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Pengertian Noun Clause



ContohKalimat Noun Clause

The class listened to what the teacher

(Seluruhkelasmendengarkanapa yang
guru katakan.)

Question word:
what(ever), what (time, kind, day, etc),
how (long, far, many times, old, etc)

The kitten followed wherever the

woman went.
Many people imagine how many time
the man was failed before success.
(Banyak orang membayangkanberapa
kali priaitugagalsebelumsukses.)
Where does Andy live?
(Dimana Andy tinggal?)
I wonder if he lives in West Jakarta.
(Sayapikirdiatinggal di Jakarta Barat.)

Is Andy live on DewiSartika Street?

(Apakah Andy tinggal di
I dont know if he live on DewiSartika
Street or not.
I dont know whether or not he lives
on DewiSartika street.
(Sayatidaktahujikadiatinggal di

if atau

tanyaan yes-no
question ataubentuk reported
speech daripertanyaantersebut

She wanted to know if he lived on

DewiSartika street. [indirect
speech dari yes-no question]
I think that the group will arrive in
an hour.
atu jam.)


biasanya that-clause untuk mental activity.

Berikutdaftar verb padamain clause yang
biasanyadiikutithat-clause:assume, believe,
discover, dream, guess, hear, hope, know,
learn, notice, predict, prove, realize, suppose,
suspect, think

Many people proved that the man was

a big liar.
(Banyak orang

Noun Clause adalah dependent clause yang berfungsisebagai noun (kata

benda). Klausa kata bendainidapatberfungsisebagai subject maupunobject di
dalamsuatu clause atau phraselain. Karenaberfungsisebagai kata benda,
makadapatdigantikandengan pronoun it.


I forgot the fact. (noun)

I forgot it. (pronoun)
I forgot that the fact was very important. (noun clause)

Rumus Noun Clause

Noun clause dapatdiawalioleh noun clause markers berupa question
word, if atau whether, dan that. Adapuncontoh noun clause padaclause lain
beserta detail marker-nyadapatdilihatpadatabel sebagaiberikut.

Fungsi Noun Clause

Berikutadalahcontohkalimatdarisetiapfungsi noun clause.

ContohKalimat Noun Clause

What she cooked was delicious.
(Apa yang diamasaklezat.)

Subject of a Verb
That today is his birthday is not right.
The fact is that she is smart and dilligent.
Subject complement
A teacher must be whoever allows students to ask.
(Seorang guru harus yang membiarkansiswauntukbertanya.)
Diana believes that her life will be happier.
(Diana percayahidupnyaakanlebihbahagia.)
Object of a Verb
I want to know how Einstein thought.
(Sayaingintahubagaimana Einstein berpikir.)
Object of a

The girl comes from where many people there live in

(Anakberasaldaritempatdimana orang-orang
He will attend the party with whichever fits to his body.
(Diaakanmenghadiripestatsbdenganapapun yang

We were worried that she couldnt recover from divorce.

(Kita khawatirdiatidakdapatmembaikdariperceraian.)

Noun clause adalahklausa yang berfungsisebagainomina. Noun clause jugadigunakanataumemilikifungsi yang

samasebagai noun (kata benda). Karenafungsinyasebagainomina, maka noun clause dapatberfungsisebagai: object
verbatransitif (object of a transitive verb), subject kalimat (subject of a sentence), pelengkap (complement), object
preposisi (object of a preposition) danpemberiketerangantambahan (noun in apposition).
Noun clause diklasifikasikanmenjadi 4 macammenurutjeniskalimatnya, yaitu: question (pertanyaan), exclamation
(seruan), request (permintaan), dan statement (pernyataan).
1. Question
Conjunction yang dipakaiadalah whether (or no/or if). FungsiKlausanyaadalah :
a) SubjekKalimat
Can she drive the car? (Question)
Whether she can drive the car doesn`t concern me. (Noun Clause)
b) Objek Kata Kerja
I really wonder whether she can drive the car (or not).
c) Objek Kata Depan
We discussed about whether she can drive the car.
d) ObjekPelengkap
My question is whether she can drive the car.
2. Exclamation
Conjunction yang dipakaiadalah kata tanya yang dipakaipadakalimatitusendiri. FungsiKlausanyaadalah :
a) Objek Kata Kerja
What a handsome boy he is ? (Exclamation)
I never realize what a handsome boy he is. (Noun Clause)
b) Objek Kata Depan
We are talking about what a handsome boy he is.

3. Request
Conjunction yang dipakaiadalah that. FungsiKlausanyaadalah:
a) Objek Kata Kerja
Bring the map! (Request)
He suggested that I bring the map. (Noun Clause)
4. Statement
Conjunction yang dipakaiadalah that. Fungsiklausainisebagai :
a) SubjekKalimat
Orang Utan lives in Indonesia (statement)
That Orang Utan lives in Indonesia is well known to all (Noun Clause)
b) ObjekKalimat
My conclusion that Orang Utan lives in Indonesia.
c) SubjekKalimatsetelah It
It is well known to all that Orang Utan in Indonesia
d) positif
My conclusion that Orang Utan lives in Indonesia.
e) Objek Kata Kerja
All people understand well that Orang Utan lives in Indonesia.

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