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Effort discrimination system


Use the operational amplifier LM741 as an effort discrimination

Built and simulate a light column volt meter.

An operational amplifier is a direct-coupled high amplifier usually
consisting of one or more differential amplifiers and usually followed by
a level translator and an output stage. The output stage is generally a
push-pull complementary-symmetry pair. An operational amplifier is
available as a single integrated circuit package.

The operational amplifier is a versatile device that can be used to

amplify dc as well as ac input signals and was originally designed for
performing mathematically operations such as addition, subtraction,
multiplication and integration.

Light column voltmeter displays a column of light whose height is

proportional to voltage. In the practical sense of view the volt is used to
show the voltage level of the input signal.
Working principle of this circuit is input signal voltage compared with the
reference voltage. This circuit is constructed by using 741 op-amp ICs.
Op-amp is differential amplifier which output will be positive or negative,
depends on the difference of input voltages.
When the input voltage difference is positive with respect to reference
voltage and signal voltage, then the output is positive and the LED will
emit light. If negative, the LED cannot emit light. This is the main
principle of a light column volt meter.

Experimental Development

Picture 3. With the potentiometer at 0%

Picture 4.

With the
potentiometer at 1.5 k

The voltage drop against the each resistor is 3.5 volt.
So when the Vin = 0v or less than 3.5v the output of all op-amp are at Vsat. The
silicon diodes protect the light emitting diodes against excessive reverse bias
When Vin is increased from a value of 3.5v to 4v, only the output of op-amp#1
goes positive to light which indicate a very low voltage of the input signal.
When Vin is increased from a value of 4v to 8v, the output of op-amp#1 and opamp#2 are at +Vsat and goes positive to light which indicate low voltage of the
input signal. When Vin is increased from a value of 8v to 12v, the output of opamp#1, op-amp#2 and op-amp#3 are at +Vsat and goes positive to light which
indicate a medium voltage of the input signal. Similarly, when Vin is increased
to 16v or higher, the output of all op-amps are at +Vsat and all op-amps output
goes positive to emit light of all LEDs which indicate full or high voltage of the
input signal.

With this system we can measure the water level in a tank, gas density in a car
or octant level of a filing station or even more relevant for our field of study,

anything that we need to monitor such like blood pressure, respiratory

capacity, muscle activity, etc.

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