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A) REFLECTION- reflect along a line of symmetry

When asked to draw the line of symmetry remember that:
x=___ is a vertical or standing up line
y=____ is a horizontal or lying down line
y=mx + c (plot first the c which is the y-intercept or where it
crosses the y-axis and do RISE
check if m or gradient or slope is
positive or negative)
(if gradient is positive, line is a tick; if negative gradient,
opposite of tick)
Or it can simply be reflection along the x axis (y=0) or y axis (x=0)
If line of symmetry is diagonal, still count how far each corner is
from the line of symmetry but you move either up or down the other
side of the line of symmetry instead of continuing to the left or right.

If asked for a line of symmetry, join any 2 corresponding corners then

get the perpendicular

How to get the perpendicular bisector:

a) Position pointed end of compass at the end of the line
b) Open the compass a little more than half way of the line, make an
c) WITHOUT CHANGING THE OPENING, move the pointed and of the
compass to the other end of the line
d) Make an arc
e) Join the points where the arcs meet and that is the perpendicular
B) ROTATION- check the direction (whether clockwise or anti-clockwise)
- Angle and the centre of rotation
If asked for the centre of rotation, join two sets of 2 corresponding corners
then get the perpendicular bisector of each and extend the bisectors, where
they meet, that is the centre of rotation.
TIP: you may use the edge of the
ruler to make a 900 angle

C) TRANSLATION x coordinate gives the LEFT or RIGHT movement

Y coordinate gives the UP or DOWN movement

Write vector form:

positive a=movement to the right,

negative a -to the left

positive b=movement up, negative b-

to the left
D) ENLARGEMENT- check the scale factor and centre of enlargement
Scale factor= length of IMAGE
scale factor is how many
times the shape is
Corresponding length of object
To find centre of enlargement:
Connect three sets of corresponding corners, where they meet, that is
the centre of enlargement.

If scale factor is greater than 1 : enlarge shape

If scale factor is between 0 to 1: shrink shape (i.e. fractions like ,
If scale factor is less than 0 (negative): enlarge shape but on the
opposite side

The question describe the SINGLE TRANSFORMATION is simply asking

whether it is an:
o enlargement (mention scale factor and centre of
enlargement )
i.e. enlargement with scale factor 2 at
origin or (0,0)
o a reflection (mention where the line of symmetry )
i.e. reflection at the x-axis
o translation (say how many steps you move left/right and
i.e. translation 4 units to the right
2units up
Can be written in vector form: i.e. -3
the left

means 3 units to

means 5 units

o rotation (mention angle, direction (clockwise or
and centre of rotation)
i.e. 90 anticlockwise rotation at (0,1)
o stretch ( mention stretch scale factor and invariant line)

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