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Cigarettes are objects that are familiar to us. Smoking is a habit that is very common and
widespread in the community. The dangers of smoking to health body has been researched
and proven a lot of people. Adverse effects of smoking were already known. Many studies
have shown smoking increases the risk of various diseases such as heart disease and blood
vessel disorders, lung cancer, oral cancer, laryngeal cancer, cancer osefagus, bronchitis, high
Blood pressure, impotence and pregnancy disorders and defects in the fetus.
In fact the smoking habits die hard and people are rarely recognized as a bad habit. Moreover,
people who smoke to distract your self from the stress and emotional stress, more difficult to
break away from this habit than smokers who do not have a background of depression.
Recent research also shows the dangers of second handsmoke the smoke inhaled by
people for non-smokers around smokers or could be referred to as passive smokers. Cigarettes
can not be separated from the raw materials of manufacture of tobacco. In Indonesia, cloves
and tobacco plus other ingredients are mixed to make clove cigarettes. In addition to tobacco
cigarettes can also be used as a rolled cigarette, cigarettes, cigars, pipes and cigarettes
tambakau smokeless (chewing tobacco). From day to day the number of smokers
increasingly bertamabah. It is what will make a great calamity to the health of our bodies.
Toxic substances contained in the Cigarette and Impacts
As we know in the cigarette smoke that is inhaled by the smoker, not less than 4000
toxic chemicals. Chemicals released gas is made up of components (85 percent) and
particles. Nicotine, carbon monoxide gas, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia,
acrolein, acetylene, benzaldehid, urethan, benzene, methanol, coumarin, 4-etilkatekol,
ortokresol and perylene is Sebaian of thousands - thousands of substances in cigarettes. But
among the substances - substances mentioned above, there are 3 of the most dangerous
substances contained in cigarettes. Substance - a substance that is

Dangerous substances in the form of concentrated impurities that can clog and
irritate the lungs - pulmonary and respiratory systems, causing chronic bronchitis,
emphysema, and in some cases cause lung cancer - lung (deadly disease that is
almost unknown to those who never smoked). Chemical Toxins in TAR can also
seep into the blood stream and then excreted in urine.TAR remaining in the

bladder can also cause bladder cancer. Additionally Tar can seep into the blood
stream and reduces the ability of cells - red blood cells to carry oxygen
throughout the body, so a great effect on the circulatory system

Is a substance that can be addictive and affects the nervous system, heart rate
(exceeding the normal rate), thereby increasing the risk of heart disease, these
substances most frequently discussed and researched people, because it can
poison the body's nerves, increase blood pressure, cause constriction of peripheral
blood vessels and cause addiction and dependence on the wearer. 4-6 mg of
nicotine that is inhaled by adults every day can make someone addicted. Besides
nicotine plays a role in initiating tooth supporting tissue disease because nicotine
can be absorbed by the oral soft tissues including the gums through the blood
stream and the attachment of the gum to the tooth surface and root. Nicotine can
be found on the root surface of the too th and its metabolites kontinin results
can be found in the gums fluid.

Carbon Monoxide (CO)

This substance can be absorbed in the blood stream and reduce the ability of
cells - red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body, so very large effect on
the circulatory blood system and facilitate the buildup of carbon monoxide - a
substance artery blockage, which can cause heart attacks fatal but it can also cause
impaired blood circulation in the foot last. Efek make women smokers are more
at risk (than female non-smokers) gets dangerous side effects when taking oral
contraceptives (birth control pills). Due which is why the obstetricians
(gynecologist) generally reluctant to provide birth control pill in women who

Some Research About Smoking

According to the Minister of Indonesia Year 2004, Mr Dr. Achmad Sujudi, smoking in
Indonesia is likely to increase. Based on data Susenas (National Socioeconomic Survey)
Indonesian population aged adults having ever smoked as much as 31.6%. With the large
number and high percentage of people who have the habit of smoking, Indonesia is the fifth
highest consumer of cigarettes in the world by the number of cigarettes consumed (burned)
in 2002 as many as 182 billion cigarettes each year after the People's Republic of China
(1.697.291milyar), United States (463.504 billion), Russia (375.000 billion) and Japan (299
085 billion).
Additionally, in a report recently issued by WHO titled "Tobacco and Poverty: A
Vicious Cycle or Tobacco and Poverty: A Vicious Cycle" in commemoration of World No

Tobacco Day on May 31, 2004, proved that most smokers are poor people . Even in
developed countries though, the number of smokers from the most grassroots groups. They
also are having health and economic burden caused by cigarette addiction heaviest. Of
approximately 1.3 billion smokers worldwide, 84% of them in countries - developing

Results of the study also found that the number of smokers is highest in Madras, India
actually comes from illiterate communities. Another research later proved that the poorest
communities in Bangladesh spend almost 10 times as much income for tobacco than for
educationa l purposes. Then studies found in 3 provinces Vietnam, smokers spent 3.6 times
more on tobacco than on education, 2.5 times more on tobacco than clothes and 1.9 times
more on tobacco than on health care costs.
In practice in the field, it is not easy to implement a ban on smoking regulations. Because it
is caused by several things:
There is still lack of public awareness of the dangers of smoking to the health of their
bodies, making it difficult for the holding of coaching them.
Lack of dissemination of relevant agencies about the dangers of smoking, so that
people do not know the extent of the dangers of smoking to their health.
Less strict supervision of the distribution of cigarettes in our country, thus increasing
the number of cigarette manufacturers.
How to Solve Problems Existing
Some of the ways that we can do to adapt kit to avoid dangers of second hand smoke are as
a. Tarbiyah or education faith indeed indeed for every individual l communities
so that they realize how the dangerd smoke cigarettes.
b. The existence of a good example for the children either r at home, at school, or
in the surrounding environment.
c. Unscrupulous forbid teachers to smoke in front of students while why? because
we know that the task of the teacher is a role mode for their students in
school. So natural that teachers should set a good example for their students.
d. Vigorous and intensive counseling from related institutions. In this way the
number of smokers is expected to be reduced, because they gain firsthand
knowledge about the dangers of smoking to their health
e. Creating Act - Act as has been done by the city administration regarding the
prohibition of smoking in public places such as schools, hospitals,

playgrounds, and so on. And for those who would violate sanctions or
penalties imposed 50 number of dollars.
f. Disseminate fatwa MUI (Indonesian Ulema Council) of illicit cigarettes.
Because in this way people will think again to smoke.

Berikut gambar tubuh manusia yang di rusak oleh rokok dan kandungan dari rokok



Ni Nyoman Wiani
Farida latief



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