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August 28, 2014

Gabriela Flor Rodrigues de Moura


Word count: 2.574 words



For being one of the most lucrative areas of the current market tourism has grown
and still growing through the years. The countries in development are the most
benefited by this growth by the reason that usually the great attractions of tourism
are the untouched and beautiful places with different natural aspects and stunning
landscapes that many countries in development still have. This exchange between
tourist and place is responsible for a large cash flow and investment in developing
countries.Tourism is essential, in a positive way, for the development of economy
and improvement of many environmental aspects in most of the emerging countries
but is also guilty for the impoverishment of regional cultures. This essay will look
firstly at some environmental impacts caused by the tourism, followed by an analysis
of the effects in the economy and finally will discuss the influence of tourism in the
local culture.

Firstly as regard to the environment, many researchers argue that ancient

monuments are being distort and flawed by graffiti and erosion. An example of this is
the corrosion of the pathway to the pyramids at Giza, Egypt caused by the use of
camels to transport tourist (Fletcher, 1993). Another example is what happens in
Nepal where tourists are responsible for the garbage that is throw on the base camp
on Mount Everest and also for the corrosion of the path to this location (Fletcher,
1993). These cases are controversial by the reason that many cities are been
benefiting by the economy with the high influx of tourism so by this reason the
government saw the necessity for the preservation and restoration of ancient
monuments in search of the increasing number of tourists. In some cites of Brazil the
old downtown are only being restored because the high flux of tourism created this
demand so the government saw the necessity of preserve and restore to attract



more tourists. An illustration of this is the restoration of parts of the imperial museum
in Petrpolis in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The intervention that began with the repair of
the throne of Dom Pedro II must be completed by January 2014 (Imperial museum
begins restoration of the throne of D. Pedro II, 2013).

The high flux of tourism can also bring another negative aspect due to the local
structure that do not support the high demand of people. the degradation of
vegetation caused by walkers is one of this negative points.The heavy flow of visitors
in the usual tourist spots tends to amplify the damage to the environment. According
to Duval (2004 cited, in Goodwin 2008:7) contemporary group tourism can be
responsible for an important deterioration to habitats in the sea and in the land-base.
In Caribbean islands the coral reef had been extremely harmed by the dirt water and
the discard of excrement in the sea, barge anchors and connection with numerous
divers (Lynch 2006, 162; Miller 2006, 37; Baldwin 2000, 210-11 cited in Goodwin
2008:7). Alternatives forms of friendly tourism are being created such as the
ecotourism that according to the IEB - Ecotourism Institute of Brazil(1996), is the
practice of leisure, sort in or educational tourism in natural areas which is used in a
sustainable manner the natural and cultural heritage, encourages conservation,
promotes the formation of environmental awareness and ensures the welfare of the
people involved and that is why ecotourism was also an alternative to help the
conservation of the local environment. A illustration of this is the implantation of
ecotourism in the state of Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil, this state is rich in many
natural aspects with diverse landscapes such as desert beaches and mountain
regions and thats why this state attract many people from all over the world. As a
result to the heavy flow of tourists in the state the implementation of ecotourism has



emerged as an attempt to reduce environmental impacts as well as increase the

range of tourist options. The creation of the Dunas Park was another strategy to the
the environmental conservation , builded in 1977 and recognised by UNESCO as
part of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest Biosphere Reserve, the Parque das Dunas is the
largest urban park over dunes of Brazil, exercising fundamental importance to the
quality of life of the population Natal, contributing both groundwater recharge in the
city, as in air purification (Presentation of Parque das Dunas, 2013). This park is
extremely important to this city because at the same time that his offering a attraction
for the tourist and local people, with natural places to make picnics, tracks and
providing the contact between people and nature, is also offering a better condition
of life to all the people who live there, because this park its been responsible for the
air purification and for the quality of the groundwater. All of this support are extremely
important to keep the balance between environment and tourism,with this balancing
both parts are being benefited, without this or the environment will be totally
devastated or the tourism will not exist in the way that we know today.

Secondly regarding economic facts, the process of tourism has brought a lot
disadvantages in terms of conditions of living to the local population due to demand
for better infrastructure the tributary loads of local residents was increased, due to
high tax that are paid to keep a good structure for tourists but the problem is that this
improvement in infrastructure s not being reflected to the local population that
continuum to live in the same or in worst conditions than before and we can not
accept that a nation who are opening the doors of their country to share their history
and wealth be so hampered by this. As was show on the documentary (Thailand:
Tourism and Truth..., 2011) people from Thailand live in poorly conditions such as the



employees of luxury hotels, that lives in small rooms, sleep on the floor and divide
their space even with rats and moreover gain an unfair amount in relation to the
amount of work they have in the hotel. Meanwhile tourists staying in these hotels for
prices that are not exorbitant are treated like kings and queens. Locals live in these
conditions for living in tourist areas where the property and groceries prices increase
the value of cost of living. But we also comprehend that is essential that a country
that receives countless tourists each year has an infrastructure that ensures the
safety and quality of life of their visitors and residents and for this happen the
increase of tax will be a consequence that will be reverted in benefits for the own
country, Archer et al (2005) say that, in numerous countries, the local trade was
benefited by the improvements in infrastructure that were initially made to
supplement the demands of tourism with the construction of main roads and landing
grounds. When this occurs boosts the local economy and consequently improves the
living conditions of residents, in fact this is what every country wants to with the
development of tourism. But this can not be achieved by local people without the
support of the government who should demand better working conditions and
guarantee a better infrastructure for all, tourists and locals.

Another downside of tourism associated with economy is the leakage that is the
embezzlement of the tourist incomes of a country to somewhere else. According to
Duval et al (2004, cited in Goodwin 2008:6) in Caribe the great part of the products
in the local market comes from outside the country so the wealth provided by tourism
trade don't stay there. In another illustration of leakage is what happen in Malaysia
where a few part of the tourism money is spent there, the main consume of people
who works in the tourism areas, about 90% of consume, comes from foreign



countries (Fletcher, 2008). As a consequence the leakage is one of the factors

responsible for countries that lives from the tourism being in poor conditions,
considering that much of the local income doesn't remain in the country. Based on
this facts we can consider that the income of a country can not only be based on the
tourism because this is a uncertain market where the balance between national and
exported products is extremely important to the economic stability of the country. On
the other hand, using effectives methodologies the effects of leakage can be
reduced and consequently provide an economical increase to the affected country
(Goodwing, 2008). This methodology is based on the promotion of local goods to
increase the purchases and movement the local economy. Another good strategy is
to promote the handmade products produced by the indigenous people whereas
great part of this kind of product are now being produced in high scales and shipped
from foreign countries (Barrow 2006,336. cited in Goodwin 2008:6). This means that,
once again, an intervention with actions that will improve and balance the two sides
is essential.
A large number of negativists argue that due to the process of leakage and the
significative influence of international companies in developing countries the great
amount of money that is brought by tourism do not stay in the this countries and that
this development is a illusion. But in fact tourism is essential for the development of
the local economy and for the boost of emerging countries. A research about the
tourism contribution to the Brazilian economy made in 1999 and publish in 2002 by
Francisco Casimiro Filho say that regarding to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP),
the results indicate that 7.54% of the national GDP of Brazil comes from tourism, and
that this still growing. We cannot denied the fact that if the tourism market of a
developing country is only stocked with foreign products and travel agencies the



local business will not grown as those countries who invest in there products to sell
to tourist with the same quality of foreign countries products. Brazil is a great
illustration of developing country that is being benefited by tourism market. The local
market saw the necessity of attribute value in there products by making them
different from what tourist used to see in their countries. This was one of the most
important strategies to develop the tourism economy in Brazil.

And finally regarding the cultural aspects, that is one of the most discussed topics
about tourism considering that among the three topics this is the most fragile by the
reason of we are talking about people, traditions and cultures and how tourism can
help or hinder it. One of the positive sides that tourism has brought to the culture was
the economic support that help to sustain indigenous cultures. The tourism market
opens doors for the entrance of inputs that help maintain and restore natural and
cultural places as a illustration is the case of The Travel Waljis, where the business
corporation is not supporting just the financial aspects for the preservation of the
Karakorum region situated in South Asia but is also giving indirect support to the
development of tourism in that area (Fletcher, 2008). However at what cost the
financial aid is positive knowing that in the other hand the alien contact in developing
countries is being responsible for the deterioration of local cultures. Some
researchers argue that tourism is harming the culture and traditions by the fact that
at the same time tourist arrive bringing funds that help local citizens they also
intensify the process of commodification .This process happens when the high mass
tourism influenced the local traditions and ceremonies. This is due to tourists who
already has a prejudgment about that community and are waiting to see exactly what
he supposes. Usually the commodification commemoration and acts are much more



eccentric and exaggerated (Fletcher, 2008). There are a lot of commodification

cases one of them is the Fijians who are the authors of a ritual that was rarely
performed on respect for the important and powerful visitors and never as a ritual of
celebration. Today this a shopping event that is repeatedly presented to tourists.
Tourists that most often do not know the culture of Fijians (Fletcher, 2008). This is a
disrespect to the Fijians culture that is losing the real meaning of their traditions and
cultures and at the same time they cannot escape from this reality for the reason that
they depend on the cash flow provided by tourism. They are now slaves of tourism
selling their culture to the likes of the economy.

In the point of view of some tourism positivists the flux of tourist in a country can help
to exchange cultures, ideas and experiences. According to Fletcher (2008), the
interchange of culture between tourists and regional citizens could assist to promote
peace among societies. This possibility of learn new social cultures experiences
would be excellent for the local residents and for the tourist but the reality is that
already exist a social tension between tourist and locals and this makes this
exchange much more complicated as locals see tourists as ignorants who don't even
know they culture. This stress among residents and foreigners is caused by rising
prices without the growth of local incomes this is an economic consequence of the
growth of tourism. (Duval and Wilkinson 2004, cited in Goodwin 2008:9). This is a
extremely negative consequence by the fact that local residents feel trapped and
helpless because even paying high prices to supplement the need of foreigners and
changing their culture to please the tourist market they are tied to the tourism
economy and this can provoke something more dangerous such as xenophobes that
is the aversion to person and things that comes from foreign countries. The tourism



market should respect the locals, respect their cultures and their traditions without
changing for commercial interests.
This essay firstly talked about the negatives and positive sides of tourism in
environmental aspects, how monuments and antique constructions are begin
degraded by tourist and how the government is positioning itself in this regard. It also
discuss about how the high flux of tourism is negative to the environment and how
ecotourism can help to balance this aspect. Secondly regarding the economic facts
this essay has addressed facts like the poorly conditions of living due to the high tax
pay by the local residents but also illustrate the positive side of this explaining that
with time the high rates will be converted into a better structure for local citizens. Also
discuss how important the tourism market is important to the growth of emerging
countries. And finally this essay talked about cultural aspects, showing benefits
brought by tourism such as the support to local communities but also negative
aspects like commodification that overcome this. Over all tourism is a important
international market nowadays providing disadvantages and advantages but in terms
of economy and environment the advantages overcome the disadvantages although
in terms of culture, tourism has brought more disadvantages. In this essay we were
also able see that a balance between tourism and indigenous interests is extremely
important for the enduring success of both parts. We can also predict that tourism is
not going to stop to grown as the technologies are developing and supporting this
commerce so one of the great solutions to help tourism to grown in a balanced way
is the spread of ecotourism, this will provide a more responsible tourism and reduce
the negative impacts.



Archer, B., Cooper, C., and Ruhanen, L., 2005. The positive and negative impacts of
tourism. In: W.F. Theobald, ed. Global Tourism. 3rd ed. Burlington: Elsevier
Inc., 2005, pp. 79-102.
Casimiro Filho, F., 2002. Tourism contribution to the Brazilian economy. Doctoral
Thesis, Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz.
Fletcher, J., 2008. The socio-cultural impact of tourism. In: C. Cooper, et al., eds.
Tourism: Principles and Practices. 4th ed. Harlow: Pearson Education
Limited. 2008, pp. 196-206.
Goodwin, J. 2008. Sustainable tourism development in the Caribbean island nationstates. Michigan Journal of Public Affairs, 5 (Spring), 1-16.
IEB - Ecotourism Institute of Brazil,1996. Ecoturism [online]. Available at: [13/08/2014].
Imperial Museum, 2013. Imperial museum begins restoration of the throne of D.
Pedro II.[online] Available at: [13/08/2014].
SEARH/COTIC, 2003. Presentation [online]. Available at:
Thailand: Tourism and the Truth...,2011 [television programme, online], BBC THREE,



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