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THE KINTYRE HEARTH TAX (PART 1) by A.I.B. Stewart Campbeltown, Argyll, Scotland Introduction In her history of scotland Professor Rosalind Mitchison of Edinburgh University states "Scotland, in the late Seventeenth Century was aleo learning to apply her resources to her own affairs. Taxation had developed rapidly not merely in devising of new types of tax, but in the actual extraction of the cash. The Cromwellian excise stayed on and the assessment on land was revised in 1667 as the ‘cess’. Landowners in every shire who allotted it were known as the Commissioners of Supply and there provided the basis of county government till late in the Nineteenth Century. Poll taxes were experimented with, and on one occasion in 1691, a Hearth Tax was levied, to help find money for William’s French war, but these were eventually dropped, perhaps because ‘they were too hard on the poor, perhaps because they were unenforceable". Despite the date given by Professor Mitchison it was in 1694 that the tax was raised in Argyll. The Hearth Tax lists for the shires of Argyll and Bute are preserved under E 69/3/1 in the Scottish Record Office. There are 82 pages in all. The entries for Kintyre appear on pages 42-55 and entries under Knapdale of lands now considered to be in Kintyre, south of Tarbert appear on pages 33-36. At the back of the list appears the following declaration: 2a ffebry 1694 In the presence of George Earle of Linlithgow & Alexr. Lord Raith Lords Comissioners of the Majy. There compeared Alexr. Mcarthur subcollector of the Hearth money in the shire of Argyll and Bute, who being solemnly sworn deponded That the forsaid List of Hearths contained in this Book Extended to six thousand ffyve hundred and therty nyn hearths which are payed; Is ane true & just List, of all the hearths within the fored shyres of Argyll & Bute, to the best of his knowledge Excepting the hearths of poor, and about Threescore hearths or thereby, which came to his paynes, being lyeing discontigue from others, through the saids shyres. And also excepting the hearths of Mull, Terrie, Coll and Ardnamurcharn, Sunart, Appin, Glencoe, Canna and Morvern the counties being in Rebellion saveing Ardgours interest & Locheille which he received & is part of the Charge) And that he used his outmost endeavours, confirm to the proclamations of Councell, anent the infathering of Hearth Money, to attaine to the Knowledge of all the Hearths of the said two shyres and that he has neither wittingly or willingly concealed any hearths But has given up the samen turely as said is And this is the truth as I shall answer to God. Signed: Alexr Mcarthur aa Ane list of the hearths within the united paroachs of Jon McVicar & Hew McVicar 2 Kilcomkill, Kilchivan, Kilblaan, and South Kintyre Inendunan Duncan McMillan 1 Cariskey Ane Kiln 1 Hew Mckyge 1 Ard Weere 1 Inen ni hallich Duncan McSporan for John McMillan’ 1 house and kiln 2 Johne McSporan 1 Inenbeach Donald McT1mun Miller 2 Angus McIliver 1 Ard. McOsenage 1 Inenaych Achnasavill Dod. & Ard Campbells 2 Lauchlane McNeill 1 Largibaan Mucklach Ard. McMath Lu Duncan Mcffail 2 John McConochie 1 Keromenach Gartnagopaq Duncan MeMath 1 John McConochie 1 Walter Mccay 1 stron John Campbell 2 Glenhantie Henry McNeill 1 Neill McMath 1 John McMath 1 Glenmanuill Ane kiln 1 Duncan McComra 1 Donald McSporan 1 Achnisheaq Duncan McCualisca 1 Iver McGechie 1 Angus MeGechie 1 Borgadillmoir John Mccay 1 Neill Mcphater 1 Neill Hendrie 1 Ame Allexr. McMillan 1 Duncan Omey 1 John McMillan 1 Duncan McTlphadrick 1 Ard. McT1chonlie 1 Ane cottage 1 Duncan Mcphater 1 corslach Bordgadillbeq Ard. McMath 1 Neill McCambrose 1 Ard. McMillan 1 Remuluachtrach John McMillan 1 Duncan & John McMillans 2 Ballimacomra Remulichtrach Donald MeComra 1 Allexr. McMillan 1 Neill McComra 1 Allexr. McIntylleor 1 Neill McTIchonlie 1 Ballimcilchonlie Donald oig McIchonlie 1 Ane Kiln 1 Donald more McIlchonlie 89 Culinlongart James Omey Donald McMillan Patrick McKinnas Donald McKinnas Donald McCavish Glenadillichtrach Donald Mcffail Duncan McIleunan & Jon Malcom McClavertich Glanadilluachtrach Donald McIllechreist Donald McMurchie Ane cottage Ballebranan Angus McMath Duncan McMath ormsarie Donald Mckinnas Gilbert McNeill Gillis McOshenag Lailt John McNeill Duncan McTleunan carren Torquill McNei11 Duncan McPhadrick Donald Campbell John McTliver John Mcffail Neill McCay Ane cottage Lephinstra Malcolm McOsenag Allexr. McOsenag Duncan McOsenag ffinlay McCaldrine Drumnareonich Neill McCuloskay Neill McIlchenie Gartvay Patrick McNauchtan Thomas McNauchtan Neill McNauchtan beeen Pee bee eee oe 90 John bui McNauchtan Gartveanuachtrach Phelmine McT1michel1 Dalbradan Donald McMorran Margaret Arstomie Catidel) Duncan & Angus NcIlechriets Kilcolmkill Hew McMillan Donald omey Neill McGibbon Patrick Omey Marion Orr Hector & Angus McAlester Ane cottage Machriebeq William Hamilton Machriemoir Robert Ross Allan Anderson Wm. Huy Allexr. Paton Jon McMurchie for house and smidie Neill Lucas Hew McIlrevy Ane kiln Robt. Ewan for house & two milns John McNeill for house & kiln Brunerakin Thomas Maxwell John How Inshruell James McCulloch and smiddie Dunglase Angus McMillan Hew & Iver McMillans Killblaan Malcolm McCallum John NcIntyllore Iver McCallum Eden Allexr Ralstoune Robert Hall James Ralstoune Acharoi John Greenlees James Lockhart Pensurach John McKay Gilnive McKay Ane cottag Blasthill John Rid Andrew Rid William & John Whytts Knockmoran Donald McMillan Neill McNeill John McMillan Kilmasenachan Ard. McNeill Lauchlan McNeill John MeTllepheder Machrireoch Donald bane McNeill. Ard. & Neill McEacherns Donald oig McTimichell John McTbea Hector McNeill Ane cottag Polwillin James Wharrie James & Williams Maxwell Andrew Wilson & Hew Ridd Kildav Walter Mcffarlan William Wallace Robert Armour Andrew Brown 91 Gartnagerach Angus McGugan Eredell Lauchlan McNeill Donald McEacherne Sokoch Ard. McIntagirt Johne Campebell cantaig Donald McCallum Glenehervie Hew McNeill, Neill his sone, Neill and Ard NcIlrevies ffeochaig John McKissag Lauchlan McKissag Dorald McKissag Corphein Duncan McPhater Iver McClawrtich GlenmarrelL John McKuarie Kyranbeq John MeGechie John MeTIbrid Kyranmoir John Omey Glenmucklach Duncan MeCallum John McEacharn Angus Mczacharn Ane cottag John McTlbreid in Knocknagrean Christalloch Patrick Ryburne David smith Patrick Ralstoun Knockstapillmore Robert Dunlape Donald McCallum in Keprigan Braikled Donald flimine & John Wallace Kilirvan Ronald McAllester Charles McAllester Ard. Campbell Angus McMillan Knockstapillbeq Neill Mure Gartloskin Patrick McKendrick Hew Omey Ballebrenan Neill Mcmillan Malcolm McGugan Donald McMath Ane cottag Glenrea Rorie McGill Donald McGechie Glaknahavill, Ard. & Neill McWilliams Ard. & Donald McKendricks Iver McLaurtich Ane cottag Lochoridel1 John McGechie Patrick McGechie Torquill McNeill Lagnacraiq Duncan McClaurtich Killguibrach Wm. Mudie Wm. Thompson Auchnacorbie Andrew Cordiner wm. Craig Auchoirk David Drummong Donald McIntagirt Duncan Mcffersone 92 Belloch John Cuninghame Robert Pollock Tirerqus Johne McNeill James Clark John McIntalgar Neill McIncaird Lauchlan McNeill Neill McNeill Ane cottag Coallhill & Ballegreqan James Maxwall John Maxwall. Hew Kirkland John McMillan Stramoir John Will James Gray (Craw?) sStrathbeq James Nilsone Drumlemel1, Adam More Duncan McMillan James Speir Kilchivane John Wylie James McHenrie Traligill James & Allexr Armours Knockhantimor Donald oig McWilliam Neill McIntylleor Neill McWilliam John McInucater John MeCurlie Ane cottag Salt-pans James Stewart for house, saltpans and smiddie Knockhantibeq Duncan McConichie John 0 Kellie eee Beene Loss. Lauchlan McNeill Donald McLardich Iver McCartan Neill Mcffaill John Low for house & miln Ane kiln Balligrogan Ard. McNeill Malcolm McKendrick cragaiq John McCamerose Innenbeq John McConichie Donald NcConochie Innenmoir Allexr. McConichie Malcolm McConichie Ane cottag Campbeltoun Glensaddell Neill McLarint John McHuchone Allexr. Bruce John McWilliam Patrick McViccare Donald McMath John Clark Duncan Clark John Hood ffarchar McKay Ard. McViccare ffinlay Meffaill John More Donald NeNilage Donald Clark James Akman Duncan McViccare Allexr. Campbell Andrew McCallum John MeInish John Montgomerie elder Ard. Gillis Mathew Gibson Ard. McCavish Neill Mccallome Patrick McIntosh Mathew Gibsones kiln Ard. Banatin 93 (Campbeltoun - continued] Allexr. Dunbar Wm. Dunbar for house & kiln Tamase Mitchell for house & kiln Robert Tarbert Andrew Dickle for house & smiddie John Dikan James Stewart John Adam Andrew Waterson for house & kiln John Matesone Widdow Todd Donald McHuchon Donald Lamont. Ninian Allan for house & kiln John Montgomerie younger Patrick McViccare Hendrie McNeill John Douglas John Peterson Soirle McDougall Unckle John Montgomerie ffindlay McKinlay James Montgomerie Mathew Stewart Jon ffosters house & kiln James Mitchell's house & kiln Jon Wyllie younger house & middie William Kelso(n) Neill McTlconilles house & kiln Allexr. McMurchie John ffisher Robert Huy Jon Wyllie elder John Logan John Kilpatrick Patrick McIlbreid Donald stewart Ard. ff1imine John McBryane William Arthur Johne McKirdie Ronald McAllester Ane list of the hearths in the united parocha of Killean Saddell and Kilchezie in North Kintyre Runaheron ffergue McKinlay Ard. smith Angus McDonald John McQuilkan James Gray Ane smidie & ane cottag Dunassar! Ard. McMurchie Ard. McIlpheder Donald McTlpheder Gortanfaill John Mcdonald Donald McIlcattan John McTmichel UlodelL Ronald McDonald John McStocker Donald McAllister Donald McNeill John McElmichel1 Ane cottag Bellochger Allexr. Heyman Ard. Heyman Ard. McAllester Bwen Mcdougall Duncan McSporran ffaden Mcffaden Ane cottag Kilmorrie Ard. McMurrichie John McIntyre Duncan McNeill Hector McNeill John McConie Ane cottag Auchaloskin & Killian Allexr McAllister Donald Mccay John Mccay Malcome Mcffaill Ane miln & ane kiln ee ee ee) » ReHEE Deumnamucklach Malcome Oroartich Ane cottag Beachar Duncan McKinlay Ane chamber wesl & cottag 1 2 [Concise Scottish Dictionary - wissel, wesle n. a building in which merchants assemble for the transaction of business} Beachmeanich Allexr. McCay nel llechattan John McLean Ard. McNivan Beachnore Allexr. stewart John Weir Duncan McMillan Angus MeGugan Crubistill Rorie 0 Kellie Donald McEwin Duncan McKervill Ane cottag Muastill Gilbert MeMurich John MeMurich Lauchlan McMurich Adam Beith Donald & John McMurichs ane cottag Belloch Donald McEronot Neill McNeill ard. McNeill John Sharpe Glenecardich Johne Watson elder John Watson younger PREHEH HH bene Barr Marqmoniqach Robert Russell 1 Duncan MoCavish 1 Iver McCay 1 Marie Mcintyre 1 Donald McNeill 1 Angus Mcquilkan 1 Donald Mcpater house & miln 2 Duncan MeQuilkan 1 Mathew Smylie 1 Ane cottag 1 Katrin Andersone 2 Duncan Momurich house & John Kirkland a cottag 2 Ane kiln 1 Clenegart Stukadell € Garvalt Duncan Campbell 1 John 0 kellie 1 Robert MeStocker 1 John Mecal lum a Donald McKioch 1 Ewin MoGrigor 1 Clachaq Donald McMillan 1 John Mecay 1 Donald McTiglase 1 corputachan catrin McMillan 1 anod Duncan McMillan 1 John McKartin 1 John McMillan 1 Duncan MeTigurim 1 Duncan McTImaluag 1 Neill McMillan 1 Dorald Mecomas 1 Ernikle Drumore Donald Mestockert 1 Angus McTLlester 1 John Menuair (?) a Duncan McReoch 1 Malcolm UcGechie 1 Ane cottag 1 Ane cottag i Putachan Kilmaluaiq Hendrie McAllester 1 Donald McNeill 1 Charles baan 1 Allexr. Mckinlay 1 John MeBachin 1 Neill McEachin a Blary Ard. & Duncan McMartines 2 Iver MeInuer 1 Donald obrolachlan 1 John Hammill 1 Killocra Nether Blary Neill McNei11 1 Angus McMurchie 1 Duncan Mcbernard (?) 1 Donald McKachin 1 Hector Omuragan 1 Donald McTimuluag 1 Achadaduy Angus McIntylloor 1 Malcom Thomson 1 Ard. Motiendrie 1 Allexr McMillan 1 ard. McTLechrist 1 James Banatyn a Ane cottag 1 Killigrewor Tangitavill & Laqalqarb Gilbert McMillan 1 Duncan MoBachin 1 Angus McMillan 1 John Mebridan a Iver MeInuer 1 Murdoch MoGilchrist 1 Patrick 0 kellie 1 Duncan Met1mory 1 Gilbert McphailL 1 95

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