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mTieli - axali brendi `efes

`Zalian bevri megobari myavs da miyvars
maTTan urTierToba~

Mtieli New Brand

from Efes Georgia




I have lots of friends and I love

communicating with them

SesaZloa xelaxla
Seqmnan 170 wlis
Finn Researchers
May Recreate
170-year-old Beer

mTieli socialur mediaSi

Mtieli in Social Media


efesis karaoke farTi
Efes Karaoke Party for

nataxtari `damzadebulia

fexburTis qomagoba
nataxtarTan erTad - evro
2012 `Tbilisis ivenT
holsa~ da `Seraton metexi

Made in Georgia

Supporting Football Together with Natakhtari
EURO 2012 at Tbilisi Event Hall and Sheraton
Metechi Palace Hotel

nataxtaris limonaTi qarTuli
sasmelebis gamofenaze


Natakhtari Lemonade at the

Exhibition of Georgian Drinks

nataxtaris fondis kampania izrune momavalze axal

etapze gadavida
Care the Future - the Campaign of Natakhtari
Fund Moves to the Next Level


DJ-ivenTi qarvasTan erTad

limonaTis aqcia

DJ Event with Karva

kompania `nataxtaris~
axali, inovaciuri
gaTamaSeba ludis
The Innovative
Drawing of Natakhtari
Company for Beer

`rusTavi 2~,
`Wama da seqsi~ da
`Cemi colis daqalebi~
Rustavi 2, Eating
and Sex and The
Friends of my Wife


Lemonade Event
for Children

samuSao Sexvedra
fsiqosegmentaciis kvlevis
Sedegebis SefasebisTvis
Workshop for the
Assessment of the Psycho
Segmentation Research

saredaqcio kolegia:
kaxa maRraZe - pasuxismgebeli redaqtori
nino surmava - redaqtori
maia takaSvili - redaqtori
nino maWaraSvili - redaqtori
Tamuna lefsveriZe - Jurnalisti
aleko SarvaZe - fotografi
Tamar giorgaZe - dizaineri
lia Tofuria - koreqtori
Tea qavTaraZe - Tarjimani/koreqtori
levan beglariSvili - damkabadonebeli
Copyright: ss. `lomisi~
Tbilisi, 2012

Editorial Board:
KAKHA MAGRADZE - Editor in Charge
ALEKO SHARVADZE - Photographer
LIA TOPURIA - Corrector
THEA KAVTARADZE - Translator/Corrector
Copyright: JSC Lomisi
Tbilisi, 2012

baCo qajaia:

obubyubsjt dRiuri

myavs da
Bacho Kajaia:

I have lots
of friends
and I love
with them

garegnobis anTropologiuri ti pi - evropuli

kompleqcia - Cafskvnili
Tma - qera
Tvalebi - cisferi
xma - bani
ganaTleba - Tbilisis Teatraluri universiteti
ena - qarTuli, rusuli
amplua - universaluri
unar-Cvevebi - cekva, simRera, musikaluri instrumentebi,

avtomobilis marTva, curva

ojaxuri mdgomareoba - daojaxebuli
EDUCATION Tbilisi State University of Theatre
LANGUAGES Georgian, Russian
SKILLS Dancing, singing, playing musical instruments,
driving an automobile, swimming


am saintereso monacemebis mqone Jurnal `nataxtaris dRiuris~ stumari, serial `Sua qalaqis~
msaxiobi, baCo qajaia gaxlavT. marTalia, is qeTevan
Rlontis meuRle aRar aris, magram megobrobas isev
agrZeleben. Tumca, baCos serialis Zvel da axal msaxiobebze saubari ar uyvars.
`radgan me am serialSi davrCi, ver vilaparakeb
Zvel da axal msaxiobebze. Cemgan Sefaseba arasamarTliani da araeTikuri iqneba. Zveli gundi dResac
megobrebi varT da kargi urTierToba gvaqvs. amasTan,
axal gundTanac Zalian kargad vmuSaob.~
- serialis garda bolo dros imden TeatrSi
TamaSobT, rolebi xom ar gerevaT erTmaneTSi?
- Teatraluri univerisitetis damTavrebidan
moyolebuli da manamdec, scenaze vdgavar da es specifika CemTvis Zalian nacnobi da Sinauria. mimaCnia,
rom Zalian Cemia. namdvilad bevr TeatrSi var, maT
Soris, axmetelis Teatrsa da goris giorgi erisTavis
TeatrSi. am wuTas repeticiebi maqvs rusTavelis
TeatrSi. rac Seexeba serials, sanam `Sua qalaqSi~
movxvdebodi, erTaderTxel `cxel ZaRlSi~ viTamaSe
epizoduri roli. kamerasTan muSaobis gamocdilebac ki ar mqonda. axla kino da studiuri atmosfero
CemTvis Zalian nacnobi ambavia. ase rom, gamocdilebam,
drom da `raRac-raRacebma~ imoqmedes da ufro mets
- Tqvenze amboben, rom serialis gmiri laSasgan absoluturad gansxvavebuli tipaJi xarT cxovrebaSi.
- ra aris iciT, ver getyviT, rom absoluturad
gansxvavebuli var Cemi gmirisgan. marTalia, saxlSi, ojaxSi mTlad iseTi ar var rogorc serialSi,
magram es imas ar niSnavs, rom radikalurad gansxvavebuli var. oTxi welia, rac am proeqtSi var da
scenaristebi, romlebic scenars weren, Cemi xasiaTis
Tvisebebsac iTvaliswineben. albaT, amitomac xdeba,
rom drodadro, scenarsa da dialogebSi, Cemi xasiaTis Strixebia Cadebuli. mec maqvs iseTi Tvisebebi,
rac SeiZleba Cems gmirs, laSas hqondes. mec adamiani
var, erTi sityviT.
- ojaxi axseneT, iq sxvanairi varo da mogviyeviT
ojaxSi saxecvlili baCos Sesaxeb.
- ojaxSi iseTi var, rogoric var realurad.
yovelTvis miWirs Cems Tavze laparaki. sxvebi rom
laparakoben, kidev gasagebia, magram... namdvilad
rac SemiZlia vTqva es isaa, rom imdenad mxiaruli ar
var xolme. mTlad uJmurs ver davarqmevdi Cems Tavs,
magram... mokled xalisiani saxlSi ar var. ra vici, Tu
gaveci am kiTxvas pasuxi.
- banaluri kiTxvaa, magram sainteresoa, vin iRebs
gadawyvetilebas Tqvens ojaxSi?
_ mec da Cemi colic vcdilobT erTad gadavwyvitoT yvelaferi, magram Tu vTvli, rom rame sakiTxSi me
ufro kompetenturi var, maSin me viReb gadawyvetilebas. xdeba piriqiTac da aris mesame variantic, Tu ver
vTanxmdebiT rameze, maSin me viReb gadawyvetilebas.
viRacam xom unda Tqvas bolo sityva?!
serialSi stumrebis da Wama-smis moyvaruli
CanxarT, albaT kargi maspinZeli xarT?
mas Semdeg, rac Cemi cxovrebis reJimi Seicvala,
yvela winaswar mirekavs xolme da mekiTxeba, var Tu
ara saxlSi. Zalian miyvars stumris miReba da Cemi
meuRlec davimsgavse erTad cxovrebis Semdeg. stumrebs xSirad ludiT vumaspinZldebiT da upiratesobas, ra Tqma unda, nataxtaris luds vaniWebT. Zalian
bevri megobari myavs da miyvars maTTan urTierToba.
madloba yvelas, imisTvis rom gverdSi myvanan da Tan
_ bevrni myvanan.



baCo qajaia: `mec

adamiani var, erTi
Bacho Kajaia:
In a Word, Im a
Human Too
The owner of this interesting personal data is the guest of Natakhtari
Diary - Bacho Kajaia - the actor of Georgian sitcom called In the Middle
of the City. Even though he is no longer the husband of Ketevan Glonti
(one of the characters of the sitcom), they still remain friends. Yet Bacho
isnt fond of talking about the new and old actors of the sitcom. As
far as I still keep on performing in this show, I cannot talk about the
old and new actors or actresses; it would be unfair and improper from
my side. Im still friends with the members of the old cast and have
wonderful relationship with them. Besides, working with the new cast
is a pleasure too.
- Apart from the TV show, youve been performing at various
different theatres lately; dont you get confused and mix up the
- Since the graduation from the Theatre University and even before
that I have been standing on the stage, therefore this specificity is very
familiar to me. I think that it is my kind of environment. I really do
perform in many theatres: Akhmeteli Theatre, Giorgi Eristavi Theatre in
Gori, at the moment Im in the middle of rehearsals in Rustaveli Theatre.
As for the sitcom, before In the Middle of the City, I played a bit role
in another TV show series called Hot Dog, just once. I didnt even have
any experience of working in front of the camera before that. But since
then, the cinema and studio atmosphere has already become very familiar
to me. Thus, the experience, time and some other things have made
certain influence and Im more skilled now.
- People say that you are an absolutely different person in real
life compared to your sitcom character Lasha, is that true?
- You know, I cant say that there is a drastic difference between my
character and myself. Its true that at home, with my family Im not the
same person as in the show but that doesnt necessarily mean that my
personality is totally different. Ive been in this project for 4 years already
and the scriptwriters take into consideration my characteristics as well.
Maybe thats why, from time to time, you can find my own personality
features among the script dialogues. So my character and I might have
some common characteristics. In a word, Im a human too.
- You mentioned your family and said you were different at home;
so please, tell us about Bachos modified character.
- In my family I am what I really am. I dont like to talk about myself.
Its better to hear the opinions of others, but One thing I can say for
sure Im not as cheerful as my character. I cant regard myself as a
moody person either but In a nutshell, Im not cheerful at home. Im
not sure whether Ive answered the question.
- Maybe the following question is ordinary and banal but we still
would like to know who makes the decisions in your family.
- My wife and I are trying to make decisions together, though if I
think that Im more competent in some matter, Im the decision maker
and vice versa. And there is the third type of a case when we cant reach
an agreement, thats when I make decisions as well. Someone should
have the final word, isnt it so?
- In the TV show, you seem to love meeting guests and having
feasts, you must be a good host, is that right?
- Since my everyday schedule has become loaded, everyone calls
me beforehand just to make sure whether Im home or not. I really love
to meet guests and so does my wife (I made her to become like me
after living together). We often treat our guests to beer and of course,
we give preference to Natakhtari beer. I have lots of friends and I love
communicating with them. Im grateful that they have my back and that
they are so many.

ludis msoflio ambebi/World Beer News

obubyubsjt dRiuri

xelaxla Seqmnan
170 wlis ludi

rogorc gamocema
Newsday aRniSnavda 21
maiss, fineli mkvlevarebi acxadeben, rom maT
SeiZleba xelaxla Seqmnan 1840 wels arsebuli
ludi, mas Semdeg, rac
maT alandis kunZulebTan
axlos CaZiruli gemidan
mopovebul ludSi arsebuli cocxali baqteria
aRmoaCines. 2010 wels
aRmoCenilma CaZirulma
gemma katastrofa savaraudod 1840 wels
ganicada. masze aseve
aRmoCnda uZvelesi Sampanuri, romelic sasmelad
vargisi iyo da Semdeg
auqcionze gaiyida.
mkvlevarebma gaaanalizes ludis ori boTli, romlebmac rogorc
gairkva ver gauZlo
drois gamocdas, magram
SeinarCuna oqrosferi
da SesaZloa Tavidan
hqonda vardis, nuSis da
mixakis aromati. ludis
qimiuri analizis safuZvelze da Cveni mTavari
specialistis daxmarebiT SesaZlebeli iqneba iseTi ludis Seqmna,
romelic SeZlebisdagvarad am uZvelesi ludis
msgavsi iqneba, aRniSna fineTis VTT teqnikuri kvlevis centris
warmomadgenelma anika
vilhelmsonma. gemis
ka tastrofis adgili
fineTis avtonomiuri
nawilis, alandis moSorebiT mdebareobs.

Finn Researchers May

Recreate 170-year-old Beer

As Newsday stated on May 21st, Fin researchers say that after finding living bacteria in beer from a shipwreck near Aland Islands, they maybe become able to recreate
beer from the 1840s. The 2010 discovery of the ship, believed to have sunk in the 1840,
also included the worlds oldest champagne considered drinkable which has since been
auctioned off.
The researches analyzed two bottles of beer, which they admitted had not stood the
test of time well but retained a pale golden colour and could originally have had hints
of rose, almond and cloves. Based on the chemical analysis we made of the beer and
with help from a master brewer it would be possible to try and make beer that would
resemble it as much as possible, said Annika Wilhelmson from VTT Technical Research
Centre of Finland. The wreck lies off Aland, an autonomous part of Finland.



janmrTelobisa da Sromis
usafrTxoebis marTvis sistema

nataxtari `damzadebulia
saqarTvelos damoukideblobis dResTan dakavSirebul, Tbilisis meriis iniciativiT gamarTul qarTuli
mrewvelobis aRlumSi, romelic saxelwodebiT `damzadebulia saqarTveloSi~ gaimarTa,
monawileoba kompania `nataxtarmac~ miiRo.
wels gamofenaze 250-ze
metma adgilobrivma sawarmom
warmoadgina Tavisi produqcia.
maT Soris iyo Cveni kompaniac,
romelsac erT-erTi TvalsaCino adgili ekava.
`nataxtars~ gamofenaze sakuTari produqciis stendi
originalurad hqonda mowyobili. rusTavelis gamzirze
misul damTvalierebels kompaniis warmoebuli ludisa da
limonaTis dagemovneba adgilze SeeZlo.

Made in Georgia
On the Independence Day of Georgia, Natakhtari Company was one of the
participants of the Industrial Parade called
Made in Georgia, which was held on the
initiative of Tbilisi City Hall.
Over 250 local factories presented their
productions at the exhibition this year. Our
company acquired one of the most eminent
places at the exhibition.
Natakhtari decorated the display stand
in an original manner. The viewers, who
visited Rustaveli Avenue to explore the
exhibitors, had a chance to taste beer and
lemonade produced by the company.



samuSao garemos gaumjobesebisa da biznesis ganviTarebis mizniT, Cvenma kompaniam muSaoba daiwyo janmrTelobisa da Sromis usafrTxoebis marTvis sistemis
saerTaSoriso standart OHSAS 18001:2007-is dasanergad. amisaTvis organizaciam moiwvia eqspertebi da
maTTan erTad SevZeliT ukeT dagvenaxa da Segvefasebina personalTan da warmoebasTan dakavSirebuli is
riskebi, romlebic yoveldRiur saqmianobasTan aris
janmrTelobisa da Sromis usafrTxoebis marTvis
sistemis mTavari amocana SemdegSi mdgomareobs - saSualeba misces organizacias gaakontrolos janmrTelobisa da Sromis usafrTxoebis riskebi da gaaumjobesos
maTi arsebuli mdgomareoba.
janmrTelobisa da Sromis usafrTxoebis marTvis
sistemis (18001:2007) standartebi exmareba kompanias:
gaaumjobesos usafrTxoebis kultura;
Seamciros samuSao riskebi;
uzrunvelyos usafrTxo garemo biznesisaTvis,
gaaumjobesos kompaniis imiji da miscesmdgradi
ganviTarebis saSualeba;
uzrunvelyos warmoebis Sesabamisoba adgilobriv
da saerTaSoriso kanonmdeblobasTan da sxvadasxva
gaxdes ufro efeqturi, usafrTxo samuSao garemozrdis personalis moralur standartebs;
gaaZlieros TanamSromlebis motivacia Sromis
usafrTxoebisa da janmrTelobis dacvis sakiTxebTan
dakavSirebiT da gazardos maTiCarTuloba sistemis
Seamciros SesaZlo SemTxvevebis raodenoba;
Seamciros janmrTelobisa da Sromis usafrTxoebasTan arsebuli riskebi, rac TavisTavad ganapirobebs xarjebis Semcirebas;
Seamciros masalisa Tu gacdenili samuSao dReebis
raodenoba, racgamowveulia SemTxvevebiTa, Tu warmoebis SeferxebiT.

OHSAS - Occupational Health and

Safety Management System
Our Company made a decision to implement Occupational Health and Safety
Management System Standards (OHSAS 18001:2007) in order to improve working environment and facilitate its business development process. Therefore, we
invited experts and with their support we managed to better analyze and evaluate
personnel and production risks associated with everyday work.
The main aim of OHSAS is to enable an organization to control its OH&S risks
and improve its safety performance.
Benefits of OHSAS 18001:2007 implementation will be:
Improved safety culture;
Minimized risks of company activities against human beings;
Safe environment for doing business, improved company image and assured
constant development;
Compliance of production process with local and international legislation and
other regulations;
Increased company efficiency, improved staff moral by making the workplace
a safer environment to work in;
Increased staff involvement and motivation to follow organizational health and
safety issues;
Reduced accidents and incidents;
Minimized health and safety related risks resulting in reduced costs;
Reduced material and man-days loss due to accidents and production breakdowns.


nataxtaris limonaTi
qarTuli sasmelebis
soflis meurneobis saministros iniciativiT
qarTuli mineraluri wylebisa da ualkoholo
sasmelebis gamofena gaimarTa. RonisZiebaSi
16 qarTuli kompania iRebda monawileobas.
maT Soris iyo kompania `nataxtari~, romelmac
sakuTari limonaTi warmoadgina. sastumro
redisonSi gamarTul gamofenas eswrebodnen
qarTuli samTavrobo struqturebis, aseve saerTaSoriso organizaciebisa da saqarTveloSi
akreditirebuli diplomatiuri korpusis
warmomadgenlebi. aRniSnuli gamofenis mizani
qarTuli produqciis popularizacia da saeqsporto potencialis zrdis xelSewyoba iyo.

Natakhtari at the Exhibition

of Georgian Drinks
The Ministry of Agriculture organized the exhibition of
Georgian mineral and soft drinks. 16 companies participated in
the event, among which was Natakhtari presenting its lemonade.
The representatives of governmental bodies, international organizations and diplomatic corps accredited in Georgia attended
the exhibition held at the Radisson Hotel. The purpose of the
event was to promote Georgian production and support the trade
potential of export.




qarvam DJ-ivenTs gauwia sponsoroba. RonisZieba

saqarTvelos sazogadoebrivi mauwyeblis pavilionSi gaimarTa da mas 2500 adamiani eswreboda.
specialurad am dRisTvis germaniidan ori
DJ - maikl maieri da super friCeri moiwvies.
RonisZiebis mizani Tanamedrove musikis moyvaruli axalgazrdebisaTvis sasiamovno garemos
Seqmna iyo.

Karva sponsored the DJ Event. 2500 people attended
the event, which was held at the Georgian Public
Broadcaster pavilion. DJ Michael Myers and DJ
Super Preacher were special guest performers. The
purpose of the event was to create pleasant environment for young fans of modern music.




kompania `nataxtaris~
axali, inovaciuri
gaTamaSeba ludis
wels ludi nataxtaris moyvarulebs 50 aTasi larisa da EURO 2012-is finaluri matCis oTxi sagzuris
mogebis Sansi miecaT. gaTamaSebaSia 10, 20, 50, 100 an
200 lariani kupiurebi. wlevandeli wamaxalisebeli
gaTamaSeba imiT aris inovaciuri da uprecendentoc ki samxreT kavkasiis regionis masStabiT, rom
mogebuli Tanxa TviTon boTlis TavsaxurSi moTavsebul kafsulaSia Cadebuli. aRniSnuli inovaciuri
teqnologia misi gamomgoneblis mier aris dapatentebuli, romlis gamoyenebis uflebac `nataxtarma~
oficialurad moipova
mniSvnelovania, rom nataxtarma, rogorc fexburTis gulSematkivarma kompaniam, wlevandeli
gaTamaSeba ukraina-poloneTSi mimdinare fexburTis
evropis Cempionatis _ EURO 2012-is finalur Sexvedras daukavSira. fexburTis gulSematkivrebisTvis
gaTamaSebaSia oTxi cali sagzuri EURO 2012-is finalze ukrainaSi. mogebul sagzurSi TamaSze dasaswrebi bileTebis garda, Sedis mgzavrobis, sastumros
xarjebi da aseve e.w. jibis fulic.
aRniSnuli prizebis garda, gaTamaSebaSia super
prizi _ 50 aTasi lari da 300 aTasi cali 0,5 litriani
SuSis boTli _ `nataxtari~.
wlevandeli wamaxalisebeli gaTamaSeba 7 maiss
daiwyo da 7 ivlisamde gagrZeldeba.
aRsaniSnavia, rom kompania `nataxtarma~ wamaxalisebeli gaTamaSeba wels meoTxed moawyo.

The Innovative
Drawing of
Natakhtari Company
for Beer Lovers

The company gives Natakhtari beer lovers the chance to win 50

thousand GEL and attend the final match of EURO 2012 (4 tickets will be
drawn). Besides, there will be drawn 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 GEL notes.
This year the drawing is innovative and even unprecedented in the South
Caucasian region, because the cash is placed right in the bottle cover, in a
special capsule. The creator has parented the above-mentioned innovative
technology and Natakhtari has officially bought the parent rights.
Natakhtari is a great supporter company of football and it is important
to note that this years drawing is associated with the final match of the
Ukraine-Poland European Championship EURO 2012. The football
fans will have the chance to win 4 tickets to the final match to EURO
2012 in Ukraine. The company offers a full package for the winner, which
apart from the match ticket also includes air tickets, accommodation
expenses and pocket money.
Besides the above-mentioned prizes, there will be drawn a super
prize 50 thousand GEL as well as 300 thousand bottles of 0,5 litre
glass bottled Natakhtari.
This year the drawing starts on May 7th and will be active till July 7th.
Its important to note that Natakhtari organizes the drawing for the
fourth time.




obubyubsjt dRiuri

`dila mSvidobisa saqarTvelo!~, _ ase esalmeba `rusTavi 2~-is dilis CarTvebis wamyvani eka amirejibi mTels saqarTvelos yovel dRe. saRamoobiT ki,
yovel samSabaTs da SabaTs, serialSi `Cemi colis daqalebi~ mxiaruli da
aqtiuri likunas rols irgebs, romelic martivad iRebs gadawyvetilebebs
nebismier situaciaSi. misi kinodebiuti Sedga filmSi `Wama da seqsi~, sadac
ekas moRvaweoba imdenad warmatebuli aRmoCnda, rom studia `formula
kreativi~ masTan axali winadadebiT mivida. apirebs Tu ara eka amirejibi
teleJurnalistikidan kinoSi wasvlas da iSviaTad, magram romel luds
svams, amas `nataxtaris dRiuridan~ SeityobT.

`rusTavi 2~,
`Wama da seqsi~ da
`Cemi colis daqalebi~
eka amirejibis eqsperimentuli cxovreba
- eka, rogor moxvdiT `Cemi
colis daqalebSi~?
- yovelgvari qasTingis
gareSe. sul vambob xolme, rom
es Cemi saaxalwlo saCuqari
iyo. manamde, `formula kreativTan~ erTad namuSevari
mqonda filmSi `Wama da seqsi~. swored iqidan damirekes
konkretuli SemoTavazebiT am
rolze. es moxda axali wlis
dReebSi da aseTi saaxalwlo
saCuqari gamomivida.
- namdvili eka amirejibi da
Tqveni serialis gmiri likuna
ramdenad erTnairi tipaJebi
- raRacebiT, ra Tqma unda,
vgavarT erTmaneTs. isic
mxiaruli gogoa, aqtiuri,
ar uyvars pirferoba adamianebTan. es Tvisebebi albaT
gvaerTianebs. Tumca, realur
cxovrebaSi ufro dabalansebuli var, vidre likuna. amerikaSi gatarebuli cxovreba
likas martivad adgmevinebs
nabijebs yoveldRiur cxovre-

- Eka, how did it happen that you

took part in The Friends of my Wife?
- I didnt go through any castings; I
often say that it was my New Year present. Before this sitcom, I used to work
with Formula Creative while filming
Eating and Sex and afterwards I received
a phone call from the same studio proposing a particular offer. It happened during
the New Year days. Thats how it turned
out to be my present.
- Do Eka Amirejibi and Likuna
have the same kind of personalities?
- At some point, yes. Of course, we
resemble each other. She is a spirited and
cheerful girl as well, who doesnt like
insincere and two-faced communications with people. These characteristics
are what we have in common. Though
in real life Im a more balanced person
than Likuna. The experience Lika had
gained while living in America makes
her step forward in everyday life easily.
Therefore, there are things we have in
common as well as differences. This is
why the role is so interesting for me. Its
like a hard exam to pass, though I dont
find it difficult anymore.
- One of the characters of the
sitcom, Irakli Khurtsilava, has an ac-

Rustavi 2, Eating and Sex

and The Friends of My Wife
Good morning, Georgia! This is how Eka Amirejibi, the presenter of Rustavi 2 morning program, greets Georgia every day. And in the evening, on Tuesdays and Saturdays, in a sitcom she plays a role of a cheerful and spirited girl,
Likuna, who makes decisions easily in every kind of circumstances. Her first
appearance in cinema was in the movie called Eating and Sex, where her performance turned out to be so successful that the studio Formula Creative proposed
a new offer to her. Whether she intends to move from TV journalism to cinema
and which beer she drinks (even though that happens rarely), youll be able to
find out from Natakhtari Diary.



baSi. Sesabamisad, aris Cven Soris msgavseba, Tumca

aris raRac ganmasxvavebeli niSnebic. amitom CemTvis
sainteresoa es roli. raRac gamocdasaviTaa is momenti, rom TamaSi miwevs, magram ukve aRar miWirs.
- serialis erT-erTi gmiri irakli xurcilava likunasTvis misaRebi tipaJia da esimpaTiureba. realur
cxovrebaSi rogori mamakacebi mogwonT?
- rTulia Tqva pirad cxovrebaSi ra aris misaRebi
da ra _ ara. garkveul asakSi, anu yvela etapze yvelaferTan dakavSirebiT, Sexedulebebi ecvleba adamians, maT Soris siyvarulzec. Sexedulebebi ecvleba
im adamianzec, vinc Tavis gverdiT warmoudgenia.
gamiWirdeba seriozuli urTierTobebis qona iseT
mamakacTan, rogoric irakli xurcilavaa, magram arc
iseT adamianTan warmomidgenia Cemi Tavi, rogorsac,
magaliTad sandros gmiri asaxierebs serialSi. xurcilavaSi Zalian momwons is, rom mxiarulia, sicocxliT savsea, cxovrebiT tkbeba da naklebad arTulebs
yoveldRiurobas. rasakvirvelia, am yvelafers axlavs Zalian bevri problema, romelic grZelvadian
urTierTobaSi daZabulobas da sirTuleebs qmnis.
amitom, Cem gverdiT xurcilavas ar visurvebdi.
- xom ar apirebT Jurnalistikidan wasvlas da serialSi, kinoSi gadabargebas, mokled, msaxiobobas?
- saerTod, Cems cxovrebaSi Zalian bevri rame
moulodnelad moxda. me arc msaxiobi var da arc Jurnalistikis fakulteti maqvs damTavrebuli. eqsperimentulad movkide raRacebs xeli da Zalian mixaria,
Tu vinme Tvlis rom gamomdis. ar gamovricxav imas,
rom sxva sferoSic pirveli nabiji gadavdga, vcado.
yovel SemTxvevaSi, rac axlos aris xelovnebasTan
da xelovan adamianebTan, ufro meadvileba da momwons. Tumca, gulwrfelad rom giTxraT, ar vapireb
Cemi stabiluri samsaxurisTvis Tavis danebebas da
kinoSi gadabargebas. msaxioboba saqarTveloSi arastabiluri profesiaa Semosavlisa da dakavebulobis
TvalsazrisiT. amitom, jerjerobiT radikalur
gadawyvetilebebs moveridebi.
- serialSic da dilis eTerSic mudmivad gansakuTrebuli stili gaqvT, rac yovelTvis iqcevs
yuradRebas, makiaJidan dawyebuli, CacmulobiT
damTavrebuli. amas rogor axerxebT?
- sxva gza ar maqvs, aucilebelia, rom sul formaSi viyo. serialSi gvyavs adamiani, romelic Cvens
Cacmulobasa da makiaJze zrunavs. televiziaSi ki
isedac adre miwevs adgoma da samsaxurSi misvlas
erTi saaTiT adre, imisTvis rom grimis gasakeTebel
rigSi Cavdge, azri ara aqvs. amitom, yovelTvis me
TviTon vikeTeb.
- eka, zafxulis sezoni modis, ukve daTba, rac imas
niSnavs, rom ludis sma aqtiur fazaSi Sedis. romel
ludis miirTmevT?
- sul cdiloben CamiTrion ludisa da zomieri alkoholis samyaroSi. Cems megobrebs tradiciebic aqvT
ludTan dakavSirebiT, magram me ar var alkoholuri
sasmelis moyvaruli. ufro luds vsvam, magram _ iSviaTad. ise, roca vsvam, aucileblad _ nataxtars.



ceptable personality for Likuna and she likes him. Do you like same
type of men in real life too?
- Its hard to say what is acceptable and what is not when talking about
private life. As one passes through different ages and stages of life, ones
opinions about everything, including love, tend to change. An individual
keeps on altering the attitude towards a partner as well. It would have
been hard for me to have a serious relationship with Irakli Khurtsilavas
type of man. I cant imagine myself being with a man like Sandro either.
What I like about Khurtsilavas character is that he is cheerful, full of
life, enjoying life and avoiding complications. But this is accompanied
by lots of problems, which brings tension and complications in long-term
relationships as a consequence. Thats why, I wouldnt want Khurtsilava
to be my other half.
- Do you plan to quit the journalism and move to cinema, in
short, do you intend to become an actress?
- In general, a lot of things have happened unexpectedly in my life.
Im neither an actress nor have I graduated from the journalism faculty.
I started doing things as an experiment and Im very pleased if someone
thinks that I do my work well. I may try myself in absolutely unknown
field and make a first step. Though the things that are close to arts and
artists correspond to my nature more. But frankly speaking, I dont plan
to quit my stable job and move to cinema. To be an actress in Georgia
means to have an unstable job, considering from the viewpoint of both
income and employment. Therefore, Ill refrain from making radical
decisions for the time being.
- Both in the TV show and morning program you have a distinguished style, including the make-up and clothes. How do you
manage that?
- I dont have a choice. Its necessary to be in a good shape all the
time. In the sitcom we have a person who takes care of our clothes and
make up. As for the morning program, anyway, I get up early and if I
want to put make up on I have to be there even one hour earlier than
usual, which doesnt make sense. Thats why I do it myself.
- Eka, the summer season is knocking on the door, its hot already,
which means that drinking beer is a timely occupation. Which beer
do you give preference to?
- Everyone is trying to draw me into the world of beer and moderate
alcohol consumption. My friends even have the special beer traditions,
but Im not alcohol fan. I only drink beer and that happens rarely but
whenever I do, I always choose Natakhtari.

mTieli - axali brendi

`efes saqarTvelosgan~
axali qarTuli ludi mTieli

kompania `efes saqarTvelo momxmarebels siaxles sTavazobs. qarTuli

mTis ludi mTieli axali brendi
kompaniisgan, romlis dagemovnebac
ludis moyvarulebs pirveli aprilidan SeeZloT.
kompaniam axal brendis gamoSvebas
specialuri sareklamo rgoli miuZRvna, romelic qarTuli ludis xarSvis mravalsaukunovan tradiciebze

diliT kldis zurgi gaTbeba,

miwa sxivebiT aenTo,
xevebs mdinare askdeba,
nisli fiqrebSi gaerTo.
mTaSi sul sxvaa cxovreba,
namdvili, rogorc sicive,
Znelia gamoTxoveba
Torem cremlebad iwvimebs.
mousxamT TeTri nabadi,
Subl Camuqebul myinvarebs,
aq vaJkacobiT gavTbebi,
CemSi samSoblo mZvinvarebs.
kriala tbebSi naxarSi,
naduRi nislis orTqliTa,
livlivebs Tixis kaTxaSi,
mTis ludi, wesi modgmiTa.

Mtieli New Brand

from Efes Georgia
The company Efes Georgia offers a novelty: a
new brand Georgian mountain beer Mtieli. The
beer lovers are able to taste it since April.
The company dedicated a special commercial to
the launching of a new brand, which tells centuryold traditions of Georgian beer making.

Rock slope warms up in the morning,

Sunrays illuminate the ground,
Valleys overflown by rivers,
Fog got carried away with thinking.
Living in mountains is so different,
As real and actual as cold,
Saying farewell is so difficult,
Tears would be flowing down.
Wrapped up in the white felt cloaks,
Stand the glaciers with frown,
Bravery will warm you up,
The homeland would storm in you.
Brewed in brilliant lakes,
Boiled with foggy steams,
In clay mugs heavily waves,
As a rule, the mountain beer.



proeqti 5S

ukve xuTi Tvea Cvens qarxanaSi warmatebiT xorcieldeba 5S proeqti. am wamowyebis mizania samuSao garemos optimizacia da standartizacia, raTa is gaxdes
ufro usafrTxo, sufTa da advilad gamoyenebadi.
proeqti moicavs xuT ZiriTad safexurs: sortireba,
mowesrigeba, dasufTaveba, standartizireba da SenarCuneba. es safexurebi saSualebas mogvcems mivaRwioT
sasurvel mizansa da SevinarCunoT progresi, Sesabamisad, davzogoT Cveni dro da energia. 5S sistema qmnis
samuSao garemos, romelic aucilebeli safuZvelia
rezultatebis miRwevisa da personalis efeqtianobis
gazrdisken mimarTuli sxva mowinave meTodebis dasanergad. am sistemas iyenebs msoflios mravali lideri
kompania yvela industriaSi.
nataxtarSi proeqti daiwyo problemebis identificirebiT: davdiodiT qarxnis teritoriaze da
fotoebs vuRebdiT yvelafers, rac ar Seesabameboda
5S-is standartebs. Semdeg moxda problemebis klasificireba da prioritetebad dalageba, konkretuli
sakiTxi daevala Sesabamis pasuxismgebel pirs, dainiSna Sesrulebis TariRebi. kontrolisTvis kviraSi
erTxel xdeboda miRweuli progresis Semowmeba da
gasaumjobesebeli sferoebisTvis rekomendaciebis
micema. proeqtis farglebSi garemontda dazianebuli
adgilebi, daidga gamafrTxilebeli saniSneebi, didi
yuradReba daeTmo usafrTxoebis gaumjobesebas,
nivTebis sortirebasa da Senaxvas. SedarebisTvis
ramdenime suraTi SegiZliaT aqve ixiloT. ra Tqma
unda, arsebul Sedegze ar SevCerdebiT, proeqti
gagrZeldeba da misi erT-erTi umniSvnelovanesi punqti miRweuli progresis SenarCunebaa. Sesabamisad,
TiToeul TanamSromels, rogorc erTi didi ojaxis
wevrs, Tavisi wvlili Seaqvs misi Tu sxva departamentebis movlaSi, amiT ki sakuTari da saerTod kompaniis samuSao garemos gaumjobesebaSi.



Project 5S
Its been 5 months already since the Project 5S has been successfully
implementing at our factory. The purpose of this initiative is to optimize and
standardize the working environment, in order to make it safer, cleaner and
easier to use. The project includes five main stages: sorting, organizing, cleaning, standardizing and maintaining. These stages will enable us to achieve the
desirable goal and maintain the progress and as a result well spare the time
and energy. 5S system creates a comfortable working environment, which
is the basis for achieving the high goals and to introduce other successful
methods of efficient working. Numerous leading companies worldwide are
utilizing the above-mentioned system in every industry.
The implementation of the project began with the identification of
the problems: we were moving around the whole factory taking photos of
everything, which did not correspond to 5S standards. Then we classified
and prioritized the identified problems. The problem-solving instructions
were given to a particularly responsible person and the deadlines were
set. The process was strictly supervised: the verification of the progress
and giving advices regarding the fields that still were to be developed
was executed once a week. Within the framework of the project, the
damaged parts were renovated and prevention signs were allocated, apart
from that, significant attention was paid to the safety improvement in
general, as well as sorting and preservation of things. For the purpose of
comparison, you may have a look at couple of photos. There is no doubt
that we wont stop here. The project will keep on to be active, because
one of its main and most important components is the maintenance of
the progress. Therefore, each employee is taking care after his/her or
other department, like one big family member, which makes the whole
working environment of the company much better.




obubyubsjt dRiuri

ludi mTielis gverdi socialuri qsel

feisbuqze 2012 wlis 2 aprils gaaqtiurda.
kompania nataxtaris mier warmoebuli
axali ludis gverdis Seqmnis mTavari mizani
ludis momxmareblebTan ormxrivi komunikaciis damyarebaa.
ludi mTielis feisbuqis gverdze
Catarda blicgaTamaSeba mTielis rebusi
da mTielis viqtorina~.
feisbuqis gverdze gamarTuli gaTamaSebebis mTavari Tematika iyo mTa da
ludi. gamarjvebulebs saCuqrad TiTo
yuTi ludi mTieli gadaecaT.

The official page of Mtieli has become active

in social networking website Facebook since April
2nd, 2012. The creation of the official page of new
beer produced by Natakhtari aimed to build twoway relationship with the consumers.
After the page activation the blitz contests,
called Mtieli Rebus and Mtieli Quiz were conducted.
The main topics of the contests were mountain
and beer. Each of the winners received one box of
Mtieli as a present.




karaoke farTi

efesma qarTvel blogerebs karaoke farTize

umaspinZla. ivenTi karaoke klub studio 5-Si
Sedga, sadac stumrebma efesis axali sareklamo
rgoli ixiles. blogerebi saxelobiTi maisurebiTa da piradad maTTvis Camosxmuli ludis
boTlebiT dasaCuqrdnen. moewyo saxaliso gaTamaSebebi, romelTa gamarjvebulebs saCuqrad
ludi efesi gadaecaT.

Efes Karaoke
Party for Bloggers
Efes organized the Karaoke Party for bloggers. The event took
place at the club Studio-5, where the guests were able to see a
new video commercial of Efes. The bloggers were presented with
T-shirts and beer bottles, which were specially made for each of
them. The entertaining competitions were organized at the event
and the winners were awarded with Efes beer.

obubyubsjt dRiuri


fexburTis qomagoba nataxtarTan erTad - evro 2012

`Tbilisis ivenT holsa~ da `Seraton metexi palasSi~
1 ivnisidan, kompania nataxtari `Tbilisis ivenT
holsa~ da sastumro `Seraton metexi palasSi~ sasiamovno garemoSi fexburTis gulSematkivrebs evropis
Cempionatis erTobliv yurebas sTavazobs.
Sesvenebis dros ki imarTeba sxvadasxva saxis Sejibrebebi da viqtorinebi.
kompania `nataxtaris~ mier organizebuli qomagobis mxardamWeri yvela saRamo xmauriTa da mxiaruli
SeZaxilebiT iwyeba. gulSematkivrebi `nataxtaris~ civi
ludis kaTxebiT xelSi elodebian TamaSis dawyebas.
sasiamovno garemoSi cnobil saxeebsac SeamCnevT.
`Tbilisis ivenT holSi~ saRamo dima obolaZes mihyavs. aforiaqebuli qomagebis erT nawils furceli
da saweri moumarjvebia, _ saxifaTo situaciebis,
pirveli golis, savaraudo mogebul-wagebulis da
sxva, saintereso ambebis `prognozistebs~ prizebi
eliT, maT Soris erTi yuTi ludi `nataxtari~.
nino surmava, sazogadoebasTan urTierTobis supervaizeri:
_ yvelasTvis cnobilia, rom kompania `nataxtari~
aris sportis sxvadasxva saxeobis erovnuli nakrebis
sponsori da maT Soris, fexburTisac. Tumca, misi
socialuri pasuxismgeblobis erT-erTi Semadgeneli
nawilia zogadad qomagobis mxardaWera, raTa ama Tu
im gundis gulSematkivroba saxaliso da rac mTavaria,
kargad organizebuli iyos. garda amisa, mimdinare
evropis Cempionatis SemTxvevaSi, kompania awyobs specialur adgilebs sxvadasxva barebSi, restornebsa Tu
ludxanebSi, sadac yvela msurvels SeuZlia mivides
da misTvis komfortul garemoSi, garTobasTan erTad
uyuros fexburTs da uqomagos visac unda. dResac
`Tbilisi ivenT hols~ is adamianebi estumrnen, visac
aqvs informacia, Tu sad awyobs kompania qomagobis
aqciebs da TavianT sayvarel gundebs `nataxtaris~
ludTan erTad gulSematkivroben.



Supporting Football
Together with Natakhtari
EURO 2012 at Tbilisi
Event Hall and Sheraton
Metechi Palace Hotel
From June 1st, Natakhtari offers football fans to watch Europe
championship collectively in a pleasant environment at Tbilisi Event
Hall and Sheraton Metechi Palace Hotel. Various contests and quizzes
will be held during the breaks.
All supporting evenings organized by Natakhtari Company start with
noise and cheerful exclamations. Football fans are waiting for the game
to start with the mugs of cold Natakhtari beer. One would also notice
celebrities among fans.
Dima Oboladze leads the evening at Tbilisi Event Hall. One group
of anxious fans have pen and paper in their hands trying to forecast
possible tense situations, the author of the first goal, winners or losers and
other interesting moments; Natakhtari gave prizes to the best forecasters,
which included one box of beer as well.
NINO SURMAVA, PR Supervisor:
Its a well-known fact that Natakhtari is a sponsor of different
sport teams, including the National Football Team. Though one of the
components of its social responsibility is to encourage supporting in
general, so that being a fan of a particular team becomes a cheerful and
well organized process. Apart from that, during the current European
Football Championship, the company arranges some special places at
various bars, restaurants and pubs, where anyone can find a desirable
environment to support this or that team. Today Tbilisi Event Hall is full
of those people who had information where Natakhtari organized supporting events and they are enjoying the match together with
Natakhtari beer.




/ me<nataxtari

nataxtari da sporti

Natakhtari and Sports

kote tuRuSi _ `me qarTuli kalaTburTis da qarvas

gulSematkivari var!~
- batono kote, amJamad ras saqmianobT?
- amJamad kalaTburTis mwvrTneli var. sxva profesiisTvis dro aRar mrCeba.
_ sad apirebT am zafxuls dasvenebas, Tu dro
_ am wuTSic grigoleTSi vimyofebi.
_ romel luds svamT?
_ qarvas gulSematkivari var.
_ anu qarTuli kalaTburTis da qarvas gulSematkivari xarT?
_ namdvilad, namdvilad...
KOTE TUGHUSHI Im a fan of Georgian basketball
and Karva!
- Mr. Kote, what is your occupation for the time being?
- Im a basketball trainer. I dont have any free time for another
- In case you find some free time, where will you spend your
vacation this summer?
- Im in Grigoleti now.
- Which beer do you drink?
- Im a fan of Karva.
- It means you are a fan of Georgian basketball and Karva,
isnt it so?
- Yes, yes, exactly
rezi arvelaZe `nataxtaris limonaTi miyvars~

- batono rezi, garda imisa, rom fexburTeli xarT,

profesiiT vin brZandebiT?
- institutSi ra profesia mqonda? gepeiSi qimiis
fakulteti davamTavre.
- am profesiis adamiani rogor moxvdiT fexburTSi?
- ra vici, vswavlobdi da Tan fexburTs vTamaSobdi.
dauswrebelze, saRamoze da egeT rameebze ar miswavlia.
- amiT imis Tqma gindaT, rom instituti kargad
- sxvaTaSoris, cudad ara.
- Tqveni profesiiT Tu gimuSaviaT sadme?
- ara, RmerTma damifaros! Tumca ki, sxvaTaSoris,
saSenmasalaTa kombinatSi vmuSaobdi, roca dublebSi
- sad apirebT am zafxuls dasvenebas?
- namdvilad ar vici. albaT, CaqvSi.
- ludi Tu giyvarT da romel luds miirTmevT?
- ludis moyvaruli ar var. limonaTebi miyvars,
gansakuTrebiT `nataxtaris~.
REZI ARVELADZE I love Natakhtari lemonade
- Mr. Rezi, you are a football player but what is your speciality?
- What was my specialization at the University? I graduated from
Georgian Technical University, the faculty of chemistry.
- How did it happen that with such profession you ended up
playing football?
- I dont know, I studied and played football at the same time. I didnt


take extramural courses, evening classes or anything like that.

- Are you trying to say that your academic performance was
- Well, it wasnt bad either, I dare say.
- Have you ever worked with your speciality?
- No, God save! But wait, yes, I worked at some building materials
enterprise once, when I used to play as an understudy for Dinamo
- Where are you going for your vacation this summer?
- I really dont know. Maybe to Chakvi, from time to time.
- Do you like beer and if yes, which one do you prefer?
- Im not a fan of beer. But I love lemonade and especially Natakhtari
kaxa alania `nataxtars vsvam da yvelgan vcdilob

adgilobrivi ludi davlio~

- kaxa, ragbisti rom xarT, eg yvelam icis, magram
profesiiT vin brZandebiT?
- profesiiT ekonomisti gaxlavarT.
- am profesiis adamiani rogor moxvdiT ragbSi?
- sanam ekonomisti gavxdebodi, manamde movxdi ragbSi. 9 wlis viyavi, ragbiT rom davinteresdi.
- sad apirebT am zafxuls dasvenebas?
- arsad ar vapireb dasvenebas, simarTle rom
giTxraT. imitom, rom mivdivar turnirebze moskovSi,
kopenhagenSi da lisabonSi. mere Camoval TbilisSi da
davisveneb saxlSi.
- romel luds svamT?
- iciT ra? luds adre vsvamdi, magram am bolo
dros ise xSirad aRar. nataxtars vsvam saerTod da
ise, sadac Cavdivar, yvelgan vcdilob adgilobrivi
ludi gavsinjo.
KAKHA ALANIA I drink Natakhtari and I try to drink local
beer everywhere
- Kakha, you a rugby player and everyone knows that, but what
is your speciality?
- Im an economist.
- How did it happen that with such profession you ended up
playing rugby?
- I started playing rugby before becoming an economist. I was 9
when I became interested in rugby.
- Where do you plan to spend summer this year?
- To be honest, nowhere, because Im going to Moscow, Copenhagen
and Lisbon to attend the tournaments. Then Ill come back to Tbilisi and
have a rest at home.
- Which beer do you drink?
- You know, I used to drink beer before but Ive been drinking it
rarely lately. In general, I drink Natakhtari and I try to taste local beer
everywhere I go.


obubyubsjt dRiuri

nataxtaris fondis kampania izrune

momavalze axal etapze gadavida
nataxtaris fondis proeqtis izrune momavalze farglebSi ganxorcielebuli pirveli etapis angariSi,
romelic asociacia Cveni saxli - saqarTvelos mxardaWeriT ganxorcielda.
nataxtaris limonaTis saqvelmoqmedo proeqti
,,izrune momavalze nataxtarTan erTad axal etapze
gadavida. am etapze dasrulebulia Tanxis Segroveba (142
802 lari), 16-dan 18 wlamde mzrunveloba moklebuli
bavSvebis bazis Sedgena, aseve bavSvebTan muSaoba daiwyes
fsiqologebma da SeimuSaves pirveladi daskvna, romlis
safuZvelzec moxda bavSvebisTvis saintereso da saWiro
programebisa da mimarTulebebis dadgena, gamoikveTa
maTi damoukidebeli cxovrebisTvis momzadebis saWiroebebi, rac, pirvel rigSi, aRsazrdelTaTvis samuSao
unarebis Camoyalibebas gulisxmobs, raTa saxelmwifos
mzrunvelobidan gasvlis Semdeg maT sakuTari Tavis
finansuri uzrunvelyofis saSualeba hqondeT.
- im aRsazrdelisTvis, romelic gamoirCeva akademiuri moswrebiT da umaRlesi ganaTlebis miRebis survili
hqonda, programis farglebSi moxda mis mier arCeul
sagnebSi gaZlierebuli mecadineobiT uzrunvelyofa da
aseve, swavlis procesSi saWiro yvela saxis sainformacio resursebiTa da saxelmZRvaneloebiT momarageba.
- aRsazrdels sabazo ganaTlebiT, romelsac
ganaTlebis damadasturebeli Sesabamisi mowmobac
gaaCnda, SeeZlo, survilis SemTxvevaSi, daufleboda
raime xelobas. fondis farglebSi moxda aseTi bavSvebis


The report of the first stage, which was carried out within the
framework of the Natakhtari Fund project Care the Future
was implemented with the support of the association Our Home
The charity project of Natakhtari Lemonade Care the Future
together with Natakhtari moved to the next level. At this stage the gathering of money (142 802 GEL) and making of the database of children
deprived of parental care (aged 16-18) are now completed. Apart from
that, the psychologists have started working with the kids and made
some preliminary conclusions. Based on the latter, the interesting and
necessary programs and directions for children have been ascertained. It
has been revealed what is needed to prepare kids for independent living,
which in the first place, implies the development of their working skills,
so that after the adolescents are on their own they should be able to take
care of their own financial wellness.
- A child, who was distinguished with an outstanding academic
performance and wished to receive higher education was given an additional intensified training in the subjects chosen by him/her and also
was provided by all kinds of necessary informational resources and
text-books, within the framework of the project.
- A child with the basic education, who had an appropriate educational
certificate, could get handicraft training, in case one wanted to. Within the
framework of the Fund, such children were provided with all the necessary funds for the above-mentioned education (training fee, travelling
expenses) and other material needs (tools and equipment).
- A child, who expressed the desire of development in the fields of sports
and arts, was given a chance to attend a desirable sport or art circle.


Social Responsibility/socialuri pasuxismgebloba


Care the Future - the

Campaign of Natakhtari Fund
Moves to the Next Level

saxelobo ganaTlebisTvis saWiro finansuri xarjebisa

(swavlis gadasaxadi, mgzavrobis Tanxa) da materialuri
saWiroebebis (swavlisTvis saWiro xelsawyoebisa da
masalis) uzrunvelyofa.
- mozards, romelsac surda sportuli da SemoqmedebiTi ganviTareba, maTive survilis gaTvaliswinebiT,
miecaT sportis saxeobaSi an romelime SemoqmedebiT
wreSi CarTvis saSualeba.
- garda amisa, proeqtis farglebSi, aRsazrdelis survilis mixedviT dafinansda inglisurisa da kompiuteris
Semswavleli wreebi. aseve, ukve 17 wlis mozardebs fondma
daufinansa avtomanqanis marTvis Semswavleli kursebi.
kiTxvarebis monacemebis safuZvelze, mzrunveloba
moklebuli bavSvebis garkveuli jgufis mxridan konkretulad Camoyalibebuli poziciidan gamokveTili
unarebi ar gamovlinda. aqedan gamomdinare, daigegma
fsiqologebis jgufis CarTva da ganisazRvra maTTvis
aRsazrdelebTan Semdgomi muSaobis prioritetebi.
fsiqologebi gadanawildnen regionebis mixedviT. maT
Seiswavles mozardis profesiul SesaZleblobebi, romlis safuZvelzec gamoikveTa maTi monacemebi, proforientacia da moxda maTi profkonsultireba.
Seswavlis farglebSi moxda mozardisTvis misi unarebis Sesabamisi profesiis, xelobis gacnoba. unarisa da
survilis arsebobis SemTxvevaSi, erovnuli gamocdebis
Casabareblad aRsazrdelis momzadebis gegmis SemuSaveba
aRmzrdelTan erTad. aseve regionSi arsebuli resursebis Seswavla: kursebi, wreebi, kolejebi, moxaliseobis
programebi, ojaxis mozardi wevrebi daaxloebuli adamianebi, kerZo pirebi, visac mdidari praqtika gaaCnia da
SeuZlia mozards konkretuli saskolo sagani, an Tundac
xeloba Seaswavlos da ase Semdeg.
maisi-ivnisis ganmavlobaSi kompania `nataxtaris~
partnior kompaniebSi sami mozardi anazRaurebadi
staJirebis programaSi Caeba.


- Apart from that, within the framework of the project, based on

childrens request, the training courses for English and computer were
financed as well. The fund also financed 17-year-old adolescents to
prepare for the driving license tests.
Based on the questionnaire data, a particular group of children
deprived of parental care did not express precisely distinguished skills.
As a consequence, it was decided to engage a group of psychologists
and future priorities of working with the kids have been determined.
The psychologists have been distributed in accordance with the regions.
They studied the professional abilities of the children, based on which
their informational data, professional orientation and consultation have
been ascertained.
Within the framework of the trainings, the adolescents were introduced to appropriate professions and handicrafts that corresponded
to their skills and abilities; In case of desire and capability, the plan of
preparation for the National Examinations has been collaborated together
with the tutor; the existing resources in regions have been studied as well:
training courses, circles, colleges, volunteer programs, people close to
adolescents, as well as people, who had rich experience and could teach
the children concrete school subject or handicraft, etc.
During the period of May-June three adolescents started stipendiary
probation at the partner organizations of Natakhtari Company.


nataxtaris limonaTis
aqcia bavSvebisaTvis
1 ivniss, wels ukve meored, bavSvTa
uflebebis dacvis saerTaSoriso dResTan
dakavSirebiT, kompania nataxtarma Tbiliseli patarebisTvis limonaTis aqcia
gamarTa. dilidan Tbilisis sxvadasxva
ubanSi saCuqrebiT datvirTuli nataxtaris limonaTis specialuri avtobusi
moZraobda. igi Cerdeboda skverebSi,
parkebsa da sxva xalxmraval adgilebSi,
sadac animatorebi da zRapris gmirebi
mcire dResaswauls awyobdnen gamvleli
bavSvebisTvis. aqcia gvian saRamomde gagrZelda.
aqciis ganmavlobaSi bavSvebi gaarTes
kloun-animatorebma da zRapris sxvadasxva
personaJebma, romlebmac patarebs nataxtaris limonaTi, qudebi, buStebi da sxva
sasiamovno saCuqrebi dauriges.

On International Day for Protection

of Childrens Rights on June 1st, for the
second time this year, Natakhtari Company organized Lemonade Event for kids
living in Tbilisi. From morning till late
evening, a special Natakhtari lemonade
bus filled with fairy-tale characters and
numerous gifts was moving around Tbilisi
districts and stopped by different squares,
parks and crowded places, offering festive events to children with the help of
During the event clown-animators
and fairy-tale characters entertained the
kids. They presented Natakhtari lemonade, hats, balloons and other pleasant
gifts to children.

Event for
2 12


socialuri pasuxismgebloba/Social Responsibility


saWesTan fxizlad!
kampania erTi wlisaa
saqarTveloSi saWesTan fxizlad! kampaniis dawyebidan erTi weli gavida. iubiles aRsaniSnavad Telavis demokratiuli CarTulobis centrSi RonisZieba gaimarTa, romelSic monawileobas iRebdnen taqsis
kompaniebi, mZRolebi, policielebi, arasamTavrobo
organizaciebi, studentebi, adgilobrivi xelisuflebisa da masmediis warmomadgenlebi.
proeqtis generaluri sponsoria kompania nataxtari, romelic saqarTveloSi ludis pasuxismgeblobiT moxmarebis kulturis Camoyalibebasa
da saWesTan fxizlad! kampaniis yovelwliurad
Catarebis popularizacias uwyobs xels.
RonisZiebis organizatorebma stumrebs ZiriTadi
sagzao wesebis codnaSi sakuTari Tavis Semowmeba
SesTavazes da gamarjvebulebi specialuri maisurebiT daajildoves. monawileebs daurigdaT stikerebi da broSurebi, aseve miecaT saSualeba, enaxaT
sagamanaTleblo video `alkoholis zemoqmedeba
adamianis tvinze~.
kampaniis saWesTan fxizlad! ganxorcieleba
saqarTveloSi pirvelad 2011 wlis 11 maiss daiwyo.
misi mizania sazogadoebis cnobierebis amaRleba
nasvam mdgomareobaSi avtomobilis marTvasTan, marTvis safrTxesTan dakavSirebiT, rac xels Seuwyobs
avtosagzao SemTxvevebis raodenobis Semcirebas.



One-Year Anniversary
of Dont Drink and Drive
Its been a year already since the Dont Drink and Drive Campaign
started in Georgia. In order to celebrate the anniversary, an event was
organized at the Telavi Centre of Civic Engagement, which was attended
by the taxi companies, drivers, policemen, non-governmental organizations, students, local authorities and media representatives.
Natakhtari is the grand sponsor of the campaign. The company supports the culture of responsible beer consumption and promotes Dont
Drink and Drive Campaign annually.
The organizers offered the guests to test their knowledge of traffic
rules and the winners got some special T-shirts. The participants were
given the stickers and booklets and were able to watch educational video
The Influence of Alcohol on the Human Brain.
The implementation of the above-mentioned campaign started in
Georgia on May 11th, 2011. It aims to raise public awareness regarding
driving under the influence of alcohol, in order to minimize the number
of traffic accidents as a result.


obubyubsjt dRiuri

nataxtaris qarxnis turebi

Natakhtari Plant Tours

Tbilisis pirveli gimnazia ....................... 4 maisi

Microsoft-isa da DPA-s
warmomadgenlebi ......................................... 10 maisi
regionaluri gayidvebis
warmomadgenlebi ......................................... 13 maisi
saqarTvelos teqnikuri
universiteti ................................................ 18 maisi
Savi zRvis saerTaSoriso
universiteti ................................................ 22 maisi
Tbilisis 63-e sajaro skola ..................... 25 maisi
skola `mTiebi~ .............................................. 25 maisi
demirelis skola ......................................... 29 maisi
#1 Gymnasium of Tbilisi............................................ MAY 4
Microsoft and DPA representatives .......................... MAY 10
Regional Sales Representatives ................................ MAY 13
Georgian Technical University.................................. MAY 18
International Black Sea University .......................... MAY 22
Tbilisi public school #63 ............................................ MAY 25
Mtiebi school............................................................... MAY 25
Demireli school ........................................................... MAY 29

Tbilisis 63-e sajaro skola ...................... 3 aprili

Tbilisis pirveli gimnazia ........................ 5 aprili
Tbilisis 51-e sajaro skola ....................... 6 aprili
litviis, latviis, yazaxeTis, ukrainis,
safrangeTisa da CineTis
warmomadgenlebi ........................................... 9 aprili
Tbilisis 169-e sajaro skola ..................... 11 aprili
Tbilisis germanuli gimnazia ..................... 26 aprili
saqarTvelos teqnikuri universiteti .... 27 aprili
`efes saqarTvelos Tbilisis ofisi ......... 29 aprili
Public School #63 of Tbilisi .......................................... APRIL 3
#1 Gymnasium of Tbilisi............................................... APRIL 5
Public School #51 of Tbilisi .......................................... APRIL 6
Guests from Lithuania, Latvia, Kazakhstan,
France, China and Ukraine.......................................... APRIL 9
Public School #169 of Tbilisi ........................................ APRIL 11
German Gymnasium of Tbilisi .................................... APRIL 26
Georgian Technical University..................................... APRIL 27
Efes Georgia Tbilisi Office ........................................... APRIL 29


werovanis bavSvTa saxli ........................... 1 ivnisi

werovanis me-3 sajaro skola ................... 1 ivnisi
Tbilisis 161-e sajaro skola .................. 1 ivnisi
demirelis skola ........................................ 5 ivnisi
Tbilisis 112-e sajaro skola .................. 7 ivnisi
Tbilisis 213-e sajaro skola .................. 8 ivnisi
iaponiis saelCo saqarTveloSi ............... 20 ivnisi
Tserovani orphanage................................................. JUNE 1
Tserovani #3 public school........................................ JUNE 1
Tbilisi #161 public school ......................................... JUNE 1
Demireli school .......................................................... JUNE 5
Tbilisi #112 public school.......................................... JUNE 7
Tbilisi #213 public school ......................................... JUNE 8
Japan embassy........................................................... JUNE 20



samuSao Sexvedra
fsiqosegmentaciis kvlevis
Sedegebis SefasebisTvis


imisaTvis, rom kompania warmatebuli iyos,

produqciis maRali xarisxis stabilurobis garda,
aucilebelia momxmarebelTa moTxovnebis da maTi
qcevis mudmivi Seswavla. kompania `nataxtari~
sistematiurad atarebs kvlevebs. 2011 wels daiwyo
momxmarebelTa fsiqosegmentaciis kvleva. kvlevis
farglebSi gamoikiTxa 3400 respodentze meti. kvlevas atarebda centralur da aRmosavleT evropis
qveynebSi muSaobis mravalwliani gamocdilebis mqone
kompania `garison jgufi~.
SegaxsenebT, segmentacia gaxlavT momxmarebelze
orientirebuli kvlevis meTodi, romelic emsaxureba
adamianTa preferenciebis gansazRvras. kvlevis Sedegad ganisazRvreba msgavseba-gansxvavebebi samizne
auditoriis warmomadgenlebs Soris imisTvis, rom bazari daiyos erTgvar segmentebad. es segmentebi moicavs
erTmaneTis maqsimalurad msgavs momxmareblebs, romlebic aseve, rac SeiZleba mkveTrad gansxvavdebian im
momxmarebelTa jgufebisagan, romlebic gansxvavebul
segmentSi moxvdnen. segmentebis Seqmna da aRweriloba
metad mniSvnelovania marketinguli TvalsazrisiT.
aRniSnuli kvlevis farglebSi Catarda Sexvedrebi kompaniis TanamSromlebTan. saboloo Sedegebis
gasacnobad da gasavrcobad ki, 15-16 ivniss samuSao Sexvedra gaimarTa kompania `nataxtaris~ partniorebTan
(`laivbrendingi~, `brending.ji~, `nou neim studio~, `eisi-Ti kvleva~, `beTerflai~ da `jepra~). misi mizani iyo:
kvlevis Sedegebis gacnoba
kvlevis Sedegebis interpretireba
marketinguli strategiebisa da kvlevis Sedegebis Sesabameba
orive dRe informaciulad datvirTuli, saintereso da interaqtiuli iyo. partniorma saagentoebma `nataxtaris~ marketingis gundTan erTad,
TiToeuli brendisTvis Rirebuli mimarTulebebi

Workshop for the

Assessment of the Psycho
Segmentation Research
Apart from the high quality production, it is important to continuously explore the needs and behaviour of the consumers for the success
of the company. Natakhtari Company conducts such kind of researches on
a regular basis. In 2011 the research of consumers psycho segmentation
began and within its framework, over 3400 respondents were questioned.
The above-mentioned research was carried out by the Garrison Group,
which is well-known by its long-term experience of working in Central
and Eastern European countries.
Let us remind you, that segmentation is a consumer oriented research
method, which is aimed to determine peoples preferences and specific demands. As a result of a research, the similarities and differences among the
representatives of the target audience are determined, in order to divide
the market in homogenous segments. These segments include consumers,
who are similar to one another at most and distinctively differ from the
consumers allocated to other segments. The making and description of
the segments are very important from the marketing viewpoint.
In order to introduce final results, business meetings with company
employees took place, within the framework of the research. Apart from
that, business meetings were conducted with the companys partners
(Livebranding,, Betterfly, No Name Studio, ACT Research
and GEPRA) as well and the purpose was:
- To introduce the research results
- To interpret the research results
- To conform marketing strategies with the research results
Both of the days were informatively rich, interesting and
interactive. Partner agencies presented valuable and
productive directions for each brand, together with
Natakhtari marketing team.


obubyubsjt dRiuri

tariel kostava

daniSvna HIRED

avtomatizaciis specialisti


nana gagaZe

manana narimaniSvili


giorgi soloRaSvili


daviT sinjiaSvili

saxarSi ganyofilebis operatori

Brew Department Operator
aleqsandre miqelaZe

Camosasxmelis inJineri


Automation Specialist


Laboratory Assistant
daviT kalandaZe


giorgi kesaevi

savaWro warmomadgeneli (Tbilisi)

Sales Representative (Tbilisi)
sergo lomsaZe

qilis xazze Camosasxmeli danadgaris operatori

Can Line Filling Machine Operator

Filling Department Engineer
paata rexviaSvili

kasris xazze Camosasxmeli danadgaris operatori

Keg Line Filling Machine Operator

Tanamdebobis Secvla

giorgi maxaraSvili

petis xazze saberi danadgaris damxmare muSa

Keg Line Filling Machine Worker

levan SaTiriSvili

marlen ceraZe

finansuri kontrolis menejeri

petis xazze saberi danadgaris damxmare muSa

PET Line Blowing Machine Support Worker

Finance Control Manager

oTar unafqoSvili

cufa darbaiZe

qselis marketingis menejeri

xazinis specialisti

Tamaz gofoZe

Tamar kirTaZe

savaWro warmomadgeneli (regionebi)

Business Sustems Support

Trade Marketing & Merchandising Manager

Sales Representative (Regions)
saba TvaraZe

savaWro warmomadgeneli (regionebi)

Sales Representative (Regions)
irakli giorgaZe

Tbilisis ofisis administratori

Tbilisi Office Adminisitrator

Treasury Specialist

biznes sistemebis supervaizeri

iago kapanaZe

petis xazze saberi danadgaris operatori

PET Line Blowing Machine Operator
giorgi seferTelaZe

axali sasirofes operatori

New Syrup Room Operator

nestor qutaSvili

ia manuCariSvili

petis xazze saberi danadgaris damxmare muSa

biznes sistemebis specialisti

PET Line Blowing Machine Support Worker

Business Sustems Support

25 maiss, nedleulis sawyobis ofiser zviad qirias
SeeZina pirveli Svili elene qiria
Elene Kiria, The first child of Zviad Kiria, Raw-Material Warehouse
Officer, was born on May 25.

16 ivniss, savaWro warmomadgenel (Tbilisi) mamuka

CxeiZes SeeZina pirveli Svili qeTevan CxeiZe


Ketevan Chkhaidze, The first child of Mamuka Chkheidze, Sales Representative (Tbilisi), was born on June 16.


zomieri moxmareba
arTritiT daavadebis
kviraSi samjer ludis naxevari litris
miReba anaxevrebs revmatoiduli arTritiT
(saxsrebis tkivili) daavadebis risks. stokholmis `karolinskis institutis~ mkvlevarebi
miiCneven, rom alkohols SeuZlia im daavadebis
prevencia, romelic asustebs imunur sistemas.
isini akvirdebodnen alkoholis moxmarebas da
revmatoiduli arTritis mimdinareobas 34,000
qalis magaliTze, romlebic dabadebuli iyvnen
1914-dan 1948 wlamde periodSi.
britaneTis `samedicino Jurnalis~ Tanaxmad, mecnierebi gaesaubrnen am qalobatonebs
erTxel 1987 wels da meored aTi wlis Semdeg. maT usvamdnen SekiTxvebs alkoholis
moxmarebasTan, kvebis reJimTan, Tambaqos
moxmarebasTan, fizikur aqtivobasTan da maTi
ganaTlebis donesTan dakavSirebiT.
zomier dozad miCneuli iqna 150 ml. Rvino an
1 mcire kaTxa ludi (TiTqmis 500 ml.). sasmelis
yvela es tipi Tanabrad efeqturi aRmoCnda.
dResdReobiT, mxolod britaneTSi daaxloebiT 400 aTasi adamiani itanjeba revmatoiduli arTritiT da es daavadeba samjer
ufro metadaa gavrcelebuli qalebSi, vidre
mamakacebSi. yvela maTgani rodi gaxldaT
moxuci - TiTqmis naxevari 65 wlamde asakis
iyo. daavadebis simptomebia saxsrebis Sesieba
da tkivili, romelic gamowveulia imunuri
sistemis Sesustebis gamo jansaRi qsovilis

Moderate Beer
the Rheumatoid
Arthritis Risk

Drinking of half a litre of beer decreases the rheumatoid arthritis

(joint pa
pain) risk. The researchers from Karolinska Institute in Stockholm
think th
that alcohol could help prevent those diseases, which damps down
the imm
immune system. The scientists looked at alcohol consumption and
rheumatoid arthritis in 34,000 women born between 1914 and 1948.
According to the British Medical Journal, the researchers interviewed
the wom
women twice, once in 1987 and once a decade later, asking them
questions about alcohol consumption, diet, smoking history, physical
activity and their level of education.
The result suggests that the moderate quantity of alcohol is 150 ml
of wine or half a litre of beer (approximately 500 ml). Both types of
alcohol appeared equally effective.
For the time being, about 400,000 people in Britain suffer from
rheumatoid arthritis and it is three times more common in women than
in men. Not all researched people were old almost half of them were
under 665 years.
The symptoms of the disease are joint swelling and pain, which occurs as a result of the immune system targeting healthy tissue.



mevludi qafianiZe


Semdegi nomeri ukeTesi iqneba!

1. vis isurvebdiT Semdegi nomris stumrad?
What are your comments with respect to this issue of magazine?

2. ra SeniSvnebi da komentarebi gaqvT Jurnalis mocemul nomerTan dakavSirebiT?

Who do you wish to be the guest of the next edition?

3. ra rubrikebis an Temebis damatebas isurvebdiT Semdegi nomrisTvis?

Which additional topics or rubrics would you like to see in the next issue?

Tqveni komentarebi, SeniSvnebi da rCevebi CaagdeT administraciuli korpusis pirvel sarTulze mdgar
yuTSi an mogvwereT Semdeg misamarTze:
Please place your comments, remarks and advices in the special box on the ground floor of the administrative building or send it via e-mail:

nataxtaris YouTube arxi

Natakhtari YouTube Channel

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