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PARISH OFFICE: (310) 474-1216

Sixth Sunday of Easter

May 9, 2010
May the peoples praise you, O God;
may all the peoples praise you!
-- Psalm 67:6

10425 W. Pico Blvd. Saturday: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.

Phone: (310) 474-1216 First Friday: Before 7:30 a.m. Mass PLEASE CALL THE RECTORY
Iselda E. Richmond, Principal Saturday Vigil: 5:30 p.m. Monday following 7:30 a.m. Mass, Miraculous
10479 W. Pico Blvd Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12:00 p.m. Medal Novena. 1st Friday After 7:30 a.m. Mass.
Daily Masses: 7:30 a.m.
Phone: (310) 474-1811 Holy Day Masses: Vigil: 5:30 p.m., 7:30 a.m.,
First Saturday of the month following 7:30 a.m.
WWW.STTIMOTHY.ORG Mass, Our Lady of Fatima, and Every Monday
12:10 p.m.
7:15 p.m. Legion of Mary.
May 09, 2010 St. Timothy
There is only one pretty child in the
world, and every mother has it.
--Chinese proverb School News You can also visit us at
Volunteer Appreciation Night- May 14th Save the Date! Event
starts at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. All parents/family volunteers
are invited. No children please.
St. Timothy School Walk-A-Thon- Please support our kids in
Our Sincere Gratitude our STS walk-a-thon, May 14th. Help raise funds for Olympic Day
Thanks to the Arce, Bickerton, and Walesben families for help- and help with the sports program expenses. It’s a fun, easy, and
ing with hospitality on May 25th. healthy way to support our school.
STS Math League:
Thanks to Vicky Loschuk for all the wonderful crafts she pre- In February the 6th, 7th, & 8th grades entered a math contest. The
pared for our religious education program. Thanks to Dina Cer- contest consists of 40 questions that the students have to do in 30
chione for donating the scissors for our Mothers Day craft. minutes. These test concepts that are 2 years ahead of what we
Thanks to Sac 2 and Post Sac classes from our Religious Edu- are doing. The material says that if a child scores a total of 15, 1
point per problem, then they are above average and should be
cation for hosting last Sunday’s Family Mass.
commended. About 98% of our students scored a total of 15 or
higher points and our highest score ever was Grant Farjado, with a
score of 35. Each grade then picks the top 5 students and enters
them into a contest that nationally is 96 students large. This year I
am proud to say that; Jade Cook (30 points), Zack Castorina
(29points), Sara Thomas (28 points) Scott Berkett (27points) and
Sunday, May 9th: 7:30 Holy Souls
Andrew Martinez (23points), made up our team of the top scores in
9:00 Soledad Reynoso (D) the class. In the contest we placed 4th in the Los Angeles Area.
10:30 For Parishioners of St Timothy Science Fair:
12:00 Zoyla Rosa Espinoza (D) Last week on Wednesday, the top 4 winners of our school science
Saturday, May 15th: 7:30 Christina Carrera (D) fair, in the 6-8th grades participated in the Los Angeles County Sci-
5:30 James Kirby (D) ence Fair. 10 students participated this year. Of those ten, four
Sunday, May 16th: 7:30 Lydia Provost & Family placed at the County Level.
9:00 Veronica Johnston (D) -In 6th Grade, Asha Banks did her project on earthquakes. She won
10:30 For Parishioners of St Timothy a special award from the Professional Engineers In California Gov-
ernment, Los Angeles Section along with the award. She ALSO won
12:00 Guillermina Cavero (D) $1,000 and was interviewed for CNN and a Catholic Newspaper
Mass Intentions are a perfect way to remember your loved ones (Tidings). Asha is planning on donating ½ of her winnings to the
whether living or deceased. Commemorate those key anniversa- relief funds in Chile and Haiti. Asha won Honorable Mention at the
ries with a lasting spiritual gift. Call the Parish Office at (310) 474- Los Angeles County Science Fair. Breanne Anderson was presented
Honorable Mention for her project on erosion and was just selected
1216 for more information.
as a designee for the California State Science Fair. Also in 6th grade,
Nina Juarez was awarded a special award from the National Mete-
Your Vote is Your Voice in your Community orologist Foundation and was asked to join them at their yearly
Monday, May 24, 2010 is the last day to register to vote dinner in June.
in the June 8th California Primary Election. U.S. citizens -In our 7th grade, our very own Sara Thomas, who placed Honor-
turning18 years of age on or before June 8th are eligible able Mention last year at the Los Angeles County Science Fair, was
honored this year and won 1st place for her project titled, “How
to register. Does the Amount of Carbon Dioxide Affect Temperature and Photo-
You must re-register if you have changed your name, synthesis in Plants?” Now Sara is preparing to attend the California
moved or wish to change political party affiliation. Self- Science Fair at the Convention Center May 16th & 17th. We wish her
addressed voter registration forms are available in post the best of luck!
offices, libraries or online with the County Registrar of
Dear St. Timothy parishioners:
Voters, As director of the St. Timothy Choir, I would like to invite
you to consider joining us. The choir, which sings at the
Did You Know? Sunday masses at 10:30 am rehearses each Thursday from
Violence and Teen Dating 7:15 to 9:00 pm in the choir room of the church. Spiritually,
Statistics show that one in three teenagers has the choir is a representative of the congregation, preparing
experienced violence in a dating relationship. beautiful music the glory and worship of God. Singers in our
In dating violence, one partner tries to main- choir come from diverse musical backgrounds, and it has
tain power and control over the other through some kind of been a joyful experience to work with them. If you have any
abuse. Dating violence crosses economic, racial and social feeling that you may be interested in joining, please do not
lines, most victims are young women who are also at higher hesitate to stop by the choir loft after Sunday mass or leave
risk for serious injury. For useful tips on how to recognize the a message for me at the church.
warning signs that your teenager may be in an abusive dating
relationship, please visit:
For particular help, you may call Assistance Ministry at (213)
Dana Howell
Retirement Fund for Archdiocesan Priests
This weekend and next all parishioner throughout our
Archdiocese will be asked to give generously to support the
Retirement Fund for Archdiocesan Priests via a special collec-
A Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers today, May 9th, tion.
Mother’s Day. As is the custom in some parishes we are happy Currently, the fund provides for 153 priests who are
to distribute to each mother a token of our appreciation for retired. Over the next ten years, the number of priests who will
the wonderful vocation of motherhood. All human beings come reach retirement age will number 358. All of these individuals
into the world as a son or daughter of a mother; it is a univer- have committed their lives to serve the spiritual needs of our
sal human experience that is so wonderful. The Church feels a parish communities. We, in turn, owe it to them to assure that
special alignment with mothers, over and above the natural they do not have to worry about their retirement years.
vocation of motherhood. The Church knows that the mother is Beginning in 2000 and in each year since, the Archdio-
usually and many times the one who takes the time and has cese of Los Angeles has asked for financial support for the Re-
the special gift of faith to pass on to their son or daughter. tirement Fund for Archdiocesan Priests. The faithful of the Arch-
The mother is also a tabernacle, if you will, of the human life diocese have responded generously and tremendously in sup-
before childbirth. One of the most influential persons in the life port of this important special collection. Since 2000, a total of
of the child is the mother. Also, the Church is also referred to $9,957,090 has been added to the Priests’ Pension Plan through
as a mother, mater, in the sense that she cares for her chil- this annual collection.
dren, baptized Catholics, as a mother cares for her children. Of Thank you to those who have been so generous.
course, we can’t forget the Blessed Virgin Mary who herself Please reflect upon how the priests in your life have guided you,
was the mother of Jesus and is the greatest saint as well as an called forth your gifts and provided spiritual guidance in your
example for all of us. I can go on and on about the vocation of life. Then, prayerfully determine the amount that you will give
motherhood but I will leave that for another occasion. In the next week in support of them, not out of a sense of obligation
meantime, suffice it to say, Happy Mother’s Day especially to but, out of true gratitude for their dedication and service for so
all present here today. many years to the People of God in our Archdiocese of Los An-
Just a reminder that next Sunday, not Thursday like it used to geles.
be, is Ascension Sunday, May 16th. So, Thursday, again, is
NOT the celebration of Ascension. LITURGICAL MINISTER SCHEDULE
Also, this weekend and next weekend you are invited May 16, 2010
to contribute to the Retirement Fund for retired priests. The Lectors Communion Ministers
way to do this is to use an envelope from the pews or the 5:30— Murillo 5:30— Lingard; Harner; Martner
envelope you may have received in the mail if you are regis- 7:30— Davis 7:30— Owen; Aclan; Recto
tered parishioners. This weekend and next we are accepting 9:00— ST First Communion 9:00— Sabol; Galonska; Rowe; Bryant;
donations for this annual cause so please remember these Saucedo
wonderful, wise priests. The envelope can be placed in the 10:30— Nodjoumi; 10:30— Jean-Pierre; Svobodas; Gerski;
collection baskets when the ushers pass by. In fact, as you Jean-Pierre Page
know, we are proud to have two retired priests celebrate Mass 12:00— Reyes 12:00— Gallant; Simmons; Leyva
here on a regular basis: Msgr. Donnelly and Fr. Gutting. Al-
though they are retired they love their vocation so much they First Holy Communion
continue to serve God and the church in some way. Please pray for the following First Communicants from our par-
We are continuing with the bulletin inserts about dif- ish family, they will be receiving First Holy Communion this Sun-
ferent aspects of the role of the bishop as previously an- day May 9th and next Sunday May 16th at the 9am Mass:
nounced. Katya Boychuk, Eric Cuevas, Matthew Ditman, Jack Bickerton,
Thank you for your generosity. The above figures do not in- Erik Garcia, Tatiana Gonzalez, Mia Huo, Cristina King, Robert
clude online giving, mail-in donations or special collections. King, James Kishiyama, Catherine Lange, Ryan Madariaga,
Again, next Sunday, May 16th, at the 9:00 a.m. Mass the chil- Julian Cesar Rodriquez, Tess Orvin, Adrian Qureshi, Audrey
dren of our parish who are prepared will make their First Holy Ramirez, Andrew Rojas, Colette Stack, Edwin Castro Vasquez,
Communion. Congratulations to these children and their fami- Ruby Walsleben, Harrison Zeigler.
A special thanks to everyone who participated in Casino Night
last Saturday night. As you know it was a social fundraiser for
the school but I was happy to see many parishioners at the
Sunday, May 9th:
event as well. Also, as you know, there was limited parking
9 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word
last weekend so I would like to thank you for your understand-
ing about that too.
Monday, May 10th:
Last weekends collection, May 1st and 2nd 2010, was
Legion of Mary 7:15 pm in the Rectory
$6,503.00. Thank you for your generosity.
Friday, May 14th:
Volunteer appreciation award ceremony 7pm in Hall
Saturday, May 15th:
Fr. Paul E. Vigil First Holy Communion Family Retreat 10:30am in Hall
Sunday, May 16th:
9 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word
First Holy Communion 9am Mass

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