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6 comments, In Series: The
Health C are Revolution of

Expat Health

OpEdNews Op Eds 7/12/2014 at 08:16:25

The Health Revolution Known as Obamacare!

By Shirley Braverman (about the author)


(Page 1 of 1 pages)

Related Topic(s): Affordable C are Act Aca; Health C are Establishment; Obamacare
Healthcare Dot Gov Website; War On Health C are , Add Tags A dd to My Group(s)
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Intro: This series of articles attempts to explain
how Obamacare will affect the average
American experiencing the delivery of health
care. Guest specialists will be featured from
time to time. The Inside Story of America's New
Health-Care Law and What It Means for Us All is
used for quoting the ACA. The Kaiser Family
Foundation web site ( supplies most of
the statistics, since it gathers information from
governmental sites and brings them together in
an organized form. Other sources of information
come from numerous medical, nursing,
government and health websites. Comments
and opinions are from my 40 years' experience
in the health field as well as my hobby as a
health historian. All quotes and paraphrasing are
credited to the original sources.
are based on many contingencies. In general the richer will pay more, the poorer less or none
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The Affordable Care Act or Obamacare is creating the greatest revolution in health care in
America since Medicare. Changes are happening quickly, not so quickly and slowly but they are
happening and there's no going back. New innovations and health service units are being
created as I write. The ACA encourages these new methods. Using the carrot of grants and the
stick of fines, the bill is directed toward the long term improvement of health care for all
Americans by fixing the broken health delivery system. The ACA rewards health service
providers and hospitals for quality care and good outcomes, while withholding, fining and limiting
payments for poor performances.
Aiming to "improve quality" and "increase value" the ACA promotes greater coordination
between doctors, nurses, caregivers, hospitals, and insurance companies by merging them into
one entity. It is relying on healthcare information technology to limit care options by ensuring
adherence to "evidence-based care;" and encouraging institutions to give care in settings
outside of the hospital in cheaper settings cared for by ancillary skilled providers. These are
goals the healthcare industry has had for ages but the ACA codifies them turning these
aspirations into the law of the land.
By moving the health care system away from a focus on treating sickness and disease to a
system that promotes wellness and prevention public health will be greatly improved with a
more economical system.
America's medicine is the envy of the world. We have the best hospitals, the most highly
trained, most skillful and innovative doctors in the world. Our scientists produce the majority of
the most significant advances in biomedical research. We spend over 3 trillion dollars or 17% of
our gross national product on health care"".more than any other nation in the world! Yet our life
expectancy ranks 31st in the world behind Japan, Iceland, Costa Rica and Spain. ".. and 37th in
infant morality behind Croatia, Cypress and Cuba according to the World Health Organization.
Clearly only a privileged few get to benefit from our best in the world health care!! Plus the
congressional budget office predicted that absent drastic changes our health care costs would
swell to 25% of the economy by 2025 and keep rising from there. Our U.S. Census Bureau



Article: The Health Revolution Known as Obamacare! | OpEdNews

states that 45 million Americans have no
medical coverage at all. Meanwhile those of us
who have coverage have seen our private
insurance rise yearly. Say goodbye to the worst
health care system in the world and hello to the
Affordable Care Act and our complicated but
much improved future!

The old system was never planned or

systematically created. It just evolved from a
mish mash of various practices that somehow
got globbed together. Doctors, who for years
were the Gods of medicine had all the power in
the delivery of health care. They ran the
hospitals and created the system to best serve
their needs. Usually this was to the detriment of
their patients and to other health personnel and
it fostered and allowed a multitude of sins. There was no standardization and practices from
state to state and hospital to hospital varied enormously.

The Last War Crime movie

What if there was only one chance for justice?

Then in the late 80s and 90s the corporations began getting into health care and ran them as
profit making businesses which only made things worst and worser.
In 2010 when the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was passed, the system as practiced was
outdated, wasteful, illogical, unregulated, confusing, cumbersome, expensive, prone to error
and economically unsustainable. Despite what the American Hospital Association and others
tried to do, the system stubbornly resisted monitoring of care and drastic self improvements.
While some hospitals like Kaiser tried out new innovations to improved health services most of
the old guard and their lobbying professional group the American Medical Association (AMA)
considered this a power grab and resisted all change. Now the ACA has created a new system.
A monitored system with the power to move the old guard, kicking and screaming, into a new,
modern healthier, if more regulated environment.
Our new system is a vibrant, living, growing turning and twisting mass of services with millions
of participants, givers and receivers stretching toward the almost impossible dream of quality
health care for all. It has a thousand dark pits of errors, mistakes, glitches and greedy devils
lurking in the shadows willing to let their fellow humans suffer and die to make political points or
to amass their fortunes of filthy lucre. But our new system also has its mountains of
miracles"..where cures and new treatments offer hope and comfort to the afflicted""brought to
the masses by a mighty dedicated army of Healers devoting their lives to the shining goddess of
Health whose blessings enrich all the citizens of our noble country. Knowing that there will
always be failures, missteps and challenges, as well as glorious rewards, this massive army of
Healers accepts and continues this quest for health now made possible by the world altering
legislation known at the Affordable Care Act.

Nurse journalists for 60 years. Animal activists -- the sane kind. Author of Animal Rescue
Crusaders available on Amazon and Barns and Nobel and The Nurses' Stories

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Related Topic(s): Affordable C are Act Aca; Health C are Establishment; Obamacare Healthcare Dot Gov
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I look forward to reading your series of articles ... by Howard Schneider on Saturday, Jul 12,
2014 at 11:23:36 AM

Bullshit. What Obamacare did was institutionalize ... by PCM on Saturday, Jul 12, 2014 at
12:40:15 PM

Revolution for improvements you say? BS.America is... by Bill Johnson on Saturday, Jul 12,
2014 at 1:16:44 PM

You are delusional. The ACA is the biggest scam e... by Stranger In a Strange Land on
Saturday, Jul 12, 2014 at 9:59:38 PM

There are those who can't see the forest for the t... by John Rachel on Sunday, Jul 13, 2014 at
12:17:30 AM

Thank you for the kind words Howard. Have spent a... by Shirley Braverman on Sunday, Jul
13, 2014 at 10:59:22 AM

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