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Chapter I. Aspects of Medical Terminology Translation Process 4

1. Electronic Dictionaries 2
2. Eponyms

3. Origin, Roots, Suffixes and Prefixes of Medical Terms


Chapter II. Difficulties 4


Chapter I (Theory)

Chapter I (Theory)

Motto: Without translators, there would be no Europe;
there would be no world literature. Without translators, we could not read
Cervantes or Kafka. Translators are a thousand times more important
than Members of European Parliament. by Milan Kundera
Even if there are between 6000 foreign languages in the world and spoken
by six billion people, I am in fond of English, Spanish and Turkish (as foreign
languages). Day by day, our brain evolves within the forms of communication and
transmit of language in different maternal and foreign languages as it has adopted
that become more and more powerful, complex and universal. Translation is an act
of communication, to be a medical translator or interpreter is a very hard mission

because, medical translation is a highly specialized discipline and requires only

qualified translators. He or she must to be an actor, must to know how to play with
words and mimics. A translator is a person that is typically in the middle of two or
million books, in several languages, fiction and nonfiction, technical, medical and
humanistic subjects, anything and everything. [1.podoliuc]
I spend specialized practice of translation at the period 23/11/2015 till
12/01/2016 at the translation bureau INTRALEX C&C SRL, Chisinau, Puskin
37 street with the General Director Mrs. FOLTEA Inesa.
During the practice of translation at the INTRALEX C&C SRL
translation bureau, I had the opportunity to develop several basic skills which
every translator should possess. The goal of my practical training was to master
skills in translation of medical types of texts and documents.
First of all I have understood how to work in a well-organized team of
employees who know perfectly their tasks and methods of work in the field of
translations. Secondly, I learned about the correct procedure for translation of
official documents, medical texts of various types, different types of acts. During
this period, I was offered a wide range of consultations with regard to translating
and summarizing documents according to all requirements of the translation of
official and medical texts and documents.
I was able to operate with many medical terms, which I never operated
before; I translated texts from English and Spanish into Romanian and vice versa.
First, I learned to identify different types of documents, I used different types of
medical terminologies from different fields.
During the practice period, I have consulted several dictionaries in various
fields of medicine (psychology, gynecology, etc.), which helped me a lot while
making translations, and some electronic dictionaries (Stedmans Medical
Dictionary; Dictionary of Medical Terms, 4th edition; etc.) that also were of great
help in times when I met any difficulties regarding neologisms or phraseologies.
The objectives of my translation practice included:

to improve my translation abilities;


to work with new terms from medical science;

to improve the quality of translation;
to use electronic dictionaries;
to improve the formation of the professional norms;
to develop the skills and qualitative written translation of different texts.
I have to say that medical translation is used for the exchange of special

medical information between people speaking different languages. Medical texts

have stylistic, grammatical and lexical peculiarities. The main stylistic features of
translated medical texts are following: the information is given precisely, clearly,
logically; the absence of emotions and expressive elements. And the task of the
medical translator is to reflect precisely, clearly, logically the ideas of the author.
There are some particular problems in the translation process of the
medical terms: problems of ambiguity, lack of knowledge of medical terms, loss
and gain of word from source language into target language. Another problem
would be grammar because there are several constructions of grammar poorly
understood, in the sense that it isnt clear how they should be represented, or what
rules should be used to describe them. Lack of knowledge about the origin of
medical terms from Latin or Greek, the difficulty to translate into Romanian,
English or Spanish.
The words that are really hard to translate are frequently the small,
common words, depends heavily on context. Besides, some words are
untranslatable when one wishes to remain in the same grammatical category.
Thus, in my opinion, a qualified medical translator should have: to know
the source language; to master the target language; to know the sources of
information; to master different forms of medical translation; to have medical
The terms, which I found difficult to translate, I extracted in a microthesaurus (Annex that in future will serve me as a reference point to translate
specialized terminology from medical fields of activity. I tried to draw attention not
only to the speed of translating but also to quality of the working documents,
making coherent and qualitative translation.

Most translators have to choose in what domain they will work, working
with one or two domains, based on material: financial, computers, medical,
engineering or legal. Each domain has its own vocabulary, style, syntax. The
translator has to work hard and intensive to develop necessary knowledge and
abilities to be a good professional in the selected domain. However, all translators
have a well-developed knowledge of one or more specialized domains.
I have formidable ambition to translate on medical domain and to build
my own scientific instruments, by this point of view the topic of my license project
is: Difficulties in Translation of Medical Terminology (Case Study).
The aims of my license project are:

to understand easier a medical text in one language and translate it effectively

into another language;

to improve my vocabulary on medical domain.
to speak like a doctor and to have a strong knowledge of medicine;
be able to formulate a patient interview;
to explain common medical procedures and medical examination processes;
to develop my knowledges on medical domain;
to be able to work in an international hospital clinic and to serve both the
patient and the medical personnel.
This paper proposes to investigate some problems that medical translators

having to deal and to offer solutions for successful translations.

In CHAPTER II, I analyzed a text, which I was translated during my translation

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