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Humanity today is in a state of serious collective and individual crisis. There is a

general sense of dissatisfaction. People are searching for something different,
something out of the ordinary. Every second of our existence is a miracle. Our
past, present and future is mapped by God, who is time and space. God is in and
out of our linear time (we envisage time moving in one direction). God is the
master and inventor of time the future has already happened. Most religious
people who say they follow God actually just follow strict rules. There is no
freedom if there are rules. They fail to look for more spirituality as they believe
they have already attained it. In light of this they are fooled in believing they are
following a spiritual life. This is forced external change which doesnt reach into
their inner core. God causes inner change and strengthens the peace within our
soul. The religious imprison their souls to simple right and wrongs, not freedom.
They must adjust their perception of their reality, and then in turn the
environment will change which would then then cause change within the soul.
Many of us are deterred by the thought of God from the poor example that
religion has portrayed. For those people the word God could be substituted for
nature, the universe, a higher being, or love. Or the name God for good as God is
a force of pure good. Names are just our way of expressing ourselves. Today
there is little correlation between the spiritual and religious.
All of the major religions believe we are made in the image of God, this is our
soul. God is an artist he puts himself into his creation. If the light in the soul
fades there is darkness. Many non-believers shine brighter than others who hold
strong beliefs in God. From the soul stems the natural goodness of mankind.
There are 7 fruits of the spirit; love peace joy patience kindness faithfulness and
self-control.; in simple terms when your clothed within the spirits your blissful.
We can be free. A free man from a convict. As we all possess a soul we are all
spiritually connected to each other and to God. Thus we are all brothers and
sisters with one Father. If we show love to each other were subsequently
expressing love to God as he dwells in us, and the spirit will love us more. We are
connected from birth to become more spiritual, to treat humanity with more
spirit. Any love to humanity results in a love for God. We are spiritual bodies
having human experiences not humans having spiritual experiences. These
experiences morph us into what God wants for us. We gradually start being born
again, resurrected in his image, reincarnated.
Jesus said, Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden to you will be
disclosed to you. Jesus said, Good persons produce good from what theyve
stored up; bad persons produce evil from their wickedness theyve stored up in
their hearts, and say evil things. For from the overflow of the heart, they produce
evil. As a consequence of the expanding spirit the fruits within us also expand.
With the spirit the best of our human side is brought out, without the spirit the
worst comes out; gluttony greed sloth envy wrath pride lust, keeping us in want
and unsatisfied depressing the soul.

The religious leaders today hold the keys of knowledge and have hidden them,
they have not entered the Kingdom nor have they allowed those who want to
enter to do so either. Jesus said, If a blind person leads a blind person, both of
them will fall into a hole. Some believe they are superior, blocking love for God
and others, only loving the fact they are superior. The religious then believe they
are superior until they occasionally realise they are actually inferior. This results
in a dualistic split and affects the emotional body which causes fear as they cant
solve the problem. There is no divinity and the body feels less love and light. The
religious can then feel more hate to the world, not peace. They then look and
judge others to distract themselves from their own faults.
The body can be divided, with one part the observer in the brain looking at the
other part the performer, the body. The observer makes decisions on the
appropriate behaviour of the performer. Unifying them in terms of their intention
and sense of purpose brings about a state of inner peace, love and oneness with
oneself. If the body is at peace with itself then it can be at peace with others. The
mind can be its own best friend or worst enemy. Jesus said, If one is whole, one
will be filled with light, but if one is divided, one will be filled with darkness. Lack
of love is lack of spirit and the fruits become rotten. Only oneness with self can
bring on unconditional peace, this is only achieved once the soul is united with
God, completing the body.
The religious dont want to admit defeat to themselves due to pride and thus fail
to seek more truth. The wise amongst them then seek spirituality that never fails
to cease. They imprison themselves to simple right and wrongs leading to guilt
upon failure. The body cant be the light if it has not seen the light. Jesus said, I
will give you what no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, what no hand has
touched, what has arisen in the human heart. He said to them, Anyone here
with two ears had better listen! There is light within a person of light, and it
shines on the whole world. If it does not shine, it is dark. The religious build
walls, or laws separating them from the lord. The more they toil and build their
laws the higher the wall becomes. I would tell you the joke about the wall but
youd never get over it. The religious toil with trying to be good all the time and
they end up fighting themselves and becoming their own enemy. If the religious
person cannot feel peace inside how can he feel peace with others, most end up
dying spiritually not living. They claim to be ambassadors of God and give him
bad press.
People that love people who may not even believe in God tend to be high spirited
individuals. As anyone who loves humanity is simultaneously loving God. These
people are loving God indirectly, as they choose to love people where God lives.
When people choose God whether they are aware of it or not he will bless all the
fruits in us, and the spirit increases in the body. Communication is a gift from
God. The more the body loves, the more the spirit loves the body.
Christ came to bring us to a higher level of consciousness and morality, a higher
level of spirituality without restrictive rules. Subsequently a natural obedience
manifests. This occurs without the toils of strict discipline; this can break the soul

rather than repair it. Jesus wasnt a tame character as he is envisioned today. He
disagreed with the hypocritical religious leaders, who were his only enemies as
they led people away from the truth. He hated their institution. He opposed
religious authority the Pharisees whose fundamental basic beliefs of life and God
still exists in many faiths today. Jesus preferred the lawless, least they
acknowledged they needed to feed the soul, but were unsure of the correct
remedy. Christ was divinely lawless which meant he followed Gods law perfectly,
he never possessed the deadly sins, thus he was pure from birth to eternity. At
the age of 12 he was at one with the creator yet individuated at the same time,
this then induced universal love which was expressed as love for humanity. This
experience of love influenced his mind which then transmitted by the laws of
harmonic induction and sympathetic resonance down into matter and energy of
emotions, to express his love as feelings. This flow was transmitted to the body
which responded in natural harmony resulting in pleasurable body sensations, an
influx of endorphins to feel heavenly.
Who blasphemes against us blasphemes against God who is in us. Who
blasphemes against your brother blasphemes against you. Look after each other.
Righteous anger is from the super consciousness. Sometimes its unavoidable
and necessary. If you become God like you will understand anger, and know
when to not possess it and when to release it like a lions roar. When these
impulses come they are powerful, cutting; spoken through a double edged sword
. Enemies of the fruits of the spirit are enemies of God and they should be
fought. Especially if they believe in God if they blaspheme against love (which is
God) they are men of evil, full of hypocrisy, turning men against the truth of God.
Thus Jesus said, Whoever blasphemes against the holy spirit will not be
forgiven, either on earth or in heaven. Christ talks about humbling yourself
before God and men of humanity but not before evil. Jesus talks about anger
Perhaps people think that I have come to casy peace upon the world. They do
not know that I have come to cast conflicts upon the earth: fire, sword, war.
Jesus. As God is our souls, then when people hurt, God hurts. If people try and
hurt God in you, he will hurt them back and withdraw from their lives. If you
disrespect love, love will disrespect you. You are here for warfare. God is our
weapon. No one is untouchable.
To go up society needs to fall down before the creator. Jesuss death was a
message of how we will all be crucified but can resurrect with God. This is a
continuing spiral which repeats itself, crucify and resurrect repeatedly till we are
finally free. Peace is will, peace is power, peace is wisdom, peace is liberty,
peace is joy, peace is harmony, peace is truth, peace is understanding, peace is
light. This true peace must stand firm in bad times, when a person is suffering
from various kinds of attacks, it can co-exist with inner pain. This is the goal to
establish an unassailable centre of peace that is able to withstand any test,
whatever the cost, for this centre will be an inner fortress from which we can
direct the whole of our life. The broadening of our perspective will help us to reestablish a sense of proportion and to see the relative significance of so many
little things that can preoccupy and upset us. In this way we would gradually

begin to truly experience the peace of eternity, the peace of the spirit, the peace
Christ referred to as my peace.
To overcome the crucifixion you are going through and find that energy to
resurrect. Jesus died to show story of this process. To show us how life can crucify
us and how God will resurrect us. The flow of light and spiritual love is rhythmic
and cyclic in nature, as is everything in the universe. It repeats itself drifting you
towards the divine each time.. The crucifixion is the fall, a natural event that
everyone has to go through thus knowledge of this strengthens the pilgrim and
encourages them to prepare for the climb ahead.
We can only resurrect through worship. This is where you gain your strength,
your meditation, your power. Give all your troubles to him when u worship put
him in charge of them. Have intimacy with God. This is where you lose your fear.
Fear creates inner suffering, its a poison that destroys human life that would
otherwise be beautiful, joyful or creative. There is nothing to fear except fear
When the soul becomes one with the universe, they enter heaven without
physically dying, heaven in time, on earth; Zion. The body comes into being
before coming into being. When the soul is one with the creator it becomes free,
the body becomes what its always wanted to be, stress and depression occurs
when you are not the person you wish to be. Jesus said, Damn the flesh that
depends on the soul. Damn the soul that depends on the flesh. Becoming one
with God is like an atomic bomb. Just as an atomic bomb can wipe away the old
world meeting with God can also end the old world. An atomic bomb is the
produce of nuclear fusion. When one soul ;an atom meets God a bigger atom a
nuclear explosion takes place. It just takes one atom to meet with God and the
energy released will make all the other atoms meet and the explosion is selfperpetuating.
All physical life stems from the sun, the energy created by nuclear fusion.
Without the sun there is no photosynthesis thus no plant life and no physical life.
Just as the sun is the source of our physical life God is the source of our spiritual
life. Without Gods spirit there is no spiritual life. The nuclear fusion in the sun
resembles the nuclear fusion analogy involved in Zion and the Heavens.
Christ spoke of entering Zion If the flesh came into being because of spirit, it is a
wonder. But if the spirit came into being because of the body, it is a wonder of
wonders. Indeed, I am amazed at how this great wealth has made its home in
this poverty. His disciples said to him, When will the kingdom come? It will not
come by watching for it. It will not be said, Look, here! Or Look, there! Rather,
the Fathers kingdom is spread out upon the earth, and people dont see it.
When will our end come? Jesus replied, Have you found the beginning, then,
that you are looking for the end? You see, the end will be where the beginning is.
The disciples asked when will the new world come? He said to them, What you
are looking forward to has come, but you dont know it yet. The Kingdom is here
as Jesus says, it always has been here its waiting for us to tap into it. Then it will
come out to play. Once we point in the right direction to God and not to a religion

he will emerge. Free him and we will in turn be free. It will definitely happen its
our destiny. In the old testament in the book of Daniel it tells of an age to come
built from rock, built of God, an age where God will rule.
Psalm 118 is the middle chapter and length of the entire bible. It is sandwiched
between psalm 117 and 119 that is the shortest and longest chapter in the bible
respectively. There are 594 chapters before and after psalm 118. 594 + 594 =
1188. It turns out that Psalm 118 verse 8 is the middle verse of the bible. Psalm
118:8 reads; it is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man. This is
also the middle longest verse in the bible. Man made religion not God.
Everything is divinely planned. People seem to like some rectangles more than
others. Present them with a range of choices, from fat and square to long and
thin, and they will pick out as most pleasing the rectangle with the side lengths
closest to a particular ratio. This number-known as the golden ratio, or phi- has
been celebrated as a fundamental of aesthetics and is believed to have been
used all over the place, from Greek architecture to the framing of the Mona Lisas
face. We know that the golden ratio crops up in the arrangement of leaves on
plant stems, the shape of a sunflowers seed head and a seashells spiral, our
fingerprints and even in the spinning properties of the black hole. In terms of a
line divided into unequal lengths. The ratio of the longer segment to the smaller
one is said to be in golden proportion if it is equal to the ratio of the whole line to
the longer segment. Numerically, the golden ratio is equal to (1 + 5)/2 or
1.6180339887.. This ratio has surprising attributes, for instance, you can
square it simply by adding 1 and find its reciprocal simply by subtracting 1. As a
result of this property, if you take a golden rectangle- one whose length and
width are in the golden ratio- and snip from it a square, you are left with another
golden rectangle. Heres another enigma. Choose any two numbers and form a
third number by adding the first and the second. Then form a forth by adding the
third and the second, a fifth by adding the third and the forth, and so on. For
example, if you started with 7 and 11, youll get 7,11,18,29,47,76. . Once you
have about 20 numbers, divide the 20th by the 19th, and youll find the answer
is almost exactly equal to the golden ratio. The golden times are now. Fibonacci
found this connection its called the Fibinacci sequence 1,1,2,3, .The sequence
describes the proportions of a seashells spiral and the arrangement of seeds on
a sunflower head. There is no doubt that the golden ratio appears in science and
nature, its everywhere.
Take phyllotaxis, for example, the arrangement of leaves on a vertical plant
stem. As each new leaf grows, it radiates out from the stem offset at an angle to
the one immediately below. Remarkably, the most common offset angle turns out
to be 137.5, which is exactly what you get when you divide 360 into two angles
in the golden ratio: 137.5 and 222.5. Withjk an offset of 137.5, the plant
minimises the gaps and maximises the number of leaves that it can sprout
without compromising its light-gathering efficiency.
Phi isnt restricted to earth-based phenomena. The golden ratio is even in black
holes. Most things have a positive specific heat they get colder as they release

energy. The properties that determine whether the black holes specific heat is
positive or negative are its mass and its speed of rotation, characterised by a
spin parameter. It has been discovered that a rotating black hole flips from a
negative to a positive specific heat when the square of its mass divided by the
square of its spin parameter is equal to the golden ratio.
The Hebrew language was created through maths, God talks through language.
The first letter relates to number 1 and the second letter number 2. If you add
the corresponding numbers to the letters for the word father you get 1+2 =3, for
mother you get 40+1=41 and for child you get 41+3 = 44. Mother + Father
=Child. Adding the corresponding numbers to the letters for the Garden of Eden
you get 144, for that of the Tree of Knowledge you get 233. These are two special
numbers when 144 is divided by 233 it leads to the Fibinacci sequence, and thus
the golden ratio. God spoke in genesis through mathematics the language was
god picked to mark these two special numbers. No coincidence, it proves theres
design, order, structure, life is not just a random set of events. The connection
between the universe and mankind can be seen as the spiral on our fingertips
and the spiral of the Milky Way. Our finger tips used to make us as individuals.
They take on the shape of our creator, the spiral seen in the milky way. After all,
we are made in his image.
Thus one can conclude that if the universe incorporates this golden spiral and
ratio then we live in a huge spiral and are infused within it, thus there is order
and everything happens for a reason under the control of nature of GOD. As
there is order in all circumstances there are no such events as coincidences, they
are planned as personal messages. Timing is key, God is a DJ. These
coincidences are there to tell you are being watched, being looked after and not
to worry or fear. Jung described this as synchronicity. Synchronicity is a concept,
first explained by psychiatrist Carl Jung, which holds that events are "meaningful
coincidences" if they occur with no causal relationship, yet seem to be
meaningfully related. Have doubt till you know its revealed enough for you for
you to know its real. The coincidences help keep you connected until the point
you dont need the coincidences any more, but even then they continue.
God speaks to me through these synchronicities, this is why I have come to the
conclusion that Jesus was conceived through an energy field that we cannot yet
explore. The Virgin Mary may have not been a virgin but she had to be called so
to make no exceptions that Jesus was not born by conventional methods. He
was God from birth. Gods Son.
The Bible talks of Jesus resurrecting from the dead and then ascending to
heaven. Jesus did resurrect he resurrected into heaven, turning from the dead
into an almighty God. Jesus didnt physically resurrect the story is symbolic. The
story says he did, so a resurrection did take place but God doesnt play zombies
Jesus our brother just died. The story is a beautiful lie. There was nothing left to
resurrect. The Jews brutalised him. The disciples looked at Jesus body after the
crucifixion, he looked so defeated, so crushed not even resembling a body. They
wanted to build a legacy and allow his name to reach the four corners of the

world. They wanted to make a religion out of him. So they decided to say he
resurrected from the dead and ascended to heaven, that would work. The story is
true, the illustration is true the message is real. Jesus had to die to complete the
story and he had to go out with a bang. This happened to show us that we can
crucify on earth and resurrect on earth. Jesus died and rose again in heaven, so
he his alive, he did beat death, the story in that respect is true. He conquered
death. He resurrected in heaven as Lord Jesus. The earliest Christian community
did believe that Jesus rose from the dead spiritually. They did not believe in a
bodily resurrection. Paul learnt from the early Christians directly, he said Jesus
was buried and raised on the third day. The word for raised he uses is egeiro the
word for resurrected is anastasis. In Mathew 8:15 where the disciples were on
the boat and there was a storm and Jesus slept, they woke him up; egeiro was
used. It means to wake up. Its used all through the new testament, it is not used
for bodily resurrection but for spiritual awakening. In Matthew where Peter sees
Moses he uses the word ophthe it was a vision not the actual embodiment of
Moses, not a physical vision. This word ophthe is used when Paul describes
Jesus appearing to the brethren. In Mark the earliest gospel says nothing about a
physical resurrection. The Gospels that were written anonymously and after
having run closely together of their accounts of the trial and execution diverge
markedly when it comes to the resurrection.
He died for us for a number of reasons the messages that had to be delivered to
save us. It is also important to add, at the last supper he knew his time was up.
He could have got out of town but he stayed as he knew the story had to be
written. He choose his death for us. The ultimate Sacrifice. When he rose in
heaven he was made a God completing our spiritual family. The mother the holy
spirit the Father our God and our older brother Jesus. This family is always with
us, when we adopt into the family we are never alone, they are always by our
To save us by sending a message, he used his chosen Son. To show how much of
a sacrifice he would make for us. The reason was tertiary. Firstly for the story to
live on, the more dramatic the ending the longer and further the story travels.
Secondly to show the cycle of life, the spiral of crucifixion and ultimately the
resurrection that we travel on our spiritual journeys. Live will crucify but with god
there can be resurrection. This can work on a grand scale, if the world is crucified
the world can resurrect. A stock market can resurrect a sports team can
resurrect. Or on an individual basis repairing relationships, forgiving and
restoring them, resurrecting them.
God would only touch is own son to show what sacrifice God has made for us and
what he would do for us. On the cross Jesus felt extreme pain He said Father why
have you forsaken me Worse than the pain he was feeling was the
acknowledgment that his Father would do this to him. But Jesus knew it was a
test, would Jesus forgive or would he curse. He forgave Forgive them Father for
they dont know what they do. God knew he would pass the test and Jesus as
gods spokesmen showed that anything and everything in heaven is forgiven. If

Jesus forgave, God forgives; we have been wiped clean by the blood of Jesus
At the crucifixion stage Jesus felt forsaken he felt apart from God, he was alone.
This is a message showing that we will be apart from God in the wilderness. We
will feel alone our toils and pain will shape us. This a necessary process, and as
the message says we will rise with God, in Zion.
He said that those who interpret his sayings will not taste death. He beat death
not for himself but for us all. This is grace. Christ. The world doesnt give
spirituality so those that lust after the world will not see. Jesus said, If you do not
fast from the world, you will not find the Kingdom. If you do not observe the
Sabbath you will not see the Father. Thus to seek the truth there has to be times
apart from the world. This is the crucifixion stage. In this stage you become so
dependent on God your relationship begins to take shape. And as it blooms you
will emerge from the toils and become free in God and free in life. Freedom. Love
is needed to build any relationship, as it grows so does the spirituality. Mankind
does not need eyes to see but vision, this is how Jesus healed the blind man. And
the deaf man heard his words.
God is subtle, when Moses led his people out of Egypt they said food fell from
sky, to this day low flying fat birds can be plucked from the air. Fruit, manna grew
from the ground it still grows and the Red Sea is a swamp that rises and falls like
any other. He never forces himself on us, he waits for us to find him. God always
provides, be assured in your hopeless situation there will be light.
Christ said that God is the universe and is inside us The Kingdom of Heaven is
inside you, you cannot contain me in buildings, turn a stone and youll find me
split a piece of wood and Im there. God is everywhere inside and outside
religious buildings, we imagine God just to live in these buildings. The greatest
step for mankind is to build heaven on earth, however religion has created a wall
for its progression. Build the ultimate complexity. Christ said that we are made
from flesh and thus this means we are worldly and carry human animal instinct.
The Kingdom of Hell is also inside us, it is our choice to find life or to reject it.
When humans loose the spirit they become animals, the instincts needed
hundreds of years ago to survive. To God who is out of time, creation of man
came instantaneously; it took his creation science billions of years to evolve.
People look at Genesis and think it all happened so instantaneously; it did to God
but not for us as we are in time. Man was made of dust, thus we are of the world
and thus the seven sins are portrayed for survival. God would have never have
let us portray the seven sins if we never needed them for survival, cavemen
needed animal instinct just to live, now society doesnt need them but needs the
spirit to change our human side to show the divinity he wants. He said we were
made of dust because as the dust blows up from the ground upwards, humans
grew up from the ground from an amoeba. Life evolved from mitochondria
creating energy the end of evolution is to return our bodies containing matter
thus energy to our original source the creator.

In the beginning we needed animalistic instinct to survive, thus the process of

natural selection came about. Then billions of years later God breathed life into
us, he breathed civilisation into us, we could now think to a level higher than
animals. This breath of life arises from our central nervous system. There is a
complex electrical field around it. This field is called the direct current control
system and it changes shape and strength with physiological and psychological
changes. There is an existence of a bioplasmic energy field composed of ions,
free protons and free electrons, a 5th state of matter exists around the body.
This human energy field fluctuates with a persons mental and psychological
state. The word psych is Greek meaning soul, the mind and the soul are
essentially one. If the body achieves a more God like consciousness the field
strengthens. There appears to be a balance of positive and negative particles
within the bioplasma that is relatively stable. If there is a severe shift in this
balance, the health of the organism is affected. Most diseases that are initiated
in this field are transmitted to the body causing serious illness. Many times the
source or initiating cause of this process is associated with psychological or
physical trauma, or a combination of the two. Healings give back the balance as
the healer uses Gods spirit to bring back health.
God then gave us knowledge through the Ten Commandments and Jesus, to
evolve spiritually; we are always evolving spiritually as well as physically. The
command of God changed from a tooth for a tooth to turning the other cheek. It
evolved, the old inscription showed that the wrong doer will be equally punished.
God evolved this idea and thought it would more appropriate that he should
handle the situation, so it turned to turn the other cheek .So if you cannot
forgive, if you have been a victim of an outrageous injustice you take it to God.
And he will handle it for you. It will take you on a path that ends the perpetrator
being in your hands. Then you forgive. No one is untouchable.
Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden was placed as a story to show three things.
Firstly the apple was a temptation; it was the temptation to need. We are told
something from the world, the snake, and we feel we must need it even though
everything else has been provided for. Secondly to show how we learnt
knowledge of good and evil, a conscience. So we learnt shame and guilt. So we
turn away from God because of our shame and guilt. Thirdly to show how God
turned from us, as we turned from him. These days will pass as soon as we
collectively stop turning from God and face him.
Jesus says, Dont lie, and dont do what you hate, because all things are
disclosed before heaven, after all, there is nothing hidden that will not be
revealed, and there is nothing covered up that will remain undisclosed. Jesus is
saying do as you feel as your desires will be seen in heaven anyway. He knows
that when you act on these desires you will learn that they do not fulfil. The path
you travel will eventually always point to the ways of the creator. Sometimes you
just got to get it out of your system, to realise its worthless. For the super
consciousness to take over.

The sin was to be in need. Thats the sin. If you think you need the apple then
consume it. Eventually you will eat so many apples it will make you sick. Dont
lie, and dont do what you hate, because all things are disclosed before heaven.
This means dont try and not sin because if your trying you already have. Being
sin free has to be natural not to be something you fight for.
It is that with the deadly sins, temporarily it may give you your desires but it will
ultimately destroy you spiritually. In religion there is so much emphasis on sin.
God wants to connect with you wherever you are. Religion will tell you your not
clean and cannot touch God. Thats a lie. By connecting you will be full and not
be in need for apples. God gives us the desires of our hearts we become
satisfied and sin fades. God is the ultimate hedonism. Its not about sin its about
how big your heart is. Just dont hurt each other, that the only thing he hates.
Hes not nice when hes angry.
God is similar to a giant computer. We are computers too, our soul being the
hardware plugged into the giant computer. The giant computer has emotion and
intelligence. God is Love, the data is love. The two computers are always
transmitting information. To increase data in our hardware, to increase love in us,
we must emit love. When we put out love, data will come back in and store in our
hard drive; our soul. . Then we become stronger and able to handle and hostile
environment. Its what is in the world that keeps us down. However if we
changed our environment we could all be free. Its down to us to change the
environment we are given all the necessary tools to do so. God will give us the
desires of our heart, then we will not be in want. However we might have to go
through hell to get there, but itll be worth it.
The problem with the world at the moment is that for too long weve been
concentrating on surviving, very few people take a step out of the world and ask
what are we surviving for? Mankind wants so much but needs so little. There are
times in life when we not only want God but need him. This is when your journey
begins in those dark times.
Just as Gods love is divided into three; God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit
humans love should be divided into three; To God, to Others and to self. God is
the fruits of the spirit; abundant love and hope, passing these on passes God on.
If we offer a pure act of love in service to God and other people then we are
performing a spiritual action. If we all adhered to this one person would pass it
on to another, till we are constantly in a state of service. God conceived us, we
are its baby, its love for us is limitless.
Christ told us that the body needs spirituality to feel alive, its the way we are
designed: How miserable is the body that depends on a body, and how
miserable is the soul that depends on these two. We need a true spiritual
goodness that is powerful, dynamic and radiant.
Whatever the body loves the most is what it worships. Most realise that love of
money is pointless but the soul isnt free when its worshipping people as well.
For most people their Gods are family, friends, partners or themselves, false

Gods are worshipped. If we can only draw joy from the world, we then depend on
it and it controls us as we will always be in fear and constantly worried of losing
it. With God at our centre we can learn to find peace in the knowledge that he
has everything in control. In becoming free from attachment does not imply
negative activity, it doesnt involve any mutilation or loss. As you learn to
become more detached you find that you are then able to love those dear to you
in a deeper more constructive way. Being detached means that one has achieved
the highest form of freedom. The liberty of the sons of God.
Do not be dismayed with life. Whatever you are going through you were meant
to go through. You dont know whether a bad thing is happening to you or are
good thing. You dont know of the path that lies after it. Good events can be
disguised as bad events and vica versa. So just be aware that something is
controlling your life dont stress if things are not going well at the moment just
live your story, have faith in him and galvanise and there will be a happy ending,
like all good stories. All the circumstances are navigating you to the place God
wants you to be. So be steered, do not fixate yourself on the bad it could being
taking you to places you have never dreamed of.
God is already in control of your life but the purpose of this text is to make you
aware of your journey. Evolution awaits a true religious revolution. Once the
truth is known God can then reveal your mission. He promotes big fights; David
vs Goliath. There are no limits with God he favours the underdog. God needs
people to sell him, and will equip his workforce with the necessary skills; he will
make them the best salesmen. One can only sell a product if they understand
the product, to know every specification required for its sale.
Zoroastianism is thought to be the belief systems of the original Ayryans. It is the
oldest religion dating back to at least 3500BCE. According to Zoroastianism the
world was basically a battle field of two beings. The God of light and the God of
darkness. Their religion preceded all of the main religions that exist now. This
notion of a God of darkness stemmed to all the modern religions, their beliefs all
that time ago still prevails now as the devil. The truth is there is no dark force
against God, if there was he would just rid of it. The story of Job was a story, it
shows that we should have faith in God in any circumstance. Literally the
message is not fact, God would not sacrifice his faithful servant to prove a point
to an evil being. Even more so to a non-existent entity.
90% of our brain power is drawn from the super consciousness via the pineal
gland. As we worship we activate this part of our brain, and it guides us through
impulses, steering us to Zion. The primary cell found in the pineal gland is the
pinealocyte which is an evolutionary derivative of the photoreceptor cells found
in the retina of the eye, the gland is receptive to some wave spectrum via a
crystalline particles found throughout the gland. The piezoelectric calcite crystals
act like a transmitter and a receiver to channel light or information coming
through in waves. It acts as a radio tuner to vibration-frequency domains beyond
the normal levels available to human perceptions. It acts as a receiver of
information encoded in electromagnetic radiation. Meaning that it facilitates

communication with higher dimensions of reality. It is termed the truth the very
seat of the highest and divinest consciousness in man, his omniscient, spiritual
and all embracing mind. It is the 3rd eye. We are evolving into multi-sensory
entities awaking out 6th sense.
The universal mystic vision of God as an all-consuming white light, and
postulates that on a physiological level, this experience is produced from
chemical reactions in the pineal gland which is extremely light sensitive. "Light,
the eyes and the 'third eye' or pineal gland form a triad which directly controls
and regulates normal or altered consciousness and many bodily functions. These
three factors are also directly related to, or implicated in, mystical states and the
'psychedelic' experience. Activating the pineal gland leads to inner inspiration
creation and illumination.
The pineal gland first becomes visible in the human foetus at the same time as
does the clear differentiation of the foetus into female or male gender. The time
for both of these events is 49 days. The period of time that, according to
Buddhist texts, the life force of a deceased individual coalesces around its next
corporeal existence in 49days. Another pointer to the gland is through the
identical markings of the brain to the Orion Nebula. Directly above the gland lies
the black hole.
Another potential reference to this curious little gland may occur at the end of
the New Testament book of Revelation, where we find that the elect will know
God intimately, "his name will be in their foreheads," which is where the pineal
deeply lies. Noting the gland's strong connection with light, the rest of the
passage is interesting: "There will be no more night; they will not need the light
of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light." Likewise
in the Qabalistic tradition, the primordial archetypical man, Adam Kadmon,
shines forth with a light from his forehead that was rich in complex patterns and
linguistic symbols. This mind-light from the forehead is also identical with the
3rd Eye of Shiva, which when opened in the individual burns away the concept of
ego-bound consciousness, and when opened collectively has the potential to
burn away the ties and fetters of the Old World Order.
The Pineal gland comprises indispensable compounds of the endocannabinoid
system indicating that cannabinoids are involved in the control of the pineal
physiology. The gland releases a substance called DMT which has been referred
to as the spirit molecule. It is rapidly broken down by MAO, however cannabis is
an inhibitor of MAO and so has a dualistic role to the pineal gland.
Entheogen literally meaning that which gives rise to inner divinity are
substances synthesised or obtained from natural species that allow users to free
themselves momentarily from the perception of reality created by the logicorational mind, putting them in touch with experiences originating at other levels
of the chain of being. Taking of certain entheogens actually opens up
consciousness to the awareness that God not only exists, but is within us all. All
these substances do is make us realise that we are all the same being,
embodiments of a singular entity that we all call God.

In the natural domain we find for example ayahuasca, peyote, cannabis,

psilocybin mushrooms, there are many more. Entheogens have been used as
spiritual tool since the origins of humanity; theories that situate them in the very
genesis of religions and spiritual traditions. As tools they have specific powers
but the outcome of their use depends on the attitude and purpose with which
they are employed. In shamanic traditions that use entheogens their therapeutic
potential and their potential for spiritual awakening are not separated. The
shaman is at the same time the healer and the spiritual guide. The healing
comes to the experience of a spiritual awakening- in which the transpersonal or
transcendental levels emerge. Entheogens offer the potential to favour the
emergence of these spiritual realms, which are inherent to human nature.
Entheogens should be used with wisdom, skilful means in the appropriate
context with the appropriate purpose and in an appropriate internal state. They
can manifest great potential for alleviating the different types of suffering
generated in the different existential levels of human beings. Entheogens have
been used as spiritual tools since the origins of humanity; theories that situate
them in the very genesis of religions. They facilitate the emergence of higher
states of consciousness which must afterwards be integrated into daily life.
Cannabis is an entheogen.
The use of marijuana is as old as the history of man and dates to the prehistoric
period. Marijuana is closely connected with the history and development of some
of the oldest nations on earth. The effects of marijuana was proof to the ancients
that the spirit and power of the god existed in this plant and that it was literally a
messenger (angel) or actually the Flesh and Blood and/or Bread of the gods and
was and continues to be a holy sacrament. Considered to be sacred, marijuana
has been used in religious worship from before recorded history. "Shamanistic
traditions of great antiquity in Asia and the Near East has as one of their most
important elements the attempt to find God without a vale of tears; that
cannabis played a role in this which allowed the participant a joyous path to the
Ultimate; hence such appellations as " profound religious experience of a
mystical and transcendental nature.
Marijuana is closely connected with the history and development of some of the
oldest nations on earth. In Jamaica it is referred to as the weed of wisdom .
Cannabis expands consciousness and enhances the capacity for mystical and
creative inspiration. In Hinduism mythology it is a holy plant given to man for the
welfare of mankind and is considered to be one of the divine nectars able to give
good health, long life and visions of Gods. A heavenly guide, a poor mans
heaven. In early Chinese Taoist ritual the fumes and odours of cannabis incense
burners were said to have produced a mystic exaltation and contribute well
being. In Tantric Buddhism of Himalayas of Tibet cannabis plays a significant role
in meditative ritual to facilitate deep meditation and heighten awareness. In the
islands of the Mediterranean 2,500 years ago and in Africa hundreds of years
ago, leaves and flowers of a plant were often thrown upon bonfires and the
smoke inhaled; the plant was marijuana.


The Mysterious smoke mentioned in the covenant on Mt. Sinai is also referred to
as a cloud. Exodus 24:15 "And Moses went up into the mount, and a cloud
covered the mount. 16 And the glory of the Lord abode upon Mount Sinai, and
the cloud covered it six days: and the seventh day he called unto Moses out of
the midst of the cloud. Scriptures make it abundantly clear that the clouds and
the smoke are related to the burning of incense. Exodus 40:26 describes Moses
burning incense, a cloud covering the tent of the congregation and the glory of
the Lord filling the tabernacle. Leviticus 16:2-13 describes how God appeared in
a cloud and refers to it as the clouds of incense. Numbers 16:17-19 describes
how every man of the congregation had a censer full of burning incense and that
the glory of the Lord appeared unto all the congregation. The word for smoke
was cloud, he comes on a cloud. The Semitic word 'kanbos' used in the bible was
cannabis and was used widely in incense in those times. A trained mind and if
needed with psychiatric medication one can attain this state. Psychiatric
medication is God made too. Everything is. Everything has its purpose.
What we perceive as reality is in fact just one element of a hugely complex
universe, a universe that exists on many levels and can be apprehended in many
different ways. The world of matter is a minor manifestation of this greater
universe. Illusory distorted mental image of reality leads to pain and suffering,
the wretched state of everyday existence in which the basic longing for
happiness is not fulfilled.
Every problem has a solution, its your job to find it, it will be there somewhere.
Better ask for a strong back than a light load. Do not ponder on what you should
be doing because you are doing exactly what you should be doing. Turn from evil
and live. Take your work religiously, your work is your religion. Work together like
ants, with one cause. Better to look down and see the ants than to look up and
see God. God in that respect is irrelevant. Death is beautiful, we become like
Gods when we physically die. The dead are your Gods too, draw comfort from
them, they are always close to you; omnipresent. The most important thing is to
spread love and not a book. Primum movens universe follows Newtonian physics
all God had to do is start it off. Once this was done the system would evolve in a
logical and ordered way. Zion was always the goal, as today was the goal.
To make the world one is actually quite simple. Form one world bank, a bank that
will take care of everyone. To make all natural resource to belong to the world
bank, to utilise the suns energy. If this doesnt happen we could refuse to pay our
financial debt, no mortgages, no credit cards, nothing. There would be chaos,
but if we work as one we would be strong. The mere threat and evidence of our
solidarity would make any authority crumble. Its a spiritual revolution, the light
will guide us.
Jesus said;Children are like those who enter the Kingdom, when you make the
two one, when you make the inside the outside and when you make the male
female and the female not male and when you make a eye inplace of an eye and
a hand inplace of a hand and a foot inplace of a foot and an image inplace of an
image then shall you enter the Kingdom.

It will not come while people watch for it they will not say look here it is or look
there it is but the Kingdom of the Father is spread out over the earth and men do
not see it.
Let those that seek continue seeking until they find. When they find they will
become troubled. When they become troubled they will be astonished and they
will rule over all.
Whoever drinks from my cup will become like me; I myself shall become that
person, and the hidden things will be revealed to him. Lord Jesus.
Those that have knowledge will shine like the brightness of the heavens Daniel
Kush et al


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