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Partial Channel State Info at Transmission for precoding

A Zaidi Research scientist State University of New York

Abstract— MIMO wireless systems have been studied over the design of linear precoders, but nonlinear precoders exist as
past few years due to the promise of increased capacity and reli- well, such as dirty paper coding [10]. Dirty paper coding
ability. Additional performance gains are possible when channel has been used extensively in multi-user channels, such as for
state information is available at the transmitter (CSI-T). In this
work, we consider the case of partial CSI-T (channel transmit the rate region of the broadcast channel [11]. Unfortunately,
covariance) and revisit precoder design for high rate space time these nonlinear techniques typically do not perform well in
codes which do not have a unique minimum error matrix. Using a the presence of channel estimation error.
set of minimum error matrices combined with traditional MIMO In this work, we consider precoder design to minimize
precoder design results in improved performance over that of the detection error probability Pe for high rate space time
previous design techniques based a single minimum error matrix.
codes. High rate space time codes, specifically codes with
spatial rate greater than one, such as horizontal encoding [2],
I. I NTRODUCTION [12] and the rotation code [13] for two transmit antennas,
Multiple antenna systems have received a significant amount cannot be described by a single error matrix. Instead, a set of
of interest by the research community in recent years. This error matrices is required to describe the code. By revisiting
is mainly due to the promise of increased channel capacity, the precoder design of [6] and augmenting the optimization
reliability, and range of these multiple-input multiple-output with the additional error matrices, we design precoders with
(MIMO) systems. Additionally, channel state information at superior performance to that of precoders using only a single
the transmitter (CSI-T) plays an important role in enhancing error matrix.
these performance gains. When available, CSI-T can lead to
significant performance improvements. Full channel knowl- II. S YSTEM S ETUP
edge has been shown to increase capacity and simplify imple- This work assumes a MIMO frequency-flat quasi-static
nentation by decomposing the MIMO channel into effective block fading channel, constant for N symbol periods, with
parallel channels [1], [2]. Mt transmit antennas and Mr receive antennas described by
Unfortunately, full knowledge of the channel is not always
available to the transmitter in practical MIMO wireless sys- y = Hx + n. (1)
tems. This is because the channel is changing and it takes time
to get an estimate to the transmitter. By the time the estimate Here, x ∈ C Mt is the input vector, y ∈ C Mr is the output vec-
is available at the transmitter, it is old and no longer exactly tor, and n ∈ C Mr is an additive zero mean circularly symmetric
describes the channel. The faster the channel is changing, complex Gaussian noise vector distributed as CN (0, σn2 I). The
which occurs with increasing Doppler spread, the quicker the channel H ∈ C Mr ×Mt is generated according to
estimate of the channel expires. 1

Precoding for the case of partial CSI-T has taken several H = Hw Rt2 , (2)
different directions. This is because of different models for
where each element of Hw is generated as an i.i.d. circularly
channel estimation uncertainty and different design optimiza-
symmetric complex Gaussian random variable CN (0, 1). CSI
tion objectives. In the case of channel uncertainty, models
is assumed to be known perfectly at the receiver, but the
describing statistical channel transmit covariance, statistical
transmitter is informed of only Rt . The system SNR is defined
channel mean, and a combination of these two parameters have
been proposed [3]–[6]. In the case of precoder design, several Es
different objectives have been considered. These include error ρ= 2, (3)
probability Pe minimization [4]–[6], ergodic capacity maxi-
mization [3], [7], received signal mean squared error (MSE) where Trace(Rxx ) = Es and Rxx = E(xx∗ ) is the transmit
minimization [8], and outage probability minimization [9]. covariance matrix. We consider linear precoders as shown in
Finally, much of the precoder design work has focused on Fig. 1, such that the transmitted symbol x is a linear function
of the columns c of the transmitted codeword C = [c1 c2 ...cN ], antennas. This code is described by the following space time
with C ∈ C Mt ×N . matrix
· ¸
x = Fc (4) x11 x12
C= , (10)
x21 x22
Here, F ∈ C Mt ×Mt is the linear precoding matrix.


· ¸ · ¸· ¸
A. PEP Optimization x11 cos(θ1 ) − sin(θ1 ) s11
= , (11)
Following the steps of [6], we seek to minimize the pairwise x22 sin(θ1 ) cos(θ1 ) s22
error probability between two distinct codewords C and Ĉ.
· ¸ · ¸· ¸
Assuming ML detection, the pairwise error probability (PEP) x21 cos(θ2 ) − sin(θ2 ) s21
is given by = , (12)
x12 sin(θ2 ) cos(θ2 ) s12
à !
kHF (C − Ĉ)k2F
P (C → Ĉ) = Q (5) θ1 = tan−1 ( 21 ) θ2 = tan−1 (2), (13)
and can be tightly upper bounded by using the Chernoff bound. and each sij is selected from a QAM constellation. This code
à ! has the following two minimum error product matrices
||HF (C − Ĉ||2F
P (C → Ĉ) ≤ exp − (6) · ¸
4σn2 0.0528 0
A1 = ∆ (14)
0 0.9471
Denoting the error product matrix A = E1s (C − Ĉ)(C − Ĉ)∗ ,
we can reformulate the Chernoff bound as follows as well as
³ ρ ´ · ¸
0.9471 0
P (C → Ĉ) ≤ exp − Tr(HF AF ∗ H ∗ ) . (7) A2 = ∆ (15)
4 0 0.0528
For codes that can be characterized by a single minimum error
product matrix, the following optimization was formulated where ∆ is the minimum distance of the QAM used in the
in [6] based on the Chernoff bound. code. Notice that both matrices are required to characterize
the minimum distance of the code since neither matrix can be
minF − log det(W ) considered smaller than the other.
s.t. W = ρ4 Rt F AF ∗ Rt + Rt (8) Next, consider the case of horizontally encoded spatial mul-
Tr(F F ∗) = 1 tiplexing for two transmit antennas described by the following
This can be recast as the following by alligning the eigenvec- space time matrix
· ¸
tors of Rt and A with the singular vectors of F s1
C= (16)
mindiag(Λ(F ))− log det(W ) s2
s.t. W = ρ4 λ(Rt )Λ(F )λ(A)Λ(F ∗ )λ(Rt ) + λ(Rt )
where each si is selected from a QAM constellation. In this
Tr(Λ(F )Λ(F )∗ ) = 1
(9) case, the two minimum error product matrices are given as
where A = UA λ(A)UA∗ is the eigendecomposition of A, · ¸ · ¸
∗ 1 0 0 0
Rt = URt λ(Rt )URt is the eigendecomposition of Rt , and A 1 = ∆ and A 2 = ∆. (17)
0 0 0 1
F = URt Λ(F )UA is the singular value decomposition of F .

B. Precoding for High Rate Space Time Codes Again, notice that both matrices are required to characterize
the minimum distance of the code. This is because neither
The optimization in Eq. (9) considers a single error prod- matrix can be considered to be smaller than the other.
uct matrix A. Space time codes with spatial rate less than
In order to account for the two error product matrices,
one (which are then limited to multiplexing gain less than
we propose the following optimization for precoder design
one [14]) can be characterized by a single error matrix, such
which minimizes the maximum error probability due to the
as OSTBC’s. High rate space time codes, with spatial rate
two minimum error matrices:
and multiplexing gain greater than one, cannot be described
with a single error product matrix. This is due to the effective mindiag(Λ(F )) max(− log det(W1 ), − log det(W2 ))
parallel channels exploited by the code in order to achieve s.t. W1 = ρ4 λ(Rt )Λ(F )λ(A1 )Λ(F ∗ )λ(Rt ) + λ(Rt )
multiplexing gain greater than one. W2 = ρ4 λ(Rt )Λ(F )λ(A2 )Λ(F ∗ )λ(Rt ) + λ(Rt )
We consider two high rate space time codes, the rotation Tr(Λ(F )Λ(F )∗ ) = 1
code and horizontally encoded spatial multiplexing. First, (18)
consider the case of the rotation code [13], that has been shown Notice that this optimization is convex whenever (9) is convex,
to be diversity-multiplexing [14] optimal for two transmit as the max of two convex functions remains convex.
Input Symbol
Symbols c x y ML Estimates

Fig. 1. Space Time Coded System with a Linear Precoder.

IV. S IMULATION R ESULTS [5] M. Vu and A. Paulraj, “Optimal space-time transmission for high k
factor wireless channel with partial channel knowledge,” Wiley Journal
In this section, we compare the simulated performance of on Wireless Comm. and Mobile Computing, vol. 4, pp. 807 – 816, Nov
precoders for high rate space time codes. In each of the 2004.
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· ¸ of beamforming for multiple antenna systems.” IEEE Transactions on
1 0 Wireless Communications, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 1165 – 75, July 2004.
Rt = , (19) [8] H. Sampath, P. Stoica, and A. Paulraj, “Generalized linear precoder and
0 0.051 decoder design for mimo channels using the weighted mmse criterion.”
IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 49, no. 12, pp. 2198 – 206,
and consisting of a block size of 48 bits (6 symbol pe- December 2001.
riods) with QPSK modulation. Simulation results for the [9] E. Stauffer and A. Paulraj, “Minimizing outage probability for arbitrary
rotation code are shown in Fig. 3. Here, we see that the channel distributions.” 2005 IEEE International Conference on Commu-
nications, 16-20 May 2005, Seoul, South Korea, pp. 2402 – 6 Vol. 4,
proposed optimization has superior performance to alterna- 2005.
tive schemes including no precoding, beamforming on the [10] M. H. M. Costa, “Writing on dirty paper (coding).” IEEE Transactions
strongest eigenmode of Rt , optimizing using A = ∆I, or on Information Theory, vol. IT/29, no. 3, pp. 439 – 41, 1983.
[11] N. Jindal, S. Vishwanath, and A. Goldsmith, “On the duality of gaussian
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of the proposed technique can be achieved by performing [12] A. Paulraj, R. Nabar, and D. Gore, Introduction to Space-Time Wireless
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[14] L. Zheng and D. Tse, “Diversity and multiplexing: A fundemental trade-
proposed technique is superior to no precoding, beamforming off in multiple antenna channels,” IEEE Transactions on Information
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or using either A1 or A2 in a single error product matrix

Transmit precoder design for high rate space time codes
requires optimization over the set of minimum product error
matrices, as high rate codes can not be described by only one
error matrix. By formulating a new optimization that optimizes
the performance of the worst case of these two error product
matrices yields superior performance to techniques using only
a single error product matrix.

[1] E. Telatar, “Capacity of multi-antenna Gaussian channels,” European
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Nov-Dec 1999.
[2] G. J. Foschini, “Layered space-time architecture for wireless commu-
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[3] E. Visotsky and U. Madhow, “Space-time transmit precoding with
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[4] G. Jongren, M. Skoglund, and B. Ottersten, “Combining beamforming
and orthogonal space-time block coding.” IEEE Transactions on Infor-
mation Theory, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 611 – 27, March 2002.
2x2 Rotation Code 48 Bits

Probability of Error


No Precoder
10 Beamforming
Precode Optimization A= ∆ I
Precode Optimization A=A1
Precode Optimization A=A2
Proposed Optimization A={A ,A }
1 2
0 5 10 15 20 25
SNR (dB)

Fig. 2. Precoding for the Rotation Code.

2x2 Horizontal Encoding Code 48 Bits

Probability of Error


No Precoder
10 Beamforming
Precode Optimization A= ∆ I
Precode Optimization A=A1
Precode Optimization A=A2
Proposed Optimization A={A1,A2}
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
SNR (dB)

Fig. 3. Precoding for Horizontally Encoded Spatial Multiplexing

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