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Definition – general terminology

Glossary of terms used in PPPs
National context vs international experiences
What is the role of the government? What is
the fundamental, non-negotiable role of the
Need to look at the way partnerships can be
1. Ownership
2. Provision
3. Finance
4. M&E

Goals: access, equity, quality, efficiency

State responsibility – to ensure best possible outcomes, not necessarily who

delivers? Meaning a changed role for government to regulatory and oversight
How do you avoid the relationship becoming
contractual and actually being a partnership?

• Depends on the organization, for an LNGO a

contractual arrangement with government could
compromise their role but with other institutions might

• It is mainly a matter of how the agreements is

developed, what is the role and how will they work?

• This requires mutual roles and responsibilities and joint

How do you create a space for NSPs to
participate in policy dialogue?

• Again it depends on who the NSP is, what they

are talking about and what the goal is.
• Cambodia experience that KAPE has is to work
with local governments
• Inclusion in local education working groups, a
seat at the table (e.g. Cambodia)
Division of responsibility – for example in the case of
INGO/LNGOs, if we are delivering services in
partnership with the government how do we still
stay at arm’s length to ensure we are the advocates
of those who need it?

• Depends on country context

• In the case of Cambodia – (applicable to many
of the countries in the region)Difficult -
situation but you choose your battles and be
very judicious, private/informal conversations
How can PPPs be used?
Practical examples of how PPPs can improve
outcomes in the areas of:

Organizational reform
Capacity building
Quality improving
Enhancing access and equity

Bangladesh case proved the need for a combination

of all four dimensions
Many case examples but the discussion came back
to the fundamental issues of:

• Definition – terminology
• National context versus international experiences
• Roles and responsibility
• Political will
• Accountabilities
• Incentives for Private Partners to deliver public
on goals

How do we create a PPP?

Questions for discussion
• How do PPPs in social sectors (with multiple variables)
compare to areas with more established experiences
on PPPs such as infrastructure?
Education – core educational services versus
school construction

Taking a sector wide perspective, PPPs at higher levels or

in certain sub-sectors freeing up space and resources
for government priorities on lower

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