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What Is Contemporary Architecture?

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CoatempDI'ary an:lli.tectun is 1111.)' an:hitectunl style tJ.t ill not modml an:hitectunl style. This s~~ms to be a flip 8IISWI!I' but an imporlant dilllincticm
should be made betwem contmnpwm)' an:hi1ectunJ and modem m:hiflll:ture. Modml an:hitectura, bam bet\wen the early part ofthe2fPt amlmy and
the mid half features clean lines and a :fuc:us OD form and :functioo. This distim:tion mabs modml an:hitectunl styles seem impemmal and cold.
ContelllJlOfiiiY architclcture goes beyond the strict form and function ofmaterials used in building. Contemponay lll:dritec:tuRI describes those styles
tJ.t 11n1 being implt~~~~llllh!d today and includes an integm1ion oflllllterials with their naiuml habitat. Interior and lllrterior SJ.IIICI'S are design to
~the cmvimmnent that they 11n1 in and make 1ha design a 11Bi1m1l\on ofoature.

A great example of conblmponay an:hitec:ture design ill the Gugpnheim mllllllllll in New Ymk City. J>esigned by Fllmk Gehry, considered one of the
foRIIllost contempomzy an:hitec:ts in the world, the b11ilding shows how conlllmparuy dasign differs patly fimn the slrict c:onformit of modem

an:hitec:twal stylea. Other examples of contempomzy design include the CN Iowa- in Toronto, Quebec, Canada and 1he Sydney Opera Howe located
in Sydney, Australia.

The inlrocluction ofsustainable building and die gn~m movement to architectwe is a Da1ural fiudlcnmcc of coutcn:apouuy ~. Sustainable
building uses ~rials that are ~~~Mal and do DOt add to 1he depletion ofresoun:es, sudus wood ami fossil :fUels. Snminnble building m=rials ean
help reduce Qllbon emissions and Ruse mllterials without the Deed to cut down :fi:nests and add to emiromnental waste.
CotemJIIII'U'f Are'hltcctue alp mHome Bull~
MOR homes are adoptins SU81aioable and green designs. This movemmt mabs conlllmponuy an:hitm the pmcmd design ~PC for home being built
in die Unitled States. The usc of Jiving materials in roofs is an element ofthis move toward conlllmponuy ardlitmure. Other elements include D8tmal
flooring SU4'h as bamboo, which is a sustainable wood substitute, solar and lllltUnlllisht sources that are highly energy efficient and open floor plans
that reduce walls and ope115 a home's spaces.
CtmtelllJlOfiiiY archi=mre 51la are also u:fe:uw to 111 orpnic architectme. That is becmse 1he sty!t incmporaln the natmaliiUIIOmding near and
aroUDd the buiJdiq site aDd makes them 8 pert of the dMign elemeDt. Trees and plBIIU cm become both pert and elementa of the building. BDergy
efficiellcy is promou:d and 1he home is built to become eco-:liieadly.

Coatemporary Arddteetue alp IDBueme~

Contemponuy archi=mre design and con!mJponay ~cts are intluenced by the modem architecture movement The use of clean lines and neat

coDfomlity m:fOim aDd tlmction gave birdl to the more free flowing form of coDim!pofiiiY amhi~cture. Although contcmponuy and modem
m:cl1itectun:: are DOt one in the SIUIIe and mean difli:rent thinp. the movemem toward 8 more 1Diimml patm fOJJD and 51le baa its foo~ in much
of the contempomzy arehitectun:: design builcliap and homes1hat you see.

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Aishwarya R 3 years ago


Solomon Guggenheim museum, New York- it was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright !
Guggenheim museum, Bilbao- was designed by Frank Gehry.

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