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Chemistry Skills and Competency Tracking Sheet



Nuclear Chemistry

- differentiate between alpha, beta, and gamma radiation

- balance nuclear equations involving various types of decay
- relate the role of nuclear fusion in producing essentially all elements heavier than helium
relate the process of half-life as related to radioactive decay
perform half-life calculations

On the blank line rank yourself on a scale from 1-4 (1=no confidence,
2=somewhat confident, 3=confident, 4=extremely confident)
Check the box to the left once you feel you have achieved mastery of each
I know the meaning of the following terms:
isotope, mass number, alpha particle, beta particle, gamma ray, decay, fission, fusion,
I can determine the number of neutrons in a specified isotope, for example: lead-210 ( 210Pb)
210 82 = 128 neutrons___________________
I understand the concept of half-life and nuclear decay___________________
I know what radioactive means____________________
I can calculate the amount of material left after a given number of half-lives given the starting
I can calculate the amount of starting material after a given number of half-lives given the
ending amount___________________
I can write and balance nuclear decay equations, for example: 14N 14C +


I can explain the penetrating power, charge and mass of , , and

I can recognize and explain the basic ideas of single, double and triple

Atomic Theory

Chemistry Skills and Competency Tracking Sheet



10. use the modern atomic theory to explain the characteristics of atoms (GPS, HSGT) (SCCH_B2005-10)
10a - compare and contrast the relative size, charge, and position of protons, neutrons, and electrons in
the atom (GPS)
10b - use electron configuration and orbital diagrams for neutral atoms to determine chemical properties
10c - explain the relationship of proton number to the elements identity (GPS)
10d - explain the relationship of isotopes to the relative abundance of atoms of a particular element (GPS)
10e - relate light emission and the movement of electrons to element identification (GPS)

On the blank line rank yourself on a scale from 1-4 (1=no confidence,
2=somewhat confident, 3=confident, 4=extremely confident)
Check the box to the left once you feel you have achieved mastery of each
I understand and can use the following terms correctly: mass number, atomic mass, nucleus,
isotope, atomic number, relative abundance, average (weighted) atomic
I can discuss accurately the relative location and mass of the particles that make up atoms
(protons, neutrons and electrons)___________________
I can name and write isotopic notations for any isotope given the number of protons, neutrons
and/or mass number, and charge___________________
I can correctly identify the number of protons, electrons and neutrons given an isotope name
or isotopic notation and its charge___________________
I understand and can use the following terms correctly: orbital, sublevel, energy level (or
principle quantum level), s, p, d, and f, electron spin, electron configuration, orbital
I can discuss accurately the shapes of orbitals and the types that can be found in each
principle quantum level (or energy level)___________________
I can write electron configurations and orbital diagrams for any element (Periods 15)___________________
I understand and can discuss the following terms: ground state, excited state, atomic emission
spectra, frequency, wavelength and energy of a photon (Ephoton) ___________________
I understand the relationship between frequency and wavelength and between energy and

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