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Impression Learning English for a Semester

When I first entered the class R 1 J, I do not know at all my friends in class and also
the first time to go to university I do not understand with all the activities at the university,
especially the English language courses I have yet to know who my english teacher. But as
the first entry in the courses at English I know my english teacher Miss Nurul Frijuniarsi.
And the first time I felt the world lecturing, especially the English language, it's very different
from when you first enter vocational high schools. Because in English courses in college I
could more deeply about grammar English language better. And when first learning English
language in classes we do not need to use the same uniform with the others. We just need to
wear a shirt and pants and shoes. English courses are guided by Miss Nurul we do not need to
bother with the formula in the English language. We are only required to be able to speak,
listen, write, read English well and correctly. When in the course at the English language I
need to think for themselves what needs to be noted or not, unlike when I was a vocational
high school.
Here I have to be more active again from the time I was in junior high school
vocational vocational high school because I would immediately put all of the lessons that will
be covered so it should be more diligent in recording and does not need to order again. The
thing I like while at the English language courses compared with others because my english
teacher familiar with my name and my other friend compared with the other lecturers. At the
time our English language courses are allowed entry during class even though I'm late, it's
also the likes of hours of courses in English. Thanks to the English language courses could I
know my friend because while working on assignment or group to get to know me closer to
my friends. Sometimes I do not understand what has been taught by a Miss, because
sometimes when I am sleepy hour English course because I lack sleep.
Within hours of English courses at any time we want to begin to change us into a
sitting position just as the letter u. That's because so we can see the blackboard clearly and in
order for students to pay more attention to the lessons being described. Usually when English
subjects at Miss Nurul give a quiz or a game that is in accordance with what is being
discussed in the lesson. And at the quiz or a game made by Miss Nurul sometimes makes me
sad because I sometimes do not understand what is being studied, the cause because my lack

of sleep. The thing I like while learning English because I'm not too uptight when learning
English because their teachers are not too grumpy when fun and joking with students were
invited. And that's what makes me not bored with learning the English language.
I was once in the middle of the semester when I was late to an hour and Alhamdullilah
lecturers are not angry with me. English courses sometimes pleasing, as much fun if I
understand what is being taught at the course hours, and no fun if I do not understand exactly
what it teaches me sleepy and then finally went to sleep at the hour English language courses.
When the teacher was listening to my sometimes getting sleepy because only explain it, but
while I might not do the job because there are sleepy I do so not only to listen.
At the moment I am just learning the English language turns the lesson I learned in
high school vocational some are finally out again in college. So sometimes when hours of
English language courses I so remember my time sitting on a bench vocational schools.
Alhamdulillah since my first semester of my early start to semseter the end I never saw my
english teacher nagging or angry in front of the class. And also from the beginning of the
semester until the end of the semester I have been absent from English class hours. I always
go in every Monday at English courses.
Apparently more fun learning English at the university in the appeal in vocational
high schools, because at the moment we can see uas including books that I like in English
lessons. Incidentally my english language grade at uas enough. So I have much to learn again
to be better. English language courses from beginning my first semester until the end of term
one sometimes forget to do chores, and allhamdulillah lecturers do not like angry and
eventually I was able to collect it tomorrow again.
English at the university at the beginning of the semester to the end is quite different
from those in a vocational high school first, because it is not too complicated to english
lessons at a vocational high school. Because early learning english is not stressed by the
formula name in English but more to how we understand it properly.
Incidentally, I love the English language courses, as well as lecturers fun familiar with
my name. So I received a lesson in English language courses nearly sixty percent of all i
would understand it and understand and be absorbed by my brain. Memorable thing I learn
English from the beginning to the end of the semester the course is all in english I've been
absent even in the English language courses even though it should be too late because the

English language is an international language support that is used by different countries to

communicate with each other and must master English because if we find a job we must have
good English language skills and correct. And the impression I received while studying
English with nurul miss is that the English lessons at the university is not so difficult and
confusing than what I imagined, because I can still understand what is taught by lecturers
who teach. And the impression I received from miss nurul as a lecturer of English language
beginning of the semester until the end of term two very fun, because nurul miss teaching in
accordance with the way I'm currently studying in class. My impression during learning
English from the beginning of the semester until the end of the semester a very fun and
different to what I thought before that the English language lessons at the university was very
difficult and unpleasant.

About Me

Yusup Budianto was born in Jakarta, January 7, 1994 was the second
child of three brothers . Having a sister and a younger brother . sister named
Yayuk suryani and younger brother named Adi Agung Pambudi. And still
have parents complete now. Hobby are the preferred playing futsal and
browsing the internet to find information that is not yet known .
The food is very popular meatball and chicken noodle . Habits are hard
to break by myself to write about me, if you eat sometimes forget to read
bismillah and sometimes sleeping in class when getting bored or tired.
Preferred music or pop punk indie homage.
When you have a great wish to be an expert in the world of information
technology and wanted to call in great teacher if able. If you can not afford
the lower is an IT support. Activities every day that college and sometimes
play with my friends.
Getting an education elementary school ( SD) in 2000 to 2006 in SDN
06 Rambutan and junior high school (SMP) in 2006 to 2009 Junior High
School 188 in Jakarta. Continuing Vocational School (SMK) in 2009 to 2012
in SMK Al-Ma'ruf in Jakarta. Now the world is undergoing a lecture at the
University of Indarapratasta PGRI (UNINDRA).

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