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m r l a n MUSEUM. ADD. MBS. 18.861

OIRCA. 1600 &.D.



W. J.

PARRETT, L T D . , P R I N T E R S , ~ ~ I R G I A T R .




Friday. 7th January. 1916

Friday. 3rd March. 1916
Friday. 7th May. 1916
Friday. 23rd June. 1916 (Summer Outiag: London)
Saturday. 24th June. 1916. S t John's Day i n Halvest
Friday. 6th October. 1916
Thursday. 8th Norember. 1916. Festival of the Four Crov n x l Martyrs


One of t h e two Landmarks of the Craft

Bro Bartholomem Ruspini
Old-time Punishments
Tylers' Coats
Iiobert Samber's 'Ebrietatis Encomium '
Non-Jurors and Freemasons
Engraved Suminonses
Society of College Youths
Uniforms i n Lodge
Thomas Grinsell
John Wilkes. 1727-1797


Barker. Jacob
Baskett. Samuel Itussell
Batra. l l u i Uuhadur Bhawanidas
Beamish. Robert Jeffreys
Bennett. Captain W ~ l l i a mP y t
Burree. W . J . C.
Buchanan. C o u n c z l l o .~ Norman
Cave.Browne. William Charles
Crawley. Dr . William John Chetwode
Criswiclr. George Strickland
Cummings. U r. William Hayman
Dpdd. F r a n k
Dumolo. William
East. Lzeut . Alfred Tomli.1
Edge. John Henry. K . G .
Efford. Charles Fursman
Faulding. Alfred Joseph
Fraser. James
Fraser. Thomas
Giraud. Francis Frederick
Goodall. Reginald
Hamlyn. John Frederick
Harris. Alfred William

Havilancl. J o h n
Huxtable. m'i1lia.m C1iarle.j
James. H e r b e r t Thomas
lirasa. Ferdinand
Lambert. R i c h a r d
Lee. Thonias Stirliny
. .
Leete. Tholnas
L c m n d e r Frederick \Villiani
Lindsay-Smith. F . A .
Little. l r e a . Charles Ecln.artl
AlcNcill. 13cdforcl
Macpherson-Grant. .Sir J o h n
Mansfield. C'c11)tctirt Jose!)li 13
Jlapleton. C u t h b e r t \Yaltcr
Alich..ll. Theo .
Miller. Johii
Miller. TYilliani
C)\\.cn, 1))
.. Samuel \Yalshe
Peers. William
Pe116n. Jose Fernantlez
Pickering. George Alfred
Pilkington. H e r b e r t
Pilkington. Ir'ca . J a m e s holm^
Price. Alfred I j r y a n t
Ricl~ardson. Charles Willerton
I: itz. Hernianil l j a l t h a z a r
1 . 0 ~ . Robert
S h a r e r . \YiIliam 3litchell
Sliricr. E .
Taubinail. E d w a r d Teare
Thompsou. Charlcs J a n l e s
Thompson. J o h n Canipbc~il
Toonicy. 31xrli Anthony
\Yay. .Sir Samuel Jsm:s
IYolEe. E d w a r d H .
\\'oriiial. George


The Collectanea of the Rev . Daniel Lysons. F.R.S., F.S.A.,
P a r t 11. 13- 11'. \Y

. Lex-ander




The Club; 1 ~ c(.'orct,f tle 11otlr (~'orrr.t~cc!j~tic~

in England in S I V .
Centniv. 7 ; The Mernlaicl Club. 'l'lic Apollo Club. nnd the R o t a
Club. ltoyslist Clubs ; Clubs i n iinitation of Masonic Lodges. 8 ;
Ne\vspaper rcferenccs t o F c s t i r a l of G r a n d Lodpe in 1741. t h e
Country F e a s t in 1743. a n d FestiT.-a1ir. 17-14; The . ~ r avn's
\ Head;
a griieral i ~ l e ~ t i i iof
g Masons callcd in 1752 d u r i n g t h e G r a n d
Jlastcrslli!) of Lord Ih-ron. 9 ; the funcral of I3ichard N a n i n e t t ;
F s t i vals in 173'2: 1769. 1772. 1770. 1782; l'hc Countrj- F e a s t in
1783; A Sernmn in 1703 a n d Concert in 17'33 i n aid cf t h e Masonic
Girls' .School. 1 0 ; The Country F c a s t ill 1789. 1793. a n d 1795;
Festival of the G r a n d L o d p Sonth of t h e T r e n t i x 1779; T h e
1)inncr t o Lord X o i r a in 1813. 11; ll~! visit of t h e Uulre of
Loraine a n d t h e P r i n c e of l ~ n l c st o :I Ludgc. ir. 1731; Lodges at
t h e Golden Spikes. Halii!~sii~ad;t h e Kc\- a n d Garter. P a l l Afall;


the Prince of Orange's Head, Jerniyn S t r e e t ; the King's Arms,
Strand ; the Fountain, Hart~holomew Lane ; The Ne\v Eschange
Punch Honse, S t r a n d ; the S h a k e s ~ e a r ' s Head, Col-ent Garden,
1 2 ; The Lodge of dnt,iquity, Somerset House Lodge, Lodge of
Friendship, Britannic Lodge, the Grenadier's Lodge, the Lodge of
Hegularity, the Bedford Lodge, S t . Paul's Lodge, the Lodge of
Harmony, the Tuscan Loclge, the King's drills Lodge, 13; Lodge
a t the Turk's Head, Soho, the Lodge of Peace and Plenty, the
Foundation Lodge, La Loge de l'Es!,el.ance, the Royal Lodge, 1 4 ;
the Lodge of Prudence, the Congleton Inde!~endcnt Loclge, Lodge
a t t h e Swan, Gloucest:r, the Lodge of Perfect Friendship, Bath,
John Wilkes and the Jerusaltw Lodge, 1 6 ; and as Chief Connscllor
of the ancient Fainily of L e e c h q 1 6 ; Festirals of the Antients i11
1788 and 1790, 1 7 ; a vindication of the Antients; Election of
Grand Master i n Scotland in 1769; L ~ c t u r e son Masonry i n Ireland
in 1785; a L o d ~ ca t 1)unkeld; 1;oy.l Arch advrriisements in 1753
and 1754, 1 8 ; and 1792; A chapter a t the Griffin. Half Moon
Street. 1 9 ; Masonic References in Lore. L i f ~ ,1764; Honorary
Freemasons, 20; a 1725 !~arotl\-of the Entered Apl~rcntice'sSong,
21; The Chectrf~tl ('om~ttnioil of 1769 cantains Masonic Songs;
Portrait of Dunckcr1e.v !,ublished in 1789; Erasillus King a lecturer
on experimental philosoghy, 22; Thc Society of Heaven and E a r t h
in China; I'lny of The Ernperor of C'hirtc~a t Bartholonux F a i r in
1731, and The I I t r r / ~ c / ~ t~i~~' lI ~ P C I I L UaSt~ ~Co~vent
Garden in 1781;
Sladc's Free JI(tsorb E.r.ctnlinetl advertised in 1734, and the 12th
Edition of Jl(tsor~ryDirsc~cfrtl,23; Jucltirt cr~ttlUricts, the dates of
the 1-arions ec!itions ; Finch's ad\-criisements,. 24 ; Advertisement
of 1784 Co~lstitufior~s;Free Union Masons; Legends of the admission of noinen into Freemasonry, the subject discussed a t the
Capel Court Debates; the number of steps a t entrances t o King's
College, Cambridge, 26; The Order of Heredom Kil\;.inning in
London in 1743; Preston's Order of Haro&n, 26; The procession
of t h c Scald Jliserable Masons, 27; The Grest Lodge, Snaffhani,
28 ; Society of Auains, Ac!re~.inun's Acaden~y, Albions, Amicable
Society, 20; Anacreontic Society, Anchor Society. Ancient Britons,
Ancient Druids, 30; True Britons, Sntedilnvinl Imperial
Catamarans, Antibourbon Lodge, Antigallic Hicks, Antigallic
&lasons, Antigallicans, 31 ; Apollo Club, Apollo Society, Arthnrites,
As you like i Club, A u r c l i ~ n s , Clnb of Authors, rlutononlists,
daygon Club, Uaboonian Loclgc, UatcEelors a i ~ dFumblers, 33;
Beans Club, Beef-eating Britons, Beef-st-ak Club, Beggars'
Uenison, 34; Beggars' Club, The Uench, Beiin's Club, Birthnight Club, Blue Club,
Boddingtonians, Boodle's
Borlacians, 33; Borougl~nians, I<ritish C(~rdiiinls, Bucks, 36;
Bar-Chuss?~, Order of the Ilndgct,- 39; Dr. Butler's College,
Chballarians. C'xltibarians. The C ~ s a r s ,Caledonian Society. Th-.
Calicoes, Calves Head Socicty, Cainpden Club, 40; Cnractacan
Society, British Carnival, Cat Sotic?ty, Cat and &gpipcan Society,
Cat and Fiddle Society, Catch Club, Cecilian Society, Society of
Chins, Choice Spirits, 41; Circar Club, City Club, Civil Club,
Society of Clerlrs, Cloclpates. Cock and Hen Club, Cocked-Hat Club,
Coclincighs, Codgers, Codheads, College Youths, C>oluinbarians,
C'omns's Court. Concordiails, Conctitutional Society, Constitutional
IVhigs, Crnisers, 43; C'uinberlancl Societies, 1)evonshire Club,
Diluvian Order; Dirty Shirt C h b , Do-Rights, Doldrum Club,

PAPERS AND ESSAY S.-~onti,~lre,/.


Dolphins, 0rcIc.r of ihe Dragon, Duellists' Club, EarlJ- llising

Association, Ikcentricj, 14 ; ,r'ilc Brilliants, Er.erlasting Cll~b,lI:l-cry
Nail in his H n i n o ~ ~ rFalconcr's
Clnb, F a t Club, Fighting Club,
Order OF the Flask, Fountain Clnb, Free Northerns, Free I:nitecl
Britons. Frec and Easy, 45 ; Friendly Batclioiors. Friendly Brothers
of S t . Patrick, 1"riendlg Society, Frirndll; Cockneys, Friends of
l'reedom. Society of Friends, Friends round t h c Globe, Friends of
N i r t h and Jollity, 1 7 ; The Gang, Garde du Corps Royal, Gentlemen under t h c Rose, Th. Georgrs, Gloucestershire Society, Good
Feliows, Gorinogons, 48 ; Grand Tweels, Grecians, Gregorians,
Guttles, Hampshire Clnb, Handelonian Society,
Harmonica1 Club, Hell-liire Clnb, Hcrefordshire Society, Hiceobites,
49; Aldern~en of Hiyhbwy. Highland Club, Order of Honesty,
Huyemabnffs? Hugolontheonbiquiffinarians, Hunibng Feast, Humd m m Club, Huntingdonshire Society, Loyal Britons, 50; J e ne
sqais quai, Order of John, Joyous Knot, Keep-the-line Club, Kcntish
Bowmen, Kentish Lords, Iientish Town Corporation, Khaibarites,
Kill-Care Club, 51; King's Club, King's Arms Society, Kit-Cat
Club, Knights of the Brush, of the Gnlden I'Leecc, of the Horse-shoe,
6 2 ; of Jernsalem, of i h r Moon, 53; of S t . George, oT S t . George and
Snuffers, of Tara, of S t . J o h i ~of Jerusalem, The Ladim' Club,
Lackadasies, Lancashire Society, Latitudinarian Society, Laurel
Whigs, The Lt~echcs,54; Long-l~osedClub, Sockty of Lords, L o p 1
Georges, LOJ-ill Georgians, Ll~ntbe? Troop, Lying Club, MagnaCharta-rites, The Manifestation, Rtasonic Mustard Seeds, Mendicants' Club, 6 5 ; X i t r c T a w r n Society, Mermaid Club, Modern
Cousinx, Molhocl~s, 56; Mourning Bnah Club, Mug-house Ciub,
Order of Nails, No-pay-no-liquor Club, Tll: Nun Tie1 Record, 57;
Nulli Sccundns Club, October Club, Ocioganians, Old Iiic's Sons,
Old Souls, Orphca Society, Oxfordsirire Society, C8; Society of
Pnroquets, Order of Panls, Pcers' Clubs, Pewier Pot Club, Society
of P h & m ~ s , Phi1ant)lropic Society, Philharmonic Society, Philileutherians, Philodracosangninarians, Pinearians, 59; Piscinarians,
Pizy Club, Porponiana, Princely Society, Purple Society, Qua Ca
Bittes, Conflux of Rivers, R o m t Fowl and Short Cake Society,
Forresters, Royal Georgionian Lodge, ltoyal R u ~ l l pSociety, Royal
S t . Giles'S Rump, 1l:inning Footnlec, 63; Salamanders, Scandal
Club, Society of Sch~~olmasters,
Scralnble Socieiy, S ~ l e c tHonest
Friars, Select Society, 61; Shakespear Scciety, Skip Society,
Sicilian Congrcss, The Simples, Slwleton Club, Order of Smarts, 62 ;
Social Blues, Social Friars, Eocial Society of Tradesmen, Social
Villagers, The Sols, 63; Somersetshire Society, Sons of Apollo, of
Momus, of Neptune! of the Shan~rocli,Speculstive Society, SQUA.,
Staffordshire Society, Stagarians, Stroud Green Corporation, 66;
S~radlers,SwanE:eys, 'T.B. Society, Tavistock Club, Thespian Society,
Thieves' Club, True Blues, True English Champions, 67; Two Blue
posts, Two-penny Club, Ubiquarians, Ugly Cl-~b,68; Ugly-faced
Club, The Union, Vnited Alfrcds, British Brothers, Sons of .Momus,
Society of Uni7-crszl Good Will, The Vols, 69; Votarics of S t .
Cecilia, IVACVT, 11-arwickshire Society, Wednesday Ciub, Westlllorlalld Society, JVindsorians, Socictp of Wits, Worcestcrshire
Society, Society of W.\'nrthy's, Yorl.rshire Society, 70; Court a t the
by IT. n'onnwott, 71 ; Gordon
Hills, 80; Canon Hors!ey, 84; J. 13. S. Tuckctt, 85; F. 1'. James,
90; I\'. U . Hextall, 01; R e ~ d yby k'. W. Levandcr, 06.

Table o f C o n t ~ t t f s .




The Etiquette of Freemasonry. - Bro. Franklin Thomas.

liy C. Gough
Franklin Thomas identified as the author ot- T h e E t i q ~ r e t t e o f
E ' r e ~ t n a ~ s o n ~some
u , particulars of his ca:.ecr and Masonic activities
i n Kent, Oxfordshire, 101 ; Devonshire, and Lancashire, 102 ;
Suggestions of other publications by him, 103.

The Friendly Society of

By W. Wonnacott


Free and Accepted Masons.


Rules and Regnlations of a London Masonic Friendly Society of

1737 cliscorered a t Mansfield, Ohio; 'The Society a:ld a Lodge both
meeting a t the White Swan, Covent Garden; Quarrels and subsequent fusion; Removal to the Two Blsrk Postb, llaiden Lane,
107; Early records of tlie Lodge, its ronioval to tho Duke of
Bedford's Head, 108; Weekly nicctings and q n a r t e ~ l yelections; a
Master's Lodgo; The Rules of the S o c l e t ~ ,100 ; The Cnntributions
and Benefits, 110; The objects of the Society as set out by t h e
Founclers, 111; MemSership limited t o Jiasone, under forty years
of age, and to not inoic than throe of the same tratlc; The Box;
precautions against fraud, 112 ; Duties of Sten 3 r d ~ ; Annual
Meeting on S L John t h e Evangelist's Day; The pomers of the C'omniitteo of T c c l l e ; ~4incnclment ot Rules, 113. Appendix I. :
Transcript of the Rules, 114. List of Members of the Society, 138.
S p p e n d ~ x11. : Minutes of the Lodge, 167. List of Members of the
Lodg?, 209. Visitors to tlie Lodge, 211. Con~nientsby F. W.
Levander, 214; Gordon Hills; Albert F. Calvert, 213 ; C. Gough ;
C. Lcnis Ednards, 225. Repl) by TT. Wonnacott, 226.

In Memoriam.

William John Chetwode Crawley. ~y IT.


The Evolution and Development of the Tracing or Lodge

Board. By E. 1%.Dring. I'art I. The Evolution ...
References to Tracing Doards or Diauings i n Masonic catechisms,
243; T h e (:rand J f y 3 t e 1y ; N ( t s o n g~ U ~ s e c i ~ t lJtrchztc
rtntl B o n e ;
B ~ r n mo r t h e Grtrntl J t n s t ~ rK P ~ Thc
; Cotratrtutrons oi 1784 atlniit
t h a t " variation5 TI e:e 111acIe in the establishecl forms," 244 ; T h P
T h r e e D i s t i n c t l i n o c l i ~ ; L'Or tlt e tles Frcincs l l l n ~ o n s trtrhi; d
Jlctson's conft'asion, 243; The Dralring Board; A Foot Cloth; A
Painted Cloth, 246; The possibilitx t h a t Floor Cloths mere
introdnced from France; Draning the Lodgc; The Lodge shewn in
t h ~
Cnrmlck MS. ; References in Lodge Minutes, kc., 247; The
use of tape and nails, 248; The triangular form of a I~oclge,249;
A comparison of AIodern and Antient practice; t h e display of
operative too!^ npon t h e floor; the m e of templates, 230; The
Mosaic pavement and Teswlated Border; The Mop and P a i l ;
The Scald
Floorings, 251 ; Batty Langley's B ~ r d t l e ~ ' Jercrl;
Miserable Ilzsons, 232 ; F r m c h practice; The Tre\tlc Board;
J l n l , l ~ , t b o t to~r t h c (ittrntl T,otlqc, Door opened; Solom?n i n nll his
G l o r y , 233; The Lodge or Lodge Board, 254; Evidence from
Preston, a n d Hutchinson, 253; The Tracing Board or Draning
Board, 236; The Dented Ashlei- and t h e Broached Th~trnrl,237;
The Perpendashler, 258; The Stairca3e to the Xiddlc Chan~ber,
262 ; Differing positims of entrance, 263.



AND ESSAY S.-~ontimetr.


P a r t 11. The Development


Lodge Cloths in Scot1,tnd and in England, 275; Cloths in Military

Loclges, 276 ; Lodge Boards, 277 ; Bon ring's Designs, 279 ; John
H a r r i s ; the introductioi! of Hebrew a r d Cryptic characters, 280;
Boards by Robins, 281. Appendix I. : Rcl'erences to the subject i n
Lodge Jlinntes &., 282. Appcnclix 11.: Correspondenrc concerning practice in Ireland and the U.S.
Appendix 111.: Notes on
Lodge Boards in thc pozsession ol rarions Lodg?s, 291 Comments
by F. W. Lerander, 296; Cecil Ponell, 297; TV. J. Songhnrst, 299;
Albert F. Calvert, 301; Prof. W. A. CraigLe; T. Francis, 307;
Andrew Hope, 309 ; W Redfern Kelly, 310 ; Henry Lovegrove, 311 ;
W. B. Hextall, 312 ; Gordon Hills, 316; C . Gough ; John T. Thorp,
320; 0. H. Bate, 321. Reply by E. 8 . Dring, 321.

Summer Outing, London, June, 1916. By Gordon P . G. Hills

Reception a t new home of the Lodge; Perainbulation of the City;
Apothecaries' Hall, 263 ; Stationers' Hall ; the Guildhall ; Churches
of St. Lanrence J2wry and St. Swithln, London Stone; Halls of the
Vintners, 267; Innholders, ancl Tallonchandlcrs; Chnrch of St.
Stephen, Walbrooli; The Nmsion House, 263.

Worshipful Society of Apothecaries. A Short Sketch

of the History of the Society. By Thonia, Carr
The London Companies a s successors of the F r i t h Guilds, thcir
incorporat~ona5 Crafts or Mysteries; The Apothecnries connected
with the Pcppercrs a r d t h s Grocers, 270; An Apothecary legally
emporered t o practice medicine; the Constitntion of the Societj ;
Certain Companies still exeicisc control over theil respxtive trades,

Frederick, Prince of Wales, as a Freemason. By Alfred F





Thp 1 h 1 1 ~
I'osf of 4th December, 1731, incntions a visit of the
Prince of Wales and the Duke of Lorraine to 2 Mnsonic Lodgc; ThDuke of Lorraine a t a Boxing Match, 326; Masonic Advertise~nents
P . J o u / n n l ; The I h k c of Lorraine dines n i i h the Dlllie
in T ~ 7ki1l!y
of Norfolk on 2nd December, 1731, 327; a meetin?; of Grand Lodge
on 3rd December; The evidence a s to the initiation of the Prince
on 5th November, 1737. 328.

The Resemblances of Freemasonry to the Cult of Mithra.

By Dr. V.M7ynn Westcott
The worship in Persia of Mithra as the Sun God; Refer?nces to the
Cult by various vriters, 336; Spread of Mithraisnl from Asin into
Europe; relics in Greece, Italy, and 13ritain, 337; Elaboration of
the Religion, 338 ; Architectural remains throning light npon t h e
form of norship; the slaying oi a Brill the central incident, 339;
Association with Mithra of Greek 2nd Bomsln deities. 340; Extinction of t h e Cul% cansed by the advent of Christianity, 341; Seven
grades of secret knowledge described, 342. C o m ~ e i ~ by
l s Canon
Horsleg, 344; Dr. G. A. Grecne, 34.3; and J. H. Lepper, 346.

PAPERS AND ESSAY S.-C'ontinzletl.

Side Lights on Freemasonry from the Autobiographies of
John Britton, F.S.A. (1771-1857), and the Rev. Richard
Warner (1763-1857). By Gordon P . G. Hills ...
Britton's early life, 318 ; Apprrnticeship in London ; H e improves
his education, 349; Association with Mr. Rraylry; Membershi:) of
London Clubs and Socirtic.~, 350; Publications by Brayley and
Britton; other writings, 331; a meeting in a Masonic Lodge, 332;
Stephen Jones and his Literary xork, 353; Formation of The
Hritton Club, 314. \Varnc,r, born in London; r c i n o ~ a lto Hampshire, 3 5 5 ; Inaujiuration of a i l ~ Masonic
~ k
Lodge a t Christchnrch,
3.76; The Lodge of Hengist, now a t Bournemouth, 358; Warner's
father a member in 1776, 3.59; Thomas I>unckerley and Francis
Grose, 369; Removal to Bath, 361; Warner's Literary work, 362.
Colnmrnts by \V. 13. Hextall, 361. l<e:,ly by Gordon Hills, 36.5.

' Orator ' Henley, M.A., 1692-1756.




A ' Henlev ' Yolnme amongst the Lysons C'oll~~~f(tnc~ct

a t rhe British
M n s e i ~ ~ n365;
3lasotnc extracts therefrom, 369; The question of
Hen1c.y'~membership of the ('raft considered, 370.

Inaugural Address.

B? F. IV. L e r x ~ c I e r


The Toast of the Worshipful Master. ny IT.






Abecedarians. Society of
Bccounts of the Lodge for 1915 ...
Adams. Society of
Adoptive Masonry
Akerman's Academy ...
Albions. Order of
Albion Society. The ~ & c t
Alfreds. Society of United
Amicable and Friendly Society;
Amicable Society. The
Anacreontic Society. The
Anchor and Dolphin Societies ...
Anchor Society. The
Ancient and True Britons. SocicG
Ancient Britons . Societv of
Ancient Druids '
Ancient Rams. Society of
Antedilurial Imperial Catamarans
Antibourbon Lodge ...
Antigallicans. Society of
... 31.
Antigallic Hicks
Antigallic Masons
Anti.Gregorians. Society of
Apollo Club
Apollo Society. The ...
Apollo. Sons of
Apothecaries' Hall. ond don
Apothecaries. Society of
Apron of Fellow Craft with silver
Arthurites. Society o f '
Ashler. The
As you like i t Club. ~ 1 ; o
Athenian Lyceum
Andit Committee. Report of
.4urelians. Order of ...
Antonomists. Society oi
Azygos Club The

29. 97

29. 9-1
8.5, 9%
3. )
41. 97
8. 33
26 5

38 1

Baboonian Lodgc
Batchelors and ~ u m b l &.s Club
natchelors. Society of Friendly . . .
B e a ~ l sClnb. Tlw
Beef-eating Britons ...
3 1Ilref-stcak Clubs
3 ! 97 392
Beggars' Benison Club, The
Beggars' C h b s
]<ell-ringing Societies
Bench Brothers of t h e
Bcnn's Clnb
Brncfit Koriety. Masonir
i+ 217. 2 2 :
l3rtlmal Green. Friendly Society of
Birth-Night Clnbs
3 .?
Black Jack. Knights of tho
Blue Clnbs
35. 92
Blues. Social
Ulnes . Society of True
Bodrlingtoni&s. Society of
Y i
British Cardinals 0rd;r of
British Forum
Dritons. Freo United
Britons Loral Vnited
Britons. society of Ancient
13ritnns Society of 1nilc.pendcnt
I q a l ...


. .


Britons, Society of Loyal

Ihitton Club. The
Broached Dornal or Thurnel
J3rannd1s Head. Derivation of ...
Urnsh. Knights of t h c
Bncks. Order of
36i.41. 88.
97. 370.
Budget. Order of t h e
By-Laws of King's Arms Lodge
adopted by other Lodges
By-Lams of Masonic Friendly
l3yrom's Shorthand Society
Slyron. T.ortl. inactive as Grand

Claballarians. Ordcr of
Cadgers. Society of ...
Czeltibarians. Order of
Czsars. Society, of
Caledonian Soc~ety ...
Ca1iroc.s. Soriety of the
Calcutta Lodge by Lord
Rloira bnt riot registered in
. .
Calves Head Society ...
Camden Club
Cape Club. The
C'apcl Court Debating Soriety ...
('arartaran Society ...
Cardinals. Order of British
Carnival British
Carters. Incorporat.ion of
('atamarans Ant.edilnvial Imprrial
Cat and I3agpipean Sopit.ty
Cat and Fiddl2 Soricty
Catch Clubs
Cat Society
Canliflon-c.r. Co~~nsrllors
nndcr thc
(',cilian Society
Champions of Liberty
C'llaulain in Grand Loilgc Orstor

rcfcrred t o : Alfred. Oxford ...

Crown and Anchor. Stlren
Fa.wcett . . .
Griffin. Half Xoon Strcvt . . .
Henry Lerander ...
Hope and r n i t y
No . 33 (~.'6.) ...
No . 143 (I.C.)
No . 3 I..C .
Perseverance. Blackbnrn . . .
Prnclence. London
Punjab 1.ahore
Rock. Trichinopoly
t'nited Service. Portsmonth

Chapters (R.A.)


l'uhle of C'onteutr;.


PAPERS AND ESSAYS.-Cb~lti~tzretl.

Side Lights on Freemasonry from the Autobiographies of
John Britton, F.S.A. (1771-1857), and the Rev. Richard
Warner (1763-1857). By Gordon P. G. Hills ...
in London ; H e imgrovcs
Britton's early life. 348 ; Apl~renticwshi!~
his education, 349 ; Association n-it11 Mr. Brarlcr ; Membershi:) of
Ilonclon Clubs and Societirs, 3.50; Publiwtior~s by Brayley and
Uritton; other writings, 351; a mcetifig in a Masonic I d g e , 332;
Stephen Jones and his Literary work, 3 X ; Formation of The
Hritton Club, 354. \Tarnt,r, born in London ; remo.:al to Hampshire, 3 5 5 ; Inauguration of a i11a.k Masonic Lodge a t Christchurch,
336; The Lotigo of Hengist, non. a t Bournemouth, 358; TTarner's
father a member in 1776, 3.59; Thonias Ihnckerley and Francis
Grow, 360; liemoval to 13ath, 361; Warner's Literary ~ o r k ,3V2.
Comments by TV. 13. Hestall, 364. Rei~lj-by Gordon Hills, 3 6 7 .

'Orator' Henley, M.A., 1692-1756. DL.IT. U. Hextall

A ' Henlev ' \-olume amongst the Lysons C'ollt,~ttrncw a t thc


J h ~ s m m ,365; llfasonic extracts therefrom, 3 0 ; The question of
Hcnlt,>'s membershi:> of the Craft considered, 370.

Inaugural Address.

BY F.TY. Iierxndcr


The Toast of the Worshipful Master. ny IT.






Cllerokco Club, The
.. .
Chins, Society of
Choice Spirits. Society of
Circar Club. Tho
City Club, Thc!
City of Lushingtol~
('iril Club
Clerk t o a Lodge in addition t o
('lerks, Society of
('lodpatrxs, Society of
('lubs ; Acconnt by Golc1s;ni th . . .
Clubs and Societies
('oats, I'ylcrs'
Clock and H e n &bs
. .
Cocked H a t Club, Tl1c . . .
C:ockneighs, Society of . . .
Cotlgcrs, Frcc and Inc1cpt~ntlt~;lt
(lodsheads, Society of ...
('ogers, Society of
<:ollcxgt?Youths, Socicty of
(:olnn~barians,Society of
<:omnsls Court, Society of
Comical Gills, Society of
C'onrorilians, Socicty of
('onstitiitional Society, The
.. .
Constitut,ional Sols, Order of
.. .
C o n s t i t i ~ t i o ~ ~Whigs,
Lodre of ...
Books of, comparctl
Corporation oP Sefton Socic3t~- . . .
Counsellors under t h e Cau1iflowi.r
Country Feasts
County Societies
Conrt de bone Compagnie, La . . .
Consms, Grand Lodge of JLodrrl~
Crnisers, Society of
Cumberlaad Fleet
.. .
Cunlberland Society
. .
Cumbcrland Youths, Society of' . . .
Danty Tassley. The
.. .
1)eacons in P r i r n t e Lodges in 1754
Debating Societies
. ..
I)emireps, Society of
.. .
Deputation by Lodge for conferring
. ..
1)eputy Grand Rlastrr, Position of,
in Grand Lodgc
Derbyshire Society
.. .
I)c.vonshire Club
Dilnrian Order. Masons of the
Dirty S h i r t Club. Thc . . .
J)olclr11111Clnb. Thc
.. .
I)olphins, Society of
Don Saltcro's Cofftvl House
Do-liights, Court of
Ilragon. Order of the ..
I) the Lodge
Dr. 13ntlcr's College
. .
I)rnids, Ancient
.. .
1)ucllists' Club, The
.. .
I)unckerlcy, Si~pposcdportrait of
Dyers, Fraternities of . . .
Early l<ising Association
Eht~ic~ttrtis E n c r m i ~ r r n , ltasnnic
.. .
15rccwtric Society, Thc . . .
ISnglish Champions. Society of . . .
Entered Apprentice's Song, Parotly
.. .
Entt.anc,f, to the Jlitltllc Chamber
Er(11it.v. Co11rt of
$ , ' f i ~ l ~ r e ~off f rF'rec~trrc~.sot~rrl;
of, identified
.. .




1':)-erlasting Club: The ...

Every Man in his Hulnour. Society


Exhibits :-


12. 370

43, 386
4 :3
41. 4.3
Ci 4


Allinmil Rezon, 1807

Apron, by Butterworth ...
,, by J. Cole
by J. L. Cross
, Flap with dou&
curve ...
hand drawn design
~o<t'ificate,1784, to I). C.
Strong Man
.. .
John Canhanl.. .
from Grand Lodge
referring to dcath
of George IV. ...
1)cputation of Lodge for
working Dcgrees
.. .
Jewels, Engraved
,, French


.. .
Scotch Deacoil
set in paste
Royal Masonic Institution for Boys.. .
Lodge of Bordeaux
,, St. Antoine..
,, La y a r f a i t e
UtllOl~ ...
,, La P a r f a i t e
, St. (ieorye ...
Jonrctlmn . . .
Grand Orient of
.. .
illorrt Thabor . . .
Five Lodges, Ham.. .
burg ...
,, Frederick of Prussia
,, CambacCrks
.. .
Rloira, Relics of the Earl of
3I11c. Order of Mechanics.. .
.. .
. ..
S t a r . Orange Society
.. .
. ..
. ..
Tracing board
Walking stick


Falconer's Club. Tho . . .

F a t Clnb, The ...
Fcllow Craft Apron with silver
Fellow Crakts Lodge r ~ ~ f n s to
c ~lend
Jewels t o a Masters Lodne
- .. .
Female Masonry
Fighting Club. The
Finch's degrees
Flash Coves' Parliament
Flask, Order of t h e
Footmen, Order of Running
Foresters, Royal Order of



Fountain Club. The

Frederick, Prince of JTales, as a
... 73, 3116
F r e e and Easy Societies
-1.3, 99, 350
Free Debate. Societr for
Free Hearts; Societ$ of
Freedom and Fidelity, Lodge of,
constituted in Calcutta by the
E a r l of Moira
Freedom, Friends of
F r e e 31ctsom rxctminecl, pnblished
Freemasons, Order of lieligious . . .
French Lodges in London
Free Northerns, The ...
F r e e Iinion Masons
Free Vnited Britons, Society ool...
Friars, Fraternities of r n i t e d ...
Friars, Select Honest ...
Friars, Social ...
Friendly Batchelors
Friendly Brothers of St.' Patricl;
46. 88
. . . 47, 107.
Friendly Society, Masonic
217, 225
Friends of Freedom
Friends of Mirth and Jollity ...
Friends round the, Globe
Friends, Society of
Gardenzrs, Society of ...
Gang, l h e
Garde dn Corps, Prussian
Georges, Society of
Georges, The Loyal
Georgians. The Loyal ...
Georgionian Lodge, Royal
Gills. Sorietr of Colniral
~ l o b k ,F ~ ~ ~ round
~ C I t hSe
Gloucester Lodge revived in 1770..
Gloncestershire S0ciet.y
Golden Flzece, Knights of the . . .
Good Fellows, Society of
Good Felloll-s nnder the Snn
Good Wiil. Society of ...
Gordon's Pnnch Honse. Lodge a t
Gormogons in 1730
Gormogon Medal, Dat,e of issue . .
Gor-mo-gon? Order of ...
Gormogons and Masons a t S t .
Sulpicc. Paris
Gorniomns. Meetinrt of, in 1723 ...
0, 10, 11, 1 7
Grand' 1lodge ~ e s t i - a l s
Grand Irolai
Grecians. Order of
Gregorians, Orclcr of
281'49, 80, 370
Grigs, Society of the ...
Grunters, Cornpan\- of
Guildhall, The. Lundoa
... 263, 271
Guilds, London
Guttles. Society of
H a n ~ p s h i r eClub. Thc
Hanipstead, Lqdges a t
Handelonian Socipty, The
. .
H a n o v e r ~ a n National Defence
Associa tion
Harodim, Order of
Hawkubites. The
Hearts. Society of F r r c
Heaven and Earth, Society of . . .
Hell-fire Clubs
Henley, ' Orator.' and Freenlasonrs
Flereclom. Order of
Hc~refordshircSociety ...
1Xiccobites. Orclcr of
Highbury, Aldcrmen 01


-i0, 392


Highland Clnb, The

Highland Society, The
Honest Friars, Society of Select.. .
Honesty, Order of
Honorary Masons
Herse-shoe, Order of the
Hngen~abuffs,Order of
Hnmbng Feast, The
Hum-druin Club, The ...
Huntingdonshire Society, The ...
H ~ ~ r l o t h r u m b r i a n s ...
Hurlothrumbo Society . . .
Jutlc~ntedTarsel, Thc ...
Independent Loyal Britons
~ n n ~ ~ o ~ c Hall,
l e r s ' London




Jachiri t r t ~ ( Hoctz,
dates of publication
Jacob's Wells, ' ~ a r b i c a n ; Club
J e ne scais quoi
Jerusalem, Knights of
J-erusalenl Sols, Order of
Jewels of' Grand Officers, reguh...
tions a s t o
Jews as Masons in 1732
John. Order sacred to
Johns, Free and Easj...
Joyous Knot. The
Joyous, The


Keep-the-line Club, The.. .

Kentish Bowmen, Societ- of
Kentish Lords, Knights and Gentle...
Kentish Town Corpora tion
Key and Garter, Lodges a t
Kill-Care ~lub."l'he
Kilwinning. Order of . . .
King's Arms Society, The
King's Club, The
Kit-Cat Club, The
Knights of St. George and"'
Knights of Tara
Knights of the Brnsh . .
Knights of the Golden Fleece ...
Knights of the Moon ...
Knights of the Plnme ...
Knights Ten~plarsof S t . John ol
Knots of th? Order of i t : patrick
TJnc4 Tuft, The
Lackadasies, Tho
Ladies' Clnb. The
Lancashire Society, The
I ~ a n d n ~ a r kofs the Craft
Lark-pie Club, The
Latitndinarian Society
Laurel Whigs. Society of
Leeches, Family of
Liberty. Champ~onsof ...
L;ntot Societr, Thtr
Tion Club. The
Lodge Cloths and 13oartls







Lodges referred to :

... 302.
. h m v and Navy
Alfrtd. Oxford . . .
All Souls, IVeynl,~uth 281> 2 5 ,



Lodges referred t o . -



Ainis HGunis, London

Amity, Poolc
243. 2P8. 294.
Anchor and Hope.. .
251, 283,
Apollo, York
Atholl, Newcastle upon Tyne
Ax and Gate, Westminster..
l%scchus,Bush Lane
13ear and Rummer, Soho ...
Bear, Strand
... 79,
13eauchanip. Roorke?
Bedford ...
... 13, 286, 205,
Black Lion, Jockey Fields.. .
... 2i6,
I h n n d ' s Head
Bricklayers' Arms, Barbican
Bridge Trust. Handsworth..
Britannia, Shcficld
Briston llanible&"
J3rotlierly Love. Ycwvil
Bull, Gracechurch St,reet . . .
... 281,
H11s11. Bristol
... 229,
Caledonian, Manchester ...
Campbell, Hampton Court,.
Castle, Rridgnorth
Castle of Harmony
C!estrian, Chr~stt~r
. . . 276,
(Iliandos Arms, Etlg~varts...
City of London ...
('oach and Horses, C!llcstur
('origltxton Indepentlc~nt . . .
Corner Stone
... 302>
Cron.n. Smithfic~ltl
I)evil, Temple Bar
12, 73,
1)orset M a s t e ~ s . .
1)ovcr Castle, Lanibcth ...
Druids, lledrnth
. . . 283,
D r w y Lanc
Uuko of Connaught
Earls Court
I h s t Lancashirc (lentnrioil
Elias de Derehani
. . . 231,
Emulation, Bombay
FXonian, Wintlsor
Faithful, Harleston ...
Feathers. Chester
Felicity . . .
213. 282,
Fortitude. Lancastw
Fortitude and Old Cnmbrr...
Fountain. Bartholomen- Lane
Fountain, B r i s h l
Fonutain. Catherine ~ t r &
Frcedom, Gravesend
Frredom and Fidelity.
13; 216, 2$~,303,
Friendship, Great 1-armontll 277,
Frienclsliip, Jfanchester ...
Gcorgc,, Portland Street ...
Gloucester, Pall Mall

Lodges referred to : 81
33 1


Goat, Haymarket
Goat, Spread Eagle Court..
Golden Spikes, Hampstead..
12, 73
Golden Sugar Loaf
Gooch, Tn.ickenliani
Grand Master's ...
13. 169. 211
Hampshire, of Etnulation.. .
33 1
HarKour of Refnge
Harmonic, Liverpool
Harmony, l?arershani
13. 279, 291
Harmon\- and Industrv.
Harmorry, Richmond
Hengist, Bournenioutli
. . . 283, 3.38
Henry Levander, Harro\\-.. .
Honor and Generosity
Honour, Wolverhainpton ...
Hospitality, ~ r i s t " i
Hospitality, Waterfoot
Howard, of Brotherly Lovr 23.5, 307
lmperial George
Industry, Gateshead
Industry, Lahore
Inhabitants, Gibraltar
... 278, 29.5
Tsaac Nelvton, Canibridgc~..
Jedburgli St. John
... 16, i>2, 303. 393
Jonathan, Bruns\vick
Jubilee Masters ...
... 283, 307
Key and Garter, P i l l Mall 12, 76, 165
King's Arms, Great Wild
King's Arnis, Seven Dials
210. 21 1. 213
King's Arms, St:.ilnd
13, 76. 16J
Kingston. Hull . . .
Kirkwall, Kilwinning
La bien Aimhe, Amsterdam
La Parfaite Vnion, Douai..
Lebeck, Strand ...
... 167, 282
Lennos, Richmond
Les Enfants clc Mars.
l'Esyerance, London
14, 81
I i u n and Lamb . . .
London ...
. . . 291, 303
Loyal and Perfect, Leeds.. .
Loyal, Barnstaple
Loyal British
Loyal Cambrian
... 278, 291
Loyalty, Cheshire
Loyalty. Marlborougli
Magnolia, Kansas
Marches.. Ludlon...
Marlborongh Head
Marquis of Granby
Masons Arms, Jfaddox Street
Moira, of Hononr, Bristol.. .
Montserra t
Rlount Moriah
Ne\vcastle npon Tyne
. . . 278, 292
New Exchange Pnncll Hous.
12, 78
Newton, Kansas ...
Nine Muses
Northn1nberlant1. Newcastle
upon Tyne ....


Lodges referred to : -


Lodges referred to : -

No. 125 (I.C.)

No. 143 (1.C.) ...
No. 250 (I.('.)
NO. 357 ( r . ~ . ) ...
... 231, nao
No. 728 (1.C.) ...
Old Devil. T e n i ~ ~ Bar
Old ~ i n g ' sA ~ I ~ SI6,
274, 292%302
Old Union
Old Westminsters
... 277, 294
Palladian. Hereford
... 14, 386
Peace and Plent>235
Pentalpha, Pulborough ...
Perfect Friendship, Bath.. .
Perfect Unanimity, Madras
Perseverance, Blackburn ...
Perseverance, Halesowen ...
Philanthropic, Leeds
Phcenix, Suadc,rlantl
Plymouth Dock ...
Ponifret. Northanipton ...
Prince Edxin's, Hythe ...
Prince Eugene's Head
Prince's Head, Prince Street
Prince of Orange's Head,
12. 7-1Jrrniyn Street
Prince of Wales ...
21 3
Queen's Head, Knaves Acre
Queen's Head. Old Bailey. ..
Rainbow, York Hnildings ...
Red Lion, Chandler Street..
Red Ros? of Lancastrr
13, 23" 293, 302, 303
Ilelief, Bnry
Restoration, Darlington ...
Richard Clowes ...
Robert Burns
Rock, Trichinopoly
Rose. Clheapside ...
How, Marylebone
... 11, 81, 232. 380
Royal ~ t l ~ & t a n...
Ro-a1 Hrunswick, Sheffieltl..
Royal Cumberland, Bath ...
Royal Kent, Chatham
Iloyal Naval
279, 293
Royal Naval College
Royal Oak
Royal Somcrsct House
Royal Sussex
Iloyal Sussex, Repton
Itoyal S n ~ e x Worthing
Royal Cnion, Uxbridge
St. Alhans
231, 232, i62, 33" 388
St. Andrew, Kilwinning ...
St. Antoine
S t . David. Bangor
St. George and Corner
211, 280, 2W
S t . George, Hamburg
S t . George, Windsor
St. Hilda. South Shields ...
S t . James, Uxbridgo
St. J o h n and S t . Paul,
St. John, Kilwii~ning
S t . John's, Leicester
. . . 28.5, 295
S t . John's, London
S t . John's, Salford
S t . John's, Sunderland ...
St. John's, Torqnay
St,. John's. Windsor
St. John the Baptist.
286. 293, 296



J o h n the Baptist,
S t . Mary. 13ridport
St. ,\lichat>l1s.Crieff
St. Paul's
13, 295, 386
S t . Panl's Head, Ludgate. ..
S t . Pctcr's, Wolverhamptoil
Salopian, Shrewsbury
Scientific, Cambridge
Scicmtific, \T'olrerton
284, Pdi, 294, 331
Shakespeare, TVarwick
Ship, St,. I r e s
, ..
Sincerity, Plymouth
29 3
Somerset House
13, 305, 389
Somerset Masters
Strong Man
Sugar Loaf,
81111, lar re ~ a r k e t
Snn, Strand
Snn. S t . Paul's ~ h ~ i r c l i ~ a ~ . d 85
Swan and Falcon, Hereford
Swan, Covent Garden
15, 91
Swan, Gloucester
Swan, Hampstead
Swan, Long Acre
Talbot. Channel How
'I'albot, Halifax
Talbot,, Westminster
Temperance, Portsmouth
Three Crowns, East Smith...
Three Tnns, Newgate Street
... 276, 293
Trinity, Coventry
... 236, 330
Troth, Bombay
13, 76
Turk's Head, Soho
Turk's Head, Temple Bar ... 211, 212
... 13, 165
Two Black Posts. Naiden
2bb, 287, 29'3
Union, ~ h j c h e s t e r
r n i o n . Nornrich
Unions ...
r n i t e d Service, Portsn~outh
... 233, 286
~ n i G Crewe
Unity, Ringwood
Vine, Long Acre
)Vest Jndia and A~ncrica...
Westn~insterand Keystone..
Wheatsheaf, Gloucester ...
79, 91
V h i t e Bear, Strand
White Horse, York
White Swan. Covent Garden
Wilma Lathoni ...
Wiltsllire, of Fidelity, Devizes
K i n dsor
K i t h a m . Lincoln
\Volseley, Manchcster

rea at

London Srholars Society

1,ong-nosed Club, The ...
Lords, Society of
Loyal Association, The
Loyal Britons, S o c i e t of






xv .

Local Britons, Society of Indepen...

Loyal Georges. Society of
Loyal Georl:ians. Society of
Loyal United Britons. Society of ...
Lumber Trooaers . Socic.t v of
28 . 41.
Lnshington. c i t y 'of
Lusorists. Literary Society of
Lying Club. The
Magna.Charta.rites, The
Jlanifestation. Brethren of the ...
Jlansion House. London
Masonic Mustard Seeds. Order of
Alasters' Lodges
Mechanics Order of
Mendicants' Club
Mermaid. Club a t the
Middle Chamber. Entrance t o tho
J l i r t h a n d Jollity. Friends of ...
Mithra. The Cnlt of
Mitro Tavern Society ...
,Mock Masonic Lodge. Formation
of a
Modern Consins. Grand Lodge of
Modern Order of Jrrnsalem Sols ...
Mohocks, The
Moira Apron The
AIoira. E a r l of; a n appreciation of
Moira Lodge. London possesses
relics of thr. E a r l of Moira . . .
Momus. Sons of
Montserrat. Lodges in ...
Moon. Knights of the . . .
Mourning Hnsh Club. The
Mourning in Masonic Lodges . . .
Mug-home Clubs
Museodians. Society of ...
391istard Seeds. Ordc.r of Masonic

Nails. Order of
Ncptune. Sons of
Never F r e t Soeicty. The
Non-Jurors a n d Freemasons
No-pay-no-liqnor Clnb. T h r
Norman Society
Northems. The F r e e ...
Noriomagians. Sociclty of
Nnlli Srcnrrdus Club. The
1 Record. Conrt of




October C.'lnb. The

Octoganians. Ordcr of
Odd F ~ l l o ~ vClnb
of ...
Odechorolegeans. Society of
Officrrs of Grand Lodge. F i r s t
appointments of
Old K i t ' s Sons
Old Ropntc. Friendly Society
Old Souls. Order of
Old time punishments
Orange Society
0rphc.a S o c i e t ~. Tho
O s f o r d s l l i r ~Club The

Paroquets. Society of
Panls. Order of
Peers. Clubs of
Pc,rprntashler ...



Persons referred t o :.


Persons referred t o : .

A.. E . . . .
Aldnorth. M r s
Agar. J a n m
Alanson. Matthew
Aldhous. Bro . . . .
Allen. Edward
dlsop. Robert
Amry. --...
Anderson. ltev . James
Andrew. M . P . . . .
Andrews. J a m e s
Andrews. William
Angus. G .
Annesley. Alexander
Ansell Xr.9 . . . .
Anson. Thomas ...
Antrim. X u r q u i s of
Armitagc. Edward
Arne I l r . T . A .
Arthur. John
Asperne. James . . .
Asperne. J o h n
Aspinall. Jf r . . . .
Aston. Richard ...
A therton. J o s e l ~ h
Aubrey. John
Ayres. William
A.. w . . . .
Bagley. Sam . . . .
Tlailie. R .
Ball. Edward
Ball. J o h n
Ball. Sam .
Banton. - ...
Barbier. Daniel ...
Barker. Henry ...
13arker. Jacob
Barns. - . .
Barnshaw. Thomas
Barr. 311..
Barr. Thomas
Barrass. Rev . S .
Barrell. Isaac
Barron. Thomas ...
Barrs. Francis
Barry. RPV. 1 ) r. . . .
Barton. W .
Baskett. S . 11 . . . .
Bastert. H .
Bate. 0. H . . . .
I3ates. X r .
Baxter. Mr .
Baythorn J . . . .
Beamish R.. J . . . .
Reanfort. 1 ) u l i ~of
Bell. 3f1.s.
Bell. Seymour
Bellas. George
Bellem. Patrick ...
Bengough. George
Benjamin. John
Benn. William
Bennett. Thomas
Bennett X7. H . . . .
Bennett. W . P . . . .
Bentinck Cold . . . .
Bentlcy. Tom
Renton Francis . . .
Benwell . Hro . . . .
Bernardean. Dan .
Berrie. J o h n
Berry. H . F . . . .
Basant Sir Walter
Best. Brn .
Bethell. S l i n g s b ~


166. 213


Persons referred t o : .

Persons referred t o :.

Carter. Uro . . . .
Carter. Itichard ...
Caslon. Williani ...
Cassin. John
C'ave.Brown. William C .
Cazalo. William ...
Chance. Godnin ...
Chancellor. J . . . .
Chesterfield. Lot,11
Child. William . . .
Clmrchill. John . . .
Cibber. Colley
C.. T . . . . .
Clack. - . .
Clare Martin
Clarence. I h k c of
Clark. --. .
Clark. Stephen ...
Clarke. Joseph ...
Clifton. Lnke
Clifton. S i r Cliffc
Coates. George ...
Coghlan. John
Cole. 1j1.o.
Cole. Ctcpf .
Cole. J . . . .
Colhoun. \T .
C!oles. I>.
Cbley. Sam . . . .
Collier. 8 .
Collins. Bro . . . .
Connell. Edward ...
Conner. Walter ...
Cook. ...
Cook. Ernest H . . . .
Cooper. TY . A . . . .
Cosens. - . . .
C o l e i l l. . .

Bhananidas Batra. Lala ...

Siggs. .
. ...
Biographer. Altlerrritrn
Birch. X r .
Birch. Samuel
Blackerby. ~ a t h a & l
Blackford. J .
Blackwell. ~ l e x a n d e r
Blake. :Ur.
Blakesley. ~ h o m a s "
Blanchard. M r . . . .
Blanchard. Will ...
Blood. John N . . . .
Bohn. H . G . . . .
Bollis. Sir John ...
Bologna. Bro . . .
Bott. T . P .
Booth. Thonias ...
Bonrgeois Lewis Francis . . .
Boutell. 8'. H . Cherallic~r...
Bowen. XI,.
Bowring. Josiah ...
Bradshaw. John ...
Branscombe. T . . . .
Brawn. Theophilns
Brayley. E . 11. . . . .
Brazen. John
Brereton. Lortl ...
Brett,. G .
Bristow) W . . . .
Britton. John
Brockwell. Rev Charl.ts ...
I3rowne. Alexander
Brookesbanks. Rro .
Brooks. William ...
Brown. --- ...
I%rown. Chhristoph~r
Brown. X r .
Brown. Pan1
Rrorvnbill. Franris
Brougham. Tar(/ ...
Bnchanan. Nornlan
Buck. Mr .
Bukerel. Andrew . . .
Bulkeley Robert ...
Bnnce. Edward . . .
Bnrckhardt. J . C'.
.Bnrden. Bra.
Burden. William
Bnrdon. Thonias ...
Bnrgeois. Francis Ilcwis . . .
Burree. TV . J . C . . . .
Bush. William
Butler. (lo1 .
Butler H o n . .John
Butler. Thomas ...
Butler. William ...
Butterworth. Bro .
Byng. George
liyroni. John
Caister. V r . . . .
Callenilar. Thomas
Calvert. Albert F.

Crawfurd. K(rd of
Crawleg. John
crawlcy. IT . J . &btn


Camden, Lord
Cameron, Rro . . . .
Canham. John
C a ~ i t y n J.

Carnilvon; Lon1 ...
Carnarron. M(rrquia of
Carpenter Co7 . William ...
Carr. Thomas
Carr Killiam

Criswick. George 8 .
('ritchett . J t r . . .
Cronipton. Rlias ...
C r n t t n d l . Richard
Culpepper. S i r My.
(hniberlancl. Cumberland. Duke of 1 0 . ' k . 247.
Cumberlcge. John
Cummings William Hayman
Cuppage. Christopher
Curtis. IIIr .
Onshin. 13ro. . . .
Daniel. J I r .
Daniel. Thomas ...
Danson. William (2)
Danvers. Ernest
Darnlry. Eurl of
Dartnell . H . . . .
Daryell. Edn arc1
navies. B
navies. David
Davis. William
Davison. Richard
Davison Robert
Davy Richard
Deane. .Joseph
d'Almiada S i r J .
tle Chign-ell Richard
de Gisors. John ...

i 2 . 78



xvii .


Persons referred to : -

dc Sallengres. Heuri A . .
des Barres .
Deering, .
Delany, George ...
Dent, R r o .
Dermott, Laurence
Devon, Michael ...
Dcvonshire. D ~ l l r eof
Dewar. Bro . . . .
Dillon. Charles
Dillon I I o n . chai-iis
Dinelg. S i r John
Dobson. Thomas ...
Dodd. F r a n k
nods . Robert

Dongla$. C a p t . \\'.
Douglas clc Fenzi. C . IV .
Dover. James
Doyle. Col . C. J .
D r a ~ r a t e r .IIIr . . . .
Dring. E . H .
Drurv. Ensor
Dubois. .
-. . .
Dubois Isaac
Duckett, Villiam
Duke R .
Dumolo, William
Dlnnoulin, Pierre
Dunckerley. Thomas
Dnnlop. C!ccl~f. K . B .
Dunmore. William
Dyer, Cllarlcs
Dyer. George
Eaclds, Esan
East! Alfred T . . . .
Eastox, Henry ...
Edge, John Henry
Edwards C . Lcwis
Efford, C . F . . . .
Egelsham Wells
, ..
Ely. --Enberton
Entick. Ttov . John
Errington. George
Erskinr J I r . . . .
Evans, 1111..
E a t -- . . . .
Ererard. Sir Richard
Everett. H . E . . . .
Rjling. John 'Thomas
14.arrell. James
Faulkner, Bra. . . .
Fanlding. A . .T. . . .
Feakins, .John
Fennings R . . . .
Figg J 1 y .
Finch. I\'.
Finch. Willianl . . .
Fisher, Job
Fleetwood. Ilrn . . . .
Fleming Robert
Flight,, JIr .
Foley, IIon . Anclrew
Foley, h o d
Folkes, Martin ...
Fortick . Rir William
Fosbrooke, l l r o . . . .


. .






Persons referred t o : -

Foster. .
Foster, '1'.
Fol~rclrinicr.C. . . .
Fournier, .
Fournier Francis
Fox, C . J .
Francis, B i o . . . .
Francis, Thonlas
233, .j07 333, 374
Fraser, James
Fraser. Thomas ...
Frederick, 1'1, ;nee o f Wales'12 73. 326
Frederick the Great
Freer, Jonathan
Fremolt, --- ...
French, UIV. . . .
Frere. Sir Bartle
Fretwell. Allen . . .
Friend. N r o . . . .
Gallonay, Charles
Garthorne, George
... 238 . 274
Gates, Alfred
Gatshill, Bra.
Gaudry, J I r . . . .
Gavcy, --- ...
Gaywood, N r s . . . .
Geary, Atdmircrl Francis . . .
. . . .
George, 311,George, Prince o f T a l e s ...
Z. 247
Gibbon, Rev . X r .
Gidley. John
Girancl. F . F . . . .
G., J . . . .
Glynn, S e t e n n f ...
Glover. --- ...
Goildard. John . . .
Goden, --- ...
Godfrey, Michael
Godfrey, Thomas
Godwin. Rro . . . .
Goldsmith. Oliver
Goldsworthy, J . H .
Goodall, Reginald
Gordon, Anthony
Gordon, Lon1 Georgc
Gordon, N r .
Gordon, William
Gouclgc, Bro . . . .
Gongh, Charles
101 22.5, 282. 320
Gonld . R.. F . . . .
. . . .
Graham: illr . . . .
Grant. S i r IVilIiam I<.
Gray. William
Greine. Dr . G. A .
Griffiths. Bra.
Griffiths R . . . .
Grinsell. Thomas ...
Grose. Gapt . Francis
Gucrier. .
-. . .
Gunston, M . . . .
Gyfford. M r . . . .
Hadden. J . C n t h h ~ t
Haddon. 22av . Dr..
Hake. Angnstns ...
Hake, BIT.
Hale, Sir ~atthe;;.'
Hales, Peter
Hall, Christopher
Hall, Edward
Hall, John
Hamilton, James
Hamilton, T . . . .
Ramlyn, J F . . . .
Hammett, R i r Benjamin ...
Ranmett, Richard


Persons referred to : .

Persons referred to : .

l'hilips. John
Picard. Sir Henry
Pick. kichard
Pickcring. G . A .
Piggott. Lord
Pilkington. Herbert
Pilki~rpton.ICev . J H . . . .
Pilkinton. --...
Pinder. William ...
Pitt. Willian~ ...

P .. J . . . .


~ l u n k e t .J .
Poole. John
Yotier. ~Villiain
Potter illr .
Potter, William
Powell. A . Cecil
Powell . J oh1 P .
Powel!; IT .
Po\ I$(/1.1 of
. ...
Pratt. Thomas 13oulton
Preston. IVilliam ...
Price. A . B .
Pricharcl . I>. . . .
: . . . .
Priine. ITT. C . . . .
Pring. Bro
Pulley. John
Quay. Samuel
Quin. Janies
Raboteau. --Rainsford. IV . . . .
Ilaleigh. Sir Walter
llamsker. Paul ...
I~ashliegh Robert
l l a ~ l i n s o n .Sir Thoinas
Nay. John
ltayal. S i r ~ u l t u u' '
liayleigh. Peter ...
Jleacl Cccpt .
Read. JIi ..
Read. John
R e c ~ e
Zteilley 11r0 . . . .
l<eynolcls. C .
llicilardson. C. I?.'
Ilichmonil Dulie o f
Ritz . Fi . I3 . . . .
R.. J .
Roach Thomas ...
liobarts. Abraham
Roberts Rro .
Robbins. Alfred F:'
Robins. C .
Robinson. Will . . . .
llobinson Williain
Robison John
Rodd. JIr .
Roese. L .
Iloff Charles
l i o g ~ r sThoinas
Roper. 'I'hoinas ...
Rose X I ,.
liotherham. Roc . . .
Roy. Robert
Royle. Ralph
Itoyn. Rro .
Ilnspiii a
1111ssell. -...
Iluttrr . John
S t . Leger. N i s s . . .
Salisbury. .Iltlertu~c/r


Saltnon. I V . I-. . . .
Salter. Janlc.s
Samber. llobert ...
Szniple. John
Sancroft. William
Santle!.s. James ...
Sanders. Princc ...
Sand\vich. Bud o f
Scargill. U w . . . .
Scott. 1{ev . JII.. . . .
Scott. TT'illiam . . .
Scnlthorp. Ed\\ art1
Sealy. John
Selbj.. John
Senior. J .
Shackle. l'lionias ...
Sharlantl. X I. . . . .
Shavvr IT'. 52 . . . .
Bhaw: Israel
Sher. Jainc~s
Shewell. Ilw . . . .
Shier. E.
Shutter. C .
Siblcy. U r
Simon. John
Sinmson . J . 1'. ...
Sinelair. d rchdectcot~
6.. J . . . .
Skelton. John
Glade. Alexander ...
Slap. J .
Sloane. J i r .
Sloane. Sir Hans
S .. M . . . .
S&th. John
Smith. l'homas ...
Smith. U'illiaiii ...
Soddy. ll . J . . . .
Soens. William ...
Songhnrst. W . J .
Sparks. X r .
Spenccr. Charles ...
Springer. l31.o. . . .
Springer. Joshua ...
Spurrier. Thomas
Stainton. P . . . .
Stanhopc. William
Stanley. ,%It . . . . .
Stead. Thos . . . .
Steele. Bra .
Steinnietz. Ijw . . . .
Stephenson. John
Ste~vart.Rro . . . .
Stonecastle. Henry
Strathinore. Earl of
Stringer. James ...
Stukeley. 1)r . Willianl
Sunderland. Ead of
Sussex D ~ t k eof
Sutton; n r o . . . . .
Sutton. Robt . Christopher ...
Swiney. I l ~ .u 111..
Talnian. Rrv . James
Tankard Altle~~nttrn
Tat(.. Ilobert
Tanbn~an.E . 1'. . . .
Taylor. John
'eynhani. 1
1 ...
'I'ty-nhani . I. o t . i l . . .
'I'hcobald . .Jo1i11 ...
Charlvs . . .
..II honias.
Iiolnas . l~'raiilrli~i
Ilonis rnllin I '



Persons referrcd to : .

Thomas. Franklin Jl athew ..

Thomas. Jf I . . . . .
Thomas. W I< . . . .
T;mmpson. C . J . . . .
'I'honlpson John ('.
1 honqmm. MI.. . . .
I Iiompson. lt . . . .
'I'ho~upson. S i r John
Thornhill . S i r James
Thorp. John 1'. ...
o r e T. I . . .
Titherlj.. Ilro . . . .
Todd. XI..
Joon~ry,JI . A . . . .
To\rnley, Sannu'l ...
'I'on.nshc,nd. Lor11 John
Trafl'ord. 711.0. ...
Trevey, Natli . . . .
Trevor, Hugh
Triughain, --Trubshaw. George
l'uckett. J . E . 8 .


'I'nlse S i r Henry ...

J uppen. .
Turk, John
Turner. S i r Ed\vartl
IJmfreville. Urn . . . .
~ n d e r w o o d . James
Upton l h .
T7endelkuntz. John
Victor. Charles ...
Vinsley. Philip ...
Vinson. --- . . .
~ T i p o r ~ .t ~. 7 .~ ~. ~ o
\.ipont. Henry . . .
' g o . n .
s t y t
i ...
Vonlair. Isaac
Waghorn MI.. . . .
V a i t e . George
Wakefield S i r Charles
Walker. John
Walker. V7illiam ...
Waller. Ui,o. . . .
T\.allis. George
\\.alpole. Horace ...
Walpole. S i r Robert
Walter E .
Waltingham. R . II .
IValton Isaak
V a r d . Etl~vard . . .
K a r d Ihrtl
W a r e . M a ry
Warner. RPV. .John
TVarnc.r, 1lcv . Richard
Waters. Sanlnr.l . . .
XVatkis. Richard . . .
Walson I3rook . . .
\Tatson. James . . .
Watson. .I. Co!vin
Watts -V a t t s . J I r.
Way. 91,. Sanlurl T .
Webb John
T\Tebl). I<icliard . . .
Welcla~; Ilro . . .
e111ys 1 1 ;
\Yest . Br0 .
\V<5t :lI1,.q .
IYestcott . \V . lVyn11
ITr~therstonc.. Hr.o.



Persons ref'crrcd to : .


TVhitaker. 131.0. .
White. --White, 1j1.0.
IVhite. 111I ..
h i t IT . I
Whitellead, John
IVhitehead. Paul
Willres. John

. .



\ViIkinson~ S . 1%.
Willett! I h o . . . .
11rillians, A
n'illianls. Brasieltl
illians I . . .
V i l l i a ~ ~I s . . .
Williamson. J . . . .
Willoughby. U w .
Wilson. Uro . . . .
Winnington. . S ~ IT. . 15. . . .
Winzer A .

W\\'c;lfe.Edward H .
JVolfe. S i r Jacob
W o ~ i n a ~ o tW
t . . 6 71.

Wood Albert
Woodfin. Bra . . . .
Woodman. IT . . . .
Wools. Bro .
Wormal. Gwrgc . . .
T r a y . Rir Cecil . . .
Wren. B1.o.
\Tynn. Sir. Watki;; '1\.
Yates. Samuel
Yelverton Barrv . .
Vork. D u b e o f
Young. John


Pe~vterPot Club. The . . .

Phaetons. Society of
Philanthropic Society. T l ~ e
Philileutherians. House of
Philippian Order
Philoclrarosanguinarians~Society of
Philoperisteron. Society of
Pinearians. Order of ...
Pions Club. The
Piscinarians. Fraternity of
Pizy Club. The
Plnme. Knights of the. . . .
Porponians. Society of ...
Portman Debating Society
Princely Soricty The ...
Prison. Lodge said to hare b'.. .I
held i n a
Prnssian Garde (111 ('or!. s
Punishments in XV . Century . . .
Purple. Soriety 'l'ht~ ...
Purples. Society of the. . . .

Qua ('a Bittcs. Conl!mny of

Quarterly eli&ons of Lodge officers
Rainpant Horse: Knights of the ...
I k m s Society of Ancient
Ray. James
Reason and Humanity. l'cmple of
Reffley S o c i e t ~ .Thc
RE-;igiousZl'rreinasons. O r d c ~of ...
Right. Wrong or Right Clnb. 'l'l~c
Rivers Conflus of
Roast Fowl and Short ('alic Society
I<obinhootl Society
Ilosc. Free and Easy uniler the ...

109> 21.5
46. 99

$ E
. . . . . . .
... .. . .. ... '-:
S . . . . . . .
. . . . . . .

o 1C





C~C , - ~ = C ; = & C ~




to E;
n i r1 m
a a~
. r c~e ct r c r c
a a' r a
~ c~? ~
~ c~^ +~ - xu
ri . +
x o
- m~m C
c t ca- I - ~
a ~o
cm c




C'crtificatv. Strong Jfan Iiodgc . .

Jfithrair stone slab



I,.\ C.I?.

1( ).5

Lodge not identifietl ...

St. Paul's Lodge
., of Peace and
Brothers of St. Patrick
Cat and Flddlu Societ?
Society of Chins
Royal Georgionian
Royal Cinnbrian Society
Order of B n c b 57, 58. 39. 7 2 ,



Portraits : F. \V. Leraniler
J o h n Rritton
William J c r d a n
Francis Grose
Richard Warner
3 T) 6
Thomas Di~nclrr~.lcy
Tirket, Lrwls Masonic Benefit
22 1
Lmje ( l e l'h'sprrrtr~cc . . .
Si~mmons,Society of the Gang . . .
Tusran Lodge
Socicty of Cockneys
Ilctlfortl L o t l ~ c
.. h'rrt. and Easv round t h r
I~otlgc,a t tllc K6.y ant1
Jlose . . .
Ca 1.t
1 racing 13oards and Lodgc Clotlis.. . 932 - 297

James, l'. T.

Francis, 'I'.







K ~ l l y ,IT. Redfrm




L ~ p p e r J, . Heron
L ~ v a n d r r .F. \V.
Imwgrovc, H c n r -


Jlitchell, John ('.




Pon-ell, A . Cwil
Pril~le,W.C". ...






Itobbins. Alfred 1".




S o n g h ~ ~ r sTV.
t, J .




Thorp, .Tohn T.
Ti~clrctt.J . E. S.




7. 96. 214, 296, 376

8,;. 38.3. 386

Wwtcott, 7 ) r . K n i . Wynn
W o ~ ~ n a c o tIT.
71. 1 0 7 . 230, 382. 386

Qucttuur Moronatoztum,
Quatuor Coronati Lodge of A.F. G A.M., London,

No. 2 0 7 6 .


FRIDAY, 7th JANUARY, 1916.

HE Lodge met a t Freemzsons' Hall, a t 5 p.m. P r e s e n t : -Bros.

Wonnacott, \V.M. ; W R . Hextall, I . P . M . ; F. R . Levander, S.W. ;
Cecil Powell, J . W . ; Canon Horsley, P.G.Ch., Chaplain; W. J.
Songhurst, P.A.G.D.C., Secretary ; Gordon Hills, I.G. ; F. J. W.
Crowe, P.A.G.D.C., P.M. ; J . P. Simpson, P.A.G.R., P . M ; and Count
Goblet d'Alviclla.
Also the following members of the Correspondence Circle :-Bros.
M. do Smet de Nacyer, G. Smets Mondez, C. J S. O'Gracly, Bedfora McNeill, J. Robert
Green, Robert J. Soddy, R u g h C. Knonles, Dr. William Hammond, P.G.D., C. R . Mansell,
Percy G. Mallory, A. H. Dymoncl, P a u l H. Duchaine, li. W. Turner, F r e d Armitage,
John Church, W. I?. Keddell, L. G. W e x i n g , Walter Dewes, S. J. Fenton, J. F. H .
Gilbard, H. Hyde, It. E. Everitt, J a m e s Scott, George Turner, F. C. Turner, J. Walter
Hobbs, Cecil J. Rawlinson, W. A. Tharp, A. C. Beal, C . Gough, S. W. Rodgers, W. J.
Spratling, P.G.S.B., George Carter, A. G. Bosn-ell, J a m e s Powell, P.A.G.Reg., W. m7yld,
H. Coote Lake, Dr. S. R a l s h e Onen, and W. Jobson Horne.
Also the following Visitors : -Rros. E. B. Chappell, of the Burdett Coutts Lodge
No. 1278; R. C. Ullinan, of the Lion a n d Lamb Lodge No. 192; L. S. Compton, of t h e
U n i t d Wards Lodge No. 2987; Cameron It. S t e n a r t , of the RichariLEve Lodge No. 2772;
T. A. Garner, of the Robert Mitchell Lodge No. 2956; A. Hanes, of the Royal Albert
H a l l Lodge No. 2956; a n d 11. J. Lake, of the Cecil Lodge No. 449.
Letters of apology for non-attenclencr n e w received from Bros. E. Conder, I. R ;
Dr. 1'.J. Chrtv ode Crau ley, G.Treas., Ireland ; G. Greiner, P.A.G.D.C. ; William
Watson ; F. H . Goldney, P.G.D. ; J . P. Rylands; Dr. H'. 1". Berry, I.S.O.; T. J.
Westropp; 6. T. Klein, L . R . ; Hamon le S t r a r ~ g e ,Pr.G.M.. Nol.folk; Admiral Sir Albert
Markham, P.Dis.G.M., M a l t a ; J. T. Thorp, P.A.G.D C. ; Edward Armitage,
P.Dep.G.D.C. ; a n d Dr. IT. Wpnn Westcott, P.G.D.

O n e Lodge a n d nineteen B r e t h r e n were a d m i t t e d t o membership of t h e

Correspondence Circle.
T h e R e p o r t of t h e A u d i t Committs*, as follows, was received, adopted, a n d
ordered t o be entered o n t h e Minutes :-

The Committee met a t the Offices, No. 62, Great Queen Street, on Monday, the
3rd January, 1916.
P ~ P S P I I ~ : - B r oW.
. Wonnacott, i n the Chair. with Brosl Dr. W. Wpnn Westcott,
J . P . Simpson, F. W. Levancler, Gordon Hills. It7. J. Songhnrst, Secretary, and A. S.

Bedge, Anditor.

The Secretary produced his Books and the Treasnrer's Accounts and Vouchers.
which had been examined by the Auditor. and certified as being correct.

The Committee agreed upon the follolving


T H E TEAR 1915.

It is with regret t h a t we h a r e to record the death, on 26th March last, of Bro.

G o u ~ n ,a Founder and P a s t Master of the Lodge : the total membership
is thereby reduced to thirty-fonr.

The St. John's Curd for 1914 shelved a total of 3,287 members of the Correspondence
Circle. Included in this total are about 100 names of those with whom communication
has had t o be suspended owing to the War. During the year under review only 153
names have been added to the list, while 254 have been removed :-60 by death, 139 by
resignation, and 66 for non-payment of dues; a net loss on the year of 101.
The lamented death of Bro. Ernest Danvers, P.G.D., D.Dis.G.M., caused a vacancy
i n the local Secretaryship in the Argentine; and we have t o express thanks to Bro. F. H.
Chevallier Boutell, Dis.G.M., for cdnsenting to continue the work on our behalf. Other
changes under this head have been the regretted resignations of Bro. Capn. W. B. Dunlop.
i n the Punjab, and Bro. W. H. Bennett, in Natal. For -,he last-named district we are
fortunate in securing the kind services of Bro. C. W. P. Douglas de Fenzi, P.G.D.,
Dis.G.Sec. I n Derbyshire, where no Local Secretary has hitherto been appointed, Bro.
T. H. Thorpe has been good enough to undertake to look after our interests. Our best
thanks are due t o all the seventy brethren a h o a r t in this capacity, for much good work
and ready assistance.
The accounts herewith presented a r e perhaps better than might have been expected,
t h e work of the year shewing a loss of 95 1%. 8d. against 167 0s. 2d. for 1914, and
this loss is eniirely attributable to the amonnt written off for depreciation of Investments.
The arrears of Back Subscriptions have been reduced to a fairly satisfactory extent, but
it ~villbe seen t h a t over 450 remains outstanding for 1915 alone.

A complete change i n the Secretary's Clerical staff has effectually prevented the
issue of another volume of Reprints, b u t i t is hoped t h a t good progress will be possible
during the coining year.
The rooms a t No. 32, Great Queen Street, which have inadequately served as the
home of the Lodge for nearly seven years, have now become completely choked with the
ever-increasing Library and Museum.
An opportunity recently presented itself of
acquiring No. 27, Great Queen Street, which is more conveniently situated. The lease
has now been signed, and the removal of the Lodge property will be effected as soon a s
the necessary work i n the new premises is completed. This wili give good accommodation for present requirements a s s e l i a s for extension, and, moreover, nil1 provide a
useful and much needed reading room for students.
For the Committee,

in the Chair.

BALANCE SHEET, 30th November, 1915.


To Life Members' F u n d (221

. . . . . . 1429
,, Subscriptions, ktc., .received
in advance
... 116
,, Correspondence ~ i r c l k ,1914
Balance in hand
... 500
,, Sundry Creditors
., Sundry Creditors re ~ u b l i ... 36
,, Profit and ~ " s s i%spensc.
Acconnt, being outstanding Subscriptions as per
contra, subject to realiza. . . . . . . . . 753
., Lodge Account- s. d.
Balance 30th
Nov.. 1914 .. 102 11 8
... 32 11 0

L ~ s sPayments

13.5 2 8
63 11 6

s. d.
2 6
16 8
0 0
0 6

5 1

By Cash a t London, County and

Westminster Bank, Ltd.,
Oxford Street . . . . . . 573 17 6
,, 'Investment, 1,300 Consols
a t 63 per cent. . . . . . . 780 0 0
,, Snndry Debtors for Publicatiovs
. . . . . . . . . 70 17 3
,, Snndry Pnblications
439 13 2
. Fnrniture s. d:
Balance 1st Deceniber, 1914 ... 52 0 2
LFJS Depreciation for the
year . . . . . . 1 3 19 2
38 1 0
,, Snndrg Debtors for
Snbscriptions in

- -.

denro Circle
1914 ditto
1913 ditto
1912 ditto
1911 ditto
1910 ditto
1909 ditto

71 11 2


... 456 1


180 5 6
... 69 11 1
... 36 8 6
... .5 16 2
... 2 11 5
... 2 11 0

763 A 1
Profit and Loss Account ... 257 2 9

Z'rcii~,rcct~'onvof t h e Qucit~lorCoroizuti Lodge.

PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT for the year ending

30th November, 1915.

To Salaries
. . . . . . . . .
,, Rent
. . . . . . . . .
,, Lighting and Firing
,, Stationery . . . . . . . . .
,, Postages
. . . . . . . . .
,, Office Cleaning
,, Renewals and Repairs ...
,, Insurance . . . . . . . . .
,, Telephone, etc.
,, Carriage and Sundries ...
,, Local Secretaries' Expenses
,, Library Account . . . . . .
,, Depreciation on Furnitnre
,, Investments :
Amount written off

E s. d.
C ~ r c l e Joining
Fees. 1915 ... 77 3 6
1915 ~ b b s c r i p t ' n s318 10 7
1914 ditto
... 385 1 3 11
1913 ditto
... 32 16 7
1912 ditto
3 14 6
1911 ditto
1 1 0'
1910 ditto
10 6
1909 ditto
10 . 6






,, Back


tions . . . . . .
Pnblications . . . . . .
Various Publications . . . . . .
Interest on Consols
. . . . . .
,, Discounts
,, Life Members . . .



s. d.
To Balance brounht forward from
. . . . . . 161 7 1
last ~ c c o u n t
,, Balance brought forward ... 95 1.5 8

21 5

s. d .

820 1 l

20 18 2
2 4

28 15 8
13 1 3
12 12 0


Balance carried forward ...

98 17 2
93 15 8

s. d.

y Balance carried forn-arc1

... 237 2 9

This Balance kheet does not inclnde t h e value of the Library and Nuseum and
the Stock of Trnnsnctions, and is subject to the realization of Assets.

I have examined the above Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account with the
Books and Vouchers of the Lodge, and ccrtify the same to be correct and in accordance

3, Great James Street,
Bedford Row, W.C.

called attention to the follo~ring

Uy Bro. 1I. J . SOIIDY,W.M., Moira Lodge No. 92.

1. The Moira Jewel. presented to the Earl of Moira. Acting G. Master, on 27th
January, 1813, by subscript~onof the Craft. It h i s had the diamonds removed
and paste substitutrd, and in its present vondition is nithout the collar from
w h ~ c hi t was suspended.

I n a circle of brilliants, on a deep blue enamel gionnd is a conicass anci

scctor enclosing a five pointed rayed star in the centre of which is the letter G,
the \ \ h d e of those as nell as the snspencling ring being set n i t h diamonds
On thc back is the following inscription : -

P r e s ~ n t e din open Grand Lodge the Pith day ot January A.D. 1813
A.L. 5817 to Brother The E ~ I01.' M O I R1i.G.
k c . kc. &e. AS a token
ot Fraternal Aflectionate anci 12espectful Gratitude tor his Z-alous
Coxstant and taithful d~schargeof the, important Trust reposed in his
~ )WTEK during a period of- upn arc13
Lorclship a s M .\IT.ACTI\GG ~ t i s 31
of 21 Years
On a garter cnclosiilg this inscription ar- the words : -

On xhc reverse bide of t h e plate whicli now appears a t the back is another
inscription t o the following eflect: Presented by His ltoyal Highness Augustus Frederick Duke of Susses,
Most W ~ r s h i p f u lDeputy Grancl Master of Free and Accepted Masons:
Most Exceliei~tand Supreme Principal of the Royal Arch &- Most
Emincnt Gmnd Master of Knights Teniplars of England k c . kc. &c.
Originally the collar had seven rev s of fine gold chain n i t h five ornamental
badges or clips set with brilliants. This and the jewel, said to have been of
t h e value of fl,Xl3, wcrc tlic dcsigii and norkmanship of l3ro. J . C. Burckhardt,
who only charged cost price, for which he n-'1s ~)ubliclythanked by the Coninlittec of M~iiagcrs.
Full details of the Presentation Festival and illustrations of the J e u e l
nere publ~shedin pamphlet form by Janles Aspc,.nc in Februaly, 1813.
I'atalt of Appointment as Acting G.3laster of the Royal Arch for tlic District
of thca East lntlics, datcd 22nd December, 1812, i s signed only by the Duke of
Sussex, nho by special resolution of Grand Chapter n a s instructed to do so
o : ~behalf of the Grancl Masters of the Order
Petition for the Constitution of the Moira Loclge of Freedoin and Fidelity
( ? Friendship and Fidelity) Calcutta, a Lodge which was never rctgistered i n
;he Books of G.Loclge, and was the only one sanctioned by the Earl of Moirn
as Acting G.Master of India.
The Warrant was granted on the, 8th of
November, 1813, the first Master being Major General Sir Win. Keir Grant,
and the Wardens Colonel C. J . 1)oylc and Coininodore John Hayes. The 1 , o d p
ceased working in 1821 and the \ITarrant was retnrncd in 1823. A s tho
Provincial Grand Lodge of Bcngcl was re-established shortly after the clate of,
this W z r r a n t other new Lodges were forn~eclunder the sanction of this body
(Refer t o Lane's
instead of holding directly from the Acting G.Master.
-1fasonic li?ecorcls, 1). 46i.)

4 series of aprons and clothing norn by Lorti JIoira in the Craft and other
Degrees : 1 .

E.A. apron, said to h a r e been n-orn by him as Lord Rawdon a t his


~ r a n . m ~ t ; o t of
~ - ut f i ~( J U C I ~ I ( CIoron:,ti


Acting Grand Master's apron, lined with purple silk, size 14in. by 13in.'
edged 4iin. deep, n i t h purple apron strings and bullion t a s s ~ l s .
Grand Officer's apron, lined with blue silk, edging 4in. deep, with strings
and tassels, size 16in. by 12in.
A similar apron but measuring 13in. by lOiin., edging 31in. deep.
Another apron precisely similar to the last but with 4in. edging, and very
much faded.

Grand Lodge agron lined n i t h dark blue silk, with heavy gilt fringe,
and embroidered on the flap with the Grand Master's emblem, ;rith 4in.
edging, apron strings and tassels. This is said to have been Lord Moira's
full dress apron a s Acting Grand Master for India.
Apron l i n e l n i t h green silk, n i t h I t i n . edging, size l'itin. by 16in., which
may be a Scotch apron, a s Lord Moira n a s Acting G.Master for Scotland
from 1806, or i t may be a Country Steward's apron.
Royal Arch apron, with edging 2in. deep of the usual indented pattern
and emblem on the flap.
Royal Arch sashes, one with gilt fringe and emblem on a button, the other
with silk fringe and plain bntton
Collar of Acting First G.Principa1 i n the Royal Arch.
Rose Croix collar and jewel.
Knight Teinplar Snsh with \rhite silk rosettz, and another with silrer
fringe ancl emblems.
Knight Templar's collar stock.
Knight Templar's star.

1 white lenther apron, with the letter A stamped in red on the flap.
has not been identified.


Ne Plus Ultra apron, of white. silk on which are painted the various
emblems of t h a t Order.

Parchment Address on two skins, measuring four feet by two feet, i n Persian
and Bengali, presented to Lord Moira by the principal notabilities of Calcutta
on his return from the successful Pindari War, and signed n i t h numerous
signatures in the two languages, one being i n English, and stanlpecl n i t h t h e
sclals of the signatories i n black and smoke. It bears the date lYl@. I n ono
case nhere no seal was available the signarory has impressed his thumb mark.

The above exhibits have been presented by Miss Edith Hastings and Lady Maud
Hastings to the Jfoira Lodge, and will form t h e nucleus of a Museum, ~ r h i c hhas since
been tormed, of relics of the Earl of Moira.
Uy Uro. C .


J . W . , ancl Bro. J. LITTLETON,


The Moira Apron, worn i n 1813-1815 by W.Bro. Wnl. Ponell, and now the
property of t h e Moira Lodge of Honour, Bristol. This was published by L.
Hayes, of Bristol, on the 31st of March, 1813.



Book plate of Lord Rawdon.


F.R.S., F.S.A.

P A R T ' IT.






E first volume of Lysons's Collectanen, which is now in our

Lodge Library, contains a considerable number of advertisements and paragraphs cut from sundry newspapers respecting
eighteenth century Societies, including some concerning the
As scraps of this nature are ccc?sionally met with
elsewhere, i t is my intention in the present paper not to confine myself solely t o Lysons, as regard^ Clubs and Societies in
t h e eighteenth century, chiefly in Lolldon, the number of which appears to have
been legion. Upwards of 200 are mentioned in Bro. Hextall's paper on " Some
Old-time Clubs and Societies "' and the discussicn t h a t followed its reading. Unless
anything fresh could be brought forward concsrning them, i t would be undesirable
even t o mention them, so that the numb3r of cuttings that I could have otherwise
made use of is reduced.

It would bs well-nigh, if not quite, impossible to trace our modern Club in

all its stages from its earliest sources. Rut among the Gresks we may go back to
the Odyssry, the exact date of which is lost in the mists of antiquity, to find
mention of meetings for convivial purposes and social intercourse. These, however,
would correspond more to our picnics.. A t these everyone furnished his share of
the feast, for which he was afterwards remunerated, or, to save trouble, one was
deputed to cater for all and was afterwards repaid. I n later times several clubs
were formed a t Athens for convivial, charitable or political purposes, or for all
these combined. A t each meeting, which took place once a month, or even more
frequently, every memb-r was bound to pay his subscripticn; should anyone fail
to do so, the amount was made u p by the president, who might recover i t be
whatever means he could. The earliest association csrresponding a t all t o o y i
modern club was probably one founded a t Athens about B.C. 320; its m e m b e ~
They had a secretary, pait
from their number called themselvev " The Sixty."
of whose duty was to enter in a book every good thing that was uttered by a membe;.
Athenian clubs multiplied and were known as i"puvot or isatplat.
the Romans there were various Collrgin and Sodnlitntrs, some of which Cicero tells
us were unlawful secret societies.
The earliest English Club appears to have been called " L a Court de bone
Compagnie " in the early part of the fifteenth century. About a hundred yeat.8
A.V.C. xxvii., 26.

afterwards tlzzre was the Club t h a t met a t the Mermaid Tavern in Bread Street,?
among whose members may be named Shakespeare, Donne, Beaumont, Raleigh
a d other well-known men. Ben donson (1573-1637) was perhaps the founder, a t
any rate a member, of a club t h a t met a t the Devil Tavern, between Middle Temple
Gate and Temple Bar. It was called the Apollo Club, over the convivialities of
which Jonson usually presided. One of its rules, which were in Latin and placed
i n such a position t h a t none could plead ignorance of them, was " P r o b z feminae
non repudiantur," Respectable women aqg not excluded. I n 1659 Aubrey (162697) joined a political club called the Rota; this met a t the Turk's Head in New
Palace Yard and came t o a n end soon after the Restoration. It was he who wrote,
" W e now use the word Clubbe for a sodality in a taverne."
Besides the Rota there was an old Royalist Club called " The Sealed Knot,"
which the year before the Restoration had organised a general insurrection i n favour
of t h e King. There was, however, a traitor in the camp, and, on theinformation
of Sir Richard Willis, the leaders were arrested. The Great Plague and the Great
Fire had made such havoc and broken u p society ancl old associations t o such an
extent.that some of the better class of citizens established the Civil Club, which still
exists in t h e City. One of its rules was t h a t but one person of the same t r i d e or
profession should be a member of the Club. It is one of the few Clubs-perhaps
the only one-that number a Chaplain among their officials. From about this time
political and other Clubs grew and multiplied, so t h a t in the eighteenth century
they were very numerous. It is to some of these t h a t I wish t o draw attention, but,,
before enumerating these, which for greater, convenience of reference I have
arranged in alphabetical order, will give some particulars respecting our own Order
t h a t I have culled from Lysons's Collrcta~zeaand other sources.
That some " Lodges " were not genuine is evident from Dermott's injunctiond
t o those who desired t o become Freemasons " t o shun Mason-clubs, t h a t is t o say,
Lodges formed without authority, for you may rest fully assured t h a t such clubs
are generally composed of excluded members, or persons clandestinely made by
them, and consequently incapable of giving proper instruction t o their pupils."
F u r t h e r on3 he calls them " tipling clubs, or societies in London, whose chief practice
consiets in eating, drinking, singing, smoaking, &c. Several of these Clubs or
Societies have, in imitation of t h e Free-masons, called their Club by the name of
Lodges and their presidents by the title of Grand Masters or Most Noble Grand "I
I I e has previously said5 t h a t if the would-be candidate has made such enquires as
he suggests into the authority by which the Lodge, t o which he seeks admission,
acts, and has been approved of by the Lodge and Initiated " he shall pay whatsoover sun1 the Brethren shall think proper (not less t h a n two guineas) and clotlle
I n a footnote he adds, " By clothing is meant
the Lodge, i f required."
aprons and gloves, not only for every member of the Lodge, but also for all their
1Burn in the H e n u f o y C'ntaloque sags:-" The Mermaid in Bread Street, the Mermaid in Friday Street, and the Mermaid in Cheap, nlere all one and the same. The
tavern, situated behind, had a nay to i t from these thoroughfares, but was nearer to
Bread Street than Friday Street. The site of the tarern is clearly dcfined from th:
circumstance of W.R., a haberdasher of small vares ' tnixt Wood Street ancl Milk Street
adopting the same sign ' overagainst the Mermaid Tavern in Cheapslde.' " The original
meaning of- h n h ~ i d n s h e rwas sin~pl>tlecc1~1or p u t l l n ~ .
"himan R e x o n , 1801, p. xxi.
I b . p. xxxv.
We shall see numerous examples later on in rorroboration of this statement,
5Ahirnan R e z o n , 1801, p. xxvii,

The " C'allectcotcrc " of the I i e v . Dtrniel Lysons, F.R.S., F.S..4.



wives and sweethearts, if they require them."

It will be noticed also, when we
come to deal with the various Clubs which imitate Freemasonry more or less, that
~tearlyall have some special epithet applied to them, especially the word " antient."

The earliest information in the volumes of Collectanea respecting Grand

Lodge is dated Xarch 21, 1741 : " Thursday the Antient and Honourable Society'
of Free and Accepted Masons held their Grand and Annual Feast a t Haberdashers
Hall. The Cavalcade was very grand."
The nobleman appointed to be Grand
Master was James Douglas, Earl of Morton, who had been G.M. of Scotland two
years previously; having suceeded John Keith, Earl OF Kintore, in the headship
of both English and Scottish Freemasonry. A t the following meeting of Grand
Lodge it was ordered that no proceedings of lodges should be printed without the
consent of the G.M. or his Deputy. A t that time there were 189 Lodges on the
Roll of the English Grand Lodge.'
An advertisement cut from some unlrnqwn paper, dated 1743 only, notifies
Lhat those Brethren " who design to wait upon the Right Hon. the Lord Ward, a t
Dinner on Monday next, the 16th Inst., at Brother Vipont's, the Long Room,
Hampstead, are desir'd to take out tickets . . . by Friday night at furthest,
that suitable provision may be provided."

. The Daily Advertiser announced in 1744 that the Feast would bs held a t the
same Company's Hall on May 2 and that the Earl of Strathmore, the G.M. Elect,
invited those who were going to the Feast to breakfast a t the Braund's Head in
New Bond St., and thence go in procession to the Hall. This was another instance
of a former G.M. of Scotland ruling the English Lodges. The name of the hostelry
where the breakfast was given is peculiar. Larwood and Hotten tell us3 t h a t there
was a noted tavern in Bond St. called The Brmum's Bead, which derived its namo
from The. (i.e., Theophilus) Brawn, formerly landlord of Rummer Tavern in Great
Queen Street.3
I n 1752 the Brethren " of the Most Antient and Honourable Fraternity of
Free and Accepted Masons, particularly Masters and Wardens of all regular
Lodges " were desired to meet at the Castle Tavern, Pater-noster-Row, on February
19, " to deliberate on Affairs of the utmost Importance to the Craft." This was
during the Grand Mastership of Lord Byron, who, according to Multa Paucis, was
very inactive, and the advertisement quoted above convening the meeting is perhaps
the one mentioned in that work, which says4 that " i t was the Opinion of many
old Masons to have a consultation' about electing a new and more active Grand
Master, and adsembled for that Purpose, acc~rdingto an Advertisement, which
accidentally was perceived by our worthy Brother, Thomas Mauningham, M.D.
'Lane, Handy Book to the Lists of Lodges, 42.
Wistorl~of Signboards, 381.
Qccording to the Freemnson's Pocket-book of 1754, the first Masonic sermon that
was printed was preached a t Christ Church, Boston, on 27th December, 1749, by the
Rev. Chales Brockwell, A.M., His Majesty's Chaplain a t Boston, New England. (Freemasons' Magazine, New Series, I., 230, 1859.)
The Complete Free Xason; or Multa Paucis for &overs of Secrets, p. 105,


Transactions of t h e Q~rntrior Coronati Lodge.

[D.G.M.], who, for the Good of Masonry, took the trouble upon him to attend at
this Assembly, and gave the Fraternity the most prudent Advice for their future
Observance, and lasting Advantage. They all submitted to our worthy Brother's
superior Judgement, and the Breach was healed."
Perhaps the action of the
Antients had something to do with the calling of the meeting. The Annual Feast
was held that year on March 20, a t Drapers' Wall, Throgmorton-street. A few
days previously the Brethren had been desired to meet a t the King's Head, near
the Watch-House in High Holborn, to attend the funeral of Brother Richard
Lloycl's Evening Post for April 28-May 1, 1769 advertises that the Grand
Feast will be held on May 5 at Merchant Taylors' Hall; tickets half-a-guinea each.
The next issue of the same newspaper contains a short paragraph stating that the
Duke of Beaufort was then re-installed Grand Master and that the other Officers
were appointed for the ensuing year.
Politics sometimes mingled with Freemasonry. For instance, advertisements were issued 28, 29, and 30 July, 1788,
requesting the " Independent Electors of the City of Westminster, who are of the
Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, . . . to meet their Brother Lord
John Townshend, to breakfast a t the Star and Garter, Pall Mall, at nine o'clock
To-morrow Morning, and to proceed from thence to the Hustings to poll."
I n 1772 the Grand Feast was held on May 4 a t Merchant Taylors' Hall,
Threadneedle Street. -4pparently an error as to the date had previously been
made, for in advertisements from three different newspapers i t is stated that
" Tickets delivered for the 11th of May will be received."
Lord Petre was the
G.M. Elect. The Roll then numbered 425 Lodges.' I n that year the G.M.
officially sanctioned the issue of Preston's Z l l u s t ~ a t i o n sof illasor~ry.
I n 1779 the Grand Feast was held a t Freemasons' Hall; " Grand Lodge
will assemble at two o'clock. Dinner on table at three." The Duke of Manchester
held the office of G.M. from 1777 to 1782. The foundation stone of Freemasons'
Hall had been laid in.1775 and in the following year the building was opened. The
expenses were met by subscriptions and a commemorative medal, now very rare,
was s t r ~ c k . ~

On a ticket of admission to the Festival to be held April 29, 1782, is stated,

N.B. No Brother admitted uncloathed or Armed."

We get some information regarding the Country F e a ~ t s . ~That for 1783

was held a t the Long Room, Hampstead. Among the Stewards appears the name
of the Chevalier Bartholomew Ruspini,"urgeon-Dentist
to the Prince of Wales,
afterwards King George the Fourth, a t whose suggestion the " Royal Freemasons'
Charity " was instituted in 1788. I n 1790 i t was styled the " Royal Cumbarland
Freemasons' School " (after the Duke of Cumberland, brother of George I I I . , G.M.
1782-1790), and perhaps gradually gained its present name of the " Royal Masonic
Institution for Girls." We learn that the essayist, Dr. Vicesiinus Knox, preached
a sermon in 1793 a t St. Mary Abchurch, in Abchurch Lane, Lombard St., for
'Lane, Handy Book, 79.
2Shackles, The Medals of British Freemasonry, No. 3.
See A.Q.C. xxv., 10.
His son, James Bladen Ruspini, was also a Surgeon-Dentist. In 1803 he pub!ish?d
Obse~vationson the Importance and Use of the Hurnnn Teeth, which is a ~uriosityin i t 8
way, being printed on paper made of &raw,


the purpose of completing the building " now erecting in St. George's Fields." A
concert was given with the same end in view a t Freemasons' Hall on March 30,
1795. I n 1789 i t was announced in the Oracle or Bell's New World for J u l y 1 t h a t
the Country Feast would be held a t the Long Room, Hampstead, on J u l y 6, where
i t was held also in 1793.
That for 1795 was held on J u l y 6 a t Bro. Sutton's
Canonbury House, Islington.
" No Brother to be admitted Uncloathed or
Armed. "
I n consequence of difficulties1 anlong some of the members of t h e Lodge of
Antiquity a n attempt was made under the leadership of William Preston (17421818) in 1779 t o establish a third Grand Lodge. It continued its struggle for
existence for ten years. Tlie following advertisement appeared in 1779 :-" Freemasonry.
F o r the information of the Brethren of our ancient and honourable
Institution, this public notice is given, T h a t the Installation of the Grand Lodge
of England soutli of the River Trent, will be solemnized according to antient usage
on Thursday next, the 24th. inst. being the Festival of J o h n the Baptist a t the
Queen's Arms Tavern in S t . Paul's Church-yard; after which there will be a
Grand Feast where the company of every regular mason will be esteemed a favour.
By t h e Grand Master's Command, J o h n Sealy, G.S. Dinner on Table a t four
o'clock. No brother t o appear unclothed. Tickets, 10' 6d each, t o be had of the
Stewards; or the Grand Secretary, No. 18, Great St. Helen's, and a t the bar of
t h e Tavern." It was a t t h e Queen's Arms Tavern in St. Paul's Churchyard t h a t
t h e " City Club," t o which Samuel Johnson belonged, used to meet2; he was also
a member of a Club meeting a t the Essex Head in Essex Street, Strand,3 as well
aq of a Literary Club."
The formation of Preston's Grand Lodge added another t o the three then
existing, viz., the senior, organised in 1717; the Grand Lodge of All England (1725
t o 1792); and t h a t of the Antients (about 1752 to 1813). I n 1780 the second of
these lost its Secretary, J o h n Brown, a proctor of York, who " h a t h left the world
without a vice t o stain his character. . . . The procession " a t his funeral
" which was accompanied with trumpets and other music, was truly solemn."
Attention may here be drawn t o Bro. Sadler's discovery of another Grand
To go t o a later date, on J a n u a r y 27, 1813 the Earl of Moira (afterwards
the Marquis of Hastings) was presented on his departure for India with a very
handsome jewel, which was " paraded round the Hall and then placed round the.
liable earl's neck by the Duke of Sussex."
A long account will be found in
(among other newspapers) Bell's W e e l ~ l yMessenger for J a n u a r y 31, 1813. On the
following March 7 Bro. Asperne advertised in the same paper the publication with
the sanction of the Acting Grand Master of a complete account in book form, containing all the speeches, and illustrated by portraits, of the Earl of Moira and the
Duke of Sussex, a representation of the jewel and a copy of the ticket of admission
t o t h e Festival.

' Gould,


History, ii., 424.

Boswell's Life of Johnson ( E d . I i i g ~ e n ) ,II., 938.
Ib., 1037.
' Ib., passim.
A . Q . C . xviii., 60

~ r a n s a c t i o n sof t h e Q u a t u o r Coronccti .Lodge

The following scraps of information'sre obtained from various sources, but

chiefly from the Banks, Franks, and Lysons Collections :On December 1, 1731, the Duke of Lorraine, the Prince of Wales and several
of the nobility were entertained a t a Lodge that met a t the Devil Tavern, near
Temple Bar. The information is too vague to enable one to determine which Lodge
is meant, as members of several Lodges went to the Devil in that year.
According to Lane, only one Lodge met at the Golden Spikes, Hampstead;
this lived from 1730 t o 1742. I n an unidentified newspaper of April 27, 1732, it is
recorded t h a t a t a meeting of the Lodge held at the Golden Spikes, Bridges Street,
H a m ~ s t e a d -., Pelham, Esq., was admitted a Mason by the Rev. Dr. Desaguliers,
and the R t . Hon. the Earl Teynham was elected Master on the resignation of Lord

St. J a m e s ' s E a e n i n g P o s t for January 22, 1734, notifies the fact that on the
previous evening a Lodge had been established a t the Key and Garter Tavern, Pall
Nall, under the Mastership of the Duke of Marlborouglz. An announcement in an
unidentified newspaper of the following month calls this a " Grand Lodge." On
the following April 3, the Earl of Crawfurd, " G.M. of the Society of Free and
Accepted Masons, gave an elegant entertainment to the said Society at their Lodge
a t Hampstead. "

I have met,with an announcement, published on July 14, 1734, that on the

following Friday evening the members of the Lodge meeting a t the Prince of
Orange's Head, in Jermpn St., would go on board the Clothu-orkers' barge a t
Whitehall and proceed up the river to Fulham. Lane mentions only one Lodge
that met a t that Tavern, the present No. 29, but not till 1772; he gives the place
of meeting in 1734 as the Castle and Leg Tavern, Holborn.
On March 4, 1735, Lord Weymouth was elected W.M. of the Lodge meeting
- the present Old King's Arms. Viscount
Weymouth was Grand Master in that year; Martin Clare was a member of this
Lodge and in the same year was appointed a Grand Warden.'
a t the King's Arms in the Strand

Sir Multus Rayal was Initiated at a Lodge that met a t the Fountain Tavern
i n ,Bartholomew Lane on February 17, 1738.
A n advertisement in a newspaper dated May 16, 1738, states that Lord
Carnarvon " opened a Lodge " a t the New Exchange Punch House in the Strand.
The name of this House does not occur in Lane, the nearest approach being the
Xew Exchange Coffee House, but the date appears only in 1826. The Marquess
of Carnarvon was G.M. in 1738.
LODGE(now the Grand Stewards' Lodge).-The members
were desired to meet their Master and Wardens on special affairs a t the Shakespear's
Bead, Covent Garden, on March 5, 1752. (See a n t e , 1752, and Lord Byron).
LODGE(afterwards the Lodge of Antiquity).
( A fine print of the 'Summons of this Lodge, dated 26th December, 1760, is in the
Banks Collection.)-Mention may here be made of Bro. Rylands' valuable History
of this Lodge.
Calvert, History of t h Old King's Arms Lodge, passim.

The " Cottectznea


of- the Bec. Baniel Lysons, P.A?.S., P.S.A.


HOUSELODGE(united with The Old Horn Lodge in 1774).Several summonses of different dates, but all resembling one another.

to meet June 13, 1768, a t the King's Arms, New Bond St. Signed
by R . B. Waltingham, Master. Within a border formed by
a square, level, and plumb rule.
No. 2 " to meet J a n . 8, 1781, at Freemasons' Hall.
Jas. Bottomley, SecY.

Signed by




to meet J a n . 22, 1787. A t foot is written MnJ&zgs.


to meet May 9, 1791. A t foot is written Lectures.


to meet Nov. 6, 1792, at Freemasons' Hall.

There are also two cards, similar to the abov'e (but Somerset

now No. 6.-Summonses to meet on 1st July and 9th

Ilecember, 1790. " Dinner will be ssrved at Five under the Penalty of a Guinea
from Willis to the Charity." This is a Red Apron Lodge, had the Freemasons'
Ball Medal, and met at the Thatched House Tavern, being then No. 3.

LODGE,now No. 33.
Summonses to meet at the Star and
Garter, Pall Mall, one for 1'7th December, 1795, another blank.
Motto: " Nil
desperandum Auspice Teucro. "

(.sic) LODGE,presumably the present No. 66-"
To meet
on the 14th July, 1764 ( a ) , a t the Stratford Coffee House, Oxford St. By Order
of the R . W . Master to ballot for the removal of the Lodge to one of the following
houses or such other as may be proposed on that night."
Four houses are me?tioned, one of which is the Swan, Mount Street, to which the Lodge migrated in
now NO. 91.-"
Thatched House Tavern, St.
James's Street. Brother. You are desired to meet the Brethren of this Lodge dn
Tuesday, the 27th of October [1785], a t 7 in t h Eveng.
Yours affectionately,
Dewar, Master."
LODGE,now No. 194.

(See reproduction from the Franks



now No. 255.-Summons
Hampton Court, on the 4th of April, 1787.

to meet at the Toy,

THE TUSCANLODGE,erased in 1830.--" Quarterly Night and Makings."

(See reproduction from the Ranks Collection).
THE KING'S ARMS LODGE.--Summons to meet at !8) Marylebone Street,
St. James's, Westminster, on the 11th of March, 1794. Lane does not give such
a place of meeting of the Lodge of that name copstituted in 1725 (now the Old
King's Arms), nor does Calvert in his History; or another warranted in 1776.
Lodge a t the Turk's Head, Gerrard St."-Summons
to meet the Brethren
There will be a Making."
of the Lodge on ths 9th of December, 1760.


Transactions of t h e Qzcatztor C'oronatl Lodge.

According to Lane, a Lodge warranted in 1732 met a t the Turk's Head, Greek
Street, Soho, from 1745, and did not move to the Turk's H'ead, Gerrard Street,
till 1763. Three other Lodges met at that hostelry, but their dates do not suit.
I t was a t the Turk's Head in Greek Street that those who were for a long time
regarded as Seceders or Schismatics appointed a Committee t o draw up their Code
of laws, five years before the first edition of Ahiamir Rezon was published. The
Title of the Code runs thus1 :-"
Rules & Orders to be Observ'd By the Most Ancient
and HonbIe Society of Free and Accepted Masons. As agreed and Settled by a
Committee appointed by a General Assembly held at the Thrk's head in Greek
Street, Soho, on Wednesday, the 17th of July, 1751, And in the Year of Masonry
P h i P McLoughlin
Sam1 Quay

JosDh. Kelly
& Jn" Morgan, Gd. Secret'

For the Grand."
I n 1724 a Lodge (No. 26 in the 1729 list) was constituted to meet a t the
Old Devil a t Temple Bar. After sundry removals its place of meeting was the
Key and Garter, Pall Mall, where i t remained for about five years till 1739, and
was eventually erased in 1745. The Banks Collection contains a blank summons,
which is here reproduced.
The same Collection contains a summons (reproduced) issued 1785 by a
Lodge meeting a t the Red Lion, Horsleydown. I t was constituted in 1739 and in
1786 had given it the name of the LODGEOF PEACE
AND PLENTY. From 1792 to
i t made no returns, and
1813 i t was a Mast2rs1 Lodge.
was erased in 1830.
I n 1785 the Master of the FOUNDATION
was Bro. Royn, of 45, Wood
designed and engraved the
St., Cheapside.
summons for the Lodge to meet a t Freemasons' Hall on January 14 of that year.
Constituted in 1753, the Lodge lapsed about 1806.
With respect t o the LOGED'ESP~RANCE,
constituted in 1768 (Turk's Head,
Gerrard St., Soho), Lane specifies no place of meeting after its removal to $he
Thatched House Tavern in 1785. I n 1799 it united with the Loge des Amis
Rkunis. A ticket of admission for a gentleman and one Sister (natural or
Nasonic 1) to a ball a t Spring Gardens, Chelsea, is here reproduced.
Three years after the constitution of the New Lodge it received in 1767
the name of the ROYAL
LODGE,and in 1824 united with the Alpha Lodge according
to Lane (p. 134), but the context shows clearly that the Royal Alpha Lodge, now
No. 16, is meant. The Secretary issued, by order of the R . W . Master, a card
desiring the Brethren to meet at the Thatch'd House Tavern on the 4th of May,
1786. The time of the dinner hour, half-past 4 o'clock, was afterwards changed
and the Brethren met on the 21st of February, 1793, one hour later.

Sadler, Nnsonic Facts and Fictions, 70.



Collecfmzea" o f the

Rev. Daniel Lysons, P.R.S., P.8.A.


A t the foot of an engraved summons 9f the LODGEOF PRUDENCE,

for the
nrethren to meet on the 23rd of June, 1789, is written, " N.B. Election, Quarterly
Night and this day week Masters Lodge for Raising." This Lodge was constituted
in 1740, and a t the date given above met apparently at the Griffin, Half Moon St.,
Piccadilly .
A summons of the CONGLETON
does not call for any special
remark, but certain statements in Lane' and Armstrong2 do not tally. According
to the former, the Independent Lodge was constituted at Congleton in 1789 and
lapsed about 1802. I t s number was 550, changed a t the re-numbering in 1792 to
459. The latter author states that under the same name, but meeting a t Lane End,
i t existed with the number 516 till 1828. According to Lane, the number 459 was
given to the Independent Lodge of the United Pottery at its constitution at Lane
End in 1805. This was changed in 1814 to 516, and the Lodge was erased in 1828.

Among the extinct Lodges that formerly met at Gloucester was one that was
constituted in 1738. Lane gives the Wheatsheaf in Eastgate St. as the drst place
of meeting, but he goes on to say that it removed to the Swan Inn, in North St.
in 1751 and was erased in January, 1768. Can this be the Lodge to which reference
is made in the following advertisement cut from the Clouc~ster Journal?
" Gloucester, 4th of June, NDCCLXX., I n the vulgar Year of Masonry 5770.
The Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, Regularly constituted a t the Swan-Inn
in this City, Having been, through unavoidable Accidents interrupted for some
Time past, will be held, in due Form, on Monday, the 25th Instant, being the
Morrow afttr the Feast of St. John the Baptist, a t the said Inn, where all visiting
Brothers, having the Qualities requisite, will be kindly received a t the Hour of
Twelve, Mid-Day. " Unfortunately ,. no further information respecting the result
of the meeting occurs in Collectanea.

The Banks Collection contains a blank summons of the LODGEOF PERFECT

a t Bath, 1798. This Lodge was constituted in 1765 and named in or
before 1768. I n 1777 i t was known as the Royal York Lodge, and in 1817 its
name was changed to the Royal York Lodge of Perfect Friendship. From Peach3
we learn something of the difficulties that the Lodge experienced later on. The
conduct of one of its members was reported to the Board of General Purposes,%ho
censured him severely, and eventually the Lodge was erased in 1824 by order of
Grand Lodge.
Wilkes's connection with Freemasonry has been previously mentioned4 by
Bro. Songhurst. The Jerusalem Lodge in which he was Initiated was also Burke's
L o d g e . V h e following scraps of information concerning Wilkes are from Lloyd's
Evening Post :-" So generally are the minds of men set on the cause of Liberty,
that we hear, from good authority, that the Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons,
held a t the Three Crowns in East Smithfield, came to a resolution on Friday last
to present John Wilkes, Esq ; with the sum of ten guineas ; and which, i t is
supposed, will be followed by most other Lodges of that fraternity, as those Gentlemen are very remarkable in their uniformity of conduct." (February 24-27, 1769.)
Reeords, 221.
History of Masonry in Cheshire, 499
dSketch of Craft Masonry in the C i f y o f ' ~ a t h ,pp. 31-33.
A.Q.C. xxvii., 55.
I b . iii., 61.


Transnctious of the Q~ratuorCoronati Lodge.

Two Lodges met in that year at the Three Crowns in East Smithfield; one, then
No. 12, which existed from 1723 to 1776, the other, then No. 102, was erased in
1769. I n the same paper for March 3-6, 1769, is given an account of his Initiation
a t the King's-bench Prison. " The following Gentlemen were also admitted a t
the same time Members of the Society, George Bellas, Esq ; Lewis Francis
Bourgeois, Esq ; Capt. Read, and Mr. John Churchill." Next to this paragraph
Extract of a letter from Salop, March I . ' Monday
comes the following:-"
morning last was sent in our stage waggon, Pirected to Mr. Wilkes, a Simnel, two
feet diameter, and weighed 45 pounds; on the top of it, wrote in letters of silver,
was the following motto:
May Wilkes and Liberty survive,
We'll toast his health and 45."'

The allusion is, of course, to that number of the -Vorth Briton.

Then again,
under date March 8-10 :-" Wednesday and the day before, the sum of twenty
guineas,'left on Friday last, with the Turnkey of the King's-bench prison by the
Gentlemen of the Jerusalem Lodge, when Mr. Wilkes was made a Mason, was
distributed among the poor prisoners." I n the same issue is an advertisement 'of
a meeting of the Society for supporting the Bill of Rights, held on March 7, a t
which i t was resolved " that the sum of Three Hundred Pounds be sent to Mr.
Wilkes, for his immediate Use."
Three months later his debts amounted to
E17,OOO. (Zb., June 7-9).
I n the issue for March 10-13 occurs the following:-" I t is thought proper
to acquaint the Public, that I, in the presence of two grand Officers, and by virtue
of a general Dispens'ation, dated February 2, 1769, signed by the Deputy GrandMaster, did make Mr. Wilkes a Free and Accepted Mason. The Dispensation
may be seen by any Mason, a t the Jerusalem Lodge, No. 44, on a Lodge night.
THO. DOBSON,Master."
Mention has been made by our 1.P.M.l of the existence of a medal that was
presented to Wilkes by the Family of Leeches. The newspaper ffom which I have
heen quoting gives in its issue for June 7-9 of the same year a description of this
medal, which was presented " last night and not before " to Wi1kes:-"
A silver
crescent on the body of which the arms of the Family are elegantly engraved;
the edge is ornamented with a laurel, enameled green: in the vacuity is a gold
medal. finely chased, representing Mr. Wilkes in a suppliant posture, offering himself a victim a t the shrine of Liberty; a female figure of Providence standing on
his right hand, drawing from the sacrifice with one hand, and presenting a wreath
of laurel to him with the other. On the other side the altar, Posterity, represented
by a child sitting on Magna Charta, imploring the assistance of Providence. On
the reverse the following inscription." This, which is very long, states that Wilkes
had been " invested Chief Counsellor of the ancient Family of Leeches," concluding
with " This Badge of Office is presented by the Most Noble Grand Leech, The
Council and Brethren of the supreme and legislative Court of that Fraternity."
I n Lloyd's Evening Post for May 10-12, 1769, the Editor says : " We are
assured, t h a t there are great disputes subsisting between the Societies of Free
Masons, several bodies of them, particularly those from Ireland, Scotland, and

A.Q.C. xxvii., 29,





C'ollectccnen " of t h e IL)Pu.

Dnnjcl Lyso~ln, Y.B.S., ' F . S . A .


York, insisting that they are the only true Masons; and that the generality of
the Lodges in London, are composed of a set of Modern Innovators, who have very
little title to the honourable name of an Ancient, Free and Accepted Mason."
This probably refers to the different opinions held respecting an incorporation of
the Fratsrnity by royal charter, that had been brought before Grand Lodge,
October, 1768, by the Grand Master, the Duke of Beaufort.'
A long advertisement, issued from Paul's Head Tavern, appeared in the
TVorlcl of January 20, 1788. It gives several particulars respecting the Anniversary
fostival of the Grand Lodge of the Antients to be held on the ensuing 24th. The
members of the several Lodges under the warranty of the Grand Lodge of England
are notified that the procession will commence from the Gardens of the Black Prince.
After the
Newington, at ten o'clock in the forenoon to Camberwell Church.
preaching of a sermon by the G. Chaplain, Rev. C. IkIilne, l>.D., they will go to
Grove House to dinner. Antient Masons made in regular Lodges under the United
Grand Lodge of England, Scotland and Ireland, under the Provincial Grand Lodges
planted by them, or under National Grand Lodges, whose regularity and independents they have recognised, can obtain tickets, but will not be admitted armed,
" nor can any Brother (Grand Officers excepted) wear gold lace or gold embroidery
on his Masonic dress; nor will any star, garter or emblem of Knights Templar, or
of any other Order of Knighthood, except of Royal Institution, be suffered in the
Grove House Tavern and the attached Camberwell Tea Gardens were well
known in the eighteenth century. A t the Tavern the Camberwell Club met, which
numbered among its members clerygmen, lawyers and merchants.
It will be
only followed the usual custom of having processions by authority.
rcmembsred that the existence of the Grand Lodge south of the Trent was due to
circumstances arising from an unauthorised procession.
It was notified in the
advertisement of the Grand Feast. in 1744 that no Hackney Coaches would be
admitted to the Procession. (Dctrly dcluertiser.)
I n the Cuzrtteer for January lst, 1790, it is announcd that the Grand Lodge
of the Antient Masons was held at the Crown and Anchor Tavern on the previous
Monday, which was the festival of St. John, members of forty Lodges being present.
The following Oficers were appointed for the year:-G.M., The Marquis of Antrim
t1783-91, had been G.M. of Ireland, when Earl of Antrim, in 1773 and 17791;
D.G.M., James Perry; S.G.W., James Agar; J.G.W., Sir Watkin Lewes;
G.Chaplain, Rev. Colin Milne, LL.D. ; G .Treasurer, John Feakins; G.S., John
MacCormick. The writer praises the Order on account of its charity, and states
tbat " The last circular letter says ' That the Stewards' Lodge for the distribution
of Charity meets monthl?y.'-The Masters of Lodges are summoned to form the
Stewards Lodge; a Grand Officer presides. The ten Masters do not know, till they
are called upon, of its being their turn of duty. No applicant can possibly learn
beforehand of what Masters the Lodge is to be composed, and i t is never composed
twice of the same persons." This announcement drew forth letters, and on January
4th an account of the Lodge by an " Ancient Mason." He says that Masonry had
fallen into disuse in London, but that in 1717 it was revived, and a Committee
conbriued and adopted n new syxtrn~,and, though this was not cordially accepted by
all, the four Lodges who had met together, formed themselves into a Grand Lodge.
See Preston, Zllustrcctions, Ed. Oliver, 201; Gould, TIistory ii., 47,



Tmnsactio~lsof t h e


('oroncrti Lodge.

Many Masons, particularly from Scotland and Ireland, continued t o observe

the ancient institutions, rigidly adhering to the old mysteries, rites, and obligations,
while the others practised the language and ceremonies recently introduced.
The European Lodges sent delegates to ascertain which of the two bodies
t h a t had baen formed adliered to the pure and genuine principles, unvaried among
all nations. The Grand Lodges of Scotland and Ireland solemnly united themselves
with the Ancient Masons, and have ever since furnished the G.L. of England
with Grand Masters. The Ancient Mascns of England are countenanced by all
the Lodges of the world, but the Moderns are held as a distinct sect, who have
departed from the principles and broken tlie compact, which, till the introduction
of these new-fangled doctrines, possessed perfect unity.
Collrctanra does not give any of the evidently abusive letters, especially as
regards the Marquis of Antrim, which had induced an " Ancient Mason " t o write
his letter, of which I have given only a short abstract.
To draw once more on the resources of Lloyd's Evruing Post, but go further
north, we find t h a t on December 2nd, St. Andrew's Day, 1769, the Grand Officers
and all the Lodges in Edinburgh and its neighbourhocd assembled in the Parliament
house a t four o'clock and elected liis Excdlency Major-General Oughton, G r ~ n d
Master; Dr. Lind and W. Bailie, Grand Wardens; Alex. Mac Dougal, G.S.; and
J. H u n t e r , G.Treasurer. They afterwards went in procession (the streets being
lined with men of the 43rd Regiment and tlie City-guard), " attended by music,
torch-bearers, &c.", to the Assembly Hall, where a n elegant entertainment
was provided, and t11e night was concluded with ringing of bells and other
demonstrations of joy. The epithet " elegant " was applied t o a n entertainment
t o quite a recent date.
Lyon gives1 full particulars of the career of Major-General James Adolphus
Oughton, and remarks t h a t he had been unable to find why " the latter was given
in the Grand Lodge Minutes the title of ' His Excellency,' " or what his connection
with Scotland was when elected Grand Master.
I11 t h e E z 6 . J. (Hibernian Journal ?) for October 25, 1785, appeared the
Under the Sanction of the Grand
following advertisement :-" Free-Masonry.
Lodge of Ireland, this present evening, will be t112 Second Night of a Course of
Lectures on the above, a t the Eagle, Eustace-street.
Tickets t o be had, and
Particulars known of W. Rainsford, No. 22, St. Andrew-street."
I n the Banks collection is a summons to attend, on December 28 of the same
year, a meeting of the Lcdge of St. J o h n a t Dunlreld. A t the upper p a r t are tlie
Masons' Arms, various symbols and legend " Calsdonian," " I n God is all our
Trust " : the whole within a floral border.
Advertiseme~ts concerning the Rcyal Arch are scarce. A n unidentified
newspaper of October 9, 1753, has the following advertisement, which may perhaps
concern this degree: - "
To all Brothers t h a t were made in the Order of the
M.L.K.G. of the G. and R.C. commonly called the Roval Arch, t h a t a Chapter
will be held on Sunday evening next, a t the House cf Brother J o h n Henrys, the
Crown and Anchor i11 King-Street, Seven Dials. By Order of P . T . H . J . Z . L . and
J . A . W.L., Secretary. Note, Removed from the Fountain in Monmouth-Street."
I n another newspaper, also unidentified, for January 11, 1754, we find :-" All
Brothers who were made in the E . G and R C , commonly call'd tlie Royal Arch,

' History


P r e e m a s o n ~ yin Scotland, 326.





of the R r v . Daniel Lyao,,s, P.L?.S., P.8.d

are desired t o attend on Sunday next, a t Five i11 the Evening, ab Brother J o h n
FIenry's, the Crown and Anchor in King-Street, Seven-Dials, in order for a Grand
Installation, and t o chuse the P . T . H . J . Z . L . and J . A . as Grand, and t o proclaim
the worthy 8 . 0 .J . N . R . S. with the two P.L.R.S. By Order of the P . T . H . J . Z . L .
and J . A . W . L . , Secretary. Note, Removed from the Fountain in MonmouthStreet."
These advertisements were issued barely ten years after t,he earliest mention
--so f a r as is known a t present.-of
the term " Royal Arch " as indicating a
separate degree. I t s origin and the exact date of its introduction are both lost in
ubscurity. It was worked a t yougl~al in 1743, in Dublia, T o r k and London before
1744, and a t Stirling in tlle year 1745. The Degree is mentioned in Ahinzan Rezon
;1756), and was well established in York in 1762, London 1765, and Lancashire
i767, i n which year tlle " Grand and Royal Chapter of the Royal Arch of
.Jerusalem1' was formally constituted. The " Charter of Compact" has been
printed by Hughan in his Origiiz of the English Rite of E1ree/nrrsonr?y, which as
well as Gould's Niatory should be consulted.
The various initials probably stand for the following:-(1)
M.L.K.G. of
the G. and R.C., Mother Lodge Kilwinuing of the Grand and Royal Chapter.
(2) P . T . H . J . Z . L . and J . A . , Principal Three, Haggai, Zerubbabel and Joshua.
It has been suggested t h a t T . is a misprint for S . ; Dermott, however, in Al~imcur
Hezox, 1756, prints (p. 153) P . H . Z . L . and J . A . (3) S.O.J.N.R.S., Sojourners.
(4) P . L . R . S . , Pillars, i.r., the Scribes, who may be said to represent the pillars
t h a t supported the Arch. (5) E.G. and R.C., Excdlent Grand and Royal Chapttir.
Wughan gives (English IiIL'ifr, p . 100) 1768 as the year in which " Chapter " firs$
occurs, though a little later (p. 104) he quotes " . . . E.G. and R.C., commonly
called the Royal Arch . . . twelfth day of J u n e , 1765, in full Chapter
assembled," etc.
I have t o thank our W.M. and Bro. J . T . Thorp for their kind assistance
with respect t o these advertisements.
The following is an unidentified newspaper cutting of the year 1792:" Royal Arch General Communication.
His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence,
Grand Patron. Sir Peter Parker, Baronet, Grand Master, Z. T . B. Parkyns,
Esq. M . P . Ditto, ditto, B. Thomas Callendar, Esq. Ditto, ditto, J . The
Second Grand Chapter of Conlnlunication will be held at, Freemasons' Hall, on
Thursday the 20th of December, mrhen the Attendauce of the respective Principals
of all regular Chapters is requested t o the Election of a Patron, and Grand Officers
for tlle ensuing Year, agreeable to the Resolution of the last General Chapter of
Sir Peter
George Errington, A. Winzer, Grand Scribes."
Parker was Deputy Grand Master from 1787 t o 1802; he had been G . W . in 1772.
The names of Bros. T . B. Parkyns and T . Callend'ar do not appear in the list of
Grand Officers of tlle C r a f t u p to the year mentioned. I n those days each of the
three Principals of a Grand Royal Arch Chapter was styled " Grand Master."
The Banks Collection contains a summons to, apparently, a Royal Arch
meeting. A manuscript note gives the date as 1788. I n the centre of the upper
p a r t is represented a crown, on either side of which is an eye and a mitre, and
beneath i t interlaced triangles. "A Grand and Royal Chapter of this Sublime
Degree will be held on Monday, March 3d 579 , a t which your attendance is
requested. Griffin, Half Moon S t . , Piccadilly." On conferring with our Secretary

respecting this and its peculiar date, he pointed o u t " t h a t two Lodges met a t the
Griffin, Half Moon S t . , in or about 1788, both apparently named the United Lodge
of Prudence." One of these was erased in 1800, the other is the present No. 83.

The following are taken from a n anonymous work, the third edition of which
was published in 1764l.-" H o u r 11. Such Brethren as belong to the Orders of
Free-Masons, Anti-Gallicans, Bucks, Georges and divers others, who held t h e ~ r
Lodges the preceding Night, are asking after their H a t s and Canes, in order t o
walk, or bs led (according as they are for Sobriety) Homewards. . . . H o u r X X .
From Seven till Eight o'clock on Sunday evening. Bodies of Free Masons, who
have been all the day borrowing of Masonic Jewels, White Gloves, Aprons, and
Black Cloathes, begin t o make their Grand Cavalcades before the Corps of deceased
Brothers t o distant Church-Yards."

T h e illystery of Preenmsonry was printed in the D u l y Journal for August

15, 1730. This called forth a remonstrance a t the meeting of Grand Lodge on the
ensuing August 28, when, during the Grand Mastership of the Duke of Norfolk,
D r . Desaguliers, P.G.M., drew attention t o the fact t h a t a printed paper had been
published and dispersed about London, pretending t o discover the s'ecrets of Freemasonry, and t o the resolution of the previous Quarterly Communication against
the admission into regular Lodges of " such as call themselves Honorary mason^."^
Bros. Goul'd and Sadler have p u t on record a few particulars concerning this body.'
Bro. Sadler, in his inaugural address, quoted t h e following from Mackey's
Encyclopedia of E'rermtrsonry (1898) :-" A song of theirs preserved in Carey's
Musical C f e n t ~ c r yis almost t h e only record left of their existence."
R u t several
tditions of the G'etlticry had been examined by Bro. Songhurst without success.
Probably the following is the song alluded t o :-


L o ~ glife to each Brother

Who bravely from other
Freemasons dissents and dares vary ;
Thc mad rules they prescribe
To their bigoted tribc,
Which are scorned by the s e d Hosonaam
W h o instead of tllcir oath,

Plight our honour.; and troth

To keep secret re Craft of Freemasons;
Being firmly mclin'cl,
To think honour \\ill find
Us, when 0 3 t h ~will be broken bx base sons.
l 1 , ~ t c L i f e : or one half of f h i ~Tl'oiltl kno1c.s not how thr ofher half live, being
criticctl account of 1r1~c1t1 5 t ~ n n s u c f e t lh v people of nlmcat trll llcligwns, Nntions, Circumstances C L T M ~ sizes of Untierrtnllding in the ftcenfu-four bolos bcttrecn S'ccttcrtlaY-Ntght
a i d Il1ondnl~-Norningin a true desc~igtiono f a SnntJuy.
"G).C. A n t ~ g .x., 128 (G.L. Minutes, Etl. Songhurst).
A.Q.C. viii., 133 ; svi., 41 ; xxiii., 327.

On a honse ne'er so high,

If a, brother they spy,

As his trowel he dext'ronely l a p on:

He lnust leave off his work,
And come dolt-11 xith a jerk,
A t @he sign of an Accepted Mason.
A Brother one time,
Being hnng'd for some criine,
His Brethren did stupidly gaze on :
They made signs rithont cnc!,
But fast hung their friead,
l i k e a Free and an AcceptXi Mason.
Thcy tell us fine things,
How yt lords, dukes and kings,
Their mis'tries have put a good grace on:
For their credit be 't said,
Many a skip has been nlade
[By] A Free and an Accepted Mason
Prom whence I conclude,
Tho' i t seems somewhat rude;
No credit their tribe we shonlcl place on :
Since a fool we may see,
Of any degrce,
M s y commence aa Acccptecl -Ilason.'
The song ' ' 'Tis Masonry unites mankind," set to music, was published as a
new song in the Universctl Magazine for March 1761. I n 1769 there appeared an
advertisement of a new edition of T h f C'herrrf~rlC'onrpnnio~r or Songster's Pocket
IlooL, containing " songs which are sung in the several Lodges of Free Masons,
Albions, Antigallicans, Bucks, Choice Spirits, aud the principabsocieties within the
Cities and Liberties of London and Westminster." I have not been able t o find a
clue t o t h e words or authorship of " Masonry, a Poem " advertised in the Scot.s
.llo@~~e, i., 192 (1739). The same Magazine (ix., 404) gives in its list of new
books, " Magistracy settled upon its only Scriptural basis . . . with a protestation against the Mason-word, by five Masons." I am indebted to the kindness
cf Bro. Songhurst for drawing my attention t o the above. It contains also the
Mason's Catechism, p a r t of which was reprinted in the Old Series of ilfiscellanea
A mezzotint portrait of Dunckerley is advertised in Ijcdl's X c ~ uTT'orltl for
December 3, 1789, as about t o be published.
It is well known t h a t Dr. Theophilus Desaguliers was a very able man of
science who, among other things, lectured on experimental philosophy, as it was
then called, t o defray the expenses of which, money was granted him by the Royal
Society. B u t i t is not so well known t h a t on his death in 1744 his coachman,
Erasmus King, lectured on the same subject and showed experiments a t Lambetli
Another body of which very little is known was styled the PHILIPPIAN
Oliver says3 t h a t Frederick the Great introduced the Order, into which none were
admitted b u t the chief nobles who belonged t o the Order of the Temple.
I~'1~ernn.soits'Xciqctrinr, i v . , 870 (1858).
P e a r Hook, 251.
L u i ~ d r n u r k s , ii., 49.


On a house ne'er so high,

If a brother they spy,
As his trowel he dext'rously lays on:
He must leave off his rork.
And come donn n ~ t ha jerk,
Bt lrhc sign of an Accepted Mason.
A Brother one time,

Being hang'd for some crimr,

His Brethren did btupidly gaze on:
They made aigns \rithout cnc!,
But fast hnng their friend,
l ~ i B ca Free and an Accept?ci Mason.
They tell us fine things,
How yt lords, dukes and kings.

Their mis'tries have put a good grace on:

For their credit be 't said,
Many a skip has been inade
[By] A Free and an Accepted Mason
From whence I conclude,
Tho' i t seems somewhat rude;
No credit their tribe we should place 011 :
Since a fool we may see,
Of any degrce,
May commence an Accr,pted M a s o i ~ . ~
The song '. 'Tis Masonry unites mankind," set to music, was published as a
new song i n the ['71iverscrl ilfaglnzine for March 1761. I n 1769 there appeared an
advertisement of a new edition of T h e Ckertrfrtl C'o~liptrnion or Songster's I'ock~t
Ilool;, containing " songs which are sung in the several Lodges of Free Masons,
Albions, Antigallicans, Bucks, Choice Spirits, and the principal Societies within the
Cities and Liberties of London and Westminster." I have not been able t o find a
clue t o the words or authorship of " Masonry, a Poem " advertised in t h e Scotrj
Jfcrgcrzinr, i . , 192 (1739). The same Magazine (ix., 404) gives in its list of new
books, " Magistracy settled upon its only Scriptural basis . . . with a protestation against the Mason-word, by five Masons." I am indebted t o the kindness
cf Bro. Songhurst for drawing my attention t o the above. It contains also the
.Vason's Catechism, p a r t of which was reprinted in the Old Series of ilfiscellanen.
A mezzotint portrait of Dunckerley is advertised in Jlrll's J'etu l170rld for
December 3, 1789, as about t o be published.
It is well known t h a t Dr. Theophilus Desaguliers was a very able man of
science who, among other things, lectured on experin~entalphilosophy, as i t was
then called, t o defray the expenses of which, money was granted him by t h e Royal
Society. B u t i t is not so well known t h a t on his death in 1744 his coachman,
Erasmus King, lectured on the same subject and showed experiments a t Lambeth
Another body of which very little is known was styled the PHILIPPIAN
Oliver says3 t h a t Frederick the Great introduced the Order, into which none were
admitted but the chief nobles who belonged t o the Order of the Temple.

Illagtrz~nr , i r . , 870 (1858)
Hone, Yew Hook. 251.
ii., 49.

To come to a much later date-thc Cow.irr of May 29, 1824, quoted a letter
from the capital of Fokien, in China, dated January 22, 1823, in which the writer
says t h a t attempts had been made t o introduce into t h a t country secret societies of
Freemasons under the name of THE SOCIETY
ordered the members of this as well as of another similar association, called Tas
TRIPLEALLIINCE, to be severely punished.
I n the Daily Bdvertisrr for 26th August, 1731, is the following extract from
. . . will be presented a new Dramatick
a Bartholonlew F a i r Play bill:-"
Opera call'd The Emperor of China, Grand-Vol-Gi, or the Constant Couple and
virtue rewarded, written by tho author of the Generous Free-Mason."
J u s t fifty years later (1781) we find'that there was presented a t the Theatre
Royal in Covent Garden: " Macbeth . . . t o which will be added Harlequin
Free-Mason. T O conclude with a Procnssion of the Principal Grand Masters, from
the Creation to the present Century, dressed in the Habits of their respective Ages
and Countries. The Pantomime by Mr. Messinlr."l
From the P t t b l ~ c.ldoertisur, 26th January, 1754. " This Day is published.
Price 6d. The Free Mason examined; or, the World brought c u t of Darkness into
Light. Being an authenticlr Account of all the Secrets of the Ancient Society of
Free Masons, which have been handed down by Oral Tradition only, from the
institution to the present Time. I n which is particularly described, the whole
Ceremony used a t making Masons, as i t has been hitherto practised in all the Lodges
round the Glcbe, by whicll any Person, who was never Made, may introduce himself into a Lodge. W i t h Notes, Explanatcry, Historical, and Critical. To which
are added, The Author's Reason3 for the Publication hereof, and some Remarks
on t h e Conduct of t h e Author of a Pamphlet, called Ilfnsotlry Dissected. W i t h a
new and correct List of all the regular Lodges, under the English Constitution,
according t o their late Removals, and Additions.
By Alexander Slade, late
Master of three Regular Constituted Lodges i n the City of Norwich. Printed
for R. Griffiths, in St. Paul's Churchyard."
The second edition was advertised
on the following February 4. Of this pamphlet with its long title Bro. Cltetwode
Crawley, speaking of T h r Crnnd -11~ ~ t r rsays2
~ s , :-" The only parallel we remember
to have seen is t h e curious tract entitled ' Free Masons examined ' . . . This
is, in a sense, a parody of the Spurious Rituals. B u t Slade was innocent of satire.
His aim was t o elevate-an aim t h a t entails failure, unless directed by genius."
I n the Public ;2dvrr:iarr for February 2 ir? the same year the twelfth edition
of Mnsonry D~ssrcterlwas advertised, price 6d., " being an universal and genuine
Description of all its Branches, from the Original t o the present Time: As i t is
delivered in the regular constituted Lodges, both in the City and Country, according t o the several Degrees of Admission: Giving a n impartial Account cf their
regular Proceedings in initiating their new Members in the whole Three Degrees
in Masonry, viz., entered Prentice, Fellow Craft, and Master. With a List of
regular Lodges, according t o their Seniority and Constitution. Sold by G. Kensly,
a t t h e Golden Lion in Ludgate Street." Prichard's first edition came out in 1730.
1 See A dlnsonic Pantomime nntl some other Plays, by Bro. W . 13. Hextall, in
A.Q.C. xxi., 138.
"adler, JInsontc Rcl~rintstrntl Hrveltrfio~ts,xxxvi. See also F r ~ ~ r n r t s o nI'c~rodie~l
I;;.$ OIJ Sltrde'a " P~rrmtrsonE.rctn~(netl,"by Hro. J . T Thorp in A.G).C. xx., 93.

I n 1764 was published (price Is. 6d.) " The Fifth Edition corrected, of
Jachin and Boaz . . . Containing, 1. A circumstantial Acccunt of all the
Proceedings in nlaking a Mascn, with the several Obligaticns of an Entered
-4pprentic2, Felhw Craft and Master; and also the Sign, Grip, Pass-Word, and
Lecture of cach Ihgree, with the Ceremony of the Mop and Pail. . . . Cv a
Gentleman bdonging to tho Jerusalem Lodge," etc., etc. Bro. J . T. Thorp has
kindly enabled me to give the dat3s of the previous editions:-lst, 1762; 2nd, 1762;
3rd, 1763; 4th, 1763. The 6th was printgd in 1765. Of the last-named, as well
as of the find, Bro. Thorp possesses a copy. The price of each edition was 1s. 6d.
Oliver' throws out a doubt that i t ever was " a sixpenny pamphlet," and
states that " a t its first appearance it was circulated among the Fraternity
only a t the enormous charge of one guinia a copy, and it appears that the demand
for the pamphlet, even at the above prico, was 30 great that i t cleared off his [i.e.,
Goodall's] debts, and left a considerable balance in his favour.'' I do not know
what authority there is for this statement, or for the further one that the Spurn
and Hurrbar Lodge, No. 61 of the Antients, " worked solely by the assistance or
this book. . . . The Master and each of the members-such at least as could
read had a copy of this pamphlet before him," etc.
Finch advertises his books on the following degrees"-Mark
Man; Mark
Master ; The Architect; The Grand Architect; Pass [sic] Master-Excellent and
Super-Excdlent; The Red Cross of Babylon; The Holy Royal Arch in eleven pointu
or degrees; " No Brother can possibly be complete as a Royal Arch Mason, without the following degrees-First,
the lt'oyar! S r c h of Enocli, S o a h and Solonton;
Next, the R d C'ross of Babylon; Then the ARCHas generally given; where we
find Z . H . J . the three chiefs.-And
after this comes the Smpendecl Arch, the
AdaancecZ Arch, the Uedicafecl d r c h , the Circctrnscribrcl Arch, the Heroclian
O r d e r ; the Arch of Herod-,
the Arch o f Constantine-,
and the Arch C--1,
Bof J-m,
and Alex-."
Continuing the list we have the Royal P rk
Mariner, Red Cross of Rome and Constantine; D.W.N. & S. Knights & Mediterranean Pass; Knights Templars & Kof Malta; Rosycrucian; Red Cross of
Jerusalem; the Philippian Order of Masonry; the Ne Plus Ultra; Secret Provost
& Levitical Order of Priesthood; Perfect Master of Harodim; the Royal S-;
of the Building; Knights of
P& J-,
& Priestly Order of Israel; In-t
E . -- 15 ; Sublime K-s
the Ninth Arch; El-,
Grand Master, or IElected; Degree of Perfection; Knights of the White Eagle and Pelican: or the
I.R.C. and Holy Order of Melchisideck; Knights of the Sun. Each of the titles
is followed by a short description. The conclusion is " Private instruction, as
in all the aforesaid
usual, by W . FINCH,in all the 39 Degree [sic]. EXALTATION
Degrees, either privately, or a t the Chapter and Conclave of University. W . F .
bsgs leave nlost respectfully to sclicit the favour of the postage of all orders bemg
paid, and the same will be allowed and deducted by him from the Order. Miit],
fraternal affection, I remain, R . W . Sir and Brother, Yours most respectfully, W.
FINCH,R.W. Master of the St. Peter's Lodge."
I n an undated advertisement an issu.e of a new Edition of the Constitutions
is announced, price 12s. with a " most elegant, frontispiece " (which may be had
1 Discrepnncies of F~ecmasonry,pp. 41-44.
"or the Ke7 to Finch's ciphers see Kenning's Cyclopcctlici, 222,



Collectc~nen" of- t h e Rev. Dtrttirl Lyrlsons, E'.R.S., F.S.A.

25 '

separately at 7s. 6d. each) " designed by Sandby and Cyprian, and engraved by
Rartolozzi and Fittler."
This evidentfly refers to the 5th Edition, 1784, though
the plate itself has the following " G. B. Cipriani & P. Sandby Delin. F. Bartolozzi & T. Fitler Sculp."
A t the present time we hear of " Co-Masons "; Adoptive Masonry
originated in France in 1760, though some say much earlier.' I n Collmtnnra an
advertisekent is inserted from the G'rnprtrl E v r n h g Z'o.qt of March 7, 1759, headed
" For Female Satisfaction,"
from which it appears that some men assembled a t
the Dover Castle in the parish of Lambeth, " under pretence of knowing the secrets,
and in opposition to some Gentlemen t h a t are real Freemasons and hold a Lodge
a t the same House . . . several regular made Masons (both antient and
modern) members of constituted Lodges in this Metropolis, have thought proper to
unite into a select body, at Beau Silvester's, the sign of the Angel, Bull-Stairs,
Southwark, and stile themselves UNIONS, think it highly expedient, and in justice
to the Fair Sex, to initiate them therein, provided they are Women of undeniable
Character; for tho' no Lodge as yet (except the Free Union Masons2) have thought
proper to admit Women int,o their Fraternity, we, well knowing they have as much
right to attain to the Secrets of those Castle Humbugs, have thought proper so to
do . . . the charges will not exceed the expences of our Lodge." Nothing
further is mentioned regarding the " Unions," nor does Lane give any Lodge
me3ting a t the Dover Castle, Lambeth.
Eleven pears afterwards, in January, 1770, Mrs. Bell notified in the Newc n ~ t l rChronic1r"hat
she broke open a Door (with a Poker) of a room in the
Crown. near Newgate, Newcastle, and so gained access to another room adjacent
to the one in which a Lodge was being held by the Free and Accepted M a s a s
of the 226 regiment. By making two holes in the wall she stated that she discovered
the secrets of Masonry: and " knowing herself to be the first Woman in
the World t h a t ever found out the Secret, is willing tfo make it known to all her
Sex." Neither Gould in his Xiliftrry Lotlgrs or Hixtory nor Lane seems to mention an English Lodge in the 22d regiment having met at Newcastle.
To come to comparatively recent times, Lyon tells us4 that a t the annual
festival of Mary's Chapel held on 7th February, 1843, ladies had been admitted
into the gallery of the Waterloo Rooms while the Lodge was open. A t the following meeting a resolution was passed condemning such a state of things, though i t
was " not without precedent in the sister Kingdom or even in Scotland."
may, and probably does, refer only to the admission of ladies after the Lodge " had
been temporarily closed," which was one of the objections raised.
The subject of Female Freemasonry was debated at one of the Capel Court
City Debates held in Bartholomew Lane, opposite the Bank. The advertisement
in the Morning flernlcl for December 29, 1788, states that there would be " Fires
in the room."
I n a notice of Malden's d ccotcnt of Xing's Collrge, Cfnmbri@e, that had just
been published, the reviewer draws attention5 t o what " has often been observed,

Woodford, Cyclopceclm, s.v. Adoptive Masonry.

Who were these?
Quoted in Sampson's IIistory of Advertising, 247, also (with a few variants) in
Strachan's Northumb)-itin Voannty, 80, and in Gould, IIisfory, iii., 397. Compare
story of Mrs. Beaton.
4 History of E'reemnsonrlj 1 7 ~Scotland, 354.
5 Lloyd's Evcning I'ost, duly 19-21, 1769.

' 26

Transactions of t?le Q/tntuor Coronccti Lodge.

that in the South Porch there are three steps; at the West Door five; and in the
North Porch seven. These are numbers, with the mystery or, at least, the sound
of which Freemasons are said to be particularly well acquainted."

About seven years ago Bro. Hughan was appealed to with respect to the
origin and meaning of Heredom. I quote his reply :-" I cannot tell either, for
no two seem to agree as to the points raised. Heretlom was used early in connection with the Rose Croix, as H . R D.M. Kilwinning, also used with the Royal
Order of Scotland from about 1740-50. There is a fabulous mountain of Heredom,
of course, in Scotland, bo suit the Higher Degrees and the Stuarts, etc. The Order
of Harodim of Preston is quite a different matter and usage, being for the Masonic
Lectures." With this prefatory note 1 revert to Collectanea.
The following advertisement appeared on November 36, 1743: - ' I
Brethren of the Scotch H-d--m,
or Ancient and Honourable Order of
are desir'd to meet the Grand Master of the said Order, and the
rest of his Grand Officers, a t the sign of the Swan in Great Portland-street, near
Oxford-Market, on Wednesday next, at; Three o'clock in the Afterncon precisely,
to celebrate the Day. By Order of the Grand Master, E.W., (r'mnd Sec."
P.G.M. in S.B.'
This on August 1, 1750 :-" R . L . F .
The Brethren of the H.R.D.M. are desired to take notice, that the Grand Lodge
and Grand Chapter of the Order are removed from the White Swan in Great
Portland-Street, near Oxford-Market, to Brother Fields, the Thistle and Crown in
Chandos-Street, near St. Martin's Lane. Not,e, The Grand Chapter meets on the
first, and the Grand Lodge on the fifth Sunday in each Month, at Six in the
Evening. By Command of the P.G.M., N.B.L.T.Y. Grand Srcretnry."
P.G.M. was " Relief " ; the G.Sec. " Nobility.")
Again, November 17, 1753: - " On Wednesday next, being the third
Wednesday of the Month, will be held the Grand Chapter of the Order H.R.D.M.
a t the Crown and Ball, in Playhouse-Yard, Black-Fryars, where.the Brethren of
Gd T.R.S.T.A."
that Order are desired to attend. Yours, Tr.8.
Neither of the Heredom Degree nor of the Order of Harodim is much known.
Bro. Yarker's paper2 contains a little information and so does one by Bro. Hughan
in T h e Freemason,' but both leave much to be desired. A t one of our meetings
Bro. Dr. Wynn Westcott exhibited and described4 the Plan ctnr7 lirgztlations of t h r
Grand Chapter of the Order of Harodim instituted at the Mitre Tavern, Fleet Street,
January 4, 1787, and removed to Free-Masons Tavern, Great Queen Street, October
21, 1790." According to the following advertisement in the TT'orlcl of January 5,
1788, the Order did not remain long a t the Mitre :-" Order of I-Iarodim. Crown
and Anchor Tavern, Strand. The Council, Assistant Council, Clauseholders, and
Commissioners of this Order, are respectfully informed, that the Annual Chapter
and Feast, will be held at the Crown and Anchor Tavern, in the Strand, on
Wednesday next, the 9th of January, when the Election of Councillors and other
Officers for the ensuing year, will take place, at three o'clock, and Dinner be on
F o r a facsimile of t h e initials R.L.F., Provincial Grand Master in South Britain,
and seal, see Lyon's Histoiy of E'trrmtrson~win ,Vcotltrnrl, 309.
2A.Q.C. xv., 184 (1902).
A.Q.C. xix., 273 (1886).
4d.(4.C. xxr., 161,

the table at four. Tickets at 7s. 6d. each, may be had of the Stewards, the General
Director, or Secretary, No. 3 Dean-street, Fetter-lane, or a t the Bar of the Tavern.
By Order of the Society, Thomas Chapman, Secretary."
The book of Regulations of the Order was exhibited in illustration of a
paper, " Notes on some Masonic Personalities a t the end of the eighteenth century,"
by Bro. G. P . G. Hills, on May 3, 1912. The paper contains a sketch of the life
and Masonic career of General Charles Rainsford, who belonged to the Grand
Chapter of the Order of Harodim, and refers to two summonses of that Order found
among his papers. These summonses were reprinted in full by Bro. Matthew
C0oke.l A third summons (also referred to by Bro. Hills) may here be given in
full :-" Chapter of Observance of the Royal Order of H.R.D.M.K.D.S.H.
Palestine, 1st. and I I d . Column of the seven degrees, I I I . , V . , V I I . , IX., . . .
1 , X X X I . Ne plus ultra. Sir K n t . You are respectfully requested to attend the
duties of this Chapter at the Surrey Tavern, Surrey-street, Strand, on Wednesday,
the 21st day of December, a t seven o'clock, p.m. precisely. December 15th,
A.L. 5800: A.D. 1796, A.O. 678, A.C. 482. B. Cooper, Sec. N.B.-Installations." This is addressed t o Dr. Sibley. (Anno Ordinis is reckoned from 1118
by the Knights Templars, when they were established; Anno Caedis from 1314,
when they were suppressed).
A list of the Officers of Preston's Order of Harodim and their duties will
be found in his T l l ~ s t r c c t i o n s . ~
The Scald Miserables now claim attention for a brief time. An unidentified
uewspaper of March 28, 1741, an~louncedthe follov~ing:-" This Day is publish'd,
Price 6d. On a sheet of Crrlfing I ' n p ~ r fit to be Framed, A Curious Farcical
Assical Print, finely Design'd and Engraved, Entituled, MOCK MASONRY;Or,
as they appear'd at Temple Bar, paying their Compliments
MASONS,when they
to the Ancient and Honourable Society of FREEAXD ACCEPTED
Pass'd by in their several Coaches and Chariots to their Annual Feast at Haberdashers Hall. Engraved and Publish'd,, according to Act of Parliament, and sold
by Mrs. Dodd, a t the Peacock without Temple Bar and at most of the Booksellers
and Pamphlet Shops." A copy is laid down on the same page of C'ollectaneu.
The Dedication is signed

Esq; C----Y,
P . W----13---I)



the names thus represented being those of Esquire Carey and Paul Whitehead.
Bro. Dr. Chetwode Crawley has reproduced this as well as other plates of
processions, and has given much information respecting the Scald miserable^,^
including the advertisement given above from the Daily Gazetteer. H e quotes
but gives for the
from Hone's Evc>ry-Day 7Iool; the article headed " Cl~ronology,"~
year 17 . ., [ s i c ] ; in my copy of the original edition (1827) the date is given as
1742. Hone's article is too long to quote, but it may be of assistance to some
Masonic student to state that in a " Remonstrance of the Right Worshipful the
Grand Master, &c., of the Scald Miserable Masons," which precedes the " Key or
Explanation of the Solenln and Stately Procession," etc., a claim is repeated " for
I'reetnctsons' U n g n s i n e , S e ~ cS c r i e s , iv., 449 (1861).
Edition, 236.
3 .4.():J.
ii., 522.

our superior dignity and seniority to all other institutions, whether Grand Volgi,
Gregorians, Hurlothrumbians, Ubiquariane, IIiccubites, Lumber-Troopers, or Freemasons."
Lysons has preserved three advertisements concerning this body from
newspapers issued in May, 1744. The peculiarities of all, but especially of the
iirst, were evidently intended to draw a large crowd of lookers-on. " As the Tyms
air very trobelsum, I give this Notis to aul of the Honorabel and Ansiant Society
of SCALD M I S E R A B L E MASONS, t h a t I shall not ride in Kavelcaed this Yeer,
lest Ourself, and wurthie Brethren, be pickt up by the Constabels. Our Enemico
have, a t present, the Better of Us, so every one has there Days. Hov~somdever,
to shew our good Mening, I have order'd the P r i n t , with a Descripshun of our
Proseshun, to be publish'd this Day. DAG-ARSEJack, his X Mark." The two
other advertisements (May 1, 1744), the one headed " S K I N a n d G R I E F , G'rantl
.Master," the other " By Owlrr of thr GRAND MISTRESS," respecting t h s
Grand Feast are of such a nature t h a t they may well be passed over i n silence.
I n the Craftstnm for May 5, 1744, there is the following piece of news:-" Wednesday last there was a Cavalcade of the Grand Master, Wardens, &c., of
the Free Masons t o Haberdashers Hall to Dinner. They were preceded by the
scald miserable Maso?rs, with all their Insignia as far as Temple-Bar, who not
having the Liberty of entering tlie City, turn'd back and paid their Complimentv
to the F r r e Uasovs as they pass'd by; but some impertinent Fellow with a short
Staff in his Hand, had the Assurance to interrupt the Procession of the Scalds,
by forcibly taking some of their Grand Officers to serve his Majesty in Flanders."
This was during the war of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748). The Processions
of the Scald Miserables imitated in caricature those of the genuine Order, of which
A pair of kettledrums, 2 Trumpets,
i n 1736 the foliowing were the components1:-"
2 French Horns, 4 Hautboys, 2 Bassoons, the 12 present Stewards in 12 Chariots,
the Master and Warden of the Stewards Lodge in one Coach, the Brethren in their
respective Coaches, t h e Noblemen and Gentlemen who have served in tlie Grand
Offices, the two Grand Wardens in one Coach, the Deputy Grand Master alone,
ihe Secretary and Sword-Bearer i n one Coach, the R t . Hon. the Lord Viscount
Weymouth, the present Grand Master, and the R t . Hon. the Earl of Loudon,
t h e Grand Master Elect, together in the Lord Weymouth's Coach; the Earl of
Loudon's Coach and six Horses, empty, closed t h e Procession." The Mock Processions soon caused an end to be p u t to those of genuine Freemasons.
These brief notices of the Scald Miserables may be concluded by a quotation
from a Prologue to Love for Love " performed by desire of the Great Lodge a t
Swaffham, Norfolk, May 6th 1765 : -

" Yes, 'tis a barn-yet

fair ones, take me right,

Uurs is no play-we hold rt. Lodge to-night !
And should our building n a n t a slight repair,
You see we've friends anlong the Brethren there.
(Pointing f o t h e ,Masons o n the Stage.)
Rep11 the Scalds, with miserable fron n.
' LMasons repair ' ! They'd sooner pull i t dou n,d set of ranting, roaring, rumbling fellows,
Who meet to sing ' Old Iiose and burn the bellows' !
Chanlpagne and Claret, dozens in a jerk;

Read's 1T'cekl~ dournnl, -4pril 13, 1736.

Quoted in Preemasons' Magazine, N.S., ii., 46.



C'ollectateea" of the Bev. D a t ~ i e t Lysorl~, P.R.S., P.S.A.


And then, 0 Lord! how hard they've been a t work!

Poker and tongs ! the sign ! the word ! the stroke !
'Tis all a nothing, and (tis all a joke.
Nonsense on nonsense ! Let them storm and. rail,
Here's the whole hist'ry of their mop and pail.
For 'tis the sense of more than half the Town,
Their secret is-a
bottle a t the Crown."
The allusion in the title and last p a r t is t o the Great Lodge, which met a t
the Crown Irkn, Swaffham. Constituted in 1764, i t was erased in 1791.'

OF ADAMS.Whether thls met a t the Royal Swan (as stated elsewhere2) or the White Swan
is doubtful. Whichever is correct the house was well known and somewhat resembled t h e Coffee h3use\stablished a t Chelsea in 1690 by J o h n Selby, who was
dignified by the appellation Don Saltero in the Ttrtlrr for J u n e 28, 1709. People
of every d-nomination went there t o take " a survey of his curious collection of
rarities . . . the largest privat? one about this M e t r ~ p o l i s . ~
AcIDEMY.--T~~followmg, stated in the G'trzeteer of December 10,
1787, t o have been found in the pocket of, a recently apprehended housebreaker,
was distributed on the evening previous t o his arrest a t a house of resort for these
infamous characters: -"
Sir, The favour of your company is desired a t six o'clock
this evening a t AKERMAN'S
and you will nluch oblige H A R R Y SLANG,
Come, each blade and flashy Blowing,
Mirth and Joy invite you here,
Chants and gossip here '11 be going,
No queer T r a p shali dare appear.

Please t o come early, because loclrings u p will be a t eight o'clock.

* Sometimes the S t a r t , the Stone Tavern, or the City College is substituted

. . .
9 1

ALBIOXS.-A cutting dated J u n e 24, 1749, advertises t h a t a meeting of

this " Most Ancient and Honourable Order " was to be held on the 28th instant
a t t h e Ship and Anchor adjoining Temple-Bar.
' By Order of bhe Grand, J . O .
,Secretary." By accident or design the same Secretary (December 8, 1750) calls
i t a Society. A year later (December 18, 1751) the " Antient Albion Lodge " was
mmmoned t o meet a t the same tavern.
was summoned (October 17, 1754,) t o meet a t the
S u n i n Fetter Lane, on special affairs. The Ranks Collection has a notice (1801 1)
of a meeting t o be held. The motto of the Society was " Friendship without
Interest. "
See T h e G r m t L o d y e , S ~ c c t f f h t r i nSor!olk,
176J-I?S.j, by Rro. Hamon le Strange,
in A.Q.C. xx.. 232.
A.Q.C. xxv., 9.

The first Cotfee house-i.e., where coffee \.;as sold to the public-in England is
said t o have been t h ~George and Vulture. in George Yard. Lombard St.
Lzfr, 63 (1764); see also 1)omestic Iiltelliyettce. 1681, quoted in Old ant1 S P ~ I *
London, i., 172.

SOCIETY.-An undated ticket is in the Franks
Society was apparently established in 1773.
I n a cutting dated 1788 i t is described as the best of its kind. Their dinners were
held a t the Crown and Anchor Tavern in the Strand. I have also met with an
advertisement cf an Anacreontic dinner a t Norwich on the General Thanksgiving
Day, 1814.
SOCIETY.-A ticket in the Franks Collection gives neither date nor
has an advertisement from the G'etzertrl
ildvertiser of February 28, 1779, inserted by Bro. Cushin, of the Spread Eagle
a t the corner of Pratt-street, Lambeth, apologising for not being able to
accommodate the Society with a room for dinner.
OF.-Fraliks has
preserved an invitation ticket to attend service at Christ Church, Newgate Street,
on March 1, 1731, and afterwards to dine at Leather Sellers Hall. This Society was
established March 1, 1713, for the purpose of assistling the distressed, in honour of
tlie birthday of the then Princess of Wales. The dinner on that occasion was held
in Habsrdashers' Hall. Shortly afterwards the Prince of Wales gave the Society
its full title and permission to adopt the Prince of Wales's feathers as its emblem.
I n 1718 a scl~oolfor poor children of Welsh parents was established in London and
in 1737 a school-house was built on Clerkenwell Green; this gave place in 1771 to a
larger building on the north-east side of Gray's Inn Road (or Lane, as it then was).
I n 1757 a service was held a t St. Andrew's, Holborn, and tlie festival was held a t
Merchant Taylors' Hall. I n 1764 the Knights of the Garter, Thistle and Bath
attended, wearing the collars of their respective Orders. I11 1765 tlie Treasurer
~ n dStewerds were permitted to attend a t St. James's Palace and present an
Address to the Prince of Wales. Four years later a similar honour was conferred
on the Society. I n 1773, however, the Prince could not receive them, but sent
100 guineas for their charity school. I n 1774 the Society met a t the Union Coffee
House, Piccadilly, attended Divine Service at St. James's Church, whence they
went in procession to the Crown and Anchor Tavern in the Strand. The collection
a t that year's festival (487 1s. 9d.) beat the record. The school was removed
into the country several years ago.
1787 Lodge No. IX. of this body met at Brother
Sheen's, the Devonsliire Arms, Sherrnrd-street, Golden Square. The advertiseSome years
ment is issued " By Order of the Noble Arch. J . R . Secretary."
later (Xornit~gI i ~ r d d ,July 8, 1802) the Anniversary dinner of the Order was
held on July 14 a t Brother Cavill's, tlie Southampton Arms, Hampstead Road,
Camden Town. Stewards, P.G.A. Tuppen, P.G.A. Jones, P.G. A. Ward, Brother
Waller. Signed by Watts, Secretary. (P.G.A. denotes Past Grand Ancient).
OF T~~E.--?hmbers were desired to meet a t
:lie G e ~ r g ein Princes-Street, St. Anne's, Soho, on November 21, 1754, on special

.4.(I).C. xxrii., 42.



3 1.

Collrctctn~n" of t h r Bcv. Drotir2 I;ysor~s, F. R.S., F . S . A .


S evidently 8 W~elshScciety. A long
advertisement was issued on February 19, 1753, stating t h a t a dinner would be held
k t the Cheshire Cheese in Chelsea on t h e first of March " t o celebrate t h e memory
of S t . David, the Tutelar Saint of our antient Country . . . being of Blood
Royal, uncle to t h e great K i n g Arthur, and the Son of t h e Prince of Wales," etc .
ctc. Dinner was t o be on t h e Table Half a n Hour after Two o'clock, tickets for
which could be obtained " a t Mr. Todd's, the Rummer Tavern i n t h e Strand; a t
Mrs. Gaywood's, the Fountain ii Bartholomew-lane, behind the Royal Exchange;
a t M r . Read's, a Grocer, i n Russell-street, Covent-Garden; and a t Mr. [Edward]
.Jones's, a t Chelsea," who signs the advertisement.

Bro. Sadler, in his inaugural address' gives some particulars regarding

-4ntediluvian Masonry, concluding with t h e remark:-"
Whether there ever was
a Society of Antediluvian Masons I cannot positively say." I have not succeecled
in coming across anything on t h e subject, but found in the Franks Collection an
undated ticket of admission t o an " Explosion Saturday next " of the ANTEDILUVIAI~
signed by the President, Vice-President and Secretary,
prefixed t o the signatures are the words Vesuvius, E t n a , Earthquake. respectively.
LODGE.--Another of the single advertisements of which so
many are found in Collrctmzrn, but the name is self-explanatory. " The Brothers
of this Lodge " were desired to attend on Special Affairs a t the George Tavern,
Great East Cheap, on May 11, 1785. " By Order of the President, Thomas Evans,
H ~ c ~ s . - - T h i s was apparently the name given t o an off-shoot,
of the Antigallicans, having a similar object i~ view (see i n i r a ) , and consisting of
Master Peruke-Makers. I n the advertisement, dated March 28, 1754, notice is
given of places where their petition could be signed and subscriptions concluded
A note is attached:-"
Wanted, an old Club-Box, with three or more Locks."
A N T I G A L L I C - M A ~ O X ~ . an
- F ~advartisement
in a newspaper of May 4,

1753, i t would appear t h a t this Order had only one Lodge, which met a t the Fox,
In Castle-Street, Southwark. B u t i t was so flourishing t h a t the usual room was
too small for its meetings, and the Grand President, accompanied by the VicePresident and the rest of the Officers in their proper Habits, together with a great
number of their Brethren, laid the foundation stone ~f a new building. Afterwards
various healths were drunk, accompanied with the d.ischarge of several small
ANTIGALLICASS.-I have met with several advertisements, etc., respecting
this body, both in Lysons and elsewhere. I t s object may be stated briefly t o have
beens " t o oppose t h e insidious arts of the French nation which was . . .
threatening t o disturb the peace of Europe,'' and later " to promote Britisll
manufacturers, extend the commerce of England, and discourage the introduction
of French modes and the importation of French commodities."
The earliest
reference t o Antigallicans t h a t I have met with is in a n advertisement in the
Daily Aclvertisrr for April 6, 1749. Others (from Lysons 2 n d el~ewhere)are dated '
A.Q.C. xxiii., 325.

See 3 I ~ w r l l n n ~Lntonrorun~,
iii., 8.
I b . ii., 9.



Trcozsnctioas of t h e Qtccct //or Coroncrtj Lodye.

1752-no less than eleven,--1757, 1760, 1775, 1776, bssides sundry mere references
up to 1781. Most of the advertisements are headed with the motto " For our
country." S t . George's day was the anniversary of this " laudable Order." I n
1752 there were apparently several Branches. I n the Daily Adr*ertiser of February
28, the " Brethren of the laudable Order of Antigallicans, belonging to the Bell
Tavern without Aldgzte, are desired to meet their President," etc. I n another
advertisement (same paper and date) we read of a General Quarterly Meeting of
the Grand Association of Anti-gallicans being held a t the Ship Tavern: Ratcliff
Cross, a t which it was resolved " that a Premium of Twenty Guineas be distributed
among the crews of two Busses bdonging to the Chamber of London that shall t h i ~
year catch and cure the greatest Quantity of Herrings," also that the Annual
Feast to ba liolden on the following April 23 shall be free and open to all the
Brethren. They were to meet a t the Association Room at the Ship and thence
proceed to St. Dunstan's, Stepney, to hear a sermon. I t was also " resolved Thal
;t is the undoubted Privilage of the Grand Association to open new Associations
and will not acknowledge any Association that shall be opened by any others, to
belong to the Antigallican Order." An account of the day's doings on April 23
is given in the G'enernl ddvertz.srr of the following day. The preacher was the
Rev. Mr. Gibbon, Rector of St. Anne's, Limehouse, and the Feast was held at
the Gun at Mile-end. The same issue savs that several other Associations heard
a sermon at Bow Church, Cheapside, whence they went in procession to DrapersHall, to partake of an elegant entertainment. Edward Vernon was chosen Grand
President in the room of Lord Carpenter. The Crneral d d ~ ~ r r t i s eofr May I .
2 . 8, and J u n e 11, 1752, mentions in sending notices by different " Registers "
!initials only) the Anti-gallicans belonging to the Crown and Magpie Association
in Aldgate High-street, and others " a t the Bell, at Bell Dock, Rotherhithe."
I n 1760 a t a meeting a t the Crown Tavern, behlnd the Royal Exchange,
Thomas Godfrey, an eminent London merchant, wa5 unanimously re-elected
President for the second year, and Richard Carter, Grand Treasurer. We learn
from a cutting that " the day was spent with great chearfulness, and the evening
concluded with decency and regularity." A cutting from an unidentified newspaper dated April 23, 1775, states that a much more numerous body of Brethren
than for many previous years met at the Ship Tavern, Ratcliffe Cross.
Grand Master, Mr. Serjeant Glynn, being detained at the Sessions a t Guildhall,
" Mr. Lee, the late Sheriff, walked in procession, as Grand Master, to Stepney
Church," where the Rev. Dr. Haddon preached a sermon, of which an abstract
is given. Much information concerning this body will be found in Note* nnd
Qwrirs.' From the latter periodical we learn that their coat of arms was as
a field gules Saint George proper slaying a tortoise azure charged
with three fleurs de lys or. Crest, between six flags of St. George proper the figure
of Britannia holding in the dexter hand an olive branch proper. Supporters, or,
the dexter side a lion rampant gardant with man's face or. On the sinister side a
double-headed eagle, with wings displayed argent. Motto " For our Country."
I n this connection may be noted the following advertisement :-" A new and
accurate Map of the British Empire. . . . By a Society of Anti-Gallicans.
Published by Act of Parliament, 1755, and sold by William Herbert on London

- --


e . g . , IV., iii. ; VII., iv. ;


Eridge and Robert Sayer over aga&t Fetter Lane in Fleet Street." I n 1781 the
father of Leigh H u n t was selected preacher. Besides the parent Society there
It will be noted t h a t the style of the.chief varies
were many local Branches.
between Grand Master and Grand President.

APOLLOC ~ u ~ . - - T h i swas held a t the Devil Tavern, between Temple Bar

and t h e Middle Temple gate, in its principal room, known as " the Oracle o f
From the times of James I . the tavern was greatly resorted t o by
literary men; and women of character were allowed to attend the meetings of
t h e Club. Ben Jonson wrote its " Leges Conviviales."
The Franks Collection
contains a n engraved admission ticket.
APOLLOSOCIETY.---This was evidently a debaLing Society, meeting a t the
King's Arms Tavern, Grafton Street, Scho
A t m e of its meetings a t end of
February, 1786 (exact date not given), the subject for discussion was, " Will
any thing less t h a n rebellion justify t h e Legislature in checking any dangerous
combination amongst the people? " There were to be good fires and the room
" lighted with wax."

" All members of the Antient and Honourable Societjr of the truly British
ARTIIURITES,now in London, are desired to meet their Brethren on Friday next,
t h e 26th instant, a t Eight o'clock in the Evening, a t the Crown and Anchor
Tavern i n t h e Strand." (Advertisament, January 24, 1759).
A= YOU LIKE I T CLUBmet a t the Thatch'd House, S t . James's Street.
President i n 1785 was J o h n Edward Madocks, Esq.


members of the Crown and Anchor Lodge of this Order
were notified on March 23, 1754, t h a t the Meeting which was t o have been held
on t h e 26th instant was postponed for a week for particular reasons.
AUTHORS,CLUBOF.-Goldsmith in The Citizrn of the W o r l d (Letters 29,
30) gives an account of a visit to this Club, which met a t the Broom a t Islington.
AUTOXOMISTS.-Anotherof the large number of societies whose names occur
in Collectanen, b u t of which no furthsr notice has baen met with. The " Gentlemen of the Worthy Society " were notified in an advertisement, December 19,
1748, to meet a t the sign of the Black Raven in Fetter Lane, t o settle and determine some Affairs of very great Importance " : signed by W . A . , Secretary, and
again on Wednesday next (issued J u n e 10, 1749), signed by E . A . , Secretary.
AZYGOSCLUB.-Its members were desired t o meet " this day or to-morrow
a t the usual Place and Hour." T h a t is all the information vouchsafed in a twoline advertisement, J a n u a r y 28, 1751.
L O D G E . - - F ~ Oevidence
contained in a very long advertisement
i n t h e Londoz Co?cmnt of January 17, 1747, this name was given to an " Order "
or " Society " for, among others, those " t h a t have a mind to be gull'd of Three
Shillings and Six Pence " for " the Propagation of Vanity and Nomense." The
Grand and Council met a t the sign of Mr. Cunning-Head. The Order was
apparently a skit on secret societies in general.
BATCIIELORSAND F u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s . - - A c c o r dt oi ntho
g dforkng Chronicle of Julie

4, 1785, this Club (which might well be relegated t o Ned Ward's list), held a




the Quatuor C'oronnti Loclgo.

meeting of those interested in the cotton trade a t the Seven Bells, in Dove-Court,
Lombard Street, t o propose t o the Chancellor of the Exchequer the imposition of
certain taxes.
BEAUS CLUB.-" Henry Stonecastle," i . r . , Henry Barker, F . R . S . , says1:
There is a certain Order of People in this Island who make use of the word
[Death] without any Meaning a t all; i t is to them a meer Expletive, and serves
only as an additional Syllable t o a Period, and to give an Air of Consequence t o
nothing. The learned Order I here mention is t h a t of the Beaus, who, though
they are esteem'd a harmless, inoffensive Set of Gentlemen, yet they invoke Death
with no little Courage, in order t o fright Hackney Coachmen, Box keepers a t the
Play-House, and old Women a t a Coffee Bar." The Club is stated by Ned Ward2
t o have met " a t a certain Tavern near Covent Garden."

BRITONS.-I have met with three advertisements, all in 1788,
of this Body. The Morning H r r d d for March 3, notifies the removal from the
Nag's Head, Leadenhsll Street, t o the King's Head Tavern, Poultry, where the
dinner will be held on t h a t clay. This is signed by F. Johnson, Secretary. A t the
same place dinner was held on April 7. T h e Gazetteer of November 29 winds u p
t h e announcement of the dinner on December 1st with the following:-

" Prime parts, worthy Sirs; from the pot and the spit,
Great gashes of f a t , and great gashes of wit;
Apollo with Bacchus preside o'er each forum,
While Momus and Comus attend on the Quorum."
BEEF-STEAKC ~ v ~ . - T h e r e were many Clubs of this name besides t h s
Sublime Society of Beefsteaks; so much will be found respecting them in A . Q . C
xxvii., 25 e t seqq., t h a t I can add but little. W h a t appears t o be the earliest is
referred t o in King's A r t of Cookery, 1709: Clubs bearing this name were not
confined t o London, b u t existed also in Oxford, Cambridge, Chelnisford, Dublin,
N o r ~ i c h ,and
~ probably in many other places.
The old custom of the period,
according t o which notices of meetings (Masonic or otherwise) were left a t the
members' houses, is mentioned in an advertisement of December 15, 1752:-"
was agreed in order t o frez the Widow of our late honest Landlord from the Care
and Trouble of delivering the Ticket a t each Gentleman's House, t h a t Notice shail
always for the future be given in this Paper three days before every Feast Day,
which will be continued (as u s d ) on the last Monday of every Month."
name of the Paper in which this " Beef-Steak Club i n Chick-lane " advertised is
not given in Collectanen. It is recorded May 17, 1785, t h a t the Prince of Wales
hacl become a member of the London Club a few days previously. A t a much later
date, J a n u a r y 16, 1831, we learn t h a t the Duke of Sussex, the Duke of Leinster,
and Lord Chancellor Brougham (" who still continues a t the OLD BEEF-STEAK
CLUB") were members of the Club originally established by Rich, the Managar
of Covent Garden Theatre.
BEGGARS'BENISONor the BEGGARS'BENISONC ~ u ~ . ~ - T l i iwas
s a powerful
Order, instituted a t Anstruther in Scotland in 1739, and lasting till about 1830. It

Universal Spectator, III., 69 (Reprint, 1747)

Secret History of Clubs, 138 (1709)
R.. Nevill, L o n d o n Clubs,
B., 1'25,

T h e " C'otlectunea


of the &ev. Baniel Lysons, If'.h?.S., P . S . 3 .

was an association of gentlemen, including eminent men of all classes,' noblemen and
even some members of the Royal Family, whose object i t was t o form a collection
of facetious articles of all kinds. The entrance fee was ten guineas.
BEGGARS'CLUB.-Ned Ward, who gives a n account of the proceedings a t
one of the meetings, says that this met (1709) a t a then famous drinking house i n
Old Street. See also Mendicants' Club, infru.
THE B E N C H . - - T ~Brothers
of the Bench were desired to meet on December
14, 1752, a t the Benchkeepers' House, the Horse and Groom, Hosier-lane, West
Smithfield, " t o close the Ssssion, and other Affairs highly tending t o the Honour
of t h e Bench. By Order of the Bench. W . W . P ~ i n c i p u Prop."
BENNS' C ~ u ~ . - - T h iwas
a small coterie, started in 1746, consisting
Alsop (d. 1785),
apparently of only the following London Aldermen :-Robert
William Benn (d. 1755), J . Blackford (ci. 1759), E d . Ironside (d. 1753), Sir Henry
Marsal (d. 1754), and Sir Thomas Rawlinson (d. 1769). It may be assumed t h a t
the Club died out with the last of its Founders.
BIRTH-NIGHTCLUB (or Birth-Day Club).-This met a t one time a t Charles
Kerwood's in t h e Bowling-Allsy, Westminster.
On October 5, 1754, Geo.
Wrenford advertised t h a t i t would ill future meet a t his house, the Star-and-Garter
in Old Palace-Yard.
THE BLUECLUBa t S t . Alban's was apparently political. On J u l y 27, 1765,
t h e members' friends in and about London were asked not to " engage their Votes
and Interest too suddenly, should they be soon applied to."
held their Grand Annual Feast on the Monday following
August 19, 1749, the date of the advertisement in the Duily rlcl~~ertisrr.
BOODLE'SCLUBin S t . James's Street, always clo~elyconnected with Shropshire, was originally called the Savoir Vivre.' It was long familiarly known ~ l s
" T h e topboot and worsted stocking Club."'
BORLACIANS.-A11Borlacians werz invited t o attend the Anniversary of t11:
High Borlace a t the Angel I n n , Oxford, on August 18, according t o an advertisement issued J u l y 27, 1752. A Grand High Borlace was advertised in the General
. l ~ Z ~ ~ r ~J at ni su a~rry 11, 1754, to be held a t W . Bristow's, the Horseshoe and Magpye, near St. Dunstan's Church on the 12t11, " t o which the Choicr Spirits in
general are invited. The STARS will appear early."
According to another
newspaper this meeting was t o be held a t the " Horseshoe and Magots." A similar
:~nnouncement was made on the following March 1. A High Borlace was advertised on February 28, 1755, a t the Robin Hood in the Butcher-Row, Temple-Bar,
there were the same invitation t o Choice Spirits in general and announcement
~espectingthe Stars. A t the High Borlac2 held a t Oxford in August, 1764, Miss
Nourse was chosen Lady Patroness for the ensuing year. High Borloces (sic) are
mentioned among places of mirth in Low Lzfe, p . 14 (1764).
'Iinowledge, June 1912.
London Clubs, 64.
3 Doran, 111 o n t l nhotlt Drury Lane, ii.. 118. See also Timbs, l l i s t o r l ~of Clubs and
Clul, Life, 103; Old nntl S c ~ cLondon, iv., 164.




the Quatuor Coronatd Lodge.

A n advertisement, dated February 28, 1743, incidentally mentions the

BORWJGHNIANS,but I have met with nothing further concerning them.
THE NOBLEORDEROF.-The following is the wokdicg
of a blank engraved Certificate :-" Noble Order of British Cardinals. Instituted
t h e seventeenth Day of December, 1779. Mr.
Consecrated a
Cardinal of the Grand Vatican, the
day of
Pontifex Britannicus,
Grand Secretary.

The Society meets every Friday evening a t Seven o'clock."

engraving of a meeting.

Lysons also gives an

THE NOBLEORDEROF BUCKS.-Among the papers presented to this Lodge

in its earlier days was one by Bro. W. H. Rylands, entitled " A forgotten Rival
of Masonry: the Noble Order of Bucks,'" which is so full and comprehensive t h a t
one cannot hope t o add much t o what h e has been able t o gather concerning t h a t
body. They appear originally t o have formed a Club, by no means dissimilar t o
t h e Mohawks, whose nightly doings made i t dangerous t o walk the streets of
London : they afterwards mended their ways and became (eventually) an Order
I endeavour t o avoid (as far as
with several Lodges, chiefly in London.
possible i n this paper) repeating information t o be found elsewhere in our
Transactions. Lysons gives nothing respecting tlle ribald times of the Bucks, the
earliest cutting (1743) giving a n x c o u n t of that " antient and honourable Order,"
t h a n which none of the many societies in and about London " have shown greater
marks of Loyalty and Affection upon all Occasions." I n the Daily Advertiser of
October 13, 1743, J . P . , Secretary, summons t h e annual meeting t o be held a t
their Grand Council Chamber in Aldersgate-street, on the 1 8 t h : " A t this critical
Juncture the old Kennel is t o be new open'd by the Wild Boar Hunters from the
Black Forest t o guard the native Deer within the Pale and Purlieus.-To multiply
and honour the unanimous Friends of a n c i m t Liberty, Industry, Merit, Commerce,
Navigation and their Country, against all Aggressors and Oppressors."
A n advertisement in the Vuily dtlvcrtiser, 1744 (month not stated) gives
a n indication of troublas having erisen, for " the Brethren of tlle Regular Lodges "
were desired t o meet a t the Three Tuns in Newgate Street . . . By Order of
the Vice-Grand of the Lodge held a t t h e Bull Head and Three Tuns in Cheapside." Advertisements of J u n e 30, J u l y 4, 9, and 12, show t h a t things were not
going smoothly, and we read of the " Original " and the " Pretended " Bucks, the
iatter calling the former the " Illegitimate B-ks
of A-sgate
note t o the announcement of J ~ r l y12 says:-"
Unless this Diapute is reasonably
adjusted, in a short time will be published, an authentic Account of the Antiquity
and Decorum of the Illegitimates, their many Impositions on new-made Bastards,
the Rise and Progress of every Quarrel between the several Parties concern'd, wit11
several Remarks highly useful to all Bucks and others." On J u l y 2 the Summer
Feast of the Bucks " belonging t o the Grand Council in Aldersgate St.," a t the
Thatch'd House a t Islington. on the previous Friday is described in glowing terms,
winding u p with " This flourishing Community was increased by the Matriculatioll
of several new Members of this most truly Noble Order, which greatly increases,

to the universal Satisfaction of all true and worthy Members; and the whole
agreeable Scene was transacted with the utmost Decorum and Decency."
cuttings t h a t might give a clue to the cause of dispute are unfortunately wanting.
The next advertisement (August 27, 1748) notifies t h a t tlie Order " held a t
the Grand Council Chamber a t the Cock and Crown will meet on t,he 31st, a t
Brother Adams, a t the Royal Swan in Kingsland Road." Another (October 9,
1749), By Order of the Grand Buck, J . J . , Secretary of tlie Lodge held a t the
Pewter Platter, in Norton-Folgate, requires the members t o meet tlie Grand there
" on Tliursday next " and thence to visit tlie Grand Lodge held a t the Rose in
Monkwell Street. I n another advertisenlent of the some date notice is given by
H . G . , Secretary, t h a t a t a General Community to be held on the 18th inst. all
who hold Estates of tlie Grand Buck, whether they be Rangers, Foresters, Keepers
or others are personally t o attend t o do Homage, pay their Quit-Rents, and renew
their Leases on pain of being " struck out of the Record, their Estates estreated
and they no longer entitled t o the inestimable Privileges of Bucks."
After a
magnificent Repast provided by the Grand Buck, the Secretary " will entertain
the Bucks with tlie curious History of the Origin of the Institution, from a very
ancient Manuscript, which has been almost iniraculously preserved." On another
occasion- date not given- this History was to be given by J o h n Pennington,
Register, who signs the advertisement.
The Society of Bucks mas not confined to London, for we read t h a t a t
Liverpool a meeting was held on J u n e 4, 1759, t o celebrate the birthday of the
Prince of Wales, afterwards George 111. 011 the following J u l y 25 they held their
anniversary meeting. On August 3 they commanded a play a t the theatre, and
on February 8, 1760, they subscribed 70 guineas for the troops abroad and for the
relief of their widows and orphai~s,having on a former occasion sent 50 guineas
t o tlie Marine Society.'
Of t h e various Lodges illelltioiled by Bro. Rylands2 I find notices, etc., of
the following : According t o an advertisement dated September 8 , 1780, the Assyrian Lodge
had been meeting a t the Standard Tavern, Leicester Fields, but found it inconvenient t o remain there. Tiley therefore moved to Freemasons' Tavern, Great
Queen S t . , where they met on and from t h a t date. I n the Franks Collection there
is a n undated ticket of Ad+ssion to this Lodge, also one of the Ancieiit Lodge of
Assyria for J a n u a r y 27, 1819, a t Willis's Rooms. The latter was in existence in
1826 (thus advancing tlie hitherto latest known date by one year3) as shown by a n
unidentified advertisement of t h a t year, in which B . Davies, Hon. Sec., notifies
t h a t the Lodge will meet on October 25 and every succeeding Wednesday during
the season a t Freemasons' Tavern.
The Babylonian Lodge met in 1753 a t the Fox in Brewer Street; i n the
following year i t moved to the Turk's Head Tavern, Greek Street, Sollo; and in
1788 i t met a t the " Surry-Tavern, Surry-Street, Strand."
Chambers, llook of Days, i., 195.
"4.Q.C. iii., 145.
U.C).C. xxvii., 57.


Transactions of the Qtcntztor C'oronati Lodye.

According t o the Morr~i?zqTieralrl, of April 28, 1788, the Brunswick Lodge

paid visits on t h a t and the following evenings t o tlie Babylonian and Macedonian
Lodges. It was then meeting a t the Braund's Head Tavern, New Bond Street.
A n advertisement concerning tile Bucks will be found infro.
English Champions. ")




The Euphrates Lodge met in 1782 a t Paul's Head Tavern, Cateaton Street.
According t o the Morning Post of August 17, 1802, i t held its Festival on the 22nd
a t Canonbury House, Islington.
The European Lodge met a t the " Surry Tavern, Surry Street, Strand," in
1788, on September 3 of which year the advertisement is signed " Brighton,
Secretary. "
I n 1792 the Macedon Lodge was meeting a t the Garrick's Head, Bow Street,
Covent Garden. It seems t o have been known also as the Macedonian Lodge.
On October 12, 1754, those " belocging t o the' Lodge held a t the Pewter
Platter, Norton Folgate," were required t o attend there to choose a Grand and
Officers for the ensuing year. I n the same year it was determined t o hold the
Grand Anniversary in several different places, viz., the Grand Body a t the Dog
Tavern on Garlick-Hill; another company a t Norton-Fdgate; a third a t the Three
Tuns and Bull-Head in Cheapside, and those who frequented tlie Bell in NobleStreet, a t Barbers'-Hall in Monkwell Street. The sign of the Pewter Platter occurs
frequently, in both town and country.
The World of May 24, 1788, announces that the Royal Hanoverian Lodge
will hold its Anniversary diniier a t the Horn Tavern, Doctors Commons, on the 28th.
The Union Lodge, a ticket to which is in the Banks Collection, does not
appear in the list of Lodges. Nor does the Royai I n d e p e n d e ~ ~Hanoverian
which held its summer feast a t Canonbury Tavern, Islington, on J u l y 28, 1802.
(Morning Post, J u l y 2, 1802.)
I n 1789 a print of the Arms of the Bucks was advertised, " taken from the
original painting, and elegantly engraved by a capital artist, price three shillings.
To be had of C. Fourdrinier, J u n . , Charing Cross." I n 1789 the Grand Lodge gave
a ball a t the Plasterers' Arms. A ticket of admission i s in the Banks Collection.
To conclude these extended abstracts about the Bucks I give a Buck's


The words by J.T. Set to Music by Mr. Bates.

Ye Bucks of the Platter, attend t o my lay,
I've got a new song for t o sing or to say.
My intentions I ' m certain you cannot despise,
Whilst I stick t o our motto-" Be merry and wise."
To Nimrod our founder a bumper put round,
Let Innocence join'd to fair Freedom sbound,
Like Nimrod of old let us hunt for the prize,
Pot remember our motto-" Be merry and wise."

The " Collcrtrtnrn" of f h f Bev. Dnnirl Lysollr, F.R.S., F.S..4.


With health, wealth, and peace may all Bucks be blest,

And dear unanimity dwell in each breast,
Good humour and mirth still beam in our eyes,
Whilst get we remember-" Be merry and wise."
A bumper to Lucas each take in his hand,
And pay him t h a t homage that's due to onr Grand,
To honour and merit may ev'ry Buck rise,
Who adheres to o u r motto-" Be merry and :vise."
All true Bucks join hands, here's t o Pugh a t ye Platter,
Should milkshops condemn us-why let 'em-no matter,
Such triflers we hate and their notions despise,
Whilst we are for our motto-" Be merry and rise.'"
BUCKSOR BAR-CHUSSES.-We have seen t h a t i n 1744 there was a split ir.
t h e camp of t h e Bucks, a n d t h e Barcok o r Bar-Chusses appear t o have b2en ar,
offshoot. I n Collectrrrrrrt there a r e two advertisements of them. T h e first from
t h e Daily A dvcrtiser of J u n e 23, 1746, issued by T.C., Secretary, notifies t h e
members of t h i s " most Noble Order belonging t o t h e Lodge a t Holywell " t h a t
t h e Lodge is removed t o t h e Five Bells Tavern behind t h e New Church in t h e
S t r a n d , a n d will b e opened on t h a t evening.
This prosaic annsuncement is
succeed-d by t h e following : You Bar-Chusses that love good Wine,
And a t Fivc Bells ~ o u l dsup or dine,
I n home-spun B7ankct.s may ye meet,
Without o r Pillowbier or Sheet,
On this good Day, and there explore.
How Gdid lie in Times of Yore;
9 n d why to Tavern h e repairs,
Who once liv'cl up four Pair of Stairs;
Let onr Debates of Grand's behaviour,
Be mix'd with Oriental Flavour,
That other Bucks may silenc'd be,
-4nd all submit to trite T.C.
T h e italicised words have probably more meaning t h a n is a t first apparent.
T h e n comes a n important note:-"
None of the A n t i e n t B~tclis can o r will he
admitted without a new Initiation, this being a refin'd Order, composed of fresh
Intelligences, c o l l e c t ~ dby our sagacious Brethren i n t h e Law, a b d transmitted ( 1 )
t o W.W.G."
(The word queried is almost illegible, a n d , unfortunatsly, I have
not been able t o trace a copy of t h a original newspaper).
T h e n e x t advertisement i n t h e same paper of F e b r u a r y 12 (though d a t e d
F e b r u a r y a), 1753, desires t h e Brethren of t h e Holywell Lodge t o dine with t h e
Most Noble G r a n d on t h e 16th inst. N o place is mentioned.
T h e Order of t h e BUDGET.-A newspaper of J u n e 29, 1745, contains a long
proclamation b y " Rameses X I X . by good F o r t u n e a n d free Election, t h e 190Fh
Sovereign Monarch cf t h e most a n t i e n t a n d flourishing Nation of t h e I t i n e r a n t
Egyptians," etc., etc. T h e style of t h e remainder may be judged from this specimen, b u t t h e gist of t h e whole is t h a t t h e " most magnificmt and vetust O r d e r of
Freemasons' Magazine iv., 878 (1858).

the Budget " will hold an august Festival a t the Admiral Vernon and Porto Bello,
Norwood Common, " an Imperial Assembly for Reformation and Matriculation
on Sunday, J u n e 30, in the year of Creation 5795, and of Grace 1745."
DR. BUTLER'SCOLLEGEfigures anlong the advertisements of 1787. The
head of the Society was termed Chancellor. J . W . , the Secretary, gives the names
of various houses where i t had been proposed t h a t the business of the College should
be conducted in future; a ballot was t o be held for this purpose on August 6, and
the landlords of two touted for support. According t o the TT'orltl of the previous
February 14, the General Convocations of the Gentlemen Commoners had met a t
the D r . Butler's Head, Coleman Street. Apparently i t was then not so flourishing
as i t had been, for the Secretary, James Maddock (perhaps J . W . in the August
notice is a misprint), gives notice t h a t they will meet on the first and third Mondays
in the month, and not every Monday, as heretofore.
The Honourable Order of C A B ~ L L A R I Aappears
t o have been a Musical
Society. A vocal and instrunlental concert on January 12, 1743, concluded with
" a new grand Entertainment called Rumpus."
This was given a t the Magpye
Tavern, without Bishopsgate. Another on the 19th was given (after a general
meeting) a t the " Three-Tun Tavern, Spittlcfields." Rumpus was again given,
followed by the Farce P a n r i c o b r o t h ~ o .
CBLTIBERIANS.-The Brethren of this most Antient and Honourable Order
attended the Grand a t Brotller Francis's, the Crown in Bow Lane, on January 3d,
1753, and then celebrated their annual feast.
THE CESARS.-It was ordered by J o h n Brazen, I'rinlo C'cescir, on September
28, 1753, t h a t this Antient and Honourable Society should be revived and meet
t h a t evening a t the Crown and -4nchor, Lombard Street, Whitefriars.
SOCIETI.'.-T~~Knights Companions are notified t h a t St.
Andrew's Day will be celebrated by a Ball a t Mrs. Ansell's Room, Spring Garden,
and t h a t on the evening previous a meeting will be held a t Mr. William Walker's,
t h e Glove, Pall Mall. So nlucli for the 7-r~ivrrsrrlRe,qiater, November 28, 1786,
b u t in t h e following year the J1r11rbrr.s are similarly notified and tickets of admission were now reduced from 10s. 6d. to 5s. 6d. f.llor11i11.qUernld, Novembsr 23,
of these
THE C~~1coEs.-This ' ' Ancient and Honourable Society "-which
old Societies are without these or similar epithets?--was
apparently social and
~ ~
political. They met a t the New England Coffee-house, behind the R O Exchange
on April 16, 1747, " t o drink in a flowing Bowl, Prosperity to his Royal IIighness
the Duke of Cumberland,'and Success t o His Majesty's Arms."

It is somewhat singular t h a t Lysons passes over in silence the (political)

Calves Head Club.
met a t tlle President's house on J a n u a r y 31, 1743,
t o congratulate one another on " the Conquest they lately gained over their Neighbours, t h e Cods Heads."
The members of the CAMPDEN
CLUB were desired t o meet on August 25,
1788, a t the Spring Gardens Coffee house, " to go upon business previous to dining."

T h e " Collectpnm" of the R e v . Daniel Lysons, P.R.S., P.S.A.


The G'rnrral B v e n i ~ qPost of July 22, 1758, in correcting an error in a

Birmingham paper, announces that the CARACTACAN
will meet August 1st
u p m the Cordoe, " where an Oration will be spoken suitable to the Occasion, and
dine a t Longnor Bowling Green."
I n 1752 several advertisements appeared of the holding of a British CARNIVAL
on January 7, February 4, 27, M x c h 26 and September 1, at the Castle Tavern,
in Pater-noster-Row and the Globe in the Borough. They are interesting chiefly
on account of the mention of other Societies who had aseistsd in making them
succ~ssful-the Antient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons,
the Loyal Society of Anti-Gallicans, the Facetious Society of Comus's Court, the
Friendly Society of the Bucks, the Universal Society of the Ubiquarians, the Merry
Society of the Grigs, the Learned Society of the Purples, the Brave Society of
Lumber Trospers, the Venerable Society of Antiquarians and the Fellows of the
Royal Society.
One of the advertisements (Daily d durrtiser, August 29), is
, signed David Massey. The Chairman was styled " Doge " or " President."
were both presided
over (1749, 1750) by the Old Principal Cat, and their Mousings were held a t the
Bedford Head or a t "their usual Office on the Great Western Road."'
The Cat
and Bagpipes may, as a tavern sign, have had an Irish origin, on which see Larwood's
History, 438.
The Banks Collection preserves an invitation to the CATAND FIDDLE
It doubtless took its name from the tavern sign, said by some to allude to Caton le
fidhle (a governor of Calais) or from Catherine la fidhle, wife of Peter the Great.
According to an advertisement in the
a CATCHCLUBwas established in that year
the ladies in May, 1788, at which the Prince
members of the nobility were present. I n
Thatched House.

Morning iTsraltl, November 28, 1787,

and gave their anniversary dinner to
of Wales, the Duke of York and other
1860 i t (or a successor?) met a t the

was established in 1785. Its object is e=plained by
its name.
OF L I B E R T Y . - F ~ O
~ Oracle or h'dl's Nrzu W o r l d , December
19, 1789, we learn that St. George's Lodge of this Order met on the 23d at The
Barn, St. Martin's-in-the-Fields.

OF.-I am indebted to the kindness
of our Secretary for drawing my attsntion to this Order and for being able t~
reproduce an Invitation from the original in the Collection of the late Bro. Ensor
Drury. From the physical feature there portrayed, the Club might well have been
called the Long-chinned, like the Long-nose, the No-nose and the Ugly Clubs. I
have not succeeded in finding anything further about it.
Assuming that the terms CHOICESPIRITS and FRIENDS
refer, as they apparently do, to the same Society, their advertisements
preserved by Lysons r a q e from March 4, 1749, to March 31, 1754. Their places

of meeting w-le the Crown Tavern and Coffee-House on Ludgate Hill (" No Hum*

See also S.Q.C. xxvii., 39,

Drums to be admitted "');

the Dog Tavern in St. James's Market; SpringGardens, Greenwich (" Zeno, Plato, Aristotle, All true lovers of the Bottle, Will
(for all tlie Gazetteer,) As toping Philosoplls be there "); Kendal House; the
Swan near the Bridge Foot, Westminster; the Three Tuns and Crown, HolbornBridge; the Salutation, Billingsgate; tlle Crown Tavern near. Cripplegate, and
the Royal Oak a t Wandsworth. A High Borlace was held in the early p a r t oi
March, 1754, a t the Horseslloe and Magpye, Fleet Street. (See s~tprtr.)
THE CIRCARCLUBdined a t the Crown and Anchor ill tlle Strand on April
27, 1782.
THE CITY CLUBt h a t met a t the Queen's Arms in St. Paul's Churchyard was
one of those t o which Dr. Johnson belonged.'
THE CIVIL CLUBwas established in the City in 1669. I t s early records are
unfortunately lost; one of its rules was t h a t but one person of the same trade or
profession should be a member of the Club.' The name was evidently taken in its
primary sense.
The Brethren of the Amicable Society of CLERKSwere desired t o meet their
President and Wardens a t the Hercules in Bow-lane, cn October 24, 1753, on
special affairs for the benefit of the Society.
C L O D P A T E S . - A C C Ot o~ ~advertisements
dated April 2 and 15, 1745, the
members were called Brother Clods and the officers Clods a t the Anchor. The
" first regular establish'd Society of original Clodpates " held their annual Feast
a t the Welsh Trooper (alias the Welsh Goat) a t Hammersmith, but apparently
their usual place of meeting was t h e Golden Anchor i n Clare-Street, Clare-Market.
The " Original Constitutiond Lodge is held, as usual, a t the Fountain in ClareStreet, Clare Market . . . t h a t hilcient Community, which is well known to
be of greater antiquity than Masons, Gregorianz, Pinnerians, Ubiquarians, &c."
The TT70rltl of March 13, 1788, gives an account of a recent search in Clerkenwell for evil-doers by fourteen Officers of the Peace. They visited a tavern in
Turnmill-street, where they found 157 members of a COCKAND H E NCLUB,SO named
from women being admitted, and there being a male and also a female president.
'They evidently belonged t o the ne'er-do-well class and a considerable number of
them " concluded t h a t evening with unusual harmony, good order and regularity
in Bridewell. "
Cr,un3 either took its name from, or gave its name to.
the custom of a cocked-hat being placed before the President a t its meetings. A t
another club bearing the same name all the members wore cocked-hats a t 16:
Among the items of news in Eenrl's Tl'rrkly Jo~trtlrtl for July 26, 1718, its
readers are informed t h a t tlie COCKXEIGHS
Feast was held, as usual, a t Clerkenwell
on S t . James's day, the 24th instant. Orator Henley preached a sermon to them.
C o ~ ~ ~ ~ s . - T h emere,
r e apparently, two clubs of this :lame, one (1789)
lrnown as the Free and Independent Codgers, whose chief was called " the YenerBos~vell'sLde of Johnson, Ed. Ingpen, IT, 938.
'Timbs, Clubs and C l ~ t bLife, 4.
q.9.C'.xxvii., 37, 49.


" ~ ' o / / e c t t c n c cof

~ ~ t h e Ilez?. btoliel

L?w,r\, P R.s., E ' . s . ~ . 43

able Father." A t a be held a t the Crown and S u g a r - l o ~ f ,Fleet Street,

the follpwing served as Stewards :-Sir
Watkin Lewis [Lewes ?I, Mr. Alderman
le Mesurier, Mr. George, M r . Blake, Mr. Acton, Mr. Thomas, Mr. Brown, Mr.
Blancllard, Mr. Thompson, M r . Waghorn, Mr. G. Iloare, Mr. Hayward, Mr. Lake,
Mr. Hughes. The general absence of initials makes i t difficult t o recognise these
names except t h e first and second.
The other was the " Most Antient and
Honourable Society of Codgers."
I n a n undated advertisement in the Dad?/
Aclvertiser, P.S., Secretory, by Order of the Vice-Protoplast, desires the member.
t o attend t h e Most Noble Captain a t the Sun in Milk Street. This is followed
by a " Note. The Y's as well as the 0 ' s will be welcome, on producing proper
credentials." Do tlle initials mean Young and Old members?
Bro. Hextall mentions the CODHEADS
" in London, about 1750."'
This is
perhaps identical with the CODSHEADS,
who were advertised on February 1, 1743.
COLLEGEY o u ~ ~ s . - - L y s o n shas two advertisements of this society. The
3, 1753, and November 3, 1786-but as each
dates are widely apart-November
refers to a n annual feast, tlle same society may be alluded to.
The particular object of the COLUMBARIANS
is clearly indicated by their name
in advertisements of tlle following dates:-September
15, 1744, February 11, 1749
Ckbober 12, 1754, and February 6, 1790. This Society met originally in Fleet
Street, near St. Dunstan's Church. It was replacsd by the Philoperisteron, which
met a t Freemasons' Tavern until its amalganzation with the National C o l u m b a r i a n ~ . ~
" A t the Ship Tavern, near Temple Bar, this evening will be a Coxus, when
Mr. Shuter will be Chairman." (Advertisement, March 22, 1753.)

COMUS'SCOURTmet a t the Half-Moon Tavern, Cheapside, on March 20.

1749; a t the Horns in Bell-yard on February 7, 1753; and a t the Five Bells in
llle Strand on November 22, 1764. " The Choice Spirits from Comus's Court are
mentioned by J e r r y Sneak in Foote's ' Mayor of Garrat,' "3 as well as in sundry
advertisements of Choice Spirits.
who met a t the King's Arms, Tooley Street,
on the first Wednesday in the 111011th were notified on November 20, 1750, t h a t the
day would be changed to the second Wednesday. Signed by J o h n Simon.
SOCIETY(whose Treasurer was Richard Oliver) met a t
the Half-Moon Tavern, Cheapside, on January 28, 17---(no year given).
was evidently :i
political Society. A n extraordinary lneetiilg was held on J u l y 18, 1788, a t the
Intrepid Fox, Wardour Street, to consider the best means of securing the electiou
of Lord J o h n Townshend. The Officers and Brothers of the United Lodges were
" by order of the Noble Briton " requested to attend.
The Banks Collection contains a blank invitation (1787) to attend a meeting
cf the CRUISERS.
As Bro. Hextall has pointed out, the natives of various counties met,
frequently in London a t convivial gatherings in the seventeenth ~ e n t u r g ,and
.l.(J.('.xxvii , 39.
Old trnd S e w L o n d o n , i.. 46.
3 ( ; ~ t ~ t l e r n n n illnqcrzine,
lsi., 318.
4 9.Q.C. s s v i i . , 26.


Transactions of the Quatuor &oronat; Lodge

indeed the practice has in many instances been continued to the present time.
Notices are to be found of the CUMBERLAND
(1812) ; the CUMBERLAND
(1749, 1786, 1788, 1789, 1812); and the Society of CUMBERLAND
The dates of the holding o$ the anniversary dinners of the DERBYSHIRE
a t the Crow11 and Anchor fsee paper just. alluded to) may be extended
both ways by the addition of 1782 and 1795.
CLUBniet in I789 and 1795 at the Star and Garter, Pall
Mall, and, according to another undated advertisement, a t the Thatch'd House
Tavern, St. James's Street. We shall come across other County Societies in the
course of this alphabetical list.
DILUVIANO R D E R . - T ~ If'reemusons'
i&fagazine for August, 1794, has the
following notice:-Bug.
16. Being the birtli-day of his Royal Highness the Duke
of York, i t was celebrated with all the honours of Masonry by order of Knights
Templars resident a t London, united with the Society of Antient Masons of the
UiZuvian Order, or Royal S r k and Mark Mariners, assembled a t the Surry Tavern
in the Strand, by summons from Thomas Dunckerley, Esq. Grand Master and
Grand Commander of those United Orders.
The following skit appeared in the Morning Herald for November 16,
1587 :-" The first ineeting this season of the DIRTYSHIRTCLUBwill be held on
Saturday next ~rndergrountlin Low Holborn. Sam. Seedy, Tom Tatter, Stewards.
N.B. Visitors without shirts cannot be admitted."
According to the Morning Post the Court of DO-RIGHTSthat met at the
Blue Last, Distaff Lane, held an anniversary dinner on April 18, 1787, at Brother
Herbert's, Hoxton-square Coffee-house, Hoxton-square.
CLUBis one of the many clubs with quaint names that were
satirised by Addison and Steele in the Spectntor.
I n 1753 the Brethren of the Amicable Society of DOLPHINSheld their
annual Feast, by order of the Grand, on January 9, at the Two Brewers, LongDitch, Westminster.
THE ORDEROF THE D x a ~ o ~ . - T h e brethren were requested by the Secretary,
C.P., by order of the Grand, to attend a Chapter on May 28, 1751, a t the Red
Lion, Shaw's Court, near St. George's Church, Southwark, " wherein they are not
to fail, as they will answer their Contempt."
This was notified in the Daily
Advertiser, which on March 5 in the following year has a notification by the same
Secretary that the " Gentlemen belonging to the Dragon Society " are to meet " at
their Chapter House."
Among the Clubs mentioned by Steele is the DUELLIST'SCLUB, that
originated in the reign of Charles 11.'
Doran mentions2 the existence of an EARLYRISINGASSOCIATION.
commonly known as THE ECCENTRICS.~--I~
an unidentified newspaper of April 18, 1822, a notice is inserted by John Thomas Eyling,
Spectator, No. 9 (1710-11).
a71d about 1)rury Lane ii., 130.
See A.Q.C. xxvii., 37.






of the Rev. Daniel Lysons, P.R.S., P.S.A.


that the Society, which formerly met in May's Buildings, St. Martin's Lane, had
removed to the Norfolk Hotel, Great Russell Street, Covent Garden. According
to Timbsl this convivial Club was an offshoot of the " Brilliants," and first met a t
Fulliam's in Chandos Street, thence migrating to Tom Rees's in May's Buildings.
It is said to have numbwed from its commencement upwards of 40,000 members,
among whom were such men as Fox, Sheridan, Lord Melbourne, Lord Brougham,
Theodore Hook, etc.
To the brief but interesting note by Bro. Hextall on the EVERLASTING
may be added from Addison's description3 of i t that i t was instituted towards the
end or, as some say, the middle of the Civil War and was burnt out by the Great
Fire of 1666. The doors of the Club were kept open day and night, and the members were divided into watches, like sailors a t sea.
The Worthy Gentlemen of the Society of EVERYMANI N HIS HUMOUR
had then two Presidents, John Pulley and James Jones) were desired by the
Secretary, A . Jesse, to meet the rest of their Brethren a t the Golden Key, in Cock
Lane, on February 26, 1754.
c ~ u ~ . - - T h e Hawks are now at Alconbury Hill, and Fly there
ti11 May the 8th, when they will return t o Falconer's Hall and finish the Season,"
etc. (Morning ChrouL'cIe, April 26, 1782.)

THE FATCLUBis mentioned by Steele in the Spectator, No. 9.

CLUBis also mentioned in a paper in the Spectator
Advertiser for June 20, 1753, announces'
ORDEROF THE F L A S K . - T ~ Daily
that the Knights Companions will hold their anniversary a t the Crown and Rolls,
Chancery Lane, on the 27th instant.
CLUBwas a political body, opposed to Sir Robert Walpole.
I n 1710 i t met a t the Fountain Tavern in the Strand.
were requested (March 18, 1754) to meet at the Sun
in Round-Court, in the Strand.
The FREE UNITEDB R I T O N S . - T ~ ~members of this Most Antient and
Honourable Society were desired to meet the rest of their Brethren a t their Lodge
held a t the Black Lion in Montague-Street, Spittlefields on June 24, to elect
Officers for the ensuing Quarter (June 22, 1754).
THEFREEAND E~sy.--This Society met, March 1748, July 1749 and August
1764, at the King's Arms Tavern, New Palace Yard, Westminster.
met on April
2, 1788, for their anniversary dinner a t the Three Pigeons, in Butcherhall-Lane,
Newgatc. A t that the Noble Grand was Tholras Jenninge, snd the Secretary
Christopher Brown.

FREF AND EASYJOHNS.-This Society has been mentioned several times in

the Tranvactions of the Lodge. It wh3 established in 1767, one of its founders
being Wells Egelsham, who died in 1786. Hone gives a sketch of his life.&
l ( ' l u 6 s and C l u b Life, 262.
d.4j.C'. xxvii., 40.
d,Ypectofor,N o . 72.
Pear Book, 684.

FREEAXD EASYROUND THE ROSEis represented in the Banks Collection by

a n admission ticket, March 23, 1762. The rose was an emblem of silence and meant
t h a t nothing said in the room was t o be uttered abroad.

ROSE.-The I'ltblic .-I d ~ ~ r r t i s rannouncas,

24, 1753, t h a t those who intend t o dine with the President on t h a t day, being St.
George's day, must provide themselves with tickets, It appears from Brasbridge's
Memoirs ( F r u i t s of ISxperirnce) t h a t this Club, of which lie was a member, was
founded about the year above mentioned a t the Queen's Arms in St. Paul's
Churchyard and afterwards removed t o the Horn Tavern, Doctors' Commons.

BATCIIELORS,wl~ose motto was

The most worthy Society of FRIEKDLY
Simgle, yet LTnitetl, met J u l y 30, 1751, a t the King's Arms, Burr-Street.

OF ST. P A T R I C K . - T ~ ~
and Benevolent 0rdt:r
had a n elaborate set of printed rules, and I am indebted t o Bro. Smghurst for the
opportunity of quoting from them. The fifth edition of its " Laws, Statutes and
C'unstitutions " was published a t Dublin by authority in 1820; the 25 Rules, etc.,
occupy nineteen 8'". pages and are followed by the First and Second Lessonrt
" appointed for the Instruction of this Order " (pp. 20-25), and the Charter Song.
A n engraved copy of the letter, set to music, is also inserted in this particular
copy. The object of the Order may be stated briefly as a belief in tlie Fatherhood
of God and the practical application of love to the Brotherhood.
The two
" Lessons " consist of appropriate quotations from the Old and New Testament
respectively. The mernbers were unlimited in number and distinguished by tlie
word E1riei~dlyinserted between their Christian and Surnames. Rule 111. says,
" The Assemblies of the Brethren are called K i ~ o t s ,sigiiifyiiig the indissoluble Tit!
of Love and Frindship, wherewith they are mutually bound. And they are either
Principal Knots or Marching Knots, which all centre ill the G'ei~ercrlG'rcrlltl K n o t
and Select C r m d Knot."
The style and title of the annually elected Principd
was Hzs l l e ~ ~ e v o l e n cteh e L'rcr~~dI ' r ~ s i d e x t of the A nclrilt u r ~ dJ f o s t Benevolent
Order of t h e E'rienclly Brotltrra; 11e was t o reside in Ireland constantly, and if 11e
sllould, without the consent of the General Grand Knot, absent himself for more
t h a n six months, his office was vacated. The General Grand Knot comprised all
Regular and Perfect Friendly Brothers. I n the absence of the Grand President
and the Vice-President, the Senior Perfect present took the chair.
Knots could be, by patents, held in all parts of the world by gentlemen of the
army. The Grand President was assisted in the management of the Order by a
All Knots were to meet annually on
Select Grand K n o t and Two Secretaries
March. 17, being the festival of St. Patrick, the Patron Saint of the Order. Th2
" ensigii of t h e Order " was a golc! medal showing St. Patrick's Cross fixed in A
heart over which was a crown, an emblematic knot embellished with trefoil, oc
shamrock, leaves, and the words I.'rdrlt\ r t C'onrtcrns. The reverse side showed the
arms of tlie Order, namely, a group of hearts in fesse, or, charged with a celestial
crown of the same, in chief, in a field vert. Round the shield an endless knot set
wit11 sliaii~rockleaves, the niantling proper, and two emblematic dolphins,' their
faces downwards, argent: a label issuing from their mouths with the motto Quis
sepc~rnbit. This was worn suspended by a green ribbon. And for the crest on a

The dolphin is an cmblenl of kindly feeling.

T h e " C'ollectanrn" of the Rev. U o i ~ i e li52/"ouv, Zf7.12.S.,F.,C..t.


helmet and wreath of their colours a wolf dog standing proper. Only professed
Christians were admitted into the Order, and no religious, political, national or
party debates were admitted in any Knot. Cursing, swearing, etc., were punisliable by fines for the use of the poor. Every person on being Initiated a Novice
had t o pay for the use of the General Grand Knot two guineas and a half, a n d . o n
being made regular two guineas over and above the usual admission fee of tho,
K n o t into which he was received. The Principal London K n o t met on May 17,
1785, a t Baxter's Tavern in Dover Street. (.lforning P o s t . ) The Banks Collection contains an invitation ticket. I n 1788 the meeting was held a t the Crown
and Anchor Tavern in the Strand. ( l ' l r c , Irorltl, April 22.) Lysons has a tickzt
of admission to the Principal Knot a t Cheltenham.
S o c ~ ~ ~ s . - - T h~ea n k sCollection has an undated (176-)
ticket for a meeting t o be held a t the King's Arms I n n , in Haugliton Street, ClareMarket.

SOCIETYOF COCKNEYS.-A~Anniversary* Festival was celebrated
a t the White Conduit House, Clerkenwell, on J u l y 25, 1788, when a collection was
made for educating, clothing and apprenticing poor children. The Anniversary
Sermon was preached on the 20th a t S t . John's Church, Clerkenwell, by the Rev.
M r . Harrison, Chaplain t o the Lord Mayor.
F . F . , or FRIESDS
TO F R E E D O M . - T ~ ~was
S it
political Society, of which Lord George Gordon was President in 1787. A petition
t o the President, signed by Sir Watkin Lewes, David Davies and others, appeared
in the X o r t ~ i t t yPost for April 23, begging him to name a day on which he would
meet the Stewards of the Society a t t h e Britannia Tavern, Deptfcrd, to fix the day
for the anniversary festival. It concluded with the following important N.B. :" His Lordship must wait the determination of the Judges in the King's Bench,
on Wednesday next, before he can be a t liberty t o answer the Friends t o Freedom.
The speeches of the Attorney and Solicitor Generals, and Mr. Erskine, must b,:
answered to the satisfaction of the Court and J u r y . " The dinner took place on
May 14.
meeting at the One Bell, Fleet Street, resolved on
J a n u a r y 27, 1785, " tliat J o h n Wilkes Esq. . . . be never admitted a member
of this Society. Resolved, tliat the thanks of this Society be given t o the respectable
Societies of Lumber Troop, Codgers, and Couzins for expelling J o h n Wilkes Esq.
for his partial and arbitrary conduct a t the Wardmote a t St. Andrew's Church,''
etc., etc.

ROUND TIIE GLOBE,of which Sir Watkin Lewes was President, held
its Anniversary Festival a t the Globe Tavern, Fleet S t . , on June 10, 1783, also i n
J u n e , 1785: a t the August meeting of t h a t year James Boswell was elected a
OF MIRTH AND J o ~ ~ ~ ~ s . - A d v e r t i s e n ~ eappeared
on March 17,
1749, and in the G'enernl ;Idrwrti*rr of December 5 and 11, 1752, inviting this body
t o Comus's Court a t the Half-Moon Tavern, Cheapside. Several other advertisements (1753, 1754, 1758) of this Society occur in C o l l ~ c t n n e a .


Pransnctions of the Quat rior Coronati L o d g ~ .

The Banks Collection contains an invitation to attend a meeting of THE

GANGon December 2, 1784, and in Lysons is another of (apparently) 1789.
On December 1, 1743, a meeting was held of the Prussian GARDEDU CORPS
ROYALat the CardmakersJ Arms in Gray's I n n Passage, ~ e d % i o n Square. The
convivialities concluded with a vocal and instrumental concert. The announcement was made by the Generalissimo.
UNDER THE ROSE aye invited by order of the President to
celebrate their anniversary on April 23 (St. George's Day), 1752, a t the Queen's
Arms Tavern, St. Paul's Churchyard. !General Advertiser, April 13, 1752.)
According to an earlier advertisement. February 14, 1746, the occasion of their
meeting at the same tavern was to dine off a " barbacu'd Hog."

I n the Spectator, NO. 9, Steele writes:-"

A Christian name has likewise
been often used as a badge of distinction, and made the occasion of a club. That,
of the GEORGES,
whichused to meet at the sign of the George, on St. George's Day,
and swear ' Before George,' is still [I7111 in every one's memory."
S O C I E T Y . - T ~gentlemen
of that county living in
London met a t the Crown and Anchor Tavern in the Strand in 1785, 1786, 1795,
1812, and doubtless in many other years.
A t the meeting of our Lodge held last October Bro. Seymour Bell,
D.Pr.G.M., Northumberland, exhibited two Badges of the Loyal Lodge of GOOD
FELLOWS. They are circular silver plates within an irradiated border gilt metal.
On the obverse of one of them the following is inscribed in straight lines :-" No. 4.
Loyal Lodge of Good Fellows. Established 1811." The reverse has the Princs of
SeptemWales's feathers surrounded by " William Jackson
bar 25th, 1840." The obverse of the other badge is similar, except that " No. 9 "
takes the place of " No. 4 " and the space occupied by " Established 1811 " is left
blank. On the reverse is the representation of the Royal Arms, surrounded by
July 6th, 1841."
the following :-" Richd Aston,

The Morning Post of March 14, 1778, advertises a dinner of the Respectable
Society of Goon FELLOWS


SUNto be held a t the Sun Tavern in St. Paul's

Lysons does not give much respecting the GORMOGONS.

Bro. Gould quotes1
from the Daily Jozirnai, October 29 and 30, 1728, a notice of a meeting to be held
on the 31st. The following, issued in 1725, is almost identical:-"
By Command
of the VOL-GI. A general Chapter of the most august and sublime Order
GOR-MO-GON will be held a t the Castle Tavern, in Fleet-street, on Monday the
30th Instant, to commence a t 11 o'clock, of which the several Graduates and
Licentiates are to take Notice and give their Attendance. J.S.T."

The Whitehall Evening Post of July 3, 1731, states that on the previous
Mid-summer Day the Cur6 of St. Sulpice, Paris, gave a great entertainment to
the workmen employed in the building of that magnificent fabric. A t one table
sat about 400 Gormogons and at another the Cur6 and Masons, who were of the
Ancient and Honourable Order of Free Masons.

The " Collectanea "


the Rev. Dunid L ~ W I I P.R.S.,





- The Most Noble and Respectable Order of GRECIASS.-!~%~

members were

" earnestly intreated to meet the Most Noble Censor, Officers, Council and Brethren
a t the Lodge, the Spread Eagle, Charles-street, Cavendish-square, formerly called
the Middlesex Hospital. By order of the M.N.C."

GREGORIANS.-Avery full paper respecting this Order from the pen of Bro.
W. H . Rylands will be found in .Q C. xxi., 32. The following have not, I think,
already appeared in our Transactions. " By Order of the Grand The Grand of
the Ancient and Honourable Order of Gregoreans [sic], attended by the Grand
Officers and the Brethren of the Grand Chap~er,intends to visit the Chapter of the
said Order held a t the Pope's Head Tavern in Cornhill, this evening at Seven
o'clock, a t which Time and Place the Brethren of the said Order are desir'd to
attend. J . R . , Secretary." (January 4, 1748). The 17)aily Advertiser for March
13, 1752, advertises a meeting of those belonging to the Rummer Chapter to be held
in their Chapter Room. By Order of the Vice-Grand." The body was still in
existence in 1797, after having changed its character.
(Mackey, quoted in
A.Q.C. xxi., 94). The systen~was called Gregorism ( Z b . , 102) and the Order may
have been connected with the earlier Society of Gregories ( Z b . , 137).
The Dail?/ Advertiser of December 16, 1750, puts on record the existents
of the Worshipful Company of GRUNTERS.

" The GUTTLESare desir'd to meet their Cook, in ~ r d e for

r him to prepare an
Entertainment fit for their deprav'd Appetites, which shall be punctually serv'd up
according to their Directions, and ready on the Day they have appointed for so
extraordinary a Feast. Scullions are expected to attend." (March 6, 1751).
CLUB,established for the support of public liberty, held a
general meeting a t the George Inn, Urinchester, on November 2 , 1786.
The resort of the HANDELONAN
in 1787 is not more clearly indicated
than simply " Wych Street."

CLUBis mentioned by Oliver Goldsmith in the Busy Body
for October 13, 1759.

HELL-FIRECLUBSwere abolished by order of the Privy Council in 1721

(Centlen~an'sXrrgcizine lxi., 315.)
SOCIETYcelebrated its anniversary on February 7,
1788, a t the Crown and Rolls Tavern, Chancery Lane, and on February 7, 1793, at
the Crown and Anchor Tavern, Strand. There appears to have been an earlier
Society with the same name, whose anniversary occurred in Mag
The following may be added to the notes already published1 respecting the
HICCOBITES.Mackenzie refers to the meeting held on December 5, 1750 : this was
ennounced in the Cenernl .4duertiser. It was then styled the " Most Ancient and
Joyous " Order, but in 1770 the latter epithet was changed to Honourable. " The
Brethren are punctually requested to dine with the Lord Paramount, &c.," at
the Mermaid, Doctors Commons, on February 26, it being the annual festival,
according to the Gazetteer of February 12.
A.Q.C. xxvii., 31, 51,


Transactions of t h e Quatltor Coronati Lodge.

I n 4750 the Aldermen of HIGHBURY

held their annual feast on August 7
a t their Corporation House, and thrre elected Officers for the ensuing year, and n
few days later met a t Mr. Alderman Salisbury's, the Rose and Crown, in Salisbury
Court, Fleet Street, and on August 17 thoss Aldermen who were in the interest
of Mr. Alderman Biographer were desired t o meet on t h a t day a t Mr. Alderman
Tankard's, the Crown in Long Acre t o revive the old C ~ r p o r a t ~ i oofn Stroud Green.
This last advertisement is headed " Stroud for ever !ab Origine."
CLUBmet a t " ye Shakespeare " on December 14, 1786.
The Banks Collection contains an admission ticket of the Sagregat and
Immutable Friary of the Noble Order of HOKESTY,1786.
The Gloztcester J o u r n d for December 2 9 , 1806, announces the Annual
Meeting of the HUGEMABUFFS
a t the Fleece I n n , Gloucester, on the ensuing
J a n u a r y 1.
Another body with a singular name was that of the HUGOLONTHEOKBIQUIFFINARIANS,
who were requested in the Doily Lltlr~erti.serof December 26, 1743, " t o
meet a t t h e Manor House on the 27th instant . , . to do Suit and Service to
the Lord of the Manor of Sir Hugo Bi Quiffin." I n June, 1749, " S.T., Stedeward, issues the following announcement: - " Manor of Sir Hugo Bi Quiffin,
Alle Tenaxts semblee to Morwe t o han Herbeyhgage."
Wilethe 1Willetb


The HUMBUGF~AST.-Whether this had anything t o do with a n early

Humbug Club or not,l I cannot say. 'This is how i t was brought t o the notice of
the public on November 10, 1750 :-" Shall i t be said, f a t Capons shake their
T d s a t us in Defiance.-Ham.
To live, or not to live, t h a t is the Question.
Whether 'tis nobler in a Man t o feast
On Wild Ducks, Turkeys, Puddings, plumb'd or plain,
With Punch of Arrack delicious, Brandy and Rum,
Or sneak a t home, to save a paltry Shilling,
And be humbug'd with Mutton Cllcps and Porter.
The Gentlemen possess'd of Tickets for the Humbug Feast, who cannot possibly
honour t h e Society with their Company are humbly intreated t o return them," etc.
CLUBdescribed by Goldsmith2 is perhaps the same as t h a t
mentioned by Steele in the Spectator, No. 9.

S O C I E T Y . - T ~annual
feast for the Gentlemen of the
County of Huntingdon was held in 1700 a t Haberdashers' Hall.
A Monthly
meeting of t h e Society was held on March 6, 1788, a t the King's Head Tavern,
near Middle Row, Holborn, Lord Hinchinbroke in the Chair, and another on the
following December 2 a t the same place under the Presidentship of the Earl of
LOYALB R I T O S S . - T ~ following
cutting is from an unidentified
newspaper, dated merely 1793 : - " Independent Loyal Britons. Brother, The
favour of your company is requested to attend British General LUMLEY
and Officers,
i n assisting t o open a Lodge, No. 2, Tomorrow Evening, a t Eight o'clock, a t
Brother Irwin's, Green Man, S t . John's-lane, West-Smithfield. E L Y , G.Bec."



C'ollectanen" of the # c v .

Bnnirl Lysotzs, F.R.S., P.S.A.


JE N E S C A I S QUOI.'-According to the Gazetteer of February 12, 1789, this

had just been instituted, and was t o be wholly appropriated to music and conviviality. A n engraved admission ticket for March 21 (no year stated) is in the
Banks Collection.
The Venerable Order Sacred t o J O H N ,or the Social Order of Freemasons.Although this has (I think) been mentioned in our Trcrnsrrctio7rs, i t may be worth
while t o refer the reader for much concerning i t to the Z'ree~t~nson's
N.S., i., 406.
met a t the Ship in Ivy Lane on April 16, 1752 (General Aclverfiscr, April 1 3 ) , and on August 11 a t the Castle in Pater-noster-Row ( 1 6 . , August
13, 1752). A similar advertisement appeared in the same paper for November 27,
K X O Tdined together on December 22, 1783, " a t Nangle's."
The announcemeni is signed J . G . S . I . K . C . N . C . ( J i i b r r ~ l i oJ~o~u r ~ ~ dDecember
CLUB."B~ one of the rules a fine of a dozen of claret Was
imposed on any member who published any literary coiliposition of his own.
11eld their first winter meeting for 1788-9 on February
7 , a t the Thatch'd House. (Morni77g Hrr(11d.)
advertised J u l y 22, 1686.
KENTISHTOWS CORPORATIOX.-TheBretJhren of this Society were desired
to meet a t the " Great Council Chamber a t Mr Landor's in the said Town " on
Septexber 16, 1753, " to chuse a proper House for the reception of the said Corroration during the Winter Season," and again for the same purpose on October 1 .
" Note. Those who have not subscribed, are not entitled to Vote, except they will
subscribe t o the Regalia. G.W.S. T.U.S. J . N . R . J.C.C."
KHAIBARITES.~-Aparagraph in -1fi.c.f'~dourtrctl for J u l y 17, 1725, states
t h a t the election of a Grand Khaibar, in the rooin of Mr. Robert Prior, deceased,
will take place i11 the following week, " a t which the several Members, Brothers
and Candidates are desired to assist." Some years later difficulties occurred: the
President declared he would not resign, as he was elected an Officer for life.
Consequently a meeting was held a t the Nag's Head, Tothill Street, Westminster,
on December 29, 1742. Nothing is stated further as to what was settled by the
" Worthy Brethren of the Grand Khaibar."
According to an advertisement of
September 23, 1749, their future place of meeting was t o be the Bear Tavern, a t
the Bridge-Foot, Westminster.
KILL-CAREC ~ u ~ . - T h o s e who were responsible for drawing u p the advertisements concerning this Club do not appear t o have known what its alternative
name was. I n one (January 5 , 1753) the members are called " the Eons of Sound,
of Sense and Satisfaction," but in another (February 14, 1753) the first park
figured as " the Sons of Sound Sense." Their Fortress was the Castle Tavern i n
Pater-noster Row.
.-l.(,).C. sxvii., 33.

.l.Q.C. xxvii., 53.

.4.(,j.C. iii., 141.


~ r a n s a c t i o r zof~ the Quatuor Coronnti Lodge.

THE KING'S CLUB is another of the Clubs mentioned by Steele in the

Spectator, No. 9.
The KING'S ARMS SOCIETYwas a debating Club. It moved in 1780 from
Coachmakers' Hall t o the King's Arms Tavern, Cornhill. .
KIT-CAT CLUB.-So much cmcerning this Club is to be found in books
treating on the subject of London Clubs t h a t I include i t in iny list merely t o draw
attention t o the fact t h a t a list of its Presidents will be found in Bromley's
Catalogue of Engravings, 1793.
KNIGHTSOF THE BRUSH.-To the information previously !given1 concerning
this Society I may add t h a t i t apparently met from October to April (" the first
meeting this season will be this Evening-October
1, 1784 "). I t s usual place of
meeting was the Coachmakers' Arms in Long-Acre. To accommodate those who
were unable t o celebrate S t . George's Day by dining in the Long Room, Hampstead,
i n 1788 (as they had done in 1787), a dinner was held a t the Old Court-house,
Long Acre, on the same day, with Sir Jos. D'A-MI-A
i n t h e Chair.
(Homing Post, April 18 and 21, 1788.) The latest date mentioned is 1789.
KNIGHTS O F THE GOLDENFLEECE.--T~~Lysons Collection contains three
advertisements from unidentified newspapers re~pect~ing
this " Antient and most
Kcble Order."
The first, December 21, 1742, informs the Knights t h a t the
voluntary and charitable contributions of Brethren have enabled the Order t o p u t
apprentice to a citizen of London a distressed orphan or other youth t h a t shall
appear a proper object. Name and place of abode of any such should be notified
t o t h e Grand Elders in their Grand Chapter-room.
According t o t h e next,
December 1, 1743, t h e Knights were t o attend t h e " Grand Chapter -at St.
Katherine's on t h a t day t o proceed thence t o Mitchel's Coffee-House i n CrutchtdFryars, t o constitute a Chapter and open a Band of the illustrious Order. Note.
The Grand Chapter will bs open'd a t Five, and the Band closed a t Six, t h a t t h e
Regalia and Instruments of Constitution may be timely sent for the Accommodation of the Grand Officers and Council." The third cutting is dated December 13,
1743. The Knights were desired t o attend t h a t evening a t Mitchel's Coffee-House
a n d on the following Friday a t t h e Grand Chapter in Britannia Sloop i n St.
often t h a t one comes across such precise particulars as are contained in the two
following paragraphs. I therefore quote them in full:-

" A very ancient cuetom is still observed a t Okeham, in the county of

Rutland-Every Peer of the Realm, the first time he comes through this town,
is obliged t o give a horse-shoe t o be nailed on the gate of the Castle. The bailiff
of the manor, i n case of refusal, has power to stop his carriage, add take one off
from any of his horses. This is generally, however, compounded for money. I n
proportion t o the sum given by the Nobleman, a shoe is made bigger or less, with
the name of the donor and the date of the gift stamped upon i t ; i t is then nailed
on the Castle-hall gate. Some of these qhoes are gilt and curiously wrought--Over
the seat of the Judge, where he sits a t the Assizes, there is a horse-shoe of very


xxv., 10.

The " C'ollectat~en" of the Rev. Daniel Lysonc, F.R.S., P.S.9.


curious and singular workmanship, which is five feet and a half in length, and of
breadth proportionable. I t is imagined that this custom must be derived from the
antient Lords of this town of the Ferrers family, whose arms are three horse-shoes,
and whose name signifies smiths or workers in iron."
(Gazetteer, February 7,
" Order of the Horse-Shoe !-A
few days since a horse-shoe, presented by
the Duke of York, was put up in the Castle a t Oakham, in the county of Rutland.
I t s height is six feet and a half; the plate eight inches broad; elegant and superbly
gilt with a splendid and beautiful border; a t the point, a crown, richly ornamented
with gold spangles. Tile Order of the Horse-Shoe originated from Queen Elizabeth,
who, on passing through Oakham and Winchelsea, at Burley on the Hill, was
detained for some time by one of her horses having lost his shoe. The Queen, on
this occasion, by way of commemorating the accident, granted a charter to the town
with this clause :-' That every Peer of the realm, who passed through Oaklram for
the first time, should give a Horse-Shoe to nail upon the Castle Gate; and if he
refused, the Bailiff of the Manor to have power to stop his coach, and take a shoe
from one of the horses. This is now termed the Order of the Horse-Shoe, and the
donor generally presents a large one, on which his name is gilt. Formerly plain
iron shoes were given-but now none but gilt ones are admitted-which are placed
cver the Judges' seat in the Castle. Many are very curious; but His Royal Highness's eclipses the collection, and has given him the distinguished appellation of
Sovereign of the Order of the Horse-Shoe." (G'airftrur, August 15, 1788.)
The Banks Collection has an admission ticket to a meeting at the White
Horse in King Street, Golden Square, on June 6, 1782. Signed by Wm. Virgo,
THE ~ O D E R N . - - Tmet
~ ~ at
S ~the Jerusalem Tavern,
The Grand Master in his
robes of state and accompanied by his Commanders in black gowns proceeded up
the room and. ascended the throne. The evening was passed in smoking and mirthful singing, but nothing of an improper nature was allowed.'

5t. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, every Monday evening.

KNIGHTSOF THE M o o ~ . ~ - I n the advertisement convening the meeting held

on October 13, 1786, the following names are given :-President, Sir John Thompson.
Stewards : P. Le Mesurier Esq., Robert Rashliegh Esq., William P i t t Esq., Messrs.
Thomas Daniel, William Hunt, Thomas Smith, William Pinder, Elias crompton,
John Berrie, Thomas Bennett. The distinction between the honorary and the acting
stewards will be noted. (Xorni?cg Post, October 10, 1786.) A t the next anniversary festival the following were elected : - President, Alexander Annesley Esq.
Stewards: Sir Benjamin Hammett, Knt. and Aldermail, George Macauley Esq.,
John Philips Esq., Thomas Boulton P r a t t Esq., Samuel Townley Esq., Stephen
Clark Esq., Messrs. Robert Mann, Loveden, Joseph Hodges, Goden, William
Burden. 'I'he then Secretary was D. Prichard. (C't~iuersalRegistrr, October 25,
I)iprose, London and, London Life. 94.
xxv., 11. ; x x v i ~ . ,40.
3 In the title of this Order given in .4.Q.C. xxvii., 40, the word Golden should he
deleted. Such an order, however, may have existed. A writer in The F~ec-Thinker
(No, 35, July 21, 1718). complainirg of the multiplicity of Tavern Signs. says, " I have
seen a goldeh Leather-Bottle, a ,golden Cheese, a goldel: Blackamoor's Head, a golden,
instead of a silver, Half-Moon.',


Trccnsactions of t h e Qrtatuor Coronati Lodge.

Voluntary and Independent KKIGIITS OF THE PLUME.

cutting from
Xitclwll's S~cntlayllozc~tteof May 16 (no year mentioned, but most probably 1790)
shows t h a t these Knights met a t the Unicorn, corner of Henrietta Street, Covent
Garden, on every Monday night. Signed by Ihe Secretary, T . Hester.
met a t the Queen of Bohenlia in Wych
K N I G I ~ OF
S ST. G E O R G E . - T ~ ~body
Street. Their motto was
r d ai n gadvertisement in
KNIGHTSO F ST. GEORGEAKD S & u ~ ~ ~ ~ s . - - A c ~ o to
an unidentified newspaper of April 22, 1788, an Installation was t o be held on
S t . George's Day, April 23.
Evevting Post ( 1 ) of April 5, 1783, advertises
KNIGHTSOF T A R A . - T ~Dqcblrn
a long list of resolutions adopted by this Society, which met in Dublin and was
" instituted for the Encouragemens of the Science of Defence with the Sword." I t s
President a t t h a t time was Sir William Fortick. The following are the names of
the members forming the Committee for the selection of candidates:-The
J o h n Butler, Castle Kilkeilny ; Col. Butler, Kilkenny ; General Luttrell ; Major
Wemys, Kilkenny ; Major J o h n Kelly, Castle Kelly; William Holt, Stephen's
Green ; Thomas Roacli, Dublin ; Sir Willianl Fortick, Belmont ; H u g h Trevor,
Dublin; Capt. Cole, Dublin; Patrick Bellew, Mt. Kelly, co. Galway; Capt.
Holmes, 66th Regiment; Joseph Deane, Terrenure; Anthony Gordon, 67th
Regiment; and James Farrell, Black-pits. The Scciety met a t Ryan's, in Fownes'sStreet, on December 1, 1783, i n order to ballot for a number of candidates. Signed
by James Underwood, Secretary. f l b . , November 29.).
Encampment of this Order was held a t the Black Horse, Coventry Street, H a y market, on April 7, 1788. (ilforning Z'osf, April 4, 1788.)
The LADIES'CLUBis mentioned by Goldsmith in She Stoops to Conquer.
met on September 11, 1547, a t the Queen's Arms Tavern
i n S t . Paul's Churchyard.
held their annual feast on April ( ? ) 26, 1754, a t
the Crown Tavern behind the R ~ y a Exchange,
and a t the same place on April 25,
1775. .
is mentioned in advertisements of the Philodracosangumarians and the Philolutheronians. (See infrcc.)
The ~ l f o r n i n gH~rcclclof March 30. 1785, contains a notice to the Society of
LAURELWHIGS t h a t a meeting will be held t h a t evening a t the Angels, Upper St.
Martin's Place. This was a political society.
The LEECHEShave been already noticed,' but here is an additional announcement from the Gazetteer of November 2 , 1757, notifying the members of the
" Supreme and Legislative Court of the Ancient Fanlily of Leeches " t h a t i t is
removed from the Red Cross, Barbican, to the Crown Tavern, Bow-Lane, Cheapside,
where the Court Nights will be held as usual on the first and third Monday in every
month during the winter season.
See ccnte and .4.&.C. xxrii., 29.

T h e " Collectnnea" of t h c R e v . Dco~iel L ~ S O XF.R.,C.,


CLUBmet a t the Albemarle in Dover Street on March 19,
1751, a t eight o'clock in the morning. " The largest Nose t o be' entitled t o a P o t
of P u r l and the Chair."
The Scciety of LORDSheld their anniversary dinner on January 9, 1786.
The Brethren of the Most Noble Order of United LOYALBRITONSbelonging
i o t h e George Association in Grafton Street, S t . Ann's, Soho, met on J u n e 5, 1753.
" By Order of the President, William Potier, Secretary."
A t a much later date.
March 14, 1792, the Grand Lodge of the Honourable Order of Loyal Britons met
a t t h e Three Kings Coffee-house in Orange Street, Bloomsbury.
The notice is
signed " Brother W. Nicholas, British General. J o h n Hall, Secretary."
Brethren dined with the Grand and Wardens a t
t h e Shepherd and Flock, leading to Islington, on St. George's Day, 1753. Those
belonging t o t h e Grand Lodge held a t S t . Luke's Head and Eight Bells, Red Lion
Street, Spitalfields, were desired to meet to choose cfficss for the ensuing half-year.
( G a z e t t e ~ r ,December 28, 1769.)
was founded cn the King's birthday, 1789, as
evidenced by the preservation of a Song sung on t h a t cccasion, but not worth reproducing here.
TROOP.-" The Colonel desires his Officers and Comrades to meet
him a t the Sutler's, in New Street, Fetter Lane, on Tuesday Evening next . . .,,
(January 6, 1753.) A t a dinner held in July, 1838, a t the White Conduit House
Tavern, Pentonville, about 200 officers and comrades were present, the " squad "
being under the command of Colonel William Carpenter
The LYINGCLUBmet a t the Bell Tavern, Westminster.
met on J u l y 14, 1752, a t the Crown and Anchor
Tavern in the Strand " to drink the healths of those who have signalized themselves
as their steady and inflexible Friends."
Perhaps more is meant than meets the eye in the following announcement,
in t h e
published on February 18, 1746 : -" The Brethren of the MANIFESTATION
Mission, are desir'd t o meet Sir Francis on Thursday next a t what's o'clock, to
partake of the Half-Bull, in all its primitive Prolixity; and t o prevent a Stagnation
of their Juices, or Sickness on the Road, a Rox of Pills will be presented (after
Supper) t o the Brethren t h a t attend. By the Order of rShnnl-.l/nd."


instituted on the Continent about 1740
The members styled themselves the
Fraternity of V o r n v i a n Hrothrrs of t A r Order o f Rrlt.qzozis Frrrmarons
The motto
cf the Society was " No one of us lives for himself " , i t was based on St. Mark iv.,
30, and its object was the spread of morality.
CLUB was started in 1660 a t the Three Crowns in the
Poultry. It afterwards migrated to the Welch Head, a low Tavern in Dyott Street,
S t . Giles's,


original of the accompanying notice in

Lysons's Collectnnea has been so cut down as t o give i t the appearance of an
advertisement, but a duplicate in the Banks Collection reveals the fact t h a t i t is R,
handbill. A n explanation of a few of t h e expressions may be useful. A shuler is
a lazy fellow, one whools or saunters about (Sussex provincialism, verb used in
Roderick Random); gngging cornnlzanity denotes those who gag or gad about; a
?tLccmper was a beggar of the genteeler kind.'
Beggars' Arms, Q u a r t s r l ~Xecfin!i, October 10. 1789.
The blear-eyed Captain acquaints hi3 friends that a Qilarterly Meeting
of this Society will be held a t Brother Timber-Toe's, on Friday next the 17th
instant, for the purposo of receiving Quarterages, and on other particular
business; when each Brother Shuler will be expected to bring with him an
honest account of his quarterly Gains. A new Division of the Walks will be
settled for the ensuing Quarter, and Houses of Rendesvous fixed for Committees upon extraordinary affairs.
Those who have not yet paid their Footing are expected to come down
handsome, and become Mombers of the Society.
Gags, Xumpe~s,Lame and Blind, are xqcested to attend.
The long-trot Pin and Garter Sv-ags are requested to be more regular
in their payments; or the law will be put in force.
The Dandellion Diggers, Water Cress Fishers, & Dragrum Pogron
Gatherers, are requested to attend on special affairs, as Doctor Mangle Worzel
intends to beat tbe potatoe roots out of doors, which is supposed will be a
grelt loss to the Gagging Community.
N.B. A seperate Room provided for the Ballad-singing Squad.
The Petition from the Gipsy Tribe of %If-petre Rank, to be Read and
finally adjusterl.
Bread m d Cheese upon the table from 8 o'clock till 12, and Paer for
that night only a t Three-pence a Pet, & Gin a t Se-ren Farthings per Quartex.
rivnt Pnrcgerurn 1le.e et Reginn.


The Mermaid Tavern i n Bread Street2 gave its name to the MERMAID
stated by some t o have been founded by Sir Walter Raleigh. Many well-kn?wn
writers belonged to it, among whom may be named Shakespeare, Beaumont,
Fletcher, Selden, Jonson and Donne.

Another tavern gave its name t o the MITRETAVERN

SOCIETY. This, however,
was a debating society and previous t o 1786 had met a t Coachmakers' Hall.
The Grand Lodge of MODERNCOCSINSmet on J u n e 7, 1775 [ ? 1, a t Cousin
Manham's, the Queen of Bohemia, Wych Street, Drury Lane, and resolved to hold
t h e anniversary feast on the following J u l y 3 a t Cousin Swinerton's, the Adam and
Eve, S t . Pancras.
The MOHOCKSgained for themselves such an evil notoriety t h a t they were
frequently mentioned i n contemporaneous literature, and much will be found conckrning them in our Lodge Tmnsnctions. I n the absence of the much-to-be-desired
General Index, unhappily deferred owing t o the war, I am not sure if the following
have been hitherto noticed or not :-" A n argument proving from History, Reason
and Scripture t h a t the present Mohocks and Hawkubites are the Gog and Magog
1 See also Beggars' Club, supra; Old and Xew L o n d o n , iii., 45; iv., 488 ; Macaulay'~,
Hzstory of England, i., 373 (chapter 3); Gray's Trivza, 1-6.
2 See ante.




Collectanea " of the Rev. Daniel Lysons, F.R.S., F.S.A.


mentioned in the Revelations and therefore t h a t this vain and transitory world will
shortly be brought t o its final dissolution."'
" The Town Rakes or the Frolics of
the Mohocks o r H a ~ k u b i t e s . " ~I n Chambers's Book of Days3 an account of their
atrocities will be found.
BUSH CLUBis another of those t h a t derived their names from
The Mourning Bush Tavern was in
t h e taverns i n which their members met.
Aldersgate Street, and Timbs notices the changes i t ~ n d e r w e n t . ~Hindley also
It was here t h a t the Lodge of Emulagives a n interesting account of the t a ~ e r n . ~
tion, now No. 21, met 1735-1765,6 and the Strong Man Lodge, 1831-1834.
of which there were several in the
MUG-HOUSECLUBS.- Mug-houses,
metropolis, were chiefly political and those who frequented them were said t o belong.
t o such and such a Mug-house Club. Among the most notorious were those i n
Long Acre, Cheapside and Salisbury Court. The F/:/ing Post of J u n e 30, 1716,
has the following Mug-house ballad :Since tha Tories could not fight,
And their master took his flight,
They labour t o keep up their faction;
With a bough and a stick,
And a stone and a brick,
They equip their roaring crew for action.
Thus in battli? array
A t the close of the day,

After wisely debating their deep plot,

Upon windows and stall
They courageously fall,
And boast a great victory they've got.
But, alas! silly boys,
F o r all the mighty noise

Of their " High Church and Ormond for ever,"

A brave Whig with one hand,
At George's command
Can make their mightiest hero to quiver.
Members of the Grand Lodge No. 1 of the Excellent and Holy Order of
NAILS, meeting a t the Pheasant, Stangate, met on Sunday, J u l y 7, 1788, on particular business. " By Order of Edward Connell, Grand Master, Edward Parslo,
Deputy Grand, Richard Johannot, Warder, Daniel Henley, Usher. J. Bavthorn,
Secretary. "
The Tavern in which the members of the No-PAY-NO-LIQUOR
CLUBmet has
been previously mentioned.? The Queen's Head and Artichoke, however, was not
i n the Hampstead Road but in what is now Albany Street. The Queen is said t o
allude t o Queen Elizabeth, one of whose gardeners, as report goes, built the house.
There is an engraving of it. in the Gentleman's Magazine for November, 1819.
following is from a n unidentified newspaper dated
September 30, 1747 :-" By Order of his Aborigini ! s i c ] Lordship. The members

B.M., King's Pamphlets, vol. xix. (1712, 2 pa.).

I h . (1712, broadside).
i., 743.
Clubs and Club Life of London, 393.
Tavern Anecdotes, 256 (Reprint, 1881).
Sadler, History of the Lodge of Em.ulotion, passim,
8 . 0 . C . xxvii., 42,


Transactions of the Qzentuor Coronati Lodge.

of the Honourable Court of Nu1 Tie1 Record are desired to give their attendance
a t the usual place on Saturday next. . . .," etc. It is not clear if the following
refers to the same club or not:-"
By Command of the Ab origine Lord. That
most Antient Order will assemble on Monday next, a t six in the Evening, a t their
antiquated Bower, situate in Skinner-Street, Bishopsgate without; and as the
Order has been neglected for several Centuries last past, i t will be necessary that
there be a numerous Assembly, that the several Immunities and valuable Jewels
therto belonging, may be examined into and preserved, which all-devouring Time
has almost effaced and obliterated. Note, Brasield Williams intends to illuminate
with Wax, for the better discerning the Antiquities." (May 12, 1753). Mackenzie
in his Cyc2opedia mentions that in 1756 the meetings were held a t the One Tun in
the Strand.
CLUBmet a t the Thatched.House on April 10, 1788,
with Captain Calcraft in the Chair.
The OCTOBERCLUB, which gained its name from the members drinking
October ale, consisted of about one hundred and fifty staunch Tories, chiefly
country members of Parliament. They met at the Bell in King Street, Westminster. Swift was an important member of this political coterie.'
An advertisement, dated November 17, 1750, states that the Antient and
Venerable Order of OCTOGANIANS
will hold a Chapter a t the Ship and Anchor.
Temple Bar. Those who desire to join the Order are to send in their Petitions
to the Grand Father for admittance to an Examination and Approbation of their
Principles, which will then be considered as well as other affairs relating to the
history of the Order.
OLD KIT'S SONSappears, from the Daily rtdtlertiser of January 29, 1752,
to have been the name of a Club that met on the ensuing February 11 at the Castle
Tavern, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden. On March 21, 1754, i t was announced
that several would meet a t the Crown and Anchor in the Strand to consider the
advisability of forming a Thursday night's Club. The Public ddrertiser of March
9, 1757, has the following:-"
The Sons of O.K. are desired to meet him, and
many of their Brethren, kc., a t the Ship and Anchor, Temple Bar, on Friday next,
a t Seven o'clock in the evening. S . J . , Your Conductor and Operator. J.H.,
The Singing Person, and Fighting Privateer's Man will be
there, with the Facetious Book, &c., &c., &c. N.B. Sons made gratis."
During his incarceration in the King's Bench Prison John Wilkes was made
not only a Buck,' but also an OLD SOUL. This is chronicled in Lloyd's Evening
Post for March 6-8, 1769. Each Officer composing the deputation had the ensign
of his Order and a Wand. Mr. Wilkes returned thanks for the honour of having
been made a Brother.
used (1742) to give its concerts a t the Swan Tavern in
Change Alley.

was held a t Merchant-TayIors'
I n 1690 and 1693 the OXFORDSHIRE
Hall. The name of Club was afterwards assumed by those who attended the
I have purposely abstained from mentioning Societies. still existing and well
known, as, for instance, the Odd Fellows, Orange Society, etc.
A.9.C. xxvii.) 30,



Cotlectunea" of the Rev. Baniel Lysons, P.R.S., P.S.A.

Meetings and the OXFORDSHIRE

CLUB met in 1755 a t the King's Arms in the
Strand and on February 1, 1758, a t the Crown and Rolls Tavern in Chancery Lane.
in support of Lord Parker and Sir Edward T u r n e ~ .
held their annual meetThe most noble and amicable Society of PAROQUETS
ing for 1747 a t Stonehenge for the election of a Mackaw and the admission of
Dicky Birds. This was notified on March 28.
Accor'ding to the Gazetteer of August 3, 1771, the Founder and Grand
was a Mr John Smith. A meeting was
Master of the Most Noble Order of PAULS
to be held a t the Red Cross Tavern in Barbican " when the ceremonies of the
Grand Lodge Constitution " were to be " reheard in form. The company of every
legal brother will be esteemed a favour." May one hazard the conjecture that
this was a society of members of the legal fraternity who practised in the vicinity
of Paul's ?
Several Clubs were known as the PEERS
(with or without an epithet). I
will enumerate them briefly :-The House of Peers under the Rose-or meeting a t
the Rose-in Fleet Street, July 17, 1744, March 7, 1745. The Dissenting P-rs
near the Fleet Market, called also the Gentlemen P-rs
and the Stained P---rs.
Then again there were Revolted P-rs.
These advertisements appeared in 1744,
1745 and 1747, and were not free from abuse.
POTCLUB,in the announcement of a meeting to be held at the
Castle Tavern, on February 20, 1750, notifies " There will be a general Melting."
held their half-yearly election of
The Brethren of the Society of PHAETOXS
Officers on March 16, 1786, at the Conetitution, Bedford Street, Covent Garden.
SOCIETYheld an anniversary dinner a t Freemasons'
Tavern, Great Queen Street, on June 8, 1803.

SOCIETY.-A~advertisement dated January 1, 1753, gives
notice to the members at the Devil Tavern, Temple-bar, that, their Concert is
postponed to the ensuing January 8. " Xote. This notice is only to the old
staunch Bucks. "
The most noble and ancient House of PHILILEUTHERIANS
by order of their
Grand President dined on July 2, 1752, a t the Chancery Cofiee House in Chancery
Lane, for the election of Officers for the next six months.

" ~ O ~ O USociety
" met for the first time
on September 21, 1753, a t the Green Dragon in Fleet Street, " where all lovers of
Mirth and social Friendship are heartily invited. A visit from the Gentlemen of
the Latitudinarian Society will be extremely agreeable and the favour gratefully
acknowledged. Choice Spirits, Souls and Good Bloods of every denomination are
sincerely welcome." A somewhat similar advertisement appeared in the following
September. The Latitudinarians are similarly invited in an advertisement of the
whose first meeting took place at the Red Lion in Jewin Street,
on December 20, 1753.
The noble Order of PINEARIANS
were desired to meet their Grand a t the
Chancery Coffee House in Chancery Lane, to which their Lodge had moved, on
January 8, 1750.

Transactions of the Quutztor Cwonatl Lodge.

The Grand Master of the sublime Fraternity of PISCINARIANS

summoned s.
Grand Convention t o be holden a t the Mitre Tavern in Lower Thames Street on
May 30, 1745, t o oppose some arbitrary attempts lately made t o the prejudice of a
The following advertisement appeared on March 23, 1744 :-" These are to
acquaint the Gentlemen of the PIZYClub, held a t the Sign of the Tower in Tower
Street, near the Seven Dials, t h a t Don Piztrato will attend as Chairman and hopes
none of his Friends will fail coming a t Seven o'clock, being appointed the Hour."
There is a charming simplicity as t o the date of meeting.
PORPONIANS.-" W e hear t h a t on Monday last the Grand, and the rest of
the Honourable and Ancient Society of Porponians, met a t t h e Fountain Tavern,
on Snow-hill, and constituted a new Lodge." Reed's W e e k l y Journal, March 27,

S O C I E T Y . - T ~Morning
H ~ m l dof April 5, 1785, intimates t h a ~
this Ancient Society, which was formerly held a t the ship Centurion, Charing Cross,
will meet i n future a t the King's Head, Gerrard S t . , Soho.

SOCIETY.-An advertisement dated April 30, 1750, states t h a t this
Society was established for promoting the liberal Sciences I t s annual Feast was
held in that year on Trinity Monday a t the King's Head Tavern in the Poultry.
an unidentified newspaper of October
QUA CA B ~ ~ T ~ s . - A d v e r t i s e l n e nfrom
25, 1743 : - ' I
The Brethren of the Great and Laudable Company of Qua Ca Bittes
are desir'd t o meet on Monday next, the 31st instant, between Five and Six o'clock
i n the Evening, a t the Coal-Hole, in order to choose a Grand Visitor for the year
ensuing. J . G . , Secretary. "
The subjoined advertisement does not convey much i~iformationt o an outsider :-" On Tuesday next, the 5th of December, a t Proteus Hall, will be held a
General Conflux of RIVERS; Nectar and Ambrosia, with other Cates, a t Four
o'clock. By Order of the Father. Dove, Secret,ary. From the Grand U r n ,
Nov. 15, 1755."
Bro. Songhurst tells me t h a t lie has seen a Member's card and an invitation
t o take tea with the ROASTFOWL
A N D SHORT CAKE SOCIETY. I t s 235th ( 1 )
anniversary was held in 1883 a t Bishop Burton, near Beverley.
Lodge No. 1 of " this most
respectable Order," which had previously met a t the Two Brewers, in Wych Street,
Drury Lane, moved t o the Two Blue Bells in the Haymarket. (.Morning Herald,
December 14, 1786.)
LODGE.-Both Lysons and Banks give a blank summons.
The Banks Collection contains an invitation (1789) to attend a meeting of
I n Collectanea there is an invitation to dine with the members of the ROYAL
ST. GILES'S RUMPon February 1, 1787, a t the Angel I n n , High Street, near St.
Giles's Church.
consi~ted of young men of good social
standing b u t with nothing t o do, who took to running of errands, 1736. They



Coftectanea" of the Kei:. Daniel Lysmra, P.R.S., P'.S.L4.


adopted as their livery fine Holland drawers and waistcoats, thread stockings, a
blue siik sash fringed with silver, a velvet cap with large tassel, and carried'a
porter's staff.
The tavern called The Running Footman is in Charles St.,
Berkeley Square.
S A L A M A N D E R S . - L ~ Spages
~ ~ S ' Sare particularly rich in advertisements concerning this body. To the note in S.Q.C.,l giving their meetings in about 1770
a t the Bull and Anchor near Hammersmith, may be added some earlier dates, but
I cannot say if the earlier and later dates refer to the same body, though they were
Salamanders. The dates are October 23, December 15 and 28, 1750; J a n u a r y 13
and J u n e 24, 1751 ; J u n e 13, 1752; J a n u a r y 6, J u n e 11 and 23, December 22 and
29, 1753; J a n u a r y 29 and December 24, 1754. It was a body t o which various
appellations were given. F o r instance, " choice and refin'd Spirits of the Illustrious
Society of 8."; " the lively spirits of t h a t harmonious Society "; " merry volatile
Spirits of the lively Society of S."; " Social Order," etc. The President was
known as the Vivax (though a President was also named), and the dinners were
" the carnal refectory,"
or " carnal refection." Most of their advertisements are
only partly in prose.
CLUB.-Defoe's, mentioned by Bro. Hextall,' can hardly be the
same as t h a t spoken of in the Universal Spectator, a periodical brought out by
" H e n r y S t ~ n e c a s t l e . " ~I t s members were ladies, who met once a week.
one brought her " quota of defamation," which she had collected, and which (after
the Club had approved of i t as sufficiently scandalous) was to be propagated wherever
she went.
Besides the union of natives of different counties those belonging to some of
t h e professions or trades combined t o form societies. For instance, the ANCIENT
met quarterly. The Gnzeitrer of April 1, 1788, notifies
t h a t the next meeting will be held on the 4th inst. a t t h e Queen's Arms, Newgate
Street. Apparently the members belonged to only the Established Church, any
gentleman " of the profession of the Church of England " being informed how to
proceed if he wishes t o join the Society. (See also Clerks supra.)
SOCIETYwas the name given about 1810 to the meetings of
a few Manchester merchants which had originated some four or five years'previously.
The name was suggested in joke from the fact t h a t the members lost no time over
their mid-day meal a t the Unicorn, and the name was retained when no longer
W e learn from the Banks Collection t h a t in 1793 there was a body who styled
themselves SELECTHONESTFRIARS. The invitation card conveys no further
One of the numerous political clubs of the eighteenth century was known
as t h e SELECTSOCIETY. This was also a debating society, judging from an
announcement of a meeting t h a t was to be held a t the Old Theatre, No. 5, Portugal
1 =xvii., 39. BuIZ should be Bell, the mistake occurring originally in M a ~ k e n ~ i ~ ' ~
2 A . Q . C . xxvii., 25.

Pseudonym of Henry Baker, F.R.S.

Transactions of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge.

Street, Lincoln's I n n Fields, on an unspecified evening in 1779. Though Portugal

Street is by no means long, the precise number is specified to prevent those who
wished to attend the meeting from going to one of the other theatres in that street.
The Shakespeare's Head Tavern in Russell Street, Covent Garden, was at
one time the haunt of the Beef steak Club, and i t was there that the SHAKESPEAR
resorted for its annual feasts. One of these was celebrated on February 15,
The following advertisement appeared on January 29, 1745 :-" Omne quod
exit in um. Notice is hereby given to all Worthy brethren belonging to the SHIP
SOCIETYi n Ivy-Lane, that a General Meeting will be held a t their Office, this
Evening, a t Six o'clock precisely, to open the Commission of Nisi Prius, and try
the Issue between Tubal, Plaintiff, and Galen, Defendant, upon a Non sum
Informatus, where all Evidences material (whet,her they be Ab-Origines, Antediluvians, Nimrodians, or Nothingarians) are desired personally to attend, on
Failure thereof their Rights and Privileges will be estreated and a Capias u t
Legatum immediately issue. By Order of the Chief President, J . P . , Secretary."

The two following advertisements from the 2)aily Advertiser of February 27

" Porcarii conveniunto
and March 13, 1745, are, to say che least, peculiar:-(1)
omnes? A t the Grand Antique SICILIANCONGRESS
held a t the Terrae Lacerator
in Water-Lane, near the Custom-House, the Worthy and Amicable the [sic]
Brethren of the Order are desired to attend on some important Grunnitions, on
Friday the 1" of March next. By Order of the Vice-Grand, P . P . Note, Some of
the Brethren of the W : A : C : V : T : may be admitted." (2) " Etiamsi maledicta
sint Opera Porc'. [sic.] On Friday next will be grunted forth, at our Grand
~ A t i ~ Sicilian
Congress, the Terra: Lacerator in Water-Lane, near the CustomHouse, an Oration, never yet orated by Orators of any Oratorio whatever, per
Porcum Suilis ejusdem. By Order of the Grand-Veteran, P . P . Archigrammaticus.
Brethren, be quiet ! silent ! without Contest ! " The initials W : A .C :V :T : have
yet t o be explained. (See infra.) P.P. may perhaps mean Porcus Porcorum.
The Antient Society of SIMPLESwere ordered by their Grand (November 27,
1754,) to rqeet a t the Two Black Boys near Katherine-Street in the Strand, on the
following evening on special affairs. There is a London token of the Two Black
Boys, on which they are represented shaking hands.
CLUBis mentioned by Steele in the Spectator, No. 9.
I n ColEecta,nea is an advertisement dated July 4, 1743, notifying that those
who desire to become members of the SKELETON
may, by Order of the
Grand Skeleton, enrol themselves a t the Bell, in Red-Lyon Market, Whitecross.
street, as members if they agree with t:he standard. " Note, There's better Porter
a t the Bell, Than Jacob selleth at the Well."
Lysons gives also the following under date January 20, 1746 :-" Whereas
Two Young Ladies were, on Tuesday last, violently assaulted, beat, and bruised,
in a most barbarous Manner, between the Hours of Nine and Ten a t Night, near
Tower-street, by a tall, thin young Gentleman of the Order of SMARTS,but it i 3
thought he was encouraged thereto by his Father, if any one can give Intelligence

The "Collectanea"

of the Rev. Daniel Lysom, F.R.S., F . S . S .


of either of them, they shall have as a Reward a Yarmouth Capon for the Son, and
a Dram of Batavia for the Father, of Kitty Pry, at the Cat-in-Pattens in Westminster. "
The SOCIALBLUESare incidentally mentioned in an advertisement issued in
the General Advertiser, February 28, 1779, by the landlord of the Spread Eagle.
(See Ancient Britons.)
S. Collier, Secretary of the SOCIALFRIARS
called (Gazetteer, May 13, 1789,)
.a meeting of the Brothers of this Society a t the George Tavern on Great Tower Hill.
I t s object was to reinstate their landlord in business, as he had been burnt out, and
to select a place for their future meetings.
The Franks Collection contains an invitation card to a meeting of the SOCIAL
on January 7, 1800, a t the Castle, King Street, Cheapside.
used to meet in a room in the Bedford Arms, Camden
Town, afterwards extended and now better known as the Bedford Theatre of
Varieties. I t s gardens were used in the early part of the last century for occasional
bdloon ascents.
The SOLS.-Since the publication of my paper1 I have met with a few further
particulars, some of which have been brought to my notice by various friends. My
thanks are due to all these, but more particularly to Bro. Songhurst, who is always
so willing to be helpful. But the most fruitful result of bringing the subject to the
notice of the members of the Lodge was the exhibition, by the kind permission of
the Provincial Grand Master of Shropshire, of the State sword, the whereabouts of
which I had in vain endeavoured to trace.'
Thg following advertisement3 is earlier than those previously noted :" Royal Grand Modern Order of Jerusalem Sols. The Brothers are particularly
requested to meet the Grand Master and offices [sic] of this Lodge; on Thursday
morning next a t Eight o'clock, a t Br. Reilley's, the Free Masons Tavern, in
Queen Street, in order to proceed from thence in procession to dine at Br. Hiems,
Florida Gardens, Brompton, (being the Anniversary Dinner) and such Brothers
who have not been supplied with Dinner Tickets, are also desired to send for the
same before To-morrow night, at the Bar of the Queen of Bohemia-Tavern, Wych.
Street, or of the Stewards-Br.
Hoggins, Three Cups, Aldersgate-street; Br.
Benwell, Long Acre; Br. Woodfin, No. 110, Long S c r e ; Br. Marriott, No. 175,
Fleet-street; Br. Wools, Surrey Side, Westminster Bridge; Br. Wetherstone,
~ i r b ~ - s t r e e Hatton
By order of the Right Hon. Grand Master.
R . Langdale, SEC. July 4, 1785. N.B. A Sermon and Anthem a t Kensington
Church, and no Brother will be admitted into the Church without [nearly a whole
line is here illegible] Br. Reilley's to receive them."
With the exception of the year (1788) no date is assigned to the following
cutting from the Morning Herald, but a reference to A.Q.C. xxv., 25, makes it
probable t h a t i t appeared early in August :-" The worthy Sols love open day, and
that things should be done in the light! They therefore revolted a t Pensioners

A.Q.C. xxv., 9 (1912).

'Zb. xxv., 31, 283.

Morning Herald, July 4, 1785

Trc~nsactiotlsof t h e Q ~ ~ a t i ~Coronnti


Brook Watson rising in behalf of Lord Hood on Thursday last, as soon as Mr.
Fox and his friends had departed: -Captain
Bentinck, however, fairly overmatched the immaculate Treasury Pensioner, and his principal, the new Admiralty
Lord ! "
The ilPwt~zt~g
Herald for November 2 6 , 1788, gives the following:-" Con.
~ t i t u t i o n a lSols. A meeting of this ancient Society was held on Monday [ a t the3
.Globe Tavern], Sir Watkin Lewes, Mr Mainwaring, M r Le Mesurier, and other
canvassing gentlemen attended
Aboilt 100 persons dined. M r Drawater (sic1
an Officer, not in his Majesty's service, but in suite of the Sheriff of Middlesex.
was in t h e chair. There was much conviviality and good humour, though the
company was composed indiscriminately, of both parties. The gentlemen of the
other party gave, with three times three, their worthy President, M r Drawater.
and all the Friends of Freedom, Monsieur Le Mesurier, and the English Constitu
tion, &c., &c."' This pointed pretty clearly t o the place where something could
be learnt regarding Drawwater. B u t my enquiries resulted only in being told t h a t
any books t h a t were in existence a t the time t h a t he was an officer to the Sheriff
have all bsen destroyed, and nothing is now known either of him or his family
t h a t h e may have left behind. I n this connection i t may be mentioned t h a t
William Brooks, another of the Grand Masters, was a builder, according to
Bromley's Engraved Portmzts, but a paragraph in an unidentified newspaper
giving a n account of a meeting held a t the Buffalo Tavern, in Bloomsbury Square,
for the election of Grand Master, states t h a t " Mr William Brooks, Mason, Castle
Street, Bloomsbury, the present Grand Master, was unanimously re-elected."
Notice of a meeting of the Royal Grand Select Sols Lodge t o be held a t the same
tavern appears in a newspaper for April 4, 1789. Bro. A. F. Robbins g i v e s h n
advertisement from T h e Gnzetterr and New U n d y ddurrtzser for J a n u a r y 17th,
1789, in which the Brothers of the Royal Grand Mndern Order of Jerusalem Sols
and those of t h e Royal Windsor and Corinthian Lodges are requested to dine with
the Grand Master a t the Queen of Bohemia Tavern on J a n u a r y 19th.
The following is from the Diary or ll'ooc!]nll's Register of J u l y 7, 1789 :Royal Grand Arch Constitutional Sols. The Anniversary Dinner of this Society
being fixed for Tuesday the 14th Inst. a t Brother Willoughby's, Higlibury Barn,
the Brothers are requested t o meet their Grand Patron, B. Watson Esq. M . P .
Grand Master and other Officers of the Lodge, this Evening a t Nine o'clock, a t
Brother Humphries, the Globe Tavern, Fleet-street, in order to supply themselves
with Tickets, and t o regulate the Procession and other Business of the Day. By
Order of t h e Grand Master. T P . Bott, Grand Secretary. Stewards-The
H . C. J. Fox, M P . , Sir W . Lewis [ s i c ] , K n t . M.P., W . Manwaring, Esq. M.P.,
P. Lemusier, Esq. M . P . , W Colhoun, Esq. M.P., Mr. Sheriff Curtis, Edward
Allen, Esq., J . Johnson, Esq., C. Shutter, Esq., The Hon. H. Hood, E . Walter,
Esq., T. Branscombe, Esq., Brother Lovell, Brother Cardy, Brother Upton,
Brother Welday, Brother Lord, Brother Hindes."

Prom the same paper for J u l y 21, 1789:-" Royal Grand Modern Order
of Jerusalem Sols. George Byng, Esq. Grarid Patron of the Order, Allen
Fretwell, Right Honourable Grand Master Sol of England. The Brethren of this
See " Friends of Freedom
a A.q.C. rxvii., 150 (1914).



Lodge and aiso of the Royal Windsor and Corinthian Lodges, are requested t o dine
with the Grand Patron, Grand Master, and Officers a t Brother Burden's, the
Nermaid Tavern, Hackney, on Thu?sday nsxt, the 28th of July, being their
Grand Anniversary Feast. Dinner on Table a t Three o'clock. Stewards of the
Grand Lodge, B. Morris, G.P.M., B . Havnes, G.S., B. Hill, B. Scargiil, B.
Millington, B. Cameron. Stewards of the Windsnr Lodge, B. Shewell, Senr., B .
The Brethren are also requested to meet a t the Mermaid Tavern, a t
Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon precisely, in order to prcceed from thence in
procgssion fo Hackney Church, when a Sermon will be preached suitable t o the
Order, by the Rev. Dr. Barry, Chaplain t o the Lodge and t o the Right Reverend
the Lord Bishop of Kildare.' Tickets to be had of the Stewards, a t the EolFemia
J . Haynes, Grand
Tavern, Wych-strest, and a t the Mermaid, Hackney.
Secretary. "
Dr. Barry had preached before the Sols in the previous year, and on May
20, 1789, there was published a volume of sermons by him, among which is the one
preached before the Sols a t Lambeth Church. The volume has for its frontispiece
the plate which I assume acted as such to the Code of Laws. (See A .Q.Cf. xxv., 20.)
I n his sermon preached on J u l y 17, 1788, Dr. Barry stated (p. 56) t h a t the Order
was dedicated to King Solomon. This gives some grounds to my suggestion as to
the origin of t h s name.'
Before leaving the Sols may I say t h a t I ~ h o u l dbe very glad t o receive
further information respecting the various bodies in whose titles the word So19

S O C I E T Y . - T ~dates
affixed t,0 advertisenlents of this Society
The first meeting was held a t the Star and Garter
are somewhat inisleadjn,a
Tavern, Pall Mall, March 11, 1785; according t o ~ t h e r advertisements the
Anniversary dinner was held a t t h e Grove House, Camberw~ll,on May 16, 1785;
the sccond Anniversary meeting was held a t t h e London Coffee-house, Ludgate!lill, on J u n e 5 , 1812, and the ninth a t the Albion House, Aldersgate-street,
In 1819
Assuming t h a t these dates ara correct (1812 is the only one printed)
there must have been an eighteenth century Society of this name t h a t afterwards
SOKSOF APOLLO.-Bro. J . E. S. Tuckett presented t o the Lodge a very
interesting paper on an Apollonian L 0 d g 3 . ~ The following is the only cutting on
tllc subject in G'ollectnl~rcc. It is unfortunate t h a t neither the name of the paper
in which i t appeared nor the date has been presrved. " Sons of Apollo. Grand
Apollonian Lodge, White-Hart, Foster-lane, Cheapside. Brathren. You are
desired t o attend the Father, Master and the rest of your Brethren, on Thursday
next a t seven o'clock, as several new songs, catches and glees, will be rehearsed.
A n y gentleman, as a visitor, may be admitted, by applying a t the Ear, any Thura1

Chaplain to the Order 2s \\.el1 as to thr Anticnts, 1791-1813.

A.Q.C. xxv., 34.

A few errors, etc., in my original paper may be noted here.
.-l.d).C. xxv., 37, 1. 14, f o r 1758 rccrrl 1785.
11). 1. 20 should w u c l R o d Grand Arch Constitutional Sols.
i i ~ .1. 23. A nroression i o St. Paul's to celebrate this event took dace on
April 23.
10. 7. 39 and p. 37 7.3.sho112d~ertrlJ . B . G.M, J . B , G.S. and J.B, G,M,
R.G. G.S., respectively.
4 9 . V . P . x s v i . , 31 (1913),

day evening. G. Brett, Master. N.B. Every Sunday evening is [ s i c ] rehearsed

several anthems from various celebrated authors, when visitors are admitted as
above." S 3 this advertisement gives us the clue t o the rrrison (I'Ptrr of the Society.
Soxs OF MOMUS.-The Banks Collecticn ccntaius an invitation to atteud
meeting a t the King's Head, Tlireadneedle Street, oil March 30, 1788.


E ~ S I E T OF
Y SONSOF N E P T U N E . - T ~first
~ mesting in 1788 after the snmm?r
recess was held a t the King's Arms, Little St. James's Street, on Septembsr 10.'

SONSOF THE SIIAMROCK.-A general meeting of this Order was held a t the
Black Swan, Brcwn's Lane, on March 2, 1789. Notice signed by J . Plunket,
Premier, and Luke O'Bryan, S e ~ r e t a r y . ~
SOCIETY,according to an unidentified newspaper cutting,
held the first me3ting of its twelfth session a t their College of Edinburgh 011
November 14, 1775.
the enquiries kindly instituted by our Secretary nor my
own have resulted i11 obtaining any infcrnlation about this Society. Following
" SQUA.-The
anniversary dinner cf this Ancient
are the advertisements :-(I)
and Honourable Scciety will be on the Table a t Three c'clock precisely, on Monday,
the 14th inst., a t the F a l c m Tavern, in this town. Admissicn tickets 10s. 6d.
(2) " SQUA. A1l:livarsary the 13th
J . S . , Sscretary.
Gravesend J u n e 2. "3
instant. Dinner a t Three o'clock. Ticirets 14s. Gravesend, J u n e 1, 1808."'
-This is ancther of tlie County Asscciations meetA
announces t h a t a meeting, followed by
ing in London.
a dinner, will be held a t the Thatched House Tavern, with Lord Piggott in the chair.
The Order of S T A G A R I A N S . - TBrother
Stags are desired to dine together
a t the White H a r t , Putney, on August 13, 1753. " By order of the Colcnel."
STROUDGREENCOIZPORATION.-Bro.Hextall's note5 on this body may be
supplemented by the following extracts. None of the names cf newspapers from
which the cuttings have bgen taken are known. A great number of the Aldermen
met " cn Wednesday last " a t Mr Alderman Salisbury's, the Rose and Crown in
~ a l i s b u r yCourt, Floet Street. It was unanimously agrezd to invite such Aldermen of the Carporation cf Highbury who were a t the late election in tlie interest of
M r Alderman Biographer to meet them a t the Green Man at Stroud Green (August
10, 1750). The Rose and Crown was again the placs of meeting on February 6, 1751.
The advertisement is headed " BANDAGE,
Maycr," and signod " By ordsr of the Court,
PLURIES." The same authority invites the members of the Corporation t o dine
on J u l y 27, 1752.
The Mayor is changed to AVGLERand the rendezvous to
Cannonbury [ v c ] House, Islington A n account of this mesting, dated J u l y 29,
states t h a t the evening concluded with a ball for the ladies. Later in the same
year, in the 1VIayoralty of " Angelo," " Morroco " invites the Corporation to dine
7 k d y Btlvri tisev, September 8
V ( : t t z r f f ~ rFebruary
Xorning I l ~ r a l d ,June 10, 1802

rnidmtified newspaper.
A . 9 . C . xxvii., 39.



~'ollectcorecc" of t h e


D a r ~ i e t I;yso,rs, P.Ii.S., IfT.S..-I



on October 5 a t the Red H a r t in Shoe Lane. During the Mayoralty of " Springwell," " Rioroco " notifies t h a t a dlnner will b3 held a t thc same house on October
29, 1753. To the advertisenlent is appended thr! fcllowing " Note, The Conlpany
of the Brother VOLS will be agreeable."
appears to have been the name given to a Society, whose members
resided a t Tunbridge, Cheltenl~ainand Islington Spa, u hose aim, judging from the
two advertisements in the Allarttctty /I rtnltl of August 9 and 11, 1788, must have
been very puerile. The first of these advertiseinents concludes thus:-"
Given a t
a Board of GRANDTITEELSa t Wood's Hotel, this thirty-first day of N X. September."
The most Antient and H c n x r a b l e Order of the SWANKEYS
were desired to
dine a t the Bull and Gate in Holborn on May l s t , 1745.
The T.B. SOCIETY,wllicli held its anniversary on March 4, 177'7, a t the
Orkney Arms, Maidenhead Bridge, h~ay-or may not-have
been connected with
the True Blues, or True Britons.'
The gentlemen of tlie TAVISTOCK
CLUE, Ccvent Garden, were notified that
the first meeting of the Club was postponed to November 29, 1786, as the Proprietors did not think tlie rooms sufficiently aired t c take away the smell of tlie paint.?
I t s members are i u f o r m e ~t h a t the TIIESPIANSOCIETYhad been remcved t o
the Gentleman and Porter in Fleet Street, near Temple Bar.J
The THIEVES'CLUBmet " a t the Sign of the Half-Moon in the Old Bailey,
a little Hedg-tavern. "'

A meeting cf the Antient and Hmourable Society of TRUEBLUESwas held

on April 30, 1741, a t the M o ~ ~ r t i i nBush
a t Aldersgate. I t was resolved t o adjourri
till August 27.


Tlle TRUEBLUESA N D FREEHEARTSwas a Friendly Society. The members

a t their Lodge,'' the Coach and Horses, in Coinpton Street on J u n e 27, 1753.

TRUE ENGLISHCIIAMPIOSS.- The following con~pound advertisement

appeared on October 21, 1752: - "A t the R3yal Swan in Kingsland Rcad, on
Monday next, will be held the antierit Feast of tlie noble and right w-crthy Society
of the True English Champions. Dinner to be on Table a t Two o'clock precisely.
Likewise a t the same Place the Brethren of the Ancient and most Noble Order of
Bucks, belonging to the Grand Council Chamber in Sldersgate-Street, are desired
to meet and pay a Visit to Brother Adams, as above, on Friday next, a t Three
o'Clock in tl:e Afternoon, a t which Place and Time every ,worthy Member t h a t
pleases to add to the Harmony of t h a t amicable Meeting will be receiv'd with
Pleasure, and agreeably entertain'd."
There is no signature attached, nor is
there any clue to the reason fcr this ccmbination. A very considerable number of
tile Societies with wliich we are dealing are described as ancient, but in this case i t
is the feast t h a t is ancient.

A n advertisement in the Uurly dclaertiser for J a n u a r y 2 2 , 1749, indicates

t h a t there was a t t h a t time a body known as the Club held a t the TIYOBLUEPOSTS

The T W O - P E ~CLUB
is mentioned by Steele in the ,Sprctcc:or, No. 9.
Brethren of this Right Worthy and Amicable Order
were desired t o meet the Dictator a t the Globe Tavern, Deptford, on J u n e 26, 1749,
and t o proceed thence to St. Paul's, Deptford, t o hear a sermon from the Chaplain
3f thel Order and then to dine with the Stewards. On November 27, 1750, the
Brethren were desired to meet in General Convention a t t h e Crown Tavern behind
the Royal Exchange, and afterwards dine with the Dictator on the following
Saturday, being t h e Grand Annual Feast Day.
UGLYCLUB.--I~ addition to tlle interesting details given by Bros. Hextall
and Tuckeht concerning Ugly Clubs,' i t may be mentioned that in the Collrctanen
there are two paragraphs concerniAg tlle one a t Charlest~wnfrom the Gazetteer
of April 11 and 14, 1788. The following Song, publisl~eclabout 1806, may be
worth preserving" THE GGLY CLGB
Tune : -Maclam

Fig's Gala

Friends and Brothers, unto me attend,

While I sing of our Club here to-nlght, Sirs,
TVh~rethe Vgly alone do mtnncl
To drink deep a t the fount of d e l ~ g h t .Surs,
For however deformecl u e may be,
Good humour \ \ d l malie 11s 100li .mugly,
Whde ev'rj true lover of glee
W111 drink to the Club called thc T g h .
Rum-tl. k c .
Of onr members I'll takc a surreyFirst, there's H n r r t p h t ~ ~Jro~n l i i ~ r s ,the coblcr [ s i c :
Whose mouth looks as though run astray.
While his knock-knees proclaim him n hobbler,
W i l l G f l 1 ~ 7 i c stands
next on the list,
Whose back f a i r l ~looks o'er his pate, S i r s ;
Nq~iitttin!l 7)ic.k. with no thumb on his fist,
And pot-bcllictl Btrll~lt uf t h e (:nttp, Sirs.
lium-ti. k c .
Then there's rnt1jj511-ftrcetl,Vtrm of the Cro1~11,
And c h e e s ~ - c r c t f i n yS r t l t l y , his brother ;
T o m I l o a t l e t , n h o bobs u p and donn,
'C'anse one leg's longer than t'other.
,Stutt'r i n y Hor/t,r, of frolic the son,
Oue-cy'tl Ninrr,rr, of mischief the marrow;
Bu~c-Te!ltl'tl Rob, ' t n i x t nhose pins you might rn11
As he \talks, Sirs, the nheel of a barron.
Rum-ti, &c

'Then t o add to our ~ ~ o n d e r f urren.,

See t w o C'trnrlitlntc~s,*n~ounteclon stools, Sirs,
Whose pretensions stand full in our vicw.
And s t r i c t l ~conform with our ru1cs;'Sirs;
l'or the first has a ruby-cleck'd nose,
JYliose light n-ill, no doubt, save a candle,
A n d so large onr might fairly suppose
I n the dark, Sirs, i t n-as a pump handle !

Tke following adrertisement a p p e a r d in a count:^- n:v-spaper : -' Thn annlversary of the T'gly Club'1vil1 be held a t TVilliams's T a w r n , Liwrpool, on Vedncsday,
A n y gent1ema:l
the 18th of Mdy, 1805. Dinner on table a t half-past 3 o'c.lock.-N.H.
nish;ng to become a member, n-ill leal-c his n a n ~ cand qualification a t thc bar of thc
Tavern. A ballot will be called in favour of tn-o Canclidatcs, onc 11 ith 3 .uc'~,.illtrryc n o s e ,
the other with tto nose nt ctll.' "
' 6

CLUB i n ~ at t S t . J o h n ' s College, Oxford, a c c x d i n g t o Thc.
F r e e - T h i ~ z k ~ No.
37. ( J u l y 28, 1718.).

T h e UXIOS.-The followi~lgis from t h e . ~ / O r ~ l l t l lI'ost

of May 3 1 , 1786 :The Members of t h e Union a r e desired t o meet their President a t Salt-Hill, on
F r i d a y , J u n e 2 . 1)inuer on table a t F o u r o'clock. R . Heslletli, Esq. Pres. Tho.
Anson, E q . V. Pres. " ( ' o l l ~ r f r r t ~contains
a blank admission ticket t o attend a
meeting of t h e Union Scciety (probably t h e same as t h e above) a t t h e Marlboro'
Coffee House, G t . Marlboro' Street.
UNITED A L F R E D S . - T ~ ~Brothers of this Noble Order were t o meet a t t h e
H o r n Tavern, Doctors' Commons, " on Thursday evening next " t o elect a Noble
G r a n d a n d other ofYtcsrs.' T h e Banks Collection contains a ticket of admission t o
dine with t h e G r a n d on t h e anniversary i n 1781.
was a friendly society, its g r a n d object
being (by a sort cf Tontine) t o make provi.-ion for each member's survivor. I n
celebration of t h e anniversary i n 1804, t h e members met and afterwards proceeded,
accompanied by a double band of Music, t o Bermondsey Church, where a sermon
was preached by t h e R e v . W"' Harrision.' I n t h e following yearJ after asselnbling
a t t h e i r Mceting-house, W h i t e H a r t , Newington, they proceederl t o Newington
C h u r c h , where t h e RSV. Robert I)~clrinsonpreached t h e Sermon. T h e inenibers a t
t h a t time numbered five hundred.
U N I T E DSOSS O F & ~ o M u s . - T ~ IBanks
Collection contains two blank tickets
of admission, decorated with t h e head of Momus, a punchbowl, beehive, caduceus,
UNIVERSALGOOD W I L L , THE SOCIETYo~.--The Clerk, W m . Sailcroft, by
order of t h e President General, convened a lneeting to be held on November 22
a t t h e V u l t u r e Tavern, S t . Michael's Alley, Cornliill.'.

ill one of t h e Stroud Greeu Corporation notices.

a c r l ~ c)~

Adrertisement in an nnidentifiecl ne\\-spaper of J u n e 1.3, 1782.

2011nerv~r,July Id. 1804.
3 I h . , .July 17, 1805.
4 TT'urltl, Nowmbcr 5 , 1787.


VOTARIESOF ST. CECILIAwas naturally the name of a musical society. A

subccription concert was given on September 15, 1786. The notice i n t l ~ e.Ifmrrti,lg
Hrrcrlcl is dated from t h s Barley Mow, Salisbury-Court, Fleet-Street.
letters will b:: foulid \ trprrr under " Sicilia11 Coilgress,"
where, however, they are separated by iutsrveiui~gstops. The following is from
The Bretl~renof the WACVT
an unidentified newspaper of January 11, 1749 : -"
are desir'd to attend the Congress on special Affair;, this Evening, the 11th i n s t a i ~ t ,
a t the Bell in M h c i n g Lane. By Order cf the Grand, W. W. Srwctclrj,."
SOCIETYaccording to an ui~identified and undated
cutting held its feast a t Merchaut Tailors' Hall.
CLUB,not tlic saim as The Free and Easy Wcdnesda; Club,
first mct in Friday Street quite early 111 the eighteenth century.

The meeting place cf the W E S T M O R L ~SOCIETY

mas (1548, kc.) the HalfMoon Tavern, Cheapside.
WIIIG CLUB.--In the Pranks Collection is a blank adini~sioll ticket, 1785
The Motto of the Club was " Est nlodus in rebus."
W ~ s u s o ~ ~ a ~ s . -order
B y of the Cci~ptrollerthe membx., of this Amicable,
Order were desired t o meet a t tlie Fountain Tavern, near Teinple Bar oil December
72, 1742.
WITS.-Tlic ineii~bersof a S o c i ~ t yknown by this namc met a t a feast on
September 7, 1764.
held in 1812 their anniThe WORCESTER
versary festival a t Cannonbury House, Islingtou. The followiiig names are meiitioned in the advertisement :-Presidei~t, Hulripl~rey Lloworth, Esq., M . P . VicePresidents, R t . Hon. Lord Fcley, H o n . W B. Lygoil, M . P . , Hon. W . H.
Lyttleton, M . P . , Abraham Robarts, Esq , M . P . , William Gordon, Esq., M.P.',
H o n . Andrew Foley, M . P , Sir T . E. W~nniligton,Ht.. M .P., William Manning,
Esq., M . P . , M. P . Andrew, Esq., M . P . Stewards, Messrs. Williams, Morgan,
Hopkins, Barr, Rodd, P l a t t , Bowen, Buck, Plight, Mason.

WO;..TII~-Is.-From the Franks Collection i t appears t h a t in 1784 there was

a Scciety baaring this name. The tlcket shows four clasped liands fcrming a cross
2nd the mcrds " Society of Wortl1y':j. Unity, Peace and Concord."
SOCIETY.-Six festivals of this Society are mentioned. That in
1760 was held a t tlie Anchor Tavern, Strand; in 1812, 1815, and 1816 a t the
Londcn Tavcrn ; in 1832 a t the Albion, Aldersgate, and, to make a big julnp, that
in 1900 a t the Hotel Clecil.

It will be noticed t h a t with respect to most of the societies mentioned in

the foregoing notes, the term " Grand Lodge " is used, not i~ldicatingtllereby
t h a t the Order comprised more t l ~ a na single Lodge.
The two following advertisemeats, both from unidentified newspapers, no
doubt cost the conlpiler of the first ii~uchtime. It is clear t h a t they are not free

froin n~isprints,most of which L have ccrrectec!.

a n d our Secretary for their kind assistance :-

My thanks are due to our W.M.

(1) Affairs of Moillent requirc LLae, Tltd, Narg, &-y Ettepr:, Reciffo &n,
Emetnege, &o, T t , Eemr, I:!lte, L b m t , Nediserpt, A r , l e h t t , Ruoce,
Suohe, H t e . Ngis, f. 0 2 , H t h , Clewr Edesabmen, Oc, IItlc, Cnabe,
Disk, Rewhtucso, t s , Tarbelec?, H t d , Narge, Elbui3, Tw, Orromg,
Ninevee, Tone, TTtcl, Narg, T,ayrt, Oy, May, Mase, Mocn, Ot, A x , Isy,
Lesiserp. ( J a n . 20, 1750).
(2) Affairs of nlcment require Alle, R t d , Nargky, Etteps, Reciffo&n
Emeltneg, &O, Tteemr, Iehte, L b m t , Nediserpt, A r , Tehtt, Ruoce,
~ u o h e ,H t e , Ngisf, Oe, H t h , Clewr, Eclesabmen, Oe, Htlr, Cnabe, Disk,
Rawhtuoso, Te, Tarbelecr, Iehtd, Narge, Elbuio, Tw, Orremg, Ninevee,
Tone, H t d , Nargl, Ayrts, Om, Aym, Ays, Mocn, Ot, An. Evesy,
Lesiserp. (Ja!i. 18, 1751).
The following versions will ba more int~elligible:(1) Affairs of moment require all the Grand and pettey cfficsrs and gentlenlen and to meat their noble President a t t their Court house the s i p e
cf tlle Welch En~basecler [Ambassadorl cn the Banclrside Southwarlc
t o celebrate thr: grand jubles to inorrow evening. Note. The grand
tryall o Amy Amy comes cn at six presisely.

(2) Affairs cf incment require all tlie G r a d and pettey cficers and gentlemen and t 3 meet their noble Preiident a t the Court house the signe
of tlie Welch Embaseder [Ambacsndor! on the Hanck~ide Southwark
to cslebrate their grand jublee to morrow evening Note. The grand
tryal An-os Amy y com[e]s on at seven presisely

I cannot give any elucidation of tlie " Note " attached t o each advertiser e n t nor say t o what Order they allude. With this food for thought I conclude
my extracts from the fcur volumes of Lysolls's C:)llrcsfairrn.

in moving the vots of thanks, said


Brethren, I am sure everyone who has listened to Bro. Levander's paper this
evening will agree t h a t lie has laid before us a n extremely intsresting collection
of references to Masonry and kindred Clubs and Sxieties of the eighteenth century,
and pcu will tl~ereforejoin with me in conveying t o hill1 our sinc?re thanks, not
only for the paper itself, but for much patient industry and research in having
collected from various sources a ~ analysed
~ d
the mass of information now presented
to the Lodge. The intersst of tlie matter contained in this contribution from the
Senior Warden will not b ~ x h a u s t e dby the present Iiearing of such small p a r t as
llas been read to us this evening: i t will require much study t o assimilate the still
greater p a r t which the brethren will have presented t o them in vol. xxix. of the
3'mnsnctions, and I venture t o forecast t h a t many items will receive a critical
handling from our members.

It will br: remembered t h a t i n P a r t I. of t h e paper, read t o t h e Lodge i n

March of last year, i t was pointed out t h a t a considerable p a r t of t h e wonderful
collection of cuttings known as t h e L!/so~t\ f'ollretc~trrnhad been acquired by our
Secretary, Bro. Songliurst, through t h e kind offices of Bro. 1)ring. The nonMasonic portion was dealt with by Bro. Levander on t h e occasion I have named,
a n d we now have for consideration t h e remainder, with inucli material added from
such sourcss as t h e Banks ancl tlie F r a n k s Collections i n t h e British Museum and
sundry other cuttings acquired by t h e Lodge, as well as some notebooks of Bro.
I I u g h a n , all of wliicll have added t o a n d rendered much more complete tho
references t o Lodges, Clubs a n d Societies now a t t h e disposal of students, t h a n if
t h e Lysons Collection alone had been drawn upoil. 'I'll,? notebook formerly owned
by Bro. H u g h a n contains illany items of special Masonic interest, hardly any of
which a r e included i n n r i n g ' s / ~ i h l i O ~ / ~ ~ l ~ l l ! / .
It will be impossible now t o deal a t leiigtli with all t h e matters contailled
~n t h e paper, b u t I may mention a few of Masonic interest which will require t h e
s ~ a r c h l i g l i tof criticism t o reveal their t r u e meaning:(1)

T h e T I ~ h i t r h n l l E w n i t t y r/'or,st, of Dece111b.r 31st, 1730, states:T h a t t h e Large Folio Book presented by t h e Duke of Norfolk was for
entering t h e Names of all t h e Brothers belonging t o t h e several Lodges,
[ a n d for other uses.]

This presentation t o tlie Grand Lodge by t h e Grand M a s h was made

publicly on t h e 29th J a n u a r y , 1731, t h e Duke of Norfolk brting tlieii a t Venice:
t h e g i f t of t h e S t a t e Sword, t h e new M i n u t e Book, ancl t h e haiidsonie donation t o
t h e Charity must, by t h e above newspaper notice, have baeii made bsfore tlie t u r n
of t h e year, a n d was then being talked about ainong t h e Masons.

(2) A brief note by Elughan, under d a t e March 27tl1, 1731, and in reference
t o t h e G r a n d Feast of t h a t year, statgs t h a t Sir J a m e s Thornhill is mentioned as
being present. H i s n a m e i.; not mentioned i n t h e G r a n d Lodge minute of t h a t

A11 extract frzm a n unknown paper of 1738 states: O n Thursday night 16th April] t h e Marquis of Carnarvon was elected
Grand Master. A t t h e same time N a t h l Blackerby Esqr resigned hir
place of Treasurer t o t h e Society f43 - 2 - 6 mas collected in Charity
for t h e Distressed Bretllren.'

T h e a m o u n t n:entionxl ill t h e Cr:r~rtl Lo!lgr J ~ i t ~ t t t r(p.

s 300) is 44 - 12 - 6.
(4) U n d e r t h e first secticn of Bro. Levander's paper, containiilg t h e
raferences t o tlie doings of t h e Grand Lodge, we may endeavour t o fix a d a t e t o a n
advertiseinelit cf 1743, wllicli inentioils t h e Long Room a t Hanipstead a n d its
owner, Bro. Vipont, tlle date of t h e Grand Lodge function being given as " Monday
next, t h e 16th instant " This settles tlle d a t e of t h e Mondays i-n t h a t month as tlie
2nd, 9 t h , 16tl1, 23rd, a n d 30th. T h e Calendar of t h e year 1743 shows t h a t t h e
i m n t h of M a y was t h e only on? t h a t satisfied these dates, a n d t h a t was a t t h e
T h e F r i d a y named i n
close of t h e Grand Mastership of Lord Viscount W a r d .
t h e advertisenlent would b e tlie 13th May, so within a d a y or two we can fix t h e
d a t e of t h e cutting.
1 I have quoted the various c s t r a r t s which hare net been referred to in detail by
t h e author ot t h e paper.

There was in 1723 a Bro. Henry Vipont, of the Swan in Ludgate Street,
t h e same Lodge which in 1725 had moved to the Three Tuns in Newgate Street,
of which Vipont was still a member. I n all probability this was the same person
who had some time before the year 1743 migrated t o Hampstead. It is curious
t o note t h a t no Lodge was held a t the Long Room in Well Walk until 1787, when
S t . John's Lodge, now numbered 167, met there for about seven years.
place seems, however, to have been a resort for the summer outings of the Lodges
long prior to this date, and tlie Country Feast of the Grand Lodge was held here
in 1772 and a t i n t e ~ v a l sdown to 1793.

(5) The Country Feast of 1795 is mentioned as being held a t Bro. Sutton's,
Cauonbury Hou.;e. This brother was Robert Cllristopher Sutton, of No. 12, now
the Lodge of Emulation, 21, wliich he joined in 1794, on the 7th of April. This
Lodge frequently visited his house, and he was still a member in 1814. H e was
While a member
Grand Steward in 1796, being presented by William Ayres.
of the Grand Stewards' Lodge it is recorded in 1795 (soon after joining t h a t
Lodge) " The Tyler brought word t h a t no more letters was to be sent " [Novr.
18th], but in the 1797 list of members his name still appears.
(6) Turning now to the section-" Private Lodges "-we
wllicll Bro. Levander must explain if he can.

have a puzzle.

Last night [Wed. Dec. l s t ] His Serene Highness the Duke of Lorraine,
the Prince of Wales and several of the Nobility were a t a Lodge of
Free Masons a t the Devil Tavern near Temple Bar where they were
I~audsomely entertained by the B r e t h r ~ n . (Hughan's note-book.)
On this entry, Rro. Levander remarks:-"
The information is too vague
. . . as members of several Lodges went to the Devil in that year."
was only one Lodge that met there a t the time, No. 8, formerly a t the Chandos
place in t,lie list was filled by a new Lodge of the same
Arms, Edgware, but
numbar, more properly described as 8 B, v~lliclllater bore the name of the Union
Tlle T)uke of Lorraine, afterwards the Emperor Francis of Germany
(1745), had bsen made a Mason a t the Hague, when Dr. Desaguliers presided
over an occasional Lodge there in 1731 ; and with the Duke of Newcastle received
tlie Master's degree a t Sir Robert Walpole's residence, Ifoughton Hall, when
Lord Lovel, G.M., performed the cerein311y.~ The Prince of Wales, Frederick
Lewis (1707-1751), eldest son of George II., was made a Mason in 1737, 011 the
.5th November, in a special Lodge a t Kew Palace, by D e s a g ~ l i e r s . ~How is i t he
was entertained as a Mason a t the Devil Lodge in 1731 1
(7) Another interesting event is presented by the unidentified newspaper
of the 27th September, 1751, which is as follows:-

Last Wednesday was held a Lodge by its Master a t the Golden Spikes
[No. 681 in Hampstead the Rt Honble the Lord Viscount Montacute

' Anderson's
IX.. 63.

('otistrftrfrons, 1738 11. 129; also Godd's History ii

1733 C'onsfrtufton?, 137; Gould's lor, r z f . :

NO. 10--po~f.


p. 353, and

9 3 ; and refer t o Item

the Grand Master, when there were present several Members of the
Antient and Honourable Society of Free Masons in whose presence
were admitted by the Revd I>' Desaguliers - Pelhani Esq, and another
Person of Distinction and the R t . Hon. the Earl Teynham was elected
Master of t h a t Lodge on the Reiignation of Lord Montacute; after
an Elegant Dinner partly a t the Expense of the Grand Master, and
partly of the Brethren there present a handsome Collection was made
for a Brother in Distress, c ~ m p l e t e d with great Chearfulness and
Affection sufficient to convince the World of the little Ground they
have of entertaining Impressions so false and prejudicial to this Society.
The Lord Montacute referred to in the ertract was Lord Viscount
Montague, who was Master of this Lodge in 1731-32, and did not resign, but was
succeeded in the usual manner by Lord Teynham, " a t which time the Grand
Master resign'd his Chair as Master of t h a t Lodge to the Right Honb'" The Lord
Teynham. "'
The initiate, " - Pelham Esq.," was undoubtedly the Hon. Henry
Pelham, brother of Thomas ITolles Pelham, the second Baron Pelham of Loughton,
Sussex, who in 1714 bscame Earl of Clare and Viscount Roughton, with remainder
t o his brother Henry Pelham: later he was advanced to the Dukedom of Newcastle,
and in 1756 was created, as a reward for public service, I h k e of Newcastle-underLyme. Henry Pelham, Secretary a t W a r in 1725 and Privy Counsellor, was
Chancellor of the -Exchequer in 1743, and during the King's frequent absences in
1740 down t o 1752 was one of the Lords Justices. H e died in 1754 and left four
The Lodge a t the Golden Spikes, Hampstead, removed in 1733 to the Vine
In Long Acre, where i t remained untll its erasure in 1742. It is important to
remember the date of this removal when reading the next entry :(8) Ap' 4 117341

Yesterday the R t . Hon. the Earl of Crawford one of the sixteen Peers
of Scotland, Grand Master of the S. of F. & A . M.3 gave an elegant
Entertainment to the said Society a t their Lodge a t Hampstead.
This entertainment, given on April the 3rd, by the Grand Master, must, I
think, refer to the Swan a t Hnmpstead, and not t o tile Golden Spikes, unless we
are misled by the entry in Lane and referred to under the last item, t h a t the latter
Lodge had removed to the Vine in t h e preceding year. The Swan Lodge is now
No. 6 Friendship, of which there are no records extant of this date.

(9) As regards t h e Prince of Orange's Head in Jermyn Street, Rro.

Levander properly points out t h a t only one Lodge a t this house appears in Lane,
under the year 1772. The notice of J u l y 14tl1, 1734, announcing a river excursion
IS probably wrongly dated: J u l y 14th of t h a t year was a Sunday.
On referring
t o Hughan's note I find i t shou!d be J u l y l l t h , a Tl~ursday. But Bro. Levander
has overlooked the fact t h a t from 1730 onwards the P r i m e of Orange's Head was
the home of the Society of HONORARY
and the newspaper notice must

< ) . C ' . $ n t ~ y .x.. G m n t l Lotlg~M i n u f ~ s ,pp. 213, 218.

' His brother Thomas mas macle a

31 I f . a t Honghton Hall in li31. (8nderson and

Preston, pnsstm .)
80 abbrev~atedill Hughan's uotcbook.

refer t o t h a t spurious body, and not t o a Lodge of F. & A. Masons. T h a t the

Society domiciled a t the Jerinyn Street tavern was regarded by the Grand Lodge
as a spurious one can be settled by the remarks of Dr. Ilesaguliers on the 28th
August, 1730, when he
reconlmended several things to the consideration of tlie Grand Lodge,
particularly the Resolution of the last Quarterly Communication for
preventing any false Brethren being admitted into regular Lodges and
such as call tllemselres /Iotrortrr.y Alftraor~s.l
W e must next nctice the newspaper advertisement of the 17th December of
the same year, when the JhrI!/ J'osf notified " A L L the Brethren of the worthy
Society of Honorary Free-Masons are hereby Summon'd and desir'd to meet a t
their General Lodge, held a t tlle Prince of Orange's Head in Jermyn Street, on
the 23rd of this Instant December, . . . in order to elect a new Master and
Wardens for t h s year ensuing . . . 92
This is the first mention of the tavern as a place of their meeting. Next is
a newspaper cutting of 1731 (probably in July) from an unknown source, which
Bro. Sadler gave in his installation address, in ;I .(J.Cf. xxiii., 327 :2

This morning several of the Fraternity of Honorary Free Masons will

set out from Wl~itehall,and proceed to Richmond, in two Barges, with
a very fine Concerl of Musick by most of the best Hands, and return in
the Evening.
This is almost the sanle aiinouncement as t h a t now given by Bro. Levander,
except t h a t the latter mentions the tavern a t which the Society met, but does not
say i t was t h a t Society. Then in the year 1739 we have the specific statement of the
Honorary Freemasons still meeting a t the Prince of Orange, as given by Bro.
Sadler in tlle additional extract on page 327, .I . (S.C1. xxiii., when that Lodge gave
the sum of twenty guineas t o the Foundling Hospital. W e are therefore led t o
suppose t h a t the unknown Lodge quoted by Bro. Levander refers t o a Lodge of
Honorary Freemasons meeting a t this tavern in Jermyn Street from 1730 down to
a t least 1739.
(10) The mention of Erasnius King must be placzd amcng tlle fictions, and
promptly scotched. On the authority of Hone's Tcrrr U o o k , p. 251, we are told
t h a t Desaguliers' coachman, Erasnius King, continued the lectures of his master
after tlie death of the former, and showed experiiilsrts a t Lanibeth Marsh. Now,
Erasmus King, J l ~ ~ f h o t i l c t f i c ' i t was
~ t t , one of those pressnt3 on the 5th November,
1737, a t a n occasional Lodge a t Kew when the P r i n c j of Wales was made a Mason,
and Killg acted as J . G . Warden. Possibly the Mr. King of the Lodge a t the
Red Lyon, Richmond, in 1725, was the same person. It is more probable t h a t
continued the lectures of I)esaguliers, t h a n
Erasmus King, f h c ttrtrth (,iiccific~io,~,
Or must we conclude t h a t in yet
t h a t King, f h r cotrc.le~tctrt~,posed as a savant
one more instance Alderson may be unreliable, and gives us the wrong date of
this event"
There appears to be no other contemporary inention of the initiation
of tlie Prince af Wales t h a t has yet come to light.


A newspaper extract in tlie liughan notebook says:-

Lodge held by Ld Crawford a t the King's Arms Tavern ill the Strand
when L V e y m o u t l ~was elected Master.
Tllis is confirnled in a degree by the Minutes of No. 43 from ~wliichI quote
below, but it would be more properly described as a visit in form by the Grand
blaster and his officers:Monday March 3rd 1735.
The Lodge was this night opened by Bro Clare acting as Master and the
two BroS Goodcliild as Wardens.
This being the Election Night for a Master to fill the ensuing
half year the Lord Viscount Weyniouth was proposed b d elected to
fill the Cllair neinine contradicente and his Lordship was invested in
form and took the Chair having had his Health drank to with very
great Regard and Honour.
The R t . Worshipful the Lord Crauford Gd Master, the R i
Worsllipful Sir Cecil1 Wray D.G.M., the Worshipful Bro. Trafford [as7
Su' G . W . , Bra Carter Las] JnrG.W. with the Major p a r t of the Stewards
for the present year did this Lodge tlie favour of a Grand Visit this
Evening a t 8. . . . The R ' Worshipful Ward Esqr Senr G.W.
attended anh Bro Trafford resigned his 1)esignations to his Hro. and
Sir Edward Manse1 . . .
Tlie Grand Officers in a consultation ordered [the Meetings of
C. of Cthe QC & the Grand Feast to be fixed for dates they i~amed].
(12) The Key and Garter, Pall Mall, is one cf the early instalices of a new
Lodge filling u p ail old number. It slioulcl have been No. 179, but bore the number
of its predecessor, 26, and should bs marked in Lane's I!rcortis as 26 B
quotation given adds proof t h a t i t was a new Lodge, established under the Mastership of the Duke of Marlborough. So far as we can gather from the official records
this Lodge sent three representatives to Grand Lodge on the 24th February, 1734,
just a month after its formation, but there is no mention of its constitution being
then paid for,' and i t is noted in the Engraved List for 1734 as No. 26. Tlie next
mention of No. 26, a t the Key and Garter, mas its appearance in Grand Lodge 011
the 31st January, 1739, when two guineas was paid for constitution, so for five
years i t appears to have been lost sight of. I am able to give another note of i t in
the interval from an autlientic source, for in the Minutes of No. 107 a t tlle Turk's
Head in Gerrard Street we find this entry :1738, J u n e 23rd.
I t was agreed that the [Turk's Head] Lodge should lend tlie laws and
books of the Lodge to be copied by tlie Secretaries of the Lodge a t tlie
Key and Garter in Pall Mall2 Land another Lodge a t Law's Coffee

The By-Laws of the Turk's Head Lodge had baen copied in a similar way
from those of the King's Arms, present No. 28, in 1736, ancl shortly after the date
of the above entry they were again lent to the Lodge a t tLe Talbot Head in Channel
Row LWestininster,] No. 170, and in the following year to No. 1CS a l the A s ac?
Gate, Downing Street, Westminster.
Bro. Songliurst differs froin niyself in holding the view t h a t No. 26 a t the
Key a d Garter, inelltioiled i11 1739, was a new Lodge and riot the salne one as is
mentioned in tlie Lysotis extract of 1734, which I prefer to indicate as No. 26 B.
This opinioil he rests on a statement made by Anderson a t tlie end of the List of
Lodges in his 1738 Cfoirstittrfiotr.s, where No. 26 is given under a heading-"
petitioned t o be constituted "-and
not ill its proper place in the List. My own
incliiiatioii is t o consider the two entries given above as referring to one Lodge a t
the Key and Garter, in the absence of further evidence. The first Master of No. 26,
t h e Duke of Marlborough, a Brigadier-General in the Army, had to go abroad on
military duties very shortly after its constitution, and this may be the explanatiori
of tlie 11011-payment of its fees in Grand Lodge in 1734, and of its paynlent in 1739,
as. well as of its being " established " in 1734 and " constituted " shortly before
the paymelit on 31st January, 1739. B u t if Bro. Songliurst is right, then the
ilumbn,r 26 was allotted to three Lodges between the years 1734 and 1739.
111the extract from the S t . Jnvre.s's Evriliir!/ I J o x t ( J a n . 22, 1734) we have
the first Masonic notice of the I h k e of Marlborougll under his new title. Tliis
was tlie third Iluke, Charles Speilcer, the fifth E a r l of Sunderland, a grandsoil of
Jolin Churchill, the illustrious first Duke. H e succeeded his brother Robert ill
1729 in the Earldoin of Sunderland, and a t the death, 011 the 24th of October, 1733,
of liis a u n t Henrietta (Countess of Godolphiil and the second Duchess of Marlborough ill her own right), lie became the third Duke. As a Brigadier-General
in the Army he comniai~dedtJhe Foot Guards a t 1)ettingeu ill 1743. Made a Masoli
in tlie H o r n Lodge 0x1 the 2nd of January, 1750,' by the Duke of Ricllmond, Master
of the Lodge, we llear 110 more of hiin until lie becoines the first Master of the
Lodge a t the Key and Garter. 111 1731 tlie 1)ulre of Norfolk, Grand Master, had
suggested liiin as a possible successor, but this h o i i o ~ ~he
r declined, " ou AccoL of
his being to go abroad.""
(13) Passing on to a batch of extracts that are of in~portance,as they are
e ~ t l i e rnew or coilfirmatory e v i d e n c ~from the coiitemporaneo~~s
records, we find
particulars of the constitution of several Lodges i11 the year 1738 : London.

FebrY 18tI1, 1738.

Last Friday night was constituted a Lodge of the Aiitierlt and
Honourable Society of Free a ~ t dAccepted Masons a t P a u l Brown's a t
tlie sign of the Bacchus in Little Husli Lane by the R t . lionb'" tlie Earl
of Darnley present Grand Master, Dr. Ilesaguliers Dep. G.M. etc. The
Furniture of the said Lodge may be said to excel for Beauty liiost in

This Lodge was No. 169 of the first Enumeratioi~. (Lane, 1). 7'7.)

(14) The next notice of a new Lodge is the one below, given by Hughail ill
tile M ~ t s o n i c.Iloyctrinr for 1877, iv., 474, and refers to No. 173 a t Gordon's in tlic
Strand : May 18t11, 1738,
Last Tuesday the Ri,aht Honourable tlle Marquis of Carnarvon
Grand Master of the Ancient a ~ i dHo~iorableS x i e t y of Freemasons,
attended by t h e other Grand Officers etc. did Mr. Gordon the honour
to Constitute a lodge a t his house, the New Exchange Punch-House
in tho Strand, where everything was cortductsd in order and.concluded
i n brotherly l~armony.

W e a r s able now to identify the Coffee H o u x wliich has been a puzzle, with
so lnany others of its class, from the mention of i t in the above extract. The Lodge
referred to was coi~stitutedon the 16th May a t Gordon's Yuncl~ Housc: in the
Strand, also meiltioned in Lane as Gordon's Coffee House (or Puncli House), New
Exchange, Strand. While the newspaper calls i t tlie New Exchange Coffee Hoyse,
i~ occurs in tlie Minutes of Grand Lodge on the 28th of J u n e , 1738, as Gordon's
Punch Ilouse, Strand, oil which date i t paid for its constitution. So another of
tlie Masonic meeting places can now be precisely located.
These Lodges in London were constituted by the personal act of the Grand
Master, and i t sl~ouldb d l e r e pointed out t h a t the Lodge ini~llediatelypreceding
Gordon's ill the list, viz., No. 172, now Peacs and Harmony, still possesses its
Petition to the G r a d Master, liis Assent to constitute, and the Certificate of its

Of No. 175,n.e have a similar record:-

J u l y 11th.


The Marquis of C a r ~ i a r v o ico~istituted

a Lodge a t M r . White's a t the
Swan Taveru in Fish Strest Hill.

(16) i n October of the sam- pear is the inention of the removal of No. 89
from Drury Lane t o Ricl~inoiid,w11ic11created a great stir in the latter place. T l l ~
Rumnier, its former domicile, was the Runinler and llorseslloe in Drury Lane:W e hear t h a t a Lodge of the Ancient and Honourable Society of Free
and Accepted Masons was regularly removed from t h e Runimer Tavern
near L i ~ i c o l ~ Ii sn n F ~ e l d st o M r . Daniel's a t the Dog Tavern in Richmond, scveral Brethren from London with white Gloves and Aprous
and the proper Ensigns of their Order walk'd in l'rocession tllrougll
the Town, there were several Masters and Wardens amongst them: a i d
the ud~olewas conveyed with Decs~icyand Order to the Admiration
aud Delight of the Town who never saw s u c l ~a Sight before.
This corrects another of Lane's entries, which gives the year 1739 as tlie
date of removal, whereas i t sliould be in October of the year previous,

(17) Another Masters' Lodge can be added to those already known, one a t
the White Bear in the Strand, No. 134, n l n c l ~was hera from 1735 to 1743. No
mention of tllis Masters' Lodge occurs in Lane:-

Dec. 19tl1, 1738. London.

We hear t h a t on Sunday last there was a numerour; Meeting cf Master
Masons a t the Bear Tavern in the Strand who have agreed t 3 hold a
Master Masons Lodge there for the future every Sunday niylit on
extraordinary Business.
(18) Of the Country Lodges, for which the Grand Master issued 1)eputations, we have a full account of the const~tut,ionin 1735 of No. 129 a t P l y m o u t l ~
Dock, reference to which is made in a note by Lane added to the entry in the List
of t h a t year, which fixes tlle date as the 31st March, and proves t h a t the extract is
from the # V t . J c r ~ r n ' s h'r*rtlitrg Z'ost. W e also learn that the Masons' Arms was
locally known as the Free Masons' Arms, kept by Mr. Francis Brownbill.
(19) Similarly we read of No. 167 being constituted a t Mr. Thos. Stead's,
a t the Swan and Falcon, Hereford, " by virtue of certain powers to thsm [tho
Masons] delegated for the purpose by the R t . Honbl2. Edw-arl
and Viscount
Darnley. ' '
(20) Another a t Gloucester, No. 171, was constituted a t thc Wheatsheaf
" cn Tllursday last," the 11th May, 1739.
(21) Of a Lodge in Yorksliire ve are able t o glean a few particuldrs hat
are new. This was No. 176, now No. 61 Probity: 1738. J u n e 1st.


On the 22nd Inst. a Lodge of tllc Ancient Society of Freemasons was held
a t the White Horse in Coppergate, wlien the Grand Master was pleased
to c o n ~ t i t u t ea New Lodge t o be held a t the Talbot in Halifax and
appointed Mr. J a s . Hamilton Master of' the same and Mr. Francis
Benton and Mr. Jas. Mellin Wardens.
Lane gives the date of the Constitution of this Lodge as the 12th J u l y , the
W a r r a n t (or rather Deputation) being dated 1st August. The Talbot is not mentioned by Lane, its first meeting place being the Black Bull in Copper Street:
~ l e i t h e rdoes Bro. Ramsden Riley, in hi.; J7orL.sAirr L o d y r r (TI. 16) notice this.
The Grand Master referred t o in the extract is, of course, the Prov.G.Xaster,
William Horton of Coley Hall, whose authority was limited to the West Ridin:
~f we accept the statements of tlie ('r,rtstit~ttiotrsof 1756 and 1767.
(22) There are two extracts in the Hughan not&oolr referrin5 to the Island
of Montserrat, where no Lodge was known to exist prior to 1777, when No. 135,
t h e Evangelist's Lodge, was moved here from Antigua. The first of these cuttings
can be placed in the year 1734 as the Grand Mast" was then tlie Earl of Craufnrd : 1,17341 Sept. 28th
The Earl of Crawford, G.M. of the Society of Freemasons hat11 signed
a n Instrument for establishing a Lodge of Masons in the Island oi

If this Lodge a t Montserrat was ever constituted we have no record of i t ,

nor of the later Deputation referred to in the second extract, to which Hughan has
placed a pencil note, " 1737," wliicli was also given of date September of some
year: but to qu'ote Bro. Thing's item No 175 in his Hihlirqr:rldt!/ lie placzs it in
1737, on the authority of MacCalla.

[ ? 17371 Sept. 6th.

W e hear there is a Deputation going out by the T)orotliy, Capt. Tlouglas,
to constitute a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons on the Island of
Mountserrat and that J a s . Watson Esq' of tlie Islands is appointed
P . G . M . of the Leeward Tslands.
There was a member of the Crown a t Acton in 1525, J . Watson, but of him
nothing further is known. Capt. Douglaq, coninlanding t h e " Dorothy " Packet,
was in 1731 a member of the Rose a t Mary le Bon2, now NO. 28, tlie Old King's
Arms Lodge. I n 1737 Lord Darnley appointed Capt. William 1)ouglas t o be
Prov.G.Master " for the Coasts of Africa and the TJands of America where no
particular Deputations had been granted." /.I . ($.('. xxv., 46.)
Preston does not mention any Deputation for the year 1734, but under 1737
states t h a t one was granted for Montserrat, another for the Coasts of Africa, and
a third for the Islands of America. / l l l ~ / \ t r t r t i o n s , 9th ed , 1796, p. 274.)
COFFEEHOUSE,CHEYUEWALK. Some authentic ~ a r t i c u l a r s
of tlie house and its owner will be found in the ,S/crl,r!/ (,t Lo11tlo11(1909)-Chelsea.
P a r t I . , from which we gather t h a t Don Saltero was not James Selby, but James
Salter, a servant of Sir H a n s Sloane who owned all the ground here. The house
was built in 1717, but Salter was a t Chelsea about 1673, as his daughter was
baptised here in 1684-5 and his son in 1685, while residing in Lombard Street,
Chelsea. I n 1708 he was in Dan\-ers Place, where he is mentioned in the rate
books (1715) as " James Salter thc coffee man " Admiral Munden conferred on
him the nickname of Don Saltero
R e died in 1728 and v;as succeeded by his
son-in-law Christopher Hall.

Bro. GORDOSTIILLSsaid : I should like to add my sincere tlianks as a Masonic student to Bro. Levander
for the time and trouble he has spent in gathering such a mass of information,
~ h i c l lwill indeed afford a starting place for inuc11 further research, and be a most
valuable source for reference.

T t is impossible t o attempt any detailed criticism of so lengthy a paper, and

in the few remarks I venture to make one must not linger on the way, but I should
like, in this connection, to p u t on record, as a medieval association much akin t o
the spirit of modern Freemasonry, the Fraternity of the P u i .
Flourishing in
London in the fourteenth century, its rules have been preserved among the City

archives, and our Bro. Sir Walter Besant has described it1 as being " an early
specimen of a club founded for the purpose of peace, joyousness, harmony and
friendship." It may further enter into our discussions on a future more apposite

The reference to E a r l Moira, and the interesting display of exhibits relating

t o this distinguished Mason, remind me of a contemporary appreciation which I
chanced on in a book entitled I ' u b l ~ cf'hrrrtrcfrrs of l i H S - ! j . 2 After giving various
p a r ~ i c u l a r sof " Francis, Lord Rawdon, Earl of Moira " (born Dec. 7, 1754), t h e
account proceeds:-"
H e is also known to the world as an eminent member of
the fraternity of Free 1Vlasons. The benevolence of their institution is, probably,
t h a t which chiefly attaches him to i t . Were there even no other testimony in
favour of Free Masonry the Public would not be easily persuaded t o look upon
t h a t to be big with secret mischief, ~rthichis openly espoused by E a r l Moira. The
book against it, which was produced by a certain Scotch Professor, himself an
Apostate Free Mason, must to a11 persons of cool sagacity, have carried its refutation in its own bosom. I n the address to his Majesty from the Grand Lodge, there
was made, in the name of all the Masons in England, a decisive and unequivocal
declaration of those principles of loyalty and friendliness t o social order, which, as
it would seem, enter deeply into t h e Spirit of Free Masonry; b u t which, the
abhorrence of the Fraternity, from all pragmatical intermeddling in politics, must
hinder them from officially proclaiming, unless upon an occasion t h a t is singularly
The Scotch Professor referred to is, of course, J o h n Robison, who published
the first edition of his attack on Freemasonry, 1'root.s o t 11 C ' o n s p i ~ n c yetc., in 1797.
The address to the King was " given, unaninlously in Grand Lodge " February 6,
The principle of non-interference in politics which, as this article clearly
shows, was evidently appreciated by outsiders as a mark of the Fraternity, seems
to have been a little obscured on the occasion of the election to which Bro. Levander
has referred.
I do not understand Bro. Levander's remarks about the Loge rl'BspCrcince.
Reference t o p . 105 of Lane's R e c o r d s will prove t h a t L o y e L ' B s p C m i ~ r e , as the
title is thsre given, on its union with the L o g e d r s . I 1~1i.sRCunis in 1799, met a t
The Thatched House Tavern, and then afterwards a t Freemasons Tavern (1810),
Kings Arms Tavern (1816), and again a t Freemasons' Tavern (1818); there were
no returns t o Grand Lodge after 1821, and the Lodge was finally erased in 1830.
With regard t o what Bro. Levander says about the New Lodge and its
, which
descendant the Royal Lodge, the records quoted refer to the B o y d L o d q ~ of
the Minutes from 1777 t o 1817 are preserved a t the British Museum. I have had
these under investigation for some time past and hope to bring the results before
the Lodge in due course. 1 have looked LIP the dates of the meetings mentioned
and find the Minutes of a Lodge held on May 6th (not 4th), the first Thursday in
t h e month, 1754; the later occasion, February 21st, 1793, fell on the third Thursday
in the month, and was installation meeting. The Royd A l p h a L o d g e itself did
,Vtcrvry o f Lontlon: M ~ t l i m v n lLondon, p. 287; Riley's M ~ m o r i a l so f London, ~ 3 42.
Pitb2ic. (Jhm-acters of 1798-9: A New Edition enlarged and corrected t o the 25th
of March. 1799. To be continued annually. London. Printed for R. Phillips. No. 71
St. Paul's Churchyard, 1799. The article quoted has the initials S.S. appended.


?rrcnsnctious of

t h e Qctrrtcror C o ~ o n n t iLodge.

not come into existence until 1824. I5 can claim a lengthy pedigree, comprising
no less t h a n fifteen separate bodies, including the New and Royal Lodges, the
earliest dating back to 1722. The final step was the Union of the Alpha Lodge
and the Royal Lodge in 1824 to form tlle Royal S l p h a Lodge No. 16. The Lodge
of Prudence is another of the Lodges included in t h e same lengthy tree of descent.
The use of the letters H . R . D . M . and the word Harodim point to entirely
& usage," as Bro. Hughan is quoted as saying. H . R . D . M . , or
more properly H . R . M . or H.D.M., occur in connection with the Royal Order of
Scotland, to which the advertisements of 1743, 1750, and 1753 refer, and H.R,.D.M.
in connection with degrees now associated in the A . & A . R . The " third summons," which Bro. Levander gives in full, refers t o the precursors of t h a t Rite,
active i n London a t t h a t date.

" different matter

Bro. ~ e v a n d e r ' sreferences include " Codgers," but a note as to the more
a long 6 , from the motto they adopted, " Cogito, ergo
dignified " Cogers,"-with
sum "-seems
needed to complete the list.
Full particulars of " Ye Ancient Society of Cogers " will be found in Mr.
Peter Rayleigh's Hitstory 1Zti-1903 (Simpkin Marshall & Co.). Speaking of the
admission of a member in 1860, the account runs (p. 18) t h a t he " was initiated
W e use the word ' initiated ' advisedly, for the rules were precise "; they required
a proposer and formal election by show of hands, " after whicll the rules and the
sign of brotherly recognition are communicated to him." The sign of recognition
" having gone out of use we can now make i t known without indiscretion.
novice having toasted t h e members a t the special membzrs' meeting, in a tankard
of porter, the Grand rose t o receive him with a ' grip ' of the hand, the first finger
of which was turned inwards towards: the palm, and so as partly t o hook on to that
A story is told of a case in
of the novitiate when closed in a 'similar manner."
which the accidental use of this sign was instrumental in saving a traveller from a
very awkward predicament a t an hotel a t Singapore.
I n 1756 J o h n Wilkes occupied the chair of the Cogers as " G r a n d " or
president, and then a t later dates the Society's officers bore the titles of Remem-.
brancer (Secretary), Master of the Rolls, Attorney-General, Master of the
Ceremonies, Chamberlain, Poet Laureate, Chaunter t o the Court, Sutler, and
This Society, originally " The Honourable " and afterwards further
embellished with t h e prefix " The Antient," was founded by Daniel Mason, a t
the White Bear, 15 Bride Lane, in January, 1755. A Minute book of 1793 says
" The objects of the Society were the promotion of the Liberty of the Subject and
tlle Freedom of t h e Press; the maintenance of Loyalty t o the Laws, the rights &
claims of Humanity, and the practice of public & private virtue."
Mr. Rayleigh gives a list of some of the other more noted of the tavern
debating societies as follows : 1642 Rota Club, Turks Head, Palace Yard.
1613 Robinhood Society, founded by Sir R u g h Middleton.
1667 The Temple Discussion Forum, Green Dragon, Fleet Street.

The British Forum, Piccadilly.

Athenian Lyceum.
Founders Hall, Lothbury.
Society for Free Debate, Coaclimakers Hall.
Flash Coves' Parliament, Drury Lane.
(Its menlbers assumed tlie
names of proniinent men.)
Cape1 Court Debating Society.
The City of Lusliington, Covent Garden.
(Met also a t the H a r p
Tavern, Russell Street, W.C. The Prince Regent and Edmund
Keen were numbered among the " Freemen " of this Corporation
ruled by a Lord Mayor and four Aldermen.)
Hole ill the Wall, Kirby Street (Republican).
Peacock, High Street, Islington.
Belvedere, Pentoiiville.
Portman Debating Society, Marylebone.
Ruminators, Shoe Lane.
Teinple of Reason & Humanity, 18, Wych Street (Thelwall).
Cider Cellar, Maiden Lane.
" Free and Easy under the Rose,"
Queen's Arms, St. Paul's Churchyard (President, Mr. Critchett, Marshall of the Admiralty Court).
" Hone In the Reformists Rrgister (May, 1817), besides the Cogers, mentions
a number of cther Societies of the day not 1x1 the foregoing list, such as Knights
of the Rampant IIorse (Norwich); Good Fellows under the Sun, a t the Pony in
Warwick Lane; Councillors under the Cauliflowfx, in Butcher Hall Lane ( ? Little
Britain); the Free & Easy Johns; the Wolves, a t the Coal Hole; Knights of the
Black Jack, in Portugal Street, Everlasting Society of Eccentrics in S t Martins
I have come across a curious engraving published Nov. 1, 1778, by J o h n
Smith, Cheapside, London, which coinmemorates the C'otrrt o f Er/ltit!/, Bell Savage,
Ludgate Hill, a convivial body, whose coat of arms behind the presiding officer's
chair has the Motto-"
Mirth with Justice."
A t the beginning of the ninetsenth century, societies for " Reading &
Music " were very popular, a ~ c lfavourite niesting places for such were a t Mr.
Baxters, a t the Western end of the Strand on the North side; in Foster Lane;
a t tlie Globe, Fleet Street; Freemasons' Hall; and the Argyle Rooms. I mention
these t o explain the pursuits of those known as -lf~~srorlrcots,
smiilar titles in vogue a t t h a t period.
Anlongst Goldsmith's h ' m t ? / v (1758-1765) as collected, the first, entitled
" Description of Various Clubs,"
gives a humorous account of sucli bodies as Bro.
Levander has introduced to us. " To some 1 was i n t r o d ~ a e dby a friend, to others
. . my name has been enrolled in societies,
invited by ail advertisement
lodges, convocations, and lneetillgs without number " says tlie writer, and he gives
a lively description of typical gatherings. The last of these specimens to be ment ~ o n e dis a " society of moral pllilosopliers, as they called themselves, who assembled
twice a week, in order to show the absurdity of the present mode of religion, and
establish a new one in its stead " 1, and the essayist appends their rules which, as
h e said, " giv3 the most just idea of their learning & principles." No. V. provided
" All them who brings a new argunnent against religion, & who being a pldosopher
and a man of iearning, as the rest of us is, shall be admitted to the freedom of the

Society, upon paying Sixpence only, t o be spent in punch." The sixth and last
rule, " Whenever we are to llave an extraordinary nieetiiig, i t shall be advertised
by some outlandish name in the newspapers," was, no doubt, founded on Goldsmith's personal experience of what was commonly the case, and tends to confirm
and explain what Bro. Hextall has said about the character of inany of the extraordinary advertisements of which we llave heard, which are indeed " outlandish."
It was a curious coincidence t h a t this evening, when Bro. Levander's list of
Clubs includes an order of " Knights of Tnra " among its many items, tlie first
name for election to the Correspondence Circle should be " The l'coci Lodge of
lnstalled Masters, No. 419, Bombay."

Bro. Canon HORSLEY

said : I n reading the proof of Bro. Levauder's paper i t occurred to me to wonder
If everyone knows wl;at is the
what was the derivation of the word " Club."
meaning of tlie word, everyone is plainly ignorant or forgetful of the fact t h a t no
less t h a n twenty meanings of the substantive are given in Dr. Murray's great
dictionary. I t s derivation goes back t o Saxon and cognate languages, but the
earliest use of the word in the sense used in this paper is found in 1648 (in
Davenant's Lony T'trcntio~~ill Loirtlorr), when i t denotes a meeting a t a tavern for
social intercourse-"
Our mules are come: dissolve the club."
And i11 Pepys'
Diary, July 5th, 1665, we read of " A house
. . where heretofore, in
Cromwel4's time, we young inell used to keep our weekly clubs " And Addison
in the Slirc'tccto?., No. 9, 1711, speaks of " those little N o c t ~ ~ r i i Assemblies,
are conlmonly kuown by the name of Clubs."
It is not clear how this sense of the word arose in the seventeerith century.
Apparently, however, the use of the verb " to club," meaning to gather or form
into a club-like mass, led on to its being used for any collection or combining into
one mass or body.
Thus in 1625 we find " clubbing tlie hair," and in 1641
Milton writes of " clubbiiig quotations " Not until the eighteenth ceiitury however
do we find the use of the substantive " club " t o denote all association formed
t o combine the operations of persons interested in some object.
Thus in 1755
Cricket Clubs are mentioned, and in 1790 Burke speaks of " the solemn public
sanction received from two clubs of geiitleinen in Loudon, called the Constitutional
Society aud tlie Revolution Society."
The cant term of a " Sporting Club " first appears in 1764.
I n 1714 there was " t h e Mug-House Club in Long-Acre, where every
Wednesday and Saturday a mixture of Gentlemen, Lawyers, and Tradesmen, meet
in a great Room . . . Here nothing is drunk but Ale, and every gentleman
hat11 his separate Mug."
I n the A 1 f ~ i d ~ J~ of u~r ~1 1r ~rfor
1 April 24t11, 1792, I find mention of a Club
from which perhaps London was happily free. It was " The Cherokee Club in
Dublin, a society of young men who agree to drink six bottles each after dinner,
One of the rules of
and t o appear in public places in a uniform red and blue.
this Society is, t h a t if any member is seen sober -after dinner, he shall be fined
30.L. for the first offence, 50.L. for the second, and for the third shall be expelled."




As regards t h e .l?zflent Britolzs their cliarity record of 1774 was beateu

later, for I find i n tile Jf tcitlsfotce Joitr~rctlof March, 1786, " Wednesday being St.
David's D a y , tlie geiitlemeii of t h e Society of Antierit Britons met, according t o
a n n u a l custom, a t Wallis's G r a n d rooms, King-street. Sir W a t k i n William Wyniie
was i n t h e chair; t h e d i ~ i n e rwas exceedingly elegant, with French wines of tlie
best vintage. Tlie collectio~ifor tlie cliildreri educated up011 t h e laudable establishA n d t h e same
m e n t instituted b y tlie Society, amouiited t o upward of 548.L.
d a y his Royal Highness t h e Prince of Wales sent his anliual donatiori of 100.L. t o
t h e Stewards of tlie A n t i e n t Britons Society for tlie f u r t h e r support of tliat
charity. "
Witli regard t o t h e Antigallica~isI may say tliat a public-house called t h e
Antigallican is still t o be found a t No. 155, Tooley Street, perhaps a successor of
t h e Bell, Rotherhitlie, where Antigallicans met i n 1752, as Bro. Levaiider records.
I suggest t h a t t h e Aiiclior a n d t h e Dolphin, concerning which little was
noted, were Londoii gatherings of Bristol me11 who could not get d o ~ t io t h e big
political feasts i n their native City, b u t got together o n t h e days of t h e Festival.

Rro. J . E. S . TUCKETTwritr.s:Tliere is muc11 concerniiig Clubs arid Societies, froin t h e Royal Society
dowiiwards, t o be found i n tliat mine of iiiforiiiation c o n c e r i ~ i ~ i111e11
and maliners
i n t h e early half of t h e eighteenth century, T h r l'rimrtr .Tocr~n(rJ /itr,l T,itrrtrry
Kr~rrtciit?of t70h~l/I!/rottc. Editrd 7,y Rir71~1rd7'(crki1t.~ot1,
7),7)., F . , Y . . l . ,
. . .
4 ~ l o l s .4",
, 7'ri11trdf o r tlle ( ' h ~ f l ~ ( r iSocirt!l
M.1)CCC.LIV. This worthy and lovable
niaii was, we hope, a Freemason, for tlie naliie Jollli Uyrtrm appears i n t h e
1730 List of menlbers of t h e Lodge a t t h e Swan i n Long Acre numbered 44 arid
constituted i n September, l i 2 5 .
It is, however, reillarkable tliat t h e Jorrrt~rl,
&c., contains b u t three references t o Freemaso~iry:Thursday [ M a r . 11, 1725j . . . I was going t o dine a t
Pontac's with t h e Duke of Ricli~iiorid .
. so I went there . . .
where L o r d Foley, M r Sloane, Bob O r d , White, a n d Glover came, aiid
when we were a t dinner, t h e l h k e of Ricli~iiondand M r Foulkes . . .
T h e Duke of Ricli~iiondwas very merry, a n d good company; . . .
I came t o t h e Society i n tlie coach with t h e Duke of I t . , M r Foulkeh,
a n d M r Sloan, a n d we talked about masonry arid shorthand.
Tuesday [Apr. 6, 17251 . . . Tom Bentley . . . would
not go with us t o P a u l ' s Churcliyard, wliere M r Leycester a n d 1 wen!,
M r G r a h a m , Foulkes, Sloan, Glover, Montague . . . Tliere was a
lodge of t h e Freeiiiasons i n t h e room over us, w l ~ e r eM r Foulkes, who is
deputy g r a n d mzster, was till h e cailie t o us. M r Sloan was for t a k i n g
me u p stairs if I would g o ; I said I would, arid come back if there was
anytliiiig I did not like, a n d then h e bid nie sit down.
Tuesday. April 20th [I7251 . . . thence t o P a u l ' s Church
Y a r d , where were Foulkes, Graham, 13rowi1, W h i t e , Cumberland,
Heathcote, a n d another . . . we talked about Figg, free-masons
who were over o u r head, numbers, sl~ortliand.

. $6

2'1.ansuctio1ls of t h e Qcccct~rorCorot~ntiLodge.

The Duke of Richmond was G.M. in 1724-5 and Martin Folkes his D.G.M.
and Sloan also was a Mason. Tlie Society in the first of these extracts is tlie Royal
Society. The Lodge of Masons referred t o in the second and third is that a t the
" Sun, South side S t . Paul's " wliich appears 21st in tlie 1725-1729 List.
second extract makes i t clear t h a t Byron1 was not a Mason on April 6th, 1725, and
i t is certainly strange t h a t there is no further allusion to the Craft in his most
copious Diary. F o r " Figg " see .I.Q.C'., vol. xxi., p. 232. The passages quoted
will bs found in .lotcrtlul, &c., Vol I., P a r t I., pp. 92, 109 and 121.
Of the inany references t o Clubs and Societies in the Joecrr~crl, &c., I select
but two :Tuesday 9th [March, 17251 . . . thence to the Club in
Paul's Church Yard . . . we talked much of sonletliing and
nothing . . . and I told them I was going t o establisll a Cabala
Club t h a t were guessers. (Vol. I., P a r t I., p. 90.)
The second is more interesting :Tuesday [May 4, 17251 . . . t o the Club in Paul's Cliurcli
yard, in a coach, with M r Leycester and Bob Ord, who read my verses
about Figg there; a t e cold lamb heartily, which was rather wrong after
so good a dinner; t h e Gormogon there; could get no coach, so we walked
tllrougll Fleet street and met a coach in Chancery Lane. (Vol. I.,
P a r t I., p . 128.)
So little is known of the G O R - M O - a Society
t h a t eve11 this morsel is worth
Bro. Gould has shewn that the
recording as a n addition t o the stock in hand.
Society and tlle Duke of Wharton were particularly active in 1724, and a t A 1 . Q . C t . ,
vol. viii., 11. 132, 11e gives a Z)nily Jo1e1.11ce1(Oct. 29 and 30, 1728) notice of a
Chapter to be held a t the Castle Tavern in Fleet Street on Oct. 31, wid he goes
on to say : Whether indeed any similar notifications were printed in 1725, 1726,
1727, and t h e first eight months of 1728, I am not in a positioii either
t o positively affirm or t o deny. I do not think they did.
Bro. Levander has found in Lysons a notice of a Chapter a t tlle Castle in
Fleet Street on " Monday 30tl1 Instant," month unknown, but in the year 1725. 1
think t h a t extract from J o h n Byroni's .Jocrrtrcrl quot-.d above " the Gormogon there "
can mean only one thing, namely, t h a t a Chapter of the Most August and Sublime
Order G O R - M O - ~assembled
a t the Sun on the South Side of St. Paul's on Tuesday,
4th May, 1725, and from the difficulty of procuring a conveyance i t is perniissible
to deduce t h a t i t was a numerously attended function. W e have now, then,
k~lowledgeof two Gormogon meetings takillg place witlliu the period referred t o
by Hro. Gould.
Tllis seeins to be a !good opportunity to ask for an explallatioll of an otscure
point ill connection with the well-known GORMOGOS
Medal. Four specimens have
beell noticed ill -1 .Q.('. :-(I) That in the G.L. Museum. (2) The k'razer-Dublin
specimen. (3) T h a t in the Collection of Bro. Rylands. (4) The Ulex-Hamburg
specimen. Bro. G: L. Shackles describes Nos. (3) and (4) in .-I.Q.C., vol. xv.,
p 65, and concludes :The date of both is circa 1794-5.

It is not easy to understand why Gornlogon medals were struck in 1794-5

wlien t o all appearances tlie Order died out in 1731, for surely there wpuld be no
attraction then for the forger of antiques. I s anytlii~igknown as t o the date of
the other two 1
John Byrom's system of shorthand was higllly esteemed in its day and
attracted a most influential following A " Shorthand Society " was formed, and
the pages of the Jolimlrl, &c , teem with references to i t and infcrination about
1 / t l 1 8 S r ~ ~ rvii.),
its meniberci. Tllr Ilcrrl!/ i"o\t, 4 March, 1726 (.IT. cord ($

We hear that on llloiiday Night last (February 28) several gentlemen

who had learnt M' Byrom's Short-hand, met a t tlie King's Arms Tavern
near Temple Bar, and conimenc'd a Society for tlie encouragement of
t h a t Method, which is said t o be very much approved of, and ltkely t o
meet with general acceptance
Byroni's own account (Jourirnl, &c., Vol. I . , P a r t I., p . 210) says:W e went near eight to the King's Arms, where we had the two rooms
laid together . . . we were nine in all. I . . . erected the
society in these words: " Quod felix faustumque sit geiiti Britannice
nobisque omnibus, ego Joliannes Byrom, ex Fundatoris auctoritate ac
officio erigo vos presentes, et erecti estis in Eocietatem Tachygraphicain,
ad Tachygraphiain nostram Byromianani perdiscendani, prombvendam,
e t perpetuandam in saecula szxulorum. AMEX."
15:spii~cts.s~.J l n i z c : ~ . s h ~TTrortl~ir.s.
cites as nienibsrs :-Lord
Duke of Devonshire, Lord Camden, Horace Walpole, Bishop Hoadly, Hartley t h e
Metaphysician. /n'. rcud Q. 11th Series, vii. April 19.)
This Society is especially interesting to us because. of its quasi-Masonic
character. New members were " initiated," the members addressed each other as
Brother and were pledged to secrecy concerning the system (of shorthand-there
was inurmuring when later i t was proposed t o make i t public), the society styled
itself a n " Order " and its meetings " Chapters." Dr. Byrom was its Grand Master
and his sister Phebe Grand Mistress, while t h e Grand Warden was Dr. Deacon.
f.7ortr11tr1,&c., Vol. I . , pp. 170, 171, 231, 315. Vol. II., pp. 315, 436.) Of course,
all of this may be no more t h a n a " manner of speaking," but even so i t confers a
flavour of Masonry and is suggestive. This is Byrom's entry in his J o r i ~ n r dunder
date Aug. 26th-27th [I7281 :-

To Haddon J o h n , and IXeyward Thomas, greeting :

On Friday next there is to be a meeting
A t ancient Buft,oii's, where tlie brethren, Wright,
Baskeroyle, Swinton, Toft's facetious knight,
[And] Lancaster, and Cattel if he can,
And, on the same terms, Clowes the alderman,
Have all agreed t o hold, upon the border
Of Altrinchani, a Chapter of the Order.
(and five similar stanzas).
And now I pass from Bro. J o h n Bprom t o a few stray notes upon some of
the Societies mentioned by Bros, Levander and Hextall and others not yet noticed.

Mr. J . Cuthbert Hadden, in his I'ritlcr C'llrcrlrs G t E ~ r ~ t r d ./ / i s I;tfr, Times,

nntl l<'ight for thr ('roc/-11. I O I O I I . f'rturrrrr 1913, a t p. 173 gives the names of
Clubs in Edinburgh a t the time of the '45 Rebellion. H e inentioi~s:-SULPHU~
( ' I
t o indulge Gargantuan appetites in the corisumptioii of pies "), SPEYDTHRIFT
CLUB(" nobody was allowed to spend more than fourpence halfpenny "). B u t in
his Paper on (I'trviu TVtl.son, in &I.(J C'., vcl. xxv., p. 264, Bro. A. M. Mackay says
t h a t the CAPECLUB( 'a p p e a r s t o have been duly constituted i11 1764."
SOCIETYa t Norwic11. 7111~Sor{olA. ('liroirrclr
Ctrzrttr for Feb. 2 7 , 1802, contains an advertisement of the " Last
this Season." Visitors were t o be admitted by ticket. Tlie meeting
Assembly Rooms on Friday, March 5. I n the issue for March 13
followi~lgreport of this meeting : -

or S o r w i c h
Meeting for
to be a t the
there is the

Yesterday Ze'nnigllt, the Meetings of this Society were brought to a

180 gentlemen were present.-everything
so well conc r r t r d , t h a t the utmost Jl(irtnot~?/prevailed.-the ~ i t ~ i c i t e ~d ro s1~ nzusiyzi~
were in excellent totrr, and every one appeared in high glrr.-The cotell
of " Would you know my Celia's charms " was succeeded by two
R r c i f n t i v r s in tlie SAME A.ry, (complimentary to tlie ~ ' r r ~ i c l r t rand
Ponditctors) the l'rttor of which was in perfect t r ~ ~ t s owith
~ t the whole
Iltrntl: indeed these ~ ~ o l r i t ~ f c r rwere
trccotrtprttrirtl wit11 more than
l'rchlr applause; and the Sclrctror~ for the evening produced such
thundering clir,rii~.cruof approbation, as t o .,hnXr " APOLLO'STemple "
to its very Ijitsr -The President c.rrciitrd his p n r f in 11is usual B r c t ~ ~ r t m
stile, and the performers in general strrrin'tl every c l i o t ~ lto bring the
whole t o a happy FISALE.
A SOLO l'erfortnrr.
THE NOBLEORDERO F BUCKS. The evil repute of what Bro. Levander calls
the " ribald times of the Bucks " seems to have clung to the NOBLEORDERlong
in London to his
after i t had inelided its ways " A11 EPISTLEfrom a GENTLEMAS
in the Country," pullished January, 1780, contains:1 sometimes take a walk to Vauxliall
Where bucks and heroes kick and box all
F o r which they surely ought t o be p u t in the stocks all

Tlle sentiment in the third line is sounder than tlie metre.

a t Norwic11. (See ;l . Q . C 1 . , vol, xxvii., p. 39).
The Almoner in 1802 was Mr. George Waite " opposite Gurney's Bank."
is flourisliing ~t the present time and
there are K s o ~ sin many distant parts of the world as well as in the United
Kingdom. For many years I was in possession of a l~aildsomevolume of Lnlcn,
(PC., formerly the property of H . R . H . The Duke of K e n t , the father of H.M.
Queen Victoria. The book had many points of special interest and I considered
t h a t i t ought t o be in the keeping of the Society, so in August last I presented it
t o the K n o t a t Bath:

J o y o u s KNOT. I s - n o t this simply a Marching Knot of the FRIENDLY


GREGORIANS.This Society was in existence as late as 1811 and probably

(See -4 . Q . C 1 . , vol. xxi., p. 109.)

SOCIETY. The members made a poi~;tof honouring the Highland
Regiments on all suitable occasions. On Wednesday, 24 February, 1802, they
entertzined t h e heroic Sergt. Sinclair, of the 42nd Regiment (now 1st Batt., The
Royal Highlanders, The Black Watch), who single-handed captured the " bloody
Standard of the French Invincibles a t Alexandria," a t a dinner held a t the
Shakespear Tavern. Later the Society took the necessary steps to get the Sergt.
a Commission,
KHAIBARITES.Tlie word K I ~ A I B Asometimes
appears as KEYBER,~ . g in
The Uurry Thotrglit &c. (see d.(J.C'.,vol. xxviii., p. 57), date 1730 or thereabouts.
Colley Cibber (1671-1757) succeeded Eusden as Poet Laureate on 3 December, 1730,
and Theobald, a defeated candidate, in a letter to Warburton, alludes t o Cibber
as " Keyber." Whether Cibber had anything t o do with the GRANDKHAIBARor
GRASn KEYBERI cannot a t present deterinine, but I t,hink t h a t he had.
J f r r r y Tliougli t passage runs : Each learn'd Society would t r y all
From lowest Club to t h a t call'd Royal
To furnish something might improve
Religion, Politicks, or Love;
Grand Ar!/ber, Gorinogons, Free-RIasons,
And Ileydeger, with all his gay sons.
(See A 1 .Q.('., vol. xxvii., p. 38.) Tlie following is included
in a Catalogue of Autograph Letters issued by Mr. James Tregaakis, of Great
Russell S t r e ~ t in
, J a n u a r y l a ~:-t
D I C K E N S . A L s. 1 p , 8vo. To T. Crofton Croker, regretting being unable to attend a meeting of the Noviomagians, as he was
engaged t o the Guild of Literature and A r t , and hoped t o make the
latter the means of doing great work in the future.
Horc.$r, Srrncln!/, 18th 3pr11, 1852.
Addressed and signed envelope accompanies letter.

A Newspaper of 1911 (I think i t was the B~.istolTime.$ nnd Jfirror) contained

a n Article entitled "Queerly Named Societies," evidently inspired by an
examination of the Report for t h e Year 1910 of the Chief Registrar of Friendly
Societies. The oldest surviving Scottish Societies are given as:-





founded 1555

Transuctions of the Qucituor Corotiuti Lodge.

The oldest English .Societies are declared t o be:-







W h a t is the meaning of SEA-BOX

1 And is anything known of the SOCIETY
H a d Bro. Peter Lambsrt de Lintot (or
OF LINTOT(apparently still in existence) ?
his family) anything t o do with i t ?

I notice t h a t a n HONOURABLE
ORDEROF MODERNMASONSis in the list for
1910, but i t dates only from 1889 and has its headquarters a t Birmingham.
There is clearly no connection with the body of similar name which existed in the
middle of the eighteenth century.
UGLYCLUB. I n No. xvii. (March 20, 1710) of T h e i S p ~ c f u t o Addison
is i t Steele?) writes of an UGLYCLUBa t OXFORDand gives its Rules or " The Act
I n No. 78 (May 30, 1711) Steele has an article on a CLUB OF
cf Deformity."
a t Cambridge.
by Bro. Levander
The Song and Advertisement from ( ' o l l e c t u ~ ~ rgiven
should be compared with the P r i n t reproduced a t p. 53 of -4 .().('., vol. xxvii.

SOCIETY. May I appeal t o the Brethren of the Lsdge for
assistance in collecting material for a paper dealing with this body?
The thanks of the Brethren are due and will most certainly be accorded to
Bro. Levander for the time and trouble lie has expended in 'the preparation of his
very intsresting account of the contents of tlle Lysons Volumes.

v&fe.s:Bro. F. T . JAMES

I have examined the files of the Cloztcester Jortrtml from 176.5 t o 1778, and
looked for notics of St. John's Day in Summer also Winter, and for a month
before for nctics and for three weeks after t o see if there would be any comment,
and tlle only one I can see is the one mentioned, referring to the revival of the
Gloucester Ladge.
The Glortwstrr Journtrl has been published since the year 1722 without a
I caught sight of an advertisement dated Monday, Dec. 30t11, l'iC5, tho
following being a little of i t : " Published a t 1s-6d sixth edition. Corrected of Jachin and Boaz, or
a n authentic Key t o the Door of Free Masonry both Antient and
Modern . . . By a Gentleman belonging t o the Jerusalem Lodge,
a frequent visitor a t the Queen's Arms in Saint Paul's Church Yard
and other eminent lodges. . . . Printed for W . Nicoll in Saint
Paul's Church Yard. . . . The Author acknowledges the receipt
of several letters from t h e Bretheren. . . . Begs t h a t those so full
of wrath and Indignation would be so kind as to pay the post of their
&usive and scurrilous epistles "


1 have not copied all the advertisement as i t is rather long, anyway I have
given t h e salient points.
I have to thank Bro. Godwiii Chance for permission to look a t these old
copies and Mr. J . Richings for inuch trouble taken in the matter.
Only two Lodges warranted under tlie Premier Grand Lcdge liad their
origin within the Province between the date of the foundation of Grand Lodge
and t h a t of the succession of Dunckerley as Provincial Grand Master. Neither of
then1 liad a permanent existence. They were both founded in the same year, one
a t Gloucester, the other a t Tewkesbury. The former was warranted on the 28th
March, 1738, its meeting place being the Wheatsheaf in the old city. I n 1751 i t
removed to the Swan I n n , and in the Engraved List of Lodges for 1764 it appears
under the sign of a swan and as meeting the first and third Friday of each month.
I n January, 1768, i t was erased from the roll of Lodges as in a state of inanition.
I t s original No. was 171; i t became a few years later No. 157, and a t its demise
No. 95.
1 cannot find out anything definite about tlie Inns, but there is a Wheatsheaf
situate in Soutligate Street a t present, but no Swan I n n in Northgate Street.
There is a Swan and Falcon in Longsinith Street off Westgate Street and Southgate Street.
zc9rifes:Bro. W . B. HEXTALL
Bro. Levander's paper marks a fresh stage in the literature of Clubs and
Societies, and provides much new material for future writers.
The Latin phrase quoted from Legrn ('o7tz,ii~idr.sof the Apollc Club a t the
Devil's Tavern has been elsewhere given as " nec lecte femine repudiantur ";
done into English by Alexander Bronie (1620-1666) as " Nor be choice ladies
slighted."' The distinction does not necssarily iniply a difference.
" With
tlie exceptioti of tlie Rota Club, of which Milton, Harrington,
Marvell, and some o t l m leading !~arliamentariaiis were members, the intellectual
aspect of the clubs was lost in tlie lieat and virulence of party feeling."2
The statement t h a t the Brockwell sermon a t Boston, U.S.A., in 1749, was
" the first Masonic sermon t h a t was printed,"
is not found in the IJrrrttrccson's
Pocket Cto,npnt,ion, I ; , ? $ : in the pages of which the address probably made its first
English appearance. There were London sermons by the Rev. J o h n Entlck from
1750,3 which ran i t closely as to time, and are advertised wlth tlie 1756 C'o~lsfitictionr, which he edited.
The 11-any-sided J o h n Wilkes was plainly dealt with by some of liis contemporaries, one of whom, the Rev. George Huddesford, M.A., about 1790 wrote
and published of hiin : Then a fig for Mecca's saint. a fig
For Tartar, Turk, or Saracen!
Our Cha~nberlain.that rascal rare
I3xrt.l~beyond coniparison :
Their Prcphet was an arrant c h ~ a t ;
John 11-ilkcs is no impostor:
He earrs n o nmre tor the Alcoran
Than for the P a t a Nostcr.

1 T h t Lzterarl~ Clubs of t h e O l d e n Ttinrn, b - George Stevenson. 1834.

8 .I.(?.('.,
xxi.. 80" (1908).


Transuctlon~of t h e (?mLztor Coronntl Lodge.

I attribute the paragraph about " great disputes subsisting between the
Societies of Free Masons," in Lloyd's E i ~ ~ n z nPost,
May 10-12, 1769, to the acute
rivalry existing between the " Antients " and the " Moderns " rather than to the
abortive proposals for incorporation, which concerned the " Moderi~s" only.
The World advertisement of J a n u a r y 20, 1788, is interesting, as employing
the phrase " any star, garter, or emblem .
. of any other Order of ~ h i g h t hood "; and by its use of the disjunctive, inferentially discrediting the " star h i d
garter," which is even yet heard in a cmnexion I need not particularize.
The quotation from Low Ltfr, 1764, invites surmise as t o how far t h e ,
imputation t h a t so long clung to the C r a f t anent undue conviviality may have been
originated, or perpetuated, by Hogarth's presentment of the inebriated freemason
i n his picture " K ~ T ~ G H T
he painted in 1737 or 1733.' The allu,ion t o
" asking after their H a t s and Canes in order to walk, or be led (according as they
are for Sobriety) Homewards," recalls a leading incident in Hogarth's picture;
and the insinuation loses none of its point by the bracketing of the Craft with other
bodies which are named.
Though Noorthouck's C((iustit~it~o~~.s
was published iu 1784, the " most
elegant frontispiece " does not seein t o have been ready till 1786, which date
appears as its imprint; and this accounts for copies being found without the plate.
The " D r . Sibley " mentioned with Preston's Order of Harodim in 1796
was no doubt the individual who figures largely in a paper a t 3 . Q . C ' . xxiv., 81
ANCHORand DOLPIIIX SOCIETIESstill exist a t Bristol, and their annual
banquets on " Colston's Day " are well-known.
BLUE, or TRUEBLUE CLUBSwere fairly common in the Provinces, and were
avowedly political. A t Ilcllest~r, Somerset, fervid partisans directed t h a t they
should be buried in blue coffins; and in the churchyard of Little Brickhill, Bucks,
is a grave marked, " 'Here lieth the body of ' True Blue,' who died in 1724." Who
he was is unknown, the local tale being t h a t he lived and died under this assumed
I n a Midland 'town the local True Blue Club celebrated the defeat of
Bonaparte a t the battle of Leipsic, ill October, 1813, by roasting an ox whole, and
distributing the meat among t ~ hundred
of the poor, with a like number of
shilling (quartern) loaves.
Some verses of a song mtroducing names of various taverns patronised by
BUCKS'LODGES,probably dating back to 1756,' will be found a t & I .Q.C. xx., 367
(1907); and a t page 107 of the same volume is a reference to " Bar Chus, the Son
of Chus," in Anderson's C m ~ t i t ~ ~ t i o n1723,
s , whence perhaps the " Barcock or
Bar-Chussas " of about 1744 derived their appellation. " The history of choice
spirits and ballad-singing," prefixed to ,Sot~gs, Comic crtztl Sntyrictrl, by George
Alexander Stevens, says: ( ' The magazines of the ancients . . . tell us that
Bacchus instituted a club called tile Raccze, or Bacchantes, and wllicll are now
called the Bucks; as i t appears, not only by Nimrod's ancient charter, deposited
in the archives of t h e Babylonian Lodge in the environs of Soho, but also by the
authenticated records belonging t o the Pewter-Platter in Bishopsgate Precinct."
' S e e d.!,.f!. ii., 90i 116, 146 (1889). " William Hogarth a n d ~ r e e ~ i ~ a s o n r yL, o" d g e
of Ilesecrrch, xo. 1/29, T m n s c t c t i o , ~ 1908-9,
2 A . c )C. iii., l<! (1893).

YOUTHSare, I believe, a society of Bell-Ringers, of considerable
A recent newspaper noticz of County Societies in London gave seniority to
a gathering of Cuniberland men in 1741, though a society of Londoners who had
a11 come from Cirencester exist2d in 1701; and said t h a t in 1914 there were twentysix County S~cieties,including the Isle of Man and the Isle of Wight; " the number
being really more, as the East Anglians had pooled their interests-Camloridge,
Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex meeting r o ~ u i dthe same table, while Leicestershire and
Rutland an,d Cumberland and Westinoreland also h u n t in couples."
Bro. Levander's ii~clusionof several bodies t h a t were quite frankly Friendly
Societies makes relevant the following passages, which appeared in a current serial
i11 Novemb-r, 1915 :-

It must not be imagined t h a t friendly sccieties are of recent

origin Thirteen societies still in existent-, in England were established
prior to the middle of the eighteenth century. And Daniel Defoe, the
author of " Robinson Crusoe," wrote about " societies formed by nlutual
assurance for the relief of members in seasons of distress," as long ago as
the year 1696.

It is soinetiines suggested t h a t friendly societies originally spraiig

from the craft guilds of the Middle Ages, and the fact t h a t some of the
earlier societies were associated with a single trade-as,
for instance,
the Weavers' Society-would
seem to support the suggestion. B u t the
real t r u t h is t h a t most of thein were born in the first half of the
eighteenth century, when Freemasonry experienced its great revival,
and an absolute mania for secret societies suddenly affected all classes.
I n straggling order there came into existence the Oddfellows,
the Druids, the Foresters, and t h e Comical Fellows, and all of these
societies were more convivial than benevolent in their early days, and
made a great feature of their secret meetings and secret rites. Most of
their " lodges " were held in public-houses, and the flowing bowl entered
largely into the proceedings.
I n an ancient cash-book belonging to a lodge of tlie Ancient
Oddfellows the following items were f o u n d : " Spirits and Mizalto,
1.13.5&; six beards, 12s. 6d.; hail-storm, 8s. 6d.; copper spoon,
Is. ; sun and moon, 16s." The six beards were for tlie officers t o wear
with their wigs; the hail-storm was for the terrifying of members-tobe; the sun and moon were for the decoration of the room; and the
copper spoon was really a brazier in which the spirits were consumed by
The last of the rules of the Old Rogats Friendly Society (Sussex)
was as follows: " Any member proposing an alteration in the forep i n g rules shall a t once be expelled from the Society."
It is a curious thing t h a t tliougll friendly societies have flourished
for so many years in both England and Scotland, no " ancient order "
has ever originated in Ireland. Several societies have branches there,
but they are all of English or Scottish creation.

It must be fairly obvious t h a t a proportion of tha bodies which clauned an

existence under titles more or less whimsical and eccentric never were in actual
being; and one would like t o find some clue t o the motives which prompted
individuals to expend their time and money in what seems rather a feeble way of
hoaxing or mystifying the public. F o r instanc2, i t can hardly be supposed t h a t
met a t Stonehenge in 1747; or t h a t the SICILIANCONGRESSheld
its " Grunnitions" i n London in 1745; any more than t h a t a " Museum of
s was held there in 1868.' Of course, there is a possible alternative,
t h a t the advertisements ostensibly relating to such bodies were really worded so as
t o convey more t h a n appeared upon the surface to people holding the key; but
these could be few in number, and, so far as we know, the efforts were hardly
worth the trouble.
Mention may here be made of some Clubs, &c., which have come under my
notice since the paper on S o m e O l d - t i m e ~ 7 z ; b snnd Societies, which is printed a t
A.Q.C. xxvii., 25; and a few additions made to details already given.
George Dyer in 1795 mentions amongst the societies for
t h e relief of genius in necessitous circumstances, " the Abcdarians, for the relief
of necessitous scho~lmasters."~
T h e dnzicable C l u b o f [T'nrrin!/to~t, a minute-book, 1789-97, contains copies
of each half-yearly account presented by the landlord of the inn a t which the
club met.3

" THE CADGERShave a curious mode of reception.


They blindfold the

candidate, fill his mouth with salt, tumble him into a t u b of dirty water, and swear
him to cheat the whole world, but never a brother Cadger-an
oath which they
break on the first favourable occasion. They have a. distinguishing mark also
which they affix to all articles connected with their carts and donkeys. The whole
system of the present trade-mark is founded upon this principle."'
GILLS." There is a coloured etching so entitled, showing
t h e interior of a tap-room.5

TIIE KEEP-THE-LISECLUB met a t the Turk's Head Coffee House, Strand.

One of its rules was, " if any member grossly insulted m o t h e r by giving him the
lie, the inembsr so insulted should immediately rise and satisfy the aggressor by
asking his pardon; this rule t o extend to visitors."
THE LIOXCLUBexisted f c nearly
100 years u i t h a membership of t h ~ t e e n . "
THE LARKPIECLUB. I t s on2 hundred and seventy-fourth ordinary meeting
was noticed in T h e C'itizel~,o f ' ~ e c e m b e r29, 1883, as held on the previous Wednesday evening, a t the Cock Tavern, St. Martin's Court, Ludgate Hill.
appears to have been possessed of some influence a t
Warwick in the year 1829.7

A,().(>. x x ~ i i . .43.
a n d d,neries, 11s s., 230.
Ihid, 12s. i.. 48.



F r e ~ n ~ n s o ~ nMagnzine,
Ilecember, 1869, 519.
S o t e s nntl f?)~~crZr.s,
11s. xii., 259.
Frederick lieynolcls was membcr of the two last mentioned.

Uzscellanetz Lrrtoinorum, ii., 63

See his Life and

A RIGHT,WRONGOR RIGHTCLUB," whose convivial circles did for some time

make a great noise in Edinburgh . . . its leading maxim being the Highlanders' sentiment, t h a t a friend could do no wrong, but must have his comrade's
i c questionable
protection and support in all his undertakings, h o w e v e ~ e c c ~ n t r and
they might be,"' was st,arted in 1814. a great supporter of i t being James Hogg,
t h e " Ettrick Shepherd," whose admission into tlie Craft is n o t i c d in .I .Q.C. xiv.,
166; xxiii., 58".

I have come across tlie mention, but without dates, of a weekly club called
the SNUGS,'' a t a great trading town in Yorkshire," which is elsewhe~epointed t o
as Leeds. The only particular given is t h a t one member was Colonel Milkr, of
the Society called the Lumber Troopers, London.
are preserved in a
handsome volume, Sef totl, (L clrscriptlve r i n d 11 lstorical account . . . By W . D.
Caroe and E . J . A . Gordon, 1893, which relates t h a t the office of MAYOROF
WALT ON,^ had its origin in a J a w b i t e club, established in I701 for political purposes; and although its original purpose ended with the surrender of Preston in
the 1715 rebellion, i t existed as a mock Corporation, with rrrany whimsical
ceremonies, till 1800; and t h a t there was t h e election of a Mock Mayor a t
Newcastle-under-Lyme so late as 1833. The MOCK CORPORATION
SEPHTON)differed from t h a t of Walton, as i t was instituted by gentlemen and
merchants of Liverpool for the purpose of social intercourse on the Sabbath day,
when i t was customary for the members to attend Church twice. The earliest date,
(which appears on a mace), was 1764; and the records are in two books, covering
from 1771 t o 1797. I n 1887 all the regalia, insignia, and robes were sold for 41,
with the exception of the portrait of a Recorder, and some pewter plates.

The following is Q-om A Hooli of /'I(itrious T r y i t s , by Walter Jerrold, 1912 :A t the Chapter Coffee House in Paternoster Row there used to be a
regular gathering of men known as the WITTINAGEMOT,
which lasted
certainly u p t o 1805. 'Here, too, we are told used t o met a WET
CLUB, the members of which gathered t o read and discuss the
newspapers while they were still wet from the press-a dry paper being
regarded already as a stale commodity.
Bro. Rev. Canon Horsley has been good enough to supply more about THE
REFFLEYSOCIETY(xxvii., 44). This body was not only commemorated in 1756
by t h e erection of a Temple and Obelisk, the latter bearing a Latin inscription
indicating a former " Column of Refflep," but had inscribed t o i t " A Cantata
composed for tlie Dedication of the Water to tlie Deitier of Love and Social Enjoyment, the Music by I)' A r n e " [T. A . Arne, 1710-1780, composer of " Rule
Britannia "I, phonetically marking successive stages in the preparation of a special
Punch, the secret of which is cohfined to two or three of the members. As the
" Deities " are named in the Cantata as Venus and Bacchus, i t mas not inappropriate, in 1830, for the Society to present its local patron with a silver latch-key
engraved with the device of a punch-bowl and the words " Reffley Spring."
EMemoirs 0f.a Llterctry T7eteran; :b
2.4.q.c. X X V l l . , 43-44.

K. P. Gillies, 1851,

r o l . ii., 196.

writes :-

I have to thank those Brethren who have criticised and written additions
to my paper. When writing it, the time a t my disposal did not allow me t o carry
but my original intention, z3rl., to comnlent upon and make all additions possible
I say all?-the announcements. Lack of time, too, obliged me 50 make
many omissions; the material a t my disposal respecting 17rtrr trll~r such bodies as
the Odd-Fellows, Foresters, Druids, &c., &c., of which information could be more
readily obtained in book form, or which were of more recent times, had to be set
I regret t h a t i t has been found necessary to call attention to a few errors
t h a t crept into the text in some unaccountable faslnon. F ~ I I I I ~ L I e~sIf ~rrrnre.
I n 1731 only one Masonic Lodge met a t the Devil.
W i t h respect t o Loge
d1Esp6rance t h a t was constituted in 1768, Lane states flCrco7rls, p. 164) l h a t its
number was a t first 434; in 1770 i t was 369; in 1580, 253; in 1781, 284; in 1792,
238. A t p . 105 he mentions a Lodge having tlle same name, t o which the date
1779 is assigned. The 1768 Lodge apparantll united with and gave its name t o
the latter, t o which no number a t all is assigned.
Spring Gardens, Chelsea, were afterwards known as Cremorne Gardens.
Vauxhall Gardens a t one time bore the name of the New Spring Gardens;
apparently, however, the word " New " was someti~neromitted, for Lysons saysj
" The Spring Gardens a t Vauxhall are mentioned iu 7'lrr Sprcitrtot. (No. 383) as
. . Vauxhall Gardeus are open," &c. (Etlviroxs
a place of great resort
of London, i., 324).
The rule quoted by Bro. Hills, " Whenever we are to have an extraordinary
meeting, i t shall be advertlszd by some outlandish name in the newspapers," would
I cannot help
explain such odd notices as those alluded to by Bro. Hextall.
thinking tlint sundry parts of London were known t o those in the secret by special
names, wliich were a mystery to the "profane," r . . Stonehenge. And not
merely localities, but also the names of the taverns where meetings were held.
Take, for instance, the house in Bankside, the last nlentioned in my paper, t h e
" Welch Embasader "-an
early \pelling, formed from the pronunciation of the
word " Ambassador "
Such a name for, a tavern seems very improbable, notwithstanding the peculiar signs to be met w i t l ~ . A t any rate, I have ascertained
t h a t there was no tavern in Bankside with tliat sign; but there was on2 there
in the eighteenth c m t u r y called the Welsh Troopers. I venture t o suggest t h a t
the sign-painter represented these so gaudily attired as to give one the idea t h a t
they were men of a nlucll higher social rank than troopers, and t h a t those who
But ambassadors
were " in the know " substituted t h e word " Ambassadors."
are not " thick as autumnal leaves that strow the brooks of Vallol~lbrosa,' so the
singular nunlber replaced the plural.
May I be permitted to follow the example of some of my commentators, and
make a few additions t o my list, premising only tliat most of the cuttings now
reproduced are from unidentified newspapers, and usually only tlle year is notified ?
The SELECT ALBIONLODGE(described as a " noble " or " noble and
honourable " Order) held its meetings in 1768 a t the George and Vulture Tavern,
Cornhill, b u t in 1772 a t the Crown Tavern, Leadenhall Street, having some years
previously moved t o the Albion Coffee House, S t Switbin's Alley, Cornhill,

ALBIONS. Of these I have several additional advertisements. The earliest

(1765) gives notice t h a t the " Brethren of this most ancient and honourable Order
are desired to meet the Grand, Vice-Grand and Council " a t the King's Head
Tavern in the Poultry, " in order to receive a visit from the gentlemen of the
Grand-Lodge." I n the following year the meeting was held a t the same Tavern
for the choice of Officers for the ensuing half-year, and the Albion Grand Lodge
held its meeting a t the Globe Tavern, Flsst Street, to " chuse a Grand and other
LODGEheld their fortnightly
Officxs " for a similar period. The ALBIONBOROUGH
meetings in 1768 a t Bro. Brookesbank's, The Three Tun Tavern, St. Margaret's
Hill, Eouthwark.
The Secretary of the ALBIONCITY LOCGE,meeting a t the
King's Head, Poultry, desired the B r e t h r m of t h a t Ancient and Noble Order t o
dine with the Grand and Officers a t the Mdrmaid Tavern, Hackney, on J u n e 4,
1768, bsing his Majesty's Birthday. They also were notified on J u n e 13 t h a t n
meeting would be held a t ihe Kiliq's Head on t h a t evening to consider certain
1751 about 1000 members of this body held their annual
feast a t Grocers' Hall, after having attended Divine service a t Bow Church, Cheapside, where a sermon was preached by the Rev. - King, Lecturer of St. George'sin-the-East. I n 1768 the annual feast was held on Zune 10 a t the Greyhound a t
Greenwich. " A Sermon by the Rev. Brother Scott."
-013 Christmas Day, 1753, was observed as usual in
several places in the neighbourhood of Worcester The day fell on a Friday. " A t
wnle villages the Parislrioners so strongly insisted on having an Old Sfile Nativity
Sermon, (as they terin'd lt) that their Mlnist?rs cculd not well avoid preaching to
t h e m And, we are told, t h a t a t some Towns, w h m the Markets are held on
Friday, not a Butter Basket, ncr even a C o o w , was to be seen in the Market-Place
the whole Day."'
BEEFSTEAKS,THE SUBLIMESOCIETYOF.-A list of the original members
(1735) will be found in fi~\t.J f S S . ( ' o m . , vol iv. The furniture, plate, portraits
of tlle mcmbers, &c , were sold by aucticn in 1869, the Society having been broken
u p in the previous year. The old gridiron was knocked down for 5.15.0 to Messrs.
Spiers and Pond. B u t this was not the first Club of that name, fcr the Daily
( ' o ~ ~ v n i ifor
8 February, 1710, records t h a t on the 6th a dinner, fdllowed by a
concert aud a set piece of firework, was held to celebrate the birthday of Queen
THE BUCKS.-Here are a few additional extracts recently met with. I n 1766
the Assyrian Lodge held its summer anniversary feast on J u l y 3 a t Brother
Griffiths's, the Spread Eagle a t Epsom. " Note. As no business respecting the
Order is done on this Day, Ladies are always admitted to this Feast. The most
Noble Grand intends to be a t the New I n n , on tlie Surry side of Westminster
Bridge, by Six o'clock in the Morning of the Feast Day, and will set off for
Epsom .' '
A notice was issued J u n e G , 1766, t h a t the Holywell Lodge of the most
Noble Order of Bucks, lately held a t the Five Bells Tavern in the Strand, would
in f u t u r e meet a t tlie Devil Tavern, Temple Bar, on and from Friday, the 13th
1 Quoted in A . W.C., xxv., 276. (1912.)


C ' o r o n ~ t iLodl/r.
Trrtnwctions of thr Q~~ritiror

I n the same year appeared the fcllowing, no m m t h being mentioned:White H a r t , Five-Field. Helespont Lodge. The Anniversary Feast of this
Lodge, held this Day the 28th instant, on Account of the Uncertaillty of the
Weather, and in order to accommodate our Brother Buclrs, who have taken Ticlrets,
and likewise those who intend us the pleasure of their c ~ n p a n yto dine, will be as
the last Year, a t M r Potter's Long Room, near Ranelagh " I think this Lodge
has not been hitherto mentioned.
I n 1768 the Brethren belonging to the Sun Tavern Lodge in Milk S t were
desired to attend " this Evening " (no month or day given) " being election night
to chuse a Grand for the ensuing Year, and on other special affairs."
I n 1789 the Babylonian Lodge met a t the Surry Tavern, Surry St. I n the
same year the Sermon preached on November 4 a t Piercy Chapel Rathbone place,
before the " Ancient and Honourable Lodges of Bucks " by th2 Rev. Rice Hughes,
A.M., of Aldenham, Herts, and domestic Chaplain t 3 the Right Hon. the Earl of
Powlett, was published by request.
The Euphrates Lodge n e t in 1796 a t the New London Tavern, Cheapside.
I n 1808 they were a t the Globs, Fleet Strest, and gave their annual Ball a t Wlllis's
Rooms, and again in 1821, but the Lodge seems to h a w moved to the TIiatcheJ
I-Iouse Tavern.
The Royal Independent Hanoverian Lodge (about which I have mentioned
a few later particulars) held in August, 1813, their summer festival a t the " Surrey
Hotel (late t h s Horns) a t Kenningtm." They held a Special General Lodge Meeting on the following Dec 1 a t the Albion House, Aldersgate S t . , where also their
anniversary was celsbrated J u n e 8 , 1814
I n A . Q . C . iii., 155, Ero. Rylands transcribed from his MS. copy of the
Constitution Book " A B r ~ s fHistorical Account, of the Original Institution, of
the most Antient and Noble Order, of Bucks." This is almost identical, as f a r as
i t goes, with " A Brief Historical Acc3urit of the Institution of the most Noble
Order of Bucks, as i t has bjen collected from Traditional Accounts and Records of
Antiquity, now remaining in the Citv of Bagdell, which is the same as the ancient
Babylon, the original and onca flourishing seat of the most Noble Order, and
transmitted from thencs by a British Buck resident in those Parts,"
Tlir S r w Loudo~tJf7yn:inr for October, 1786. The additional portion is identical
with t h a t quoted by Mr. Wallis from the Sporftnc/ -lfccl/n2i/tr for January, 1802
f A .(I.('.
iii., 145.)
There is no clue t o either the source or the date of the following cutting.
It appears to be quite modern. " The OLD BUCKSof the Pale Lion, Uppsr Thames
Street. A society is held a t the above-named house, called the Old Bucks; it
consists of a captain, an adjutant, and privates. Please the pigs we will sing of
their miltt.rry glory.

Air-' TYith helmrt on his blow.'

Thpre's bold Jaclrson in the chsir,
Just like a petty king;
His look bespeaks despair.
When 11e attempts to siqg.
Jolly Phillips in the cice.
Though srxwerl ti!) re:.?- tight.
To amuse the ancient Bucks,
He tries with all his might.

There's Brodie. 11-icked dog,

Inflicts on all great pain,
\Then h3 undertakes the j3b
To murder Pretty Jane.'
The Stccrt,, so gag and trim? .
S h i u s forth with look so bright;
If he'll promisn not t o sing,
TT'e'll look in another night."
I n his paper on this Order Bro. Rylands mentions (A .Q.C. iii., 1 4 5 1 ~ Bro.
Alfred Wallis's acczunt in .Totes c c i ~ r ? Qcirries, 6th Series, viii., 361 (1883). I n
the following year Mr. H. G. Bohn, tlie well-knc.wn bookssllsr and publisher,
contributsd a letter to ,V. rcud (2. (ix., 454), which I do not think has been l~itlierto
drawn upon. I n his 89th year he assumed from the silencj of other contributors
t h a t he was tlie only surviving member of either of the known Orders, and gives a
few particulars rewarking t h a t his wenlory would not serve him for much. The
Grand Lcdge became pretty well extinct before 1816, when the Royal Assyrian
Order cf Bucks seems to h a v ~taken its place, or a t l s s t was the only active one.
Mr. B o h ~ iwas elected a member about 1821, when the Noble Grand was J o h n
Henry Ekelton, a vioollen-draper in Chandos S t . , Covent Garden, who had married
the wealthy Miss Schreibzr. The honour of being Noble Grand never cost less
t h a n 500 a year, and generally twice as much in consequents of the holder having
to pay all the costs of liberal entertainments. H e gives an account of a splendid
ball given by the Noble Grand a t Willis's ROXTSabout 1823, when he was Deputy
All the Officers were in full dress (his own, which lie describss, was
gorgeous i n ' t h e extreme,) and had to receive tlin visitors, who were ushered in
by a flourish of trumpets and irilitary music. On t h a t particular cccasion there
were between four and five hundrzd vi3itors. H e says t h a t he had forgotten the
fcrmula adopted a t the election of inembers-even th2 words znnd particulars, buh
thought i t was pronounced audibly with the right hand on the book of rules. A
special room was assigned to them a t Freemasons' Tavern, where they met regularly
about oncj every fortnight. The regalia and various paraphernalia were entrusted
to the care of Mr. Cuff, then master of the tavern, but he thinks they were mostly,
if not all, burnt a t a fire " which happened there many years ago." It is sad to
read (-T. r e ~ r t l($., 6th Series, i x . , 511) that Mr. Skelton, who was, as Mr. J a y Ker
says, " one cf the most genial and best informed men t h a t i t has ever been my
fortune t o inst " was, wllen he firzt made his acquaintance a b w t 1848, in reduced
c i r c u n ~ s t a n c s ,holding the o 5 c s of a gas company's inspector.
Ero. Rylands dated the latest printed mention of the Order 1802; Bro.
Songhurst extended this to 1825 (A .fJ.C'. xxvii., 57j. Now we find a Buck living
close upon sixty years later still.
The Gentlemen of tlie FREEA N D EASYUSUER TEE ROSEmet a t the Queen's
Arms Tavern, St. Paul's Churchyard in 1775. There was a Society with the same
name meeting a t t h e White H a r t , Windsor, whera its " Worthy Members " were
requested to hold their annual venison feast on Sept. 1, 1768.

FREEA N D EASYJOESS.-Bro. Songhurst tells me t h a t he has rec2ntly seen,

in London, a relic of the dinner given by " Sister wills " a t her house, the Hole
in the Wall, Flest Street, in May, 1776.' I t is a large pewter mug with inscripSee .l.t,).C., xxvii., 149. (1914.)

tions on the front and on the under side.

t o the hospitality of the Landlady.

The second of these contains a reference

I n 1768 the LOYALBRITONSmet a t the Forty-five Tavern in Gray's I n n

passage, Bedford Row, Holborn.
The Brethren of the Most Ancient and Koble Order of LOYIL GEORGES
were desired to meet on St. George's Day, 1766, the Grand aild Officxs and the
rest of the Brotherhood a t the Grand Lodge a t Brother Norris's, the S t . Luke's
Head and Eight Bells, in Red Lion S t . , in Spittlefields, to proceed frcm thence in
procession to dine a t Mr. Birch's, the Bacchus in Hoxton Town
THE SOLS.-There is still another Order, dating back to 1768. " The
Brotherhood of the Ancient arid Honourable Order " of OLD SOLS met monthly.
R . M. J u r e r , by order of the most respectable Grand, convenes a meeting, but no
place is mentioned. A t a inseting of the " Knights Teinplar Order of Royal
GRANDSELECTSOLS,'' held in 1789 a t the Buffalo Tavern, Bloonlsbury Square, Mr.
William Brooks was unaninlously rz-elected Riglit Honourable Grand Select Master.

J . S. J u r o r signs, by order of the Grand, several advertisements convening

ir.ontlily mestings of the " noble and respectable," or " raspectable arid honourable,"
or " ancient, lloriourable and rezpectable " Order of OLD SOULSa t the Red Lion.
Butcherhall Lane, Newgate S t . , ,in 1768.
The following advertisement appeared in 1764. " Salop, Oct. 5, 1764. The
Fraternity of the TRUEBLUEare desired to meet at the Raven on Tuesday the 30th
instant. JOHN
HODGETTS,Steward. N.B. The Fox-hounds will attend the
Meeting, and go out the 31"; and s t Night there will b3 a n Assembly."
The Knights of the lloiiourable Order of WILKOSIANS
were desired (by order
of the Captain) to meet their Brethren on Oct. 28, 1768, to cslebrate the birthday
of J o h n Wilkes.






-1E identity of tlie Author of this popular work, for n l a n j years,

and, indeed, until quite recently, had remained somewhat of a
hidden mystery. The book had been publislicd with the uotn
(/P ~ I I O I I Pof
A n cld Past Master," but, so tliat i t might not
suffer for want of rec3iililleridat101l, the Author carefully informed
his readers of the ripe experience lie possessed, aiid tlle Masonic
distinctioils he had gained, and stated t h a t his allusions to them
were with the twofold object of showing his authority to speak, and of enlphasising
the great importance of the ofice of Uirector of Ceremonies. l'ossibly, a third
motive existed, t h a t of providing ineaiis wheraby his identity could be traced and
clearly established.
' I

I n the course of investigating the various clues indicated iri tlle book, inany
details have been gleaned relating to tlie business life and Masonic career of the
Author, and as these show him to have been 11ot only a worthy citizen, but a
distinguished Freemason, i t seems 'desirable tliat the information sliould be
permanently recorded.
Franklin Tllo'rilas, the son of Franklin Matliew Tlion~as,late of Rocliester,
K e n t , Broker (d. 3. Nov. 1834), was educated a t Rochester Granlnlar Scliool, and
a chorister a t Rochester Cathedral. H e was initiated a t Chatham in tlie Royal
Kent Lodge of Antiquity, now No. 20, in March, 1841 (p. 18),' being then stated
t o b3 23 years of age, and of Rochester, Upliolsterer.
H e " declared off " in
~ a r c l ; , 1843.
Joined Alfred Lodge a t Oxford (then No. 425, now No. 340) oil 15th Septenib-r, 1846. Installed W.M. on 27th l)ecsmbor, 1849; made Provincial Senior Grand
Deacon, Oxfordshire 1850, and Provincial Grand Registrar in same Province in
Exalted ill Alfred c h a p t e r a t Oxford oil 7th J u l y , 1848, and occupied the
t l l r ~ ePrincipals' chairs successively in 1851, 1852, and 1853, and in August, 1854,
was presented with a Silver Tea Service as a token of regard, aiid an appreciation
of his assiduous efforts to promote tlle cause of Masonry.
111 Oxford, Uro. Franklin ~ h o m ~
on the business of a Cabinet
Maker and Upholsterer a t No. 135, lligll Street, the next premises, No. 136,

being occupied by Mr. Adin Williams, a Tailor and Robemaker. As proceeding

from these premises " the writer used t o hear a tailor call out ' 'Enery, bring
me a hiron ' " (p. 248).
From November, 1852, until November, 1854, Bro. Tlioinas was a member'
of tlle Oxford Town Council.

I n December, 1854, he joined St. John's Lodge, Torquay (then No. 411,
now No. 328), and was a t once appointed S.D. During 1855 he several times
acted as W . M . Having been elected as such, he filled the chair in 1856 aud 1857.
The chief corner stone of the Xasonic Hall a t Torquay was laid with Masonic
honours by the Rev. J o h n Huyshe, D.P.G.M., Devon, on 28th May, 1857, and on
that occasion Bro. Franklin Tlio~nascarried out his duties as W.M. of tlie Lodge
(11. 193).
Having to leave Torquay in cmsequcnc3 of inqpaired health, the S t . Jolul's
Lodge presented him, on 1st Dec::mber, 1857, with a valedictory address.
I n I)ecember, 1861, lie joined t h e Lodge of Persxeranc-, Blackburn, now
No. 345, of which lie renlained a m e m b x until his death in 1907. It is said t h a t
he was never W.M. of this Lodge,, but had held other positions in i t for long
periods, and with few exceptions had acted as Installing Master'from 1864 to 1904,
and was D.C. a t the time of his dec?asc? (p. 19). The f*'r.ccii~ctsoilof 7th January,
1905, reporting the Installation n i ~ e t i n gof tlle Perseverance Lcdge, says i t was tlte
35th occasion on which Bro. Franklin Thonias (then in his 88th year) had performed the ceremony in t h a t Lodge. The same r-port tells of the remarkable
and possibly unique experience, t h a t during 41 ysars in unbroken sequenc? 'Bro.
Franklin Thomas had (installed the succxsive W.M.'s in tlie Harmony and
Industry Lodge, 1)arwen No. 381 ( : r ~ r t l 11r cr:.*t.s i ~ o t(1 iucrir ~ J P , of (hcct I,otl!/~),
" as well as l n m y of the Masters of variocs L o d g x in this (the East Lancashire)
Province, Clitheroe, Burnley, Paddiham, Accrington, Oswaldtwisle, Clayton le
Moors, in the Rossendale Valley, and others." This report describes Bro. Thomas
as P.P.G.J.D. Kent, P.P.G.Reg. Oxon anS P . P . S . G . W . East Lancashire (p. 19).
H e was made Prov.G.J.1). in East Lancashire in 1877, and amongst the
llonours of the Jubilee year, 1887, the past rank of Prov. Senior Grand Warden of
t h a t Province was couferred upon him.
himself to the Perseveranc:: Chapter, and in the
I n the R . A . he
four consecutive years, 1879, 1880, 1881, 2nd 1882, he filled the chair of Third
Principal a t the Prov. Grand Chapter meetings in East Lancashire (p. 19).
Bro. Franklin Thomas was present a t the Consxration of the Wolseley
Lodge No. 1993 a t Manchester 011 28th March, 1883 (p. 206) and signed tlie
attendance book as " P . P . G . J . D . & P . P . G . R . 0x011," and on 15th November.
1889, he attended the Consecration of the East Lalicasliire Centurioii Lodge No.
2322 at Manchestar (p. 271) and was then described as P.P.S.G.W.
For many years until 2b3ut twenty years bafore he died, Bro. Thomas
carrjed on the old-established business of a house furrlisher and decorator now in
tile hands of Messrs. Sinqxoi? and Son, of Market Plac::, Blackburn, and lie was
succeeded in i t by his son, Mr. Franklin T. Tliomas, afterwards Mayor of
Blackburn, who died 10th August, .1913.

Bro. Franklin Thoillas (the author) had been a Magistrate of the Borough
of Blackburn since 1886. H e died a t Ilkley on 13th October, 1907, in his 91st

year. Obituary notices of him appeared in the Hlnckhtrr,~ Trlr!/rnph of 19th

Octobsr, 1907, and in tlle Prruttr~taolt on 26th October and 2113 Novembsr, 1907.
These iiotices all refer to hiin as P . P . G . J . D . of Kent. His portrait is preserved
in the Alfred Lodge a t Oxford and the Perseverance Lodge a t Blackburn and a
reproduc!icn of his portrait was given in the Illtrcl,l)r~rtrTrlr!/rnldt of 6th July,
H e belonged t o the H u g h de Payens Preceptory of the Knights Templars,
and a t Burnley in 1881 was appointed Warden of Regalia in the Provincial Grand
Althougl~ more facts have been accumulated than suffice to connect the
Author of the Etiqrlr:f~ with llis own references to himself, there are links
still lacking t o mslte the chain quite perfect.
So far all efforts have failed t o
discover the " very important Lodge (not his mother Lodge) of whicl~ he was
installed M ~ . i t e rin 1846," and in which, presumably, he first took office in 1843
( p . 19). Equally unavailing hkve bseu the attempts t o obtain evidencs of his
having received Provincial Grand rank in Kent, which he is stated to have
possessed. His early connection with t h a t Province (1841-3) seems too slight t o
justify the thought t h a t i t led to Provincial honour, and no reference has been
found to his association with Kent at any later psriod. Mr. Franklin T . Thomas
(his son) says he believes his father went to Oxford " in 1844, so that there are
only two years t o account fcr bstween 1842, when he left Rochester," and that
he (Mr. Franklin T . Thomas) was born in Oxford in 1845. H e further says t h a t
his father, " after leaving Torquay, lived i : ~London vntil 1861, when he came
to Blackburn." Thus in regard t o time there is but little to explore.
The Minutes of the Alfred Lodge a t Oxford merely show him as joining
" from No. 20," and nowhere contain the least indication t h a t a t the time of his
so joining, or a t any time antecsdently to his b>ing installed W.M. of t h a t Lodge,
ho had been, or was, an Installed Master, nor does the record of his Oxford
installation in any way point to such a conclusion.
Correspondents have stated
tliat Bro. Franklin Thomas himself referred to his ICentish Grand Rank, but apart
from the allusions t o i t which are in his Obituary Notices, the only instance of i t
cccurring'in print, which I have trac>d, is in the /.'rrrnroson report of 7th January,
1905, above quotsd.
Having, by means of Bro. Franklin Thomas's own clues, clearly demonstrated
tliat he was tlle Author of the Etiqrlrttr, it is gratifying to be able t o say that his
son (who was not a Freemason) and Bro. Franklin Homan, his nephew, on being
referred to, both frankly acknowledged the correctness of the proofs, and the conclusion to which they led.
Tl~roughout the Etiyrlrttr the Author makes frequent reference to the
Rrvisrd Kitrtd o f C'rutf j'lrrrttt~.w?rr!/, which was published in 1888 under the same
~rottr rlr pltlntr, and by the same publisher. I strongly suspected Thomas also to
be the Author of t h a t book, and similarly his authorship has been acknowledged
by his m n and nephew.
There is yet a third book published without an author's name which I
have little hesitation in ascribing to Bro. Franklin Thomas. It is the Oxford
Ritztnl of Roynl Arch Xnaonry, " privately printed for A . Lewis, London, 1884."
Not only are the notes and comments quite in keeping with his style, but what, in

my opinion, so strongly supports my contention is the short " Preface," which

states t h a t the " Ritual is compiled by an old P . Z . of the Alfred Chapter, Oxford,"
with some corrections, alterations, and additicns the results of experienc,. gained
in active work in this degree in various Provinces during the years that have
elapsed since the writer passed the tlires Principals' Chairs," and (as further
confirmation) the allusion (on p. 12d) to what was done " in certain Provinces in
the North of England."

It is hoped t h a t discovery of the missing evidencs above referred to may

result from the publication of this note.



H E Lodge met a t Freemasons' Hall a t 5 p.m.



Wonnacott, W.M.; TI7. 13. Hextall, I.P.41 ; F. W. Levander, S.W. ;

A. C. Powell, J . W . ; Canon Horsley. P.G.Chaplain, Chaplain; W. J.

Songhnrst, P.A.G.1) C., Secretary; Gordon Hills, I.G.; and E . H.

Ilring, P.M.
Also the follo\~-ingnlembcrs of the Corre.spondence Circle:Bros. George M . Doe, G. Trerelyan LC:,, C. Lewis Edn-ards, P.G.D.,

Dr. S. Walshe-On-en, C. Gongh, K. A. Tharp, P.A.G. P t . , H. Hyd.,

L. G. Wearing,

George Lewis, A. F . Calvcrt, Stanley W. Itodgers. W. J . Hodge, P . E. Reinganum,

S. J . Fenton, Robert Audley, l t e r . C. J . S . O'Gratly, A. J . Cridge, F r a n k Hughes, C. H.

1,ee. J . Walter Hobbs, C . Isler, L. I)anielsson, and lieginald C. Watson.

Also the folloning visitors: -Bras. F . tle P . Castells, Lnllingstone Lodge No. 1837;
1. Seainan, P.B.G.St.D.; F. Bonifacc and J. Inkstcr, Justinlan Lodge No. 2694.

Letters of apology for non-attendance \yere received from Bros. Sir Albert Rlarkhsm,
I<.C.13., P.Dis. G . N . , Malta, P.M. ; MTilliam Watson ; T. J . Westrogp ; W. H . Rylands,
P.A.G.D.C. ; E. Conder, L.R., P . l I . ; Sidney T. Klein, L.R., P.M. ; G. Greiner,
P.A.G.I).C., P.31. ; J. P . ltglands ; Dr. W. J. Chet\vode Cran-ley, G.Treas., Ireland;
J o h n T. Thorp, P.A.G.D.C., P.M. ; F . H. Goldney, P.G.D., P.M. ; J. P . Simpson,
P.A.G.R ., P . M . ; Edn-arc1 Annitage, P.l)rp.G.I).C., P.M. ; and Dr. Wynn JVestcott,
P.G.I)., P.?tl.

One Masonic Society and twenty-three Brethren were admitted to membership of

the Correspondence Circle.

called attention to the following


nsed by Lodge 41 a t the Strong Men, East SmithBlank form of M.M. CERTIFIC~TE
field, now t h e Strong X ? a Lodge No. 43

This form must h a r e been i n use during the

period 1800 t o 1813, when the I d g c n~ovedt o the White %\-an, Mansell Street, Goodmang


Engraved C E R T I P I ~issned
~ ~ E to John (:anham in October, 1812, by Lodge Xo. 300,
meeting a t the Swan, Fish Street Hili.

This is the p x s r n f , Tnivcrsal Lodge No. 181,

ancl though the Certificate is dat-d 1912, i t must h a r e b c m issned later, as the J ~ o d g ~
did not t a k ~the No. 300 until 1814, after thr r n i o n

The s i g n a t w w are IT. V. Salmon,

R.W.M., P . Stainton, S.W., J Hnwkins. J . T . , and John Turk, Secretary.

issued by the "Cross of Christ Eneuiuplnent No. 20 of t h r lioyal
csaltrd Military ancl Holy orders of the Knights of t h e l ' e n i ? l ~and Se:)nlcher of S t . .John
of Jernsal:m

Tcnights of M. & M.P.," to John (!anha111 on 25th A:)ril, 1832. St is to the

effert t h a t on 11th A:>rll, 1813: Cnnham. as a ~nenlberof the Mount Carinel Efirampment,
Iras admitted to the further deglees of "Malta a n d N.P., S . P . of Ross Crucis and

NR ylns Ultra."

!t is signed by J . H . Goldsn.orthy, M.E.C., and 31. Gunston, Rcrorder.

By l3ro. C~i.c~r,
Authority granted by the Ofliwrs of the. S t Jlichac~lsLodge. Crieff, No. 31, nndel.
the Grand Lodge of Scotla~id,t 3 '' n w trulx and nell bt~loredBrother Donald 31. Rorrie,
Thornhill, a M a s ~ , rMas91 of onr snld Lodge to c n t t . ~Ay!~r-.nticcs, Pass Fel!ons of
Craft, ancl raise to the s n b l m s Degrrc of Master llasorrs, the barn? as i f done by 11s in
our Hall here."

T h ~ sis dated 7th l l a r c h , 1817

Hngo Erba
Signet RISG from the collwtion of ltings of his S c r c n c , ' ~ i ~ h n e sPrince
Odeschalchi of Budapest, ~>urchas:dIsy the e::hibitor a t thi, salt, of the col!ec.tion in 1907.
The engraved design is in the form of a shic~ld bearing a moss, the four arms haying the
letters N.O.R.S.

J n the quarters are a Sun, T h r w Stars, Sknll and C':ossbones,

some indrterniinate obj.ct.

Ilcather SPROS
!~rintecl !,late
Norember 7th, 18%


A s a Crest. a!Ipca!.s a n eye in an irratliotrd triangle.


Engraved I)?- 13rot!1c; Rntte~.n.orth, Leecls,


Brass Sus-III.\I. made by l'honias Rooth. London.

Thc c:.ntl,e shows tn-o intrrIare(l

triangles enclosing the triyle tan, and aronnti are thc Iettws H.'I'.~\'.S.S.T.T<.S. In the
rorners of the :>late a i e s11en.n the Square and C'om:~asscs; 113111and T r o ~ r e l ;Iprel a n d
Crossed Keys; Sun, Noon, and Stars.

Thwe arc also the mottoes, ' ' I)co Regi I.'rstriblIs

Honor Fitlelitas 13rncrol~~:1tia."

A heart? votr of thanks was !~nanilnonsly accorded to thoso Brethren lvllo had

kindly lent objects f o ~


The W.M. read the folloning pa1)er ;



L T H O U G H Masons are taught not to look upon the great

Fraternity they hava entered as in m y way 2. benefit society,
there is no doubt t h a t in the early years of the Craft in this
country many private lodges partook very largely of the nature
of a trade union and friendly society or club, for the mutual
encouragement of the brethren in their respective callings and
for support and ralief in times of distress. There is one notable
example of sucll a private society of a masonic nature which was founded in the
year 1737, t o which our attention may for a short while be turned, and in order
to place this body in its proper relatioc to the masonic system of the time, i t is
necessary to bring together some little known records wliicli have been fortunately
preserved fcr our instruction, and I believs i t may rightly b. said, for our amusement.
There is in the Mansfield Masonic Library (Ohio), bound up witli tlie 1736
IJocl;et C'ottcpni~iot~
b u t trimmed down to the same size (8vo.) as that
volume, a printed copy of the Rules and Regulations of the Friendly Society of
1737, consisting of 66 pages of Articles and 6 pages of Members' names, witli their
Trades and places of residents. Bro. Frank Marquis, the Librarian a t Mansfield,
has been good enough to supply t,he Q.C. Library with a typed copy of tlie Rules,
etc., which is given here in extenso (Appendix 1.). A suggestion has come from
our brethren in America t h a t this Friendly Society was a pioneer of tlie Grand
Lodge of the Antients, but in the course of this paper i t will be abundantly clear
t h a t no sucli connection can bs supported by the evidencs of this document and
another record whicli will now have to enter into our, consideration.
I n the
Library of tlie Grand Lodge of England, among the valuable series of old minute
Looks handed down to our times, is a long narrow book, bound in sheepskin and
marked " Cash Book," which formerly belonged t3 tlie Lodge numbered 163 in t'lll,
first enumeration of 1729. That Lodge and the Friendly Society met a t tlie same
ta,vern, tlie White Swan in New Street, Covent Garden, and doubtless the intentions of the founders of each of them were thbt one should be complementary of
t h e other. I n the first vear of their existence i t appears that instead of friendly
co-operation between the two, quarrels developed.
Ultimately they became
merged in one body, the Lodge a t the Two Black l'o'sts in Ma,iden Lane, and for a
number of years this Lodge No. 163 was the Friendly Society of Free and Accepted
Masons, but governed of course by a Master arid Wardens, with it? membership
limited t o masons, and apparently the Articles (or Rules and Regulations) of the
~ r i g i n a lFriendly Society were adopted with but little variation as tlle By-Laws of
the Lodge.

I n a paper by Bro. Hammond, the Librarian of Grand Lodge, read 111

J a n u a r y 1915 to our Lodge,l some extracls were given relating t o the a'sputes
between the Lodge a t the Two Black Posts and the " Benefit Society." I n order
clearly to show the connection of these bodies and to render the story more complete I have dipped more fully into the records of this Lodge, and with ?he kind
assistance of Bro. Hammond, am permitted t o present tlie extracts her? in detail.
(Appendix 11.).
A comparison of the respective dates of foundation of the Society and the
IJodge shows t h a t t h e former is the senior, being established on 31st March, 1737,
almost four months prior to the Lodge. According to Lane's J i u s o n i c B e c o r d s
(p. 76) the Lodge No. 163 was constituted on Thursday, tlie 21st September, 1737,
a t the Swan in New Street, Covent Garden, moving some time early in the follow.
ing year t o the Two Black Posts in Maiden Lane. The earliest record available
~ h o w si t to have moved away from its original home and to have been a t t h a t latter
tavern on 9th February, 1737 (i.e., 1738), when we find a list of visitors present
b u t no minute of the transactions, and similar lists exist for the following meetings.
A t one of them in March there was present William Stanhope, described as of
" S t . John's,"
the landlord of the Swan in New Straet, and this seems t o suggest
t h a t t h e Lodge was now no longer meeting a t his house, b u t t h a t he was visiting i t
a t the new tavern, the Two Black Posts. The only appearance of the Lodge a t the
Quarterly Communication of the Grand Lodge, when i t was referred to as tho, Lodge
a t the Swan in New Street was on 25th January, 1738, the fee for constitutioil
being paid a t t h a t meeting. (G.L.Minutes in Q.Cf..4. x., 294). This tavern is
referred t o a t various dates in the official records as the White Swan, but on t h ~ s
occasion, as well as in tlie Friendly Society's Rules, as the Swan.
The next
appearance of the Lodge a t Grand Lodge was from the Black Posts, on the 6th
April, 1738, but i t must have been a t this house before the 26th March and after
the 25th January. The new tavern was kept by Bro. Norris who is referred in
tile minutes. Eventually i t removed a t some unknown date late in 1740' to t h s
Duke of Bedford's Head in Maiden Laxe, there being no record of the removal
and a hiatus of two complete years (1739 and 1740) occurring in the minute book.
It met for the first time here on 1st J a n u a r y , 1741. the new landlord being Bro.
Barker, about whom more will be said when we examine the minutes.
The Friendly Society being established on 31st March, 1737, its laws, termed

" Rules Articles and Orders," were formulat,ed and adopted on the 1 8 h May
following. The appearance of the Lodge in September very probably was the cause
of the disputes referred to. W e do not know what the nature of these was, and
can only surmise t h a t the making of masons or admission of undesirable brethren
had something t o do with i t . It can only be gathered from the minutes t h a t an
a.malgamrttion of the two bodies did take plat-,, and in Marc11 of 1738 we are
informed of the basis on which a settlement was arrived a t (see t,he Memorandum
of 23rd March, 1738). From this time onwards i t is the history of the Lodge which
gives us what information is available, the Friendly Society as such apparently
having been absorbed, for the numerous entries of penalties, fines, forfeits and so
forth refer to those contained in the Rules, Articles and Orders of the Society, the
names of tlie members are those in the list of the same body, with some others who

AQ.C'., xxviii., 1915, p. 5 .

a Lane gives


F h e F r i e n d y S o c i e t y of Pree and Accepted iltasons.


must have been members of the Lodge prior to the amalgamation, and the objects
of tlie united body were those set forth by the founders of the Friendly Society.
Tlie outstanding features of Lodge No. 163 were its weekly meetings and
the quarterly elections of its officers. As a Society i t had bsen ruled by a President
with his assistants, having also two Stewards, a Clerk and an Attendant, corresponding apparently in every way with the Master, Wardens, Stewards (probably
Deacons), Secretary and Tyler of the masonic body. The weekly meetings corn.
bined labour and refreshment, and from the minutes we gather the latter was
limited t o a gallon of beer for each person present; tlie former showing no trace of
making masons until 25th January, 1741. A Mastsrs' Lodge had bsen forxed ;II
1738 about whicli very little is revealed. C n 23rd March, 1738, occurs tllis bald
but significant entry : -' ' A Petition from the i\ilastersl Lcclge." Tlie scale of fees
revised and adopted on 27th l)scember, 1738, included
Raising M." : and an
application in 1741 to lend the furniture and utensils of the " Fellow ('rafts'
Lodge " t o the brethren of the Masters' Lodge was refused.

The fact of quarterly elections is here clearly established, the only other
instance which has yet come under my notics being No. 189, established in 1739.
and now the Grenadiers' Lodge No. 66. Possibly cther instances were numerous,
but their recards are not available.'
Making a Mason undoubtedly included the E . A . and F.C. steps, and
business was done between these two sections of the work. No reference occurs to
lectures in this Lodge; the time available. when there was no making on hand,
being occupied in reports on the sick members, elections, assisting members in
prison, and other business of the like nature.
To prevent this paper becoming of inordinate length, the Rules of the
Society and the minutes of the Lodge being given in the Appendices, I may first
quote the title page of the Friendly Society's Rules, and the opening portion of
the " Design of the Society," expressing the lofty aim of the Founders, leaving
the Articles themselves to be studied in detail in Appendix I. The first two pages
are blank. The orthography and punctuation of the original is preserved throughout.
Folio 3.
[Outer title page]



To be Observed by a
Free and Accepted MASONS
Established for the mutual benefit of
each other on t h e 31" day of
March 1737,


Made by a C'otnttrltter appointed for

t h a t Purpose, on the 18t' day of ,llrc!/ following, in the tent11 Year of the Reign of our
Sovereign h r d GEORGEtile Second, by the
Gracz cf GOD, of Great Britain, France
of the F a i t h &c
and Ireland K I ~ GDefender
and 111 the said Year of our Lord, 1737.
Parvae res concordia crescunt "
Let Brotherly Love Continue.


Printed by R. Jellyman, near Trig-Stairs
Tliamcs-street. 1737.

[The next page, fo. 4, is a summary of the Betiefits.1

A Specin~enof tlie Design of this Society, together with

the Benefits allowed to the Members belonging to the
That tlie Money's arisiug from . . . together with Entrance,
Weekly Payments, volantary Subscriptions & Contributions of the
subscribing Members, shall b- reserved in the Box, for the Use of the
said Society.
Primarily regarding tlie purcliasing all tliings necessary for tlie
sanie, which when bought & paid for, the Remainder with all future
Savings shall be appropriated as follows:
T h a t each Subscriber conforn~ingt3 the Articles (desiring the
sanie) shall be Intituled to tlie following Benefits.

ordinary Illness, &c. per Wesk

extraordinary illness &c per Week
F o r advice of Pllysician in such extra
17. To a Meinber Imprisoiied for Debt, per
2'1 If superannuated or incapable of Business througli Sickness, Lameness &c
per Week
15. If Dying before being a Meinber twelve
18. Fuireral Expense for a Member after
Entred twelve Months
19. To tlie ,Widow &c after twelve Montlls
Entrance as a free Gift
20. If the Wife Dyes after a Member's
Entred five years


Farther Benefits allowed, when Cash exceeding One Hundred Pounds.


To a Petitioning Member after Ten

years' Entrance
19. Widows &c Free Gift, instead of 7
24. Lent t o 10 Members, each
23. N.B. Surgeon, Apothecary, Nurse &
Country Lodgings, the Whole or any
of them may bs allowed t o a sick
Member Petitioning for the same.

10 0 0
12 0 0
10 0 0

[Folios 5 & 6.1

I n the Name of GOD, Be our Beginning.
W e whose names are hereunto subxribed, do unanimously agree to
erect & establish a Beneficial Society of F R E E and ACCEPTED
MASONS for tlle mutual bmefit and Support of each other, as well
in respect to do Our utmost to pronlote t h s Interest and Advantage
of the Members hereof in their respective Trades, as to Provide for
and Support those under such Misfortunes, and Sickness, which they
may be visited or afflicted with from the H A N D S of A L M I G H T I GOD.
And t3 Enable us t o Accolnplish such a Noqle and truly
worthy design, Whereof we can [bzl but feint Imitators of OUR
S U P E R I O R S , who are pxuliarly distinguished for their extensive
C H A R I T Y and L I B E R A L I T Y t o the Distressed Brethren.
Let us beseech A L M I G H T Y GOD to conduct ue in all Our
ways, t h a t we may not t u r n froin the Rules of Righteousness nor
Equity: but whclly t o be of one Mind, conscientiously discharging
our Duties to each as Nembers, and in our Dealings honestly as
becomes Masons and as both not defrauding the Society under the
pretence of Siclzness &c nor cxiniving with a Member to the Prejudice
of the Same.
That our Society may be Social, beneficent, and humane;
tender in injuring a Member in ally Shape, and each equally as
tender of injuring the Society; by which means every Individual's
Property will be rendered intirelv secure.
That we nzay live in perfect peace and cmcx-d with each other,
and t h a t all malice, ill nature, Prejudice, rancour, or whatever may
tend to destroy tlle Harmony of the Society, may in Our becoming
Membars hereof Subside and no way bs found anlongst us.
That we may live as Brethren United, guiding Our selves by
the Rules of Masonry, distinguishing Our selves by this aimiable
principle, each Striving with equal vigour to assist and benefit the
whole Community, neither doing his own will while present, b u t
Subsiding his Passions, living in Friendly and IJrotherly converse
together, relieving, supporting and assisting each other, while we
submit and csnform Ourselves to all the written and printed Articles
which now are made and Subxribed to, or shall hereafter be made:
or acting otherways deeming Ourselves as unworthy of the said

Societv; Suffering Ourselves to be Excluded, without any Law-Suit

or troubling the said Society by Ourselves or any other Person for
us, and our Names &c to be Erased from off the Roll and respective
Books which we either have Subscribed, Signed or Sealed.

Thex follows on folio 7, the inner title page. heading the Articles which are numbered I . to LIV., nearly every one of which had its N.B., in many cases added three
or four deep, but of equal virtue with the Articles as rules to be enforced. The
membership was to be composed of Free and Accepted Masons only, all under
Forty years of age, except the Founders, and unlimited in number. The fees were
graduated according to the numbers already entered. Not more than three of one
trade could become members, and the last of the three t o enter was taxed with an
additional fee: but on the governing Committee or " Committee of Twelve," not
more t h a n one trade could be represented. There is a quaint caution in the selection of members given in tlie addendum to Article V. :-

N.B. The good and welfare of. this Society depends on the choice of
its Members, therefore i t is presumed every Member will be cautious
whom he recommends or Ballots for, the White Piece is for the Person
proposed, the Elack against his being a Member.
Even after entry a new member remained under the scrutiny of his brethren, for
i t is provided t h a t during the first twelve months of membership the list of new
members had t o lie on the table, and i t was open for anyone to object to another
of his trade, or of a calling likely t o clash with his own, and if objected to within
this period and ballotted out his money was returned.
As in so many societies of a kindred nature, and in the older trade guilds,
tlie Box was the outward and visible sign of their federation, their Ark of the
Covenant. It was never to be opened unless seven members were present, and
then only when the proper lreyliolders were there a t the function, and as long as
i t remained open (usually from seven to nine o'clock) the legitimate business of
the Society could be transacted. From this was derived the phrases " declared on
the Box "l or " off the Box " as equivalent t o applying for the customary benefits
when falling sick, or terminating their claim to the same upon recovery. The
phrase " declaring off " must not in this case be confused with a simijar one so
often found in masonic records. Brother So-and-so " declared off " here means
his period of sickness had concluded, not as is usually the case t h a t he resigned his
Special precautions were taken t o prevent fraudulent claims on the f u n d ;
weekly visits were made by the officers t o the sick member, which explains a common phrase in these lodge minutes t h a t lie was " worthy " or " deserved his
money," denoting t h a t he was genuinely indisposed and conformed to the provisions of the Articles as to abstention from work or roaming away from his home.
It was customary t o pay sixpeixe per head as the ordinary weekly contribution, with a shilling for the quarterly night, bringing the total quarterage u p t o
seven sliillings for the thirteen weeks. Of this sixpence one half was spent in beer
and tobacco if the member was present, otherwise i t was put away in the Box.
Qccasionally a variation of this phrase occurs,-"

Sick on the Bar,"

The Stewards were responsible and had to pay for any surplus of beer above the
allotted modicum. A n absent nlember could send his money but i t must be handed
in before nine o'clock, and the landlord was relieved of responsibility for handing
over such payments unless " the same be inserted in a Piece of Paper with hi0
Name [the member's] wrote thereon. "
Quarterly Nights, which every nlember in health had t o attend under a
penalty, were held on tlie Thursday first cccurring after the third day of the
months of March, J u n e , September and December. Stewards were then chosen
for the ensuing quarter, the office being taken in rotation, and if declining t o
serve a member had to " fine for Steward," i . r . , pay half-a-crown. Instead of
threepence the membership was allowed on these four evenings fivepence a head for
rrfreshment. A n Annual Meeting wes held on St. J o h n the Evangelist's Day, a t
three in the afternoon, when each membsr, absent or present, had t o contribute
one shilling and sixpence.
A t four o'clock Petitions and Complaints were considered, the cash account was squared up, and the Clerk furnished his annual state.
ment of " all Material Transactions of the last Year, which shall have been minuted,
in a Book, provided for such Purposes." The printed list of members was then
circulated gratis and a collection lnade " for the better supporting and carrying on
of this truly Laudable Design."
After this the " Committee of Twelve " was
chosen from among those members of over two years,' standing: these served for a
twelvemonth, or if declining were fined five shillings. This Committee had extensive powers, and was obliged t o innet weekly, and for special business a t least twice
additional in the last quarter of their term of office; i t chose a Chairman a t each
meeting according t o the rota, and those attending its two special business meetings
were allowed a refresher of sixpence each. There is nothing to indicate how the
President of the Society or his assistants were elected, or what were the qualifications for office: on the other hand i t will be noted tlie principal officer was exempt
from fines. B u t when the President of the Society was metamorphosed into the
Master of the Lodge he was fined for various offences equally with his Wardens.
Apparently the Presidel!t was chosen from the Committee, as may be inferred from
the words of Article X I I . " N.B. If any of the Annual Committee are Ballotteci
into any Office, or should be chosen Stewards," etc , although there is no direct
reference t o such principal offices.
One article, No. XL., had to be read on all occasions when the Society was
sun~incnedto consider very special affairs, thcse about t o decide being enjoined t o
very carefully and impartially arrive a t a conclusion; indeed i t amounts t o a
" Charge t o the Members,"
and is on a much higher level t h a n the remaining
articles dealing with numberless fines and forfeits, pains and penalties.
The intention of the Founders was t h a t the Articles should remain in force,
as originally drafted, for three years: after t h a t period alteration was permissible,
and tlie procedure is laid down. And when the supply of " Printed Articles "
had r u n out, opportunity was given t o amend the statutes before reprinting them,
always provided the customary benefits were not affected, or the privileges of t h e
Pounders were not infringed. Any amendment of the rules had t o be subscribed
by all members within three months or they could leave the Society. B u t the
Founders not having foreseen the absorption of the Society into a Lodge, i t will
be found t h a t alterations were speedily introduced into the rules to render t h e k
conformable t o the new conditions,

T h e r e a r e several little humorous touches i n t h i s formidable b a t t e r y of penal

legislation; t o enjoy t h e m one needs t o search t h e m o u t by wading t h r o u g h w h a t
One or two points may be
proves t o have been a p r e m a t u r e Insurance A c t .
emphasised t o establish connection with t h e masonic customs of t h e time. T h e
A t t e n d a n t (otherwise t h e Tyler) h a d t o suiuinori t h e Committee; t h e members
wore aprons, t h e Doorkeeper was responsible for t h e i r custody; refreshment was
p e r m i t t e d while a t labour, goods required f o r t h e Society were t o be p u r c l ~ a s e d
f r o m members, t h e sick a n d distressed were duly assisted, quarrels privately
a.djusted o n occasions, a n d t h e principles of t h e F r a t e r n i t y elljoined on all within
i t s ranks.
[Folio 7.

Inner title page.]

A P P E N D I X I.
OCli LORD. 1737.
W E nhose Names are Herennto Snbscribed, clo agree to establish
a Beneficial Society of Free and
Accepted Masons; and stand to,
perform, fulfill, keep and abide by, all nnd every the Articles hereafter mentioned.
1. That

for entring men
of good repute,
and willing to
pay their Debts.
Under 40 years
of Age (excrptrd entred hefore Sept. 29,

Proving the
same in three
Jronths or excluded.
Member proposing breaking up the
Society, or
dividing the C a ~ h ,
t o be excluded, if
seven are against


That this Society shall consist only of Free

and Accepted Masons, Men of good repnte a t the
Time of Entrance: known to be ready and willing
to pay their Debts. and nndrr Forty Years of
Age, (such excepted t h a t were entred before the
29th Day of S e ~ ~ t e m b eli37)
which upon the
Request of any Steward, during the Time of
lfeetinp, or before tlie Box is locked, the Ifemher shall prove (within the spaw of three
Months nest after the Stewards h a r e given him
notice thereof) by a proper Certificate or Oath
t h a t he was under Forty \-ears if Age a t the
Time of entrancr, or be excluded. As also,
such Mcmber shall be t h a t proposeth the brralring up of tlie said Society and dividing the Cash,
~vhileSeven Ifembers shall be against the


Society to
col~sibtof an
'l'hree of a
Trade and the
third to pay


.\t Entrancc in
Health and
Limbs, $c. or
liable at ally
time to be escluded.

That this Soci-tg shall consist of a n unliniited

Number, but never a t one time more than three
of one Trarlc or Calling shall be Members of
the, said Society, the last of which shall pay
JL. 6s. over and beyond his Entrance Money,
and all othm Charges he is subject to as a Member, every onc, of n-hich n ~ u s tbe perfectly well
in Health and Limbs; or otherwise if any
Xeniber shall a t any time become chargeable to
this Society for any Distemper, Indisposition,
or Lameness, k c . which he had contracted or
labourtd under before he became a Member, or
conceal his Age, Trade, or Business (which if
he did not follow the same a t the Time of E11trance) or his belonging to any other Benefit Socicty for Sickness, S c . or use any other sinister

Jieans to beconie a Menibcr, upon Proot

thereof, shall be excluded.
,4ny Member a t the time of Entrance
is allow'd to E n t e r for tn-o Tratlcs, g u siness, or Calling, t h a t he fo1lon.s a t the
time of Entrance, provided such are connected together, or depc,ndent of each
other. That the Annual C o m m i t t x from
Time to Timc,' shall determine, what
Trades a r e so connected, (that the Naker
and Seller of the same Goods shall 31ways be deem'd one Trade or Business)
which shall remain unalterablr, as k h a t ever Trade, any iMember enters for, shall
always continue the same, in the Book of
Entrance, and on the Roll, and in the
Printed Lists of Names, Trades and Places
of Abode of the Menlbers. which shall
be given (Gratis) a t the Annual Meeting
of the Jlembcrs, to be fixed to the Printed
Book of Articles

Member to
Enter for two
Trades if connected.
411nual Committee to be
Judges of the
said Trades.
llemain Unalterable and so
continue on the
List and Book of
A Printed
List of Menlbers Names,
Trades, be
given Annually.

Such Person t h a t is not a t the Time

of Entrance of any Bisness or T r a d e ;
Occupying any afterwards, shall never
have the Business he follo~vsafter inserted in the Printed List.

That neither the Clerk to or Attendant on
this Society, or an) Membcr cxcluclcd any
Benefit Society, or Ballotted out of any other for
Male Practice, the Landlord of the House, Soldier,

Persons obj ected

being Nembers.

Sailor, Gentleman's Servant, a n Apprentice, or

one incapable of getting 14s a Week as a
Journeyman, a Bailiff or Sherriffs Officer, or any
of their Assistants, or any t h a t are deemcd
Conlmoa Bail, or one conticted of Felony,
shall be admitted Menibers hereof, and if any
a f t e r Entrance, become as such, upon Proof


Ileinber eseluded t h ~ bSociiety by Ballot,


Ilrlnber entrrd after the

29th of Sept.
not to receive
Benefit from
this and another Society a t
one time.

This Article
not to affect a
Member bdongin? to same Society, &c.

1st 2d and
3d Article6 to
affect none Enter'd before the
29th of Sept.

Allowing any
of the aforesaid

to enter iuto
any other Society.

Thereof a t any Time, shall be c~scluded; as

such shall be t h a t after Entrance, is aiding or
assisting any Railiff or Sheriffs Officer (except
in his own Cause, or such ~vhereinhe lliust be
a n Evidence for t h a t Master or Person, \\hose
Goods he delivered or knew thereof to the
Arrested Person) neither shall any Person excluded this Society by Ballot, ever be re-acl-

N.U. Such entered after the said 29th Day

of Septen~ber,1737, and hat11 been Members hereof twelve Kalencler Months, i n l ~ s t
upon their being continued herein, be excluded any other Benefit Society for Sickness;
otherwise shall not receive any Benefit from
this, either in Sickness or Iml)risonment,
or upon the Death of his Wife, '9-c. nor
shall any 'Money be clisburs'd tonards clefraying his Funeral Expense, or the free
Gift be paid to his Wife or Noininre. B u t
this Articlr so far as relates to a Benefit
Society, not to affect any Member belonging to a Society, which cloth not allow a
Weekly Benefit, nor Prrjudice any Member %h'o111 Illness, Lameness, or Loss of
Sight, &c. or decay of Business, may render incapable of getting 14s. per Week
as a Journeyman

N.U. The three first Articles relating to

Qualifications of Members a t Entrance, to
affect none entet'd in this Society before
the 20th of September, 1737, nor one belonging2 to any other llenrfit Soc~etyfor
Sickness, and allans a n r of t h r aforesaid
t o enter into any other Beneficial Society
a t any time heieafter, 2nd if declaring on
this, to bc entituled to receire the Benefits herefroni.
IV. That

3fin1:tes of 19th Novr 1741, when t\vo nlentbers were reinstated.

[At t h a t time.]


T h a t whatever Person (properly qualified) is

desirous t o be a -Meinb-.;, shall personally allpear, a n d after being proposed to the Prrsident
of the Society, \rho shall order him t o attend
the Conlnlittee of Twelve for their Approbation, a n d after t h a t shall withdrau, a n d if att e r consideration t n o thirds of them deem him
worthy, he shall be called in onri pay the Stellards his Entrance Money, a n d if the Society
(after a Ballot is taken thc next Thnrsday
Night) think proper t o aclnlit him, he may be
Entered on the second Thnrsday Night iolloning a s a Member, or a t any Tiinc n i t h i n three
Months n e s t ensuing, othernist. 10s. his Entrance Monej-, a n d if proposer1 a s.vxmrl Timt.,
must P a y again his Entrance Money.

I'erson desii,our to be a
Xen~ber,to attend the President, bj- him referred to the
Committee for
their Apyroba-

Euterrd the
5econd T h u r d a y
f ollov ing. &c.
If not, lohe
111s Cutranee.

N.B. The Entrance Money while the Societ y consists b u t of forty Members shall bc
t n o Shillings and Six-pence ; between Fort y a n d Sixty fire Shillings ; all snch t h a t
E ~ i t e r safter there a r e Sixty Members to
P a y ten Shillings a n d Six-pence, exclusirc
of all other Charges, hc is subicct t o a s a
new entered Member.

T h a t the Member who shall propose any

Person t o enter a s a Member, shall attend between the Honrs of Seveu a n d Eight o'clock
t h e next Thursday I C r e ~ ~ i non
g Forfeitnre of
one Shilling, who shall give the best Information of what he k n o w t o the President and
the Hcst of the Society, relative to t h r Cbaract e r , Trade (if he follo\r$ any) Age and Place
of Asode oi the proposed Member, and Whether he belongs to any other Benefit Society for
Sick1) 2


31onep returned.

cautions 11 hom
he i ~ e r o n ~ n ~ e n d s
or Ballots for

Price of
trance, excll~siveof all
other Charges.

l t e ~ o b e rproposing ;my to
Enter to attend
before 8 o'Clocli
01. forfrit 1s.
to inforni the
President rela..
tire to Character, Bc.

Sickness, after nhich there shall be a Ballot

taken by the Society, exclusive of the Committee, whether he shall be admitted or not, and
'if a Majority of the Members then Present
dissent from his Entrance, i t shall put a Negat i r e u p o ~the
~ same, and his Entrance Money
shall be given to the Member t h a t 1)roposed
him, in order t o it's being returned.

N.B. The good and welfare of this Society depends on the choice of its Members,
therefore i t is presumed every Member mill
bc cautious whom he ~ x w m m e n d sor
l3allots for, the V h i t c Piece is for the
Person proposed, the Black against his
being a Member.

Clerk to take
where a MPIUbc,r Li\-eh or
Fin'd 1s.
Sew e ~ ~ t ~ . e d
see Dirrctions takcn
or Fin'd (id.
Uen~bersrelnoring to
give Koticc,
in two IVeeIis
or E'in'd Gd.

T h a t the same: Evening any Member is adniitted the Clerk on F'orfeiture of one Shilling, shall
tak- a t r u e and perfect Direction in Writing where
he lives, which shall be minuted down in a
Book providecl for such P l ~ r p o s e ; but i f aftcr
a Month's Entrance there be no 3lemoranclum
made thereof as aforesaid, the said New Member shall be Fined Six-pence; likewiss each
Member liablc to the like Fine, if within fourt w n Days next after Removal from his last
Place of Abode, cloth not give Kotice thereof
to the C l ~ r l ra t the Place where the Society
shall be kept, which if the Clerk omits to
Minute the same Evening, he shall be Fined
Six-pencr, as the Member shall be, neglecting
a t tho same Time t o see i t done.

Clel.1~oilliting to Minute
the same do~vn
or Member not
seeing i t done to
pay for one of
the printed d r ticlet,.

N.13. The N e x Member a t the Time of

Entrance, shall receive one of the Printed
Articles 2nd pay Six-pence1 for the sanie,
which if a t any Time shall be lost, the

Member shall b11y another, uhich \\ill

prevent pleadiag ignorance to the Articles.

That a List of the Members Names (who
h a r e not been entered twelve Months) their
Ages? Trades (if a t the Time of Entrance
they follo~vedany) Places of Bbode, and
whether belong to any other Benefit Society
for Sickness, shall lye upon the Table every
Thursday Evening t o be Pernsed and Enquired
into, by the Members for, the F u t u r e Approbation of the whole Society; and the sanie Erening the New Ste\vards arc chosen, successively
for four Quarters: The Clerk after the
Stewards are chosen, shall read over to the
whole Society, the aforesaid List, with their
Names, k c . and upon the hunibl,~Request of
any JZelnber present, a Ballot shall be taken
by the said Society (inch-sire of the Committee)
against such Persons, objected against in the said
List, whether he shall be continued or Not.
That during the Time of Balloting, the President shall order all the new entered Persons
to withdraw, which shall be deterlninecl by
the Majority on thc Ballot, then the said
Members shall be ordered to attend the President who shall signify to each of then1
against \rhoni t h e Ballot \\as takcn the said Society's Resolution, \\hi& i f not in Favour of
1Threepcnce a t a later date.

List of new
IIembprs names
8.c. to lie on
the Table a Tear

L ~ h tread over
q u a r t ~ r l yby
the Clerk

Ballot to be
taken against
any of them.
IIembers not
enter'd 12
Months to
Jlaj ority to
decide the

a n y of t h e said Persons h e or they shall be reiected

their E n t r a n r e Money, a n d Weekly 3d shall
be retnrneil. b n t all F i n e s a n d absent Money
tor Beer t o Remain ~n thc box f o ~the T s e of
t h e said S o r ~ e t j

If rejected
to receive
back entrance
Xoney and
Weekly 3d.

N.R. If a n y 31cmber a n y Evening t h e said

Soriety meets within twelve Months, can
show snfficient Cause wherein h e shall be

.\[ember shew111:: cause how

he shall 1): inJ u ~ e das to
Trade by one
entered after
him, Conimittee to put a
negative, and
Person's Money retiim'd.

If no Protest lodged
needs no Ballot, and if
lodg'd relative to Trade
after a year'

Injiired by a n y Member occupying a n y

other T r a d e t h a n what h e Entered for)
t h a t Entered a f t e r h i m ; t h e Majority of
t h e C o m n i i t t e ~in a n y of t h r four Qnart e r s h a r e full pon-er a n d absoliitr Authority, by V i ~ t n eof these Presents, t o p u t
a Negative npon his continning i:i t h e said
Society upon r e t u n l i n g his Monev a s aforesaid.
n n t if 1x0 Member on a Qnarterl:i JIeeti n g Night desires a Ballot t o be t a k e n , or no
P r o t e s t is lodgrtl with t h e Presitlrnt against
a member t h a t liath n o t been entered twelve
Months, t h e n there needs no Ballot, antl
if no P r o t e s t is lodged against a Member
relative t o T r a d e n i t h i n Twelve Months,
snch Complaint hereafter shall never be
heard in t h e said Society.

Member contlmding a
Debt with another Memher,
on Son-paymerit in three
Months after

Clerk and the

aibject to the
same Article.

T h a t if one MVlcmbcr contracts a Debt with

another Member a f t e r I ? ~ , t r a n c eupon n o t payi n g t h e samc (if prpv'd) within three Months aft e r Complaint is loclged with t h e President or
( h ~ i m i t t e r(in W r i t i n g ) h e having N o t i r r
thereof, d n r i n g t h e Time of meeting, provided snrh be exhibited a p i n s t a Alernbt.r when in H e a l t h , if he falls S i r k , &r.
a f t e r t h a t Tim?. shall n o t receive any I%enefit
from this Society npon any Acrount \ v E ~ l t s n e v ~ ~ . .
a n d in Gas:. h e Dyes, neither t h e T i f e .
Children, or Nominee shall receive a n y Renefit. unleis t h e C(,mpl::inant be first P a i d or
N.B. T h - Clerk t o antl A t t e n d a n t on this
Society a r e sublect t o t h e ssme Article, antl
npon not paying agreeable t o the aforesaid
11m1ted T~ni., shall have their respective




liransnrtio?1a of the Qwrtctor C'oronccti Lodye.

Quarters Money stopped and applied towards paying the Complaining Member.


That the Stewards, Clerk, and the Attendant of this Society shall crery Thnrsday Erenmgl attend from the Hour of Seven to Nine,
(unless leave from the President is given for
either of them t o withdran) a t the Place aforesaid, where this Society shall be kept, there to
receive each Member's Money, n-hich shall be
Paid as they come into the Room, such ])resent,
a s well Visitants as Members, shall pay Sixpenre, three-p.ence2 of each Member's Money
shall be expencled i n Beer a n Tobacco. &r.
the other three-pence shall ba put into the Box
(for the TTse hereafter mmtioned) but i f any
Member hereof shall absent himself, t h ~11 hole
Six-pence shall be reserved for the Tse of the
said Society and p u t into the Box.


to recei ze


\Iembers ancl
Visitants to
pay 6d. per
& q h t each.
Half expended and half
If absent. Gd.
put into the

That the President shall nominate any one

Brother to examine the Sten-ards Accounts
every Night and Report the same to him.

Arcounts to
be esnmined.
Stewards unlocking the
HJX unless
seven present
fined 1s.

N.R. The Stewards on Forfeiture of one

Shilling each, must not unlock tile Box
on any of the aforesaid Nights, nnless
seven Members are Present, and that Member
who hath not Paid or sent p a r t of his
Weekly Monev for four successive Nights,
shall be F i n ' d one Shilling; ancl nhaterer
surplus of Beer shall be had in more than
what is allowed by the Articles, the Stewards shall be accountable for the same.

Member not
p,iying monthly fill'd 1%
Stewards responsible for
the Surplus of

N.R. Any Member is allowed to pay the

whole Quarter's Paym?nt beforehand,
which is seven Shillings, ancl the Night
he attends, his Peer only shall b? paid
out of the Box.
S: That

Member may
pay JIoneg hcfore hand.

One of the
Stewards to
enquire nbont
absent ;\Ie~nhers l\loney, before 9 o'Clock.
or fin'd l%l
Money paid
placed to nbsent Members

That a t or before Nme o'clock rvery Thursday Evening, one of the Stewards on Forfeiture
ot one Shilling each, shnll attend the President,
and make pnblick Enquiry, nhether the Landlord or any Member present hath any Money or
Orders to pay for any Absent, to which Qnestion if any Member replies he.hath, if paid i t
shall be placecl to the absent Member's Account,
but if any Nember shonlcl be fined for the Stewards not demanding, or the Landlord or Mem-

in l7nl to f~rtnightl.: ~ n c . ~ t ~ ~ l g s .
2Threepence for Beer &c., but fivel)ence on a General Nighl, see Article

1 Altered


Members not
paying &loney
sent, fined 12d
and the Jlenlher t h a t sent
his Jloney esC I I ~ ' ~ .

Members r s caloded fog.non

pnyment of
Money sent on
general Kight.
l f I l e m l ~ e rexc111dedwhose
money was w n t
Money broiight
or sent after
9 o'Clorli not
to be recei\ 'd,
1,nnlord not
accountable for
any Jlet~lber.;
Money. whose
Eame nns not
vrrote on n
plece of P<lper.

ber not performing snch Orders, t h e Members

t h a t s-nt their Money shall be excused t h e Fine,
which shall be levied on t h e Agressor; b u t if
a n y Meniber be exclncled for Non-Payment,
n h o s ~Moner was sent, or by Orders given t o any
J f e i n b ~ rfor p a j i n g t h e Sam., the said Member
(;nutting the Payment of t h e Money so sent or
orderecl to be P a i d shall be excluded, a n d t h e
former excluded Member, upon his discharging
his last Quarter's Deficiency on t h e Roll the ensuing Qnartc,r, shall be re-admitted, a n d his
Name replaced on t h e Roll a n d respective Books
he hath signed.
N . R . No Money sent or brought by a n y
Member, a f t e r Nine o'clock a n y Evening
(except on t h e General Night) shall be rereived, nor the Landlord accountable for
a n y Member's Money lcft with him, nnless the same be inserted i n a Piece of P a per with his Name n-rote thereon.

To be 4 qnnrterly Jleet~ngs.

T h a t there shall be four Quarterly Meetings,

oil which Night w e r y Menlber on Forfeitnre oE

one, Shiliing earah, shall a t t e n d , (except such

rrcelvlng Benefit from this Soriety, or h a t h
given Notice of his being in t h e Country, o r
h a t h paid his nhole q u a l t e r ' s Money a t one
Time, n h o shall be excubed t h e F i n e for NonAppearance) viz, on t h - first Thursday Evening,
a f t e r the t h i r d Day of Maich, t h e same a f t e r
t h e t h u d Day of J u n e , the same a f t e r the
t h i r d Day of September, t h e same a f t e r
t h e t h i r d Day of December, on which Nights
no Member shall n ithdran , nnless he n ill F i n e
for Stenarcl, (if called npon) which shall be
paid, together \\ i t h n hate1 e r money each niember stands charged v i t h on t h e Roll a n d Book of
Fines, on t h e n e s t Thursclay se'nnight following
(uhich shall be called the General Night,) a n d
npon Default t o be exclncled
T h a t precisely a t Nine o'clock shall be
rhosen New Stewards, a s they stand on the
Roll for t h e ensuing Q l n r t e r ; t h e Membcr
t h e n called upon, refnsing t o stand, or iE n o t
present, except Receiving Benefit from this Society, when b e should be chosen, shall b r
F i n e d Two Shillings a n d Six-pence, besides
t h e F i n e tor Nan-Appearance, if absent 'ti!!
ten o'Cloclr t h e salne Evening.

Members absent
9ned 12d.

No Member to
withdraw on
the aforesaid
Nights nnless
fines for Stew
Jrembers to
clear the Roll
in a Fortnight
after, or be ex

Stewards chose
a t 9 o'Clocli.
Refusing to
stand, or not
present, fined
2s. 6d.

N.D. Every Member of this Society, whether

Afembers on
qoarterly Meetings pay 1Sd.
Row appropriated.

dbsent or present,l must pay One Shilling, fire

Pence of which shall be expended, the Remainder to be p u t into t h e Box tonards paying tlie
Clerk, Attendant a n d Servants of the House;
t o the last of which shall be giren 2s. a t the
Discretion of the Sten-ards.
T h a t t h e Tinw of Meeting, when the New
Stewards a r e chosen, a n d on the General Night
ensuing, shall be from Six to Ten o'clock in
t h e Evening, so t h a t if either of the Stevards,
Clerk, or Attendant are not present, precisely
a t Six o'clock, shall be Fined Two Shillings

Stewards ahsent
the whole time
of Ileeting fin
'd tin. extra.
Keys not sent
by Seven
o'clock on
ordinary Xights,
any by Six on
Nights, &r, Gd.

To meet from
Six to Ten.
Stewards, Clerk
or Attendant not
present by Six
o'clock fin'cl
2s. tid.

and Six-pence; oncl if cither be absent aEter

Seven o'Clock any other Evening, shall be Fined
Six-pence, b u t if absent thc nhnle Time of
Meeting, shall be Fined Six-pence cxtraordinary, a s the Stewarcls, or any Member entnisted n-ith the Keys, belonging to this Society,
shall be neglecting to bring or send their respective Key, or Keys by seven o'ClocB, on the
Ordinary Night, and by Six o'Cloclr on t h e
Quarterly Meeting, or General N igllts, provided
the Box, "kc. c a n ' t be opened, or thc Business
of the Night retarded upon tlle snid Account.

Annual Meeting
on E'eaqt Day of
St. John the
Clerk or Attendant abqent
at three o'
Clock fined
1s. 6d.
Member to pay
Is. Fd. and
if a b e n t put nlto Box.

T h a i there shall be a n Annual Meeting of

the whole Society, of the Feast Day of S t .
J o h n the E v a n g e l i ~ t ,(except
falling on a Snnday) when i t shall be kept the M o n c l a ~followi n g ; if either of the Stewards, Clerk, or Attendant, is not present by 3 o'Cloclr, shall be
Fined One Shilling, a n d Six-pence ; every
Member whethcr absent, or present shall pay
One Shiiling and Six-penc'd; all absent 3Cembers Money shall be pnt into the n o s , for the
ITse of the said Society.

Petitions and
heard and determined.

T h a t a t 4 o'clock, the President shall Order the Clerk to read tht, Petitions of any 3fembers, likewise all Complaints, relating to Members, or nIatters, (provided the President a n d
Committer, shall think them worthy the Society's Notice) which shall be regularly signed
by three Members, and given to the President,
a t least, 14 Days befor2 the said Annual Meeting, all which Petitions, or H a t t e r s of Complaint, shall be heard and determined.

Be regularly
sign'd by three
Members, and
given to the
President two
Weeks before
the snid Annual

On a G e > l e r d Night.
is no record in t h e Minutes of any Annual J I e e t ~ n gbeing held on the 27th
December, except in 1738, incidentally referred to.

Annual Accou~it
{ ~ fCabh recriv'd

a d disburs'd.

Li1ren.ise t h Clerk shall give to the President, a n Annual Account of Cash receiv'd,
and ilisbnrs'd, of the Members, k c . and by
him con~nlunicated to the whole Society, together

gether with all >laterial Ti~a:?sactionsof the

last Year, 1r11icl1 h a r e been minutrtl, in a
Uook, provided for such 1'nrposc.s.

Transactions of
the Year.

That the Stewards upon drlireriag the Printed List of Members Names, Trades, 'kc.
sl~allmalrc :I General Collcykioii amongst the
Members pl'cs?i~t,for t l ~ cbetter supporting
and c a r r r ; n g O I I of this tnily Laudable Ilesign.

Stewards to
make a Collection.

That after such M a t t e x , brought before this

Society a r c h:)ard, t1:c 1'1witl:nt shall Order
the Stewards, to gi\-r ill a 1,ist of those Members
Nanles .thtxn !)resent ~ ~ ~ h hoant hl becn Entred
into this Socicbty two Ycars, (inclusire of the
Committee as shall be then l'resent, excepting
such of t l ~ t , n ~or, any llembel. ~ h sliall
his Name not to be inccrted) then precisely a t
7 o'(lloclr, the whole Society shall proci.ed to a
Choice by Hallot. of a Committee of 'Twelve, for
the e n s u i ~ ~Year,
n.11ich shall bc cletermined by a Majority, and in Casc any of the said
Members choszn into the Connnittee as aforesaid
refuse to stand, shall bcx Fined fire Shillings.

List of hle~iihers lu'alnes entred 9 Years to

he given to the
President to
Ballot a Comriiittee for the

Colmnittee Ma11
refusing to stand
fined 5s.

N.13. If any private or previous Application sliall be made a t anv Time, by any
Member, to be Ballottrd into any Office; or any member sliall speak disrespectfnlly of any niember to prevent.
his bring chosen, the President being
apprized thereof before thc I3allot is
take11 ; the member proved to make
Application as aforesaid, or hat11 spolren
disrespectfully of any J I e n ~ b e rto hinder
his bring chosen, shall be suspended from
13allotting upon snch Occasion, and ordered by the President to withdraw.
That the Committee sliall consist of members only one of the same Trade, and if on the
said Ballot, t u o Members of the same Trade,

Comrniltee to
consist only one
of a Trade.

or C a l l i ~ ~slion!d
be chosm, he shall stand.
t h a t hat11 the greatest Majority, arid t h a t Nember of a different. Trade, nho shall have the
next greatest Majority, shall supply the Place
of the other, or be Fined fire Shillings.

Any Committee
Man choseu to
any Office to nominate one to
act in his stead.

N.B. If any of the Annual Committee,

are Ballotted into any Office, or should be
chosen Stewards, or go into the Country,
he, or they, may nominate any Member,
to act pro tempore, as one of the Cornnlittee; but if absent for any longer Time,
than three Months, be Fined five Shillings,
and a New one chosen by Ballot,
in his Rooln; as there shall be one in his
stead t h a t dies, or receires Benefit, from
this Society, regarding in the Choice one
of the late Presidents, provided not of
the same Trade.

President &c.
to meet two Eveningb.

N.B. That the President' for the 'l'ime

being, together with the aforesaid Committee, shall meet any two Evenings, in
their last Quarter, on Forfc>iture of One
Shilling each, to prepare and bring in
such matters, as they dr?m ~vorthythc
said Society's Notice, a t t h ~Annual meeki n g ; such Matters which arc of a private
Nature, between Parties shall be heard by
them; ill any of the said tn-o Nights,
\vho have full Power, t:) s ~ m i n o nsuch
illembers bt,forc, them, and adinst their
Grievance, without troubling the said Society with thc S3111P.

President to
decide when
equally divided.

Men, shall be
That if the twelve Colnn~itti~e
equally diritled in their Opinion, a t t h a t Time,
the Presldent"hal1
decide the same; and if o : ~
any other Erening, the Conlmittee shall desire
the President to attend them, and determine the
said matter.

N.B. Thc President and the Committee, at,tending on the said Nights, shall be allowed
six-pence per Night; the Timc of Meeting t h ~ y
shall agree on amongst themselves, t h a t each absent
Committee-Man's Fines, k c . on the said two
Nights, shall be placed on the Roll, reporting what
they do on the said Nights a t the annual meeting.

.~llow'd6 i per
h'ight f o r extra. Attendauce
' l h e whell if
absent fined 12

what they do at

That every Thursday Erening the C!)mn~ittee or a t least three ot them, together nit11 the
Stewards, and Clerk, shall be in a Place near
or adjoining to the Society's Roo111 by themselves3 and if any of the Committee shall be absent a t Eight o'clock, the Clerk shall Apprize
the President thereof, and if there shall be any

Corninittee to
1~ with Stewa r d s eve1.y
T h u r ~ d a yEvenlug.
Absent a t Night
Sotice to Prrd e n t who dial1

See Article X X S V I .
The Casting Vote is als? pro1ided for in S L I .
3 By Article X S X V I . they had to '' ~vithdrawinto another room'."

Business, which requires their Attendance, the

President shall nominate a like number ot members, to Officiate as C o ~ ~ i i n i t t eMen
for t h a t
N i g h t ; who shall hear, and determine all disputes, and matters referred to thein by the Preslclent, the Slajority of nhom, h a r e pov er to
approve, reject, acquit or condemn.

Hear and determine

all matters to
whom leferred.

T h a t the Comn~ittee every Thursday Night

a t Eight o'clock, shall choose a Chairman
t o whom ercry Conllnittee Man shall direct
liis disconrse and every other member, that hot!^
any thing to offer in any shape, shall speak to
him standing who shall sncceed each other cvery Night, according to their Seniority on the

choose Chairman according to

That wliaterer Complaint is Exhibited against

either the Landlord, Clerk, or Attendant, or
any member. shall be macle, either to the President of the Society, or the Chairman; who
dial1 speak of thv samc3, to the Society, then
present; bnt if there be not two thirds of the
inenibers present, if tl?e Complaint be of t h a t

Complaint against Lancllo~d

&c. made to
President or
I i e f ~ r r e dto the
v hole Society.

Reported 011
the Quarterly K ~ g h t ,&c.

Men~berto appml by
and when.

Clerk and the

ittendant subJ P C ~to Pl'ehident and Chair-

nature, as the President thinks ~ufficient to remore the Society, from the House i t is kept,
or to Discharge the Clerk, or Attendant, or to
Excludo' a men~ber\\here the ilrticles are tleficient, the consideration shall be adjourned,
and reported a t the next Qnarterly meeting,
G:>neral S i g h t , or annual meeting, which of
the three shall h a l ~ p e nto be the next l h s u i n g ,
aftt,r the complai1:t is Lodged.
That whatever Member (except such t h a t desires to h a r e any complaint lodged a p a i n ~ thim.
heart1 by the Comnlitter) don't think proper to abide
by their I)etermination, mny u i t h the consent of the President, appeal2 to the \\hole Society, (by Petition) the next Quarterly meeting, k c .
especially if ~t h a t h Effected his Exclusion,
nhich he apprehends, dot11 not come under any Article.
N.B. The Clerk and A t t m d a n t shall always be subject t q the Orders of the President and Chai1m3n of the Committee.


l<e:noval of Offirers. Discharge or P~xch~sion

to be onlr- on a General 3ieeting
Night. Se? S S S I . and X L I . An instance on a Private Night occurs in the Minutes
of 2nd April 1241.
Appeal provided for also in SLI.

Old Sten-arcls
not to give in
their. Acco~ints
till the first 1.;vei~ingo f Ken.
Stewards dct111g.
Accouirt to
be rsni~rined
by the111 and
3 Se~lior
Report the
samr to the
Old Sten '11 d s
to par, \\ defic~e~it.
Late Steu aids
to attend next
Kight or fined

That the old Stewards shall not deli\-er up

their i i c c o ~ ~ n t or
s . Keys? to the n e s t Stewnrds,
nntil the first 'I'h~~rstlay
Erening in the new
Strwartls' Qusrter ; when the nen- Sten.ards
with the thrce first Senior menlbers present, shall
csanlinc the said :\ccount, report the same to
the President, in Writing; who shall give the
same to the 8ocir.t~-then prcs?nt, \vliicll, i f tlrficient, shall br made good, and paid b - the
late Stewards in a Month's Time, or be excluded.

N.11. That the late Stc.nards shall attend,

as aforcsnid, by Seren o'clock, to deli~ e urp their Sccounts, &c. or fined t n o
Shillings and Six-per1c.c tor such Neglect,
nnlcss Notico is bronght to the Soc~ety,
and given to tho President, of either of

The Stenarils being in the ('ountry, 01. <It,d a r i n g on thc said Society for Sicli~lcss,k c .
That the Landlord, the same Ercning, shall
give the Stewards a Recclipt, k c . for such
Cash, or Notes. which is under his Loclr and
K e y ; for the I h x , printrtl and ~ r i t t e nArticles,
Ik~oks,and n ~ h a t r v e relse belongs to the said
Society, delivered into his C a r e ; ally of which
being lost,,broke, or dan:ayed, by the Lanrllord, or any of his Servants. he shall be responsible for the same1
That this Society shall allow one Pound towards the Funeral Expens2 of any Member,
dying before he hat11 berii enter'd twelve
Months; b n t if falling sick, or imprison'd, before t h a t Time, shall not receive any Bellefit
from this Socicty, other than a s aforesaid; aftcl: which Tim?, if i t shall please God . t o visit
or afflict a Member (regularly enter'd into this
Society) with any Illness, I,ameness, Sickness,
Iniprisonment, Loss of Sight, Bc. whereby he
may be render'd incapable of his Labour, al\vays provided such Ilness, k c . be not venpreal, or proceeding from any Distemper he laboured nr~der,before his Entrance, hard drinking, voluntary fighting; (self Defence excepted)
or Qnarrc~lingwith any clrnnken Man, or i f
not Sober himself ; The Stewards or one of
them, to whonl notice shall be gircn, either
.by a Friend of the sick mcmbcr, or bronght
to either of then1 by, or from the Landlord,

Landlord to
give Security
for whatever
l ~ f ill
t his
Care kc.

:illowed 20s. to
bury a Member
not entred 12

After entrcd
12 JIonthh
Benefits allowed.

visit the Sick
after Kotice,
or fined l l d

Sc,c also SLIV., Landlord's Securitj

shall visit him, either t h e same, or t h e

next Day a t farthest, on forfeiture of One Shill i n g ; a n d s i s Days a f t e r Notice, shall give t h e
said sick member t e n Shillings (always decluct i n g o u t of t h e same; whatever is owing on t h ~
Roll, together n i t h the Weekly P a ~ m e n t s )a n d
- -

Six Dnys after Notice the

Sick ti, receive
10>. d d u c t i n p
what he owes
out of the snlne

1,'nrther atlowance.

a f t e r t h a t first Payment, one of the Stewards,

shall give such Noneys a s shall be f u r t h e r alloned, to t h e said Sick Meinber by the Articles,
agreeable t o the Iteport a n d Opinion of the
Stewards (the President a n d Committee concurr i n g therein.)

If not paid before 8 O'Clocl;

Steward fined
Ed. and 1'2d
per Day afcer
until paid.

T h a t every Sick member's Weekly Money,

k c . shall be paid before E i g h t o'clock i n the
Evening on the Day i t becomes d n e ; othervrise
t h e Sick member, o r a n y cther member or P e r son, giving Notlce thereof, the Stenarcl Entrnsted 1 ~ 1 t ht h e Payment, shall be fined One Shill i n g ; a n d One Shilling per Day, for so long
tilnr. a s he shall keep t h e said Sick member's
l l o n e y from him, unless Orders shall be g i t e n
to t h e Ste\r ards, by t h e Presidant or Cominittee
d n r i n g t h e Society's Meeting, to stop thp Paym e n t thereof, or rf the S t e ~ ~ a r c shall
at anr
time, when t h e Society don't meet, receive s11ch
Orders from a n y fire members n h o shall slgn
the same; (upon some strong suspicion,) t h e
said Money, i n snch Case, shall be stopt.


Stewards not
paying before
t h e next Thul 6 day Evening fined 5s.

Other Steward
to pay the same
Offending Stewa r d fined 5s.

N.D. T h a t t h e Steward entrust,ecl n-it11 t h e

P a y m e n t of a n y sick member's Money,
(if ~ o ordered
to be stopped a s aforrsaid.)
omits paying the same, or whatcver
Money's he shall have Orders t o pay,
before t h e n e x t Thursday evening, a f t e r
i t shall beconle clne, upon Proof thrrrof.
shall not only be Fined, for t h e D ~ y she
n e g l c r t d P a y i n r n t thereof, b n t the other
St-n-ard, shall rake his or their Money's
o n t of t h e 130s the n e a t Tlmrsday E r e ning. which shall be l ~ a i r l ,either the same
E r e n i n g , or the next Day a t farthest, a n d
t h e Strwartl offending, shall be F i n d five
Shillings. E s t r a , f c r snch misconduct,
in whose stcad, a new Steward, shall be

rliost~n,a s liken is?. where a Steward declares upon t h e Society, a n d receives Renefit therefrom, a neu one shall be chosen, b n t if he goes i n i h e Country, shall
fine for his Office, and another chosen in
llis stead.

Yew S t e w a d

N.B. The other S t e n a r d i n thc aforem-ntioned Cases shall po to the respective

Places of Abode, of the Members, as
they stand on the Roll, before the next
Thurwlay Evening, such t h a t refuse to
stand Stenarcl (the President and his Assistanrs only excepted) shall be Pined t n o
Shillings and Six-pence ; i f auy Member
shall be from Home, he shall go to the
next, b u t the S t e n a r d nlnst leave his Rn3inrss in order for the Members attending
the next Thursday Evening, to take upon
himself the said Office.

Other StewY l d to gD to
wspectire Plav s of Almde
of ,\lember7
and chpose another Steward before the
next T h u ~

This is the comn,encemcnt of Article SVI.,

but is not so marlrec~in thc

That the two Stewards, shall Visit every

sick Member, t h a t declares upon the Society,
for Sickness, alternately, upon two several
Ilags, (one Day each) irl the Week, (Sunday
excepted) on Forfeiture of one Shilling, for
such neglect ; the Report thereof, shall be
made t o the Connnittee, on the next Thursdaj
Evening. on Forfeiture of one Shilling each,
i f they omit the same; and if any sick Member (unless such a s are excepted in the 15th'
Article) after the first Week'b Payment, shall
be so ill, as t o be confined through Illnesr,
I~ameness,Bc. either to his Bed, or Chamber
or should either break a Leg, or Arm, or in
such like dangerous Cases nhere a Nurse a t tends him cluring such Confinement, to his Bed
or Chamber, or extraordinary Illness, (the Society's Cash. exceeding thirty Pounds) he shall
be allowed 13 Shillings per Week, (first dednct-

Each Steward
to visit Sick,
every Week,
or fined Ed.

Report the
sanle to Committee on
'l?hiirsdny followin;: or fined 126.

A f t e ~ill one
TVeek allolv'd
15s per Week.

Allowed only
for eight

I n Common
I l l n e s ~10s.
per TiTeek.

dncting his Weekly Payments, and whatever

shall a!>pzar to be due u y n the Roll, out of
the first Week's Moneys, which said 1.3 Shillings per Week, shall not be allo\ved, for any
longer Time t h a n eight Weeks; but atter the
expiration thereof, to be reduced to ten Shillings per iTeek, as i t shall be a t any Tinli>,
within the said eight Weeks, provided the sick
Member llecovers, or upon his being capabl?
of gning abroad, roming down Stairs, or npon thc knitting of the Bone, the President and
Conllnittee giving such Orders, in all other
Connnon Cases of Illness, or Lameness, 8 r .
(unless as before excepted) this Society shall
allow only ten Shillings per Week, to the
Sick, or Lame, while rendered incapable of
Working a t , or folloning his Business, or

.is ~ l ? efiltecnth Article is here mentioned, this must be S V I

Member trying
to Work allowed for odd
1)ays Is. 6d.

Doctor allowed and in estraordinary

lllness 1L Is.

N.R. T h a t if any sick Member, after he

hath received the first Week's Payment,
k c , is willing to try t o Work, or declares off the Society, before the Week is
expired, shall be allowed one Shilling
and Six-pence per Diem, but not suffered
to redeclare the same Day.
That upon the Application of any sick Member, by any of his Friends to the Stewards,
(when the said 15 Shillings per Week is allowed) for the Advice of a regular Physician, or
assistance of a Surgeon; i n such Case, the
Steward shall either give, or cause to he given
Orders, for such Person or Persons to attend,
who shall be paid by one oi the Stewards, one
Pound one Shilling ont of the Box, towards
defraying the :aid E q e n s e or Charges.'


T h a t the Stcnards after a Rlonth's Imprisonment, upon Notice to e i t h x of t h t m given,
on Forfeitnre of one Shilling each, shall attend
any member imprisoned for Debt. (after having been, a member hereof Twelve Months)
when they shall p u t i t to his Option, whether
he will accept of five Shillings per Week from
the Society, clurlng his close Confinement and
not to receive the Weekly Allowance, i f he
falls sick. riz. either the said fifteen Shillings,
or ten Shillings per Week, which shall be reported to the Committee, the next Thnrsday
Evening, from which he shall not recede; in
Case of the Former. the Stewards, on Forfeit u r e of one Shilling, by turns shall carry
t h e s a d imprisoned Member's Money, the n a y
of the Week, i t shall become due, before
8 o'clock, in the Evening of the same Day.
That during the imprisoned Members, receiving the five Shillings per Week, he may
follo~vany Business, but upon obtaining the
Liberty of the Rnles of the Prison, shall not
receive the said Weekly allowance of Five
Shillings, but deemed as another member.
T h a t this Article cloth not extend to support
any member t h a t shall suffer himself to be
imprisoned for a Debt, not exceeding ten
Pounds, w h m a Process hath been served on
him, either i n a snperior, or inferior Court,
or to t h a t member, nho shall refuse to pay
one who n-ould give a reasonable Time, for

Stewards not
attending a
Xember Imprisoned, fined
Put to his Option if he will
take 5s. per
Report same
to the Conlmittee.
Stewards not
paying 5s. fined 12d.

Allow'd while
paid to follow
any Business.
Tf obtain the
Rules to be
d e e m d as another Nember.

Not allowed
the 5s. per
Week if served with process.

,4pothecary's Expens-s nere also allowed, see Article XXIII,


Trnnsaction.~of t h e Qurrtuor Coronati Lodyr.

the Payment, or useth a Creditor with ill Language, or t o one, who upon account of our
extra Allowance, for a n imprisoned Member,
should p u t t h e Creditor to Defiance, which
may occasion a Member t o be Arrested; in
such Case the said five Shillings per Week,

Or where a
JIeinber shall
use his Creditor with I11
Language, &c.


Member's 510ney suspended
until discharged.

His Payment
to commence
enfiuing Quarter, or be
Member's debt
paid if under

Paid in again
a t 20s. per
Not to receive
any Benefit if
not paid Quarterly.

If excluded
liable to b e sued. &c.

Brother dying
in Debt to Society i t shall
be deducted.

Or if his Wife

shall not be alhmecl, or the Member recei:-e

any Benefit from this Society whatsoever, but
his Weekly Payment, to the said Society shall
be suspendecl. (ndtwithstanding any Article to
the Contrary) until he be Discharged from
such suit, when he shall be a t Liberty, t o
continue his Payment, which shall commence
f~mmthe Time of obtaining his Enlargement,
which omitting the ensuing Quarter, shall be

N.B. If the Debt by Arrest, doth not

escced five Pounds, the President, and
Committee may discharge the same, and
take a joint ancl styarate Note, for securing the said Society, which shall be paid
after the R a t e of twenty Shillings per
Quarter, and upon Non-payment Quarterly, (unless he Petitions the President,
for a smaller Payment and longer Time
to pay i t in, ancl obtain the same) the said
Member not to receive any Benefit, in
Case of future Illness, Lameness, or Imprisonment, ctc. or any Money be paid,
upon any Account whatsoever, and if excluded, before the whole is paid, according to the limited Time; he, together
v i t h his Surety liable t o be sued, for
what shall appear to be clne t o the said

N B. If any Member dies, indebted to

the n hole Soci-ty upon any Acconnt,
nhatsoerel the same shall b? first deducted ont of his Widow's Children or Nominee's Monej-, and accounted for a s Cash,
receixed in P a r t thereof, likewise if the
Wife shonld happen t o dye first, the said
Member being so indebted shall not receive the said fire Pounds, but the same

shall be cletained, towards satisfying the

Society's demand; but In Case i t shall appear, either upon the Death of a Mcmber,
or his Wife, t h a t the Society's Demands,
doth not amonnt unto so much, a s in Case
the M e ~ b e rdies, shall be coming to the

Wife. Children, or Nominee; or if the

Wife should die first, t h a t there shall be
any Money, upon a Rallance, coming to
the said J l e m b ~ r ; in either of these Cases,
the s a ~ dSociety is to pay, what shall be
tluc upon the Ilecease of either, to the
Person intitulcd, to receive the same.
That upon Notice, being brought t o the
Landlord, or b5- him or any other Person given
to either of the Sten-ards, of thc Death of
any Member. or his Wife, both the Stewards
shall enquire into the same. and who shall be
the proper Person to B u r - the 1)eceased member, and to receive the F r w Gift allowed by
this Society, and the n e s t Day together ~ ~ i t h
the President, and any four of the Committee,
shall go to the Landlord of the House, and either take out of the Box, or borrow of him
Three Pounds for the Society's Vse, n-hich shall
be paid for the Burial of the Ileceased member, arid one Shilling and sixpence per Day,
for so many Days as shall be due froin the
last Payment either to the Widow, or in case
of no Widow to the Child or Children, and
if neither to the Nominee prorided the Member shall leave his her, or their Name or
Names in TVriting and two Witnesses to prove
the same, i f verbal; which said tlirce Pounds
shall be paid, by the aforesaid seven Members,
on F o r f e i ~ u r eof one Shilling to be paid by

Stewards io
enquire into
the Death of
a 3Ien1her or
his Wife.

proper Person
to receive free

President a i d
8 of the Corn-

n~itteeto go to
the Landlord
and take 31.

Paid to Widow, &c.

Not seeing it
paid, fin'd l2d.

t h a t member, which neglects to we the same

Stewards to
bee Member baried allowed
2 s . 6d.

That the two Stewards shall attend the Funeral of the said deceased member, dying nithin
the Bills of Mortality, for which they shall
be allowecl t ~ or Shillings and sixpence each ;
and upon neglect of seeing the Corpse Interr'd,
if Buried within the aforesaid Limitts, shall
be fined two Shillings and sixpence.

Steward to
the Deceased's
IVife, k c . to
receive the 71.

That the Ste\\arcls shall give Notice, to the

deceased member's Wife. (if he had any) it
not to his Children, but i f neither, then to his
Nominee to attend nhere this Society shall bs
kept, on the next Thursday Evening, when
the said Person shall receive Seven Pounds, over
and above the Three Pounds as a Free Gift
from this Society: But if the said Person inti-

Not appearing
to lye in the
Box till called for.

to Send Kotice
in 7 Days or
fined 2s Gd.

Free Gift not

paid to a Nominee if Wife
or Children

tuled to receive the same shall not appear, the

same Seven Pounds shall remain in the Box,
until the said Person (provided hme,she, or
they, live within ten Miles of the City of Lonclon) shall call for the same, but in case the Person intituled as aforesaid, shall be at any greater
distance; the Steward, on Forfeiture of two
Shillings and sixpence each, shall give or cause
to be given Notice thereof; to the said Person
by Letter, within seven Days; and Upon receiving a satisfactory Answer, with a proper
Discharge, shall remit, or pay the said Money,
according t o order, first deducting (if any
Thing be due t o the said Society) out of the

N.B. N3 lnenlber can leave the Free Gift,

from his Wife, or if no Wife from his
Children; but in case he shall, this Society
will have no regard thereto; but if he

hath neither Wife or Children, i t is desired

such Member will leave i n the Box, a n
Account in Writing, sealed up of his Nominee's Christian and Sirnanie, and Place
of Abode, which will prevent any Imposition upon the said Society; yet if any
two or more Persons (before the Free Gift
paid) shall become Clainlants as Nominee
for the same ; the President with the twelve
Comniittee Men t h a t meet on a Thursday
Evening, or a Majority of them acting as
such, shall have a n absolute power to cleterinine, who shall receive the same; likewise if there be two or more Children,
the Deceased not giving the said Free Gift
by Will to any particular Child or Children, have a discretionary Power, to dispose of the same amongst such Children as
t o them shall seem meet.

3Iember desired to leave an

.4ccount i n
TVri4ing of hih

If two or
more Claimants the President with
Colnmittee to
determiue the

leaving it by
Will to any

N.B. When the Society's Cash, amounts to

one Hundred Pounds, instead of Seven
Pounds given a s a Free Gift to the Widow,
&c. shall be 12 Pounds, exclusive of the
T h r w Pounds for the Funeral.

7 1. Free Gift
made 12 1.

N.B. Every surviving Member whether sick

Every Member to pay 2s.

apiece on Foxfeiture of 12d.

or imprisoned (unless as except& in the

seventeenth Article) or not, or whether he
hath left Wif? or Chilclr?n or Nominee,
shall pay into the Sox two Shillings each,
provided the Society's Cash (10th not exceed one Hundred Pounds, on or before the
next fourth Thursday Evening, after the
Burial of the Deceased member on forfeiture of one Shilling.

N.U. If there be no legal Claimant for the

Free Gift, the Society shall Bury the Deceased, and it none shall appear in Tn.elve
Months, the said Society shall be deeined
If a n y
ted, to

If no legal
Clainlant, Society deelnecl

his Nominee : T h a t if there be any susl

picion of Fraud in the Claimant; he or
she with the Witnesses to prove the same,
shall make Affidavit before one of his
Majesty's Justices of the Peace, t h a t H e
or She is legally intituled t h c x t o ; and i l l
case of refusal, as also to paj- for the A f fidavit ancl the St:\vards attending s\vearing
the same, shall not be any waxs intituled
to the Free Gift, or shall he or she be paid
the same.

Menlbrr after
fire Years on
dent11 of Wifr
to have 5 1.

Each Meinber
to pay l2d.

That a f t e r a member hath been entered Five

Years upon giving Notice to this Society of
the Burial of his Lawful Wife, if within Ten
Miles of London after the Stewarcls are satisfied
thereof, he shall receive Five l'ouncls towards
defraying the said Funeral Expense. and every
inenlbcr (when the Soviety's Cash doth not anlount nnto one Hundred Pounds) shall pay
one Shilling each, on or before the next fourth
Thursday Evening after Payment of the Five
Pounds on Forfeiture of one Shilling.

Member or
Wife dpinq in
Country ~;.eo
Gift of 5 1

N.E. If a member or his Wife dyes in the

Conntry, no Money shall be paid on account thereof, nntill the Stewards shall be
fully satiefied, t h a t thc ssicl Mcnlber or his
Wife is dead.
T h a t no Member shall receive t h c said Five
Pound upon the Death of a V i f e b u t once, and
if she dyes above Ten Rliles from the said City
o f London, the Stenartls may oblige such
Jfember to make a n Affidavit of the Truth


T h a t when the Society's Czsh amounts unto
one Hundred Pounds, any inembe: n h o hath
been entered into this Society Ten Years, shoulcl
be r e d u c d through sickness or Misfortunes ; or
any Member t h a t shall have a Son to put
out a n Apprentice, may apply by Petition
for Ten Pounds, which Petition l n l ~ s tbe
delivered to the Conlmittee on a Thnrsday Evening, one Month at, least before the Annnal
Meeting, who shall prescnt the same, to the President for the Time being.

l'rn Pounds
given to a
3leniber under
Jlisf ortunes
by petitioning the

If more than
tllle Petition
er to Ballot
for the ,<aid
Ten Pound.

That if there be lnore t h a n one Petitioner for t h e said Ten Pounds, i t shall be Ballotted by the n-hole Society then present,
which shall be cleterl~~inecl
by the Majority.
whereupon t h s President shall g i r e a n Order
to the Stewards, for the Paylllent of the
same; if 'given for the Member's on-n Use,
shall receive i t t h e next Thursday Meeting:
J3ut if agree6 to be gil-en to p u t a Member's
Son out a n Apprentice, the same shall not bc
paid, nntil the next Thursday Evening after
the said 3Zeniber's Son shall be I ~ g a l l ybound to
his Master, vhose Indentures shali be produced
to the Society a t the same time.

President to
glve Orders
to pay the

If giren to
a Member
paid next
If to p u t
o u t not till
Only olie Ten
Pound given

N.B. No more than one 'Yen pounds Tearly to be given, neither shall any Member receive the same more t h a n once: I t
is t o be wished, t h a t n h e n the Ballot be
taken. each Member would regard the
Petitioning Member under Misfortunes.
before him, n.110 only' Petitions to put out
his Son Apprentice.

.I priov r e g a ~ d
to a lIcmber
under Misfortunes.


no Money paid
in to make
good the same.

N B. No 3lember to pay any M o n e ~ .into

the Box on Account of giving this ten
Ponnds Yearly a s aborc.

S ~ c kor Imprisoned Member
n o t fined for
Stewards yet
to continue
Weekly pay~nents.
Farther Benefits allon-ed
\\.hell 100 1.
in Stock.
Box never shut.
President to
give Notice of
Cash reduced
to 20 1.
Sick to leceive
ollly 5s. pel.
Week and d l
o t h r ~Rrnefits
~ ~ - d o c to
e d half
while Cash under 30 1. &c.
and Doctor kc.
not paid.

T h a t every Jlember receiving Benefit from

This Society, shall be excnsed 111s F i n e for Stenard, b u t nlust continue the Xeekly Payment
of Six-pence per Week. nhich 11 ill in some
Measure help to advance t h e Society's Cash to
100 1 whereby farther 13enefits may be alloned t o the Mcmbers, or a t least i t is presum,
ed, nil1 prevent the Cash a t any T I ~ cbeing
reduccd to 20 1. n h ~ c hif i t a t any T ~ i u e
happen" the Box shall nexer be shut 11p to
the Prejudice of w e r g indi~iclnalMcmber,
but t h e President (after Notice giren 111m by
one of the Stenards) shall apprize the whole
S o c i e t ~of t h e same; after xhich, the Members t h a t may happen to be then Sick, or berome Chargeable t o the Society, or shall from
t h a t 'rime, untll the Cash amolints unto 30 1.
declare upon the S o c ~ e t yfor Sickness, shall receive onl;r %. per TVeeli, The 1)octor or
Surgeons Money shall not be alloned. the imprisoned Member's Noncr. Funeral Expence
npon the Death of a nlclnber, or hi5 Wife,
and Free Glft, shall each be reduc'd to one
half, of what is allowed by other Articles;

Member., to
Pay 3d, p e r
Week extra.

d u r i n g which Time, r i z . while t h e Cash is

under 30 1. every Member hereof, shall pay
in 3d. per Week extraordinary.

Cash exceeding
100 1. Surgeon

T h a t x h e n t h e Society's Cash a t a n y
Time . e x c ~ e t l s100 1. either in Cash, Bonds,
or Notes, (provicled snch Bonds or Notes
a r e good) t h e President with t h e Msjor P a r t

of t h e Committee consenting, have a discretionary Power, t o allow any Member receiving t h e Weekly Benefit for Sickness, a Surgeon. Apothecary.' Nurse, or C o n n t r ~ .Lodgings, a n d if a n y Sick Member's case is of
a n extraordinary N a t u r e , either a s t o his Circumstance or Indisposition, they may allow,
(provided t h e said Member be within four
Miles of t h e Clity of London) t h e whole, or
a n y of them. (to a t t e n d t h e Sick Member)
whose Bill, (if a n Apothecary or Surgeon)
shall be delivered i n Weekly, which shall be
paid, a s also t h e Nnrse a n d Chuntry Lodgings by t h e Society: T h a t t h e said E x t r a Allowance shall nlways be by P e t i t i o n , may
be given. or n o t ; a n d if allowed, t h e Presid e n t ancl Committee m a y refuse to Continue
t h e same. N . B . t h e said E x t r a Allo\vancc. shall
never be g r a n t e d t o any JIcmber, whrn t h r
Cash is under one H n n d r r d Pounds.

N . 3 , W h e n a Doctor. Surgeon, o r a n Apothecary, &c. is E x t r a allowed a Sick

Member by t h e Society ; if there be any of
t h e said Professions Members. they shall
b e employed, a n d paid by t h i s S o r i e t ~ - ;allowing t h e Sick Member t o choose, whosc~
Advice h e ~ o u i d have,
or whom t o assist
him, o r n-hose J!edicines he will receive,
(if t h e r e be more t h a n one of t h e said
of this S o ~ i e t y ) ~

N.R. The above E x t r a Allowance shall n o t

be given t o a Sick Member, if above f o ~ n
Miles from London, ancl if a n y Sick
Member is willing to' go i n t o a n y of t h e
Hospitals, t h e \\-hole of his \Veelrly Money shall be allon-ed while he acts agrceable t o t h e Articles; a n d t h e Stewards (if
required) shall give t h e Security insisted
E 2

Bill deliver'd
ill Weelily of
Surgeon, kc.
and paid.

Except ions.
not allowed
if Cash under
100 1.

If a J[emher to
be employed.

S o t allowed t o
a nlemher four
3Iiles oat of
Allowed to go
into the Hospital and his
Weekly Money
allon-ed and vlsited.

on, upon his going there, nho shall Visit

him each once a Week, but on t \ \ o seper a t e 1)ag.s.
Cash amonnt~ng
too 1001 501
lent amongst
five J1embe1.s.

Paying the
same in Qnarterly 1%-ith

If not paid
fined 2s 6d.
Excluded if
the whole
not paid in
13 Monthfi.
Secnrity wed.
The first five,
n:embers to hare
10 L. each and
so continued

Not lent until

men111c.r 3 Yews.
Always coutiIIIIP~.

That when t h r Society's Cash amonnts to

one hundred Ponnds either by Weekly P a > nients, Entrance Money, Fines, voluntary
Suhscriptions or othernise; the President shall
give Notice thereof to the nhole Society a t
the next Annual M e e t ~ n gIn order to lend
ont fifty Ponnds to five Members (ten Pormds
each) u p In Secnrity, each paylng two Pounds
and ten Shillings in Quarterlv, mith Common Interest, and npon Defanlt of paying
the same in, upon the next general Night in
the ensuing Quarter after he hath received the
said ten Pounds, shall be fined t ~ v oShillings and
six-pence, and it the \\hole, or any p a r t of the
same be nnpaid a t the Expiration of Twelve
Months from t h e Time of the Society's Imding
the same, or a t farthest on the General Night
shall be excluded, and the Member mith his
Security, liable to be sued for what remsins

N B. The aforesaid Fifty Pounds shall be

be lent to the first five Members, (as they
shall stand on the Roll) and so continned
Quarterly, by letting the n e s t t n o members on the Roll have Ten Ponnc!s each;
(prorided always t h a t such members are not
a t t h a t Time receiving Benefits from the
Society and have been two Years entered
In this Society) upon the like Terms, anti1
every Member t h a t hath been' in t n o Wears
have been served, mhich Method of putting ont the Society's Money shall be


R u t if any of the aforecaicl five members, or

any other decline receiving the said Ten Ponnds,
or a member whose Secnrity is not accepted in
fonr Weeks time; then the next on the Roll,
nhose Secnrlty is approved on, shall be intituled to and receive the same; yet if any of the
aforesaid i\fembers, t h a t declined accepting of
the said ten Ponnds, or t h a t Member t h a t vias
Sick, or whose Secnrity was refused, shonld a t
any Time after t h a t , reqnire the said ten Ponnds
shall receive the same, givmg approved Security, upon Application made to the President
and Committee, ( a t least four Thursday Eve-

If ;I member
decline the
S A I 10
~ Id. t h ~
next on Roll to
have ~ t .

Yet to recelre
the 10 L. mi,
other time before mother

'This Article is numbered SIII. in the copy ( ? S S I T I . ) . Tt should be X S I V .

nings, before the Quarterly Meeting,) before

t h a t Member, who is next on the Roll, shall receive the said ten Pounds.
N B. The Members intitulecl to the said
ten Ponnds, to receive the same, some
Time t h e next Quarter after the folloning Manner; When a Rleniber is provided
with two Security's, (who must not be
Members,) yet House-keepers, or Men
of Credit, approved on by the Committee; he must give Notice of their
Names, Trades, and Places of Abode
to the Stenards, a n d the Committee, on
a Thnrsday Evening, which must lye on
the Table, before them, four Thursday
Nights, during which Time, the Stewards and the Clerk are to enquire into
their Characters, kc. which shall be reported to the President and Committee,
and if approved, the Member with his
Security's, shall be ordered to attend the
next Thursday Evening, where this Society from Time to Time shall be kept, to
receive the said ten Pountls, giving a Note
of H a n d for the same, payable in the' atoresaid limited Time.

Time when they

shall i~ecrive
10 1,

After what
manner and
what security

Stewards and
Clerk to enquire
after character.

Note of Hand
to be given.

No more than
100 L. lent amongst the Society, and fitopt if
Cash reduc'd to
50 L. U11til1auonrrt to 100 L.

The:.e shall never be lent out amongst

the Members a t any one Time, above
one hundred Pounds, and if the ready
Cash of the Society shall be reduced to
30 L. there shall not be lent any more
Money, after the aforesaid Manner, until1
the said Society's Cash (exclusive of
Bonds, or Notes of Hand) amounts to
one hundred Ponnds.

Clerk to he nllowed 2s. Gd.

Every member t h a t receives the said

ten Pouuds, to allow the Clerk two Shillings
and six pence, for ecquiring after the Security.
and writing the said Notr.

Sick not receive

any Benefit renloring w t h out consent
of Society.
Yet falling
sick 011 n


That no member shall receive any Benefit

from this Society, removing (when sick) without their consefit above four Miles from
the Place where this Society shall bc kept, yet
if any member should on a Journey (into Scotland, Ireland, on, or b e ~ o n dthe Seas, or
any of t h e acljace?t Isles, or such as a r e before
excepted) be visited with any Sickness, Lameneis, Los3 of Sight, or any other indisposition,
n!)on s~nc111qa Certificate a:tested upcn Oath,
before one or morc of his Majesty's Justices of
the Peace, t h a t he I S incapable through such
1 This should be


upon Oath
to be fiigned and by
remitted to
Dying in
&c. Funeral
Expences &c.
not allov-ed.

Illnew, &c. of \Torking or folloning his Business, k c . the Minister, Church-warden, or

any three Neighbouring Persons, t h a t are
Honsp-keepers, in or near the Place nherc he
lies Sick, signing the same; the Societv's Allowance shall be remitted him, as he directs;
and i f dying there, the three Pounds for the
Funeral Expence shall be allo~recl,and the Free
Gift paid, dednctil~gfirst n h a t 11s ones on the
Roll, or otherwise to the Society out of the
same; but if any Member falls Sick, Dies,
or his Wife dies, in any of the aforesaid excepted

repted Places he shall not receive any Benefit

from this Society for Sickness, or be alloned any
thing for the Death OF his Wife, or shall the Fnneral Expence or Free Gift be paid e i t h ~ rto
his Wife, Children, or Nomi~lee. T h a t nhatever Member beyond the Seas be excluded for
Non-payment, uron his returning in Health.
and not having acted contrary to the Articles,
shall be on paying his Entrance Money, admitted a s a New Member, but must stay six
Months, before he shall rereive any Benefit
from this S o c i e t ~ .
N.B. The Stenards with the Committee,
have Power t o order (by Letter or othern-ise) any Sick, receiving Benefit From this
Society, in the Country, to come to London, if i t appears the Member is capable
thereof, or reason to suspect any Imposition.

T h a t if the Friends of the Sick Member,

or his Physician shall prescribe the Change of
Air, he may apply either himself, or by any
Friend any Thursday Evening to the President
and the Committee foz Leave, for his going into the Country, the Majority of nhom
npon the Ballot, have Power, either to g r a n t
or refnse the same, if granted and he goes above four Miles in the Country, the Stenards
are not to Visit Weekly, b n t to remit the
Noncy, a t the Expence of the Sick N e m t e r .
N.B. That i f any Sick Membcr is visited
across the Thames, the Stewards for visiting him and carrying the Money, shall
be allowed Three pence each Visit, out of
the Box.

Free Gift not

Member beyond
Sea excluded
for non-paynlent
Allowed to reente~.

When a Sick
3Iember ordei cd to romp to

When granted
his Money to
be remitted.

Stewards visit
ing across the
Tharnes allo~wd
3d. each.



h i ~should be XXVI. as the catch-word is SXVJI,

When a Mewber lies .on Society 123Jlouths
after that time
allowed ouly 5s.
p r Week.

If found a t
\ escluded.

l\'hen incapable ot Work

through hgr
deemed a Prtlt ~ o n e r ,and '11lowed 5 5 pel

If goes into the

C o u n t r g Money

remitted him.

Kame wazecl
off the Roll.

That if i t shall p1e;se God, any Member continues twelve Months Sick, t h a t
if he should declare off the Box, before
the said twelve Months are expired, meeting
with a Relapse, occasioned through the same
Illness, Lameness, &c. and receive the Ben'efit
of the Society for the same; or a t different
Times, receive 30 I,. from the said Society,
and i t shall appear to be proceeding from, or
occasioned by, one and the same Distemper,
he shall after t h a t Time, receive no more t h a n
five Shillings per Week for t h a t Illness, or Ind i s ~ ~ o s i t i o nb; u t if found upon his being visited
by the S t m a r d , or by any Member, or other
Person a t TT'orlr,l rr-hile he receivcs the said five
Shillings per V e e k for Sickness; npon Proof
thereof, shall be excluded, or if acting contrary
to a former Article, shall be subject to the
same; but if any Member through Age, loss
of Sight, Lameness, or any other Bodily Infirmity, which shall or may be deemed incurable, (whereof the said Society, upon the Advice of a n able Physician, shall be'Judges)
should be rendered incapable of following his
Business, the said Member shall be deemed a
Pensioner, who shall receive five Shillings per
TVeek from this Society f o ~ and
during thc
Tcrin of his natural life, and permitted to
follo\v any Business. That if he retires into
the Country, his said Allowance shall be remitted, after such manner, as he shall order,
or direct; and upon his Death, his Funeral
Expence shall be paid, together with the Free
Gift; upon his being deemed a Pensioner, his
Name shall be Erazed from off the Roll. and
shall not pay any Thing into the Box.


said Pensioner is milling to

N.B it t h ~
sell out, the Society shall g i r e him ten
Founds or what farther they shall think

When such a
Ilrmber may
sell out

T h a t the Stenarcl entrnstcd with the Payment of a sick member's Aloney, (not finding
him a t Home) shall have a dlscrctionary P ~ w cr (notwithstanding any Article to the contrary) either to leave the Money n i t h his ITrife,
or a t his Place of abode, (the sick member,
having desired the same of the Stewards,) or
may order, the Sick, either to call on him, or
See exceptions in Article S X I X .

Stewards cliscretionary

attend the Society, for the same the next Thursday Evening: T h a t if the Stewards or any of
t h e Society have Reason to suspect any Imposition; either of the Stewards, or any
member. shall have full Pow,er to interrogate
any sick member, relative either to his lllness,
after what manner he is supposed to get it,
what Apothecary attends him, where he work'd
last, as a Journeyman, or where he Occupied
his last Business, as a Master; he shall farther
exanline and p u t what Questions which may
be supposed t o have any Tendency, to the
Iliscovery of the said Illness, or if work'd during the Time he was sick, as shall be reasonable. to which Questions, if he refuse t o give
satisfactory Answers, his Money shall be immediately stopt, and the Stewards (only) shall
order him to attend the C o n ~ n ~ i t t e ewhich
they deem evasive, he shall receive no farther
Benefit from the Society, for six Months, a s
likewise shall be under t h e same Suspension, if
the President shall p u t any Question to him,
with Regard to his Illness, (during the Time
of Meeting) and he refuseth to Answer.

Upon Suspicion
of Fraud &c,.
Member to int ~ w o g a t ethe

Refusing to nttend Committee gire the

President a satisfactory Answer Mony stopt
for six Months.


Sick found at
Work excluded.

If seen frequenting Taverns or disorderly House,

&c. after 10
o'Cloclc, Noney stopt, and
upon Proof to
be suspended
from receiving
any Benefit.
Sick to leave
Word where
he goes.

That if either of t h e Stewards, or any

Member, or any other Person shall find any
Member, while he is sick on the Society, or
on the Day he declares off, either I\ orking or
selling any sort of Goods, or dolng any manner of Business, for Gain or Profit, (except
such as is allowed by this Article) or seen
playing a t Cards, Dice, or any manner of
Gaming, upon Proof thereof, shall be exclnded the next Thursday Evening, but if seen
while Sick frequenting any Tavern, Alehouse,
hrandy-shop, or any Disorderly House, or
after ten olClock in the Evening; in any of
the aforesaid Houses, (being by any Member
cautioned against so doing) his Money shall
be immediately stopt, and he ordered t o attend
the said Society a t them next Meeting, to Answer snch Complaints, and upon Conviction
thereof, shall be suspendecl from rccelring
any Benefit f o r six Months.'

N.B. That the sick Member must leave

Word with his Wife, or Landlord, where
be goes t o ; that the Stewards u a y speak
with him, and upon Suspicion of any
Members Illness, the Stewards may Order any Member, t h a t lives near to the

'Also suspended from office, and deprived of his privilege of voting.

sick Member to Visit him until1 he hath

Orders to the Contrary, who must make
a Report thereof to the Stewards, and
Commitiee tllc next Thursday Evening,
on Forfeiture of one Shilling.

Stev-ards may
order 2 Members to viqit
the sick.
Mrniber ref 11blng fined Is.
and to lnake

N.B. Any Member a Mastrr of his Trade,

or Shop-keeper, while he receives any
Benefit from this Society, have Power t o
g i r e Instnictions to his Servant, to carry
oa his Work or Business, or h a r e Liberty
A AIenlber
fixed for hini-

to buy zny G o d s , for c a n - i n g on his

Trade; likewise any Jlcnlber may b11y
any Necessary's for Life, cither for him:<elf or Family.

self allowed
to give instructious to his Serrants to buy
Goods, Cc.

N.B. The Evening i t is snpposecl ally

Member, mill bc either suspended from
receiving any Bcnefit, or exclucietl for act;ng contrary t o the Artidrs, or when any
particular Business is to be transacted, the
Prc~sident, or the Stewards, shall or(1c.r '
tile Committee-men and AIembers then
Prcsent, not to n i t h d r a n , nntill the suspected Brother's Cast,, or sncli an Affair is
d e t e m i n e d , which will prevent any Clandestine Exclusion, or partial Uetermirlation.

That if npon the llcport of thc Stenards,

or any visiting Member, there be Reason to
suspect any inelnbers Illness, or t h a t he doth
not really deserve hi? Money, or h a t h imposcd upon the Society, in his 1)eclaration thereon, The tlro Stenards, and the three Senior
Coinlnittce-men, on Forfeiture of one Shilling
each, shall g o the next Day, with a Doctor,
Surgeon, or a n Apotiwcary, (nho inust not
be members) approved on by the President,
Stenards, and the Committee, then present,
t o examine into the said suspectecl member's
Illness, uhich ~t ~t be either of their Oplnions to proceed from any Ailment, which he
laboured under, or get before he bccanle a
membrr, (snch only excepted t h a t entered before the 29th Day of S e p t e i n b ~ r1737.) or occasioned by any Thing, nhich the Articles oblcct against; he shall be ~ ~ n n ~ e d i a t ecxcluilly
etl, but if i t al~pears,upon the Examination

Aleniberr; not
to n ithdraw
up011particular Occasions.

Sten-ards &c.
and Committee
to visit a suspected Member
or forfeit Is.

With a Doctor.

If Venerl is excluded.

F 2
'Venereal disease is referred to here.

If not rendered incapable of

Husmess moily
stopt and recelre ilo Benrfit for 12

Stewards &c.
allowed 5s.
and Surgeon
what reahonal~le
011 signing
his Opinion.

of t h e said Mtlcmber, t h a t hc is n o t so ill, a s

t o be rendered incapable of following his Business, his Money shall be iinmediately stopt, a n d
shall not receive any f a r t h e r Benefit for twelre
Months ; t h e three Committee-men, togetlwr
with t h c Stewards, t o be allowed five Shillings
for their extraordinary Visit, ancl t h e Doctor,
Surgeon, or Apothecary paid ~ v h a tis Reasonablc. n-hose Opinion, if c a n n o t person all^
a t t e n d , shall be signed a n d reported t o t h e
President, arid t h e Society, t h e n e x t Thursday

Stewaids 1101giving Xoticr

liable to extra
1Tpon ref u.si11;:
to be e x a i n i ~ ~ e d

N . B . One of tlic Stewards, shall give or

cause t o be given, timely Notice of such
particular Tisit, t o t h e saiil sick Member,
o r liablc t o the extraordinary Expence,
for his neglcctiiig so t o do, ancl if t h e
sick i i ~ e n ~ b erefuse
to be examined a s aforesaid, or shall n o t be a t Home, or near
thereunto. shall be excluded.

lloney expended to be allowed upon being excluded.

N.13. T h a t e v e r reasoliable Expence a member, o r a n y other Person shall be a t , in

disco\-ering a n y Tnlposition of a sick illem'ber, which e f f ~ c t shis E x c l ~ ~ s i o ni t, shall
be allo\ved, a n d paid, by t h e Society; n-hen a n y member falls Sick, (if
either of t h e Stewards require i t , ) shall
give Notice. \vlierc lie n-ork'd last, ancl
with n-hnt Master, or be suspended from
receiving a n - Benefit n.hatsoever from
this Society.

Sick to give
Sotice where
I\ orlr'd last &c.

Sotice given
of a Nember
entered contrn1.y to Articles.

T h a t u p o ; ~Notice bcing given, either t o t h e

Prc.sideilt, a n y Co~lnnittee-malr.or Ste~rarcls,
of a n y member. (after h e h a t h been entered
twclve J l o n t h s ) e a t r i n g contrary t o t h e first,
second, or t h i r d Articles, or t h a t a f t e r a inelllber h a t h declared oif for Illness, &c. t h a t

\vhile h e \vas Sick, kc.. h e was known to bc

acting: contrar:- t o t h e Articles, or t h a t a n y
inenlbrr was aiding, a n d assisting a n y Bailiff,
or Sheriffs Officer, Be. such M a t t e r s a n d Accusations shall b e h e a r d , only on a Q n a r t e r l l l c e t i n g , or general Night,' unless t h e ssid
nccnscd lnembr>r, n-ill refer t h e same t o t h c Comm i t t r e , or will a t his own Expence, summon
tho whole Society before, a n d if h e will n o t ;
tll- said accused member, shall n o t receive any
13enefit f r o m t h i s Society, u n t i l t h e Affair be
d e t e r n l i n d , either by t h e Committee, or by
the Majority of this Society, on t h e Nights
aforesaid, either of ~vhom,hearing t h e Evidence
1 See

also Articles X l I I . a n d XLI.

To be heard on
quarterly meeting, &c. unlrhs refwred to
Comnrittre 01.
will sunlmon
t h e whole Society not desiring it to recaeire no Hen+
fit if fall sick

before detern~inecl.

t o prove 'the M a t t e r alledged agalnst a.nlcmber,

anel his vindication ; (who shall be partirnlarly
snmmoned; or ordered by one of t h e S t c n a r d s ,
t o a t t e n d on t h a t orcasion) h a r e fnll P o n r r , .
either t o esclude, or continue h1n1 a nlembcr,
n ~ t h1)etermination i n eithc~r Case, shall be
N . R . The President h a t h Power, either t o
h e a r all such M a t t e r s of Complaint e s hibitecl against a n y member, or refer t h e
name t o t h e Conmiittee, whose Det.-rmin a t i o n shall b e absolute, unless t h e said
Member will appeal, (by Sunlmons) with
t h e Consent of t h e President, t o t h c
whole S o j e t y , i n t ~ v oWeeks T i m e ;
b n t if t h e President with t h e Society,
reverse t h e Erclnsion. they shall order
him t o be snspcndrd fronl receiving a n y
Benefit for six Months.

President may
hear or refer
i t to Comnuttee whose determination to
he final, unless c n Appeal
in two Weeks.

N.B. Whatever member shall alleclgc a n y

hIrmbe1. nllegatloll 111 n I Itin:: to 1'1e.1dent.

T h i n g a g a ~ n s ta n o t h e r n ~ e i i ~ h e~t
r shall
be given i n W r i t i n g t o t h e P r e s ~ d e n t ,a n d
if h r thinlis i t irnmate~.ial,may rejcct t h e

If Society reveyse the Excln-;iou s h d l


d e r a Suspension for six



Fisita~ltfit o
withdraw, always absent u p
on Debate.

s a m e ; b u t if a t a n y nionient, all 17isitants

shall be clesirecl t o TI-ithclran-, a n d never be present a t a n y Debate, which concerns t h e 13enefilicial Society.

No Sotice lodged a g ~ i n s tmember r e c e i ~ i n g
Benefit or after

If allegation
t r n e excluded.
If ~nalicioufi
the Accuser
Half to injured J l e n ~ b e r .
Witnesses if
strangers allo\v
ed 2s 6d.

T h a t t h e Not,icc mentioned i n t h e proceeding Article, shall not be Loclgecl against a n y

3lembcr receiving Benefit from this Society,
or i n t h e Country, or a f t e r his Death, t o prevent his F u n e r a l Expence being allowed, antl
F r e e Gift paid t o his Wife, &c. or his receiving such Money's, a s t h e Articles allow a
menibcr, either for Sickfiess, k c . or for t h e
Death of his ITife; b n t if i t shall appear bg t h e Notice exhibited against n niember i n H e a l t h , t h a t he is Guilty, lie shall be
csclnclc~d: b u t if it, appears t o be a malicious
Accusation, $c. a n d t h e member found to be
I n n o c e n t ; his Accuser shall be fined five Shillings, one half t o be given t h e injnrc4 Inember, a n d t h e other half t o be p n t into t h e
R o s , for t h o Use of t h e said Society' t h e W i t nesses t o prove t h e Accusation. (if Strangers.)
shall be paid tn-o Shillings, a n d sis-pence,

Accuser and accused &c. t o
withdraw &c.

T h a t t h e Accuser a n d t h e Accused, (with

t h e i r Witnesses) together with all Petitioning
members, or one at a n y Time t h a t seeks for Re-

Acmsed may ohject against

any single
b1enil)er 1)allntting.

dress, it Fined nh'en absent, shall nilhdraw before

the matter be snmmed up, and a Charge giren,
either by the President, to the nhole Society;
or the Chairman t o the Committee; after which
a Ballott shall be taken, nhich shall be determined as aforesaic!. That the arcnsed member
may object against any one single mrmber's
Ihllotting (who shall nithdraw.)

N.B. That whatever accnsed member, a t

any Time, be ordered to withdraw, upon refusal, or Non-appearance to particular Sumnlons's, it shall be deemed a
Contempt of the nholt. Society, and be
escluded, as sllch shall be t h a t lmposeth
on the said Society, by a false Declaration.

Accused Nember not withd r a w i ~ ~org Appeared to Summons excluded.

That there shall be a Clerk and Attendant,
belonging to this Society, who shall h a r e their
Beer, &c. Gratis, and the first Thursday in
the New Stewards Quarter shall be paid thirteen Shillings each, for their last Quarter, (inclnsive of any Extra Tronble or Attendance,
whether sooner or later, nlmn General S i m III~IIS,or Thursday Evenings) out of which Sums,
whatever Fines they h a r e subjected themselres
to, shall be deducted: If any member insults,
or afironts either of them, shall be subject to
the same Fine, a s if they n-cre members; but
if either speak to any member of any Thing
spoken or clone, in the, Committee, relative to
their Proceedings, upon any Debate; or of
any Transactions done i n the said Society to any
Person, npon a Complaint loilged against e i t h e ~
of them with the President, if upon a Ballott
the Majority of t!le Society d e ~ mi t prejudicial,
he or they shall be clisrharged, and a. new one
chosen i n his Room, the Last Night in any
That the C1.rk for he Tlmo b c h g . or h r
t h a t shall act a s such, shall take a Memorandum
down in a Book of all J f o n e ~ ssent by absent
members each Quarter, together with the Time
n hen, and the Person's Name the be~ngslthe
same; l i k ~ \ r i wa t the Command of the President
To minute all
Transactions of
Names of Tisit ant^.

Clerk and Attenclnnt to hare

their Beer grati.;
Paid 13s. per
Qual.ter each by
the new Stewards deducting
Their Fines.

AIeniher nffronting another

subject to fines

New one chosen

in their Rooui.
Clerk to take a
of the Money
sent by all absent Members.

sident or Chairman, the Clerk shall minute in a

Book provided for sncii purpose, all Transactions of t h e Society, take a n account in Wrid respecting of the Names of Visitants, e ~ the
tive Places they belong unto.

'This is a clerical error for

" that brings" &c

I n absence of
Clerk or Attendant, President
to nolniiiate one
to Act pro ternpore, and pay
him Is. per
Xew entered
Members to
give Clerk and
A ttendant &I.

N.B. Upon discharging either the Clerk or

the Attendant, r)r i t either a r e absent the
President shall nominate a Member t o officiatz, nntill ;I new one shall be chosen, or
they attend, n l ~ oshall be allowed a l e Shilling per Nighi, and entitulecl to the
Perquisites : That n hatever new Member shall enter, must pay six pence
to the Clerk and Attendant which shall be
equally divided between them.

Clerk, dttendant or &lember
corning disguised
in Liquor fined
twelve pence.
Member corning so any Evening after Entrance ordeved
And becoming
such after E n trance fined 6d.

Promoting Gaming. kc. ?d.

4busing a >[emher fined Is.

That if the Clerk or Attendant shall come

d~sguisedin Liqnor into the Society Room, or
after Entrance become such, to be fined one
Shilling; or if any nlember shall come disguised
in Liquor, the President shall order him to pay
his Weekly Money, and to withdraw for t h a t
Night. R n t if after Entrance any Evening
become a s such, any of the Society deeming
him so, he shall be fined sixpence, or whatever
nleiiiber during the Honrs of meeting promote
any Gaming or offer to lay any Wagers, curse,
swear, or nse any obscene or indecent Language, k c . shall be fined two pence: B u t if
any member, the Clerk or Attendant reproach
another n i t h receiving any Benefits from this
Society, or scandalously, maliciously, or designedly reflects or affronts another, or call a
member a BUST Persol, or by any approbrious
Name, shall be fined one Shilling, or cloth a t
any time, or in any Place tell any absent, or
any member concerned in any Debate, what

any member said, or v ho spoke for or against

him, or reflects upon either of the stenards,
or any o t h w member for his Report upon a Vis i t ; or shonld speak d~srespectfnllyof the President. Stenards, or any Con~mitteeMan, or
of thc nhole Societr, shall bc fined two Shillings and sixpence. That this Article shall be
equally observed on the Quartelly Meetings,
General Nights, Annual Meetings, and npon General Sumn~ons,as also on every
Thursday Evening, and the member offending
against this A r t ~ c l e(or any other nhich subiects
a member to Fines) staying after the Hours of
meeting, equally liable to be fined, while
the Box remains ~ ~ n l o c k eby
d the Stenards,
as well after as dnring the Hours of Meeting

N B. Whatever member's conduct hath a

tenclemy, to distulb the Peace and Harmon$ of the Society, either the President oy

Doth a t any
Time or Place
tell a Member
who spoke for
or against him
kc. 2s. Gd.

This Article
to be alv-ays

Even after the

Hours of meeting.
Jfay order any
disorderly per
fion to with-


Transactions of t h e Q v a t u o r Coronati Loc7ge.

the Chairman of the Committee, or one of
the Stewards, shall order him (to pay if
he hath not his Weekly Money) and
withdraw, for t h a t Evening, and upon his refusal (being sober) shall
be fined 2s. 6d. over and above all
other Fines, he shall subject himself to afterwards, but this Article not t o affect any
nwlnber for any thing said, or done before
these Articles are printed.1

That no Disputes betn een any tn o men~bers

shall be countenanred In this Sorietg, so that
nhoever mill not be silent or seated a t
the Request of either the President, Cha~rnmu
of the Committee or any Stenarcls, shall be
fined sixpence, except nhen a Member shall address himself to either of them (nhlch shall alIT ays

S o t to affect
a n y till printed.

No dispute5

Member4 not
d e n t a t request of the
President fined


When speaking
shall be always
standing to the
I f reflected ou

Mernber free
to offer his

Ko reply to be
rnade till each
have spoke.

President to
sum up the
whole adranced on both
When n Ballot
taken Committee to attend.

ways be stqnding) for the Explanation of any

Article, seeking redress, speaking upon any
Debate, or proposing any thing designed for
the good of the Society, nhen reflected on in
any Shape by any member for so doing shall
be fined one Shilling.

N.B. Any inember is free to ofier his Sentiments, and the J u n . members shall be heard
equally with the same pleasure, as the Sen.
bnt no two nl~inbersshall speak a t one
and the same Time npon any Debate,
(nhrther i t refers to Members or matters)
nor any one who hath spoken reply until1
each member hath offered his Opinion,
beginning aluays n i t h the J n n . members
after every one hath spoken (that is
nilling) the President being the last, then
any member mag reply, to n h a t hath
been advanced, when the President or the
Chairman, or whom he shall appoint, shall
snm up (imp~rtially)what hath been atlvanced on both Sides, either to the whole
Society or the Committee.

N.B. That whenever a Ballot is to be taken

anlong the whole Society the President
shall order the Committee to attend (whose
Ballot shall be taken with the rest unless
upon the admission of a new member)

1 This is a reference t o the disputes in 1737 between the Lodge and the S c c i e t ~
See also Article XLIX.

President an
absolute Power to hear or
refer all n ~ a t ters to the

N.B. That the President hath a n absolute

Power1 after or before any Affair (whether it refers t o Members or Things)
hath been heard, either to hear and Ballot
the same, by the whole Society, or refer all Matters brought before him to the
Comnlittee, who shall withdraw into another R o o m , h n d rehear the same, together with the Evidence for, and against,
which Committee have full Power to call

any Member t o their Bssis~ance; the Majority of the Twelve shall decide the same,
whose Opinion shall be i n Writing, and
equally final, as if the 'whole Society
\\.ere concerned in Ballotting the same,
(unless \\-lien the Matter in Dispute is
referred to the .Committee, without the
Consent of t h a t Person or Society.

That if any Steward shall neglect to obey any

Order of the President, or if any Member
shall refuse to obey any Order of the S t e ~ r a r d s ,
wherein the Articles may be deficient, (provicled such Orders are not repugnant t o the Articles) shall be finecl one Shilling, which shall
be made a Precedent,, and t h a t the'Chstom of
the Society, (if not contradictory to any espress Article) a s to Fines, or Practice, when
minuted i n a Book, provided for such ~ i r poses, shall be of equal Force with the Printed
and Written Articles, until1 reversed by t h e
Majority of the Societ!-, or Committee.

Conlnlittea may
call any Member to their

Majority to

S t ~ w a ~kc.
neglecting to
be fined 1s.

To be minuted
in a l300li pro~ i d e dfor such

That if any Member thinks himself injured
in any Fine, (when Absent) i t shall continue
on thc Roll, tii: the General Night, when the
said Member mag apply to the Committee
(then sitting) n h o have full P o r e r to hear and
there be no
may redrrss the same,
Precedent, or Order of the P r ~ s i d e n tfor the
same, or i t was contrary to any Articles.
N.B. 'l'hat the New Stewards any Tinw in
Their Quarter may fine the late Stewards, if they omitted, either fining thembelves, or any Member, when they had
Orders from the President, or were informed cther acted contrary to the S r ticles,

G 2

Article YII.
Article S111.

Nrmber ill j 111 . d in any fine

when absent.

New Stewards
may fine late


ticles, any Member insisting, t h a t the

New Stewards shall fine them.

Stewards of
occasion to su~iimoil Society or
order Clerk or
Attendant to
do it.
Clerk or Attendant fined.
2s. 6d. if not
present a t the
Time prefixt.

present fined Is.
I f coming after the last
hour fined and
not allowed to
Ballot unless
pays 3d. for

After Roll cal-


led over absent

AIembers fined
Stewards to inform President
with the cause
of being summoned.
President and
3 of Conilnit-

tpe to six11 a t ~ d
order s n i ~ ~ i ~ ~ o n s .

Stewards iu cxse
of Fire how to

That upon any emergent Occasion, the Stewards shall either summon themselves, or cause
t o be suniinoned by the Clerk, or Attendant,
the Members belonging to this Society, and if
either the St'ewards, Clerk, or Attendant is
a.bsent a t the first Hour, perfixt on the Day
upon General Summons, shall be fined two
Shillings and Six-pence; and t h a t Member,
(who hath, or a t whose Place of abode proper
Sun~monsfor t h a t Purpose hath been left) is
not present when his Name is first call'd, shall
be Fined one Shilling, (but if the Stewards
n h o hath the outward Key of the Box) omit
coming until1 the last Hour, the Member t h a t
was not present, a t the Time first prefixt, liable t o the said Fine, and if he comes after he
is Fined, unless he * will pay his Three-pence
for Reer, shall not Ballot a t the said Meeting,
That after t h e Roll is called over, and the absent Members Fined, one of the Stewards, (or
in their Absence, the Person n-ho sumnioned
the Society) shall inform the President, with
the Cause for nhich they vr-ere suiiinionecl together; all which Business, or Matter shall be
determined by the Majority on the Ballott,
agreeable to the Printed or Written summons,

That if, m g Thursday Evening, i t is judged

convenient to Suinmon tile whole Society ; thc
President, and three of the Committee, or those
acting as snch, must sign the Orders for
such summons, bnt if t h e Stewards upon visiting a sick Member, or in Case of any Pire,
or Accident, happening to the Landlord, k c .
should think i t expedient to summon the whole

Society together, they shall signify the same to

the President, and any three of the Conimittec;
whom if not casy to bc found, the Stewards
shall go to any firc Melilbeis, nho signing the
same shall justify the Ste\\ artls Conduct therein.
N.B. The Stewards or Person t h a t Summons shall be allowed five Shillings, for
such general Snniinons, and nl1o11 Default
of giving Notice to any Member, (unless
such a s are excepted) shall bc Fined one

The Person that

eummons the
Members allowed 5s.
If omit giving
Notice fin'd Is.

Such t h a t were present, the Evening resolved upon tor a n extraordinary Meeting, to receive their Noti e the same Evenmg before
they depart, the Time and Place of meeting,
to be fixt by the President and Ste~vards,t h e
latter of which, if absent a t the last Hour,
shall be Fined one Shilling extraordinary.

N.B. Any nlcmber receiving 13enefit from

this Society, or t h a t member which hath not
been entered twelve Months, (if the Summons doth not particularly affect either of
them) or one who hath given Notice of
his going into the Conntry, not liable to
be sunl~nonednor Fined for Non-appearance.

That upon a general Sliinnlons of the whole

Society, the President thereof, or the member
acting a s such, or whom he shall appoint,
shall address himself to the members, informing them with the Occasion of their being called together; if i t relates to the whole
Society, every member vould do well to examine the same, with the Attention the good
of the whole requires, t h a t i f i t refers to coninlaint

Such Members
present to receive Notice
same Evening.

If not Attend

I\lember receiving Benefit

or not entered
12 Rlonthfi &c.
not to be sumn~oned.

President to in
form Members
upon a General Summons
of the whole

plaint lodg'd against a meinber, let each inipartially enquire into the same, doing by every
member, as you are willing, and expect to have
the like done by you, mere i t your own Case,
determining both withall possible regard, a s
well t o t h e Society, as t o the member, not deviating from the real Sense, and true meaning of
any Article, to the Prejudice of the whole, or
pervert its meaning to t h e Injuring of any
member, which may occasion a n ill-grounded
Decision, or a partial Exclusion. Thus
being watchful of both the Rights, of the
Society ,on the one Hand, and the Right
of the member on the other; me may reflect with Pleasure upon our decision,^, which
will give a J u s t , (if not the best) Sanction to
our Society, making our Proceedings revered;
i t will raise the Society above the rt~achof
Nalice, freeing us from any ungenerous i n putation, which may either now, or hereafter
pursue us, or make us able to support our
selves like men.
This article alw a y s to be read
before any debate.

N.B. This Arti,.lr shall be always read, before all Debates, t h a t requires a Ballot to
be taken, which may either affect a member's Exclusion, Fine, or Suspension ;

\\-here the Articles may be any way deficient; and a t all other Times, the Articles which affect a member's iinnlediate
Exclusion, Fine or Suspension shall be
read to thc Committee, if any Jleinber
shall desire the same, of either the President, or the Stewards, who shall conlinand thc Clerk to do the same.

That a Ballot upon any extraordinary Ocmsion, which niay either affect the E x c l u s i o ~or
SusSuspension of any n~elllber from recziving any
Benefit, where the Articles either 3re or may be
supposed to be deficient, shall be only called for,
and taken upon Quarterly Meeting, General
Nights,l or \\-hen two thirds of the Society shall
be present, or upon the Annual Meeting, and if
any Member refuseth t o Banot upon such Occasion, or when a Ballot shall be taken, shall be fin'cl
1s. B u t if any n~enlbershall be excluded by the
Stewards or Comn~ittee,the Articles being
deficient, the President of the Society (or hc
t h a t shall act as such) not being present, thr!
t.scluded member may appeal2 by Petition the
next Quarterly Mccting, or General Night, or
before if he will be a t the Expence of a Genexi1
Summons t o the President and whole Society,
for redress, whom he shall constitute and a11l)oint
unclrr his own H a n d Writing, signed with his
proper Nanlc, his Judges, giving them full and
absolute pan-~r, to determine the same, after what
manner they shall think proper: By which award
of the President and majority of the Society, he shall
promiss t o stand t o and abide by, which shall be
final, and fronl n hence there shall be no further
N.B. That the President shall suspend giving
his Ijallot upon such a n Occasion, and if t h e
Uallot is a t t h a t , or any other Tinle equal,
he shall decide the

T h a t whaterc~r11ember shall introduce a

Visitant (who shall pay .his Six-pence upon
his Entrance) without the Cons?nt of the President, (if present) or i n his Absence of the
Stewards, shall be Fined Six-Pence, and if an?
Member calls for Beer, or Tobacco, without
the Ordcr of the Stewards, i t shall be brought
in, and placed as a Fine, to th;. said member, or
\\-hoalso i\rticles S I I I . 2nd S S S I .
See also S I I .

1 See

Jhllot upon
Pxtra occa-

sion, LC.

Ref using to
l ~ a fined

uded 11here
d r t ~ c l e1s
may Appeal.

buspend his
Ballot but
if equnl he
to decide.

llember not
to bring any
Visitant into
Room without
con sent on
forfeiture of

See Articie SI11.

whoever shall break any Thing belonging to

the Landlord, shall pay for the same.

S t e ~ v n ~ dtos
hare the care of
the Roll and
13oolin, &c.

Stewards losing
Key LC to be
fined and make
good sueh loss.

Upon non-pnywent excluded.

Clerk omrnitting
i n 4 Weeks to

erase an exclnded Member's

Kame fined 6d.

I,anllord to ke~ep
a good F ~ r e01.
fined Is.

That the Stewards for the Timc being, shall

have the Care of the Roll, ant1 Boolis of this
Society, which together x ~ i t hthe Articles,
shall be liable t o the Inspection of any mcmber a t any proper Time, who shall transact
all -4ffairs, relating to the good and wellfarc
of the Socjiety, to the utmost of their Power,
a n d t h a t whatever Stewarcl or member shall
lose either of the Keys, I h k s , or any other
Things, belonging to Society, or shall convert to his or their own T-se, any of the Society's Cash, or misapply any sick, imprisoned, or deceased Members Money, &c. which
he or any Member shall be entrusted with, the
said Steward or Member, shall not only be Fined,
but likewise Accountable for the same, and u p on Non-Payment of' such Money's, or buying or allowing the Value of such Things lost,
i n two Week's Time shall be excluded, and
withall liable to be sued for the.same by the
next Stewards, or any other menlber empowered by the President, or the Committee, for
the Use of the said Society.

N.B. The Clerk omitting within four TVeeks

to eraz3 a;i cxclncled member's Name from
off the Roll, and the respective Books,
k c . his Name is in, or Articles he hath
signed, shall shall be fined Six-pence
I\ lien cliscovered.

That the Landlord of the House, shall, iluring the T i n t e r Season, a t 7 o'clork in the
Evening have and keep a good Fire i n the

Rooms where the President, Stenarcls, Committee-Men, and the Rest of the Society are,
during the Time of Mceting, or be fined one
That he shall give Secnritj-! for the Cash,
and whatever else the Societ! may intrust him
with, and upon his refusing su to do, or pay
such Fines he h a t h subjected hims?!f to, or tor
any other just Cause; t h e President shall propose to t h e members of the Society the removal of the same; which Notion shall not be
made on any other Evening (except on the
Death, Removal, or any Misfortunes of the
Landlord) b u t on a Quarterly Evening, GeneI $ee also Article S I V ,

qive Security for
the Cash, &c.

The Society may


ral Night, Annual Meeting, 6.c. nhen the

President shall take a Ballot of the nhole Society, (then present) for t h a t Pnrpose, nhicli
as in all other Cases, shall be determined by a
Majority, ancl whatever member nil1 not ablcle
a t any Time, by such a Declslon, shall be cxcluded

Society when
determined to
remove, Stewards and Committee men to en
quire out ;I Prhper Place or filled 3s each.

That when the Society is determined to remove; the Stewards, with three of the Conimittee, nominated by the President, upon Forfeiture of two Shillings each, shall go to any
three Landlords t h a t shall be then proposed
and Enquire whether they are nilling to receive
the said Society upon our Conditions, have
a Room, or Rooms, proper for the Reception thereof, and will give good Scmirity for the
Cash, k c . ~vhonithey shall order to attend
the Society, t h a t they may chnse nhwh hath
the best Room, and who can give the best Security for the Cash, $c. which shall be cletermined by Ballot.

If obstruct the
Reinoval, exc11tdecl.

N.B. Any Member that obstructs with

Violence the Reinoval of the Bos, &c.
after determined as aforesaid, shall be
immediately excluded.

I3uncl or Security lodged inthe Prebident's
Hands for his

President in
whose IIancls
the Security is
lodg'd if sick,
&c. t o send the
same to the Society.

That the aforesaid Bond of Security shall be

lodged in the Hands of the President for the
Time being, who shall hold the same for his
Qnarter; a t the Expiration of Which, viz. on
the General Night, the President shall bring
the said Bond of Security, before Ten o'clock,
on Forfeitnre of T n o Shillings and Six-pence,
ancl deliver the sanle to the President, chosen
for the ensuing Quarter.

N.B. The President (in nhose Custody the

Security lies) receiving Benefit from this
society, or going into the Country for above two Xeeks, shall deliver, or cause
to be cleliver'cl to the Stewards, the aforesaid Security, n h o shall bring the same
to the Society the next Thursday Evening,
after he hath received the same, nhen i t
shall be lodged in the Hands of the President chosen to officiate in his Stead; but
if lost (Fire excepted) the President or
Steward entrusted with the same, shall be a1
the Expence of another before the next
General Night, or be excluded,

T h e F r i e n d l y Society of Free a n d Acceptecl Masons.


Debates deterniin'd by the



That if any Debates arise during the Time

of Meeting, the President or Committee shall
have Recourw> to these Articles, which if i t cannot be determined, either by them or t h e written ones, or from any Precedent, or Custom
of tho Society, (unless i t be of a n ordinary Natnre) such Matters shall be snspended until the

next Quarterly Meeting, General Night, &c.

when t h e same shall be h ~ a r c las aforesaid, and
nither be determined by t h e whole Society, or
referred to the Committee, a Memorandum
whereof shall be made by the Clerk the same
Evening, in a Book provided for such Purpose.

That after the 29th Day of September, 1737,
neither the Stewards, nor any member shall
without the Consent of the President, and the
Committee, give Orders any Thursday Evrning. for the Buying of any Thing, t h a t shall
be wanting for t h e Use of the said Society,
bnt whatever shall be nanting, shall be signed
by three members, and reported to the President, who may either refer the same to the
C o n ~ u ~ i t t e eto, give Orders for buying the
same, or the President n i t h the Society may
consider of such Proposals, together with the
Expence and Charge thereof, and if a Majority of the Society then present (if not referr'd
to the Committee) approves thereof, the President shall give Orders for buying the same,
which when bought shall be paid and accounted
for as Cash.
N.R That whatever shall be ~vantedfor
the Vso of the said Society, some member t h a t either makes or sells the Things
wanted, shall be employed in the Affair,
and paid for the same by the said Society

Stew,,,ds nor
any Menlber
without thr
Consent of President, Cc. to
give o ~ d e r sfor
1111yin:; any
Thinx, &c.

lhings ~vnntrcl
shall he bought
of a Member.

That the Committee for the Regulation
of t h e Articles, giving Instructions for the
buying of what was and shall be wanting, chosen before the 29th of Sept. li37,' shall not,
be responsible to any for their Conduct, nor

',See Article XXXV,

Committee for
the regulations
of Articles (ch
osen) before
29th of Sept 1737
not responsible
to any, Cc.

for their Espcnces in making of the printed

and written Articles; ancl if any shall be
reflected on for them, the said Member shall be
fincd tn-o Shillings ancl Six-penc.5 extraordinary, neither shall they be called to any Account,
for any Thing bought for thc 1-se of the said
Society; b u t if any (such excepted t h a t shall be
excluded for Non-payment) bc aggriev'd thereby, shall have the Libertj-, before he signs thc
Articles, to withdraw his Entrance Money and
JTeekly Three-pence, within three Months ;
b u t u:)on doing so shall never after be re-cnter'd
as a member; a Memorandum of whose Names,
ancl such rejected when proposecl, shall be minuted in a Boolr (provided for such Purpose) by
the Clerk.

If rcflrctecl on
tined 2s 6d.

3rember not
signing ilrticles his XLoney

Articles to remain rmaltcred

3 Years.

That these drticlcs as printed, n-llich bclong to the Beneficial Society, shall remain
unalterable for three Years1; after \vhirh Time,
whatever member shall propose the making,
esplaining, or anlending any Article, i t shall
be signed by three members, who shall address
the Pr.esident for L e a w for t h a t Purpose, who
hat11 absolute Power rested i n him, either to
wject or approve the same; if the lattcr, he
shall order the said new Article, or Amendment, &. to lie on the Table for the Perusal
of the rnembers, (at least fonr Nights) before
the President shall come to any Resolution
thereon; after which Time the said new Article or Amendment, &c. may be rcjcctcil, or
referr'd to the Committee, who shall be particularly suinii~onccl,by the Attenclant, to consider
the same; which IT-hen compleated, shall be referr'd back and reported to t h e President, who
shall sign the same, before i t pass into an 8 1 . tirle.
LI. The

That on any E x e n ~ n g(Tno Thirds of thc

S o c i ~ t ybwng prescht) or on the Quarterly
?rlrrting, & r . n e s t after t h e Quantity of Art ~ c l e swhirl1 a r e first printed off, a r c chs1,ostd
of, the President shall inform t h c Society of
the same. in order for their being r q ~ n n t e t l ;
n h c n the Question shall be put, JThrther the
Articles shall be printcd as they now stand, or
re-cxamined and amended, new ones made,
and the Sdilitional Articles, which (arc supposed) may bc made for the better Regulation
of the Society from Time to Time, shall be

After the S u m 1wr of Articles

first p r i n t e d oii'
are dbposrd.
Ptx&lc.nt to illf o ~ mthe Society
ill order to have
thrill 1.e-printcd, &c.

From the original date, 18th May 1737


added to the printed ones if carry'd for the

reprinting of them, with the amendments, &c.
the then Committee for the Time being, shall
ic-examine the articles, supply the Deficiencies
of the sanle, by making any nen- artirle, abolishing or altering any of the old ones, (provided always they don't destroy arly of thc
Weekly Benefits, nor take away the Privileges
of any iimnber c a t r r ' d before the 29th of September, 1737) which the Prc~sitlent,with
the Majority of the Committee, shall g i ~ eorders for printing of the same, and whaterer
Jlen1bc.r of tllc: said Society shall rciusc to subscribe in three Months Time (either to these)
or the said Articles a s then nc~vlyregulated,
shall be excluded; and if any S u i t of Law a t
any Time shall be coinnlcnc'd against either
the President, Stewards, C ~ ~ U I I I ~ ~ ~ C!lcrli,
o r Attendant, in a joint or separate Suit or Action, or against any Members npon such Account, or upon excluding an)- Ifember a t any
Time, tlle same shall be defci~clrd,and Chaiyys
~ ~ a iand
t l satisfied out of the inain Cash : But if
t h e Society's Cash a t such Time. shall be uncler
100 L. thcn in such case, cach Rleuiber shall

AI\lrnll~errt'f using
to snljwril~ein
hix Weelis excluded.
If Law Snit against I'resident
&c. tht: s:utle to
be defrntld out
of 3lai11 Cash,

P a y a n equal Share, tonards the ICxpence of defcntlinp the 53111C.

If a n y of the
Conunittre desire to be excused
;rttencling &c.
fined 5s.

Each of the Committee allov 'd

6d. per Kight.

Committee to
make Artirles
fur their own

Comn~ittreto devide tlirmselres

into tn o Bodies

N.U. That if any of the aforesaid Committee i l ( & w to be excused his attending
on the said Occasion, or shall refuse to act
in Conjunction 731th the said Committee
appointed for the said Regulation, he shall
be fined F i l e Shillings, and the Renininder of the Coninlittee shall nominate one
in his S t e a d ; each of the twelve with the
President attending, shall be allo~ved Sixpence per Night for their Expences, nnti1 the nhole be compleated, (but i f any
of t l ~ e n ~or. tlir Clerk, ore absent, shall
be fined One Shilling) nhich shall be paid
by the Society.
That the then Conzniittce, insy make such
farther Articles, for their own Regulation, as
tlley sllall think proper ; and if any of thcm
shall disturb the P r o r e ~ d i n g sof the Rest, shall
b~ fined i i ~ cShillings, and a New Committeeman chose in his Room, to proceed on Bnsincss, and any sewn of the Committee, (bring
a Jlajority of the nhole) have the same Power
t o Act, as if the whole v e r e present.

N.13 When thcx above Conunittee meet5

on the aforcsaitl Bccotint, they shall dix ide
themsel~es,into two Bodies, a n equal Num-

ber, or near i n each; and every one Article

which one Body goes through the Examination oi, shall be carried by the Clerk, (who
shall be allowed one Shilling each time for
his attending, and Beer &c. Gratis) to the
other Body for their Concurrence, which if the
Majority of then1 shall not approve on; i t shall
be Ballotted by the Twelve, or by then1 Present; and if the Ballot happens to be equal,
in such Case, tho President shall determine the

Clerk allowed
1s. each time he
attends and Beer

If Ballot equal

P1.esident to decide the same.

same, after which the same shall be ordered to

be engrossed by the Clerk.
N.B. The two Divisions shall each of them
&use one a-piece out of the two respective Bodies, which shall chuse a third,
who shall prepare the Articles, for the Approbation or the Rest, which said Three when
the Articles a r e finished, shall inspect and
correct them for the Press.

Tao Divisions
each to chuse
one, and the
two to cause a
third to prepare APticleb,

That if there be any Article, nhich seems
to have a doubtful1 meaning, i n tile Explanation of such, i t is to be presumed, t h a t the
members, but especially the Committee nil1
always observe this Rule in the interpretation
thereof, not to p u t any forc'd or false Construction upon the same, but incline to t h a t , which
may be supposed to be the t r u e I n t e n t and
Meaning of such Article, a t the Time when first
made; which undoubtedly was intended as a
Guard, against some I11 Conveniency, which
i n future Times, might arise; so i n like, where there a r e two or more Articles,
which seem to contradict each other, the one
approving of, what the other disapproves of,
t h a t Article must have the Preference which is
best calculated, for t h e good of the whole; and
a s i t is impossible to guard against every Iniposition, there shall be full Power vested in
t h e Annual Committee, (after the Society hath
Subsisted three Years) t o prepare such Additional Articles, for the future Government, as to
them from Time t o Time seem convenient;
such t h a t they a t any Time prepare, shall always be given to the President, a t t h e Annual
Meeting, and Read over for the Society's Approbation ; (whom approving) the President

shall sign and be of equal Force with the

Printed Articles, (always provided this Article
doth not extend to injure any Member, entered

If any Article
seems to have n
double n~eaning, &c.
not to put any
forc'd Cons t r u c t i o ~011

Power vested
in the Committee.

before the 29th of Sept. 1737, in such Privileges, allowed by the first, second, and third

Never any Article or Order
nmde after a
Death to hinder Free
Gift. kc.

That there shail never be any Article or

Order made after any Menlbers Death, to hindcr the Allowing of the Funeral Espence, or
the Free Gift, k c . being paid to the Wife,
nor any contest arise about the Legality of the
Marriage of a Member's Wife, whose Christian
and Sirname was entered in our Book of Entrance, to prevent the Free Gift, &c. being

All Moneys
paid into
the Box to
continue therein
for the use of
the Society, &c.

That whatever Money any excluded meniber, (unless such as a r e excepted) hath or may
a t any Time pay into the Box, shall continue
therein for the IJse of the said Society; and such
onl-, receive any Benefit from the same,
who from Time to Time, and a t all Times,
Obey all Orders of the then President, Stewards, and Comn~ittee, (which are not repugn a n t to the Printed Articles, making them the
Rules of their Conduct, as Members, and conform t o such, as are now made, as well Printed a s Written, (in every Respect) or may a t
any Tiine hereafter be made, as Occasion shall
require, to which all and every Mcnlber shall
withln twelve Months, p u t their respective
Hands and Seals. .
Made by a Colnmittee appointed for the
forming and making the beforementioned Articles, on the eighteenth Day of May in the

tenth Year, of the Reign, of his Preic [ ? 1)l'esentI

Majesty King George the Second ( ~ h o l l l
God long Preserve) and i n t h e Tear of our
Lord, one Thousand, seven Hnndreil, and
thirty Seven.








Society, (when
Makes Life

pay his nloney Monthly, liable to be

fined 12d.
The four Quarterly Xeetings a r c
(tiw Tiinrx wh:m Stewards are chnscn) via.
on the first Thulxlay after the 3d of J u n e ,
tho same after the 3d of Septmlbw, the
saint. after the 3d of Dt.cen~bc,r, and the
same a f t x the 3d of March; on whir11
Nights? crery absrnt, Jlembcr by 10
o'clock, forfeits for the Vsc, of thc said
Society one Shilling.
Tho G m e r a l Nights a r e (the Tinlc
when the President c9-r. a r c chosen) ~ i z .
r,rel,y Thnrsclay sevennight a f t ~ ~the
r aforesaid Q~iartcrlyMeetings, on which Nights
every inenlber to pay all 11onvy due to
the said Society by 10 o'Cloclr, or exclilcletl.
The Annual Meeting is (the time when
the Committee of t ~ r c l v care chosen)
riz. the 27th of I>ccember, a t n-hirh timc
every member's Money (being Is. 6tl.
each) shall be paid (if resent,) sixpence of
which shall be expended, and thc said
n ~ c n i b e ra~t the same Time receive gratis
-. B u t abscnt, the ~ r h o l eIs. 6d. to
be placed upon the Roll, to the said absent
member's account.

-LlST A .


James Andrews.

Taylor & Salesman at the Golden Heart in Monmouth

Street. [Seven 1)ials.l

H c appearstto h a r e bcen the first Master of the Lodge on its

removal to the Two Black Posts i n 1738: and proposed the
ainalgamaiiou of the Lodge and Society. Secretary in J a n u a r y
171-1, J.\\:. in J n n c , S.W. in October, and again R.W.M. 17th
for dvbt A i u g ~ i s1742,
alien t h e
1)eceinber 1741. Was i ~ prison
Lodge lent hi111 $10. J.W. Narch, S.TTT.Jnnc, R . W . N . Sel~teniber 1744.

Charles Galloway.

Mathematical Instrument Maker, at Mr Sparkes's, in

Three-King-Court in King Street, Covent Garden.

Not inentioncd un ti1 19th February 1711 ; mended t h e Junior

]Yarden's Jewel : exclnc!ccl on 18th May 1741 but the mimite n as
afterwards cancelled. Refexec1 to as one of the Stewards, 13th
October 1741.


John Goddard.

Lapidary, at the Crown in King-Street, Covent Garden.

[ ? Crown and Snchor, King Street.]

One of the two first Steviards of ihe Society, 18th May 1737
Secretary in J11ne 1711, .J.TT. and S.V. in 1 7 4 2 a n d T<.JiT.M.
16th Septc~mb(~r

John Harris [Senior].

Joyner & Cabinet Maker, at Mr John Milliner's, in

Orchard Street, Westminster.

The other of the first Stenards of the Society, lSth May 1737.
H e removed from this address in March 1741, and n a s fined
for not yiling notice to the Stewards.

Matthew Alanson [Allanson]. Jeweler at Mr de Russel's, Snuff-box Maker,

at the Golden Acorn in Grafton Street, St. Ann's
[Soho]. Last mention 1747, 16th April.

6. John Jaquemin. Jeweler, at the Royal Oak, the corner of Newport Alley,
St. Ann's.
Thcrr is no mention of him in the Lodge Minntc~s.

Dan Bernardeau. Ivory Turner and Bowling Green Bowl Maker, at the
Golden Coffee Mill in St. Martin's Court, near St.
Martin's Lane.

S.W. for the first quarter of 1744; and R.W M. in March

S.V7. Sept. 174.5, a n d R.1T.M. i n Decemlxr for the first quarter
of 1746. P ~ o b a b l y\\as a r c l s t ~ r eof James Bernardeau, of tho
Vrench Lodge No. 20 a t the S n a n in Long Acre, in 1731.

Robert Davison.

Facing the Lead House in Church Lane near White

Chapel Church.

Only two menlbcrs of th,: Society are withont their callingb

entered, Darison is one of them.
Sick and dcclarcd on the
hos i n April 1741 and remained so for a long time till tho
Lodgr conipromised his claims, on two occasions.

Roe Rotherham.

Hosier & Stocking Maker, in Nottingham Court, near

Short's Gardens.

On 29th J u n c 1737 hc was present in Grand Lodge and seconded

the motion t h a t Xastcrs of Lodges shonld be su~iinmneci
s . 280.). On
regularly to the Committee of Charity. (().('..I.
this ocrasion the Lodge a t the Two Hlack Posts, No. 163, was
not represented a t Grand Lodge; possibly h? belonged to somo
other Lodge a t the time. He visitrcl No. 1 (Antiquity) on 6th
Angust 1740, and is drscribetl then as of St. John. As there
is s gap of two years i n the nlinl~trsof No. 163 i t is diffirnlt
to say if he retired from the Lodge i n t h a t interval, b u t in
17-11 he was o n c ~more active in the Lodge. Several times he
was Master pro. tem., and on 29th J a n n a r y 1741 he made a
Mason, t h e Master arriving late in the evening. He seems to
have been one of the Stewards i n October 1741. I n the third
quarter of 1743 he volunteered for the office of Clerk until the
next election of officers. Last nxention 16th April 1747,


~l-.nnsnctio,lsof f h r (Sucttunr Coronn)e' T , ~ & P .

10. Wm. Marshall. Joyner & Cabinet Maker, at the Tobacco Roll in Oxford

Market, St. Mary le Bone.

In 1740 (no date, but after 11th June) a Bro. Marshall of the
'. Rlark Posts maidden lane " visited the Grenadiers Lodge,
now No. 66. On several occasions he was acting as Warden
pro. tem. Served a s Secretary from September to December
1741, and on 2nd February 1744 was elected Master vice
Bnlkeley who had fallen ill and unable to carry out the duties
of his office. H e died late in the year 1744, and a levy of 2s.
per head was made for his funeral, a t the Lodge meeting on
3x1 J a n u a r y 1745.
11. Walter Conner. Taylor, at the Black Lyon, in King Street, Westminster,
No mention cf him in the Lodge Minutes.
12. Henry Parr. Water Gilder, at Mr. Archer's, in St. Martin's Court near
St. Martin's Lane.
The Lodge made him a loan in 1743 " t o prevent him loosing
his place," anii in J a n u a r y 1744 he had six months' grarp
allowed him to repay this. His note of hand was " p u t in
force " in December following.
13. John Theobald.

Doctor of Physick at the Green Door in Great uss sell

Street near Tottenham Court Road, Bloomsbury. .

Dr. John Theobald, M.D., mas a Grand Steward in 1733, and

rt member of No. 43, t h e Icing's Arms Lodge (now 28) which
he joined in J u n e 1736. There is no mention of him in the
present record, and he nlust have been one of those who retired
from the Socizty when i t amalgamated with the Lodge. The
Article No. 3 (see Minutes of 27th Ilecember 1'738) seems to
point to this, a s there was then no " Physician member."
11. Jonathan Freer. cia1 Merchant, next the Bull-Head in Oxford Street near
Oxford Market.
H e must have been a n illiterate person, as on one occasion his
name is written for him " Jonathan Freer his Mark." Later
he became Parish Constable for St. Giles's.
Excluded in
September 1744 b u t on appeal was reinstated.
On 3rd Feb.
1732 he rejoined the Lodge nhen i t was a t the Rnmmer and
Mitre, Labour-in-Vain Hill, and is mentioned a s " Mr. Jonathan
Frier formerly a Member of this Lodge 148 nhen a t the Swan
in New Street." The Lodge was No. 163 then, ~t never bore
the number 148 while a t the S a a n .

15. Edward Ball. Stay Maker, at the Wheatsheaf, the lower end of Theobalds
We cannot tell n-hich of the three members is refencd to under
clatc 1i41, 7th May, nhen Br. Ball's sick money n a s " stopt,"
and on 16th July of the same gcar n a s acting as S.W. pro. tem.
There is no further mention of either of them, Edward, Sam
or John.


John Crawley. ~ ~ o t h e c aat

r ~the
Pestle and Mortar, in King Street, 84,
R.1V.M. in March-June quarter of 1738,

T h e Friendly Society
17. E d w a r d Sculthorp.


Free and Accepted ilfnsons.

Baker, t h e f i r s t House o n t h e R i g h t H a n d in Great Pye

Street, Westminster.

No mention of him other than t h a t of 5th February 1741,

when he had failed t o repay Goddard and involved him i n a n
action for debt.
In 1740 a Bro. Sculthorpe visited the Grenadiers Lodge (non
66), and is described as of the Black Posts, Maiden Lane.

IS. Joseph May.

Peruke Maker, in Castle Street, near K i n g Street, Seven

I n December 1738 he was Junior Warden and signed the Audit
I n February 1744 he became Clerk for one quarter.
Last mention 16th S p r i l 1747.
Carpenter, next door hut one t o t h e Unicorn, in Oxford
Street near Oxford Market.

19. W i l l Blanchard.

Chosen Steward i n December 1741; S.W. August 1743, and

R.W.M. in the following quarter. Last mention 16th April 1747.

Robert Bulkeley.

Peruke M a k e r in St. M a r t i n ' s Court.

Seconded the nlotion to reconcile the differences between the

Society and the Lodge, 23rd February 1738.
I n December
1743 he was elected R.W.Y.

George Begougk [Bengough]. Shoemaker, in Spread Eagle Court f a c i n g

Grays Inn Gate, in Grays Inn Lane.
Died early in 1741:


no other mention of him.

Carpenter, a t Mr Westcott's, at t h e Red L y o n Cockpitt,

Grays Inn Lane.

P h i l i p Vinsley.

23. J o h n Vendelkuntz.

Taylor, at t h e Seven Dials, in T o w e r Street, St. Giles.

No mention of him in the Lodge Minntes.

21. Robert Jellyman.

Printer, opposite t o the end of L a m b e t h Hill, Thames


Printer of this List of Trades, and on the title-page he is located

a s " n e a r Trlg Stairs."
Trig Stairs and Wharf was on the
south or river side of Thames Street, nearly i n a line with
Old Change, which then r a n clown to Thanies Street. Consult
Horwood's Map, 1792: a copy is in the Grand Lodge Library.

W i l l Robinson.

P a s t r y Cook in St. M a r t i n ' s Court.

Was nnder arrest in January 1741, and the Lodge lent him two
guineas which had not been paid i n March 1742, when his
sureties were allowed six weeks' grace.


George Wallis.

Silver Spoon Maker, at Jone's Coffee House in Playhouse

Passage, D r u r y Lane.


mention of k i in
~ the Lodge Mjnuteg,

Transnctio~lsof the


Q l i n t 11or

Coronnti Lodge.

King's Waiter, i n St. John's Court, East Smithfield, near

the Victualling Office, Tower Hill.

Tho. Barnshaw.

Was R.W.M. i n December 1738 and signed the Andit Report.

I n J a n u a r y 1741 he was chosen J.W.: i n March S.W. and in
J u n e R.W.M.
' h o years afterwards he was again 1t.W.M.
Died in 1746.

John Overton.

Victualler a t the Chequer Alehouse Abingdon Buildings,

Dirty Lane, Westminster.
I s not mentioned anywhere in the Lodge Minutes.

20. W i l l Cowley.

Distiller a t the Brewhouse i n Orchard Strket, Westminster.

No mention in the Lodge Minutes.

30. John Ray.

Victualler, a t the Sign of the Feathers in Chandois Street,

Covent Garden.
Lodge No. 91 met a t this house in 1739 $ 1740, and probablj
he was a member of it.

I strongly suspect this was Bro. Rea, Master [i.?., landlord] of

t h e Bear and Rummer in Gerrard Street, nho on 17th November
1733 was made in No. 43 now the Olrl King's Arms Lodge No. 2&,
a t a Lodge called a t his own house, when the fees were spent
there. On the 15th December following he became a member or
t h e Lodge No. 43. I n November of 1$36 he was reported i n
arrear, and apparently mas excluded as there is no further mention of him.
Tn No. 163 a t the Tmo Black Posts he was a regular attendant
until his cxclusion 2nd December 1742. J.W. in March 1741.
R.W. in J n n z and Master in September. Numerous fines a r e
recorded against him for non-attendance, bring late, or negleeting his dnty as Warden.

Sam Bagley.

Tobacconist, a t No 8 i n Strutton's Ground, Westminster.

Contributed very largely in fines, for such offences as offering
to lay a nagpr, affronting a member, ill-language, I ' oprobrious
language," giving a member " t h e Lye," and so on. Held no


Henry Easton.

Shoemaker, a t the Crispin i n Cranbourn-Street, LeicesterFields.

The only mention of h i n is the Secretary's not. on the cover of
the minute book.

33. Geo. Garthorne.

Sadler, a t Mr Bushel's, facing Cranbourn Alley i n Oastle


1738, Chairman of the Committee on 8th June.

suspended from all benefits for one year.

174.5, November,

Sam Coley [ ? C o m l e ~ ] . Haberdasher of Small Wares, a t the Sun faoing

Houndsditch, near Aldgate.

so mention

of him in the Lodge Minutes.


Luke Clifton.

Peruke Maker, opposite Grange Inn, by Carey Street, LinCOlnS

I n n Playhouse.
Excluded 2nd d p r i l 1747


Nath. Trevey.

Gunsmith i n Flower de Luce Court, Fetter Lane.

No mention of him in the Lodgc Minutes.


Charles Dyer.

Sadler a t Mr Lees, a Baker's, i n Maxtield Street, St. Anne's.


No mention in the Lodge Minutes.

Josiah Harris [Junr].

Joyner and Cabinet Maker, at No. 8 i n Jeffery's

Buildings in the Ambrey, Westminster.

As No 4 in the list is sometimes referred to as Harris Senior,

Josiah may have been his son, as both were of the same
~ r e d eand in the same locality.
On 2nd April 1741 he was excluded for non-paynlent, and on
the 10th September following he was a visitor "of S t . John."
39. John Young.

Undertaker i n Hanway Street near St. Giles Pound.

A very regular attendant. S.W. in January 1741 and R.W.M.

in March following. Steward in December of the same year.
J u n r . Steward December 1744: 1i.W.M. Septenlber 1746. Last
mention 16th April 1747.

Glover, a t the Glove and Ball in Hanway street, near St.

Giles Pound.

J. Williamson.

No mention of hiin in the Lodge Minutes. See No. 4'2.


Richard Pick. a Carpenter a t Mr Pick's a Plummer, facing Phcenix Alley,

Long Acre.


George Coates.

Glover, at the Glove and Ball i n Hanway Street.

Seems to have been a partner in business with Williamson No. 40.
No mention of him in the Lodge Minutes.

43. John Gidley.

Attorney a t the Great House i n the Upper ground n e w Mary.

gold Stairs, Southwark.
A t the formation of the Society in 1738 he signed the Articles
, I S Clerk.
H e is only mentioned once i n the Minutes (2nd Feb.
1744) when a ineniber n-as i n his debt.


Daniel Barbier.

Japanner i n Feathers Court, craven's Buildings i n Drury


A member of No. 56, the Anchor & Crown, Short's Gardens, in

I n No. 163 he was J.W. in December 1741, S.W. in March
1742 and R.W.M. in J u n e : again S.W. in March and R.W.M
in J u n e 1744.

Edward Bunce,

a Sawyer of Wood a t the Bull and ax the corner of John

Street Oxford Market.
Not mentioned in the Lodge Minutes.

46. Isaac Voulair. a Lapidary i n Compton Street near Hog Lane. [no~vCharing
Cross Road. j
Not mentioned in the Lodge Minutes.


Tho. Harrison sen.

Undertaker in Vere Street, Clare Market.

Fined five times in one evening for swearing and similar offences.
I n J u n e 1742 he was chosm ~ r g a s u r e r .

John Heliot [Helot].

a Watchmaker at the DYAL i n Newport Street, St.

Martin's Lane.

H e may be the John Helott in 1'TZ of the Horn Tavern

(Original No. 4), and Helot i n 1731 of No. 98 Prince Eugene's
Head, St. Alban's Street

It is certain however t h a t in 1731 he was a member of t h e

Rose Mary le Bone No. 43 (now 28 Old King's Arms) and on 1st
October 1733 was raised Master. I n t h a t Lodge we find him,
s s a matchmaker, giving a lecture (Dec. 1733) on "Watch and
Clock Making," and ( J a n . 1734) cn " A Water Clock."
was S.W. i n 1740 and his attendances there were fairly numerou?
down to 1744 when he ceased membership. His address i n 1752
is given as " Charterhouse."
I n No. 163 he was Treasurer from June to December 1741 ; J.JY.
in J u n e 1743. Resigned the Lodge 20th October 1744.

W. Woodman. a Locksmith at the GOLDEN LOCK in Tower Street near

the Seven Dials.

J.W. in June 1742: S.W. in September ancl R.W.M. in

January 1743. Senr. Steward December 1744: J . W . September
There was a Wm. Woodman in 1723 of the Horn Tavern,
(Original No. 4,) but I doubt ~f this could have been the same.


John Webb.

a Victualler at the PINE APPLE in Castle Street by St. Martin's

No mention of him in the Lodge Minutes.

51. William Potter. a Baker i n Little St. Martin's lane.

Excluded for non-payment 2nd April 1741.

52. John Oassin. a Small Work Chaser at a RAZOR MAKER'S in Riders Court,
Leicester fields.
S o t ~rentionedin the Lodge Jlinutcs.


Sam Ball.

Baker in St. Martins Court, Leicester fields.

See note under No. 15.


Tho. Harrison jun.

Undertaker at the Hand and Cap near St. Clements


Tho. Mansfield. Glover at the two Black Posts in Vere Street, Claremarket.

R.W.M. in the first quarter of 1741 : and Secretary in J u n e

1742; in distress January 1743 and kept his jewel of office.

John Stephenson.

Vintner at the Key & Garter, Pall Mall.

Not mentionecl in the Lodge Minutes.

No. 26B, a new Lodge filling up a n old number was meeting a t
this tavern from 1734 to 1739. Instead of 26 its number should
have been 179. ( G . L . X i n u t e s , p. 309.)'
Tho. Blakesley.

Wine Cooper at the Kings Arms Tavern the corner of

Grosvenor Street i n ~ e w
Bond Street.

Lodge No. 10 (now Tuscan 14) met a t his housa in 1731, ancl he
appears as a men-,her in the list of t h a t date. I n No. 163 he
was elected J.W. In December 1741 but declined the office.
George Delany.

Linnen Draper at the Golden ball the corner of the Haymarket.

J . W . January 1743, S.W. March.

Last mention on 11th

October 1743.
His name is usually given as Deleny.
John Ball. Apothecary at the Pestle and Mortar i n Stanhope street near
See note under No. 15.
H e was a member i n 1723 of the Snn Tavern, Clare Market,
xvhich lapsed about t h a t time. ( G . L . Xinzctes, 1). 28.)
Alexander Blackwell. Printer in Swan Walk, at Chelsea.
Not mentioned in the Lodge Minutes.
Charles Thomas.

Frame maker at an Apothecary's facing the Pine Apple

in Castle Street near the Meuse.

Not mentioned in the Lodge Minutes.

" The Meuse" was t h e King's Mews a t the south end of St.
Martin's Lane, where the National Gallery now stands. Note
i h c i-ariation i n the address of the "Pineapple," see No. 50.
George Hill. Carver in WOOD & STONE i n Dean street near Grosvenors

J.K. December 1740, but on 5th February 1741 resigned the

office ancl pilid the fins. On 19th hrovember 1741 he was reinstated, " not being regular15 scratched out," but there is no
record of his exclusion.
Nicholas Massey. Watchmaker at Mr Blanchard's i n Porter Street near
Newport Market.
Not mcntiomd in the Lodge Minutes.
1 See also note on thc Key and Gartcr in the discussion on Bro. Lcvander,s paper,
a n t e , p. 76.


r'ransactlons of the Qzmttcor Coronati Lodge.

61. Tho. Rogers., Jeweller at Mr Julian's next door to the Geneva Arms in

Church Street, St. Ann's [Soho].

The m l y information of him is the minute of 6th August 1741,
when he had a fit.

Francis Barrs. In Star Court in Old Fish Street near St. Paul's.
Occupation not given. This very probably is Francis Ues Barres,
Gent. of Prince's Street, London %all, nhn in 1767 n a s a member of L'ImnmrtalitB cle I'Ordre, ancl i n 1769 of No. 1, now
Antiquity 2, nhich he joined 21st J u n e l 7 6 9 i the former of
rhese was then negotiating for o n a n ~ a l g a n ~ a t i owith
n Antiquity.


Isaac Dubois. Chaser in the Meuse, Charing Cross.

I n 1731 he was It.W.41. of the Goat No. 16 a t the foot of the
Haymarket, of which a Paul Dubois n a s also a member a t the
ss me time.


William Smith.

Sashmaker in Dean street near South Audley Street,

Grosvenor Square.

There a r e several Wm. S n ~ i t h sin the 1731 lists, but i t is most

likely this or,e mas a member of two Lodges i n his locality,
No. 10 a t the King's A r m , New Bond Street (non. Tuscan 14)
and No. 16 the Goat, a t the foot of the Haymarket.
Last mentioned in No. 163 on 6th March 1746.
68. William Gray.

Bricklayer in Green Street near Grosvenor Square.

H e was a inember of No. 4 a t the Shakespear's Head in Little
Marlborough Street (now No. 6 Friendship), and signed t h e
By-Laws in 1736. H e is then described as Bricklayer and Slater,
of the same address as above.
I n No. 163 he selclom attended and held no office.

69. J . Chamcellor. Writing Master, in Bedford Court, Covent Garden, @lerk [of
the Society].
Clerk i n 1741, and probably in 173; although John Giclly signs
the original Articles as Clcrk on 18th May 1737.

W e m a y very briefly r u n over t h i s list of t r a d e s i n a cl~ssified f o r m .

Those wliich h a d t h e full n u m b e r of t h r e e each were t h e Bakers, Carpenters,
Glovers, Jewellers, J o y n e r s , P e r u k e Makers, Taylors, U n d e r t a k e r s , a n d Victuallers.
T h e r e were two each of t h e Apothecaries, Chasers, Lapidaries, P r i n t e r s ,
Saddlers, Shoemakers, a n d W a t c h Makers.
Two h a v e n o occupation stated, Davidson No. 8, a n d B a r r s No. 65 who we
know f r o m a n o t h e r source was a " G e n t . "
A l l o t h e r t r a d e s mentioned have one representative each.
W i n e Cooper a n d one V i n t n e r i n addition t o t h e t h r e e Victuallers.

T h e r e was one

The Friendly Society of F r ~ ea n d A ccqrtrtl X n s o m .


T H E M I N U T E S O F T H E LODGE No. 163.

Though somewhat incomplete in the earlier years, we here obtain most
interesting information of the doings of our brethren in the early years of the
Craft, some of i t of importance when read in co~ljunctionwith other contemporary
records. On one occasion a visitor was refused admission as lie had bcen concernd
in tlie irregular making of Masons, a common complaint in the forties.] This
appears to remove the Lodge from the-category of so-called seceders, and to place
i t definitely i n the ranks of the orthodox under the zgis of tlie Grand Lodge.
Contrary t o the usual custom the landlord of the tavern wllcre the Lodge met was
not a member2 (although a Mason) and the control of the Lodge funds wa3 vested
:n a n elected Treasurer so early as J u n e , 1741, probably earlier still. Contribution:;
t o t h e General Charity were regular and the ofhers of the Lodge were seldom absenl
from the Quarterly Communications. W e hear of the Past Naster, equivalent t o
vur I . P . M . , in the year I741 when 111s jewel was repaired: in No. 1 (Antiquity)
t h a t rank is mentioned in 1739, the earliest date yet known. A Clerk was employed
in addition t o a Secretary as usual, and this office was given on several occasions to
a brother unable t o pay his debts t e the Lodge, t o help him out of his difficulty.
Moneylending became almost a pastime, and the greater p a r t of the ordinary
business of the Lodge seems to have been t h a t of keeping a debtor alive to his
engagements. Two instances occur of brethren arrested for debt being assisted
eccording t o the rules, and two of widows who drew their husbands' club money.
There is no mention of " clothing the Lodge " a t the admiseion of new members,
and the aprons were provided by a rnember who was am undertaker.
The Minute Book has been entered u p a t both ends; a t the commencement
are entries from the 9th February, 1737 ( i . e . , 1738) to 6th August, 1747, a t which
time the Lodge was meeting a t the Anker and Crown in King Street, Seven Dials.
On a later removal t o the Rummer (and Mitre), Labour in Vain Hill, the book
began t o be used a t the other end, the records continuing down to J u n e , 1769, b u t
mith this portion of its history we are not a t present concerned, except to mentioo
in passing one home of the Lodge was the Lebeck Tavern, Strand, a house not
noted in Lane's list (p. 76, .liasonic Records).
A note by the Secretary or Clerk on the front cover of the book mentions a
Bro. Easton, not to be found elsewhere in the minutes. H e was No. 32 in the list
of the Friendly Society.
Paid for Brr Easton [3213
G o d d a ~ d[3]
Crawley [I61
Garthorne [33]
Then comes a series of lists of visiting brethren, without any record of business
transacted; these r u n from 9th Februarv to 6th April, 1738, and partly overlap in
point of date the ordinary minutes commencing with the Memorandum of 23rd
March of t h a t year, recording the adjustment of the differences between the rival
bodies, the Friendly Society and the Lodge. A leaf is apparently missing in one
place, and except for the serious hiatus of two years between 27th December, 1732.
and 1st J a n u a r y , 1741, the records are otherwise fairly complete.
1Thrrr seems in this statement to be no sound basis for the suggestion that the
Friendly Society ma!: have been a pioneer of the Grand Lodge of the Antients
Article No. 111. excludes from membership the Landlord of the House, as well as
the Clerk and Attendant.
3 The numbers in square brackets after a name refer to the Friendly Society's List:
they will onlp be given where the npme is fir@ mentiongd.

I ' r a n s n c i i o ~ ~ofs t h e Qiiatztor Coronuti Lodge.


[First page]
Feb. 9th 1737.
[ i . e . , 17381

Rrr Edward Darrcll
W. Barton

from ye H. L. of S t J.

Will Cazalo2 fro111 ye Black Lyon Jockey field No 77.

John Fisher a t yo Read Lyen in Chandler Street GraceCh
Thos. Roper S t . Johns.
John Sampler Made i n this Lodge.
William Dunmore
Peter Jolley Ball Head in Grac Church Street.
[Sampler and Dunmore a r e not in the Frien'dly Society's .List. The Red
Lion in Chandler Street is a n unidentified Lodge. The Bull Head was
No. 22.1

Feb. 1Gth 1737,

a t t the Fountain I n Katerin Street Strand

Brr F o r t
[this is repeated to each of the seven]
nr Calwell
Br Scarlett
Br Leeds
Rr D. Coles
Rr Foster
Br Klack
Br James a t t qo Goat in Spread Eagle Court Strand.
Br Lamb holy lodge S t . Johns.

[The Fountain \ras No. 114; this was evidently a visit in form. The Goat
was No. 38 and is now the Cnstle Lodge of Harmony No. 26. James
later joined this Loclge No. 148.1

Feb. 23.

Bro. George Trubshaw S t . John.

Rro. W m Soens
Bro. Robt Dods Brawns Head.
[The Braund's Hcacl in New Bond Street was No. 6, now 8, British.
At this meeting t h e "difference-," between the Lodge and Socie:y
were d;scnssecl, see reference under 23rcl March, 1738.1

March 2ncl.

TP Roboteae a t ye Princes Head in Prence Street.

Br Lamb S t . Johns.

[The Prince's Head is another Lodge yet t o be identified Rabotean is

the name here referred t o ; Charles Iiaboteau n-as in 1731 a menlber of
the Frgnch Lodge a t the Swan in Long Acre. (C.1,. IlIinzttcs, 159.)]

M a ~ c hqP 9th.

Sam Jones S t . Johns.

Thomas Spnrrier Sun in Ronnd Court.
John Whitehead Queen's Heacl in the Old Bailey.

[The Snn was No. :34 in Oid Ronnd Court, Strand. The Queen's H e s d
mas No. 76.1

1 T do n a t propose to note the pagination after this..

B This ma? be Caro!o. ? Cassoll, see 30th March, 1738, from the same Lodge,

March ye 19

Richard Davison S t . Johns.

Thomas Barron of the Turk's Head Temple I h r r .

[The Tnrk's Head was No. 16. March 19th should be 16th, as the meetings
were on Thnrsdaj-s.]
Jlarch ye 26th

P. Jlosiers Crown and Anker liinq Street St. Giles

W. Stanhope S t . Johns.
H. Kerison


J . Slap Kings Arms Toner Street.

Tringham St. John.
Matheson Queens Head Knaves Acre.
Russel Turks Head Temple Barr Master
Wm Butler Marlborongh Head petticoat [TAane].
Linn S t . John.
Emberton 110
[The Crown and Anchor n a s No. 36. and the King's Arms No. 111.
Stanhope was Isndlord of the White S w i n where both the Lodge a n J
Friendly Society first met. The Queen's Head was 01-iginal No. 3:
noiv Fortitude ancl Old Cnmberlanil. The Marlborongh Head, Petticoat Lane, was No. 128.
The Master's prolrosals for reconciling the " differences " n-ert.
adopted a t ihis meeting: see post, Memorandum of 23rd Man-11.
The date of this meeting is clearly a n error for "rd.]

Cran lay Master [16]

Cosens Fountain In Bartholomew Lane
Jackes Theater Coffee House Bridge Street
Parker Fountam in Bartholomew Lane
Oates Kings Arnies in Wild Stree:
Newton Raine Bo\\ '\-ol*k Buildings
Lamb S t . John
Cassoll Black Lyon Jockey Fields
Oates S t . John
Sample ditto.
Foster Bear in Strand Tarern
Russell Turks Head Temple Rarr [ M a s t c ~ ]
Hoilt Bear Strand Tavern
Hodges Talbot Hcad Restminster

No 1681
[No. 131
[No. 1231
[No. 751

[No. 771

[No. 1341
[No. 161
[No. 1341
[No. 1701

[The Theatre Coffee Honse No. 13 n a s in 13ridges Street, and is nom No. 20
Royal Kent Lodge of Antiquitx. The Rainbow Coffee Honse \\as
No. 7.3 ancl is now 33 Britannic Lodge.]

Apr" 6th.

Cran ley Master

Broth. Stephen Payne ye Crown tavern Smith field
Jan18 Horton turcks head temple Rarr
Tho8 Barron turcks head temple Rarr

[No. 1.541,
[No. 161

[The Lodge was represented on this date a t the Grand Lodge, its first
attendance from the Black Posts. Three representatives were present ]


Page 5 begins with the folloning Memorandum, repeated on page 8 , nhlch ievidently a fair copy with a slight alteration in the opening sentence. The first 16
probably the proposition and the second is the formal c~ntrvnhen dnlj carried: Men~orancluin Aggreed to March ye 23 173i/P.
Whereas a Motion was ma& on Febr 23 173718 Hy.the Right \V1 31' 13roth,,r
Andrew [l] for a n Expedient to reconcile the l l u t u a l diferances Subsisting
between the Members which said Motion wqs Seconded by I J ~ Bdliley
and brother Heliot [48]
Tn-as resolv'd by the Whole I d g e then present t h a t the Right TVi1
shou'd propose such a n expedient in order to preserve peace and Harnio~ty
amongst the Brethren reducing thc same to writeing.
I n pursuance of which resolution the following proposition is S u b m i t t d
to the consideration of this most ancient and Honourable Fraternity. [Se:.
article xlrii. r e Men~orandum.]
Thursday JInrch 23 : 1737 18
T h a t All and Every one Entcrd into this Society paying in their dcficienci~~s
this Evening shall be deem'd Members both of the Lodge and Socic,ty now Ilel~l
every thursday evening a t the f r o 011-rckpost,? it1 3 l n i t l e n L c o l ~and t h a t all
Cause of Complaints amongst the Members relative either to the Lodge or
Society shall cease to this Day amongst the Whole and t h a t no A c c ~ ~ s a t i o n ,
petition, Information or n n t t r r of Complaint shall be Exhibited against an?
Member for any thing hitherto done either relative to entrance or ought elst?
which may effect Exclusion, Gi~spension,fine or reprimand b u t t h a t this Concession shall not be pleaded in Precedence for any t h a t hereafter may be done
bnt only as a n Instance of a M u t ~ ~ aagreement
t p prcserve Union and Harmony
amongst the Whole which1 t h a t i t may be rencler'd more effectnal. All possiblo
Care shall be taken a t the future admittance of Nembers and t h a t the Conlmittee before a ballot is taken shall previousl? esamiiie the person Intendill::
to enter or the proposer whether the propostd Occupies any other Buisness
t h a n what he Intends to enter for which may intvrfere or rloss [ ? clash] with
any Mtniber ahead7 enter'd Siguing thc same t h a t he doth shall not be enterd
~ v i t h o n tOktaining his or their mutual1 consrnt n-ho lilicwise shali sign t l ~ e
same which as t;vill prrvent any futnrc. Complaint bcxing exhibited agai~!st
persons entering evasive of the Articles relative to trade so lilielvisr twill ten,l
to pronmte the Welfare of the Whole by pr~serviilgt h a t harmony which is
essential1 to Masonry.
Aggreed to Nem. Contradicenty
March the 23 : 1'737/S

A Petition from the Masters Lodge

[Several visitors were present a t this meeting, sre list trt~tc,. Tlli.;
Bfemorandum definitely fixes both Lodge and Society a t the T n o B1ac.k
Posts, and rercals t h a t thc differenres and complaints had nrisen ovt.1
the admission of certain n~embersundesi~.ablofroni the point of view
laid down in Article 11. of the Friendly Society.
There are no ininntes of the mec,tings on 30th March (sw visitors'
list n n t e ) nor of April 6th nor of the whole of May, 1738.1
I t is resolveil by thc Committee t h a t the Stennrds shall publickl,
J u n e 8th 1738.
acquaint the Lodge of every Brother d e r l a ~ i n gi ~ p o n the Box on the first
'I'h~lrsday after receiving sllrh notire.
Resolved lilremisr t h a t this C o n l m i t t t ~is satisfied n it11 tile report of thc,
Stewards concerning the t n o sick members.

" and " in fair copy. p 8, J l i n ~ ~ t c s . ]

Itcsolred t h a t the Pedestals shall be inclosed, and t h a t 13' Blancllard [19J

shall bo the persop* t h a t shall doe i t or causc: i t to be done before tliis day
l<esolred t h a t nothing belonging to the Lodge. shall be lent out, \ritliout
tlk c o n s ~ ~
of t this ~ o t ~ g c .
Gcwrge Garthorn Chairinan
of the Committee
[There irppears to be notlnpg betnc~enJ u n e 29th and Decrmbcr, 1238; pcrllaps a leaf i~

[* A r t ~ c l cSLVIII ]

An Account of Money lteceived and 1)isbnrs'tl for

tilc Year 1738.
First (Juarter
swond (,hr
third Qny

7 1 - 941-1042-1132-- 8-




20- 739-1018- 21- 6-



Tot. Reed
Tot. 1)isburs"d

..- ---8.7-020

D u e to Ballancc






A t t a Committee held by ' 3 r d c ~of the Lodge r e the under written hart.
examined a n d settled the Last years AccotS and find there reinains in the said
Accot~the sun^ of Eighty five ponnds and t p o shillings. And i t is agreed to
Indenmifie the Stcu.ards for the 1)ecision of the above Mention of one pound
six shillings and thrrc half i~ence,but having not exan1ii;ed the Cash tn-as
agreed t h a t the Ste\mrds o E this last Qnarter of the said years Accots shall
make good \\.hat deficiency may or shall happend t o make up the said sun1 of
ISighty fire pountls and t x o shillings a f t e r which there shall no manner of
dispute arisc a s TLtnoss o u r Hands Present "and Signd by the 1111der\rritt<::l
Ordered t h a t n o
l l r m b ( ~ rof- the
Tllursdag s Lodge shall
twine into the Bnnnal
Coninlittee Room
unless he has something
to offer and then
n j for
N.B. 13' W o o d ~ ~ i aLAO
Non Attending the
Annnal Committrc , ,
11as fined one Sllillmg

Thomas Barnsha\\ [2iJ Master

Joseph M a j [1P1 Sun? \\'a~den
James Bndreu s
William Blanchard
Daniel Barbier [44]
John Young [391
Frac. Hotherham [9]t
George Delany 1581
Thomas Harrison J u n r [54]
Thomas Mansfield 1.531

[ * Thew fire wortls arc n-rittcn in another hand and ink. All thc names
arc ~ r r i t t c nby the s:.nie scribe t h a t ~r:wtt: the text.]
L t Rothc~rhain,gi\-cn as Roc. not Francis, ill ihe List of Jle111hers.1

The Minutes following, to 17th l)ecember, appear t o have been written up frow
l.ough minutes, as they follow the entry of 22 Dee. 38.
[On page 8 is a fair copy of the Memorandum already given under date
23rd ?rlarch/38, the opening clause being in this instance wordeJ
thus : -1


23 : 1738

I t was unanimously agreed t h a t all and every one kc.

-4pril ye 20 : 1738

N.U. Twis agreed t h a t from and after when this Lodge be advanced to the
Number of Eighty," that the Entrance Money, after t h a t shall I)e
one pound Eighteen Shillings and Sixpence. [Minutes of this date
a r e referred to in t , l ~ eCommittee's Report of 26 December, 1738.1
[* See Article


May ye 4th 1738.

Twas unanimously agreed t h a t all Motions Debates or L h p u t e s Concerning t h e Benefit Society, Such Excepted t h a t requires a n Imediate decision,
shall be postponed to the Private Night reservd for the Tise of t h e Lodge r l z
Every 4 t h and 5th Thursday in the Month and if any be Brought in or made,
the same deenid Irregular and the said Brother receive a Iteprimancl from t h r
Chair, and further if any Brother deviates from the Question (or * under
L'onsidcration) shall be silenc'd on the Debate nor be permitted to speak a
second time thereon without Special leave from the Chair.

[* [ ? matter] undcr Consideration.

Blank in the Minutes.]

LSee also Article 4 in Minutes of 27th December, 1738.1

T n a s agreed t h a t Nothing belonging t o t h e Lodge be lent
June ye 8th [1738]
out without the Consent of the Lodge.
[Committee met on this day, see Report, ctnte.]
Agreed that our Brother the 1)oorkeepcr should lock u p the severll
[June] 22.
Aprons belonging to the Members as soon a s the Lodge is closd
l h a s agreed t h a t the Contribution Money of this Lodge toward Grand
[June] 20.
Charity shall be one Gii~nea61- half pr Annum the same paid in a t ten Shillings
& Sixpenre by the Master of the Lodge a t Each Quarterly Communication and
the same continued till such time, as the Lodge thinks proper to alter the said
[Thc Loclge had attended Grand Lodge on the previous day but had nor
yet paid in anything to the General Charity-beyond the fee for its
Constitution, already referred to.]
[No entries for Jnly.]
T n a s agreed that the Lodge should talw a Book of Constitution
August 17. 1738.
of the New Edition of Bro. Sndcrson and p a j thirteen Shillings for the samP
Bound with the 2 blac.7; Z'osta r r l llluitlrr~Lune on the Hack.

[No entries for September.]

October 19, 1738.
Twas agreed that the fourth night of the New Stewards Quarter
is the Night for the Old Stewards to pay in s w h Deficiencys a s may happen
on these Acco's and this be the full explanation of the 14 Article."
[* Article XI\'. provides for the transfer of office $ cash on the first
Thursday night in the new quarter, but Article X I allowed them a
tortnight after that in which to clear their i1uc.s from the 11011.1

November 30th 1738.

Twas unaniinously agreed t h a t Br0 Rotherain should go and treat with

UrAshley* the Banker and t r e a t with him concerning the Money and report
the same to t h e Lodge
[ * I have been linable to trace Ashley as a &lason.]

December 17th 173s.

[ ? 14th. 17th was Sunday.]

Twas agreed t h a t all debates and business shall be between the E.A. 6;.
P.C.'s P a r t * and if any Motion is made afterwards to be deeni'd irregular.
and the Yaster to be call" to a n account for such a n Irregular Debate or
13usiness, and t h a t the F.C. P a r t shall not be Proceeded on till 314 after Eight
0 Clock.
[ ' p a r t quoted by Uould.

H i s t o r y I I . , 369, foot.]

[Committee met on 22 Dec. '1738, see tirite.]

A t t a Committee held a t 13ro Norris's* L)echr 26. 1738 [Tuesday.]
That n e whose Names are here subscrib'd h a l e examined the minutes of the
Last year [cf. Art. XII] and find the a b w e only of Consequence t o this Lodge
and beg t h a t the Minutes of April the 20t11t may be altered as hereafter mentioned.
Present and signcl by the under nritten
ZThomas Barnsham Master
Joseph May [J.W.]
Thos. Harrison J u n r .
John Young
Will. Blanchard
Roe Rotherham
Dan11 Barbier
Mattw Allanson [Z]
W. Woodman
Jag Andrcn s
[ * Idandlord of the Two Black Posts ill Maiden Lane.1

[t Jlinutes of April 20th are missing, there is only a note of Article 1V. being altered.1
[I These arc not autographs.]
.itt a n Annnal Cominittcr~ of the Lodge held a t HrO Norris's on T u c s d a ~
I)ecbr 26th 1738.
The f n d e r Written was Propos'tl by the Conunittee for the Consideration of
the whole Lodge or S t . Johns Day being tlw Annual Meeting. Agreed to N.C.
on the 27th I>ecbr 1738.


I \ r u t t x r r t : t i o n ' s . . 1 tt.lit e Q t t t t t t t c , r L ' o r o t t a t i L o i l 0 c .


1't That thc Errtlance lIone5'fol

Each Brother'.that is a llason, l'hile the
Lodge consists but of Sixt;'llembc.r's,*
slrall be one ltouncl one shilling, the
sanr.e uaid as follol's. ten shillings ancl sis pence whcn plopos'11 ancl tire
fr.lraindel uitliin six months aftel ol at the cipilation of tht: elsuing Qualtel
aiter'(inclusive of Rziising ll.
Plovidetl that the Blo. be onll'a
llcggaltl 1o u'h'rt it r.osrhiLn lo br.n)aclo.or..Raisdt
[* Sce Article



F.Cl. antl no



erveL Ptl'son is clesit'ous to bo niadc antl t'nti'r a llc'nrber' hcloof

sliall paf iti the suur'bf Tr..'0"'poundstri'o shillings;'t]ie siinle pairl as follows
ten shillings & six pence b5- tl're ploposcl ancl tcn shillings & six pence on
srrbsclibing the Alticles, thc llemainel paid l-ith in six Months after Entlance
ol att.the l)xpelation of the saicl Qualtcr inclusive of ltaising trI. [f,1 1s.0d.
o n l l ' p a i r l f o r n r a k i n g J a n u a r . , ' , 7 7 4 1 , y > . 1 7 8 ; a l t e i e d a g a i n 2 n d S e p t e ' r n b e ; ' ,1 7 4 2 . ]

That l'hile.there bc'no Ph1'sician ntembel of the f,ocige that an5'sicl< urcnrb , ' t t l e c l a l i n g o n t h e b o x a n t l a l l o u d l . i s h i l l i n g s p " t c c k I r r l l l l n c s s s r r t . l rs h a l l
have it at his ol'n Option Ilithel

agleeable to the Printecl Alticles,


to ltavc allorve<l a I'h-vsician to attend hinr

ol Allol'd one pouncl one'shilling,'ls

Ira)'ing the Apothecary's Rill Provided he l.ill Emplo-v ole of the Llembet's of
the,Lodge and the same equally Divided betl'een the Apoth'ocalvs.
And if
the'Apothecar;'agle,e to this Resolution, neither of them shall accept ancl hol,J
the offico of Stel'alds

but ail'a5's Iiable to be lincl for the said office aurl tl.rlt
no apothecar'1'be ailos'ecl to entcr for an Apothecaly and Sut'geon.
4,. That all cause of coruplaint Comittcd b1' an1' rnembel or mombels againsb
the Society shall cease to the 27ti clal' of l)tcb" 1738 Ancl that rro Acslso.tion,
Petition, lnfolrnation or J[atter of Comu]aint shall, be exhibitcd against an1'


And that



donc rvhich ma5. cffect oxclusion suspension linc


thc Stervaltls accot" onl5' Rxccptecl.

it shall be a Standing

ll,ule in this Lodgc fol an-v l{crnber' linou'ing al-v

Guilty of an-v h'rtgulalit-v that thi sarne'shail be blought in I)1r.eiirg
thc Stetyalcls ()uartel in which it rr'as Conmitted in ol sithiri one r11onth at
in thc Nerv Stel'alcls fQuarter'] oth,:rn'ise the same bs I)eem't!


and no cognizancc' shail be tahen il'heleof b.y thc llaster or. Lodge
thc 'l{emb.:r' bringing in the sanre in anl' shapc, shall r'eceir-c l suler.c
lcprimand and the samc l)ccncl l'[alicious.


Plesent and Signd

b1' the unrlerl'r'ittt'n
Thos. IJalnshal'


John Young

The List of


Joseph lIa"v [J.N.]

\Y. Woodman


rvas olrlelecl to be Plinted


[Se,e Alticle

Roe ll.otheram

Danll. Barbier
Tho". Ilalrison


Jas. Andret,s.
['rhese names are rrot autoq.aPhs. Mattherv Al]anson, n'hose name oecurs
in the forrrot llcmolantlurn
of 26th l)ccember. did not sign on the
27th. This is ther onll- r'eftr.cnce to a urecting on St. Johrr,s Da.1,;
altiiough helcl anrrualll,' (see Ar'tir.lo \II.)
it r-itl br-. seen later. that
thc l,'east on this da1'u'as givcn up in bent,fit the lJox.
Thet'e are no rtrinutqs of either'173g or'1710i and sometin-Le

Decembel of the lattt t, ;-ear. the f,otlge lcmel.ecl to the Beclforcl

'I'he last lecor.ded
attendance of thc Lodec at G.Lo. flom the


Two B1ac.k Posts v a s 23rd J d y , 1710, and its first from the Dnke of
l%cvlfordsHead v a s on 7th .Tanuary, 1711. The provisions of No. 3
of the above articlcs pcjint to the fact t h a t Dr. John Theobald, a
inember of the Friendly Society (No. 13 in List A), was one of those
n-110 left i t when i t mc,rged into the Lodge.
St is clear from this
t h a t in 1)ecrmbvr. 1733, there was no "Physician mnnber of the
~ o d g r , " and t h a t the Apothecary members, of whom there n-ere two,
wrre meann-hilr to havc) jointly tho benefit of attrndanre on the sick
~nc>mber,11nlrs.s a n .o;itside physician were' called i n The same article
provides t h a t the calling of apothecary x i s incomlmtiblc with t h a ~
of Surgeon under the provisions of Articl'es XVI. and S S I I I . , to Jrhici~
this is n snpplement3ry addition.
I n addition t o Dr. Theobald no less than tn-enty others of tho
l'riendly Society seem to h a w dropped oht a t the union of the rival
bodies. These arc? indicated in the List A already ' g i ~ e r i .
I t is further to be noted, t h a t the disputes supposld to harr.
scttlcd i n March. .173S. ancl. postponed on 4th May, \rere itill in the
air and were now finally to cease as from St. John's 1)sy.l
I'riratr I d g e Night.

JanY ye lst1741

Z'rcs,nt the Right \icrshipfl~l [Thofi Ma.lsfirld] T l l the Chair thc \Tarden;
I yonnp and H1!11 In their Hespectlvc. places n t 7 o'clock sud npn aids of t n e n t \
A 3lotlo:i bcmq made t h a t no person a t ~ s ~ t shob'd
be adnuttecl into
thv I.odqc. any exeninp (vho shou'd behave di~respect~uelyor Bfiront an)
members) tor t h c fntnrc the same n a s carried for the affirmatirc Nem. Con.
BrOrMarshal [lo] n a s find 2 d for not bringlng his Apron. Br Pick [41J
;1nd I 3 1 Uagley [31] cles~redtheir depts for t h e aprons to be fix upon the Rol!
to be paid 111 t h e first month or find 6d Each
[They both incnrred this penalt)
on 29th JanY]
The s t a t r of the Cash this night is 8.13. 1 6

'I'lre buisness of thc Lodgc~11einq over i t n a s regularly closed a t 10 o'clocli.



Goddard '&err P . Tem.

Second Lodgc Night [no (late, ? J a n . 8 . 41. Thursday.]

being abscnt a t 7 were each find 3d

13ror Ray [X)] gave 131.'' JIarshaIl an Ortlrr to pay 1-10: into the Lodge
on his a w t n.hich was Regularly allowed by Dror llarshall
the sd 0rtlc.r given before Jlansfieltl
"3 Berneardeau 171
Brr .Freer [I11 I.iken-ise g a r c Ilro? JLarshall all Order before the Master ant1
13ror Young in the Lodge Room io pay the sum of five shillings into the Lodge
for his 11s. thc first paymcnt of two shillings A sixpence to comlnence nest

131-0' Barker* was ordered to attend the Lodge t c fix the time for
Executing the 13ontl but not nttencling the same was postponed t o the next
["Barker was landlord of the Duke of Bedford's Head, Maiden Lane.
The Lodge had eviJentlj recently moved to this house and require11
the Landlord's Security. I t \I-as represe:~tecl a t Grand Lodge on the
previous day, 7th January, as attending from the new tavern.]
h Report of the Sick was made by the Junr Wnrden & Stewards whoso
opinion were t h a t he deserved his mony. A Motion was made i n favour of
13rd Robinson [23] who was under a n Arrest but not i n any of his Majestia
Goal i n order to lend him the soin of 2. 12. 0 t o compromise the Matter with
his Creditors, b u t t h e same n a s not agreed, i t being inconsistent with the
Articles. B u t some friends of his proposing as he was in the Custody of a n
Officer He would become Chargeable to the Lodge t o prevent which Br Ray
Brother Bnckley [Bulkelep] Bror Garthorne & Brother Helot agreed with the
consent of the Lodge to give a Note of H a n d in conjunction with Br Robinson
for ye repayment of 2. 2. 0 a t one shilling per week from the Date of the Note
uncler the Penalty of Exrlusion pursuant to nhich the aforesaid snm was taken
out of the Stock and lent to the aforesaid Brother agreable to which a Note
of H a n d was given & Lodged in the Pedestall. [8rticle XVII., debt under 5.j
The Question was put whether If any of the said five members or a n r
other person giving a Note of H a n d for Money Borrowed from this Society
should omit payment thereof at the Expiration of the time such note be given
should be excluded the same was unanimously agreed to by the Lodge,
& ye unclerwritten Members borrowed the mony signed their respective
nafnes & consent to ye said resolution.

Sigd Thos Mansfield


Geo. Garthorne
John Helot
John Ray
Robert Bulklev
\Vm Robinson*

After nhich the Lodge n a s closed.

Signed Andren s SecY.
[ * Robinson being under arrest was not present : he signed a t the next
meeting, q.v.1

P r i v a t e Night.
Third Lodge.

JanY 15. 1740 [l741]

Right Worshipfnll Bror Mansfield present a t 7 oCloclr $ Bl Freer an !

Rotheram (acting a s Senlor & Zunior Wardens in the absence of Bra Hill CJ.1V.j
and Young rS.W.1 who being absent a t seven were each filled three pence)
opened the I ~ c l g ein Dne form.
The Clerk" likewise being absent a t seven were finecl t h ~ e epence.
[ * J . Chancellor, Writing Master, was thc Clerk, No. 69 in the List.]

Rror 13arker was called upon coccerning the Execnting of the Bond. and
he desiring to have thc same to peruse agt nest Thursday R he aoulcl then give
his positive ilnswcr,
and the s a n x was granted.
13ror Bnrnshaw ~!kMears* was fined each 2 V o r not bringing their apron.
Bror Robinson attending the Lodge tonigh+, signed the note mentioned
in ye formel' minutes R- the Resolutior: of the Lodge a t the samc time paid in
one shilling.
[* Not in the Friendly Society List.]

T h e I.ririltllp S o c i e t y of P ' r e ~trntl .4cccpted ~1lnson.s.


The Report of the Sick made by the Stewards 6: J u n r Warden & t h a t he

c?eser\e l J "ony.
THas ino\ t d Ly 13ror Gotltl~rdt h a t every Urothcr on his coming to the
I d g c ahali Immediatc~ly go to the Srrvartlr, and see his Name inserted in a
Iiooli provided for snrh purposes, and a rcgnlar entry made of such mony as
he pays both on the Holl anrl Cash book or on Default thereof subiect to the
h h b himself.
on which he shall receive 2 ticket fro111 the Stewards 6: the same given
to the J u n r Warden axd the lleet brought into the Lodge Room i n a gallon pot.
And this ininute to hold good for om, Quarter & Expire a t the End of
cach Master's Quarter. L ~ a b l cto bc c.ontinnec1 or Discontinued agreeable to
t h c J I a j o u t y of thc 13lxtth~renany tiiilr' the Ensuing Month in the New >lasters
Qnartcr and the same agrecd
Thos Mansfield Master
aftvr n h i c l ~tho Lotlgr \ \ a s regularly closed.

Public Lodge Night

JnnY 22. 1 i 4 O / l . [ R . W . 1V Jlar,sficld, Ilastcr: By Yonng S . V . and Br Marshall J.W.
pro. tern.] opened the Lodge in due Forin. H" Hill being absent a t 7 o'clock
wss find 3 I j o 3d a t 8 oclnrli. 1 ) O 3.' r.t 9 o'clock 6: 3d a t 10 oclocli.
The Minutcs of last Xight wcrs read
I3ror H;tgl<eyfined 2d for not b1,ingii:g a n apron
Br0r Jlarshnl* fined Y I P he only bringing his Working apron.

LX Marshall

was a Joyncr B Cabi:wt Jlaker.1

I3ror Barker acqi~ainted tile 3Znstt.r ? h a t Bror Frenlolt* had just gircn hill1
thi. Ilo!~d on which t!~efurther consideration was postponed to next Thursday.
d Motion was mad: for lcnding the Jewells ancl I;tensills of the Fcllotc
Crc~ftsLr,tl!lcto the Bre?heren of this Lodge to hold a Masters Lodge a t this
House ancl the same was l < ( ~ ) c c t tonly
~ J four bciug for the Qnestion ont oE
seventeen members present.
The rcport of the Sick was given in writing by the Stexvards and t h a t
he deserves his Mony B u t Bror Hill J n n r Warden being Absent F-as fined one
shilling for not being present to mslre his report of the sick.
After which the Lodge n-as regularly closed
Thog M'lsnsfield Sf aster
S i g L B n d r e w Sec'Y
["Not in the Friendly Society List.]

J a n u a r y 2.5. 1'7-10/1. [2.5th was Sunday.

I'nblio Lodge Night.

? 29 J a n . 41 a Public Night.]

7 oclock Present were

nrother Young Senior \Tarden
Brother Anrlre~rs Secretary
Brother Cranstonc Steward

ozcers absent mere


3Lansfieltl Jlast~3r find Sd

Hill .Junior Xarclrn find 3 d
H nmphreys* Stea nrd firid 3d
Chancel!or find 3" [the Clerk]

[* Not in Friendly Society's List.]

The Lodge was opened in due form

Bror Barrs [ 6 3 ] proposed Mr Peake to be l n ~ d ea Mason in this Lodge on nhich

he paid five shillings and e n q a g d to pay sixteen Shilling* on or before the
Exclusion night & t h a t ye s a ~ ds ~ l t e e t ishillings be placed c-n the Roll to Bror
n a r r s account and the same n a s unammo~lslyagreed to both by the Lotlgr a n l
BroP Barrs and his friend accordlngl~ made
on nhich the fire shilhngs n a s paid to Brol Rotherham as Master P r o
'L'e~ilporr The Master and Cleili came befoie S oClock B u t RloL El111 ck
H~lmphreysbeing then absent were each fined 3" and Brol 3lansfield 2 d for nor
bnnging his apron.
Brother Hill & Humphreys being absent a t 9 were each fined 3d
The Report of the Sirk mas made by Bier C r a n s t o x Stenarcl and t h a ~
he Deserves his Money Rut I3r0r Hill $ Hliinphreys not attending to make
their Report of the Sick n e i e each fined lS

B1 Fremolt mas desired t o know if he had delivered the Bond to t h e

Landlord which he Inforlnd the Lodge he had given the same to Brr Barker
who was called on to fix a time for the same nho did not attend the Lnrl$e
t o give any ansner there to

A Motion n a s made t h a t the Secretary shonld be exempt from serxing

the said Office for 12 nionths & t h a t no f u t u i e iuastcr should nominate t h e
Secretary serving the said Office for 12 lnontlls and the same past in the
a f i r m a t i r e Eight to Seven.
Brother Bagley & Dickt were each fined AVor non payment of yr li~oay
Dnc for Aprons Each of them Bought.
after nhirh the Lodge n a s regularly closed
Siqnecl Mansf eld


[* k 1 Is. Ocl. ior making, not fj2 2s. Otl. a s on p. 174 t r n f e . ]

be Pick [Ill-scr minute 1 J a n . 1741.1

[t Should

7 oclorlr Riqht Worshipfnll I P llansficld, Anilrens 8ecY Cranstone &- Hnmphreys

Stewards present Young 6- Hill Senior "? Junior K a i d e n s fined 3d
Half a n hour after s.aren the Lodgr n a s opener1 In clue for111Goddard tt Jlea,,s
assisting as Senior & Junior Wardens.
Br Mears fined 2 d for not bringing his apron.
TP Barrs fined 2 d on ye saint. account.
B r Vinsly 1221 fined 2d
I3ror Barker n a s callrcl on to Exenlte the J3oncI but he ;nfo~nledthe Lodge his
f r ~ e n dhad not penised i t but t h a t he noiilil endeavour to give his friend tho
same before next Thursday and then further to infoin1 the Lodge concerning
the same.
The Lodge being informed of the 1)eatli of Rror I3engongh [211 the
illaster paid the Wiclou five ponntls nho allonrd the other fi\ e pounds for the
funeral1 expensrs the widow consenting to espend o m pound more thaii
alloned by the Artirles on whicsh the Widow gave the Right Worshipfnll a
Receipt for Ten Pounds. [See Articles ST-111 & S I X . ]
Bror Peake attending the Lodgc this night Paid to the Stewarcls sixteen
shillings on which 13ror Barrs was ilisrharged ~IYIIII his agreement agreeable to
the last ininl~te.

I3ror Smith 1671 a r q u a i n t d the Lodge t h a t Bror,Hill could not possibly

attend the Duties of the Lodge as Junior Warden on which he was fined for
his Office 2. 6. Bror Helot was chmen b u t fined 2. 6. IP after which Bror
Barnshaw [a P . l I . 1 chosen by Ballot in his R o o n ~ .

[Smith & Hill nc,rc ncighbours in Dean Street, South Audley Street.]
T h r fifth Clause of the Exclusion Art~cle*n a s read over concerning the
t ~ i of
n l<;ac.hlnclnber's pajment of the t n o shillings towards the free Gift an11
found to be thc rnsuing Quarter under the Penalty of Exclusion.
[* Article SIX. This should read

" fourth, cla~ise."]

A Jlotion n a s made by 1%rorGoddnrd t h a t he had some time since unhappily

engaged llinlself for 1P Sculthorpe 1171 for some money, which being not discharged by I3r Sculthorpe a n action was taken out agSt him, and being apprc1lcb:lsive hc ma>- be arrested. unless the Lodge would lend him three pounds,
Accortlingl, t h ? Lodge u n a n i n ~ o n s l ~
agrceJ to Lend 111111 the aforesaid sun1 and
th;it thc same bc p a ~ dIn tiurty neeks time a t 25 p' ueek on B1 Barnshaw &
dndren-s rcgltlarly giving a Note of H a n d for the payment of the same in
the Penalty of Exch~sionn-liich all three agreed to on which the Nots was given
& the same p u t in thc, hands of I P I I n ~ n f r yin order to be placed in the Pedestal
after which the Master borrowed 5-5-0
of Br Barker for the use of the Lodge.
Hror Barnshan- [J.W.] being invested with the Ensign of his Office paid
sixpence as the custoinary fee.
A Debate arising roncerning the Entrance of Bror Yeake Made the
Ens~iing*Lodge Night But he confessing himself to be above 40 years of age,? .
Likc~visen~ovedt h a t he may h a r e p a r t of his mony
and he was Rejected.:
I<t.turned and the same was rejected but unaniinously agreed to Raise hini a
Master gratis.
ThoS &lansfield Master

[* Previous, not ensuing.]

L t A r t i r k I . . p ~ : ~ a l t cxc11ision.l


I1istot.g ii.. 268 foot: and the remainder of the paragraph ib

363 foot. Gould's quotations appear to refer to two brethren, but i c
will be seen t h a t i t was the same brother.]

Public Lodge Night.

FebrY 12th 1741.

[The Master being present] Br Pilkinton* C% Mears assisting as Senior and

Junior \Tardens in absence of Br Young ck 13arnsham nho n e r e each fined The
ot11c.r o%cers ncre present irt 7.
[ " Not in Friendly Society List.]

The Minutes n e r e rand over such excepted rclating to Br Goddard's

affairs uhich n:ls postponed till next night & the Lnndlord's Bond deferred
being public night,
no member sick
JV Young not attending the whole night mas fined 12"
B< Goddard by Consent of ye Lodge took ye J u n r Warden's J e x e l to mend with
a promise t o bring it next Thursday
after which the Lodge mas closeci
Thos Mansfield Jlsster

All t l ~ eOfficers being prcssent a t 7 o'clock thc liight Worshipfull 13r AIansfield
\\.it11l ~ i sWardcns Br Young & 13arnshaw opened the Lodge in clue form.
The Jlinutes of the two Last nights were read.
Br. Barkcr mas called on concerning the Bond and the answer was t h a t 11-

Il'ransuctwua of t h e Quatuor C'oroi~crtt Lolill('.

should be executed in 3. Month's timc nithout any further Delay & t h a t if tho
Landlord dot11 not a t t h a t tume e s e m t e the said Bond the nhole Lodge may
be convened the ensuing Thursday on the 1'. Account and the same agreed to
by the Whole LoilgThe Master .acquainted the Brethren of his attending t l ~ eQuarterly
Coninlunication of Charity a:id the Distribution of the Publick Charity.
IV Fumolt was fined 2"or
not bringing his apron
Br Gallaway [2]
Agreed to pay no money a t the Quarterly Communication
The Master was allowed 2. 6. attending for ye Quarterly Committee and five
shillings the Quarterly Communication.
The Master and Senr Warden took t n o clean aprons and to return
nit11 the Jewels.

Br Gorldard did ?lot return the Je\rell agreable to his p r ~ i n i s r

After which the Lodge was regnlarly closed.
?1Iansfield 11 ester
Andrews Secy

Public Lodge Night

[no date, ? Feb. 26. 41 Thursday.]

Right Worshipful a t half an hour after seven oclock ol)cnctl the Lodgc in duc,
forin all the officers being present a t seven.
B* Nansfielcl brot back his apron
B u t B* Young omitted thc same.
IV. Goddard returned the J t u c l i .
The Master acquainted the Lodgc, of the l ' r o ~ ~ d i n g sof t h c Quarterly C'OIIIinunication
The Ptlastrr informed the Brethren t h a t evely Brother under the Penalty
of Exclusion is to pay 2 5 on the Death of 1V Bongough thc? Ensuing Quarter.
[Article S I X . ]
The state of the Cash was given in
Rr Barker was paid
taken out of tllc [ ?Box]
B' l i a r lent 2-2-0
on which I P Barker's note \\-as destroyed and a fres!l
note was given to By Ray 2-"0.

JP Andrcn-s proposed Petclr Hales a Goltls~nithin Cecil1 Court S t . Marti11

i n the fields under forty y w r s of age Born in I h g l a n d 6: Believed Qualified
to Enter agreeable to the Articles to bwome a Member hereof and seconded
by Br Dernardeau the Question was p u t for his admission and agreed Nem.
Con ancl left him to rntcr a t his 1)iscretion. [See 16 Ilec., 1742, 11. 196.1
After which the Lodge was regularly closed.

I'rirate Lodge Night.




[Master $ Wardcns & Officers present a t 7.1

the nlinntes of Last Night were read over the second night t,scepted after the
landlord promised to sign the Bond with his friend in a nlouth's time.
Br Young omitted to bring his Apron. [Borrowed for G . Lo.]
[Goddard absent & motion to fine him postponed]
The four follo~ringseveral1 Questions wrrr p n t ancl unanimonsly agreed on
first t h a t if any Mtmber 13orro\ring any money of this Lodge on Note of H a n d
(the Securities escc.pted) shonld cleclarc on this Lodge for sickness. T h a t two
shillings per week shall be detagned out of his Weekly money During his Sickness till x h a t he h a t h borrowed be paid. [Article VIII.]

Secondly That if any mi~mbcrborrowing of inonj- of this Lodge on note of

hand (the Securities escepte:i) shonld be Imprisonecl and declare on this Lodge
t h a t one shilling per week be detayned out of weekly [moneyj till the whole be
3" t h a t if any nieniber borrowing a!!y money froin this Lodge Djes the Whole
of what he owes be cleteyned out of the free gift. LConfirining Article XVTI.]
ct 4t" t h a t the Stewards i n detayning snch money in either case be Indemnified
+or detagning such money for the use of tlie Lodge:
13" Buckley fined Y for Sxaring.
131' Harris* fined 3d for i ~ o giving
notice of his RemoYall a t tlle llequest
of Br Gallaway. [Article VI. h a s ~ f i n e(id]
after which the Lodgc was wgnlarly closed.
[This was the night nhvn the le\;\ of 21- t,acli fc.11 clue-Article


J o h n 4, or Josiah 38, in tho List, probably the fornier, Stenard

l'ublick Lodge Night

March 12'


XIS )e


[ S i l lJ

[Master & Warde~nsprcsent, Cranstonr, Steward, absent.]

Hr Young omitted to bring the apron he took with him to the Quarterly Communication.
the 3 d night Eiapscd since the landlorcl promised to give his bond
the minutes of last Night n-ere Read aibd confirmed
1 3 1 Goddard not attending the Lodge tlie Minutes concerning 111' Goddard n a s
131' Robinson agreed t h a t in Case hc dotli not clear each Kalendar inontli the
mony 11c borro\vrd of thls Loclgr a t one shilling per neck he nil1 be subject to ;I
finr of sispcncc per month.
W' Hay r r t u r n t ~ d the Lodge his Note of hand anit U r I3laliesly [57] lent
and the Notc Indorsed to Br 13lakesle;v vrhose health \\-as drunk in
After which tlw Lodge n a s closed.

March 19th 17.1.0 [I741 and a Private Lodge night]

The several Officers S r Young excepted Clcrli & l)oo~.kecper being
present a t 7
the Right Worshipfull J1astc.r & Wardens opcned tht: Lodge
Br Young was fined 3d
The Minates of last night were read over.
131' Goddard would not consci~tto subject himself to any fiue for non payment
of the inony borrowed. IP 13arlrer was called on to have his final llesolution
concewing the Security.
Br Barker was called on to lrnon why hee Did not give Secureitg to t h e Lodge
as promised his Answer was the Benefitt ariseing from the Lodge mas not
sufficient to Lkfra his espence of his house a inotion v a s made which mas
hackd by thb JIajor part of the Brethren then present t h a t there shall be ten
Shillings per week spent certain anti if there should be more then thirty
Mtmbers present to spend there groat* apiece a s usal the Lancllord excepting
of the same which was thought rtgreeablt\ to prevent moving and only proposes
his own security? which passed.
[* Tlit~beer cost 4d. per gallon. See 2nd April 1741.1
[ t T h ~ smeans he ],roj)osrd to g i ~ eonly his !~ersonal security, instead of
entering into a h c d . See 7 Nay, -11 (11. 184).]


Arctnsactiotts ol the Qutrtuor [t,,rttnuti 1,,t}11e.

Public LorlgoNight.

I t . r r r a l i " r ' l in i g l , r

, r u , . . h 2 6 r r 'l l i J l l


. \ r ' t i r . l e- \ l l t . I


B" Harrison

[54] fined 2'r for not blinging his aplon.

Il" )ioung ornitteci bringing the rpt'on he hatl at the Qualter'l;. Corrrmrrnicatior'..
the l:[intrtes of Last Night lelc Reacl over'.
.li" )*oung appliecl for leclless in bcin5l fined 3d Last, Night and the sarue bcing
in general rneetipg it alrpeirlirrg to bc l-r'ong trvas reversed.
1'his being thc Niglit

fol Election of Plesiding

c{Iiccrs thc undeln'r'itterr

13r'o Young


ll" llallshal'
Ji" Ilarafter


the ]lastt'r'


Senr \Yalclen

Junior' \\'arclen

ll" lJiggs". Secretar'5'.

Cash of the Lodgo as al)l)('ars b1'tltc- Stewalcls' ,\ccottnts is:3--2

anil thele llctnains in the Huncls of lJt'oth" Hulnp'llvs 0-10--6




0 r'hich Surunt is

tho cui:r'ent casir of the Lodgc

Signecl John Iourg
[* Not

N" 1. N.


in lt'r'iendl-v Societl' List.']


5'c 2d I74l*


Lodgc Night.

The Lodge r-as regulalll'opt'n'cl



ail the ollicers in thele plopel piaces excepting

being plesent att Eight a Ciock.

n'as fin'd 3d fot'nott

]]+e"-Olitrte+- UlitI -+i+' {+-++-lret-lr+i+gir+g-his-+pl't*r.

B+e' -F+e*pe+lt---xs--Bt
B+e' _Dr+$eris_[ti6]-as--Do
[These have been struck


the Lodge that lJror Dalison

Stervards made there Report anci Infoin'd
have Declar''d on the Societ-v this l)a5'.
Paiil to lJlo' llansfiel<l In Olcler to take up Ii'lllakslc-v's Note 3.1-19"-6d

and lJror HiIl

s-liich ire lerrt to the Societ5'.

Jhot Balnshau'rrot attcncling tho Societ-r-this Ilvening finetl 9'1 tnole.
l['or Harris Jun" [3S] and ll' l' otter [51] u'as exr:ludetl fol Non Palurertt
Agleeable to tirc Alticles.
The Cullent Casir of tho Loclge
Tire Loclge s'as closecl

l'd 32 Members.

f 10


Sigrr'l Jolrtr \-ortrrg tttastt'r'


[32 at 4d. Per gallon=10/8]


2 N.

[* General Night

Prrblick l,odge Night.


accolclirrg to Alt.


1.c gtr' 1741.

'Iho Loclge s'as opcnecl b1' Illo" Ilother'ham in thc absencc of Ii" liottng
rvfio g'as fin'cl fol rrot being present att lt)ight o'c]ock 3d ancl IJlo'' f]altrs]ral'
r ' , ' a sf i n ' r l a s I ) o 1 " f o l n o t a t t e n < l i n g t h i s E r - o n i n g .
B" l]laksle)' rt'as fitr'cl fol ltot bl'inging his aplon 2d
lJ" Pilkinton

rvas fin'd for not being prcsent att Eiglrt o Ciock 3d

J3ror Anclrews proposed T3r Peirshonse* to enter a Member of this Society and
after he was propos'd 11-as drsir'd to v i t h Draw [Art. IV.3 in the mein timt?
thct 3lembers present not applmreing 'of A r 'Pcirshoi~seto enter a member which
passcd in a &?g&it.e Firmatire. ,
Entered here as
a rejected proposal in accordance n i t h Article S L I S . j

[' IT'" Pearsehouw of S t Paul's Head in I731 >IS List.

Br I~laksley attended the Lodge and acqnainted them t h a t he had not

Jlccnxed his money nhirh her 3lansfield Receiv'tl the l ~ s tN ~ g h t111 order
to pay him and take 11p the Note g1-19--6



Br Konng has not returned the apron he had a t t the Quarterlr Cornmitnication.
Br Galanal has the Jnn' Wardens jenell to Mend anil promised to mend
IP G~atis
The l3iusness of the Night being over the Lodge \\as closed
Signd JnO Young

[Lodge opened by l < o t l ~ ~ l ~inh ~almncc.

? ~ n of 170nngl ivhich was fin'd for
not being present a t t eight 3d'
EV Ray was fin'd as Do 3"
Br Ray was fin'd for 2 hours absence m r e Bd
Br Gallanay moved the Soriety to have red'rms for Money he has Overpaid the last Quartrr which n-as postponed till he ?an bring some other person
to testyfie with him t h a t he? has paid the nioney
S3" Andretvs made a motion which was seconded by some other Brother
t h a t iff any Bra which are indebted for any snmms of money Borrowd t o this
Soriety bee Esrluded for non payment of the same t h a t their Securitty shaii
be inrlulgrd three months for the payment of snch sulnn~s&fore they a r e
esclnded which passed i n a


A Motion wes made t h a t Rror Mansfirld did nott attend the Lodge to
give a n Areoiint nether hee has paid Brar Blakesley his money and B r
Rlakcslry Gave a n arcount t o the Lodge the last Night he had not Receivetl
as \\as pron~isrdand a Letter n-as ordered to be sent t o him to Rring or Send
a n Sccount of the same by the next Lodge night.
[This paragraph was erawd-and
erased part.]

afterwards ~ r a sn r i t i c n again under the

nrol Young has retr1rnc.d the Bpron

13r01 Gallan ay has returned the .Ten ell
1 Night.

April ye 2Rd 1741

[Officers present e ~ c r p tBiggs Seeretar:;] fin'd 3d for not attending his
duty a t Eight o'clock.
13r Afansfic.lc1 u a s sent to According to the minutes made the last Lodge Night
to shew rause 11 h? hce did not pay 13' Ijlalisley 111s money nluch hee Received
the 2d Night of this Qnarter his ansner was he nould pay Ar T%lalisleyby the
Next J d g e N ~ g h tand Girt7 an Account of the Fame
The Bitsiness of the Night belag oler the Lodge \las c~losed.

5 N.

April yc 30t" 1711 Private Night

The Lodgr lvas r e g u l a r l ~opc~nedand the officers in their proper places.
Br Gallaway's affair conc-erning the money hee over paid the Last Quarter mas
bl.ongIit on before the Society h e ? Ileclaring upon the word of a mason hee did
pay ths nioney the Qnestion \\-as putt whether II& should hare it return'd or
no and passed in a Firmati\e 2. 6 and a fine 6"
A X.otion was inede by 13' I*onng and seconded by several to pay 2# 6"
17' month agreeable to the Articles and to give up the Annual Feast to the
130s. The Question was putt which passed in a F i r n ~ a t i v ethe said annual
feast not to bee heid Dnreing the Term of the present Articles.
I t does not appear to the Lodge t h a t Br Mansfield has paid Br Blakeslq
his Mony which he received from the Lodge the first night of the Quarter
The Bnisness .
. . ckc.

B N.

May the



[.ill the officvrs in their plares]

13'' Mansfield's affair came on upon the Carpett and po;tponed to ye next Lodgc
night to consider farther about ye same concerning his no11 pagnlcnt of Rro:
Blakesley's money.
1P Freniolt mas paid for Making of the Bond, and Br Harrison for 6
\\'ax Candles.
The Report of the Sick was Given I n and Bp Ball's* Money orclerecl not
to be paid the J l a s t ~ rInforming the Lodge H e had declared of the Stewards
a s frgdny last 13' Gallanay declakcd on the Box toclag.
The Pedestall being broken tmas agreed to bc. lnenclecl. The Landlord
iwntioned t h a t he had s e v e ~ a lthings belonging to the Lodge.
It is agreed to take ye Ldlords own Security for ye inoneg and Jewel1.i
and other ye Effects.
[See 19 l l a r . 47 and Article S I T . and S L I V . 1
Sig* J. Young


["There were three members of this namc, Edward No. 1.5, Sam No. 53 and
John No. 59 in the Frienclly Society List. The on:) other inention of
JV Ball, nhichever one ot the three i t mas, is i n 16th J u l y 1741.1

[811 officers present]

The Report of the Sick was Given Br Davison [el on the Box Deserres hir
Money Br Gallanay remaining Sick & deserves his Mony.
Bror Young Informed the Lodge t h a t he called on Bror Rlakesley to know
w$ther he had Rereir'd his money from Br Mansfield hee told him Br Mansfield
sent him norcl hee desired hee vould Indulge hiin till the first day of J u n e Next .
and Br Blakesley excepted the Same.
I t is agreed t h a t Rror ltobinson and Br Goclaril's notes which are now in
TV Cranston's hands be Bronght t o the Loclge n e s t Lodge night.
The affair of nlencling ancl Repairing the Pedestall in a Good manner
was Bronght on and agreed t h a t Br Biggs shollld mend the same with a n
S s d
Adition of new plain Leggs and new good Castors 'kc for the summ of 1-16-0
and to have the old materials not fitt for nse.
The Buisness of the Night being over the Loclge was closed.

T h e F r i e n d l y Society of F r e e a n d A c c t y f r d Mrrsons.

8 Night.



May t h e 21st 1'741

[All officers present]

Br Ray mas fin'd for not visiting the Sick Members according to Article 1 .
[Should be 15.1
Ur Cranston did not bring or Send the notes as was promised. A Motion was
made t h a t Br Cranston shall either Bring or send the notes which Lye in his
hands the next Lodge night on forfeiture of 1s on the same Bror Elliot [Helot]
is to give him notice.
And the Lodge was closed.



ye 2gth 1741

[ I t a ~J.W. absent] which was fin'd for not attending his cluty a t eight
o Clock 3 d
Br Buckley reports to the Soc~etyihat, B r Gallaway's Boy n a s a t t his house oc
Saturday last and told him his father was a t t work t h a t Day i t t Being the
first I ) a j since his L a t e Indisposition the Affair was brought on Before the
Society and Agreed to Stop his three Days money which was supposed Due to
him and was further agreed t h a t a Letter be sent t o Br Gallawag to a'ttend
the Lodge next night in Order t o make his Defence to ihc same to Shew Cause
why hee shall not bee excluded for the same.
[Articles XXVIII. and XXIX.]

Hr Cranstone has returned the notes.

The Buisness of the Lodge being over u a s Closed.

,Tune ye 4th 1741.


[Officers all present]

Br Gallaway's Affair mas brought Before the Society and nothing being proved
against Br Gallaway to exclude him the Body Believed there was some Defraud
Agreed t h a t his 2 days money should bee stopt with a Caution to Behave
13etter for the fnter.
Br Mansfield havcing nott paid Br Blakesley his money as he promise?
Blakesler has returned the note and desiies t o have his money from the
Society nhich was Agreed and to Deduct his Money due on th2 roll from thE s 4
note for himself and Br Gray [681* and fnrther agreed t h a t the note of 1-19-4
should be fist on the roll to Br Mansfield to bee paid by them
The Buisness of t h e [Lodge] is over and the Lodge closed.
Sigd Biggs SecJ
E:xc.lusion Night

[Articles XXXI. and XLT.]

[*Gray is not mentioned sllywhkre else.]

J u n e ye 11th 17-11. Public.

[Lodge opened by Rothersm in the absence of Young R.W.M.j who was
attending the Duty of this Lodge a t the Quarterly Communicstion.
Bray Sample sent his money by Br R a y which he did not pay into the Lodg:!
and was agreed by the BoZy t h a t the fine sho~ildbe levy'cl on Br Ray for the
neglect oi the same. [Article 8.1
Br R a r \vas fined for not making his Report of the Sick M ( ~ b e r s1 s

Bror Vinsley r e p o ~ t sto the Lodge which was affirmed by W Rag thds
Br Gallamay's wife Did tell him Br Gallamay was a t t nork nhich CircmRCorh boy a f o w s a ~ dand ixas postponed to bee heard the Xext Nigilb
roborate 1 ~ 1 t his
The Bnisness of the Loclye bemg over the Lodge was closcd.

12 Night.

J n n e ye lgth 1741

The Lodge was opened in clue form all the officers in their proper places
Br Biggs was fined for speaking the honest sentiments of his mind which
happen'd hee provd afterwards a mistake of the Question t h a t was p u t t concerning Br Gallaways Affair Is
Br Bagley according to Custom mas fin'd 3 d for ill Language to a Brother
T P Fremoult was fin'd for not bringing his apron.
[The next minute has beex erased and enclosed in a n ink line.]

[This minute has also been struck out.]

& - ~ - a f & - + + ~ ~ + e - e ~ k - a + e & e .



A Motion was made t h a t whetever Brother receiving or claiming thc

Benefits of the Lodge for Sickness was found or Believed by the Lodge not tb
money stopt such sick Brother shall
be worthy of the Benefits hereof and
be incapable of serving or holdiny any office in tho Lodge and never to take 01.
h a r e any Voice herein ever after, [Article XXTY.]
and furthdr t h a t he bhonlcl be fined for the Stevard ship never Candidate
for the J u n r W a r d ~ n s h i ~or) Mastership nor e l e r nominated Secretary.
Br Mansfield's a f f a ~ came
on he belng present B u t the Lodge except
Br Cranstone n a s unanimous t h a t he shou'cl pay the mony as fixt on the Roll.
Rror Young the Master acqnaintecl the I d g e t h a t by his Sickness he
could not attend the Qnarterly Committee Charity and accordingly retnrned
the 2. 6.
twas agreed to allow the Presiding Offirers tc~nand sispenre to pay to ye
Quarterly Communication.
Borrowrcl ot the Landlord 2. 2. 0 dnrl Last lodge night of Br Harrison
After t h a t the Lodge was closed and Signed by the Presiding
J. Young
ThoS Barnshaw
John Ray

J u n e 2 5 t h 1741. Public Lodge night.

The right ors ship full Mr Br Young attended this night and opened the Lodge
in due time and requested the Lodge he might be permitted to Withdraw which
was accordingly agreed to. [Article I S . ]
Br Decring" sent a Letter to the Lodge desiring to be Erazed out of the
Lodge and the Books thereunto belonging which was accordingly done.
B' Pilkinton not being present a t eight o Clock agreeable to the articles
was fin'd 3d
a s was a k o brother Biggs 3d for the like offence
Br Jellyman 12-11 was fined two pence for not bringing his apron.
This being election Night brother 13arnshaw the Senior Warden was
declared Master IP Ray was declared Sen" Warden and Hr Andrews was
Eallotted for Jun' Warden.-t. ljr Helot mas chosen Treasurer and 13r Gocldard
Secretary for the ensuing Quarter.
the Stewards not bringing in there accounts a t half a n hour past twelve
or near one and one of the Stewards Br Pilkington made his report t h a t he
believed I t could not be determined this night the Lodge was closed.


Secy M.P.T

[No Annual Feast, see April 3U. 3 1 , b u t they kept i t u p rather late.]
[* Not in Friendly Society List.]
[ t Quoted by Gould, Ilistot u ii., 338 foot.]

July 2d 1741. General1 Night.



The Lodge n a s regularly opened t h e right Worshipful1 Master in the Chair

the Jlinutes of the last Lodge night were read and confirmed.
Br Bagley by the assent of the Lodge n a s fined 3 pence for offering to
lay a uager [Article S X S V I and also 3 Dcnce for gixinp Br Mansfield the
Lye [zbul 1
Br Ray [S.W.] n a s finccl for non atendance 6d
Br Barker and Bl Harrison were pald tho Sexera1 sums Borrowed of
Br Andrevs J . W . Stands fin'd 1 s for non attendance and Is for not
iliaking his report.
the Accoumpt of the last Quarter n a s audited and found to be lust.
Ruisness being over the Lodge was regularly closed
Tho5 Uarnsbsw
d. Hdv S.W.
L. James [J.\Y. pro. icm.. sce 16 Feb. 38, p. 1681
J. Goddard Secy.

July ye 3rd 1741. Public Lodge Night [ ? 9th July.]

[J.W. absent.

Minutes read and confirmed.]

Br Andrews. J . W . was fin'd for absence 1 s and l8for not making his report.
Br Helot declared off. [t.e., off the Box, not resigned.]
Br Davison remains ill and is thought worthy.
A Xotion was made and seconded by several Brothers t h a t the present state of
the Lodge be settled before the Society relating to all bonds notes &c next
Lodge night.
Likewise another Motion n as made and propcrly seconded t h a t a list be brought
in of what every presnnt member has receiv'd from this Lodge by Way of

%ansactions of t h e Quatuor Corontrti h d g e .

Br Ray..S.W. for not attending his duty the two last hours was fin'd G*
agreeable to the ninth article.
[Article IX. only provides fine on Stewards Clerk &J Attendant.
later altered to M. $ Wardens &c.?]

Was this

July 16th 1741. Private Lodge Night

[Br Ball and Br Blakesley acting as Senior and Junior JVarclens in the
absence of Ray and Andrews]
Rr Ray S.W. was fin'd 3d for non presence the'first hour, and Br Andrens
was fin'd 1s for his absence and 1 0 for not making his report.
Br Davison remains ill and is thought worthy. B' Helot and 13' James
Declared on for Illness.
July yo 23rd 1741 Public Lodge Night.
[Officers present.

Minutes read & confirmed]

The Master and Senr Warden desired leave to withdraw which mas .granted.
The Junr Warden and Stewards made their report and agreed t h a t Br
Helot James and Davison worthey.
A Motion was made and agreed Nem. Con. That those Brothers ~ h o
have received or Gathered any Monies upon account of Br Smith's note shai:
be summoned to give a n account next Lodge night of such Moneys they h a l e
so received to which order By Andrens and Young having Monies in thei:
Hands agreed and a n order n a s given t h a t Br Hill should ?pear next Lodge
night to give in his account.
Br Mansfield deliver'd a message from Br Cranstone declaring t h a t he
called the Lodge a parcel of Scrubs and Scoundrels. A Motion n a s made and
agreed Nem. Con. t h a t he should be fined one Shilling for the aforesaid Gross
Affront unless he can claar himself to the satisfaction of the Lodge

J. Young P.T. [R.W.M. Barnshaw being a b s w t j

Wl Blanchard P.T. [S.W. Kay ditto]
James Andrews J u n r W.
John Goddard
July 30th 1741.

Private Lodge Night

The report on the sick ,was rendered and B1'Davison & Helot fonnd
worthy. Br ,James declared off. [Off the Box.]
Br Andrews agreeable to the Minitt of the Last Lodge Night apear'd and
Inform'd t h e Loclge t h a t he had nincpcnce in his hands upon arrount of B1
Smith's note which he desired might be placed upon the Roll.
Thos Barnshaw Master
1,. J a m x S.W. P.T.
James Andrens J . W .

[Ray, S.W., absent, brlt not nientioned.]

Lodge Night.

AugBt ye

et' 1741

Br Goddard Secy was fin'd 3d for not attending his Duty the first part
ot the first hour for his too Great Humanity in taking care of 1%'Itogers [ D i ]
(who by a n accidental Cut was thrown into a fit.)
[Minutes read and confirmed.]

I t n a s agreed t h a t Bl R o t h r a n ~ should pap to S t . George's Hospital one

Guinea tor the ensuing p a r and a t the cletern~inptionthereof to be left t o tho
resolntio:~of the Lodge.
And Order wal gircn to Br Barnslian [R.W.M.] and 13r Goddard [Secy]
to treat n lth Rr Barker roncerning tht: expenses of the Lodge during their time
of lleetings viz
while above 60 Members to spend 10R
when above 50 n~embersgn
\Vhilst aboro 40 only eight shillings
And in case of Extraorclinary Expences anyone night to be reduceti
tluricg the quarter.
[I,. Jain-s 112s S . W . pro. tern.]
[Ray. S . X . , again abs?nt, riot incntioned.]

<\ugust xe 13t" 17-11. Public Lorlgc Night

The Bond mas gir en to Bl Helot Trcasurzr

H1 Baglcy not having a proper receipt in order to rcwivc 3111' Yurough's* Interest
upon the Bond Informed thc Soeietv t h e r ~ a i t hto their Satisfaction.
I+' Barker agrcvcl to the filmit of Last Loclgc night.

another occasion he is rcrerrccl to as Br Burro\\s, b u t a p p a ~ e n t l ;

n a s not a ineinber of this Lodge a t the Cronn and Anchor.]


August ye 20th 1741. Private Lodge Night.

Some disputes arising C o ~ c e r n i n gBr Davjbon a motion was made ant1
agreed too t h a t the St,zwarda shon'd attend him and offer him t n o Guineas I11
case he gives a note under his hand t h a t hee will not be cliargeoble to the I h d g c
for the spacc of six months (Death excepted).
Br Riggs a t the inotiorl of Nr Andrew J u n r N'arden was fined one shilling
for not informing him when a sick ine~nberdeclared on.
A Motion was made this night t h a t this Lodge should meet but once a
fortnight and t h a t Circnlar notice should be given t o each nlelnber of the same
and t h a t this'rnotion shall be read every Lodge night during this Quarter ar~cl
to be deterrnined t2.e last Lodge night of this Quarter.
[Article IS.-weekly


August ye 27th 1741. Publick Lodge Night

A Motio:~ n a s nlada by the Right worship^^ Master t h a t J V Goddard's

money upon the note should be placed upon the Roll nllieli was nem.
B* Darison agreed to the motion and accepted of t n o Guineas as proposed by the former minute.
llobert Fleming George I n Portland Street
[No. 10. Original No. 3, now 12. Fortitude R Old Cumberlarid 1
Ilichard Webb
The hlaster and t n o Stcnards \\here allo\\'d 2s and Gd tor their expenceu
tor attending on B1 Ilavison.
[The first mention i n the Ninuteu of Visitors.]

S p t r ye 3 d li-ll.

Private Lodge Night

A Motion was made bj- Br Young t h a t Br Smith* shou'd fill up and send
the Circular Notice and be allow'd the Benefit accruing therefroin as p a r t of
payment of his note which was agrced to Nem. Con. [Article SXXIV.]

[The next paragraph has been struck out.]

A motion was made by Br ltothram t h a t on the General meeting Night

i t should be taken into consideration to find out Ways and Means for the better
securities of the stock or monies brlonging to this Society by hindring any
defrauds t h a t m a - happen through any lilelilbers declaring thcreon.
Br A n d r e w inadc a dlotion and was seconded in i t T h a t all Brothers
standing lndepted to this Lodge bg, Way of notes or Moneys received thereon
shou'd declarc.ncst General night and satisfy the Lodge when they would pay
i t i n which should accordingly be placed upon the Roll to their Accounts
agreeable to the 1)etermination of the Lodge t h a t night present
[Anlong the sigi~aturesoccnrs
tho Mark of John Ray x S.W.
Ray'5 name is allrays written in for him, each time in a differeut hand\vriting.]

Public Lodge Night

Septr 10t"i-ll

[S.W., R a y absent] who is accordingly fin'd 3d for the first hour.

By Ray Senr TVarden appeared and desired leave to withdraw which was
Sugar Loaf in Great Queen Street
[No. 49 of l'i'L9-Ricl~niond Lo.]
>, Barns S t . John
:, J . H a r r i s DO [former member excluded on 2 April, 1741.1
,, J. Morgan Glocester Pall Mall [No. 173 of 1729.1
,, Cook Kings Arms Tower Street [No. 6, non- 10.1

Bror Pain

Private Lodge Night.

Septr 17th 17-11

[Ray. S.W. absent. fined 3d for first hour]

Br Davison I n consideration of his declaring off the benefits of this Lodge fcr
t h e space of six months I s excus'd serving any Ofices in this Lodge during t h a t
time or attending any General Summons.

Qnarterly Lodge Night.

Sepr ye 2Jt" 1741

[Ray. S.W. absent. and f i n d as before]

Hr Evatt* for not bringing his apron was fincd 2"
13' Biggs was fined lS for not visiting 13' Pilkinton as Likewise for not risiting
Br Allan son.

[* Not in Fric.ncllj Soviet) List

This night the Lodge came to a C~nclusionlhnt the Master shou'd appoint
Seven persons to regulate the articles agreeable to the Motion of the 2 0 t h of
August 1711 Who nominated the folloning persons
1 P Young [P.JL.]
., Iiotheranl
., Harbier
,, Jellyman
., Helot [Treasnl el]
,, Goddard
,, Harnshaw [R.W.M.]
[Concerning alteration of Meeting Days, Article 13.1
Br R a y as Senr Warden was this night elected I n t o the Chair, Br Andrews
.Junior Warden as Senr Warden, Br James was ballottecl for Junr Warden and
Br Marshall Secretary for tine cnsning Quarter.

Private Lodge Night.

Octr Is+ 1741

[Master absent, opened by 13" Young]

Br Bagley 11-as fined 3 d for r i f f ' i ~ n t i n gW Rotherlism
Br Helot delivered the Bond in form t h r same being delivered to him again
Nenline Con.
fir Cranstone fined 2" for Coming ivithout his apron
Br Anilrem paid 5 s (jd for BV I)~iprd.*
[The meetings \\-ere now fortnightly.

10 n-cekly lncetings this year to

["Dupr6 is not p~.e~ionsIy

~ n ~ ~ n t i and
o l ~not
~ d in the Friendly Socirtv list.!

Lotlgc Night.

Octr ISth 1741.

[Officers all present]


A J[otion n a s made
the R ~ g l l tJVorshlpfdl a n d Regularly Seronded t h a t
Any Member Declaring on this Box for Sickness shall be Aloned 1 s Gd pr Day
for all od Days after the first Wcrk b u t N8,tiung Alolvrd for od Days Not
exceedmg a 1Veak.l. A Uefic~encybeing fonnd I n the Stuards Account the
Lodge came to a llesolution t h a t they should n ~ a l ~the
c sanie Good [Article
XIIT.] the third T h ~ ~ r s d aIyn the next J l t ~ n t h this l\ihnutc Aludes to U'
Itotherham and I3r Gallon ay [ ? as Sten arrls, b a t Gallon a r had been deprived
of office or vote, pp. 186 and 190.1


John 1lay
John Goildard
L. Jalnrs

J . W . [pro. tern.]

[ XVI.]

1,oilge Night.

Norr Zth 1741.

[Officers present]

13" F r e n ~ o l tfined 2 d for not bringing his apron

Br Barker bring paid 6 B 10" for Breaking L)ecanters and Glasses the same
being fixecl on [the] Row1 to I)' Ijiggs and Rr Pilkinton Except 1 s 4 d for the
,)sine of Glass to Br Biggs only. [Alticle STJI. Breakages ]

Nov' 19"' 1 ill


A Motion being made by R r Goildard and regularly seconded that Hr

Frurniear* n i t h B r Hill [6?] should should be Reinstated and fixt on the
Ron1 a s before Not being Regularly Scratched ont and the sanw past In
their favour and this to be no Presedent lor the futer. [This n a s contrary
to the 31d Article.]
Br Bagley Goddaril and Duboy [Dubois] fined 2d each for not bringing
their dporns.
13' Barker Givinq Notice to the Loclge t h a t the 41oney R e Expend R i l l not
answer for his.Pnrpose the Lodge came t o a Resolve to Apoint three Proper
Persons [Article SLV.] to Look for a house proper for our Reception and
Sgrccable to our Articulers tho persons Apointed are
Br Barbours Young and Marshall.
llr I)uboy fined 6d for Smearing tnice
[* Not in Friendly Society List.]

Lodge Night.

Decembr 3d 1741

A Motion being made by Br Rotherham as there being.A Deficiency of a Clark

the saiw being Bgreeable t h a t Br Smith should officiate the same ofice [Sev
Sept' 3'd 17411 ti1 the Debt he owes to the Lodge shoulil be ?aid the Kote \\dl
soon become clue but he to be Indulged for the same tor .i Ilonger time a t t ten
shillinga per rlnater.
this Night I t being nqeeci to Move the Lodge to Br Haistings a t t the
anker and Crown ir. King Streat Seven Dials i t t belng &read t h a t B' Goddavl
and Br Friear and Br Marshall shall inore the same as soon a s convenience3
should be made for them a t t the qaicl h o n s ~anti t h a t the Lodge shal niett a t
the wid holise thls Day fortnight. [Article XLT.]
Rr Harrison J u n r fined 1 s for Aprobious Languidge to B r Ray as Mastor
and Paid the Sam,) [Article S X X V . 1
and Secular Notices* to be bent to the Me@wrs to Meat this Day fortnight
by TP Helot for the sanw.
[The last rttenclance a t G.lio. from the Duke of Bedford's Head was on
23x1 March 1742, but i t was in its new home a t the next meeting on ,
17 December liZ1.1
[* Secular Notirrs-Circulsr

Noticcs. or S~nnmonses.]

[NOW AT THE ANKER $ CROWN, King Street, 7 Dials and meeting inonthly.]
Lodge night.

I)ecr lith I741

[Quarterly Night.

Article XI.]

R1 Mansfield making claim for 3 Days Sickness the same being Rejected
Accord~ngto a Minute made the 13'h October Last. [Article XVT. No benefit
for odd clays less than a neek.]
13r Harrison Scnr [ 2 7 ] fin'd 3d for Swearing.
Br Harrison fined for Swearing 3 d for calling Brother Baglep hed Deserved a
halter fined 3d Br Harrison Senr fined 3d for Swearing Br Harrison Sen..
fined 3d for Distnrbing the Lodge" B1 Dnboys fined 3d for wearing his h a t t in
th9 Lodge Willfully.
It bring further agreed Br Mansfield's affair should be settled the f i r ~ t
night next quarter.

[ * Article X X S V . providt,s for ~vithil~~a\vaI

or 216 fine (being sober), 11- if

The Friendly S o c i e f y


Prce and Accepted illusons.


This being the night for the Choisz of Stewards Br Blanchard and Br
Young Accepting the said office of Stev-ard. Br Blacksley fined for Junior
Warden. Br Andrens being elected Master Br James Senior Warden Br
Barboars [Sarbierj Elected Junior Warden.
[No record for S t . John's Day, or for January 1742.1

FebY 18th 174112

Lodge night.

[Officers present except Portear* who] fined Sixpence for non Attendance
ti1 1 hour aftcr 8.
the past Master Jewel brought home and Repaired by Br Fournear and
Cost 46 and Paid.
[* ? Wm Potter. 51. Excluded 7 April 1741. There is no mention of him
as a n officer. \Vas he Secretary-as none is named 17 Dec. 41?]
Lodge Night

March 18th 1742

Agreed by the Society t h a t the tour Brothers engaged for Br robin son'^
Debt have the Liberty of Six Weeks to pay the same Without'farther fines
from the first night in April 1742.
Br C. R e ~ n o l d s *was erazed of the Rooks of Roll after Dng Expmination
for Imposing on the Lodge.
It was agreed t h a t a Guinea should be given as Charity Mony a t the next
Quarterly Comniunicatioi7 by the Members present. [G.Lo. on 23. 3. 42.1

[* Not in Friendly Society List.]

[This must have been Elcct~onNight, bu: thrrc is no record.
becon~esR.W.M. ? Barbier S.W Goddard J.W.]

April 2 d 1742

L. James no,v

[ ? 1st April.]

nror Guerier n a s Refns'd Ailmitancc~aq a V i s ~ t o iior Nalring Masons ilegaly.

Br Clifton fined for not bringing 11''9 a ~ ) r o n .
It \\as agreed to pay half a cro\m to the Grand Secretary for the Removal
of the Lodge.
March 18
[L. J a n m signs a < Jlastzr.
April 2
,, 14
& on to 3 June]
April 14th 1742

[ ? 15th April]

The Lodge came to a Resolve t h a t the three Brothers in Conjunction with Br

Haistings should go to Rr Uurro~vsand Receive the fivety Pounds and Lodge
the same in Br Haising's Hands until further Disposed of to Intrust the three
Ilrora. Br Harrison Senr Br A n d r e w and Br Hill.
May 6th [I7421

It was agreed ;hat one Pound shonlil be given to Br Davison for one Month
according t o his own Proposal and t h a t he should try to work.
Br Ray fined 2 d for not bringing his Apron.
Br Andrews was ordered by t h e Master to go to fetch the fifty pounds from Br
Burrows for Next, Lodge Night.


Transactions of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge.

May 20th [I7421

It was ordered t h a t Br Goddard Br Young and Br Harrison should go to Br

Burrows for the fifty pounds for next Lodge night it was agreed t h a t tho
Mony should be p u t in the Landlord's hands.

J u n e the 3d 117421
[officers present except Goddard, ( ? J.W.) fined]
Brought the fivety pounds and Jntrust Except one ponnd eighteen shillings t h a t was stopt on account of Br Andreivs when Br Andrews agreed by tite
consent of the Lodge should be placed on the Row1 t o be paid next Quarter.
[No record of Election. Dan1 Barbier now becomes R.W.M. and signs
the minutes. Goddard S.W. ? Woodman J.W. Harrison Treas. and
Mansfield Secy],

July lPh 1742.

Agreed t h a t this Lodge shal be Conveind for the 5th August next on perticuler
a f aires.
Barbier. Master.
[A proposed amalgamation with No. 6, renewed in March 1747, but finally
dropped i n April following]

August 6th 1742.

i t was unanimously agreed t h a t the Society present Insists t h a t the Lodge a t
the Rings Arms* Tower Street Seven Dyalls shall Com in to Our Artickles in
every particular consistant to ours printed ones.
Agreed to lend Bv James A n d r e w five pounds from the Society on theyr
Account as in Goale and Five ponnds more on the Security of Br Barnshaw and
Br Young to be paid a t T~ventyshillings every three months or each of the
above mentioned Members shall be Eracd off of the Rowle and sued for the same
and further alowd Br A n d r e w to call and Demande of Br Harrison or on the
Lodge Tenn pounds i n one Month's time the first payment t o be made t h e
Insuing Quarter. [Article XXI.]
N.B. Order Br Harrison T ~ ~ a s u rtoe pay Br Andrews the above Cash.
D. Barbier Master
Thos. Mansfield. Secy
["No. 6, now Westminster & Keystone No. 10; and see March and April

Aug. 19. 1742

[Nothing of importance]
Sepr ye 2d 1742
[Mansfield, Secretary, absent the whole evening]

It mas Mov'd and agreed to Nem: Con:

That any Persons proaosinq to be made a mason shall pay 10. 6. for his making
5s for his entrance 6d to the Clerk 6d to the Tyler 3d for his Articles [See
Art. V1.J and 2d for a list of Trades or forfeit, 5s the price of raising,


Priendly Society of Free and Accepted

ma sons.

Every Brother desirous to Enter t o pay 5 s Entrance Clerk Tyler

Articles and List of Trades as above.
N.B if a brother entring is a fellow Craft he shall be Oblig'd to be rais'd
Master in 3 Months after entrance in this Lodge or be fin'd 5"
Daniel Barbier illr
John Goddard S.W.
W m Marshall J.W. P.T.
[The previous fees. S1. 1. 0.

See 27. Dec. 38.1

Septr 16th 1742.

The Lodge was regularly opened the Master and Wardens in their
proper places.
Br Goddard Master elected Br Woodman Senr Warden Br Biggs
J u n r Warden.
OcV 7th 1742.
[Woodman S.W. absent the whole evening]

By the consent of the Lodge the two Tjnderwritten Brothers was Made Masoils.
Ed\\* Howell*
FracS Hurlbatt
My Clark proposed to be made a Mason.
By Br Rotheram tha Next Lodge Night.
John Goddard Master
W. Blanchard P.T. S W.
L. James. [P.T.J.W.]
[*Another Edward Howell

made in the Grenadiers Lodge on 9th Feb.


[Barbier in the chair pro. tem.]

The Report of the Sick was made. Br Gathorne [George Garthorne. 331 and
Br Andrews deemed worthy of their money. R u t i t appearing Br Kay was not
a t home and capable of going three or four miles from thence.
The Lodge ordered Br Young to visit him next Fryday, to see wether he
thinks he is worthy of his mony or not and to act agreeable to the Articles.
With a special Order not to pay him any money till he attends the Lodge
i f he thinks he don't deserve the Weekly Benefits of the Lodge. [Articles
XXVIII. s; X X I S . ]
Br Young was ordered to provide 3 Dozen and half of aprons for the use
of t h e Lodge against next Lodge Night and t h a t the Aprons for the future lie
left in the Lodge Room. [Young was a n Undertaker: purchase made under
Article XLVIII.]
And Whatever Mernber hereafter shall take any apron away out of the
Lodge Room without t h e consent of the Lodge shall be fined a t the Discretioil
of the Lodge for t h a t offence.

Deer 2nd 1742

Br Young made his Renort . . . i n Relation to Br Ray and as a
Proof of the Suspicion Brought a n affidavit sign'd by a Justice of peace of Br
Ray haveing acted Contrary to the Articles for which he was excluded."

[* This appears to be a General Night, for under X X X I . & XLI. Exclusion

could only be on such nights. See ante 4. J u n e 1741. Exclusion night.
p. 185.1

Pmnsactions of f k e @ztatuor Coronati Lodge.

A Motion mas made Seconded and agreed too N : C : t h a t the Box

shon'd be shut up from t h ~ smght for six months from all benefits (Deaths and
Burials excepted) unless to such Xembers rrho during the aforesaid time shall
produce a person to be made a Mason or a Mason to be enter'd a Member
agreeable to the N ~ n u t e sof Septr ) " 3I1d 1742 nhich member so producing such
shall Iniinediately becoma free awl t h a t C ~ r c u l anotice shal be given to all the
members of the Body of the same against the next Lodge n ~ g h t .

Br Barneerdnar [Bernardeau] proposed a merrber to Enter whos Name is Hales

Agree to Nee Con [ ? W a s this Peter Hales, previously proposed 26 Feb.
Likewise proposed and a g r ~ c dt h a t Thomas Ncwton pr Goodard shoul~l
be ldinitted [Newton a visitor on 30 filar. 1738.1
The threc underwritten mere admittecl to be made a Mason
Fracs Fouinier
Martin Vistry [or Vestry]
Per. Dumoulin
Fined Br Baggly for O!)robreous Langage in Calling Br RIansfield Scoundrill
one Shilling.
Hawkins propos'd pr Br Goodard to be made and enter.
[No record of Election.

Woodman S.W. now becolnes R.W.M.]

A t a Lodge held the 20th JanY 174213

13' Pool* proposed Will. Davis to be inade a Mason in this Lodge, i t was carried
Nem: Con:
Br Amry proposed to be a Member of this Lodge i t was agreed Nem:
Con :
This night a letter was sent to Mansfield to order him t o send back t h e
Secretary Jewel1 which he Feloniouslly took away the Lodge night before to
which Mansfield made answer by a letter t h a t he took i t to support himself
is i n want and silould not return i t escept t l ~ eLodge paid him t,hree weeks
for sickness he pretended h e laboured under, he excluded for male Practices.

L* Not in Friendly Society List.]

The Master is to go to the Quarterly Com. a Crown \\.as delivered t o
W m Woodman
L. James
Geo. Ueleny
Br James Dover, Masons A:ms
LNo. 56, later the Corner Stone
Madox S ~ r e e t
,, Will Carr
Lodge, now 5.1
,, Sam. Waters dito
,, Tho6 Barr
,, Cranstone Sugar loaf Great Queen Street L? former member]
[Golden Sugar Loaf, No. 49 ltichmond Lodge]

Lodge Night.

Febry 3d 1742 [I7431

[J.W. absent]

BP Will Davis propos'd by Br Pool mas this night made a Mason

Phe Friendly Soc;ety of Pree and d ccrpted .lfasor~s.



1742 [I7431

Twas agreed t h a t no more IYax Candles should be purchased by the Lodge and
t h a t Br Hastings should be allon ed 46 pr night for Large Candles. If he thinks
proper to accept of the same.
Br Uanson TI as m3de s n d entered he being recommended by Br Rotherham
and Barnshaw Likewise on the recommendation of Br Freear after which
the Lodge was closed.

March 17t:x 1742 j17431

I t was proposed t h a t being on quarter days many Members absented because

they should not be chosen for officers t h a t there should be a law made t h a t every
said quarter d a thcse
t h a t should not be present should pay one sk~illingforfeit
and likewise i t was considered by t h e Members present t h a t if a Junior Warden
was chosen he being subject to forfeit for nine months as a n officer no Member
would care to stand and t h a t .for the good of the Lodge and of the House the
Law now in being should be altered next General night,.
Resolved t h a t H r Goddard shali attend the Lodge to give a n account of
t h e Jeme; and t h a t they LYoung & Goddard] have notice tliereof.
Br A n d r e w gave the Master a n account of the Cash which amounts to
E s d
John Poole Master
\\m Marshall S.W. pro. tern
Mark Ledii. J.W.
[No record of Election, bnt Pool is now R.W.11. Deleny & Ledi6 Wardens.]

April ye 7th 1743.

Br Ragley proposed t h a t for the future the Junior T a r d e n should not be obliged
to visit the Sick and likewise t h a t thc Master and Wardens should be fined for
non attendance these motions were seconded by i n m y nlembers.
The question was put n-ether the Junior Warden should visit the sick, i t
was agreed Nem. Con. that for the future from this dax the Junior Wardens
should not be obliged to visit* but every Jlember have the 11be1ty to visit any
sick and if tile said Member or hIenlbers should be refused admittanoe the sick
Member shall locisc t h a t week's pay.
The question \\.as p u t G. i f the Master and TT'arclens shall fine for not
attending the Lodge i t was agreed Nem. Con. t h a t they should not fine from
this night here after.
Br Goddard did not attend but met the Master and promised to bring
the Master Jenell next Lodge night.
I t was proposed t h a t letters ~hollldbe sent to every Member against
quarter day with the sums tl1c.y are lndebtcd to the Book but i t was agreed
t h a t since the abore regulations were past in Laws i t should be better to stay
another quarter to see the good effects of the lirgulstions of this night.
John Poole [R.W.M.]
Oeo. Deleny [S.W.]
Dan' Bernardeau


I n September 1742 this arrangement wts changed again for the original
provision t h a t the J.W. (or his proxy) should visit.]



Transactions of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge.

April 216t 1743.

[Chas. Victor was made a Mnson & paid 1351
I t was proposed by Br dndrews t h a t i f any Member that has accepted of the
office of Steward shnll afternards rciign'd the eifice shall forfeit five shillings
i t was seconded by Br Barbier with :his aditicn hat when the Members once
said he would stand Steward i t would be suEciant for t h a t Member to be fin'd
the five shillings it past Nem: Con
John Pool
Gee. Delew
;dark Le8iB
M a y the 5th 1713.

Br Bradshan* a Member of this Lodge mas made Master. [First mention of

Third Degree i n these Minutes.]
l 3 1 Danson a Member of this Lodgc also made a Master.
A Motion was made by biother Barbier that if Br Goddard did not bring the
Master's Jewel1 betneen this day and the first Thursday in June lie should
forfeit half guinea and t h a t he shall have notice given him in mriting by one
of the Stewards and i f he does not bring i t then he shall forfeit one half guinea
every month. The same was agrccd t o by all the Members
Proposed t h a t whatever Mcmber shall before the first day of July 1743
knowingly conceal any lmposi~ionof a sick member (receiting the Benefits of
the Lodge) to the Prejudice of this Lodge shall be subject to the same penalty
t h e sick member is or may be subject to what \!as un.znimously agreed to.
[*Not previously mentioned and not in Friendly Society List.]
J u n e the 16th 1743
This night the Lodge was opened by the Past Master i n the absence of the
Master t h a t was Sick and Br Bulkley and Br Blanchard.
A Motion was made t h a t no Brother imprison'd shall have the benefit of
i t was agreed Ne CO
5 6 pr week a s a prisonner for six months from this day
Br Barnshaw mas elected Master for the ensuing Qnarter. Br Blanchard
Senior Warden and Br Helot Junior Warden.
It was proposed t h a t if any of the Wardens do absent themselves for two nights
successively another warden shal be chosen in their places the third night.
Tho5 Barnshaw


J u n e the 26 1743 [ ? July lst]

Br Devy* was made a Mason and admitted a Member.
It was agreed t h a t twelve shillings should be put into Br James's hands to act
a s he thinks tit. [No clue to this subject.j


Richard Davy.]

August the 18th 1743

Br Rotherham with thz consent of the Lodge took upon him the office of
clark for next quarter and is to be allowed the Salery formerly allowed t o t h e
regular clark.
Br Barbier took upon him to spealr or write to Br P a r r [12] in the name
of the Lodge to demand the money which was lent him to save him from loosing
his place.
Thos. Barashaw.

T h e Friendly Society of Free and Accepted Masons.

[No record of September or October]
[Election Night i n September. Blanchard S.W. becomes R.W.M.]
Novr 3 U 7 4 3
When t h e Stewarts Made their Report of Br Biggs Ilness and the same
being Deamed not regular by the whole Lodge his Money was ordered to be
stopt and he ordered to attend the Lodge next Lodge night. [See 3rd January
W l Blanchard
[No mention of Election i n December.]
Bulkeley R.W.M. Uernardeau 8.W.
Jan7 5 t V 7 4 3 j4
[ P a r r received six months grace for his debt]

It being further agreed t h a t Br Haistings should t r e a t with the Brewer About,

taking our lMoney on Common Intrust and Give us a n Answer the next Lodgv
[Signed by]
L. James Master [pro. tem.]
D a d . Bernerdeau S.W.
Wm Marshall
Richd Davy
Dan" Barbier
John Young
Wm Woodman
James Sndrews
John Bradshaw
Roe Rotherham
Jon. Freer his Mark
John Poole Stewarde

[Bulkeley R.W.M 111 and on the Box] deserva his Money and continned on the Box.
I n whose Room he Eeing s ~ c kthe Lodge nroeeeded to a choice of New Master
Whereupon Br Marshall n a s derlared dn!y elected.
Rr Hastings acquainted tha Lodge t h a t hlr Giffsrd his Brewer* was willing
to take the Cash of the Lodge n ho agreed t h a t he should have 40 pounds a t 5
per Cent which being unaninmnsly agreed on Whereupon Security by note of
hand was made to Br Barbier Rotheram and Andrews payable three Days after
Twas proposed by Br Barbier t h a t Br Hastings should give security for
the several1 utensils and cash belonging to the Lodge t h a t shall from time to
time be left i n hand n hich was agreed to and t h a t the same shall be done next
Tuesday evening.
B u t such security t h a t shall then be' given or a t any time hereafter given
shall be duly given to the Master for the time Leing but t h a t the same shall
not be deposited in the Master's hands bnt some other Member approved by
t h e Lodge.
Twas moved t h a t Bror May should act a s Clerk till brother Gidley's [431
Debt t h a t he owes should be payd for him which was agreed to providing t h a t
Br May would give or cause to be given proper zttendance in t h a t office.
[Gidley was a n attorney and May probably on-ed him money: the salary
to be applied ton-ards reducing this debt. There is no other reference
t o him in the M i n u t a , but he signed as Clerk on 18 May 1737 (see end
of Articles).]
[*Either t h e Gifford of No. 63, the Bear and Harrow (now No. 5, St.
George and Corner Stone) in 1731, or Richard Gifford, i n 1725 S.W.
of t h e Castle Tavern, St. Giles. (G.L.Xin., pp. 178 and 26.)]


Transnctions of the 01tntuor Coronnti Lodge.



Child n a s recommended and accepted and entered

Agreed t h a t the Bond regarding Br Haistings shold be Ingrossed and
Compleated on Monday next being the fiveth Day this present instant.



1733 [I7441
[Election night, b u t no record of choice of officers.]

T n a s moved that a L i ~ of
t Trpdes &c shonld be printed of and the same
agreed to and BI Anclrens and 13r Rotherham was ordered to prepare the same
some t ~ m ethe next month for their being printed of immediately.
'Cwas moved t h a t the Master and Wardens shall not for the future be
exempt from the Stenards' officc but shall when called on by the Roll either
resign his or their office aud serve the StewliJrhip or fine for not standing
Stenard equa!lv the same as ~f there mas not either Master or Wardens a n
Article to the Contrary n o t m t h s t ~ n 6 i n g .
The Bond being read over nhich \ \ a s signed by Brother Hastings for the Redelivery of the several1 Cenaills But the same being not agreeable to Br
Hasting's mind he snatched the same out of the Hancls of the Junior Warden
and threw i t in the fire. B u t he agreed to pay for the same nhich cost about
The Stock of the Lodge appears

By Cash.
the Brewer's Note

10- 0-11
40- 0- 0
5- 0- 0

After which the Lndge was closed

Dan' Berncrdeau
Dan' Barbier
James Andre~vs.

[dodge Night



[Master & Wardens

elected this evening.]


The Loclge being regularly o p n n ~ dand thc officers in their proper places
When Rr Banton* Bronght a n Account of the Expence of Printing of the List
of Trades Which Was Agreed he should Print of two hnnclred for twelve shillings and further agreed t h a t Brol T\700dman skould make good All the Locks
belonging to the Pedestal1 and We further Rweivetl a Letter from Bra' P a r r
Relateing t o the Money he is Indebted to the Lodge. Agreed i t should be left
to the Discresion of Br Barbcar [S.1i7.] but that he should make some payment
I n three months and the Whole in six months.
-4 Motion being mnde by Br Barbear t h a t Bror Young should make a
payment of the Money he is Indebted to thls Lodge JVhen the Lodge Agreed
t h a t Br Barbear should call on Bror yonag and hear the Proposals and Report
the same next Lodge Night

Dan' Bernardeau
Daniel Uarbier
James Andrens

[ * N6t in Friendly Society List: probably only a visitor.]

T h e F r i e n d l y Society of


and A c c ~ p t r c kMasons.

20 1

[ ? error for May]

April 31'"744

[" The Worshipful Br Marshall" as R.W.M. pro. teni. and Barbier and
Anclren-s Wardens]

It was agreed t h a t the Howers of Meeting shall be from Eight to Ten for
S u E e r anrl for Winter from Seven to Nine, after which No Noney I s to be
Received and the Business of the Night finished l h i t this ltcsolre to continue
no longer then during these troublesome times. [Articlz IS.]
Twas further resolved t h a t no niember of this Lodge either hath or
should be deemed hereaftrr non worthy to receive thc Benefits of this Lodge
while or when 111 shall ever hereafter hold either the Masters Wardens or
Stewards offices in this Lodge and if call'd on to serve the office of Steward
shall fine for the said office any Article to the Contrary notwithstanding.
Twas further Resolved t n a t 10 pounds should he paid to the Brewer and
a fresh note taken from the Brewer for 50 pounds and the Interest of i t and
the forty pounds taken up anrl t h a t Bror Hastir~gsand Br dndrewes should act
After which the Lodge was closed
11-m Marshall M r P.T.
Dan1 Barbier
Janies Sndrews
Dan1 Bernardeau
[The " troublesome times" referred to was t h a t of the hostilities in
Flanders, France and England having inutua1l.y declared war in
March; Saxe was then a t Dunkirk on the point of invading England;
and the consequent encouragem?nt this gave to the younger Pretender.]

J u n e 21. 1744 [ ? 22nd, Thursday, Election Xight.]

Quarterly Meeting.

The Presiding Officers jlresent.

The Lodge v a s opened in due form.
Bror Danson and Davy Stenards Elect.
Barbour chosen Master Anclrem Sen= Warden and Bradshau


The Cash of the L30dge was givrn in a r follows

Brewers Notes
Anclrews Do
I n Yonng's Hands
I n Cash


04- 03-13-


6- 7- 53



After which the Lodge was closed.

[There is no record of any mecting in July.]

Augt 16. 1744.
Right Worshipfull Master Wardens & Brcihrcn prrscnt.
The Lodge was opened i n due form.
The Right WorshipEd1 Master r o p o s e d that nhaterer Mcn be absent on the
Quarterly Meeting viz. when officers a r e chosen such absent nhen cal'd on to
stand Stewards sall be find 5 s such except-tl that b? clai~unutson th? Box who


Transactions of the Qzratuor Coronati Lodge.

shall only be find 2. 6 a s such them present refusing t o stand Steward shall
be fined only 2 . 6 this order to take place the ensuing Quarterly Night.
After which the Lodge was closed.
Dan1 Barbier
James A n d r e w
Louis James [pro. tem.]

Sept. the 20. 1744

[Election Night, the new officers sign t h e Minutes.]

Present. The Master Wardens & fourteen Members.

I t was resolved t h a t the Stewards 3hould visit Sror Sample regularly but should
not pay him the weekly payments but give him notice t h a t the Lodge had
order'd he should call for it on the Lodge night following and if he does not
attend the next Lodge night he forfeits his mouey.
Resolved t h a t whoever shall be chosen J anr Warden either visit or cause
any member to visit any claimant on the Box. B u t whoever visit or takes on
him to visit shall attend to make his report or be fined agreable to the Articles.
Andrews, Mabter
J. Bradahaw
L. James.
[This is a reversion to the original Article, dropped in April 1743.1

Oct. 18. 1744.

The Lodge being regularly opened Bror Freer being Excluded appealed
to the Lodge t o be reinstated a s before alledging his being both on t h e Parish
& King's Duty* the Lodge was of opinion they could not then take the same
[into] Consideration proposed to hear the same on the next Lodge night but
one and I n the interim to summon t h e Lodge on the next occasion.
The Stewards reported t h a t Bror Sample Deservc! his mony and ordered
to be paid his Mony accordinglyAfter which the Lodge was closed.
Andrews. Master
J. Bradshaw [S.W.]
L. James. [J.W.]

[* Jonathan Freer. No. 14 in the Friendly Society List, Coal Merchant,

was now Parish Constable; this explains the rgterence above, and
others later.]

The Lodge being opened in due form the Minutes of Last Lodge Night was
Bror Freer with his friend attending the Lodge was of opinion his affair could
not be heard till next Lodge night. B u t whatever Evidence could be given the
same may be heard and admitted next Lodge night tho' he should not be
[word illegible] provided he gives Testimony on the word of a Mason.
accordingly he says a t 11 or 12 in the Morning on the Thursday he was
excluded he went out of Town with a poss of a Wc man & 3 children and did not
come to town till the fryday following.

T h e Friendly Society of Pree and Accepted i l t a s o n ~

Novr 16. 1744.

[ ? 15th Thursday]

Right Worshipful1 Master & TVardens p r e s ~ n t .

The Minutes of last Lodge night was read 6s confirmed
Br Freer's affairs were heard and the Lodge agreed to reinstate him on this
Condition t h a t he shall not receive any Benefit or free Gift from this Society
for any Illness or Imprisonment provided the same be occasion'd by his being
a constable and If for such Illness or Lameness he may receive by any accident
while he is executing his office and he declares for the same he shall be
Excluded and Likewise before he receives any Benefit or Free Gift be paid on
his Death or his Wife he shall bring or cause the same to be done two Persons
either to be made or Entered
and if he will not agree to this Resolution t h a t the Lodge will abide by
the Exclusion.
B u t this resolve not to be a precedent for any other meniber already
Resolved N : C : to be admitted on the above Terms
Bror Freer mas acquainted with the Resolution who acquiescd in the abore
Resolution and ordered to be Reinstated paying in his Last Qnarter's Deficiency.
After which the Lodge was closed.
Audrews Mnster
J. Rradsnaw
L. James.
[No record of a meeting on December 6t91
Decr 20th 1744. Quarterly Meeting.

[Election night.]

A Letter from Br Helot mas read .jnd i t being the sense of the Lodge the same
was to Desire himself to be Excludsd or hls Dis~ilissioil. The Lodge accordingly
complyd with t h e same and orde:ed his name to be Xraseci of the Book of
Srticles and Roll and Excluded him
afterwards Drank his health as a very \Torthy Member of i t nhile he
continued as such
Twas then resolved t o p u t Bror Parr's note in forcc and t h a t Bror
Rothram should deliver the same to Bror d n d r e ~ sfor t h a t purpose.
After which the Lodge proreed to Choice of officers and accordingly chose
Bror Woodman %
' Young Stewards Bror Rradshan Master and Bror James &
Danson Wardens.
Stewards' account found Just.
the several1 officers health were drank & Retuind.
Afterwards the Lodge was rlosed.
J. Bradshaw
L. James. S W.
John Poole P.T

Right Worshipful1 Master Wardens L% Erethren Present,

The Lodge being regularly opened the minutes of the last Lodge night were
read and confirmed.
The account of the Lodge was given i n which stands as follows
Brewers notes
Interest due to the same
Brother Young
P a r for Notes
Andrews Do
Ballance Cash Last Quarter
Received this Night Jan. 3

50-- 0- 0
1- 0- 0
9- 6-11
1- 0-- 0
3- 5- I t

70- 4-10
[should be 70-4-91


Transactions of the Qztattror Coronati Lodge

Bro' Jones* and Biggs being Defkicnt in their Payments of 28 for the Burial
of Marshal The Brethren present unaninlousl> agreeti to Indemnifye Br
Danson for paying 2%on account of Bror Jones he always behaveing herein a s a
worthy member B u t unaniniously refused to pay any money for Bra' Biggs for
Reasons best known to themselres and his name ordered to be struclr off the
ltoll and Book of Articles and further to be cxcluded this Lodget
nftern-ards the Lodge was closed.

J. Bradshaw Mastr
L. James S.W.
TI'. Danson J.W.
[* Not previously mentioned.]
[t Sea Minute of 3rd November 1743.1

[A Hiatus occurs here, the recird being continuous. There are no Minutes
of February, March (elt.ctioii), Spril, May, J u n e (election), July,
August or September (election). The oklicers were changed, so meetings
lnust have been held, i n spite of tbe " troublesome times."]

The Right Tvorshipfull Master Wardens & Bretnren present.

According to their being Conveind for t h a t Purpose i t was Aggreed Nem. Con.
t h a t the Articles expiring a t J u a e 1745 i t was then agreed t h a t the same
Articles should remain as a t prese:it ti1 the Rod: should think p o p p e r to alter
them with this amendment t h a t a t every qnarterly meeting the whole Body
should be sunimond* and Meatt vithin the first Hower after propper Notice
and that upon not answering to their Respective Names to forfeit one shilling
whether such summons be delivered by the Qler or not and upon refusing t o
serve the ofice of Steward to forfeit 25 6 d in the Rooiue of the 5 5 According t o
the Printed Articles and t h a t the Clerke for the time being.shall allways write
the Ticketts as his propper buisness Allowing the Tiler 28 6 d for Delevering
the same allways Observing t h a t the samc shn!~be delivered wtthin the iast five
days before the next meeting

J. Young Xaster
Dan1 Bernardeau
W n l TVoodni~n
I). Barbier
Richard Davy
Alattw Alanson
J. Ihpre
George Ueleny
Willm Smith
Joseph May
John h o l e
L. James
Will Danson
John Bradshaw



[* Article Xl.]
[t Elected a t the September meeting, with Bradshaw & Danson, Stevards.]
Twas further agreed t h a t in case the Tyler or any nleinber taking upon himself
to give any liie~ilbernotics of the Quarterly BZeeting shall he subject to the 12*
penalty and the nielnber fined escus'd the shno

Novr 7th 1745.

The Proper officers having taking their seats with the Respective Members
t h e Report of Bror Gathorne who was sick on the Box regularly made
the Senr Warden Bror Bernard2au from not visiting him on either Saturday or
Sunday, being his time for visiting the sick members & Bro' Bradshaw Sen'
Steward reported t h a t he visited him Regularly t h a t on Wecinesday and on
Thursday last he visited him again and found he was not a t home, b u t saw his
wife who said if he continued a s well as he then was, he would Declare of on
Saturday or Sunday following but omitting to call of on either of those days
Bro' Gatherne insisted on his being paid for the Mouday being the fourth of
Novr and Bror Bradshaw the Senr Steward accordingly paicl him and accounted
for t h e same to t h e Lodge this Night and the same time informed the Lodge
he had sent his Girl to him thc Sunday who said he could say nothing to ,it,
he ought to come himself.
Bror Danson reported t h a t he visited Drop Gathorne on Thursday Last
who being not a t home he saw his wife who told him if he continued as he then
was he would declare of t h a t meek and he visited him again on Monday ye 4th
of Novr & he informed him he was glad he thcn ~ a l l d$ said If Bror Bradshaw
had calld the Day before he then ~ ~ o i have
~ l d aeciar'd off hut said he kept him
[a] day Longer than on the Society or Box than he intended who was [word
illegible] and ordered Bror Danson to make his report t o t h e Society, he
dclar'd of on t h a t day being Mondav the 4 ot Novr and accordingly was paid
for t h a t Day.
Bror Bernardeau Senr Warder, likenire lieported t h a t he visited him on
the Monclay the day he then declared of who old him t h a t he had declar'd of
t h a t day t o the 2 Stewards.
The Lodge th-r. asking the Jun' Warden & the 2 Stewards whether they
thought ho deserved his Money for t h e M o n d a ~and they were unanimous he
did not for this Reason snc! t h a t he told Br Danson t h a t Bror Bradshaws no5
calling on hinl of Sunday hinderd him of a days work and infornld my Bro'
Bernardeau on the Monday t h a t he ,\as the.1 capable of work.
The Loclge of the same opinion t h a t hc dld not deserle t h a t days
money unanimously thought he did not deserve his Money & accordingly summond him t o answer the complaint of the several officers next Lodge night
under the Penalty of Exclusion after which the Lodge was closed.
Jon Young Master
James Andrew Senr.W. [pro. tern.]
Dl Bwnardeau
John Bradshaw
Will Danson
Daniel Barbier
John Poole

The Master and Wardens with the Brethren being present the Lodge was
opened i n clue form.
Bror Gathorne's affair was taken i n consideration and he agreed to
submit this night to t h e Decision of the Lodge in the resolution whether he
deserved his Mony when sick or not 2nd the Lodge was of opinion t h a t he did
not deserve his weekly mony which was paid him.
and accordingly resolved t h a t he should not receive any weekly money
for sickness or Iinpr1sonn1-nt, Lottery Tickets, free gift for his Wife's Death,
any free gift to be paid his Wife on his Death, not Liable to hold any office or


Transactions of the Qzcatuor Coronatz' Lodge.

vote in t h a t Lodge, for During the term of one whole year from t h e Date hereof
agreeable to which Bror Gathorne was ordered to signd his name
Geo. Garthorne
after which the Lodge was closed.
J. Young Master
James Andrews
Dan1 Bernardeau.

[No record for December (election) 1745, or January 1746.1

Feb. 2 0 t h 1745 [i.e., 1'746.1
The Master & Wardens being present and the Lodge being Regularly
opened i t was aggreed by all the Members then present t h a t the box should be
shut up for the space of six months to all members claiming upon the box either
for sickness linprisonment or Pensioners.

D. Barbiel.
L. Janles
J. Bradshaw
John Poole
John x freer [his mark]
Roe R,otherham
Jon Young
Dan' Bernardeau
Willm Smith

March the 6th 1745/6

The Master & Wardens being present and the Lodge being regularly opened t h e
Nolninee of Bror Barnshaw Deceasd came to clairne the free Gift which was
Ready to be paid but Bror Young Claiming a Debt due t o him and she Refusing
t o take t h e ballance as aproved to be Due t o her and Br Young a t the same
time Endemnifying the Society for all charges t h a t might any ways fall upon
the said Society the Lodge do agree b+k)f3-&&*@*r
t o leave the said Money in Bror Young's Hands till they have
Jon Young.


A i the same time Bror Janles Propos'd Br Gavey to be a Member of this

Lodge he having Deposited one shilling which is to be for fitted unless the
said Gavy do appear to enter the next Lodge night

L. James Mr
J. Brndshaw
Willm Smith
Bra' Gavey not attending ye la forfeited.

[* This has been erased.]

[t Article XVII. provides t h a t the widow is only entitled to the balance,
after deducting any debt due to the Society.]

The Friendly Society of Free a ? d Accepted B a s o n s .

[No record of meetings i n March (election), April or May 1746.1
J u n e 5th 1746.
The Respective Officers being present the Lodge was opened i n due form.
Twas moved and unanimously agred t o t h a t the Entrance nlony shall not be
more than 55 while t h e number does not exceed 40 afterwards to 60, 7' 6 d
paying the Clerks & Tyler perquisites besides.
After which t h e Lodge was closed.
[Signed only by]

Daniel Barbier
Richard Davy

[There i s no mention of the Election a t this ~ ~ l e e t i nxhich

was Quarterly

1746. July ye 3'"

I t n-as agreed t h a t ye Lodge should be Remain'd shut up till Crismas next
Wm Blanchard
Dan1 Bernardeau
James Bndrews
Dan' Barbier
Luke Clifton
John Poole
L. James
Roe Rotherham
Jonathan Freer
Richard Davy.

<No record of meetings i n August or September (election), October, November, December

(election) 1746, or J a n u a r y $ February 1746.1
March 19th 1746-7.

[Election night.]

The Master Wardens & Brethren present

he Lodge was regularly opened
and unanimously agreed on That the Box should be opened and the Benefits
i n Sickness should be no more than 6" per Week for twelve months from t h e
Date hereof.
Twas then further proposd t h a t the Burial & free gift to members widows shall
be reduced to 5 pounds and the free gift to a member on his wife's death shal
be reduced to 2-10-0
for 12 months from the Date hereof
Twas further proposd
That no Member Imprisond for any Debt shall be intituled t o 58 per Week on
account of his Imprisonment while he is i n Goal or free Gift for his Wife or
free gift or Burial paid to his Wife nor Liable to any payment into this Lodge
whde he is i n Goal nor finable for not attendance or serving any office here
while a member during t h a t time yet if any member imprismpd is desirous
to receive the meekly Benefit for sickness as aforesaid he shall clear the Roll
within one month After his imprisonment and continue regularly his payments
without being fined for nonpayment which i f he shal be fined for ye same he
shall not receive any Benefit for sickness, nor allow to make his payment here
in till he is discharged out of Goal after which h e shall continue his payment
herein or be excluded under the above resolution for 12 months.
Twas then further proposed t h a t the Tyler should be dismisd till further

Trunsccctions of tlz e Quatuor Coronati Lodge.

Twas then further proposed t h a t if any member mill officiate a s clerk to
this Lodge shall be allowd 6 d per Night and the Master or senr Brother present
shall have power to nominate the Clerk the t n o above orders Reversable a t any
Twas then further proposed That in order for the future welfare of this
Lovlge That Srol ycung Kz Barbier shall be Empowered a t the Expence of this
Lodge to treat with some of the Orethren of the King's Arms Lodge* t o consult
with them if they Beleive the Lodg- vould agree to Joyn ours and after t h a t
to t r e a t n l t h theii Lodge concerning the same and t h a t iE the same should be
Tiiat then all and every member or members of this Lodge shall have
Liberty t o propose and Enter any Bror or person a member hereof Gratis
without taking any Ballot whose Recommendation shall be sufficient B u t surh
person proposd shall not exceed 45 years and be otherwise Qualified agreeable
t o Articles and the said Resolutioii to ceas- when the number of members of
the Lodge be Sixty.
After niiich some new a r t ~ c l e sto be made
The Lodge afterwards proceeded to choice of new officers for the ensuing Quarter
upon which Bror Young was chosen Master and Barbier & Poole Senr & J u c r
Wardens after which the Lodge was closed.
Jon Young
Dan1 Barbier [S.W.]
John Poole
James A n d r e w
The mark of Jonathan Freer
Johonoston Freare
by Ordert
\W Blanchard.
["Now No. 10, Westminstes and Keystone.]

[t Freer has apparently learned now to writ* his name: the i ~ r i t i n gand
spelling a r e very ragged.]

The Lodge mas regularly opened
The Master Wardens & Brethren present.
The Minutes of the last Lodge Night were read & confirn~ed.
The Master & Bror Barbier [S.W.] reported t h a t they had seen the Master of
the King's Arms Lodge and had not come to any Resolution on the former
Whcreupon this Lodge agreed to Enter Members on this Night on the
aforesaid Resolution and t o continue the same ti11 this Lodge have 60 members
or till the 2 Lodges are Jovned as aforesaid.
Whereupon Bror Ricliard Watkis Baker of Dyot Street mas proposed t o
enter a inenher and on the ltrcommendation of Brar Young and Bror Wm
Danson* Tnyler of Nevcastle Court by Br Poole to Enter and accordingly were
After which 13r01 Clifton was excluded for Non Payment twas proposed
t h a t the Stewards for the future should have but 29 and agreed to a t the funeral
oi a Deceased Member
After which the Lodge was closed with this Resolve to summon the Lodgo
against the next Lodge night.
[*There was already a William Danson a member.]

The Friemdly Society of Free


.lccrptecl i l l a s o n s .


April 16th 1747

The Lodge was regularly opencd The Master and Wardens present and
the N i n u e ~ sof last Lodge night was read and confirmed.
Jon Young Master
Dan' Barbier Senr W .
John Poole Junr \V.
Roe Rotherham
Dan' Bernardeau
W m Child
Joseph May
Will Danson
Richd Watkis
Will Blanchard
Jon. Freare
MattW Allanson

[No record of meetings in May, June (election), or July. Of the final entry August 6th,
only the head~nghas been nritten.]

This concludes the entries concsrning the Lodge a t the Crown and Anchor,
although we know i t remained herd until 1749. The Minute Book is only about
half-full a t this date. A t the removal of the Lodge t o tlle Ruminer & Mitre, Labour
in Vain Hill, in another district of London, the book began to be used a t the other
end, the first entry being 15th J a n u s r y , 1753. I am inclined t o think this was a n
entirely new Lodge, from the lists of members of this year onwards. B u t this being
a convenient point a t which t o break off the story of the Benefit Society, i t is not
proposed to continue the history of what becaine the Vacation Lodge, bearing the
number 55 a t the tims i t cxised to exist in 1801. The warrant was again issued on
t h e 7th April,' 1802, to some brethren a t Wiveliscombe in Somerset and the name
of t h e former Lodge was retained, bsing the " Loyal Vacation Lodge." This lapsed
and the warrant was finally returned to the Grand Lodg. in 1862.
Of t h e revived Lodge a t tlle Rummsr i t is only needful to point out t h a t all
trace of the Benefit Society had disappeared by 1753. It had now become a Lodge
pure and simple, and its proceedings re intsresting, but with regret we must leave
warned me,--"
under the penalty
t h e subject-the Editor of our T r . c ~ ~ s 7 c t i ohaving
of exclusion " frsm its pages.

L I S T B.
hrembsrs of t h s Lodge No. 163 mentioned in the M i n u t s but not occurring in List A.
-- Amry,

" proposed and agreecl to " (joined) 20th January 1743.


nominat-d as Secretary 26th March 1741, J . W. 16th September 1742; ill in November 1743, hen his money was
stopped. Exclnclxl on 3rd January 1745.


John Braclshaw

" a member of this Lodge"

n-as made a Master [Mason]
5th May 1743: J.W. June, S.W. September and R.W.M.
Decaxber 1711, Senr Steward September 1745.


Transactions of the Qzmtuor Coronati Lodge.

- Cranstone,

William Child
-- Clark

Senior Steward i n January 1741. Appears t o have quitted

the Lodge towards the end of the year, and i n 1743 TTas a
visitor from the Golden Sugar Loaf No. 49 (the Richmond
1744, 1st March, recommended accepted and entered.
mention on 16th April 1747.


proposed to be made 7th October 1742.

Will. Davis

1743, proposed as a candidate 20th January and made 3rd


Richard Davy

1743, 2nd J u n e made and admitted a member.

Steward. J u n e 1744. Last mention 6th July 1746.

William Danson (1)

1743 3rd March made and entered [a member], 5th May,

made a Master. Junr Steward. September 1745.

William Danson (2)

Tarlor, Newcastle Court.



Proposed for joining 1747. 2nd

-- Decring


23th June, resigned by letter.

Pierre Dumoulin


16 December, made.

William Dunmore

"made i n this lodge," was a visitor 9th February 1738.


1741, 1st October, fined. I think this must be Isaac Dubois,

as he was frequently fincd for nlinor offences. Last mention
11th October 1746.

-. -


1741, 24th September, fined.



1741, 22nd Jan., prepared the

i t on 7th May.

Fournier (1)

Reinstated on 19th Novelnber 1741, but there is no previous

mention of him.


Bond," and was paid for

Francis Fournier (2)

made 16th December 1742.

Peter Hales

proposed as a candidate and elected on 26th February 1741,

" t o enter a t his discretion," and again proposed 16th
December 1742, but no record of his entry.



Edward Howell
-- Humphrys

proposed as a candidate 16th December 1742, but no record

of his making.
made 7th October 1742.
Junior Steward i n January 1741.

Francis Hurlbatt

made 7th October 1742.

Louis James.

Was a visitor from the Goat, Spread Eagle Court, Strand,

No. 38 (now 26 Castle Lodge of Harmony), and the King's
Arms, Seven Dials. Tvo Lodges were here, No. 56 and
No. 179, now the Royal Naval No. 59. H e must have
joined l a t e r ; J.W. in October 1741, S.W. i n December, and
R.W.M. in March 1742. J . W . September 1744, S.W.
December, and R.W.M. probably i n March 1745. R.W.M.
rgain in March 1746. I n 1741 he visited the Grenadiers


mentioned in Minute of 3rd January 1745. No other particulars.

The Friendly S o c i e t y of P r e e and B c z e p t e d Ilirasotts.

Mark Ledi6
- Nears
Thomas Newton,




John Poole,


J.W. i n March 1743.

a member in 1741.
1742. 16th December, proposed and admitted (joined).
madc 29th January 1741, but excluded for being over the
age limit, 5th February 1741.
a member i n 1741 and Steward.

R.W.M. i n March 1743; Steward i n January 1744. J . W .

March 1747.

C. Reynolds,

erased for imposing on the Lodge, 18th March 1742.

J o h n Sample.

" made in this Lodge," mas a visitor on 9th February 1738,

and either became a member or reioined, for on a later date
he sent his money by Bro. Ray. I n September 1744 he was
to be " visited regularly."

Chas. Victor

made 21st April 1743.

Martin Vistry

made 16th December 1742.

Richard Watkis,

Baker, Dyot Street, joined 2nd April 1747.

Visitors t o the Lodge.



-- Banton

Not named

5th April 1744


of S t . John.

10th September 1741.

Thos. Barr

Lodge not stated.

20th January 1743

Thos. Barron

Turk's Head, Temple Bar,

No. 16.

16th March and 6th April


W. Barton

H . L . of St. John.

9th February 1738

W m Butler

Marlboro Head Petticoat Lane

No. 128.

26th March 1738

Fountain Katerin
No. 114.

16th February 1738




Will Carr

--- Cassoll.

Will Cazalo
-- Clack

Masons' Arms Madox Street.

No. 56 (now 5 St. George 6:
Corner Stone)
20th J a u c a r y 1743
Visited the Grenadiers Lodge, 28th April, 1742.
Black Lyon Jockey Fields.
No. 77.

30th March 1738

? same as Cassoll, as he is of
the same Lodge, No. 77.

9th February 1738.

Fountain Katherin Street

No. 114.

16th February 1738

D. Coles



-- Cosens




Kings Arms Tower Street

Seven Dials No. 6 (now 10.
Westminster and Keystone),

10th September 1741

Fountain, Bartholomew Lane

No. 168.

30th M a l ~ h1738.

see List B.

Edward Darvell

H.L. of St. J.

9th Februa,ry 1738

Richard Davison

S t . John

19th March 1738

Robert Dods

Braund's Head New Bond

Street No. 6 now 8. British.

23rd February 1738

Jas. Dover

Masons Arms Madox Street

No. 56 (now 5 S t . George &
Corner Stone)
20th January 1743
H e T$as a visitor to the Grenadiers Lodge, now No. 66, on
26th October 1743, 25th Januarj- 1744, and 9th March 1746.

William 1)unmore

s-c List B.

-- Emberton
John Fisher
Robt Fleming

St. Johns

26th March 1738

Red Lyon Chaucller Street (an

unidentified Lodge)

9th February 1738

George i n Portland Street

No. 10, Original No. 3, now
Fortitude ck Old CumberlancI

27th August 1741

On 27th October 1739 mas a petitioner and founder of the

Grenadiers No. 66, having been made "before ye const"."
011 26th March 1710, his name n a s ~ r a s e d . On l i t l i April
1744 he r-lolued 2nd n a s elected R.W.M., being one of four
cand~dates. HL dcc.larec1 of7 a t the end of J u n ~ fro^
23rd April 1740 donn to 13th July 1743, and after 26th
Jfarch 1716. he n a s a mchmber of the Lodge a t the George,
Portlancl S t r x t , and on 25th J a n u a r y 1714 lie \+as a member of the Chtj of D ~ l h a nNO.
~ 1.53. On 14th ; \ l a t h 1743
he vislted No. ! a t the Shakespear's Head, now the Lodge
af F ~ i e n d s h i pNo. 6, and acted as W.M.
-- F o r t

Foster (1)


Fost,er (2)

Fountain Katerin
Strand No. 111-

16 February 1738

Fountain, Katerin Street,

Strand No. 114,

16th February 1738

Bcar, Strand, ( ? TYhite Bear)

No. 134.

30th March 1738



1746, 6 N a d , proposed for joining but did not appear


Lodge not stlted.

2nd April 1742, was
not admitted as a risitor (see 3linute).



Talbot, Wcstmiilster, No. 170

(Lord Talbot's Head),

33th March 1738.

Bear, Strand No. 134,

30th March 1738.

Tnrlr's Hcad Temple B a r

No. 16.

6th April 1738.

Thcatre Coffee House, Bridge

Street No. 13 (now 20. Royal
Kent Lodge of Antiquity)

33th March 1738.

-- Hoilt
James Horton


Louis James

see List B.

Peter Jolley

Bull Head in Gracechurch

Street No. 22,

9th February 1738.

S t . John.

9th March 1738.

Sam. Jones

Z'he Prz'endly $ocz'efy of P r e e and A c c e p t e d

H. Kerison

St. John


26th March 1738


see Clack.


holy Lodge St. John.



Fountain, Catherine Street

No. 114

16th February 1738.

S t . John

2Yrd March 1738.

Queen's Head Knaves Acre,

Original No. 3, now 12
Fortitude ii: Old Cumberland,

26th March 1738.

Fountaiil, Uartholomcv Lane.

No. 168,

30th March 1738.

Glocester, Pall Ifall No. 139.

10th September 1741

Crown & Aaker, King Streci

S1. Giles, KO. 66

23rd March 1738

Rainbow. York Buildings,

No. 75 (now 33 Britannic)

30 March 1738.

--- Linn


---- Maude

-- Morgan.

P. Mosiers.

16th February,
2nd & 30th March 1738.

This is probably the Thomas Newton who joined i n 1742

(see List U).
-- Ostes (1)
-- Oates (2)
-- Parker
Stephen Payne

King's Arms, Great T i l d

Street. No. 123.

30th March 1738.

St. John.

30th March 1738.

Sugar Loaf, Great Queen

Street, No. 49.

10th September 1741

Fountain, Bartholom-.~Lane.
No. 168,

30th March 1738.

Crown Tavern, Smithfield.

No. 134

6th April 1738



proposed as joining member but not elected, 9th April 1741,

Lodge not stated. ? Wnl Pearsehouse, of S t . Paul's Head
in Ludgate Street, No. 40 of 1729.



Prince's Head in Prince

(an unidentified

2 n d March 1738.

S t . John.

9th February 1738.

Thos. Roper


Master of the Turk's Head

Lodge, Tenlplc Bar, KO. 16.
23rd March 1738
Either Elias or Peter, both of this Lodge in 1731.



Fountain, Catherine Street

No. 114,

16th February 1738.

[Old] King's Arms, Tower

Street No. 112.

23rd March 1738.

W m Soens

St. John

23rd February 1738

Tho8 Spnrrier

Sun in Round Court [Strandl

No. 134,

9th March 1738.

J. Slap.


?ransuctions of the Q u n t w r Coronatl Lodge.

W m Stanhope,



- ,'

landlord of the White Swan in New Street Covent Garden,

where both Lodge and Society were established in 1737. On
26th March 1738 he mas a visitor, of St. John.
Kings Arms, Towcr Street
No. 112.
St. John

23rd March 1738


Geo. Trubshaw


23rd February 1738



30th JIarch 1738


Sam Waters

Richard Webb.

John Whitehead.

Masons' Arms Madox Street

No. 36 (now 5 St. George .k
Corner Stone)

20th January 1743

George in ~ o r t i a h dStrcet,
No. 10, Original No. 3, (noa
Fortitude & Old Cumberland!

27th August 1741

Queen's Head, Old Bailey,

No. 76.

9th March 1738

said :I n his comments on the paper on Extracls from old Xinzlte B o o & ~
i n the
Grand Lodye X.zinin~e?ttRoom read in January, 1915, before this Lodge by Bro.
Hammond, our present Master gave much attention t o one Lodge, the history
of which he had baen studying for a considerable time. B u t I hardly think we
suspected he had so inuch u p his sleeve as he has presented t o us to-day. H e hzs
not only carefully shown the connection bstween the Friendly Society of Free and
Accepted Masons and Lodge No. 163, but lie has enabled us t o study a t our
leisure the Rules and Regulation., of the former-the
original of which i n tho
iljansfield Masonic Library is, I assume, the oilly copy known to exist-and
Xinutes of the latter down t o 1747. B a t he has done more t h a n this: lze has
contributed from his great store of Masonic biographies details concerning a very
large proportion of tlie members of both bodies.
I n the Lodge Minutes the expressions-not
unusual in tlie early days of
Public, and Private Lodge nights are mentioned; it would
be interesting t o know how these d~fferedfrom one another. I n the Minutes of
No. 163 for 1738 a Nasters' Lodge is firzt mentioned, but no particulars are given
" Masters' Lodges " is the title of one cf the earliest papers in our Transactions.
I n i t Lane states t h a t the first reference t o them occurs in Rawlinson's list of
Lodges in 1733. Besides the 11 Masters' Lodges mentioned in the 1738 edition
of t h e Boo/; of Co,~strtz~tions,Lane gives t h e names of nlany others in which such
were occasionally held. To these may be added the P l m n i x Lodge, meeting at
Sunderland, in whose By-laws of 1755 i t is laid down t h a t a Masters' Lodge was
t o be held every third Wednesday of every month. I n the places where t h e term
occurs i t varies between " Master's," " Masters'," and " Master " Lodge. As
t o what was performed a t them, Todd, in his H ~ s t o r yof the P h o x i x Lodge, says
" A t a number of these meetings not only wer2 the several degrees worked, b u t
on one occasion all three degrees were conferred upon one candidate, under a plea



of Emergency " (p. 49). Bro. Wonnacott mentions t h a t quarterly elections were
adopted i n No. 163 as well as in No. 189. To these may be added the Lodge of
Felicity, which, a t its establisllment in 1737, provided for the quarterly election
of Master. Gould mentions also the Lodge of F r i ~ ~ n d s l l i pnow
No. 6, and the
Imperial George, now No. 78.
I n the P h s n i x Lodge, already mentioned,. the " Pedestal " served the same
purpose as the " Box " of the Friendly Society, the Wardens for the time being
acting as Treasurers.

Bro. GORDONHILLS said : -

I think t h a t in the " Preamble " to the Rules of the Scciet,:;, where the
founders style themselves. " b u t feint Imitators ,of OUR SUPERIORS,who are
peculiarly distinguished for their extensive CHARITY and LIBERALITY t o the
Distressed Brethren," we see t h a t they wera moved by a very praiseworthy spirit
t o emulate, in a scale proportionate t o their means, t h e example of Grand Lodge.
Looking a t the Minutes a t this date one sces t h a t it was only in the previous
December t h a t such a case as the Sociely and Lodge undertook t o assist--an
unfortunate brother imprisoned for debt-had
bzen relieved by Grand Lodge on
the report of the Committee of Charity.
I am afraid Bro. Canon Horsley's congratulations on the moderation of
these brethren in t h e consumption of liquor whilst a t their labours are nos
compatible with what we learn from the Rules and Minutes. Rule XXXV. makes
a curious distinction between the Clerk and the Attendant and the ordinary
members, if either of these officials " shall come disguised in Liquor into the
Society Room or after Entrance become such, t o be fined one Shilling; or if any
member shall come disguised in Liquor, the Presidcist shall order him t o pay his
Weekly Money, and t o withdraw for t h a t Night." The officials apparently must
discharge their duties in any case, but the membsrs had to pay their dues and
t u r n out.
The W . M . in t h e list of the members, which his labours have rendered
such a valuable source of information in tracing these brethren, their Lodge.
membership and avocations, suggests t h a t Francis Barrs (65) is to be identified
with a Des Barres, who was a m e m b x of the Lodge L'Immortalitd de l'Ordre, and
I think t h a t there is very little doubt t h a t he is correct in this supposition, which
is confirmed by the fact t h a t the next name in the list, Dubois (66) also occurs
as a member of the same Lodge, i n a memorandum relzting to t h a t body among
t h e Rainsford MSS., from which i t appears t h a t Des Barres was received a member
in 1766 and Dubois was admitted August 3rd, 1769; no initials are given in either
case for the Christian names.

writes :Bro. ALBERTF . CALVERT

It is impossible to add anything of interest in connection with the Friendly

Society and Lodge dealt with by Bro. Wonnacott in his usual thorough and
exhaustive manner, but i t has occurred to me t h a t a few observations may be of


Transactions of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge.

interest i n connection w i t h some o t h e r special Masonic Relief Societies a n d Clubs

It is q u i t e clear
formed i n connection w i t h various Lodges i n t h e early days.
t h a t , a p a r t f r o m t h e usual charitable side of Masonry, m a n y of t h e Lodges i n
various p a r t s of t h e c o u n t r y h a d special committees a n d clubs i n t h e n a t u r e of
F r i e n d l y Societies, a n d i n s u p p o r t of t h i s I would refer particularly t o t h e Lodge
of I n d u s t r y N o . 48, which was formed in D u r h a m a b o u t 1725, t h e R o y a l

C u m b e r l a n d Lodge N o . 41, formed i n B a t h a b o u t 1733, t h e H a r m o n i c Lodge

N o . 216, formed i n Liverpool i n 1796, t h e Caledonian Lodge No. 204, formed i n
Manchester i n 1792, a n d t h e F r i e n d s h i p Lodge No. 44, formed i n Manchester
i n 1751.





N o . 48.

I n t h e L o d g e of I n d u s t r y , formed i n D u r h a m i n 1725, b u t now meeting

i n Gateshead, t h e M i n u t e s go back t o 1725, a n d contain m a n y interesting entries.
T h e r e a r e special R u l e s o r Orders set o u t , known a s t h e Orders of A n t i q u i t y ,
Apprentices' Orders, General Orders, P e n a l Orders, a n d Laws a n d Orders f o r a
Masonic Club.

T h e follgwing a r e extracted f r o m t h e Orders of A n t i q u i t y :20. T h a t the Master or Steward kaep thc Umk of Constitutions, Institutions,
Orders, Accounts and Register, and from time t o time informe or instruct any of the
Ass3mbly i n su-h requests a s they may want t o be informed in.

21. That all ffices a r e to b e paid upon first proof on demand, and such ffines
and money as is or may be in Stock in ffund Bdx be disposed of a s the majority of the
Assembly shall determine.
T h e following is extracted from t h e General Orders:7. There shali be 2 Locks and 2 Keys to the ffund Box, differing in make or sort
one to the other. The one Key k ~ p by
t tho Wsrclcn and the other by t h e Deputy.

T h e following a r e extracted from t h e P e n a l Orders:3. T h a t the Master shall receive all ffines, Penalty's and Moneys collected among
the ffellowship, and keep t h e Moneys in the public ffund Box of the Company: and
from time to time render a just account of t h e state thereof to t h e ffellowship or a
majority thereof when required on penalty of &!01,,0,,00.
8. I f any be found unfaithfully to keep and maintain the 3 ffraternal Signs, and
also Points of ffellowship and principal matters relating t h e secret and craft, each offence
penalty 00,,10,,00.

10. If the Master or Deputy be absect a t the appointed time and place of
Meeting or Chief Meeting day penalty each 00.,02,,06, or any other Meeting day penalty

24. T t is enacted by ;he Master and Wardens and the rest of this Society, t h a t
if any person shall presume t o sneak i n the Lodge after ;t is regularly opened by Master
or Wardens, without standing up and directing their discourse to the Master shall for
t h e first offence pay 2d., for the second 4d., and so on as th? majority of the Society
shall think proper may ye 6, 1734).



25. December 27, 1734. It is agreed by the Marter and Wardens and the rest
of t h e Society, t h a t if any Brother shall appear i n the Assembly without gloves and
aprons a t any time when summoned by Master and Wardens, shall for each offence pay
6d. upon demand.
28. By the consent of the Master and the whole Society i t is inacted t h a t no
Brother shall have the benefit of the Fund Box except he clear of his accounts every
half-year without ye bencfit of Votes.-(June
4, 1739).
Agreed b$ the whole Society then assamblecl t h a t ye Clerk shall have 1016 per
annum for taking care of the Society's affairs as formaly, all ticketts giren gratis to the
Members of t h e Lodge.-(June
24, 1738).
30. ( J u n e 1, 1752). Enacted by the -Master and Wardens and the rest of tho
Society then assembled, t h a t no Cash shall be lent to any Member of the Society.

T h e following a r e t h e Laws a n d Orders for t h e Masonic Club:-

1. Imprinlns. That this Society mect every Quarter clay, vie, J u n e the 24 and
Michaelrnas Day, the 29 of September, S t . .John's Day i n Christmas and Lady Day t h e
25th March, a t the hours appointed, and every first Monday in the Month excepting
t h e first Monday after each Quarter day, and not to exceed the hour of Ten a t night.
2 . T h a t no one shall be admitted a Member of this Society under the age of 21
years, or over the age of 40, without the majority of t h e Society.

3. That if any Member having any continued ailment on him when or before
he entered into the Society: H e shall h a r e no benefit from the Box for the same
distemper, ailment or infirmity.
4. That the landlord keep a room and a good fire t o be kept every Club night
from Michaelmas to Lady Day during the Club hours or fined 6d.

5 . T h a t each Member hall clear the Book every Quarter day by paying i n 2s. 2d.
for the Quarter and what fines may stand against him, and to spend 3d. or excluded.
6 . That there be one feast a year a t Mldslimnier and t h a t ye Stewards shall see
t h a t the reckoning be made up as soon as there shall be 2c1. spent by each Member.
Penalty 1s. 6d. each.

7. That there shall be chosen Provincial Master and Wardens once a g e a r ; also
a Master and Wardens for the peticular Lodge, and 11-hosoevcr shall iefuse to stand shall
be fined Is. each
8. The Master and Wardens Eave power to demand silence when any noise or
disturbance is made, by knocking on the table with a Truncheon, and upon obstinatn
refusal1 shall be fined 2d.
9. If the Society's Reckoning shall exceed the allotted Dividens, the Stewards
Therefore if any Member calls for drink or Tobacco without
shall pay the overplus.
the Master's leave, shall pay for i t themselves.

10. If the Master or Wardens neglecteth coming on a Quarterly day or Club

night a t ye hour apointed shall forfeit 6d. t o the Master and 4d. to the Wardens, and
for t h e Stewards 4d. each. Forfeit 7 o'clock 3.I.M.
11. The Master and Wardens shall receive all the lnoney relating t o t h e Fund
Box and all their R a i n i n g n p of their Cash shall give a just account of t h e same to
society. And if there be any deficienc~,they shall be obliged to make it good.
12. The Clark shall keep and deliver a just account of t h e Society's affairs, and
for his care and trouble his allowance shall he 211- to be paid on the 24th J u n e r e a d y .
All ticketts to be gratis,


Tra~zsactiomsof the Quatuor Coromati Lodge.

If he neglects coming on a ,Quarterly night, penalty I/-, if sickness or

something extraordinary does not prevent, as a bad night, or business. Agreed by t h e
majority the 24th June, 1754.

13. No member shall receive any benifit from the Box until the Revolution of
whole Kallendar year after. It is enterance alter which, if he falls sick, lame, blind,
so t h a t he is rendered uncapable of working, he shall receive 51- per week during tho
time he laboureth under such misfortune. N.B.-If he lyeth above one whole year, he
shall receive but half pay 216 per week.
14. Th.e stewards shall visit a Member relying on the Box once a week a t least,
and shall give their report of .him to the Society, the first meeting, and shall carry his
money to his place of residence in 7 days after notice given, or forfeit 216 for the neglect
of any p a r t of this Article.
15. If any Member of this Society relying on the Box is found guilty of any
fraud by willfully wronging t h e Box, he shall forfeit his waek's allowance for the first
offence, and for the second offence be excluded the Society without any return of money.
And if any Member cloncealeth any fraud committed, by willfully wronging the Box by
any Drawing Member, 112 shall forfeit 51-.
16. If any Member shall goe from his place of residence without first acquainting
the Master and whole Society, when or where he g o e t t or have no benifit from t h e Box.
17. If any Member hath by a debauched life contracted the Veneral Desease,
they shall have no benifit for the said d i ~ t e m p e r .
Therefore i f thought fitt by the Society, a Surgeon, Dcct.or or any other
person, i f sufficisntly quallified, shall inspect into the Distemper, ailement or infirmity
of any Member relying on the Box.
18. If any Member dgeth after he is a real M e ~ b e r ,2 pound shall be defrayed
towards his funeral charge and 3 pound for his widow Executors or Administrators
or Assigns to which Charge each surviving Member shall contribute 1 Shilling next
Meeting a'fter the interment, or be excluded the Society.

19. If any Member being within 3 miles of place of the deceased, shall i n a
solumn manner attend t h e corps to t h e grave, where they shall deliver the ticketts to
Stewards their attending or fined 1s. Od. (This article repealed March 25, 1779).
20. I n order t o attend the funeral each Member shall meet a t the house where
the Society is kept. From thence to p1:too where the Deceased is. Each Member shall
bear his own expence.
21. If anyone happen to die before he is become a real Member, t h e money t h a t
he hath Reposed into t h e Box shell he returned toiverds his funeral charge.

22. F o r the more decent attending a Funeral, each Member shall a t his own
expense parchase a black crape hatband and blzck gloves, or fined 2s. 6d.

23. When any Member neglecteth conling t o a Funeral or when summoned upon
any urgent occation a s above mentioned shall forfeit 6d. (Void).
25. T h a t no Brother upon a Quarter day or summoned upon any emergency,
shall appear without white gloves and spron or fin'd 6d.
27. That if any Brother hath any work for t o be done shall imploy some of the
Brethren t h a t a r e capable of performing it, and not Foreingern t h a t do not belong t o
the Lodge, or fin'd.

28. That what Brother soever belonging unto the Lodge shall abuse t h e Sabbath
by being disguised i n drink or absents himself from Church, or some other place of
Divine Worship, so t h a t they bring scandle to ye Lodge shall be fined for t h e first
offence Is., and second offence according to tho majority of t h e Lodge.

32. Agreed by the Master and Wardens, and the majority of the Brethren then
present, t h a t whoever of the Brethren hath a wife dieth after t h e date hereof of March
t h e 25th, 1753, shall be allowed towards her funeral1 charges 40 shillings.



33. Agreed by the Master and Wardens and the majority of Brethren then
present, t h a t whenever t h e two Stewards or any two of the Brethren shall draw money
out of the F u n d (or from Mrs. Jones on t h e said acct.) for any Brother indisposed, t h s t
then i n such a case they a r e to be allowed fourpence to bear their expenses, and if any
more expended it shall be placed t o their own particular account. (Decr. 26, 1761). ,
following article 1s to commence from this day 24th June, 1771.
[Written i n another hand].
34. It is further this day as ahore written, via., December 26, 1761. That from
this day forward all new Members t o be admitted into this Society's Box, shall a t his
first entrance be subject t o pay a t his first entrance the slim of 15 shillings and sixpence
(that is) 12 shillings t o be p . i d into t h e Box and three shillings and sixpence to be
And further i t is agreed-that
all Gsentlemen
spent by t h e Members then present.
Maisons admitted (that does not chuse to be a Member of the Box) from this day forward
shall be subject to pay down a t his making the sum of 21 shi!lings, t h a t is t o say 14
d d l i n g s t o go to the Box and 7 shillings t o be spent by t h e Members then prmint.
N.B.-No Maisons to be made b u t on a Monthly or Quarterly day and lawful1 warning
to be given to t h e Members of t h e Society.
35. It is agreed on this day-29 Sspt., 1772-That no Member be admitted into
this Lodge without. paying f 1 1s. for entrance, except any of the Subscribing Brothers'
sons, and they pay 10s. 6d. ea., 2 of which is to be spent, and 3 shillings for a Guinea.
36. I t is agreed i h i ~6th J u n e , 1774, t h a t any Brother proposing a Candidate
shall pay thereon 5s. to be forfeited if he appears not to be made on the first Meeting
after being offered, unless some satisfactmy reasons be assigned to the Brethren for such
37. Resolved t h a t each Member by rotation stands as Tyler for one night or
find a substitute for the same; fined 6d.
38. Any of the Brethren presuming t o sit or stand in the presence of the Master
with his h a t on his head i n a n open Lodga shall be fined 6d.
39. At a Lodge held Sept. 29th, 1778: resolved-that every Member
child dead, shall be paid Twenty Shillings out of the Fund to enable him t o bury such
child decently; this legacy i s only allow'd those children t h a t $re between one month
and fifteen years of age. I t is further agreed t h a t each Member belonging the Fund
shall pay 2d. inco the said F u n d i n consideration of each child's legacy.
40. At a Lodge held Srpt. 29th, 1778, resolved, t h a t after the aforesaid date,
every Brother visiting this Lodge and not a Member of the Fund shall contribute
Sixpence towards t h e expenses incurred a t each Monthly or Quartwly Meeting, which
he shall be present a t , and the two General Meetings, viz., a t Christmas and Midsummer, t o contribute his equal share of the expenses attending such Meeting
i n proportion to t h e number present.
41. That seven pounds be paid out of t h e F u n d t o each deceased Member's
Heir, Executor, Administrator, or Assign a t the first Meeting after t h e funeral of the
deceas'd, and a t the same time each Member belonging the Fund shall contribute One
Shilling in consideration of the mid legacy being paid out of the Fnnd.

No d a t e is given f o r t h e formation of this Masonic C l u b or F r i e n d l y Society,

b u t f r o m t h e notes i n t h e M i n u t e s it is clear t h a t the f u n d box a n d rules were i n
existence i n 1739, a n d possibly earlier.


Transactions of the Quatuor Coronccti Lodge.

THE H A R M O N I C L O D G E N o . 216.
T h e H a r m o n i c Lodge was formed i n Liverpool i n 1796, 'where it h a s always
held i t s Meetings. A very interesting set cf rules f o r t h e government of t h e i r
Committee of C h a r i t y were d r a w n u p i n 1606, of which t h e following is a copy :RULES
for t h e

Liverpool, 1806.


in LIVERPOOL, being dasirons more consistently, more fully, and a t the same time
more conveniently, to perform the indispensable duty of relieving the Distresses of the
Brotherhood, than is practicable in their Privatn Lodges, or uy the Officers individually
a t their places of residence, have agreed t o form 2 COMMITTEE of CHARITY, to
receive the applications, to consider the merit of petitioners, and to order suitable
distributions; which shall be est.thlishct1 i n the folloniag nianllnr, and conducted by thc?
i ollowing Rulcs : -

I. THAT the Conmlittee shall consist of the Masters, Wardens, and other Officers,
tor the time being of Lodges No. 20, 25, 276, and 302, or any other Ancient Lodge t h a t
may hereafter be established i n Liverpool, out of whom shall be chosen a President for
General Meetings, a Treasurer, nrld a Secretary, n h o hall continue i n office for Six
Months; but t h e Master of each Lodge shall, in regular succession, according to seniority,
be President for the Ordinary Nights of Meeting
11. THAT this Committee shall meet on every Friday evening, from the 25th
September to tho 25th March, a t Seven o'clock, and from tho 25th March t o t h e 25th
September, a t Eight o'rlock precisely, nt Mr ASPINWAL1,'S. Richmond Street; where
one Member from each Lodge, t h a t has been t ~ e l v omonths a Master Mason, shall attend,
snch Membcr t o be appointed by the respective Masters. Five Shillings shall be forfeited
t o t h e Fund, by each Lodge, in case of non-attendance of a Member belonging thereto;
and if any Blaster shall seod any Member t o this Committee, who has not been made a
Master Mason T ~ r e l v eMonths, he r h d l f o r h i t the like sum of Five Shillings to this Fund
These Forfeitures t o be levied on the respective Lodges of t h e Absentees, or otherwise,
a s may be determined, ~vithoulthe interference of this Committee Any three of such
Members, when met, shall have pewer to a c t ; and in all cases to be determined by a
majority of t h e Meeting, the President for the evening to have a casting vote; Sixpence
each to be allowed out of the F u n d for the expences of the attending Members of the
Committee; and t h a t each Master shall make a return of his Members on the Friday
previous to St. John's Day, and pay to the Committee One Shilling and Sixpence for
each Member so returned by him.
111. T H I S charity shall e x t e n l only to those under the Ancient Constitution of
Free Masons; and, to prevent impositions, no h o t h e r shall be entitled t o this charity
nnless he can produce a certificate from tho Grand Lodge, of his having been made i n
s n Ancient Lodge, or satisfy the Committee to t h a t effect; and t h a t no Member rejected
by this Committee for relief, shall hereafter be assisted from the Funds thereof, without
a General Committee for t h a t puipose called.

every Ancient Lodge t h a t may be attached hereafter t o this Committee

shall pay the sum of One Guirea in t h e first instant-., and those, a s well a s t h e existing
ones, shall pay Fifteen Shillings and Sixpence for each Mason t h a t may be initiated i n
their respective Lodges, and each Member shall, on the night of his attendance, render
i n a n account, in writing, of the names and number of initiations of t h e Lodge t o which
he belongs; a n d pay t h e money due therefrom to the Treasurer, or, i n his absence, t o
the Secretary, under tha penalty of One Guinea for non-performance thereof; and the
Treasurer shall not pay any sun1 or sums of money out of the F u n d without a written
order, signed by a t least Three Masters of Lodges, and i n that case they shall not order a
sum exceeding Ten Shillings and Sixpence.
V. THAT t h e Treasurer's Account current with the Committee shall be published
in print, and copies delivered t o each respective Lodge for their examination, on th,?
Friday following every S t . John's Day.
VI. THAT every Subscriber to the respective Ancient Lodges i n this Town shall
pay to this charity, through the medium of the respective Masters, One Shilling and
Sixpence half-yearly.
VII. THAT this Coninlittee shall meet a t large on the several Fridays next
succeeding each St. John's Day; and a General Meeting may, a t any time, be called by
order of the President of the General Committee, for the purpose of altering or amending
any of these Rules, or for the adoption of any new Rules t h a t may be proposed and
approved from time t o ti-e, or for any other business t h a t may be deemed of sufficient
importance to require a Genela1 Meeting, which shall consist of three Officers a t least
from each Lodge, under the penalty of Five Shillings each for non-attendance, any nine
of whom shall have power to act.

THAT these Rules shall be printed for t h e illspection of the Fraternity in

I X . THAT, in case of any dispute a s t o the exact time of Meeting, i t is hereby

agreed t h a t Mr. Aspinwall's Clock shall be the criterion for this Committee.

X. THAT no Commitee (except a General one) can relieve any distressed Brother
Mason or Family, with more than Five Pounds a t one time, or in one gear, from the date
of such relief.



U7.M. Lodge 20.

,, 25.
,, 276.
,, 299.
,, 302.


SAMUEL YATES, Gen. Chairman.

J O H N COGHLAN, Treasurer.
D. O'LEARY, Secretary.




O n September 6 t h , 1811, occurs t h e following singular e n t r y in t h e Minutes : - -

"The same night after the Lodge was closed, the 26th Article of the ' w r o t e '
By-laws was p u t i n force (see the 26th Article of the wr;itten By-laws). 'Twill be 3 weeks
tonlorrow since Bro. P a u l Ramsker by accident p u t his shoulder out ' off' joint, and he
was raised to t h e sublime degree of a Master Nason, 7th September, 1810; consequenrly
he becomes a member 7th September, 1811, and he will have one week's pay due 15th
instant. Each subscribing brother to pay 3 pence per week for 3 week, equal 9d. : this
night 17 members paid 9d. each, which amounts to 1219, which was delivered to Bro.
P a u l Ramsker this night."

Upon this, an interesting point arises as to the objects of the Lodges a t this
The By-laws of the Friendship Lodge, No. 44, writes Bro. Nathan
Heywood in his work thereon, " are curious and interesting." " It would appear,"
he adds, " that the Lodge partook of the nature of a sick and burial Society, as
evidenced by the provision made for payment of sick and burial allowances."
Though not numerous, grants were made, as shown by the Minutes and Accoun~s
of the " Caledonian " for sick pay. There are entries to this effect:By Bro. Thomas Kenlledy being sick, Fay say for two weeks, a t 71- per week, 141-.
By Bro. Francis Kennedy, 8 weeks' full pay to complete a half year's pay, a t 7!-,
f 2.16s.
I n August, 1813, the sum of 3 3s. was paid for " Bro. Thomas Niven's
wife's funeral," and in October an additional 3 3s. The amount of sick pay was
invariably 7s. per week, and for a funeral 6 6s.

A t a meeting on April the 6th, 1830, " Bro. Israel Shaw's business " was
taken into consideration, " he having done that which he ought not to have-done,
by taking too much liquor, he being on the Sick Fund, for which he stands suspended
for six months. The night spent in harmony and brotherly love."
A special meeting was summoned in 1831 to consider the Finances of tht?
Lodge, and the payment of sick and funeral expenses, and further, whether "this
Lodge would not prosper more by altering the present place of meeting." It wa?
afterwards resolved to remove the Lodge to the house of Bro. Houldsworth, a t the
Sign of the Buck, Tib Lane, by a majority of thirteen members then present, " also
t h a t the Sick Funds being below the value specified in the By-laws they be dijcontinued till such times as our funds do increase."

A t the latter end of the year 1831, Bro. Hunter made a proposition " t h t
t,he Arch shall be ' a special thing ' from the Craft, and with respect to the Sick
and Funeral Funds, the contributions of members were increased to 21- per mon:h
per member, the sick t o receive 71- per week till such times as the funds shall be
above 20." The 20 was afterwards deposited in a local bank to meet this.



While considering the subject of these Masonic Friendly Societies, i t may be

to refer to the Masonic Benefit Society established by the Grand Lodge
of England in 1799, and the following are extracted from the Minutes of Grand
Lodge :or^ interest


APRIL 10th 1799.
At the same meeting, the Earl of Moira, who presided, "acquainted the Grand
Lodge that several Brethren had established a Masonic Benefit Society, by a small
quarterly contribution, through which the members would be entitled to a weekly
Ailowance in Case of Sickness or Disability of Labonr, on a Scale of greater Advantage
than attends other Benefit-Societies; representing that the Plan appeared to merit not
only the Countenance of Individuals, but of the Grand Lodge, as it would eventually

bo t h e Means of preventing many Applications for Relief t o the F u n d of Charity,

whereupon it was
RESOLVED, T h a t t h e Masonic Benefit Society meets with tho Approbation of
t h e Grand Lodge, and t h a t notice thereof be inserted in the printed Account of the
Grand Lodge."
Note. This was done, and t h e above extract i3 taken from the published proceedings of Grand Lodge, transmitted t o the private Lodges o n record.

I n t h e following year-April

g t h , 1800-a

f u r t h e r resolution was passed

recommending t o t h e Provincial G r a n d Masters " t o give every Aid a n d Assistance

i n t h e i r Power, w i t h i n t h e i r respective Provinces, t o promote t h e Object a n d
I n t e n t i o n s of t h e Masonic Benefit Society. "
T h e institution of t h i s Society i s included

among t h e



Occurrences in Masonry," p r i n t e d i n t h e " Freemasons' Calendar " f o r 1801, a n d

is continued i n subsequent editions down t o t h e y e a r 1814, a n d possibly l a t e r ; b u t
t h e earliest post-Union calendar available f o r present reference is t h e edition i x
1817, in which t h e r e is n o mention of the Benefit Society.


of t h e


W i t h i n t h e first t w o years a b o u t 3,000 names were enrollecl, a n d s u b scriptions a m o u n t i n g t o several thousand pounds were received.
T h e following a r e abstracted f r o m t h e Rules a n d Orders of t h e Society :- I

Any brother of fair character, being a subscribing memter of a regular Lodge

un&r t h e constitution of England, and recommended by a member of the Society who
is M)ster of a Lodge is capabie of admission.
No person above 45 years of ago i s admitted a n l a l b e r of this Society, unless he
give proper security t h a t he will not become chargeable in his own person t o tho fund;
which though under this restriction, shall always be liable t o the provisions for his
widow and children, after his decease.
The subscription i s one guinea per n n n u m ; and a t t h e end of twenty-four months
'.he subscriber becomes a free inentber, an.3 is enlitled t o all t h e benefits of the Society.
Members when sick lame cr blind, are to be entitled to fourteen shillings per
Members in reduced circumstances, and imprisoned for debt, a r e t o be allowed
a sum not exceeding four shillings per week, if found not unworthy of qid.
Members who through old age become incapable of earning their Irving, a r e t 3
be allowed six shillings per week till the first general court; and afterwards such 3,
pension for life a s their situation may require, and the funds of the Society will admit.
The widows of members, if their circumstalnces require it, a r e t o be allowed t h e
sum of four shillings per week, and two shillingr per week for every lawful child under
twelve years of age.
The orphans of members, not otherwise provided for, a r e to be entitled to the
sum of four shillings per week for their maintenance, and a further sum a t a proper
a g e a s a n apprentice fee.

A General Cou:t of all the subscribers is t o be held over a year, to fill up any
vacancy which may have happenec! among t h e trustees, choose committee men, make
bye-laws, k c . The other affairs of t h e Society a r e t o be managed bp a quarterly .and
monthly committee of Auditors, i n d a n Actuary,

T m n s n c t i o n s o f tlzp Q 'lflt110~Coronnti Lodge.




RELIEF 42, B U R Y , L A N C S .

T h e Bye-Laws of t h i s Lodge d r a w n u p i n 1734 were revised o n t h e 24th

J u n e , 5751, a n d t h e following addition m a d e a t t h e end of Bye-Law No. 7 :" T h a t there shall be 201- allowed out of t h e F u n d for a Coffin of any deceased
member t o be made by any of thz b r ~ t h e r swhom he shall choose, and if it so happen
t h a t his share of the above fund according to the number of members t h a t then belong
t h e Lodge should amount t o about 20 shillings lie shall have a right t o disphse of the
overplus to whom he thinks proper, b u t if he does not choose it, then it shall go to the
use of t h e Lodge, and if t h e DcceaseJ has not chose the person t h a t shall make him his
Coffin, the Master shall determine it."
O n t h e 1 1 t h J u l y , 1771, t h e Bye-Laws were again revised, a n d t h e following
addition was m a d e :" The sum of 41- per week was allowed t o any sick member of 3 years standing,
instead of a s before leaving the amount to be fixed by the majority of the brethren.

" I n the event of death, a Shroud and Sheet 11-ere to be provided in addition to
a n Oak Coffin."
I n 1784 t h e Bye-Laws were again revised, a n d t h e following a r e extracted
f r o m t h e m :"12th. And no Member of our Lodge but what shall clear off their Arrairs at,
least twice each year, t h a t is each Meeting befor the two St. John's, and if they R e f u w
so to do not t o have the benifit of t h e Sick if they stand in need of it."
The forfits to be paid into the Fund for the Use of the Sick and t o '2e
" 14th.
entred into t h e Book ~ ~ i great
t h Accuracy."
" 16th.
And if any of our Members t h a t a s been the perfixt time do fall sick or
lame they a r e t o inform i h e Master or Wardens, and t h e Bror. t h a t Dwells near them
t o visit them, and the Money to bc paid t o them by the Master or Wardens orders and
by no other Members and a Rill brought i n of the same the next Lodge night."

T h e following is extracted f r o m a M i n u t e of 28th April, 1831 :" A letter was read from Lodge No. 477, Greyhound Inn, Richmond, Surrey,
(now Lodge of Harmony, No. 255) asking u s t o join them in a fund to relieve t h e ag-d
and distressed brethren, we having a fund for t h a t purpose, the offer was declined."

It would a p p e a r t h a t a Masonic C h a r i t y existed i n Sheffield f r o m 1805-1834,

" when it was dissolved b y m u t u a l consent a n d t h e f u n d s i n h a n d a m o u n t i n g t o
over 1060 were divided amongst t h e thirty-seven surviving members."
T h e following notes a r e extracted from t h e Minutes of t h e A n c h o r a n d H o p e
Lodge, Bolton :Up t o 1 s t Septemb&, 1768, n o record is made of t h e a m o u n t of monthly
subscription, o r as t h e M i n u t e s call it, " M o n t h l y Club," b u t o n t h i s d a y a n e n t r y
is " being first n i g h t each p d 9d."
T h e closing e n t r y i n t h i s old record book is:-

" 8th

Feb. 1776. Our Lodge as;embled in ample form.

Monthly Ciub recd 11/-."

I n Leeds t h e r e was also a Masonic C h a r i t y i n existence a b o u t t h e year 1818,

a n d t h e illustration of t h e Advertisement C a r d of t h e Leeds Masonic Benefit
Society is,

I t h i n k , of some interest.


Bro. C. GOUGHwrites:The only contribution which a t present I can make is just this, t h a t tho
M r . Gifl'ard his Brewer" must have been the Mr. Gyfford who took over t h e
Brewery founded in 1740 by Thomas Shackle, and known as the Woodyard
Brewery in Long Acre. The firm ultimately developed into Combe and Co., and
is now merged in Watney, Combe, Reid and Co., L t d . The Brewhouse in Cast,ls
Street, Long Acre, was for many years commonly 'vermed Gyfford's Brewhouse.
I n those days, as a t the present, t h e practice obteined for Brewers t o take charge
of the monies of Clubs and Societies held a t public-houses, and allow interest on

Beer a t 4d. per gallon was cheap in those days. I fancy there was no Beer
Duty or Malt Tax then. Probably also i t was brewed a t a low gravity-at least,
v , e will hope so, when you work i t out as one gallon per man: But, then, in those
days our forbsars were better trained and practised in the a r t of drinking than
we are a t the present time. Still, we should not have great difficulties in finding
men " good enough" for a gallon even now.



I send a copy of Revised Rules of (Benefit) Society of Free and Accepted

Arch Masons of t h e United Chapter of Prudencs No. 149-comm3ncsd 15th March,
1802, published in 1808-and a further revision of the Rules of the same Society
published i n 1812.
The phraseology of many of the rules, including the general exhortation, i$
identical with many which the W.M. referred t o in his most interesting paper.
The curious thing is, I cannot trace the No. 149.
I n Lane's Masonic Records, t h e United Lodge of Prudence No. 83 was
constituted in 17.53, and the places of ineeting of the Chnptrr Benefit Society
coincide with the I n n s printed on ihe frontispiece of both of t h e publications,
viz., " White Lion," Oxford Street, and " Boar and Castle," Oxford Street (1803).
The Constitution of the United Chapter of P r u d ~ n c swas riot chartered until
October 29th, 1818, so t h a t this is evidencs of the existence of a Royal Arch Benefit
Society in 1802, before the Chapter was separately constituted, when t h e Rules
were " revised." It is not unreasonable to s u p p x e , from the striking similarity
of language employed in these Rules and the earlier Rules m x ~ t i o n e dby t h e W . M ,
t h a t the enclosed are much older than 1802, but the investigation does suggest
this question: Was there a separate Society for the Lodge, or was t h e Benefit
Society attached to the Arch Chapter and restricted entirely to Royal Arch Masons 8
You may keep the cmlosed copies and include them in the Lodge Library
if ,you think them useful.


l'ransactions of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge.

writes as jcllows i n rep1g:-

I appreciate very much the vote of thanks passed by the Brethren, moved
by my Senior Warden, who touches in the course of his remarks upon the mattar
of Masters' Lodges. It is a n extremely interesting subject upon which much has
been found out since Bro. Lane wrote his paper, requiring some additions t o the
list of such Lodges known to him a t the time, and any new edition of his
Maso?zic Records will require amplification in this respect. Nothing, however, is
j e t known of the work or constitution of thes? Lodges, and i t is only by the
clramination of early records t h a t we shall bn able t o piece together sufficient
information t o throw light on this very mysterious subject. We are able now tc?
gather t h a t a Masters' Lodge was a distinct body from the F.C. Lodge, with its
own funds and often its own furniture, b u t i t is impossible t o go into the matter
now excspt a t greater length t h a n the limits of a reply would justify.
Another point raised by Bro. Levander is the difference between General,
Public and Private Lodge nights. This is easily explained, the General being the
Quarterly, or in some instances, the Annual night: Public Lodge nights were tlie
occasions when visitors were admitted, and Private nights were limited t o special
business a t which the attendance of visitors was not thought desirable. Many of
the old Bye-Laws regulate these meetings, the earliest regulations known t o us
being those of the Swan and Rummer Lodge, in force in 1726, where No. 1 lays it
T h a t the Second & Fourth Wednesday . . . be appointed
our Lodge Nights for receiving visits, &c. (Approved),

being what was termed public nights, when no making of candidates was done, as
Indicated in No. 14,
T h a t the making of new Brethren be not in Lodge Hours this of a
Lodge Night, B u t z By-day or t i n ~ e . b eappointed for ye same, and
t h a t left t o the discretion of the Master. Approved.
I n this Lodge the term of office was half-yearly, so t h a t a General night, or what
we should now call an Installation night, occurred every six months.
Similarly in the case of the Friendly Society, the numerous extracts I have
given will sufficiently show, in the light of this explanation, the distinction between
the various occasions of the meetings mentioned by Bro. Levander.
So far as I am aware, no other copy of the Rules, Orders, &c., of the Friendly
Society has yet come to light. I t s contents gave much entertainment t o me while
engaged upon collecting tlie inforination here presented t o the Quatuor Coronati
Lodge, and was sufficient reward for the midnight oil expended upon the pursuit
of the subject.
Bro. Gordon Hills is, in my opinion, quite correct in assuming that the
Committee of Charity was the model upon which the philanthropy and procedure
of the Friendly Society were based, and the same applies t o t h e other instances of
later Benefit Societies of a Masonic or related nature, examples of which have been
cited in the course of the discussion.
The modesty of Bro. Gough deterred him from joining in the discussion
but i t has not prevented me from divesting his letter to me of its privacy, in order

t h a t the brethren may benefit by his valuable suggestion. It gives me tho opportunity of thanking him for much valuable and important information on this and
other subj&ts in the course of our frequent correspondence, and I know others are
.similarly indebted t o him.
Bro. Calvert does not deal with the subject matter of my paper, and I must
ask him to forgive me if I do not here ccnlment upon the examples he has brought
forward. The contribution is a valuable one, nevertheless; but circumstances a t
present prevent me from going into the details. Also t o Bro. Edwards I must
similarly express tlzanks for having drawn attention to the Rules of the Royal Arch
Chapter of Prudexce, directly founded in part upon those of the Friendly Society.
H e is a t some loss t o reconcile the number of t h a t Chapter wit11 the existing
Lodge, etc., of Prudence, but I must refer him to t h e list of Chapters given in
Hughan's English X r t s o l t i c R l t e , where No. 149 is given as the United Chapter of
Prudence, founded in 1808, thus connecting the Lodge and Cliapt,er a t the Boar &
Castle, and t h e White Lion in Oxford Street. I believe t h a t the records of this old
Chapter are still in existence.



lamented death of Dr. W. J . Chetwode Crawley has deprived
Freemasonry of perhaps its most brilliant controversialist,
whose firmness in upholding his views was only equalled by
his unfailing courtesy t o opponents. And i t is because I am
sure that, had he lived, he would have desired these words t o
have been written, I now refer t o what he said in a footnote
in A.Q.C., vol. xxviii., page 141.
I n a paper on The Special Lodge of Z'romulgation, 1809-1811, printed in
A . Q . C . xxiii., 37-59, I discussed a t some length the resolution passed by the
members of the Lodge of Promulgation on October 19th, 1810 :-" Resolved t h a t
i t appears t o this Lodge t h a t the ceremony of Installation is one of the two Landmarks of the C r a f t and ought t o be observed," particularly on pages 50-54; and
on page 51 referred to D r . Crawley's assertion in Ccemcntarin Hibernica (1895;
t h a t : " The other Landmark a l l u d d t o is the interchanged mode of recognition."
It may be remembered t h a t my contention was t h a t the word " two " was a n error
in making the copy of the Minutes of the Lodge of Promulgation, which is in the
Library of Grand Lodge, and t h a t the right word, and the one really intended t o
appear upon the Minutes was " true," and not " two." It is obvious tliat if this
be so, and the Minutes should read " one of the :rile Landmarks," all discussiori
or speculation as t o what " t h e other Landmark " might be is irrelevant, as a
question of what " the other " was could only arise if the phrase " one of the two
Landmarks " were correct.

It could lzave been wished that Dr. Crawley had himself added to the comments which are annexed to the paper; he did not, however, d o so. Last year, in
n h a t ~ r o v e d ,unhappily, t o be his last contribution to our Tmrraactsons, to a meni o n ap a whole he appended a footnote stating
tion of the Lodge of Y r o n ~ ~ ~ l y u tpaper
t h a t I, as its writer, had " broached an original hypothesis, t o the effect t h a t t h e
phrase ' Two Ancient Land Marks ' embodied a clerics1 error in the Minutes of
t h e Lodge. Our W.M. has supported the hypothesis with the utmost skill and
ingenuity, b u t the explanation seems superfluous in view of the known facts."
The circumstances being as they are, and as Dr. Chetwode Crawley's state
of health forbade communicaticn with him a t any time after the appearance in

print (which also constituted my first knowledge) of his reference t o the " two
Landmarks " or its accompanying footnote, i t is right, t o prevent misapprehensior,
by readers for whom the topic may lzave interest, to say here t h a t I am unable t o
attach a definite meaning t o Dr. Crawley's words, " the explanation seems superfluous in view of the known facts "; and t h a t i t is beyond my powar even to s u g g e ~ t
t o what " the known facts " were intended t o refer.

It is with all respect and reverence that, in adhering t o the views set forth
" one of the true Landmarks " were the words intended t o be
in vol. xxiii.-that
placed upon the Lodge of Promulgation Minutes-I am constrained t o take notice


Notes and Querdes.

that Dr. Crawley cited the debated phrase as " T w o Ancient Land Marks "; and
that differences between those words and " the two Landmarks of the Craft," which
are the actual words in the Lodge Minutes, may h a w given rise to possible confusion or misunderstanding. I can only record my deep regret that the illness
and subsequent death of our distinguished brother have placed i t bsyond our power
to solicit his reasons for the view he took of what is certainly an interesting, and
historically important, question.
Bro. Bartholomew Ruspini.-In

reference to the account of this ~elebrat~ed

Brother given in the St. John's Card for 1915, I have no doubt t h a t he was initiated
into our Order in 1762 in a Lodge (No. 116) then meeting at the Bush Tavern in
Bristol. The only records of the proceedings of the Lodge now existing are contained in the Cash-book covering the period from 1754 to 1769, in which is the
following entry : "


Ap' 7th Cash Recd Br Springer for Making & Craft

. Ditto


1.10.0 "

I n the earlier years after Bartholomew Ruspini came to England he travelled

about the country and practised his profession as dentiet in the various towns he
visited. Unfortunately, I have bsen unable to meet with any notice of him in
the Bristol newspapers of the exact dats; but doubtless his coming was announced
i n the Press. The following advertisement appeared in the Bristol Journal of
J u l y 12th, 1766 :"

Mr. Ruspini, Surgeon Dentist, takes this Method to acquaint the

Nobility and Gentry, that h.: is just returned from Dublin to his House
in Westgate-street, Bath, am1 on recsiving their Ccmmands he will
wait on them. Mr. Ruspini is extremely sorry that many Ladies and
Gentlemen have been disappointed of his Dentrifice, [sic], occasioned
by his long unexpected Stay in Dublin. Now they may be supplied
with i t at his House aforesaid, and a t Mr. Loggan's, a t the Hotwells,
Bristol, where any Messages will bz taken in for him.
Mr. Ruspini fixes natural Teeth, which never change colour,
with the greatest Ease and Dexterity."

The Hotwells were then a fashionabl~resort, whither people came to take

the waters. It is clear t h a t Rnspini must have had an important connection in
Bath to have induced him t o have a house there, and it is also evident that he made
a practice of going t o Bristol from there.
The two following advertisements frcm Pope's Bath Chronicle and Weekly
Gazette will, I hope, prove of inkrest in throwing some further light upon Bro.
Ruspini's life at the time. The second one shows that in 1764 he was already
sLfficiently engaged in London to have " lodgings " there.
October 12th, 1763.

Mr. Ruspini

Takes this Method to acquaint the Nobility and Gentry, that he is

removed from the Circus, Bath, to his House in Westgate-itreet, near

Westgate-house, and on recaiving tbeir Commands, he will wait on

H e cures the Scurvy in the Gums; first cleans the Teeth from
t h a t cxrofive tartarous gritty Substance, which hinders the Gums t fro^:^
growing, infects t h e B r ~ a t h ,and is ona of the principal Causes of t h s
Scurvy. His Dentifrice, which is free from any corrdive Preparation,
will reftore the Gums to $heir priftine State, preferve t h s Teeth, a n a
rendbr them perfectly white, will faften thofe t h a t are loofe, and
prevent them from further Decay. H e fills u p with Lead or Gold thofe
t h a l are hollow (so as to render them ufeful) and prevents t h e Air
geCting into them, which generally aggravates the Pain.
H e makes and fixes Artificial Teeth, which cannot be distinguiflied from natural ones, with the greateft Eafe and Elegance.
His Dentifrice, with proper Brufhes and Directions, may be
had as above, a t 26 6d each Pot, and 6d the Brush."
October 25th, 1764.
" Mr. Ruspini,
Surgeon Dentist
,Begs Leave t o acquaint the Nobility and Gentry, t h a t he is now a t hi3
Houfe in Weftgate-ftreet, Bath, and, on recsiving their Commands, he
will wait on them.
H i s Dentrifrice may be had as above, and a t his Lodgings in
London; a t Mrs. Weft's, in Duke-ftreet, St. James's, a t 2 q d each Pot,
and proper Brufhes a t 6d each. Each P o t is fealed with his Coat of
Arms, with the Motto ' Deo et Amicis.' "

The entry i n t h e Cash-book already quoted is also interesting because the

Bro. Springer mentionad is no doubt the Joshua Springer who was for many years
the Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Bristol and the most prominent locd
Mason. He was a n optician and mathematical instrument-maker, and his identitv
is shown by various records of pur-hases and repairs for t h e Lodge, although his
Christian name is never once mentioned He was said t o be " exceedingly perfect
in all t h a t related to tho Ceremonid and Instructions in t h e several degrees."
This was supposed t o bs " greatly t h e effect of a curious custom which he had
adopted. H e had," said a contemporary Brother, " Chambers a t the Hotwells
for medical Electricity, a remedy much in fashion in his day. As he went dowq
in a Number Coach he always worked a lecture t o himself, and in t h a t way becama
perfect . . . also before he went t o sleep he exercised his memory in the
same manner, going on until he forgot all and fel; insensibly into t h e arms of
Thus we find both Springer and Ruspini were in the habit of visiting the
ITotwells, and the fact of their being initiated together leads t o the suppositiori
t h a t they were previously on friendly terms and had made this arrangement
batween themselves. Since Springer is described in a local directory as a
"Mathematical, Philosophical, optical and musical Instrument-maker," t h e
requirements of a dentist were also probably within his power of supplying, and
Ruspini is likely t o have become acquainted with his fellow-candidate in this way,
if i n no other.

23 1

N o t e s am? Queries.

There are three other references t o Bro. Ruspini in the Cash-book, namely,


(Cash Recd)
J u n e 24th To Do. of Bro. Ruspini p. T. Hamilton


Nov. 2


Dec. 27

T o Do. of Bro. Ruspini pr. Br. Mills t o Xmas

12.0 "
6.0 "

To Quart" of Bro. Ruspini

Raising Master

It would appear t h a t Bro. Ruspini then resigned his membership of th.j

Lodge, since no further entries refer t o him
When preparing our history of " Freemasonry in Bristol," Bro. Littleton
and I placed our conclusions before our late Bro. Sadler, and he wrote as follows:" I am sorry t o say I cannot furnish full particulars of Ruspini's ?Masonic
career. H e came to England about 1750 and ~ r a c t i s e din various parts
of the United Kingdom until the year 1766, when he came t o reside
permanently in London. The earliest reference I can find of him in
tha Grand Lodge Records is undated, b u t I imagine i t was prior to
1770, when h e became a member of the St. Alban's Lodge (now NO. 291,
and served as Grand Steward for t h a t Lodge in 1772. The Register
does not state whether lie was initiated in t h a t Lodge or only joined it
I have not a particle of doubt t h a t the Ruspini you refer t o having
been made in No. 116 in 1762 is identical with t h e brother who subsequently became so justly celebrated, and who resided for many years
in Pall Mall, and, indeed, who died there in December, 1813. I consider your find as most important, from a Masonic point of view, it
not having been hitherto known when and where he was initiated.
Indeed, I am so confident t h a t 113 was the man, t h a t I have entered i t
in my note-book, with other items under his name, as an established
I n this opinion Bro. Hughan fully agreed.
I n I'ope's Bath Chroniclr of Thursday, April 16th, 1767, is the following
ilkeresting announcement : "

On Monday last was mwried a t St. James' Church, London, by the

Rev. D r . Swiney, Mr. Ruspini, Surgeon-Dentist, t o Miss Elizabeth Ord,
daughter of Francis Ord, Esqrc., of Longridge Hall near Rerwick upon
Tweed, and a near relative of Edwin Lascelles, Esq., member for the
county of York."

Bro. Henry Sadler, in his history of the Lodge of Emulation, No. 21, which
Ero. Ruspini joined in 1769 and belonged $0 for many years, said he afterwards

" attained considerable eminence both masonically and sdcially.

was surgeon-dentist t o the Prince of Wales and one of tho
founders of the Prince of Wales's Lodge in 1787, a Lodge established by brethren attached t o the person of His Royal Highness.
. . . H e was appointed Grand Sword Bearer in 1791, and continued
in that office until 1813. His title of Chevalier he received from the


Tran~actionsof the Quat uor Coronati Lodge.

Pope, who, in recognition of his general benevolenc~and hospitality to
foreigners in distress, created him a Knight of the Golden Spur-it is
said ' without solicitation from any quarter.' "

I n Bro. Rlizard Abbott's " History of the Royal Masonic Institution for
Girls," are some further interesting particulars of the life of Bro. Ruspini. H e
was born a t Romacoto, near Bergamo, in Italy, about the year 1730, baing descended
from " an ancient and honourable family." He first studied surgery a t the hospital
a t Bergamo, and acquitted himself there with great success in his work. H e then
ciecided to devote himself to dentistry, and to this end became a pupil of the dentist
of the King of France in Paris. Having completpd his studies, he came to England
about 1750, and settled in London in 1766 " under the patronage of the Princess cf
Wales (the mother of George I I I . ) , and many other distinguished people."
Bro. Ruspini died on December 14th, 1813, when he must have been about
oighty-three years old, just a fortnight before the actual completion of the Unioli
of the Grand Lodges, an object that is believed to have been very much 'desired by
Bartholomew Ruspini.-The date of the birth of Bartholomew Ruspini which
you give as 1727 would seem to have been regarded as uncertain even in his lifetime, for in a biographical sketch of the eminent Mason and philanthropist, which
eppeared in T h e Freemason's Magazine for Decemb$r, 1793, i t is stated that he war
horn " about the year 1730," at Romacoto, near Bergamo in Italy. As the same
authority further statks that he took his diploma in surgery a t the hospital i n
Bergamo in 1748 and proceeded to Paris, where he studied dentistry und?r
M. Capran, dentist to the King of France, before prxeeding to England in 1759
the date you assign to the event is probably correct, as i t is more likely thgt he
cualified at the age of 21 than at 18. T h e E u r o p m n i l l a g a z i n ~for July-December,
1813, in an obituary notice of Ruspini, gives his age as 86 years, which would make
1727 the date of his birth.

I n 1787 Ruspini published " A Treatise on the Teeth " which ran into many
editions, and in the same year he dedicated to the King a volume, entitled " A
concise relation of the effects of an extraordinary Styptic, lately discovered: in a
series of letters from several Gentlemen of the Faculty and from Patients, to Barb.
Ruspini, Surgeon-Dentist to His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales."
preparation treated of is the Balsamic Styptic, a specific said t o have been adequ:rie
in all cases of external and internal hemorrhage, which Ruspini introducsd iricc>
practice aft-r two years of continuous experiment.
I n addition to ths Masonic associations of the Chevalier Ruspini mentionc:d
in your sketch, he established the Lodge of the Nine Muses, and he was made
Master of t h Royal
Lodge in 1778. I n 1788 he gas Treasurer of the Cumbarland
School. I n 1789 he j ~ i n e dthe Lodge of Regula;ity. Another Lodge with which
he enjoyed a long connection was the St. Albans, now No. 29, of which he wag
ejected Treasurer in 1782 and Master in the following year. He attended fairly
regularly from 1782 t o 1790, but in the next four years he only made one appearance
in Lodge, although he remained a subscribing member until 1796, and there is no
entry in the minutes of his discontinuing. H e was present as a visitor in March,

Old time punishments.-The

following extract from Old t i m e p m i ~ h m e n t ~ ,
by William Andrews, F.R.B.S., R u l l : Wm. Andrews & Co., 1890, page 212, may
be of interest :-

I n the curious ordinances which were observed*in the reign of Henry V I .

for the conduct of the Court of Admiralty for the Humber, are
enumerated the various offences of a maritime connection', & their
punishments. I n view of t h e character of the court, the punishment
was generally t o be inflicted a t low-water mark, so as to be within t h e
proper jurisdiction of the Admiralty, the chief officer of which, t h e
Admiral of the Humber, being, from the year 1451, the Mayor of Hull.
The court being met, & consisting of " masters, merchants & mariner?
with all others t h a t do enjoy the King's stream with hook, net, or a n y
engine," were addressed as follows: " You masters of the quest, if you,
or any of you, discover or disclose anything of the King's secret counsel.
or of the counsel of your fellows (for the present you are admitted to bt.t h e King's counsellors), you are to be, & shall be, had down to the lowwater mark, where must be made three times, 0 Yes! for the King,
& then & there this punishment, by the law prescribed, shall be
executed upon them; t h a t is, their hands & feet bound, their throats
cut, their tongues pulled out, & their bodies thrown into the sea."
Tylers' Coats.-The
portrait in oils of Montgomerie, Guarder of Grand
Lodge, 1736, in my possession, represents him as attired in a dark blue coat trimmett
with gold lace, and a red waistcoat.

Trcii~.scrc.ltoirsof t h e (Srratrtor Coronnti Lodge.


is with much regret t h a t we have to record the death of tltc

following Brethren :Jacob Barker, of High Stanners, Morpeth, Northumber
Our deceased
land, on March 8th, 1916, in his 73rd year.
Brother held office as Past Provincial Grand Organist, Durham,
and Past Provincial Grand Standard Bearer in the Royal Arch
of Nortlzumberland.
His membership of our Correspondence
Circle c3mmenced in January, 1895.
Samuel Russell Baskett, of Evershot, Ilorchester, on the 12th March, 1916.
O u r Brother held the rank of Past Provincial Grand Warden and Past Provincial
.Grand J . : his membership of our Correspondence Circle commenced in 1887, his
number on the Roll being No. 36.
Rai Bahadur Lala Bhawanidas Batra, of the Punjab, in April, 1916. Bro.
B a t r a had held office as Senior Warden of the Lodge of Industry, 1485, and was a
member of the Chapter of the P u n j a b No. 782, as well as of our Correspondence
Circle since May, 1906.
William John Chetwode Crawley, L L . D . , D.C.L., of Sandford, Dublin, on

t h e 13th March, 1916. Bro. Crawley was a Past Master of Lodge No. 357 (I.C.),
a n d Grand Treasurer for Ireland. For eminent services rendered as an Historia:]
.of the Craft he had been honoured with high rank in Grand Lodges of several foreign
jurisdictions. . H e joined our Lodge in J u n e , 1887, and was for many years a
member of the P e r m a n m t Committee.
George Strickland Criswick, whose death occurred on the 26th January, 1916,
iu t h e eightieth year of his age.
Our Brother was a Fellow of the Royal
Astronomical Society. As a Mason he was a Past Master of the Royal Navai
College and United Service Lodge 1593, holding the distinction of London Rank.
I n the Royal Arch he was a P . Z . of Trafalgar Chapter 1593. H e was elected t o
wembership of our Correspondence Circle in January, 1891.
William Hayman Cummings, Mus.Doc., of Dulwich, S.E., in April, 1916.
H e had acted as Grand Organist in the Craft and Royal Arch: his election t o
lrenlbership of our Correspondence Circle was in 1900.
William Dumolo, of Aberdeen, Scotland, on the 2nd December, 1915, who
had held the office of Provincial Grand Inner Guard, Munster. His membershi?
cf our Correspondence Circle dated from October, 1888.

Lieut. ~ l f r ' e dTomlin East, of the Indian Army Reserve, Roorkee, who died
.on active servicz on the 27th April, 1916. Our Brother was a member OF
Beauchamp Lodge No. 1422, and joined our Correspondenct? Circle in June, 1915.

Alfred Joseph Faulding, of Paddington, W., on the 1st February, 1916.

Bro. Faulding was t h e reigning Master of the Lodge of Unity No. 183, and his
membership of our Correspondence Circle dated from January, 1907.
Francis Frederick Giraud, of Faversharn, Kent, on the 10th April, 1916,
i n the 84th year of his age. H e had been appointed t o the office of Provincid
Grand Warden and Provincial Grand J . ; his membership of the Correspondenc~
Circle dated from May, 1891.
Alfred William Harris, of Littlehampton, on the 22nd April, 1916, in his

55th year. Our Brother was initiated in 1897 in the Howard Lodge of Brother!:;
Love No. 56, and was Master in 1905. H e was appointed Provincial Grand
Director of Ceremonies in 1909.
H e was a Founder of the Pentalpha Lodge
No. 3164 a t Pulborough in 1906, and Master in 1914. H e took the Royal Arch
Degree in the Cyrus Chapter No. 38, and in 1912 was First Principal, as well as
of the Sinai Chapter No. 3164. H e joined our Correspondence Circle in October,
Herbert Thomas James, of Bridge of Weir, on the 15th February, 1916.

A Past Master of the Harbour of Refuge Lodge No. 764 and P . Z . of the Fawcett
Chapter No. 764, and held the rank of Past Provincial Grand Deacon in the Craft,
a n d Past Provincial Grand Treasurer in the Royal Arch, and was elected t o our
Correspondence Circle in J u n e , 1906.
Richard Lambert, of New Orleans, on the 6th December, 1915, a t the age
of 87. H e held the offices of Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana,
Grand Secretary of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, Grand Recorder of
t h e Grand Council R . & S.M., and Grand Recorder of the Grand Commandery K.T.
He joined our Correspondence Circle in May, 1887, his number on the list being 75.
a n d since October, 1888, he had acted as our Local Secretary for Louisiana.

Sir John Macpherson-Grant, Baronet, of Ballindalloch Castle, Ballindallocl~,

in 1914, who had occupied the office of Provincial Grand Master, Inverness-shire
a n d Substitute Grand Master.
His membership of our Correspondence Circle
d a t e d from tlie year 1894.
Captain Joseph 5 . Mansfield, of Leytonstone, in 1916. His death occurreJ
whilst coni~nandinghis ship, which was struck by a submarine. Our Brotl~erwas
a member of the Royal Oak Lodge No. 871, and joined our Correspondence Circle
i n November, 1908.
Samuel Walshe Owen, L . R . C . P . , of Kensington, on tlie 2nd April, 1916.
A Past Master of the City of London Lodge No. 901 and of the Ionic Lodge
No. 227, and a P . Z . of the Jordan Chapter No. 201. Bro. Owen had been a
member of our Correspondence Circle since 1898.
Alfred Bryant Price, of New P o r k City, on the 1st January, 1916. H e
held tlie rank of P a s t Grand Deacon in the Craft, and t h a t of Past High Priest in
Chapter No. 2. His nlenlbership of our Correspoilclence Circle commenced i n
J u n e , 1906.


Y r a r ~ . s u c h o r ~of

t h e Qtrcctrtor C'oronrcti L o d g r .

Charles Willerton Richardson, of Streatham, S.W., in February, 1916, who

had held offics, in Bombay, of District Grand Chaplain and t h a t of District Granci
Sword Bearer in the Royal Arch. H e was a P a s t Master of T r u t h Lcdge No. 944.
and a member of our Correspondence Circle sinco May, 1905.

Our Brother was a member of the Duke ot

Connaught Lodge No. 1558, and P . Z . of the Henry Levander Chapter No. 2048,
and joined our Correspondence Circle in November, 1912.
E. Shrier, of London, in 1916.

A P a s t Master of
mombar of our Correspondence Circle since May,

John Campbell Thompson, of Hull, in March, 1916.

Kingston Lodge No. 1010, and



Sir Samuel James Way, Bart., P . C . , I).c.L'., L L . D . , of Adelaide, in

J a n u a r y , 1916, 80 years of age. H e had filled the office of Lieutenant Governor
end of Chief Justice of South Australia for nearly forty years. H e was a w r y
prominent Freemason, representing the Gra,nd Lodge of England in South
Australia, and was Grand Master and Grand Z. in t h a t jurisdiction. H e became.
n member of -our Correspondence Circle in January, 1891.
George Wormal, of Stafford, on the 16th April, 1916.

as Provincial Grand Warden and Provincial Grand Scribe N .

our Ccrrespcndence Circle dated from June, 1895.

H e had held office

His membership of



H E Lodge met a t Freemasons' Hall, a t 5 p.m.

Wonnacott, W.M. ; W. li. Hextall, I.P.M. ; F.

Present :-Bras. W.


Cecil Powell, J . W . ; Canon Horsley, P.G.Ch ., Chaplain;

S.W. ;

W. J.

Songhurst, P.A.G.D.C., Secretary; Gordon Hills, I.G. ; J. P. Simpson,

P.A.G.R., P . M . ; E. H . Dring, P.M.; and Dr. W. Wynn Westcott,
P.G.D., P.M.

Also the following members of the Correspondence Circle : Bros. Major J. N. Blood, G. Smets-Mondez, G. H. Luetchford, G. Arthur Gale, W. A.
Tharp, P.A.G.P., J. Martens, A. F. Calvert, A. Cadbury Jones, Walter Dewes, M. de
S m ~ de
t Naeyer, F. J. Boniface, J. Sargeant Stacy, James Scott, Harry Tipper, P.G.P.,
H. S. Beaman, W. Wyld, J . Plunkett Bowley, 0. H . Bate, F. J. Asbury, Dr. W.
Hammond, P.G.D., W. F. Keddell, J. Russell McLaren, Thomas R. Rand, A. S. Lewis,

W. C. P. Tapper, L . G. Wearing, H . C. Lake, Dr George Norman, A.


Boswell, J.

Inkster, F. P. S. Cresswell, F. W. le Tall, G. C. Williams, C. lsler, D. Taylor, A. F.

Parker, Charles Efford, Digby L . Cropper, L. Danielsson, A. Y. G. Campbell, P. E.
Ueinganuni, C. H. Lee, Andrew Reid, F. E. Lewis, Reginald C. Watson, J. Proctor
Watson, J. F. H. Gilbard, and Rev. C. J . S. O'Grady.

Also the following visitors :-J.

Wendrickx, of Lodge P a x Concordia ; George P.

Grose, of Royal Life Saving Lodge No. 3339; J. M. Huddcstone, P.M. of Archimedean
Lodge No. 3613; C. H. Bowden, W.M. of Stockwell L3dge No. 1339; J. M. Morley, of
Penshaw Lodge No. 3194; T. Heads, of Borough Lodge No. 424;

R. J. Lake,

of Cecil

Lodge No. 449; Isaac Levy, of Olicana Lodge, No. 1522; William Young, of the Middlesex
Yeomanry Lodge No. 3013; and John Borthwick, of the George Price Lodge, No. 2096.

Letters of apology for absence were reported from Bros. E. Conder, L.R., G.
Greiner, P.A.G.D.C. ; William Watson ; Dr. H. F. Berry, 1.8.0. ; Thomas J. Wesbopp ;

J. E, S. Tuckett; Count Goblet d'Alvielia; Sir Albert Markham, P,Dis,G,M., Malta;


T~ansactionsof the Quatuor Cforonnti Lodge.

Hamon le Strange, P.Prov.G.M., Norfolk; John T. Thorp, P.A.G.D.C. ; F. H. Goldney,

P.G.D.; and S. T. Klein, L.R.

A vote of sympathy was unanimously passed with the relatives of the late Bro.
Dr. William John Chetwode Crawley, on whose life and work t h e W.M. addressed the
(See page 239.)


Fourteen Brethren were elected to membership of the Correspondence Circle.

called attention to the following
By Bro. ALFREDGATES,Shsrborne,
RAZOR,with Masonic emblems, made by R. [Rhoda] Rodgers 62 Son, Norfolk Works,
Sheffield, a firm not now i n existence.
40 years ago.

The Razor i s believed t o have b,een made about

Presented t o t h e Lodge.

WALKINGSTICKwith a number of emblems engraved or burnt in.

emblems a r e unusual in connexion -a-ith Masonry.

Some of these

The name Esau Eadds, and date 1825

are included i n t h e ornamentation, and also a Thistle, which suggests a Scotch origin,
but nothing i s known except t h a t i t belonged to the father of t h e present owner who is
a farmer i n Dorsetshire.

By Bro. J. COLVINWATSON,Cardiff.
APRONof plain leather, with lower corners c u t off, and flap with double curve, the
whole edged with black ribbon.

A former owner was a Mason, and it is suggested t h a t

this Apron was worn by him a t Masonic funerals.

Other specimens of this pattern a r e

known, b u t i t has hitherto been considered t h a t they a r e not Masonic.

Definite informa-

tion on the point would be welcomed.

A hearty vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to those Brethren who had
kindly lent these objects for exhibition, and made presentations t o the Lodge Museum.

Bro. E. H. DRINGread t h e first section of his paper on "The Tracing or Lodge


A report of t h e discussion which ensued will be found after the second section

read ~t the J u n e Meeting.

of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge.

qrt @lterrtoltiarn.

Before proceeding with the business of the evening the W.M. rose and said:

From the outward signs of mourning in the Lodge, as well as from the
intimation recaived with the summons for this meeting, you will have gathered
that a heavy blow has fallen on us by the recent loss of a member of this Lodge
in the person of William John Chetwode Crawley, who died on the 13th March
last, a t the age of 72 years, and I must detain you for a few minutes while we pay
our tribute of respect to the memory of our departed brother.
To the sister Grand Lodge of Irelznd our sympathies will go out in the
removal by the hand of death of one of its most distinguished members, who for 9
number of years took a most. active part in its affairs and held high office in the
Irish Craft, needless to say adorning by his genial presence and kindly assistance
tile deliberations of that, assembly which now must feel most severely the blank
caused by the summons of our friend to the Grand Lodge above.
But i t is as a member of our.own Inner Circle that this loss will be felt
most heavily, in the departure from our midst of the talented brother who for a
long series of years has enriched the printed transactions of this body by numerous
scholarly contributions from his facile pen, of sterling value to the Masonic student.
Crawley, I am afraid, was known to but few of us in the flesh, for his residence
in Dublin would not lead us to expect him often a t our meetings, but some of us
have been privileged to meet him, n fairly regular attendant, a t our Summer
Outings. It is as a Ma~onicstudent of the first rank that the name of Dr.
Chetwode Crawley is best known to us, from the time he stepped into his own
particular niche of fame as the author of " Caementaria Hibernica, being the
Public Constitutions which have served to hold together the Freemasons of
Ireland," of which the first part appeared in 1895 and the continuation of which
was published in the years 1896 and 1900, a work to which no tribute is now
necessary, as its learning and soundness of argument have already received the
unstinted reward of Masonic students all over the world.
H e showed by this
remarkable work that he was detached from the crowd of visionary historians and
had become a leading light of the Authentic School of Masonic writers, along with
Gould, Hughan, Rylands, Speth and others, the soundness of his arguments being
a t all times framed in convincing language, combined with elegance of style, great
fluency, and ease of expression.
Our brother was born a t Hampstead on the i5th November, 1843, and after
a notable career as a student a t Trinity College, Dublin, graduated as a Bachelor


iiransactions of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge.

of Arts in the first class a t the Irish University, and t o the close of his life he was
closely associated with t h a t body in its educational work. H e is known as tho
author of various textbooks and manuals, some of which ran through many
editions, such as on Historical Geography, and the Handbook on Competitive
Examinations, and h e was t h e editor of the Open Compeiition Handbooks. As a
Doctor of Laws, as well as a Doctor of Civil Law, h e had for twenty years a seat
on t h e Council of Dublin University, and was the Director of the Dublin Academy
of Military Classes. H e was also Cllairnlan of t h e Dublin Council of Teachers'
Guilds, and a member of the Council of the Classical Association. Of many of
t h e learned Societies h e was a well-known member, among them the Royal Society
of Antiquaries of Ireland, the Royal Geographical Societies of England and of
Ireland, the Royal Geological Society of Ireland, the Royal Historical Society,
and was a foundation member of the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and
Clietwode Crawlsy, whose portrait appeared as the frontispiece of the 1907
volume of t h e A .Q.C., first saw the light of Masonry in the year 1873, being
initiated i n t h e Scientific Lodge Nc. 2.50 of the Irish Constitution, a Lodge which
became merged in the following year in No. 357, now known as the Trinity
College Lodge, of which he was founder and in 1876 the Master, and of which,
too, h e was the Secretary for many years. As a faithful guardian of the ritual
of Irish Masonry ha was in 1880 the e l e c t d Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge
of Instruction, and held t h a t office down t o the year 1893. This body is peculiar
in t h a t i t has no counterpart in the English or Scottish bodies, and is the sole
repository of t h e ritual, and safeguard against changes and innovations jn
ritual working, for in Ireland, as elsewhere, the printing of the esoteric ceremonies
is severely discountenanced. I n 1881 t h e Grand Lodge of Ireland counted him
as Grand I n n e r Guard, the first of a series of progressive steps in the Grand
Lodge which is another peculiarity of the Irish Craft, i t being the practice to
promote a brother triennially t o higher rank by electing him to a more important
office. Thus i n 1884 he became Grand Sword Bearer, in 1887 Grand Steward,
and later Grand Senior Deacon, while in 1904 h e was Grand Treasurer, to which
office h e was re-elected on each occasion down to the end of a busy Masonic life.
The Irish C r a f t paid him t h e compliment in 1905 of naming the Lodge No. 395
after him, the Chetwode Crawley Lodge.
I n the Royal Arch ha was exalted in the year 1874 in No. 357, and joined
in 1876 the University Chapter No. 33 : the same year he also joined the Israel
Chapter No. 126, of which he was t h e M.E. King in 1877. H e received t h e Mark
degree in the University Chapter.
The sovereign Masonic bodies of Ohio, Iowa, and British Columbia each of
them conferred on him the rank of P a s t G. Warden of their respective constitutions.
I n the Order of High Knights Templars lie held the rank of P a s t Great
Chancellor of the Great Priory of Ireland, Grand Commander of t h e Temple and
K n t . G. Cross, and was the elected representative of the Great Preceptory of
Instruction of Ireland.
As a Prince Mason he was Secretary of the Furnell Chapter No. 4, Grand
Secretary General and Keeper of the Archives of the Grand Chapter of Ireland,
and Grand Cllancellor 33' of the Supreme Council of Ireland.

Chetwode Crawley was elected to the Inner Circle of the Quatuor Coronati
Lodge on the 2nd June, 1887, and has been for a long time a member of its
Permanent Committee. W i t h the extreme modesty which was one of his greatest
characteristics he did not for some years contribute t o our Tmnsactions, although
brief articles and other contributions are to be found in the Masonic press, until
1895, the year in which Fasciculus Prirnus of his " Caementaria Hibernica "
appeareci, when on S t . John's Day i n Harvest h e attended this Lodge for the first
time, t o read a paper on " Medals," and to take part in the discussion on Gould's
historical sketch of the Gormogons and the Duke of Wharton. This first essay on
his p a r t commenced a long series of learned articles in t h e A.Q.C., scarcely a
volume appearing since t h a t date w ~ t h o u tsome valuable cmtribution, often several
in one year, from our departed brother's pen.
H i s other writings, apart from o u r own volumes end his monumental work,
t h e " Caementaria," are but few, but none the less valuable for their scarcity.
I n 1898 he wrote the introductory chapter t o Eadler's " Mssonic Reprints and
Historical Revelations," a lengthy prefacs which dealt with early Irish Freemasonry and Dean Swift's connection with t h e Craft, and in which he made
skilful use of the re-discovery of t h e 1688 Tripos which i n 1808 had been printed
by' John Barrett, D.D., in his work " A n Essay on the Earlier P a r t of t h e Life
of Swift," London, 1808.
Such is the brief outline of the activities of our departed brother.
i t may be said, as of another worthy of the mid-eighteenth czntury,

Of him

Masonry in Ireland might be said to be in a Twilight for W a n t of its

proper Lustre. "



1. Legal Episodes in the H~storyof Freemasonry, Freemason, Christmas Number,

Dec. 18, 1899.
lteprinted as a pamphlet b ~ Iienning.
Dealt with the caws of Thos. Smith v . Wm. Firch, 1814; the Associated
Lodges s x ~ d i n gfrom the present Grand Lodge of Scotland, 1808;
and the lrish case of Alex. Seton v. W. F. Graham, 1808, for libel.
2. The International Compact, 1814.

A.Q.C. xxviii., 141.

First appeared as a pamphlet, reprinted froin the

Diamond Jubilee Number of the Freemason.
3. Notes on Irish Freemasonry, in various volumes of the A.Q.C.

I . Miss St. Leger (EIon. Mrs. Aldworth) 2nd the

Lodges claiming hcl as a member.
11. Three lost Lodges (Irish Lodges a t Norwich, t l ~ e
Middle Temple, and a t Bez~ers,France).

111. Medals.






53. '


Transact;ons of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge.


A.Q.C. ix.,

The Old Lodge a t Bandon.

V . The Sackville Medal.

W. The Wesleys and Irish Freemasonry.

V l I . Sonie early Irish Certificates and their story.
VIII. .The Grand LoZgo of Ireland and th? Grand Lodge
of Pennsylvania.

4. The Ordeal of the Poker.

5. The Masonic MSS. i n the Bodleian Library.

















Rabbi Jacob Jehudah Leon.


A Monograph on t h e Dillcns.


Marcns Graecus Eversus.


Wheeler's Lodge (the original of the Royal Alpha Lodge,

now No. 16).


The Chevalier D'Eon.


The Rev. Dr. Anderson's non-Masonic writings.


Mock Masonry in tho Eighteenth Century.

Contemporary comments on the Freemasonry of the Eighteenth


The Craft and its Orphans i n the Eighteenth Century.


Masonic Blue.


Two Corner Stones laid i n t h e olden time.

The Old Charges and the Papal Bulls.

18. The Templsr Legends i n Freemasonry.

Tho Legend of {he SS. Qustuor Coronati.


xxvi., ' 4.5,



xxrii., 158.


A.Q.C. vii.,

The Sign of Assont.


The two SS. John Legend.

Discussion on Bro. Conder's paper on


Mrs. Aldworth."

A curious historical error.

Discussion on Bro. Hughan's paper on


Thc Thrce Degrees."



v ~ i i . , 156.

















Gratton's " Freemasonry i n Shanghai."

" Thornhill


H. Le Strange's

" French



Lodge " No. 1514.

Freemasonry in Norfolk."

Prisoners' ~ o d g e s : "

" Jacabite

Lodge a t Rome " i735-37.



Transactions of the Q u a t u o ~Coronati Lodge.





RETHREN, the paper I am about to read t o you this evening

is the outcome of a study of our old Tracing Boards I have
pursued during the last few years. I started i t by collecting
photographs of .old Tracing Boards all over the country, and it
was my original intention only to make a record of those old
boards that survive and to let them form the basis of an ordinary
Lantern lecture.

I found, however, that the subjsct could not be dismissed so casually, and
when our Secretary asked me to deliver a lecture on the History of the Tracing
Board to our members on June 24th I decided to present the lecture to you in two
sections, the first, which I place before you this evening and which I shall call
the " Evolution of the T r x i n g Board " is very controversial: the second section,
the " Development of the Tracing Board," which I shall read on June 24, being
simply a record of those old Tracing Boards, painted before Harris popularised
them, which are still in existence, and in regard to which there is little or no
As may be readily imagined there is great difficulty in collecting material
for a paper on a subject like the present, and beyond occasional notes in the
minute books of old Lodges and various manuscript catechisms one has to rely upon
the early exposures and spurious rituals of Freemasonry and certain negative
evidence which can be inferred from old Masonic writers. Had Bro. E . L. Hawkins
been spared to continue his papers on The Euolzction, of Masonic Ritual I am sure
i t would not have been necessary for me to have touched on many of the points I
shall have to place before you this evening.

It is unnecessary for me to remind you that although the Grand Lodge of

England tacitly countenances the use. of Tracing Boards, inasmuch as they are
anointed a t the consecration of all new lodges, Grand Lodge has never authorised
any particular pattern nor defined the nature of them.
It will perhaps be advisable for me to remind you of what some so-called
Masonic lectures say of the Tracing Board :Name the immovable Jewels.
The T.B. & the R. & the P.A.
Their uses?
The T.B. is for the M. to lay lines & draw designs on
Why are they called Immovable?

. .

Transactions of the Qztatzior Coronati Lodge.

Because they lie open & immovable in the L. for the Brethren to
Moralise on.
There is a beautiful comparison between the immovable Jewels & the
furniture of the L . which I will thank you for.
A s the T.B. is for t h e M. t o lay lines and draw designs on, the better
t o enable the brethren to carry on the intended structure with
regularity and propriety, so the V. of the S.L. may justly be
deemed t h e spiritual T.B. of the G.A.O.T.U., . . . . .
There is a suggestion here t h a t the Tracing Board had a t some time a n
individual, separate existence as a drawing board for the Master t o lay lines on,
etc. (in the same way as t h e Trestle Board exists a t t h e present day in American
Vreemasonry), b u t I hope to be a b h t o demonstrate t h a t in English Freemasonry
i t has now only a n emblematical existence as an item on t h a t piece of furniture
which is now called the Tracing Board, b u t which I prefer to call and shall .call
throughout t h e remainder of this paper the " Lodge Board."

I may premise t h a t the true Tracing Board is t h a t Drawing Board which

in Harris' Lodge Boards is generally depicted lying on the ground before th3
pedestal i n the Lodge Board of the First Degree. I n the early boards i t is quite
plain, but as the designs of the Lodge Board became elaborated a ground plan was
added, which is popularly supposed to rapresent the ground plan of King Solomon's

It will be within the recollection of all of you t h a t Grand Lodge was formed
in 1717 and the first 7jook of Constitutions was published in 1723. I n the following
year there appeared T h e G'mnd N y s t e r y of the Freemasons discovered, followed in
i730 by Prichard's Masonry Disected and by other works a t subsequent dates,
which aimed a t exposing the sscrets and ritual of Freemasonry. The most popular
of them was entitled Jachin and Boaz, and i t was reprinted a large number of
times. Another exposure, which is also fundamentally a spurious ritual of the
Moderns, was issued under the title of 7Iiram or the Grand Master Key in 1764.

It was doubtless owing t o these revelations as much as t o the ascribetl

' reason ' t h a t Grand Lodge made those variations in the ritual which they admit
having done in t h e 1784 Constitzrtion.~,' and which were readjusted a t the Lodge
of Promulgation, " t h e substance of which was t o alter the Landmarks, namely
the First and Escond Degrees reversed."'
This is confirmed by the resolution of Grand Lodge April 12, 1809, " That
i t is not necessary any longer t o continue those measures which were resorted t o in
or about the year 1739 respecting Irregular Masons, and do therefore enjoin the
several Lodges t o revert t o the ancient Land Marks of the Society."
Consfitufions,1784, p. 240 (note). " This illegal and unconstitutional claim obliged
the regular Masons to adopt new measures t o detect these impostors and debar them and
their abnttors from the countmance and protection of the regular Lodges. To accomplish
this purnose more effectually, some variations mere made in the established forms; whicil
afforded a subterfuge a t which the refractory brethren readily grasped.''
%Francis(T.). History of the " H o ~ c a r d" h d g e of Brotherly Love N o , 56, 1898,
p, 36.

The Evolution a n d Development of the Tracing os Lodge Board.


Whether the rise of impostors was the cause of this resolution (as alleged
by Grand Lodge) or not, cannot be demonstrated, but there is little doubt
that somewhere about t h a i time the movement which eventuated in the Grand
Lodge of the Antients was begun.
Within a few years of the institution of this Grand Lodge of the A n t i e n t ~ ,
their system was exposed i n its t u r n in The Three Distinct Knocks, and we are
t,hus i n possession of spurious exposures of the Ritual, Catechisms and Forms of
both the Grand Lodge of the Antients and the original Grand Lodge of England
or Moderns.
Now, brethren, with all due deference to t h a t characteristic t r a i t of Englishmen, a staunch belief i n t h e opinions which have been handed down t o them, I may
say t h a t , in my opinion, these various publications probably give a fairly reliable
account of Freemasonry in England in the middle of t h e eighteenth century.
Though they may not always emulate t h a t nightmare of the present day of being
letter perfect, they appear t o describe the essentials of t h e ceremonies of the period
with a certain correctness t h a t will be apparent t o any one who cares t o consult
them. To such a n extent is this so t h a t I may assert t h a t either the writers were
conversant with Masonic practice or t h a t the compilers of the ritual had recourse
t o and adopted these exposures.

I may add further, speaking professionally, t h a t there would not have been
such a continual demand for these spurious rituals as is shewn by the number of
times they were reprinted, had they not been used in some manner by the Craft.
There was not such a general curiosity among laymen t o understand the secrets of
Freemasonry in the eighteenth century t o account for the large numbers printed,
any more t h a n there is in the present day t o account for the large numbers of the
various so-called rituals t h a t are printed now.
I n addition t o these exposures there was published on t h e continent i n 1745
a spurious ritual founded probably on Prichard's illnsonry Disected b u t much
amplified,' entitled L'Ordre des Francs Xagons tmiri. It was illustrated with
detailed engravings. This was translated into English and i n its t u r n further
amplified and published in 1766 under the title of .illahhabone or the Grand Lodge
Door Open'd. Another translation in which the editorial additions are much
more restricted was published in or before 1768, under the title of Solomon in
d l his Glory, and this was illustrated with four plates copied from those in t h ?
1745 original.
I n the Scots Magazine of March 1755, there is published a n exposure,
entitled A Mason's confession, which purports t o be printed from a manuscript
t h a t was written in.1727. There is little doubt t h a t it. was written by a Scotsman,
and it has a certain value.
I n none of the earlier English exposures do we find any mentiop of a
Tracing or Trestle Board, but we find designs of " the Drawing on t h e Floor of the
Lodge," t o which I will recur presently.
1 Extract from ilfasonry farther Dissected, 1738 (A.Q.C. ix., 83) :-" The French
being a People of peculiar Vivacity, as is well known, they have doubtless made great
Improvements in Masonry, certainly with a laudable View of out-doing our Flegmatick


of t h e Quntuor Coronnti Lodgr.

The earliest reference t o anything resembling a Tracing Board I have been

able to trace is one in the Minutes of the Old King's Arms Lodge No. 28 :I n 1733 on the motion of t h e Master the Brethren acquired
" de Clerc's Introduction on the Principles of ~ r c l l i t e c t u r e" and a
Drawing Board and T . for the use of the Master and his Lodge.
This does ilot necesx~crilyimply t h a t the drawing board was to be used for drawing
on i t Masonic emblems. We know t h a t ill the first two decades of Freemasonry
scientific and archaeological lectures were delivered i11 Lodges, and this might easily
have been what we should tern1 now a Blackboard aitd a Trestle or easel on ~ h i c h
t o place it. The T. might equally mean a T square.
B u t in the Minutes of the same Lodge we have the following entry :December lst, 1735.
A inotion was made t h a t the Foot Cloth made use of a t the
Initiation of new meinbers should be defaced on Acct of convenience,'
carried nem. contradicente.
A second Motion was made that our n i g h t Worshipful 33rotlirr
Sir Cscil Wray's picture late D.G.M. (\ic.) and that the cloth mentioned
should be applyed to t h a t purpose and t h a t our Bro. West should be
appointed to draw the same and that the Lodge do pay for i t when done
Bro. West was pleased to desire t h a t h e might have the pleasure
t o present the Lodge with Sir Cecil's Picture if his Worship would c!o
him the Honour t o sit to him. This was a most acceptable proposition
t o the Society and Bro. West's Health was proposed and drank to with
great satisfaction.
W h a t this " Foot Cloth " was we callnot determine, but if one may hazard a guess
it was probably a cloth O R which was shewn the inethod of progression.
A more important entry is found in the M i n u t s of the Lodge meeting a t
the Theatre Tavern, Goodman's Fields2 : Bro. Govdge made a present t o this Lodge of a painted cloth
March 14 representing the several1 forms of Mason's lodges.
This is the earliest reference I call find to any delineation of the secerctl forms of
Masons' Lodges. Any solution as t o what i t represented can be only cmjectural.
Between this reference t o a " Painted cloth " all3 the next t h a t I have
is a lapze of 55 years.
been able t o trace in E t ~ g l n ~there
I n Scotland we find a solitary entry as follows:1759

Lodge of Edinburgh ( M I w T ~ !L/y o t ~ ,Iliqfor!/ of f11r Lo17yr o f Erliuburgl~,

1873). I t having been represented that n Painted Cloth containing
the Flooring of a Master's Lodge was hanging publicly exposed in a
painter's shop, and they, considering that the same might be of

'Bra. Songhurst suggests t h a t t h r rcBahonof i t bc)ing 110 longer ronrenient ma7 be

owing to the " alterations " mado in the r i t ~ : a lb. G.11.. as i t is quit,, problelnstic~lt h a t
the alterations were. made " i n or abont 1739." J t is n:orcl than !)rob~blethat thry n.wc~
made earlier.
2 According to Lane, this Lodgr l a l m d abont 1761 and tile n ~ r r a n tappear's to
have been transferred abont the same period t o the L d g e now known as No. 33 The
l l e d i n a Lodge, West Con-es. Isle of Wight ( , ~ ' I , cHnghan's T f i s f o r y , 1889.)

?'he Evolution ccnd Developnlrnt of t h e Trctci,~y or Lotlyc Board.


pernicious consequences to Masonry, ordered tlie same to be sent for,

and i n regard t h a t the use of such painted Floorings was expressly
forbid, instructed tlie Lodge S t . Andrews (to whom i t belonged) not
in the future to use any such Floors.
This entry might well refer to the introduction of some French Lodge cloth,
but I think i t would be stretcliing a point to suggest that the English quotation
refers to a French cloth, although i t is possible. The entry is, however, instructive,
as i t shews t h a t " floorings," which certainly later i11 the century, in Scotland,
were identical with Lodge boards or Lodge cloths, were known in Scotland and
prohibited there in 1759.
I s i t possible t h a t this was also tlle case in England? The only evidence I
have hitherto traced is the entry in tlle Theatre Tavern Lodge, and I think t h a t
is inconclusive.
There is, however, no doubt that from the absence of any
siniilar entries in the Minute Books of other Lodges (so far as I have a t present
been able to trace), and of tlie absence of any nimtion of such clotlis in the Lodgj
inventories, until fifty years afterwards, such Lodge clotlls were not in general use.

This is probably the true foundation of the iilodern Lodge Board, and in
regard to i t we have solnewhat more evidence on which t o form a decision.
The earliest inelition is in the ('nrnlick X S . of the " Old Charges " (dated
l727), in which there is a pla11 " This figure represents the Lodge."
I n the History of t h e L o t l g ~o/ F'elicity fro/n IT,?? to 1887 ( W . Smithett),
there is the following entry :Among Expeilces of the Night J a n . the 16 173819 is Tyler for
drawing ye Lodge 0.2.6.; and on this night Brother Lumble Brother
White Brother Wilson and Brother Kitchin was reasd. Masters and
paid there 5s each.


the Minutes of the Grenadiers Lodge1 : Sep. 26.

Bro. Lister, ented a nieniher of this Lodge

Nov. 14th Agreed by this Lodge t h a t Bro. Lister be a free member

for Drawing the Lodges except no making or raising i11 the quarter then
lie is under obligation t o pay.
The latest ilianuscript reference? T have is a docuiileilt in Grand Lodge
Library. I n the Tyler's bill for the making of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales by
the Duke of Cumberland, February 6, 1787, are the following items:s
Portridge of a Large Drawing Board

Drawing of a Lodge


I n the X ( m t ~ ' sConfrsviotl /'~CC(JISAIIci!ja~z/tc,March, 1755), which purports

have been written in 1727, we find the following :What's the square pavement f o r ?
For tlie Master hIason to draw his g r o ~ u l ddraughts on.

A t present this exists only ill 11s.

There are various other rntric, in the Aip!)ciicl~sp.0.


Transactions of the Qzmtuor coronati L o h e .

From Jachin and Boaz we get the following details of Drawing the Lodge :H e [the candidate] is also learnt the Step, or how to
advance to the Master upon the Drawing on the Floor, which
in some Lodges resembles the grand Building, termed a Mosaic
Palace, and is described with the utmost Exactness.'
also draw other Figures, one of which is called the Laced Tuft,
and the other the Throne beset with Stars. There is also represented a perpendicular Line in the Form of a Mason's Instrument,
commonly called the Plumb-Line; and another Figure which represents
the Tomb of H i r a m , the First Grand-Master, who has been dead almost
Three Thousand Years. These are all explained to him in the most
accurate Manner, and the Ornaments or Emblems of the Order ar.:
described with great Facility. The Ceremony being now ended, thc
new-made Member is obliged to take a Mop out of a Pail of Water
brought for that Purpose, and rub out the Drawing on the Floor, if
it is done with Chalk and Charcoal. Then he is conducted back, and
every Thing he was divested of is restored; and he takes his Seat on
the Right Hand of the Master. H e also receives an Apron, which he
puts on, and the List of the Lodges is likewise given him.
I n the Three Distinct Knocks we have the following details:The Explanation of the following figure which is all the Drawing
t h a t i s used in this Sort of Masonry, called the ilfost B n t i e q ~ t b y the
Irishmen .'
It is generally done with Chalk or Charcoal on the Floor, that
is the Reason that they want a Mop and Pail so often as they do: before
when a Man has been made a Mason, they wash i t out; but People
have taken Notice and made Game of them about the Mop and Pail:
so some.Lodges use Tape and little Nails to form the same Thing and
so keep the World more ignorant of the Matter.
This Plan is drawn on the Floor, East and West; the Master
stands in the East with the Square about his Neck and the Bible before
him, which he takes up and walks forward to the West, near t h e first
Step of an oblong Square; where he kneels down in order to give that
Solemn Obligation to him that has already knelt down with his Leftknee bare, bent upon the first Step; his Right-foot forms a square with
his naked Right hand upon the holy Bible etc.
And so to the Second and Third Degree of Masonry; as is shewn
upon the Steps.

Attention may be drawn to the phrase in the former extract rub out the
Drawing on the Floor if it is done with Chalk and Charcoal," and in the latter
extract " It is generally done with Chalk or Charcoal." It may be inferred that
there existed other methods of depicting the ' Form of the Lodge ' besides the Tape

'The first sentence of this quotation is a good example of bad editing. It is

the Drawing on the Floop
most probable that the sentence originally read: " . .
which in some Lodges resenlbles s Mosaic Pavement and ' i ~
described with the utmost
exactness." Thus, i t would have been comprehensible. The editor of the ~ r i g i n a l ~ w h
manual was probably the culprit, for p a d mosaque " is easily commuted into palais
=The italics are mine. E.R.D.

Yhe Bvotution and Devetoyrnent


the ~ r a c i no r~ ~ o c l ~ oe a r d .


and Nails such as a Lodge cloth, or by the design bsing made in sand or clay. Bro.
Hammond informs me t h a t in Cornwall t h e use of sand for this purpose was in
vogue until fifty years ago. A record of the use of these materials is perpetuated
in some so-called Masonic Lectures, although t h e referenc3 is not generally understood. I n Lecture 1, Sec. vii. :How long should an E . A . serve his master ?
Seven years . . .
How should h e serve h i m ?
With Freedom, Fervency and Zeal.
Excellent qualities, what are their emblems?
Chalk, Charcoal and Clay.
Both in the T h r e e D i s t i m t K n o c k s and in Jctchi?~a d B o a z the Initiate
recites his experiences as follows :H e (the S.W.) taught me to take one step upon the first step of
a right angle oblong square, with my Left Knee bare bent, my Body
upright, my Right Foot forming a Square, my naked Right H a n d upon
the Holy Bible with the Square and Compass thereon my Left H a n d
supporting the same; where I took t h a t solemn Obligation or Oath of
a Mason.
Bearing these points in mind we can examine the plan (see fig. 1) in the
Carmiclc M8.l

The Lodge is i n the form of a triangle, which is probably the earliest form
of a Masonic Lodge and one still used in Germany and S c a n d i n a ~ i a . ~The Warden
(or Master) is seated in the East, b u t the other officers are not shown, although in
Lodges where this form of the Lodge is perpetuated the two wardens sit in t h e West
facing the Master.
I n Prichard's ~ l f a s o n r yU i ~ e c t e c l 1730,
p. 9 , there is the question: " Where
stands your Wardens? " " I n the West."
There are only two steps a t the West end of the Lodge instead of the three
steps in t h e later designs, and it is possible t h a t our late Bro. Gould would have
enlarged on this fact, but I do not care to do so. The positions of the E.A.'s,
F.C.'s, and M.M.'s are shewn (but in each instance the singular case is used), and
on each long arm of the triangle are shewn (by numbers) the seats of t h e brethren.
On t h e floor of the Lodge are shewn the Square, Compasses, Plumb-rule, Gavel,
Trowel, two (only) lesser Lights, and what I think is intended t o be a Blazing S t a r
around which are noted tho points of the Compass. [On reading again Bro.
Hughan's description I have little doubt t h a t he was correct in calling i t a Compass.
and I may add t h a t i t was intended t o serve as a pointer and not necessarily as a
The Lodge plans from Jcrchin a n d l!oaz and t h e Three K n o c k s require no
comment except t h a t they both mention two Deacons, although the position of the
Junior Deacon is not specified in the latter plan. (See figs. 2, 3 . )

The 31s. itsrlf is reprinted and described by Uro. Huyhan in S . Q . C . xxii., pp.


2See Bupfersclimitlt, A Gliinpsc a t Burly Fwrrnnsortry in Grrmany (.l.Q.C. ix.,

162), and Gaskill on Continental X u s o n r ~(Trnns. o f the Author's Lodge i., 112).
3 Also in i l l a s o n ~ yfarther Dissected, 1738 ( A . Q . G . ix., 84).

llra?asnctions of the Qtcatuor Coronati Lodge.


One deduction may, perhaps, be made from the language used in these two
last-mentioned books. I n the Three 1)istinct K n o c k s (that is the Ritual of the
Antients) i t is specifically stated of the Figure t h a t i t is " all the drawing t h a t is
used in this Sort of Masonry," whereas in Jnclritt ntttl Uonz (the Ritual of the
Moderns) i t is stated " they also draw other figures. . . . These are all
explained to him in the most accurate Manner."
One would deduce from this
t h a t the figures on the floors of the Modern Lodges were much more elaborate t h a n
those in the Antient Lodges, a point t h a t i t will be good to bsar in mind. I n
Lodges working under the Grand Lodge of Ireland, Lodge Boards are practically
unknown and seem never t o have been in use except during a period between 1839
and 1850 ( v i d e Appendix Q. 43).'
' M y conviction is, although I only reason from analogy, that tlle Ant,ient,s,
continuing more exactly the traditions of the Operative Masons, displayed on t h e
floor of the Lodge-room the operative tools and so-called jewels, while the custom
of the Moderns was to draw them on the floor. Royal Arch Masons will remember
how certain operative tools are displayed in the Chapter, and this leads
m.e t o believe t h a t the same practice obtained originally iu the three Craft
is t o a
degrees. I think the frontispiece of the 1756 edition of the C'ot~stitutiot~s
certain extent confirmatory of this (see fig. 4 ) .
T h a t the jewels and other items displayed on the Lodge Board had a
separate existence is shewn in Q. 9, wliicll is from 511 inventory of Lodge
Relief, Bury, Lancs., which, however, was a Modern Lodge. It inelltioils two
painted pillars, a painted square pavement, an indented tasel, two large mahogany
pillars with balls, 3 candlesticks, viz., W.S. & B., a brass sull, moon, letter G,
P a i r of Compasses, Wood Squares, Brass ditto, etc.
Q. 7 also shews t h a t a t St. Ives in Cornwall the jewels were sonlewllat
cun~brous,as tlle Master of the Druids Lodge a t Redruth invites the M. of the
former Lodge t o a Festival, saying, If not too cumbersonie we wish you to bring
your marble blocks and triangles to ornanient our Lodge with.
Q. 37, Inventory of Lodge of Fortitude 281, Laacaster, dated 1795, mentions a setting Maul, Heavy Maul, Bee Hive, Coffin and Ruler.
I n the penultimate paragraph of the Addresses t o the Reader of the 2nd
edition of Ahirnc171 R i ~ o n ,Laurence Dernlott writes as follows :" Nor is it uncoinn~on(among the Moderns) for a tyler t o receive
ten or twelve shillings for drawing two sign posts with chalk &c. and
writing Jamaica rum up011 one and Barbadoes run1 upon the other, and
all this (I suppose) for 110 other use than t o distinguish where these
liquofs are to be placed in the lodge."

Although this paragraph is generally thougllt to refer t o the " alterations "
t o whicll I have already referred, I think i t has a deeper meaning and that Dermott's
intention is to satirise the elaborate designs on the floor t h a t were a feature among
t h e Moderns.
To assist the Tyler in drawing the " Lodge," shaped templates cut out of
metal seem t o have been used Two sets and a portion of a third set are in the
possession of Grand Lodgs and are exhibited in the Grand Lodge Xuseum. One

For the sake of brevity I shall use thc letter 0%

as signifying a quotation in tlla


set belonged originally to the Royal Alpha Lodge, and when they presented i t to
the late I i b r a r i a n of Grand Lodge, he had them painted by one of the Masonic
purveyors. The other set and a half has, happily, been kept in its original condition.
Althongli 1 call tllenl teniplates t l m e pieces of metal may have been used
as ornanlent\ and lain on tlle floor of the Lodgs. A t present we have no means
of ascertamlng
There is also evidence t h a t so late as 1820 t1.e Xosaic Pavement and the
Tesselated Border were separate items, for we find t h a t (Q. 34) the Salopian
Lodge invested in a . . . Nosaic Pavement, Tesselated Border and Blazing
I n Q. 11 we also find mention of " 1 cloth painted round the edges," which,
probebly, was the Tesselated Border.

In Q. 15 we find:

A Mosaic floor cloth with the four initial letters brass (new painted)."

They were probably B . J . M . B or P . T F . J .

I n regard t o the statement about the Mop and Pail, I can find no confirmation, but I do not think there is any reason to doubt its correctness. It is generally
considered t h a t Hogarth's picture of " Night " (reproduced in ,4.(S.Ci. ii., p. 90)
contains a n allusion to it.
Nor have I been able t o find any definite confirnlation of the statement about
the use of " Tape and little nails " in outlining the Lodge, but I think t h a t the
former of the following entries, taken from the Minutes of the Anchor and Hope
Lodge No. 37 (edited by Bros. Newton and Brockbank, 1896), refers to this
usage (Q. 4) :1766

April 20.


J a n . 24.

Paid for 10 yds. of Ferritting' @ 2d. pr. yd.

Half a piece of ribbon, 18 yds.



I n the second entry, the ribbon was probably for use in making collars.

There are various references to Floor Cloths in the old Minutes, r . g . :

Q. 15

1776 A Mosaic Floor Cloth.

Q. 25

1798 To cash paid for Floor Cloth and gilding Balls 2.12.6.

but I think that, a t least, so far as Englalid is concerned, the term Floor Clot11
always refers t o the Mosaic pavement with or without the indented border.
111 Scotland, however, we get the tern1 " Flax-ings," which I carmot look
upon as synonymous with the Mosaic pavement, as we have the following entries :-




Different floxings for the lodge

1 Ferret=oliginally a d k tape or nairon r~bbonuser1 for fastening or lacing; now

narron vorsted or cotton ribbon used for binding, for shoe strings, etc.-C1ent7r~.!/
1)ictionatrl. Ferret. 2 Ferreting. A stout tape most rolnnlonly inacle of cotton, b a t
also of silk.-N.E.D

Transactions of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge.

Q 10. 1722 Make the necessary floorings with proper ornaments

. . : on boards.
Q. 17.

1783 The flooring of the Fellow Crafts and Master Masons

painted and framed.

which clearly shew 'that there was a difference between the degrees, which could
not apply to a Mosaic pavement.
Before I leave these designs I should like t o draw your attention t o a
symbolical plate which might easily be taken for a n early example of a Tracing
It is t h e frontispiece t o " Langley's The Builders Jewel, 1741 " (see
fig. 5), but I am sure i t is only intended as an allegorical design.
I n t h e TF'estnzinstcr Journal of May 8, 1742, there was published an account
of the " Solemn and Stately Procession of the Scald Miserable Masons as i t was
It was a mock procession t h a t as a
marshalled on Tuesday the 27th past."
practical joke preceded the grand procession of the Freemasons when they marched
from the house of the Grand Master in Brook S t . to Haberdashers' Hall a t the
Quarterly Communication of April 27 (see fig. 6).
I n this plate there are represented two colun~nsborne by men, one called
Roaz, the other Jachin, a large banner with various Masonic emblems within an
indented border, followed by six smaller banners on which are depicted various
symbolical designs, including one with the letter G on it.
I n a cart a t the end of the procession there is a coffin with a skull, cross
bones and the letters M.B. drawn on the lid.

It must be remembered t h a t this is a skit on the Grand Lodge of the

Moderns, and i t does not follow t h a t what 'the caricaturist depicted actually existed
among the fraternity. B u t in t h e key below the print there occur the following
passages :THE TRUE


( i . e . , the large Banner).

Upon which poor old Hyrain made all his entr'd 'Prentices.
Masons, for want of this, are forced t o make something like i t with
chalk on the Floor whenever they take the Culls in; t h a t is, when they
have a Making. . . .

Signifying Geometry or the fifth Science, and for the Sake of which all
Fellow-Crafts are made. This Letter G. is the Essence of the FellowCrafts Lodge; F o r b-ing placed in the Middle of the Blazing Star,
which is the Center of the enter'd 'Prentices Lodge, i t then becomes a
Fellow-Crafts' Lodge.
There also occurs the following rhyme: .Tachin and Boaz I have seen,
A n enter'd 'Prentice I have been;
A Fellow Craft I am most rare
By Perpentashler and the Square.
to which I shall have occasioti to refer later 04,

llh,e Evotz~tionand Development of the Tracing or Lodge Board.


I think t h a t each one of these three extracts is instrnctive and too circumstantial t o be ignored. I also deduce from the boldness of the skit and the expense
attached t o it, t h a t the author of it was a wealthy man of education.

I n the French exposure of Freemasonry which I have n~entioned,L'Ordre des

Francs M a p n s tmlri, 1745, there are two series of plates which represent the Form
of the Lodge, one of which purports t o be copied from a series published in Paris, but
styled incorrect, while the second series is called the T'ir~tableI'lrrn. The same design
(which was drawn on the floor) served for the Apprentice and Fellow-craft degrees
w t h the difference t h a t in the latter degree the pointed cube or ashler was drawn
instead of the rough ashler. Various differences will be noticed, such as the position
of the candlesticks, one on each side of the Master and one in the S . W . ; the
introduction of the three windows, which are i n the position of the three candlesticks in the English plans, seven steps to the floor of t h e Lodge, and the houpe
I11 t ' ~ e
3rd degree there are various details which are interesting. The word
written across the design and called the Ancien H o t de illnitre has probably a
good foundation.
According t o Kuperschnlidt (A. Q.C. ix., 163/4), these designs were utilised
in the same way in Germany and Denmark i n 1747.
The series of designs said to have been published in Paris, and which are
stated t o be incorrect, is the series dedicated t o Leonard Gabanon.

I t has been suggested t h a t the term Trestle Board or Trasel Board is a

corrupt form of the term Tracing Board, b u t I do not think t h a t i t is a t all
necessary t o go so far for t h e origin of the term, but t o look upon the Trestle Board as
simply a Board placed on trest1es.l Moreover, the earliest mention of the term Tracing
Board in conjunction with speculative Masonry t h a t I have been able to find, either
in manuscript or in print, is some fifty years subsequent t o the mention of Trasel
Board. (See Q. 3.)

It is in Jfnhl~ahoneor t7~eG r a d Lodge Door Open'd, 2nd ed., 1766, p . 73,

t h a l I have found the earliest printed mention of the specific term Trasel Board :W h a t are the immovable Jewels?
The Trasel Board which the Masters drew their designs upon.
As I have before pointed out, this spurious ritual is very greatly influenced bv
the L'Orclre cles Francs i l f a p n s trahi, 1745.
I n Solomon in all his Glory, 1768, which is a n amplified translation of the
same French work, we find :W h a t do you mean by the immovable jewels?
I understand by them the board which the masters draw their designs
upon. . . .
There is a greater probability that the term Tracing Board is a corruption of
Trestle Board, but I clo not support the assumption,

Transactions of the Qttntuor Goronrrti Lodge.


I n the original French work the catechism is as follows (p. 161) :Quels sont les trois (Bijoux) i m m o b i l e ~ ?
La Pierre brute pour les Apprentifs; la pierre cubique 2 pointe pour
aiguiser les outils des compagnons; et la Planche B tracer sur laquelle
les maitres font leurs Desseins.
I n the later editions of Masonry Dissected we find the following question
introduced : W h a t are the immovabl,: Jewels?
The Trasel Board, Rough Asliler and Broached Thurnel.
W h a t are their uses?
A Trasel' Board for the Master to Draw his Designs upon. . . .
Before we go further, I would point out t h a t between the first use of t h e
term Trasel or Trestle Rosrd and the first use I have been able to trace of the term
Tracing Board we have the use of the word " Lodge " t o signify scmething analogous
t o Tracing Board or Lodge Board.
The first mention I have found of this term is in Preston's Zlli~strcrtionso f
Alccsonry, 1772. I n the explanation of the " P l a n of the Grand Gala " a space in
t h e centre of the Temple marked RI is called the " Lodge."
I n t h e second edition of the same work, 1781, in describing the ceremony
of Consecration, he makes use of the phrase (p. 94) : " The lodge which is placed
in t h e center covered with white satin "; (p. 95) : " the Lodge is covered." I n
describing the ceremony a t the Dedicatioi~of Masonic Halls lie states (p. 115) : " The
lodge is then placed in t h e centre on a crimson velvet couch. . . . The three
lights and the gold and silver pitchers with the corn, wine, and oil are placed on the
Lodge, a t the head of which stands the pedestal, with the Bible open and t h e
Square and Compass thereon, and the Constitution rolls on a crimson velvet
cushion. "
I n t h e Constitzitions of 1784 (p. 318 note) there is given an account of the
Dedication of the New Grand Lodge Hall in 1776, in which i t states:About half past 12 o'clock, the procession entered the hall in the
following order: Grand tyler with a drawn sword.-Four tylers carrying the lodge covered with white satin. . . .
The lodge was then placed in the centre of the hall and the three lights,
with t h e gold and silver pitchers containing the corn, wine and oil
were placed thereon; the Bible, compasses, square and Book of Constitutions on a velvet cushion being placed on a pedestal.
This " Lodge " did not consist of the three lesser lights, nor of the V.
of the S.L., nor the working tools, which are all specified in the last quotation as being borne by various brethren. I think, therefore, t h a t this " Lodge "
was a board on which had been drawn the " Form of the Lodge," and was placed
on trestles in t h e centre of the Temple of Grand Lodge.
I have no doubt in my own mind t h a t the term Trestle Board is purely a
metaphor for t h e " Lodge," and was so called because the latter v ~ a splaced upon
trestles. It is an example of an object assimilating and becoming denominated by
one of its attributes.

I n some cciitions, such as the 30th edition, Trasel is printed Tarsel.

Yhe Evolution and Develoyrne,~t of the Tracing o r Lodye Board.


I would also remind you of the phraseology of the title of t h e first extract
I made from t h e procession of the Scald Miserables (see p. 252) :"

The true original Mason-Lodge,"

which is applied t o tlie symbolical banner or board which was in the procession.
I n t h e Appendix there will be found two examples of the use of the word
" Lodge " as applied t o the Lodge Board :Q. 26, prior to 1813. The candidate had the Lodge explained t o him.
Q. 27, 1805. Highly necessary t o have a Lodge for the purpose of
better describing the same t o the new Initiated in future.

This term ' the lodge ' is continuously used by subsequent writers until the
middle of the last century in describing t h e ceremony of the consecrating a
Lodge. In some English provinces the old form " let the Lodge be uncovered "
and " I now anoint the Lodge " is still in use a t this ceremony. I11 London our
present Grand E x r e t a r y uses (or did us,?) the term " Lodge Board," while our
present P r o Grand Master uses the term " Tracing Board."
This use of t h e word " Lodge " to denote t h e Lodge Board is exemplified
in many old Lodges in the provinces a t the present day, and when a person
is placed ill tlie N . E . corner of the " Lodge," he is placed a t the N . E . corner of
the Lodge board, which is near the centre of the Lodge-roo111 (and not in the N . E .
end of the Lodge-room), and tlie Junior Deacon gives the persou definite instructions
i n regard t o the position of his head. This method is still adopted in some London
workings, b u t was discontinued some fifty years ago in t h e Lodge of Improvement
which has a very large number of English Masonic followers.

I have little doubt t h a t t h e introduction of the Trestles to support the board

on which the " Lodge" was drawn was a natural development from drawing t h e
" Lodge " on the floor. It may have been due, as i t has been suggested, to the fact
t h a t whereas t h e Lodges i n t h e first p a r t of the eighteenth century met in coffee
houses the floors of which were sprinkled with sand or sawdust, in the latter half
of the century the appointments of the Lodge-rooms were more luxurious and the
floors carpeted. This may have been so in a few instances, b u t I doubt very much
if i t was the general rule. 1 think myself i t was due simply t o a question of
A s to the permanent existence of the " Lodge " or, if my conc1usion~be
correct, t h e " Drawing of t h e Lodge on the Trestle Board," I think t h a t " negative
evidence " can be deduced from the fact t h a t Hutchinson, in his Spirit of Masonry,
1775, niakes no mention of t h e " Lodge " or Trestle Board, although he deals with
t h e Furniture and Jewels of t h e Lodge. I cannot think t h a t if such an important
item was in general use in a permanent form he could have withheld from
soliliquising on it.

It is also more than probable that in many cases where the term Trestle
Board occurs in Lodge Minutes i t refers to a portable table on trestles which could
be placed in position quickly when the Lodge was a t refreshment and as quickly
removed when it was a t l a b m r . One meets with entries like t h e one in Osborn's
Freemasonry in IV. Cornwall (p. 79), where two Trassle Boards (one of mahogany
with ornaments) are mentioned as belonging t o the Druid's Lodge of Love and
Liberality in 1795.

25 6

~ r a n s a c t i o n sof the Quatuor Coronati Loaye.

So as t o place t h e subject openly before you, there arises i n my mind

another possibility of the meaning of the word Trestle Board, which is exemplified
in the frontispiece to the 1784 Book of Constitutions. It is a Trestle Board or
table on which are displayed the working tools, the jewels and two globes. This
custom is still in use a t the Windsor Lodge, and particulars are given i n a very
interesting communication from Rro. Gordon P . G. Hills (see discu~sionpost).

If I have been a long time coming t o the term Tracing Board i t is simply
because I have not been able t o find any modern example of its use before the year
There is one solitary b u t well-known mention of the term in the Fabric Rolls
of York illinster:Inventory of Stores, A.D. 1399,
. . . i j tracyng bordes . .
but I have been quite unable to trace any further use of i t , or even any suggestion
of its use in a Masonic sense, until the entry in Q. 32 from Turner's History of
the Blandford Lodge, 1897, viz.-1815

Dec. 22. Memo. Bro. Harrison paid the Tyler of Lodge Amity Poole,
one shilling for the loan of the Tracing Board.

The earliest printed mention of t h e term I have traced u p t o the present is

in Oliver's S i p s and Synrbols, 1826, but there may be earlier occurrences of the
term which this paper may bring to light.
W i t h regard to the origin of the term Tracing Board, it is my firm conviction t h a t , instead of it being, as one might easily suppose, a recrudescence of a n
old term, i t is nothing else but a tramlation of t h e French term which is found i n
L'Ordre rler Frnncs X n p n s trahi, 1745, viz., Plnncke ci trucer.
B u t in t h a t work the Planche 2 tr.ncet8is simply an item in the " Drawing of
the Lodge," and i t is the same i n Solo~nonin all his Glory, where, however, it is
designated as " t h e floor t o be delineated upon," and takes the form of a plain
square board or drawing board.
I n the early Lodge Boards used in the first degree there appears this same
drawing board, and in the later examples, as in all modern Lodge Boards, a ground
plan is found drawn upon this drawing board, which is popularly supposed to
represent the ground plan of the temple.
I t is this clrciwing board which 1 suggest is the true Tracing Board and t h a t
t h e term Tracing Board has been misapplied t o the " Lodge," " Lodge Board "
or " Trestle Board."
It is another example of a n object assimilating and being
denominated by one of its attributes.
A t this point I think we may come to a temporary halt, and in my next
paper I shall shew you a number of photographic slides I have had taken illustr&ting
the gradual development of t h e earliest forms of Lodge Boards now in existence.

!the Evolution and bevetopment of tjze ?racing or ~ o d g e~ o a r d .


There are, however, several subsidiary points that I should like to take this
opportunity of placing before you, as they are essentially correlated to the Evolution of the Lodge Board. I shall divide them into two divisions: (1) the term
Dented Ashler, with its variations and developments, and (2) the term Broached
Dornal or Thurnel, with which the former is generally associated.
I n Prichard's Masonry Disected, 1730, we find :Have you any Furniture in the Lodge?
What is i t ?
Mosaick Pavement, blazing Star and indented Tarsel.
I n the SIoane MS. 3329 (ed. Woodford):How many jewels belong to your L . ?
There are three, the square pavem'nt, the blazing star and the Danty
I n the Mason's C'otefessior~(Misc. L o t . , O.S., 92). Scots Magazine, March,
1755, p. 135 :How many jewels are there in your lodge?
What are these three ?
A square pavement a dinted ashler and a broached dornal.
I n the Cfrawley MS.:Are there any jewels in your lodge?
Three, perpendester, a square pavement, an brohed-mall
I n the later editions of Uctsonry Dissected (such as that of 1774), i.e., after
the publication of the translations of the French Rituals, the catechism is amplified
thus : p. 10. Have you any furniture in your L . ? Yes.
What is i t ? Mosaic Pavement, Blazing Star and Indented Tarsel.
What are they? M.P. the ground Floor of the L., Blazing S. the
Centre, and indented Tarsel the Border round about it.
p. 11. What are the immovable Jewels ? Trasel Board, Rough Ashler and
Broached Thurna1.l
What are their uses? A Trasel Board for the Master to draw his
Designs upon, R . A . for the F.C. to try their Jewels upon, and the
B.T. for the E . P . to learn to work upon.
There is little doubt that the compilers of the earlier English Rituals confounded jewels and furniture, or i t may be that the Craft in England had not
clearly differentiated them. But from these sources we get the following curious
terms and associations : 1

In 1787 ed., I;. 9

and in the 30th ed.

Thurnel=Tl~urnul( ? Thunlul)
Trasel= Trazel.


~ranscactionsof the Quat UOT Coronati ~ o u ? p .

Prichard 1730
Scots ilfagazitle
Crawley MS.
Scald V i.\rrcrblex

Indented tarsel associated with M.P. & B.S.

danty tassley
S . P . & B.S.
dintecl ashler
S.P. & B.Dorna1
S.P. & B.D.
l'erpentashler (see p. 252).

Some years ago, when I first lighted upon the term " perpent' achillar," in
Willis' A rchz tect~iral 6omenclatcire of the Middle dges (who quotes it from
Historin: D~inelmensisScriptores Tres, p. cxxxvi.), it struck me that i t was the
origin of the modern Masonic term " perfect ashler," as i t was in exact opposition
to the tern1 " rough ashler."

I did not expect, however, to find an instance of the word perpend being
connected with Freemasonry, and I was surprised, when collecting material for this
paper, to come across two instances of it, viz., perpendester and perpent
ashler, and I have now no hesitation in suggesting that perpendashler is the
original form of the term perfect ashler, and I even have the l~ardihoodto suggest
t h a t indented tarsel, danty tassley, dinted ashler are corrupt forms of the same
The following quotations are from the New English Dictionary :Parpen, parpend, parpent, perpend, perpent, etc.
1. I n Masonry, A stone which passes through a wall from side to side,
having two smooth vertical faces; a stone squared or dressed for this
Among other references : 1579-80. The pillars of this temple
are cut out of a quarry of marble called pentlilre marble, and they were
squared parpine, as thick as long. 1712. Lay here and there Stones
that reach the whole Thickness of the Wall, that is to say, such as make
the Surface on both Sides, which Workmen call Making a Parpin.
3. 1429. lxxxii et di' fott of perpendaschler, vjd. . . . . .
1845. Perpentstone, a large stone reaching through a wall so as to
appear on both sides of it; the same as u h a t is now usually called a
bonder, bondstone or through, except that these are often used in
rough-walling, while the term perpent-stone appears to have been
applied to squared stones or ashlar; in Gloucestershire ashlar thick
enough t o reach through a wall, and shew a fair face on both sides is
called Parping Ashlar.
1450. Mnnnprs a,itl Tlolt sehold Erprnsr P . Every asheler is xii yncl~e
thykke and xviii ynches long.
1611. Cotgrove. Attendants, ashlers, binding stones.
1677. Plot's Oxford. The Free-stone . . . if cut into oblong or
other sorts of squares of a lesser bulk they then call i t Ashler.

The Evolution and Development of the Tracing or Lodge Board.


I am quite aware t h a t my suggestion is, a t first sight, a forced one, but I

I n my opinion
hope t o be able t o convince you t h a t i t is well grounded.
the circumstances under which these forms were evolved are sufficient t o
account for the most base corruptions.
When one considers t h a t t h e early
Masonic terms were unusual technical terms, handed down orally from Operative
Masons and adopted by Speculative Masom who did not understand them
and had never seen them spelt, I d o not think t h a t anyone can wonder
a t the peculiar variations which ensued in various parts of Great Britain, and a t
t h e varied attempts to p u t the mysterious words into a grammatical form. It
must also not be overlooked t h a t although there were a certain number of educated
nlen in the ranks of Freemasonry in the eighteenth century the large proportion
of the Freemasons then were tradesmen and working men of very limited education.
It must also b-. remembsred t h a t these various terms descended t o us from the
original sburce by a numbsr of devious channels which were absolutely unconnected
and that each was subjected t o improvised editing and correction. I n some cases,
such as in the " Procession of the Scald Miserables," the term was correctly edited,
but in other cases the corruption became only worse corrupted, until absolutely new
forms were evolved by t h e different copyists or ignorant editors. I have had n
curious example of this in &he typing of the manuscript of this paper. M y
secretary, who is a most acconiplished and cultured lady, transfornled the word
" perpendashler,"
with whicll she, naturally, was not acquainted, into " perpendicular." I can flatter myself t h a t i t was not owing t o my bad writing.
The way in which the word perpentasliler became corrupted is as follows :The accented syllable or dominating sound in perpent or perpend is the second, pent
or pend, and i t is this sound t h a t has always caught t h e ear of brethren. The
word itself being unfamiliar and the unaccented first syllable being slurred over,
Ihe scribe wrote down indented or dinted as tlie equivalent of what he had heard.
Danty I look upon as a still further corrupted form of indented or dinted.
The corruption of ashler into tarsel or tassley is still simpler. I n both forms
we get the accented syllable in ashlar, viz., the first; t h e ' t ' sound is a case of
prothesis and has been assimilated from the final ' t ' sound in the preceding word
perpend, perpent, indented or dented.
I n old French we find a germane word aisselle derived from t h e same source
as the English word ashler, and in Ducalage, we find t h e Latin equivalent aisella.
I do not propound this derivation without much t l ~ o u g h tand consideration.
I know t h a t tlie phrase ' dented ' or ' indented ' ashler is perfectly comprehensible
b u t hardly apposite, although I cannot find any record of the term other than in
these exposures and rituals; urhereas in perpeudashler we have an operative term
which was in general use for several centuries, and is essentially apposite.
When we consider t h a t the modern term is neither dented nor indented
ashler b u t " perfect " ashler, which, although comprehensible, does not convey
an operative idea to one's mind, I think my assumption t h a t perpendashler is the
original form is quite logical.
So far as ' indented tarsel' or ' danty tassley ' may ,be considered as the
equivalent of ' lacy tassel ' I call find absolutely no confirmation. I am aware
t h a t tarsel or tassley may easily be a synonym of tassel, but I cannot trace a single
instance in English literature in which indented or dented is used in the sense of
clentel7E or lacy.


Transactions of the Qziattior Coronati Lodge.

Bearing in mind my suggestions, if we t u r n t o L'Ordre des Francs M a ~ o n s

trahi we shall find t h a t tha catechism is more in consonance with what, we look upon
as the correct form. W e find the sentences:-

' How

many Ornaments are there in the L . 1

W h a t are t h e y ?
The Mosaic pavement, the blazing star and the lacy t u f t (or tassel) [ i . e . ,
perpendashler] .

I have no hesitation in suggesting t h a t this catechism is a translation of a n

English original in which was included the term " indented tarsel," which we find
in PricE,ard's Masonry Disected, 1'730. Not being able to understand t h e term, the
compiler translated i t into lo houpe deutelte, and i t was incorporated into the
French Lodge Boards in the form of a n interlaced rope or cable with a laced tassel
a t each end.
This French Xitual did not appear i n a n English guise until it appeared
incorporated in Mahhabone, 1776, and later in Solomon i n all his Glory, in which
work the drawings of the Lodge as printed in the original French edition of 1745
are reproduced.
I n the former the Catechism is as follows:Name them (the Furniture in your Lodge)?
Mosaic Pavement, Blazing Star and Indented T u f t .

I n the latter the Catechism is as follows: Name them (the Ornaments of your Lodge) ?
The Mosaic Pavement, the indented t u f t and flaming star.
W h a t use are they applied t o ?
The Mosaic pavement ornamented the inside of the temple, the indented
t u f t covered its extremities, and the flaming star enlightened the chamber
in middle. . . .
W e have, therefore, by 1766 (in Mnhhabone) the new term of ' indented
t u f t ' which is said t o cover the exiremities of the Mosaic pavement, and is figured
as a rope with a tassel a t each end of it, and ' indented tarsel ' which (in Masonry
Di~sected,1774, ante, see p. 257) is defined as the border round the Mosaic pavement.
If my first assumption be accepted, t h a t ' indented tarsel ' (of Masonry
Disected, 1730) is a synonym of ' dented ashler ' and perpendashler, we must look
upon* the definition in Masonry Dissected of 1774 as an attempt t o reconcile the
English exposure with the recently-published translation of the French exposure.
A still further development arose, as the term ' indented tarsel ' became
interpreted into ' indented tesselated border,' and a t the same time by a different
course into the corner tassels which a t t h e present day are generally seen on
Lodge Boards, b u t which are not seen on the earlier Tracing Boards.

p. 160 Combien y a-Lil d'ornemens dans la loge?

Quels sont-ils ?
Le p a d mosaiqne, l'etoile flambogante et la Houpe dentelk,

It is i11 this sense t h a t I understsnd Q. 5, in which we find, i n the

inventory of the Lodge Relief, " a indented Tasel," i . r . , an " indented tesselated
border " which surrounded the Mosaic pavement.

I11 t h e quotations I have given a t the bsginning of this section of subsidiary points (p. 257) i t will be found t h a t this term is associated as follows:-

Scots Magazine Broached n o r n a l associated with Square Pavement & Dinted Ashler
Prichard (later - Thurnal
- Trasel Board & Rough Ashler
editions) -- Tliurnul J
Crawley MS.
Brohed mall
S . P . & Perpendester
As will be seen, we have this term twice associated with t h e Square pavement, once with the Dinted Ashler (Scofs ;Ifngrlctzi~~e),
once with the Perpendester
(C'rcluqley .lIS.), and twice with the Trasel Board and the Rough Ashler.
T h e word broach has various meanings, but the one I suggest as best fitting
the context is t h a t in the New English Dictionary, especially the third quotation
from Jamieson's : Broach. 8. techn. , To pick, indent or furrow the surface of stone
with a narrow pointed stone chisel called a broach or puncheon. (The
kind of work produced varies in different localities.)


hewinge, brochinge and scaplyii of

tone for the chapell.

l'i03. To B ~ o y c ?or~ broach as Masons a n Atchler, when with the small

point of their ax, they make i t full of littie pits or small holes. 1808.
J O I I L ~ C S OTo
I L .I~rorrch,t o rough-hew.
Bronchetl. 3. The inurus would be built with
stones a t Ouseburn and plain stones elsewhere.

Holme's ilccrtlrmy


.I rtnory i t is also defined

. broached


Bronc?~,to hew away the rough skabling stroaks, hewing.

Again in Holme, p . 394 :Branch, a n axe or masonic axe, this having a broad sharp end dot11 cut
away and make smooth the stone from all its irregular blows and dents
made by the pickaxe in hewing i t t o its form t h a t it should be, the first
working is termed broching, the latter axeiag.

I suggest t h a t Dornal and Thuriial are synonymous with Ornal, defined in

the New English Dictionary :Ornrl (a F r . ornel pl. ornaulx, 14-15th c. in Godefroy) a kind of rather
soft white building stone.
1442 in Willis and Clark Cambridge 1886. Fraughtage of x tonne of
ornell fro london vn to ye College.

1443 i71id. Fraught of Cj quarter and a half of Ornel.


Transactions of the Qttntztor C o ~ o n a t iLodge.

D r . W. A . Craigie, one of the editors of the New English Dictionary, has

been good enough t o send me copies of the two references which have been collected
for t h a t Dictionary of another form of the word, viz., " Urnel " :1348. Acc. Exch. K . R .

47111 111.3.

Simoni Bolle pro iiij. xj. pedibus de Asshelere enlptis pro

predicta posterna . . . Eidem pro ijs. pedibus d e Vrnal
emptis pro eodem in grosso xv. s.
1365-6 Will de Sleford's Acct. in Archzol. xxxvii. 24 (1857)
Between five and six thousand feet of stone called Urnell were
bought a t 8s. the hundred, without frightage.
App. taken from Brayley & Britton Palaces, etc. (1836),
There is, therefore, little doubt t h a t the fcrms dornal and thurnel are
instances of prothesis and t h a t they have assimilated the end consonantal sound of
tlie preceding word, in the same way as the word newt, which took to itself the ' n '
of the word an, and from au ewt became a newt.
So I think t h a t tllere is little doubt that a broached dornel or thurnel is the
synonym for a rough hewn stone, which has not been shaped.
Those brethren who are familiar with the North of England and Scotland
will recollect the numerous houses and walls built of rough stone, with
squared corners and bond stones. It is in the working of these two different kinds
of stones (the one a rough-hewn unworked stone, the other a squared worked ashler),
t h a t , in my opinion, we find the distinction between the work of the Apprentice
and the Craft Freemason.
There is also in the New English Dictionary, under Broaching :5. Cotn A .

broaching thnrmal, t'hurmer, turner, a chisel for broaching

b u t no quotations are given of their use, and in view of the definition I now suggest,
I think the entry incorrect, and t h a t its origin will be found in the Suppt. t o
Ogilvie's Imperial Djctionary. I may add t h a t no entries appear in the New
Englisll Dictionary of tliurmel, thurmer, turner as synonymous with chisel.

Although the point I am about to raise really comes into the province of the
second p a r t of my paper, I should like to p u t i t before you this evening, as there
may be no opportunity for discussion at our next meeting.

Which is tlie correct point of the compass from which the staircase into
the middle chamber of King Solon~on'stemple as depicted on our Lodge
Boards sliould spring ?

I will remind you of certain questions given in some so-called Lectures:Where did our ancient B-n
go t o receive their wages?
I n the middle chamber of King Soloinon's Teniple.
How did they get t h e r e ?
By tlie P-h-y
or entrance on tlie s o u t h s i d e of the building.
After our ancient B---11
had entered tlie P-h-y,
arrive ?
A t the foot of the winding staircase.
Whom did they meet to oppose their ascent?
The ancient J . W .

where did they

By whom was i t ( i . e . , the middle cliamber) t .

The ancient S .W .

. .


If this catechisni be correct, I subniit that all Lodge Boards are incorrect
in which the staircase springs from the North.
If the winding staircase spring from the North, the entrant would not find
tliere the ancient Junior Warden, who would be a t the South entrance.
If i t spring froin the North, the entrant would be accosted by the Senior
There is no doubt t h a t there was a diversity of opinion on this matter in the
first decade of the last century, as you will see from the following figures :fig. 31
fig. 56
fig. 53
I n the

(Cole) in wl~iclit l ~ eentrance is in the West.

(Bowring) in wliicli tlie entrance is in the S o u t l ~
(ditto) in wliicli the entrance is in the North.
Harris board the entrance is in the North.

I t lias been suggested to me that the foot of the Lodge Board should face
the Master, as in tha 3rd Degree, but, unfortunately for the suggestion, tlie early
Lodge Boards have the points of the compass painted on their borders.
The true position of t h e two pillars in the porchway of King Solomon's Teniple
lias always been a point of discussion, but Bro. J .T. Thorp1 lias successfully demonstrated t h a t the pillar Jachin was a t the S.E. corner of the porchway and Boaz was a t
the N.E. corner of it. Therefore, looking towards the porchway and the middle
chamber from the East, where the principal entrance to the temple was situated,
Jachin would be on the left hand and Boaz on the right.
That is entirely
inconsistent with tlie Bible and Josephus, in wllich Jachin is said to have been
placed on the right hand of the porchway and Boaz on the left. Whiston, in an
editorial note (it is not p a r t of the original text, as Bro. Thorp thought) says:-

By the right hand is meant what is against our left when we suppose
ourselves going up from the east gates of the courts, towards the
Tabernacle: whence i t follows t h a t the pillar Jacliin on the right hand
of the Temple was on the south, against our left hand; and Boaz on
t h e north against our right hand.
A Lecture on the Two Pillars, 1886

It follows, therefore, t h a t in order to fiild the pillar Boaz on our left, we

have t o look a t the porchway from the inside of the middle chamber, or from the
West. So as t o confornl with this fact the cccidentation of King Solomon's Temple
has been turned conveiltionally in Masonic Lodges into an orientation, and tlle
altar placed i n the East instead of the West, as a t Jerusalem.
This conventional reversal does not affect the other two points of the compass,
North and South, wllicll still retain their original positions ~vitlithe Junior Warden
in the South.
Therefore, when we are told that tlle ancient Brethren entered by the South
ontrarice in order to obtain their wages, nliere they were met by the Junior Warden,
I think i t reasonable to expect t o find t h a t the winding staircase on our Lodge
Boards should spring from the South, as shewn iu the earlier of Bowring's Lodge
Boards, and not from the North, as in our modern Lodge Boards.
Brethren, I must add, i11 closing, t h a t nothing I have said must be take11
as reflecting in tlle slightest degree on Freenlasoilry in the twentieth century. As
a Lodge of Research, we members of the Q u c t t ~ o rC'orouati Lodge are only concerned
in elucidating the origins - the modern developments do not come within our
purview. Even in this present time of war and sadness Freemasonry in all its
glorious splendour permeates the whole of this planet, and local developments,
casual divergences and lingual differences can never alter nor detract from the
fundalnantal truths on which it is founded, which raise it above all political, racial
or literary jealousies.

S i t was felt that, under tlle circumstances of tlle war, a visit

this year to the Provinces would have been both inadvisable
and impracticable, arrangenients were made for the Brethren
t o mest in London, so as not to forego this pleasant annual
occasion for fraternal intercourse, but to suit the method to
tlie tinles. The progreimne for the ' Outing ' commenced oil
the afternooil of Thursday, J u n e 2211d. when i t was arranged
tllat the Brethren should be welcomed by tlie Master and Wardens a t the new
home of the Lodge, No. 27, Great Queen Street, over against Freemasons' Hall.
Accordingly there was a goodly gathering of the Brethren, when a very
pleasant afternoon was spent, and opportur1it.y afforded for the iuspection of the
treasures of the Library and Museum, an ample display of which had been prepared
It was indeed a great
by t h e exertions of our indefatigable Bro. Secretary.
satisfaction t o see i h e books and collections belor~gingt o the Lodge so well housed,
and t o offer Bro. Songllurst heartiest congratulatioils on the successful accoinplisllineilt of their removal-a serious undertaking a t any time, but especially so under
recent conditions.
F o r Friday, J u n e 23rd, a perainbullttion of the City had been planned,
llle buildings cliosen for inspecti011 being examples of Sir Christopher Wren'r
Cliurches and the Halls of some of the City Companies, for access to which the
various autliorities concerned had given their kind permission. The sequel proved
t h a t the clloice had been aptly made, and tlle route whs clearly defined, so t h a t
the prograimne was easily carried tllrougll with a degree of punctuality often
aimed a t but seldom so closely adhered to-almost to the minute. The Uretlireii
assembled a t Apothecaries' Hall, in Water Lane, a t the foot of Ludgate Bill. A
visit was paid to t,lle department where drugs are dispensed, and a quaint old
Latin text reminds the Apothecary that even nittally-a
p l a l ~ trallkillg back to
classic times as a sovereign remedy-is useless without the Divine blessing; and
thelice passed upstairs to the Hall where examinations are held, and a minstrels'
gallery bears witness t o other uses and honoured c ~ t i t o l ~The
~ . fine suite of adjoining rooms, with memorials of distinguished bex~efactors, was examined, and tlle
history of tlle Company and its building briefly reviewed by D r . W. Brainley Taylor,
Librarian to tlle Company.
Originally a part of the Grocers' Compaay, this fraternity became a
It owed much t o Gideori do
separate entity by Charter of Jawes I in 1617.
Laune, apothecary to Anne of Ilenmark, his Queen, who founded a hall for the
Company on the present site. This, burnt down in the great Fire of 1666 arid
speedily re-built, was mucll enlarged and iluproveci in 1786, and so has survived
t h r o u g l ~changes t o the present day.

A visit was next paid t o Stationers' Hall, where a kindly welcome was
afforded t o us by a very courteous .official of the Company, who conducted us over
the building and explained the interesting history of the Company still conducting
its trade pursuits as of old. The Company was incorporated i n 1556, but clainis
a niuch more lengthy pedigree.
111 1903 its 500th anniversary was celebrated,
dating back t o the Textwriters, Limners, m d others who bound and sold books ill
those days a t shops or stc~tiolls in Cheapside, whence their name. The Stationers'
Hall had already occupied two earlier sites in tile same neighbourhood before they
came t o the present position near Amen Corner. This Hall fell a victim t o the
Fire, but the registers, probably because away from tlie building in tlie custody
of tlle Clerk, have survived t o record the early history of the Company. I n 1674
the present Hall was built and adorned with it. handsome oak wainscoting.
found i t further e~nbellished with a handsonie series of inodern stained glass
windows commeinorating Caxton and other worthies of the trade, the connection
with the Arclibishops of Canterbury, as licensing authorities, and, in the case of
the St. Cecilia window, one of t h e many extraneous purposes for which the Hall
has served. Another window records the valuable services of the Company in
connection with the production of the present Authorised Version of the Holy
Scriptures, when, not only was acconm~odatioiiprovided for tlie revisers, but a
handsoine contribution was also made t o the cost of the undertaking. The Hall
is hung around with shields bearing the coats of arms of the officers of the
fraternity, such as formerly adorned the State barge, sold some years ago to Oriel
College and long in use as the Club barge on the river a t Oxford. The musical
festivals of St. Cecilia's Day were for many years celebrated iu this fine Hall; it
was also frequently let for funerals, used as a parish church during tlle repair of
S t . Martin, Ludgate, and, as is specially interesting to us, was one of those City
Halls used by Grand Lodge for its place of Meeti11g.l Spaca will not allow on?
to dwell on the interesting history of the Company and its treasures, the beautiful
carving which enibellislles the Court Room, and the portraits of worthies conllected with the Company, which still flourishes like the great plane-tree outside,
which marks the yard where the Stationers formerly superintended the burning
of heretical books colidenined by the ecclesiastical authorities
A brief visit to the Guild Hall was the next objective, but in the midst of
so much special business leading to t,li.e occupation of the rooms for Comnlittees,
etc., and the great Hall being prepared for the election of the Sheriffs on the niorrow,
i t was impossible t o do justice to this historic building : there was no time for a
glance a t either the Library or Museum; one porlion of the ancient crypt was
visited, ancl our party rested a few 111inutes in the room known as the Court of
Aldermen, to admire its ceiling, embellislled with paintings by Sir Janies
Thornhill; wliilst attention was drawn to tlie coats of arms with wliich the
panelling is enricl~ed,con~nienioratiilgthe holders of the Mayoral rank since 1780.
The next station on our pilgrimage was the Church of St. Laurence Jewry,
where the Rector, Bro. the Rev. Stephen Barrass, extended a kindly welcome, and
pointed out tlle features of interest. This Church, erected from the design of
Sir Cliristopher Wren in place of t h a t lost in the great Fire, contains some of the



finest work of the celebratedGrinling Gibbons in the carving of the pulpit, orgau.Western
doors, and Vestry. The organ, erected by Ren6 Harris in 1684,
has a magnificent caseembellishedwith Gibbons' carving, which the Rector claimed
as one of the three finest organ-cases
in the world. The Vestry is a delightful
room adorned with panelling and beautiful carving, the ceilirrg has paiutings of
the apotheosisof St. Laurence, whilst a gruesonepainting of the Martyrdom, by
Spagnalettois over the fireplace, and iu an opposite corner stands a clock, by
Cornelius Ilerbert,, purchased it I7I2, which is of special interest as having come
from a clockmakerwho occupiedone of the shopson old London Bridge.
At this poirrt the proceedingswere adjourned for lunch at the Cannon
Street Hotel, when 98 Brethren sat down.
The usual loyal toast duly honoured, Bro. Secretary,by a cunning device
of sortilege, as practised by adepts of old, and not perhaps altogether unknown
in other circles to-day, decidedwho should visit, the Innholders Hall or that of
the Tallow-chandlers,as it was not possiblefor all the Brethren to go to both,
and we were soon once more started oll our peranrbulat.ion.
Crossing the street, we assembledat the Church of St. Swithin, London
Stone-called after that, ancient pallaclium of tlie City, lodged, since 1798, in a
nicho outside its South wall. Ilere again we wre gathered in another clturch
bearing its testimony to the worrderful activities of Sir Cirristopher
building, which i-" covered by an cctangular cupola, has a tower at the N.W.,
rising, with its spire, to a height of 150 feet, and took the place of a thirteenth
century building.
The carvings of the pulpit and altar were attributed to
Grinling Gibbous, and the name of Namur, now agairr familiar through war,
as in bygone days, drew attention to a fine rnemorial to Michael Godfrey, first
Deputy Governor of the Barrk of England, rvho lost his life there in 1695, having
been sent there on businessto the carnp of King Williarn III.
Our next visit was paid to tlie Hall of the Virrtners' Company, in Upper
Thames Street. The street frontage, built in handsomeguise within the last few
years, leads to the Hall rebuilt after the fire mainly on the site of the medieval
builclings,where time out of mind rviues from sunny shoresacrossthe Channel
have been unloadedon the quays. The Vintners' Company had been in existenc:
for rnany years before it received jts Charter of Incorporation from l{errry VL iu
1437,and the courteousofficialof ihe Cornpanyrvho kindly receivedand conducted
us, drew our attention to two most valuabie relics of that century, a beautiful
tapestrypanel, a church hanging dated 1466,with trvo subjectsdepicted,St. Martin
sharing his coat u'ith a begear rnan, and St. I)unstan celebrating Mass, and
a very fitre ltearsecloth, or pa1l, otre of those ferv examplesstill preservedby the
City Companies. The pall is of purple velvet and gold embroideredwith heraldic
the legendof St. Ilartin, the Pieta and Death, St. Martin's connection
u'ifh the Vintners' Company apparently being that arnongstthose of whom he
was patror-r, were " penitelt drunkards." The Court Roorn affords beautiful
examplesof Grir.rlingGibbons' craftsmanship,and containsa picture of the Patron
Saint by Rubeus, artd a seriesof historical portraits. Ilere also we saw the noble
carved Master's chair, a relic saved from the great Fire. The plans of the Irish
Estatespointed to a much later period of the Company'shistory. The Hall, paved
with narble, the halls harrdsomelywainscoted,aud witlr a beautiful screenenriched

with carving, boasts a tablet giving a list of nieinbers wlio have attained the
Mayoralty of the City, d a t i i ~ gbsclr to J o h n Adrian, 1270-1. Sir Henry Picard,
who served in 1356, and was Master of the Company in 1363, entertained tlie five
Kings, Edward 111. of England, David of Scotland, Jolin of France, and the Kings
of Denmark and Cyprus, an event wliich i t is said is still comnlemorated by the five
cheers with which the toast of tlie Vintners' C o ~ i p a n yis honoured. The Vintners'
Company formerly. exercised far-renclling powers of licensing, and enforced the
standard purity of wines by penalties severely exacted. As late as 1609, a pair of
stocks for the punishment of the refractory was part of the furniture of the Common
Hall. The Vintners' and the Dyers' Companies share with the Crown tlie owaership of t h e swans on the Thaines, the Vintners' birds being distinguished by their
mark of " two nicks " on the beaks, from which is said t o be derived the not unusual
device for tlie signboard of au I n n of " the Swan with two Necks."
A t this point our Brethren divided accordingly as their lot had fallen to visit
tlie Halls of the Iniiholders or t h s Tallowcl~audlers. Those of tlls former class
proceeded to the Hall of the Innllolclers in College Street, and no doubt found a
kindly welcome and many interesting features to note in the Hall rebuilt after the
Fire, and very considerably r e ~ t o r z dand rekuilt some thirty years ago, yet retaining
ielics of the old work in panelling,, and pictures, and the traditions of tho
Conipany, carrying its history back t n the days of H w r y V I .
Those of WE who were fortunate enougli to bo cliosen to visit the 11o111e of the
Tallow Chandlers Company soon found ourselves conlfortably seated in t h a t charming little Hall, where we were greatly indebted t o Bro. J. Douglass Mathews,
Arcliitect t o the Company, who very kindly gav3 up his time to come and meet us
there, and read a most interesting account wliicli he had been good enough to
prepare. This Company was f o r t m a t e in preserving its records a t the time of the
Fire, from which i t appears tliat the Society was in active operation in 1426; the
first Charter was granted by Edward 1V. in 1462. The Hall suffered the usual fate
in 1666, was rebuilt in 1672, and restored in 1871.
Our party was again united a t St. Sttplien's, Walbroolr, where a few minutes
i o >pars on our time table afforcid a welcome opportu lity t o sit down and admire
a t leisure tlie p a c e f u l proportio-is of Slr Christopher W r e i ~ beactiful
crowned bv $he rloiiie e1.d l a ~ i i e r rs~~ ~ p p o r t enbove
the octagol~alcentral portion
of the b1~1ld1tlg 111 tlie words of a n eighteenth century writer, a c t i v ~in Mabonry of
those days, Bro J o h n Noorthouck, " i t is not only said to be Sir Christopher's
masterpiece; but tliat Italy cannot produce a modern edifice equal to this in taste,
proportion, and b e a ~ ~ 't y' The ?ame author tells us t h a t as regards the Mansion
ITouse, then not long (1753) conipletecl accordnig t o the design of George Dance,
the eldev, t l ~ efeelmg of criticisin ran exceedingly high, so t h a t whilst he esteemed
i t as " a n elegant design in the stlle of t h a t great master Pelladio," others would
" condeini~and abuse i t as a miserable performance,'' which " we are told of a
gentleman in one of the nortl~ern cou~lties,who every year took a journey t o
London with no other view but t o elljoy the pleasure of " expressing his contempt
for this Luilding. It is doubtful, if even in these enlightened days artistic susceptibilities would carry the feelings of our North countrymen so far 1
1 Noorthonck's History of London (1773).
TI.. 1'. 91.


675, quoting Grosley's T o ~ c rto London

Tt was under t l ~ eroof of thi.; historic t ) ~ l i l c l i ~that

~ g we filially assembled, by
kind invitat,ion of t h e R t . I [on. t h ? T ~ r dMayor, R . W . Bra. Sir Charles Wakefield,
J . G . W . , for afternoon tea, with tile adtied pleasure of a close inspection of t h e City
mace, swords of SLate, a n d some fine q ) e c i r n e ~ ~ofs t h e City plate. W e left t h e
Xansion House, only regretting t h a t t l ~ eexigencies of hi:: public engageme~ltsh a d
p r e v e n t d our distinguished Brother from extending t o us t h e personal greetillg lie
would have desired, a n d ourselves from cx,pressing our t h a n k s for his kind 110spitality.
So thi, pleasant d a y drew t o a close, a n d we parted with many expressious of
t h a n k s for t h e kind co-operation of thoze who h a d made our perainbulatio~isso interesting.
Some of t h e Brethren hoped t o meet again a t Lodge t h e following
evening, whilst others could not remain for t h a t meeting, b u t all, 1 a m sure, were
a t one i n feeling t h a t t h e Outing of 1916 marks nn important epoch i n t h e history of
o u r Lodge, and will long continue t o be zssociated ill our minds with t h e most
pleasant recollection. of t h c past,-F r o m tlie sad years of Life
W e sonletimes do short Honrs, yea, Minutes strike,
Keen, blissful, bright, ilever t o be forgotten ;
Which, tllro' tlie dreary gloonl of Time o'erpast,
S l ~ i n elike fair sunny spots on a wild waste. '


A Short Sketch of the History of the Society.




M.D., A




N a short sketch like the present no attempt can be made to give

a compiete history of the origin of the Guilds and Livery
Companies of the City of London. The Frith Guilds, which
existed in Saxon Times, were formed largely for the protection
of trade and of those who followed it.
Sir Walter Besant, who did so much to elucidate the'history
of the City of London, thought that these London Guilds united
111 the time of Athelstan (A.D. 925-940) to form a Merchant Guild for the control
of trade.

It was, however, in the time of Edward 111. (A.D. 1327-1377) that the City
Companies, who were the successors of the Guilds, were placed on a proper and
recognised footing. They were incorporated as crafts or misteries, and their heads
became Masters and Wardens, and the right of election of Members of Parliament
was restricted to their members.
The great majority of the members of the City Companies are no longer of the
trade their Company was originally founded by, but the Society of Apothecaries is
one of the great exceptions to this rule, the ove&helming majority of the members
of this Company being medical practitioners.
This tendency of members of most of the other Companies to belong to a different calling t o t h a t of the founders of their Company is no modern innovation,
eve11 as far back as the time of Edward I . , Richard de Chigwell was a member of
the Fishmongers' Company, but was actually a wool importer and owner of one
of the three ships supplied by the City of London to Edward I. for his Navy.
The first corporate body from which this Society was derived, of which we
know anything, was the Guild of Pepperers, which came into existence without a
license, and is mentioned in the Pipe Roll of 1179-80, and which was allied with the
Spicers. Many of their members were of Italian origin, including ~ n d r e wBukerel,
Citizen and Pepperer, who was Mayor of London, 1231-36, and John de Gisors, who
was Mayor in 1245-46. This Guild ultimately fell into difficulties, and in 1345 some
Pepperers founded a new fraternity of Pepperers, which was t o include Pepperers
of Soper's Lane and Spicers of the Ward cf Cheap, as well as other members of
the two trades or misteries who dealt in peppers, spices, and drugs. I n 1373 the
name Grocer was first applied to this Company. Nearly 100 of London's Lords
Mayor have been members of the Grocers' Company. I n 1428 the first Charter
was granted by Henry VI, to the Company of Grocers. I n 1562 " the Apothe-

karies" were spoken of as " Freemen of t h e Company," i . e . , Grocers.
the third Charter of the Company of Grocers included the Grocers and Apothecaries as one incorporated body. I n 1615 the Apothecaries petitioned the King for
a separate incorporation, which was granted in 1617. This was p a r t of a general
rnovement of the time t o saparate cailings which bordered on professions from
tilose which were trades, e.y., the Scriveners and the Musicians; although tlie
Surgeons were not successful in gett,irig separated from the Barbers until much
later, in 1745.
I n 1701 a case was carried on appeal to the House of Lords 9.r a Mr. Rose,
which settled once and for all t h a t a n apothecary was legally able to practise
medicine, and t h a t he was entitled t o visit and prescribe for a ~ a t i e n t . Since t h a t
date a n apothecary has been a legally qualified practitioner, and for tlearly two
centuries afterwards the bulk of the general practice of the country was in his
The Society of Apothecaries consists of a Master, two Warderls, and a Court
of twenty-one Assistants, who are the governing body; the Livery, Freemen known

as t h e Yeomanry, and Apprentices. The Livery is limited to 150 and consists of

selected Freemen, who, in common with the Liverynlen of the other City Companies,
elect annually two Sheriffs, the City Chamberlain, and other officials. They also
annualIy nolllinate two Alderlllell for the office of Lord Mayor, the final choice
resting with the Court of Aldermen who, acting on precedent, appoint the first
nominee. Liverylrien also, with certain restrictions as to residence, have a votc
for the Members of Parliament for the City. They are called Liverymen because
111 former tinles each Guild or Company clothed its voters in a distinctive gown or
Livery. Formerly each Company regulated its respective trade in and around
the City, and for many ceiituries a given trade or calling could not be practised
by aiiyGlie who was not " free " of the Company which controlled t h a t trade.
Traces of this power still remain : -The Pishmougers st:ll appoint Illspectors of the Fish Market a t Billingsgate.
The Goldsmiths still affix their Hall-mark on assayed Gold and Silver.
The Stationers hold tlie Copyright Register of all books arid publicatiolis.
The Founders affix a legalising stamp t o brass weights.
The Scriveners still control all Notaries in and around Londoi~.
The Gunn~akersview aud prove gull barrels.
The Plumbers, the Spectacle Makers, the Turners, and tlie Farriers grant
diplomas in their respective trades; while the Apothecaries, the only Company
which has tlie title of Society, grants licenses, after due exainination, to practise
hfedicine, Surgery, and Midwifery throughout the Kingdom.
I t was the Apothecaries Act of 1815 which gave power to the Society t o grant
licenses to practise Medicine tlirougllcut England and Wales. This was not the
first time t h a t the powers of a City Company had been so extended, as in 1447
t h e Grocers' coin pan^ had their jurisdiction enlarged t o include the whole
The Apothecaries Ameildnlellt Act, 1874, gave the Society further powers.
The Medical Act, 1886, gave the Society power to examine in Surgery as well
Medicine, while the Act of 1907 gave t o Licentiates of tlie Society tlie right t o
the title of Licnlliates ill Mcdiciile and Surgery.

Lolig may tlie Worhl~ipfulSociety of Ayotl~ecarles of t h e City of Lolldoll

c o l ~ t i ~ tio~ exist
~ e a l ~ dt o justify its heraldic liiotto

C . li. H. Uarrett, M.A.

T h e Apothecary, A~icieiita ~ Modern,
~ d
of tlie City of London." George Corfe,

" T h e l i i s t o r y of t h e Society of Aptllecaries."


T l ~ eGuilds of t h e City cf L o u t l c ~;111tl
~ tlleir I , i v e r ~ - ~ ~ i e ~J .~ .C.
" T l ~ o r n l e yand
Geo W . Hastings, M.A
" T h e City Conlpanies of Lol!doll a ~ t~l ~ de i rGood Works." Rev. 1'. H . I)itcllfield,

T h e Gilds alld Coliil)al~iesof Lolldol~." George U I I W I I I

" Loudon." Sir W a l t e r Besailt.

FRIDAY, 24th J U N E , 1916.

S o . 126: Dublin, J u n e 1808. I t is no 1- 01.5-ncc?by a drwcmclant of t h i s brothcr, \rho stat(%

t h a t i t n a s Ivorn from s sil\-t>rchain ~ n u n t ltltc~nc~.!i. under then unifor~::, t h n s w r y i n g a s
a kind of id~~ntific:ltiondisc.

13)- ]%yo. J l a j o r J O H S K. 13~001).

1 3 ~ 0 .~ \ ~ , B E1".
H TC'.Al.\.F:l<1.,LOill!Oll
S W O R I I1)i~obabIy
\ \ i t i ~J1aso11ic e1nblc~111s

G I I ~ar,cl

J c w ~ r .01' tl~cx S ! I I ~ I Y ItIoI t h c Royal Grand Airc.l~('oustitntional Sols. 178.5.

.l.f).('., xs\..(191'3. 28.

I ~ ~ a t l t .c\ I~> Ir~ O S wit11 cl('sig11 ~ ) ~ . i n t cfrom

a n c ~ ~ ~ g r a \ ljlatc.
1 Ht0 0 .
Old S t ' . , a ~ i t l2. J l o n n t Plc~lsailt.('ity I3o:rtl." a h o ~ ~



1'11blishtd b~ J . ('oltl,

lJicrc.(d si1rc.r-gilt J E W E Lwi tll ' l i b ( -il)tio~i " Jo11n H o \ r a ~ . d .N o . 611. T r e n t Lo(Igt~."
nanw a n d 1111.nlbern.(w> born(' by t l ~ vp~.escnt Jr:?~~bi)~.ouglr
I1odgo No. 122, Iwtn-cru
1 8 3 a ~ r d1'34CJ.

.J his

Oval .JEWEI.,silvc'v-gilt and ? ~ l ~ : ~ m t ~ l l\vitll

c t l . pendant 1na111: l)robilbly nor11 by
S t - i ~ i o(41xnd
I ) t , . ~ c mi1ntlc.1.
tlrc, S(.oLtisl~( ' o i ~ s t i t i ~ t i o ~ ~ .




P A R T 11.


O F T H E L O D G E 130ARl).'

E Development of t h e Lodge Cloth or T,odge Board was gradua!

b u t rapid, a n d I think t h a t t e n or fifteen years a t t h e most will
cover t h e period between t h e introduction of Lodge Cloths into
English Freemasonry a n d t h e use of Lodge Hoards. I have
not yet bee11 ablc t o meet witb a dated Lodge Cloth earlier than
1810, but I reproduce a pliotograph of a Loclge Board whicli is
d a t e d 1800. It is probable t h a t t h e idea originated i n France,
where t h e bulk of F r e e m a s o ~ ~in
s t h e eighteenth century were of a higher social
s t a n d a r d t h a n English Freemasons. I n fact, tlie idea has crossed my mind t h a t
t h e rapid strides made i n t h e use of Lodge Cloths somewhere about 1790 t o 1800
may have been d u e t o t h e numerous French 6niigr6s aud prisoners of war who werc
i n E n g l a n d a t t h a t time. It is only a n iniagir~ativeidea which I have not been
Tn a n y case t h e diit'erence
able t o substantiate, b u t it may have some value.
between t h e l u x u r y of t h e hotels in wliich t h e French Masons met a t t h e end of
Louis X V I t h ' s reign and t h e sanded floors of t h e coEee houses i n which t h e English
Masons met a t t h e same time, is, I think, a sufficient reason for tliitiki~igFrance to
be. t h e birthplace of t h e Lodge Cloth and Lodge Board.
I n t h e first p a r t of this paper I stopped with t h e introduction of t h e Trestle
Board, which I coilcluded coi~sistedof a board on trestles on which was d r a w n t h e
" F o r m of t h e Lodge,"
a n d \vliicli was also designated t h e " Lodge," t l ~ e" T,odge
Board," as well as various other terms.
T h e transition from drawing t h e F o r m of t h e Lodge on tlie Lodge Board
a t each meeting a n d drawing it pernlanently on a cloth which could be placed 011
t h e Trestle Board or on t h e floor of t h e Lodge is a very natural one. 111 fact, i t is
such a very n a t u r a l development, t h a t its earlier adoption ~ n n s thave been d u e
either t o prejudice, sentiment, or authoritative ruling. Whatever t h e cause, i t s
effect certainly became inoperative soniewl~ereabout I790 or a few years later.

Probably t h e earliest t h a t is uow in existence is t h a t in t h e possessiotl of t h e

Kirkwall Kilwinning Lodge 3 8 . V l 1 i s is a long scroll 18ft. 6i1is. long a n d 5 f t . 6ins.
wide, of linen, which hangs on t h e West wall of t h e T.odge t o which i t belongs. I t
cortsists of a series of central panels of a Biblical a n d Pllasonic nature, enclosed by
two lateral borders: on one side t h e border represents tlie rivers Tigris a n d
'Owing to various circnmstanc~s1 have fonncl i t inipossiblc to incorporate in this
paper all the material I have collected. Various additions will be fount1 in Appcndis 111.
?.I.(>.('. s.. 79 and 193, w11c1-c f'ullcr driails will b:, fonntl.

Euphrates, wllile tlie other depicts tile wanderings of t h e Israelites i n t h e desert.

One could profitably devote a wliole evening t o tlre study of this re~iiarkahlerelic,
b u t 1 liave selected for illustratiolr tlie 1)otLoin panel, wliicl~relates t o Craft Masonry
(fig. 15).
I t requires little explanation, b u t I ~voultlpoint out one or two items. Tlie
letter M on t h e left a i d t h e cipher on tlie riglit refer to M.H.B., as I take tlie cipller
t o be a coiribiriatio~iof H.B. N e x t t o tlie beehive a t tlie base of tlie picture is a n
object which I cannot determine, i t may possibly be a form of level. 011 t h e left oi
t h e picture below t ' l ~ ecrossed pens is a n object which I take t o represent a winding
staircase, b u t t h e drawirig is elementary. The two figures oil t h e tops of t h e pillars
a r e very grotesque. Tlie cryptic inscription on t h e a l t a r is a reference t o various
texts of Scripture. I tliiiik t h a t i t was designed a f t s r 1790 b u t befcre 1800.
Tlie Cestrian Lodge (No. 425) a t Chester possesses a very interesting Cloth
wllicl~ has achieved iiotx-iety on account of Oliver's fallacious reproduction of i t
o f (1 s y r r c o r (p. 120). I t will be see11 t h a t there is no appearance
i n his A'rr~~1cctio11.s
of a n y Greek iriscriptions ~t Ihe base, nor of tlie symbols wliicl~Oliver introdncecl
a n d whicll have e i v e ~rise
~ t o so mclcll controversy (fig. 16).
According t o Oliver tlie Clotli originally belonged to t h e Feathers Lodge
No. 209, afterwards t h e Loyal Britisli Lodge, erased in 1828. I t met a t tlie
L'lnme of Feathers, Bridge St., $hester.
Ail example of a very similar if not ?,lie saine design is i n t h e possession of the
U n i t y Lodge (No. 321, formerly 606 and 403,) a t Crewe (fig. 17). It is i n much better
preservation a n d shews tlie ~ i u m b e rof t h e Lodge, No. 403, for wliicll i t was painted,
aild t l ~ i sfact gives a possible clue t'o its date. Tlie U n i t y Lodge was founded on Dec.
21, 1806, wit11 tlie number 599, wliicli in 1814 was altered t o 606 a n d i n 1832 t o 403.
1111863 i t was re-nuuibei-ecl 321. If, therefore, tlie No. 403 is tlie original numberi l l g on t h e Lodge Clotli, i t inust liave been painted between 1832 a n d 1863.
lumber may, liowever, liave been added some years after tlie Clotli was painted.
o r i t may liave bee11 tampered with. I have met with several examples of dates,
e t c . , having bee11 altered on Lodge Boards.

I t will be noticed, as 1 proceed, t h a t various types of Lodge

Cloths a n d Lo,dge Boards appeared i n different p a r t s of England, a n d t h a t each
t y ~ ' e is usually only found ill oue l)artic~i!arloca!itp. T h e Lodge Clotli of No. 425 is
of ;t local type probably clesignecl by some artist l i v i ~ i gin Chester or tlie neighboarI ~ o o d a, i ~ dtlle Clot11 of No. 321 is 110 doubt 211 imitation of it.
The Lodge of tlie Marches (No. 61 I ) Lutllow possesses a Clot11 of very original
18). I t is t h e onlp olre
h a w inel with ill wl~iclitlie 1ia11d of tll.
d e s i g ~(fig.
Master is depicted drawing oil t h e t r u e Tracing 130:1rd. I t o r i g i ~ l a l lb~e l o ~ ~ g etdo
t l ~ eS i l l ~ r i a iLodge
ro~isecratedin 1701.
Trinity 1,otige (No. 254) C o r c ~ ~ t r11:i.q
y :I T,otlgc ('lot11 o f ;I r o ~ ~ v e ~ ~ t itype
(fig. 19).
It will be ~ ~ o t i c etl~:!t
d tile designs are n o w I~ecoulinqmore elaborate and co11ve~itional,and tilerefore o f I:iter dale, but I n~islito draw your a t t e ~ t t i o nt o t h e Lodge
of t h e designs
('lotl~st o g e t l ~ e r ,then t o t h e Lodge Hoards togetliar, a l t l ~ o u g lsome
011 tlie l h a r d s a r e certainly earlier ~ I I R I Isoli~eof the C'lotl~s.

TI] tlie X u s e w n ot Grand Lodge there is preserved a set of tllree Lodge

Cloths wliicl~i t is stated origi~iallybelonged t o t h e Lodge attached to tlie 7th Liglit
Ilragoons, tlatrtl 1810 (figs. 20. 21. 22). T h e scene at t h e base of t h e first ("lotll.

depicts " tlie high hills and low vales even in t h e valley of , J e l ~ o s o ~ ~ l ~ aThe
t . ' ' three
fignres on t h e roof in t h e 2nd degree refer t o tlle t l ~ r e eGreat blasters. T h e t h i r d
Cloth is very instrnctive as t h e symbols consist of tile heavy beetle, t h e setting level
a n d a plotting pin. I t will be observed, as we pl.oceed, several other i~istalicesof t11o
heavy beetle wltich I have no hesi'.ation in sayiug is tlle correct, form of t h e heavy
maul. I t is a f o r ~ n i d a b l eweapon, 801bs. o r more of Iiard woocl fitted 011 t o a l~anclle
4 f t . long, a n d well designed t o kill anybody if rtruck b y a blow fro111 it. T h e setting
g working inasolis, and t h e plotting pi11 is k11ou.n t o
level is well kiiowii a ~ n o r ~all
everyone who lays out plans of buildings. It is t h e equivalent of t h e reel a l ~ dline.

T h e P a l l a d i a ~Lodge
(No. 120) H e r e f o r d possesses a very well designed Cloth,
but of s late date. It may be so late a:; 1820 (fig. 23).
B u t perhaps t h e most interesting Lodge Cloth I have met with is one t h a t
is temporarily i n t h e h a l ~ d sof Rro. H a m m o n d , t h e Librarian of Grand Lodge, b y
whose kindness 1 a m able t o exhibit i t t l ~ i sevening. It is not possible t o reproduce
Tt consists of a large sheet of coarse black linen canvas measuring about 8 f t .
by 6ft. 011one side of i t there are painted i n white t h e usual conventional symbols
of t h e first a i d second degrees. O n tlle reverse, however, t h e following symbols
call be deciphered : t h e point within a circle bounded by parallel lines, a ruler o r
rod ( ? A a r o n ' s rod), a coffin, a pot of manna and t h e two tables of t h e L a w . . There
1s a ~ ~ o t l emblem
w l ~ i c his obliterated ill tlie left upper coriler.

T t is a niost primitive Lodge Cloth, a n d gives a n excellent idea of tlie kind

of Clot11 t h a t was used before t h e more anihitions types came into vogue. I have
no d a t a t o ashiit m e i n dating i t .

I have as a niatter of expediency treated Lodge C l o t l ~ sseparately from

Lodge i{oards, but as 1 remarkecl beforc some of tlis e x i d i t ~ g1.oclge Boards a r c
earlier t11a11 some of t h e Lodge Cloths.
T l ~ eearliest dated Lodge I3oard I have traced, a n d probably t h e earliest in
existence in Great I3ritai11, is t l ~ eset b e l o ~ ~ g i ntgo Lodge F a i t h f u l (No. 85) a t
Ilarleston, Norfolk (figs. 24, 25, 26). 111 t l ~ efirst 13oard a r e found in addition t o
tire usual enihlems a beellive, a s1111dia1,a trowel, and a cornucopeia. I t will be
~ ~ o t i c etdh a t instead of a tesselated border t l ~ e r eis a cord in each of t h e lateral
horclers. 0 1 1 t h e t11i1.d Roarcl there is t l ~ edate 5800-1800. 1 1 1 t h e base there is a n
avcade of c o l u ~ n n si l l f 1 ~ 1 1oft wl1ic11 :ire five columns representing t l ~ efive Orders of
Althougli not i n strict c!~ronological order I will draw your attention n e x t
t o t11e set of Boards i n t l ~ ep o s s e ~ s i o of
~ ~ Lodge Friendship (No. 100)' G r e a t
Y a r n ~ o u t h(figs. 27, 28, 29). They are dated 1809, ~111e1lt h e Lodge was meeting
a t Norwicl~,b11t helol~gt o t h e same type as t h e Harleston set. 111spite of t h e slight
differences both sets 1nig11t easily have been painted by t h e same artist. 111 t h e
centre of t h e second Board t h e letter G. is surrouncled by t h e initials of t h e seven
Liberal A r t s aud Sciences. W h a t is a p p a s n t l y ?,I% arch a t t h e base of t h e t h i r d
Hoard was, I think, intended t o be a scrol! on which was written 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15,
as i n tlie Tiarleston set. I t is possible t l ~ a originally
t h e set belonged t o t h e Union
Lodge (No. 52) Norwicll, w l ~ i c hlost its Boards about 1820.


Trnnsctctions of t h e Qt~cttltorCorortccti L o d y e .

Tlie earliest instance of the Lodge Board being printed is in a series of plates
which is sometimes found in copies of Cole's Illccntrations o f Xcrconry 1801 (figs.
30, 31, 32). It is a type t h a t had a certain popularity, and although the dianiond
pavenler~t,as distinguished from the square pavement, appeared in the local Lodge
C l o t h of tlie Cestrian and Unity (Crewe) Lodges, Cole seems t o have been t h e first
t o popularise this solecism in England. It will be noticed t h a t in the second Board
lie places the entrance to the winding staircase in tlie N . W . I n th. third Board lie
depicts the heavy beetle, setting level and plotting pin. It has been suggested to
me t h a t t h e various groups of dots liave a cryptic Pythagorean nleaning, but I think
t h a t they were intended purely for ornamental effect. It is also interesting t o note
tliat Cole did not believe i n indented borders.
Lodge No. 24 Newcastle-upon-Tyne possesses a unique set of circular Lodge
Boards, i n wliicli I tliink the influence of Cole's designs can be traced. There is a
tradition t h a t they originally belonged to the Lodge a t Swalwell, now Industry
No. 48, but I give you tliat for what i t is worth. I liave not been able t o get any
authoritative evidence as t o their original home. They are about 18 inches in
diameter (figs. 33, 34, 35).
Bro. J. Browne, who published The AII(~ater
1798, also designed a series
of Lodge Boards, b u t it never seins to have been engraved or published. It only
exists i n a set of drawings wliicli were reproduced i11 the .lIclsonic Ill~cntrctfrtl,
January, 1903 (fig. 36). Tlie second h a r d is particularly interesting, firstly on
account of the arch which doniinates the wl?ole picture, and secondly on account of
the entrance to tlie winding stairczse being i11 the Soutli. I n tlie third Board there
are three peculiar looking objects which look like bombs, but wliicli probably are
intended t o refar t o ihe three Grand Xasters. Tliere are also 14 smaller bomb-like
objects dlicli no doubt are iutended to be looked upon as representing 14 F.C.'s.
Tile 15th F C. who is catching hold . ~ fs qllrub is also of unusual occurrence in Lodqe
Ail early Board is in t l possesmil
of the Ililiabitants Lodge (No. 153)
Gibraltar. It depicts the Craft, Royal Arch and Templar degrees. It is in poor
condition, but i t is reproduced i n S . Q . C . xiii., 37. It is dated 1809.
Tlie Loyal Canibrian Lodge (No. 110) Mertliyr Tydvil possesses a very well
designed set i11 which tlie Cole's infl.ience can be easily traced (figs. 37,38). The Lodge
was constituted in 1810, but there is no evidence as Lo when the Board was acquired.
Originally ~t was used as a, Lodge Cloth and has only recently been framed. The
first two degrees arc depicted on the Pame face, and t h e third degree (which is I think
a little later addition) is on tlie reverse. As a matter of fact, I am inclined to tliink
t h a t i t was a cus~oinin many places to have only one Lodge Board on the face of
which were depicted the emblems of the first two degrees, and tliat the tliird degree
was illustrated by concrete synlbols on the floor of the Lodge. And the further
tliougllt has also suggestell itielf to me t h a t wliere examples of Lodge Boards shew
the first two degrees on the sanle face, tlie Board illustrating t h e 3rd Degree has
beell painted a t a later period. I \imply make these remarks in parentheses, as in
order to substantiate sucli r? theory it would be necessary t o examine critically the
painting of inany sets of Boards in various parts of the kingdom, wliicli task I cannot
undertake at present. P1,otograplis do uot always give the desired information. I11
some cases, however, I am w r e -,he suggestion holds good.
I n the third Board there is an emblem w11ic11 I have not been able to
determine. It may be Aaron's rod, or a surveyillg staff or a ruler. I do not

remember another instance of its occurrence, exce1)titlg the black canvas Lodge
Clot11 exhibited this evening. I do not think i t is intended to represent a pencil.
The same Lodge also possesses a Lodge Board wliicll is generally thougllt to
be connected with t h e Royal Arch degree, but which is probably a n allegorical
design intended t o depict the combination of Craft and Royal Arch Freemasonry
(fig. 39).
Lodge Harmony (No. 133) Faversllain possesses a set of Lodge Boards wliich
also sliow indebtedness t o the Cole's t'ype (figs. 40, 41, 42).
B u t instead of the
plotting pin in the third Board we have the surveying staff, which in this instance I
do not think can be questioned. If ; t be meant to represent n 24 inch gauge
I can only regret the artist's lack of proportion. This set is also noticeable as depicting a man catching hold of a shrub.
Bro. H. Dartnell, of Sevenoaks, possesses ail iilteresting set of Boards which
was probably painted by a local artist (figs. 43, 44, 45). Tlie embleins in tlie third
Board are the lieavy beetle, the level and tlie plumb rule I t also is one of the few
sets t h a t depict a man catclling hold of a shrub.
Bro. Jacobs, who lived a t 3, Charles Street, Hattoil Gardens, was a designer
of Lodge Boards which had merit. IT* never achieved great popularity altllougll
he engraved and published his desigus in a portable form in tlie same way as did
J o h n Harris. The set I have chosen for illustration is in the private possession of
a Brother in Staffordshire (figs. 46, 47, 48). I understand there is a similar set wl~icll
belongs t o Lodge Freedom (No. V),a t Gravesend, but I have not been able to
examine it.
On the first Board there are depicted tlle three sacrifices of Abrallam, Moses
and Elijah, while the design in the right lower corner may be meant t o represent
t h e " still sinall voice " or the " burnillg bush "; I cannot deternline wliicll. 011
the third Board will be noticed the figures 3000. It is the earliest illstance of the
occurrence of this date I have fouild on Lodge Boards.
Tlie Royal Naval Lodge (No. 59) possesses a good set of Boards, wllicli shew a
decided advance on the earlier designs (figs. 49, 50, 51). I sure if the
artist of this set influenced Bowring or was influenced by him, b u t there are certain
marked similarities w11icl1 thew a connection. The great distinguisllillg feature of
Bowring's designs, " t h e key wllicl~l!ang; ill a Brother's defence," is in this set
absent,, for the key lies and does not llsng. I t will be noticed in tlle second Board
that the winding staircase springs fro111 tlle North, and that tlie tools in the third
Board are the lieavy beetl?, the plotting pill a d the sctting level.

I now come to the Boards painted by Josiah Ro~rring, wl~onl I have no

hesitation in acclaiming as the greatest and nlost correct of the old Lodge Board
designers. H i s glory may have been eclipsed by others who, greatly indebted to
him, were illore fortunate t h a n he was, but his merit l l a ~uever even been challenged
by ally of his successors, Very few particulars of his life are known. H e was
initiated in 1795, lived a t Dove Court a t Noorfields, and was by professiol~a portrait
p i n t e r . 1 I n 1831 Grand Lodge voted hi111 220 as for six ~llo~ltlls
1)reviously he
had been niuch afflicted with gout,. I11 N a r c l ~ ,1832, his widow was relieved with
a f u r t h e r 5, so lie must have died ill tile latter l~alfof 1831 or very early in 1832.

Tlre first set I reproduce is the celebiated set w l k h iiow beloi~gsto tlre Lodge
of U i ~ i o ~(No.
38) a t Chicl~estera:ld w l ~ i c lwas
~ described in . I . (,).C'. xxiii., 191-2.
It was ordered iii accordance witli a Lodge ~ e s ~ l l ~ t (see
i o n Q. 31) in September, 1811,
and the third Board bears the date 1811 (figs. 52, 53, 54). 111 the first Board i t will
be noticed t h a t for the fir:-t time in tlie i l l u s t r a t i o ~ ~Is give, tlie key wl~ich
i~aqgsaaliddoes i ~ o lie
t ( i . r . the key o r tolrgue of Good Rq)ort), l ~ a n g sfrom Jacob's
ladder. 111 the second Board the wilding staircase springs from the North, while
the scene below i t is a , m u c h daintier piece of landscape l ~ a i ~ ~ t tlran
i u g is usually
seen on Lodge 13oards. I n tlre third Board the 11eacl is also particularly well painted.
The tools in this Board are tlie heavy beetle, tlrc setting level and a maul.

1 also reproduce for tlre purposs of differe~~tiation

ailother set by J . Bowrii~g,
wllich 11e painted for tlre St. George's and Corner Stone Lodge (No. 5 ) in 1817 (figs.
55, -56, 57). The fird Board is better ,designed tilall that ill the Chicherter set. The
second Board, however, shews the w i n d i ~ ~staircase
as s p r i ~ ~ g i ifroin
i g tlie South. Fol
reasons w-/rich I gave in the first half of this lecture I am coi~vincedthat that positiori
of the staircase is the correct one. We have no ii~formaticiiias to the reasons t h a t
induced Bowring to make this change ill lris design, but a man who was such a
careinl worker and who had such a deep ii:sigl~iinto tile correctness of the details
wlricli entered into the con~positionof tlie Lodge Board, would not have made such
a sweepiog alteration lightheartedly. I n the third Board various alterations will
be noticed-the
heavy beetle and setting level h a r e disappea~+ed,while a real
Tracing Board has been introduced on which are lying the pencil, skirrett and
compasses. B u t the great and striking note of tlie design is the i~rtrodnctio~i
Hebrew characters on tlie name-plat3 which represent M . B . , T.K. (or (2.).
It is one of the fuilctiolls of a lecturer not only t o point out strikillg details,
but to lead his audieilce to draw ilifereuces from thein and base conclusio~lson tl~ose
iriferei~ces. 0 1 1 inairy occasioi~sthe questio~lhas been asked, Why are the cryptic
letters aud figures on tlie 11an1e-plate in the latter day third Lodge Boards reversed 1'
Altl~ouglrthe topic is really outside the limits I lrave set for t'his lecture, t h a t is
the I)evelopine~it of the Lodge Board up to tlre time of Harris, I should like t o
suggest a solution to tlie questioll. 111 the last clesigu of B o n r i ~ ~ g we
' s see the
letters are in the liebrew cl~aracter, and 1 l ~ a v eformed tlre tl~eoryt h a t either
tl~rougliignorance or ill a fit of carelessiress, lIarris transcribed tlie IIebrew letters
lie fo1111d oil Bowrii~g's boards illto cryptic letters a i d overloolred the fact t h a t
Hebrew was writtell from right to left. I t has been suggested t h a t Harris was a
J e w , and s l ~ o ~ ~therefore
11ave kiioum better, but I am dubious 011 this point. I
k ~ ~ ehis
w hot1 well aud ca1111otrecall ally hig11.sof Semitism in lris features.
While I a111writing about .Toll11 Ilarris, 1 may remark that it is i ~ o generally
k~rowntllat he was idelltical with t l ~ eHarris who was the finest facinrilist E n g l a ~ ~ d
ever prod~lced,a ~ r dhis work has aud will always cause the very greatest difficulties
t o book collectors. H e died a t Croydon about 1872, and his son, who was really a
leaves of
tailor, cont,ir~ueclill ;L desultory Inanner, his father's business of facsimili~~g
from 111y ken.
rare books 1111tila b o ~ i t1880, ~ I I ~ iI ~I diwpp:irecl
That the reversal of the cryptic letters was not inlmediately adollted by
everybody is sl~ewnby a set of Lodge Hoards ill the possessio~~
of S t . J o l ~ ntlie

!Pkr FI-orT,r/ioic (11er7 i ) r ~ ~ ~ i ( l l ~ of

l t ~tlrr
e l ~ Prtrci~ry
o r f,otl{y Ilonrd.


Baptist Lodge (No. 475), Lutoii (fig. 58). T ~ IL~oRd g ~was comecrated ill 1841, and
i t is probable that the boards are of that date, but there is no definite information
available. 111 any case they are not very niucli earlier. I n the tliird Board we
11ave the cryptic letters reading from left t o right, instead of froin right to left,
as ill Harris's boards. I t is curiol~sthat this Board perpetrates tlie corresponding
error ill regard to T.C'. which is expressed in this c a v as > L instead of < L
T l ~ eBoard also shews that the artist tliouglit that t l ~ elieavy maul sliould be represeuted as R lieavy beetle, aiid ilot a siliall one-liancled iiiaul.
T l ~ e r eis a Bowring set in the possessio~~
of Lcdge Burliilgtoil (No. 96). It
is siglied and dated 1814, but the dat.e on the third Board has been altered to 1833,
wl~eli, perliaps, the set was transferred From another Lodge. There is notliiiig
siligl~larill the design so far as I renieniber.
S t . George's and Corner Stone Lodge (No. 5) possesses 'ilotlier beautiful set
of Boards, which, I think, they value inore than tlie Bowring set (figs. 69, 60, 61).
St will be miiced that tlie tools 011 the third Boerd are the lieavy beetle, the setting
level slid a plotting pin.
A distinctive local type is sllewn in a set of Boards iu the possessio~iof All
Souls Lodge (No. 170) at. Weyinoutl~(.figs. 62, 63, 64), a siniilar set beloiigiiig to
T d g e 157, Poole. Tile niost s t r i k i q characteristic of these designs is the representation or^ a lying-in-state ~ I Ia clianrber of the Temple 111uig with heavy curtains a i d
iiie H i g l ~P r i e ~ censing
the body. O n tile reverse of the Boards are two drawings of
t.he camp of French piisoners wliicli stood a t TTeyn~outl~
a t the time the Boards were
painted. T l ~ etliird Board is dated 1809. The artist's signature, G. ltobins, is on
the square ashlar oil the first Board.
A t Bristol the brethren have a series of l3oar.d~of a distivctly local type (figs.
65, 6 6 , 67). The first of tliese coilsists of a combi~~rztioil
of tlie first two degrees. I n
the corners are depicted the four c a r d i ~ ~virtues:
Teinperalice, Fortitude, P r u d e n c ~
and Justice. Tlie other two Boards con tail^ the first degree only. I t is probable t h a t
they were all painted by tlie sailie artist 1 ca111i3t hazard a guess as to tlie date
of tlie desig~i I uucier~taiidthat Hro Cecil Powell jnteilds to investigate their
1 also draw your atte~itioilt o a curious painted iuarble Board \vhicl~is ill the
Museu~iiof Grand Lodge (fig. 68). 1 call give no particulars as t o it:; origiil or date,
but it lias a strong family likenes:; to tlie series of Hristol Boards to which 1have jwt

1 have tried t o put before you as coi~ciselyas possible the Evolutio~iaiid

1)evelopinelit of tlie Lodge Board, and 1 have purposely refrained from entering
illto tlie later developiiieuts made by Harris and the desigiiers of the Victorian era.
They forin a distinct cliapter wl~icliwould entail little labour for ally brother to
write, but I must siiy the subject does not interest me. Erroneous ideas,
inistakeu co~iceptions, n~eticnlousdetail, 111 fact, all the bad qualities of tlie
Victorian age permeate them, and, to illy idea, the sooner we returo to the pure
realistic designs of Bo~vriirgor some of Ilia conteiiiporaries tlie better.
l u collclusio~l, 1 inust heartily t h a ~ t ktlie hundreds of correspoiidents, not
only in Great H r i t a i i ~but ill America and our Colonies, wlio ]lave assisted ilie in
11ry labours. Soinetiines 1 11at.e had l o be 1)ersistent before I could ascertaia what
1 wanted, but I I ~ a v erarely met with a rebuff, or anything but a really fraternal

desire to help me. Many brethren would not allow me on any consideration to
pay for the pl~otographsthey have liad taken specially for me, and I take this
opportunity of tllariking then1 for their kind courtesy. Other brethren who had
also dipped iuto t h e subject unhesitatingly sent me copies of their notes, and aillong
those who so did I would especially mention Bro. L. Roese, of Hatsford, Ledbury,
Bro. C. Gough, of Sout!~ Woodford, and Bro. Seymour Bell, D . P r . G . N . Northuniberland, P.G.U., who have been particularly kiiid and self-denying.

I know I have been all awfnl worry to lliany secretaries, bul if I have tliey
must reinember i t was i n a good cause. I would remind them of what my dear old
mother used to say when she thrashed me, " It hurts me more t h a n i t hurts ~ O L I . "
I t was more worry for me t o write to them so often and persistently, than it ever was
for thein to reply.



Lodge of Felicity, No. 58 meeting a t the Gun Tavern Jermyn-St.

April 6. A t the same time was admitted a member of tlie Lodge by the
consent of t h e Lodge, Will"' Coulston-"
Drawer to the House "-was
made a mason gratis. A t t h e next Lodge n i g l ~ tunder the head of
" and similar subsequent entries.
expenses is: " Pd Tyler and Drawer
011J a n . 16. 1738/9, " Paid Tyler for drawil~gye lodge 2'/6."
The word
drawer. "







here means waiter or


cork drawer or betr

Lodge 11eld at " The Lebeclts Ilead " Fleet S t . , No. 246 (Minute Uoolrs
now ill custody of Graild Lodge).


J u n e 27. Itelll. it is agreed to pay the Tyler 2C for suiimioiiin,o and

Tyling m d 5/sl1. w l ~ e utllere is one or illore makings for T h w i n g the


Mcll. 20. It was ballotted for and agreed t h a t every Member proposed
t o be Raised Master sl~ouldpay a deposit of 5 / s h . to be forfeited in
case of no11 attendance ill order to defray tlie expense of Drawing the


Oct. 16. New bye-law. That the Tyler shall have 2C for each nigllts
attendance, sulimlonilig &c, and five shillings for 1)rawiug a Lodge,
provided there is a il~akingor Raising, if not to be paid nothing for
1)rawing the Lodge, and if any nlelnber whatever be Raised or made,
to be paid tlie sunl of 5 / & .


Salisbury Lodge (EIias de Dereham, now 586).

Goldney's Wiltshire, 1880.


1)ec. 27.

l'aid for the table C priill 21.11.6


.Ap. 5 . Paid for p a i i l t i ~ ~t gl ~ eclotli 1 I s -


Mar. 1 4 . T l ~ e\V.i?l. proposecl tllat soille artist be employed t o paint

a proper desigii to be used a t nlakiligs and raisings.


Oct. 25.

The Lodge, borne by four Lewises.

Q . 4. Anchor & Hope Lodge No 37. (Newton, 1896.)

1765 Ap. 20. 1). 25. Cash Account.
Paid for 10 yds of Ferritting @ 2d p r yd. 118
[If'errrt-Originally a silk tape or narrow ribbon used for fastening
or lacing; now a narrow worsted or cotton ribbon used for binding.
for shoestri~lgsetc. f ( ' ? I , fury Dictiot~trry.)]

Ship No. 240 St. Ives. (J. G. Osborn, Freemasonry in W. Cornwall,

1765 Anlong the articles bought for the use of the lodge " a Tressell Board."


S t . Andrew Kilwinning No. 31 S.C. ( R . Wylie, Mother Lodge Kilwinning, Glasgow, 1882.)
1769 Feb. 10. The Right Worshipful and tlle Secretary had wrote t o Bro.
Lachlan Duff a t Edinburgh to send here tlle form of a diploma and
different floorings for the Lodge, and as now the Lodge is informed t h a t
Bro. Dullcan Grant, of our Sister Lodge is going soon t o Edinburgh,
they reconimend t o the Secretary to wait of hiin and desire t h a t he should
call on said Bro. Duff t o settle with him the most expeditious way of
transmitting the above articles here.





Osborn, Freemasonry in W. Cornwall from 1765-1828

Aug. 17. p . 41. Letter from Master of the Druids Lodge a t Redruth
t o the Master of the Ship Lodge a t S. Ives giving them an invit" to a
Masonic Church Festival & saying :
1f not too cunlbersonle " we wish you to bring your Narble
Blocks and Triangles to ornament our Lodge with."





11. 9. The sum of 813 was ordered t o be paid to Bro. Richards for
suspending the perfect and rough Ashlars.
Lodge Relief No. 42, Bury, Lancs.
J u n e 24.

(E. A . Evans, 1883.)

Inventory includes :
Two painted pillars, a painted Square Pavement, a indented
Tasel, two large mahogany pillars with balls, 3 candlesticks
viz. W.S.B. A brass Sun, Moon, letter G. etc. P a i r of
Compasses, Wood Squares, Brass ditto etc.

Q . 10. Lodge Kelso No. 58 S.C. (Vernon, Roxbnrghshire, Peebles and Selkirkshire, 1893).

Dec. 28. The Lodge was visited by 31' Ranlsay painter; the R . W .
reconlnlended t o the meeting some painted floorings, which the nieeting
took to consideration and approved thereof and therefore appoint Mr
Ranisay to make the necessary floorings with proper ornaments on canvas
for which he shall be paid. The Lodge also in consideration of his painting the boards, made hill1 Honorary Member.

Q 11

Anchor & Hope Lodge No 37

(Newton, 1896)


J a n 24
Pel) 1 1

Ilalf d plece of 11bbo11,18 vcl5 I2"G

2 Rrais Col1tln115 f l l 2 G


I n the inventory of contents of Lodge Chest dated Feb. 27,

1 clotl~painted round the edges.

Q. 12. Ellakespear Lodge No. 99. (.I .().('. xviii., 112)

Fee t o Tyler for preparing or drawing a Naster's Lodge 2'16
1773-4 Purchase " A Lodge Board 161-"
A Whiting BOX and penknife 1.1 6
Q. 13. Osborn, Freen~asonryin \IT
1773 p. 45/52. Oration delivered at Prov G T, of Cornwall a t F a l n l o ~ ~ t011
1)ec 27
" Suffer the impreshion of Moral principles to sink deep i n t o
the Tressel Roard of your n ~ i n d . "
Q , i4.


Marquis of Granby Lodge, No. 124.

W. Logan, 1886)

J u l y 4. A schedule of t l ~ e.Jewels and other Furniture of and helo~tging to this Lodge :-

A Letter G a i ~ dR slate;
A Trace1 I3oarcl and Square (not ow exiiting)


.J Ariustrong, Hlstory of Freemasonry


Cheshre, 1901

Nov 22 Schedule of F u r m t u r e k c h l o n g i n g to the Lodge ]low held

a t tlie Coacl~and Hor\es, Noltligate St , C'l~e\ter,taken 22nd Nov 1776
by .To1111I ) e n n ~ l ,Sec -

A Xosaic Floor C'lotl~\\.it11 t l ~ efour it~itialletters. brat;, (tlew

(Originally the Horse & Groom Lodge, Chester, 1739,
represented hy the Cestriau Lodge No. 425 )


saitl t o


Q. 16. . Hug1ia11's Sltetcl~esant1 Reprints, 187 l

at York
Schedule of tlle Regalia of t l ~ eG rat~tl 1,otlge of All E~~,alalld
1779:Two pait~teclFloor Clot'l~s" I tl~eseare still preserved a t York ]
one refers to the W.11. degree.
From Bro. T. H . W l ~ y t e l ~ e a d 'Paper
oil t l ~ e Relics of the Grand Lodge a t
York " (.I .($.('. xiii., 10415) these seem to be all emblematical drawing " by Rro.
Beckwit11 and a " Lodge 1Joard " ( ~ i c . ) . 7'11e latter I~owever,froin the r e p r o d n c t i o ~ ~
of the Certificate wl1ic11 is copied fro111 it ( ; I , ; , / , /,l/ctr 9), seems ratller to he also an
emblematical drawing. "




S t . JOIIIIK i l w i n n i ~ ~ gNo.
, ti S . C . (R. Wylia, ?rloll~erLodge Kilwinning,
Glas., 1882).
1783 Feb. 4 . T l ~ eMaster proposed l~aviilgthe flooring of t h e Fellow Crafts
and Master Masons 1)ainted and framed as also a neat box for holdii~g
tlie Mort Cloatli, . . . . tlie three floorings and cushion, etc.

Q . 17.

Q. 18. C. H. Malden, History of Freemaronry on Coast of Coromandel, Madras,

1786 Procession a t Consecration of Lodge Perfect Unanimity, Madras

" The Lodge covered with white satin carried by four tylers."
S. John's Lodge No. 279, Leicester (Consecrated Nov. 11, 1790). ( W . M.
Williams, 1892).
1791 A sum of five guineas was voted from the Lodge Funds to Mr Smith
junior for a n emblematic cloth painted by him for t h e lodge.
It is possible t h a t this was a Lodge Cloth.

Q. 19.

Q. 20. Druid's Lodge of Love and Liberality. ( J . G . Osborn, W. Cornwall, 1901).


Feb. 15. Bro. M a r s h d l of Truro p r e x n t e d the Lodge . .

Tressle Board for which he was most respectfully thanked.

Q. 21. i7/id, p. 79.

. with a

Inventory of Furniture taken J u n e 27, 1795:One Trassle Board

Mahogany Trassle Board with Ornaments.


dated 1 April, 1813:One Trassell board.

Q. 22.

Domatic Lodge No. 177.

( G . R. Abbott, 1886)


May 28. A motion was made and seconded and unanimously carried,
t h a t this Lodge should be provided with a proper clot?^ painted for
making masons and t h a t Uro. Thos. Butler Painter P . M . of 194 (who
was present as a visitor) shall be ordered to prepare forthwith. Whether
this order was carried out does not appear.


Mch. 31.

Bro. Jarvis produced a making cloth for which he was paid

St. James Lodge a t Uxbridge. (Reed's Masonry in London & Middlesex,

1596 Sep. 15. p . 45. For a drawing board 2s/6.
(There is nothing t o shew what i t was for).

Q. 23.

Q . 24. Royal Brunswick No. 296. (W. H. Stacey & J . F. Moss, 1893).
1797 Oct. 4. I n a procession in connection with laying the foundation stone
of Sheffield General Infirmary: " The Lodge covered with white satin
arid carried by four master masons."
Q. 25.

Loyalty No. 320. Mottram in Longdendale, Cheshire. Date of Warrant

Oct. 10. 1798. (Wagstaffe and Renshaw, 1898.)
1798 Dec. 31. To cash paid for " Floor cloth " and gilding Balls 2.12.6.

Q . 26.

Hengist Lodge 195, Bournemouth. (P. H. Newnhani, 1890).

1813 prior to. Once or twice it is recorded t h a t the " candidate had the
Lodge explained to him." (No mention of a Lodge Board until 1835).

Q. 27.

S t . John Baptist No. 39 Exeter.

(A. Hope).


May. It was discussed that i t is highly necessary to have a Lodge for

the purpose of better describing the same to the new Initiated in future,
when it was agreed that Bro. Hemer would produce apuratus for the
purpose before the next Lodge night.


May 13. Bro. Lewis, W.M. proposed that Lodge 46 procure the Floor
Cloths necessary to illustrate the three Degrees of Freemasonry, also
t h a t Mr. -Sharland, of this city, Artist, had offered to paint the
same in lieu of his Initiation. Mr. -Sharland was thereupon proposed to be initiated, as soon as the paintings were ready, by Bro. Lewis,
seconded by Bro. Titherly.


Dec. 2. Bro. Lewis W.M. proposed that the three Tracing Boards be
provided a t the expense of the Lodge a t the sum offered by Mr. Hake,
seconded by Br. --- . Bro. Lewis also proposed Mr. Wm. Hake of
this City, Artist, aged 23 as a Candidate to be Initiated on the next
Lodge night, seconded by Bro. Titherly.
A t tlie next Lodge, Mr. Hake was duly ballotted for and
unanimously approved of, and the three Tracing Boards ordered to be
got ready as soon as possible. Mr. Hake was initiated in the following
month, Feb. 1835, but was not passed and raised until the autumn of
1839. I n J a n . 1839 " A Lecture was given (Fellow Craft Degree) on
the Floor Cloth " and a t the same meeting Bro. Hawkes was instructed
" to call on Bro. Hake, t o know if he can finish the Floor Cloths immediately, If not that the panes be sent to Bro. Pridham for completion."

Bro. A. Hope (P.M., 39) thinks t h a t the boards may have been finished
by Pridham. H e also suggests that Bro. Hake was the brother of Augustus Hake
the Brighton barrister, who lived to be a centenarian.

Q. 29. Lodge of Unity No. 183. (Spetli).


April 24. A motion was made by Bro. Godwin and seconded by Bro.
Faulkner t h a t a Lodge Board be furnished in the three degrees a t the
expense of the Lodge. A n amendment was proposed by Bro. Treasurer
Jones that the same be left open for the generosity of the Brethren and
he offered himself to subscribe one guinea.


Dec. Bro. Paul1 presented the Board which he had offered to give when
the matter was raised of his initiation, and the lodge paid Bro.
Bowring eight guineas for painting it in the three degrees.

Q. 30. Records of tlie Bedford Lodge. (The Rosicrucian, N.S., I . p. 37-40).



The thanks of this Lodge were voted to Bro. Ireson, P.S.W.

& to Bros. Stewart and Bologna junr for their valuable present of a

Lodge Board, exceedingly well designed for the first and second degree
and painted by Br Massey.

The Committee assembled, to audit tlie accounts, recommended

t h a t a new set of Lodge Boards to illustrate the three Degrees of Craft
Masonry be provided for tlie use of the Lodge; and witli the view t o
fixing the respective illustrations of each degree by the most approved
recent alterations t h a t Br. Secretary Harris [not t o be confounded witli
J o h n Harris the designer. E . H . D . ] be deputed to wait upon the Grand
Secretaries Brs. White and H a r p u r t o ascerlain if any additional plan
or design has been sanctioned by the Grand Lodge or if tlie Boards now
i n use a t the Grand Stewards Lodge may be considered as the general
standard of masonic emblematical perfection: and t h a t he report t h e
result of such enquiries the ensuing Lodge night.
I n J a n u a r y 1825 on the report L F Bi-. Harris i t was unanimously
resolved t h a t the recommendation of the Committee be carried into effect
and t h a t the sun1 of &10.10.0 be paid to B r . Kittrick for painting the
same. On the same evening the unanimous thanks of the Lodge were
voted t o B r . P a u l P . M . for his truly generous offer t o provide mahogany
Lodge Boards, properly seasoned and fully prepared for the touch of
t h e artist.

I n February 1827 . . . the thanks of the members, accompanied by a Masonic emhlem in silver, was presented, i n open Lodge,
t o Br. Thomas Kittrick for the very scientific and masterly style in which
he has depicted on the Lodge Boards the several nlasonic emblems illustrative of the three Degrees of the Craft; and likewise for his liberality
in defraying the expenses incurred beyond the sum voted in January
Lodge of Union No. 38, Chichester. ( A .Q.C. xxiii., 191). I n Minutes of
L. of Friendship 624.
1811 Sept. Resolved t h a t tressel boards with emblems painted thereon
(suitable t o each degree) should be obtained from London.
(No further entry, but they were most probably the set painted
by Bowring now in t h e possession of the Lodge).

Q. 31.

Q. 32. Blandford No. 665 of 1815. (By G. E.Turner, 1897).

1815 Dec. 22. Memo. Bro Harrison paid the Tyler of Lodge Amity, Poole,
one shilling for t h e lozn of the Trncitrg Board-and which is repaid t o
him by t h e Treasurer.
Q. 33. Shakespeare Lodge No. 99. (E. A. Ebblewhite, 1904).
1818 Nov. 26. A sum of 2 1 5 was paid to Mr. Joseph Bowring on the 26th
November for the " Tracing Boards, case etc. for the three degrees."
These tracing boards which measure 5ft by 2ft each 2nd are fitted with
hinges t o fold over are still in cur possession, but in a sadly neglected
condition. From what still remains on tlie canvas, i t is evident t h a t
they were well painted and their restoration shonld not be delayed.

Q. 34. Salopian Lodge No. 262 (Modern).


(Graham's Shropshire, 1892).

The Lodge invested i n a painted cloth representing the seven Liberal
Arts; also a Mosaic Pavement, Tesselated Border and Blazing Star.

Q. 35. Amity Lodge 137. (Poole, by A . C. Chapin, 1897).

1821 Mch. 21. A Tracing Board was prese~itedby Bro. G. W . Ledgard.
(A duplicate of that possessed by 170 All Souls, Weymouth).
Q . 36.


Witliain Lodge, Lincoln. (Dixon's Lincolnshire, 1894).

J u n e . Bro. R.obt. Tate of t h e Tuscan Lodge No. 14 Londoil, gave an
explanation of the Floor Board of the First Degree.

(H. Longn~an, 1895, p.28).

J a n . 6. Inventory includes :
Setting Maul, Heavy Maul, Bee hive, Coffin and Ruler.

Q. 37. Lodge of Fortitude 281, Lancaster.


Q. 38. Royal Unioll Lodge, Uxbridge. (LI


. (2.C'. xix., 106).

Inventory includes :
1 Floor cloth, printed pattern
1 Masonic Floor cloth.

Q. 39.

" The Mason's Miscellany or First and Last Stone of the Jerusalem
Church," Edinburgh, 1830.
" I wiil now t u l n our aticntion to some of the ininloveable
jewels which belong to our Lodge, and the first t h a t we shall take notice
of is a Board, with a few lines angles and perpendiculars designed upon
its surface. This is what we term the Tracend Board."

p. 128.

0. 40. Cestrian No. 425 (Chester). (J. Arnistrong, Cheshire, 1901)


Q. 41.

J a n . 9. A new Tressd board ordered

Church Service. " I n front of tlie pulpit was suspended tlie new floor
cloth of the lodge."
Lodge Jedburgh S t . J o h n 104 S.C.
Selkirkshire, 1893).

(Vernon, Roxburghshire, Peebles, and

Inventory of property of 1842 (when tlie Lodge collapsed - being

resxscitated 17 years later) :

" also a Tassal cloatli aud sword."

Q. 42. Lodge Castle No. 1621, Bridguortli.

SfrropsAlrir~,by A . Gralianl, 1892, p. 71).


tJir f'ro~lctlce of

The working tools are more fitted for an operative than a speculative
lodge; the level is about 4 f t . wide by 3ft high and the other tools are
made in proportion.

1st Oct., 1914

1)ear Brother Dring,
A s f a r as I can make out, t h e Tracing Board was probably i n use
i n I r e l a n d between 1839 a n d 1850. It is mentioned i n Altirnan Rezon
of t h e former d a t e , arnd is omitted i n t h e edition of 1850. It is believed
t o have been q u i t e unknown here prior t o 1839, a n d was t h e n introduced
iuto t h e working t l ~ r o u g l lt h e influence of Archdeacon M a n t , who took
it u p . I do not t h i n k drawings i n chalk, etc., were i n vogue here.
Yours, etc.,

Yoi~kers,N.Y., A p r i l 19, 1916.

M y dear S i r a.nd Brother,

I a m unable t o answer your questioil as t o t h e general use of t h e

trestle board througllout t h e U n i t e d States, b u t will make prompt
enquiry among several friends who will be able t o inform me, and advise
So f a r as t h e jurisdiction of New York is coi~cerned,it is i n use
only, 1 may say, erratically. I t s significanca is occasioiially referred t o
i11 t h e lectures, b u t so f a r as I c a n find, there is no reference t o i t i n w h a t
is called t h e " standard work." I t ' s form is usually a rectangular board
without covering or ornamentation, about two f e d by eighteen iiiches,
a n d i n t h e secoi~dsection, as we call it, of t h e t l ~ i r ddegree, i t is i n some
lodges placed i n t h e chair of tlla J u n i o r W a r d e u , which i n t h a t portioii
of t h e degree is vacant.
1 will gladly inquire f u r t h e r alld i ~ ~ f o r you
l n what I have discovered.
Very truly yours,
IToi~kers,N . Y . , May 20, 1916.
D e a r Sir a n d Brother,
M y previous letter to you a c k i ~ o u ~ l e d ~ receipt
of yours of tile
20th of March was somewhat ill-considered i n view of m y statenlellt
t h a t t h e Trestle Board figured nowhere ill our R i t u a l e x c e p t i r ~ill
~ tile
T h i r d Degree. I overlooked t h e universal reference t o i t t l ~ r o ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ t
t h e U n i t e d States i n t h e E n t e r e d Appreutice Degree as one of t h e
movable jewels, which a r e t h e rough ashlar, perfect aslilar a n d Trestle
Board. These same jewels are your i~ninovablejewels.
Since writing you, I have made some examination of Masonic
Literature, with a view to obtaiuing t h e i ~ ~ f o r i n a t iwhich
o i ~ you request,
a n d a m able t o answer neither of your questions fully.
Not l~aviiig
lieard from my correspondents, I a m not ill ;I p o s i t i o ~t ~o answer yollr
inquiry regarding t h e gexeral use or reference t o t h e Trestle Board ill
t h e various jurisdictions ill this country, or as to its form.

As to the origin of the Trestle Board, i t may be that the following

will give you some light.
I n the first place you appear to use the term Trestle Board as
synonymous with Tracing Board, and your own inquiry is directed to
the evoluLion of the Tracing Board. So far as I know, the Tracing Board
or Tracing Cloth t o which you refer [ l . ~ . , as i t is erroneously called by
English Masons.-E H . D ] is not uied a t all in this country. I am
familiar with ~t as usod in t h e English Lodges. W e have no such thing
here t h a t I know of. The Trestle Board as 1 understand i t is not the
same thing. As a p a r t of the lecture in tlle First i t is referred t o as
above stated as one of the movable jewels and its symbolism is stated
by the lecturer substantially as hereinafter referred to in the abstract
from Webb's Monitor. I t s form so far as I am informed is what I liave
mdicated in nly last letter, t h a t i s . a plain rectangular board.
I n his Free Mason's Monitor, Thomas Smith Webb, P.M.,
Monitcr Lodge, Albany, pub. Salem, Mass. 1812, under the head of
First Degree, in the lecture he says:
The movable and immovable jewels also claini our attention in
this Sectioii. They ar5 the rough ashlar, perfect ashlar and Trestle
Board. . . ."
He then proceeds to describe the symbolism of these jewels, and
of the Trestle Board says :

" And by the Trestle Bcard, we are reminded t h a t as the operative worknlan erects his temporal building agreeably to the rules and
designs laid down by the master on his Trestle Board, so should we,
both operative and spec~lat~ivc,
endeavour t o erect our spiritual building
agreeably t o the rules and designs iaid down by the Supreme Architect
of the Ul~iversein thg book of life, which is our spiritual Trestle Board."
I n the True Chart or Hieroglyphic Monitor, Jeremy L. Cross,
N.Y. 1850, the same language is used referring to the Trestle Board in
the First Degree, with
exception, in the last line following the word
universe i t says: " in the grezt books of nature and revelation which
1s our spiritual, nioral and Masonic Trestle Board."
I n Cross' Monitor there is a series of Charts, one of which shows
the Trestle Board with the movable jewels, rough and perfect ashlar,
the Board being a rectangular affair with certain geometrical designs
or outlines upon it.

I n these early n/Iouitors end in some more modern ones is a series

of Charts referring to tlle symbols or emblems of tlle respective degrees.
They correspond in certain respects with the Tracing Boards or Tracing
Cloths illustrated ill yGur circular of December, 1914, but certainly none
are on exhibition in our Lodges and I am not aware that they ever were.
I liave seen in certaiu of our Lodges, Charts or emblems of the several
degrees, usually frameci and 1:anging on 2. wall. They are sonlewhat
similar t o sonle of yoxr Tracing Boards, but are rarely exanlined and
practically uever referred to. 111 some Lodges it is customary to illus-

trate the lectures by stereopticon slides exhibited upon the screen. These
slides are more or less formal or stereotyped and somewhat follow the
idea of the Tracing Cloth in their arrangement of the symbols.
The Free Mason's Monitor, Daniel Sickles, N.Y. 1869, follows
the identical language of the Cross Monitor.
Richardson's Monitor of Free Masonry, Jabez Richardson, N.Y.
Lawrence Fitzgerald 1869, employs practically the same language in the
First Degree, and in the lecture in the Third Degree refers to Hiram
Abiff whose custom i t was daily st high twelve to enter the s. s. and offer
his adoration to the ever iivir~gGod, and draw his designs on t h e Trestle
Board for tlie Craft t o pursue their labors. This is substantially t h e
same statement t h a t I made in my last letter.
Ahiman Rezon, Daniel Sickels, Xacoy, N . Y . , 1893, contains the
same language, and gives an additional explanation.
The Standard Grand Lodge Monitor, J . J. Little & Co., N Y . ,
1904, uses the same language.
I n the Grand Lodge Monitor of N.Y., 1908, there is a slight
Free Masonry Illustrated, Jacob 0 . Doesburg, Chicago, Ezra A .
Cook, 1903, employs much the same language in the First and Third
Degrees as Richardson supra.
Free Masons' Manual, How, London, J o h n Hogg, 1881, seems
t o ignore the Trestle Board, 2nd describes the Tracing Board as the
masonic carpet lying in the center of the Lodge.
The Ritual of Free Masonry, London, W. Reeves (no date), narrates the Ritual in the First Degree in much the same language as ours
(p. 29), referring to the Trestle Board as one of the immovable jewels
with same symbolism as we give it.
I shall write you fulther wllen .I have answers from my correspondents regarding the use in several jurisdictions of tlie Trestle Board
and Tracing Board.
T t will interest you to know t h a t I have found available Monitors
of South Caro!ina, Texas, Massachusetts, Maine, New P o r k , and New
Jersey, i n all of which there is no mention so far as I have found of
Tracing Board or Cloth, and in all of which the Trestle Board is referred
to in substantially the same terms




I did not originally intend t o print this census, and unfortunately destroyed
many notes of boards I have examined because the boards were after 1820. HOWever, 1 print such notes as survive.

1,odge cloth^ formerly belonging to the 7th I,. Dragoons, dated 1810.
Sqe figs. 20, 21, and 22.
Two sets and p a r t of a third set of metal plates of emblems, used for
laying on the floor, or as templates.
A painted marble board.
See fig. 68.

4 Royal Somerset House and Inverness

A fine conlbined lhtand 2ndDegree board of an entirely original design.
I t is a water-colour drawing on paper (at present, 1917, i n bad condition and rapidly falling t o pieces) mounted on hinged panels. I n the
foreground are t h e usual emblems, and in the left corner there is a
qtalk of corn on which is falling a shower of rain from a heavy cumulus
cloud a t tlle top of the board-an
artistic and uncommon idea. I n the
inidground are two columns stallding on each side of an entrance to a
Greek temple, the door of which is guarded by a sentinel. The step5
to the entrance face due West. Above the pediment is the letter G,
over which is an open Bible bearing a square and compasses, one point
of tlle latter being disclosed. Still higher is a ladder with the letters
F H.C. between the rungs. The border is of the Greek key pattern,
with tassels a t each corner, and an eye in the centre of the top border.
Outside tlle E. S. and W. borders there are depicted three columns on
which the three Lights were intended t o be placed. My original intention was t o rsproduce i t , b u t i t requires to be laid on canvas before
justice can be done t o ~ t . So f a r as I know i t is unique.
The second and third boards are of the Harris type, about 1840


5. S t . George's and Corner Stone.

A set of Bowring's boards dated 1817.
See figs. 55, 56 and 57.
Another set of L.B.';, about the qame date.
See figs. 59, 60 and 61.
A painted marble board.


9. Albion.
Harris Boards, dat,ed 1849.

No. 19. Royal Athelstan.

A set of the L.B.'s on cardboard (about loins. by 8ins.), published by
Uro. Jacobs, 3, Charles Street, Hatton Garden.
No. 24. Newcastle upon Tyne.
See figs. 33, 34 and 35
No. 28. Old King's Arms.
A n early set of (1ITarris) Boards, circa 1825. The third board is a copy
of an earlier type, with H AB a n d A L 3000 on it.
A marble L.B. (see Bro. A . F. Colvert's note).

No, 29. St. Alban's.

A set of L . R . ' s about 1840.

No. 34. Mount Moriali.

Moderil L . B . 's.

No. 38. Union, Chicliester.

See figs. 52, 53, 54.
No. 39. St. Jo1111 tlie Baptist, Exeter.
Early L . B . ' s of the llarris type (see Q. 27).
No. 46. Old Union.
Modern L.B.'s.
A coloured Marble board.
A 3' L . B . cut to the shape of the design, which is of about 1830
s o . 59. Royal Naval.
See figs. 49, 50 and 51.
No. 77. Freedom, Gravesend.
L.B.'s of Godwin and Jacob's type (not seen).
No. 80. S t . John's, Sunderland.
Harris type, dated 18.29, and traditionally painted by T. Godfordson,
a master-painter and P . M . of the Lodge.
No. 85. Faithful. Harleston, Norfolk.
See figs. 25, 26 and 27.
No. 88. Scientific, Cambridge.

Late boards.

No. 90. St. J o h ~ i ' s . Late boards.

No. 91. Regularity.
A n interesting and original set painted by A . T . E . (or A . E . T . ) , 7,
Millbank Street, Westminster, February 28th, 1833. A t the base of
each board is the inscription " Presented to the Lodge of Regularity by
Br Sam1 Clay, P.M., March 28, 1833."
One Thomas Edmonds, Timber .Merchant, lived a t 7 , Millbank
Row (which is not tlie same as Millbank S t . ) , Westminster, in 1833.
This may be the artist.
A csloured Marblc board.
No. 94 Pllcenis Lodge, Sunderland.
I n his history of this Lodge Bro. Todd dilates on a set of early L . B 's
belonging t o the Lodge, but I have been unable t o get precise
information about them.
I n the account of tlie " Summer Outing, 1908," tlie laCe Bro. Dr. Walsl~e
Owen wrote: On the walls also were the T.B.'s of the Lodge; all most
deeply interesting. All were very different to those we knou in t112
South, and though the differences, f o r obvious reasons, carlnot be
explained in detail, i t is to be hoped t h a t our Q.C. Lodge may be able
t o obtain photographs of them. The third was what might ba called
(by a Zoologist) the most aberrant from the normal. A recumbent figure
was upon i t , b u t the artist had apparently copied i t from a ('rucifi.r,
and simply altered the extended arms and p u t them to the side, parallel
with tlie body. Beneath was an " Arc rule " or Sector,
the numbers 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 15. 1.1 ($.(' xxi , 220).

No. 96. Burlington.

A set of Bowring L.B.'s, dated 1814, but the date on the third board
altered t o 1833. I n tha second board the staircase springs from the
No. 99. Shakespeare (see Q. 33).
A set of Bowring L . B . ' s .
No. 100. Friendship, Yarmouth.
See figs. 27, 28 and 29.
No. 108. London.
A marble board (see note by Bro. A . F. Calvert).
No. 110. Loyal Cambrian, Merthyr Tydfil.
See figs. 37, 38 and 39.
No. 111. Restoration, Darlington.
First and second L.B.'s of the Cole type, painted by W . Weddell, 1823.
No. 120. Palladian, Hereford
See fig. 23.
No. 125. Prince Edwin's, Hythe.
First and second L. cloths, framed (not seen).
No. 132. Unity, Ringwood.
Modern L.B.'s.
No. 133. Harmony, Faversham.
See figs. 40, 41 and 42.
No. 137. Amity, Poole.
Similar to those belonging to 170 All Souls.
See figs. 62, 63, 64.
No. 139. Britannia, Sheffield.
The first and second boards ar. a n early Harris type. The third board
is earlier and is peculiar in having no inscription or letters either on
the name-plate or elsewhere, while the figure 5 is represented three
times by a pentalpha. On the reverse there can be seen (beneath a
coat of thick, black varnish, which has defied all attempts made t o
dissolve it) t h e outlines of the emblems of the first two degrees, including
a beehive. I n the inventory of the lodge taken in 1810 " a tracing
board " is mentioned, which might possibly be the same as the present
third degree board.
See fig. 69.
No. 143. Middlesex Lodge.
H a s a very interesting painted floor-cloth. Although of a late date
( A . L . 5832) i t may well have been influenced by, or adapted from, an
earlier cloth of about the time of t h e Union. It is 17'. 3" long by
8'. O N wide, with an ' indented ' border. A t the corners are emblems
indicating the natural virtues. I n the centre are t h e ' Middlesex'
arms (the Lodge adopted its present name in 1824), and around these
in a circle are arranged emblems roughly pointing to the positions of

the various officers, with others t h a t are so worn as t o be difficult of

identification. Outside the circle are groups of Working Tools, Ashlers,
a Lewis, Sun, Moon and Stars, interlaced triangles, an eye surrounded
by the Serpent of E t x n i t y , the letters B-L.R.T., emblems representing
the theological virtues, etc
No. 153. Inhabitants, Gibraltar.
Lodge cloth, rzproduced A .Q.C1., x . , 79.
No. 157, Bedford.
L.B.'s painted by Bro. Kittrick in J a n . 1825 (see Q. 30).
still lying in Freemasons' Hall cellars.

They are

No. 169. Temperance.

Late L . B . not now in use.
No. 170. All Souls, Weymoutli.
See figs. 62, 63 and 64.
No. 173. Phcenix.
Modern boards.
No. 181. Universal.
A11 unusual design of about 1830-40. There is no artist's name.

No. 189. Sincerity, Plymouth.

Harris boards.
No. 192. Lion and Lamb.
These L . B . ' s ard illustrated in Hughan's History of the Lodge, 1894.
They are of about the date 1830-40.
No. 194. St. Paul's.
Godwin and Jacob's set on cardboard.
KO. 240. St. Hilda, S . Shields.
Not identified, probably early Harris.
No. 251. Loyal, Barnstaple.
Possess a set formerly belonging to the Royal Cumberland Lodge, Bath,
which was raffled in a lottery in 1842 (see Notes on S. George's Lodge
No. 112, Exeter, 1909).
No. 254. Trinity, Coventry.
Second and third degree boards of the Cole type and a third degree
board of an early Harris type.
There seem t o be otlisr L.B.'s of an interesting nature, b u t I regret
I have not, u p t o the present, been able to get t o Coventry t o examine
No. 277. Friendship.
Late boards, one dated 1856, another by Kenning.
No. 279. St. Jolln's, Leicester.
Uowring type ( 1 ). Acquired in 1821.

No. 254. Shakespeare, Warwick.

Bowring set. See Q. 34
No. 301. Apollo, Alcester.
Early Harris type ( ?).
K O . 255. SL. Joliii's, Lower Brougliton, Salford.
Bro. Thos. Sinitli w r i t x me t h a t tlie lodge possesses Tracing Cloths of
the first and third degrees, ill a very dilapidated condition, but I caiiiiot
identify tlieir type, a l ~ dhave been unable t o see tlielii.
No. 349. S t . Jolin and St. Paul, Valetta, Malta.
Modern boards.
No. 360. Polnfret, Nortliampton.
Bro. S. B. Wilkinson writes " W e have a cloth here, wl~icliprobably
dates from 1819, when the lodge was consecrated. We have four sets
of Tracing Boards, I l ~ eoldest painted on mahogally panels appear to be
of the Bowriiig type."
No. 384. S t . David's, Bangor.
Set of Renning's boards.
No. 403. llertford, Hertford.
Early Harris type

S o . 419 St. PeGer's, Wolverhanipton.

A n interesting set, possibly of the date of the colisecratioii of the lodge,
i . r . , 1834. It is probably the work of a local artist, as the third board
is of a much earlier type tlian the others.
No. 475. S t . Jolin the Baptist, Luton.
See fig. 58.
No. 526. Honour, Wolverliainpton.
Early Harris boards ( 1 )
No. 68.5. Nortliuniberlaiid, Newcastle on T y ~ i e .
Apparently the work of a local artist, greatly influenced by Harris.

said : Rro. Y. W. LEVAXUER

Bro. ])ring stated a t tlie coinnieiiceine~it of tlie paper, to wliicl~we have listeued with so much interest, t h a t the portion of his subject tliat lie would bring
before us to-day would probably lead to tlie expression of different opinions. However tliat may be, o;ie cannot fail to recognise t h a t a vast aniouiii of time and labour
~iirrsthave beell spenh ill bringing together sucli a store of iiifor~nationon a subject
t h a t lias been so inucll-or rather, entirely, neglected, and be grateful therefor.
To tlie various ternw ~iieiitioi~ed
by Bro. l)ring, as applied to the forerulmer
of tlie " Tracing Board," may be added the
Makeing Clotl~," a tern1 used, for
instance, in the Minutes of tlie Lion and Lalab Lodge, No. 192, in 1796, and in
those of S t . %licliael's, No. 211, as late as 1820. 111 the Minutes of tlie Lodge of

Emulation, KO. 21, the term " Forming Board " occurs in 1783. I n his recently
pilblislled I l i s t o r y of .lIorlut MoritrJ~ Lodlle, Bro. Howkins quotes from the Minutes
of 12th J u n e , 1812, " Bro. Aldhous explained the ' Board and Banner ' and a little
later ' the Cloth.' " The latter is, no doubt, the ' foot cloth " inelltioiled by Bro.
Ih-ing. If i t were not f o r the fact t h a t in the Millutes of the Old King's Arms
Lodge, No. 28, under date of 1st December, 1735, i t is stated t h a t the Foot Cloth
was used a t Initiations, one might be tempted to think t h a t the position of the feet
shown in plate I V . of the Abbe Persu's Le S r o c t dea E'rnrlcs A l l a ~ o ~trtrhi
i . s had something to do with the foot clotli.
W i t h respect to this Freiich work I am riot aware if i t is or is not generally
lrnown t h a t at, least three different issuss emanated from Amsterdam in 1745. Tlie
text in all is practically the same, idle difference being iil the arrangenient of the
l'reface, etc., the type used and the slight alterations noticeable in the different
sets of plates. I n one copy t h s " Avertissenlent " is omitted; disregarding this and
the songs a t the end of each volwne, they contain respectively 142, 240 and 240
111 the anonymous work L'-I llti--lf(lrOll, 1748, the reply to the question about
tlie Jewels closes with " la pierre k traqer, sur iaquelle les Maitres font leurs dessins."
This would hardly be a inisprint for pl~ocche.

Bro. CECILYOWELLsaid .I t is evident from the testimony of nlany old records that in the Eighteenth
Century tlie Board was considered an article of great importance in a Lodge. It
may have been meant to represent to the Rretllren a visible symbol of the regularity
of their proceedings. Soinetiines it took the foriu of a painted clotli, and, although
tile general idea was no doubt the same, there were various methods to carry i t out.

It is probable the Lodge Board of tlioje days corresponded to our moder!i

Tracing Boards in its use and ill bearing a syinbolical dcsigli, and that it was such a
one which was carried a t the consecration of Freemasons' Hall.
The ' Lodge '
drawn upon the floor was doubtless meant to serve the same purpose, and an explanation of t h e various objects pourtrnyed was a 1 ~ r ~ i n i i 1 epart
n t of the ceremouy
of admission t o the different degrees. Another ~netlioilwas to forill a design by
nieans of separate nietal represeiit.11ions of the various objects.
The real 'Tracing Board in the nlinds of tlie Brethren of that time was, L
consider, a board upon wlticii p l a w were drawn, so t h a t they might be cerried out by
the workiiieu-"
la planche k iracer " of the Preiicll Lodges alluded to by Bro. Driiig.
Lii B r i ~ t o there;
is on tlie reverse side of our Tracing Board of the First Degree
a Mosaic pavement ill perspective, and this, I believe, represelited tlie true Tracing
Board oit wliich the Master could set out his plaii.

111 1893 tlie

late Bro. Sir C. Pnrdoii Clarke read a 111ost i n t e r e s t i ~ pap!tr

the Lodge ' upoil " Tlie Tracing Board in Moderii Orieutal and Medieval Operative
Masonry," in wliicli he stated that in Persia plrin: for buildii~gare made 011
~ectionallined Tracing Board, every square of wliich represents eitlier one or four

bricks." These Tracing Boards, he said, " are the key to the mystery of their craft,
and Masons will understand the significmce of tlie discovery t h a t they represent in
miniature scale t h e floor of tlie master builder's work-room," where the work was first
set out. H e also showed t h a t t h e same method was in vogue in ancient Egypt. I u
proposing a vote of thanks for the paper, Bro. Speth expressed his opinion t h a t this
was the correct idea of our Tracing Boards. I suggest t h a t ours in Bristol with tlie
niosaic pavement just mentioced was of this kind.
I n allusion t o Bro. Dring's deecriptiwi of a table with various en~blematical
articles upon i t a t Windsor, I may say tliat in our Lodge-room the centre is occupied
by a table (six feet long and tlir"e feet six inches wide) covered with a blue clotli
ornamented with a gold cord and tassels. The Tracing Board of the First Degree is
slipported upon the table by four old brass figures denoting Faith, Hope and Charity
(two being of this last description). A t its western end stand two small brass columns.
the one Corinthian and the otlier Ionic. For tlle two otlier degrees another (smaller)
board, having the Fellow Craft design on one side and the Master Mason's on t h e
other, is p u t upon the top of t h a t of the First Degree. On the table are also set
the two Aslllars with the particular Working Tools required during tlie evening,
and for a n initiation thres cutlasses lie on zither side. For a raising a ' triangle,'
or derrick, stands between ~ i Ash!ars.
~ e
Around the table, upon the floor, are three
handsome candlmticks in the East', West and Soath, with seven, five and tliree
Formerly a " pot of manna,"
steps forming the foot of each respectively.
'' Aaron's rod," and " Tables of stone " were used, and these articles are still in
existence. When in connection with instruction given the " N . E . corner of the
L." is spoken of by us, i t means tliat of tlle table.
'I'he earliest record we hav. in Bristol of a Lodge Boarci is in the cash book
of Lodge 116, meeting a t the Bush Tavern in 1756s d
" By paid Bro" Pring for repairing the Board
5 .0 "
" By paid Brother Moffett for ;~aintingthe Board 4 . 0 "

It may be presumed tliat the painting included some kind of design or tlie carpenter
would liave been able t o finish the work himself, and, considering the weekly wages
of a labourer were then only six or seven shillings, some amount of skill and tiine must
have been required. This board niay perliJ.i)s liave liacl a nlo~aicpavement painted,
and other object;: drawn upon i t according to tlie degree. As, a t a somewliat later
date, the sum of fifteen pence was paid for " pencils," (wliicll may have been of
chalk), i t would seem a design was usual!y drzwn.
I n a n inventory of the Lodge of Hospitality, then No. 382, coinpiled between
1770 and 1780, are the following articles"

1 small trei'sal board

95 trefsals

1 large


Possibly these were used for separate purposes, or tlie sinaller one may liave stood
upon the other; just as our Tracing Board and its supports stand upon the table.
I n the Minute Book of Lodge No. 137, meeting at the Fountain 11111, Bristol,
there is mentioned a " painted clotli " in 1755.
With regard t o the articles I brought up for exl~ibition,the wooden representatioil of n waterfall, showing a hole to s ~ ~ p p oanother
enlblem, is perhaps the

most curious. The others are paintings upon flxt pieces of metal, and almost all
belong t o t h e Moira Lodge of Honour No. 326. I n an inventory of this Lodge,
dated J u l y 7th, 1813, are

I Tracing Board & Green baize cover 1

1 Green Cloth
[The bracket shows t h a t these were used together.]
4 large size Cardinal Virtaes painted upon tin.
3 smaller size
3 Squares and Compasses painted upon Tin for the three different degrees.
1 large size E a r of Corn, Fall of Water &c painted upon Tin.
1 small size
2 pillars painted upon Tin & Letters J & B for ditto.
5 small jewels painted u p 0 1 tin, namely, 2 squares, 1 level, 1 plumb, 1
twenty four in. gauge.
10 Figures painted upon tin 1, 2 , 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 , 8, 9, 10.
1 Letter G in Tin.

It will be noticed t h a t there was n Tracing Board as well as t h e painted

pieces of metal. These latter were therefore no doubt placed upon t h e board, and
were not, I submit, used as Bro. Dring suggests, as templates t o assist t h e Tyler in
" drawing the Lodge." The ornamental character of the columns is also a strong
argument t o this effect.



F o r the ordinary Mason probably one of t h e most interesting points raised

by Brother Dring is t h a t which relates t o the direction from which t h e staircase
springs, and while I entirely agree t h a t the South is the correct position, I am not
quite i n accord with him in his suggested reasons for the differences. It is, of
course, quite possible t h a t the change of direction was made from a mistaken
conception of the orienting of King Solomon's Temple, which may have had some
influence upon Lodge practice, b u t t h e stations of the three principal officers were
i n early Continental designs marked by three closed doors, conveying the idea t h a t
these were being guarded by thos) who sat within; and brethren who carefully
consider ritual and ceremonial, will find something to justify a suggestion t h a t
these principal officers were considered to have power to admit or refuse admission
through their respective doors, situated East, West, and South. The position of a
winding staircase in King Solomon's Temple is indicated in 1. Kings vi 8 , where
i t is stated that iti was on the right side of the house, and in 1. Kings vii. 39, the
word right is seen t o have the meaning of Socctll. The spectator in Holy W r i t is
therefore considered as looking towards the East with the South on his right hand,
and this is exactly the position from which the boards were intended t o be viewed.
Further, if we were t o accept the suggestion of Bro. Dring, we should still be left
without any explanation of the reversal of the Third Board, which has undoubtedly
been subject t o Jewish influence, though I think not t o such an extent as would
account for a reversed cypher.

My own feeling has been that all t h e e Eoards were turned round, and t h a t
tlia reversal was due t o tlie adoption of a mechanical process for the purpose of
reproduction. Tlle engraver put the design upon his plate exactly as lie had i t
before him, and of course in the printing everything was turned over from right
t o left. I n the firat Board this would not inatter a t all, for the relative positloll
of pillars representing styles of architecture was of no consequence. I n the third
Board the only material difference would be that the inscriptions were made to
read backwards. B u t in the second Board the staircase would be wrong, and when
this was discovered, ~t was only considered necessary lo renicve the letters indicating
the points of the compass, so t h a t in the engravings or lithographs there is generally
nothing to shew in wl~ichdirection that Board was intended to be placed.
This theory appears t o answer admirsbly unless we can find any original
Boards or Floorclotl~s-with the entrance towards the North.
It therefore
a n d Bro. Dring 11hq found one such Board painted by Bowring.
becomes necessary to look into the matter a little more closely

It is admitted on all hands t h a t shortly after the formation of Grand Lodge

certain "Alterations in the established forms " were officially made. Exactly when
this took place we do not know. The Moderns themselves gave the date as about
1739, but probably i t was ten years or more earlier. Nor do we know tlie extent of
the alterations; b u t they were sufficient t o warrant the formation of the Grand
Lodge of t h e Antients, which claimed t o retain t h e primitive practices. It has
been geilerally assumed t h a t the alterations consisted merely of substitution of
modes of recognition; that in effect nothing was really changed, but was merely
transferred from one place t o another. On this poini I fancy that Dermott has
not been sufficiently studied. While his statements are capable of being read only
as ridicule and derision, I think he intended something more, and I seem to see,
for instance, in his statement t h a t tlic Apron was turned upside down FO t h a t the
~ ~ ~altered even
wearers tripped over t h e strings, an indication .that r v e r ~ j t l r iwas
t o the nlinutest detail. This ides receives some confirmation from a n eighteenth
century Manuscript Ritual in the Library of Grand Lodge. When i t was acquired
some years ago by Bro. Sadler, 112 and I read i t very carefully, and came t o the
conclusion t h a t tlic " Alterations in the established forms " were very far-reaching.
I s i t too much t o assume that an alteration in the second Board was one of these?
If this be admitted we may consider the custody of the two Boards by Bowring,
one of which shews a Northern and the other a Southern entrance. The former,
painted in 1811, was for t h e present Lodge of Union No. 38 Chichester, originally
warranted by the Moderns in t h a t year. The second Board, shewing a Southern
entrance, was painted in 1817-after t h e Union-for tho Lodge of St. George and
Corner Stone No. 5, which sprang from t h e Antients in 1756. Thus t h e difference
in the two Boards may well indicste the Modern practice of pre-Union times, and
tlie return t o Antient prtctice after the U i ~ i o n .

I have found in th? possession of the Old Union Lodge No. 46 another
specimen of a Marble Tracing ' board.' It shews the T. square, with Pencil and
Compasses, and Euclid i. 47, and i t has an indente,d border. At present no ' boards '
of this class have been traced outside London. I n some of t h e Northern Provinces
Xahogany or Ebony boards seem t o have been in use, the emblems being inlaid
in lighter coloered wood. A specimen in the collection of the Quatuor Coronati

Lodge measures about 22 in. x 16 i n . , and shew.: a Square, Compasses, Level, PlwnbRule, and various geometricsl fig:~resfro111 Enclid.

I quite agree with Bro. Drilig that a weapon weighing " 501bs. or more of
hard wood fitted 011 a llandle 4ft. lolig " would cartaiuly " kill anybody if struck
by a blow from it," but I cannot uuderstand t h a t such a weapon would be
deliberately selected either for ofience or defence, if other tools, lighter and handier,
were obtainable.


said : While I am able t o endorse Bro I)ringls statement that only a few
references t o Trestle Boards or Trocing Boards are to be found in the published
lllstor~esof Lodges, my experience inclines me t o the opinion that the old minute
books contain many useful allusions to the subject whic11 the compilers of the histories
have either overlooked or considered of insufficient interest t o warranb remark or
quotation. Bro. Dring can find no melition of the Trasel Board before 1766, and
110 reference to the Traciilg Board ant11 about 1816.
111 my History of the Old
King's Arms Lodge I quoted a minute of 1761 in wllich a Tressell Board is mentioned, and I have distinct recollectio~lsof finding similar references to the subject
n-lien gomg through old rnit~utebnoks of olller Lodges of an earlier date than t h a t
ment~onedby Bro. Dring.
Rro Dring is compelled to the coi~clusio~i
tliat the Treqtle Board was simply
board placed upon trestleq, and he therefore finds himself ~n dl~agreementwith
those who belleve t h a t the board described as Trestle or Trasel is often n corruption
of the term Tracing Board. I n this finding I an1 unable t o concur, for assuming
t h a t Trestle Boards and Tracmg Boards were distinct a] ticles, they should not have
been confounded, although this was frequently done by the secretaries of the period
\:ho were often as casual in tlieir descliptions as they were confusingly ~ n d ~ f f e r ein
their orthography I have come across many references in old records t o Trestle,
'l'rassel and Trasel Boards where Tracing Boards uere meant, and so far from fifty
years elapsmg between the introduction of Tracing Boards and Trestle Boards, we
call prove the use of both between 1760 and 1767.

I think i t must be admitted that the small mosaic marble boards or stones were
intended to serve as Tracing rather t.han Trestle Boards, yet the old minute writers
allude to them as Tressel, Tracing, and Trassel Boards. It is clear t h a t both Trestli:
Boards and Tracing Boards were in w e prior t o 1300, but, while Tracing Boards wer.
generally employed about tliat time, Trestle Boards werc more uncommon, and
were in consequence seldom referred to.
The inlaid marble Tracing Boards appear to have been introduced about 1780,
a n d during the ensuing years they were acquired by a limited number of Lodges. I t
may be assumed t h a t they were not largely used from the facts t h a t while they
were too expensive t o attain wide acceptance, the Lodges possessing sucli articles
would preserve them with exceptional care, and, althougll they were made of a
material which " neither moth nor rust dot11 corrupt," and are not likely to have
heen worn out or destroyed, very few-of them are known to be in existence. I have

traced references to five of these inlaid stones in ancient minute books. One of the
stones referred t o in these records has disappeared, b u t I have arranged for the other
four t o be produced here for your inspection this evening. I am convinced t h a t other
specimens must have survived the hundred and thirty-six years t h a t have elapsed since
their introduction, b u t I have not yet come across them.
The references t o them in the minute books I have examined commence iri
April, 1785, in the records of the Lodge of Regularity No. 91. This entry appears
in an Inventory of the Lodgs prepared a t t h a t date, and is as follows : g

" A Marble Tracing Stone in Mahogany Case."

It is evident from this t h a t the stone had been acquired a t an earlier date, and
t h a t the reference t o its acquisition must have been made in a minute book which h a i
since disappeared.
The next entry, dated 20th March, 1787, in tlie minutes of the Old King's
Arms Lodge No. 28, records t h a t :Bro. Wren presented t o the Lodge an elegant Tressle Board, for which the
R.W.M. in the name of the Lodge returned him their thanks and ordered i t to be
inserted in their minutes."

On tlie 3rd 'April of tlie same year (1787) the London Lodge, No. 108,
Resolved t o purchase a very handsome inlaid Marble Tressell Board offered to this
Lodge by Bro. Best for Five Guineas and a half."

The last reference in chronological order appears in a n Inventory of the

Albemarle Lodge, meeting in 1796 a t the Albemarle, in Dover Street, which became
t h e Corner Stone Lodge in 1773, was united with t h e St. George's Lodge (Antients)
No. 5 in 1843, and is now known as the S t . George's and Corner Stone Lodge No. 5.
The entry, dated February 1796, is as follows :"

A Masters Marble handsome inlaid Tracing Board in a gilt frame glazed in

a box."
The other inlaid marble Tracing Board belongs t o the Robert Burns Lodge No.
25, but I have been unable t o trace the date upon which i t was acquired.
The appended excerpts from the minute books of a number of Lodges, dating
from 1733 t o 1829, either corroborate or challenge t h e conclusions arrived a t by Bro.
Dring on several subjects dealt with in his paper, and for that reason may, I hope, be
regarded as relevant and interesting.

Albermarle Lodge, united with S t Georges & Corner Stone Lodge No. 5.
November 1769. Paid towards a rough Astley t o B r . Honey and fixing the Lewis
on the Perfict.
Corner Stone Lodge now Sti Georges & Corner Stone No. 5.
12th September 1775. Proposed this night t o make a present of the old rough
Ashler and perfect Ashler t o t h e Crown Lodge in Essex
Street, Strand.
Jerusalem Lodge No. 197.
October 5th 1773. Ordered t h a t a rough Ashler and a perfect Ashler also a square
and compas8es be purchased for the use of the Lodge.

Corner Stone Lodge.

January 1782. Inventory.
A marble perfect Asliler.Lewis fixt in ditto.
Marble Rough Asliler.
Lolidon Lodge No. 108.
1st March 1785. Ordered that a rough and perfect Ashler, and a Wand be provided for the use of this Lodge.
Lodge of Regularity No. 91.
April 1785. Inventory.
A marble perfect Asliler in mahogany oase.
A stone rough Ashler.
A n old perfect and rough A s h k r .
A Triangle wit11 brass work for the perfect Asliler.

ondo don Lodge, No. 108.

6th L)ecember 1785.

Paid for two Jewels (Aslilers) 23-10-0.

C)ld Kings A r m Lodge No. 28.

March 1787. R . W . M . p r o p o s d t h a t the Lodge should be furnished with
Rough and Perfect Ashler.
2nd Oct. i787. Rough & PerfecL Asliler X3-3-0.
6th November 1787. Paid for a Lewis 716.


Albeinarle Lodge (now No. 5).

February 1796. Inventory.
~ a r b l ePerfect Asliler.
Rough Stoils Asliler.
London Lodge No. 108. Inventory.
2 Mahogany Ashlars
1 Marble Ashlar.

Lodge of Frieudsliip No. 6.

October 17th 1751. Forniing Lodge 51November 17th 1'751. Forming Lodge 216
Kovember 21st 1751. Forming Lodge 51Old Kings Arms Lodge No. 28.
J a n u a r y 17th 1764. " The Lodge was formed and drawn."
Jerusalem Lodge No. 197.
February 20th 1771. The Tyler shall be paid two shillings and six pence for
forniiiig either a Fellow craft or Masters Lodge.
September 16th 1772. The Tyler having made a mistake i n forming t h e Entered
Apprentices Lodge the Raising was deferled till Lodge
night after the next.
October 5th 1773. Order'd by the Worshipful Master a Raising for the next
night, and t h a t a Masters Lodge shall be formed

L o ~ ~ d oLodge
Xo. 108.
5 t h February 1772. 4 B r o t l l ~ r sP a i d for making.,
February 1772. 2 Brothers Paid for formiiig the Lodge
7th February 1772. 4 Brolhers Paid for forming Lodge of 2nd 511d
3rd Degrke.
3rd April
1772. Paid Tyler for forming.
21st April
1775. P a i d Tyler for forming a Lodge of the third
15th ApriI
1777. Tyler for suiiln~ollsingand attendance
15th April
1777. Forming the Lodge
15th April
1777. Five Raisiilgs
Old Kiugs Arms No. 28.
5 t h May 1796.
2 Lodges Drawn
Loudon Lodge No 108.
March 1803 Inveiitory.
1 Tylers smsll forming board
2 Forming Boards.
Uld Kings Arms No. 28.
16th J a n u a r y 1515. Resolved to purc11a.e 1 l i e ~ o g l ~ ~ h for
i c . ithe three Degrees.
Lodge of Regularity No. 91.
2211d ~ a i ~ d a 1818.
ltesolved t l ~ a iu
t future the Tyler sl~uulduot be allowed any
extra cl~argeof Lodge Boards for Ii~itiationetc., but in
lieu tl~croofhis l~loi~tllly
attexda~lceshould be increased l o
716 to include c v e r y t l ~ i ~ ~ g .

Old Kings Arilis No 28.

3rd 1)ocenlber 1733. The actitig Master 'epresented t i ~ a twhereas
the ii~stltutiou
of new Brethren was a t t e ~ ~ d ewith
more t h n ordinary
and p r l l a p s all unnecessary Trouble i t was therefore
inoved t h a t a proper Delinestion should be made on
Canvas and be deposited in the Repository ready for those
occasions and B r . Hayrnan was appointed to take
and execute t h a t Masters I h e c t i o n s on this point.
No 42. Bury, L a m s .
Lodge of &lief.
14th J u l y 1771. Cash Account
" To Blue line'g and tape with a No."
24th J u ~ l e1771. Inventory.
I Carpet. 4 Brass letters E . W . S . N .
A Brass Sun, Moon, a letter G, etc.
A lmiulsd Square Pavement, a indented Tzsel.

IJodge No 4 of A ~ ~ t i e u(Now
united with Royal York Lodge of l'erseverance N o 7.)
1796. The Lodge ordered " A painted cloth for the use of m a k i ~ ~ g s . "
111 all 111velttor.yprepared iu 1802 this is described as a " Making Clotll."

l'ldanthropic Lodge No 304 Leeds.

28th December 1801. Brother Potherby presented llie Lodge
floor, 2 yards by 4."


wit11 the ground

Lodge No. 3 of Alitiel~ts(united with S t George & Corner Stone No. 5)

J u u e 1807. Painting new floor cloth 23-3-0.


Old Kings Arms No 28.

6th J a n u a r y 1761.

Our Brgtl~er Cole R . W. Past Master i ~ o tfinding ally

instructiow on t l ~ etressell board for carryilig on tlie
Business wa.; obliged to close t l ~ eLodge in 1)ue Forni and

Lodge of Briendsliip No 6.
211d March 1767 Ordered a Tracing Board
*4lbenlarle Lodge (united wit11 St Georges & Corl~erStone No 5 .)
J u l y 1768 Agreed to have a trasiug board.
Corner Stone Lodge (Now S t Georges & Corner Stone No 5.)
January 1778. This night Brotl~crCollius returned the Trassle Board ill a most
elegant f raine.
Janliary 1782. Inventory.
Tressel Board framed and glazed.
Tresslc Board for i u a k e i ~ ~ gwith
A framed Stool for ditto.
Lo~ldonLodge No 108.
1st March 1785. Ordered that a Traciug Hoard he provided for tlie use of thy
Lodge of Regularity No 91.
April 1783. Inve~itory.
A Masters Lodge Hoard.
A nlarble Tracing Stolic in iiiahoga~~y
Old Kings A r ~ n sNo 28.
November 1785. R . W . M . directed Brot.lier 1)ow to purchase a Tressle Board

lo lido^^ Lodge K o 108.

3rd April 1787. Purcl~asecla very liandsome inlaid Marble Trassell Board frow
Bro. Best for Five Guineas and a half.
Old Kings Ar111s No 28.
Xarcll 1787 Ur. Wrcu presented to the Lodge all Elegant Tressle Board
Somerset House Lodge No 4.
February 1790 Tlie A s s i s t a ~ ~Secletary
reported that the Lodge Board waq
l:oyal York Lodge of Perseverel~c>No 7 .
1 ;9L LITei~tw-y,
A Trehil~gHoard.

Albenlltrle Lodge (United with S t Georges & Corner Stone No 5.)

February 1796.

A Deal Making Board.
A Masters Marble Iiandsonie inlaid tracing board in a gilt frame
glazed in a box.

Lodge oi Regularity No 91.

1829. Inventory.

A triengle board complete.

Lolldoll Lodge No 108.
Marclr 1803 Inventory.

1 M tliogany T r x i n g Board

17th Oct. 1803 Mr. Dykes presented t o the Lodge a llandsonle Tracing Board.
Westmilister & Keystone Lodge No 10
1803. Cash Account.
P2id for drawiilg board


Old Kings Arms N o 28.

2nd J u n e 1814.

The tracing board was the11 illustrated and explained by the

R.I&'.;\P, ill liis usual superior manner.

Lodge of Regularity No 91.
30th J a n u a r y 1829.


A marble Tracing slab or iiiosaic Pavement.

A Triangle Board compleat.

Hro. D r i i ~ ghas referred to John Hairis, who will always be remembered in

coniiection with his designs for Trzcilig Boards, and a few words about him may not
be irrelevant. H e was initiated into Freemasonry in 1818, and, a t t h a t time, was
I n 1823 he published a small
a miniature painler and a r c h i t e c t ~ ~ r adrauglitsnian.
set of desigus for Tracing Fczrds, whicl~were dediceted to His Royal Highness the
W . G.M., etc Thls dedication was probably without permission,
Duke of Sussex, &I.
and i t does not imply t h a t they wer: officially approved or recognised. About 1846,
the Einulation Lodge of Inqwoveniei~tcciled for designs for new Tracing Boards, and
those sent by Harris were accepted. The prize set were used in t h a t Lodge, and sets
were painted by him for a number of other Lodges. H e continued 60 devote himself
to t h e improvement of his Tracing Boards, znd, in 1849, lie published a set which was
generally adopted as the standard desigc by tho Craft.
I n 1857, wllen he lost his sight, and was practically witliou~means, he sold
!iis collection of Facsimilej a t Messrs. Sotheby's, and was a candidate for the Annuity
Fund. A t the time of his death, about 1872, lie was over 80 years of age and had
been almosl blind for the last fifteell years of his life.

Oxford English Dictionary,

Old Aslimolean, Broad Street,
8th May, 1916.

Many thanks for the copies of your proofs, wliich I Lave read with interest.
The following are the only comments which occur to me on the various points: (1) Your view t h a t Trcrcirrg Ronrtl is an alteration of Trnnrl (= Trestle) Bonrr?
seems well-founded and could only be shaken by earlier evidence for t h e T r n c / ~ ~ ! j

( 2 ) Z92drn t r d T c r r ~ r ? etc.
The chief difficulty here is t h a t Tnravl is the earliest form. This is actually a
1 5 1 6 t h cent. variant of Trc,url, but t h a t does not appear to help.
The other forms are probably two frcm the start, viz ,
dinted (or dented) ashlzr
perpend ashler.
7)nn f y t a w l e y might be re-written as rltr71t y f n\\lr~/ (for (r\\lrr) and tl(rn t y t map
represent the Scottish form rlrtlfrt

I should regard rlrtlfrr? or t / / t / t r t l as a synonynl of 11rocrrhrrl. A stone which

went right through a wall, so as to " shew a fair face 011 both sides," I r . , a p e r p n d
trxhler, might very well have both ends dressed in this manner.
This would make it unnecessary t o argue t h a t the one term must be a corruption of tlie other.
(3) Another possible explanstion of c?r'ornnl is the frequent occurrence of
The further change of t / to f h does not
present much difficulty: compare the conversion of rlr to f h p in names of Scottish
Thanks for permission t o keep the proofs, which I shall place among the
supplementary material for the Dictionary
Yours sir~serely,
( p i e r r e s , etc.) tl'orncci11.r in Old Frencli.


I have perused with much interest tlie proof of the paper 011 The Evolution
of the Tracing Roard by Bro. E . H. Dring and must admit t h a t i t is treated in his
usual masterly style znd will be lllucil appreciated by many readers of d .Q.C. My
remarks are not of a very extended nature so I will briefly relate the circumstances
which lead me u p to the theory I wish t o p r o p o u d . It is many years since I came
across the two words Broached Thlir:iel, which I could not understand. 1 looked u p
the Encyclopaedias of Mackey, Mackenzie and Wooclford and found t h a t while they
all agreed t h a t i t was a stone, t h a t was about all they could say of it, not knowing
whether i t was a rough or perfect Ashlar, and there the matter rested for several

Some sixteen or twenty year: ago Z purchnsec! a Mark Je\\el of a type

previouly unknown to me, and on showing it to the late Bro. H. Sadler, a t Freemasons' Hall, he went t o one of tll? cases and brought out uine or ten similar to mine.
remarking t h a t t l ~ e ywere c;rlled Lozenge or Trowel ~ h a p e to
, which I made no reply.
considering that they were not like eit>l~er.
The Broached Tliurnel occasionclly cropped up, and I liad in my mind certain
sticks rather more than two feet ill length, zhout an inch in diamehr a t one end and
pointed a t t h e other, which were used in Norfolk ill thatching hay hnd corn stacks.
T l ~ e ywere driven through thc tllatch with a mallet along the eaves and ridge two'or
tliree feet apart as t h e work proceeded, t l ~ ebond turned round t l ~ e mand then
again driven in three or four inches more.
These sticks were called broclles, so 1
tur1:ed to broach, in t l ~ eNew Eng!isl~ l)ict;onary, and found plenty of cxanlples of
its meaning, conliug to Broaching Thurm.11, a cllisel. I then turned to t h a t word,
but could not find i t denominated as a broacll or broch, as a cl~iselis described as
being bevelled on one or both sides, hence a cutting instrument. However, i t gave
one instance of being bewlled on four sides. This implement has a cutting edge of
about one-eighth of an inch, and in this neighbourl~oodis called a Point or Prichet,
and is used for executing Sparrow pecked work : t h a t is making incisions in the face
of a stone in appearance like the marks of a small bird's beak in a soft substance.
This implement in some districts may be
This is done when the stone is ill sitcc.
called a broach or broach in^ chisel.
On looking again a t the Jewel referred to I came to the conclusion t h a t it
represented a keystor!e for 211 angle-headed doorway or window, but I did not know
where to find an example as I could not remember having seen any such depicted in
any work on Architecture, but had a slight recollection that I had seen such windows
in sketches of old Continental houses. However, on coming to live a t Binstead, Isle
of Wight, two years ago I came across a cottage with angle-headed chamber windows.
and there was the Keyst'one, s l ~ a p dlike the Jewel, but slightly more acute, both ill
the upper and lower angles.
Bro. Dring having evolved for us the correct meaning of Thurnel there ib now
something tangible to prove my tlleory, which is that this Keystone is the Broched
Urnel: the prefix broached refers to the more acute shaping of the lower angle of
It is t h a t curiously virough+ d o n e neither square nor oblong which
the stone.
became the head of the corner.
Once in the lecture is mentioned a. Point,ed Cube, which Bro. 1)ring does not comment on. 1tllink i t may refer t o this stone, which is not correctly a cube tho'ugh i t haq
five equal sides. I wculd add I have seen engravings of Masonic Ornaments: a square
stone the top finished off with a four-sided pyramid, which may have been evolved
from the designer having come across a similar entry, b u t no such moulded stone
could ever have had any place in Opernt,ive Masonry. I n a paper entitled Extmcts
f r o t t i old J l i t l i c f ~ I l o o A . . ~it1 f11r G I r r e d Lo(7gr N I ~ ~ ~ I ~ Roo111,
I C I I ~by Bro. D r . William
Hammond, P . G . D . , d .(S.t7. xxviii., 13, is a reference to Broach and Trunell in
January, 1753. If this entry is correct I think i t is the first mention of Broach in
t h e Lodge furniture, b u t I am inclined to think it is an error of the scribe for
Broached Thurnel. Anyhow, i t may be accepted t h a t such a stone was in existence
a t t h a t date, and i t appears t o me extraordinary that all knowledge should have
been lost. T should think such a stone or a. wooden imitation may still be found

amongst the lumber of some old Craft or Mark Lodge.

is 1782 and the maker's initials are C . F .

The date-mark on the jewel

1cannot define the difference between Setting Mall and Heavy Mall. the firstnamed is an implenlent used by Paviors in s e t t ~ n gthe ~ s h l e r s . They are of different
shapes. I n one the head is like t h a t of a hlason's Mallet, with a handle about three
feet in length. Another is like a flat the-se, about three inches thick, with the edges
and sidss rounded off by use; and another with a mallet head geuerally made from
the limb of a tree, about four or more inches in diameter, with one end wedge-shaped,
alld about half-an-inch face, wl~icllis used for driving earth under the stones, and is
oftell called a Setting Beetle. There is likewise another implement made from the
trunk of a tree, about t l ~ r e efcet long, the base being six or eight inches in diameter,
with a vertical handle in t h e top and a horizontal one three or four inches down the
side This is gellerally called a ram; sometinles a two-llandled beetle.
These inl~lelnentsare not used in wall building, as an Ashler, as long as lt
floats, can be driven u p to the joint by a tap from the hammw or even the f i ~ t
The Broaching Mall I cannot comprehend.
The Gavel has a cutting edge 011 one side of about two-and-a-half inchw long
in a line with t h e handle, and bevelled on both sides, the other end being a foursided pick, the llandle sufficiently long to be used with both hands, and is used in
the Quarries for rough squaring, where it is called a Cavel; b u t I do not find i t in
the nictionary of the Isle of Wight, W . H. Long, 1886.
Bro. 1)ring refers t o one error in the New English Ilictionary. I note another,
under t h e head of Gavel, where it is entered as a Mason's Setting Mall. There is a
chisel called a Pitcher, which is very abruptly bevelled on one side, the other being
perfectly straight, which is held close to the stone and is driven wit11 a heavy hammer
called a Pitch Hammer, t o perfectly square the ashler; the side to be faced is then
more smoothly finished off. The Mason's Hammer has a head of about six inches
in length, with a head a t one end and a cl~iselpoint a t the other. The so-called
wooden gavels used in some Lodges are a poor imitation of the Operative Tool.
I n t h e Howard Lodge of Brotherly Love No. 56, which was originally a
London Lodge, there is, in addition t o the four-and-a-half inch cube in the N . E . , a
st,one in the S . E . measuring six-and-a-half inches long, four wide, two and threequarters thick. It is also a Perfect Ashler, but may be intended t o represent a
Perpend. It would be interesting to know if a similar stone is preserved in any
other Lodge.

Bro. ANDREWHOPE U T Z ~ C S : rr

The Tracing Board of


All Souls " Lodge a t Weymouth, No. 170

I have not the means a t hand to comb it out, but T believe t h a t Lodge was
transferred from Tiverton and was a Lodge worked a t that place by French
Prisoners of W a r on parole, prior t o 1811, and I think the original name was
" Toutes Saintes."
There was a French Lodge a t Tiverton working under the title of " Le.;
Eufants de Mars " about t h a t period, for three brethren of t h a t Lodge visited the
Lodge a t Kelso and so signed their names in the attendance book.

Tlie peculiar feature of the Weymontl~Board alnioqt suggests a Continental

French 1 Whether these two Lodges were in some way identical
or the one the successor of the other I d o uot k i ~ ( ~ w .The Lodge " Les Enfants de
Mars " is nlentioned in Bro. Jolin T . Thorp's book on French Prisoners' Lodges in
England, and I have seen om ox here a p r i n t d reference to the other.

I congratulate Bro Dring very c ~ ~ d i a l on

l y 111s Lrdy interesting contribution
to our now increasmg treasury of valuable Masonic knowledge; and, as for the few
observations I now propose to make on the subject of this discourse, I trust that he
will recognize, in them, an e n d o r c ~ i n e i ~oft hi? viewi, generally, rather than any
attempt a t frivolous or ungenerous criticism of his admirable dissertation.
There would seem to exist, still, as indezd there has existed for a long period
of years past, even anlong well informed brethren, a difficulty, arising from a
confusion of terms, as to wliich of two deaignations, " Tracing Board " or " Trestle
Board," is the more correct. In my opinion the terms are convertible, t h e former
being the more correct of the two; and h i t nelther of them was in use in very
early days, tlie designation " Floor Cloth " being probably the oldest known. The
practice followed in those days was evidently that of depicting certain symbolical
diagrams, probably having an architectural application, upon the actual floor of the
Lodge room, with the aid of chalk, or charcxil, or perhaps both Later on, i t may
be, t h a t from simple linear diagrams, the illu.jtration of tlie Craft symbolism became
somewhat more extensive, and elaborate, and involved more skill on t h e p a r t of the
delineator. This method of illustration was, i t must be admitted, not only essentially
crude (and t o t h e cultured mind not by any means attractive), b u t i t was also
decidedly inconvenient, not t o say, in many instances, impracticable; and, therefore, tlie more convenient and portable form of Masonic " Floor Cloth," or Carpet.
would naturally be substituted for the more primitive method. These old Floor
Cloths were, of course, usually painted on canvas, and were in many cases carried
upon rollers; and, for still f ~ r t h convenience,
they were, in some instances, when
n ~spread
out upon tables, iaid upon portable boards, which latter were supported by
light trestles; whence, doubtless, will have arisen the designation " Trestle Board "
and its many corruptions " Trasel," " Tarsel," " Tressell," etc.
Tlie use of Tracing Boards has not altogether been cmfined t o the Craft
degrees, for I have in my possession copies of those tableaux, upon which are t o be
found numerous symbols, appertaining t o the various degrees.-Craft, Mark, Royal
Arch, Order of the Temple, and other so-called higher Masonic grades.
Tracing Boards were, indeed, freely used tl~rouglioutIreland, in those early days
prior t o the creation of die Grand Royal Arch Chapter, in 1829, and the Grand
Encampment of H . K . T . in 1836; their use was, however, discontinued many years
ago. I n the Appendix t o tlie "Ahiman Rezon," or the Irish Book of Constitutions,
issued in 1839, the Tracing Bozrd is referred t o in a Craft Lecture, b u t the reference
does not occur in more recent issues. The writer of tlie Lectures, R . W . Bro. the
Ven. Archdeacon of Down, Walter B. Mant (at t h a t time Provincial Grand Master
of Carie and Dunluce), was initiated in the " Apollo " Lodge, York, a number of

years previously, and doubtless introduced from England the Craft Tracing Board.
I have observed, upwards of iifty-four years ago, Tracing Boards hanging upon the
walls, i11 some instances in Lodge-rooms, but more often in their Ante-rooms; and
although I have, in my early Masonic days, sometimes made use of tliern, in
illustrating my Lectures to Candidates, I never recognized them, nor were they
then acknowledged by Grand Lodge, as being, in any sense, requisite to Masonic
ritual instruction.
As t o Bro. Dring's refereme to the Mosaic Pavement and the tesselated
border being considered as separate entities, I am inclined to think they were always
intimately, and inseparably associated, one witli t h e other.
I n Ireland (at all
events in the year 1862, but for how long previously I have no persoiial knowledge,)
the so-called Mosal; ~ a v e m e n lt ~ a nb e ~ nin evidence, and consisted of painted black
and white squares, surrounded by an iiidexted, tooth-shaped, or so-called " Tesselated
Iii llle centre of the Pavement' was i i ~ v n ~ i a b idepicted,
in gold, t h e
emblem known as the " Blazing Star." The t o u t r t ~ u r t t t b l rwas, as a rule, painted
on ordinary oil cloth; the dimeusions of the latter being about nine feet by six feet.
I have seen-tliese Floor Cloths, or Carpets, in several Masonic Rooms, but; I have
never known their presence t o be regarded as being a s i t ~ eycctc uvtz, -although their
use has not, a t any time, been formally proliibitcd by Grand Lodge.
As to the allusion to Scottisl~" Floorings," these must, I think, clearly have
referred to t h e Tracing Boards of' L l ~ various
Craft degrees; no other explanation
seems to be practicable.
As to the expressiolt " The Lodge," wllicl~is s n object sometimes borne in
Masonic Processions, I have always uliderstood this t o refer to an " Altar," in Craft
ceremonial (or to the " Ark," in a Royal Arch ceremonial), or t o a portable iinitation thereof, such as I have known to be carried in several processions associated
with the cerenlonial of Dedication of Masonic Halls, and in quite a number of which
functions I have liad the pleasure of participating.
As t o Bro. llring's preference for the term " Lodge Board," for which he
quotes precedents, in the years 1773, 1809, and 1810, this seems t o me tu be quite
an appropriat'e term; but I rather fear t h a t inany brethren, having become, so t o
speak, wedded t o the designatioii Tracing Board, i t may be difficult to secure for i t
a y e t r r r d acceptance. I f , however, the Grand Lodge of England leads the way, i t
will doubtless be followed, except, perllaps, by our Aiilerican bretllren, who have
adopted the much less appropriate desigilation, " Trestle Board."

I am very sorry tllat I callnot attend to hear the paper read by W Bro. Dring
I have for years wished t o have r i e x explsilation of the varloui terms
Board," " Tre,tle Board," and " Lodge Board "




The.words parpeu or perpend 110 doubt refer to the perfectly squaro stone, as
the tern1 is used to this day in bricklaying: " the perpends b , b e properly kept,"
that is the vertical joint!; i l l the different eourhes s l d l be true and exactly over each

Perpend ashlar would be y r r f r c t rc.4lr1r, as the term ashlar now applies t o

stones on the face wllicll do not run tllrougll tlie wall, and this stone with perfect
beds and joints would ba considered perpend, or perfect.

I. have gone tllrougil inany books but can finci nothing about " perfect "
111 Operative Ililasonry ns11l;r means worked stone which is used of various
tllicki~essesfor ftrcitly the wall and is backed u p w i h rubble stone or brick, so t h a t
the term " perpend ashlar " could not apply to a tllrougl~stone faced a t both ends.

It is most unusual for a wall t o be built entirely of wrought stone, even ill
the case of important buildings.
I .have a building going on now with large stone pilasters the bouders of
nllicll go through the wall, and the spaces between are ashlar, backed u p by brickwork.
Perfect may mean worked in the best manner, or, as I before said, a corruption of " perpend."
I t is possible t h a t Uro. 1)ring inay sl~owby one of his slides what was drawn
on the floor, and i t is clear t h a t after a time a board was used standing on trestles,
and on this boa.rd the einblenis formerly drawn on the board were properly painted.
I n tlie lectures i t would be convenieilt if the tracing boards stood on trestles

write.\ :Uro. W. U. HEXTALL

We are indebted to Bro. Driitg for an acceptable paper, anything in wliicl~

i t is alniost ungracious to questioi~; but it has been well said1 t h a t " in a matter
where we can only tlleorise, one man's opinion is as good as anotller's," and 1 have
one or two doubts wllicll I will indicate.

1 agree that what are known as ' spurious " rituals have inore archaeological
\slue than is often given to them, and supply material for comparison and
infereilce hard to find elsewhere.

It is mainly upoli tlie expression " Drawing the Lodgc " that I am not quite
ill agr.eenient: i t appears t o me t h a t one nleaning of the plirase has been too lnucl~
taken for granted, in the past as well as now.
111 the Appendix t o the paper we have the Felicity Lodge instance of a
Drawer t o tlie House " being made a member on April 6, 1737. A t .l .Q.C1. xvii.,
57-8, the late Bro. W. J . l l u g l ~ a ireferred,
as tlle earliest knowu instance of such
an appointment, to

1725.6. Feby. 3. Josepl~Atherton, a Ilrawer, was admitted a nieinber to attend

this Lodge.

&lay 1 1 .

Albert Wood, tlie Tkawer, was also admitted

Bro. Driilg tells us that tlie word ( ' Drawer " nieaus, in this connection, a
waiter or cork-drawer; but I doubt it
" Drawer " was so used by Shakespeare,
b u t I tllink it will be found that that meaning of the word had dropped out of

general use a !good while before tile Masonic revival of 1717; and this is no more
affected by " drawer " occurring occasionally in eighteenth century literature, thau
by an isolated use of the word by Charles Dickens a century later. The collocation
of words, " Tyler and Drnwer," in the Felicity Minute seeins to me to point t o
' ' Drawer " in a restricted and Craft sense; the fact probably being t h a t t o one
or more individuals was entrusted tlle " drawing " for all tlle Lodges t h a t met a t
a particular tavern; and even if he or they conlbined ill their persons the supply of
both moral and physical requirements on the part of members, tile appellation would
be derived from the former, and not the latter, division of their labours.
Masonic use of the terms " draw," " drawer," and " drawing " did in t r u t h
originate from tapsters and tavern-servers, then I should rather confidently conjecture t h a t i t took its rise from some ftrcrtite appreciated and enjoyed by tlle oldtime convivial brethren, but which have failed t o come down to us. Hogartll's
picture, S,i,qlit, does not assist, for the figure in i t which has been variously
described as a tavern-waiter or a tyler is perforlning a duty wllicll might well have
fallen t o either; thougli I incline t o the former-a view in which Hogartll's fullest
living conmlentator agrees.' I may point out t h a t tlle use of " Mr " (or omission
of " Brother ") in tlle Minutes quoted proves nothing as t o the persons intended
being 11011-Masons; the same thing often occurs in early Grand Lodge Minutes;
and I read " M' " merely as indicating non-meinbership of a particular Lodge,
and not of the Craft,. I am certainly uilcoilvinced that the primitive designs from
which our tracing-boards have developed were a t any time habitually nlanipulated
by the staff of taverns which the Lodges honoured by their presence.
" The Lodge " is accepted
by Bro. Dring as ineaning a wooden board,
generally, if not always, having devices drawn or painted upon its surface.
think i t very likely t h a t not only did the word " Lodge " (as applying to an article
of Masonic furniture) conle to be used in very loose fasliion, but t h a t i t was often
spoken and written of without lliucll definite idea as to what i t was, or what was
iiieant hy Lhe expression. Take the minute of the Royal Sussex Lodge a t Wortliing,
as given in .I . Q . C f xvii., 46, 48 :1823.


Ordered that Bro. Palmer be desired t o add to the Form of

the Lodge ail lndented Border, forwith.

1825. August. Thanks of tlie Lodge to Bro. Palnier for the addition made by
him to the Lodge Board . . . aud also t o Bro. W. A .
Cooper for the Preseilt made by liiin to the Lodge of a Tracing

111niucli writtell on the subject of Lodge paraplieri~alia i t appears t o be

overlooked t h a t in the early days of Freenlasoi~ry one necessary adjunct of a
properly equipped Lodge was an Ark. The late Bro. Revd. A . I?. A . Woodford
wrote2 t h a t an ark was " often used in Lodges as a syinbolical emblem. More
attention used formerly to be be paid t o i t . One of the best instructed Masons we
ever kuew always contended that every Lodge should have its synibolic ark."
111 the Minutes of the Royal Unioll Lodge, Uxbridge, for 1827 is: " Agreeable t o
tlie resolutioi~of last. Lodge night an inventory of the wliole of the property of
the Lodge was t.aken, and deposited in the Ark.""


Our P.M.,

rtj tltr

Qtrrttttror ('otrtttrtti Lotlgr.

Bro. l)r'. Yy'yln Westcott, in 1893, said in.a paper which is

" A further
feature wlrich scrne Masonic.J,odges

p r i r r t e d a L ^ . I. Q . U . v i . , 1 2 - l t i :

have borrowed from the symbolism of the Tabernacle, is the possessionof a cista
myst'ica, a secret coffer, reprosetrtirig tire sacred Ark rvithirr the TaberupplB, of
Moses. Irr the Ceremony of Consecration of a new Locige in the.United,Stat"-*,
Bro. I)aniei Sickles, of Nerv York, iu his 'I,'reenaasous'Guide' of 1867, says.t]pa!
the ' Lodge ' is arr oblorrg box ccvered witir white lirren, rvhich is placed ,ppgll ,,a
table in front of the Grand Master, and is surroun,Ced with three carrdieq arld
vessels of corn, wine, and oil.
Tlris is also an old emblein il our English,rites,
but, so.far as I can ascertain,it is not now irr general use.
tlte Warrant

artd Book of Constitutiorrs."

It was.u$edto..hold

[t has elsewhere be,:n remarfted.th4t

although the Craft originated in Chri,"tian times and anorrgst Christial pApple, ib
yet possessesmarked arrd clraracterir.tic Jelr,ish histories and tr'aditiorrs which are
not to be accounted for, or explained, by belief or revererrceaccordeii to the. Jewish
Scriptures by a body so largely corrsisLirrs,in Great Britain, of those of the Christian
Without exarnitrirrg reasons, or debating whetirer tlie Ark r:f early Masonic


usage tlas Noachiatr or Mosaic, that. Judai..m lr,-ass'irongly perceptible .irl posf,revival Masotrry is sufliciently evident 2; and 'n'irat appears to be tbe Ark as therr
u s e d i r l C r a f t L o d g e s i s c l e p i c t e di n t h e l l a s o n i c p l a t e i r r P i c a r t ' s ( ' r r r n t o n i t : . e t
( . ' t t t t t t t t t t u l l r : l i r l i r : t r x e s1
, 735, nlaced at the sicle of the Master's chair.3 At thc
Grand Assembly at Freemasons' llail on 27th l)ecember, 1813, to perfect tlre
t'iniorr, u'e read that " the tu'o Grand Mastern
then advance,Cto th,r
Ark of the Masorric Coverrant, prel-iared
foi' the edifice of the. Union, and
in all time to oone to be placed before t"he Tlirorre lanrt after applying the appropriate u'orking tools to the Ark
Edifice of tlnionl
of the Ark,
anil oil."{

and declaring it to be the synrbol of the Grarrd

the tvyo Grarrd }fasters placed ihe Act of Ulion

iu the interior

uporr wirich thev, according to ancierit lite, poured forth conr, u'ine,
Shortiy before, tlre " Plat " presente,:lby tire Secretary of the Lodge

of Promulgatioir on 22ld l)ecember, 1809, had ilcluded the reconrnrerrdationthat

there should be prepared, " for preservatioii, irr an Ark to be kept sacred for tirat
purpose a Pandect of the Scielce of Speculative Freeurasorrry."
It is irardly
rrecessaryto suggest that the
Ark of the Coverrant ab the tTnion coincides with
tlie " Ark of the testirttony " ; " in the ark t,hou shalt put the testimony " ; arld
" thou slralt cover the ark
r.l'ith the vail
of Ji,r'orltrx; arrd " the ark whereil is
tlre Coverrant of the Lord," of J ('/t.r'ot,it'lrs.
Bro. Dring has giverr referorrcesto " the Lodge covered witli white satin,"
o n e b e i r r g t i r e D e d i c a t i o r r o f t l r e N e u ' H a l l i r r 1 7 7 6 , w h e r e ( 1 7 8 4 ( ' o r t s t i t r t ti o t t s ,
" The lodge
318n.) " the lodge l,l,as uncovered," arid subsequently,
was therr
" lodge " was in reality
covered." f own I an rrot so easily persuaCed that this
'whab for sirortness we will call a " trestle board "
; though it seems ciear enough
" The
that (as the late Bro. I)r. Chetwode Crawley wrote at ,1 .Q.(i. xviii., 140):
It was
desigl u'as drawn or: stencilled on the flcor of the Lodge-rooin.
poyrularly spokerr of as
Lodge,' and tlie appellation was used in a way that
v l ' h c I s t r t t : l i t t sl o u n l i n t l t t , . l r t y y l t r , \ r r . r ' r tbt rt 's1, \ ' i I ] i a r nC a l p e n t t ' r ' ,1 R 7 - ! .
" of Antlt'r'sotrand
2 See lllo. I)r. Clhetu'otleClarrlr', to the " likoll' anter:edente
l)esagulielsirr legald to the intloduction to tho Craft ol the Hilamic Legend, 1.(.t.{i. xii.,
1t t.
3 R e p r o t l u c e cal t : 1 . ( . ) . L ' . x x i i i . . 1 2 6 . ' l h c p l a t e l ' a s l e v e l s t t l i n P i c a l t ' s s e c o n c l
e t l i t i o n .l i J l .
a This Alli uas dcstlo-r't'cl
irr the filc at l'r'eentasons'Hall in 1ii"s3.

has been woilt to puzzle t h e tiro \vho seeks t o investigate t h e early development of
'Frebmasonry under t l ~ eG r a n d Lodge of England."
T h r i'rir~rildrs of 1 J r ~ r Jftrsonry I)rlitrrcctrtI, Exeter, 1777, has i n ' Cereniouy of Consecration ' (page 5 0 ) .
'.' T h e Grand Master, attended by . . . form themselves in Order round t h e
d t h e Lodge . . . " D r .
Lodge i n tlle Centar . . . . Tncei~seis ~ a t t ~ e r eover
George Oliver, i n T h r J,'ooh. of t h I,c,,l!/r,
3 r d edit., 1864, page 71, says: " There
should be a n A r k or Lodge in t h e centre, covered with a veii of t h e t h r e e Masonic
colours." Much t h a t is obvious i n t h e n a y of covered with white satin "; covered
and uncovered ; and " incense scattered " over i t ; a.s applied to a n A r k , seems
unaccount,ed f o r i, n. t h e case of a trestle-board, and inapplicable t o it. A n d though
t h e quotations from Minutes sho;, t h a t " t h e Lodge "'must have become so used i n
common parlance, i t is needful t o bear in mind illat (if 1 a m correct) its meaning,
as applied t o trestle-board or tracing board, was a corrnptiolz of t h e t r u e and
original significance.

T h e Mo.;aic a r k contained t h e two iablei of ?tone, t h e pot of m a n n a , a n d

Aaron's r o d , all enumerated in a n old M S Third Lecture as " ornaments of a
&IM 's Lodge ", a n d appearing on t h e reverse of t h e large Lodge Clot11 w l ~ l c l ~
was exlnbited by B r o 1 h n g when he read h ~ ps a p e r , a very early example, b u t
undated T h e concurrence ju't noted-as
f a r as ~t goes-seems t o favour a n Arlc
Ineaning f o r t h e tern1 " Lodge "
A s t o " drawmg t h e Lodge " , 111 3 h i t of property of t h e Lodge of Emulation which was f o u n d t o be missing i n J u n e , 1783, 1s a Forming Board " (Sadler'.;
Lorlgr o f K r n u l ( ~ t m n ,-Yo 21, 1906, 82) ; a n d i n H u g l ~ a n ' s.Ipollo Lotl!/r, J70rh,
1889, 33, occurs tlus minute of 26th J u n e , 1776 " Resolved t o make Bro Robt
Mountain [one of t h e two TylerJ] a gift of one Guinea for his care i n drawing or
t h e Candlesticks "; t h e first extract may assist as t o " form of t h e Lodge "; b u t
I hardly suppose t h e second wlll be found helpful
T h e J,od!/r of Etrriclnf/ntr,
Yo. 21, also fu'rnishes these "


F e b 13th

Bro Williams presented his bill for making a Trassel

Board wi'cll Hieouglyficks of Masonry


March 11th. A Motion was made [and carried] t h a t a proper Board b"
made for tlie Tyler t o draw his Lodge on.

A t -1 .($.('. x . , 81, t h e late Bro. Spetll wrote: " The earliest form of o u r
modern moveable tracing board was t h a t of a floor-cloth, consisting of various
symbolical designs, of which tlie Mosaic pavement was usually, though not always,
a feature. T h e actual tracing board, sorrrrfitrrrs cnllrrl crlso n sqrttrrr, was blank."
I quote for t h e sake of t h e words italicised.
I n some Lodges i t is still t h e custom to display actual operative tools upon
t h e floor of the L o d g e ; a ~ l dalso t h e emblems of mortality in like real a n d actual
fashion a t t h e appointed time.
T h e flaming sword which is found i n tlle Cloth belonging t o t h e Cestrian
Lodge (and said by D r . Oliver t o represent Mercy) may be regarded by t h e 11g11t
of a note a n d illustration a t d (J (' vi , 196, of a flamlng sword nearly four feet
long, fixed upon a wooden s t a n d , t h e property of t h e Constitutional Lodge, N o 294,
Beverley, with references t o similar swords a t t h e Huniber Lodge, No. 57, H u l l ,
and a t t h e Old Globe Lodge, N o 200, Scarborough, the last, in 1893, unfortunately

is interesting in the
missiug. A passage there quoted from . I 11it1,tetlR P I O I I1764,
same corlnection.

Among the many details wllicll invite notice is the occurrence of the Trowel
as a Craft syinbol in " This figurs Represents the Lodge " ' which forms part of
t h e Carlnick MS., 1727; and in one or more of the Norfolk Province Boards of
orrrc 1800
The following, from ,I (,'lot\ter!/ trtld I:'f!/,~~rtlo!/ic.,rl
l)irflo,r//ry o f
ohwlrtr crtlcl ~ e t ~ r oI ItItO~I , ~ e w t l ~
. by William Toone, second edition, 1834,
may not be quite irrelevant .Aperner; a drawer or waiter a t a tavern, was so called from the circumstance of tlleir wearing aprons; a n apron man.
Board : a table was anciently so called. Our ancestors took their meals
on loose boards, supported by trestles, and this continued till
Shak~peare'stime, and probably after
Drawer; a tapster, one who draws liquor for the guests of an inn-now
superseded by the more modern waiter.
Mall; a heavy hammer or wooden club, flattened a t the end

I should like t o offer these few comments and to express my sincere appreciation of Bro. Dring's excellent and valuable papers.
I agree with him in thinking that the designation which best describes the
apparatus, the complex history of which lie is so ably elucidating, is t h e " Lodge
Eoard." The Trestle Board or Tracing Board was really only one item of many
accessories which have come t o be associated 'in one object. It is the concrete representation of the abstract and symbolic Lodge and a t the consecration of a Lodge
is treated as such. I n the old op;rative days the Master would work on a tracing,
drawing or plotting board, probably supported on trestles, for his own use, either
resting there or on a more upright trestle or easijl conveniently placed for the
guidance of the craftsmen. On the floor of the Lodge the designs would be set out
to larger scale or full size, and I believe it i? from lines forming squares for guidanc2
in carrying this out and from lin5s designed to assist adjustment from one scale to
another traced on the workshop floor t h a t the pavement-like patterns on the symbolic
Lodge Boards are derived. Templates, squares and other instruments, tools and
perhaps a model of the intended building would be necessary adjuncts, of which we
find symbolic successors employed to-day. It is a little tempting t o associate the
expression " Tracing " Board with methods of setting out-the tracing according
t o lines serving the purposes of modern sectiolial drawing paper or the more simple
centre and other lines required as the foundation of t h e least intricate drawing,
b u t I do not think t h a t we must read into i t any more meaning than simply a
" Drawing " Board. A t a later stage of the symbolic evolution we find the various
accessories no longer merely drawn on t h e floor, or depicted on a floor cloth, but
raised on a table, which again suggests a reasonable origin of t h e expressiol~
" Trestle " Board, and we recognise t h a t the congeries representing the " Lodge "
is a " Board."
1 Also ill~lstratetla t 4.(2.('.
s x i i . , 111-113.

Bro. Cecil Powell has described a, present use whicl~seems to illustrate this
st8ageof the development and of which he will no doubt give us some particulars; a
further step is reached ill customs I have witnessed in Lodges a t Windsor and
High Wycombe, which led me to write Rro Ilring some letters which he has kindly
mentioned. The information, so far as it strictly bears upon this subject, is morc
briefly stated in the following sentences.
A t the Etonian Lodge of St. J o h n , meeting with two other Lodges of mucli
more recent date a t the Masonic Hall, Windsor, Tracing Boards after tlie modern
fashion are in use, but the working tools of the three degrees are placed on an
erection in the middle of the Western p a r t of the Lodge. A t Windsor the tools
rest in little wooden trays on cushions of blue ( l o ) . claret, (ZO), and black (3O), on
what is practically a box 2ft. 5in. high, 2ft. 4in. wide, and 4ft. East t o West,
covered in altar fashion with red stuff, and having on the top a white satin cloth
with gold fringe on which the trays already mentioned lie ready t o be handed t o
the Master in the course of the ceremonies. The use is on :he same lines a t the
Wycombe Lodge No. 1501, which has not only inherited this custom, but also
acquired some very interestling old furniture and properties from the senior of
the Windsor Lodges a t the time of its consecration in 1874.
A glance a t the history of the Etonian Lodge of St. J o h n may give a possible
clue to the date when these and other customs, which I need not now enter upon,
had their rise. The Lodge was founded a t Eton by a Warrant from t h e Grand
Lodge of the Antients in May, 1813, being a re-issue of No. 284 9th Regiment of
Dragoons, Macclesfield, dating from 27th May, 1794, which gave the new founda-'
tion a good precedence on the roll of the United Grand Lodge so soon to be formed.
I fancy we may infer t h a t the members would have a bias towarcls working according
to any peculiarities of the Antients, and the fact t h a t some of them were members
of another Lodge of the same allegiance, No. 269, datlng from 1791, then called
St. John's Lodge, and meetirlg a t Windsor, seems to me t o support such an idea.

This No. 269 became, in 1818, St. George's Lodge, and was finally erased in
1838. There had been two earlier Lodges a t Windsor, both of the Moderns, the
first S t . George's dating from 1759, erased as No. 198 in 1773, and the Lodge of
St. George, of 1785, erased as No. 385 in 1813. There are breaks between, but
perhaps there was a link of Membership as well as of name which would carry
traditions back to 1759. A t any rate, members of the Etonian might perpetuate
usages of the Antients as far bacB as 1791 in St. George's Lodge No. 269. The
Etonian Lodge moved to Windsor in 1825.
The model of a building would be a coninloll feature in an Operative Lodge
for working purposes, and i t beems to me that the elaborate Ark of the Covenant
structure, which proved by level, plumb and square, and consecrated with the usual
libations, was tlie " Lodge " a t the inauguration of the United, Grand Lodge in
1813, and may enshrine some memory of such an ad!unct. It is also, I think, worthy
of note, t h a t in old days, the chest which in Lodge may have been used to bear
working tools, or the Lodge Board, and also t o form a receptacle for the
examples of which have survived,-would
be called an
" ark " in common parlance.
The word would be suggestive to our ritualists long
after the chests or arks, which, as usual articles of domestic furniture, gave their
name t o the craftsmell who made them,-the arkwrights,-were superseded by tlie

cupboards and chests of drawers wliic!i better serve more ~noclernuses. Of course,
in old days t h e Lodge dues might be kept ill a variety of boxes ranging from the
size of a pint pot, t o the d i m e n s i o ~ ?of~ a parish chest, the representations of which
we might expect to find anlongst the paraphernalia of a symbolic Lodge.

I almost feel t h a t Bro Dring seems tempted to put too high a value on the
professing revelations of the eighteenth centurv, yet, as Bro Gould wrote, in his
f'o~rriyrf l i s i o r y (p. 2 9 9 ) :
Leaving these spurious rituals for what they are really
worth-and i t may be remarked t h a t the value set upon them has never been a high
one- we may occasionally, from amid a mas. of otherwise unintelligible matter, pick
out a n item or suggestion, calculated t o throw light cn the ? a d of Freemasonry."
The passages of catechisnl. which Bro. ])ring cite6 certainly seem t o point t o considerable uncertainty on the p a r t of the compilers, and clearly there is plenty of
opportunity for i t ; an uneducated Operative and an uneducated Speculative could
easily get confused as t o the meaning, pronunciation, let alone spelling of technical
terms, translation backwards and forwards through French sources gives further
opportunity, and then, when you find urinuthorized persons attempting, with no
proper knowledge of the C'raft, to deal with these matters, no wonder if the results
are chaotic and so eventually altogether unreliable.
I have no doubt t h a t Bro. Dring's reading of l ' r r p r ~ / t l r s t rand I'rrpentrrchlrr
are perfectly justified. 1T)nnfy i n , + ~ l e and
! ~ its variations are not more far-fetched
t h a n " Peter Gower " and the like, and so are most ingenious and \\elcome suggestions, whilst t h e clearing u p of t h a t puzzling word thurnnl must be hailed with
delight by those whom i t has mystified. " Dented " or " indented " explain themselves, b u t without Bro. Dring's explanation t,he rest of the expression is a difficulty,
although the cord as i t appears on some of the Tracing Boards is quite capable of a
reasonable symbolic application on other lines.
I do not think t h a t t h e word prrpr11t7 and its variations should be pressed
too far. I think i t explains some expressions, b u t the word ' prrfrct ' is quite
understandable and apt, and was certainly intended in some connections. There
seem t o be two very distinct lines of derivation merged in the variations of this
word, yet both conveying the same ultimate meaning :-pnrprtr, ~)nvpr,rcl,parpetit,
the old French pnrpnitlq, " a tllrough stone," which I find i n a Dictionary of 1815
noted as " pirrrr 2 d r r l r p n r r r t ~ r r ~ c . A large stone in a building as thick as the
wall." I'rrprnd, etc., seem derived from the word perpendicular, and may have
arisen from a false analogy applied t o the French word AC any rate, " keeping
the perpends " is a t t h e present day a workman's term for keeping the vertical
joints of one course of brickwork or masonry perpendicularly over those of another
course. The p r r p r n f stollrc or prrprnf7rr.s may be explained as so call5d because
their ends are perpendicular with the wall faces. d s h l n r has nowadays a definite
meaning of dressed stone, formerly i t seems t o have meant nothing more definite
t h a n a stone cut t o shape and worked more or 1e.m finely as distinguished from a
mere rubble stone got out of t h e quarry in the form in which i t came most readily
t o hand, and I find it so described as a i w r stone, which i t is worth noting may be
used as a term devoid of all reference t o the hardness or softlless of its texture
for working purposes as f r r r from t h e native rock. The root idea of the word
ashlar and its many variants of old,--ashler, achelor, aschelere, assheler, aslure,
astler, achlere, estlar,-is an axe or adze. The Romans called an adze or.&, and
ncisczrlns was a mason's axe. I do not consider t h a t the words prrprutl or pnrpend

or the variations convey any special degree of workmanship as regards the finish,
what is meant is a stone wrought oblong. I n building operations there are two
main elements in any walling be i t of brick or stone, the units lying parallel t o t h e
face and those a t right angles thereto; and the proper disposition of these interlaces
and holds tlle materials t ~ g e t h e r constituting
what is called " the bond." I n the
" perpend ashlar " we have only one of these elements-the
long binding stone.
The other element, a nlucll shorter stone, which, for symbolic purposes, might well
be represented as a cube, is not always in evidence. I n such expressions as " By
Perpentashler and t h e square " a n 3 " tlie square pavemenb," the real meaning
inight' be squared ~ r s h l w ,not the instrument, and t h e possible use of t h e word
pliv~ttirtltas ea_uivalent to a pavenierit stoire would give more sense t o the associations
of some of tlie catechisnls.
The passage from which Bro. Dring's " perpent
acliillar " is epbted is in the original closely followed by a reference to similar work
in connection witli a parapet, arid " perpent " as applied to a wall seems to have
sonletimes merely meant t h a t the stones were wrought and in sight on both faces as
would be the case in such a wall.
The brorrcli is primarily a spit, skewer, pin, and as a verb means " to shape
stones roughly," an operation performed with what is now called " a punch," a kind
of chisel used, as a modern text book says, " with the hammer for removing all
xuperfluous waste." (Purchase's I'mcticcrl Xctxorwy, 1896.) " Broach " is also a
term for a spire, and especially for the pyramidal base from which a n octagonal
spire springs. Hen& we see t h a t the squared stone with a pyramidal top in some
French illustrations is a legitimate rendering of the term, in fact, as a pointed
stone, a keystone or voussoir would not be an unintelligent rendering of a " broached
tliurnal," but what depths may be plumbed by the inisapplication of technical
terms is well exemplified by a quotation froin a French cat~:chisin a t the beginning
of last century, wliicli describes " la pierre cubique " as being for the companions
' pour aiguiser leurs outils," reducing i t t o little more or less than a sharpening

stone or whetstone. 1 note an old Ellglish word, prrpoyi~f,wliicli looks akin ta

our rasearches, b u t further reference proves t h a t its only possible connection is its
spines-it nleans a porcupine-which
render i t indeed a prickly subject, which I
take as a n omen warning me from further trespassing on this thorny path of derivations where Bro. Dring himself only ventures to tread with modesty.
I think t h a t Bro Dring rather unnecessarily labours the point of identifying
the heavy maul or mall witli t h e beetle. I fancy t h a t neither term must be taken
t o bear a preclse meaning, but i t is clear t h a t the Masonic associations of the mall
place some restrictions on its size, and althougil i t was used by workmen of a grade
inferior t o a master, t h a t coilsideration puts a pavior's beetle out of the question.
A t t h e present day one of the tools included in the equipment of the Royal Engineers
is called a " mall," and is a wooden hammer with a head about eleven inches long
and seven inches diameter, fitted witli a liandle about three feet six inches long, and
weighing perhaps twelve t o fourteen pounds, very like t h e representations on some
of tlie Tracing Boards. Tn tlie Coventry Smith's portion of the mediaeval pageant,
club with a stuffed head of leather and
part of Pilate's insignia was a " mall "-a
wool-with whicl~he laid about hi111 lustily t o afford the comic relief with which our
forefathers expected those representations to be seasoned.

Bro. C. G O V G It~~ , t . i i e s : connectio~iwith a paper read to tlie Lodge a short while ago, a remark
was made tliat i t would for a long time Perve as a kind of " jumping-off stage " for
other papers on subjects somewhat akin to it. With equal t r u t h tlie same may b(:
said of tlie paper (in two parts) with which you have just favoured tlie Lodge.
Xot only does i t tend to a concentration of one's tliougllts on the inain theme, but
i t opeus new vistas from wliich views may be obtained 011 matters subsidiary t o tliat.
F o r example, take the ' Trowel.' I n the colum~isof recent issues of the N i s c o l l c ~ ~ z c n
L u t o n ~ o r t r t ~(a
t , medium for Masonic Notes and Queries wliich is gradually becoming
better knowii) several references have been made to the Trowel, which, so far as
English Craft Masonry is concerned, has become obsolete as a symbolic implement.
Excepting the solitary, yet significant, allusioli t o it ill tile Charge, to the Entered
A.pprentice, i t is nowhere mentioned in the R i h a l of Blue Masonry. I11 times
gone by i t seeins t o have playe'd an important part in tlie symbolica,l teachings of
tlie Order, and a t various times, and iri various places, i t was specially allocated to
different officers. I n America to-day i t is considered as being essentially tlie working tool of t h e Master Mason. Wow on some of the iiiaiiy lalitern slides of ancient
Masonic Floor Cloths and Tracing Boards, wliicli you exhibited to your audience,
the Trowel found a place, so affording proof tliat a t one time i t was regarde,d as a
useful iinple~nentof Craft Freemasonry. My recollection does not enable me t o
say whether i t was depicted oidy on the Tracing Board of the Tliird Degree.
Possibly i b disappearance from tlie Lodge Tracing Board may to some extent
syiicllronize with its disuse in Lodge ceremonial, but mucli consicleratioii would
doubtless be ueeded before adeauatc g-roclids could be found upon wliicl~to base
such a theory.
Not the least interesting of the inany features of the paper aiid its Inally
illustrations were the different illscriptioris on and relative to tlie coffiu in tlie Tliird
Degree. Coniniencing wit11 letters dealoting well-known words, the inscriptians
were frequently varied until a t tlie present day we have cryptic cliaracters with
quite a different signification, and-what
gives rise to niucli speculation,-these
letters, and the numerals used with them, are inade to read from right to left, like
tlie Hebrew words oil sollie of tlie more recent Tracing Boards. Bro. Songliurst
lucidly presented the suggestion t h a t this reversal, and what looks like similar
reversals of designs on the Boards of the otlier two degrees, may have been due
originally t o errors in tlie ineclia~iicalreproductioi~sof the drawings. Tlie extreme
plausibleness of this proposition prevents i t from being suimnarily disniissed, but,
on the otlier liaiid, one naturally looks round in tlie hope of fiuding sonle evidence,
however slight, to substantiate i t

Bro. J . T . THORP /c,rites:-

I rather favour your idea that Lodge Cloths were possibly introduced by the
I"reiicl1 Prisoners of W a r . Tlie " Royal Sussex " Lodge No. 353, Reptoil, has an
old Clotli, dated 1812, wliicli originally belonged to tlie Frencli prisoners a t Asliby
de la Zoucli; the founders of No. 363 bought all tlie Fre~icllLodge furniture wlieil
they returned llonle a t the peace of 1814. I saw this Clotli some years ago-it was
very dilapidated, but tlie painting thereon could be traced. On one side were the
e~iiblenisof the 1st and 211d Degrees, and on the other side tliose of tlie 3rd Degree;
illy attempt a t pliotographing it was not a success.



You may b e glad t o have a note 011 one snlall point arising out of t h e
iiiteresting paper you gave us on F r i d a y afternoon; t h e R u l e r is a t t h e present
time one of t h e Working Tools i11 Dutch Masonry, t h e candidate, i n one of his five
journeys i n tlie 2nd degree, t h e only degree i n which Tools are used, carries tlie
Ruler aiid Compasses, aiid is told illat they a r e t o test his work.
A Tracing Board much tlie same as tlie French ones you shewed us is still
ill use i n D u t c h Lodges i n South Africa.
yours fraternally,
0. H. BATE.
Bro. E. H. I)RISG 111rifrsas follows, ill reply :I must first express m y sincere gratitude for t h e very warm reception t h a t
has been given t o illy paper. I I d doubts wliether inany of illy views, some of
which a r e decidedly iconoclastic, would meet with t h e general approval of t h e
ni.embers. b u t I a m agreeably surprised t o find t h a t I do not appear to have
disturbed unduly t h e equanimity of ally of o u r bretlireii. Perliaps after publication, when a larger circle of ~ t u d e n t ssliall have read t h e paper, t h e criticisms will
not be so lenient.
Nobody knows better tllan myself t h e i~lconipletenessof t h e material I have
placed before tlie Lodge. Pionesr work is only t h e first phase towards finality,
wliicl~can only be attained by gradual development a n d t h e co-operation of later
workers. Altliougli I t h i n k I have gleaned fairly well t h e printed histories of
Lodges, tliere must be many old nlanuscript records and minutes i n existence wliicli
should provide new material for t h e subject of lily paper. Eve11 i n tlie case'of
some of t h e pr'inted histories I feel sure t h a t t h e original records nliglit bear reexaniination, as many editors have very vague noticns as to what is worthy of
being printed, a n d i n some cases a plain reprint of t h e original minutes would have
been preferable t o some of tlie editorial attempts t h a t have been made ill t h e past.
Bro. Levander draws attentioli t o t h e " Makeing Cloth " i~lentionedi n t h e
U i u u t e s of No. 192. I t may possibly have been a Lodge Clotli.
H u t tlie divers names which wer5 given t o t h e Lodge f u r n i t u r e by different
recorders will always cause confusion and be a stumbling block. W h a t is called a
Floor Cloth, or Foot Cloth, or Lodge Cloth, etc., etc., may i n individual instances
have been intended for wllat is novi generally called t h e Mosaic o r Square Pavelnent b u t wliicli some purveyors of Masonic f u r n i t u r e still call t h e Floor Clotli.
It was for this reason t h a t I purposely did not refer to Bro. P u r d o n Clarke's
paper 011 " T h e Tracing Board " (A.Q.('. vi.), which was designed t o draw a n
zna.logy between t h e original form of t h e Tracing Board ( i . ~ . Master's
Board) a n d what is n3w called t h e Mosaic or Square Pavement, wliicli has notliiiig
w l ~ a t e v e rt o do wit11 Lodge Boards or t h e modern Tracing Boards.
Z c a l ~ n o tagree with Bro Powell's suggestion t h a t tlie design on t h e reverse
of tlie Lodge Board a t Bristol was intended to represent t h e t r u e Tracing Board.
The sini!~le fact t h a t i t is i n ~~ers!~ective
would destroy its worth as a L)rawiiig
Board, for t o be of a n y use t h e lines i n a sectioi~alI)rawing Board must be square.
I t is probable t h a t i t has a coiinectiol~with t h e 1t.A. degree.
I was very $eased tltat Hro. Powell exhibited t l ~ es n d l nietal Eniblenis
belonging t o Moira Lodge of H ~ i i o u rNO. 326. They were undoubtedly never
intended to be used as Templates b u t t o be laid on a board, and i t is quite porrible
t h a t tlie eiiibleiiis in G . L . were designed l'or a siinilar purpose.

Their existence also leads me t o suggest t h a t a Trestle Board was used f o r

iaying t h e m on, a n d t h u s may have been a cause for tlle confusion between t h e
ternis Trestle Board a n d Tracing Board. The emblems shewn were too small t o
have lain on t h e floor

It cannot be assumed because tile Inventory mentioils a Tracing Board as

well as t h e Emblems, tliat there was a n y connection between them. T h e T . B .
miyht have been intended t o supersede t h e use of t h e Emblems altogether. I
have h a d myself t o be very careful i n d r a w i i q these inferences, as inventories
include properties, both i n usc a n d disused, t h a t have been acquired a t lorig intervals
of time.
I quite agree with Bro. Eonghurst's co~itentions. T h e theory of t h e reversal
of t h e boards througll reproduction is untenable, because t h e Arabic numerals 011
t h e t h i r d of H a r r i s ' board3 a n d t h e letter G C J ~t h e secoiid board a r e ilot reversed.

I myself evolved a theory similar t o his about tlle difference i n t h e spring

of tlle staircase being d u e t o t h e divergencies between t h e Antients a n d t h e
Moderns. I an1 niorally convinced t h a t t h a t is t h e reason b u t I have found it
difficult t o substantiate i t . Varying from Bro. Songhurst, I started on t h e theory
t h a t t h e Antients' custom would naturally be t h e more accurate, a n d expected t o
find t h a t t h e staircase i n their bawds sprang from t h e S . , b u t I found I could not
always definitely prove i t , altho'ugll t h e concensus of evidence tends to tliat assumpt ~ o n . IL found it most difficult t o ascertain (with t h e e x c y t i o n of a few cases) f o r
w h a t particular Lodge a n y set of Boards had been painted-so many Lodges have
combined with other Lodges or bought t h e f u r n i t u r e of erased Lodges t h a t one call
only rely on t h e most uniinneacllable evidence. I t must also be borne i n mind
t h a t these coinbillations liavs been repeated i n some Lodges more t h a n once, wllil*
i n other instances t h e nuinber of tlie Lcdge painted 011 thein origi~lallylias been
altered. 111 fact, t h e study of Lodge Boards is beset with inany pitfalls.
I ail1 also i n agreement with Uro. Songliurzt t h a t t h e alterations which took
place a b o u t 1730 ( o r pcssibly even earlier) were more extensive t h a n t h e nlost
forward of our leaders believe. I tried t o t h i n k out a reason for t h e form of tlie
Lodge being altered from tllat of a triangle t o a parallelogram, b u t t h e war prevented me from carrying out this as well as other projects. F r o m t h e fact t h a t
tlle t r i a n g u l a r form exists i n Scotland, and is t h e only form i n use i n Denmark,
Norway a n d Sweden, I tliinli it may be inferred tllat t h e alteration took place i r
historic tinies. T h e whole question involves much examinatiou, b u t I daresay
t h a t a coiilparative study of t h e various workings and traditions in America a u d
on tlle Continent would, after t h e elimination of various modern accretions, rzault
i n u s obtaining a better idea of t h e earliest working of Masonic ritual. ' Nut:li has
still t o be done i n t h e Uilited Kingdom.
1 a m extremely pleased to liavc made a recruit i n Uro. A . F. Calvert, f o r
his remarks a n d quotatioils have been very helpful. If he had only sent me a
copy of h i s Ifistory of t l t r Old liiiiy's .Ir/iis I,otIyr I should liave been ab12 t o
incorporate some of his remarks i n my paper. A s a matter of fact, however, a copy
was l e n t t o me, and I made a few jottings, b u t I afterwards found tllat m y iiotes
were unintelligible, and I had not a n opportunity t 9 verify tllel~i. A s I liave said
above, I a m sure t h a t there a r e many references i n old Minute Books to b e found
if only attention be d r a w l t o tlie m a t t e r

I a m inclined t o t h i n k witli Bro. Calvert t h a t t h e marble boards to which h e

refers were intended t o represent t h e r,ri!/itt,rl Tracing Board, for t h e emblems
depicted on them as a rule are t h e ordinary Lodge jewels witli a plan of a building,
and t h a t they were subsidiary t o t h e Lodge Board.
It will be noted tliat all t h e Lodges t h a t he quctes as possessing these boards
were Modern Lodges, except t h e Robert B u r n s Lodge No. 25, i n regard t o which
he has been unablo t o get full particulars. R u t even No. 25 may have come under
French influencs.
I may say t h a t I have been perhaps too eclectic i n printing t h e notes I have
made from Lodge Minutes, b u t I accumulated such a quantity t h a t I found i t
necessary t o delete all b u t tlie most relevant. Those t h a t Brn. Calvert has sent
have bsen printed i n full.
I n regard t 2 P r o f . W. A . Craigie's letter I a m afraid T have been a t cross
purposes wit'h myself i n regard t o t h e derivation of t h e t e r m Tracing Board. I do
not renl.rmber suggesting t h a t Tracing Board was an alternative of Trasel (-Trestle)
Board, b u t I suppose I must have done so.
I n a n y case I a m quite prepared to recant, b u t in doing so I shall suggest a
compromise, whicli a t present, however, 1 must say candidly is b u t a suggestion.
It must be remembered t h a t in t h e use of these terms a t least two great and
temporarily antagonistic bodies were involved, t h e ' Antii.uts ' and t h e ' Moderns.'
I n tlie one body, I suggest, t h e Trestle Board was used and was tlic acceptecl
t e r m of t h e object however spelt.
I n t h e other body (which provisionally I suggast was t h e IUcderns wllo wero
very much more influenced by French Masonry t h a n t h e Aritients) the term i n
use was Tracing Board, i . r . , p / n i l c h o t ; f r n r s r r , and tliat this term was: applied not to
a Lodge Board, b u t t o a t r u e Tracing Bcard, such ns t h e iri1ai.d or painted marble
boards, which I should not be surprised to discovw were made i n and imported from
It is common ground t h a t t h e inenlbers of these two bodies nlingled together
very nluch d u r i n g th!: last two decades of t h e eighteenth century, however much
they may have been a t enmity a t a n earlier period
I therefore think it quite feasible t h a t confusion arose i n t h e minds of t h e
brethren of olle G . L . who visited Lodge.. belcnging t o t h e other G . L . , a n d t h a t it
resulted i n t h e general adoution of t h e syecious term Tracing Board, however
incorrect i t may b5 t o designate a Tres"Le c r Lodge Board.
T h e entries t h a t Bro. Calvert has produced shew t h a t t h e marble T m c i t r ! /
Boards (not Lodge Boards) were sq called in 1785, and t h a t four (out of t h e five)
Ile mentions belonged originally t o AIIodrrt/ Lcdges as well as t h e one mentioned
by Bro. Songhurst as belonging t o No. 46 Old Union. This gives additional force
t o my suggestion.
I n F r a n c e t h e t e r m ! ' / v ~ l c h rti f r i t r r r h a s been used since 1776, and is still
used t o signify a Report of or Minutes of a Lodge meeting.'
I agree witli Bro. Kelly t h a t d u r i n g t h e past century t h e Mosaic Pavement
and t h e Tesselated Border were i n s ~ p a r a b l e ,but I do not t h i n k t h a t they were so
i n t h e eighteenth century.
If Bra. Lovegrove means by t h e phrase perbend-the perfectly square stone,
a stone square wit11 t h e surfaces of t h e wsll, I agree with h i m ; b u t a perpend need
not necessarily be a cube, it is generally a n oblong.

Library Catalogue of thc G.L. of Rcotlancl 1906. 11. 144,

r t scp.

Whatever the word ashlar may mean now, it meant in the seventeentll
century and earlier a piece of stone, nnless otherwise qualified.
I am afraid 1 cannot agree wit11 Rro llextall's suggestion as to the meaning
of tlie word " drzwer."
I think the meaning of the quotations is t h a t two
waiters were admitted as " serving brethren," which is more probable than two
draughtsmell being admitted within three months into the same Lodge.
will even go further and suggest that Tyler and Drawer " originally meant Tyler
and waiter, and t h a t the Tyler, instead of sitting down to a comfortable dinner as
is tlle modern custom in London, assisted in serving refresllnlents as is still the
general custon~in the smaller provincial towns.
Bro. Hextall's notes (as also those of Bros. Kelly and Gordon Hills) about
the A r k = t h e Lodge, opens n p another story.
It will have been noticed t h a t tliroughont my paper I have only made one
definits allusion to Royal Arch Masonry. I had hoped to write a further short
essay on the Relationship between the Craft and R . A . Masonry in Early times,"
but a t present the material is very meagre and unsatisfactory.
It must be remembered t h a t for severa! decades before the Union tlle R . A .
degree was conferred under both of the G. Lodges, in one perhaps more often
t h a n in the other. It is possibly owing to t h a t fact t h a t one finds on tlie early
Craft Lodge Boards, such item? as the Sacrifices of Abraham and David, the
. Burning Bush, Aaron's Rod, the P o t of Manna, tlie J a r of Incense, the Trowel,
etc., all of which are now, in conjunction with the Ark of the Covenant, only found
in connection with the R . A . (.4t least, they should be, although the practice is
falling into desuetude in England.)
The questions arise: (0) Were these symbols used duriug the eighteenth
century in connection with Craft Masonry, or ( b ) Do they appear on t h e Craft Lodge
Boards as R . A . symbols on account of that degree being worked in the Lodge t o
which those Lodge Boards belonged ?
I am not able t o answer either of these questions definitely.
If the answer t o ( 1 1 ) be in the affirmative, as I am inclined to think a t
present i t should be, when and under what circun~stanceswere they relegated t o
the R . A . 1 And since when and why have they fallen into such general disuse in
the B . A . ?
Now for the application of this digression.
I have a perfectly open mind about the " Lodge " in some connections being
synonymous with a n Ark. It is quite possible and more than probable, and I should
not be surprised if the box described by Bro. Gordon Hills as still being used in
t11e Etonian Lodge at Windsor, is a " Lodge " or " Ark."
I n the same way as I should expect t o find old (generally disused)
ceremonies and a purer ritual in an old-fashioned out-of-the-way village,' where
the Lodge has been adamantine agamst modern attempts to uniformity of working,
YO should I there expect t o find a genuine Lodge or Ark.
I think t h a t t o the three ordinarily accepted Masonic meanings of the word
Lodge we may add two if not thr2e more, v i z . , 1, Lodge=The Form of the Lodge;
2 , Lodge=Lodge Board ; 3, Lodge- Ark.
I have already replied to some of Bro Gordon Hills' remarks. It would
be impolitic for me t o t r y t o refute Bro Gould's p d i t i c dictum. T'rrh . S ~ L
The h o u p e t l r n t r l e ( , could be applied reasmably to Craft or R A. Masonrv
~f i t were not for the fatal word d r n f r l P e ,


Bro. Hills' note about Perpend needs attention in reading. Perpend only
wrn1.s to be derived from the word perpendicular. As a matter of fact, the two
words had originally nothing in common, as parpend or perpend is derived from
p r r and pnnuri\,- 7.e , through the cloth or wall.
I am a f r a ~ dI must lay stress on t h e word Perpe11d.l As I have stated
above, I cannot find t h a t ashlar meant anything else in the seventeenth century
k u t a lump of unwrought stone, and t h a t the word perfect, in combination with
it, would convey no meaniug to an Operative Mason
I think t h a t p r r r r rrihrgtre ( j poitit is a mis-translation through ignorance
of " broached dornal," however excusable i t may be.
It was unconsciously t h a t I belaboured the identification of the heavy maul.
It arose thiswise. I exhibited some of these slides a year or two ago a t Portland,
where many of the brethren were associated with the quarries, and when I pointed
ont the difference between the long-handled maul and the short-handled maul, they
immediately introduced me t o the heavy beetle, which they affirmed was the tool
depicted on the Lodge Boards. The square and other jewels exhibited in' their
Lodge were genuine operative tools, two feet or more in height, b u t I must admit
a heavy beetle was not among them.
I have received a very amusing letter from Bro. A . Cadbury Jones (which
I am sorry I have misplaced) in which he gives a modern instance of prothesis.
A preceptor recently asked him if he could identify the plant ' vacacia,' as i t did
not appear in any dictionary. When told t h a t he mispror,ounced the word, the
preceptor gave the usual official stereotyped reply t h a t he had been taught to
pronounce i t so forty years ago, and e r p i t was correct. Bro. Jones, bearing in
mind my remarks on the subject, pointed out t h a t the preceptor had unconsciously
added the ' v ' sound from ' of ' to acacia and thus coined a new word. The
resulting falling upon one another's necks must have been laughable.
I have t o thank Bros. Francis, Hope, Gough, and Bate for their useful
notes. I have also t o thank, in addition t o those brethren previously mentioned,
our late W . M . Bro. F . W. Levander, Bro. Hextall, and, above all, Bro. W. J .
Songhurst, for the great assistance they have given me i n sending me notes a t
various times The last-named, has, as is his w ~ i l t ;been unsparing in his suggestions, out-spoken in his criticisms, b u t very long-suffering in the many calls I havc?
made on his patience and knowledge.
I need hardly say t h a t I shall be glad to receive any relevant quotations
from rii,pril,li.~hrc/records t h a t brethren may find, for I think t h a t I have only
explored the fringes of the subject and t h a t many developmellts may arise
I callnot close without saying how very beneficial i t is to students to be
able t o place their views before the Q.C. Lodge, where they are sure t o find
impartiai b u t fair criticism, entirely free from acrimony and jealousy, and ready
assistance from every interested brother Brethren, I thank you
1 I find I have omitted to dran attention to three instances of the \I ord ' diamond '
in connection nith early Masonry which have given ll~uchtrouble t o students and which
1 think are entirely due t o an eclitorial attemyt to correct a corrupt form of ' perpend.'
The first, occurs in the E'lyin!g I ' o s f , No. 4712, 1723. How mgns preclons Jevels are these
in Masonry? Four; Square, Astler, Ihanmr~cland Common Square. The second occnrs
Hon many precious Jewels?
in the Cwrntl J11l.stei11 of Frrentctsons I ~ i s c o v a ~ ' t l1724.
Three; a square Asher, a Diamond and Square. The third occurs in Jttrsnnry l)taec.tetl,
1730. Jachin and Hoaz T have seen,
A Master Mason I was made most rare.
With diamond, ashler and the square.
The last quotatiolr T thlnlr clinches the question,

Tinrzancfiou.~of t h e (J~lntll/,r.C'orutrnti L o d g e .


BY U R O . A L F R E D F . EOli'BI-F'S, P.G.D., Pres. B.G.1'

E question put by Rro. Wonnacott in 9 .Q.C. xxix., 73, " HOW

is it h9 [Frederick, Prince of Wales] was entertained as a Mason
a t the Devil Lodge in 1731 ? " seeing that the always accepted
date of his initiation was 1737, was prompted by an undated
extract from an unnamed newspaper of the earlier year. As the
matter is one of considerable interest t o the Craft, because
Frederick was the first Prince of Wales to join our Order, i t is
worth close investigation, the fruit of which, as pursued by myself, shall now be
This starts from the ~ o i n tthat the suggested dates " [Thurs.] Dec. 2nd
T 1731 " are erroneous, except as to the queried year. I have searched every daily
and weekly journal of the period which apparently remains in existence; and I
find the following paragraph, the only one of the kind, in The Daily Post of
Saturday, December 4, 1731, placed at the top of the news headed " London " :

Last Night his Serene Highnws the Duke of Lorrain, the Prince of
Wales, and several of the Nobility were a t a Lodge of Free-Masons a t
the Devil Tavern near Temple-Bar, where they wera handsomely entertained by the Brethren."

If this visit really took place-and

the statement is extremely precise,
though I shall show later my reason for doubting its details-it came towards the
close of a day of pleasure-taking by the Duke of Lorraine, then nearly a t the end
of a prolonged semi-state visit to this country, the principal incident in which day's
enjoyment is thus recqrded in The Doily Advertisrr of the same December 4 :

The same Day [Yesterda,y=December 31 his Royal Highness the Duke

of Lorrain, accompanied by Count Kinski and several Persons of Distinction, went to the French Play-House in the Hay-Market, and saw a
Battle fought between the two Noted Champions, viz. Mr. Figg and
Mr. Sparks, which was fought with great Spirit and Dexterity, whereby
they gain'd great Applause, and Mr. Figg carry'd the Day; after which
there was a famous Boxing-Match a t the same Place."

The Daily Journal-strangely

silent throughout the long visit concerning
the Duke's movements, about which its competitors were somewhat lavish-said
nothing concerning him on that December 4 ; but T h e Daily Courm f , describing the

attendance a t the second match, threw a personal touch into its account which is
worth note:

The Beauty and Judgment of the Sword was delineated in a very extraordinary Manner by those two Champions [Figg and Sparks,] and with
very little Blood-shed. His Serene Highness was extremely pleas'd,
and express'd his intire Satisfaction and ordered them a n handsome
Gratuity ."

It is decidedly interesting to read, not only in ilie next column, b u t exactly

side by side with this, a publisher's advertisement, in which the following were t h e
fifth and sixth items in t h e second and enlarged edition of " A Collection of Recipes
~ , 'other
four being concerned
and Letters lately inserted in The B a i l y J O Z C P ~ Uthe
wilh cures for the gout, whooping cough, and certain ailments and nuisances better
left undescribed :

5. The Mystery of Masonry, as publish'd in the DAILYJOURNAL,

the several L d t e r s on that Occasion.

in England together with the Clause
' 6 . The Origine of FRXE
made against their Meetings and Combinations in t h e Reign of
Henry V I .

Collected for the Sake of such as would keep by then1 these efficacious
and salutary Prescriptions. And of such Free Masons as are desirous
t o coilvince the World, that nothing Criminal, or greatly Indecent, is
practised a t their Meetings, as has beea surmiz'd by many credulous
Persons of both Sexes, 111-willers t o t h e Fraternity.

" Printed for T. WARNER,a t the Black-Boy in Pater-Noster-Row.

Price 6d."
For something concerning the original of this publication, reference may be
made to A . Q . C . , vol. xxix., p. 20.
A t Ibitl, p . 73, t l x date of tlie nawspapw extract above given b u t there
unidentified is assigned t o Thursday, December 2, 1731; b u t on Wednesday,
December 1-as is attested by reporis in T h e Daily C'oura~it,The Daily Advertiser,
and T h e Daily Post of December 2-the Duke of Lorraine dined with the Duke
of Norfolk a t tlie latter's house in St. James's Square, the first journal testifying
t h a t lie had been " entertain'd in a most elegant Manner," the second t h a t the
entertainment was " sumptuous," and the third t h a t i t was " most sumptuous and
magnificent." l'he Dciiby .ldvertises. added z point which would indicate t h a t i t
was not on tliat evening tliat t h e Duke of Lorraine, in any case, would have had
leisure to attend any Masonic fuilction, for after dinner he " retir'd some time, and
return'd t o his Grace's House to be present a t the Assembly, on which Occasion
i t was expected there wou'd be a vast Concoarse of the Nobility "; and t h a t t h e
occasion was one of more than ordinary importance was proved by t h e fact, mentioned i n Reud's TVeeXly Jolrriinl of the following Saturday, December 4, t h a t
" several Persons of the first Rank and Foreign Ministers dined a t Table with his
Highness. "

It is not impossible, of course, to conjecture khat at this great gathering

something of k ' r e e n ~ a s o n rwas
~ talked of or arranged, as bile Duke of Lorraine's

host had only receutly laid down the Grand Mastership, in the course of which he
Krrctl, of January 2, of this same
had shown his deep interest in tile Craft.
year, 1731, had recorded t h a t :

His Grace the Duke of Norfolk, Grand Master of t h e Antient and

Honourable Order of Free-Masous, has presented t o the Brotherhood
upwards of a hundred Pounds, in order to buy a handsome Sword of
State (which is t o cost about 40l. and t o be used a t the Head Lodge
a t their Making), a large Folio Book for entering the Names of all the
Brothers belonging to the several Lodges and for other Uses."

B u t t o return t o the alleged visit of the Prince of Wales to a Masonic

gathering a t the Devil Tavern on December 3, 1731. Bro. Levauder fd.Q.Cr.,
vol. xxix., p. 12) observed, concerning the special paragraph now under examination :
' ' The infornlation is too vague to enable one t o determine which Lodge
is meant, as msnlbers of several Lodges went to the Devil in t h a t year ";
and Bro. Wonnacott, in correction, says that only one Lodge (No. 8) met there
a t the time. B u t the real correction is t h a t it was a Quarterly Communication of
Grand Lodge, wllich plainly was referred to, the official Minutes, as edited by Bro.
Songhurst (p. 210) giving details of the " Quarterly Conimunication held a t the
Ilevil Tavern within Temple Bar on Friday December 3d 1731."
The question a t issue, however, is whether the Prince of Wales was present.

It may be t h a t the Duke of Lorraine attended, for he is known t o have been a

Mason a t the time; but, on exanli~latior~
of the wllole available testimony, I cannot
avoid the conclusion t h a t the statement t h a t he was acconlpanied by t h e Heirapparent was a slip of the contemporary journalist, and I have known such even
in tllese far better organized ne-ws-service days. It is not merely t h a t so widely
iuteresting a circumstance was mentioned in only one newspaper, a t a moment its
rivals were daily giving precise accounts of all the Duke of Lorraine's goings out
and comings in, b u t t h a t I cannot trace any special association or kinship between
the Duke and t h e Prince whicli would have accounted for their being together ou
such a n occasion, half-a-dozen years before the latter, on the evidence available, is
known to have been a Mason.
W h a t is that evidence? There is t h e precise and detailed statement of
Anderson, in his 1738 edition of t h e C'ot~stitectiotes,t h a t , a t " an Occasional Lodge,
held a t the 1'ritec.r of Il'nlrs's Palace of I i r w near Hicl~wotetl," on November 5,
1737, with Desaguliers as Master, " His Ito!/rel Highness F R I D E R I C 1'r.itlce of
WALESwas in the usual Manner introduced, and Made an h't~trr'd ?'rentice and
Our said Koynl Brother F R I I I E R I C was made a
l l o f~ t
@I arrolt by the same Lodge, t h a t assembled there again for t h a t Purpose,
And ever since, both in the (.'rcc~ctlLocQ/r and in particular L o d y r s , the I.'rccternit!/
joyfully remember his ROYALHIGHNESS
2.11d his SOK, in the proper Manner."
As the son referred to, afterwards George I I I . , was not born until May 24 (reckoned
as J u n e 4 from the change of the Calendar in 1751,) 1738, and this particular
edition of the C'o~rstit~ctioieswas publidled in tl:at year, the " ever since " is a
touch of Anderson's own grandiloquence which, inore than anything, has rendered
suspect anlong many Masons some of his !)lain statenlei~tsof fact that are correct.

T h a t his statement as to the date of the Prince of Wales's initiatiou is among these,
I have not the smallest doubt. It was recorded in a work specifically dedicated t o
tlle Heir-apparent a, " A .l/tr.$trr MASON, and ,lftcat'r of a LODGE ", aud i t is
impossible t o believe t h a t Anderson, acting, s s he declared, " By Order of t h e
could have dared fabricate either the statement in the dedication
or t h e narrative in t h e body of the work.
I n dealing with a matter of this kind, however, i t does not suffice t o be content without obtaining corroborative testimony, if' possible of, discovery. I n the
present instance, i t is possible, for in Ir'ucctl of Saturday, November 12, 1737, it
was recorded :

" We hear t h a t on Saturday last [November 5 j was held a t Kew a Lodge

of Free-Masons, where D r . Ilesaguliers presided, when there were
admitted several Persons of high IXstinction as Bretliren of t h a t Order."
The P r i m e of .Wales, i t is to be noted, was a t that time in residence a t
Kew, and was not to return t o his town house ill St. James's Square until the
December; and Hrntl always was favoured with friendly paragraphs concerning
11inl and his movements, as, for example, its announcen~ent 013 the preceding
October 2 9 :

We hear that his Royal Higlmess tlle Prince of Wales is to have his
Guards again, when his Royal Higluness's Family cxnes t o Town for
the Winter."

T h a t tlle carefully-worded paragraph in K ~ w l ,whicli conveyed inforniation

only to those who could read between the lines, has escaped h e notlce of Masonic
historians until now, must be set down to its marked reticence. B u t t h a t was a
nionient when such caution was specially des~rablein the Prince's own interests,
for he was being bltterly assailed on various hands and for divers causes. I n t h e
very month of his initiation, sneering or slanderous or, a t the best, depreciatory
statements concerning him were appearing in Il'hr C'olit~f r ! ~. 7 0 1 t r v ~ JO, r , TI!r ('rtrftqttlnil and T h e G'rub-strrrt ~ 7 f J l l r l l d ;and it may well have been t h a t , while glad to
ally himself with so growingly powerful' a section of society as the Freemasons were
then beconiing, he was not desirous of arousing, perhaps, further controversy concerning his movements by allowing the step he had taken t o be publicly emphasized.
The fact of his initiation, however, remains, and can continue t o be accepted as
having been a t Kew on Saturday, Novelnber 5, 1737.

' is with great regret t h a t the death of the followiag Brethren is
announced : -

Robert Jeffreys Beamish, of Gravesend, i11 July, 1915.

He had held the office of Provincial Assistant Grand Director of
Ceremonies in Kent, and also t h a t of Provincial Grand Standard
Bearer ( R . A . ) . Hro. Beaixisll was elected to membership of qur
Correspoi:dence Circle in 1903.
Capt. William P y t Bennett, R . G . A . , of Kirkee, who was killed ill action
on the 15th Julj-, 1916. Bro. Bennett was a Member of the Aldershot Army and
Navy Lodge No. 1971, and of the Correspoiidence Circle since J u n e , 1912.

W. J. C. Burrea, of Durban. Natal, in February, 1915. Bro. Burree was

elected t o inenlbersllip of our Correspoildence Circle in November, 1911.
Councillor Norman Buchanan, of Osborne House, Yeovil, who died on
11th J a n u a r y , 1916, from the effects of an accident. H e was born on the Island
of Lewis in the Hebrides on the 30th December, 1857. I n 1889 h e established a
business a t Yeovil. I n 1912 he was elected Mayor, being re-elected in each of the
following three years. Bro. Bucllaaan was initiated in tlza Lodge of Brotherly
Love No. 329 in 1895; in 1905 was installed Master, and subsequently held the
office of Treasurer for three years, and for the past seven years acted as Secretary.
I I e was P . P r G W. of Somerset, D.C. of the Somerset Masters' Lodge No. 3746,
and a member of tlie Dorset Masters' Lodge No. 3366, and the St. Mary Lodge
No. 707, joining our Correspondence Circle in January, 1914.

Frank Dodd, of 2, Puinp Court, Temple, London, E C , on Monday, 31st

J u l y , 1916, a t the age of 55. The funeral took place on Wednesday, 211d August,
a t Kensal Rise Cemetery. Bro. Dodd was born a t Bradford, Yorks., in September, 1857; and was initizted in The Friendship Lodge No. 206, London. H e
joined the Jubilee Masters Lodge No. 2712, Lonclon, on 19th J u n e , 1903, and
became its Master in 1911. HG was exalted in the Hope and Unity Chapter
No. 214, of which he became Z. I n Grand Lodge he held the appointment of
Assistant Grand Registrar in 1909, and in G r a d Chapter that of Deputy Grand
Registrar in 1913 ; and he was Vice-President of tlle R.M.B.I., and Life Governor
of the two Educational Institutions. H e became a member of our Correspondence
Circle in October, 1910.
Charles Fursman Efford, of Bombay, on the 14th J u n e , 1916; a P a s
Master of the Lodge of Trutll No. 914, and a member of Emulation Lodge No. 1100,
P a s t District Grand Organist and District Grand Chaplain (Bombay). H e became
a member of the Correspondence Circle iu J u n e , 1909.
John Frederick Hamlyn, of Rivermead, Bray, Berks., who died on the
23rd J u n e , 1915. H e was a Past Master of the Brirtoiz Ramblers Lodge No. 3347,
and a ineinber of our Correspondence Circle since J u n e , 1911.
John Haviland, M . A . , of Bognor, on tlle 27th J u n e , 1916. H e held the
offices of Paet Grand 1)eacon in the Craft, and Past Assistant Grand Sojourner in

the R . A . I n November, 1904, he was admitted to nlembersliip of our Correspondenoe Circle.

Ferdinand Krasa, of West Haalpstead, Londoi~,N . W . , on the 25th May,

1915, who was a member of the Red Rose of Lancaster Lodge No. 1504, and joined
the Correspondence Circle in January, 1899.
Thomas Stirling Lee, a well known sculptor, of Chelsea, on the 28th June,
1916, in tlle sixtieth year of his age. Bro. Lee was a Past Master of the Old
Westminsters' Lodge No. 2233, and. held the rank of Assistant Grand Superintendent of Works of England. H e became a member of the Correspondence Circle
in January, 1906.
F. A. Lindsay-Smith, of Regents P a r k , London, N . W . , on the 19th J u n e ,
1915; a member of tlle Shakespear Lodge No. 99, and of our Correspondence
Circle since March, 1914.
The Rev. Charles Edward Little, of the Vicarage, Lumb-in-Rossendale,
on the 6th June, 1916. Our Brother was a Past Master of the Lodge of Hospitality
No. 1697 and Past Provincial Grand Chaplain, East Lancashire, and was elected
t o our Correspondence Circle in May of this year.

Cuthbert Walter Mapleton, of Schubert Road, Putney, S . W . P . M . of

the Argonauts Lodge No. 2243, and a member of the Lodge of Unions No. 256.
Bro. Mapleton had been appointed t o London Rank, and in J u n e , 1890, was
elected to our Correspondence Circle. H e died in 1916.
Theo. Michell, of Bournemouth, on 16th February, 1916. R e held the
rank of P a s t District Grand Superintendent, Madras, and had been a member of
our Correspondence Circle since Novembsr, 1903.
John Miller, a t 25, Roxborough Avenue, Harrow, on the 20th J u l y , 1916,
in his 76th year. Our Brother held the rank of Past District Grand Warden and
P a s t District Grand Sojourner in the Argentine Republic, and had been a member
of our Correspondence Circle since January, 1901.
William Miller, P . P r . G . I ) . C . , 2nd Ass.G.n.C. ( R . A . ) Hants. and I . of W . ,
who died a t his residence, Mount Edgcombe, Denville, Havant, in April, 1916.
He joined the Correspondence Circle in March, 1904, having been initiated in tlle
Royal Sussex Lodge No. 342 in 1865. H e subsequently joined the United Service
Lodge No. 1428, Portsmouth, the Temperance Lodge No. 2068, and the Hampshire Lodge of Emulation No. 1990, in all of which he served as Master, and he13
the rank of P . Z . in the United Service Cliapter No. 1428.

. William Peers, of Haole, Cheshire, in 1916. Bro. Peers, who joined our
Correspondence Circle in May, 1905, was a Past Master of Independence Lodge
No. 721, and had held the office of Provincial Grand Treasurer.
Jose Fernandez Pellon, of Ilavana, Cuba, on 3rd July, 1916, in the 64th
year of his age. H e was a Past Grand Master of tLe Grand Lodge, and had bseii
Grand Secretary for thirteen years. I n the Supreme Council 33' A A.S R . he
was Grand Minister of State. Greatly beloved by t h e Craft as a learned man and
Mason, his funeral was a fraternal demonstration of love and esteem. By p r o f e ~ sion h e was a lawyer, and occupied the Government position of Diplomatic Counsellor of the State Departmect. H e joined the Correspondence Circle in May, 1893.

George Alfred Pickering, of the Guildllall, London, in 1914, who had held
the oEce of Grand Steward, and was a Past Master of the St. Alban's Lodge No. 29,
having been a member of our Correspondence Circle since March, 1892.
Herbert Pilkington, of Chesterfield. TTe was a Past Master of Scarsdale
Lodge No. 681, and a member of the Perseverance Lodge No. 573, and held the
rank of P . P r . G . R . in 1)erbysliire. H e died on the 24th November, 1916, having
been elected as a member of our Correspondetlce Circle in January, 1914.
The Rev. James Holme Pilkington, of Frantlingham, Suffolk, on the 28th
December, 1916, a t the age of 60 years, Past Grand Chaplain, Deputy Provincial
Grand Master, and Grand Superintendent of Suffolk.
Bro. Pilkington was
initiated in the Fidelity Lodge No. 555 in 1888, and became a member of our
Correspondence Circle in J u n e , 1903.

Hermann Balthazar Ritz, M.A., of Elabart, Tasmania, in March, 1916.

H e held the rank of Past Grand Chaplain, and tlint of Past Deputy Provincial
Grand Superintendent, under the Scottish Constitution. H e became a member of
our Correspondence Circle in October, 1907.
Robert Roy, of London, on 25th J u n e , 1916. Bro. Roy was a member of
the Isaac Newton Lodge No 859, and Past Provincial Grand Pursuivant, Cambridgeshire. H e was an earnest Rosicrucian, be~riga founder of t h e University
College, S . R . I . A . , Cambridge, and a very prominent member of the Metropolitan
College, having served in all its offices. His membership of our Correspondence
Circle dates as far back as 1888. His funeral took placq a t the Old Fulham Church,
on 29th J u n e .
William Mitchell Shaver, of Topeka, Kansas, who died in 1916, in his 56th
By his death is removed one of
year, after a period of six weeks' failing health
the best teachers of Masonry in the State of Kansas H e was initiated a t Newton
in 1882, advancing through the various offices until he was made Master of his
Lodge in 1887. H e was a member of the Magnolia Lodge No. 231, afterwards
consolidated with the Newton Lodge No. 142 I n 1890, he was appointed Deputy
Grand Master of Grand Lodge, a,ld in 1897 was honoured by t h e post of Grand
Master. I n January, 1906, he was made Secretary of the Scottish Rite Bodies, a
position he occupied until his death Hls election to our Correspondence Circle
took place in January, 1903.
Edward Teare Taubman, of Brown County, South Dakota, U.S.A., in
J a n u a r y , 1916. Bro. Tsubnlan held the rank of Past Master of Lodge No. 38,
and was a member of Chapter No. 14. I n May, 1895, he was elected to membership of our Correspondence Circle.
Charles James Thompson, of Beckenham, on 4th July, 1915. H e was
appointed t o London Rank, and was a Past Master of the Lombardian Lodge
NO. 2348, joining our Correspondence Circle in October, 1908.
Mark Anthony Toomey, of Chatswood, N.S.W., in May, 1916. Bro.
Toomey held t h e appointment of Past Deputy Grand Secretary for N.S.W., and
joined our Correspondence Circle in October, 1906, and acted for several years as
our Local Secretary.
Edward H. Wolfe, of Rushville, Indiana, on 21st August, 1916.
of Lodges. H e joined our Correspondence Circle in March, 1912.




H E I ~ ~ l p c1nc.t
a t Frcenlasons' H a l l a t 3 11.111. Present : -l<ros. TT.
WonnacotL, MT.J1.; TT. 1%. H(,stall, I.P.31. ; Z1'. IT. Lcl-ander, S.W. ;
Gordon Hills, a s J . W . ; Canon H o r s l ~ y P.G.C'h.,
C'haplain; IT. J .
Soi?,P.B.G.D.C., S e r r r t a v ; D r . W y n n \Tc&.ott, l'.G.I)., P.31. ;
ant1 J. H . ^\lcNanghton, Tylcr.
Also tllc foilon ing 1iwnl)31~reof t h e Correspontlcnrc Circle : -

A l w t h e follo\viiig r i s i t o m - - l < r o s . E. G. Earling: of t h e Gooch Lodgc No. 1203;

Go1)1<~,of t h e Lotlgr of Rcscareh No. 200 (T.C.) ; a n d G . A . ITebzell: of t h e Dnke
of J~Ctlinburglr Lodgc~No. 1'3.i1).
.J . 1).

Ilro. l ~ r t ~ l r r i c \17illi::nl
1,r~vandcr.. P.Pr.G.\\'..

Jlititllcscs, n-as elected a s J l a s t r r

of t h e Lodge f o r t h e ensuing year ; nud liro. H a m o n It, Strange1 l'r.G.?II., Norfolk, 1va.s
re-elected a s Treasnrer. Bro. J. 1-1. J[cNanghton w s s re-elertcd T y l e ~

O n e Lodgc, oiw Library, and Brethren n v r e admittc~d to mcn~b~rshi!>of

t h e Correspondence C i ~ c l e .

By Bro. S ~ r ~ t o r r~ ~nF . T . T , , P.G.D., Dcl7.Pr.G.M.. Northnn~berland.
English Lodge of Bordeaux.

j 3

S t . Antoinc

Marvin, L S X I I . ; HZC, 492.

J r a r v ~ n ,CCSSS17. ; HZC., 493.

Marrm, CCCXXSVIII. ; HZC., 73.5

j j

~ I parfcii

Marvin. LIT'. ; H Z C

, 467.

La Parfaite r n i o n , D o u a ~ . Marvin, CXVIII.; HZC., 502.

L a Parfaite Rdunion, P a r i ~ . Marvin, ( ' L S . ; HZC., 624.
Grand Orient of France.

Marvin, DCI.; HZC., 707.

Commandeurs de Mont Thabor.

St. George, Hambnrg.
Five Lodges, Hamburg.

Marvin, C S L I S . ; H Z C

. 731.

Marvin, C-YIJI. ; HZC.. 97.

Marvin, CX17. ; HZC., 102

L A. van Guionneau, Berhn. Marvin, CCCLIX. ; HZC., 12

Lodge Jonathan, Brunsn ick.

Marvin, V. ; HZC.. 27.

Frederick. C'ronn Prince of P i n s s ~ a . Marvin, CCCLSIT.; HZC

By Bro.

. 13.

W. K. T ~ o m s ,Bristol.

about 29" x 26", ~x-ithdesign arintecl from a n engraved
plate. I n the centre a n emblematiral groug of Faith, Hope and Charity, pillars. reprewnting Orders of Architect~lre,a n Arch x i t h nroininent Keystone, I+.,
in R Chippendale
border. Within this border a t the foot is the Inscription: - " B y
permission of t h e
R : R : G : M : Engrav'd by Bror Dent, Ball Alley, Lonlbard Street, London. Mary
Ware, Excudit, Crayford. Kent."
Around this central design are grouped t h e enlblxns of t h e Master, Pabt M a s t x ,
Wardens, Treasurer and Secretary, 111th t h e dates A.L. 5769 and A.D. 1769.
The Handkerchief has a n ' indented ' border nithnn mhirh a r e verses from the
song " Hail Masonry 1 Thou Craft tlnv~ne1 " the last b r ~ n g i n gin the name of the Duke
of Beaufort, n h o \\as Grand JIaster of the Moderns 1767-1771. /Srv illustrations.)

Prmted CIRC~.I.\IIdated Freemasons' Hall, 17th July, 1830, addressed to "356.

The Master of the Lodge ot Inyalty of Freemasons. Private Room. Marlborough," as
f ollon s : Jv. JfiSTER,
We are cominanded by the M.W.Grand Master, His Royal Highness
the n n k e of Snssex, to state. for the informat~onof the Craft a t large, t h a t
i t is contrary t o t h e Regulations of the Order for any Private Lodge t o
present any P e t ~ t i o nor Address to the Throne: and that nhen any Address
is voted by a Provinc~alGrand Lodge i t rnllst be fornarded by t h e Provincial
Grand Master to the Grand Secretary, in order t h a t the M.W. Grand Master
mny take the proper steps to submit the same t o His Majesty.



r p o n the prcseilt n clancholg O c c a s ~ ~ol

n the Decease of H i s late Most
Gracious Maiesty King George the Fourth, the Patron of the Order, all Lodges
a r e to be !)ut into Mourning until the end of the present Pear, t h a t is t o say,
the Collars of all the Officers are t o be covered ~ \ ~ 13lack
t h
Crape, and every
Brother \\ill \\ear Black Gloves and place thrcc Black Rosettes upon hls
With fraternal regard, u.c are,
IT. Master,
Your t a i t i ~ f u lBrothers,

Enw. H ~ a r ~ l t ,


The Regulations as to Mourning will be noted a s differing from those in force a t

the present day. The Lodge of Loyalty, t o whic.11 this c o : ~of the Circular was sent, was
originally The Wilts Militia Lodge No. 282, started in 1784. It went out of existence in
1834. The " Private Roo111" was a t the Royal Oak, in t h e High Street, Marlborough,
and the Master of the Lodga a t the time wa,s 15ro. Charles lloff. For further particulars
of the Lodge see Bro. Tuckett's S o f c a on E'reerr~usonr!, in t h e T o ~ c nof J l u r l b o r o ~ c g h ,
17G8-1834, p. 25, ef se(1.

fro111 his collection, ss Eollon 5 : -

1. Circular Jewel, engraved, dated 1763.


Oval Jewel, pierced, dated 1767

3. Oblong Jewel, e n g r a ~ e d ,n i t h cypller J.E.13 , and name-John


1. Circular Jenel, engraved,-John

l l u t t e r . No. 238. Chorley. No. 238 11-as
a Lodge of the Bnticnts, meeting a t Chorley from 1787. It lapsed
before 1838.


Oval Jewel, er.graveci,-31.


Oral Jewel, engraved,-I~nnox Lodge No. 163. 3801. The name of the
original owner has been crascd. 'The Lodge was constituted by the
Moderns in 1763, and ia tiow No. 123, meeting a t Hichniond. Yorkshire.


7 . Oral Jewel, engrared, no name or d:~tc.

T h e following napers were read : By Bro. IT. \Tgnn Xestcott, on

the Cult of Mithra."

" Tllc Resemblances

of Freemasonry to

By Bro. Gurclon Hills, on "Side Linhts on Freemasonry from the

Autobiographies of John Britton, F . S . A . (1771-1837), and the Rev. Richard
Warner (1763-1837)."




,1SZ7writers have exercised tlieir iizgenuity i n finding pomtb of

resembla~lcebetween Freemasonry, its ideals and ceremonieh,
a n d certain older institutions whether religious or civll. Some
have gcne beyolid tlie assertioii of resemblances and h a w
declared t h a t Freemasonry, as we know it to-day, llas descended
f r o m these Institutions, or lics been beholden t o them for it5
inspiration a n d for many peculiarities of doctrine and procedure.
Freeinasonry has been affiliated by essayists t o t h e Ancient Mysteries of
E g y p t a n d Greece, t o t h e Collegia of Rome, t o t h e Essene Brotherhood a n d t o t h e
Culdees of old, as well as t o tlle much l a t e r Vellm-Gericlite of Westphalia, t h e
Steinnietzen, t h e Trade Guilds, tlie French Coinpagnonage a n d t h e Rosicrucians;
even our origin from t h e Celtic Druids of B r i t a i ~ iand Normandy llas been inferred.
I have upoii a former occasion expressed my dissent from t h e assertion t h a t
modern Freen~asoiiryhas relation t o t h e Esssile F r a t z r n i t y , which practised a form
of ultra-strict J u d a i s m , a n d whose members were celibates who lived i n alrilost
inonkish seclusion about t h e time of t h e establislinle~itof t h e Christian religion.
I n these notes upon t h e Cult of Mitlira (Persian), Mithras (Greek) or M i t r a
(Sa~iscrit),tlie " Genius of t h e Heavenly Light," I shall show t h a t this ancient
Persian religion spread i n tlle course of time t o Europe, and has left its traces i n
ruined t e n q ~ l e sa n d sculptures, which have been fouild i n Italy, Germanv, France.
a n d even i n E n g l a n d . I n Greece its remains a r e few, because t h e Greeks hated t h e
Persians with whom they h a d many W a r s , and so they did not tend t o adopt 3
Persian cult. It was not only a form of Faitli arid rule of conduct openly professed, b u t i t also gave secret Initiation t o its priests aild more learned worshippers.
This institution made use of seci-et temples and nlysterious cereiizonial of a
religious a n d moral i ~ a t u r e ,was of pre-Christian origin, and h a d as p a r t of it.;
system a mode of progress by grades or stages, each with its inystical a n d symbolic
ilame, available for its devotees, b u t tllern does not appear t o me t o be a n y basis
for t h e suggestion t h a t t h e origin of Preenzasoiiry had a n y relation to i l , f o r almost
all t h a t is known of Mitliraisin is of quite recent discovery, due t o a r c h ~ o l o g i c a l
and arcliitectural research among t h e ruins of many couiltries.
Antecedent t o modern investigations there was b u t little available informati011 npon tlle origin and doctriiies of Mitllraism, t h e worship of Mitlira as t h e S u n
G o d ; reliance was placed upon short notices t o he found i n tlie " Ile Iside e t
Osiride " a n d " Life of Poizipey " by P l u t a r c l ~ ,w l ~ odied A.1). 120. It is referred
t o b y P o r p h y r y , \v110 died A . D. 305, in his " Cave of t h e Nymplis " a n d i n his " D e
Abstinentia. "; and by N o n ~ i u sin Ilis " 1)ionysiaca. " about 410. The Christian

Fathers S t Jerome, who dled A T). 420, Tertullian, in his 1)r ( ' o r o i ~ t r and U P
~ r e ~ f /o/ mot , t c w c I I about
200, and Ju5tin Martyr, 160, give short accounts
condemning tlie Mithraic cult as a form of paga~iism
Tliese notices were in tlie last century commented on by encyclopzdists and
by writers on forms of religiou, a n d were fancifully exagqerated by some mystics,
as by Eliphaz Levi, and were mentioned by Masonic authors mcli as Kenneth
Mackenzie and R. P. Gould, also quoted bv C. W. King from the Gnostic point oE
view, and by Hainlrier Purgstall, the German critic, in his " Mitliraica," 1833.
Montfaucon, i n his splendidly illustrated twelve volunles of " L'Antiquit6
Erpliquke," 1719, furnislies numerous plates of ancient Mithraic sculptures.
Tllon~asHyde, on the reinains of t,lie Religion of Ancient Persia (1700), may be
consulted, and G. R . S . Mead lms printed , I .Ififhtnic. Ir'ifectrl, 1907.
The innst coinplete account of Mitllraic remaills is t o be found in the works
of F r a n k Cunlont " Textes et Monunients figurds relatifs aux Mystkres de Mithra,"
1896-99, and " Les Mystkres de Mithra,":l91,3. Cumont was a Professor a t the
University of Glient.
A summary of recent discoveries and opinions has been written by F. Legge,
and also a valuable essay by H. S t u a r t Jones.
I t was generallv stated t h a t the worship of Mitlira originated from Zend,
l r a n i a n or Persian Mazdeism, a religion founded by Zoroaster, also called
Zaratlirustra, who was an inspired sage about whom ilotlling definite is known.
b u t it is considered tliat he flourislied about 700 B.C. The Avesta or Zeadavesta.
is the sacred volume associated with this religion Bilcdern researches have led to
the opinion t h a t t h e cult of M i t l ~ r a sas a Sun God must have preceded the foundation of the Zoroastrian religion by many hundred years, even before the Aryan
race separated into Western arid Indian branches; a t any rate, his name is found
both in the Zend Avesta and tlie Vedas of the Hindoos.
Mitllra worsllip may, have sprung from t h e cult of tlie Magi of Media, a
natioriality wliicli was donlinant before t h a t of Persia. Tlie Medes and Persians
were fanious nations of Western Asia for many centuries, and t h e boundaries of
their Empire varied greatly from age to age: Media became subject to Persia
about 560 H . C . , while Persia remained a notable Empire until i t was conquered
by the Mohanimedau Arabs about 640, A.1). The present-day Parsees of Tndia
are ]low tlle only representatives of tlie Zoroastrian faith. They hold a festival
in Ironour of N i t h r a on the 16th day of the 7th month, but there are now no
worshippers of Mitlira alone. Mitllraism spread from its home in Asia tlirougl~
Greece and its colonies into Italy, and became in Rome itself as famous as tliat of
its Egyptian competitor the cidt of Serapis. It extended over a great part of
S o u t l ~and Western Europe arid even reached Britain, being spread by t l ~ eRomali
soldiers who adopted the worship of Mitlira in great numbers; they were introdoced to tliis cult a t the period of Pompey in his wars with Cilicia. Both of these
rults were, liowever, abolished by the domination of Cllristianity under the
Emperor Constantine a'uout A.1). 330.
The God of tliis world, accxding to Zoroaster, was Aliura Mazda, King of
Ligllt and S ~ ~ i rofi t the Sun, often called Ormuzd by English autliors-a great being
11aving inany resemblances t o the old llebrew Mosaic ideal of Jehovah. Tlie cult
wa,s a t first, at ally rate, a monotlleistic one, but later became dualistic, pronlinence
being given to the existence and powers of a n evil Deicy named Angra Mainyus,
the Evil Milid, also called A41irinian, who is always in conflict with tlie God of Good.

We find references also made to a veiled Deific Principle, shrouded in mystery,

superior even t o Ormuzd, the Creator and World Ruler. H e was named ill the
' Vendidad " - Zervana Akarana, or Z ~ r v a n Akerene, " Eternal Light " or
possibly ' ( Boundless Time," of whom nothing can be conceived, known or declared
-a Supreme Being without attributes or qualities conlprellensible t o man. H e is
the Absolute, the Sat of the Vedantists and the Air1 Sup11 of the Kabalists of
medieval Judaism. H e may have been considered as the source from whom first
tlle Good God Ormuzd, and later Ahriman the Evil Principle, came forth after
the creation of this world. The Zoroastrian faith postulated the subsequent
appearance by Emanation of Six Anleshaspentas or Amshaspands springing from
Ormuzd and making with him a Septenary of Powers; these great Beings may be
compared with the Cliristian ideas of Archangels. Then followed a second series
of Angelic Emanations named the Izeda or Yazatas (adored ones), who were
twenty-eight in number, of whom the earlier S m God Mithra was called the First
and Chief; he was the invincible hero fighting tlle evil powers. A third series
then followed, and were liamed the Ferouers, ~7110 were unlimited in number.
C. W . King, in his work upon the Gnostics, looks upon these as the Active Thoughts
of God. The evil being Allriman also produced a numerous progeny of wicked
spirits, but he was cast down by Ormuzd from his high estate. H e is comparable
to the Christian ideal of Satan as the Devil.
Ormuzd, the Creator, formed tlie world and set life upon i t ; the same Zend
word meant botll " Life " and a " Bull," which was tlle Persian symbol of this
World. Alirinlan destroyed the first World-Being, but from its elements Ormuzd
formed tlie first human pair; these were tempted by Allrin~an(or Arimanes) and
fell, and so their descendants were ever after exposed to the malice of Ahriinaii,
tlie Evil Being,. as tlle great Tempter.
This sclieme of tllouglit obviously led t o the idea that a Saving Grace must
be p u t into action, and the Sun God Mithra, who was a t first by tlie Zoroastrians
considered only as one of tlle Izeds, became worshipped as a God and as t112
Saviour of mankind from the effects of its fall from grace.
It has been suggested t h a t the later Mitliraism was Mazda worship, greatly
influenced by Cllaldean astrological notions.
The name Mitra is the ancient
Sanskrit Indian word for tlie Sun, and it is said by C. W . King to be also tho
meant " friend. "
Zend (Iranian) word meaniug the Sun ; the word .If i t r c r , ~also
Many students have associated Mitlira with Apollo, the Sun God, P h e b u s ,
Hyperion, Phanes and Dioiiysos of the Greeks, as well as with Fire and Light
as sources of benevolent force and energy; lie is distirlctly related to the Indian
Vedic Varuna, God of the E-Ieavens-the Greek Ouranos and the Clialdee Shamas.
As the cult of Mithra arising anew from tlle Persian faith spread into
Europe, the great First Powers appear t o have been grzduallv lost sight of, while
t h e Saviour Mithras became exalted into the position of Godhead; in this manner
Mitliraism rose t o be a separate religion, gave rise to a form of Mystery worship,
developed a priesthood and formulated a system of secret Initiation of which only
a few titles and sketclly outlines have come down t o us from Greek and Latin
A n attentive study of arcllitectural remains has, as I have already
mentioned, added fresh light to these old notices; from these sources I have taken
these notes upon Mithraic lllystic rites, in which some see an origin of the Masonic

Mithraic religious worship was c o n ~ m o n lconducted

in caves or grottoes to
secure its secrecy, or in temples (sprltrrtr) built t o resemble the natural caves used in
earlier times, and from the period of its illtroduction to Greek and Roman countries
statuary formed a constant feature; in these caves have been discovered numerous
sculptured bas-reliefs illustrating scenes in the life of Mithra. While Christiandemolished these buildings very thoroughly. yet sufficient remains have been found
1 Britain even some
to illustrate the legend of Mitllra pretty completely.
fragment's have been found; in London, while digging a sewer near Walbrook,
several portions of white niarble sculgt~ure,now preserved a t tlie London Museum;
others a t Caerleon up011 Usk; Cliester; York, the old Eboracuin; Housesteads,
tlie old Borcovicum near Hadrian's Wall, and a t Rochester, t h e old Vindobala,
near Elsdon, both in Nortl~umberlaiid. The British Museum has secured a very
perfect bas-relief from Asia. I n Germany a t Saalburg, Osterburken, Heddernlieim,
etc. A t Merida in Spain a i d Patrae in Grcece.
The most constant design is that, called Tauroctonia, wllicll represents
Mitllras slaying a Bull by stabbing, and he is wearing a pointed, so-called Phrygian
Tlie central act of worship was probably thc annual slaying of a Bull in
comn~emorationof the great and symbolic slaying of tlie World-Bull by this World
The Mithraic temples were always small, and where devotees were
numerous many were constructed; classical authors call these places by the word.;
aid 1
I n some places tliere was a p r o n n o ~ ,or fore-court,
then stone steps leading down into a vault :. these were often under private
dwellings. 111 Rome were found 75 pieces of sculpture and 100 inscriptions, and
there are remains of Mithraic places of worship under the Church of Ara Caeli
and Sail Clemente. A t Ostia a t the mouth of the Tiber four crypts are known
by their ruins, and the one found tliere by Cavaliere Lanciana is the most perfect
known (See tlle " Atheneunl," 1886).
From the details left by the Greek and Latin authors, supplemented by a
study 9f tlie still-existing xulptures, i t Ilaa been found possible to describe a t
l2ast five sculptured scenes which, taken together, illustrate the i q t h or legend
of the hlitliraic cult.


Tlle Birth of Mithras. H e is represented as springing from a rock,

wearing a pointed cap and holding a dagger and a torch, sometimes a
solitary figure, in other cases two inen like shepherds are tlle witnesses
of the Miraculous B i r t h : hence h l . was called in ancient stone inscriptions -prfrrc y r n r t r i r , t h v o c r.r petrtrs (Firmicus Maternus) and
ptro!/rnr.\ -1llthrcrs. I n some designs the two men are torch-bearers,
one holding up his torch, the other holding his down. A serpent with
a n egg iu some cases lies around the rock

Mitllras arid the Tree H e stands beside a leafy tree, and appears
to be tearing off some leaves for clothing and eating tlie fruit; i n some
cases he is again seen leaving the tree fully clothed. (Query-emblematic
of tlie fall of man of Genesis of the Old Testament)


M i t l ~ r a sand the Rock. H e appears again with the Phrygian cap,

but kneeling and sllooting an arrow a t a rock or liillside, whence a
stream of water issues; a man kneels beside this stream, catches tlie
water in his palms and drinks: this act represents Mitllras as saving
the world from a drought sent by Ahriman, the Evil One.

Mithras and the Sun

(Several iceneq ) H e appear5 to crown
the Sun, who kneels before liim, u s ~ n gthe left hand, wlnle in the rlglit
he holds a cornucopia, recognition of tlte value of the Sun's hght and

(b) Mithras and the Snn stand together, clasping each other's
right hands.
(cj V ~ t l l r a ,mol~ntingthe Solar chariot with four white horse;
a r d ascending.
(d) Mitllras and the S11n togethsr a t a banquet with men standing
around. The Christian father; especially condemned these scene., and
destroyed all copies of tlicm.


Mithras and the Bull. T h i ~is no earthly Bull, but is the Gosllurul:
or Heavenly Bull of the Avesta. (Many scenes.) The Bull in a boat
upon the water, for Ahriman has sent a deluge upon the world. The
Bull coming out of the gable end of a house on fire; in one example
two figures are jetting this house on fire. (Saarburg.) The taking of
the Bull; the Bull a t large, grazing in a field; Mithra seizes i t by its
horns, leaps upon its back, drags i t by the liind legs, or carries i t into
the cave of Mitllraic worship.
Lastly the slaying of the Bull, the Tauroctonia, the most notable
scene with inany variations, used as a sort of altar-piece. The most
completa Tauroctonic designs zhow Mithras kneeling upon the Rull,
which is crouched down; Mithras, wearing the pointed Phrygian cap
(of liberty), tunic, and a cloak, stabs the Bull with a dagger near its
right shoulder. This scene is in a cave; a scorpion seizes the testes of
the dying Bull, while a dog laps up the blood flowing from a stab wound.
A dog, the companion of Mithras, is sesn in the foreground as if barking u p a t the dying Bull, a bird like a crow is seen above; lie is t h e
messenger of Ormuzd. ears of corn springing from the tail of t l i ~
animal or from beside it, show the good gifts resulting from the
sacrifice. I n some cases torch-bearers stand one on each side of the
Bull, their names, Cauti and Cautopati, are words of unknown meaning; instances are referred t o in which these figures hold emblems of
the Equinoctial Signs-Cancer and Capricornus, or Taurus and Scorpio.
The slaying of the World Bull leads to the production of animal life

A t Heddernheini, near Frankfort-on Main, Germany, there is 2 scene 011

the reverse of the great slab; Mithras stands beside the slain Bull, receiving in his
right hand a bunch of grapes from the Suc, in his left hand a horn for drinking
or a cornucopia: initiates stand around, a radiated cup hangs upon a pole, and
wveral animals are also drawn in the upper p a r t of the scene. The Tauroctonic
sculpture a t Osterburkeri is considered the best example extant.
I n some
sculptures these scenes are supplemented by Zodiacal figures, by Kronos or Time,
by Atlas, Oceanus, the Fates and Zeus with his Thunderbolt. A t one period t h e
Goddess Anaitis (Astarte, Aphrodite) was acsociated with Mithras jn sculptures,

The Eesentbl(tn,ces
ot' Itreenrctsonryto the C ult ol JI ithra.


The ancien.t Persiarr rvori< named " Bundahish," r'hich gives a tireory of
cosmogorry after the Zoroa,*triarr ideals throws some light uporr these mythical
scenes. It trarrates that 'rhe fir'st creation of Onnuzd was of Goshururr, tho
Ileavenly Bull, that this lluli 'n'as killed bv the evil Ahriman, ancl that from it:r
side cante Gayotnort, the first marr; frorn its tail all Yegetable Life was produced,
from its blood Wirre was createcl, alld fron its seed all varieties of anirnais lvere
Iu Mithraic sculpture we fincl Mithras slaying the Bull at the Order of
Ormrtzci, whose word is brought by his rnesserrgerthe crow or raveu. Ahriman is
represertted onlv by the Serpert wlio is to poison all human life at its source.
We nray all of us invent sorne allegorical explanation of these scenes. and
no one catr be sure of offering the truth, but one point is certain, and that is thab
the Bull has been at all times the symbol of generatiol, of virility,

of fertilitv



ancl that its death, even as providing food, leads agzrin to life.
I'orpiryry tells us that the cave in rvliich the slavinq is perfonned was deemed

to repre-sent the universe.

Otlter sug{estious have been rnade in explarration of llre sculptures, romemberirtg that llithras

was a Solar deitv.

fn the birth scene, the torch-bearers,

with one torch up arid the other dou'n, may refer to the rise and setting of the Sun.
In the later period of Mithra worship in Italy, there was a blending with
the more usual Solar rrorship of Apollo as the Surr god, as we read of Mitbra as
S r t l i t t t ' i t ' t t r s ,D e t t s i n r i r t t t s ) I i t h r a s , I ) t t r s ' J o l i t t t t i c t t t :) [ i l h n r s ;
we also find }lithras

associated with tlie Pagan J[uqrrrr )[atrr,

before its abolition

the great mother

goddess. As Mithra uorship was fadirrg ont, the Ernperor Julian made an attempt
to restore its dominaiice, but this faileci, and persecution by Christian authorities
caused its extinction:

the C-hristian priests were especially bitter

against the

Mithraists because of tlie similarities which Christianity offered to the rnethods of


worship, for both used a cerenorry of baptism, a sacred meal, the act of

anointing, and both offered salvation by a Divine messenger.

As a Religion which gave rise to a secret fonn of Initiatiou,

we are met bv

the difiiculties associated with arr investigation of all other secret sodalities, and in
this case again we rnay be surprised at the successof preserving secrecy which was

Every secret association must possesssonre form of pledge to maintain

its status, ancl in practice every such pledge has been taken in coniurrction with
sorne form

of ceremonial;

secret titles and signs of recognition foliow

and as some must


rule and some obey, an official group becomes

necessary, and eminence in work leads to the creation of grades of distinction and
each one develops a secret ritual and svstem of signs, words, etc.
Irr the case of Mitliraic Initiation we find just the same systen evolved.
and although no scrap of ritual has ccme down to us from 2,000 years or 3,000 years
ago, yet lve have some fragments of knowledge as to the grades and their titles, but
their secrets are gone for ever.

u'as conducted by the Patres of the cult, but we have no certain

knou'ledge as to whether priests alone were adrnitted to thern, or whether thev

were conferred upon other worshippers as rewards for gifts or services rendered
or for religious devotion.
There are rnany extant sculptured figures which tend to confirm the statements of Jerome that

there were Seven Grddes of secret knowledge, in which

mystic rites were performed and rituals were recited, probably sacred songs were


Transactions of the Q u a t ~ i o rCoronati Lodge.

sung and secrets conferred: designs of all these seven grades have been traced by
recent investigators upon tlit! ancient stone inscriptions and designs. These grades
were given in succe?sion to tlie -11ustes, S ~ l c r n t u sor devotee after a long course of
I n Greek
and Latin
Hidden One,
Kruphios (secret)
Crypllius, or some say
Gryplzius, or griffin.
Sun Follower
or Courier of
t h e Sun
Pater Sacrorum.
and the seniors of t,I~eselast were named P ~ t r e sPatrorum.
The sculptures show t h a t members of these grades wore special dresses and
masks or headgear to represent these animal forms, etc., a t least, the Celebrant
certainly wore a special costume a t the Ceremonies. Jerome describes the destruction by Christians of a set of figures representing these Grades. (Epist. cvii.)
lnscriptions also name the Ceremonies as Hierocoracica, Leontiaca, Persica,
Ileliaca, and Patrica.
Augustine noted t h a t he had heard t h a t " some members flap their wings
like birds, imitate tlie cries of ravens, and others growl like lions "; his remarks
are all intended t o be contenlptuous and insulting to these mystics.
Somo old authors explained these practices as being illustrations of
Astronomical details, and so related to the Zodiacal Signs, and t o gods of the
planets which had mostly animal secondary attributions in Greco-Roman
Cumont remarks t h a t many cults of ancient nations of Asia Minor,
mysteries of Greece and Egypt, consecrated animals to definite gods, goddesses,
and religious ideals; perhaps this practice was a survival of prehistoric forms of
belief, and related t o the totrrnn, which were animal forms related t o certain
tribes, sects, and families. We remember, of course, t h a t tlie Four Quarters of
the E a r t h were associated with Lion, Bull, Man and Eagle, and t h a t these symbols
were allocated by the Hebrews to the Four Cherubim and by the Christians t o
the Four Evangelists.
The ancient Greek Kronos, emblematic of Time, was coilsidered as Lionheaded; Venus as Lovc, as a Dove; Jove with an Eagle; Apollo is shown with
a Swan.
Preliminary t o admission t o the secret grades we read t h a t candidates had
t o pass a long period of probation, of cleansing both moral and physical, and
of prolongad abstinence from meat food. and t h a t they suffered .many other
After severe tests a form of baptism per Zavacrvm was carried out
and solemn oaths administered, and Tertullian states that in the grade of " Miles "
a mark was p u t upon the forehead. I n the grade of " Leo " there was a ceremonial
meal of Bread and Wine (jornn in India, hnorna in Persia) in memory of the meal
partaken of by Mithra and Helios, and in all grades there must have been the
recitation of ritual, praycrs and mantras.

Minutius Felix stated t h a t the Mithraists kept a Birthday of the Sun on

old authorities describe a
December 25th each year-dies
u u t d i s i r ~ ~ ~ i c tSome
curious lion-headed figure representing Zervana Akarana or Eternal Time as beine
placed in a secret recess of the Mithraic caves, in which i t would appear t h a t
artificial light must have been used. They a s s a t t h a t worshippers knelt before
this figure, a n unusual practice for Romans, who stood in prayer.
Some Christian Fathers nlention a simulated death in the secret ceremonials,
and an i,tcctyo res~errectiot~i\,or symbolic return t o life, and the biographer of
Coinn?odus the Emperor, who was a great official in Mithraic rites, z7ero hotrticitliu
1~olltritactually killed 3. man, we may presume accidentally.
The Seven Grades of Mystic Initiation were intended to represent a form
of Metempsychosis, or a succession of births and lives, one stage t o be passed in
ebch of t h e planets before perfect purity and wisdom could be obtained by any
individual Ego. (See Origen " contra Celwm " V I . 22.)
The old Christian Fathers are answerable for the assertion t h a t the admission to the First Grade of Mithra was marked by terrible trials by fire, air and
water; but these are of doubtful authenticity, for so many Mithraic caves were of
too small a size t o make i t possible t o carry out elaborate tests.

T h e 1st Cr'rccdo of h!uuet/; its l l a n ~ ewas due to this bird being sacred
t o the Sun.


T ~9P
r ~ dCr'rc~deof C ' ~ y p 1 ~ i uhas
s been called the Man of t h e Secret
or the Occult Man.


111.the Jrtl Crccde of Xilea or soldier we know from TertuUian t h a t

a Crown was offered to the aspirant, who refused i t saying, " No,
Nithras is my Crown," and he never after could wear a garland on
the head.
Z ~ Lt h e i f 1 1 G'rcctle of t h e L i o t ~we read t h a t the aspirant's hands
and lips were anointed with honey, tlie food of the blessed iu Heaven;
this association of the lion with the bee and Iioney, reminds us of the
Riddle of San~pson; see Judges xiv.


l ' l ~ e5tfh G'rutle of Z'erses, conferred the special cap of the Persian
Mithra, now called the Phrygian cap of liberty.


T h e O'th G'rctde o f Ileliodrottiees once more marked the identity of

Mithras with Helios, Sol, the Sun in the Heavens; type of heat, light
and benevolence.


T h e 7 t h G'rutle uf flre 2'uter or Father was conferred upon the most

learned elders and directors of the coinmunity : they seein t o correspond
t o Grand Lodge Oficers.

Some classics asserted t h a t the first Three Grades of Raven, Occultist and
Soldier conferred Iaitiatiorl indeed, but not participation in t h e Sacred Wisdom;
tlley were like the Christian Catechumens, and that no members under the Grade
of " Leo " were able to obtain the true secrets and beco~ne.lfetecliotetes, perfected
ones. There is no doubt that in one of the cerenlonies there was either a real
l'auroctony or a symbolical slaying of a Bull, but it is uncertain when this took

It may be t h a t t h e Mitllra worship of Ancient Persia had oldy a priestl~ood

2nd n o secret grades, which were only developed after tlie Mitllraic cult h a d been
e;;tablislied i n Europe.
It may also be remarked t h a t , amid t h e liu~ldredsof sculptures a n d insc:ript ~ c n st h a t have been described, t l ~ e r eis no trace of m y priestess, wontail initiate,
or even of a n y gift from a woinaii. I t was tlte French autllor Ernest R e n a n , i n
his " Marc Aurhle," 1880, wl13 gave tltis reason why tlte Mitliraic initiation
rrseinbled Freenlasonry.
1 t h e other h a n d , illany other Oriental cults a n d .
E g y p t i a n Mysteries admitted wonleu and soinet~iines conferred upon them very
high grades, titles a n d dignities.
There can be no doubt tliat tlte secrecy, rituals a n d ceremoriials of a n
~ c c u l tsodality do produce illtense devotion anioug its members, and t h e hope of
advaiicenleilt grade by grade t o a ralillg positiol~is well calculated t o conserve a n
enthusiasni for progress toward a goal of wllicll all t h e seniors of a young meinber
speak as of unparalleled importance. This same result is quite apparent i11 our
own tiines, f o r almost every Entered Apprentics seeks his Third Degree, Lodge
Officers aim a t t h e diguity of a Worshipful Master, a n d P a s t Masters, according
t o tlieir position, means and opportuilities, aspire t o office i n t h e Grand Lodge of
t h e Nation.
L e t us liope tliat t h e Brethren foriniiig our ow11 Grand Lodge have not only
Xlasonic kiio\vledge b u t business ability, for i t seems likely tllat t h e iiear f u t u r e
v-ill bring oil proposals for -important changes in our I~lstitutioil of F r e e a n d
Accepted Masons.

A cordial vote of thanks for tile valuable a n d interesting paper was unanimously passed t o Bro. Dr. W-yn~iUTeAcott.

said :Bro. Calloil HORSLEY

T h e following points occurred to me
paper : -




rendiiig D r . Westcott's interesting

" The cult of Il/litltraisni was abolished by Lhc doinillation of c1lri:;tiauity

under t h e Emperor Coii?talitine about A.1). 330."
Sozomeu Ilowever, say:; t l ~ a tt h e Blitllrion a t Alexandria was
given by Constalltilie ' t o t h e church of tile Alexandrians ' a s ~ i x o v+;ollpov
&har Y ~ ~ i ip. ~~. a,~ place
o ~ l o r (1 1 0 i 1 y f i i i t r deserted.
" I n t h e grade of ' Leo ' there. was a ceremonial meal of Bread a n d
B u t J u s t i n X a r l y r says it was olle of Bread a d W a t e r .
T h e three chief degrees were, as i n inost religions, those of
Kr16'npcr:r o r P u r g a t i o n ; J l c ' r p ~ or h i t i a t i o n ; n nd T~XC:wcrr,~or Consuill.mation. Comparakle i n Christia~iity t o Baptism, Coilfirmation,
a n d Coinmunioil.

I a m ptlzzled as to t h e i l t r or ritual of Tauroctonla, since D r Westcott

speaks of two &viilgs of t h e Worlcl-Bull, one by Ahriman, t h e Evil
One, a n d one by Mitltra, tlie World Saviour T o which does t h e rite
refer ?

T o p u t t h e origin a n d developnlent of Mithraism i n t h e fornl of

a series of epochs, t h e followiug seems t h e order :I n t h e beginning Zervarla, t h e E t e r n s l Light.
Froni ! ~ i mproceeds Orniuzd, t h e Creator a n d Life-giver.
Froni Zervana also, as a later enlanation, comes Ahriman, t h e Evil
Orniuzd forms a World-being of which a Bull is t h e synibol (since t h e
Zend word for Life nleans also Bull.)
Alirinian destroys this Being or Bull.
Froni t h e elelnents of t h e Bull Ormuzd forms t h e first h u m a n pair.
This pair tempted by Allriman, a n d fall.
The11 Mitlira, one of a .wcoittl emanation of angels from Ormuzd, comes
into being.
L a t e r , he is deified as t h e S u n God, a i d becomes a Saviour of humanity.
L a t e r still t h e worship of Mitliras causes t h e earlier and greater Powers
t o be forgotten ~ 1 neglected.
T h e central act of t h e worsliip of Mithras was tlle Tauroctonia,
t o conlniemorate t h e slaying of t h e World-Bull b y this World-Saviour.
There is some confusioi~,apparently, as t o whether tlle Bull was
slain as good by t h e Evil One o r slain as evil by t h e Good One.

It seems t o me t h a t it is easy to attach too little iniportance t o those

points i n Masonic ritual whicli indicate t h a t t h e speculative side retains
niucli vihicll came originally from soine form of Suii-worsliip, of which
Mitliraism may b e l~istorically t h e chief, altllougli n o t t h e only,

Bro. D r . G . A . GREESEsaid:-

It has always beeu difficult to obtain a n adequate view of Mitliraism, for it

is t r u e t h a t neither ill classical autllors nor i n t h e writings of t h e Cllristian F a t h e r s
is m u c l ~information given as t o ille specific cult ia question, a n d what there is is
1a:gely coloured by t h e prepossessions of tlle writers. I may, however, refer those
interested i n a religion \vl~ic*l~
played a col~siderable,though still somewhat obscure,
p a r t ill t h e I ~ i s t o r yof tlle period d u r i n g whicli Cllristiai~ityarnse a n d was becoming
prouii~leiit,t o a n excellent little treatise by M r . W. J . Pllytl~iali-Adamsi n Xessrs.
a n d Nodern," i n wllic11 t h e known
Constable's series, entitled " R e l i g i o ~ ~Ancieilt
facts a r e well nlarsllalled a i d their iinport poilited out. T o n!y mind, t h e origin
of t h e cult a n d its early history ill Eastern countries is nf nlucli less interest t h a n
its developn~euti n t h e R o i n ; ~ ~Empire.
X t l i r a i s m was encouraged and p u t forward by t h e later Enlperors as a formidable oppoilent t o t h a t Clu.istiail religion
which was tlireatening t o detlirone all t h e niany deities of t h e Enlpire. Xitliraism
could he engrafted, as Christianity could not, n y n t h e otller niytl~ologiesacknowledged by t h e State. Moreover, i t was essentially a military religion, a n d seemed
therefore t o be appropriate to a time when t h e great problem was t o confront t h e

efforts by which tlle Germans were attempting t o effect (and ultimately did effect)
the destructioil of Roman civilisation. I have littl-. doubt but t h a t i t i s owing t o
this fact that the popularity of tlle Mithraic inysteries began to increase in tile later
years of the Antonines, and especially during tlle reign of Comn~odus; that is to
scy, ill the days wlxn the decline of the Empire, not yet quite apparent, was about
t o shew itself as ail inlmiiient danger. When lliocletiafi for a time restored the
glory and security of the Itoinan state, he shewed special favour to the cult of
Mithras, and a t a later period the Einpcror Juliaii made a greaL effort t o encourage
its growth, because, no doubt, it was a inilitary religion suited to tlle great military
necessiiies of the tiwe.
F o r i t is a notabl:: feature of this originally Oriental faith t h a t it was
introduced and spread, nol ill and from the greet centres of civilisation, but along
the military roads alld in tlle camp:; where the legions lay ready for the defence of
tlie Empire against the barbarians. Of course, there were s p e l ~ aa t Rome (one
under the present church of Sail Cleinente-not
far, by the wsy, from t h a t of the
Quattro Incoronati), and we llav.2 just b ~ e ntold of one in London; but i t renlains
the fact t h a t the inilitary roads were t,lle arteries along wllicll the cult made its
way into the reinatest parts, and that most of its lnonuments are situated on those
I c a ~ l n o tsag t h a t ally real connectioi~,satisfactory lo' my inind, can be seen
t o exist between Mitliraisrn alld t l ~ eCrait.
Symbolism, secrets, mysteries, a
ceremonial ritual, tests and trials were conlnlon to nlaliy other cults. I must not,
however, pass over an interesting passage in tlle little book to which I have already
referred, and which is as follows:-"
Yet bcforc the ileopl~ytehad climbed to this
spiritual en~irlence ltliat cf full participation] s last and greatest trial of his
fortitude and fidelity still await2d 11im. By his previous tests, he had partially
acuonlplished the act of spiritualisation, and since then by coiltinual purification
had brought his body, thus subdued, into 3 condition of preparedness for the
supreme inoinei~tof transmutatioi~. Now lie had to Die."
It would be well not t o lay too much stress on this passage, which would be
less: iinpressive had other words been employed. It inust be reinenibered t h a t a
syillbolic death was a feature coininon to all the Mysteries.
After tlle reign of Julian, M i t l ~ r a i s ~made
but a short struggle, and was
soon extinguished by the perillanelit victory of Cl~ristianity.

Bro. J.

a. LEPPERsaid :-

The only point t o wllich I wish to draw the attention of the brethren is a
curious document in t h e IiiOliothiylre AYc~tio~rctle
in Paris, which is supposed by
some t o conlain the fragments of' a liturgy used in one of the degrees of Mithra.
It is contained iri a pallyrus wl~icliaccording to experts was not written later than
the fourth century, a t a period therefore when the worship of Mitllra was in full
bloom. Albrecl~tI)ieterich, who lias published the original Greek text with a
German translation, is of opinion that it is a veritable fragment of the liturgy used
in the mysteries: if so, while much ri?mains inexplicable, enough is left t o show,
t h a t the religion which illspired i t was not lacking in ethical leaching. The text
is very mutilated, and interlarded with the hocus-pocus of a professed magician,
who made use of it in his alchenlietic rites; slill i t is worth attention, as though



much of i t seems unmeaning, i t ]nay yet contain a garbled version of part of the
Nitliraic ritual. I have translated the fragment in full from the German translation of Dieterich: a short synopsis of it may ba of interest.
The manuscript begim by stating, t h a t these mysteries are now written down
for the first time in order to confer immortality on a child, which probably meanr
a neophyte, the writer having soared to a height whence he can survey the whole
scheme of llie mysteries. The remainder consists in prayers to be said by the
initiate (mustes) a t various portioiis of the ceremony, and what seem t o be moral
explanations of the imagery unfolded t o his eyes. It seems t o teach the doctrine
of transmigration of souls, wit11 a purpose akin to that of the Fravashis of the
earlier cult, and to impress that the ills attendant on humanity are negligible, becauss
existence on earth is only given to prepare the soul for an ascent into lieaven.
Secrecy is enjoined more t h a n once; and astroncinical allusions meet us a t every
t u r n . The language is poetic, as silowll in ihe following short prayer: " I am a
star, which goeth on its wandering course with you, and shiueth up out of t h e
depths. "
T o give an example of what may bc called the stage directions, the neophyte
is told, t h a t after the foregoing invocation has besn uttered he will see " fivepointed stars a many " coming from the sun's disc, filling up all the atmosphere,
a promise which certainly must not be taken literally. The path travelled by the
neophyte then seems to lead liiin to various obstacles, which are passed by means
of prayers and by speaking certain words, represented, provokingly enough, only
by coiltractions in the original. A t a culminating point in the ceremony a god
makes his appearance, " young, with fiery locks, in a white garment and scarlet
red mantle, with a circlet of fire." The fire-god is succeeded by Mithra himself,
who is described exactly as we see him on the monuments; and the ceremony seems
to end with him accepting the neophyte as his follower in response to this prayer:
" Be greeted, Lord of the water;
be greeted, Founder of the earth; be
greeted, Uictator of the spirit. Lord, I depart born again; while I am raised,
and since I am raised, I die; born by the birth, which forms life, I become
redeemed in death, and go the way thou hast founded, whicli thou hast decreed
as a law and fashioned as a sacrameni (mystery)" !
If Albreclit Dieterich be right in his conjecture, that here we have a
veritable fragment of Mithraic liturgy, we can only regret t h a t we do not possess
more of the same kind.
As regards the apparent total extinction of Mithra worship, the reason is
not hard t o find.
A religion which jealously conceals its own tenets, while tolerating those of
every other sect, as did the followers of Mithra, and seeks no converts, aims a t
embodying the chosen few of a nation alone; and while its influence may be great
and noble in its own sphere, i t will never appeal t o the imagination of the common
herd, and its martyrs, seers and prophets need expect no wider circle of recognition
than is afforded by a very small state within a state: yet the approbation of a
chosen few will not be without its value t o the happy recipient, and the bond of
brotllerhood prove the strongest of ties whether in the spelea of Mithra or the
lodgerooms of the Craft.

Trnnsactions of the Qziatctor Cforonnti Lodge.





(1 77 1-1 857), AND THE REV. RICHARD WARNER (1 763-1857).

OWN BRITTON wrote his " Auto-Biography "' at the close of

his life, and, in fact, did not live to fully carry out his intentions
about i t ; but, as it is, we have an account of a truly wonderful
struggle for education and ;bdvancement, and the book givss
much interesting inforination about his country life; the minor
amusements and recreations of London in his younger days, and
the performers and frequenters; the antiquarian and l i t e r a r ~
patrons and associates of his later years; and particulars of his many works i n
the paths of topography and archaeology.
published his " Recollections "2 in 1830, anti
gives the story of his young days in much happier surroundings. H e , too, is very
discursive about his literary friends and associates, and during his sojourn a t Bath.
having been perhaps the best known man of letters resident there, was well
acquainted with those who frequented that city.
Tlle two men were contemporaries and friends, and, as I think their memoirs clearly indicate, members of
the Craft; in the case of Mr. Britton we can say certainly, and there is little less
doubt as regards M r . Warner. The references to Freemasonry are but in passing;
the authors did not set out t o write ou the subjecl; but the information is perhaps
for t h a t very reason the more interesting because i t is, as i t were, unpremeditated
-not studied-serving to illustrate the Masonic doings and characters of the times
and the esteem in which our institution was held. The early life of Britton disclosos
a dreary prospect, and to t h a t I draw particular attention, as i t so aptly illustrates
the state of things which produced the multitude of Clubs and Societies with which
the papers of Bro. Hextall' and Bro. Idevander"lave made us acquainted, and witll
some of which he was evidently connected.
BRITTOXwas born J u l y 7th, 1771, a t Kington-St.Michae1, near
Chippenham, of parents in jlumble static11 of life, his father being a baker and shopkeeper, and farming a few acres of land. Britton gives a depressing picture of
the village life in which his first sixteen years were passed, and contrasts ~t with
Miss Mitford's " florid descriptisn of rural scenery " in her sketch of " Our
Village," mcclelled on the hamlet of Three Mile Cross, more happily
situated near Rending.
The maiu street, though " a public road, was
rarely traversed by a post chaise, or private carriage; a strange cart,
1 T h r Airto-Bioqmph~/ o f J o h n R r i t f o n . F.3S..4.. L o n d o n : printed for t h e a u t h o r ,
a s p r e w n t s t o Subscribers t o " T h e R r i t t o n Testimonial." M.DCCC.L., 2 rols.
r i l t ~ m r iRPwIIP(
t m n ~ by
, t h e Rcr. Richard V a r n e r , F.A.S., L o n d o n : L o n g m a n ,
&c., 1830. 2 vols
3 , V o m ~Old-time C'lilh~ nntl A . Q . C . xxrii., 2.5.
T h e Vollrctanra o f t h c R w l k o ~ ~ Jl '~lI / V I T I \ ,E'.II.S., F.,VA., Part I1 .4.f].('. x s i x
13 7 .


Side Lights on E'reernusonry.


or a waggon, was seldom seen; and a stage coach, then called a ' diligence,'
never. . . . 3lailcoacl1es were not invelited; tlie few letters which were
sent t o a n d f r o m t h e metropolis, a n d by cross posts, being entrusted t o a mailc a r t " with a single horse by whicil t h e letters from B a t h , Bristol, and t h e West
of England were carried t o London a t t h e speed of four miles a n hour, a n d so
t a k i n g about t h i r t y hours 011 tlle road betweell B a t h and t h e Metropolis. Kingtorl
h a d no " resident 'squire, clergyman, or person above t h e r a n k of farmer or villago
tradesman." A t first there was no newspaper, afterwards t h e introduction of one
of tlie B a t h papers,craated all epocll i n t h e community. F a r m e r Robbins a n d a
crony retailed t h e news b y " pieces and scraps " a t t h e carpenter's, t h e tailor's,
a n d t h e blacksmith's shops, i n a colloquy whir11 lasted probably a n h o u r a t each
station, punctuated by t h e comnlents of art appreciative audience :-" Well, well ! "
-" Indeed ! "-" I s i t t r u e 1 "-" Strange."-"
W h a t ! i n foreign p a r t s ? "" T h a t L u n l ~ u nis a liiortal queer place."-"
Well ! I shall never zee u t , n u r a n y
o' t h e papistes."-"
R o m a n Catholics, papists a n d devils were synonymous a t
Kington, a n d i n many other country villages."
Winter brought a little more
excitemeilt i n connection with t h e Duke of Beaufort's hounds, or S i r J a m e s Tylney
Long's Harriers. W h a t education t h e boy received was of scanty description under
teachers of various grades of accornplisl~ment,who carried 011 their schools i n t h e
villages,l tlle result of mhicll, however, was t h a t he was imbued with a love of
reading, a n d lie evidently made t h e most of his very limited opportunities u p t o
his thirteentli year, when t h e home called llim t o help i n baking and f a r m work
and stopped f u r t h e r :,cl~ooliiig. Tn contrast t o t h e " lamentable illiteracy " of t h e
father's side of t h e family, t h e relative.. looked u p with awe t o t h e social position
of Mrs. Britton's brother, Samuel Hillier, who was " well and successfully settled
i n London " as chief clerk t o a Master-in-Chancery. T o this relative tlie lad of
sixteen owed his emancipation from village life, as lie took him t o town a n d
apprenticed him for six yesrs t o M r . Mendhain, of tlie Jerusalem Tavern, Clerkenwell Green, t o be instructed in t h e " whole a r t a n d mystery of a wine merchant."
H e complains t h a t , not having paid a n y premium, no trouble was taken t o teach
t h e " a r t s or mysterie3 " or " tricks of t h e trade," a n d towards t h e close of his
servitude lie became very depressed and out of Iiealth. H e gives a list of t h e books
with which h e endeavoured t o improve his education, read by " candle light, i n t h e
cellar, a n d a t occasional intervals only," snatched from his labours i n bottling off
a n d corking " dozens of wine." H e tells us t h a t :-


D r . 1)odds' " Reflections on T)eath," his " Thoughts i n Prison," arlrl

all his other writings were familiar to me a t t h a t t i m e ; as were Ray's
" Wisdom of God manifested it] t h e Works of t h e Creation " Derham's
" Astro-Theologv,"
m d " Pllysico-Tl~eology," as well as Benjamirl
N a r t i n ' s numerous and pleasing writings on N a t u r a l and Experimenta!
Philosophy. The miscellaneous works of Smollett, Fielding a n d Sterne
were likewise perused with great avidity.
. .
A t this time he became a c q w i n t e d with M r . E . W . Brayley, entering into p a r t n e r ship with him i n t h e venture of a popular ballad on t h e Powder tJax-levied a t a
1 H c lilied i n a f t e r life to rrnicwlbcr that somc of' this ducation n n s aconired a t
Yatton-Keyel o~ Church-Eaton. th,. -:illage a t which Jo'ni~Ailbrry startwl Iiis ; d ~ ~ r ~ t i o ~
in 1633. who n-as like him born in Kington parish. I n 1845 Britton published a B f e m o i l
of Aubrey. and in 1647 a n edition of that antiquary's Trct1crnl f l i ~ t o r !of~ T r i l f s h i r r .


Transactions of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge.

guinea a head-to be sold a t a penny, a pirated edition of which, despite the poem
had been entered a t Stationers' Hall, running to 70,000 copies. Released from thg
wine cellars, Briton tells usThe period until the adoption of literature as a profession involved i:t
least seven years of vicissitude;, privations and hardships: though
occasionally relieved by occupatio~lswhich produced a bare livelihood.
I n my poor and obscure lodgiugs, a t eighteen-pence per week, I indulged
in study; and often read in bed during the winter evenings because I
could not afford a fire.
Then follows a passage which refers t o some of the Clubs and Societies which I have
mentioned, evidently of very various standings, some, no doubt, even serving a
valuable purpose amongst the limited educational opportunities of those times:--When my Gnances allowed, I frequented free-2nd-easy, oddfellows',
and spouting clubs; but my expenses never exceeded sixpence a night.
. . . These associations led to debating societies, then very numerous
and popular in London, t o privatc. theatres, and to lectures: but the
last were very rare.
Employment was gained as a cellarman, m d after a time the more congenial
atmosphere of a solicitor's office was reached, in which three years of " tedious
routine " were passed.

X spouting club a t Jacob's Wells, Rarbican, occupied one of my evenings

in every week, during the winter, the Odd Fellows' another, and Freeand-Easys one or two more. I11 all of these I formed many acquaintances, and secured a few real friends. . . . It was my custom
to dine a t a n eating-house in Great Turnstile, Holborn . . .
the meal, with beer, seldom exceeding ninepence.
Here I
became acquainted with several persons, both male and female.
. . . One of questionable nature in this respect excited much
curiosity and speculation. . . . This was the noted C h ~ v n l i ~ r
D'Eon. A t the time I met him, he dressed in female attire, and was
respectable and respected. Though an occasional guest a t this humb1.j
house of refreshment, i t was evident t h a t he had been accustomed to
refined soci2ty, and was courteous, well-informed on various subjects,
and communicative. I own t h a t I always hailed the meeting, and that
i t induced me to prolong my dinner-time to the last moment.
Britton gives some particulars of this remarkable character, of whose history our
Bro. D r . Chetwode Crawlcy's' exhaustive pepers give a full account. Another
occasional guest a t this resort was Sir J o h n Ilinely, Bart., the eccentric Knight of
Windsor, t o whom Bro. Levander's pape: has introduced us. H e i t was who
circularized " the fair Ladies of Great Britain, old and young," to come t o his
assistance t h a t he might end his single blessedness in matrimony. Britton specially
notes dining with him on one particular occasion, Ma,y 25, 1798. " His conversation was fluent and jocular, manifesting good education and select society."

T ~ CPh e ~ d i e rD'Eon. A.Q.C. xvi., 229.

The Collectanca of the RPV.Drrnlel Lysons, F.R.,Y., P.,Y.A. A.Q.C xxviii., 51.

Attendance a t Debating Societies led t o friendships and experiences, and the small
means were eked out by engagements for singing and reciting, as we are told :" Readings and Music " were popular sources of amusement in London,
about fifty years back; and I not only exhibited myself in Mr.
Baxter's Room, a t tlle North side of the Strand, but a t a large room
in Fcster Lane, in another st the " Globe," Fleet Street, and, lastly,
in two others a t the Freemasons' Hall and in the Argyle Rooms.

Even in the days of Wine-cellar employment a n essay on " Bachelorship "

Britton also
had been contributed t o the columns of the " Attic Miscellany."
sent notices of the Societies he frequented to tho " Sporting Magazine," and
speculated in " The Odd Fellows Song Book," price Is., but the most successful
of these literary ventures was his " Life and Adventures of Pizarro," 1799, which
enabled him to glean a little from tlle harvest which the popularity of Sheridan's
play of " Pizarro," adapted from Kotzebue's German original, was then affording
t? Drury Lane.
W e must not, however, linger over these matters, which led u p to the work
of Britton's life for which his introduction t o Brayley had been a first step.
" Strange as i t may seem," he writes, " i t can be safely affirmed t h a t t o this
partnership are t o be attributed the ' Beauties of Wiltshire,' the ' Beauties of
England and Wales,' the ' Architectural Antiquities,' the ' Cathedral Antiquities,'
Mr. Brayley's ' History of Westminster Abbey,' as well as many other publications." I n 1798 Britton accepted tlle commission from Mr. Wheble, of Warwick
Square, the publisher of " The Sporting Magazine," to write " The Beauties of
Wiltshire," and started on his travels to collect information.
Nowadays, with the abundance of books available in every branch of
topography, we can hardly realize how much we owe to Britton and his contemporaries in the inauguration of more popular works on the variety of subjects which
this title covers. Many of Britton's works remain of very permanent value, and
particularly the illustrations, of which he so greatly raised the standard, despite
further knowledge since gained, which has corrected some misapprehensions cf
tl~osedays. H e tells us that,
Conscious of my own deficiencies-of
my ignorance of topography,
antiquities, and literary con~positions-I hesitated, felt reluctant and
diffident, for I knew not how and where t o begin. It is true I had
read some volumes on topography and archzology, but found them dull
and uninviting. They seemed to trifle on trifling matters and affected
much parade of learning, where i t appeared to be disenlployed and misapplied.
The illustrations, too, were as unsatisfactory as the texts, where such were forthcoming.
A t t h a t time the first " Walk through Wales," by the Rev. R. Warner,
was attracting much attention and critical com'mendation. I read i t
with avidity, was pleased with it, and found t h a t such writing did not
require much recondite learning. and need not he encumbered and confused by technical t,erms, or dull d3tails of genealogy, manorial and
parochial history, and useless lists of rectors and vicars, with long
inscriptions on tombs, in Latin, Greek, and bad English.

T h e " W a l k " was " written i n a fluent, fainlliar, a n d pleasant style; clear
a u d vivid i n i t s d e s c r i p t i o , ~ ~entertaining
i n its anecdotes of persons a n d adventure.
a n d calculated t o excite curiosity i n tllr?. leader." Such is t h e praise accorded tcj
tile work of his friend, whose reminisceiices we shall consider hereafter.
Another more extensive t o u r , i n 1800, i n company with M r . Brayley, laid
t h e foundations for their joint task i n t h e production of " T h e Beauties of England
a n d Wales." B u t a n y atleinpt t o enuinerate a tit112 of t h e later productior~st:, be
identified with M r . Britlon's ,labours would carry us f a r beyond tlle concern of this
paper, i n whicli I endeavour, as iittle as possible, t o stray away from what I consider has a bearing on our inquiries.
W e have a reference t o one of t h e County Societies i n vogue a t tlle time.
when M r . Britton mentions how t h e dinners of t h e Wiltshire Society, ~ l tth e Albion
Tavern, were enlivened by t h e Fresenct: of Tom Xoore. Tlie poet finds i n B r i t t o c a
keen apologist i n opposition t o those who would accuse him of having neglected
his wife for society, arid Mrs. Moore receives a warm eulogy for her gosd sense i n
not " t y i n g him t o her apron ~ t ~ r i n g . " O u r friend almost seems t o speak with
personal feeling on t h e subject, so much so t h a t he devotes a long footnote t o
' < a very analogous case, within his own knowledge," i n which a wife,
finding t h a t her husband was partial t o company, a n d particularly t h a t
of his superiors, both i n station a n d intellectual powers, a n d t h a t h e
wished for variety a n d amusement by country excursions, a n d b y
frequent attendances a t London Societies, soir6es, theatres, r-xllibitions
arid dinner parties, h a d t h e good sense t o rather encourage t h a n t o
check these " partialities a n d habits," though a t tlle expense of a
solitary home, because she saw how good these things were for her
husband, a n d tliat home, however, was never gloumy, nor haunted by
suspicion, or t h e dread of evil doings abroad. O n t h e r e t u r n of her
husband, whether a f t e r hours o r days, she received him with smiles
a n d maiiifestations t h a t she h a d often thought of him during absence.
by t r y i n g t o make home more attractive, a n d by numerous little
improvements and domestic attractions.
Indeed, t h e picture of a most admirable woman: no wonder, as t h e writer tells us,
t h a t , when a less active period of life was reached, " tliat home ultimately became
a haven f o r security, a n d a sort of terrestrial heaven for colijugal ljappiness " !
Wlletller this reference has a n y bearing on Masonic usages, past or present.
I must leave t h e Bretllren t o decide, b u t t h e following anecdote makes Brothar
Britton's membership of tl15 C r a f t beyond dispute. H e tells us:1815 I was introduced, a t a Freemasons' Lodge, t o PRINCE
a complete negro, who was said t o be a n agent from Cliristophe, K i n g
of H a y t i , a n d who h a d obtained access to, and t h e patronage of, t h e
D u k e of Sussex, W . Wilberforce, a n d other persons of note. This was
a passport even t o Freemasons a n d t o fashionable Society.
" Prince " b x a n l e popular, was lioiiized i n tlle metropolis, lived i n gay
style, told artists and authors t h a t he was commissioned by " his royal
master " t o engage several of both classes t o emigrate a n d settle i n
H a y t i , where tlle K i n g would confer fortune and fame on them. Some
were tempted t o seild speciinens of their respective works; and I became

one of Mr. " Prince " Sanders's dupes, by confiding to his f r i r i d , y

charge five large p a p r copies of three volumes, valued a t DE25. Of
these I never heard more; but found t l ~ a tmy new friend, in whom T
had no suspicion of roguery, continued to visit, and be visited by,
several distinguished persons, from the West E n d of London.
resided in the vicinity of Tavistoclr Square, and olle night assembled,
a t a Soirke, a large party of nobles, gentry, and ladies, amongst whom
were the Duke of Sussex, Mr. Wilberforce, and other personages of
rank. Before he quitted London, he published a n octavo volun~e,with
his portrait engraved by Charles Turner. I t s title i s : " By Authority.
Haytian Papers: A Collection of the very Interesting Proclamations,
and other Official 1)ocuments; together with some account of t'lie Rise,
Progress, and Present State of t h e Kingdom of Hayti. W i t h a Preface
by Prince Sanders E s q . , Agent for the Haytian Government. London:
printed for W . Reed, 17 Fleet Street." Bvo., 1816. This volume is
a curiosity. I never heard what became of its editor, after he left
London; b u t I learnt t h a t several other persons, as well as myself,
had been imposed on by him.
Among references to literary men, printers arid publishers, we come upon
a notice of Hro. Stephen Jones (.1763-1827), P . M . of t h e Lodge of Antiquity,
Secretary of the Order of 1Iarodim (1793), friend and executor of Bro. William
After speaking of the printing office of Mr. J o h n Nichols, in Red Lion
Passage, whence issued the " Gentlemall's Magazine," prenlises afterwards occupied
by Valpy, the !)ubli?iier of tlie " 1)elphin Classics," Bro liritton continues .Nearly opposite to the printing-office last referred to was a small house
occupied by Ytrl11ir11./olic,s, " a gentleman with whonl I was on familiar
terms for many years."
H e was Secretary t o a Freemasons' Lodge,
and was occasionally employed by some of the publishers to edit and
arrange lniscellaneous papers, make indexes, &c. H e first appeared, in
1791, as abridging Burke's " Reflections " ; and two years afterwards
his name was attached to all Abridginent of Ward's " Natural History,"
in three vols. I n 1796 lie produc-d." A Biographical Dictionary in
. . . H e produced several other publications, which
are specified in W a t t ' s I j i f ~ l i o f h r c i cNrittr~ruicrr,the last of which is " A.
Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language," a large cctavo
volume. The third edition of the work, now before me, has the author's
autograph, ~ q d hthe date of 1798. H e also edited a new editior~of the
" Uiographia Dramatics " :
this was harshly criticiscd, ~vllenIle published a paniphlet, entitled " Hypercriticism Exposed, in a Lett,er to
the Readers of the Quarterly Review," Bvo., 1812. Towards tlie encl
of life, my respected friend, a n7an of wild dispositic11, ~ t r i c thonesty,
and unblemished character, was embarrassed in circumstalices, applied
to, and received pecuriiary aid from, the Literary F u ~ t d . D r . N.
Drake, i n a letter to Cadell and Ilavies, respectilig llis large worlr,
" Shakspeare and His Tinres,"
says, " S . Jones was tlle c o l l ~ p o s i tto
my Essays on Periodical Literat>ure, and I was perfectly satisfied with

T r c c ~ l s a c t l o ~of~ s t h e Qltatuor Coronati Lodge.

his accuracy and attention," whence he strongly
recommended him to
- .
those publishers to make the index to his two quarto volumes.
Mr. T . E. Jones acted as secretary t o Mr. Britton for many years, and
completed the " Auto-Biography." It would be interesting if he were a relative
of Stephen Jones, but I do not know if this was so.
Some of the would-be humorous Clubs, whose names have come down t o us,
never existed, except on paper: for one such Britton was himself responsible.
A n anonymous volume, published in 1806, caught the public fancy under
the title of " Tlle Miseries of Human Life; or the Groans of Samuel Sensitive and
Timothy Testy."
The author was Rev. James Beresford. This led to the issue
o f a number of imitations, supporting or opposing, after the humour of the day.
One such was " Tlie Comforts of H u m a n Life; or t h e Smiles and Laughter of
Charles Cheerful and Martin Merryfellow."
Britton entered the lists with his
" Tlle Pleasures of H u m a n Life, investigated Cheerfully, elucidated Satirically,
promulgated Explicitly, and discussed ~hilosophically,in a Dozen Dissertations;
by Hilaris Benevolus & Co., Fellows of the London Literary Society of Lusorists."
12mo. (Longman, 1807.) The book was illustrated by Rowlandson. The idea was
'. a pretended Society, conlprising amongst its members Hilaris Benevolus, Simon
Specific, David Demurrer, and other fabulous personages attached to literature,
science, and the arts, who are supposed to hold meetings to examine, canvass and
discuss the most noted and popular acts, deeds, and things done, performed and
committed in tlie British metropolis." The various members deliver themselves of
their views on the Pleasures of Literature, Law, Fashion and Politics, and the
volume was facetiously dedicated " t o the Rcspec.tuble Boolisullers and publishers
of Great Britain." Tlie title of the supposed Society was probably suggested by
T h c L~rsorilrttc described as " a miscellany of songs, essays, dramatic scenes, &c., of
broad comic humour," published by an early friend, Charles O'Brien.
On J u l y 7th, 1845, a public dinner was given a t tlie Castle Hotel, Richmond,
t o complinient Mr. Britton on attaining his seventy-fourth year, and in recognition
of " the extent and usefulness of his literary publications " : nearly a hundred
guests sat down, and the outcome was the raking of a Testimonial Fund, in return
for wllich the recipient expressed his intention of writing his biography and presenting copies to the subscribers. Another result of this gathering was t h a t on t h e
13th December following a select party of these friends dined together a t Freemasons' Tavern and agreed t o form " Tlie Britton Club," to meet during tlie
winter, a t each others' houses
This seems t o have led t o many pleasant meetings, and was quite in the
spirit of the times, in which many similar select dining clubs flourished; and i t
had this in common with its contenlporaries, t h a t i t was conmleinorated in verse.
The Secretary, Mr. Jerdan, " the veteran editor of the Literrtry G ' n z e f t ~ , " composed the lay of the Club, entitled ' ' Laus Clava: Brittonis," nientioiiing each
member1 and his characteristics, which, starting with an invocation of the Muse,
the result of which seems rather disappointing, finally winds u p with these verses :1 The names mentioacd arc :-Sher~fts Hill and Wm. Cubitt, Tooke (political
writer, son of Horno Toolre's patron), Thomas Ciibitt (Contractor), Dr. Conolly of
Hanwell, Sills Gibbons of Winchmore Hill, Peter Cunningham " o f antique lore,"
George Godwin of "The Builder," Grissell (Contractor), Humfrey, barrister, Jerdan
and Britton.

S i d e L i g h t s on If'reett~asonry.

W h a t think ye of such C l u b ?
The Scribe, so oft reproved
To whom ye owe this load of
Proof t h a t more ways than

There yet remain

for wretched jest,
doggrel strain,
one he is a pest.

And lastly, firstly, .7ohn of various fame,

None l ~ i g l ~ et hr a n this social plan to have hit on,
Thus crowning with immortal bays the name
Of the true, gifted, honoured, lively Nritton.
E a t , then, and drink, be merry while ye may;
Toss the champagne, replenish oft the bowl;
Quaff, daff, quaff again; our's the bright way,The feast of frolic, and the flow of soul."
A t a meeting of the Club held a t Mr. Thomas Grissell's residence, Norbury
P a r k , J u l y l o t h , 1849, Brother Britton, the honoured president, thds delivered
himself, incidentally putting on racord his estimate of Freemasonry :Man is a gregarious, social animal; and from the earliest ages t o
the present time, we find he has ever been eager to cultivate intercourse
with those of congenial thoughts and habits. Hence Societies on large,
and Clubs on small, scales have been formed; friendships have been
cemented, and the otherwise rough and rugged paths of life have been
smoothed and Macadamized.
From the Free-Masons' and the
Noviomagians', to the Odd Fellows' and the Beef-steak Clubs, there
are many shades of fraternal. friendly and useful associations. Let u.;
rank this amongst their number, and whilst we cultivate and cherish
social intercourse, and the " gaities and gravities " of conversation, lot
us endeavour to blend wisdom with wit, and thus verify the old maxim
by being a t once " merry and wise."
Confessing llimseIf unequal " to do justice t o the aniials of the Britton
Club," he eulogises the harmony preserved by each " brother Brittoriian "W i t and mirth, with abundance of good humour, have prevailed;
whilst repartee, conundrum, arid epigram, have given light and shade,
vivacity and vitality, t o each successive scens.

A friend, who knew him well, wrote of Britton's " genial kindness and
benevolence," t h a t he was " not content wit11 merely accepting the opportunity
t o perform a kind office; i t was rather his practice t o seek out and make the
opportunity when i t did not present itself." H e passed away January 1st 1857,
and was buried a t Norwood Cemetery, where his grave is marked by a rude
monolith specially designed t o commemorate his interest in Stonehenge, amongst his
many antiquarian associations.

was born a t Marylebone, October 18th, 1763, the son of " a
respectable London tradesman." I n his sixth year he was a t a boarding school near
London, and until the famlly removed their home and went t o live near Lymington
in 1776. Mr. Warner writes in eulogistic terms of the country scenery and surroundings, and the tone of society a t this little country town :-" It had a moral
and social beauty . , , and being no thoroughfare, was secure alike from the


Trccnsuctions of the Quutuor C o r o m t i Lodge.

contamination of imported vice; tlle introduction of novel crime; a n d tlle evershifting absurdities of a n u n n a t u r a l and u~iliealthy refinement."
T h e type of
visitors who came for its " humble baths " a n d " calm b u t cheerful retreat . . .
added only a wliolesome gaiety t o t h e town, without infringing upon its established
system of social intercourse." Two o'clock or a t tlle latest t h r e e o'clock was clinnor
t i m e ; t e a a t six, a n d supper a t nine left " two or three hilarious I ~ o n r s ,rendered
not less festive by t h e ample bowl of well mixed punch which reeked i n t h e centre
of t h e table," a n d remained after t h e removal of t h e cloth, during which " t h z room
echoed . . . with tlle song a n d t h e d u e t t , tlle catch a n d glee, t h e good
humoured sally a n d contagious laugh,'' b u t cre midnight all h a d retired " i n good
h u m o u r with themselves a n d others. "
Some interesting particulars a r e given about smuggling, which was very
rife i n tlie neighbourliood, and which our frie!ld admits came t o be " a public
7 111isn7t
ce. "
W a r n e r was sent t o a School a t Christchurcll, t h e n housed over t h e L a d v
Cliapel of t h e fine old Minster Church, and boarded with tlie headmaster, Itev
William Jackson. H e tells tlle following story -1f a n early essay i n emulation of
Freemasonry, wholly irregular a ~ ; d clandestine, i n which h e was ably supportttd
by his fellow pupil, J a s p e r J e a n s : I n t h e town of Christ, Church a rti(rsonic lor/!/r h a d existed for
many generations. J e a n s a n d myself had seen a funeral procession of
t h e surviring brethren, burying a deceased member; h a d marked and
admired their white aprons, cccked hats and curious symbolical insignia;
a n d h a d heard much of t h e nlysterious proc2edings of tlle society, i n a
public-house, adjoining t h e mansion i r ~which we dwelt. This was quite
sufficient t o set t h e !/rtritts of t h e two friends i n motion. W e resolved
on having a nlasonic societv; a lodge; a n d a secret, of our own: and
having obtained from t h e master, a n exclusive right t o a s u m m e r - l l o n s ~
i n t h e g a r d e n ; we proceeded t o draw u p a code of laws for t h e associated
body, (into which all tlle boarders were admitted); t o prepare a srcrrt
(the very essence of t h e institution); a n d t o appoint tlle officers, necessary for conducting t h e business of t h e lodge. The srcrrt was rather a n
adoption t h a n a n original manufacture; being a modification of t h e
pr~rilr proposed b y t h e Princess, t o her numerous lovers.
i n t h e Persian Tales : b u t , t o render it u~arvelloust o t h e initiated :
a n d t o prevent its being coinmunicated by them t o t h e exoterics,
required much t l i o u g l ~ tand d e l i b e r a t ~ o n . Nor was t h e appointment of
tlle yrtrtd t n n ~ f r rarid tylrr without its difficulty.
Both J e a n s a n d
myself h a d a secret longing for t h e former dignity; a n d I know not
how a n amicable arrangement on this point could have been effected
between u s ; had 1 not, fortunately, suggested, t h a t t h e latter office
was unquestionably t h e more lionourable and important of t h e two;
as " it involved t h e responsible and hazardous d u t y , of securing t h e
lodge from violation; tlle members from interruption; a n d t h e secret
f r o m detection; a n d t h a t for these purposes, a 1ln7id stcord was
entrusted, exclusively, t o t h s hand of t h e tyler."
The last remark
effectually settled t h e m a t t e r . J e a n s , who was as fond of t h e imple-

Side Lights on Free/nnnoi,ry.


ments of war, as Achilies in his y o ~ ~ t haccepted

his post: the lodge
was formed, and I presided. For some months, the T J I ~ . S ~ I Z P . S Sof our
meetings went on as briskly, and as much to the benefit of the public,
as t h a t of other niasonic assemblies; and, I doubt not, t h a t the
existence of our lodge, would have been co-eval with the duration of
the school ; 11ad not an untoward circumstance occurred, which, t l ~ o u g h
i t did not strangle the infant in its birth, prevented it from completing
the first year of its ege.
The autumnal t(rir-dtry of Christ-church
approached; and as the parents of several of the boys were then to
dine with the master, Jeans and myself determined t o hold a grand
lodge in the evening of the anniversary; and to invite the parlour company to visit us in our glory, as so011 a3 the oc.clrIt operntionn of t h ?
brotherhood should be completed. The weekly pocket-money of the
several members, was accordingly fn71oortl, for one month preceding t h e
appointed evening; thrown into a common f u n d ; arid expended by
the stewards, in apples, gingerbread, tarts, and six bottles of a heady
concoctio~i,llumourously called by the honest vintner X ~ I Ituzn
I I Jlri/rc .
The dry-71I(\? r ~crs of the evenlng, had I conceive, upon this memorable
occasion, been considerably curtailed, since, long before the parlour
g u e ~ t sarrived a t the lodge, the bottles had been drained; the eatables
devoured; and, the consequences of such a sy/rrposirrrn, become fearfully apparent. Jeans, whose vision had been completely obscured, by
the regular homage which lie had paid to the president's toasts; mistook the master's party, for a gang of interlopers; and laid about him
so stoutly with llis sword, t h a t , could he have given direction to the
instrument, the entertaiiiment~oi the evening, would have terminated
more seriously t h a n in a farce. The f y l r r being a t length over-powered
and secured, the party burst into the room; and beheld a scene, by n o
means satisfactory to themselves, or creditable to the lodge.
pr~sirlailt had y t r i f / r d t h e cJr(c/r, and lay prostrate beneath the table,
amid several of his sympatllising brethren. Other members, who had
preserved their centre of gravity, slumbered in their seats; and many
of the remainder, afforded visible proofs of the t r u t h of a n old saying,
which should be had in due remembrance a t every public frnsf, that,
" abstinence is f a r better than surfeit "--while
the causes of all these
marvellous phenomena, were sufficiently obvious, in the chaotic xppearance of " the board of green cloth," strewed with fragments of t h e
products of the c . o ~ ~ t e c t i o n r r 'r?iop;
and crowned with half a dozen
utrlpty ?/oftleu. The night's jollification was followed by a severe
reckoning in t h e morning ; but, what grieved the president, tyler, and
brethren, more than any other infliction, was the magisterial decree," that the code of laws should be burned :
the sword broken : and the
lodge adjourned \iue dip."
No doubt we see here, in embryo, the capacity for organisation ?r,itl~tact,
wh;ch would stand for much in Warner's ministerial career of after life: Jeans.
t h e man of action, joined the Navy, and died early, of African fever.
I t is interesting to inquire what, was the Masonic original on which this
escapade was founded. I do not doubt this account, written in 1830, owes some


Transnctions of t h e Q~intltorCorontrti Lodge.

of the proprieties of its descriptions t o the writer's subsequent experience of a

regular Lodge. The Lodge, whose proceedings were so appreciatively watched, is
now called the Lodge of Hengist, No. 195, and meets a t Bournemouth. I n those
days i t was held a t New I n n , Pokesdown, Christchurch, being No. 405 on t h e
Register of Grand Lodge. Brother Sadler, in his Life of t h a t energetic Mason,
Thomas D u n c k e r l e ~(1724-1795), tells us t h a t when this Lodge was founded by
Warrant of November 23, 1770, i t was probably the first constituted by him in
his capacity as Provincial Grand Master for Hants and the Isle of Wight. Members of the Jeans family, whose " ancestors " Warner tells us " had long been
settled " a t Cl~ristcllurcll,were enlinent anlong the chief supporters of t h e Lodge.
Thomas Jeans, a fouader, and the first J . W . , was the son of Thomas Jeans, well
known as holding the office of Mayor of the Town no fewer than eight times between
1731 and 1755. H e had previously been initiated in what is now known as the
Lodge of Amity No. 137, held a t Poole, m d he continued a n active Mason until
his death near the close of the century. His son Thomas Jeans was one of the
first initiates in 1771, and afterwards became a, clergyman and Doctor of I h i n i t y .
Another member of t h e Lodge, Jos1;ua Stevens Jeans, was brother of t h e first
J . W . , and brought further recruits for the Lodge in his sons Thomas and Joshua.
This Thomas Jeans, n e p h m of the first J . W . , bccame a Doctor of Medicine, and
was the mainstay of the Lodge during the first half-century of its existence, serving
the office of Master for a i least fifteen years, and had a son, yet another Thomas
Jeans, who was initiated in t h e Lodge in 1797, and grandsons, William Jeans,
B . A . (Oxon), and Robert Jeans, initiates in 1836. Thomas, initiated S t . John's
Day, 1797, was an Architect, who designed Government buildings a t Christchurch,
Malta, Gibraltar, and elsewhere, and died a t Bath a t the age of 92. Rev. Thomas
Jackson, Vicar of Christchurch and Master of the School, had married a Miss
Jeans, only sister of Thomas Jeans, M.D , and Rev. Joshua Jeans, D.D.,' and
had the assistance of t h e latter in coaching some of the upper-boys. This gentleman, Warner tells us, was a poet of some power, and yet did not disdain " the
gay and sportive style." Two of his o f - h a n d compositions are quoted as examples:
one of the effusions takes the form of some patriotic lines commencing-

" H a r k ! the nations shout around !

H a r k ! the loud indignant sound !
Swells the angry main !
Hence; avaunt, ye savage brood !
Ye who thirst for freemen's blood:
I-Ience, to Seine's polluted flood,
And flee Britannia's plain."
This and three other verses " were written a t a party in 1797"; and sung
by " the author " t o the ncble Masonic tune of " Hiram the Architect." Poor
Jbsper Jeans, t h e energetic Tyler of Warner's early primitive masonry, was a
cousin of Dr. Jeans and Mrs. Jzckson; surely his early death deprived hlle Craft
of one who might have become an ornament t o i t !
Successively Rector of Dipdene, Hants, and Seviocke, Cornwall. Edncatecl a t
Winchester and Queen's College, Oxford; born 1757, he dieci 1807 a t Amsterclam, where
he was chaplain of the newly-built English Church.

Rev. James Talman, who Bro. Thomas Jackson succeeded as Vicar in 1766,
was a founder of No. 405 and appointed Prov. S.G.W. in t h a t year. Jackson was
an initiate of the Lodge in 1771, and took an active p a r t in the proceedings until
shortly before his death in 1802. A son, Rev. Richard Jaokson, was initiated in
the Lodge early in 1797.
Richard Warner, described ss a London Merchant, father of Rev. Richard
Warner, was initiated and becane a member of the Lodge in 1776, " proposed,
approved and raised t o tlle First Degree of Masonry " on January 4th; on J u l y 23rd
" this night became a quarterly subscriber," and on August 6th " was raised to the
Second and Third Degre- of Masonry."
Speaking of the social amenities of the district, Mr. Warner tells us of
pleasant excursions to the New Forest, Beaulieu Abbey, in which visitors,
designated " the high bred sojourners in the town," delighted to join. " It is in
my recollection," llr: says,
" (for the notice he obligingly bestowed upon young people made a
strong impression upon my mind), t h a t on more than one occasion, a
personage, even of ZZoytrl blood, honoured these little schemes of rural
enjoyment with his presence . . . I allude to a Mr. Dunkerly, wllo
bore a comnlission in some militia regiment . . . an illegitimate
son of George the Second, and bearing an extraordinary resemblance
t o George 111. . . . His early life and manhood had been passed
in obscurity, and his education neglected . . . I n scholastic requirements, therefore, 11e was deficierit; but his natural talents were
far above p a r : and while his ' high bearing ' and polished manners,
evinced t h a t he sprang from no common stock, the pleasantry of llis
wit, and the cliarms of his conversation were strong evidsnces, of a
n ~ i n d ,rich in original powers; of an acute and attentive observation
of mankind; and of a coniprellensive experience, applied t o the
accuinulation of practical wisdom. . . . Mr. Dunkerly, among his
other talents, numbered the faculty of making very good verses: and
in one instance a t least, directed i t to a very patriotic purpose; t h a t
of cheering the country under tlle inauspicious events of the American
war," with his " well known stanzas beginning with tlle words:-

Come, ye lads, wllo wish to slline

Bright in future story;
Haste to arms ! a1:d form the line
That leads to martial glory " :
which were " generally and enthusiastically sung through the country."
For three years Bro. Dunckerley held a cominission in the South Hampshire
Militia. I n his early career lie served in the Navy, but after his recognition a t
George 1 1 1 . ' ~hands he studied, and was called to the Bar in 1774. The later years
of his life were devoted to Freemasonry, and his zeal and powers of organisationhe was Provincial Grand Master of eight Provinces, Superintendent of Royal Arch

&Iasonry i n eighteen Provinces, a n d G . M . of t h e Order of t h e Temple1-must

always give t h i s worthy P a s t Senior G r a n d W a r d e n of E n g l a n d a very special
place i n t h e g r a t e f u l recollections of t h e C r a f t .
Uisappointed of a promised n o m i ~ l n t ~ i ofno r Wincliester, W a r n e r gelnailled
a t Cllristcliurch School, a n d left f o r a n S t t o r n e y ' s office. I n October, 1787, lie
matriculated a t Oxford from S t . M a r y ' s H a l l , a n d , a f t a r keeping eight terms, left.
This proved a n obstacle t o ordination i n Winchester
without t a k i n g a degree.
Diocese, b u t by tlie friendly offices of W a r r e n Hastings, t h e Archbishop of Y o r k ,
D r . M a r k h a m was persuaded t o i n t e r v e n e , a n d ordained h i m ; and so, a f t e r
serving t h r e e months' curacy i n t l ~ a tDiocese, t h e young descon was licensed as
assistant t o his f r i e n d , R e v . William Gilpiu, of Boldre near L y m i n g t o n . T h i s
gentleman, t,he a u t h o r of various works "11
" Picturesque ~ e a u t y , " . n o d o u b t
fostered t h e topographical a n d literary tastes which his young colleague developed.
A friendship wit11 F r a n c i s Grose (1731-1791), t h e well-known antiquaria11 who
helped llim i n his early efforts, also sped h i m o n t h e p a t h before h i m . W a r n e r
s t a r t e d his l i t e r a r y work w i t h Guides t o Lymington a n d Southampton,


followed w i t h " &I Abridged Civil a n d N a t u r a l H i s t o r y of t h e Isle of W i g h t "

(suggested by S i r Ricllard Worsley's " .EIistory. "). H e dilates o n t h e charmingly
unsopllisticated simplicity of t h e I s l a n d i n those days a n d t h e " halcyon times of
t h e beautiful district, when ( a c c o r d i ~ ~tgo S i r R i c h a r d Worsley) n o foxes o r
t r t t o r i ~ r y swere t o be f o u n d i n i t ; a n d when, one of t h e l a t t e r profession being
discovered t h e r e , t h e i n h a b i t a n t s affixed a bundle of lighted candles t o his coat s k i r t
a n d shipped h i m off f o r t h e m a i n l a n d . " C a p t a i n Grose c m t r i b u t e d some useful
infornlation t o t h e publicatioil of a curious old book on Cookery-"
C u r y " "wllich

F o r m e of

was a n o t h e r product of these days, i n a reference t o table adorn-

ments, " a s a r e wont t o be seen, b u t not eaten, as a horse ~ o s t r t l ,a ctct in q e l y ,

little lysars (lizards) with whot broth," from a sixteenth c e n t u r y treatise.'
W e meet w i t h a curious conceit of a.~;.plyinggeometrical figures t o describe
t h e personal appearance of C a p t a i n Grose " of niarvellous form, a n d most facetious
~ n n m o r y , " who it is s a d t l ~ o r o u g h l yappreciated a joke launched a t


his peculiarities

i n point of shape."
" Could his back-frout
have been contemplated, distinct
f r o m t h e s u r m o u n t i n g head, a u d appended legs, i t would l ~ a v e c o n v e y e da correct
idea of a perfect n~athenlaticrcls q u a r e ; while t h e goodly ohzlursf: would present as
just a notion of tlie moiety of a n accurate circls, which h a d been nicely divided
tiwough t h e centre,"-which
suggests t h a t t h e good a n t i q u a r y a n d captain,
a d j u t a u t a n d paynlaster of militia h a d almost accoinplisl~ed t h e difficult operation
'I3ro. Sadlrr yircss ihc i r n n ~ b e ~anti
~ s l)roi.inces. C'aar,r (1). ll), Dorset. Essex,
Gioucestcr, Herci'ortl and Sontha~n!)ton.(lit>- arid Conrrty of Bristol, and the lsle of Wight.
Her:,fordshirc, Kent.
J < ~ Y . \AI ,R C H (!). X9), Iiristol, I)c~r.onsliire, I ) n r l ~ a n ~Oloncester,
Sonlcrsetshirc>. S U I T ? ~\YarwickshiicS.
C'or:~\vail. Ihrwtshirc, E h e s . Hampsllire. Isle of
TYight. PII:ottinghnms11ir<~.
Suffolk, Snswx nnd Wiit'sirirc.. Bra. Sadler's information about
t l ~ eJJrothers Jeans, of Lodge 405. is t1e1~ivc.dfrom the T1izfo1.y of t h . ~Lotlyv of!li.sf,
I!);;, coinpilcd by the Rev. P. N . N t ~ ~ v n h adlll'iilg
his :\lastership in 1870, t o which I
have rc~frrred,bnt i t c1oc.s not afford 11s t':~rthcrinformation bcyonil what I have quoted.
Rrrclcf U , 2 vols., 1790, dealing
V0hsc~rvcctior1.s~,c,lcctive c h ic'fl!~ fo l'irt ~ct~rsc~~ce
chiefly with the Higi~landsof Scotland, followed by 2 vols. dealing with the English
Lake District.-Remarks
on E'orest Sc.enory, 2 \.ols.-The S r t of Sketching Landscape.
C~tlirrrcritr~;or rurious tracts rclating to i-hn culinary affairs of the
old English : with prc>iinlinnr,v disconlw ; notcs : and il1ust1,ations by thc Rev. Richaid
The use, of a n
\Yarncr of Sway, near I,;:nlinyton. Hants.. I,onc!t,n, 1 3 l ~ i i l i r ~1791.
illustratio~lby C z r t ~ r .whosr permiss~oni t was s u p p m ~ dhad been c;btainecl, though it
had not. cost tho PMitor 270 for advc~rwlaw prowedings.
The, 1)itrl of 1'e.itrcvs.!)ilctl 1)- I)on Anthciiy Guerana, Chronicler t o the
Eniperor Charles V. Printed by R i c l ~ a r Tottill.

of squaring the circle. It was on an antiquarian tour tlirougll Scotland that Grose
became acquainted with Burlis, who celebrated his friendship in the song
begiiiiiii~g," Ken ye aught o' Captain Grose," and in tlie poem, " Hear, land o'
cakes, and britlier Scots," warned then1 of hiin as " tlis cliield amaiig tliem taking
notes," and wrote :"

1 f i11 your bounds you cliaiice to light

Upoii a fine f a t fodgel wiglit,
0' stature short, but genius bright,
That's lie-mark
wee1 ;
Aiid wow ! lie i ~ a sail unco slight
0' cauk and keel.




B u t wad ye see 11im in his gle?

For riieikle glee arid fun lias he,
Then set him down, and twa or three
Gude fellcws wi' him;
And p o r t , O 110rf! shine thou a wee
And THES ye'll see iiini !"

Aiiotlier eccentric character is ii~elltioiled-Sir Jacob Wolfe, Bart.-"

inost worthy " but " singular " inan " who always wore ail uyrtilutertd t r i ~ o r y f e
hat, and carried his gloves in the frojrt spocri of it."
After four years at Boldre, Mr. Warner ui~dertookthe curacy of Fawley, a
place with a bad reputation for unlleaitllin~ssin those days, to which his experience
proved 110 exceptioii. I n 1794 he moved to Bath as curate ill charge of the newlybuilt chapel of A11 Saints in Walcot parish, and very shortly obtaii~edstill better
prefernient in the curacy " of tlie populous parish of St. James " in tlie city
itself, where he ministered for the period of twenty-three years.
Naturally lie
has iilucli t o say of the " y/rctltrtr,r of litrrtrti " amongst whoill i t was illy good
fortuiie t o alight," but i t is beyond our bounds t o enumerate the names or t o
linger over the interesting and kindly anecdotes in which lie conlmemorated his
friends amongst whom 11s s e e m to have held a very cradita.ble and respected
position. I n this interesting environment his archaological tastes soon bore fruit
in his fll~i.strtrtionsof t h e R O M O LI: n t i y u i f i r s of fs'trtlr, published by order of the
Mayor and Corporation in 1797, the success of which, despite its very inaccurate
prii~ting,'led to the undertaking of a iuucll inore anibitious work, his ifistory of
I j u t l ~ ,1801, " wliicli tllougli inucli criticised has not been superseded." Meanwhile
in 1798 lie published his firat TT7trlX t h r o o y h Tt7trles, tlie record of a tour made in
company with liis parisliioiier, Mr. Richard Cruttwell, printer and editor of the
Ijcrtll C'llrotricle. A further trip was followed by a second volume in 1799; and
t o this succeeded A 117t/lli tltrorryh sovtr of the 117esttrt~C'olrtitirs of h'trylu~id.
published 1800; other works on the sanie lines, h'sctrrsioli~ from I j u t l ~ and A
Torir thorrr!/h t h e ITortl~ertr C'orctrfirs, brought this special phase of liis literary
labours to an end.
Britton, who, as I have pointed out, acknowledged the
inspiration Warner's work had given l~iiriwhen he started his task of popularizing
topbgraphy, wrote of liis frieiid
His two ' Walks in Wales ' had acquired
great celebrity, and consequeiitly the author was ' tlle lion ' of Bat11 coteries.


The printer's trrata ainounted to some 1% in 111 pages.

R a t h e r beauish i n dress and manners, :md with well curled hair, as shewn i n t h e
portrait t o his ' History of Bath,' Ilc was severely reprimanded by ' T h e A n t i Jacobin Review,' which proilounced him a coxcomb." '
W a r n e r would n o t have liked i t t o be forgotten t h a t h e published several
useful works dealing with his own special sphere of theology, his sermons, too, were
was a much esteemed preacher; b u t I must draw these extracts t o a
close with something which illustrates his efforts ill a lighter vein.
F o r tlie years 1820, 1822, a n d 1823 M r . W a r n e r wrote t h e ATew r e a r ' s
,itldreaacs of tlrr UlsfriL~rtoraof the But11 ('lr~.oiricle. T h a t for J a n u a r y l s t , 1820,
h a s a reference which is of interest t o us:-The
scens is " A Kitchen P a r t y a t
Squire Openheart's," a n d weather-beaten Y'ott~ Trudge receives a double gift from
t h e Squire a n d a h e a r t y welcome from t h e maids. Miss P r i m , Lady Strclddle's
muid, says :" M y L a d y always is maintaining,
Your paper's still most entertaining;
A n d wheii (though seldom) pleased, will tell
Some news from tlie BATHCHRONICLE;

who, of late,
M e t , their new hall t o dedicate;
A n d , headed by t h e Royal Grand
(Bowing, a n d holding h a t ill h a n d ) ,
March'd t o tlie Lodge, i n sober state,
Their s e o r t w a f t t o celebrate.
O h ! how I wish they would b u t show i t !
I ' d give t h e world a n d all t o know it !"
h'ritlyet Sobrrsides (Ifids G'rouyuu~1;y'a governess) reproves her :"

F y e , fye, Miss I'ritn, you're much t o blame,

To speak with praise on :3~rchtc theme,
I c a n ' t endure t h e laic7:rtl crutlrrs,
They're nothing inore t h a n cc~o~)rc~u-lrccters
F o r , if they loved our sex, t h 3 fellows
Would, readily, their sr,crrt tell [ l a ;
Besides, they carry swords a n d trowels,
T o tlirust into each others bowels;
A n d , i n their lodge, h a r e i r o m hot,
T c b u r n , or singe-Z
k ~ l o w)cot wllut !"

Tom Trrcdye replies : "

Lord love your soul, my wortliy dame,

You need n o t be i n such a flame
A b o u t these honest I I I ~ ~ W Ibrofl~ers,
They're harmless as our buried n ~ o t h e r s .

This article n a s nrittthn by the Rev. .John TWiittaker, and his splenetic criticism
probably afforded a good adrrrtisement for the nork.
N r . Warner's politics %ere
Whig, and he n a s on intimate terms with Rev. Dr. Samuel Parr-" the Whig Dr.
Johnson," which probably had mi~clit o do v i t h Mr. Whittaker's attacks. written whilst
he was sojourning a t Bath tor his hralth under medical order to abstain from all studies
and writing !

-The instruments you rave about,

Some ~cpriyht pri?ir'ipl~point out,
Which every mason, yootl nlrd trlrr,
Will steadily through life pursue.
in the trowel bright, you see
An emblem meet of industry;
The s~i~ort?
speaks this intention plainWith life he'll CHURCHand KISG maintain;
Tlie nprrm shews he's always ready;
The l r t ~ r lmarks him ever steady;
And by the sqrrure is understood,
His views are just, his n ~ r m i ngood
That he'll from every ~urorqforbear,
A n d deal with all men 0 7 1 t h e sptrnrr.
His SECRET,too, need not alarm,
Because i t never can do harm:
It only teaches worthy ends;
To love as brothrrs, live as frirnds.A h ! would to heaven, I could see
Such principlrs of crmity
O'erspreading now my native land
and ORDER,hand in hand,
Marching, like masons in n hnnd;
And sowing, wheresoe'er they went,
The seeds of virtue and content !"

I hardly think we should have this appreciation a t such length unless the
hand t h a t wielded the pen was t h a t of a Brother Mason. As such I believe we
have good grounds for claiming Rev. Richard Warner. W e see t h a t his father
was a Mason and he lived amongst members of t h e Craft; perhaps some day we
may find the record of his membership either in the earlier days of his clerical
career in Hampshire or later on a t Bath.
The meeting referred t o in connection with the recent dedication of a New
Masonic Hall which was graced by the presence of the Duke of Sussex refers not
t o the present fine premises in the occupation of the Craft a t Bath, but t o a n
earlier building in York Street now used as a Friends' Meeting House.
As time went on other preferments werz conferred upon our friend, some
t o be relinquished; in 1817 he gave u p his cure a t St. James', Bath. I n 1827
he was presented to the rectory of Chelwood, near Bristol, which, with t h a t of
Great Chalfield t o which he had been appointed in 1809, he continued t o hold until
his death. Britton tells of a visit which he pa,id to his friend a t Chelwood Rectory
- i n their later days, " when," he writes, " I saw him serene and happy, in August,
1851, in the eighty-ninth year of his age." Thlz former as we havt? already seen,
passed away January l s t , 1857. and Mr. Warner did not long outlive him; h e
died J u l y 27th, 1857, and was bured in Chelwood Chancel.


Tramactions of the Qriutrror Coronati Lodge.

A hearty vote of thanks was passed t o Bro. Gordon Hills for his very
interesting paper.

said :The only comment t h a t occurs t o me is t h a t Bro. Gordon Hills has so
effectively epitomized his two authorities as to render comment superfluous, if not
impossible; and the only resource of would-be critics is to add such small data as
they can.
The full title of Uritton's pnblication of 1799 was " The Enterprizing
Adventures of Pizarro."
Ero. Stephen Jones and his literary work arc noticea in A .(S.C'. xxiii.,
6 3 , 276. H e was appointed t o deliver the first of the Prestonian Lectures, to
endow which 300 in consols was bequeathed by William Preston in 1818: repeated ~ n q u i r yhas been made in recent years a., to the present condition of this fund.
The last Prestonian Lecture seems to have been delivered about 1860, and the
latest know11 phase of the fund to have been the appointment in 1881 of two new
trustees, both of whoin are now dead.' Accxding to A Biogrnphirnl Dirtiormr?/
of Lii-iti!/ .-I ttf?~or.s,published in 1816, the printed works of the Rev. Richard
Warner a t t h a t date numbered thirt,y-six volulnes
Bro. Thomas Jeans, who was Master of the Lodge of Hengist for fifteen
years, was a Doctor of Medicine, and appears to have joined the Lodge of Concord
No. 494, Southampton, in J a n u a r y , 1792, possibly with the view to his delivery,
on August 3rd following, a t a Masonic ceremony of laying the foundation stone
of All Saints' Church, Southampton, an Oration which is printed in the Frrrmnson's
Mngn~t7trfor 1794.2 Dr. Jeans is elsewhere named as the author of a " Treatise
on the Gout," 1798, and was a corrsspoudent in A r t h u r Young's "Annals of Agriculture," 1784, etc.
Francis Grose (1731-1791), the Captain of Militia, was a fellow infinite
jest, and a lion lliv(~tit,and, besides hi- antiquarian works, left behind hinl a collection of more or less odd matter known as Grose's " Olio " ; and, as Bro. Gordon
Hills tells us he contributed t o a book on Cookery, i t is perhaps satisfactory to find
included in t h e " Olio " an essay, " On the inconveniences and mortifications t o
which persons, too delicate and dainty in their f o ~ d ,are liable."
The second
edition of the last-named work (1796) contains a poetical " Sketch of Francis
Grose, Esq., F . A S . , by a Friend " '; the Friend being here stated as a Mr. Davis,
of Wandsworth, whose description of the Captain's appearance may be contrasted
with the geometrical figures of wllicl~we l n v e heard :GROSEto my pen a theme supplies,
With life and laughter in his eyes.
Oh ! how can I survey with pleasure,
His breast and r;lioulders ample measure;


Lrrfomo~rtm,]IT.. 00
S w Sacllrr's Thomns T),
141. 131-8 (1891).
l'hr R F r t ( h had prrrio~islya!)yared in t h e " Gentlrman's Ilagazinc " for J u l y .

His dimpled chin, his rosy cheek,

His skin from inward lining sleek.
When to my house he deigns to pass,
Tllrough miry ways, t o take a glass,
How gladly e!lt'i,ing in I see,
His belly's vast rotundity !
B u t though so fat, he beats the leaner
I n ease, and bodily demeanour;
And, in t h a t mass of flesh so droll
Resides a social, gen'rous soul.

It is hardly a slur upon Grose's convivial reputation to find that an obituary

notice of him records: " When he was adjutant and paymaster in the Hanlpshire
Militia, his only two b30ks of nceouct (as he used pleasantly to tell) were his
right and left hand pockets."
Whether the f i n a ~ c i a l result proved equally
pleasant t o all concerned, we are left t o surmise.
The consecration of the Masonic Hall a t Bath, a t which the Duke of Sussex
presided, took place on September 23rd, 1819. An account of i t is in the late
Bro. T. P. Ashley's ,SXrtcl~o f (',-u/t Jf/rconr!/ in f l t r C'ity of B a t h , 1894, page 14.
The Rev. Richard Warner's name does not occur in t h a t work, nor is i t in t h e
list of Masters from 1732 of the Royal Cumberland Lodge No 41, Bath, in t h e
same author's & I hr~tl!/rdHirtnr!/ of the above Lodge, 1873.
There was a clerical contemporary of Richard Warner's in the Rev. J o h n
Warner, I1.D. (1735-1800).
" Jack"
Warner, as he was often call$, did
occasional duty for the notorious Dr. Dodd a t EIockclilTe,' and resided there for
several years later. H e was a friend and prot6g6 of George Selwyn, the wit and
boon con~paniorlof the Prince of Wales; and though too unlike in their pursuits
to render confusion likely, still, as he held the living of Stourton, not very
far from Bath, and frequently visited at two houses, described as " noted for their
hospi%ality," near Cllristchurch, i t is well to note t h a t there were two clergymen
bearing the same surname; and t h a t Rlchard, in his I f w c t r s i o ~ ~f sr o m Berth, 1801,
published soon after J o h n Warner's death, mentions that he found the parishioners
of Stourton still nlindful of his namesake's impressive pulpit eloquence. The two
Warners do not appear to have been related."

Bro. GORDOXHILLSw r i t c . ~in reply : -

I have to thank Bro. Haxtall for the interesting additions his remarks
afford to what I included in my payer. I four:d t h a t in writing i t I was introduced
t o some very interesting characters, b u t the main difficulty has been not what t o
say, b u t what to leave unsaid about soma of them, SO as t o keep the paper within
reasonable distance of a Masonic connection. Indeed, one feels t h a t the officers
A s t o Dl-. William Dodd, A,!).('. xix., 182-185; xx., 3.52; xxrii., 191,
ZI':lghf F l i e n t l s of t h r ( : l e d , by 17'. P. <:ourtnq-, 1910.

of the South Hampsllire Militia minut have formed a body with a decidedly literary
tone, for Uunckerley found there as associates-besides
Grose, the antiquaryMitford and Gibbon, tlle Ilistorians, a11d it was as a fellow officer in tlle regiment
t h a t William Mitford made the acquaintance of Gibbon, who persuaded llis friend
t o emulate liis own labours as !ristorian of Rome by writing a History of Greece.
It was owing to Mr. William Nitford t h a t Rev. Wm. Gilpin, under whom Mr.
Warner served as assistant curat:, had came to Boldre. Gilpin had founded and
carried on tlle well-known Preparatory Scllool a t Clleam, which exists t o the
present time, a t which Mitford had been a pupil, avd in due time he was enabled
t o reward his old master by presentation to t l ~ i slivi~lg.
Jerdan, " the scribe " of tile Britton Club, left the record of a chequered
career wllich would challenge compariscn w ~ t hBro. Britton's, but I do not know
if he was a member of the Craft.
Bro. Songllurst's assistance has made i t possible for Jerdan's, as well as
tlle portraits of Britton, Warner, Grose and Ihnckerley, t o appear as illustrations
of the paper.
is of special interest, being a
The portrait, said to be i h a t of Du~~clrerley,
new dizcovery, the property of Bro. Tuckett, who, in kindly offering i t for
exhibition and reproduction, writes t h a t " i t bears a. marked resemblance t o
Thomas Ihnckerley. This portrait was purchased in l i i t t ! / s f o u , and came from
f f t r t t t p f o t / C ' o ~ r r f . That i t is T.D., of course, I cannot assert, but' it is sufficiently
like him to be interesting. The d r a w i ~ gis amateurish and very unequal, but has
some merit. If i t i s T.D. (and I think it is quite likely that it is), it shows him
a t an age different from either of the only two portraits hithcrto known."
Grose is a character whom one might well expect to have been a Mason in
his day, but
membership of die Order, so far, is nob established.
Bro. Stewart Watson's well-known plcture of Burns' reception in Cannongate
Kilwinning Lodge on March lst, 1787, Grose appears in the foreground wearing
Masonic clothing.
Unfortunately, tlle picture, painted in 1845-6, is wholly
imaginary as t o the circumstances, referring to an appointment of the poet as
Laureate and his entllronement wllicl~never cccurred. Probably a tradition arose
out of a magnified account of compliments paid to tlle poet, whicll afterwards
took a more concrete form, for which, I suppose, we may say, " poetic license,"
and the idea of what ought to have been done, are the only excuses. It was not
until two years later than the date of this supposed episode, in 1789, after the
close of Burns' activities in Edinburgh, when !le had married and settled a t
Ellisland, that, a t the home of his friend Riddel, the scholar and antiquary, whose
property, Friar's Corse, adjoined tlle poet's farm, Ile was introduced to Grose, then
on his antiquarian tour of Scotland.
I'ro. Wonnacott's careful investigations of the proceedings of t h e Lodge of
Reconcilit tion give us the record; of the attendance of a Brother J . Britton from
Lodges Nos. 1 and 37, both belonging to the Antients, on August 18tl1, 1814, and
May 9th, 1815, respectively, but we cannot Pay uhether these refer t o the Brother
John Britton under our consideration. No record of a Bro. J . Britton appears
in Bro. Charles Belton's " History of the Grand Masters Lodge No. 1."

I have also to thank Rro. C. Gougll for tlle trouble he has taken to send
me some particulars of Bro. Britton's voluminous publications, and especially for

drawing my attentioll to Bro. C. J . Wllitting's " Hiqtory of the Lodge of Hengist "
(1897), which gives a nlucli fuller account than the little book published by Bm.
Rev. P. H. Newnliain in 1870, on wlricll 1 was relying. I have availed myself of
Bro. Wliittiiig's " History " to aillend n ~ yreferences to the Lodge of Hengist in
the body of illy paper, and particularly to unravel t l ~ erather ~omplicatedrelations h i p s o f the Jeails family so intimately coimected with this interesting Lodge.
Bro. Nev;nl~am had confused the Tllolnas Jeans, first J . W . , with his nephew,
Tliomas Jeans, M.I)., w l ~ oafterwards took a !eading part ill the Lodge for many
years, but t l ~ i spoint the Liter Ili.;torian was able to correct and to add further
particulars, no doubt iiluch helped in the family history by the information of a
member of it-a grandson of Bro. Thomas Jeans, M.D.-still living a t Christchurcll
in 1897.

' ORATOR ' HENLEY, M.A., 1692-1756.

N his first paper 011 T h e ' ('olIrcf(ctr~tr' o j t h e R r r . 11~11zirlI , ~ / . w I I s ,

on Marc11 5th, 19i5, and printed ill
b ' . l / . S . , l'.,bf . I .,
& I .Q.C. xxviii., 36, we were told by our late Rro. F. W.
Levander t h a t a folio volunle of scraps and illustrations put
together by Lysons, and dealing wit11 the well-known J o h n
I i a l l e y , M . A . , was in the British Museum Library; and some
desire was expressed t h a t this should b:: adequately dealt with.
It so happens that, some short time before I had looked through the volun~ein
question, and noled such comparatively snlall portions as had allusion to Freemasonry; and as we are now unhappily d ~ p r i v e dof Bro. Levander's painstaking
and practised hand, i t is perhaps well to reproduce here what was found; whilst t h e
following references to Hcnley in A l r a (,,~rtrttro~
( ' o t ~ o ~ t t r t u tmay
~ r ~ :be
~ ~of use to future
writers. It should be borne in mind t h a t 110 mentioil of Hellley appears in official
records of the Craft; t h a t he was 211 adept, and iildustriously persistent in the a r t
of self-advertisement; and t h a t assertions which imply t h a t he was a member of
the Craft must be received as assertions only, and not as facts which are either
proved or acczpted.


xxv., 365.









( P e 7 1 1 1 ~ y I ~ ~ oGctreftr,
Aug. 20, 1730.)

r i i . , 158.
xxii., 219.
xxv., 3 6 6

Dedication lo Henley of " A New Xodel for the Rebuilding of

" Masonry on a Stronger Basis than the former
. . . By
" P e t e r Farmer Esq. . . . London, 1730."
Jnli~rcrii, Nov. 18, 1750 )

[There is no official record of Grand Cuaplalns before 1775.1

xxv , 370

Appoi~lted a i Cllaplaln a t the Grand Lodge held March 30th.

( , S t . Jtrttlr\' I s ' ~ ' o t ~ rIJo\t,
~ / ~ / 1734 )

xxvii , 32.

Was a member of the Robiu Hood Society a t its first opening.

( T h r lft\tor!/ o f t h r llo71ltt Hoorl Society, 1764 )

The Lysons volume of ('ollrc.f(c~~rtc

consists mainly of cuttiiigs of ndvertisen ~ e n t sfrom contenlporary ncwspapers, very few names of which appear, and shows
t h a t Henley was a constant, and dcubtiess profitable, customer, to t h a t department

of the Press. Several of the excerpts herd given appear merely as a few words
wliich have had t o be disinterred from a long paragraph comprising other and quite
different topics; and this accounts for their fragmentary character.

J u n e 13. A t tlle Oratory, The Corner of Lincoln's I n n Fields, near

Clare-Market, . . . On Wednesday, t o entertain the Right
Worshipful the Deputy Grand-Master, in the absence of the Grand
Master, the Grand Wardens, and the most antient and Ilonourable
Society of Free and Accepted Masons, will be a n Eulogium of
Masonry, and a Gentleman will be ready t o dispute on Gormogonism.

A MS. note (by Lysons?) says, " A Society called the

" Gormogons was instituted in 1724.
J f i s t ' s J o r ~ r ~ ~ t rThey
.' were e kind of Freemasons."
1731. Nov. 13. On Wednesday Evening next, will be NEW Discourses.
. . . 11. The Oration will be on ALL SIGSS IS THE WORLD,
jocose; the
or a Learned Charge t o the HONORARY
first Attempt of the Kind.
Bro. Henry Sadler described the HONORARY
MASONSa5 rather
an iinportailt body about t h a t period, and quoted a uewspaper
cutting of their procession by water from Whitehall to Richmond, in 1731. (A .Q.Cf. xxiii., 327. 1910.)

Sept. 30. Tomcrrow. I n tlle Evening, . . . Another Question,

-whether a JEW
can b e a MASON;or a MASONcan be made on a
G f'hrtrpside.
SUSDAI-, caused by a Letter on a late M A K I ~in
Reference may be had t o . I . Q . C 1 . xi., 30, where Bro. Dr.
Chetwode Crawley quoted a newspaper a c c o ~ ~ noft the Sunday
proceeding alluded to, and also an advertisement by Henley
of Oct. 7, 1732, " On Wednesday will be an
in I ' r q ' . ~Jorrr~~trl
" Oration
. . . the cause of the Jew-Masons fully clear'd,
" and the Affair of the Bricklayers Lodge from Barbican to
" the Rose in Cheapside disclos'd."

1'741. Nov. 7. A t the Oratory . . . I n the Evening will be Home

Subjects, . . . frsc Thoughts of a Free-Mason . . .
1742. April 24. The Lecture will be on . . . History of Amphitheatres, rival Diverslcns; Processions of Masons and Sons of tlle
Clergy. . . .


J u n e 19. The Oratory this Week is sixteen Years old, and tllc
Orator blasses his Friends, and laughs a t his Enemies.


J u n e 15.


,, 29.

" States Free-Masons."

" Reason for Free-Mason Generals."

J a n . 13. T h e B r e t l ~ r e n of t l ~ eAliLie,~t and I l o ~ i o n r a b l e Order of

Gregorians, belonging t o t h e Marlborough H e a d Chapter i n S t .
ICatIierines', a r e desired to attend Tomorrow a t Six i n t h e Evening
i n order to elect a Grand a n d Officers for tlie ensning year.
By Order of t h e G r a n d
M . S . Secrelary.


Feby. 29.


Truest Coinplement ( ~ i c . )t o t h e Gregorians."

Masons bad.

a r c 2. T l ~ eCensors of our Advertisen?e~ltscontinue their Blunders

wlien they ought t o . . . be Masonry, Cabala, Rosicruciaii
Love, Alcliymist, t h e Teclinic, t h e P r o f u n d ; in a World of Conjuration;
. . ,
M a y 15.

P r a y e r for Gregoriaiis

M a y 25.

Bucks, weeping !

Tliere is no reference t o tlie C r a f t later t h a n tlie above; a n d Henley died

i n October, 1756.
T h e Lysoris volume of cuttings has a title-page, printed specially for i t a t
t112 Strawberry Hill Press, together with t h e following printed note :This volunle was formed by t h e R e v . D a n . L y o n s for t h e l i o n . Horace
Walpole. I t contains , . . several hundred advertisements from
t h e J o u r n a l s of t h e period, 1726-56, wliicli sliow t h e a r t a n d skill witli
wliicli [llenley] scized hold of t h e topics of tlie d a y t o call attention t o
liiinself a n d his ~ r e a c l i i ~ i g illustrated
with some curious explanatory
Henley is recorded as Imviilg preached a sernion a t t l ~ eCockneiglis' Feast
a t Clerkenwell. ( A .(J .('. xxix., 42.)
H e married tlle " S i s t e r t o a J.P., afterwardr Kniglited," a t Bow, ill
S h e died i n 1737; and a correspoiident wrots i n t h e ( , ' e i l t l r , i r t r i ~ ' s
F e b y . , 172 2.
of J a n u a r y , 1738 : " As lnaily went t o see t h e Wife as t o hear t h e
' ' H u s b a n d . . . . She always liad a liaiid ill 11is most elaborate discourses.
" A n d those Orations wliich appear t o have had t h e most Fire, and tn be least
" intelligible t o vulgar Understandings, were t h e Rsdundaiicies of her Pen."
T h e question, " W a s Henley hiinself a Freenlasoii ? " should probably, up011
sucli inforinatioii as we have, be answered i n t!ie negative, n o t w i t l ~ s t a n d i n t~h e
assert,ions of t h e public prints i n t h e Bodleian Library ( t r t ~ f r ) . Expressions which
a r e used i n his writings 2nd advertisements may tell either way, a n d certainly
t h e r e a r e n m e t h a t sliow a serious aninius against t h e C r a f t on his p a r t , wllilst
some would be consistent enough witli his membership if supported by a n y kllowll
e no way seems t o have niade any plaill
facts; a n d if it were not t h e case t h a t i ~ ill
cssertion or claim t o be liiinself rogzrded as a Proemason. Tliere seeli~ssolne
ground for supposing t h a t a t oiie time he looked upou tlle ii~asoriiccraft wit11

favour, b u t later c n included its members witllin tlie many classes against whonl
his orations and writjugs were directed; a n d this is to some extent apparent i n
tlie advertisements above quoted. It will 1 3 ~relnenibnred t h a t t h e alleged date of
Henley's itlitiation is giveil as c . A u g i ~ s t ,1730. I n t h a t year h e cc~nmencedt o
publish a weekly sheet, " The H y p Doctor; by Sir lsaac RatcliiTe of Elbow Lane,"
aud i n N o . 48, November 2nd t o 9th, 1731 (more t h a n a year after t h e announccrent i n t h e l ' r ~ ~ ~ ~ . v ~ / /(;trzrtfe,),
~ ~ ( r ~ i i (hr e t h u s wrote, i u t h e form of a letter from
a Norwich correspondent : W h e n a b ~ o a d I, x c c u t ~ iinvself with a Basli'd Beaver, a great Wigg, a
bl,ad C ~ a v a t ,a n Agate-l~eadedEbony S t ~ c k ,a sedate Countenance, a
csnsiderste E y e , a n important M u m p of t h e Mouth, a Step as perpend ~ c u l a ras a Free Mason, a w13e S h r u g of t h e Slioulders, and a speech
tlel~ver'd like the Greek Oracle c u t of t h e Oak Tree, with a long Eccho
a u d a sllaklnq Noddle
these c l i a r a c t e r ~ s t ~ c kofs a M a n of
J u d g m e n t , who has known t h e World
This n c t over-respectful allusion is hardly atcned for by t h e suggestion i n
a later " Hyp-Doctor," of 1739, " Lnt a New-house [of Commons! rise, like
T,ost, c n d none sit there b u t Patriots
" Nilton's Pandcemoniuni i n his I'crrotlisr
" a,nd Free-Masons."
Earlier, i n his " Oratory Transactions," April 5, 1727,
Henley liad written, " T o tlie nlenlory of Inigo Jones, T h e Rise a d Progress of
" Masonry, t h e Vindication of
i t , from its old unpublish'd Constitutions, a n d
" proving M a s o t ~ r y i n all A r t s , Sciences, a n d Professions."
It may with confidence be inferred t h a t Henley's programmes were like t h e outsido of some Shows,
often worth more t h a n tlie entertainment provided for t h e paying audience inside.
One particular circunlstance creates a strong impression on wv mind t h a t
ITedey was ,/of of t h e Craft. It will be reinen~bzredt h a t t,he year or' his supposed
i o ~ ~ s Ff i s f o r y , vol. i i . ,
iuitiation was 1730. 111 John Nichols' Z / I ~ ~ . ~ / i ~ o~fr fI,ifr~.crvy
808 ( l d 1 7 ) , is set out a letter dated September 21, 1754, d d r e s s e d b y Hellley t o
D r . UTiliiam Stukeley (initiated n Freemason i n 1721, and from 1748 t o his death
in 1765 resident i n Londoll ; A 1 . ($.('. vi., 125, l893), i n ~ p l o r i n gmedical assis'csuc'z
for his Iionseke~~er
a n d !lin~self, a n d c o m n ~ e n c i n ~", Very Reverend a n d (what is
better) V e r y good Sir."
Thougll not a necsssary implication, i t may b j
suspected t h a t S t u k e k y iiad befrie~ldedHenley bsforetime; a n d i t is i n m y case
hardly likely t h a t a m a n like Henley in calibre, e n t e r p m e , and persistency would
refrain (as i n his lettar he does) from all refersnce t o a mutual membership of tlls
Craft,, llad suc11 existed.
Hellley was not a favourite with his contemporaries, and his name figures
i n many ' skits ' of t h e period. This s p e c i n i a ~is from 7'71~ I ' r r s r t t f Sfrrfr of tlte
I , i f r i ~ r t ~ , ,V(rtir.r. Loiido11, 1742 : Worse t h a n t h e Rascal Cur's e x - p i e r c i n g Notes,
W h e n a whole Village strain their envious T l ~ r o a t s ;
ITorse l l l a ~ iwhen sland'rous Macer stuns t h e H a l l ,
A u d worse t h a n Henley, who is worst of all.'

(bannot trace Macpv, \vbo \\.as doubtless somcYsmall but coisy notorirty, long

since f o r g o t k n .

Transactions of the Qirattior Coronati Lodge.


The following adventure, which befcll Henley after the eventful " Fortyfive," and obituary notice, ara taken from Toone's Chronologiccrl Ilisforiut~
(1828) :1746. Dec. 4. T'ne Rev. Mr. Orator Henley was by order of the E a r l of
Chesterfield, one of his Majesty's principal secretaries of state,
delivered into custody of a messenger, in order to be examined on
a charge of endeavouring t o alienate the minds of his Majesty's
subjects from their allegiance, by his Sunday harangues a t his
Oratory chapel.
[ H e was some days after admitted t o bail.
(I'enflen~nn'sXngnzitte, December, 1746, page 666. ]

Oct. 14. Died, John Henley, M.A., the noted orator of Clare-market,
who for such a number of years contributed t o the amusement of
the low and profane, by his exhibitions, and was a plain proof
t h a t resentment, vanity, pride and eelf-sufficiency will carry even
men of some considerable share of learning and knowledge further
t h a n t h e dictates of good sense, religion, or ~ o r a l i t ywill justify.
H e was in the 64th year of his age.

Henley by his will left practically all he possessed to his housekeeper, and
in i t valued his manuscripts, in number about 6,000, a t a guinea apiece: on a sale
by auction in June, 1759, " the produce fell very short of a hundred pounds."
Nichols says, " A print of ' Orator Henley christening a child ' has lately
been engraved by Mr. Ireland from a sketch by Hogarth, probably in 1745,
" when the Orator was about 50.
As no real picture of him is known to exist,
'. this print will be acceptable t o collectors." ' Al -4 .Q.C. xxviii., 40, is reproduced a print which appears to be the one alluded to, lettered as engraved by
G. Cruikshank.

A full account of Hen127 (from nhich some particulars above given have been
o je sthe Countg of L e i c e s f r ~ ,vol. ii. (1795);
taken) is in Nichols' Z11ato1gtrrttl d r i t i q ~ c ~ t ~
. .
. a notice of him in connrxion n i t h H o ~ a r t h ' svalntines is in Lodve of Research
No. 2429 Transactions, 1908-9. The year
~ e n l i y ' sdeath is pjven-by mistake as
1742 a t il.0.C. xxviii., 57.



19 16.

HF: Lodge met aL Freemasons' Hall a t 5 p.m.

Wonnacott, W.M. ; W. B. Hextoll. 1.P.M. ; F.



W. Levander, S.W. ;

Cecil Powell, J . W . ; Canon Hors!ej-. P.G.Ch., Chaplain; Hamon le

Strange, Pr.G.?II., Norfolk, Treas. ; W . J . Songhurst, P.A.G.D.C.,
Secretary; Gordon Hills, I . G . ; J. E. S . Tnckett, Steward; P a s t
Masters, Bros. Eclnard Illarbran, J. P . Simpson, P.A.G.R., and
Ed\iard Armitagc, P.Dcp.G.D.C.;

also 13ro. J. H. DfcNaughton,

Also t h e follo~iing ~neoibersof tho Corrr~pondrnce Circle :-Rros.
alter H . Brown, P.G.Sten ., TI7. .'

-4lfrcd Davis,

FTi~clis, Hug11 C. Iinonles, H. A. Badman, W. T.

Storm. TValter Lalvrance, P . A G.Sup.TT'., Johli Chnrch, R. Acheson Webb, L. G. Wearing.

A. F. C a h e r t , L. do C. Ing:ain, F. P. 13sster. S. Jacobs, 0. H. Bate, .4. E. Jones, H . W.
Ashdonn J a m e s Powell, P.A.G.ltcg

, R e r . C. J .

S. O'Grady, H a r r y T i p p t r , P.A.G.P.,

Herbert Hurrons. Alfred C. Sillry, S. IT' T'lodgers, F. IT. le Tall, W.Hammond, IT. C. P.
Tapper, Algernon L. Collins. P.A.G.D C , Chas E. Cassal, P.Dep.G.S.B., Herbert T.
Jlayell, J. Walter Hobbs, J o h n C. Nltrhrll. J . G. Gonlcl. J . TT Scakinq, I,. Danielsson,

r. Jfayt.11.

ant1 111.. H

G. Rosedale, P


Letters of apology for non-attenc1a1~c.c nere received from I3ros. S i r Albert

Markham, Ii.C7.l3.,P.Dis.G.M., Afalta ; W. H . Rylands, P.A.G.D.C. ; William Wa-tson ;

H. F. Gerry, Z.S.O.;

T. J . TT'estro!)p;

F. 1%.Goltlnq-, P . G . D . ; 1C. Conder, L . H . ; Dr.

jy. Wynn Westcott, P.G.1). ; Sydney T. Tilein, L.R. ; F. J . IT. Crone, P.A.G.D.C. ;
J o h n T. Thorp, P.A.G.l).Cf. : 2nd E. H. Dring, P.M.


l'ransactions of t h e Qzcntitor C'oromati Lodge.

Bros. Herbert Bradley, C.S.I., S r t h u r Lioncl Vibert, and Roderick Hilclcgar

Baxter were proposed a s Joining Members of t h e Lodge.

Nino IJrethrcn were admitted t o inembership of t h e Correspondence Circle.


P a s t Provincal Grand Warden of Middlesex,
t h e Master Elect, mas regularly preaznted for Installation, :,nd was installed a s Master
of the Lodge by Bro. W. Wonnacott, a s s i s t 4 by Bros. W. I3. Hextall, J. P. Simpson,
a n d Eda ~ r hd- l i t a g e .

The following Brethren were appointed Officers of the Lodge for the ensuing year:


Cecil Pon ell


Gordon Hills


Canon Horslq , P.C.Ch., P.M.


Hamon le Stiange, Pr.G.M., Norfolk, P.M.


TI'. J. Songhurst, P.A.G.D.C.


F. H. Goldney, P.G.D., P.M.


Dr. H. F. Berry, 1.R 0.


T. J. Westropp


J. E. S. Tuckett


Williani T a t s o n


J. H. McNaughton

I t n a s duly proposell and serondcti, and carried b j acclanlation :-"

That Bro.

Xrnest William Malpas Wonnacott, P a s t Provincial Grand Deacon of' Hertforclshire,

having completed 111s gear of office as >laster of t h e Quatuor Coronati Lodgs No. 2076,
the thanks of the 131ethren be, arid hc.rcby arch, tendered to hiin for his c o ~ ~ r t e sin
y the
Chair, and his efficient managrmcnt of t h e affair3 of the Ilotlgc; and t h a t this Resolution
be s'l~tablyengrossd and

t o him."

The S E C R E T ~ R
attention t o tho following

Ryde, I.W.


from his collection, a s follows : -

10. Circular Jelvel, pierced, with date, A.M. 5783.

11. Pierced Jewel, engraved, no date.

(See Illustration.)

(See Illustration.)

1 2 . Silver Gilt Jewel, with Hall Mark of 1809. Probably not Masonic.

(See Illustra-


Silvcr Gilt Jewel, with inscription : "

W m Smith, C.E., P.G.S. & P.M. of Castle Lodge of Harmony 26 & of

I3ritannic Lodge 33 both i n London also P.M. of t h e following Provincial

I.dges, via. Scientific Lodge 840 (Bucks), Cooch Lodge 1238 (Micldex) also a
Proxy Master i n the Grand Lodge of Scotlmd."

The oldest p a r t of this

" Castle Loclge of Harmony 27," all t h e rcst having

inscription is undoubtedly

eviclently been added a t a later date, when probably t h e No. 27 was altered
t o 26.

The Jewel may perhaps have originally belonged to this Lodge, and

have been worn by its representativc for ihe time being on the Board of Grand

(See Illustrations.)


14. Collar Jewel, with Hall Mark of 1786.

15. Collar Jenel.

(See Illust,ration.)

Square and segment of (3ircle, enclosing Irradiated Sun n i t h large

Clvstal i n ccntre.

,4t the back t h e folloning inscrintions . -"Voted by L. & 1'.

Lodge 493 Leeds.

Mar. 1807. A Token of Esteem to our falthful Brother T.


Prcrmiunz a c P r i lleglum.

I n c l u s t r i ~& Virtutis."

Loyal and Perfect

a Jlodcrn Lodge founded i n 1790, and erased i n 1832.

16. P 31. Collar Jewel of present regulation pattern, set in paste.

An inscription a t

back reads: -"Presented Decelnber 30th 1834 By the N c n ~ b u sof the Lodge
of Honor and Genelosits No. 194 to Br John Chnhain J u n r P a s t Master ancl

The Lodge is t h e present No. 163.

17. Collar Jewel, probably of a Lodge Stcward

18. Silver Gilt Collar Jon(.l, n i t h Hall Mark of 1817. J t is suggested t h a t it limy have
been u o r n by a Grand Chaplain.
Ileron who wrotv

1 1 ~

The design can be attributed t o Michael

Minutes of Grand Lodge round about 1760 and

embellished them n i t h s:,ecilllens of his skill as an illuminaior.

(See Illustra-


Ey Bro. S. J4cons, London

\\it11 nnn1~10ns?rlasonic e111blci11s printed in black.
1'1cse11tetl t o t i r e Lntlyc~.

Hy Bro. J . E. S. TCCKRTT,
C e i t ~ r r ~ ~ cissnrd
. i ~ ~ e 10th Xarch, 5784, by the Lodge

favour of I h r i d Ca!)adose Parcaira.


I l i e n dimie, Amsterdam, in

7'1i(~C:.~+fic.ate. \\.hicah is \\-rittcw in l'rc,ncll, inclncles

the three degwcs, and is signed by ,T. Ihnn-cs, Ten. Mre; Hcndrick Jfelisscn, prenlier
Surveillant; H. Dastcrt, sccond P u r r e i l l a ~ i t ; ant1 J . C a p i t - n , j m i o r , Sc,rretairr; and
counter-signeel bs G. 11. i Kent, 1- g m . hc:..

It l l n s tn-o S C H ~ Sattachecl to a I ~ i ~colol~red



-4 hearts rote of thanks was accorded t o the who Irinclly lent these objects

for exhibition.

The 1V.M delivered the follal~ingInstallstion ilddrrss : -

T r u n s ~ c c t ~ o t rofi t h e Qctntltor Coronati Lodge.



T has been t h e custom in this Lodge from its foundation for t h e

newly-appointed Master t o deliver on the night of his Installation a n Inaugural Address. The choice of a subject becomes
increasingly difficult for each succeeding occupant of t h e Chair,
inasnluch as i t must be one t h a t has not been previously brought
before the Lodge, and a t tlie same time i t must not be of a controversial character, so t h a t nothing may interfere with the
harmony t h a t should prevail when we celebrate t h e Festival of the Four Crowned
four skilful stone masons who preferred the crown of martyrdom to
making images of heathen gods.
B u t before commeilcing my Address I wish again to tender my sincere thanks
t o my Brethren for tlie very high honour and great privikge they have conferred
upon me by selecting me as Master of this distinguished Lodge. I trust t h a t when
another Brother succeeds me, i t will be found t h a t I shall have carried out t h e
duties of t h a t high ofiice to their satisfaction.

I wish also to say a few words respecting certain events t h a t have happened
witliin the last few months. I n the By-laws of our Lodge a r e enumerated tlie
several objects t h a t its founders had in view. One of these was " To acquire
permanent London premises and open a Reading Rooni'for tlie Members." The
la,tter we have had for some time, but the acquisition of premises in London suitable
for our purpose is by no means ail easy matter. We made a start on the death of
our lanlcilted Rro. Speth by renting rooms iu a iiouse in Lincoln's I n n Fields,
wliicli afforded space, limited thougli it was, for an ofice and our Library and
M u s e ~ ~ m 111
. a few year:;' time w-: liad t o leave and find accommodation elsewhere,
wliicl~ we succeeded in o h t ~ i n i i ? ga t No. 62 in this street. Gradually this also
became too liinited for our ever-increasing Library r,nd Museun~. Just a t t h s
riglit time i t was found t h a t a house, almost opposite the rooms then in our
cccupation, was to be let,, a i d our eilergetic Secretary, Bro. Songhurst, neglected
no effort to secure it. I u this he eventually succeeded, and t h e Lodge must be
congratulated on tlie result. I wish, in the name of the Lodge, t o thank him
very lleartily for the trouble he took over the whola matter, not forgetting t h e
removal and re-arrangement of our property.
As we arc now opproacliing t h e two l ~ u n d r e d t h anniversary of what is
frequently called the " Revival of Masonry," I have thought t h a t i t will not b e
inappropriate t o draw attention t o the laws t h a t have been laid down a t various
tunes for t h e government of the Craft.
The little t h a t is known of Masonic events t h a t occurred between t h e
celebrated Assembly and Feast held a t The Goose and Gridiron Ale-house on

St. J o h n Baptist's day, 1717, and tile 24t,h of J u n e , 1723, when the Minutes of
Grand Lodge coniinenc~, is contained in half-a-dozen pages of the second
edltion of the Book of Constitutian:i.
Some regulations are stated to have
been drawn u p in 1720 and approved oil the 24th of J ~ u i e ,1721. A t the Grand
Lodge held on the 29tl: of Geptamber, 1721, the Grand Master (the Duke of
Montagu) and the Lodge " finding f a c l t with all the old Gothic Constitutions,
Order'd Brother James Anderson, A . M . , to digest the pame in a new and better
Method." I n the followi~igDecember a ccrinmittee oi' fourteen was appointed t o
examine and report oil Anderson's nianuscript. This with some amendments was
ordsred in 1722 to b? printed, and its publieation took place in the following year,
forming t h e first of the many editions or" the Book of Constitutions. I t is a
matter of history that in many Lodges, whell time permitted, sections of the
Book of Constitutior~swere read to the Brethren boih when a t Labour and wheil
a t refreshment. This fact, as well as the coniparatively small numbers of copies
t h a t were printsd, may ~ c c o u n tfor their scarcity, especially t11o:;e in good condition. The 1723 edition has the followiiig tills-pcge :-" The / Constitutions / of
the Free-IKasons, / Containing tile / History, Charges, Regulations &c. / of t h a t
most :~ncient and Right! Worshipful Fraternity. !For
the Use of the
Lodges. / London : / Printed by William Hunter, for J o h n Senex a t the Globe, /
and J o h n Hooke a t ills Flower-de-luce over-against S t . Dunstan's / Church, in
There is
Fleeh-street. / I n the Year sf Masonry-5723 ,/ Anno Donlini-1723."
aiso a nseudo-heraldic vignette. The volunle comnlences with a four-page dedicat i m to the Duke of Montagu by the Deputy Grand Master, J . T. Ilesaguliers.
I n consequence of tllis some writers spokc of tbe book as Desaguliers's Const,itutions.
We then have " The Constitution, Hlstory, Laws, Charges, Orders, Regulations,
and Usages of the Righl ~ o r s 1 i i l ; f u lFraternity of Accepted Free Masons; collected from their original Recsrds and their faithful Traditions of many Ages."
Then come " The charges of a Frse-Mason, extracted from the ancient Records of
Lodges beyond tlic Sea, and those cf E ~ ~ g l n n dScotland
and Ireland, for the use
of the Lodges in London." Next cxne the " General Regulations, compiled first
by Mr. George Payne, armo 1720, when he was rand- aster "; " The Manner
of Constituting a New Lodge, as practis'd by his Grace the Duke of Wharton, the
present Right Worsliipful Grand Master," and (pages 73, 74) the Approbation of
the publication of t.11e book, signed by the Grau,l Officers and the Masters and
Warden: of particular Lodges. Tn this list we f i ~ dagainst Lodge " X V I I . Janies
Aiiderson, A.M., Master, i l ~ eauthor of this Book." This is the first time that
the autjhor1s 112111e is n1stltioiied. Some Mrsonic songs conclude the work. The
suppsec'c great value of the " History," wliic!~ begins by stating t h a t " Adanl
wust have had the Liberal Sciences, particularly Geometry, written upon his
lteart," and that he " no doubt Izuqbt his som Geometry," has long since been
discounted. I n later editioils, llowever, the historical part t h a t deals with the
actual doings of Grand Lodge, being kept uy, t o date, is distinctly valuable.
B u t i t is with the Regalations t!~at we are concerned to-night, and it is my
intention t o show how these varied as opportunities arose for publishing new laws
owing to the stock of the scveral editions beconling exhausted.
A t the Quarterly Gonlmuication held on February 24t11, 1735, Anderson
stated t h a t all t h e copies of the first edition had been sold, and t h a t he had p u t

3 78

T m n s ~ c ~ t i o of
m t h Q
~ ~ ~ n t ~ cCoronnti

A committee was
together some addikions and alterations for a new edition.
According t o the Minutes of Grand
appointed t o report on the manuscript.
Lodge Anderson also complained 'Lhat " one William Smith said t o be a Mason
had without his privity or Consent pyrated a consi,derable part of the Constitutions
of Masonry aforesaid t o the prejudice of the said Bro. Anderson it being his Sole
Property." The new edition was printed in 1738. On page 133 we find " t h e
book call'd the Free Xcc.s~,~l'sT7,rtlr Ilfecrrvz was condemn'd by the G. Lodge as a
pyratical and silly Thing, done without lcave, and the Brethren were warned not
t o use it, nor encourage ~tt o be so13." This is usually taken to refer t o a book
with the following title-page
Pocket Companion / for / Free-Masons. / Deus
nobis Sol e t Scutum. / London: / Print" and S-Id by E . Rider in Blackmore- /
street, near Clare-Market. / MDCCXXXV.," having a, Dedication signed by
W. Smith. A t page 47 hegins " A Collection of the Songs of Masons . . . >
dated 1734, and a t page 95 " A n exact List of Regular [English] Lodges according
to their Seniority and Constitution." Then come; the publisher's announcement
of new books, dated December 12tl1, 1734. If this is so, i t seems curious t h a t
Anderson, who must have known the exact title of the book in question, and, as
author, would be responsible for what he wrote, sllould have permitted the wrong
title to appear. More lhan that, tile same wording was repeated in all the
editions printed in the eighteenth century. Nevertheless, I must acknowledge
t h a t all my efforts to obtain from either this or the otiler side of the Atlantic any
information concerning a " Vade mecum," t h e date of which will suit the circumstances, have hitherto met with no success. Since no name is given t o the book
in t h e Grand Lodge Minutes, i t may, pcrhaps, be suggestecl a s an alternative t h a t
t h e wrong title was purposcly given in the Constitutions in order to throw peopl~:
off the scent.

The d a t ~ sof the various editions in the eighteenth century are 1723, 1738
(1746, the previous one with a new title-p~ge), 1756, 1767, 1784. Proceeding
onward u p t o the date of the last general revision, new editions were issued in
1815 (the same revised in 1819), 1827, 1841, 1847, 1853, 1855, 1858, 1861, 1863,
1865, 1866, 1867, 1871, 1873, 1884. These 21 editions may well be divided into
groups, which will help us in the study of thgi11 I may here say t h a t I do not
intend a t present t o examine those later than 1819 The first and second were the
work of Anderson. H e died in 1739, and llic Rsv Jciln Entick headed the committee entrusted with the bringing out of the editim of 1756. Though t h e next
edition, t h a t of 1767, bears Entick's name on the title-page, its position indicates
t h a t h e had nothing t o do with its produclion. I n 1776 Preston brought out an
Appendix, containing only t h e historical part brought u p to date.
Noorthouck was responsible for the fifth.
This was not only the last of t h e
eighteenth century editions, but also the last to contain the story of t h e
transactions of Grand Lodge, t h a t hnd been commenced in t h a t of 1738 and was
continued t o date. A t the Union in 1813 arrangements were made for a new
edition, the preparation ol" which was entrusted t o Bro. William Williams, the
Provincial Grand Master of Dorset. Sulldry amendments were afterwards made
' A somewhat variant and more extecsive edition, also printed by E. Rider, was
published a t Dublin in the same year. This has an approbation signed by the Grand
Master, Deputy Grand Master and Fardens or' the Grpnd Lodze of Irelpnd for 1'734 and
a list of the Irish Lodgeis,

I t ~ c i i iu


~ a lA d d r e s s .

and corrected sheets were brought i n 1819.' This edition, 'che last of t h e quarto
size, differs vastly from its predecessors, for Williams had, and embraced, t h e
opportunity of taking his rules from various sources and adapting them t o circumstances. The next edition, t h a t of 1827, was a reprint of t h e previous one, and
was the last to be compiled by one who was not a n actual official of Grand Lodge,
all t h e later ones being published by t h e Grand Secretary under the authority of
Grand Lodge. Various alterations having been made from time t o time i n
i n g t h e work was thoroughly revised, and t h e 21st edition was
published in 1884. This would, therefore, have been a n excellent date a t which t o
conclude my ~ e s i i v t iand comparison of t h e laws by which t h e Craft had been
governed a t various times, b u t it was thought more compatible with t h e occasion
not to proceed f u r t h e r t h a n t h e ConstituLions of the Union.
I n t h e course of my examination of the editious selected my attention was
occasionally drawn t o various points of minor importance. For instance, the first
edition cannot be said t o bo t h a t of the Constitutions of t h e Grand Lodge of
England, for we find t h z t t h e Lcdgeq are spoken of, a t one time as " being i n
London "; a t another, " i n and about tllc cities of London and Westminster."
I n later editions Lodges are described as being " within Lhe Bills of Idortality," or
" within t h e London district,"
or " about town," o r " i n t h e country."
Then, too, different terms are applied t o t h e C r a f t i n passages only a few
pages a p a r t ; for instance, " the Free-Masons," " t h a t most ancient and Right
Worshipful Fraternity," " t h e R i g h t Worshipful Fraternity of Accepted Free
Masons," " the Antient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons,"

the Ancient Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons."

On the other hand, I may be permitted t o draw attention t o a ruling agreed

to as long ago as April 6th, 1736, t h a t has been not only not repealed, b u t reprinted i n every succeeding edition of the Book of Constitutions to the present
day. W e are told t h a t , if a matter is to be determined by t h e votes of the membsrs of a Lodge, the voting is " to be signified by each holding u p one hand." It
is difficult to conceive why holding 211) is so frequently considered now-a-days t o be
equivalent t o holding o u t .
T h e term " Chapter," as applied t o assemblies of masons, occurs i n one of
t h e Statutes of Labourers passed in 1425, and is met with more t h a n once i n t h e

Anderson, i n t h e 1723 edition, says


The Master of a particular

1 The coyies of the 181;: edition evidently did noL sell as rapidly as mas desired,
for in the Grand Lodge Minutes of 1)eceniber 6th. 1815, we find a letter addressed t o
the Master of e:w-y Lodge by the Grand Secretaries by order ot the Grand Master :" IV. MASTER,-\%'~
beg t o acnunint you, that the 1~a.u.sand Regulntions for the Government of t,he Craft, which have been ayyovc-d and confirmed by the Grand Lodge, and
which will form the Second P a r t of the Iiook of Constitutions are now ready for delivery;
the First P a r t of the Volums is preparing, a n d will be forn-arded to the Subscribers with
as little delay as ?)ossiblr.-Tho wholn work will not exceed Thirty Shillings, but the price
cannot, a t present, be precisely ascertained.
Each Subscriber is to pay Ono Pound a t the time the order is given, and the
remainder is to be paid when the First P a r t is reacly for delivery.
Each Lodge innst, of course, yossess a copy, and should there be any member of
your Lodge desirous of having one, you are reauested to send his name, and remit the
Money with. vow onm, giving lnstructior~sto 11s by what conveyance they are t o be
sent. . . ."
Again, in t,he Minutes of March 5th. 1817, is the following foot-note:-" Some
Lodges not having yet procmerl a Copy of the S~conclPart! of the Book of Oonstitntions,
containing tho Laws of the G r a ~ dLodge, they are dmirerl, forthwith to apply t o the
Grand Secretaries for the same, tl1.3 price of which, one Pound, is to be remitted with
the Application."
As regards the First Part, which vas never published, a note in Nisccllanea
Lutomoru~n,New Series, vol. i., p. 6, may be profitably consulted.

Lodge has the right and authority of congregating the members of his Lodge into
a Chapter a t pleasure." The difference, however, between a Lodge a d a Cllapter
is nowhere set forth. The expression appears for the last time in tho 1784 edition.
The tern1 " Principal " also occurs in the first edition, in which i t is said, speaking
of certain difficulties t h a t might arise in the election of a Grand Master, " the
Deputy shall act as Principal." This did not appear later than in the edition of
It goes without saying tliat, as time went on, i t was f o u ~ dnecessary t 3
increase the number of officers in the Graud Lodge and in particular or private
Lodges. A t first a Grand Master, his Deputy and two Grand Wardens sufficed
for a private Lodge. I n what
for Grand Lodge, and a Master and two
is known as Roberts's Constitutions of 1722 cccurs the followillg " Additional
Order," said to have been made and agreed upon on December 8th, 1663, " That
for the future t h e said Society, Company and Fraternity of Free-Masons shall bz
regulated and governed by one Master, and as many Wardens as the said Company
shall think fit t o clluse a t every yearly General Assembly."
With respeci t o the posilion in Grand Lodge of the Deputy Grand Master,
it is laid down in t l ~ e1756 Book of Constitutions tliat h e is t3 bs on the Grand
Master's left hand, b u t this is changed to tlie right in the 1767 edition. A
Secretary was first appointed in 1723. 111 1721 one Brother volunteered his
services as Steward; the number was increased in 1723 and 1724 to six. I n 1725,
1726 and 1727 there was again only one for each year,; in 1728 the nunlber was
fixed a t twelve (" alluding t o the twelve signs of tllc Zodiack ' I ) , and so continued
till 1815, when nine Lodges were added t o the list from which St2wards were
selected. These mere not strictly speaking Grand Officers, the prefix " Grand "
first occurs in 1725. A Treasurer was first appointed in 1729, and a Grand
Blaster's Sword Bearer in 1733. I n addition to these, we find in the Constitutians
of 1784 (which gives a chronological list of tlie Grand Ofhers, 1717-1783) a Grand
Chaplain. I n the next edition, t h a t of 1815, I)eacons a r s mentioned for the first
time among the G r z i ~ iOfficers, a3 well as a Registrar, a Superintendent of, the
The first mention of
Works, a Director of the Ceremonies and an Organist.
Deacons in a private Lodge is n e t with, according tr, Sadler, in April, 1754, b u t
according t o Goald, in the previous J u l y .
Apparently i t was not till ihe first e,dition after the Union, t h a t of 1815,
t h a t i t was thought necessary or advisable to publish strict rules regarding clothing,
though cert,ain articles of Masonic clotliiug are :.pecified in the Minutes of 1723,
and again of 1727 and 1731. The jev:els to be worn by Grand and Past Grand
Officers were-so f a r as the number of Officars in earlier times went-the
same as
those of the present day. With the exception of t,he jewels of the actual and Past
Grand, and Deputy Granc1,'Master and the Wardens, that is of the four Grand
Officers, all are to be within a wreath compo~edof a sprig of acacia and an ear of
corn. Though the wording of the l a d p a r t has b e m continued to the present day,
we are nowhere t.old t h a t the urzatll is t,o be engraved or in relief on a ring-shaped
plate of gold. It was not till t h e edition of 1853 t h a t the Treasurer was excluded
from the list. It T3-as settled in 1725 that tlic T r e a s u r x should be nominated by
the Grand Master and approved of by the Grand Lodge, but Ile did not rank as A
Grand Officer till 1753. Nor did a t first the Grand Master's Sword Bearer, being
appointed not by Grand Lodge b u t Ey the Grand Master himself.

the section headed " Of Private Lodges," in t'he edition of 1815, the
Inner Guard is mentioned as one of the officers, b u t no jewel is assigned t o him.
I n t h e same edition i t is laid down t h a t a Fellow Cmft's apron is to be the same
as t h a t of the Entered Apprenticz, but " with sky-blue rosettes a t bottom, strings
of the same colour, with silver tassels." I t had been arranged t h a t this edition
should be revised and re-issued in three years' tiwe with any amend~nentst h a t
migllt llave bsen agreed to. I n the revised editiou of 1819 we find that the Fellow
Craft's apron is deprived of its tassels and a, jewel is assigned t o the Inner Guard.
All the editions from 1723 t o 1819 are of quarto size; the remainder are in
octavo, nearly all from 1855 being issued also in the more familiar snlall size.
With the exceptioti of the Dedication and Sa1;ction " a new edition, carefully
revised, and continued t o the present time," was brought out in 1769, ill octavo.
This pirated e d i t i ~ nis identical with t h a t of 1767, t h e particulars respecting the
n?.ectings of Grand Lodge from April, 1767, to May, 1769, being contained in an
Appendix. The reprint is of value as it ccntains a copy of the Chaster of Incorporation proposed in 1769 by the Duke of Beaufort. After this had been approved
of by a majority of the Lodges, a Bill was brought into Parliament in 1772 by the
Deputy Grand Master, t l H~9 u . Charles llillon. On the day fixed for the Committee stage the Bill was withdrawn. This is not mentioned in the edition of 1784.
This pirated, spurious or urlautllorissd edit'ion was priuted also in Dublin, or
ratller, from the exact re3emblance b e t w x n tlle two in every detail except the titlepage and some illustrations, i'c would be more correct to say, as has been suggested,
t h a t some of the sets of sheets were bound u p with a new and mcre extensive titlepage, either in London or in 1)ublin. I t bears no date: the imprint is:" Ihbiin:
Printed for Thomas Wilkinsori in Winetavern-Street, the corner of
Cook-Street. A t said Wilkinson's may be had all tho sorts of Free-Mason books
now extant."
So far, 1 have read only tile introduction to ille subject that I have selected
for illy Inaugural Address, namzly, A comparison of the Regulations 1ai.d down

in the various editions of the Hook of Constitutions from 1723 t o 1819. Such a.
comparison, which is quite ready for the press, does not lend itself to being read
aloud, but will appear ill our 7'r:c1r.~ctiotr~.As you are aware, three ~ ~ u l n b e r s
of these are issued an~i:~ally. Of the present volunle onlv one part has, for
weighty reasons, which I need not heye particularise, appeared as yet. If parts 2
aud 3 should each bn as lengthy as the fir3t (for wliich I an1 partly responsible)
our twellty-ninth volume would, with the usual S f . J O ~ I I L('rirtl,
extend to about

500 pages; this, to say h e least, would be incmvenient. 1 am not b2traying a

secrat when I say t h a t i t is intended to publis~lthe remainder of n ~ yAddress in
the first p a r t of the next volume.
Before sitting down inay I express t h e sincere hope, iu wllich I lrnow you
all joiil with me, t h a t i,he blessing of peace may before very long be again
vouchsafed t o us and t o the whole world; that our Lodge may coiltinue to flourisll
and the members of both Circles be enabled earnestly t,o pursue their researches
in Freemasonry, as they have b2en doing for tlle last thirty years ?
Brethren, I thank you for the attention you have so kindly given me, and

I greet you well.

At t h e subsequent banquet, 1Jro. W. WOSN.SCOTT,

I.P.M., proposed "The Toaat
of the \JTorshipfnl Mastrr " : -

Altllougli I have yielded u p to my successor the gavel of Master, there yet

reniains a n important and exceedingly pleasant task to be fulfilled, of proposing
t o you a t tlle festive board t h a t we should in the-honoured form accept as the
toast of t h e evening tlle llealtli of tlie brother who now holds tlie blue ribbon of
t h e Craft, t h e Master of tlle Quatuor Coronati Lodge. It is our custom, on t h e
Feast Day of the Four Crowned Martyrs, t o submit with this health a slight
sketch of the career of the newly-installed brother in his own particular sphere,
and t o add a few particulars of his Masonic record.
I n Bro. Frederick William L e v a ~ d e rwe have one who has not spent ail
idle life. 131s years have now passed the allotted span, and in summing u p toniglit what lie has accomplisl~edyou will agree with me that he has a long and
lionourable record, and in the enjoyment of the ease with dignity which is tlie
reward of faithful service we may add our congratulations on attaining t h e lofty
position he now adorns as a Mason, the crown of his Masonic career. The family
of Levander is of Swedish extraction, resident 111 this c m n t r y over a long period
His brother, Henry Charles Levander, M.A., was a well-known Mason, particularly
in the Province of Middlesex.
Frederick William was born in tlle year 1839
a t t h e Devonshire port of Exmoutli, his father residing a t the time a t Exeter,
where 11s practised as a dentist. As a lad 112 was educated a t tlle Exeter Grammar
School, where he had a successful career as a student of the classics, winning many
classical prizes and carrying off the medal for Latin verse: a t leaving he was head
of the scllwl Hoping to obtain a degree a t some University, this hope was not
realised, through tllc forcr: of circumstances, and brought him a severe disappoint
ment. Taking u p the scholastic profession, he becazne a teacher, specializing in
the Latin language, and as such held many important posts. A t first he wm an
assistant in a school prepmatory for Woolw~ch and Sandllurst, but later became
an Assistant Classical Master a t the University College School, his connection with
which lasted for forty years, from 1869 u h l his wdl-earned retirement in 1909.
besides this he did a great deal of private coaching in whicli his successful results
brought him a throng of pupils.
His health in his younger days did not nermit of active participation in
ouldoor sports, so for relaxation he turned to the liberal arts and sciences, and
adopted as his particular hobby t h a t of Astronolny; Electricity, too, has claimed
him as a n earnest student, and he has accom?lished much in microscopical reszarch, besides being devoted t o antiquities in general.
I n the astronomical world his record is a somewhat remarkable one, for,
being master of t h e theoretical side of the science, he has combined with i t the
practical knowledge of t h e inventor of special apparatus for the purpose of
facilitating his own resczrches as well as of others. As long ago as 1860 he
published his observations on the two planets Mars and Saturn, and these remarks
have been endorsed and honoured by reproduction in various works which have
since been printed. Tliese planetary obsc?rvalions were made with a small but
exceedingly fine telescope, whicli he mounted himself as an equatorial instrument,
the better to be able t o follow the nlovamerits of the lleaveiily bodies, and, let i t

be remembered that, in the days I speak of, i t was only the wealthy who were
catered for by the instrument makers, and the cost of scientific appliances was
almost prohibitive.
To counteract this tendency, Bro. Levander devised an
equatorial mounting for telescopes of moderate size, which proved sufficiently
accurate for all reasonable purposes
being a t all costly, and his was the
first of this pattern t o be made possessing these important characteristics. As a
reward of merit, this gained for him the fellows hi^, of the Royal Astronomical
Society, a n honour he still enjoys as one of the oldest of our astronomical students.
Soon after the year 1877, which was marked by the discovery of the moons
of Mars, he invented and brought into use a solar and sidereal diaphragm eyepiece, which practical piece of apparatus was intended t o facilitate t h e observation
of very faint bodies i n close proximity t o brighter, and, therefore, more overpowering ones. His paper on this device was read to the Royal Astronomical
Society in the year 1879. Several years later i t was figured in detail in a French
scientific publication and claimed as the original production of some savant on
the other side of the Channel.
Another branch of his special subject, t h a t of the true colour of the stars,
claimed his attention over a long period, and in order to assist in their proper
classification and nomenclature, he brought forth another invention, an instrument
intended t o assist those who, from lac!< of proper training or suffering from the
optical defect known as Daltonism, were unable to record correctly the tints of t h e
stars. By the use of this instrument the light of a star under observation was
denoted by the wave-length of the light i t emitted. This enabled him to classif.7
accordingly and catalogue nearly 5,000 stars.
F o r many years he was a member of the Liverpool Astronomical Society:
he was a foundation member of the British Astronomical Association, has served
on its Council since 1895, was its Librarian for eleven years, has been the Editor
of its Proceedings since the year 1900, ar.d occupied t h e Chair of President of the
Association from 1906 t o 1908.
I n electricity he has also done a great deal as a student and inventor.
When Professor Silvanus Thompson published his work he selected for illustration
a tangent galvanometer designed and produced by Bro. Levander, the merit of
which was its accuracy combined with a lower cost t h a n any similar piece of
apparatus then existing. Applying his practical knowledge of electricity t o railway
work, he was forestalled by cnly two days in the invention of a signal which should
automatically indicate in the signal box the position of a distant signal, a device
now in universal use on all the railways.
I n t h e literary department of the scholastic world we find many works and
educational books have been produced by him, among them may be mentioned
" Memorabilia Latina,"
" Solutions of Questions in Magnetism and Electricity
set a t the University of London Prelimiuary Examinations in Science," and
among his many contributions t o scientific magazines and popular ~ o r k swe may
record several in t h e publications of the Royal Astronor~ical Society and the
British Astronomical Association. H e has been industrious in compiling many
annual Indexes, and Gens-a1 Indexes of the Notes and Proceedings of the Societies
with which he has been so long connected, and one in particular with which his
name is associated is Sir David Gill's imeortant work 011 the Royal Observatory
at the Cape of Good Hope,

Let us t u r n now t o his Masonic record. hi;the age of 22 he was made a

Mason on 16th May, 1861, in No. 961, nqw 663, the Wiltshire Lodge of Fidelity
a t Devizes; his association with this Lodge was not of long duration. H e nextjoined the Campbell Lodge No. 1415 a t Hampton Court on 21st May, 1873, a i ~ d
served as its Master in 1877, beinz iustalled en 14th J u l y of t h a t year, and again
in 1894, besides which, for twenty years he acted as Secretary of this Lodgo.
Wheii the Henry Levander Lodge No. 2048 a t Harrow was constituted in iii84.
Frederick William Levander, brother of the worthy Mason after wl~omt h e Lodge
was named, was one of the Consecrating Officxs, and joined i t in 1906, b u t
resigned in February, 1909. Our Master was honoured in t,he year 1880 with the
collar of Prov. S. Grand Deacon in the Province of Middlesex, and three years
ago was promoted to the higher rank of Prov. S.G. Warden.
H e ' might, had he been so inclined, have followed his brother Henry as
Prov. G. Secretary and Prov. G. Scribe E . of his Province, for he was offered those
posts; but a t the time thought fit' to decline.
Bro. Levai~derwas exalted on 9th February, 1874, in the Royal Arch in
the Panmure Chanter No. 720, a Chapter which has since become attached t a t h e
Globe Lodge and baars the number 23, and he filled various offices therein u p t o
2nd A S . , until his resignatim in 1879. H e was a founder of No. 142, St. Thomas's
Chapter, and became its Z. in 1883, serving a second term of office as its First
Principal in 1892, being also Scribe of tlle Chapter for nearly twenty years. l l e
joined t h e Henry Levander Chapter No. 2048, was its Z. in 1891, and again in
1912. I n 1891 he was elected Prov. G. Treasurer (Royal Arch) of t h e P r o v i n ; ~
of Middlesex, and in 1914 received the higher rank of Prov. Grand J .
I n the cause of Charity we may note t h a t he was for twenty years an Annual
Subscriber t o each of the three Institutions, and has served as Steward and is a
Life Governor of both the Girls' and the Boys' Inditutions.
The year 1890 saw him become a member of our Correspondence Circle,
and he has done yeoman service t o our Lodge as its Local Secretary for Middlesex
and North London for marly years. I n 1912, on the Feast of S t John the Baptist,
Bro. Levander became a member of this Lodge, and to-niqht attains the summit
of his ambition as its Master. I need scarcely remind you of two of his contributions t o our T m r r w c t i o n s , one on the mysterious body known as the Sols, a paper
I can only characterise as full of patient research, and his more recent contribution
on Clubs and Societies, revealing in an equal degree his patient industry and keenness as a Masonic student. Another service he has rendered to the Craft a t large.
When Bro. Edward L . Hawkins died (he was S . W . of cur Lodge a t the time) it
was feared t h a t the little periodical known as J f i ~ r r l l n n r n L n f o n m w n z would,
through the death of its founder, pass into oblivion, but Bro. Levander came
forward and rescued the publication from an untimely end, and has been its
Editor since the lamented death of Bro. Hawkins.
Brethren, I ask you to rise and honour in due form the health of our
Worshipful Master, and in doing so t o join me in the wish t h a t his year of office
may be both a pleasant and prosperous one, and t h a t the G.A.O.T.U. may permit
him t o carry out t h e duties of his high ofice with satisfaction t o himself and
advantage to the Lodge.

of t h e Qrrrtfrrr)r C'oronccfi Lorlgr.



the end
of this well-known work (or rether translation) by Robert Samber
there is a 17-page Postscript signed ' F . Sans-terre ' and datcd
' May 1. 1723. From my Garret in Bandy-legged Walk.' On
page 204 (I qucte from the edition of 1812, London. For C.
Chapple) there is an allusion to Freemasons other than the
familiar one in chap. xv. :Thirdly and lastly, I wish in chap. xxiii. in your answer t o the objection, " That one cannot trust a man t h a t gets drunk," you had been
pleased to have taken notice of the taciturnity and continency of the
right worshipful the free masons in this respect. For though otherwise they are f r r r enough of speech, yet I do assure you, as to secrets,
though some of them love the creature very heartily, and carouse
abundantly, yet has i t never been known, though never so fuddled,
(for free masons will get fuddled,) t h a t they ever discovered any of
their secrets
This is irresistible, irrefragable, irrefutable or if you
will, to speak ( t t o r n ~ i ttlrttlrctzcz) In stglo z n f i n ~ t o ,non-resistible, nonm
refragable, and non-refutable, and, indeed, is my . Z r g ~ r ~ r r r t ~ t npnlntnre
the ' Cavalier' Frontispiece of the 1723 2nd edition, this of 1812 has
one representing a Divine, a Soldier and a Justice of the Peace ( 1 ) carousing a t n
table, a winged figure with scythe in the background, and the floor strewn with
empty bottles. Motto :-T'ii~irrcrcs Ilct rn Ribitrc tcs.
I n 1714 a certain Henri Albert de Sallengres published a work entitled
L'Blogr rlr l ' I - ~ w r \ r which Robert Samber tlirned into his book of 1723 Ebrirfcrfis
Bncotn~trtn by translating, altering and adding to it. I have lately become the
pxsessor of a fine copy of a re-issue of the original work with title-page as follows : Blogr d r 1 ' Z v r r r ~ r . . . . Sozrvrllr r(lr11011,R P V I I Ccmr~r!/r'c,,
r f condCmhlrrtlrnf n i c ~ r n r n t t ~ .
. I B n c c h o p o l ~ ~I l, r I'In~pr-rrrntrrzc,tllr w r i l r S I I P ~ Pl1.4n
rlr In
R f t? I'(rr?\, ( ' ? I P IMrr?trl, Lzhrnzrr rt Conrnrt\<~orrmrr,rrre d r I'Arhrr
iCrc, So. l X . .I tr T7Z The date is of course 1798. The d I V \ (!r l'irlztrlrr ascribes
t h e authorship of the original to :-

Un homme d'ur: esprit fachtieurr et d'une vaste 6rudition, M . Sallengres,

but says i t came out ' Vers le milieu de ce sikcle.' The e d i t x , whose signature is
P . A . M . M . , admits t h a t he has taken very considerable liberties with the work of
de Sallengres. I was surprised and somewhat disappointed to find no mention of
Freemasonry in this 1798 reprint.


Non-Jurors a n d Freemasons.-9
Compleut History of the Rebellion from
its First Rtcr, in l i . 7 , to its Tot71 Strpprec\ioiz, nt the glorious Baffle of C ~ ~ l l o r l r n
in April, IY/tG. . . . R!j .7nrn~sRny, o j TT'l~zfrAnvrn, T701?rnt~er,is generally
considered to be one of t h e best narratives sf Prince Charles Edward's spirited
venture. It was first publisl~edin tlie winter of 174617, but there are several later
editions. I n a footnote describing Manchester, R a y makes tlie following reference
t o the Craft, which is interesting in more respects than one. It is not included in
Bro. Dring's list in A . Q.C., vol. xxv., p . 353 : This Town has a good Market-Place, and a modern Exchange, with
many other elegant and magnificent Buildings.
Here is likewise a
small Bnptist Meeting-House, and a dncobite Nonjuring-Chapel.
don't know of what Eody t h e Congregation consists, they not allowing
any t o come amongst them b u t such as are of their own Sort, who (like
the more worshipful Society of Free Masons) are under an Oath not t o
divulge what is transacted there, except i t be t o a just and lawful
.7ncobite, as he or she shall appear t o be upon Examination.

It is well-known t h a t the bulk of the Clergy a t Manchester a t the time of the '45
were Jacobites, particularly so in the case of t h e Fellows of the Collegiate Church.
(See The Poems o f J o h n Rpronr, ed. by Dr. A . W . Ward for the Chetham Society.
1894. Vol. i., p. 332.) T h e phraseology of the extract given above will be noted.
I s i t known if James R a y was a Mason ?
Engraved Summonses.-The
engraved summons of St. Paul's Lodge,
circa 1825 (p. 24 nnte), has a curious error, as i t mentions the Crown & Vulture,
Cornhill. It should be the George and Vulture. The engraver may have had in
his mind the former meeting place of the Lodge, the Crown and Anchor in the
The Lodge of Peace & Plenty a t the Red Lion, Horslydown Lane (p. 25 ant?).
This summons has been dated as circcc 1776. I n my opinion i t cannot be earlier
t h a n 1786, in spite of the fact t h a t the Lodge was a t the Red Lion in t h e former
year. The engraved summons bears t h e name of the Lodge as well as of its meeting
place; there is as yet no satisfactory proof t h a t i t was known by the name of
" Peace & Plenty " prior to 1786. It may then be more safely dated as circn 1786,
and not 1776.
The engraved summons of the Bedford Lodge, undated, a t p. 9 (mite), may
be dated a t the close of 1788, or later. I n October of t h a t year the thanks of the
Lodge were voted t o Bro. Hixon for engraving a plate for summonses. This plate
was evidently engraved after the removal of No. 241 in August of 1788 t o the
Coal Hole Tavern, Fountain Court, Strand.
The Master, Bro. Robinson, whose name anpears on this summons, was
William Robinson, later Treasurer of thc Lodge.
Society of College Yorrths.-I
was reading recently A . Q . C . , volume xxix.,
P a r t I., and a t page 43 I found in the late Bro. Levander's paper on the
" Gollectanea"
o f fhe Bev. Dnniel L2/.son.s, P.R.S., P . S . A . , a reference t o two
advertisements of the College Youths Society, dated respectively November 3rd,

1763, and November 3rd, 1786, and I gather from tlie way in which Bro. Levander
referred t o them he was quite unaware of the history, and even possibly of the
existence of the Society of College Youths, or, as i t has been called for soma time
past, the Ancient Society of College Youths, and I have pleasure in sending you a
few notes which may be of interest, since doubtless there are other members of the
Quatcor Coronati who are in a similar condition of ignorance.
The Society was founded as far back as 1637, on November 5th of t h a t year,
by Lord Brereton, Sir Cliffe Clifton, and others who were, I understand, courtiers
and associates of the King. The name was taken from the fact t h a t they first met
t o practise campanology a t St. Martin's Church, College Hill, Upper Thames Street,
which Church was afterwards destroyed in the Great Fire of London, 1666.
The technical side of the Soclety will in this connection hardly be of interest,
, i t is the best known and in every
though a great deal could be written of ~ t as
way t h e most prominent of the Ringing Societies. What is more apropos of Bro.
Levander's paper is some account of the conshitution and method of management.
F o r some long time past the officers of the Society have been a Master, Treasurer,
Secretary, two Trustees, and two Stewards, all of wlionl are elected a t an annual
meeting held a t a date approximating as nearly as possible t o November 5th in each
year, a t which period also there has been wont t o be an annual festival.
I n other days, the Master, with his Officers and members of the Society,
would officially attend Divine Service a t St. Mary-le-Bow, Cheapside, preceded by
their Beadle, who carried a Staff surmounted by a small silver bell suspended in a
frame of embossed silver and bearing around the crown the motto " Intactum sileo
percute-dulce can0 5 Nov. 1762," and a t the subsequent festival the Society was
frequenily honoured with the company of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and other
civic authorities. F o r many years there was a Branch of the Society a t Hertford
in which t h e Marquises of Salisbury were wont to take a peculiar interest.
Many men whose names are historical have been connected from time to
time with the Society, anlongst whom may be cited Sir Richard Everard, Sir Henry
Tulse, Sir J o h n Bollis, Baronet, Sir W . Culpepper, several members of tlie Cecil
family, Slingsby Bethell, Esq., afterwards Lord Mayor of London, Sir Watkin
William Wynne, Sir Henry Hicks, Admiral Francis Geary, Sir Watkin Lewis,
K P . , afterwards Lord Mayor, Samuel Birch, Esq , afterwards Lord Mayor, J o h n
Powell Powell, Esq , Quex P a r k , Isle of Thanet (Mr. Powell erected a tower in
his P a r k in which he placsd a peal o,P 12 bells), Sir Bsrtle Frere, K.C.B., Sir
A r t h u r P . Heywood, Sir Eymonds D'Ewes, Sir Matthew Hale, Lord Chief Justice,
and many others, not tlie least among whom is our V . W . Bro. the Ven. Archdeacon
Sinclair, P.G.C.
A t the present time, or perhaps I should say in times immediately preceding
the W a r , as the Government has practically stopped bell ringing, the Society's
official meetings are a t Southwark Cathedral, S t . Paul's Cathedral, St. Mary-leBow, Cheapside, S t . Michael's, Cornhill, and St. Giles', Cripplegate, all of which
towers contain peals of twelve bells. There are, of course, many other meetings,
which, however, are not regarded as official.
One should not leave the subject without recording t h a t another Society
exists, known as the Royal Society of Cumberland Youths. This was founded in
the year 1746, being then known as the London Scholars Society. The name was
changed when, on the return of the Duke of Cumberland with his army from the

battle of Culloden Moor, in 1746, tlle London Scholars were ringing to wekome
him a t St. Leonard's, Slioreditch, which so pleased the Duke t h a t lie presented the
Society with a silver medallion,' still worn by the Master a t official meetings, and
gave then1 permission t o style tllenlselves " The Royal Cumberland Youths."
There has always existed between tlle two Societies a spirit of emulation
which has been of great advantage to the " Exerclse " as the practice of ringing is
technically called. Each of these Societies prohibits lnenlbership of the other
Society. Rule 14 of the College Youths Society a t present is as follows:-

" Any member joining the Cumberland Society will cease to belong to
this Company an.3 forfeit all rights of membership."
Another interesting rule of tlie College Youtlls Society, which, however, was
abolished some twenty years ago, enacted that :"

No persol1 under the age of 21 shall become a member of the Society

without the previous sanction of his parents or p a r d i a n s . "

Uniforms in Lodges.-Although

with the single excention of the Stewards

Lodge, no Masonic body has actually adopted the ~ r a c t i c eof wearing a distinctive
uniform, the advisability of such an ionovation was discussed in several Modern
and in a t least four Lodged
Lodges towards the close of the ~ i ~ h t e e n tcentury,
resolutions upon the subject were formally agreed.
The only reference t o such
proposals t h a t I have been able t o trace are all in the urlpublislled Minutes of Lodges
whose histories have yet to be written, and, curiously enough, in all these Lodges
Rro. Chris. Cuppage was either a member'or the paid secretary. I have no evidence
on which t o base the assumption t h a t the suggestions with regard to uniforms
emanated from Cuppage, but I should not be a t all surprised if such was the case,
and the subject may have been raised by him for no other purpose than t o create a
discussion. It is even possible t h a t the consideration of the proposal was suggested
t o the worihy schoolmaster by the debate t h a t had previously taken place on the
subject in tlie premier Lodge of the Antients. As early as 1787, three years before
t h e question is mentioned in any Modern records, the Grand Master's Lodge, No. 1
of tho Antients, resolved t h a t the brethren sliould appear in regular uniform, viz.,
the coat ulain blue cloth, arid the waistcoat buff Kersimere, with an emblematic
button, which was an exact imitation of the Whig costume of tlie period. Whether
or not t h e Moderns borrowed the idea from tlle precedent created by their rivals in
the Craft, the proposals wcre certainly debated in the Lodge of Friendship, and I
have seen the entries in the Minutes of t112t body, but as their records are not before
me I am unable t o give extracts of the proceedings. I n tlle St. Albans Lodge,
No. 29, under date 6th December, 1790, we read:"

The R . W . Master proposed that the members of the Lodge do in future

meet the Loclge in t h s following uniform, viz. :-a Green coat with a
black velvet collar and a Buff waistcoat. The buttons to bz metal with
the letters A.L. engraved thereon, which proposition being seconded by
Bro. Johnson was unanimously agreed to."


1 The ine~lallionis about

inclics in>r, with a Battprsra cnamel portrait
of the I h k e , surronnded by a band of dark grccn c ~ ~ ~ a n w
" P r o patria et
alnico," the whole be~rrgenclosed by a clxtscd floral bordcr.

I n the Somerset House Lodge the matter was introduced and dismissed in
two entries, dated 9th May, 1791, and 14th November, 1791, as follows:"


A motion was made and seconded that a unifornl be worn by the members of tlle Lodge, wlien after some discussion thereon, the further
consideration was postponed to the next meeting of the Lodge."
The further consideration of the inotion relative t o a uniform t o be worn
by the members of the Lodge was postponed until a further meeting."

I n tlle Royal Lodge, 3rd May, 1792, i t was :"


Resolved unaniinously that i t be recolnmended t h a t t h e Lodge do adopt

a n uniform consisting of a Plain blue coat yellow button with Crown
t:, be engraved with white waistcoat and Black Breeches.
Moved that the menlbsrs do appear a t the Lo,dge in uniform-full
and mourning always excepted. "


It is impossible t o conjecture what influences were a t work anlong the rnembers to cause them to negative the resolution, but a fortnight after unanimously
approving a Lodge uniform we read in tlle Minutes of t nieeting held on 17th May,
1792 :-

" Resolved to omit t h a t part of the Nlnutes relating to adopting an


It would be interesting to know if a similar proposal was debated or adopted

in any other Lodges of t h - period, especially if the inotion was before any Lodge
which was not favoured with Cuppage's membership or professional services.
Thomas Grinsell.-In
the third edition of Laurence Dermott's .lhinctcn
R r z o ~ z ,dated 1778, the following foot-note appeared for the first time, and was
repeated in the issues down to a t least 1807 :Brother Thomas Grinseli, a man of great veracity (elder Brother of the
celebrated James Quin, Esq.) informed his Lodge No. 3 in London in
1753, t h a t eight persons, whose names were Desaguliers, Gofton, King,
Calvert, Luinley, Madden, I)e Noyer and Vraden, were the geniuses to
whom tlic world is indebtad for the nleinorable invention of Modern
Mr. Grmsell often told the ~ u t l l o r ,that he (Grinsell) was a Freeinascn before Modern Masonry was known. Nor is this to be doubted
when we consider t h a t M r . G r i n ~ e l lwas a n apprentice to a weaver in
Dublin, when his motlier was married to M r . Quin's father, and t h a t
Mr. Quin himself was seventy-three years old wlien he died in 1766.
Bro. R . F. Gculd, so long since as 1881, effectually displaced the statements
in Ilermott's first paragraph by showing t h a t in Anderson's (!o~lstiftrtiorts,1738,
the account is given of an Occasional Lodgs a t Kew Palace on 5th November, 1737,
which was held by tlle identical eight persons whom Dermott names as founding
Modern Masonry in 1717, for t h s adniission into the Craft of Frederic, Prince of
Wales, who was then " made an Enter'd Prentice and Fellow 'Craft,? and after-

wards " made a Master Mason by the same Lodge t h a t assembled there again for
t h a t Purpose." ' Anderson gives the eight surnames in precisely the same order
as does Dermott; and those who can resist the conclusion that the latter took them
from Anderson, whose lisi he copied in slightly abbreviated form into his 1778
Altittiun, are possessed of muclz fortitude. Findel's Hiatory of E'reerrluaor~ry, 1869
and 1871, reloeats Ltrmott's assertion, but with less of circumstance; and Gould,
in his History, vol. ii., 287 (1885) gives the quolation from Dermott, without
further comment t h a n a reference t o Anderson.

I have found no particulars of Thomas Grinsell. Hughan (sciprci) writes

of him, " he having been born in 1693 "-but
this is obviously a n error, as i t was
t h e younger half-brother, James Quin the Actor, and not Grinsell, who was born
in t h a t year. Gould, in quoting h e Grinsell passages from Dermott, has nothing
personal of Thomas Grinsell; whilst Sadler tells us t h a t the latter only joined
No. 3 in 1753, and in 1754 petitioned, and was relieved with forty shillings on
account of his great age.2

It is very significant t h a t no mention was made of Grinsell, and the important

information he is said t o have imparted t o Dermott, in either the first or second
editions of dltirna~tZirzoli, 1756 and 1764; although Dermott, who was born in
Ireland 1720, initiated there 1740, came to England soon after 1746, and was
appointed Grand Secretary of the " Antient " Masons in 1752,3 so worded the
second portion of his Grinsell foot-note as to raise a strong inference t h a t their
confidences existed a t a time t h a t would have made their inclusion in the earlier
editions perfectly feasible. I do not now inquire further as to Grinsell's " Lodge
No. 3 in London," as my present interest is with his alleged assertion t h a t " he
was a Free-mason before Mcdern Masonry was known."
James Quin, the Actor (1693-1766) was grandsorr on the paternal side to a
Lord Mayor of Dublin in 1676; his father married a supposed widow who turned
out t o have a husbacd living in 1693, so that Quin was illegitimate. All accounts
of his life agree as t o this, and the Uictiotutry of S u t i o r ~ a lBioyrcrpl~yhas i t t h a t
the lawful husband was " by name Grinsell," so far corroborating Dermott. The
U . 9 . U . further says t h a t 011 the death of his father in 1710 Quin brought a suit in
chancery against " his uterine broiher Grinsell," b u t abandoned i t for want of
~ L , has no mention of any
funds. The Lzfr of .lfr. .7un~es (Juii~, C ' O I I L C ~ M
Grinsell, except t h a t by Quin's will, dated 10th July, 1765, a legacy was given
" unto William Grinsill, one of the Arts Masters of Bridewell Hospital, London,
Five l~uiidredpounds." Quin livcd virtually all his iife in England, and the last
fifteen years of i t a t Bath.
I n ,Votes and Queries of 3rd February, 1866, there appeared, above the
signature " Jubela," a request for information as t o the time of death and place
of burial of this Thomas Grinsell, recalling Quin's unlucky birth and making a
variety of assertions; amongst them, t l ~ Thomas
Grinsell founded Modern or
Accepted Masonry in England; t h a t his figure appears in the cart with Jachin
and Boaz, Jamaica ancl Barbadoes R u m , in the well-known engraving of 1742,
1 Hughan ( 0 1 I!/LIL of th ( J h't~cll~shl l ~ f r ,1884, 18-20 ; 1909, 40-42) observes t h a t
"the mcrrlory oE Grinsell ancl t h e U L L U I U L U of Dermott a r e :)ro-:ccl t o be of nluch the same
2Jfuson~cl'ccc.t.\ ut~tlE'ictiorts (1887), 112.
3 Bywater's Luuler~ceDc.1rnoft und his IVot li, 1864.


(117d Qrrerien

39 1

showing " Procession of Scald and Miserables Accepted Masons passing Old
Somerset House "; and t!lat Dermott gave his account of Thomas Grinsell in the
sccond edition of .I hinlcrn Itrzon, but on his afterwards joining t h e " Modern "
Masons, and becoming Deputy Grand Master in 1787, suppressed the second edition
almost entirely. As the supposed occurrence of Grinsell does not exist in t h e
" Procession " print a t all, whilst the allusion to " R u m " is traceable to Dermott's
own words in Ahittictrz Rezol~," Nor is i t uncommon for a tyler t o receive ten or
twelve shillings for drawing two sign-posts with chalk, charcoal, &c., and writing
Jamaica (rum) upon one, and Earbadoes (rum) upon the other "; and as the
assertion t h a t Dermott ever joined the " Modern " Masons must be almost unique
in its absurdity, i t may be conceded t h a t the correspmdent was wise in adopting
a norn rle plztrtla. N o replies seem t o have appeared. It will be remembered t h a t
Dermott became Deputy Grand Master of the " d ntienfs " in 1771, retiring from
the office in December, 1787, and dying in J u n e , 1791.
Given t o the public for the first time in S o t e r nnd Queriec of 17th May,
1856, and since printed in various editions of l'hr C'omplerrt Angler, is a letter
written by Isaak Walton t o " my worthy friend Mr. Edward Hall," dated 26th
November, 1670,l which has by way of postcript :"

If you incline t o write t o me direct your letter to bc left a t Mr. Grinsell's

a grocer in King streite in Westminster."

And by a codicil t o his will, dated 16th August, 1683 (he died the following
December) Walton gave a ring to (amongst others) " my cousin Greinsell's Widow."
A n authority on Waltoniana tells me t h a t the surname Grinsell is still fcund in
Birmingham or its immediate neighb3urhood.
These ~ e l r o r a n d aare all I have to offer towards elucidation of the foot-note
in the .lhimnn R r ~ o nof 1778, etc., which has hardly received the attention i t
deserves, as bearing with significance on the value of Dermott as a truthful and
reliable historian of the Craft, or the opposite. H i ? foot-note relating t o Grinsell
was printed, and doubtless penned, a t a time when controversies between the
" Antient " and " Modern " Masons were sharp, and methods not very scrupulous;
and only a few months after Dernlott had been the recipient of assurance from the
" Antient " G r a d Lodge of " their readiness to rescue his character from the false
and malicious insinuations propagated by " the prominent " Modern " brother,
Thomas Dunckerley '; t e r m which go f a r to indicate the spirit prevailing in t h ?
opposing camps. How f a r Laurence Dermott may have strayed from literal truth
in his assertions concerning Thomas Grinsell we cam hardly know with certainty,
but t o inquiring members of the Craft his foot-note in Ahimrrn Razon, 1778, and
onwards, offers sugge~tiveand promising material.

John Wilkes, 1727-1797.-In

the year 1769, in which J o h n Wilkes was
initiated into Freemasonry, t h a t virulent and victwious opponent of t h e Earl of
Bute was a prisoner ir. the King's Bench gaol, a martyr in the cause of Liberty
and the popular idol of his age and generation. It was declared by an astute judge
of the political situation of the period t h a t " had George 111. possessed a bad and
Wilkes a blameless character, the King would have been driven from his dominions."

The original MS. is a t Trinity College, Dublin.

B ~ w a t e r ,45; Sadler's Thomcrs Dunckedey (1891), 227

If the private life of Wilkes w a not without reproach, his public career was without fear, and a t a time of administrative tyranny and political corruption he was
the adored champion of purity and freedom in public life. H e was also the most
gregariously c3nstituted and clubbable man of his epoch.
H e was in his early
twenties, and wedded to a pious helress some ten years his senior, when he became
one of the founders of the Hell-fire Club and a member of the Loyal Association
which was established t o combat the cause of the Stuarts.
A cause, however
serious, did not conflict with Wilkes's mclination towards conviviality, and he could
wear t h e badge whicl~pledged him to the defence of the House of Hanover and
preside over the pagan ceremonies of the Medmenham confraternity with equal
aplomb. I n 1754 he was admitted to the Sublime Society of Beefsteaks, and in
1757 the elective society of S t . Stephens received him as Member for Aylesbury.
I n 1768 he became an associate of the community incarcerated in the King's
Bench prison, and in the following year the Ancient Family of Leeches invested
him as their Chief Counsellor, and resented him with a superb badge of' office.
I n 1769 he was also made an " honorary brother " of the Most Noble Order of
Bucks, and from 1771 t3 1779 he officiated among the City Fathers as Sheriff and
Lord Mayor of London and City Chamberlair, and he continued in the latter
much-coveted post until his death in 1797. Wilkes loved the society of his fellows,
and by his brilliant gifts of rhetoric and repartee he held his own against all comers.
A man of irrepressible high spirits, charm of manner, and mental energy, he won
tlie approval of persons so differently constituted and divergently placed as Dr.
Johnson and George 111.-the former declared him t o be a scholar possessed of
" great variety of talk," and t h e latter W M constrained to admit that he had never
met so well-bred a Lord Mayor.
I have two badges which possess a threefold interest, since apart from their
artistic value they serve as me men toe^ of a once virile patriotic league and an
equally flourishing convivial society of the eighteenth century, and they have a
further claim on our attention as relics cf the idolised " Friend of Freedom." It
is curious, also, to remember t h a t while Wilkes wore the medal of the Loyal
Association in 1745 as a pledged defender oT the House of Hanover against the
pretentions of the Etuarts, he was presented with the special badge from the
Ancient Family of Leeches, a quarter of a century later, while undergoing
imprisonment for his virulent campaign against the government of the Georgian
Sovereign. The splendid badge of t h e Hanoverian National Defence Association
of 1745, to give t h e t loyal organiwtion its official title, is blazoned on the obverse
with S t . George piercing the shield of France, supported by the British lion and
t h e Austrian eagle, while for crest i t has Britannia set bstween four flags, and
below the shield is the motto " For Our Country." The reverse of the Wilkes'
badge is occupied by the armorial bearings of the owner. The large medal
engraved for Wilkes as Chief Counseller of the Leeches is a handsome piece of .work,
and t h e inscription states t h a t i t was presented to him by the society as " a Token
of their approbation of his Patriotic Conduct in the Glorious Cause of Liberty."
I n Parliament, Wilkes found a career, and in his civic offices a remunerative
avocation, and t h e various societies of " Monks," " Leeches," " Bucks," and
" Beefsteaks," of which he was a member, provided him with recreation, refreshment, and an audience. What, a t this stage of his popularity, had Freemasonry
t o give him, which he could not obtain elsewhere? The answer would appear t o

be very little, perhaps nothing a t all,-but by virtue of his intellectual gifts, his
sccial standing, and his pclitical nchievemc~~ts,
he was eligible for initiation in
the Order, and when he duly presented himself he was formally admitted. W e
read in a manuscript note appended by an arionylnous chronicler to a copy of the
Engraved List of 1769, which is preserved in the British Museum, that :All Societies and all Parties mere carried away with ye popular
frenzy of ' Wilkes & Liberty,' and among ye rest., the quiet and peaceable Freemasons came in for their share, for on March 3rd, 1769, ye
Members of ye Lodge held a t ye Jerusalem Tavern in Clerkenwell
attended a t ye King's Bench Prison and made Mr. Wilkes a Mason.
Tile G o i r f t r r r rrttcl Sect, U o i l y d d ~ > r r t l * rofr 6th March of that yesr added the
information t h a t the ceremony was performed " by virtue of a Dispensation of t h e
Grand Master and in the presence of the Grand Officers."
All the available facts relating to the association of Wilkes with Masonry
ara contained in the forngoing quotations, yet with the exception of the date of
llis n.aking and the name of the Lodge ill which lie was made, the authenticity of
the particulars has not yet been established. On 10th March, four ,days after t h e
pu.blication of t,he paragraph in Y'hr G'oirtrrr, the report of the Dispensation and
the presence of the Grand Officers was officially contradicted by Grand Lodge in a
statement communicated t o the daily Press. The reference to the intitiation
having taken place in His Majesty's prison was left unchallenged. On the other
hand the Minutes of the Jerusalem Lodge of 3rd March, 1769, w i d e containing
ncthing t o indicate iliat the Lodge night was not regularly hid a t the Jerusalem
Tavern, record iii the list of those present on the occasion, the names of three Gran.l
Officers, viz. : Bro. Mascllall, Bro. French, and Bro. Thomas Ilobson, R . W.M.
And in contravention of the denial issued by Grand Lodge, the Minutes include
a n explicit statemeni with regard io the Dispensation. The follcwing is t h e
Bro'. Maschall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P : G : M.
Bror. French . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G.S.
Tlle R t . Worshipful Bro'. Tl1.o" Dobson . . . . . . . . . Master
Bro'. Jones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I Wardens
Bro'. Pel!att . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bror. Nightingale, BroT. How, Bror. Fleetwood, &or. WillettBro'. Hart;, Bro'. Phillips, Bror. Umfrevillc, Bro". Fosbrooke,
13ror. Reeve, Brol. Steele, Bro'. Roberts
'This Lodge w2.s regularly opened in due form
By Virtue of a Djspensation under the H a n d and Seal of Charles Dillon
DepY. Grand Adaster bearing Date the 3d Day of February 1769 by
Virtue whereof, and in the Name of Henry Somerset Dukg of Beaufort,
Grand Master of Masons, this Lodge proceeded to making J o h n Wilkes
Esqr. and George Bellas Esqr. (Lhey having bsen duly ballotted for a t
a former Lodge Night t o be wade Masons) ettended and were made
Masons and became Msmbers of this Lodge and raised &&e~

Ms. J o h n Churchill was proposed by Bro'. Fosbrooke t o be made

a Masoji, and being Ballolled for wan carried Nem Con and he was
accordingly made a Mason and raised a Master Mason.
Bror. J o h n Read and Rro'. Francis Lewis Burgeois attended this
Lodge as Visitors, were desirous of being made Master Maions and were
raisecl Master Masons accordingly.

It is a llistorical fact t h a t on 18th J u n e , 1768, Wilkes was fined 1,000 and

sentenced to one year and ten month.,' imprisonment, and tliat he was discharged
on 17th April, 1770. It is also a facl t h a t i~r:was initiated in the Jerusalem
Lodge on the 3rd March, 1769, b u t whether he was made in the King's Bench
prison or not, is a questim upon wliicll the statement, issued by Grand Lodge and
the records of the Jerusalxn Lodge maintain a recolute silence. I n the matter of
the other particulars these two authorities contradict one another with categorical
Most of the Lodges meeting in the ~leigllbourllood of Clerkenwell made
nlonetary presents t o Wilkes during his incarceration, and it was announced in
t h e newspapers of 10th March, 1769, t h a t : " The sun] of twenty guineas left on
Friday last with the turnkey of the King'? Bench prison, by the gentlemen of t'he
Jerusalem Lodge, when Mr. Wilkes was made a Mason, was distributed anlong the
poor prisoners." With tliat statement we reach the end of our knowledge of the
career of J o h n Wilkes as a Freemason. I t is surmised that upon his liberation 112
would pay a n early visit to the Jerusslem Tavern and acknowledge the obligation
he was under t o the b r e t h e u , b u t if lie did, the Secretary failed t o record his
appearance, ancl no d ~ c u m e n t a r ~evidence
has been produced to sliov~that he ever
attended his Mother Lodge or evinced the slightest further interest in the Craft.
As a man possessed of extraordinsry ability, influence, and popularity, he is of
interest to all Masons, but as a Mason he is nothing more t h a n a name inscribed
i n an old Minute book.
The people could x t u r n him to Parliament, the City
could load him with honours, the " Leeches " ancl " Bucks " of the period could
appoint him Chief Counsellor, and invest him with badges of office, but the road
t o prefer~nentin Freemasonry is lorlg, and each step is the reward of singular merit,
of assiduity in t h e mastery of its rites, and the practice of its principles.
It is
possible t h a t Wilkes was, by m t u r e , loo impatient to seek eminence in a Craft which
is so barren of lightly-won dignities, sinecures, and honorary distinctions.

T is with much regret t h a t we have t o record the death of t h e

following Brethren :-

William Charles Cave-Bvowne, of T ~ k h i n o p o l y ,on the

4th November, 1916. H e was o P a s t Master of the Lodge of tlie
Rcck No 260, and had held t h e office of Ihstrict Grand Wardeli
of Madras 111 the Rcpal Arch he was P Z . of tlie Rock Chapter
No. 260, and Past District Grand Director rE Ceremonies. I11 October, 1906, Bro.
Cave-Browne was elected a menlber of n71r Correspondenc- Circle.
John Henry Edge, K . C . , of 16, Clyde Road, Thblin, i n September, 1916,
who was a r e p r e s e ~ h t i v eof the Grand Lodye of Iowa a t the Grand Lcdge of
Ireland. 'Ie was a P a s t Master of Lodges No. 143 and No. 728, and P . K . of
C h a p t e r No. 143, all under t h e Irish Constitution. Our Brother was tlie author
the pages of
of .-I 11, I r i s h 17toyirr, first published i n 1906, a ~ l dhad contributed t.~,
H e joined our Corresponclence Circle in J a n u a r y , 1913.
James Fraser, of Johannesburg, whose death occurred on 27th August,
1916, a t t h e Alexander Hotel, Muizznberg. Bro. Fraser, who joined our Corrxpondence Circle in January, 1903, was a natire of Inverneis, Scotland, a l : ~
t o South Africa in t h e early eighties. Two years previous to his death he retired
from his practice as an Accountant, to take u? farmin< i n the Klerlrsdorp District,
b u t his health failed after a s1lor-t residence there. Our deceased Brother Wc1.j a
Past Master of the Johannesburg Lodge No. 2313, aud a Past Ilistrict Grand
Warden i n the Trarlsvaal.
Thomas Fraser, who passed away in his sleep a t 99, Bedford Court
Mansions, London, on the 20th J u l v , 1916, in his 60th year. Our late Brother
was initiated i n t h e Eccentric Lodge No. 2488 i n 1893, and was a Founder of the
Richard Clowes Lodge No. 2936, t h e Jubilee Masters Lodge No. 2712, and the
Wilma Lathom Lodge No. 3243. I n 1907 he was elected Bs Grand Treasurer i n
Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter, and he was a prominent member of the Governing
bodies of all degrees and Orders connected with t h e Craft. H e had b e m a great
traveller and was well kiiown in the East, as well as in the United States and in
Canada. H e attended as a inember of three Deputations from the Great Priory
of England t o t h e Triennial Conclaves of the Grand Encampment of the Knights
Templar a t San Francisco, 1904; Saratoga, 1907; a d Chicago, 1910. H e was
elected to our Correspondeuce Circle in March, 1904.
Reginald Goodall, of Lindenhurst, Cliobhani, Surrey, on 3rd May, 1916.
Bro. Goodall was a member of t h e Eccentric Lodge No. 2488, and was elected t o
nl.embership of our Correspondence Circle in March, 1913.
William Charles Huxtable, of Sanqu.har Road, Forres, Scotland, on t h e
22nd August, 1916; a member of the Excelsior Lodge No. 617 and of our Correspondence Circle since J u n e , 1903.

Thomas Leete, of 9, Church Street, Kensington, London, W., oil the 18t11
October, 1916, after a brief illness, a t the age of eighty. Bro. Leete was initiated
in the City of London Lodge No. 901 in April, 1896, and subsequently passed the
Chair: exalted in the Westbourne Chapter in 1899, and attained the rank of P . Z .
therein. H e was a Founder of the Earls Court Lodge No. 2765, and after occupying the Chair of W . M . was appointed to London Rank in 1914 as its representative.
I i e had been a member of our Correspondence Circle since January, 1904.
Frederick William Levander, F . R . A . S . , P.Pres. Brit. Astron. Assoc., who
died a t his residenc3, 30, North Villas, Camden Square, N . W . , on 20th December,
1916, having been installe,d as Master of tlle Quatuor Coronati Lodge on 8th
November. A n account of our lamented Brother's career appears on p. 382 n r ~ t e .
Bedford MoNeill. The death of Bro. McNeill, of London Wall Buildings,
cn Se?tember 18th, 1916, a t the age of 55, was a source of great regret to his many
friends. H e graduated in 1880 a t tlle Royal School of Mines, and soon made for
hinlself a name as a mining engineer, not only in England but also in America.
I n 1893 he published the telegraphic code t h a t b ~ a r shis name: an enlarged edition
was brought out in 1908, and was considered so useful as t o be employed universally
by the m.ining and kindred professions. To enumerate all the Societies, etc., of
which lie was a leading light, would mean a long list, but some may be mentioned.
H e was a Fellow or Member of the Institute of Chemistry, the Iron and Steel
I n s t i h t e , the Geological Society and Geological Club, the Committee of the Royal
Scl~oolof Mines Old Students' Association, tile Royal School of Mines Advisory
Eoard, the Mining Committee of the Advisory Council for Scientific and Industrial
Re?,earcl~,and the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy. Of the last-named he
filled tlle ofice of President f o r 1913-14, delivering a clear-sighted Presidential
Address on March 13t11, 1913. It was during Rrom. McNeill's presidentship that
definite action was first taken t o secure a Royal Charter for the Institution, a ~ i d
n.uc11 of the work in connectioil with this was discharged by him. Bro. McNeilI
was a member of Lodges 2127 and 2878, in both of which he passed the Chair;
was of London Rank, as well as a Past Provincial Grand Deacon of Staffordshire.
R e joined our Correspondence Circle in October, 1903.

Page 8 (facing). The original summons of tlle Tuscan Lodge is in t h e Banks
Collection a t the British Museum, 71ot in the Lysons ' Collectanea '
Page 9 : Note 2, line 3. E'or Chales rrcrtl Charles.
Page 268 : Line 5 from bottom. E'or which recrtl indeed.
Page 273: First line. E'or Friday rend Saturday.
Page 276 (facing) : F o r Unity rrcrtl Trinity.
Page 310: Line 8 . For now rectd ever.
Page 324: Line 12. E'er opens rectd open.
Page 331: Line 23. A f t e r Superintendent odd of Works.
Page 350: Line 3. For Briton recrd Britton.

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