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Trabajo sobre Bill Gates en castellano

Bill Gates: His Life in Pictures

Bill Gates is one of the richest men in the world. Hes also changed the way we live
and work. Gates started Microsoft more than three decades ago, with the goal of
bringing computers into everyones home and onto everyones desk. These days,
hes more focused on giving his wealth away.
Heres a look at his life from teenage whiz kid to self-made billionaire to
By Michelle Fox
Posted 12 January

The IT "Whiz" without a bachelor's degree

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For some people a diploma from the university is the

determining factor of success in the future.But for four
IT world champ, a diploma was not the only key to

Do you know when big names like Microsoft founder

Bill Gates and Paul Allen, Apple founder Steve Jobs,
and the founder of Facebook, Mark Elliot Zuckerberg
achieve success without having a diploma from their
respective college.

1. Bill Gates

Gates was even known as the most successful people

are expelled from Harvard University.Husband of
Mellinda, entered Harvard in 1973, but two years later
drop out of college and with his friend Paul Allen he
founded Microsoft.

Men who had been crowned in the ranks of the world's

richest man for a decade, eventually earned a
doctorate Honoris Clausa from the former campus in
the 2007. "Maybe I took a bad influence," Gates joked.
Bill Gates stepped down as chief executive officer of
Microsoft in January 2000. He remained as chairman
and created the position of chief software architect. In
June 2006, Gates announced that he would be
transitioning from full-time work at Microsoft to parttime work and full-time work at the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation. He gradually transferred his duties
to Ray Ozzie, chief software architect and Craig
Mundie, chief research and strategy officer. Gates' last
full-time day at Microsoft was June 27, 2008. He
remains at Microsoft as non-executive chairman.

2. Paul Allen

Paul Gardner Allen was born January 21, 1953. Paul

is an American industrialist and philanthropist who cofounded Microsoft with Bill Gates and is one of the
wealthiest people in the world with a personal wealth
of US$13.5 billion as of 2010.

Paul Allen and Bill Gates

Paul Gardner Allen was born in Seattle, Washington to

parents Kenneth S. Allen, an associate director of the
University of Washington libraries, and Faye G. Allen,
on January 21, 1953. Allen attended Lakeside School,
a private school in Seattle, and befriended Bill Gates,
who was two years his junior but shared a common
enthusiasm for computers. They used Lakeside's
teletypeterminal to develop their programming skills
on several time-sharing computer systems. After
University but dropped out after two years in order to

work as a programmer for Honeywell in Boston,

placing him near his old friend again. Allen later
convinced Gates to drop out of Harvard University in
order to create Microsoft.

3. Steve Jobs
Steven Paul "Steve" Jobs, born February 24, 1955.
Jobs is an American business magnate, co-founder and
chief executive officer of Apple. Jobs also previously
served as chief executive of Pixar Animation Studios.
He became a member of the board of The Walt Disney
Company in 2006, following the acquisition of Pixar by

Steve Jobs is known to drop out of Reed College. He

just sits on the campus of approximately six months.

after that he focused on establishing Apple, NeXT
Computer and Pixar. His works have influenced the
development of the computer world in the World.

4. Mark Elliot Zuckerberg

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg was born May 14, 1984.

Mark is an American entrepreneur best known for cofounding the popular social networking site Facebook.

classmates Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, and
Chris Hughes while attending Harvard. He is currently
one of the youngest billionaires in the world with
personal wealth of US$4 billion in 2010

As if following the traces of his predecessor, Bill Gates.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg also left the bench
on the Harvard campus. But he developed a friendship
networking site has been drugged millions of people
around the world and make money at least
approximately $ 4 million.

Now, Facebook has seven offices and 200 of the

workers, most native of Palo Alto. Not only that, the
presence of Facebook in Palo Alto called the Mark as
an "urban campus".Interestingly, although Mark
pioneered the founding of Facebook, he never
completed his studies at Harvard University. Mark's
story is similar to Bill Gates, Microsoft founder, who
also dropped out (DO) from the same campus. Before
getting a degree "DO" Mark had already thought Bill
Gates as his idol.
Bill Gates

(William Henry Gates III) Empresario estadounidense

(Seattle, Washington, 1955 - ). Bill Gates naci en una familia
acomodada que le proporcion una educacin en centros de
elite como la Escuela de Lakeside (1967-73) y la Universidad
de Harvard (1973-77). Siempre en colaboracin con su amigo
Paul Allen, se introdujo en el mundo de la informtica
formando un pequeo equipo dedicado a la realizacin de
programas que vendan a empresas o Administraciones

En 1975 se trasladaron a Alburquerque (Nuevo Mxico) para

trabajar suministrando a la compaa MITS programas
susceptibles de ser utilizados con el primer microordenador, el
Altair. En 1976 fundaron en Alburquerque su propia empresa
de produccin de software informtico, Microsoft Corporation,
con Bill Gates como presidente y director general; su negocio
consista en elaborar programas adaptados a las necesidades
de los nuevos microordenadores y ofrecrselos a las empresas
fabricantes ms baratos que si los hubieran desarrollado ellas

Bill Gates

En 1979 Microsoft comenz a crecer (16 empleados),

momento en que Bill Gates decidi trasladar su sede a
Seattle. La expansin posterior fue espectacular: en
1980 lleg a un acuerdo con IBM para suministrarle
un sistema operativo adaptado a sus nuevos
ordenadores personales, el MS-DOS, que desde 1981
ira instalado en todos los ordenadores de la marca; la
posterior imitacin del sistema IBM-PC por los
ordenadores compatibles de las dems marcas

generaliz el uso del DOS de Microsoft como soporte

de todos los programas de aplicacin concretos.
Volcado en un proceso de innovacin tecnolgica
acelerada, en 1983 Gates volvi a revolucionar la
informtica personal con la introduccin del ratn y
de un nuevo interfaz grfico llamado a sustituir al
DOS (el Windows); en aquel mismo ao fue cuando
Allen dej Microsoft, aquejado de una grave

Bill Gates en la presentacin de Windows XP

Cuando, en 1986, Microsoft sali a la Bolsa, las

acciones se cotizaron tan alto que Bill Gates se
convirti en el hombre ms rico de Estados Unidos.
Desde entonces, el negocio no ha cesado de crecer
(de los 1.200 empleados que tena en 1986 hasta ms
de 20.000 en 1996), obteniendo un virtual monopolio
del mercado del software mundial (reforzado por su
victoria en el pleito contra Apple en 1992); y han
seguido llegando innovaciones como las nuevas

versiones Windows 3.0 (muy bien recibida por los

usuarios), Windows 95 (en cuya campaa de
promocin a escala mundial asumi el propio Gates el
papel de profeta de la sociedad ciberntica como
personificacin de Microsoft), Windows 98 y las
sucesivas versiones de este sistema operativo.
Desde 1993 embarc a la compaa en la promocin
de los soportes multimedia, especialmente en el
mbito educativo. El talento de Gates se ha reflejado
en mltiples programas informticos, cuyo uso se ha
difundido por todo el mundo como lenguajes bsicos
de los ordenadores personales; pero tambin en el
xito de una empresa flexible y competitiva,
gestionada con criterios heterodoxos y con una
atencin especial a la seleccin y motivacin del
Su rpido enriquecimiento ha ido acompaado de un
discurso visionario y optimista sobre un futuro
transformado por la penetracin de los ordenadores
en todas las facetas de la vida cotidiana, respondiendo
al sueo de introducir un ordenador personal en cada
casa y en cada puesto de trabajo; este discurso, que
alienta una actitud positiva ante los grandes cambios
sociales de nuestra poca, goza de gran audiencia
entre los jvenes de todo el mundo por proceder del
hombre que simboliza el xito material basado en el

empleo de la inteligencia (su libro The Road Ahead fue

uno de los ms vendidos en 1995).
Las innovaciones de Gates han contribuido a la rpida
difusin del uso de la informtica personal,
produciendo una innovacin tcnica trascendental en
las formas de producir, transmitir y consumir la
informacin. El presidente Bush reconoci la
importancia de la obra de Gates otorgndole la
Medalla Nacional de Tecnologa en 1992.
Biografa de Bill Gates

William Henry Gates III (28 de octubre de 1955, Seattle,

Washington) es un empresario estadounidense, cofundador de la
empresa de software Microsoft, productora de Windows, el sistema
operativo para computadoras personales ms utilizado en el mundo.
Est casado con Melinda French, y ambos ostentan el liderazgo de
la Fundacin Bill y Melinda Gates, dedicada a reequilibrar
oportunidades en salud y educacin a nivel global, especialmente
en las regiones menos favorecidas, razn por la cual han sido
recientemente galardonados con el Premio Prncipe de Asturias de

Cooperacin Internacional 2006.

Curs estudios en la escuela privada y de alta sociedad de Lakeside,
en Seattle. Esta escuela tena ya una computadora en el ao 1968.
As Gates tuvo la posibilidad de contactar pronto con la mquina y
tomarle el gusto a la informtica. No tard mucho en aprender y
slo necesit una semana para superar a su profesor. Tambin en
Lakeside, Gates conoci a Paul Allen, con quien ms tarde fundara
Cre la empresa de software Microsoft el 4 de abril de 1975, siendo
an alumno en la Universidad de Harvard. En 1976, abandon la
universidad y se traslad a Albuquerque, sede de Altair, para pactar
con esa empresa la cesin de un lenguaje para computadoras, el
Basic, al 50% de las ventas. Al ao siguiente, se enter del xito de
la empresa Apple y de que necesitan un intrprete de Basic. Intent
presentar su versin a Apple, pero ni siquiera fue recibido.
En 1980, como Presidente de Microsoft y con ayuda de su madre,
que era miembro de la junta de directores, se reuni con altos
ejecutivos de IBM en Seattle. Consigui venderles el sistema
operativo DOS, aunque l an no lo tena y luego lo compr a muy
bajo precio a un joven programador. IBM necesitaba ese sistema
operativo para competir con Apple, razn por la cual la negociacin
era flexible. Microsoft quiso los derechos de licencia,
mantenimiento, e incluso la facultad de vender el DOS a otras
compaas. IBM cometi el error ms grande de su historia y
acept, considerando que lo que producira dividendos sera el
hardware y no el software. Unos das despus, Microsoft compr
los derechos de autor del QDOS a Tim Paterson que trabajaba para
la Seattle Computer Products, por $50,000 dlares, que entreg a

IBM sin cambiar nada salvo el nombre a MS-DOS (Microsoft

Consciente de la importancia del entorno grfico que haba
mostrado Apple en su ordenador Lisa, se propuso conseguir
tambin el entorno grfico y el "ratn" para operarlo. Mientras,
Steve Jobs, fundador de Apple, inici el desarrollo del Macintosh,
Bill Gates visit Apple. Ofreca mejorar sus hojas de clculo y otros
programas. Amenazaba con vender su material informtico a IBM,
con lo que obtuvo una alianza Apple-Microsoft. Microsoft se hizo
con la tecnologa de entorno grfico y con el ratn, y sac al
mercado Microsoft Windows, como directo competidor de
Al finalizar el segundo milenio, el sistema operativo Microsoft
Windows (en todas sus versiones), se utilizaba en la mayor parte de
ordenadores personales del planeta.
Bill Gates encabeza la lista anual de las mayores fortunas
personales realizada por la revista Forbes, con bienes calculados
alrededor de los $51,000 millones de dlares americanos (2005). En
1994, adquiri un manuscrito de Leonardo da Vinci por 25 millones
de dlares.
La empresa se ha visto envuelta en diversos procesos judiciales
acusada de prcticas monopolsticas, llegndose a especular incluso
con la posibilidad de que los tribunales estadounidenses exigieran
dividir la empresa, como ya sucediera con otras empresas
estadounidenses en el pasado. Las acusaciones se relacionan con la
vinculacin de diversos programas a su sistema operativo, el ms
extendido, lo que es considerado por sus competidores un abuso de

posicin dominante para diversificar sus productos, como es el caso

del navegador Internet Explorer, el reproductor de archivos
multimedia, Windows Media Player, o el sistema de mensajera
instantnea MSN Messenger incluido en el sistema operativo
El 16 de junio de 2006 hizo pblica su intencin de, en julio de
2008, abandonar sus labores diarias al frente de Microsoft para
dedicarse por entero a la fundacin. La transicin de
responsabilidades ser progresiva para evitar afecciones negativas
en el desarrollo diario de la empresa, continuando como Presidente
de Honor de la misma.

William Henry Gates III (October 28, 1955, Seattle,
Washington) is an American businessman, co-founder of
software company Microsoft, producer of Windows, the
operating system most widely used personal computer in the
He is married to Melinda French, and both hold the leadership
of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, dedicated to
rebalancing opportunities in health and education globally,
especially in disadvantaged regions, why have recently been
awarded the Prince of Asturias International Cooperation
He attended private school and high society of Lakeside in
Seattle. This school already had a computer in 1968. So
Gates was able to quickly contact with the machine and her

first taste of computing. It was not long in learning and needed

only a week to surpass his teacher. Also in Lakeside, Gates
met Paul Allen, who later founded Microsoft.
He created the software company Microsoft on April 4, 1975,
while still a student at Harvard University. In 1976, he left
college and moved to Albuquerque, Altair headquarters for the
company to agree with the assignment of a computer
language, Basic, 50% of sales. The following year, he learned
of the success of Apple and they need an interpreter for Basic.
Tried to present his version to Apple, but even it was received.
In 1980, as President of Microsoft and with the help of his
mother, who was a member of the board of directors, met with
senior executives from IBM in Seattle. Gotta sell the DOS
operating system, although he still had it and then bought it
very cheaply to a young programmer. IBM needed the
operating system to compete with Apple, which is why the
negotiations was flexible. Microsoft wanted to license fees,
maintenance, and even the power to sell DOS to other
companies. IBM made the biggest mistake of her story and
accepted, considering that what dividends would produce the
hardware and not software. A few days later, Microsoft bought
the rights to QDOS author Tim Paterson who worked for
Seattle Computer Products, for $ 50,000 that he gave IBM
without changing anything except the name MS-DOS
(Microsoft DOS)
Recognizing the importance of the graphical environment that
had shown on your computer Apple Lisa, also set out to
achieve the graphical environment and the "mouse" to
operate. Meanwhile, Steve Jobs, Apple founder pioneered the
development of the Macintosh, Apple Bill Gates visited. It
offered improved spreadsheets and other programs. He
threatened to sell its computer equipment from IBM, which
was Apple-Microsoft alliance. Microsoft was done with the

graphical environment and technology with the mouse, and

brought to market Microsoft Windows, Macintosh as a
At the end of the second millennium, the operating system
Microsoft Windows (all versions), was used in most personal
computers in the world.

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