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din Romnia



igloobest l case din romnia 3


Cele 16 noi proiecte de case grupate aici reprezint`

un barometru, sau mai degrab` o radiografie
par]ial` a arhitecturii de factur` contemporan`
practicat` de birourile/arhitec]ii de prima mn` din
Romnia. Citit` \n sensul acesta, cartea ne spune,
pe scurt, c` am ajuns s` avem, \ntr-un volum ceva
mai mic [i cu diferen]ele specifice inerente, o arhitectur` domestic` acordat` celei din ]`ri mult mai
avansate pe drumul utiliz`rii civilizate a arhitecturii.
Ne permitem s` sper`m c` func]iile acestei c`r]i ar
putea fi m`car dou`. Prima dintre ele r`mne cea
utilitar`, de instrument orientat c`tre nevoia concret` de a alege un arhitect/un tip de arhitectur`
pentru o locuin]` sau de a se informa asupra arhitecturii domestice \n Romnia zilei de azi. Cea de-a
doua func]ie, mai pu]in direct` [i imediat`, dar de a
c`rei importan]` suntem tot mai convin[i, este contribu]ia, pe teritoriul mental al Romniei, la
redefinirea arhitecturii drept fapt cultural.

The 16 new residence projects grouped here

represent a barometer, or rather a partial X-ray
of well-made contemporary architecture done
by first-hand studios/architects from Romania.
Read in this manner, the book will testify, in
short, to our having acquired, in less significant
numbers and accompanied by the inherent local
distinctive traits, a domestic architecture that is
in tune to what is being designed in countries
far more advanced down the road of civilized
use of architecture.
We will allow ourselves to hope that this book
may serve at least two functions. The first would
be a rather utilitarian one that of instrument
pointed towards the concrete need to choose
an architect/type of architecture for a home, or
to inform the public as to Romanian domestic
architecture today. The second function, less
direct and immediate, but of whose importance
we are more and more convinced, is that of
contributing, in the mental territory of our country, to the redefinition of architecture as cultural


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din Romnia
Houses from Romania

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Board editorial / Editorial Board: Bruno Andre[oiu, Adrian Cioc`zanu

Coordonator proiect editorial / Project coordinator: Viorica Buic`
Texte / Texts: Viorica Buic`, Laura Li]canu, Ana Diaconu, Catrinel Panaite, Luiza Hanc
Traducere / English version: Anca Rotar, Smaranda Nicolau
Fotografii / Photos: {erban Bonciocat, Cosmin Dragomir, Andrei M`rgulescu, Peter Marx
Fotografie copert` / Cover photo: Andrei Creang`
Concept grafic / Graphic design concept: Corina Gabriela Duma
Paginare / Graphic design: Mihai Ene
Procesare imagine, DTP / Image Editing, DTP: Cristian David, {erban Bonciocat
Corectur` / Text editing: Andreea Amzoiu
Tip`rit la/ Printed by Masterprint SuperOffset
Bucure[ti, igloomedia, 2010

Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Na]ionale a Romniei

Case din Romnia / pref.: Bruno Andre[oiu; coord.: Viorica Buic`;
trad.: Anca Rotar; grafica: Mihai Ene. Ed. a 3-a. Bucure[ti:
Igloo, 2010
ISBN 978-606-8026-07-7
I. Andre[oiu, Bruno (pref.)
II. Buic`, Viorica (coord.)
III. Rotar, Anca (trad.)
IV. Ene, Mihai (il.)

Toate drepturile sunt rezervate. Ele sunt protejate de legile n vigoare privitoare la dreptul de
autor. Orice reproducere total` sau n detaliu, prin orice fel de mijloace de copiere sau transmisie, este interzis` f`r` acordul editurii Igloo Media.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or
transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without written permission of Igloo Media.

Bucure[ti, igloomedia, 2010

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Case din Romnia

Houses from Romania

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l Sumar l case din romnia 3 l igloo best l 8_9

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l Bruno Andre[oiul case din romnia al treilea l prefa]`


l Bogdan Babici l casa D., bucure[ti


l igloo architecture l casa NT1, buz`u


l {tefan Bianco l casa A., bucure[ti


l AAU & Estudio l casa S., cluj


l Corvin Cristian l casa larix, snagov


l Cristian Ghi]`u & Marcel Bor]un l casa kish, bucure[ti


l Radu Teac` l cas` pe strada g. georgescu, bucure[ti


l igloo design & arhi dot design l casa SN, bucure[ti


l R`zvan-Ion Dracea l casa TC, bra[ov


l Carolin Iv`nescu l casa C,. olimp


l Eduard Chi[ l casa 3PE, bucure[ti


l George B`lan l casa T., breaza


l Petre Baraba[ l casa tortuga, olimp


l SYAA l casa N., bucure[ti


l Radu Teac` l cas` pe strada miroslavei, bucure[ti


l 3T Birou de Arhitectur` l casa R., bucure[ti


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Case din Romnia al treilea

Houses of Romania the Third

Da, bine, e criz`, se simte al naibii de tare \n domeniul pe care

[i aceast` carte \l sluje[te, iar noi avem titluri dinastice. Ce s`
facem \ns` dac` a[a st` treaba [i familia igloobest a ajuns la
membrul cu num`rul [ase [i al treilea din subspecia caselor?
O fi vreun semn de relansare economic`? Mi-e team` c` nu
acesta e scopul [i nici modul \n care aceast` carte poate fi
A[ r`mne de aceea \n zona strict circumscris` interesului
nostru, recte arhitectura, [i a[ face cteva observa]ii. Este evident pentru oricine a parcurs [i celelalte dou` volume din
serie, anume Case din Romnia 1 [i 2, c` op]iunile noastre
sunt explicit \ndreptate c`tre o arhitectur` a timpului prezent.
{arpantele tradi]ionale [i mansardele sunt slab reprezentate,
iar acolo unde apar, sunt fie parte a unui discurs actual, fie
slujesc integr`rii corecte \ntr-un context anume. Astfel,
selec]iile operate de noi nu difer` prea mult, ca tip de arhitectur`, de cele pe care le putem g`si \n albumele (serioase)
de case din orice col] de lume civilizat`. Eventualele diferen]e
specifice sunt tot mai greu de g`sit, [i chiar cele cndva
tradi]ionale (calitatea execu]iei, utilizarea materialelor de
ultim` or`, dimensiunea bugetelor) au \nceput s` se
atenueze. Este \ns` evident c` selec]ia noastr` nu reprezint`
un barometru al st`rii generale a arhitecturii caselor din
Romnia (ridica]i o secund` ochii din carte [i privi]i pe
geam), departe de noi [i de con]inutul c`r]ii o asemenea
inten]ie. Cele 16 proiecte de case grupate aici reprezint`
totu[i un barometru, sau mai degrab` o radiografie par]ial` a
arhitecturii de factur` contemporan` practicat` de birourile/
arhitec]ii de prima mn`. Citit` \n sensul acesta, cartea ne
spune, pe scurt, c` am ajuns s` avem, \ntr-un volum ceva mai
mic [i cu diferen]ele specifice mai sus-men]ionate, o arhitectur` domestic` acordat` celei din ]`ri mult mai avansate pe
drumul utiliz`rii civilizate a arhitecturii.
Astfel, \mi permit s` sper c` func]iile acestei c`r]i ar putea fi
m`car dou`. Prima dintre ele r`mne cea utilitar`, de instrument orientat c`tre nevoia concret` de a alege un arhitect/
un tip de arhitectur` pentru o locuin]` sau de a se informa
asupra arhitecturii domestice \n Romnia zilei de azi. Cea
de-a doua func]ie, mai pu]in direct` [i imediat`, dar de a
c`rei importan]` sunt tot mai convins, este contribu]ia, pe
teritoriul mental al Romniei, la redefinirea arhitecturii drept
fapt cultural. F`r` recuperarea acestui adev`r obnubilat de
vremuri tulburi, nu putem spera \n [ansa arhitecturii de calitate, a c`rei apari]ie este datorat` \n egal` m`sur` priceperii
arhitectului [i \n]elegerii comanditarului.

Yes, true, were in the middle of an economic crisis, one

whose consequences are severe in the domain that this
book serves, and we have dynastic titles. Well, what can
we do if this is just the way things are and the igloobest
family has just acquired its sixth member, third in the
Houses subspecies? Could it be a sign of economic
comeback? Im afraid this is not the purpose, nor the
manner in which this book can be judged.
I will stay within the area that is our consecrated interest
architecture, and from here make some observations.
It is obvious for anyone whos leafed through the other
two volumes in the series Houses of Romania 1 and 2,
that our selection is explicitly targeted towards an architecture of the present. Traditional frames and lofts are
meekly represented, and when they do come up, they
are either part of a contemporary discourse, or they
serve the correct integration of the construction into a
particular context. Thus, our selection methods do not
stray all that much, in terms of architecture, from those
to be found in (serious) albums dealing with the same
theme anywhere in the civilized world. Distinctive traits
specific to our area are harder and harder to come by,
and even the few traditional differences (quality of execution, edgy materials, budgets) have started to be less
visible. It is obvious that our selection does not represent
a barometer of the general state of Romanian residential
architecture (just lift up your gaze for a second and look
out the window...), far be it from us to put forth such
pretenses. The 16 residence projects grouped here do,
however, represent a barometer, or rather a partial X-ray
of well-made contemporary architecture done by firsthand studios/architects. Read in this manner, the book
will testify, in short, to our having acquired, in less significant numbers and accompanied by the aforementioned
local distinctive traits, a domestic architecture that is in
tune to what is being designed in countries far more
advanced down the road of civilized use of architecture.
Thus, I will allow myself to hope that this book may serve
at least two functions. The first would be a rather utilitarian one that of instrument pointed towards the
concrete need to choose an architect/type of architecture for a home, or to inform the public as to Romanian
domestic architecture today. The second function, less
direct and immediate, but of whose importance I am
more and more convinced, is that of contributing, in the
mental territory of our country, to the redefinition of
architecture as cultural fact. Should the quest fail to
recover this truth, a truth obstructed in times as murky as
our own, we may not hope for quality architecture, as its
existence is equally dependent on the skill of the architect and the understanding of the commissioner.

l Bruno Andre[oiu l prefa]` l case din romnia 3 l igloo best l 11_11

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l Bogdan Babici casa D, bucure[ti l case din romnia 3 l igloo best l 12_21



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Casa D.
D. House

Volumetria acestei locuin]e premiate la Anuala de Arhitectur`

Bucure[ti 2010 este una dintre cele mai simple: un corp plin
alb din care sunt decupate patru col]uri, diametral opuse
dou` cte dou`. Consolele albe, precum [i consecven]a cu
care este respectat principiul plin-gol induc \ns` o anumit`
tensiune psihologic`, individualiznd locuirea. Singurele vitraje de mari dimensiuni sunt dispuse pe fa]adele sec]ionate
ale volumului, iar nota de inedit a casei vine din utilizarea
golurilor rotunde de dimensiuni aleatorii, amplasate \n
grupuri, \n diferite zone ale plinului. Fie c` este vorba de
ferestre (\n dormitor [i pe holuri) sau de zone de iluminat \n
plafon, golurile circulare sunt o prezen]` vesel` [i dinamic`,
sem`nnd cu ni[te bule de aer care s-au oprit pentru o clip`
pe unul sau altul dintre pere]i. Mai mult, la interior, aceste
goluri sunt \n dialog direct cu corpurile de iluminat, \ncadrate
de un contur translucid.
Interiorul reia la scar` redus` tema decupajelor \n volume
albe [i a corpurilor suspendate \n consol`. Decalajele de
jum`tate de nivel \ntre partea anterioar` [i cea posterioar` a
cl`dirii se traduc astfel prin perspective interesante, mai ales
\n zona ruperii de nivel, poten]ate de iluminarea spectaculoas` [i inegal`: zenital`, perimetral` prin vitraje de mari
dimensiuni, respectiv local`, prin hublourile rotunde.
Amenajarea exterioar` urm`re[te linia general` simpl` prin
expunerea unor suprafe]e vaste [i continue de gazon \n
curtea din spate, alternate cu lastre mari din piatr` \n gr`dina
din fa]`. Acelea[i lastre se transform` \n trepte exterioare,
parte a unor alei cu pant` lin` ce conduc pa[ii c`tre cele
dou` intr`ri: \n living [i \n hobby room.

Proiect / Project
Tecon, arhitec]i/architects: Bogdan Babici, Bogdan
Perioada de execu]ie / Building Period 2008-2010
Suprafa]a terenului / Site area 280 mp
Suprafa]a construit` / Built area 135 mp

The volume of this house, awarded First Prize at the 2010

Bucharest Architecture Annual, is as simple as can be: a full
white body with four corners cut out of it, each pair of them
diametrically opposed to the other. However, the white consoles, as well as the consistency proven by the architects in
respecting the principle of full vs. hollow, provide a source of
psychological tension. The original touch resides in the use of
circular hollows of random dimensions, placed in groups in
various areas of the full volume. Whether it's the windows (in
the bedroom and along the halls) or the lighting areas of the
ceilings, the rounded hollows are a dynamic, playful presence,
resembling air bubbles that have stopped for a moment on one
or another of the walls. Furthermore, on the inside, these
hollows directly connect to the lighting units, framed by a
translucid contour.
The interior resumes, at a smaller scale, the general theme of
cut-outs inside white volumes and of suspended console units.
The half-level differences between the front and back of the
building thus create interesting perspectives, especially around
the area of the level breech, emphasized by the spectacular,
uneven lighting: either zenithal, perimetral through large
glazings , or local through circular portholes.
The external design follows the overall line of simplicity through
exposing the vast, continuous lawn surface in the back yard,
alternatively with the large cobblestones in the front yard.
These same cobblestones morph into an external stairway, as
part of a gentle sloping alley that leads visitors toward the
houses two entrances: one in the living room and the other in
the hobby room.



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l {tefan Bianco casa A, bucure[ti l case din romnia 3 l igloo best l 32_41



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Casa A.
A. House

Exigen]i fa]` de calitatea locuirii, proprietarii [i-au dorit o cas`

modern`, \n linii minimaliste [i cu deschideri mari c`tre
exterior, dar care s` respecte [i anumite constrngeri formale
generale ale cartierului \n care se afla situl (acoperi[ cu
[arpant`, retragere de la strad`). O alt` cerin]` exprimat` clar
fa]` de arhitect, care a modelat substan]ial volumul general al
casei, a fost existen]a unui spa]iu de zi relativ independent,
care s` poat` g`zdui petreceri cu prieteni, activit`]i de
relaxare etc.
Pentru a valorifica structura terenului, genernd totodat` o
suprafa]` semnificativ` de spa]iu verde, arhitectul a conceput
casa ca o al`turare, simpl` [i concis`, de corpuri geometrice,
desf`[urate orizontal, cu propor]ii care se repet` tocmai pentru a oferi coeren]` [i unitate. Practic, exist` dou` corpuri a
c`ror leg`tur` se realizeaz` printr-o pasarel` vitrat`: cel
principal locuin]a propriu-zis` , care cuprinde zona de zi,
diningul, buc`t`ria [i alte spa]ii anexe la parter, iar la etaj
dormitoarele, [i cel secundar, pentru entertainment, unde
g`sim un living extrem de spa]ios [i echipat corespunz`tor,
precum [i alte spa]ii destinate relax`rii (saun`, spa, piscin`).
Pentru a accentua continuitatea spa]iilor [i rela]ia cu gr`dina,
nivelul parterului, cu zona de zi, se desf`[oar` \n ambele
corpuri la aceea[i cot` cu gazonul. Doar pasarela de sticl`
a fost ridicat` mai mul]i centimetri de la sol, astfel \nct
covorul de iarb` s` nu fie \ntrerupt [i cele dou` sectoare ale
gr`dinii s` poat` comunica.

Proiect / Project
arhitec]i/architects: {tefan Bianco, stud. Adrian Galu
Perioada de execu]ie / Building Period 2007-2009
Suprafa]a terenului / Site area 1 825 mp
Suprafa]a construit` / Built area 485 mp

Abiding by very high standards concerning the quality of living,

the owners wished for a modernistic house, with minimalist
lines and generous openings toward the outside, that would, at
the same time, respect the general formal constraints of the
neighborhood where the site is located (sloping roof, retreat
from the street front). Another request made clear to the architect which ended up substantially shaping the houses general
volume was the existence of a relatively independent
daytime area, where the owners could organize parties for
themselves and their friends, leisure activities, and so on.
In order to take full advantage of the sites structure and to
generate a significant green area, the architect designed the
house as a simple and concise juxtaposition of geometric bodies, disposed horizontally, with repeating proportions, thus
ensuring the coherence and unity of the ensemble. In fact,
there are two volumes, connected through a glazed corridor:
the main volume the house itself, containing the daytime
area, the dining room, kitchen and other appendages on the
ground floor, while the upper floor is occupied by the
bedrooms and the secondary volume whose main function
is entertainment. This area contains an extremely spacious and
fully-equipped living room, as well as other spaces meant for
relaxation (a sauna, spa and pool). In order to emphasize the
continuity of the inside space and its relation to the garden, the
ground floor, which includes the daytime area, is situated at the
exact same level as the lawn. The glass corridor alone was
elevated several inches from the ground level, in order not to
divide the grass carpet, thus ensuring a connection between
the two sections of the garden.



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l George B`lan casa T, breaza l case din romnia 3 l igloo best l 126_135



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Casa T.
T. House

Amplasat` pe vrful unei coline, la intrarea \n comuna Talea

(ora[ Breaza), locuin]a beneficiaz` de perspective panoramice deosebite, nefragmentate de prezen]a altor construc]ii
\n imediata vecin`tate. Conceptul arhitectural a \ncercat s`
pun` \n valoare tocmai acest cadru natural, optndu-se
pentru o volumetrie compact`, cu suprafa]a construit` de
numai 90 mp. Materialele de finisaj alese sunt autohtone
(piatr` [i lemn), inser]ia \n sit fiind cu att mai discret`. Piatra
a fost achizi]ionat` de la localnicii comercian]i [i aminte[te de
modul de stivuire folosit de ace[tia pentru a expune marfa
spre vnzare. Umbrele l`sate de riflajul de lemn (montat la
distan]` de perete) subliniaz` direc]ia orizontal` a compozi]iei
fa]adei principale.
De[i simpl`, cl`direa nu este deloc banal`: prezint` o
dinamic` aparte conferit` de subvolumul placat cu piatr`
(care iese \n prim-plan), dar [i de micile decro[uri sau
decupaje de diferite dimensiuni. Scara interioar`, \ntr-o
singur` ramp`, este marcat` la exterior prin deta[area
peretelui nordic \n care sunt \ncastrate treptele.
Aleea din dale de piatr` \nierbate marcheaz` accesul \n
cl`dire, ale c`rei spa]ii interioare se dezvolt` pe dou` niveluri:
la parter zona de zi [i un dormitor, iar la etaj zona de noapte,
cu alte trei dormitoare, o baie cu du[ [i dormitorul matrimonial cu cad`, grup sanitar [i acces spre teras`. Pentru un
confort sporit, spa]iile cu func]iuni diferite pot fi accesate
separat (din hol sau direct din exterior). Zona de living,
delimitat` prin schimbarea finisajului (\ntreruperea parchetului, realizarea unei scafe \n tavan) se concentreaz` \n jurul
[emineului placat cu acela[i tip de piatr` stivuit`.

Proiect / Project
arhitect/architect: George B`lan
Perioada de execu]ie / Building Period 2007-2008
Suprafa]a terenului / Site area 1 050 mp
Suprafa]a construit` / Built area 90 mp

Located on a hilltop, at the entrance to the village of Talea, the

house enjoys spectacular panoramic views, due to the absence
of other buildings in the immediate vicinity. The architectural
project was designed to emphasize the natural setting, the
authors opting for a compact volume, with a built surface of
only 90 sqm.
The finishing materials employed here are local (wood and
stone), making the architectural intervention the more discreet.
The stone was bought from local merchants and was employed
in a way that reminisces the way they pile up their merchandise
in order to advertise it. The shadows cast by the wooden
scaffolding (which is set apart from the wall) emphasize the
horizontal direction of the main faades composition.
Despite its simplicity, the building is nowhere near ordinary: it
is dynamic in its own way, due to the presence of the
secondary volume that emerges in the foreground and is
coated in stone, but also to the small openings and cut-outs of
varying dimensions. The indoor staircase, with a single incline,
is marked on the faade through the detachment of the
northern wall, in which the rebates are fixed. The stone slab
alleyway, overgrown with grass, marks the access inside the
building, whose interiors are developped on two levels: the
daytime area and one bedroom on the ground floor, the first
floor being reserved for the nighttime area. The latter consists
of three more bedrooms, a bathroom with a shower cabin and
the marital bedroom with a bathtub, bathroom facilities and
direct access to the terrace. In order to increase the comfort
level, the spaces hosting specific functions may be accessed
separately (from the hall or directly from outside). The living
room area, marked off through the change in finishing (the
breaking off of the parquet, the soffit on the ceiling)
converges towards the fireplace, coated, at its turn, in
piled-up stone.



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din Romnia



igloobest l case din romnia 3


Cele 16 noi proiecte de case grupate aici reprezint`

un barometru, sau mai degrab` o radiografie
par]ial` a arhitecturii de factur` contemporan`
practicat` de birourile/arhitec]ii de prima mn` din
Romnia. Citit` \n sensul acesta, cartea ne spune,
pe scurt, c` am ajuns s` avem, \ntr-un volum ceva
mai mic [i cu diferen]ele specifice inerente, o arhitectur` domestic` acordat` celei din ]`ri mult mai
avansate pe drumul utiliz`rii civilizate a arhitecturii.
Ne permitem s` sper`m c` func]iile acestei c`r]i ar
putea fi m`car dou`. Prima dintre ele r`mne cea
utilitar`, de instrument orientat c`tre nevoia concret` de a alege un arhitect/un tip de arhitectur`
pentru o locuin]` sau de a se informa asupra arhitecturii domestice \n Romnia zilei de azi. Cea de-a
doua func]ie, mai pu]in direct` [i imediat`, dar de a
c`rei importan]` suntem tot mai convin[i, este contribu]ia, pe teritoriul mental al Romniei, la
redefinirea arhitecturii drept fapt cultural.

The 16 new residence projects grouped here

represent a barometer, or rather a partial X-ray
of well-made contemporary architecture done
by first-hand studios/architects from Romania.
Read in this manner, the book will testify, in
short, to our having acquired, in less significant
numbers and accompanied by the inherent local
distinctive traits, a domestic architecture that is
in tune to what is being designed in countries
far more advanced down the road of civilized
use of architecture.
We will allow ourselves to hope that this book
may serve at least two functions. The first would
be a rather utilitarian one that of instrument
pointed towards the concrete need to choose
an architect/type of architecture for a home, or
to inform the public as to Romanian domestic
architecture today. The second function, less
direct and immediate, but of whose importance
we are more and more convinced, is that of
contributing, in the mental territory of our country, to the redefinition of architecture as cultural


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