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Introduction to International Relations (U23201) | Oxford Brookes Reading


Introduction to International Relations

(Semester 1)

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1.Steans, Jill, Pettiford, Lloyd, Steans, Jill, Diez, Thomas & El-Anis, Imad. An
introduction to international relations theory: perspectives and themes. (Longman, 2010).
2.Steans, Jill, Pettiford, Lloyd,
Diez, Thomas, El-Anis, Imad & Steans, Jill. An introduction to international relations theory:
perspectives and themes. (Longman, 2010).
3.International security.
4.Review of international studies.
5.International feminist journal of politics.
6.Journal of conflict resolution.
7.Contemporary politics.
9.Security dialogue.
10.World Peace Foundation. International organization.
11.International studies quarterly.
12.Alternatives: Global, Local, Political.
13.African affairs.
14.Steans, Jill, Pettiford, Lloyd, Diez, Thomas, El-Anis, Imad &
Steans, Jill. An introduction to international relations theory: perspectives and themes.
(Longman, 2010).
15.Steans, Jill, Pettiford, Lloyd, Steans, Jill, Diez, Thomas &
El-Anis, Imad. An introduction to international relations theory: perspectives and themes.
(Longman, 2010). at
16.Mearsheimer. Austrialians
Should Fear the Rise of China. at <>
17.Gideon Rose. Neoclassical Realism and Theories of Foreign Policy. World politics 51,
18.Why Realists Arent Warmongers (cont'd) A comment on David Edelstein
| Stephen M. Walt. at
19.Steans, Jill, Pettiford, Lloyd, Diez, Thomas, El-Anis, Imad & Steans, Jill. An introduction to
international relations theory: perspectives and themes. (Longman, 2010).
20.Steans, Jill, Pettiford, Lloyd, Steans, Jill, Diez, Thomas & El-Anis, Imad. An introduction to
international relations theory: perspectives and themes. (Longman, 2010). at
21.FCNL: U.S. China Policy at a
Crossroads: Constructive Engagement or Hostile Containment? at
22.Debating Liberal Internationalism. at
Alive and Well - New York Times. at
24.Steans, Jill, Pettiford, Lloyd, Diez, Thomas, El-Anis, Imad & Steans, Jill. An introduction to
international relations theory: perspectives and themes. (Longman, 2010).
25.Steans, Jill, Pettiford, Lloyd, Steans, Jill, Diez, Thomas & El-Anis, Imad. An introduction to
international relations theory: perspectives and themes. (Longman, 2010). at
26.Deepa, K S. Unveiling
Inperialism: Media, Gender and the War in Afghanistan. Media, culture & society 27,


Introduction to International Relations (U23201) | Oxford Brookes Reading


27.American Foreign Policy Brought to You by China: Advisers to Obama,
McCain Tied to US Multinationals that Profit from Beijing | Democracy Now! at
28.The world after 9/11: Naomi Klein prevails again - The Globe and Mail. at
29.Cox. Social Forces, States and World
Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory. Millennium 10, (1981).
30.The New
American Century | The Nation. at
31.Huntingdon. The
Clash of Civilizations? Foreign affairs 72, (1993).
32.Why We Will Soon Miss the Cold
War | Teaching American History. at
33.Walt. International Relations: One World, Many Theories. Foreign policy
34.Nitze. Is it time to junk our nukes? The Washington quarterly 20, (1997).
35.Sagan, Scott D. & Waltz, Kenneth N. The spread of nuclear weapons: a debate
renewed: with new sections on India and Pakistan, terrorism, and missile defense. (W.W.
Norton & Co, 2003).
36.Harris, Adrienne & King, Ynestra. Rocking the ship of state:
toward a feminist peace politics. Feminist theory and politics, (Westview Press, 1989).
37.Enloe, C C. A Conversation with Cynthia Enloe: Feminists Look at Masculinity and the
Men who wage War. Signs 28, (2003).
38.Steans, Jill, Pettiford, Lloyd, Diez, Thomas,
El-Anis, Imad & Steans, Jill. An introduction to international relations theory: perspectives
and themes. (Longman, 2010).
39.Steans, Jill, Pettiford, Lloyd, Steans, Jill, Diez,
Thomas & El-Anis, Imad. An introduction to international relations theory: perspectives and
themes. (Longman, 2010). at
40.Enloe, Cynthia H. Bananas,
beaches and bases: making feminist sense of international politics. (University of California
Press, 2000).
41.Zalewski. Well, What is the Feminist Perspective on Bosnia?
International affairs 71, (1995).
42.Bad Subjects: Marines versus Fedayeen:
Interpretive Naming and Constructing the Other. at
43.Parmar, Inderjeet, Miller,
Linda B. & Ledwidge, Mark. New directions in US foreign policy. Routledge studies in US
foreign policy, (Routledge, 2009).
44.Steans, Jill, Pettiford, Lloyd, Diez, Thomas,
El-Anis, Imad & Steans, Jill. An introduction to international relations theory: perspectives
and themes. (Longman, 2010).
45.Steans, Jill, Pettiford, Lloyd, Steans, Jill, Diez,
Thomas & El-Anis, Imad. An introduction to international relations theory: perspectives and
themes. (Longman, 2010). at
46.Booth, Ken & Dunne, Timothy.
Worlds in collision: terror and the future of global order. (Palgrave Macmillan, 2002).


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