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The Mess.age from Water

Children's Version



International Water for Llfe Foundation

httpd/wwwJ"ll&rnati.,nalwalert"rllfefaund'atr",n,crg' .·mail: InfO.Ji)I.nt~rn~!ionalw~I.Mf<:>rJif~O.Jund.atiQ".ofll!

International Water for ,Life founda1ion

We are '95 percent water when we are bern, We are 70 percent water when we are an ad'uilit lihell"efol"e, weare mosti[ywatel' .. 0111 t,o:p of that, weare always surrounded by wat'er;

Our earth is the Sal1rM~l. 70 percent off its surface is covered by water. ihat is why OUT planet is called the HWater Planet''', lsrrt earth v'ery much Ilk,e us?

Water eemes in mSI1IY different forms; raj" w.ater, river water; sea wat:erand water noatin,'Q albout in the sky as douds orfO~!l. All water is precious to us.

How weuld we know if ,onetYlpe ef water I!s 910001 or bad? Here is alii idea" ll,et's take a look at phot,ogr.slPhs off crystals found in fil'o:zen water.

W'aterfrom around the world

Sanbu-ichi Yusul sP'ring water, Japan

ihis ~s a crystall of Yatsugatake snow that has, melted 1ntro a spring. Do~sn't it bok lik~ pe()pl~ hol~dnng hands ~n a cirole?

Spring water

'of Lourdes, Franc,e

Th~s water is known ,as the miracle spring. Peopl'e from alii parts of the: world gather around this special spring water,

Difffierellt p~aces. llil the wodd have diffferel1lt ffe·atUires. Waller is the same. Water shews diiffer'el1t crystal forms d,epemdiililQ oln the place or ,condiliolils In which it is [Qund. Have you e,v,er wondered how your local water may look?

Shimant,o River (, J1apan

Many people say this river is tiI,e I'ast olle:an, river in .Japan, ihij e·Jifort of the people nijar the river to keep lt olean, shows ln1!he beauty of the crystel,

Groundwater in NOIr~hem Isll,andJJ N,ew Zealand

On1!hjs Island, you can sw~m in the ocean and ski in the: mountains on jhe same day. The local people know \l\!'ater is, important On this ~slland and they know the ~mportanoe of preser Vii rag the lr ,ground\Nfl. ter,

These are w,ater crystal photegraphs of the same: rtver: upstream, midstream and downstream. WaJte:t seems to 'get dWt~er as it gets; closer tome o1ty.

Playingl music to water

Call music Cnal1lQle water? 10 1iilildiout, water would need to lislielil t,G music. What type of music snan we uSle? How lo:n'g shoul,d water llisten to m,e music? How Iioud should the muSi,c be? Where should the w,ater be plaoed?

Resealt,cl1 was done to filild out. There were man,y factors to think , before play!ng I1TTIllIJ,sictOI watelr.,

Here is what we tried: We placed a bottle of water betweel1 two speak,ers alildl playedl ani entlre son,,!) ,at liIo:rmal~ volume. Then we t,appedi the bottom of the w,ater bottle and left it overlnight.

lhe next ,day, we tapped the bottle agairn before the water to mak,e ,crystal prnGtogra;p,ns.

IBeethovel'll'S Pastorale

This Is a br~,ght, happy, i'DYOUS muslc, This beautiful oryatal tells Us that g'o,od music can positJively affect water.


Symphony No,40in G Minor

This rnLl!siO qu~etlly heals the he:arts of lts llstensre,

Bach's Air for the (7 String

This water has been enchanted by the sound of a v~,ol~n!

"" 'l"~,;..'!lt.JI Each branch 'Of the crystal ls str,etohlr1g out freely.

p IJ

! Vlivaldi~s 1718 Four Seasons :

I . ; .. ... .....•

, Spring, Summer Autumn, Wmt,er

SprIng - Ihe fl~oweris budding.

Summer - ~t has fiJlllly bloomed.

1 cl1aikovskYs Swan Lake ..

This musslc teilis B. story of EI

'g1rll who ts turned into 8J ,it

swan by 8!. demon. Doesn't

the crystal look like: a sad J



VivaldI's The FotIr$eaS()11$ :

Spring, Summer Autumn, Winter

Autumn -

The seed of love starts r~p8n~n,g wiilhki.

W[nter -

It stores 1f!,@ 'energy until the coming of another spring.

Heavy metal m usia

ihe Iyrio wasfu II of anger. ihe crysta.11 has broken in pleces, Gould the words in thls song havs caused this?

Popular dapanes'El music

ihis ls a popular s,ong for y,oung people, However,. it only madef'our -slded crystal's. Seems Ilike a popular song doesn't necesserlly create good orystals.


Showing words to water

Thank you/V oufool

ih ese bottles of water had !h,e words "thank you" and "you fool" left on them overnight. The word "thal1k you"in Japanes;e means; to be gnil!teful for our own

IDid yOu know that :spoken words hav,e Vibr,ation? We ~hoLIJgh~ there may be a differ,enoe b,etweenl softly saying ",arern1I't you a fo:oll"' and scn:~al11Jil1g '"you fool!"' to someone. We did tne foll~owil1,91 experirmel1lt We placed ,a typed I,abel :saylril91 "thank you" o,n ene bottl,e and "you fo:o~"'on 1he o,tner and left them botinlov,errnIght.

Later, we froze these water sam:ph~·.s and tQ'ok ~he cry,sial photograph,s., We feund that water crystals We'f,e diflfe'f,el1lt .aep,ernding 0111 the words SJpo:k,en or shown. We did the same ,ex:p,erimernt malllY times al1d we always got slrtl[~ar re:su'~t:s.,

Can you see the dlffsrence between the bossine:ss of "do it" artd the softn,ess of "let's do lt"?

YOL!J"re beautifl!.lllDirll:y

A beautiful crystal formed when we showed the: word "'li'Otire bsautlfull", A dirty orystal formed whe:n we showed the word "dirty".

This ~s a beautiful star! A crystal appe:area on top of another. but they are not ln !h,e way of each other. They look like they8Jn~ 9 eWng al~Ofl,g v,ery wall.

This oreated iii broken crystal. It repreeents the fact that wars wi III notcreate anything.


Doesn't the be:81uty in this orystal g~ve you hope?

DeslP,air This crystal may not be as be,autifrUI, but , it's, try~ng to ge:t better. Could despair be the begInning 'Of a ' new hope?

Showing images to water

We planed a bo,Ule off basi¢: wat-,er en a photogtaphoff a dolphin. Did! yOl.l kriJ()Iw tlna.t dolphin.s hav€: sp,enia! :lIiblliti:es? Dolphirils are anllazing en.d the water orystal seems to re,lIilize this too ..


We showedthls water a phot'()gr,aph of an elephant. Can, you see thiS long trunk in the middle of the crystal'?'

Heart merk

look how watrercan oOPY what lt was; shown. A cute llttle heart appsaredl

Communicating our feelings to water

Wlhat will happelil if we ocmrnunlcated o,ur ree~ings to water by prayiln,g and sayingl words off thanks to it? 'fhisis an experiment done at Fujiw,a!",a Darn in GUrll1l1,a. IPrefectllJr1e ·of Japan!. I'lil ,anei·elilt Ja!,!l!an, it was believed that words had spirits.

IheVitater crystal photograph before 1thle experiment looks scary, We prayed by the I'ake: for about one: hour. The water became cle,@jrer r~ght before our eyes~ This ls the: pho~ogr.@jph taken after the prayer. Oarl YOUI feeltJ1.e antlcjpation that sQmething wonderful wl I1I1 happen when our fee:lings 'Of love and 'gratitude harmenlze with water?

The most extraordinary photograph

We have taken c·cl1.mtless crystal photographs. but we have Iil,ever seen anythingl ,as· beautiful as this ene, ihere Is ne sU"o,nger feelln,gl than thilit fee'~Ililgof "love and thanks". C;an y,ou Imag[ne how w,onderfJuli Wi will~ be if the water iln,our bodies became as beiliutili~1 as this Ollie. By just shGwlll,'Q '"Io,v,e amdlthanks" t,Gw,aras ourselves and others?


An Experiment by an Elementary School Student

International Water for Life Foundation

The International Water for Life Foundation (IWLF) is a 501c3 not for profit organization. Dr. Masaru Emoto is President Emeritus of the Foundation

MISSION: To educate and raise the consciousness of all people about the power and potential of water to efieet life an the planet earth.

e -rnail: 1616 Norwood Pla.ce

OKC ~ OK 73120 USA

Author: Masaru Emoto

President Emeritus of the International Water for Life Foundation. He was successful in capturing the ice water crystals an film He published a photograph collection, The Message from Water, in June 1999, and hence published numerous books such as. The Messages from our lives, Warer Is Listening to Music: and The Shape of Love revealed by Water

His book, The Hidden Masi>ages in Water, was listed in the New York Times Bestseller List.

He continues to conduct seminars throughout the world to share the importance, understanding and appreciation of water.

On May 26, 2005, he spoke as a keynote speaker at a conference held in the United Nations Headquarters, Conference Room 1, organized by the Spiritual Dimensions of Science and Consciousness Subcommittee of the NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns. There, he introduced the idea for "EMOTD PROJECT".

Reference: The Big Splash by Louis A, Frank


Copyright© 2006 by Masaru emote

Water Crystal photographs@ 2006 by I_HM_ Co., Ltn COlier and lntemal design@20(JSbyI.H,M.Co.,U(1.

All rights reserved. This book may be reporduced. copied, or stored solely lor percnal use for children For eon personal use, a prim written permisskm must be obtained from LH_M_ Coo. Ltd

Tho information contained ln this book Is lntcnded to be, educational, Tho author and the producers, of this book are In Flo way lleble (or any use or miSUSE! of the ln-omatlon.

For more information about di5trib~Uion of 1h€ book wilhil'1 the USA. pllease contact Jilterntaional Waler for ure Foundation at info@ir'l'lema'

For more Information about «lstrbuncn of the book outslda the USA, please contact I.H.M. Co. Ltd. at emoto·pr,o~ect@thaIlk· water.nat ma.ilto:emoto·project@ttlank·wal-er.nat

Rice experiment saying "thank you" and "you fool",

An elementary school student placed cooked rice in two different glass containers. Every time she came back from school, she said "thank you" to one and "you fool" to the other. She did this for one month and observed the change. The result was that the rice that received "thank you" fermented and produced a good odor, whereas the rice that received "you fool" turned black with

... _J, mold and produced a foul smell.

AS part oi thl9 United Nation's International Deccad9 for Action: W~ter for Life, Dr . .Emoto wishes 10 :!;h~re his discoveries about the responsive nature of water with children around the world through this book, Completed in 2006, this book presenting Dr. Emoto's research from his first book, "The Message of Water", is provided to all the children In the world at no cost. Tbis effort I. called the ""MOTO PROJECT." The proiect, over the decade, will seek to r •• ch ever)! child on the planet with this message: wate, is me; water ls life; peaceful water means peacerut me means a peaceful world. In this w'ay, children around the world-raised In tune with the sacred nature of tMamselves as water bainqs andl the sacred nature 01 every drop of water-willibring peace to the world.


usMOSS&(l(lS fMI'i'I Warm'

Vol.2 .

lSBN 4·9.39098.-04·4

II LI.Ii.s~aso8fr~I'r1W~t;'lr VQI.3

ISBN 4·93900&-0_5·2

IM6:S6l1gEi6fro .. mweter 'l'l'ATf",Ci\"r'-$TM.SIN~TKIN (LlVD)

ISBN 0966531 2-4·8

The Tn,'1i! Power c':ofWa.IJ'ir

by Ma.saru Emote e:~~dW.:lrd;!:!A1rl.! t;:.lcb

ISBN 0743289811

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