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March 27, 2016

Title: JESUS IS RISEN! We Believe

Memory Verse:
He is not here; he has risen! Luke 24:6
Songs: 1. Absolutely Nothing (Jana Alayra)
2. We Believe (Easter Song)- check youtube

String, Yarn or Tape.
Approximately 10 minutes

Draw a long line using yarn or masking tape (or use an imaginary line).
Have the children line up in a straight line facing the leader on the right side of the line. The right side of the
line is "In the Tomb" and the left side of the line is "Out of the Tomb." The leader yells either "In the tomb," or
"Out of the tomb. Upon hearing the command, the children jump from one side to the other. If the children
jump in the wrong direction or don't jump to the other side when it's a valid command they are out of the
game. The last player still in wins the game. The leader will try and get the players to jump incorrectly by
pointing to one side as they yell to jump to the opposite side or by repeating the same side and/or changing
the pace. Game can be easily adapted to fit other themes.

For 9 yrs. old below :Truth Revealed (Object Talk)

A surprising Object Talk the kids can participate in that will show how the Words of Christ became
clear after His resurrection.

White bond paper
White crayon
Food coloring (red if possible)
12 oz. Glass of water, paper towels
Approximately 10 minutes


You will write the following message using white crayon on a white piece of paper.

Jesus rose on the third day

It will appear to the class that there is nothing on the paper. Then, you will loosely fold and dip the paper into
a glass of water containing four or five drops of food coloring. After about one minute, you will remove the
paper and unfold onto a dry paper towel. The message will become visible. This object talk will compare
how Jesus told the disciples that he would be killed and would rise again on the third day. How the disciples
did not understand what He was saying until that Sunday morning when He actually rose from the grave.
The white message on white paper represents how the disciples could not understand. The red food
coloring represents the Lord's shed blood, and how by seeing His death and resurrection, the message
became clear.
Option: After the demonstration, you can give paper and crayons to the children so they can write their own
message to be revealed and taken home or displayed on the wall after the paper dries. Offer suggestions
such as "'Jesus is alive,' 'Jesus Lives,' etc. for possible messages. Make sure the kids press hard with the
white crayon to make the message stand out better."
Before Jesus was nailed to the cross, He told his disciples many times what was going to happen to Him. In
Matthew 16:21, Jesus told them He would suffer many things at the hands of the elders, chief priests and
teachers of the law, and that He must be killed and on the third day be raised to life. His disciples did not
understand what He was saying. I have a piece of paper here, with a message. Can you see the message?
Nevertheless, there is a message. It is just like when Jesus told the disciples about his resurrection. They
could not understand, neither can you see the message on this paper. However, the message became clear
for the disciples after they visited the tomb, and found Jesus gone. He rose from the grave, and then the
disciples understood. I have a glass of water here. I am going to drop a few drops of food coloring in the
water. This represents the blood of Christ that was shed for us. Now, I will place the message into the
mixture, and wait for about a minute. Would someone like to count to 60 for me?
(After 60 seconds, remove the paper and lay flat on a paper towel. Have the children come to see the
message.) You see, after Jesus died and rose from the grave, the message became clear. He had risen,
just as He said.

Lesson for 10-12 yrs. old

What makes Jesus different from every other religious leader in history? What
makes him different from every other human being in history? He lived a
sinless and righteous life. So, death had no claim on him. It could not hold
him. Jesus was, as the apostle tells us, vindicated by the Spirit. Jesus Christ
was raised from the dead. He is alive! He is risen! He is risen indeed!

This is the great truth that we celebrate during Easter. Jesus was dead. But
now he is alive! But this is not all! Because Jesus resurrection is the central
event in our own vindication (proof) and salvation, we can also have life:
But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have
fallen asleep. For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead
comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made
alive (1 Corinthians 15:20-22)

Today, we will introduce our kids to the one who is himself the Resurrection
and the Life, and we will challenge them to trust him alone for life. Here are
our keys for this lesson. When the lesson is through, each child will know

Jesus was dead

But God raised him from the dead

Now we can have new life in him

GATHERED STORY (5-10 minutes): Dont just read it. Know it and bring
it to life!
Good morning, boys and girls! (Good morning!). Let me tell you a story. This
is a story about what happened after Jesus died on the cross. Jesus died on a
Friday. It was a very sad day. It was sad because Jesus friends didnt know
what was going to happen. They didnt understand why Jesus had to die.
Late on that Friday afternoon, Jesus body was taken down from the cross. It
was wrapped in long strips of cloth. And it was buried in a rich mans tomb. A
large stone was rolled over the entrance to the tomb, and soldiers were standing
outside to make sure that nothing happened to Jesus body. Jesus was dead.

The Bible tells us (hold up your Bible or open to John 20) that this is what
happened next:
Early on Sunday morning when it was still dark, Jesus friend, Mary
Magdalene, went to the tomb and saw that the large stone that was rolled over
the mouth of the empty tomb was gone! So, she ran away.
Why do you think Mary ran away? (Let the children answer: Was she
afraid? What could have happened? Jesus body was not there. The stone had
been moved.)
Mary ran to two more of Jesus friends, Simon Peter and another friend that
Jesus loved very much. So, Peter and the other friend that Jesus loved ran very
fast to the tomb. (Have the children stand and run in place.)
The second friend ran so fast that he beat Peter there. (Have the children stop
and sit down)
Why do you think the friends ran (really animated)? (Let the children
answer: Were they shocked? Was it hard to believe what Mary had told
The friend and Peter looked inside the tomb. They saw the strips of cloth that
had been wrapped around Jesus body. They saw the cloth that had been put on
Jesus face. It was neatly folded in a corner of the room. The second friend
saw and he believed. What did he believe? Jesus was dead, but God raised him
to life.
Do you believe that Jesus is alive? (Pause).

Mary didnt believe. She was sad. She thought Jesus was missing. The friends
went back to their homes, but Mary stayed at the tomb, and she cried. Why do
you think that Mary cried? (Let the children answer: She thought that Jesus
was dead, and now his body was missing too!)
A man came to Mary. He said, Why are you crying? Who are you looking
for? Mary said, If you took him away, please tell me where he is. Ill go and
get him. He said her name, Mary. It was Jesus! He had been dead. But
now he was alive! Now Mary believed! She wanted to touch him and hug
him! Jesus said, Not yet. Im going to the Father. And he is your Father
too! Then, Mary ran away.
Why do you think Mary ran this time? Let the children answer.
Mary had good news! She was going to tell her friends, I have seen Jesus! He
was dead! But now He is alive! He is risen! And he is giving us life, so that
we can live with the Father again!

He is not here! He has risen!

Can you find you way to the empty tomb?

"He is not here, he is risen!"

Jesus is risen craft BELIEVE

Below is Popped craft that you can use as you share the Lesson

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