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Introduction................................................................................................................ 1
Plate tectonics............................................................................................................ 2

Diverging boundaries........................................................................................ 2


Converging boundaries..................................................................................... 2


Transform fault boundaries..............................................................................2

Mid Atlantic ride and location.................................................................................. 3

Figure 1: showing a depiction of the Mid-Atlantic ridge. The lighter line is the midAtlantic ridge........................................................................................................... 3
Processes in the Mid Atlantic ridge..........................................................................4
Figure 2: showing the action of seafloor spreading and two divergent plates of Mid
Atlantic Ridge.......................................................................................................... 4
Continental drift and information on ridge discovery.................................................5
Bibliography............................................................................................................... 6

The mid-Atlantic ocean was discovered in 1850 by Fontaine Maury. Since its
discovery scientists have begun to have better understanding of the earths
formation. This report focuses on the ridge, the processes that occur there and
information regarding the earths crustal plates.

Plate tectonics
The lithosphere is the outer solid layer of the earth. This solid part is broken down
into large landmasses called tectonic plates. Techtronic plates refer to both oceanic
crustal plates and continental crustal plates. Plate tectonics refer to the constant
movement of the earths tectonic plates over the underlying mantle. This
movement refers to the action between the plates boundaries between the plates.
These are:

1. Diverging boundaries
Techtronic Plates move apart or separate. This includes the rising of magma from
the mantle of the earth.

2. Converging boundaries

Plates colloid or come together. This includes the submerging of one and the rising
of the other.

3. Transform fault boundaries

Plates slide past each other in a horizontal manner. This movement of plates causes
various geological events such as earthquakes and volcanoes to occur.

Mid Atlantic ride and location.

The mid- Atlantic ridge is a mid- ocean ridge, a divergent tectonic boundary located
along the middle of the Atlantic Ocean .it is a line of underwater volcanoes. The
length is about 100000 miles tear along the ocean floor and the rift valley is about
1- 3 km deep. .it is an Atlantic mountain range that rises from the ocean floor , and
extends almost the entire length of the stretches from south Atlantic to
Iceland in the north .it is the worlds most well-known plate is the
boundary between the North American crustal plate and the European crustal plate.

Figure 1: showing a depiction of the Mid-Atlantic ridge. The lighter line

is the mid-Atlantic ridge
Date taken: 2014-06-17


Processes in the Mid Atlantic ridge

Geologic processes are extreme at the ridge involving underwater earthquakes and
volcanic activities. 95 % of all volcanic activity occurs at the mid- Atlantic ridge. The
mid Atlantic ridge is divergent boundary along the Atlantic Ocean. The slow
continuing divergence or separation of the plates causes tensional stresses which
makes way for the magma within the mantle of the earth to rise out of the boundary
inducing volcanic activity. This volcanic process is called seafloor spreading.
Seafloor spreading helps to explain the concept of continental drift in the theory of
plate tectonics. The magma is cooled as it rises out of the boundary creating new
oceanic crust and sealing the divergent boundary. It is a process of slow restless
diverging and sealing of the ridge.
These processes create mountains that would be taller than Mount Everest and
sometimes with the help of hotspots (magma protrusions) they create volcanic
islands. The largest volcanic island created by the ridge is Iceland .smaller islands
include Ascension, Azores Saint Helena and many more.

Figure 2: showing the action of seafloor spreading and two divergent

plates of Mid Atlantic Ridge.
Date accessed- 2014-06-17


Continental drift and information on ridge discovery

The discovery of the mid-Atlantic ridge allowed scientists to prove that the earth is
constantly moving over its mantle. This discovery supports Alfred Wegeners theory
on continental drift and the separation of the Pangea continent.
The Pangea a super world continent believed to be a joint continent of all of the
world tectonic plates which was before the discovery of the mid Atlantic ridge
supported by the south American and African continents fitting together .
The discoverer of the Mid-Atlantic ridge has also opened opportunities for scientists
to discover how life began and new species are expected to be found due to the
investigations of the ridge.

BurkE Museum . n.d.
%20Restless%20Earth%20v.2.0.htm (accessed June 17, 2014).
Canada's Aquatic Environment. n.d.
htm (accessed June 17, 2014).
encyclopaedia britannica. n.d.
(accessed June 17, 2014).
National oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. n.d.
an_ridge/mid_ocean_ridge.html (accessed June 17, 2014).
Shore Crest Preparatory School. n.d.
rth.html (accessed June 17, 2014).
The Dynamic Earth. n.d. (accessed
June 17, 2014).

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