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Caring for the Elderly

Chm sc ngi cao tui

It can be challenging caring for the elderly. This challenge can be even more significant if the
elderly you are caring for is also resistant to care.
Vi cchmsocchongilntui co th tr thanhm tthachthc. Thcthcnaycangro
r thnkhingilntui co th se khangc lais chmsoccuaban.
This resistance to elderly care could be triggered by a number of factors.
S khangc nay co th hinhthanh do m t s nguynnhnsau:
Firstly you have to remember that if your loved one is in need of elderly care then they are at a
stage of their lives when they have to cope with their own challenges for example physical
loss, mental loss, or loss of independence.
u tin, ban cn nh rng nu ngi than cua ban la nhng i tng cn chm soc thi nhng
giai oan khac nhau trong cu c sng ho cung se g p phai nhng kho khn khac nhau.
Nhngkho khn co th k nnh: s suygiamth lc, tri lc, ho cmtis t do.
This can be difficult for them to accept, and they could also be facing the challenge that they
might think it is a sign of weakness to accept elderly care. They may feel angry at having to
accept elderly care, guilty or confused as they might not understand they need help.
o co th tr nnkho khn ho chpnh nrng ho co th im tvinhngduhi ucuas
suygiamsckhoeva cnns chmsoc. Ho co th camthygi nd, camthy co
liho cbirikhicnh ns chmsoccuangikhac.

As we get older we are increasing the likelihood of getting ill, stress. This means that elderly care
needs to plan for the possibility of illness from environmental toxins, infections, accidents, and
Khichung ta gia i co th im tvivi caum, s lo lng.iunay co
nghiavi cchmchongilntuicn co nhngk hoachchocackha nngcuab nht tt
mitrng chai, cacb nhtruynnhim, tai nanva s cngthng.
Many older people are healthy and active. However, science shows that our body biologically
starts to slow from the age of 35 onwards and it is estimated that we start to lose our organs
functions at an approximate rate of 1% per year. This often results in:
Co nhiungicaotui co sckhoeva nhanhnhen. Tuynhin, khoahocchng minh rngcth
sinhhocbtutr nnch mchapt tui 35 tr iva chcnnghoat ngcuacaccquantrongcth
giamikhoang 1% minm.
These biological and behavioural changes do not mean that elderly care is a must, but
appreciating what happens as we get older will help us be informed of the best approaches to
elderly care and treatment.
Nhngthayisinhhocva thayihanh vi naykhng co nghiarngs chmsocchongicaotui la
iubtbu c, nhngphaitrntrongnhngs thayikhichung ta gi iva cthngbaov
nhngcachtipc nv chmsocva iu tri chongilntui.

To start communicating with your loved one about his or her need for care:
Btutraoivingithncuabanv nhngs chmsoccnthitdanhcho ho

Determine what help is needed. Make an honest assessment of what kind of help your
loved one needs and which services might work best.
Xacinhnhngsgiupcnthit.Thchinmtanhgiatrungthcvnhnggi ho cnva nhngs
chmsocnao la ttnht

Choose a time when you and your loved one are relaxed.This will make it easier for you
and your loved one to listen to each other and speak your minds.
Chonthiim ho camthythgian. Vi cnaygiupchoband dangchuy ntro la nh ncs

Ask about your loved one's preferences. While you might not be able to meet all of your
loved one's wishes, it's important to take them into considerationHoiv s thichcua ho.
Trongkhibankhngth apngttca
nhngnguy nvongcuangithnnhngvi cxemxetnhngmongmuncua ho la cnthit.

Enlist the help of family members. Family and friends might be able to help you persuade
your loved one to accept help.

Don't give up. If your loved one doesn't want to discuss the topic the first time you bring it
up, try again later.
ng t bo.Nu ngi than ln tranh noi v vi c ho cn chm soc thi nhng ln u thi ng
t bo, hay th lai trong nhng ln khac.

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