I dont place much confidence in the prudence of the Commander.
I expect with anxiety the arrival of the next Packet
and that you will by that time communicate to me
something decisive concerning the dear object of my
heart, our beloved Colombia. I do believe that while
the People of S. America dont take up arms and join
the English in the defense of her independency, nothing is solid on that Continent and that the undertaking of Great Brit : may be overthrown and defeated
ultimately, after all!
God bless you my good Admiraland send me favorable accounts and results as soon as possible.
Sincerely and for ever your

P. S.

As our friend Captn Briarly, will have given you

all the news of TrinidadI leave this article to bim,
and to Capte Holmes.
eze. 80. 8ze.

N.: T. VIII, f. 216.

Port of Spoin 16th Nov'. 1806.

Yours Excellency
I hope will not look upon me as importuning, when
I return to request you will have the goodness to pay
me from the date of my Conmission up to the present




Month, you promissed when I was here before I shoud

have my pay, I only received Ten Dollars, I am heartily

sorry to be thus troubsone, being now under the greatest obligation to strangers for my present subsistance :
and am in want of cloaths and others necessaries, I
trust your Excellency will do me this favorI have the
honor to remain
Your Excellency
Very Humble Servant


His Excelleney


in Chief



N.: T.

VIII, 2. 217.

Port of Spain 2d Dee 1806.

By order of Gen' Miranda I have to inform you that
he received yours of the 29' u1VThe purporse of
which he conceives to be so highly improper and contrary to every military principie, that in Duty to himself for the good of the service he thinks it proper that
you shoud immediately be dismissed from it, and you
are hereby dismissed & no longer to be considered as
an Officer under his Command.
I am Sir
Qr. mr. Geol. to









upper Abererobie Street

Port of Spain. Novr 29th 1806.

Your Excellency
My Letter I wrote you dated the 16th Instant, to
my infinite regret and astonishment not having as yet
received any answer, I am again induced to trouble you
thinking it might through hurry of business have escaped your attentionmy wants are now so many and
so powerful that I am obliged through necessity to be
thus importunate, how can any reasonable person expect that a man who has been so long in your service
without receiving pay, and who has no resources at
command can possibly live or make any appearance
as a Gentleman, I therefore request an immediate answer to this, unless I get it ; I shall apply to His ExceRene Govenor Hislop, and state to him my case requesting his assistance. I have now written you the
sentiment of my mind in plain language that I might
be fully understood, and also that you may be enable
to draw your conclusions from it. I have the honor
to be
Your Excellencys
Most Obedient Humble Servt
Jrz :

His Excellene


His Excellency

Commander in Chief
Army Columbia
&e. &e. &e.
N.: T. VIII, f. 219.

Onroan---Lieut. Engineer


Port of Span


Deor. 1806.

Your Excelleney
Sinee reeeiving your Order sent me by Col' Armstrong, I have writen you, dated the 7 th Instant, for
a settlement of my pay, to which I pereeive no attention
has been to it, I can remain Idle no longer, I therefore
request a settlement may be made without any further
delay, otherwise I shall be under the neeessity of putfing it into the hands of an Attorney to proeeed upon
aceording to Law.
I have the honor to be
Your Excelleney
Most Obedt Humble Servt
JN Oaroan.

His Excelleney

Commandr. in Chief
Army of Columbia.
His Exeelleney

&e. &e. &e.

Port of


N.: T. VIII, f. 220.

Dear General,

Port Spain
Jcies7 1st 1807.

Nothing new since I saw youThe packet is expected every dayIf you will permit one of the boys to
bring the mule into town, I will come out to morrow



Many returns Sir, of the present New Year to you

I hope it will produce more happy days--than the

Holmes is off to the great Joy of manyHe desired

me to say to youthat he was so busily occupied bef ore
his departure that he could not go out to see youbut
that on board ship he would write to you very fullyBelieve me affectionatly
W. 5. SMITH.

N.: T. VIII, f. 221.

Barnes 20 Sept 1806.

My Dear General
I had the pleasure to write you a few days ago, &
having Occasion to write to my very particular friend
Gen' Bowyer, I send you then few additional unes
wider his cover, which I am saw that he will forward
be you in the safest & most expeditions manner, & be
happy to be of every service or assistance to you that
may be in his PowerNo accounts have yet been received of your landing. but we anxiously, & from day
to day expect them. Mr Ludlow has indossed to me, a
Bill for 1000that you drew on Mr Lambot & entreat
me to recover, in some way, the Payment of it as he
says in his letter, you told him that I had under my
control, considerable Property belonging to you. That
however shall remain sacredly preserved, & taken care
of. but I a mendeavoring to prevail on Government to
pay this Bill, as they did to others for 2000No successor is yet appointed to Mr FoxLord Spencer in
the meantime acts as Secretary for foreing affairsLord Howick is talked of& Lord Burhingham to be



first Lord of Admiraltybut Mr Tho Grenville I think

has the best Chance Ministers have put Buenos
Ayres on the same footing with the West India Island,

Ships from trading thither, & laying a heavy Duty
Neutral on German or Russia linnens--when you succeed, every thing will in this Respect be arranged to
the satisfaction of you & t,he inhabitants of the Caraccas I long to hear from youBelieve me my D G, always & sincerely Yours

On Wednesday next I have an appointment to be

with Lord Grenville, when probably you may be

&O. &e. &c.

&C. &e. &e.

N.: T. VIII, f.


My Dear Sir

I have not of late done myself the pleasure to write

you anidosly waiting to know the Result of your Proceedings. Mr Fitzwilliam wrote me a short letter from
Coro, on the 9* August & MT Molini's father sent me
an Extract of a letter from his Son dated the 22" Septem from Aruba. In it he mentions that MT Fitzwilliam
had been despached by you to Barbadoes, & that on his
arrival there, I would be informed of every circunstance-- No letters have yet reached me from hini, but
when they do, I hope that I shall have the satisfaction,
whieh I have been long writing for of hearing from
myselfI was yesterday with Mr Vansittart, who has
reeeived your Despatehes, & whieh he has deliverd to
Lord GrenvilleWhen they are returned to him, he



promises to send them to me & in the meantime has

requested that I would let you know, that Lord
Grenville & the other Ministers had not yet come
to a Determination in regard to affording you effectual supports ; tht when they did, he would write
you& that I might say, that your Business rather
looked favorablyIndeed, I am inclined to think, that
Government is now determined, to take a very active
Part in wresting South America out of the hand of the
SpaniardsGen' Crawford has sailed with a very considerable force which its thought to be intended against
Vera Cruz or Mexico--& if you are enabled to obtain
possession of the Provinces from Guiana to the Isthmus of Darien, all the Eastern side of St America would
be reduced ; & it is to be hoped, that a proper Form of
Government on your Midst, would be established.
It is infinitely to be regretted, that you had not in
proper time, sufficient assistance since M r Grenville
has been at the head of the Admiralty, I talked to him
on the subject & he very candidly said to me that Government felt themselves circunstancd with you as the
French were with the Irish. The Irish applied to the
French to come & assist them, & they would all rise to
cooperate with them but the French said, Risc you first
& then we will come & assist you. So, Mr Grenville
said, that Ministers waitd till the Americans should
shew their Disposition to come forwardI trust that
they are now satisfied ; & that every thing will at last
go on well.
Mr Martin & your Boys are very weil; & all around
me unite in kindest wishes & compliments
Always & most sincerely

London 20 Nov. 1806.

&C. &e. &c.

N.: T. VIII, 4. 228.



January 1, 1807.

The GOVERNOR request the honor of your Company to a BALL, at Government-house, on Monday,

the 19th instant.


N.: T. VIII, f. 281.

Belnamt Jan". 7111 1806.

My Dear General
The enclosed have just come to my hands with several letters for me from Barbados, to which I must
beg you will impute the mistake I have unfortunately
been guilty of in breaking the Seal of yours before
I discovered to whom it was addressed. I must rely
on your usual kindness for pardoning just an instance
of inattention.
No confirmation yet of the late favorable Reports
but they are by no means descredited. A circunstance lately occured which leads one to hope that a
Reverse has happened to Bonaparte. An Officer of
the Navy who was sent by the Admiral with a cartel to
Guadeloupe was (contrary to former Captn.) not per-

mitted to land, and the most positive orders were given

that he should not be allowed to speack to any soul
except the soldiers who were sent to enforce the order,
and on the Return of the Officer to Barbados he mentioned this circunstance to the Admiral, observing at
the same time that from the objected appearance of
the soldiers, it struck him, together with the unusual
order which had been given, that they liad received
some unpleasant tidings which they were not desirous
he should know.
It is to be remarked that he had not heard any thing
before of the favorable accounts which had reached
Barbados.God Grant they may prove true 1 Adieu



My Dear General 84 accept of the best wishes of your

very faithful
Hum Servt

T. VIII, t. 282.


Barbs. 23 Deo. 1806.

My Dear General
I yesterday received your letter of the 3d ocurrt
and am happy to find from Col Downie that you enjoy
good health. I am much against your residing of
Williamsfield as I do nothing you are safe. your Enemies on the Main may have some villains to do you
I hope by this time that the "Attentive" has reached Trinidad . . . and that your visit to the Coast altho
not so successful as we could have wished will I trust
have the way for the final liberation of Columbia.
You will be happy to hear that Bonny has had a
checke the Russians and prussians have beat him twice
and killed 10.000taken 22.000 the third Battle he left
the prussians master of the Field in this luct both parfies had lost nearly 14.000 men.
Depend on my giving you the earliest information
relative to your wishes about Columbia I hope the
packet when she arrives will put that in my power.
Adieu my dear General
Ever sincerely yours

N.: T. VIII, f. 284.



Barbados. 29u, Dec. 06.

Dear General,
After a tedious passage, I arrived here only this day
Both Gen' Bowyer, & the Admiral, are indesiderably most cordial towards your Enterprize, and are
highly sensible, of the great Benefits that Mankind, on
the whole world would derive from the success of it
But without orders from House on an arrival of
Troups I fear General Bowyer will not move in the
The Adm' good man, is now most cordial.
All the Officers of this Garrison and indeed every
one have wish in their Heart that Troups may now be
on their way out to follow up the S. American Project,
and at two of the Regimental Messes I have dined at
hour ; Those has been a . . . taken to "Gen' Miranda
Health and my Goveniment soon follow up his Plans".
I send you herewith an Extract of a Note I this
morning received from an Officer of Rank here, which
will give you an idea, of the sensation general here.
I wait him very anidously for the arrival of the
Packet. which is now over due, and which raust bring
something important.
I beg my best regards to Col' Smith, and 32 Moliny,
and remain very sincerely
Dear Gen'
Your Faithfull
& attached servant

P. S.Before sealing this letter allow me to wish

that you may long live to enjoy many happy years,
and that you may soon see yours laudable Project
fully accomplished.
J. D.

&e. &e.
N.: T. VIII, 2. 285.




A Non



My Dear Sir,
I have just recev. the Notes you favourd me with.
The subjects they embrace are certainly highly interesting to the world at large. Every one must be sensible
that the Generals Enterprize was founded an a through
knowledge of the sentiments of the people and of the
Country to which was directed, 85 that liad circunstances
admitted, or permitted of the support of a certain
number of British Soldiers, the object could have easily
effected. I hope that Government will still be disposed
to promote the Generals views, and that they still may
be attended with success.
The aboye is part of a long letter I have on this
subject, and these are the sentiments general in this

Barbados. 29th Dec. 06.

N.: T. VIII, 2. 287.

Whitehalls respectful compliments to General

Miranda & begs leave to inform him that he has been
applied to be some of the Leander's Mariners to libels
& arrest the Ship for Wages due ; As
Whitehall is
not desirous to proceed to legal Measures before the
General & apprised of the Intention of the Sailors, he

is in hopes that some Mode in the interim may be

adopted so as to satisfy the complaints of the Crew &
present the necessity of applying to a Court of Admiralty for Redress. He begs the Generals answer at his

&C. &C.
N.: T. VIII, f. 288.

Port of Spain 6th Decemo. 1806



At the Instanee of Messr Graham & Roberts Holders of your Bifi for 1500 Stlg drawn on M r Joseph
Lambot of this Island in favour of Saml G-Ogden &
duly protested, saw to request the payment thereof
your answer on the subject that I may lay the same
before my Clients for their DireetionsI am Sir!
Your most obede hum Servt
Jx: Warrxxam.

Port of Spain

Monday Noon
5 th Jan'. 1807.

N.: T. VIII, 2. 239.

Mi Gral: La Seora de Lopez Mayan dadora, es la

e me asiste y ampra : Bi para ber si cobra 4.1/2 pesos

que le deven en Maraca: Suplico Vm. le d algo p

remediarnos, pues estiraos tan pobres que ya es berguenza, y nadie nos quiere favorecer, ni prestar, &e'
De su mas obed t subdito
q le benerara
2/n.0 /807.



P. D.Esta Seora est, en mairia amonestada, por

el bestia de Maioral, q conforme baxo ally la remite
amarrada al Juzgado Superior. Todo por qe. dice avita
con un traidor, como yo, del Rey Casa Lobos. He procurado barios q me amparaban antes; pero ni respuesta



logrado. Asy me es imposible existir, por lo q e suplico

a Vm. me diga, qe devo hacer.

Al General D.
en sus manos.
N.: T. VIII, t.


Mi mui Venerado Gral, y mas apresiable Seor:

Estoy apie por haverme la suegra quitado el Macho con
algunas indirectas de las del Padre Cobo acompaadas.
Ya Sor. mio carisimo me faltan las fuerzas para
sufrir una vida tan triste como nunca me promety pues
para un hombre honesto, cada paso de estos son otras
tantas mortales heridas que le consumen con insoportables tormentos.
Suplico a V. mi estimado Sor, el que por Dios no me
desampare en qualesquier deliveracion que intente pues
que he sido desidido aseguirle sin no variar el intento
de acompaarlo ni la causa de mi misma familia, por
qe el que asi no se puede valer segun estoy, menos utilidad podr producirla en el caso de no tener nada que
les sea favorable con aumt de mi angustia el peso de
ella, por lo que en V. depende toda mi unica esperanza
de remedio, y llegando a sntir la aflf.xion, es el momento de solicitar conzuelo implorando su auspicio
para que enconseqensia me saque de esta casa en
donde con violencia, y ya sin disimulo toleran mi persona como a estorbo desagradable a las locas imaginaciones de la suegra, y temo con sobrada razon alguna
inhumana, indigna final resulta de sus ricas combinaciones.
La gran bondad de V. tendra a bien de dispensar, y
acceder a esta mi impertinente solisitud de la que no me
ha sido posible desentenderme por lo mismo que al tanto



que l mas estremoso individuo ama a su Sor, me hallo

Yo. y ansio a V. toda satisfaccion, como eternam b3 su
atento subdito, y berdadero af t Q. B. L. M.

Ciudad de 511 Jos

y Enero 8 de 1807.
Para el Exmo. Sor
Dn. Flux. DE MiCapa. Gral.
la Armada Colombiana.



Ptto. de Espafia.
N.: T. VIII, f. 241.

General Miranda presents his compliments to W

Derrickson, and begs he will receive on board the Orinoco three or four Men belonging to the Ship Leander,
and to detain them there until the arrival of Capte
Briarly from Barbadoesthis measure being absolutely necessary for the safety of that Ship and for the
service in which she is engaged.
10th Jan,.


N.: T. VIII, f. 243.

Trinidad 12th Jan'. 1807.

Dear Sir,
The enclosed is Copy of a letter I have received
within these few days ; and in consequence of it's contents I have to request you will forward to me without
delay, by different opportunities, two duly authentieated copies of W Ogden's Guarantee, which was intended for the purpose of exonerating me from any
responsability respecting these Bills : And which was
the only inducement I had to sign them, having reeeived no compensation for them (this must be also duly




attested) they being given solely with the View of aiding and assisting M r Ogden at that critical moment.
I beg you will obtain from his the particulars of this
transaction and to transmit them to me also.
We are in daily expectation of arrival from Europe
which will enable us to move ; as soon as that will be
the case you shall hear more from me.
(Borrador sin firme)
Cor.3. SMITH

New York.

N.: T. VIII, f.


Jam, 14u1 1807.

Dear Sir
The Packet arrived yesterday, and I am sorry to
say without any letter for you.
I send you the London Papers to the 24u' by whieh
you will learn the truly desasterous state of the Prussian Army.
Col Crawford sailed on the 13 th Novr it is generally
reported that Lima is his destination, Sir George Provost is not notice in any of the Papers I have seen nor
does it appear that any Expedition is preparing in

I am prevented from going out to you for want of
a Horseand have send to
Lambot to request he
will send me in a Mule that I may able to pay my respects to you tomorrow.
The Govr has not yet returned to town.
I am with great respect
Your most obdt st

&. &. &.


&. &. &.


N.: T. VIII, f. 245.





Trinidad 14 Aue. 1807.


Agreeable to your orders I call'd on M T Pendleton

for Twenty Dollars, who told me he could not advance

any money.
I am with great respect
your most obedient humble servant


His Excellency

His Excellene

N.: T. VIII, f. 246.

Port spain 15 Janvier, 1807.

Monsieur Le general,

Nous avons fait Pacquisition du Cabildo, et vous

avez dans un des magazins de cette maison quantits

d'objets d'aucune valenr qui nous embarrassent beaueoup et qui nous occasionnent des frais, etant obliges de
louer nous meme un autre magazin en ville pour nos
marchandises. nous vous prions de vouloir bien faire
demenager ces objets ou nous authoriser a les faire
Nous sommes avec Respect
Monsieur le general,
Vos tres humble et
ob" serviteurs
MONIER panurca pnEnzs.

P. S.Veuillez nous adresser votre reponse a notre

liaison en ville.

Port spain
N.: T. VIII, f. 247.



Port of Spei*

15th Janv.ary 1807.

His Excelleney

Sir Having hand the honour of being appointed by

you Commander of Ship Leander I think it my Duty
to acquaint you I have Received Information that the
Men of that Ship have appointed an agent in this Place I
who is making every Preparation to have the Ship sold
I should not have Presumed to Trouble you only that
I wish to Make Known to you that there are some
Points in the Seafairing Line which Probably you are
not aware of that will Prove the Ring leaders of this
business and several others concerned are from their
improper Conduct not Intitled to any wages as I wish
to shew my attachment to you and your Cause I am of
any time most convenient to yourself Ready to Call and
Personally Give you my Sentiments on this Business
and also to go forward in Court and Give My Evidenee
accordingly But this Shall I leave to your Better Judgement.
Remaining With Every Respect your Excelleney,

Most Humble St.

His Excellene

&e. &e. tte.

N.: T. VIII, f. 248.

J. Dommes
Ship Leander



My dear Gen'

Accept my warmest congratulation. The Court have

determined that Cap. Hancock has not any claim whatever against you, & have awarded him to pay all CostsYou would have been highly gratified to have heard
the Tryal Molini will teil you
God bless you
Knox behaved like

B : B.

a prince

Iris Excellency
N.: T.

VIII, I. 249.


My Dear Sir

16' Jany 1807.

When I left you, it was fully my intention to have

returned immediately to Trinidad, provided there was
the smallest appearance that Government had any intention of supporting you, but as I cannot after every
inquiry find any appearance of it, I have by the advice
of my good friend determined on proceeding immediately to London, where I have friends able to meist me
in getting upon full pay, and also of obtaining some
Staff appointment, which will better enable me to support a family solely dependant on my exertions.
If on my arrival there is any probabity of government rendering you that assistance you merit, I will
with pleasure for go every other immediately return
to you, but when you recollect that I have now been
upwards of a year with you, incurring considerable Expenee without ever having received one farthing, I
trust you will excuse the step I am now taking for to
save myself & family from Ruin
As there is a Possibility (if your business does not
go on) that I may go to the Cape of Good Hope 1 Will
think you for a letter to your Firend Sir H. Popham,



who in that case I shall probably meet there, & I am

certain he will be happy to hear from you.
As our mutual friend Briarly will give you all the
particulars that are & have been going on here, I beg
leave to refer you to him, and to assurd you that with
the most perfect Esteem & Respect I ever am
My Dear Sir your most obed
libe Serv.


Addres for me to the Care of

Leicester Square London.




N.: T. VIII, I. 250.

Mi mas Venerado y Estimado Sor El muchacho Cayetano, en momento el mas urgente, y que mas necesidad
tenia de el, pues sigo enfermo del pie, con la mayor
ingratitud me iba hoy a abandonar por irse con Sanchez
a su Ilavitc'n despues de quererme persuadir que era dho
Sanchez el qe lo sonsacaba, resultando ser falso, y si lo
causaba el que este dixo al muchacho de que aunque lo
mataran no bolbia a salir a Expedicion alguna. en cuio
caso, bajo de este seguro de quedarse, el bribonzuelo me
abandonaba dandole untrato y con un cario como si
fuese mi mismo hijo de suerte que he descubierto tiene
una malicia la e no corresponde a sus pocos aos al
paso de ser mui resuelto, y con desbergenza, que tube
presision de hecharmele arriba delante de Sanchez,
amenazarle, y resolber que no havia de quedar a su
arbitrio, sino remitido a mi Gral. para que como Gef e



Superior de todos determinase a su placer de un tunante

semejante; es berdad que halla calor en el Sor. Sal:miles
pues a no tener esta satisfaccion el muchacho no se
arroj aria hasta disputarme que V. como havia de forzar
a Dn Domingo a que fuese otra vez ni mas, si este no
quiere ir absolutamente y asi auneis kr. quisiera no iria,
ni los demas tampoco; pero esto es presiso que lo oyese
decir a otro a lo q yo a precaucion (por que combiene
tenerlos intimidados por ahora para qe no hablen en
perjuicio) repuse que todos quantos eran enrolados era
inui seguro de que bolbian por que ofresidos al efecto a
que fuimos, ya salido una vez era absolutam te indispensable el seguir spre que se buelba sin que huviese causa
suficiente que obstase a continuar conforme y para lb
que se obligaron y asi mi mui amado Gral suplico a V.
que a este picarillo, en premio de su ingratitud soes, y
para escarmiento de otros no afectos por sus fines particulares cada qual, que ponga en seguridad o guando
no otra cosa, a bordo de un Buq de Grra. a este mala
pieza quien con el rigor producira beneficio por su
tierna edad.
Remito a V. los papeles que Sanchez me dio tornados abordo del Berg n y esa inicua falsa relacion de ntro.
suseso que dice Es positibo lo que expresa al fin, pone
Yo por el Padre Cura tambien lo se en los terminos
mismos, lo que es copiado de letra de D e Bartolom Lafont, Alcalde que acaba de ser del Monte, sin embargo
de no firmar: materia bastante para hacerse mucho,
y castigar los picaros.
Tengo asimismo aqui a otro sugeto que me declara,
estan en este Ptto. un Gallego que era el conductor insesante de los avisos a Giria. con su lancha y con su
Bote con otras muchas mas interesantes noticias, y
quienes eran los Individuos que las embiaban. MT Lafita vecino de hayi quien estubo en reenes abordo del
Berge con todo lo demas que dira a V. Isac se halla
campeando por su respeto aqui y otros mas que ban y
bienen sin sesar, y no creo que el Gobierno saviendolo,
lo desprecie fortifie,andolo ahora como se puede probar.



De su mas obediente, atento aft subt y ser serer

L. M.

Q. B.

S. Jose y En.


N.: T. VIII, f. 251.

Trinidad 17th

Jan'. 1807.

Dear Admiral
The news brought by the last Packet appears to
me to have decided the fate of the Continent of Europe and if we don't take care of the Continent of S.
America will soon follow the same subjugation.
Here is an extract of a letter I received from Mr Turnbull in the last Packet,
"I was yesterday with Mr Vansittart, who has received your Dispatehes, & which he has delivered to
Lord Grenvillehe has requested, that I would let you
know, that Lord Gl-renville and the other Ministers had
not yet come to a Determination in regard to affording
you effectual support; that when they did, he would
write you& that I might say, that your Business
rather looked favorablyIndeed, I am much inclined
to think, that Government is now determined to take
a very active Part in wresting South America out of
the hands of the SpaniardsGen' Crauford has sailed
with a very considerable force which it's thought to
be intended against Vera Cruz & Mexico--& if you are
enabled to obtain Possession of the Provinces from
Guiana to the Isthmus of Darien, all the Eastern side
of S. America would be reduced ; 84 it is to be hoped,
that a proper Form of Government on your Model,
would be established.
It is infinitely to be regretted, that you had not in
proper Time, sufficient assistanceI trust that they
are now satisfied; & that every thing will at last go on



I hope you have had more decided News on the

subject, and that you will have the goodness to transmit them to me without delay. I am expeeting Cape
Briarly every moment and have no doubt he will bring
me some news from you.
The Attentive has at last arrived after 118 days
passageBy the official information I have received
from the Officers, Men & Women that carne on board,
belonging to the Troops under my Command, there
has been a seene of ill usage, insult and eruelty exercised upon them all by the Commander Lieut t Carr
that it is difficult to conceive from a British Offieer.
I hope that an investigation of such abominable acts,
will take place, and that his punishment will deter
others from repeating such odious offenees. I am very
sorry to be obliged to say to you so much on the behaviour of the Commander of the Attentive, but be Bure
that it is but a faint sketch of the truly abominable
and infamous deeds, hat have been represented to me,
by almost every individual belonging to the Expedition that male on board.
I am with true friendship and high esteem
Your most Obedt Sere
(Borrador sin firma)

the Hont". Sir ALEXr. COCHRANE K.B.
Commander in Chief
&c. &c. &c.



f. 253.
Jan'. 1807.
Tuesday Night. 9. 0Clock
S. Josphs.

Dear General,
My friend Major Stamant has just reeeived a Letter from
Gairdener which I rejoice at sending you
herewith enelosed.



My Correspondant was right in saying that General Craufurd was coming this way, and that Government sanctioned your Plans &c. &c.I hope in God
that a week or two will bring us General Craufurd,
as a confirmation that this is his Rout.
The Paymaster of the 37th Regt writes from Guernesey to his Commanding Office here, that he is so
much convinced that Carraccas is the point towards
which Gen' Craufurd is directed, and that this is to
be his Rendezvous, that the Regiment may hold themselves in readiness to join him at a moments warning,
and they all in high spirits at the idea of it, this letter
is of date 8th ioth e&'.
Besides Gen' Craufurds Expedition there were embarking for this country the 3' Bald. of the 60th Regt
1000 Strong.
Pray be kind enough General, to return Mr Gaindener Letter to the Bearer and to favor me with your
ideas on all this :
1 most anxiously & sanguinely look forward to
the effectual aid and support of Britain to accomplish
your grand plan; and very soon: every succeeding
event in Europe, disasterous as they may be, t,here,
will tend to push on our Ministers to embrace your
Project, let then apathy be so great.
Be good enough to write me if the Bearer to say
if you wish me to call up on you. or if I can do any
thing for you in Town.
Adieu! General,
I ever am,
Your sincerely attached
N.: T. VIII, 1. 262.


Jan'. 1807



St. Josephe Wedstesday snorng.

Dear General,
I came away from you yesterday, and quite forgot
to being with me the Map which you was so good as
to promise me.
I send the Bearer for it, and will be mue,h obliged
by your delivering it to him; I am most anxious to see
it, and acquire more knowledge of the Interior of the
Continent than I at present posess.Rely on every
care being taken of it.
If I hear any thing worth communicating in town,
be assur'd I wil send you a messenger.
Your very faithfull



N.: T. VIII, f. 864.

Northa. 16 Jan' 1807.

My dear General
I am happy to hear that you continue to enjoy so
much good health. but I regret that I can give you
no pleasing news from Europe. where the French are
playing the devil with the Prussianswe haourly look
for another packet she has been due for some daysMT Briarly will teil you all the news and what we
have been about
I ever am
My dear General
yours sincerely
Aura. Cocinwee

N.: T. VIII, f. 885.


Trinidad January 21". 1807.

Lt. Cobena, Romgaus

Respected Sir,
Presuming that you are the proper medium through
which communications shoul pass to our General in
ChiefI endose my resignation, in order that you may
send or deliver it as soon as your convenience will
permit. I have left it unsealed, that you may know
before hand what you are about to pass through your
hands for these are critical times. I have also, enclosed a list of the articles delivered to me at different periods by t,he Quarter Master General, or his assistants ;
this list contains all that I remember to have received;
but, if you know, or hear of any thing else, you will
be obliging enough to add it t,hereto.
I expect the account of these articles will be deducted from my pay when there is an arraignment
made concerning it ; if this does not take place, or if
in the beginning of our Enterprize no emolument was
intended I shall consider myself debtor to the Service
for the things with which it has furnished me. You
will also find enclosed a receipt for twenty dollars,
paid me by yourself at Barbados.
I avail myself of this opportunity Sir, to return
you my sincere thanks, for the many civilities you have
shown me; and to express my regret that you have
thought proper to discontinue them. After a strict
examination of myself, I feel sensible of having neither saidnor done any thing to merit the alteration
that is so very apparent in your conduct; but I know
it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, ever for a
man of your goodness and discernment to weed out
the prejudice which is so apt to take root in the soil
of party and intrest : this pleads an ample excuse for
you Sir, and prevents me from harbouring the smallest resentment for your late slights, though they are
too obvious and pointed to escape my notice, and too
severe, when contrasted with your former candour and
frienship, not to exite some thing more than indif-



ferenee however, I cannot help--assuring you, that I

wish you entire success in your present undertaking;
and aboye all, I hope some time to have the satisfaction
of hearing that you are passing the evening of lite in
tranquility and independenee with your aimable Family, after the many anxious hour of separation, and
the fatigues of war, whieh you have endured with
exemplary resignation and cheerfulness.
I have the honor to be Sir,
Your obedient servant and well wisher



Aetr Quarter Master General

of the Colombian ArmyPort of Spain.
N.: T. VIII, f. 268.

Puerto de Espaa Deciembre 23 de 1806.

Mui amigo mio

Estoy ahora escriviendo una carta bastante larga
relativamente a los asuntos de Miranda y deseando
de hacer mencin de su nombre saviendo que vm ha
Padecido mucho en la Costa firme y tambien en el
servicio de dicho Miranda deseo que vm tendra la
bondad de dar me lo Particulares de uno y otro. Tomare un interes Particular en Saviendo todos los Particulares de lo que vm ha Padecido en Caracas y tambien en otras Partes en la Careel y tambien como vm
se ha escapado, en Sus Viages y otros assuntos y tarnbien todo lo que Vm ha Padecido en la Causa da Miranda Las Privaciones insolencias y nesecidades que
han resultado a Vm despues que vm Se ha comprometido en esta Causa. Si vm tendra la bondad de informarme de estas cosas dare a Vm mi Palabra de
honor que no liare mencion de ellas sino como cosas



que he oido casualmente Si vm no quiere authorisarlas

con Su firma
Su fino Servidor y amigo

Nota: Al pi de esta carta hay un borrador con tachaduras que empieza como la que sigue.
N.: T. VIII, f. 268.

Pto. E. 23 de

D. de 1806.

Am ' y muy Seor mio : Sin mezclarme en las miras

de Vm. respecto a lo qa solicita de mis pasadas tragedias por los asuntos de Car de aora 10 ari intentados
pr el difunto Gual y por los de aora con el el ' M. devo
decir: Que aquellos como tan publicos en este territorio
y becindario es muy fact se imponga de ellos; p8 a nai
me es muy doloroso renobar en mi memor y sentidos
pesares pasados; y respecto al biage de lo de dho Sr de
M. Vm. ha sido bien test de todo, asy de lo mio como
de lo suyo &ca ; pr lo qa es de omitir mi relato qa exige.
Es q t puede a V. decir sobre ambos puntos su af" ss.
Am y ComJ. M. R.

P. D. Am Quienquiera q sea el q a sugerido a

V. p indagar de mi lo solicita, me tiene por muy
tonto y en ningun aprecio; y a Vm. tampoco le desea
sino enredos infructuosos. Ve

SR. D. JAMES Biaos.

N.: T. VIII, f. 267.

ol e



Port of Spain Trinidad Jaman/ 13th 1807

To his Eseelleney
General in Chief of the

Colombian Army

A few days since I became of age; in consequence
of which my private affairs call upon me for immediate attendance : I will therefore thank your Excellene to accept my resignation of the Lieutenancy I
have had the honor of holding in your Service.
I have the honor to be Sir,
Your Excellenc 's Obedt Servt
Unas Blues.

To his Excelleney

Commander in Chief
of the Colombian Army.
N.: T. VIII, f. 269.

Puerto Espada y En. 27 de 1807.

S r.


Muy Seor mio. Atenta a el favor que Vmd. me

desea haser le recuerdo suplicandole de nuebo por si a

llegado el barco de el amigo de Vmd. que me dijo, pues
e bisto entrar estos dias barios.
Tambien me a dicho Du Jos que llegado el caballero Braily, y asile mereceremos que le diga Vmd. algo
para ber si me quiere faboreser por si 45 por sus respetos
en otros almasenes para ir pagando segun baia vendiendo; y den bea Vmd. Seor si el dicho Seor de
Braily me hara el fabor de fiarme dos tres bocois de
rum del de su acienda para io benderlo al menudeo y
irle pagando &e pues un espaol me bende todos los




ajuares de pulperia, este ejersisio lo entiendo y aunque

muy mecanico es de lucro fixo. Con que Seor lo que
Vmd. se digne hacerme la caridad de disponer le suplico
sea quanto mas antes y por el Seor Da Carlos Caero
que mande la respuesta que el me la embiara pronto, y
asi Seor ber si tienen alivio nuestras nesesidades.
Dios gue la bida de Vmd m a3
B. L. M. de Vmd.
su atta Servidora
a ruego de Da Petronila Lopes Mayan
A el Seor



en sus
N.: T. VIII, f. 272.


Puerto de Espaa y En. 28 de 1807.

Mui mi Estimado Sor mio : Con el motivo de mis

atrasos me asido presiso trabajar enqualesquiera parte
que sea afin de ber si gano alguna cosita interin ntros
asumptos tengan demora y asi no he tenido tiempo p"
saber de Vmd, y de ntro Gen' aunque tengo muchos
deseos de darles Noticias de lo qa por ala se dice u vien
se trata.
Los de Costa firme disen y cren que ntro asumpto es
pa alivio del Yngles y que no es pa tal Livertad y enesto
se conose lo tonto que ellos son y no puedo p r menos que
esdesir que esas son produciones de los Jueses y frailes.
Otros de ellos mismos disen que ntro Gral luego que
llego aqui devia de haverse reposado sin dar mayor noticias a lo que benia y uviera ydo poco apoco tomandole
los movimientos aunos y otros arreglando sus Gentes
asiendo sus reclutas con Amorosidad esplicandoles vien



lo que se iba aser pero lo sierto al caso que como haiga

tropas a ellos se les acabara sus Ignosencias o Brutalidades aun que despues diga Sor Yo pense o Yo creia
porque todos los mas de estos que vienen aqu son Ntos
Tiranos EnemigosJuan Ant Reyna un tal Martin el
Rusio--Coyadoel Giganteel denge que aunque aora
noviene por que esta un poco sospechoso p r que como el
fue el que dio los nombres de todos los que hemos ido
pero entre estos nombrados ai uno que le han dao Lica
p que venga aqu con cargamentos para que conosiese
vien a los ntro. y viese esto y adquira algunas noticias
y particularmente han dho en Guiria q el Sor Miranda tiene un mulato caraqueo al que ha echo Capt.
Nombrado Josef M Casarlas el que es practico nese-

sario p r la conosencia de sujetos, caminos cercanos de

aquella Cap. enfin este sujeto adao quatro viajes y en
ultimo viaje me huyo de conoseresto me lo ha dho
la Mugr de uno de estos nombradosq abenido a mudar de temperamento Dn Ant Yno pr la amvision de
haver salido de la Granada guando nosotros estuvimos alli este benia adar aviso a Quina q ya ntro Gral
benia de Bueltaquiso Dios que un Corsario Fran
lo tomase le quito el Barco y el de pesadumbre ha

muerto en MargaritaCalletano se queja mucho de sus asumptos yo

siempre pobre. Masel Coroni Kerkelan no creo yo
que lo que el escrive sea buenoenfin Yo no me atrebo
a esplicar nada pr que no me se safar pero digo que
meresia lo a oreasen.
Deseo Vmd lo pase vien y mande a su afectm y humilde servdr, que le estima
B. L. M. de Vmd
Sor. D.



en la ciudad de
S. Josef.
N.: T. VIII, f. 273.





February to September 1807
Gnral !
S'il est posible, que vous soyez si fortement prevenu
contre moi, que vous ne vo-ulls, ni pouvs plus rien faire
pour moi, ni me soufrir, soit par les plaintes que L 'on
a Lanc contre moi, soit par la cupidit, soit par le
melange des differentes Nations, qui ne s'accord point,
les unes avec les autresReduit la derniere misre
jousque a coucher quelque fois dans les Res Rister 2
a 3 jours sans nourriture, sans argent, et sans habits,
ayant par amiti, et pour pouvoir mieux parvenir,
chang mes habits avec les juifs m'on vendu aprs a
la Compagnie des Indes orientales pour 3 guineas;
enfin avec beacoup des peines je suis parvenu a faire
ma Route, de maniere que je crois que si le passage n'
auroit pas t plus grand que le Helles pont que j'auroit
fait comme Le pauvre Leandre me mtre it la Nage pour
pouvoir arriver au pluttpuisque vous m'aves toujours dit je connois les malheurs.
Cependant Mon Gnral en vous parlant franchement, vous me paroit froid enver moi dans mes malheurs, Anns aprs a voir perdii sa flotte et tout, en a
trouv plus d'amiti ches des inconnus sur la cote d'
afrique en racontant ses malheurs, que moi que a ou
tant des peines pour trouver quelqu 'un a que j 'ai fait
des serviceset si vous voulles bien vous vous Rapellez,
que je n' vous a jaimais abandonns dans le malheur
que pour le pris de tout cela vous m'aves souvant promis, vous aures toujours un asyle ches moi.
Vous saves aussi mon Gnral que au bout de tant
d'anns de service, que jen'a Reu que un ann de
prison, et un honneur qui nem'a servi Rien bien Loin
mon Gnral, de vouloir dire par cela qui vous n'avs
pas eu la volont de me Recompens mieux si vous aves



puvous m'avs Rendu a une soeiet dont tout le

monde en disoit que je etoit dignevous in'avs soign
quand je etoit maladevous m'avs toujours bien Recomend aus hommes pour me Respectervous m'avs
inspir une bonne morale. &c. &c. &c. ehoses pour les
quelles je vous sres toujours Redevable jousque au
N.: T. IX, f. 1.

Vous m' reprondr mon Gnral, que j 'ai un grand

defaut, un vice qui souvent amnne les autre--mais je
vous jre sur mon ame que ds ce jour, je tachers
avec L'assistanee de la providenee de le banir de moi
pour jamais, puisque je voie qu'il me cause tant de
desgrace et desagreablements non seulement aus autres,
mais eneore a moi m'eme et si une femme a fait un
ivrogne de l'hom le plus soberle ciel vous beniral, si
vous assist a faire un homme sober, d'un ivrogne.
D'aprs cela mon Gnral, qu'il vous coute peu a me
Rendre heureuxSoit en me faisant avoir un peu du
credit, pour eommencer un petit commerce--soit en me
Reeommandant a quelques unes de vos amis pour soigner les platationssoit en faisant avoir le gage d'un
volontaire pour pouvoir subsister et si L'expedition a
lieux encore une fois, et que La providanee Le eoronerai
avee sumesvous pouvs apres cela, me donner une
petite moreeaux de terre, pour planter mon indigo.
puisque j 'ai gagn dans quatre anns de tenis, plus de
2000 Stg. Sur eette article je ai trouv La plante iei
sauvage j 'ai apris dans L'histoire natureelle comment

la fabriquer de maure que si il me Restoit un eentaine

des gourdes, je me Louers un moreeaux de terre pour
La cultiven
Je ne veut plus vous troubler et vos precieux moments avec une plus long lettre, une autre fois quand
vous sers en Repos je vous eerirai d'avantage mais au
nom de L'humanit, prononc sur mon sort, si il n'vous
est plus posible de me soufrir et que vous n'voulles plus
N.: T. IX, 2. 2.



rien faire pour moi, ayes la bont de me faire avoir un

passeport pour Retourner dans ma patrie ou ailleurs-

chercher des amis, a qui je puisse contr mes malheurs,

ainsi que eeux que j 'ai vueet soyes toujours persuad
Mon Gnral que L 'estime et L 'amiti que j 'ai pour
vous ne mourrirai que avec moi. &.
Permets moi mon General de vous saluer sincere-


Port au L 'espagne ce 4 fevrier 1807

N. :



T. IX, f. 3 vto.

Feb. 6th



I am more concerned on your aecount than on my

own, that you should have permitted the irritation of
your feeling, which I eould never have intended to
wound ; to have dietated such a letter as that whieh I
yesterday reee d from you. Your eharges against me
are as ungenerous as they are unfounded. my conduct
speaks for itself ei rices far aboye the Irony with whieh

you have ehose to araign it. I feel however more inelined to pitty the weakness of the Man who yields to a
moment of ineonsiderate unprovoked resentment than
to feel offended at the bitterness of the Expressions he
may use.
The first & second paragraphs of your letter I shall
ansr by saying that I did not want the appartments you
occupied nor should I ever have wanted them had you
thought proper to stay in them to the End of your life.
Nor did ever until the moment I rec' your letter a
thought of the kind enter my mind. If you did not
reeeive any attention from
Pendleton in my absenee
you need not have thanked me with your flourish of


N.: T. IX,

I. 8.



My Interfering with your servant was in consequeme of seeing remarks made in the Journal of the

Estate upon him & your other servants taking the

Mules & Negroes at diferent times to the Prejudice of
the place. I thought it better to warn him not to do so
in future than to say any thing to you in the subject ;
& the Observations I made use of to Mr Smith were in
Consequence of a letter I recd at the moment from the
Manager upon the same subject ; but never had an Idea
that you could have known any thing of the Improprieties consulted by your servants, on the contrary, I was
convinced you would feel as much as I could possibly
have done on the subject. Now sir having answer I all
the points of your ungenerous Epistle. I shall conclude
with subscribing myself your very humble sert.

Williamfield 5 de Febrero 1807.

Amigo mio y SeorConsiderando que necesite U.

ya los quartos que para mi alojamiento me ofreci su
amistad, tanto en esta habitacion, como en el Puerto de
Espaa, he resuelto evacuar unos y otros maana viernes, el dia siguiente.Permitame U. pues, le fresca
antes mis agradecimientos por tantos favores, en la suposicion de que tampoco olvidar la coyuntura, y circunstancias que me obligaron aceptar esta fineza.
La Carta del 19 de Dice ultimo, en que me ofrece U.
medios, y el credito de
Pendelton durante su ausencia de esta Ysla, otro rasgo de generosidad que reconosco con igual aprecio; aunque no he recivido cosa
alguna de este caballero.
No concivo huviera impropriedad en que mi criado
montase ayer la mula que estava aqui, para llevar una
carta mia casa de
Lambot : ni tampoco que exista
el menor fundamento para la observacion que me dise
mi aide camp (L.G.S.) le hizo U. su arrivo en Puerto



Espaa sobre irregularidades cometidas en Wiliamsfield durante su viaje ltimo la Barbada.

Queda de U. con buena voluntad, y sincero agradecimiento.
Su mas att y ser servidor.
N.: T. IX, f. 4.

Trinidad 7th : Feb'. 1807.


In obedience to your orders, I waited on L t Briarly,

to consult with him, on the mode that would be most
proper for the Return, which he liad requested me to
get made out, respecting the Men on board the ship
Leander, who were entitled to pay.
He replied, that in consequence of a Letter, he had
received from your Excellency he could not hve any
thing more to do with the Business
Pendleton has
also refused to let Mr Stedman have any more provisions assigning the same reason.
I have the Honor to be &c.


His Excelleney



D. 2. M.G.


N.: T. IX, f. 5.

Trinidad ce 8 AV% 1807.

Mon cher Ami,

J'ai reeu par Mr Turnbull un Message de votre Part,
me promettant un resultt quelconque sous un peu de
jours ; et je vous avoue que je suis deja au desespoir
d'un retard aussi extraordinaire que desastreux pour
cette Entreprise. J'aimerois mieux qu'on nous fit un



refus positif que de nous tenir dans cette incertitude

dangereuse et insupportable.
J'aime croire que dans le Paquet proehain je recevrai de vos Nouvelles, avee une resolution satisfaisante du Ministbre : autrement le Nouveau Monde
suivra bientee (je crois) le sort fatal, qui aecable le
vieux cette heure ici.
Le Porteur de celui ci Roscoe, est un jeune Officier qui a servi dans neitre Expedition, et qui me
paroit un fort bon sujet.
vous pour la Vie.

P. S.Je viens de recevoir dans ce Moment des

LettTes du Comte de Rouvray ainsi que de MT Turnbull;
elles me font esperer que allons a voir des resultts
heureux par le Paquet suivant. Et c'est d'aprs ces
assurances qu ej 'ai pris sur moi d'accorder une gratification aux Officiers aux soldats de l'Expedition de
Coro, pour les engager attendre avec Patience un peu
plus de tems.
Je suis persuad que ceux-ei (et prticulierement les
Espagnols) formeront un Corps de Guides aussi utiles
que neeessaires dans les Operations posterieures de
cette entreprise : une grande partie de eeux ei sont
natifs de la Provinee de Caracas et eonnoissent la Cte
assez bien.
N.: T. IX, 1. 6.

Pa Prise de Buenos Ayres par conqute doit nous

avoir nul dans l'esprit des Habitants du Continent, qui
s'attendoient une Independance il y a longtems promise ; mais j 'espere que cette faute sera repare par la
suite, et qu'on enlevera ainsi les obstacles insurmontables que nous trouverions sous nos Pas dans les Plans
proposs &ca.
Dans deux jours d'ici j 'aurai le plaisir de vous
eerire par le Paquet qui doit suivre.
N.: T. IX, f. 7.





Trinidad ce 12 Fevr. 1807.

J'ai vu depuis la precedents les dbats du Parlement

dans la nuit du 20 Deere dernier, et je suis content de
l'intert que Milord Castlereagh a pris, au sujet de
notre Entreprise. Cette circonstance doit reunir les
Opinions du Parlement en ntre faveur, si les Ministres
sont d 'accord pour nous supporter dans l'avenir. Il me
semble d'ailleurs que le reste de la Nation, et particulierement la partie commerciale, sont trs ports pour nos
Plans, et desirent les voir eonduits it son execution
dans toute leur etendue.
J'espere que de Rouvray vous aura donn toute la
satisfaetion possible dans sa Mission, et qu'on aura
senti vivement la necessit absolue de gagner la Volont du Peuple dans l'Amerique du Sud, pour pouvoir
nous etablir solidement parmi eux, et repousoir ainsi
les attaques de l'Ennemi commun. Il n'y a pour cela
que l'Independance du Pays qui puisse consolider cet
ouvrage et nous donner le moyen de pntrer dans l'
interieur sans obstacle, tout le reste me parot trs peu
stable, et sujet . bouleverser au moindre revers.Dieu
veuille que la nouvelle qui circule par ici dans ce moment, sur la reprise de Buenos Ayres par le Vice Roi
du Pays soit fausse ; autrement ce seroit un fatal daut
pour notre Entreprise.
your most sineerely
N.: T. IX, f. 8 vto.

Trinidad 8th Fevr. 1807.

Mon eher de Rouvray.

Depuis ma derniere depche du 4 Decre nous n'avons
eu iei que des nouvelles desastreuses du Continent EuropeenCes resultats affreux et menaants, pour l'Indepndance et la tranquilit de ceux qui n'ont pas t
subjugus encore, ne pourront jamais s'arreter que par




des efforts semblables de leurs Cots. Si l'.Angleterre

ne s'empresse pas nous fournir les moyens suffisants
pour resister nos Ennemis, il est certain que la partie
prineipale du nouveau Monde, gouvern eneore par l'
imbeeille et impuissant Espagne ira bieilt& subir le
mme joug, peut tre mme sans resistanee. Ces vants
me paroissent si evidentes, que je ne doute pas que les
Ministres de sa maj est Brittanique, aussi bien que les
Gens senss dans le Pays, soient convaincus tout aussi
bien que nous, dans ce Moment iei.
Empressez vous done, mon eher Comte, de nous faire
parvenir au plutt des bonnes nouvelles, et de venir
nous joindre aussitt qu'il soit possible.
Les Franeais paroissent preparer la Guadeloupe
une petite Expedition que je crois destine saisir la
Province de Caracas.
L'.Amiral Coehrane est partit, avee deux Vaisseaux
de Ligne et autres Batiments de Guerre, ainsi que des
Troupes, de la Barbade pour tacher de Pernpecher,
avant l'arrive des renforts qu croit recevoir incessamment d'Angleterre. Je erois effectivement que
eette Provinee est dans le plus grand danger dans ce
Moment, et vous n'ignorez pas qu'elle est la Clef de
tout le Continent meridional de l'Amerique Espagnole.
N.: T. IX, f. 9.

Bien des Choses de ma Part mon ami Mr Turnbull

ainsi qu' toute sa famille, et dites lui que si je ne lui
eerit pas dans ce moment ei, c'est faute de tems, le
Batiment devant mettre la Voile ineessamment.
P. S.Mon eher Comte je n'ai que le tems de Vous
dire que je viens de reeevoir votre depeche du 18 Deere
& que J 'attends avee la plus vive impatience le resultat
favorable que vous nous laissez entrevoir ; ehaque jour
de retard dans nos operations est une perte irreparable.
Par le retour du Paquet qui part dans 2 Jours d 'ici
vous en saurez davantage--Ayez la bont de dire la
mme chose Mr Turnbull et de lui temoigner ma



reconnoissance pour toutes les Choses faites en ma

faveur &c.
(Borrador de Miranda)


N.: T. IX, f. 9 vto.


Northd. --Carlisle Bay.

6 feb 1807.

My dear General
I am shocked beyond expression at the account you
give of the of the Cond. of the Attentive. I have therefore to beg that you well have the complaints against
him committed to poper and properly certified in order
that I may proceed against him and for a Judgement
of the extent and motives of what he has been accusedI am glad to see that Mr Turnbull has such fair
hopes. I have not received a line of the subject D Rouvray was in London on the 18 decr Lady Cochrane writes
me that she saw him so that by the next packet we may
expect to hear what is likely to be done.
I hope you continue to enjoy good health. believe
me to be Ever my dear general

Yours sincerely
Armstrong went to Eur.

in the last packet.


N.: T. IX, f. 10.

Be so good as to teil General Miranda to furnish Lt
Carr with a Copy of the Charges that he may be able to
prepare his defence.
N.: T. IX, f. 11.



Wednesday mornting 20th February, 1807.

His majesty's Brig under my Command being ordered to proceed to sea to morrow morning; I have to
request you will be pleased to use your endeavours in
procuring the eharges, any of your officers may have
to alledge against me, and a Copy of the Letter whieh
you wrote the Admiral with your offieers complaint ;
as it will enable me to make out my defence on my
pasage to join the Admiral.
You will have the goodness to send it to MT Maekeys
I am Sir,
Yo-ur most obed t humble Servant.


&. &. &.

N.: T. IX, 1. 12.



SATITRDAY, November 8.
West IndiesMiranda.
West have reeeived the journal of our Correspondent in the West Indies, it is dated Barbadoes, September 23. There is little interesting in itthey were ignorant of the destination and fate of the Freneh Fleet
and distraeted by various and contradictory rumours.
The rainy season continued, but the island were not unhealthy, though troops were every-where wanted. General Boyer, the Commander in Chief, had not set out
on his long meditated tour to all the islands, when our
Correspondent's Letter carne off. A general change in
the Commander in Chief, and General Officers of the



Staff, was talked of at Barbadoes, to be replaced by a

new set from home. They are
Lieutenant General Boyer
Lieutenant General Beckwith
Major General Hislop
Major General Areher
Major General Maitland
Major General Dalrymple.
Troops were looked for to underatke an Expedition
against Martinique.
We have just heard that Lieut-General Sir Eyre
Coote has demanded reinforcemts to Jamaica, the regiments there having of late suffered so much, particularly the 18" and 82d.
We have received accounts from Barbadoes, of the
27" of September. So far from confirming the assertin
of the failure of Miranda's Expedition, they would induce us to believe that it was likely to be attended with
complete success. The following is the intelligence given
in our accounts.
N.: T. IX, f. 13.

The aecount from Barbadoes are later than those

received at New York, We are inclined, therefore, to
disbelieve entirely the later, which announced Miranda 's failure.
Barbadoes, Sept. 23.

"The grand scheme and enterprise of this bold and

"aspiring man begun now to assume a favourable as"pect, and from the promptness and decision with
"which he acts, promises the happy aecomplishment of
"his benevolent purposes in invading his native, but
"oppressed country. Miranda 's success at Coro has be"fore been known here, as well as bis preparations for
"proceeding against Maraeaybo ; from the fortunate



"intereeption of a Spanish mail boat from La Guira,

"the dispatehed of the Captain General of Caracas to
"the Commandants of Cumana and Margaritta having
"fallen into the hands of our Commanders, many inte"resting particulars are obtained whieh tend to illus"trate the former aceount and develope the deplorable
"state of the country. Miranda earried Coro on the 3()
"August by storm, without any loss on his side, but of
"twenty men on that of the enemy ; he immediately
"after attaeked Maraeaybo, a small but rieh town in
"the province of Venezuela, situated on the western
"banks of the lake of that name, about eight leagues
"from its mouth ; and almost at the same time a place
"called Little Gibraltar, about thirty leagues south of
"Maracaybo ; both whieh were taken without mueh op"position. The Captain General of Caracas, after de"tailing in his dispatehes these smeesses of Miranda,
"proeeeds to state the means of defence in his power to
I oppose his further progress, whieh he represents as
"totally incompetent to any effeetive purpose. The
"whole amount of his force he estimates at 4400 men,
"nearly onehalf of whieh are Negroes and Indians, and
"such in his deficieney of arms, that those have no other
fweapont, than eutlasses. In his dispatehes he urgently
"calls upon the Governors of Cumana and Margaritta
"to use every effort to send him suecours as soon as
"possible, and says he is even deficient in specie, the
"public money only amounting 90.000 dollars ; he calls
"upon them in the name of his Most Catholic Majesty
"to procure him money, and desires for that purpose
"that the duty on tobacco may be mortgaged ; and that
"they wil do every thing in their power to send him
"assistanee to drive the traitor from the country,
"before he has too far disseminated his pernicious
'principies. He laments that t,he fine Province of Car"tagena, should be open to the depradations of the

"invader, and says that the danger which threatens

"Terra Firma is infinitely greater than they or the
"Spanish Government are aware of. He teils them that
N.: T. IX, f.





"unless Miranda is speedly checked, the whole country

"will be lost to Spain; and that this will be inevitable

"if England assists him. His dispate,hes conclude with
e 'representing the people
him, with very little
YYexception, to be loyal andround
well effected; but he again
the total want of arms, whieh prevent him, he
says, from overwhelming the traitor. A number of
letters were also secured with the dispatches,
'fand these
further to depiet the eonsternation
79and alarmserve
which Miranda's enterprize has exeited,
l'as well as the ineffieacy of their means to oppose him.
"The Spanish mail-boat, or rather eanoe, which had
dispatches with these letters and adviees,
YYcaptured by this Majesty's sloops Osprey, off was
fYcoast, soon after she had left La Guyara, and was
"carried into Trinidad on the 11th instant. Sir A. Co"chrane arrived there on the 14t1i and General Bowyer
"on the 21.6t and have been put in full possession of
fevery faet relative to Miranda's
progrese and appea'rance of success. There is a coincidence in this cir99eumstance most propicious
to the fortune and genios
"of Miranda; for, having been in the first instance
countenanced and supported (as far as we can judge

"from apparent testimony) by our Admiral, the stron

"gest indueements are now held out for the co-assis"tance of the General; and it is even already said, that
were making at Trinidad conjointly

"between them, for affording immediate aid towards

"the furtherance of his undertaking. As it is, Miranda
Y 'owed his present slicees to our Admiral; and we may
"fairly assert, that but for the countenance he reeeived

"here, and the naval support afforded him, his efforts

must have been rendered abortive, and his whole pro"ject overthorown".
N.: T.

IX, f. 18.




"MIRANDA has made himself master of Coro, the

garrison of eiich, c,onsisting of 200 fusileers, retreated
without opposing him. If the English support him,
he will give us more trouble that is genera,lly supposed.
On receiving this intelligence, the Captain General
and Intendant marched with all the armed force, but
before they can reach him he will be fortified so as
to secure his retreat ; for no doubt he will have chosen
the best and most advantegeous position of the many
the coast offers for defenee, and therefore the eonsequences may be very serious. It is not that there are
any want of numbers well affeeted to oppose him; but
the country is entirely disarmed, and of what use is
inennation without arms : to which we may add the
total want of money, for we have not a real in the
N.: T.

IX, f. 18.

Another Letter

"Of the persona taken in Miranda's schooners, ten

or twelve have been exeeuted at Puerto Cavello, and
their heads exposed on publie piles in the publie roads
tbere, at La Guaira and other places. Lastweek was
burned on the public parade by the hangman, the pieture of Miranda, the colours and seditious papers found
on board the schooners intended to insurge this provinee. It is now said, that when the news of this expedition got to Spain, and of his being at Jaquemel, orders were given to fit out four ships of the Une at
Cadiz to bring out troops for our defenee, but I give
no eredit to this news.Spain in Europe is even worse
than Spain in Amerie,a, they have neither money, provisions or soldiers, all in a labyrinth of miseries. We



never see a vessel arrive from home, no, not even a

little onel"
Another Letter

"Miranda with his expedition has arrived on the

coast of Coro, and taken post of the elevation called
La Vela. The garrison, composed of 320 men, retired
on his approach to the heights aboye the town, to wait
lor a reinforeement from Maryeabo, which has probably now joined.
"The Captain General, with a numerous retinue of
custom-house officers, priests, surgeons, barbers apothecaries, and all the armed force of every descriPtions,
marched on the 12th to form a camp at Valencia or San
Carlos, whence reinforeements can be sent to a place
"They carry with them aboye 2000 mules laden with
provisions, ammunition, and stores of every description
requisite for an army in the field. Affliction, solitude,
want of money and every sort of misery, reigns in this
city. The army have left behind them all their dearest
connections. Not a face is to be seen that is not the
picture of extreme grieffield without labourers,
shops without workmen, families without money and
fathers vvithout Bons, form a melancholy scene, which
is only interrupted by the lamentations of the women
bewailing the fate of their friends and relations, whom
they never expect to return".
N.: T. IX, f. 13.

Another Letter

"I have to acquaint you, that Miranda arrived of

Coro on the 2 Instant (August), with nine or ten
vessels, corbettes, brigs, schooners and launches, and
having landed without opposisition, made himself
Master of the town and fort of Coro.Our troops retired to the heights of Bonavista on the 3, and on



the 8' were still there without having received a reinforcement sufficcient to atack him.
He has hoisted english colours on the fort and town
whence we supposse he is supposse by that nation."
Another Letter

"The fellow Miranda, of whose peregrinations and

detestable designs you gave me a detail, will set us all
mad, and leave us, by the expence he put us to, without
a sixpence to ploss us. He has positively arrived at
the Vela of Coro, and taken post, the ganison having
retired on his approach without making opposition.
In consequence of this intelligence, the Captain General, accompanied by a motley retinue, has marched
with all the armed force that could be collected, to
encamp at Valencia and San Carlos, and there await
events. Every thing necessary for an army in the dield
has been forwarded, and we are in hopes the success
of the Expedition will be favourable unless to be supported by the English, for then a good capitulation
would be the most adviseable mode of arrangement we
could adopt.
We have a numerous population, it is true ; but the
country has been long disarmed for political reasons.
Indeed the truth is, we can only confide in the Queen's
Regiment, now reduced to 180 men, which with the
invalid Militia, remains for the protection of the Cumbro and Capital, under the Command of Pasqual Martinon. Such is the situation Miranda has placed us in.
God grants us a happy riddance of him.
Another Letter

"On the 7th inst. an express was received from the

Governor of Curacoa, informing that a squadron has
been seen passing that Island, which was supposed to
be Miranda. On the 9th it was confirmed by an express
from Don Juan Manuel Salas, commanding at Coro,
N.: T.

IX, f. 18.



and that the enemy had landed and taken possession of

t,he fort and town, our troops having retired to the
heights without making opposition. On this news the
first division of the armed force marched under the
command of Major General Metteo Perez, having
his second Don Francisco Caravano, who will be the
executive Officer for the other is very old and infirm,
though suitable to gave orders, and the second and
third divisions succesively followed, consisting of a
motley crew of all ranks and descriptions, under the
immediate command of the Captain General, and his
retinue, consisting of Customhouse Officers, and other
Great Personages
"According to the General's account he will have
an army of nearly 10,000. But this multitude, being
militia who have never seen a shot fired, will but occasion confusion and display. Even the regiment of Caraccas has not an officer of great valour ; they are a
corps of Muscadins, who think of nothing but of well
cut clothes and fine feathers. This is not the Spanish
Infantry of Carlos I and Philip IIIt is whispered
that Miranda took the fort of Coro by assault, and that
20 of our troops were killed ; among whom is the eldest
son of Caravano and the Commanding Officer, Don
Joseph de la Vega, a poor emigrant from St Domingo,
whom the General had placed there.
On the same day that Miranda landed at Coro, was
burned here by the hands of the common hangman, his
picture, which had been found on one of t,he prisoners
at Puerto Cavello, and also his proclamations, commissions, and colours of three stripes, red, blue and yellow,
taken in the schooners.
A Portuguese vessel has arrived at La Guaira from
Lisboa, by which we learn the death of the Prince of
Asturias, who is said to have died of grief in consequence of the dethroning her father the King of Naples,
who has taken refuge in Sicily under the protection of
the British nation."




London 20th. Novr. 1806.

My Dear Sir,
I have not of late, done myself the pleasure to
write you; anviously waiting to know the Result of
your Proceedings. Mr Fitzwilliam wrote me a short
Letter from Coro, on the 9" August, erc W Molini's
Father sent me an Extract of a Letter from his Son,
dated the 22 d Septr from Aruba. In it, he mentions that
Fitzwilliam had been dispatched by you to Barbadoes, & that on his arrival there, I wouM be informed
of every circumstanceNo Letters have yet reached me
from him, but when they do, I hope that I shall have
the satisfaction, which I have been long wishing for,
of hearing from yourselfI was yesterday with M`
Vansittart, who has received your dispatches, & which
he has delivered to Lord GrenvilleWhen they are returned to him, he promises to send them to me, & in the
mean time, has requested that I would Jet you know,
that Lord Grenville, & the other Ministers, liad not yet
come to a Determination, in regard to affording you
effectual Support; that when they did, he would write
you, & that I might say, that your Business rather looked favorablyIndeed, I am much inclined to think, that
Government is now determined to take a very active
Part, in wresting South _America, out of the hands of
the Spaniards-Gen'. Crawfurd has sailed with a very
considerable force, which it thought to be against Vera
Cruz & Mexico, & if you are enabled to obtain Possession of the Provinces from Guiana to the Isthmus of
Darien, all the Eastern Side of South America would
be regretted, that you had not in proper Time, suf ficient assistanee--Since M Grenville has been at the
head of the Admiralty, I talked to him on the subject,
& he very candidly said to me, that Government felt
themselves circumstanced with you, as the French were
with the IrishThe Irish applied to the French, to
come and assist t,hem & they would all rise & cooperate
N.: T. IX, f. 14.



with them; but the French said, rise you first, & then
we will come & assist youSo, Grenville said, that
Ministers waited till the Americans should shew their
disposition to come forwardI trust that they are
now satisfied, & that every thing at last will go on
weil; & all around me, unite in kindest wishes & Compliments.Always & Most sincerely &c.
J. T.

N.: T. IX, f. 14 vto.

My Dear Sir.
Your short but very acceptable unes of the 18"
Septem. from Aruba, at last reached inc a few days
since with several Letters at same time, from Mr Fitzwilliams of the 21 August, 10" Septemr & 3 October, for
which I beg that you will make him my best acknowledgement thanks. The -wiparald'd misfortunes & calamities of the Prussians have so much depressed, & occupied the Minds of Ministers, & had I doubt if they
have yet formed any certain Determination, with respect to your support & Assistance.They had not done
so, when I last saw Mr. Vansittartbut I will again
endeavour to see him before I shut this Letterindeed
it is very possible, that they may have given order,
without ehasint to let it be known to me or to any one
but the Members of Administration.Te Circumstances of the present times & the total stagnation of Trade
with the Continent of Europe I should hope do so with
confidenee will induce them to turn their attention to
that of AmericaFor the present we must be patient,
& profit of every opportunity that may offerIt is a
great Blessingthat you & all us continue so wellFarewellbelieve me always & invariably My Dr. Sr.
Your Faithfull Hble. Friend
JOIIN Tunrsum.



Compita to Mr. was mueh obliged to

him, for desiring his father to eommunieate to me his


London 2. Die. 1806.

&. &, 4.
N.: T. IX, f. 15.

La carta que consta en el folio

16 es una Copia de la anterior.

The other Letter alluded to in the annext one, was

only a Letter of Introduction that I gave to my very
particular friend General Wood, the Son of an old
friend Mr. Adam Wood of Titchfold Street--It is
appointed on the Staff in the West Indies & is a very
worthy respectable man.
N.: T. IX, f. 16 vto.

18th. Dee. 1806.

My Dear General
.Atmexd are Copies of my two last Letters & I have
now great pleasure in acknowledging the favor of your
by Count of Rouvray, whose acquaintance I was happy
to make yesterdayHe has been with Mr. Vansittart,
who is extremely friendly, & is now accompanying him
to visit the different Ministers, the Mail will be dispatched this Evening, but Count de Rouvray dines with
me & will accompany this Letter, with one from himsed, to day I fancy, you can expect but little Intelligence, any way certain from him, or me but I am much
inclined to flatter myself, that the present situation of
Public Affairs, & the distressed circumstances of our
Trade & Manufactures, will induce Ministers, at last
to give you that support which is so essential to the
good of their CountryMr. Martin & your Boys are



very well & made happy by your Note--she would have

willingly prepared an apartment for the Count but in
every Respect, I thought that it put them under less in

regard particularly to Hours, Meals, &. for the Count

to have separately had going for himselfMrs. Turnbull & all around were made extremely happy to receive Buch good account of your health & spirit-

Very affectionate & faithfully yours.



Care of His Excellence


N.: T. IX, I. 17.

London 18 Decembre 1806.

Mon General,
j 'avois attendu jusqu' ce soir pour vous crire
afin de pouvoir vous rendre compte du Resultat de mon
entrevue avec Mr. Windham et Lord Grenville, chez
qui Mr. Vansittart (a qui je remis avant hier vos Depeches) m'avoit promis de me mener. Mais je n'ai
pu rien appercevoir dans la conversation que j 'eu hier
avec Mr. Vansittart et ce matin avec Mr. Windham
qui put me laisser entrevoir aucun des plans ulterieurs
des Ministres par Rapport a l'Amerique du Sud, quand
a leur proportions jai lieu de croire qu'ils sont tous
d 'accord sur la necessit quil y a, d 'enlever cette Ressource aux francais, particulierement depuis que le
Continent n'offre plus aux manufactures anglaises que
des debouchs frs incertains et bientot impracticables,
cette consideration, General, est, et sera, celle qui, je
crois, les amenera a l'execution d'un plan Raisonable
et practicable et j 'espere que dans mes premieres LetN.: T. IX, f. 18.



tres je pourai vous en parler plus au long et plus Burement, Lord Grenville n' a pu nie voir ce matin, mais
je dois passer demain chez lu au Mr. Vansittart, quant
a ce dernier vous ne pouvez vous souhaiter dans ce pays
ci un ami plus ehaud et plus eonvaineu de la necessit
de l'entreprise, si le Reste des Ministres pensoient cmme lui l'amerique seroit bientot independante et florissante, mais il me pairot que dans les coramunieiltions
quil a eus avec les ministres au sujet de eette affaire,
il a t oblig de s'expliquer avee eux avec caution et
prudenee et de ne pas montrer tout l'interet quil prend
eette affaire; II paroit convaincu que les francois
pensent serieusement s'emparer de differents points
de la ceete ferme en envoyant des detachements de troupes dans des fregates et des Brigs qui peuvent avoir
le bonheur d'echapper les croisieres anglaises ; il m'a
dit que dans la premiere eonversation que j'aurois avec
Lord Grenville je devois surtout appuier sur les vues
des francois sur le continent americain et eombien
envoy de quelqu'uns de leurs troupes mettroit d'obstacles a 1 'execution d'un plan si avantageux pour Pangleterre et qui demande dans le moment comparativement tant peu d'efforts pour tre effectu monsieur
Windham chez lui qui jai pass une demie tete a tte
avee les cartes de l'amerique a la main m'a fait (avec
un interet particulier) toutes les questions qui pouvent
avoir Rapport l'expedition depuis son origine jusqu' votre Retour la Barbade, mais il ne lui est riete
chapp qui put me donner la moindre ide des plans
quil ait p adopter conjointement avec les autres ministres (dans le cas, reelement, quils aient encore forme
et decid aueun plan, Mr. Davidson a qui jai remi votre lettre m'a assur que vous pouviez toujours etre
convaincu du vif interet quil prenoit a l'execution de
vos plans et quil emploieroit auprs de Lord Moira et
des autres ministres toute l'influenee quil peut posseder, il doit me presenter a lord Moira demain.
N.: T. IX, f. 18.



Craignant mon eher General de n'etre pas a temps

pour la poste dans le cas ou le maul se fasse ce soir, je
finis ma lettre en vous souhaitant sant et patience
(car il en faut quand on traite avec les gens de ce cot
ci de la Ligne) dans le cas ou le mail ne parte que de-.
main matin vous aurez de moi un postcriptumAdieu mon cher General je compte vous ecrire aussi
par le Gouvr Johnstone qui part dans 3 jours pour la
Recevez les assurances du Respect et du devouement avec les quels jai l'honneur de

Votre tres humble et tres
obeis serv.
Lx C. DE


Mr. Turnbull de chez qui je vous ecrit me traite avee

autant d'attention que de civilit. Mde Turnbull se
rappelle a votre souvenir.
j 'ecris holmes par le Gouv. JOHNSTONE.
N.: T. IX, f. 19.

Mrs. Shipley requests the honor of General Miranda's Company to dinner on Sunday next at past
four o'clock, to meet His Excellency the Governor.
Mull& Friday

the 13th.

N.: T. IX, f. 22.




Trinidad Mz.



Dear Sir
General Miranda being most particularly occupied
at present, disay me to acknowledge the receipt of
your obliging letter to him per the second Decerar
Packet, and to present your his best thanks for your
kind Civilities to Count de Rouvray.
The General will by the next opportunity have the
pleasure to address you, and requests his best respecta
to Mr Turnbull and your familyhe begs you will not
forget Grafton Street to which place he has not him
to write.
I took the liberty to give a Letter of introduction
to my Brother in law Col. Armstrong who sailed for
England in the last PacketPermit me to recommend
him to your kind Civilitis.
With great respect,
I am in hast
Your Most Oblig.
GRO Frrawnisems

Ma. TuaNsuma


N.: T. IX, f. 23.


May I take the liberty of asking you to lend me
Clement Cains letters on platership.
I am Sir
With greatest Respect
Your very obdt. Servt

Saturday Noon.
N.: T. IX, f. 24.




Port of Spoin, Trinidad

12th. Peby. 1807.

My dear Admiral,
By the enclosed letters and extract I have the pleasure to endose here from de Rouvray & Mr Turnbull,

you will perceive that there is some reason to believe,

the next Packet may bring us some satisfactory decision, respecting our Enterprise.
You may see also in the debates of the House of
Commons on the 20th of Dec" last, that Lord Castiereagh has taken an interested part in our favor and
blame Ministers for not having given that timely support that might have ensured succes in such an important undertaking &c. These Opinions and sentiments
from the Opposition, will ensure us in future, if the
Ministers agree, an unanimous support and approbation in Parliament. Having no doubt that the project
is popular and very much wished for at this moment,
by the rest of the Nation.
As soon as the Papers that will certify the complaints represented to me by the Of ficers and soldiers
against the Comm" Lieut Carra on board the "Attentive", will be duly certified and arranged by the Chef
Justice of this Island, (which I told is the proper mode
of forming those documents) I shall transmit them
to you Carr called upon me yesterday wishing to have
Copy of the Charges preferred against him, but I
answered him I had no Charges prepared, and that
whatever complaints had been represented to me wouM

be transmitted to you. I am afraid that some delay

may take place, as some of the persons concerned in it,
are now living in distant places over the Islands. I

submit to your consideration, if a moderate instead of

a severe punishment would not be better calculated to
bring this arbitrary Officer to the sense of his duty;
as he is young and appears in some measure repentant.
N.: 1'. II, 2. 25.




I have at last eomplied with vour wishes in quiting

Williamfield, and taken my lodgings in a safe place
in this Town, but I am sorry to say that I have not been
able to do it, and to keep at the same time harmony and
good understanding with our friend Briarly, I regret
it because I have reeeived marks of friendship and
hospitality from him at my arrival in this place, and
because he has some some estimable points in his character, which made a favorable impression on my Mind.
I shall in future remember these qualifications with
pleasure and forget inconsistencies &c.
I am with friendship and sincere attachment
My Dear Admiral
Your most Obedt hum servant.
(Borrador sin firme)

To the Honb. Sir Amme.




K B.


N.: T. IX, f. 25 y 28.


dated London 18 Dec'. 1806.

"I waited until this evening to write to you, in order

to give you an account of the result of my Interview
with Mr. Windham, anything indicative of the ulterior
Vansittart had promised to introduce me. I have not
been able to learn, in the course of the Conversation
I had yesterday with Mr. Vansittart, and this morning
with Mr. Windharn, anything indicative of the ulterior
Plans of Ministers relative to South America;

as te

their disposition I have reason to believe, they all agree,

as to the necessity of wresting this resouree from the
freneh, particularly since the Continent offers but a
very uncertain & almost impracticable opening, for the



introduction of British Manufactures; this Consideration, General, is, it will be, I really believe, what will
induce them to execute a reasonable and rational Plan
I hope that in my ensuing Letters I shall be able to
give you more ample and eertain information. Lord
Grenville could not see me this Morning but I am to go

there to Morrow with Mr. Vansittart ; with respect to

the latter, you could not desire in this country a more
ardent friend, or one more eonvinced of the necessity
of the enterprise ; if the other Ministers thought as he
does, America would soon be Independent & fluorishing ; but it appears that in the communications he has
had on this subjeet with Ministers, he has been obliged
to act with caution and prudence, and not let them
perceive all the interest he takes in this Business; he
appeears convinced that the french think seriously of
laying hold of different points on the Spanish Main,
by sending detaehment of Troops in Frigates and
Brigs, that may succeed in eseaping the British Cruisers ; he told me that in the first eonversation I shoud
have with Lord Grenville, 1 ought aboye all lay great
stress on the views the french have on the American
Continent, & what obstacle the sending of some of their
Troops would oceasion, in the execution of a Plan so
advantageous to England, & which at the present moment required comparatively, such trifling eff orts to
effeet : Mr. Windharn with whom I had half an Hour's
tete tete with the Maps of .America in hand, asked me
(with particular interest) every question relative to
the Expedition from its origin until your return to
Barbadoes ; but nothing escaped him that could give
me the least Idea of the Plans he may have adopted
conjointly with the other Ministers (in case they have
really formed and decided upon some Plan)
Mr. Davidson to whom I delivered your Letter, has
assured me of the lively interest he takes in the exention of your Plans, and that he would use with Lord
Moira and other Ministers all the influence he possesses. He is to present me tomorrow to Lord Moira.
N.: T. IX, 2. 26.


not be in time for

the Post, in case the Mail is made up this evening, I
finish my Letter wishing you Health & Patience (for
we must have it when we treat with People on this sitie
of the Line). If the Mail does not go till to morrow
Morning, you shall have a Postcriptum from me.
Adieu, my dear General, I expect to write you by
Governor Johnstone, who sails in 3 days for Barbadoes.
Receive the assurances of respect &ca. &ca.
Fearful, my dear General, I may

N.: T.

IX, f. 27.

Signed le ate.



dated 2 and 18 De,er. 1806.

"The unparallelled misfortune & Calamities of the

Prussians, have so much distressed & occupied the
minds of Ministers, that I doubt if they have yet formed any certain determination, with respect to your f uture support and assistance. They had not done so
when I last saw Mr. Vansittart ; but I will again endeavor to see him before I shut this Letter; indeed it is
very possible that they may have given orders, without
chusing to let it be known to me, or to anyone but the
Members of AdministrationThe circumstance of the
present Times, & the total stagnation of Trade, with
the Continent of Europe, I should hope, and do with
confidence, will induce them to turn their attention to
that of AmericaFor the present, we must be patient,
& profit of every opportunity that may offer.
I have now great pleasure in acknowledging the
favor of yours by Count de Rouvray, whose a cquaintance I was happy to make yesterday He has been
with Mr. Vansittart, who is extremely friendly & is
now accompanying him to visit the different Ministers. The Mail will be dispatched this Evening, but
Count de Rouvray dines with me & will accompany this



Letter, with one from himself. To day, I fancy, you

can expect but little intelligence, any way certain from
him, or me; but I am much inclined to flatter myself,
that the present situation of Public Affairs, & the distressed circumstances of our Trade & Manufactures
will induce Ministers, at last to give you that support
which is so essential to the good of their Country".
N.: T. IX, f. 27 vto.

Trinidad Febr. 14 u1 1807.

Dear Sir
Having occasion for some inmediate necessary supplies for the Ship Leander, I have been obliged to draw
a small Bill on Mr. Vansittart and yourself for One
hundred Pounds Stg. at 30 days sight in favor of Mr.
Tho 8 G. Tyler and dated 14th FebY 1807.You will
please to Communicate to Mr Vansittart the Circumstances of this Bill, and permit me to request that the
same may be duly Honored.
(Borrador sin firma)



N.: T. IX, f. 29.


Trinidad 17th. Feb'. 1807.

My dear Sir,

I have just received your favor of the 24th Decr

last, which Has relieved me from the unexpected irregular and Ungentlemanly proceedings that Mess r8 Graham Sr Robert of this place, chose to take some days
ag.o, by putting in the hands of a Common Attorney
here, (without the least intimation to me,) the Bill you
passed to Gouverneur & Kemble--Fortunately that the
Spanish Law prevailing in this Country;prevented the
intended mischief, and the civility of the Attorney



concerted to wait until the Certificates I sent for to

New York should arrive. I am perfectly satisfied that
this irregular proceeding was not your fault, but the
common incivility and avance of vulgar merchants. I
hope you will take timely measures with the remaining
Bilis, as I understand from M r Turnbull that he has
received a secret application from Mr Ludlow for
.1000 Stg. As soon as I shall be able to draw upon
England your may depend that not only the 1.000
of Mr Ludlow, but any other assistance that you may
want, and shall lay in my power will be granted.
N.: T. IX, f. 80.

I hope however you soon will get over difficulties,

and be able to give us essential assistance in this now
most arduous and necessary Enterprise.
I have not received Letters from our friends
Smith, not do I write to him by this OppY, in expectation of receiving decisive answers from Great Britain
(expected every moment) which will enable me to extricate him from past difficulties, and bring his Person to South A with satisfaction and glory. Be so kind
as to impart to him this Letter. His son William is
doing very well and improving in the mean time.
You recommended Biggs has proved to be, a wicked
and despicable Youth, possessing ingratitude and Villany to an uncommon degree: he acts under the direction of Kirkland a worthy friend of the Lewiss.
I remain, my dear Sir, with particular esteem and
real friendship, &c.
(Borrador sin firma)

N.: T.


f. 80




My dear Sir,
Some time ago Messrs Gouverneur & Tumble of
New York sent one of your Bilis here for Fifteen hundred Pounds Stg. to the House of Graham & Roberts
for recovery, with orders to use every means in their
power to effect itI have the pleasure to inform you
that those Gentleman have just written to their friends
here, to stop all Proceedings, as their only reason for
giving such directions formerly, was, from having been
informed (by some of your good friends no doubt)
that you liad ample means to pay it.1 shall bring Mr Roberts to morrow to give you this
information himselfin the mean time I remain.
My dear Sir,
Your sincere wellwisher.
17rth. Feb7. 1807
&, &, &.

N.: T. IX, f. 31.

Northd. Barbad,oes

17 febr. 1807.

My Dear General
I am sorry that there should have been any misunderstanding between you and Briarly who always
appeared to me to have your Interest much at heart.
From the communication contained in the letter
from de Rouvray and M r Turnbull I have some hopes
that you may get be supported what have befallen. The
K of Prussia seems to have engrossed all the attention
of Govt by the next packet I expect to have more particular news all at present seems to be at stand.



I will write you as soon as I gave any news that can

be acceptable to you,
believe me to be,
Ever my dear General
Sincerely Yours.
N.: T. IX, 2. 88.

Aucx. Cocineraz.

Trinit Port despagne Le 20 imitier 1807

Le rapport que je vous fit au sujet de la Conduite
que tint Le Lieutenant Cart a mon Egard, n'etant point
pour qu'on lui intentat un proces.
Comme militaire je pensais devoir agir differenment. L'ayant vu je reste satisfait : Je suis cependant
tres sensible a l'interet que vous prenez a moi. Excusz
si je ne puis vous en faire Le detail de cette fois, ma
nouvelle profession me force de partir.
Et suis mon frere, avec la plus haute consideration
votre tres humble et respectueuse

N.: T. IX, f. 88.

Barbados. 20th Pebruary 07.

At 4 P.M. arrived H. Ms. Belleisle Cap Hammond,
sailed from Britain 20th Jany. with Seal'd orders to be
opened in Latitude of Madeira, brought papers to 19th
Jan" Paper 10th Jan', States that the Bland & Prince
George was to have join'd, but by some mistake missed
them, and proceeded the Brig Haunted the night after



Paper 12" Jan' saya, Last Saturday sail'd from

Cork, H.M.S. Ramillies & Resource, with 124 sau.
under Canning far the W. Indes.
Paper 17" States several engagements between the
Russian & French, die Russians in their Divissions of
75, Thousand each Divission, and in their Rear 100
Thousand Cossacks. The French stated to have last
50.000 Men. Not official and of the Result contradictory amounts.
Little doubt are now entertain'd at home of the Recapture of Buenos Ayres, and the ill treatment the British met who feil into the hands of the Spaniards hapes
ving been dreadfully mutilated; some time great ho
are entertained of its being again, in our possession as
Sir Home Popham was again of Buenos Ayres with
3.000 Men.
This account is corroborated by the arrival of an
.Ammerican at Barbadoes on the 20th from Montevideo
to Teneriff detained by II. M. S. Numid Capt. Carneran who says that the British were in possession only
Fifty Four days.
(Hay una rbrica)

Barbadas News.
N.: T. IX, f. 34 y 35.

Arima y Febrero 20 de 1807.




Mi muy estimado amigo y S"r.

Resevi la muy Apresiable De Ud. con particular
gusto por las Buenas noticias e d i De los asuntos De
nuestro amigo y S''" por ser una cosa q tanto deseo:
por su Felisidad y vien puvlico. Vmd. me dispesar el
e no ayga respuesto Antes ha la de Ud. por mis ocupasiones que en el dia no son tan pocas yo siento in Finito
sus incomodidades y atrasos como propios llevarlo todo



con pasiencia q Dios es padre y no se olbida en las

mayores necesidades mi amigo por la satisfasion con
q Ud. se sirve tratarme suplico a la vondad de Ud.
se sirbit darle mi parte S.E. Ce mis espreciones y
q me alegro mucho de las vuenas noticias y que perseberen & un sujeto me dicho D e domingo q la rebolucion de Caracas se va a ser dentro de un ao pero
q la ban aser los mismos de alla porq hellos no nesesitan del S" gral. Mirandad, para heso reserbe
Ud. esto por q e el hombre es un poco delicadito. yo no
quisiera con el ni alto ni bajo.
N.: T. IX, fo. 86 vto. y 88.

Soy su mas Atento y seguro servidor y amigo

q B. S. M.

N.: T. LIC, f. 86 y 87.

Ne 1

Seor Da
Carlos muy seor mio siento bastante por aora no
poder cumplir con la palabra que di aust de alquilarle
mi quarto pues no abiendo reflecionado que mi compadre habia de traher su hijo el mallor para ponerlo en
la escuela y siendo la casa bastante reducida y la mayor
parte de mis hijas ya mugeres pienso colocarlo en el
quarto que abia ofrecido U.
deseo que ust lo pase bien y mande_ asu afectisima
que sus manos vesa

N.: T. IX, f. 87.



Mi Gral. y Seor
Dn Carlos Caero me acaba de suplicar. hga Vm.
las relacione siguientes, por asy combenir lo que boy
egetar sin embargo de corresponderme algo la mu-

eca la crida del alto del brazo, qe auno est buena del
Reside en este Puerto un tal Velasco quien dice es
Asturiano y de alta gerarquia, y que en el continente
es Capitan poblador y Juez general de la Provincia de
Cuman y Santa Cruz; que su benida aqui fu una casualidad de haber llegado las riberas del Golfo triste
en seguimiento de bandidos, y como tan inmediato y
tener aqui un hijo lleg por l, pero que no le allo ; que
por esto no conduxo ropas sino de camino. Despues de
esto, y haver usado barios modos para sondarle le cog
en la mentira ltima, pues produjo, haber mandado en
su casa un hijo no le pusieron otra ropa por, que no
pensaba estar aqui mas qe 4 6 dias. Luego en diferentes beces, dijo; que en tierra firme le habian significado quena pensaba su dho, hijo seguir Vm. en
sus proyectos, por lo que immediatamente se puso en
camino para estorbarlo, pues ra un borron el mas vil
indecoroso para l; que asy mismo se lo expres al
Exmo. Seor Yslop, guando, en compaia del Escribano Garmendia se present S.E : En otro dia estando frente de mi morada barios animales muleros
acabados de llegar de angosturas y otros sitios expres
qe todas las mnsas eran robadas; q conosia la marca
y sus amos; que el haber benido aqui le era de grande
practica y mrito en regresandose sus jurisdicciones
y ante sus Gefes ; Y en fin aora tres dias haviendose
quedado en mi casa asta las oras de comer, mandando
trahersealimentos de fuera y despus de procurar modo
de tener pie para mober disputa, me principio insultar en mi particular y todas sus expresiones aludia
el asunto de mi ida con Vm. pasando en fin su insolencia decirme Picar trahidor, y q Vm. y todos los
q fueron eran lo mismo: Asy y sin poderlo tolerar mas
N.: T. IX, f. 89.



le di un sopapo, por el que fu de cabeza al suelo, quedando como dos minutos atontado sin poderse mober,
por lo que yo mismo le alc y sentlo en una silla; refrescado, (por lo que la India Juana le subministr),
me amenaz por 4 beces dieiendome `Vm. me las pagar y aunqa luego le puse tres clases de armas delante
pa q eligiese y egecutse, ya qa era tan baliente, se
ech a llorar y asy sali de mi quarto.
Da Josef Mayan con su yerno da Pablo Jusepy,
aconsejaron el Escribano di' Jos Orosco, que cuando fuese su cuada (esta desgraciada es mi Patrona,
da Petronila Lopez Mayan) su casa la corriese, con
intimacion no bolbiese jams pues q bolbi abitar
y asystir con un trahidor, del Rey suyo, como yo. Orosco asy lo egecut, y sin el mas lebe biso de eompasion
le aadi infinidad de bituperios, y desprecibs, y que
sino miraba tenia una hija doncella, y la mejor parentela en esta Ysla er seria otra bez del Espaol, por lo
q seria ella y familia perdidos.
Dice Caero, cr los propios Mayan y Jusepy an
ultrajado bilipendiado en su propia cara D a Antonio Mexias, por qe les parece ser de Vm. afecto, y por
que le bisitado. Aade Caero, sabido q a Da Pedro
Yrady, (Notario de la Curia y amanuence del dho.
Escribano Garmendia) insultado las tres mugeres
traidas de Coro, con malas palabras y amenazas, rematando en bituperios contra de Vm. y quantos les acompaamos en la expedicion: (Este es intimo amigo del
citado Velasco) y que sabe se alla aqui un Cadete Veterano de Cumana con pretestos de pasar Guayana.
cr le llaman F. Sanchez.P t Espa y Febrero 22 de
1807.Ntro. Sr g ue la importe vida de Vm.
Al General DB.


en sus Manos Pt. Espaa.

N.: T. IX, f. 89 .vto.


Ae. Naparime 20th. Feb'. /7.

My Dear General
I very happy to inform you that I am once more
able to walk about with the help of crutches, and am
in very great hopes of being able to dispense with
them in a very few days. Our Fri end Knox has some
time past promiced to spend a time with us Naparime
The Country in this quarter is superior to any thing
you have yet seen in Trinidad, and the air the most
salubrious, as a fever is her scarcely knownwill you
do MS Hall and Myself the Honor & pleasure of spending some time with us, I am conscious you will find
the country just now pleasant.
Mr Hall goes to Town this morning by this opportunity, and will return I expect about the 5 u' or
of March, if she can engage a good opportunity. I feel
the loss of my saul Boat much, and have taken every
pain, to procure another small vessel, but as yet without success. I am very sorry to find there is so little
prospect of your intention being supported by our
present Ministry. I scarce think they know what they
would be atI have not yet seen the last papers, pray
where is Crawfords Expedition
I have a large Launch gone to Port with produce,
I have requested Mrs H. to apply you that in case you
see no immediate prospect of your Business going forward, to allow her to send up the Field Ammusettes
with their Carriages, wheel & Harness, in the return
Flatt, and in case they should hereafter be wanted,
they will be found in good order, on the Estate.
This uncommon success of Bonaparte in the North
of Europe, has ruined us Planters the Demand for Sugar has fallen to nothing. I make a crop this pear
that had the Price been any thing near what it should
be expected in common, would have been a very handsome thing; as it is just now, it will scarce pay Expences or Interest.
N.: T.

IX, f. 40.



I hope to have the pleasure of seeing you in South

Naparima; in mean time accept my warmest good
wishes for your Health and prosperity, and I am with
the greatest respect & Esteem.
Your very obedient and truly
Devoted Servant.


Port of Spain.
N.: T. IX, f.


Trinidad ce 12 Fee. 1807.

La Nouvelle se repand ici de tous Cots, que Buenos Ayres est repris par les Troupes Espagnoles reunies la Milice et aux Habitnts du Pays; si cela est
vrai c'est un dbut fatal pour notre Entreprise, et une
preuve de plus, que la conqute est un moyen faillible
et impracticable, tandis que l'Independance est facile
et Permanent.J'espere que ces verits seront appercues cette heure ici par tous les Ministres de sa Majest, et que nous ne perdrons plus un tems precieux,
pour commencer ce grand et immortal ouvrage.
Le Discours de Lord Castlereagh au Parlement
dans la sance du 20 Dec' Der doit vous avoir fait plaisir, mon cher Comte par les verits utiles qu'il contient l'gard de notre expedition. N'oubliez pas de
faire mettre dans les Papiers Publics de Londres, tant
francais qu'anglais, ce que vous croirez convenable sur
nos affaires; et de laisser ce mme objet recommand
quelq'un soit capable de le continuer avec sagesse
quand vous quitterez l'Angleterre.
J'espere que mon Ami Mr Turnbull vous aura t
utile pendant votre sejour it Londres; c'est le meilleur



homme du Monde, et toute la famille bien estimable

tous gard.


IX, f.


Tous vos Amis ici vous font bien des Compliments.

Holmes est parti pour I'Angleterre, Lambot un peu
malade, Briarly en querelle range avee le Gouverneur, et en mesintelligenee avee moi.
1 Mars 1807.
Jai reu vos Lettres, mon Cher Comte, en datte du
8 Janvr, ainsi que les ineluses. Si on ne se presse pas
plus qu 'on fait en Angleterre sur eette affaire, Je erois
que le tout pourra avoir definitivement le mme resultt, que eeux du Roi de Prusse.
La reprise de Buenos Ayres se confirme ici par
des Lettres reeues posterieurement de New York.
J'espere que cette Tragedie fera ouvrir les yeux au
Gouvernt. Britque sur leurs Interts aussi bien que sur
les ntres. Il n'y a pas absolument au autre Plan
suivre que celui qu'on leur a propos depuis longtems.
L'Independance du Pays est la seule base solide pour
faire entre le Peuple dans nos vues et pour soustraire
ainsi le Continent la domination Hispano-Gallicane.
C'est une condition sine qua non.
Vos memoires pour
Windham sont bien dans
le fond, mais trs ineorreet dans les details. Je craigne que la demande que vous avez fait de 40.000 fusils
ne soit un motif pour le retard quand 15,000 seroient
plus que suffisant pour le dbut.
On nous assure que les franais viennent de prendre Possession de l'lle de Puerto Rico. Si cela est vrai
L'Ennemi vient de nous donner une lecon qui nous
eoutera chez par la suite, et qui doit nous faire rougir
de eette inactivit honteuse dans laquelle nous persistons languir. Dans trs peu de Jours vous entendrez davantage par le Paquetbot. Communiquez ceci
dans delai notre digne Proteeteur et Ami MT Van-



sittart n' ayant pas le tems de lu ecrire dans ce Mo-


N.: T. IX, f. 42.

Mille Choses M Turnbull, et n'oubliez pas mes

petites Commisions de la Barbade.

N.: T. IX, 2. 42 vto.

Londres: 8 Janvier 1807.

Mon General
Si je ne me rappellois, combien de fois votre patience a t mise I'Epreuve dans les Communieations
que vous avez eut avec les Ministres, je ne me serais
mis vous ecrire qu'avec un sentiment d'embaras car
il me semble que les esprances que je vous donnois
dans la Lettre que j'ai Honneur de vous crire dans
les derniers jours de Decembre, ont du vous faire croire que le paqueboat suivant devoit necessairement
vous apporter la nouvelle de Pachvement du plan
proposmalheureusement je suis oblig de remettre
a une autre occasion, la Nouvelle de l'assentiment des
Ministres; il n'a pas dependu de mois, je vous assure,
Mon General que la chose aille ni mieucc ni plus vite,
et je crois de mon devoir d'ajouter que sans le secours
de Mr. Vansittart je n'aurois pas avanc la chose sur
le pied ou elle est maintenant; il est impossible de metre plus de zle et d'activit que n'en a mis, Mr. Vansittart et il travaille pour le bonheur de l'amerique du
sud avec autant d'anviet que si ses plus chers interets y doient compromisvous vrez par les copies
ci-jointes les Documents que j'ai par son avis faits
parvenir a Mr Windham: c'est ce dernier qui doit presenter l'affaire au Conseil; et vous connoissiez assez
sa maniere de travailler et l'immensit des affaires qui
N.: T. IX, 2. 43.



l'oocupent pour croire que malgr que j' ai t une

quinzaine de fois chez lui il ne m'a encore et possible
d'obtenir que trois quarts d'heure de eonversation;
est vrai, que j'ai laiss persuad de l'importance et
de l'urgence de l'expedition, et je dois ajouter que
Lord Grenville, Lord Sidmouth, Lord Moira, et je crois
Lord Howeek (que je n'ai pu cependant voir eneore)
sont tous, non seulement bien disposes mais meme
anxious (pour me servir de l'expression de Mr. Vansittart) pour l'execution de l'Entrepriseil ne faut
donc absolument, pour l'embarquement des troupes
les armes, et l'appointement d'un convoy, que le plan
une fois present au Cabinet soit examin et approuv
par les Ministres, ceci est l'affaire de MT Windham et
e 'est pour cela que Mr Vansittart et moi sommes continuellement aprs lui afin de terminer une affaire qu'
une seule assemble de cabinet pouroit deeiderhier
encore Mr Vansittart croyoit dans une conversation
quil comptoit avoir avec Mr Windham me mettre en
possession de nouvelles satisfaisantes pour vous, General, mais le matin lorsque je me rendiz chez lui,
me dit "neu n'es encore decid, je n'ai pu voir Mr.
Windham, mais assurez de ma part au General Miranda que tout est dans la meilleur train possible et que
l'examen du plan auroit deja pass si les affaires tant
parlamentaires que des differents departements n'
avoient tellement occup les Ministres quil n'ont pus'occuper encore d'autre chose mais ajouta-t-il Lord
Grenville et presque tous les membres de l'Administration sont tous amis du projet, et l'on va s'occuper du
plan sous peu de jours" Mr. Turnbull qui m'a beaucoup aid dans une partie de la Redaction de ma lettre
au secretaire D'Etat, et qui d'ailleurs m'a t (pour
ma Gouverne ici) de la plus grande utilit, m'a charg
de vous assurer de ses Respects il compte vous ecrire
avec details par la lere occasion.
J'ai t dans votre maison, General, dans Grafton
Str' tout y toit dans la meilleur ordre possible les
enfants sont gros, gros et bien pourtant, Landre, qui
N.: T. IX, f. 44.



m'a pris en grande affection, m'a declar quil partoit

avec moi le moje prochain pour Trinidadla Biblioteque est aussi en ordre et aussi soigne que si vous y
etiez vous mme et je crois meme d'avantage, si cela

est possible.
Je regrette bien de n'avoir pas reu de vos lettres
par le paqueboat que nous avons recu dans les derniers jours de decembre et qui avoit laiss Tortola le
19 novembre, quelque soit l'accident qui m'ait priv de
vos lettres, je dois d'autant plus regretter de n'en avoir
pas regu, que les information qu'elles contiendront seroient d'autant plus important it communiquer aux
ministres, qui ne savent rien des parages que vous habitez, rien de plus nouveau que ce que je leur ai apport.
J'espere que vous trouverez, General, dans la Lecture de la note que jai transmise Mr. Windham que j'
ai servi autant quil m'a t possible, vos vues et vos
intentions par rapport au sort futur du Continent
Americain, Si quelques endroits de la rre partie j 'ai
paru flatter les ministres et leurs principies, vous saurez apprecier les motifs qui m'ont fait tenir cette conduite ; quant la partie seconde militaire, je L'ai
trace a la hate, mais jai aussi suivi autant que la memoire me a permis ce dont vous eutes la bont de ne
faire part sur vos plans militaires ulterieurs, breque
nous fumes a la C8te fermeje sais que l'objet de vos
desirs, (et c'est sans doute ce qui decidera de la conqute de l'a,merique est la possession de la ville de Caraccas et c'est sur le point principalement que jai
pres :
Adieu, Mon General, jespere que ma premiere depeche sera plus concluante que celle cije dois voir
encore demain matin monsieur Vansittart et Lord St.
Vincent et si japprenais quelque chose je vous ecrirois
a tout hazard dans le cas ou le pacquet ne soit pas parti
de Falmouth.



Agreez General l'assurance de l'attachement et du

Respect avec lequel jai l'honneur d'etre.
Votre tres humble & tres obeist
Veuillez presenter mes amitis et compliments au Colt. Smith
Mr. Molyny.

et a

N.: T. IX, f. 44.

Commisioned by General Miranda to solicit the
Protection, and Assistance, of the British Government,
in the Accomplishment of the Plans, which, since his
earliest years, has occupied his Mind, that of rescuing
his native Country of South America, from the debased
State in which it has long been held, by its Subjection
to Spain; I feel myself most gratefully sensible of the
polite attention, with which you, Sir, and others of His
Majesty 's Ministers, have been pleased to listen to my
Representations, on this most important Subject. It is
the anxious Wish of General Miranda to render the
Emancipation & Happiness of South America, in great
measure dependant, upon the support and Protection
of Great Britain ; and intimately to connect the Interest of His Country, with the Prosperity & Welf are
of the British Empire. Perfectly convinced, that these
are the real sentiments of lis Heart, I presume from
myself, to suggest, and submit, with great Deference,
the following observations to your superior Judgement,
as His Majesty Principal Secretary of State, for the
Colonial Department.
It is a Fact, universally known, and admitted that
the whole Mass of the Inhabitants of South America,
have been for many Years, disaffected in the highest
N.: T. IX, 2. 49.



degree, to the Spanish Government, and that auch Disaffection is daily increasingIn the recent Instance,
they were so mueh so, that with the handful of Men
which General Miranda had with him, on his late Expedition could the Natives have felt any Hope of Security
or Protection, in case of Mischance, there is not a
doubt, that a great Body of them would have joined
himVery little would be necessary at this Moment
to induce them to come forward, and appear oppenly,
in the cause of their Country: they only want a mall
degree of support and some safe Poste for their Protection. As to Support no further military Assistance would be required, to make an extensive Progress
in South America, than about 4000 Infantry, 2 or 3
Troops of Cavalry dismounted (as Horses could be
readily found in the Country) 40,000 Stand of Arms,
with Ammunition, Field Pieces, Cloths & Accoutrements in proportionlt is not wished, that even any
possible Danger of Loss, should be oceasioned to the
British Government, by such Assistance. If, from Circumstances that may not be forseen, nor can be reasonably apprehended, Naval and Military Comraanders
on the Station, should not, at the time, approve of the
Expedition, of eourse its Execution would be deferred,
& neither the Troops, nor the Stores, be made use of:
on the other hand, if it should take place, and be successful, whieh there is every reason to hope, South
America would be amply able and would thankfully
repay, any Expence, that might have been incurred.
It may be next ineumbent on me, to submit, with
respeetful Diffidenee, to the Consideration of His Majesty's Ministers, my Ideas of the System of Government, whieh, in case of Success, General Miranda might
be inclined with their Approbation, to establish. I am
sure, that he is far superior to every indireet Motive,
and that the only Objeets of his Soul, are the Frappiness and Independence of his Country; and from what
has passed in Conversation between us, I think myself
warranted to say, that until national Independenee
N.: T. IX, f. 49 vto.



could be obtained, and general Tranquility established,

he would much wish, that those Establishments which
are now existing, both of a religious and civil Nature,
should be maintained, as they now are, without the least
Change or Variation whateverThe Spanish Laws, tho
infinitely inferior to those, that prevail in this happy
Country, are however, well adapted to the Religion, t,he
Climate, the Manners, & the Mode of Living, of the Inhabitants of Spain, and the Colonies of South America
It is a fortunate Cireumstance, for the Plan in Contemplation, that the System of internal Regulation ami
Police, t,hat now prevails all over the Southern Continent, and the Mode of its Administration, naturally and
essentially tend, to promote its Success--The highest
Offieers of the State, the Viceroys, & Captains Generals can intermix but little, with the People, or take
part in their Sentiments or AffairsIn every place,
the executive Magistracy, & the Administration of the
internal Police, are vested in a eertain Tribunal, called
the Cabildo.This Tribunal is always composed, of
the most respectable Persona of the Community, in
point of Birth, Fortune, and Character, in the different
Towns of South America.Its number generally consists, of nine to thirteen Persona, and none, with very
few Exceptions, are admitted, but those who have been
born in new Spain, or married to Women of that CountryFrom this Body three Alcaldes, or Magistrates,
are annually chosen ; the Alcalde Mayor, the Alcalde
de primera Eleccion and the Alcalde de secunda Eleccion who sit as Judges, and decide all Causes, criminal
and civil. Neither t,he Alcaldes, nor the other Members
of the Cabildo, have any Salaries or Advantages ; and
consequently, if they are to retain their Employments,
their Importanee would be mueh increased, by the Independence of t,heir Country.
At the present Moment South America solely rests
for its Existence, on the generous .Aid and Protection
of Great Britain. Spain can no longer retain it ; and
N.: 1'.

IX, f. 50.



it must either be plundered and devastated, by North

American from internal Derangement break into
Anarchy and Confusion or fall hito the HaInds of
France, who is exerting every means in her power,
to throw in Troops, from her IslandsIndeed it is
well known that Governors of Spanish America applied to the different Freneh West IndiaSetlements for all the Assistanee and Force, that can be
possibly conveyed to them.The Alarm from the
Capture of Buenos Ayres and the long impending,
tho far from formidable Expedition of General Miranda, have induced them most warmly to urge the
French, to undertake their Support and Protection;
tfr the Vigilanee of t,he British Naval Commander,
if they should arrive, would render future Enterprizes infinitely more difficult, than they would have
hitherto been. Besides, from recent Information, that
has been obtained in the West Indies, there is reason
to believe, that considerable Supplies of Troops
Ammunition, are meant to be sent, during the Winter,
from the Ports of France and Spain, in small fast sailing Vessels, to any Ports they can reach, on the Coast
of South America.Some may be taken, but a great
many must be expected to arrive ; and it is therefore
submitted, with the utmost possible Deferenees that
nothing can be so injurious, to the Success of the Undertaking, as, under present Circumstances, the smallest Delay in its ExecutionOn the speedy Deeision of
the British Cabinet, I may presume to say, that the
Pate of .America will for ever dependThus eircumstanced, the Gratitude of that Country to its Benefactors raust be great, and must be anidous to prove its
Sincerity, by every Manifestation thereof, that it may
be eapable of affording.Whatever might theref ore,
be wished for, on the part of the British Govertment,
would be most willingly granted.On this Subject, I
do not hazard to suggest an Idea; but can with Confidenee assert, that whatever may, in the superior Wisdom of His Majesty's Ministers, be thought to be just
N.: T. IX, f. 51.



and expedient, for establishing the Conection between

the two Countries, and for maintaining it in its full
Force and Efficiency, will be with the highest satisfaction, acceded to, by General Miranda, and the Continent of South America.
I have the Honor to be with high Respect,
Your most obedient & most humble


London 318'. December 1806.

the Right Honorable
&. &. 8v.
N.: T. IX, 2. 51.

In the paper, which I do myself the Honor, to submit herewith, to Your Consideration, I have communicated, the most correet Information, that from the
best of my Judgement, I coneeive to be the Views &
wishes of General Miranda, on the present occasion.
I now beg leave, with great Deference, to add such
Ideas, as after mature refleetion, and the Experience
of many Years, whieh I have passed in the Neighbourhood of South .America, I have been able to form, in
regard to the Military operations, that may be undertaken, with a prospect of Success; & the opposition
from the Ennemy, that in auch an enterprize, may be

T. IX,

2. 52.

The Extent of Coast from the River Oronoco, to

the Lake of Maracaibo, offers almost in every part,
points of easy access ; the only Positions of any consi-



derably Strength are La Guaira & Puerto Cavello ;

neither of them is meant, in the first instance, to be
attackedbut it raay be well, in the beginning, for me
to give my sentiments, in Regard to them : the former
th'o not a regular Fortress, could only be attacked with
any probability of succes, after a landing had taken
place, at some little distance from it, either to the windward or leeward. Puerto Cavello is regularly fortified,
and very strong ;but one part of the Town, where
almost all the Trade is carried on & the Rich Merchants
reside, would be easily taken possession of, by a body
of Troops who could land at Burburata out of the reach
of Guns, and proceed almost without opposition to that

Part of the Town already alluded to; the Dread of a

Bombardement would, (I am certain) force to capitulate, in a few Days, a Garrison composed Chiefly of
the wealthy inhabitants of the Place, that would certainly wish to save their Houses, Stores, and other
property, by a Capitulation.I would by no means,
however, be of opinion, that the operation should begin
by the siege of this Fortress, or that of La Guaira; the
first object to be desired both in a political and military point of view is the possession of the Capital of
the Province, which can be with no great Difficulty
obtained by effecting a landing either at Ocumares,
Higuerote, or any other point to windward or leeward
of La Guaira.It is reasonably to be expected, that
the Captain-General will have with him the strongest
and the best portion of the disponible part of his .Army ;
and that Corps being once beaten it is not probable, that
his disheartened and already dissafected troops would
afterwards rally and make a Stand; nor can it be ap-

prehended that the Governors of Cumana, Barcelona,

Puerto Cavello, or Sta Fe, could be easily prevailed
upon, to send any considerable detachments to the succour of the Captain General; their respective Districts
being equally threatened, both with attacks of the Ennemy, and from internal commotion ; they would certainly be unwilling to part with any of their means of
Defence ; S Leon de Carracas once taken possession of,



the adjacent Country would fall, an easy eonquest, to a

victorious Array, La Guaira then could be attacked by
land from the heights of La Cumbre which commands
it entirely, the strength of that position eonsisting
Chiefly of Batterys, one aboye the other on the side
of La Guaira, none on that of Carracas; eonsequently,
the highest once turned, & stormed, the Rest must surrender the Force that the Captain General could
possibly oppose (in case new reinforcements have not
been sent since the Month of November) consist in
the following List of Corps: The Regiment of Carracas
recruite partly from Europeans, partly from Nations
of the Canaries & partly of Creoles of South America ;
this Regiment is 800 men strong 5 or 6 Companys of
the Regimt de la Reina, 200 men ; 3 Companys of .Artillery 140 men, or about ; and a Detaehment of freneh
Troops of about 200 Men, whieh the Captain General
has kept near his person at Carracas since their arrival
in the Country, added to these, a Militia of 9.000 or
10.000 Men of all Colours, deficient in point of Arms
perfectly ignorant of the Military profession and aboye
all extremely dissafectedin addition to what I have
now stated, I feel my Duty to represent to his Majesty's
Minister that the Season where Military operations can
be carried on, is only from December to julythe
heavy fall of Rains, and overflowing of Rivers, during
the remainder of the Year, renders the Communieation
from one place to another, not only difficult and dangerous, but often intirely impracticable.I would further take upon me to recommend Granada, in stead of
Trinidad, for the Place of Rendez-vous; it is so easy
at any time for the Spanish Government to obtain in
the Space of a few hours exaet information from Trinidad of what passes there, that General Miranda found
in the Papers of the Spanish Commandant at Coro, a
Copy of a most accurate List of our force, which had
been obtained by Lieutenant General Don Manuel Vasconzelos from one of the Spaniards settled at Trinidad;
Grenada being to windward of that part of the Spanish
N.: T. IX, f. 58 ve.



Dominion offers every avantage found in the Position

of Trinidad and none of its disadvantage.
I have the Honor to be most Respectfully,

Your most obedient most humble servant.
London: 31 st . Deeember 1806.
the Right Honorable


ei. 8G. &.
N.: T. IX, f. 54.

My ever dear General

London Jan. 6th. 1807.

I have at last reeeived your dear letters of Sep. 18th

inst. and Barbadoes of the 3d I cannot account for you
not receiving any of my letters I have sent several by
Mr Turnbull, one I enclosed in a letter of MT Molini's
to his son, one Cor Rutherford kindly offers to enclose in his to Govr Hislop I hope you have received them
by this time, when M Turnbull sent your letters he
requested of me that I should accomodate a Gentleman
with a bed, that it was your particular wish that he
should live in your house. I sent to say every wisit
of yours should be complyed, with as far as was in
my power, the servant returned with an answer that
Turnbul and the Gentleman thought it better to
have lodgins, as it was very far, from the Public off:ce's, and it would not be so confining for him, that he
would call on me in a day or two, neather him or Mr
Turnbull carne for ten days after, I was sick with impatience thinking he might have some thing to say from
you, but neather him nor M. T. has told me anything
he promised to come again in a day or two, he has not,
neather do I know whare he lodges, he saw my dear Andren, t,he likeness of my dear Leander struck him very




mueh, it was impossible to be greater, Leander was very

bold with him, my dear Frances was very like me, you
have never my dear sir named my dear baby, Mr Turnbull has made his remarks to me on that subjeet, and
it has been the cause of mueh unescrip to me, I hope I
shall have the pleasure of receiving your letter by the
next mail, I am very impatient to hear good newsfrom
you, and I persuade myself, I shall not be disapoinded
after all your misfortunes and disapointments, I trust
that devine rovidence will be very kind and erown
you with Laurels.
N.: T. IX, f. 55.

my lovly leander has been dining with M r Turnbull,

its twelfth day, and Mt T. made him King, he eould
not come away without a bit for his Brother to make
him a King also, she ses he emproves every time she see
him, he will stop thare the whole day, without any truble, my dear child begins to want everything, he his
grown so much that he eannot whare aney of this white
frocky. I want you at home, my dear sir, we are almost
lost without you, my dear child is promising me every
day you shall come home, and he drinks a draught of
water, he must first drink your health, he is my dearest
eompanion when he is out a few hours I he can
walk as far as the Bank and back, he is amasing strong
he send his love to his Papa, and he shall wright next
time and teil you what a good ginl mama is, I play with
him for hours, he his so lost for a play mate, I eannot
work mueh, I have had afine in the for this last
fortnight, dusting the Books ; he has been helping me
I am very much truble with the tradesman, particularly
Mr. Dulau I am afraid he will put you to some trouble,
he his for ever tormenting me, he his the same with W
Turnbull, Welches and Brown, thay are all the same,
thay make me very unhappy, every thing shall be sold
before the Books, adieu my ever dear Sir Halthy and
prosperity attend you is ever the prays of your fathfull friend.



P. 8. I wish you my dear sir a new year and many

happy returns My compliments to W Fili and
Mr. Molini. I see his father every week, and sisters,
Cap. Grose desires his best complims Dir Pavia wanta
very much to come to you he calls every week Lady
Pophain is living in great stile the queen was breakfasting with her not long since, Miss Macalhar was married this morning to a Col. Conway, Mrs. Turnbull
has got now country house and his living away.
N.: T. IX, f. 55.

Thare is an Ingraving of you taken at Barbadoes

some say it is very like you, and some say not I have
never seen it Mr. Welcher has promised to get it for me
to morrow, thare is a crown over the head and three
stars on one side, adieu my ever dearest wright to me
as often as you can, if it only be one Sir.N.: T. IX, f. 56.

8t. James's Thursday 6 th.

March 07.

My Dear General,

Herewith you will reeeive Two Notes, whieh do me

the favor to put a wafer in and sendMt Rabin lives
near to Mr Schering.
I went with the Abereromby Family to the Play
last night: I met Mr Bywot : He will be most happy
to see you to morrow : I have to day sent to say you
will Breakfast with him and dine with Mr Tolining.
W Luckhead and one of the Abereromby Ladies
join the Party; you had better leave your House at, nr
before Gun fire, and we fix Sun Risc to Start from



this House. I hope Col' Smith will be able to accompany you.

Adieu! Gen' till to morrow, I am remain.
Yours most faithfully

J. Dom=

in truth.

better. Has any news to-dayt



&. &. &.

N.: T. IX, f. 57.

His Excelleney

Port of Spain

Horch 1807.


Since requesting Col. Roorbach to speak with you,
regarding the .Amount of the Value of the Flour &
Wine which I delivered for the use of the ArmyI
have been with difficulty endeavouring to suspend any
application a second time to you, untill I am actually
pressed so much that it is impossible for me to forgo
the necessity of making a second application to your
The situation of my affairs is at present so delicate that it would be improper for me to conceal the
necessity I have of representing to your Excellency.
"That I am absolutely compelled to apply to you for
that assistance without which I must labour under Disadvantages, which hardly any thing in the world would
in future recompense, & be charged with criminalities
at the name of which every sentiment of Delicacy
would be injured in the tenderest points.
I pray you th en General to relieve me in a measure
from these embarrassments, by refrending me the



Amount I have advanced in your Service, which I am

sure no one would be happier to promote them.

Your Most obedient &

very humble Servt

To His Exeellener
&. &. &.
N.: T. IX, f. 58.


Trinidad Sth. March 1807.

My dear Admiral,
I have the honor to transmit to you, the certified

Depositions of the most substancial complaints proferred to me against the Commander of the Attentive:
there are many more Witnesses here, but I thought that
the present number was sufficient to prove and to convince you, of the impropriety and mis behaviour of
Lieut. Carr. I have been waiting for a safe Opportunity these 8 or 10 days past, and I hope that the present
one will eonvey this Dispatch with safety to your
The enclosed extraet from de Rouvrays's Letter,
will give you an exact Idea of the present state of tio
Negociation in England and when compared with the
actual Progress of the French on t,he Continent of
Europe, with the ininrical disposition they shew every
day against G. Britain it appears to me t,here is but
very little doubt about the immediate execution of mir
Plans in the coune of t,he present year. I hope
that the fatal consequences attending the Possession of
Buenos Ayres by conquest, will open the eyes of G. B.
and shew to Ministers t,hat the only solid Basis for put-



ting the Continent of S. .America in a perpetual separation from the Mother Country and France is Independeney. It is a circumstance sine qua non and I
remember when we received the Capitulation of Buenos Ayres on board the Northumberland, I had the
honor to impart to you this presentment and fears,
which unfortunately were already realised at the very
moment we were talking on the subject. You may depend my dear Admiral, that whatever may be attempted
upon the Continent of S. A. with any other views but
absolute Independency, will never be permanent or
satisfactory either to G. Britain or the Country itself.
I speak perhaps with more confidence on this subject
by being better acquainted with the Native dispositions
of the People that inhabits those extensive territories.
I had the pleasure of receiving your favor of the
17 FebY a few days ago, and I regret as much as you
do, the disagreement that has taken place with Briarly,
but you may conceive that it was unavoidable on my
part, when I consented to sacrifice the serviees I was
receiving from him at that time. He had the goodness
to supply the Ship Leander since her arrival here with
Provisions and other necessaries for the Officers and
Crew, which I promised to pay by the sale of the Ship,
he wished to buy from me at that time and in this
supposition, I did transfer her to him by Letter.
This stipulation however he has now annulled on
the foundation of my simple disagreement on other unconnected points. I do not complain of it, but I wish to
satisfy these advances as soon as posible; and with this
View, as well as to enable me to support the Expences
of the Expedition until I receive the expected decision,

I endose you two Bills dated 24u1 FebY.

& 550 drawn on the R. H. Nicholas Vansittart
& John Turnbull (order in blank) requesting the favor
of recommending them, to some of your Friends that
have already accepted a preceding one, on the same
Persons and for the same purpoge.



By my last Letters from London I have no doubt

of the punctual Payment of both, and if one alone
should be more acceptable you may dispose of them in
the mode and terms that you may think best. I am sorry
to give you so much trouble but circumstances oblige
me not to ask any favor of the cabaling Petitioners of
Trinidad; you only are here our real friend and Protector.

P. S. I have acquainted my friends with the drawing of these Bilis.

(Borrador ein firma)


To the Hon. Sir
&e. &e. &e.
N.: T. IX, f. 60.

Charles Mallory, Lieutenant of Engineers, being

duly sworn on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God,
deposeth and saith ; that he saw while on board his
B. M. Brig Attentive Lieut. Carr, on their passage
from Aruba to this Island, both the Of ficers and soldiers of General Miranda, were iii used, and one of the
Officer in the Corps of Guides flogged.
That they were treated with cruelty, and after having been nearly two Months at Sea and on very short
allowance, on their arrival at SantaCruz an Officer,
Cape D'Espaa, had procured a supply of Provisions
and got them alongside, when Lieut. Carr ordered the
Boat away, and would not permit any of it to come
on boardAnd this at a time when about a quarter of
a Pound of Meat had been allowed a day for 4 Men ;
nor would Lieut. Carr permit any one of the Officers
and Soldiers on board, either to go on shore to purchase
Provisions, or buy them from the Boats which atme
alongside with a supply : except from one Boat on the
day of our arrival.
That Lieut. Carr spoke with contempt of the Expedition, and of the Officers of the detachment on board



the Attentive ; and that one of Lieut. Carr's has in his

presence, often uttered the most contemptible and provoking expressions, in speaking of the detachment on
board, calling them Brigands, and Vagabonds, and that
Lieut. Carr told this Deponent that he regarded him
and the others Officers as nothing more, than so many
This Deponent further says that though he has
Seen much iii usage and treatment to others, he had no
reason to complain of his own personal treatment.
This Deponent further states that a few days bef ore
his arrival at Trinidad, Lt Carr told him, that bis surgeon had been the chief cause of his turning the Officers of the Cabbin, from the representations which
he had made.
N.: T. IX, f. 81.

Sworn before me, at Port of Spain in the Island

of Trinidad, this nineteenth day of February 1807.


Chief Justim.
N.: T. IX, f. 81 vto.

Robert M Cullock, Captain of the Trinidad Light

Infantry, being duly sworn on the Holy Evangelists of
Ahnighty God, deposeth and saith ; that the following
is what he knows relative to the conduct of Lieut. Carr,
of His B. M. Brig Attentive, towards the Officers and

Troops, composing a part of the Army under General

Miranda, on their return, in the said Brig Attentive

from the Island of Aruba to that of Trinidad.

That the general tenor of the conduct of Lieut. Carr
to the Officers of General Miranda's .Army was in his




opinion disrespeetful, by permitting the most ungenerous reflexions to be made on them and the serviee
which they were engaged, and expressions completely
derogatory of every sentiment of dignity and honor
which as Men and Officers they had neither cause to
expect, nor patienee to submit to.That the conduct of
Lieut. Carr appeared, (towards the soldiers of General
Miranda's Army on board his Vessel) guided by that
asperity of behaviour and Command whieh only tended to sheww the small estimation in which he held
them, and was ill calculated to reconcile the Poor Men
to the sufferings which they underwent from the almost
total privation of every article of sustenanee for a
considerable Period of time.
That Lieut. Carr in refusing to acknowledge any
of General Miranda's Offieers in their respective stations and capacities on board, deprived them of the
means and power of taking any charge of the Men
under t,heir Command ; and appeared to this Deponent
a degradation of the service in which he was engaged.
N.: T. IX, f. 62.

That an inexcusable degree of inconsideration if not

of oppression, was apparent in Lieut. Carr refusing
permission to Boats with Provisions to come along
side his Vessel to supply the soldiers, who had been
starving for Two Weeks before their arrival at St
Croix. As also in his refusal to permit the 0 Meers to
go on shore at S t Croix to purehase Provisions for
themselves after the severities they had experieneed
from want. The Deponent by persuasion was permitted, as a great favor, to go on shore at S t Croix where
he determined not to go on board again of the Brig
Attentive, where he had been so unpleasantly situated.
Whilst the Deponent deposeth to the best of his belief and knowledge to the truth of the aboye, he Protests that no Personal animosity to Lieut. Carr, has
induced him to make this deposition, but on the contrary declared that not unfrequently, and indeed the



general tenor of Lieut. Carr's conduct to him, the

Deponent, was what might be expected.

Sworn before me, at Port of Spain in the Island

of Trinidad, this nineteenth day of February 1807.
Chief Justiee.
N.: T. IX, f. 85.

Port of Spain



Robert Me Cullough being called to declared upon

oath what he knows relative to the Charges proferred
against Lieut. Carr of his B. M. Brig Attentive with
regard to the conduct of the said Mr Carr to the Officers & Troops composing a part of the army wider
Gen' Miranda returning in the said Brig Attentive
from the Island of Aruba to that of Trinidad deposeth
as follows.
That the General tenor of the Conduct of Lieut.
Carr to the officers of General Miranda Army was in
his opinion disrepectful by permitting the most ungenerous reflections to be made on them 85 the service in
which they were engaged & expressions compleatly
derogatory of every sentiment of dignity and honour
which as Men & Officers they had neither cause to

expect nor patience to submit 1. That the Conduct of

W Carr appeared, (towards the soldiers of General
Miranda Army on board his Vessel), guided by that
asperity of behaviour & Command which only tended
to shew the small estimation in which he held thern
& was ill calculated to reconcile the poor men to the
sufferings which they underwent from the almost total
privation of every article of sustenance for a considerable period of time



That Mr Carr's Conduct in refusing to acknowledge

any of General Mirandas Officers in their respective
stations & capacities on board deprived them of the
means & power of taking any charge of the men under
their Command & appeared to the undersigned a de-

gradation to the service in which he was engaged.

That an inexcusable degree of inconsideration, if
not of oppression was apparent in Dir Carrs refusing
permission to Boats with provisions to come along side
his Vessel to supply the soldiers who liad been starving
for 2 weeks before their arrival at St Croix. As also
in his refusal to permit the Officers to go on shore at
Sr Croix to purchase provisions for themselves after
the severities they had experienced from want.
N.: T. IX, f. 85.

Whilst the undersigned deposeth to the best of his

belief & knowledge to the truth of the aboye he protests that no personal animosity to Mr Carr has induced
him the undersigned to make this deposition, but on the
Contrary declares that not unfrequently & indeed the
general tenor of Mr Carrs Conduct to him the undersigned was what might be expected.
N.: T. IX, f.


Cayetano Guevara, Captain of Guides, belg duly

sworn on the FIoly Evangelists of Almighty God, deposeth and saith ; That he embarked on board His B.

M. Brig Attentive Lieut. Carr at the Island of Aruba

for Trinidad.That during the passage both himself
and soldiers belonging to the Expedition under General Miranda, experienced the most cruel and wantou
treatment. That this Deponent without any cause whatever, and notwithstanding the rank he held in the
Army, was, by order of Lieut. Carr, flogged ; and received from the Hands of the Boatswain, eleven Lashes
on his back; this flagellation took place notwithstanding the representations of the Spanish Officers.



That previous to their arrival at the Island of Santa

of starvation having had
little or nothing to subsist on for four days before, and
on allowance of half a Bottle of Water (between two
Persons) for 24 Hours : that notwithstanding all these
distresses, Lieut. Car; on our arrivl at Santa Cruz,
had t,he wanton cruelty to refuse the Officers or Men
from going on shore to purchase Provisions, nor would
he allow them to buy from the Boats that carne alongside. That Captain Espana and this Deponent having
sent Money on shore for the purchase of Provisions;
they were procured and sent off to them, but Lieut.
Carr would not pennit the Boat to come alongside
threatening to fire, if they attempted it : depriving
them both of their Provisions and Money.
Cruz, they were in a state

N.: T. IX, f. 88.

This Deponent further states, that having Water

on board and on deck, from 6 in the morning till 5 in
the afternoon, they could not procure any, although
they were in the greatest distress for want of it, and it
was given to the animal belonging to Lieut. Carr.
This Deponent further adds, that Lieut. Carr and
other of his Officers repeatedly used the most provoking and unwarrantable Language towards the detachment on board, calling them Mirand's Brigands, &ca.
&ca.And that two Spanish Women who were with
the Troops on board, suffered the most cruel and brutal treatment, being denied all kind of sustenance although they were frequently employed in the service
of Lieut. Carr.
This Deponent also states, that one of the Spanish
(called Pedro Ximenes, and about 22 Years of Age)
belonging to his company being in perfeet health when
he embarked, absolutely died from inanition on board
the Vessel. That on being brought on deck Lieut. Carr
was called to see him, but did not give him any assistance. The Doctor being also called, said he had nothing to do with Miranda 's People.




This Deponent further states that he saw Lieut.

Carr take from one of the Captain's of a Spanish
Launch his licence, tear it, and throw it in is face; and
understood from those around him, that the reason
given by Lieut. Carr for so doing, was, that the Governor's had no right to grant such Permissions.
N.: T. IX, f. 68.

In short, such was the cruelty and oppression of

Lieut. Carr, towards the detachment on board the Attentive, and particularly the Spaniards, that this Deponent as well as mots of those on board, would have
quitted the Vessel had they obtained permission to
go on shore; as was the case with the Commander of
the Troops Captn Rankin, and Captn MC Culloch (they
only Persons that had procured permission) and four
spanish Indians, and two other spaniards that swam
on shore from the Vessel.
Sworn before me, at Port of Spain in the Island
of Trinidad, this twentieth day of February 1807.
The mark




Chief Justiee.
N.: T. IX,



.Andrew Espaa, Captain of Infantry, being duly

sworn on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, deposeth and saith; That he embarked on board His B.M.
Brig Attentive Lieut. Carr, at the Island of Aruba
for Trinidad.That during the passage he experienced, in common with the other Officers and soldiers
belonging to the Expedition under General Miranda,
very bad treatment; that the latter were frequently
beaten with ropes, and that Cayetano Guevara (an Officer of Guides) was also flogged, without any appa-



rent cause of provocation, having always suffered

every kind of privation with Patience and submission:
And on this deponent remostrating with Lieut. Carr,
he replied, "if he, or any other, remonstrated any more
on this "subject, he would hang them".
That previous to their arrival at the Island of Santa Cruz, they were almost in a state of starvation,
having had little or nothing to eat for four days before, and on an allowance of half a Pint of Water for
24 Hours : that their distresses were so great, that
Lieut. Carr, on our arrival at the said Island of Santa
Cruz, liad the cruelty to refuse the Officers of Men
from going on shore to purchase Provisions, or even
allow them to buy from the Boats, that carne alongside.
That this Deponent having sent on shore, (by one
of the Island Boats with the Consent of Lt Carr) Two
Joes for a supply of Provisions; they were purchased,
and carne off in the same Boat: but Lieut. Carr would
not allow them to come alongside threatening to fire
into the Boat if they attempted it: thus depriving this
Deponent both of his Provisions and Money.
This Deponent furthers says, that after supply of
fourteen Hogsheads of Water was on board, and standing on deck from 6 0 'clock in the morning till 5 in the
afternoon, they could not procure any, although they
were in the greatest distress for the want of it, and
it was given to the Goat of Lieut. Carr And among
other vexations, after turning the Officers out of the
Cabbin, and obliging them to lay in the Hold he would
not allow any of the Sailors, or even their own Soldiers, to wait or attend upon them thus increasing,
instead of alleviating their insupportable distreses.
This Deponent further states that one of Lieut.
Carr's Officers, having repeatedly used the most contemptible and unwarrantable Language in speaking of
the Officers and Soldiers belonging to this Expedition,
calling them Vagabonds, Brigands, &ca. This Deponent was induced to complain to Lieut. Carr, who
answered, "What care I, the Officer says what is
very true, 1 know you not as an Officer, but regard



you all, as so many "supernumeraries, and that your

Commissions are worth nothing".
N.: T. IX, f. 70.

This Deponent likewise adds, that two Spanish

Women who accompanied the Troops, and liad served
Lieut. Carr, by being occasionally employed in washing and mending his Clothes, and sewing the Brig's
Colours &ca. were treated in the most wanton, cruel
and brutal manner, & refusing absolutely to grant
visions or Water.
them any kind of Pro
This Deponent further states the following facts,
as corroborating Proofs of Lieut. Carr's tyrannical and
arbitrary behaviour: That the Patrons or Captains of
the Spanish Launehes trading to this and other Islands, were frequently brought on board the Attentive,
and their property taken from them without respeet
to their Licenees and Proteetions: 'And that in one
instanee this Deponent saw hin-1 tear a Licenee (granted by His Excellene Governor Hislop), throw it into the Patron's face, telling him, as well as others,
(through this Deponent aeting as Interpreter) that
Governors liad no right to grant such Permissions.
In short, such was the cruelty and oppression of
Lieut. Carr, towards the detaehment on board the Attentive, and partieularly the Spaniards, that this Deponent firmly believes, the whole would have quitted
the Vessel had they obtained permission to go on
shore; as was the case with the Comm e of the Troops
Captain Rankin, and Captain Me Cullock (the only
Persons that were allow to do it) and six of the Spanish Indians that swam on shore from the Vessel.


Sworn before me, at Port or Spain in the Island of

Trinidad, this twentieth day of February 1807.

&nix Nunr.L
Chef Justim.

N.: T. IX, f. 71.



Domingo Sanchez, Captain of Infantry, being duly

sworn on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, deposeth and saith: That he embarked on board His B.M.
Brig Attentive Lieut. Carr at the Island of Aruba
for Trinidad.That during the Passage the Officers
and soldiers belonging to the Expedition under General Miranda, experienced the most cruel and wanton
treatment: that the soldiers were often beaten with
ropes, and that an Offieer of Guides named Cayetano
Guevara, was in spite of his rank, flogged without any
cause or reason.
That before the arrival at the Island of Santa Cruz,
they were in a state of starvation, having had little
or nothing to eat for 4 days previous, and on an allowance of about half a Pint of Water for 24 Hours.
That after enduring all this misery and distress, Lieut.
Carr on our arrival at Santa Cruz, would neither per
mit the Officers or Soldiers to go on shore to purchase Provisions or would he suffer them to purchase
from the Boats that carne alongside. That Cape
Espaa having succeeded in procuring Provisions
from the shore, Lieut. Carr would not Buffer the Boat
to come alongside threatening to fire into her if she
attempted it. That this Deponent having asked permission of Lieut. Carr to go on shore to see a friend,
from whom he might have procured what necessaries
he wanted, this was refused him with abusive lan-

This Deponent also states, that after a supply of
Water was on board, and standing on deck from 6
O clock in the morning till 5 in the afternoon, they
could not procure any, aithough they were in t,he
greatest distress for want of it, and it was given to the
Goat of Lieut. Carr.And among other vexations, after turning the Officers out of the Cabbin, and obliging
them to lay in the Hold; he would not allow any of the
sailors, or even their own soldiera, to wait or attend
upon - them thus increasing instead of alleviating their
insupportable distresses.
N.: T. IX, f. 72.



This Deponent furthers says that Lieut. Carr has

frequently used the most contemptible and provoking
language, towards the Officers and soldiers belonging
to this Expedition, calling them Vagabonds, Brigands,
&ca., &ca.
This Deponent also adds, that two Spanish Women
who accompanied the Troops, and had served Lieut.
Carr, by being occasionally employed in washing and
ng his Clothes, and sewing the Brig's Colours
&ca. were treated in the most wanton cruel and brutal
manner; besides being absolutely refused any kind of
Provision of Water:
notwithstanding this Deponent
remonstrated against his inhumanity and brutality
many times.
This Deponent further states the following facts,
as corroborating proofs of Lieut. Carr's Tyrannical
and arbitrary behaviour: That the Patrons or Captains of the Spanish Launehes trading to this and
other Islands, were frequently brought on board the
Attentive, and their property taken from them without respeet to their licences and Proteetions: Aiid that
in one instance this Deponent saw him tear a Lieence
(granted by His Excellency Governor Hislop) throw
it into the Patrons face, telling him as well as others,
that Governors liad no right to grant ' such Permissions.
This Deponent also says, that a Spanish Soldier
(named Pedro Ximenes) of about 22 years of Age,
and in perfeet health when he embarked, died from
inanition and want of Provisions. That on being
brought on deck Lieut. Carr was called to see him but
did not give him any assistance. The Doctor being
ealled said he liad nothing to do with Miranda's People: being called a second time, some days afterwards,
he carne when the Man was dying, and then aplied a
Blister on his Breast; soon after which he expired.
This Deponent begged of Lieut. Carr a glass of Wine,
and a little flour for this unfortunate Man, whieh was
refused, although he had on board at that time, two
Pipes of Teneriffe Wine, and a Pipe of Brandy.

T. IX,

f. 78.



In short, the cruelty tyranny and oppression of

Lieut. Carr, towards the detachment on board the Attentive, particularly the Spaniards, was so insupportable, that this Deponent, verily believe no one of them
would have remained on board if they could have ob-

tained permission to go on shore. Captain Rankin, the

Commander of Trops, and Capt n Me Culloch having
procured Permission, remained there: And six Indians
soldiers swam on shore and deserted, being drove to
a state of desperation, seing that Water which was
already on deck was refused to them, and they were
whipped for having applied for it.

Sworn before me, at Port of Spain in the Island

of Trinidad, this twenty first day of February 1807.
Chief Justim.
N.: T. IX,



Londres 22 Jan'. 1807.

Mon General
Dans l'impatience o j 'etois ces jours derniers .1'
obtenir de Dir Windham, quelque chose de positif sur
ma Mission que je pus avoir la satisfaction de vous communiquer, j 'ecrivis hier matin a Mr. Vansittart une
note assez pressante, dans la quelle je lui demandois
quil eut la bont de se transporter chez W Windham et
d'en obtenir de lui quelque chose de plus satisfesant
et de concluant que son approbation general du plan
quil lui a t proposvous verez par la Reponse de
W Vansittart qu' aumoins ce delai ne provient pas
de mon manque d'exertion mais quil doit etre attribu
aux tracasseries et attaques serieuses auxquels les miN. : T. IX, t. 74.



nistres on t sujets depuis l'ouverture du parlement

ils sont tous occups a deffendre leur department
Respectif et remettent de jour en jour, l'examen et
l'execution des affaires les plus importantes la notre
a eut ce sort malheureux, car malgr que W Vansittart sache que M r Windham a l'intention bien positiv
de presenter ses plans a ce sujet devant le cabinet et
que les autres ministres s'y attendentcependant il lui
et impossible de savoir quel jour Mr. W. sera assez
prepar pour porter cette affaire devant le cabinetil
y a tout lieu de croire eependant que ce sera sous peu,
surement avant le depart du proehain paqueboat vous
avez du recevoir par le derniere paqueboat la copie
des Documents soumis a Mr. Windham jespere que
vous les approuverez.
je n'ai point recu de vos lettres ni de celle du General Hislop il faut que vous m'ayez ecrit par le paqueboat qui fut pris.Adieu General recevez l'assurance
de tout mon attaehement et devouement.
et veuillez me croire avec Respeet
Votre tres humble iu tres obeist serviteur.

Je vois par un paragraphe d'un papier d'amerique

qu'une lettre venant de la trinidad et eerite je soupconne par qui fi fait mention de mon depart avec vos
depeches et d'une lettre de Sir Home popham que vous
devez avoir recu, ces sortes de Raports demi confidentials ne peuvent rien occasioner de bien dans ce pays
et celui qui l'a ecrit auroit mieux fait de se taire.




Vansittart presents his Compts. to Comte de

Rouvray & is very sorry to learn that he is indisposed.
He begs the Count to assure Gen' M. of his best wishes
& of every service in his power. He is afraid that as
a debate comes on this day in the H of Commons on
which M Windham must bear a principal part it will
not be possible to see him this morning, but M` V.

knows enough of his sentiments to be assured that

the object of recovering America from the spanish
yoke is one to which he attaches particular importance.
Great George Street
21 Jan'. 1807.
N.: T. IX, f. 75.

Trinidad ce 8 Mars 1807.

Hier j'ai recu, mon cher Comte, Vos Lettres du

22 Janv6r Der Je suis vraiment desol de voir le retard
que Mr Windham mette notre affaire, come si elle
etoit peu importante, ou mme indifferente pour l'Angleterre; Je me plais croire cependant, que par le
prochain Paquet-Bot nous aurons un resultt definitif,
comme vous me l'annoncez dans la Vtre. Mon Esperance repose principalement sur Pactivit et le bon
Vansittart, aussi bien que sur le besoin
sens de
absolu o va se trouver P.Angleterre, d'ouvrir un
grand debouch pour ses Manufactures qui l'embarassent et doivent l'accabler de plus en plus chaque jour.
C'est bien malheureux pour Elle, ainsi que pour le
Monde en general, que ses Ministres s'obstinent ,
voir la Ballance du pouvoir dans quelques Parties du
Continent Europen (subjugu deja presque tout)
quant elle est aujourd'hui dans l'Amerique uniquement.
Croyez, mon cher Comte, que tandis que le Gouvernement Anglois verra une esperance quelconque (mme la plus illusoire) de coalition en Europe, elle ne

N.: T.

IX, f.




viendra pas neotre secours avec la bonne Volont, et

les moyens qui sont indispensables, pour faire executer et reussir un Plan aussi vaste, et aussi important,
que celui que nous sommes entreprendre. Veuille
la Providence dans sa commiseration ouvrir les yeux
des Ministres de sa Maj est Britannique, pour nous
tirer du grand danger ou nous sommes placs dans ce
Moment ici, et pour sauver le nouveau Monde d'une
ruine inevitable.
Quod Deus vul perdere prius dementat
La Prise de l'Ile de Curaao par l'Angleterre paroit
certaine, ce qui est un tres bon point de ralliement pour
nos operations ulterieures sur la Ciite du Royaume de
Sta F &ca. La prise de Puerto Rico par les Franais
ne se confirme pas, mais celle de Buenos Ayres par la
Garnison de Montevideo, et Tropes de Pinterieur, paroit hors de doute. C'est une malheureuse affaire sur
tous les Points, puisque la bonne intelligence entre le
Peuple Hispano-Americain et PAngleterre, doit s'altrer par cette incartade de Sir Home Popham. Vous
devez vous souvenir de ce que j'ai eu Phonneur de
vous dire bord du Northumberland la Barbade en
apprenant la prise de cette Ville, avec la Capitulation
qui declaroit le Pays en tt de Conquteet je ne
fis alors que pressentir ce qui etoit deja arriv par la
ruine des Troupes Angloises qui avoient pris Possession de la Ville, et par Panenation du Peuple Americain qui ne s'etant pas opposs leur entrer au Commencement, se sont tourns aprs contre eux et ont
finis par les chasser facilement du pays qu'ils avoient
envahis. La mme chose arrivera partout le Continent
Hispano-Americain quand la conquete soit le but principal et non pas leur Independance. Voila ce quil ne
faut pas cesser de repeter aux Ministres de S.M.B.;
et que sans cela ogn/i fatiga e vom
C'est bien facheux que vous n'ayez pas recu les
Lettres que nous vous avons envoys par les deux
Malles qui sont sorties tout aprs votre depart. Vous
&triez trouv toutes celles que vous demandiez du
N.: T. IX, f. 78.



General Hislop &ea, mais le sort a voulu que l'Enne-

mi aie pris les Batiments qui les eonduisoient a Tortola et qu'elles aient t jettes l'Eau.
Mille et mille (loses de ma part l'Ami Rutherford (si nous sommes assez malheureux pour que vous
soyez eneore en Angleterre l'arrive de celle-ei). Je
suis bien aise que Picton soit acquitt puisqu'on est
convaincu quant on a vu ce Pays ei, que sa eonduite
bien des Egards etoit correet, et peuttre indispensable.
Faites voir eelle ei Mr Vansittart et Mr Turnbull ausi, s'il n'y a pas d'inconvenient.
Les dernieres Nouvelles de la Province de Caracas sont, que les Cites se trouvent aetuellement tranquilles; que toute la Miliee est retire dans l'interieur;
que le Gouvr de la Guadeloupe a envoy chereher les
180 hommes de Troupes franaises qu'il avoit envoy
Caracas; et que l'esprit du peuple en general est
aussi favorable nos vues, qu'il l'etoit auparavant,
malgr qu'ils soient dans une espece d'apathie voyant
le peu d'empressement que l'Angleterre mette les
soutenir et remple les Promesses depuis longtems
lui etoient transmises par le Ministere Anglois.La
Prise ressente de Curaao eependant, doit les avoir ramen un peu et je crois que le moment actuel seroit
tres favorable pour agir, si on ne le laisse pas perdre,
comme on l'a fait par le pass.
(Borrador sin firma)
N.: T. IX, f. 78.

Trinidad ce 9 Mars 1807.

Mon trs eher Ami,

Ayez la bont de remettre la Lettre ci jointe de
Rouvray, et de lire son Contenu, qui vous mettra au fait
de l'tt actuel des Choses dans cette partie du Monde.
Envoyez nous je vous en prie, au plutt possible,
une resolution definitive quelconque. Le Nouveau
Monde se perdra aussi bien que le Continent Europen,
si on persiste se conduire comme on la fait Jusques
ici: On se decourage iei, on croit que l'Angleterre n'a



pas des moyens pour soutenir eette grande lutte, et

on finit par se persuader, qu'il faut absolument se
soumettre aux Volonts de la france, pouy y pouvoir
exister. C'est la doctrine la plus pernicieuse et la plus
detestable qu'on puisse adopter, mais elle se propage
malheureusement ici par l'insouciance que l'Angleterre montre l'Egard du nouveau Monde, qui depuis
longtems lui tend les bras, lui offre son Commerce et
ses Richesses, et qu'elle semble ddaigner et mpriser
absolument: tandis qu'elle donne des secours, et cherche avec empressement l'Alliance des Russes, des Tartares et des Turcs, pour qu'ils viennent it son secours
&ca. &ca. Je vous assure que ce sont des raisonnements que j'ai entendu faire ici it des Habitants de la
Province de Caracas, qui aiment leur Independance,
qui abhorent les Francais, et le Systeme actuel de Bonaparte, et qui desirent sincerement de s'allier avec
l'Angleterre, pour se soustraire absolument au Gouvernement Espagnol et Frangais.
The R. ele.


&e. &e. &e.

Nota: ihi el folio 80 se encuentra una carta que es copia del Original
que est en la pgina 17 del l'orno IX del Archivo.

23d. Jan. 1807.

My dear Sir.
I delayd writing you by last Packet in hopes to
have given you, some definitive & satisfactory Intelligence, by this one, but, to my great mortification, I
am still prevented from doing so. Count de Rouvray
has fully informed you of every thing that I have
done or would do; & has sent you Copies of ate Letter,
that with all the Care in our power & approbation of
Mr. Vansittart, has been prepared & delivered to Mr
Windham. That Gentleman has been for some time
past, most unfortunately harrased, with his Election
for the County of Norfolk, he met with great opposi-



tion, but at last succeeded& was returned. A Petition has been since given in against him to the House
of Commons in some pretext of treating, or otherways,
& then is Reason to fear that he may still lose his seat.
The anxiety of his Mind on this occasion has prevent
cd him from thinking seriously on your Business, or
forming any Plan for its arrangement& as the whole
rests in the Department of M r Windham, none of the
others Ministers will interf ere or even give an einion, until he makes up his Mind, brings the matter
before the Cabinet. Having had lately occasion to be
with Mr. Grenville, I again urged strongly the Importance of the Object upon him.& by what he said,
his knowledge of Count Rouvray's name, I forend
that Lord Howick had given to him, the Letters from
Adrat Cochrane.He seemd to be favorably disposed,
but nothing can be got from him, or any of the others
Ministers, until Mr. Windharn resolves, which I fully
hope will be before the next Packet. The Count send
you by this one a very pleasant Note from Mr Vansittart.& you may be assur 1d, that you woud not
possibly have sent a Person more proper than the
Count, in every point of View, to support your Interests in this Country. Nothing, you may depend is left
undone that is possible for him or me, to do.Mr Davison can be of no service--the Commissioners of Military accounts have made a most violent Report against him, for his Conduct as Agent for many years in
the Barrack Department, & I fear that it will occasion
a new much more discredit table Prosecution by the
House of Commons against himHe is not well, I believe, with the present Ministers; and the lees that he,
Sir Evan Nepean, or Lord Melville appear, it may be
the betterMr. Vansittart is your great & essential
supportA very disagreable Influenza or Catarrhal
Complaint, has of late privailed in this Metropoly.I
have been confined at home with it for some days&
Count de Rouvray is in the worst stage of it ; however
I hope he will soon get better as the Disorder is no ways
N.: T.

IX, f. 82.



of a serious nature. With united good Wishes believe

me most sincerly My Dr Sr yours John Turnbull. I yesterdays reed a Letter from Mr. Fitzwilliam dated the
30 Novr, from which I send immediately a material
Extraet to Mr. Widham.
N.: T. IX, /1. 88.

En 1805, La maison actuelle sous la raison de B. Du-

lau & Co. aeheta son fonds de Librairie par un arrangement ulterieur et fin d'epargner aux Debiteurs le

desagrement d'etre presss, cette nouvelle maison se

ehargea des dettes qu'elle a payes au vendeur, comptant ainsi sur la delieftesse et l'exactitude des personnes pour les quelles elle se mettoit en avance, sans avoir
fait sur elles aucun benfice.
MT Le General Miranda etoit un de ces debiteurs Le
13 aout 1805 il devait 495.1.5. il connoissoit l'achat de
la maison B. Dulau & Co. et sa situation par rapport
sa dette, et il avait bien promis d'y avoir egard. il donna mme l'esperance d'un payement trs prochain.
annonea qu'il allait faire une courte absence mais on
ne soubsconnoit pas que ce fut pour un long voyage
ni mme pour sortir d'Angleterre.
Les papiers publics ayant fait connoitre que le General Miranda etoit en Amerique, une personne dit a
la maison Dulau avoit reell une lettre de lui avec autorisation de la tranquiliser et que Le Genral alloit faire
solder son compte et qu'a tout venement sa creance
etoit bie assure.
Cependant, la maison Dulau ne recevant pas de
nouvelles ulterieures, elle a ecrit differentes fois au
General a la Trinit, et ailleurs et par differentes moJens ne recevant pas de reponses, elle apris toutes les
mformations en son ponvoir. on l'a assure que le General avoit pris pour la satisfaire des mesures connues
N.: T. IX, f. 81.



de Mr Vansittart, qu'on le trouverait dispos la favoriser et a Pacquitter en appliquant a son payement

une portion de la pension que le General reoit du Gouvernement.

Dans cet tat de choses, la maison Dulau qui n'a

voulu jamais faire de peine au General Miranda, mais
qui se trouve rellement presse par ses engagemens
et les circonstances, prend la libert de solliciter la
faveur et les bonts de Mr Vansittart elle le supplie ou
de vouloir bien la tranquilliser sur sa crance, ou de la
lui faire payer, ou de vouloir bien lui indiquer les demarches qu'elle auroit a faire pour se mettre en regle.
Par suite d'ordres continus La crance sur le General
Miranda monte , present . 506.12.2.
Londres ce 9 mars 1807.


respecting GEN'. MIRANDA.
N.: T. IX, f. 81.

Trinidad ce 9 Mars 1807.

My very dear Friend,

I thank you for the favor of your's of the 23d Jan'
lastI hope that your Promises for the next Packet
shall be realised, my patience is almost exhausted, and
the common cause by these delays will be carried to its
ruin and utter destruction. I thank you most particularly for your attention and assistance to Count de
Rouvray, I thought he would be a proper Person for
this important Mission, and by your Letter I see I was
not mistaken.May Divine Providence open the eyes
of your Ministers and save the New World, for the
happiness of Mankind.
You may see by De Rouvray's Letter, what has occurred lately in this part of the World. 1 do not want



to recommend to you my House in Graf ton Street,

whkh care I trust to your friendship and goodness.
(Borrador sin firma)
My best respects to Me'. TURNBULL.


N.: T. IX, f. 83.

G. Miranda presents his best Compliments to Mr

Traceyhe had the honor to call upon him yesterday
in hopes of having some minutes of conversation and
engage him to Dine with G. M. any day that both were
to be in Town.
He was informed however that M r Tracey had quitted the Town for the Country: and G. M. being obliged
to do the same to Morrow, towards Naparima, he hopes
to have the pleasure of meeting M r T. in that quarter
bef ore he returns to Town.
If he was so unfortunate as not to see Mr T. before

his departure for Barbados, he begs him to have the

goodness of taking charge of a confidential Dispatch,
for his much esteemed friend, Admiral Sir Alex r Cochrane, which will be delivered to him in Port of Spain,
by his Secretary M r Molini.
He wishes M r Tracey a very happy passage to Barbados, and every possible success in his undertakings.
Port of Spain
lith. March 1807.
8 O'clock A. M.
N.: T. IX, f. 84.



Trinidad 12th , March 1807

Ilere is another extract, My Dear Admiral, of the

Letters of the Rouvray and Turnbull, that I received
by the last PacketI hope tha next will bring us the
promised succours ; and that we shall be able then, to do
with safety and satisfaction, what we have been intending for this Year past.
I have had the pleasure of seeing M Tracey at his
arrival in this Town. I called upon him Yesterday in
hopes of having some conversation, and engaging him
to dine with me at any timebut he had just quitted
Town for the CountryI am going to do the same for
a few days, & shall try to meet him at Naparimahe
will be entrusted with the Papers relating to Lieut.
Carr, and with certain Bilis I send to you. I am very
glad to learn thro' him that the taking of Curaca is
authentic, and that the establishement of the French at
Puerto Rico, is not so.
To the


&c. &e. &c.
La carta que precede a sta ha sido copiada del folio 82 y
figura de nuevo en el folio 85.
N.: T. IX, f. 85.


dated London 22 Ami,. 1807.

"As I was impatient to receive from Mr Windhain

something positive respecting my Mission, that I
"might have the satisfaction of communicating it to
"you, I wrote yesterday Morning a very pressing Note
"to Mr Vansittart, begging him to call on Mr Windham
"and obtain from him something more satisfactory and



fl conclusive, than a general approbation of t,he proposed

"PlanYou will see by MT Vansittart's answer that
"this delay is not occasioned by want of exertion on my
"Part, but must be attributed to the harassing and se"rious attacks to which Ministers have been exposed
"since the opening of Parliamentthey are al oc"cupied defending their respective departments, and
"def er from day to day, the examination and execution
"of the most important affairs.
"Our has met with this unfortunate Lot, for altho'
"Mr Vansittart knows that M r Windham has a positive
"intention to lay the Plans on this subject before the
"Cabinet, and that the other Ministers expect it, yet
"it is impossible to know what day M r W. will be pre"pared to lay this Business before the CabinetThere
"is however every reason to believe it will be in a few
"days, and surely before the departure of the next
"Packet . . . . . . . . . . . .

N.: T. IX,

f. 87.



dated London 8th. Jan'. 1807

The Letter I had the honor to write you the latter

end of Decr, must have necessarily led you to believe
that the following Packet would have brought you the
News of the conclusion of the proposed Plan.TJnfortunately I am obliged to remit to another opportunity,
the News of Ministers assent ; it has not I assure you,
General, depended on me that things should go better
or quicker, and I think it my duty to add tbat without
the assistance of Mr Vansittart they couM not have advanced to the footing on which they stand at present; it
is impossible to shew more zeal and activity than Mr
N.: T.

IX, f. 88.

1 otisste



Vansittart, and he works for the happiness of S. A. with

as much anxiety, as if his dearest interests were at stake.
You will see by the annexed Copies that I have by his
advice sent to Mr Windham; that the latter is to present
this Business to the Council ; and you are sufficiently
acquaninted with his manner of acting and the immensity of Business that occupies him, to believe that altho'
I have been fifteen times to see him, I have not been
able to obtain more than Ulme quarters of an Hour
Conversation; it is true, that I left him persuaded with
the importance and necessity of the Expedition and I
must add that Lord Grenville, MY Thomas Grenville,
Lord Sidmouth, Lord Moira, and I believe Lord Howick (that I have not yet been able to see) are all, not
only well disposed but even anxious (to make use of
MT Vansittart's expression) for the execution of the
Enterprise.It is only necessary for the embarking of
the Troops, the Arms, & the appointment of a Convoy,
that the Plan once presented to the Cabinet should be
examined and approved by Ministers, this is MY Windham Business, & for that reason, MY Vansittart and
myself are continually after him, in order to terminate
an affair that one single meeting of the Cabinet can
decide. Yesterday
Vansittart expected, that in a
Conversation he was to have had with Mr. Windham,
he should be able to give me satisfactory news for you,
General, but this morning when I waited on him, he
said to me "nothing is yet decided, I have not been able
"to see Mr Windham, but assure General Miranda that
"every thing is in the fairest possible train, and that
"the examination of the Plan would have already pass"cd, if the multiplicity of Business, both Parliamentaas well as in the different departments, had not
"so occupied Ministers that they have not been able to
"attend to any thing else. but he added Lord Grenville
"and almost all the Members of Administration are
"friends to the Project, and are going to occupy them"selves about it in a few days".

N.: T. IX, f. 88.



Adieu, General, I hope that my next dispatch will be

more conclusive than the presentI am to see M Vansittart and Lord St Vincent to morrow Morning, and if
any thing occurs I will write you at all Events in hopes
the Packet may not have quitted Falmouth.
Receive General the assurance of the attachment &
Respect &ca. &ca.
N.: T. IX,

f. 89.


Much time has elapsed since I have had the honor
of paying my respects to your Excellency. I have been
confined upwards of seven weeks of a sore Ankle at
present it wears a more favorable appearance indulging
myself in the expectation, that a few days more would
remove the cause of my absence, I omited relating it
until Length of Time obliged mewhen I have now the
happiness to inform you that this seeming neglect, of
mine, will soon be removedThrough the attention of
Doctor Schofield, it is so far healed that I expect to
out in a few days--when I shall seize the first moment
to pay my respects to my General.
Much respected General, I am very anctious to learn
the progress of things, as they relate to the Expedition;
as I have heard nothing of importance since my confinement.The confidence which your EXcellency has
honored me with, and the freedom you have been pleased to use in comunicating to me before, is, one of the
strong inducements to see you, as, all that I hear, comes
to inc in such a mutilated way, surrounded with the malicious fabrications of a contemptible opposition, who
infest this place; & who would wish not only to thwart,
but totally destroy all those great plans, which your
Excellency has devised for giving Liberty to the fairest
portion of Earth ; and snatching from the gripe of foul
N.: T. IX, f. 90.



Tiranny the enslaved sons of the Noble Castilian; also,

for raising up the degraded descendants of Montezuma,
& plaeing them, in that dignified rank among men,
which natures God ordainedthe consummation of
whieh, I hope will be the enviable task of my General.
I hope this apparent proerastination of affairs, may
be for the ultimate advantage of the expedition. I feel
anctious for the result of the Counts mission. I hope
it may be prosperous. I long for the day when I shall
have the honor again, to aecompany your Excellene
on an enterprise so glorious of giving freedom to the
eaptive. This inaetive life does not suit me, if it did, I
should consider myself totally unfit to follow the Veteran Chief, whose genius eould not be content in the
enjoyment of those domestic sweets, which Philosophie
retirement presented, while, it reeurred to his mind,
that there were yet, fifteen or twenty millions of his
fellow men groaning beneath the nefarious seourge of
Priesteraft & superstitionthe goddess beekons--the
star hovers over Columbiait portends the salvation of
Millions. I am anctious to be away from this inhospitable spotit unhinges, it enervates the soldier, and
renders him totally unfit for interprize or danger.
Your Excellene will pardon shouM any thing escape unbeeoming a soldier, please, to attribute it to that
zeal whieh eaused me to embark, in the glorious cause
of giving liberty to favoured Columbia.
I have the honor to be
Your Excelleneys
most obedient and very Hble. Servt

Leander March 18th. 1807.

Port of Spain.
N.: T. IX, f. 91.




The Committee for managing the subseription to

support Col' Picton request the honor of your Company,
and .Aid de Camp, to meet his (Col l P-8) friends at
Dinner on the 21 8' ins' at Mr Parry's TavernKing
March 21 1t . 1807.

Dinner on the Table at 4 o'dock.

N.: T. IX, f. 92.

Londres 7 Fevrier 1807.

Encore un delai, Mon Cher General, mais au moins

j 'espere que celui ci sera le dernier ; je sors dans ce
moment de l'office de Mr Windham o Mr. Vansittart
m'avoit accompagn, afin d'obtenir une Reponse de
in itive; M. Windham n'etant point l, nous nous so--f
mes adress a Sir James Cockburn 1er sous-Secretaire
a qui s'est expliqu ainsi: ii auroit, m'a-t-il dit, desir
pouvoir me communi quer la decision des ministres sur
'ob jet pour le quel je leur avois t adress; mais que
Mr. Windham n'ayant eut que ce matin meme une entrevue avec Lord Grenville afin de conf erer definitivement avec lui sur cet important ob jet; que le Resultat

de cette confrence ne pouroit en tre communique

que lundy ou mardy prochain, (demain etant diman-

che). Mais, a-t-il ajout, vous pouvez assurer le General Miranda que les ministres de sa Majest sont parfaitement d'accord et pntrs de l'importance de l'expedition, et qui-il sont aussi persuads du dan ger quil
y auroit d'en retarder l'execution dans le cas ou la mesure auroit reu leur entire approbation.
N.: T. IX, 2. 93.

Mr Vansittart present a cette conversation en a paru

extremement satisfait, et il m'a dit en sortant que je
pouvois tre assur que Mr Windharn etoit aussi port
pour la prompte execution du plan autant que cl lui ou
moi pouvions l'tre.Mr. Vansittart m'a charg de



plus de vous anoncer que le surplus de 200 livres Sterling de pension qui n'avoient t consolids avec votre

pension primitive, l'etoient maintenant.

Vous avez v par les papiers la Recapture de buenos
aires, tout le monde ici blame Sir Home Popham : un
bruit dont nous n'avons pu tracer la source ni l'autenticit a couru ici que les Habitants de buenos aires
avoient propos au general Beresford de les declarer
libres & independants, et que ce general ayant refus
leur demande sous le pretexte que n'avoit aucun ordre
ce effet de son Gouvernement qu 'alors ils s'etoient
joints a la Garnison de Montevideo et l'avoient assailli
de tout cotPopinion de Mr. Vansittart et il n'est pas
le seul qui pense de mme, est que la prise de Buenos
Aires est plutot favorable qu'autrement a l'execution
d'une expedition a la Cte Ferme.
lorsque j 'eu l'honneur de vous crire par le dernier
paqueboat, je n'avois pas encore recu vos 2 depeches qui
me sont ensuite parvenus, j 'ai mis sous les yeux des
membres du Cabinet les trois pieces les plus interessantes savoir, la lettre de francs--celle de Downie, et le
Rapport du Lieutt Slout-ils ontt lus et considers
avec attention ,et ils ont produit l'effet que vous en attendiez, c 'est adire, de convaincre les ministres quil n'y
avoit pas un moment perdre, et c'est, dont est, convenu avec moi Mr. Windham la derniere fois que je le
N.: T. IX, f. 93.

Vous verez sans doute avec chagrin l'espece de persecution que souffre votre digne ami Davison ii paroit
que tout les partis se reunissent pour le traiter avec le
mme injuste acharnement quil ont trait jadis Lord
Melville, vous devez attribuer d'aprs cela son silence
au trouble que tout ecris lui donne, il ne peut nous tre
ici d 'aucune utilit et mme je n'ai p le voir que trs
rarement depuis le commencement de l'attaque dirig
contre lui, il a des amis puissants et tout ceux qui le
connoissent esperent que malgr le torrent des prejugs qui existent contre lui, que le tort que cela lui



causera se reduira a une amende de peu de vaieur,

(comparativement parlant).
Adieu Mon cher General je pensois la derniere fois
que j 'en l'Honneur de vous ecrire que je n'aurois plus
a vous recommander eneore un peu de patience. Mais
vous qui connaissez mieux que moi ces messieurs et leur
maniere de faire, vous expliquerez la cause de ces delais.
enfin je crois cependant que ceci sera la derniere fois
o je serai dans la dure necessit de vous donner des
informations non positives. Si je dois croire sir james
Corkburn Lundy ou mardi: jaurai la decision des Ministres.
Veuillez mon cher General faire agreer mes Respects
au Gouverneur. je ne lui ecris pas par ce paquet mais
ii entendra parler de moi par la premiere occasionrecevez l'assurance de l'attachement et du Respect avec
lequel jai 1 'Honneur d'etre General
Votre trs humble & tres obeisst



Mes eivilits au Col'. Smith et a Molini & fitzwilliam jai demand a Mr. Vansittart de s'employer pour ce dernier afin de
lu faire avoir la place de collecteur Curacoa dans le cas ou
seit vrai que eete isle soit angloise desnouvelles assez fraiehes de
La jamaique mentione que les habitants de Curacoa se sont offerts
aux anglois et l'amiral Daires en a pris possession.
N.: T. IX, f. 94.

A continuacin sigue una carta de De Rouvray para el Gral.

Miranda que ya ha sido copiada del folio 80 (al reverso).

Mr. Spankie presents bis compliments to Mr. Turninforms him that the statement "of the natives
of Buenos Ayres having made overtures to the British
Commanders av, tt, &", was derived from a gentleman
bull &



who said he had seen a letter from Sir H. P. containing

the Information, or at least something very like it. Mr.

S. likewise hear the same from other quarter, but of
its absolute truth he is not confident, though he is sure
the person from whieh he received the news eonsidered
it was stated in the Chroniele of tuesday 27 JanY Mr.
S. does not feel himself at liberty to say more but he
assures Mr. T. that he still believes that some or such
offer was made directly or indireetly. He may however be mistaken or misinformed.
Mr. S. has to apologize for not answering Mr. T.
much sooner, but he did not receive it till very late last
N.: T. IX, f. 96.

London 7th Febr 1807.

My Dear General
Today Sir James Cockburn, the new Secretary to
Mr. Windham, has promised to give a Definitive answer to Count de Rouvray. I fully trust that it would
be satisfactory ; but I don 't expect, that Sir James will
comply with his Promise--however as the Papers have
been some time before the Cabinet, the final Deeision
eannot be much longer delayd. Mrs. Martin, who, with
your Boys is very well surprised me by telling me that
you had applied to Mr. Vansittart before your departure to make good, for the use of your Family, the
200of your allowance that was to be recoverd from
the Revenues of TrinidadIt surprised me, that it had
escaped you totally to mention this to me. I took an
early opportunity to remind Mr. Vansittart of ithe
said, that, in recollection, he rememberd, you had said
something to him on the subject, but that he had intirily forgotten the circumstances of the arrangements
& was at a loss how to proceedI have stated to him
Every thing that was neeessary, in writingI hope



soon to have it put on a proper footingI shall see

Count de Rouvray before I shut this Letter, & shall
therefore only add, that I most sincerely affect .' am
My Dr G. .Always yours John Turnbull.Our friend
Mr. Davison's matter looks very badhe sees no one,
but I have written to him t,hat if I can in any way, or
in any respect be of service, 1 will be happy to be
favord with his Commands.
From the Counts lodgings I add this Postscript to
congratulate you on the very great probability t,hat in
a few days a favorable & satisfactory Decision will be
given on your highly interesting EnterpriseI have
also to congratulate you the almost certainty, w t Mr.
Windham, in my being able completely to settle the
200 a year, who has never yet been properly established. 0our excellent friend Count de Rouvray write
you at large.
&. &. &.
N.: T. IX, f. 100.

Londres 19 Fevrier 1807.

Mon General
je n'aurois jamais cr que je d avoir un jour
vous Ecrire, avec un impression de Rpugnance, c'est
cependant ce sentiment que j'eprouve en fe,,sant mos
dpches par ce paquet-ci ; les Esprances que je vous
donnai dans ma derniere lettre d'aprs l'autorit bien
positive d'un sous secretaire D'Etat; ne se trouvant
point encore realises, j 'aurais reelement desir n'avoir
A communiquer avec vous que dans 4 5 jourscar
vous vrez par la Lettre de Mr. Turnbull, que Sir james
Cockburn lui a positivement assur, qu'une dcision du
Cabinet me seroit indubitablement intime sur la fin
de cette semaine ou dans le Commencement de l'autre:
La vrai cause de ce Dlai, est, (et je suis oblig de l'
avouer) Panidet qui assaillit toute l'administration



dans Pattente de la dcision du Comit qui doit juger

la validit de l'Election de Mr. Windham, pour le Comit de Norfolk; le point d'Honneur des ministres se
trouvait compromis, et ils ont craint un moment qu'il
ne fut rejet, mais heureusement pour nous, Mr Windham l'emportera et la decision du Comit sera publiqu
ce soir ; aprs cette Epoque, M r Windham (que personne n'a p voir depuis 15 jours) sera visible, de
bonne humeur, et probablement bien dispos a donner
toute son attention la discussion de notre affaire. les
papiers qui la concernent, sont tous les jours de Cabinet mis sur la Table, mais comme le sujet doit 8tre
present et introduit par Mr. Windham qui souvent ne
s'y trouve pas, d'autres affaires attirent l'attention des
membres, et nous sommes remis a la seance prochaine ;
voil mon Cher General, l'Etat reel des Choses, ni exager ni embelli, mr Windham et plus des deux tiers du
Cabinet sont aussi persuads, que vous pouvez l'tre, de
l'importance du projet et de son immediate execution,
et le peu d'objections qui paraissent les embarasser
seroient bientot detruites si ils vouloient donner cet
objet, une matine de mure et sobre dliberation=D'
aprs la conversation que Mr. Turnbull a eut hier avec
Sir james Cockburn, il paroit que Mr. Windham apprhnde que les forces que nous avons demandes ne
soient pas suffisantes, pour operer l'objet en vue ; les
ministres confondent, je le crains les suites d'une attaque en forme de Conqute, avec les Resultatq bit:11 dif
ferents de la declaration de l'independanceils ont
toujours presents les 7 a 8 mille hommes de milices qui
se sont empar du General Beresford et de sa brave petite arme, et ils semblent craindre que la mme chose
n'arrive a une aussi petite force que les 4.000 hommes
que nous demandons; je suis oblig de leur faire ressouvenir que le cas de Buenos Aires ne se rapport pas a
une expedition a la Cote ferme que l'esprit des habitants de la Terra firme etoit certainement different
de celui des possesions auvent et qu'en proclamant
independance et en fournissant des armes, on se trouN.: T. IX, f. 97.



veroit support par un grand nombre d'habitants de

beaucoup de gens de eouleur (probablement de la TotaBM de eette caste) et qu'aussitot que Pangleterre feroit
voir aux amerieains que son Gouvernement agit de
bonne foy et quil veut supporter l'independance du
pays en cas de Gurre et de paix, abre les amerieains
prouveront aux anglois, qu'ils peuvent tre des allis
aussi fideles quils leurs sont necessaires--c'est ce langage que je tiens avec les personnes de l'administration
avec les quelles j'ai quelque point de contact, et c 'est d'
aprs cela, que jai engag mr. Turnbull ; adresser a
Mr. Windham sur les points oft les ministres paroissent
hesiter, une note explanatoire dans la quelle il appuye
fortement sur la necessit de dresser aussitot qui seroit
possible, un trait entre les 2 nations ou Pangleterre
se trouvera apeuprs dans la mme Hippothse et Position que se trouva jadis la franee par rapport a la
Amerique du nord, et qu'elle (Pangleterre) s'engagera
a faire accepter aux autres nations l'independance de
l'amerique du sudcomme ce papier n'est encore redig et que nous ne pourons le presenter que demain,
je ne pourai vous en envoyer copie que par la premiere
N.: T. IX, f. 98.

je vous envoye, du Reste, un appereu d'un improuvement introduit partielement, dans Partillerie et persuad que les pieees de Campagnes sur les modeles design sont preferables , toute autre, jai demand une
trentaine de pieees de ce modele dans eette proportion :
10 de 3 livres de bale, 10 de 6, et 10 de compte
aussi obtenir une bonne portion de ces Boulets, perfections par le Lieut. Colonel Shrapnel, appell the
Spherical case Shot, plusieurs personnes qui m'ont dit
en avoir v faire l'experience, m'assurent qu'a la distance du canon, l'on produit avec le Boulet l'effet d'un
feu d'infanterie bien nouri et bien dirig=quand a
la lettre du Redacteur du Chronielepar rapport a ce
que l'on Rapportalt de la disposition des habitants de
buenos aires Sc, &. &. je pourai par ma premiere vous



donner la dessus des informations positives. Sir Home

popham est arriv hier et j'ai t chez lui ce matin,
dans Wimpole Str' n'y etoit pas, mais je
compte certainement le voir et savoir de lui la verit de
ce Rapport et selon la nature de ce quil me communiquera j 'en ferai argument auprs des Ministres (sans
leur dire cependant que jai vii Sir Home).
N.: T. IX, f.


Adieu mon General comme fi seroit possible que par

le vent quil fait, le paqueboat ne partit pas de suite, il
est possible que demain ou aprs j 'apprenne quelque
chose que je serois bien aise de vous communiquer,
alors, j 'ecrirois et enverois a tout hazard ma lettre
falmouth, nous sommes dans une crise interssante et
je me trouverois bien heureux si par la circonstance
d'un petit retard, ce paquet ci pouvoit faire finir votre
anxiet qui je sais, doit tre son comble, je vous avoue
que la mienne est apeupres au mme dgr, et je crois
mme que l'impatience que tout ces Retards me donnent, m'ont caus une assez forte indisposition D'un
nature bilieuse, et dont je ne suis pas encore bien retabliadieu, mon General recevez Passurance du sincere
attachement et du respect avec les quels j 'ai l'Honneur
D 'etre.
Votre trs humble & trs obest

Mes compliments au Col.

Smith et a Mr. Molini.
N.: T. IX, f.

98. vto.



London 7 Peby. 1807.

My Dear General.
To day, Sir James Cockburn, the new seeretary to
Mr Windham, has promised to give a definitive answer
to Count de Rouvray.I fully trust, that it would be
satisfactory ; but I dont expect that Sir James will
comply vvith his promise--however, as the Papers have
been some time before the Cabinet, the final Decision
cannot be much longer delayedM" Martin, who, with
your Boys, is very well, surprized me by telling me that
me that you liad applied to Dir Vansittart, before your
departure, to make good, for the use of your Family,
the .200of your allowance that was to be reeovered
from the Revenues of TrinidadIt surprized me, that
it liad escaped you, totally, to mention this to meI
took an early opportunity to remined Vansittart of
it, he said, that, on recollection, he remembered, you
had said something to him, on the subject, but that he
liad entirely forgotten the Circumstanees of the Arrangement, & was at a loss how to proceedI have stated
to him every thing that was neeessary, in writing, &
hope soon to have it put on a proper footingI shall
see Count Rouvray before I shut this Letter, & shall
therefore only add, that I most sineerely & affectionately am,
N.: T.

IX, f. 102.

Our friend Mr Davison matter looks very bad

indeedhe sees no one, but I have written to him, that
if I can, in any way, or in any respect, be of service,
I will be happy to be favor'd with his Commands.
19th Feby. 1807.Notwithstanding all our Exertions, nothing yet has been definitively decided by the
Cabinet respecting your BusinessCount de Rouvray
will amply inform you of all particulars; & I beg leave
to refer you to him--only reiterating the .Assurance,



which at the sametime I am sensible is between you &

me unnecessary, that the Object occupies my whole
Attention & my most intime Exertion of Mind.I had
yesterday a very long Conversation on the Subject
Jas. Cockburn ; & have strongly impressed upon him
the urgent necessity & immense consequence, in every
point of View, of its immediate Execution.The papers have been some time before the Cabinet & Sir
James fully expects, that in two or three Days, it must
be decided. Both he & Mr. Vansittart assure me of
the favorable Disposition of MinistersI am in hopes
to get the 200.allowance paid out the secret Sen ice
fundas it cannot be obtained from the Revenues of
TrinidadMr. Davison speaks with Confidence of
being able to justify himselfSir Home Popham is
under arrest, & will be immediately brought to a Court
Martial.Your Son Leander is become a wonderful
fine Boy.His Brother will prove I dare say, to he
equally so.My next, I trust will give you conclusive
& satisfactory account8
Always & most truly yours.

&. &. &.
N.: T. IX, f. 102 vto.

Altho I am most fully persuaded of the warm, and
grateful Attachment, that General Miranda can never
for a Moment cease to retain, towards this Country;
and likewise of the Sense of Obligation that he must
deeply feel, in case that His Majesty's Ministers should
be pleased to afford him support ; yet I am aware, that
there may be some points, and there are, in my opinion



two, of great Importance, to the British Trade and

Manufactures, of which he cannot be supposed to be
apprized The first, is the Encouragement that should
be given in South .America, to the Importation and Sale
of Linens manufactured in Great BritainEvery other
Branch of our Manufactures, I am inclined to hope,
would require no further Protection, than to be put on
the same footing with similar Articles, from other
Nations ; but the Linens fabricated in the Northern
Countries of Europe, particularly in Silesia and Russia, have decidedly the Advantage of ours, from the
Abundanee and Cheapness of the raw Materials; the
low Prices of Labor and Provision: and the slighter
Texture of the Silesia Linens, which make them come
cheaper, and at the same Time to be better adapted,
than ours, for a warm Climate. In this last respect,
I understand that the Irish are endeavoring, and with
a good degree of Success, to rival them, however, that
must require Time, and I think it might be reasonably
expected, and such Expectation intimated to the General, that all other Linens should pay 10 p. Cent higher
Duty on Entry, than the British.
There is one other point, that appears to me, to be
essential; which is, that independent of Curacoa, which
if surrendered, I hope will always remain with England, some strong, and safe Ports of Shipping, should
be ceded, on the Pacific, and Atlantic Ocean ; which
would serve as secure Places of Deposit for British
Merchandize, and no leave the Property of His Majesty's Subjects in the defenceless and protected State, in
which it is now placed, in the Ports and on the Continent of Europe. Having been the General Chairman of
the Trade to the Mediterranean from London and the
Manufacturing Towns, for many years, I will in the
progrese of this most important Undertaking, occasionally, and with great Deference, submit to the Lords of
the Committe for Trade, what further may occur or be
N.: T. IX, f. 108.





suggested to me: if their Lordships will do me the

Honor, to grant me such permission.
I have the Honor to be very respectfully,
Your most obedient & Most humble

Guilford Street.
9th Feby 1807.
N.: T. IX, f. 104.

Trinidad ce 7 Avril 18e.

P. S.I have received at once, my dear friend, your

two Letters of the 7th & 19th FebY last.I thank you
very sincerely for your good wishes and exertion in
Count de Rouvray's Mission towards his B.M. Ministers. It is distressing indeed to see delays of this nature
in an Enterprize of such an importance for Great Britain; but I hope by the next Packet to receive a satisfactory and definitive answer upon this important subject. Every thing appears yet promising in the Province of Venezuela according to the late information,
but I apprehend that a longer delay may produce the
ruin of all our well digested Plans.
Many thanks for your attention to my House and
family in Grafton StreetI beg you will continue the
same kindness and friendship in my absence.
My best respects to MT' Turnbull, Peter, and family,
and believe me always with sincere friendship and
Have the goodness to transmit the enclosed Letters
Home Popham and Mira Martin.
(Borrador sin firma)

AHN Tunemull. Enz. N.: 1'.


f. 106.



Negociaciones. Tomo VILExpedicin a Caracas.Cartas
sin clasificar. Junio a Setiembre 1806
Carta de W. A. al General Francisco de Miranda


11 Pf




Carta de John Josef al General 'Francisco de Miranda

Carta de Phillip : Carteret al General Francisco de Miranda 10
Carta de J. Montecinos al General Francisco de Miranda 11
Carta de Jean Pene al General Francisco de Miranda
Carta de Alex Coehrane al General Francisco de Miranda 12
Carta de Gulliam Potle al General Miranda
Carta de Josef Visente Bonttor al Sr. D. Carlos Caero 13
Carta de B. al General Miranda
Carta del General Miranda al Hon. Alex. Cochrane
Carta de Jown Downie al General Miranda
Carta de Geo. W. Kirkland al General Francisco de Miranda 17
Carta de Geo. W. Kirkland al General Miranda
Carta de Guiliam Portar al General Francisco de Miranda 20
Carta de Chas. Stuart Middleton
Carta de Loppinot de Lafresilliere al General Miranda .. 22
Carta de Loppinot Beauport al General Miranda
Carta de Geo. Fitzwilliams al General Miranda
Carta de Sam. G. Ogden al General Miranda
Carta de Trelawny (de Belhay) al General Miranda
Carta de Francisco Febles al General Francisco de Miranda 27
Borrador de carta sin firma al Capitn Campell
Carta de Tho. Wethered al General Francisco de Miranda 28



Carta de




Jme. Renaud a Ifr. Boutour

Certificado de defuncin de Dn. Manuel Gual, por el Veneficiado Pedro Jos Reyes Bravo

Carta de Josef Visentte Bonttor al General Miranda
Carta de D. Campbell al General Miranda

Carta de Charles S. Middleton al General Miranda




Carta de Geo. W. Kirklan'd al deneral Miranda







Nota de presentacin de cumplimiento de Mr. Nehell al Ge
neral Miranda
Carta de Josef Vistte. Bonttor al General Miranda
Carta de Alex. Cochrane al General Miranda
Borrador sin firma de una carta al Hon. Alex. Cochrane 38
Minutas de una carta del General Miranda al General Hislop 40
Minuta sin firma de una carta dirigida a Nicholas Vansittart 41

Memorandum for the Commanding Officers of the Corps of

Carta de W. Holmes al General Miranda
Carta de Edwin Gairdner al General Miranda
Carta de W. Holmes al General Miranda




f t




Carta de Josef Mar. Cuajas

Carta de Josef Mara Cuajas al General Miranda
Carta de Jph. Montesinos Rico al General Miranda
Carta de Jns. Black al General Miranda

Carta de Williams Tucker
General Observations for the Governments of the commerce
in the Ports of Columbia
Noticias adquiridas el da 19 de Julio
Relacin de Oficiales del Ejrcito
Relacin de Cuerpos de Ejrcito
Carta de John Downie al General Miranda
Carta de R. Carus al General Miranda
Carta de Miguel Mas al Capitn de un Barco fondeado en
La Guayra

Comunicacin de R. Carus al General Miranda
Carta de Miguel Mas al Comandante de un Buque ingls 93









Carta de Geo. W. kirlaand al General Miranda

Carta de John Middelton al General Miranda
Carta de J. J. Peirce al General Miranda

Carta de John Hindle al General Miranda
Carta de S. Martin al General Miranda

Carta de Dulonchamp al General Miranda
Carta de W. Fullarton al General Miranda
Carta sin firma a D. Campbell
Carta del Comandante De Rou al General Miranda
Proclama de Don Francisco de Miranda, Comandante General del Ejrcito colombiano, a los Pueblos habitantes
del Continente Americo-Colombiano
Proclama de W. Armstrong
Carta de D. Francisco de Miranda al Selior Obispo de Mrida
Comunicacin de D. Francisco de Miranda al Cabildo y
Ayuntamiento de la Ciudad de Coro






Carta de Wm. Gagehall al General Miranda









Borrador de Miranda, sin firma y sin direccin
Proclama del General Miranda retirando tropas de la ciudad
de Coro
Borrador sin firma dirigido al Hon. Alex Coehrane





Y e



Borrador de Miranda sin firma dirigido al Vice-Almirante

Borrador de Miranda sin firma dirigido a Sir Eyre Coote 119
Borrador de Miranda sin firma dirigido a Mr. el Goberna
dor de Curaao
Nota de instrucciones privadas del General Miranda
Carta de D. Campbell al General Miranda
Resolucin del Comando en Jefe de evacuacin de Puerto

de la Vela
Borrador de una carta de Miranda dirigida al Capitn
Proclamacin dirigida a los habitantes de Aruba

Carta sin direccin del General Miranda
Carta de Simon Prince al General Miranda
Carta de G. Sayers al General Miranda
Carta de Wm. Armstrong al General Miranda
Carta de Don Francisco de Miranda a Mr. Jean Changuion 130
Instrucciones a fuerzas militares
Nota de presentacin de cumplimientos de Mr. Fitzwilliams
al General Miranda
Lista de prisioneros
Carta de A. Coehrane al General Miranda






/ e










Carta de J. A. W. Daeres al General 'Miranda

Carta de Eyre Coote al General Miranda
Borrador de una carta de Miranda a Sir. Alex. Coehrane
Carta de William Gagehall al General Miranda
Carta de John Downie al General Miranda


9 t




Carta de Trelawny (De Belliay) al General Miranda . .. 144

Negociaciones.Tomo VIII.Expedicin a







Minutes procdings at General Court Martial Held at

Aruba the ninth Day of September 1806
Borrador sin firma dirigido a Geo. Sayer
Carta de D. Campbell al General Miranda
Carta de Ges Sayer al General Miranda




Borrador sin firma dirigida a Geo. Sayer

Carta del General Miranda a Sir Alex Cochrane
Borrador de Miranda, sin firma, dirigido a Lord Melville 170

Carta del General Miranda a Nicholas Vansittart
Borrador de Miranda al Coronel Hall
Borrador de una carta de Miranda a Lord Greville
Carta de Alex Cochrane al General Miranda









Borrador de Miranda, sin firma a Sir Alex Cochrane

Carta de W. D. Robinson al General Miranda
Carta de Thos. Lanford al General Miranda

Carta de Edward Yates al General Miranda
Carta de John Downie al General Miranda






Carta del General Mira

nda a 'be. Dundas
Carta de Geo. Dundas al General Miranda
Carta de D. Campbell al General Miranda
Borrador de Miranda a D. Campbell
instrucciones privadas
Carta de James Adriers al General Miranda
Carta de W. Armstrong al General Miranda





Borrador sin firma dirigido

al dobernador Maitland
Borrador de Miranda, sin firma, al Gobernador Hislop
Borrador, sin firma, de Miranda, al Teniente Briarly
Borrador de Miranda, sin firma, dirigido a W. Holmes
Carta de Wm. Armstrong al General Miranda
Carta de Maitland al General Miranda





Borrador de Miranda dirigido a Lord Melville

Borrador de Miranda a Alex. Davison
Morrador de Miranda, sin firma, a Sir Evan Nepean
Carta del General Miranda a Nicholas Vansittart

Carta del General Miranda a John Turnbull
Carta de Miranda a Lord St. Vincent
Carta del General Miranda a Lord Grenville
Carta de Geo. W. Kirkland al General Miranda
Carta de Miranda a Rouvray
Carta del General Miranda a Nicholas Vansittart

Carta del General Miranda a Nicholas Vansittart
Carta del General Miranda al Conde Rouvray
Carta del General Miranda a Sir Alex Cochrane
Carta del General Miranda al General Bowyer
Carta de John Turnbull al General Miranda




















Carta de John Turnbull al General Miranda


t 9







Lista de los principales comerciantes de Caracas



99 99 99
99 ff



99 fl 99



9 9

Puerto Cavello



Copia de una nota del General Miranda a Mr. Turnbull y

Mr. Frobeg

Carta de Peter Evan Turnbull al General Miranda

Carta de John Turnbull al General Miranda




9 f


Carta del General Miranda al General Joseph Lambot ... 233

Carta de S. Martin al General Miranda
Carta de Jos. Lambot al General Miranda
Carta de A. Cochrane al General Miranda
Carta de Dulau al General Miranda
Carta del Teniente De Rouvray al General Miranda
Carta de J. Hislop al General Miranda
Carta de J. W. Rutherfurd al General Miranda
Carta de Sarah Martin al General Miranda
Carta de Home Popham al General Miranda
Carta de James N. Baker al Coronel William S. Smith 246
Carta de William S. Smith al General Miranda
Carta cifrada de William S. Smith al General Miranda . .. . 248
Carta sin firma y direccin
Lista de cifras en relacin con el alfabeto
Carta de W. A. al General Miranda
Carta de Geo. W. Kirkland al General Miranda
Carta de presentacin de cumplimientos del Capitn Walker
al General Miranda

Carta de Miranda a Sir Alex Coehrane
Carta de General Miranda al Conde De Rouvray
Carta del General Miranda a .Alex. Briarly
Carta de John Downie al General Miranda
Carta de Wm. Steuben al General Miranda
Carta de James F. Ledlie al General Miranda
Carta de A. Briarly al General Miranda

Carta de Jos M. Rico a D. Carlos Caero
Carta de presentacin de cumplimientos de Mr. Lynch al

General Miranda
Carta de Carlos Caero al General Miranda
Carta de Jos. Lambot al General Miranda

Carta de Jn. Black al General Miranda
Carta de Alex. Cochrane al General Miranda
Carta de Chas. S. Middleton al General Miranda
Carta de Alex. Briarly al General Miranda






Carta de Edwin Gairdner al General Miranda
Carta de Geo. Sayer al General Miranda
Carta de W. A. al General Miranda
Carta-borrador del General Miranda al Almirante A. Coeh278
Carta de Jn. Orford al General Miranda
Carta de Wm. Armstrong a Mr. John Orford
Carta de John Orford al General Miranda



2 f







Carta de W. S. Smith al General Miranda

Carta de John Turnbull al General Miranda
f 1





Carta de J. Hislop al General iiiranda

Carta de Alex Coehrane al General Miranda
Carta de John Downie al General Miranda


" '
de John Whilehaii al General Miranda
Carta de J. Montesinos Rico al General Miranda
Carta de Carlos Cafiero al General Miranda
Carta de presentacin de cumplimiento del General Miranda a Mr. Derriekson
Borrador sin firma al Coronel Smith
Carta de G. Ed. Fitzwilliam al General Miranda
Carta de B. Roorbaek al General Miranda
Carta de Monier Pasquier Freres al General Miranda

Carta de J. Douglas al General Miranda
Carta de B. R. al General Miranda
Carta de W. Armstrong al General Miranda
Carta de Carlos Cafiero al General Miranda
Carta del General Miranda a Sir Alex Coehrane
Carta de John Downie al General Miranda

f f





Carta de Alex
Coehrane al deneral Miranda
Carta de James Biggs al Coronel Roorbaeh
Carta de James Biggs sin direccin
Carta de James Biggs al General Miranda
Carta de Francisco Martnez al General Miranda
Carta de Josef M. Casafias al Sr. D. Carlos Cafiero



Negociaciones.Tomo 11.Expedicin a Caracas

Carta de A. Froberg al General Miranda

Carta de A. Briarly al General Miranda
Carta del General Miranda a Alex Briarly
Carta de B. Roorback al General Miranda
Carta del General Miranda al Conde de Rouvray
Carta de Alex Coehrane al General Miranda









Carta de Rob. Carr al General Miranda

Impresos del London Evening Post
Correspondencia interceptada relativa al General Miranda
Carta de John Turnbull al General Miranda
















Carta de De Rouvray al 'General Miranda
Carta de Cumplimiento de Mrs. Shipley al General Miranda 330
Carta de Geo. Fitzwilliams a Mr. Turnbull
Carta de G. Lynch al General Miranda
Carta del General Miranda a Sir Alex Cochrane
Carta del Conde De Rouvray al General Miranda
Extracto de una carta del General Miranda a Mr. Turnbull 335
Carta del General Miranda a John Turnbull
Carta de Edwin Gardner al General Miranda
Carta de Alex Cochrane al General Miranda
Carta de De Sennes al General Miranda
Carta de Francisco Febles al Sr. Carlos Caero
Carta de J. Montesinos al General Francisco de Miranda 342

Carta de William Gage Hall al General Miranda

Carta del General Miranda al Conde De Rouvray
Carta del Conde De Rouvray al General Miranda
" ay a 'ilr. William Widham
Carta del Corle D Rouvr
Carta de S. Martin al General Miranda

Carta de J. Downie al General Miranda
Carta de Robt. Mac Cullock al General Miranda
Carta del General Miranda a Sir Alex Coehrane
Carta del Conde De Rouvray al General Miranda
Carta del General Miranda a Nicholas Vansittart

Carta de B.. Dulau al General Miranda
Carta del General Miranda a John Turnbull
Carta de presentacin de cumplimientos del General Miran383
da a Mr. Traeey
Extracto de una carta dirigida por el General Miranda al
Conde De Rouvray
Extracto de una carta dirigida por el General Miranda al
Conde De Rouvray
Carta de Sam C. Loudon al General Miranda
Carta de presentacin de cumplimientos de Mr. Spankie a
Mr. Turnbull
Carta sin firma dirigida al General Miranda
Carta del Conde De Rouvray al General Miranda

Carta de John Tumbe al General Miranda



Carta del General Miranda a John Turnlull




Abazolo, Bruno Ignacio, pg. 225.
Abb, Mr., pg. 100.
Abercromby, Lady, pg. 359.

Adrian, James, Segundo Teniente,

pgs. 75, 84.
Adriers, James, pg. 180.
Aguerrebera, Pedro Ignacio, pgina

Alemania, pgs. 233, 283.

Alexander, Joseph, pg. 133.
Alzuade, Gernimo, pg. 225.
Mis, Bobee, Capitn, pgs. 75,
80, 84.

Amases-my, pg. 59.

Amat, Cristoval, pg. 226.
Amrica, pgs. 7, 23, 66, 111, 127,
144, 168, 198, 202, 215, 220, 221,
223, 227, 235, 243, 277, 321, 326,
334, 335, 376, 381, 395.
Amrica del Sur, pgs. 314, 388.
Amrica Espafiola, pg. 315.
Amrica Meridional, pgs. 27, 223.
Amescaray, Capitn del Puerto de
Trinidad, pg. 63.
Andr, Mr. pgs. 101, 216, 218, 222,
224, 285, 244, 263.
Andrea, Sebastian, pg. 62.
Angostura, pgs. 5, 50, 51, 258, 277.
Antigua, pgs. 38, 49.
rea, Joseph, pg. 132.
Arambure, Francisco, pg. 225.
Aranzamendi, pg. 59.
Archa, Mayor General, pg. 318.
Arende, Jacobus, Capitn, pg. 188.
Arene, Jonas, Capitn, pg. 188.

Arequipa, pg. 11.

Argos, Jos Joaqun, pg. 225.
Arguindeguy, pg. 60.
Arima, pgs. 28, 340.
Armstrong, William, Coronel, pgs.
10, 23, 35, 66, 67, 68, 70,
83, 130, 133, 139, 140, 141, 142,
148, 154, 156, 157, 161, 181, 182,
191, 192, 193, 195, 196, 197, 259,
263, 264, 265, 268, 269, 279, 281,
296, 316, 331.
Arrambide, Comerciante, pg. 64.
Arrizurieta, Antonio, pg. 225.
Aruba, Isla de, pgs. 73, 120, 125,
128, 129, 130, 131, 139, 140, 144,
145, 146, 148, 149, 156, 164, 165,
170, 171, 173, 174, 178, 179, 185,
188, 189, 190, 195, 201, 255, 257,
268, 277, 283, 325, 326, 363, 364,
366, 367, 369.
Asturias, Prncipe de, pg. 324.
Atkins, Capitn, pg. 192, 193, 197,
Auckland, Lord, pgs. 223, 830, 288.
Austerlitz, pgs. 206, 207.
Ayala, Manuel, pg. 60.

Baker, James N., pgs. 846, 247.

Balloch, John, 74, 88.
Baptist, Jean, pg. 138.
Barataria, pg. 271.
Baraciarte, Martn, pg. 825.
Barbados, pgs. 6, 8, 9, 10, 80, 88,



26, 29, 36, 39, 97, 139, 169,

173, 176, 178, 179, 180, 194, 195,
196, 199, 200, 201, 203, 204, 205,
207, 213, 214, 230, 237, 239, 258,
259, 260, 263, 272, 283, 285, 286,
287, 288, 295, 299, 312, 317, 318,
321, 325, 329, 334, 338, 339, 340,
347, 359, 383.
Barcelona, pgs. 57, 455.
Barelay, Teniente, pg. 49.
Barker, Mr., pg. 245.
Barrera, Miguel Antonio, pg. 225.
Barry, Mr., pgs. 99, 224.
Batista, pg. 267.
Beekwith, Teniente General, pgina
Bedingfield, Teniente, pg. 116.
Begorrat, M., pg. 14.
Bell, James, pg. 77.
Bentinck, Lord W., pg. 219.
Bentinek, Comandante, pg. 219
Berdes, Manuel, pg. 59.
Beresford, General, pgs. 242, 394.
Bernal, Antony, pg. 133.
Berrizbeitia, Mauricio, pg. 226.
13esden, Mr., pgs. 123, 132.
Biggs, James, Segundo Teniente, pginas 66, 67, 68, 75, 84, 303, 304,
Billop, Thomas, Capitn, pgs. 66,
67, 68, 70, 83.
Binches, Capitn, pg. 37.
Black, Jus., pgs. 49, 271.
Bolet, Jayme, pg. 225.
Bonaparte, pgs. 198, 209, 210, 220,
228, 232, 285, 344, 379.
Bonners, Gerrit, Capitn, pg. 184.
Bonome, 31r., pg. 244.
Bontero, Vicente, pg. 273.
Bonttor, Josef Vicente, pgs. 14, 32,
37, 76.
Borges, Toms, pg. 225.
Boutour, 31r., pg. 30.
Bowyer, General, pgs. 198, 209,
214, 233, 239, 257, 260, 282, 287,
317, 318, 320.
Boyle, P., pg. 111.
Braily, pg. 305.

Briarly, pgs. 263, 267, 270, 276,

278, 296, 299, 301, 311, 312, 333,
338, 346, 362.
Briarly, Alex, pgs. 259, 264, 274,
Briarly, Capitn, pgs. 258, 291.
Briarly, Teniente, pgs. 196, 272.
Brig, H. M., pg. 123.
Brose, Capitn, pg. 99.
Brown, pgs. 6, 98.
Bruce, Alexander, Primer Teniente,
pgs. 76, 77, 80, 83.
Buckhingham, Lord, pgs. 233, 282.
Bueno, Luis, pg. 60.
Buenos Aires, pgs. 212, 231, 233,
237, 242, 245, 283, 313, 340, 345,
346, 353, 361, 362, 377, 390, 391,
Burgos, Bernardo, pg. 226.
Burgudd, Gustavo Adolfo, pgs. 66,
Burnet, David, pgs. 67, 75, 83.
Bush, Mr., pg. 20.
Bywot, Mr., pg. 359.

C adiz, pgs. 59, 321.

Cagnarro, Capitn, pg. 255.
Calcuta, pgs. 96, 97.
Camacho, pg. 61.
Camero, pg. 6.
Campbell, D. Capitn, pgs. 8, 12,
15, 28, 33, 34, 103, 104, 112,
113, 114, 118, 122, 124, 125, 126,
127, 132, 165, 188, 189, 257.
Candleton, Mr., pg. 263.
Canibero, Cirujano, pg. 64.
Cannero, Mr., pg. 14.
Cano, Capitn, pg. 86.
Caero, Carlos, Capitn, pgs. 14,
82, 148, 153, 155, 160, 267, 270,
291, 298, 306, 307, 340, 342, 843.
Carabafia, Teniente, pg. 273.
Caracas, pgs. 5, 21, 24, 31, 39, 48,
57, 59, 60, 62, 65, 105, 115,
116, 118, 127, 144, 168, 171, 174,
198, 201, 206, 210, 213, 214, 223,
225, 233, 243, 257, 273, 283, 300,

P3014204510:1408 Ds La namanemmou

303, 308, 815, 819, 824, 841, 856,

878, 879.
Carau, Mr., pg. 11.
Caravano, Don Pranciseo, pg. 824.
Car Boarded, Teniente, pg. 84.
Carr, Robert, Teniente, pgs. 299,
316, 317, 332, 839, 861, 363, 864,
865, 366, 867, 868, 869, 870, 871,
872, 873, 874, 884.
Carrington, Charles, pgs. 76, 82.
Cartagena, pg. 819.
Carteret, Capitn, pgs. 5, 8.
Carteret, Philip, pg. 11.
Carne, B. Capitn, pgs. 86, 88, 89,
Carvallo, Antonio, pg. 225.
Candes, Josef Mara, pgs. 46, 47,
82, 146, 147, 152, 255, 307.
Caah, lid., pg. 130.
Castilla, pg. 61.
eastlereagh, Lord, pgs. 314, 332,
Castro, Ana Maria, esposa de D.
Manuel Gual, pg. 81.
Cavo, Narciso, pg. 64.
Cayetano, pgs. 296, 807.
Clarck, Mr., pg. 38.
Clarke, Robert, Primer Teniente, 1dtginas 73, 83.
elif ford, William, pgs. 78, 83.
Cobo, Padre, pg. 290.
Cochrane, Alex, pg.. 12, 16, 26, 38,
40, 116, 119, 125, 126, 184, 135,
136, 137, 166, 169, 171, 172, 174,
177, 178, 185, 187, 193, 195, 213,
230, 237, 258, 272, 278, 286, 299,
301, 815, 816, 820, 838, 889, 868,
380, 388, 384.
Cochrane, John, pg. 168.
Cochrane, Lady, pg. 316.
Cockburn, Sir James, pgs. 889, 391,
392, 898, 894, 397, 898.
Coll, Agustn, pg. 226.
Colombia, pgs. 89, 54, 55, 78, 207,
Colomier, pg. 84.
Continente Americano, pgs. 117,


Continente Amerieo-Colombiano, pgina 105.

Conway, Coronel, pg. 859.
Coote, Sir Ere, Teniente General,
pgs. 120, 188, 818.
Cordero, pg.. 59, 63, 64.
Coro, Ciudad de, pgs. 24, 89, 100,
112, 113, 114, 116, 117. 118, 119,
124, 132, 133, 188, 150, 171, 174,
176, 187, 188, 209, 213, 288, 818,
818, 819, 321, 822, 324, 825, 843,
Coro, Teniente, pg. 158.
Corear, John, pgs. 24, 123, 132.
Cortegoso, Jos Antonio, pg. 225.
Corts, pgs. 62, 63.
Crawford, General, pgs. 284, 292,
298, 300, 325.
Croeran, Almirante, pg. 268.
Crono, Daniel, pgs. 76, 82.
Cuba, Isla de, pg. 289.
Cuba, Philip, Capitn, pg. 183.
Cuman, pgs. 10, 15, 133, 208, 214,
226, 273, 277, 319, 342, 343, 355.
Cumareo, pg. 111.
Cupida, Jos, pg. 148, 147, 158.
Curaao, pg. 5, 23, 60, 68, 65, 122,
123, 124, 127, 131, 182, 179, 907,
268, 823, 877, 378, 384, 891.
Cut, Mr., pg 244.

CH agra, Joseph, pg. 133.

Changuion, Jean, pg. 131.

ehrieter, Mrs., pg. 296.
Christopher, Johannes, Capitn, pg.
D acres, J. A. W., Capitel, pian.
119, 128, 187.
Dalrymple, Mayor General, pg. 818.
Darning, Daniel, R., Capitn, pg.
Davison, Alex, pgs. 99, 186, 172,
200, 215, 216, 243, 245, 259, 829,
384, 880, 890, 898, 397, 898.
De 13ethay, Capitn, pg. 157.



De Rouvray, Gast!), Coronel, Conde

de, pgs. 7, 8, 43, 75, 77, 84, 85,
104, 109, 112, 126, 141, 146, 158,
159, 161, 167, 198, 194, 197, 199,
200, 202, 203, 204, 205, 208, 210,
211, 212, 213, 240, 258, 259, 313,
314, 316, 327, 330, 331, 332, 333,
335, 338, 347, 350, 354, 357, 361,
375, 376, 378, 379, 380, 382, 384,
385, 391, 392, 393, 396, 397, 400.
De Senne, Teniente, pgs. 84, 157,
161, 339.
Del Valle, Narciso, pgs. 62, 63, 64,
Delgado, Jos, pg. 228.
Derrickson, Mr. pg. 291.
Dessalines, 209.
Daz Flores, Antonio, pg. 225.
Dion, pg. 127.
Domingo, Don, pg. 297.
Donohue, Thomas, pgs. 73, 79.
Donald, Michael M. Segundo Teniente, pg. 77.
Douglas, Samuel, pgs. 76, fe, 153,
190, 191, 294.
Downie, John, Coronel, pgs. 16, 35,
78, 82, 90, 95, 142, 143, 148,
154, 181, 182, 183, 184, 189, 258,
260, 286, 284, 288, 300, 301, 360.
Drav, Mr. pg. 244.
Dulau, Mr. B., pgs. 358, 381, 382.
Dulonehamp, John, pg. 102.
Dundas, Capitn, pg. 173, 176, 178,
179, 186, 187, 257.
Duparquet, Mayor, pgs. 76, 82.
Duque de Alba, pg. 128.
Durning, Daniel R. Capitn, pg. 67.
Dwyer, Teniente, pgs. 190, 191.

Echenique, Juan Jos, pg. 225.

Eduardo, Juan, pg. 225.
Eduardo, Pedro, pg. 225.
Emazabel, Joaqun, pg. 225.
F.spalia, pgs. 39, 40, 48, 49, 52, 58,
60, 82, 63, 64, .65, 207.
%palia, Andrs, Corregidor de Macuto y Capitn, pgs. 7, 58, 82,

96, 106, 118, 167, 175, 255, 815,

820, 821, 850, 352, 853, 863, 868,
369, 371.
Estados Unidos de Norte Amrica,
pgs. 18, 49, 54, 56, 60, 167, 208,
236, 255, 256.
Etchezuria, Manuel, pg. 225.
Etehesuria, Pablo, pg. 225.
Europa, pgs. 24, 48, 133, 173, 178,
194, 195, 198, 209, 210, 276, 292,
298, 300, 301, 321, 326, 335, 344,
361, 399.

Farquharson, Francis, Segundo Teniente, pgs. 66, 67, 84.

Febles, Francisco, pgs. 28, 341.
Felipe II, pg. 127.
Feryra, Joseph, Segundo Teniente,
pgs. 77, 81, 82.
Ferraris, pg. 95.
Ferrill, John, pg. 82.
Ferris, John, Sargento, pgs. 72, 83.
Filadelfia, pgs. 24, 111, 246.
Fitzwilliam, Geo, pgs. 5, 16, 24,
123, 132, 169, 195, 215, 224, 228,
230, 232, 283, 292, 325, 326, 381,
359, 360, 381.
Foz, Mr., pgs. 212, 215, 220, 223,
225, 232, 233, 241, 282.
Francia, pgs. 40, 53, 117, 119, 167,
170, 171, 175, 194, 211, 214, 220,
228, 240, 241, 353, 362.
Francia, George, pgs. 146, 147.
Francia, Sargento, pgs. 150, 151,
158, 159.
Franco, Inspector General, pg. 258.
Franko, Laureas, Capitn, pg. 183.
Froberg, Andr, pgs. 227, 310.
Fullarton, William, 102.

G agehall, William, pgs. 75, 84,

113, 126, 140.
Gairdner, Edwin, pgs. 44, 275, 299,
300, 338.
Galatea, pgs. 134, 188, 165, 167,



Galguera, Juan Vicente, pg. 225.

Garay, Jos, pg. 225.
Garcia, pg. 62.
Garcia Jove, Joaqun, pg. 225.
Garcia, Jos Manuel, pg. 225.
Gardi6, pg. 6.
Gardiner, James, B., Capitn, pgs.
66, 67, 83.
Garhdinet, pg. 269.
Garmendia (Escribano), pg. 342.
Garraway, Mrs. pg. 196.
Garrison, pgs. 214, 287, 288.
George, John, pg. 219.
George, Sir, pg. 220.
Gibraltar, pgs. 221, 319.
Gill, Thomas, Segundo Teniente, pginas 66, 67, 83.
Gipsey, W., pg. 183.
Glover, Sargento, pg. 72.
Gobierno Britnico, pg. 138.
Godayy Codina, Jos, pg. 225.
Goenaga, pgs. 59, 63.
Gonzlez, Salvador, pg. 225.
Gotere, Domingo, pg. 132.
Graham, Mr. pgs. 289, 336, 338.
Gran Bretaa, pgs. 16, 43, 120, 138,
166, 168, 170, 175, 187, 188, 204,
211, 258, 337, 350, 352, 361, 362,
899, 400.
Granada, pgs. 307, 356.
Grands, pg. 268.
Grecia, pg. 127.
Green, James, pgs. 77, 84, 139.
Grenade, pgs. 194, 195, 196, 199,
205, 239, 253, 254, 276, 277, 356.
Grenville, Lord, pgs. 135, 136, 172,
173, 176, 205, 212, 215, 220, 232,
234, 284, 298, 325, 326, 328, 329,
333, 334, 348, 380, 886, 389.
Grenville, Mr. J., pg. 241.
Grenville, Thomas, Mr., pgs. 233,
283, 386.
Greogory, Joseph, pg. 133.
Grey, Mr. pg. 215.
Grose, Capitn, pgs. 235, 359.
Guadalupe, pgs. 49, 63, 97, 207,
210, 285, 315, 378.
Guaimito, pg. 57.



Gual, Manuel, pgs. 81, 58, 59, 62,

63, 64, 65, 804.
Guaraparo, pg. 11.
Guarapiche, pg. 15.
Guayana, pgs. 50, 51, 843.
Guayra, La, 8, 37, 58, 59, 60, 62,
63, 64, 65, 126, 175, 209, 211,
319, 321, 324, 355, 356.
Guevara, Cayetano, pgs. 82, 867,
869, 372.
Guillaumes, Almirante, pg. 239.
Guiria, pgs. 11, 57, 85, 88, 91, 92,
94, 141, 207, 273, 276, 297.

Habana, pgs. 27, 62, 239.

Hacha, Mo de la, pgs. 126, 168,
184, 257.
Haiti, pg. 49.
Halthy, Sir, pg. 358.
Hall, Coronel, pgs. 174, 277.
Hall, Miles L., pgs. 66, 67, 83.
Hall, Mrs. pg. 344.
Hall, William Gace, pg. 345.
Hammond, Capitn, pg. 339.
Hancock, John, Capitn, pgs. 147,
152, 153, 162, 205, 255.
Harvard, Mr., pgs. 87, 88.
Harvey, Capitn, pg. 43.
Hathaway, Hora, Primer Teniente,
pgs. 77, 84.
Having, Sir, pg. 294.
Hawkey, Mr. pg. 238.
Heckel, David, Capitn, ggs. 66,
67, 84.
Herrera, Jos, pg. 226.
Herrera, Juan Pascual, pg. 225.
Herrera, Pedro, pg. 226.
Herries, Mr., pg. 230.
Higuerote, pg. 355.
Hilas, Gaspar, pg. 226.
Hindel, Mr. pg. 2i4.
Hindle, John, pg. 98.
Hinele, Mr., pg. 235.
Hislop, John, General y Gobernador,
pgs. 5, 15, 16, 26, 41, 78, 141,
195, 202, 231, 240, 241, 257, 258,



260, 269, 272, 280, 286, 318, 328,
342, 357, 371, 373, 875, 378.
Hispano Amrica, pg. 353.
Hispano Americano, Continente, pgina 377.
Hispano Americano, Pueblo, pgs.
112, 377.
Holanda, pgs. 40, 127.
Holder, Jos: R., pg. 82.
Holders, Roberts, pg. 289.
Holmes, William, Capitn, pgs. 44,
45, 46, 196, 258, 276, 278, 346.
Hood, Sir James, pg. 240.
Hose*, William, Primer Teniente,
pgs. 66, 67, 80, 84, 164.
House, Cipriani, pg. 88.
Howick, Lord, pgs. 215, 220, 233,
241, 282, 348, 380, 386.
Hughes, Richard, pg. 77.
Hylton, Daniel L., pg. 48.
Indias pgs. 308, 319.
Indias Occidentales, pgs. 178, 317,

340, 353.
Indios Guaiqueris, pg. 57.
Ingersoll, Henry, Segundo Teniente,
pgs. 74, 82.
Inglaterra, pgs. 26, 4e, 53, 96, 100,
118, 135, 139, 170, 171, 173, 176,
177, 187, 194, 201, 202, 203, 204,
205, 215, 220, 228, 237, 258, 271,
292, 315, 334, 337, 345, 346, 361,
376, 377, 378, 379, 381, 399.
Iotosans, Joseph, 226.
Islas Britnicas, pg. 40.
Iturra1de, Juan Baptista, pg. 225.
Iturralde, Juan Francisco, pg. 225.
aemel, Baha de, pg. 49.
Jamaica, pgs. 119, 120, 121, 125,
126, 128, 137, 141, 154, 167, 168,
171, 179.
Javia, Francia, pg. 131.
Jeffereon, Presidente, pgs. 71, 286.
Johnston, Charles, Primer Teniente,
pgs. 66, 67, 68, 83.

Johnstone, Gobernador, pgs. 880,

Jorge, Paulo, T., Primer Teniente,
pg. 67.
Jorge, Prncipe, pg. 839.
Josef, John, pg. 9.
Juana (India), pg. 843.
Judah, Abram, Segundo Teniente,
pgs. 73, 74.
Jusepy, Pablo, pg. 343.
I<eating, William, Corneta, pgs.
76, 83, 158.
Kemper, Daniel D, Primer Teniente,
pgs. 66, 67, 70, 83.
Kennon, Robert, pg. 247.
Kent, Duque de, pg. 219.
Kerkclan, Coronel, pgs. 269, 307.
Key Mufloz, Fernando, pg. 225.
Kingston, Coronel pgs. 43, 76, 82.
Kinning, Mr., pg. 277.
Kirkland George W, Teniente Coronel, pgs. 19, 20, 35, 73, 76, 83,
95, 110, 180, 206, 209, 255, 256,
266, 887.
La Clee, Jacobus, Capitn, pgs
Lacorte, pg. 271.
Lackhead, Mr., pg. 260.
Lafita, Mr., pg. 297.
Lafont, Bartolom, pg. 297.
Lambot, Joseph, pgs. 10, 223, 231,
233, 234, 236, 258, 270, 271, 282,
289, 292, 311, 346.
Landerdale, Lord, pg. 230.
Landesta, Jos, pg. 225.
Lanford, Thomas, pg. 180.
Larain, Bernardo Juan, pg. 225.
Larruleta, Comerciante, pg. 64.
Lartegui, Teniente de Ingenieros,
pg. 63.
Las Llamoras, Jos de, pg. 226.
Ledlie, James T., Capitn, pgs. 78,
80, 83, 95, 120, 121, 187, 188,
141, 261, 262.


Len, Capitn, pg. 110.

Lerma, Joseph, pg. 226.
Lespor, Bernardo, Capitn, pg. 188.
Levingien Judas, pg. 185.
Lewis, Thomas, Coronel, pgs. 17,
66, 67, 71, 207, 209, 212.
Lewrad, Isla de, pg. 223.
Lile, pg. 33.
Lima, pg. 292.
Linares, Vicente, 225.
Lion, Francia, Capitn, pg. 82.
Lisboa, pg. 324.
Lizarraga, Manuel de, pg. 225.
Logan, Mayor, pg. 262.
London, Capitn, pgs. 149, 190.
Londisdale, Lord, pg. 177.
Londres, pgs. 96, 97, 99, 111, 130,
168, 215, 218, 223, 226, 227, 228,
230, 231, 233, 234, 237, 238, 241,
242, 263, 277, 284, 292, 295, 316,
317, 325, 327, 328, 833, 345, 347,
354, 357, 363, 374, 382, 884, 385,
389, 392, 393, 397.
Lpez Mayan, Mara Petronila de,
pgs. 289, 290, 306, 343.
Lpez Mndez, Isidoro Antonio, pgina 226.
Loppinot Beaufort, pg. 23.
Loppinot, Chevalier, pgs. 75, 84,
Loppinot de Lafresilliere, pg. 22.
Loudon, Capitn, pgs. 80, 140.
London, Samuel C., Capitn, pgs.
66, 87, 84, 888.
London, William, Primer Teniente,
pgs. 66, 67, 84.
Ludlow, Mr., pgs. 233, 282, 337.
Lynch, Mr., pg. 267.
Lynch, G., pg. 331.
Lynch, Samuel, pgs. 82.
Macalhar, Miss., pg. 859.
Macuto, Pueblo de, pgs. 58, 83, 64,
McCullough, Robert M., pgs. 85,
77, 82, 88, 86, 87, 123, 130,
149, 164, 361, 364, 366, 369, 871,



Me.Donald, Michael, Segundo Teniente, pg. 84.

Mackeys, Mr. pg. 817.
Madeira, pg. 889.
Madrid, pgs. 59, 105, 122, 219.
Maitland, pgs. 198, 199.
Maitland, General, pgs. 257, 258,
Maitland, Gobernador, pg. 194.
Mallory, Charles, pgs. 368, 864.
Malta, pgs. 220, 221.
Maneyro, Francisco, pg. 226.
Maracaibo, pgs. 318, 319, 822, 854.
Maracas, pgs. 271, 289.
Marengo, Batalla de, pg. 207.
Mart, Mariano, pg. 226.
Martin, Mr., pg. 327.
Martn, Mrs., pgs. 101, 215, 216,
218, 221, 228, 229, 231, 282, 284,
392, 397, 400.
Martn, Diego, Comandante, pgina
Martn (El Rudo), pg. 307.
Martin, George, pg. 97.
Martn, Pieter, Capitn, pg. 184.
Martin, Sarah, pgs. 101, 218, 236,
244, 858.
Margarita, Isla de, pgs. 117, 206,
214, 226, 268, 307, 319.
Martines de Abia, Flix, pg. 226.
Martnez, pg. 273.
Martinica, pgs. 15, 27, 36, 49, 117,
201, 210, 211, 213, 240, 318.
Mary, Francisco, pg. 58.
Mas, Miguel, pgs. 92, 94, 95.
Massuo, Mr., pg. 235.
Maturin, pg. 86.
Mayora, Simn, pg. 226.
Melville, Lord, pgs. 136, 168, 171,
172, 177, 199, 200, 213, 239, 380,
Mendiry, Oficial de Aduanas, pgs.
59, 62, 63.
Mexiaa, Antonio, pg. 343.
Mxico, pgs. 284, 298, 325.
Mxico, Golfo de, pg. 174.
Middleton, Mr. pgs. 160, 273.
Middleton, Charlen S., pgs. 34, 85,



Middelton, John, 97.

Milrey, Charles, pg. 44.

Miranda, General Francisco de, pgs.

9, 11, 12, 13, 15,
19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 27,
29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36,
38, 41, 43, 44, 45, 48,
49, 52, 85, 86, 90, 95,
98, 101, 102, 103, 105, 109,
112, 113, 114, 115, 119, 120,
123, 124, 126, 128, 129, 130,
132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137,
140, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146,
157, 164, 165, 166, 167, 169,
172, 173, 174, 176, 178, 179,
182, 184, 186, 188, 189, 190,
192, 193, 197, 198, 200, 203,
205, 207, 210, 215, 218, 219,
227, 229, 231, 233, 236, 237,
241, 244, 246, 247, 250, 254,
256, 257, 259, 261, 262, 264,
266, 267, 271, 274, 275, 277,
280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285,
287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292,
294, 295, 296, 300, 301, 303,
307, 311, 312, 313, 314, 316,
318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323,
325, 327, 328, 330, 331, 338,
343, 345, 348, 350, 351, 353,
360, 361, 363, 364, 365, 366,
368, 369, 372, 373, 375, 376,
382, 383, 385, 387, 388, 389,
393, 397, 398.
Mitehell, Mr. pg. 260.
Moetezuma, pg. 388.
Moira, Lord, pgs. 136, 329,
348, 386.
Molini, Thomas, pgs. 44, 109,
148, 215, 218, 223, 224, 228,
232, 234, 235, 239, 240, 248,
283, 295, 325, 327, 350, 357,
383, 391, 396.
Monier Pasquier, pg. 293.
Monroe, M., pg. 215.
Monroe, Mrs., pg. 215.
Monserrate, Isla de, pg. 49.
Monteeinos, J., pg. 11.
Montesinos, J., pg. 343.



Montesinos Rico, Jos, pgs. 48, 289.

Montevideo, pgs. 377, 390.
Moore, John, Segundo Teniente, pginas 67, 82.
Moreno, Artillero, pg. 59.

Moreno de Mendoza, Joaqun, Gobernador, pg. 5.

Moreno, Juan, pg. 64.
Moses, Capitn, pgs. 78, 84, 147,
148, 149, 151, 153, 185.
Murray, Teniente, pgs. 253, 277.
Napansmai, pg. 13.
Naparimar, pgs. 32, 36.
Npoles, Rey de, pg. 324.
Nartinez, Francisco, pg. 306.

Navarro Infante, Gabriel Antonio,

pg. 5.
Neal, James, pg. 104.
Nehell, Mr., pg. 36.
Nelson, pg. 74.
Nepean, Evan, pgs. 172, 200, 201,
215, 232, 245, 380.

Newton, Henry, Segundo Teniente,

pgs. 66, 67, 75, 76, 83.
New York, pgs. 14, 21, 24, 48, 133,
167, 181, 202, 211, 230, 236, 245,
247, 248, 277, 292, 318, 327, 338,
Nicolaas, Capitn, pg. 184.
Nicholls, Geo, pg. 132.
Nihel, Philip, Capitn, pgs. 75, 84,
147, 148, 149, 152, 153, 185, 258.
Nihel, John, pgs. 384, 366, 369,
371, 374.
Norfolk, pg. 394.
Norte Amrica, pgs. 52, 181, 215,
Nubroy, Charles, pg. 84.
Nuestra &flora del Carmen, pg. 64.
Nueva Guayana, pg. 5.

O enmare, pgs. 52, 273, 355.

Ogden, Samuel G., pgs. 25, 209,
212, 238, 289, 291, 292.
Olivert, Juan, pg. 226.
Orange, Prncipe de, pg. 127.


Orea, Telesforo, pg. 226.

Orford, John, Primer Teniente, pginas 66, 67, 84, 279, 280, 281.
Orinoco, Rio, pgs. 5, 174, 291, 854.
Orosco, Jos, pg. 343.
O'Sullivan, John T., Primer Teniente, pgs. 66, 67, 83.
Pari a, Golfo de, pg. 132.
Pars, pgs. 177, 223, 230, 257,
Pass, Johns, pg. 183.
Pava, Mr., pg. 235.
Pavia, pg. 244, 359.
Pearson, pg. 71.
Pel6pidas, pg. 127.
Pendleton, Rober, pgs. 79, 293, 310,
311, 312.
Pene, Jean, pg. 12.
Peiree, J. J., pg. 98.
Perasa, pg. 63.
Prez, General Mateo, pg. 324.
Per, pg. 111.
Pieornell, pgs. 58, 62, 63.
Picton, Coronel, pgs. 27, 389.
Pictonian, pg. 7.
Pino, Artillero, pgs. 59, 83, 64.
Pitt, William, pg. 175.
Pittite, pg. 7.
Plata, Ro de la, pgs. 168, 171.
Pobre, Jos M., pgs. 266, 267.
Popham, Lady, pg. 245.
Popham, Sir Borne, pgs. 168, 171,

212, 231, 232, 242, 245, 295, 340,

359, 375, 377, 390, 392, 396, 398,
Portar, Guiliam, pg. 20.
Portugal, pgs. 117, 214.
Potle, Gulliam, pg. 13.
Powell, Jeremiah, Segundo Mayor,
pg. 73, 79, 83.
Power, pg. 98, 238.
Prevost, Sir George, pgs. 241, 292.
Prince, Simn, Capitn, pgs. 129,
130, 131, 183.
Prusia, pgs. 53, 241.
Puerto Cabello, pgs. 24, 58, 62, 63,
118, 116, 117, 118, 126, 175, 211,
213, 226, 321, 324, 355.


Puerto de Espaa, pgs. 5, 6, 14,

15, 23, 29, 32, 38, 40, 41,

44, 58, 78, 79, 85, 89, 253,
261, 263, 268, 274, 276, 278, 279,
280, 281, 288, 289, 291, 293, 294,
303, 304, 305, 306, 310, 312, 332,
339, 343, 345, 360, 364, 366, 369,
371, 374, 383, 388.
Puerto Rico, pgs. 59, 346, 377, 384.
Punta Piedra, pg. 272.
Quintero, 'oidor, pg. 226.

R abin, Mr. pg. 359.

Ramrez, Prspero, pg. 226.
Rankin, James, Capitn, pgs. 79,
80, 82, 149, 369, 371, 374.
Rebel, pg. 21.
Renaud, Jme., pg. 30.
Rey, Teniente, pg. 65.
Rey de Prusia, pg. 346.
Reyes Bravo, Pedro Jos, pg. 31.
Reyna, Juan Antonio, pg. 307.
Rico, Jos M. pgs. 6, 64, 82, 95,
267, 289.
Ricot, pg. 10.
Richmond, Engeneer, pg. 7.
Ro de la Plata, pg. 245.
Ros, pg. 63.
Rivington, Charles, Primer Teniente,
pg. 73.
Roberts, Graham I, pg. 52.
Robinson, Teniente, pg. 254.
Robinson, Isaac G. pgs. 76, 82.
Robinson, Joseph, pgs. 77, 83.
Robinson, William D., pg. 179, 180.
Robles, Juana, pg. 266.
Rochefort, pgs. 211, 213.
Rodrguez, Francia, pg. 82.
Romero, Antonio J'us, pg. 226.
Bona; Teniente de Ingenieros, pgs.

59, 69, 63, 64, 65.

Roorbach, Barent, Coronel, pgs. 66,
67, 68, 74, 75, 76, 80, 83,
110, 149, 164, 258, 293, 802, 803,
312, 360.



Roseow, Robert, Segundo Teniente,

pgs. 77, 83, 313.
Roubaeh, Coronel, pg. 185.
Rubio, Mara Cathalina, pg. 341.
Ruiseor, pgs. 59, 62, 63, 64, 65.
Rurefur, Juan, pg. 27.
Rusia, pgs. 233, 283.
Rutherfurd, J. W., Coronel, pginas
240, 242, 243, 357, 378.

Sala; Don Juan Manuel, pg. 323.

San Carlos, pgs. 273, 322, 323.
San Gabriel, Fortaleza, pg. 5.
Sun Jos, Ciudad de, pgs. 267, 291,
298, 299, 301, 307.
San Jos, Parroquia, pg. 31.
San Jos de Orua, pg. 31.
San Patricio, pg. 101.
San Pedro, Fuerte de, pg. 11b.
San Sebastin, pg. 59.
Snchez, pgs. 62, 296, 297.
Snchez, Domingo, Capitn, paginas
82, 372, 374.
Snchez, F., pg. 343.
Sancho, Diego, pg. 60.
Sandford, pg. 20.
Sands, Henry, Mayor, pgs. 66, 87,
80, 83.
Santa Cruz, Isla de, pgs. 342, 363,
365, 367, 368, 370, 372.
Santa Fe, pgs. 168, 174, 355. 377.
Santa Lucia, pg. 10.
Santa Martha, pgs. 168, 175, 257,
Santa Rosa de Arima, pg. 31.
Santaella, Jos, Cura Prroco de San
Jos de Orulia, pg. 31.
Santo Domingo, pgs. 209, 324.
Santo Toms, pgs. 5, 6, 49, 133,
Savinon, Nicols, pg. 226.
Sayers, G., Capitn, pgs. 129, 134,
135, 136, 160, 165, 167, 169, 276.
Sayre, J., pg. 7.
Sayre, Geo., pgs. 166, 167.
Sayre, Stephen, pg. 48.
Schering, Mr., pg. 359.
Schofield, Dr., pg. 387.

Scofield, Samuel, pg. 68, 82.

Scorpion, pgs. 8, 9.
Segura, Joaqun, pg. 226.
Seine, Fragata, pgs. 193, 195, 196,
197, 240.
Serrano, Antonio, pgs. 59, 63.
Shaw, Jonathan, pgs. 74, 82, 296.
Shend, James, pg. 79.
Sherman, John H., pgs. 72, 83.
Shipley, Mrs., pg. 330.
Shrapnel, Teniente Coronel, pg. 359.
Sibley, Teniente, pg. 276.
Sidmouth, Lord, pgs. 348, 386.
Simn, Mr., pgs. 264, 265.
Simone, Mr., pg. 238.
Sloop Lily, H. M., pg. 103.
Smith, Mr., pgs. 179, 264, 258, 271,
277, 311.
Smith, Alexander, Capitn, pgs. 79,
Smith, Jonathan, pg. 73.
Smith, J. S., pg. 248.
Smith, Mayor, pg. 254.
Smith, Teniente, pg. 149.
Smith, William S., Coronel, pgs. 66,
74, 181, 186, 236, 240, 246, 247,
250, 260, 261, 282, 287, 292, 337,
350, 391.
Solagnier, Bt., pg. 185.
Sorondo, pgs. 62, 63.
Soulage, pg. 267.
Sozzano, pg. 268.
Spankie, Mr., pg. 391.
Spearing, Capitn, pgs. 169, 178.
Spencer, Lord, pgs. 219, 220, 221,
223, 233, 282.
Sperry, Cabo, pg. 72.
Stamant, Mayor, pg. 299.
Stedman, James, Teniente, pgs. 73,
76, 79, 81, 82, 157, 312.
Steward, pg. 72.
St. Vineent, Lord, pgs. 204, 212,
221, 232, 349, 387.
Stuart Midleton, Chas., pg. 22.
Suaris, Juan, pg. 183.
Suiza, pg. 40.
Sullivan, pg. 5.
Sur Amrica, pgs. 39, 48, 118, 119,






207, 208, 211,

258, 278, 284,
350, 351, 852,

Talleyrand, pg. 209.

Temple, Lord, pg. 223.
Terrell, John, pg. 76.
Theodoro Jorge Paulo, Primer Teniente, pg. 66.
Thompson, Capitn, pg. 98.
Tolining, Mr. pg. 359.
Tracey, Mr., pgs. 383, 384.
Trafalgar, pg. 74.
Trelawny de Belhay, Mr., pgs. 24,


garte, Juan Ignacio, pg. 226.

Ulysses, pg. 72.
V alencia, pgs. 273, 322, 323.
Vallaja, pg. 62.
Valle, Narciso del, pg. 59.
Vansittart, Nieholas, pgs. 41, 170,
171, 172, 175, 200, 203, 209, 210,
211, 212, 214, 215, 218, 220, 223,
230, 231, 232, 241, 242, 243, 258,
283, 298, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329,
333, 334, 335, 336, 346, 347, 348,
362, 374, 375, 376, 378, 379, 380,
382, 384, 385, 386, 387, 389, 390,
391, 392, 397, 398.
Vasconcelos, Gobernador de Caracas,
pg. 127.
Vaaeonzelos, Teniente General Don
Manuel, pg. 356.
Vassals, pg. 170.
Vega, Don Jos6 de la, pg. 324.

25, 26, 75, 84, 144, 145, 146,

148, 149, 154, 156, 164.
Trinidad, pgs. 8, 10, 12, 15, 17,
20, 21, 23, 26, 28, 31, 32,
34, 35, 36, 39, 40, 42, 44,
49, 50, 59, 63, 78, 79, 82,
85, 89, 93, 97, 98, 117, 132, Vela de Coro, Puerto de la, pgs.
141, 167, 169, 171, 173, 178, 179,
109, 111, 112, 113, 115, 116, 117,
183, 185, 186, 187, 194, 195, 196,
118, 119, 120, 122, 123, 125, 126,
201, 202, 203, 208, 210, 211, 212,
137, 146, 167, 174, 273, 322, 323.
213, 231, 234, 237, 241, 246, 248, Velasco, (Asturiano), pg. 342.
255, 257, 258, 271, 272, 274, 276, Venezuela, pgs. 5, 21, 226, 319, 400.
286, 291, 293, 295, 296, 298, 302, Venus, Sir Francia, pg. 220.
305, 312, 314, 320, 328, 331, 332, Veracruz, pgs. 61, 284, 298, 325.
336, 339, 345, 349, 356, 357, 361, Vessel, H. M., pgs. 26, 54, 55, 56,
363, 364, 366, 387, 369, 371, 374,
74, 121, 147, 160, 164, 167, 173,
375, 376, 378, 381, 382, 384, 397,
185, 187, 189.
398, 400.
Viga de Mapurite, pg. 63.
Tucker, Williams, pgs. 52, 220.
Villa Santa, Felipe, pg. 226.
Turnbull, John, pgs. 90, 97, 99, Virginia, pg. 247.
100, 134, 172, 204, 210, 211, 215, Viscardo, Juan, de la Compaia de
217, 218, 219, 221, 222, 224, 228,
Jess, pgs. 106, 108, 111.
227, 230, 232, 235, 236, 243, 259, Vrolijk, Jan, Capitn, pg. 183.
283, 284, 298, 312, 313, 315, 316, Vrolijk, Pieter, Capitn, pg. 183.
326, 328, 330, 332, 335, 336, 337,
338, 345, 347, 348, 357, 358, 362,
378, 381, 383, 384, 391, 393, 394, Wallcot, Samuel, W., Primer Te.
395, 398, 400.
niente, pgs. 76, 83.
Turnbull, Mrs., pgs. 99, 204, 216, Walker, Capitn, pgs. 78, 256.
259, 328, 330, 331, 358, 383.
Warren, Sir J. B., pg. 39.
Turnbull, Peter Evan, pgs. 228, 229. Washington, pgs. 48, 68, 127.
Welch, Samuel, pgs. 76, 82.
Turqua, pg. 53.
Tyler, Mr. Thomas G., pgs. 98, 888. Welehee, Mr., pgs. 235, 859.



Wensham, Mr. pg. 220.

Wethered, Tho., pg. 29.
Whitehall, John, pgs. 288, 289.
Widham, Mr. pgs. 328, 346.
Williams, Mr. July, pg. 102.
Williamson, pg. 277. .
Wimbledon, pg. 170.
Windeard, pg. 128.
Windham, William, pgs. 329,
334, 347, 348, 349, 354, 357,
375, 376, 379, 380, 381, 384,
386, 389, 390, 392, 393, 394,
Windward, Isla de, pgs. 119,
Winton, David, pg. 72.
Wood, Mr. Adam, pg. 327.
Wood, General, pg. 327.

Ximenez, Pedro, pes. 368, 373.


Yacomels, pg. 52.

Yates, Edward, Ayudante, ggs. 66,
67, 68, 71, 72, 82, 181.
Yrady, Pedro, (Notario de la Curia),
pg. 343.

Zinza, Comerciante, pgs. 59, 64.
168, Zoon, Jaeobus, pg. 183.
Zubieta, Francisco, pg. 226.
Zubieta, Juan Antonio, pg. 226.
Zwynsberg, Andries, Capitn, pgina

El presente Volumen XVIII del

Archivo del General Don Francisco de Miranda, se termin
de imprimir en los Talleres
Tipogrficos de Editorial
Lex, situados en la calle
de Amargura nmeros 259261, de la ciudad de La
Habana, Repblica de
Cuba, el dla 8 de Junio
de 1950, aflo que corresponde a la conmemoracin
del Bicentenario del Natalicio del Precursor de la
Independencia de Amrica.
La revisin de este Tomo
fu efectuada por una Comisin designada por la
Academia Nacional de
la Historia de Venezuela, compuesta por
los Acadmicos Antonio Alamo y Jos
Nucete-Bardi, de la
Academia Nacional de la Historia, y Jacinto
Fombona - Facha y Eduardo Arroyo Lameda, de la Academia
Venezolana de la Lengua.
Los Indices fueron confeccionados
por el Dr. Mariano Snchez Roca.




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